HomeMy WebLinkAboutApril 16, 2024For information related to accessibility requirements please contact: Committee Coordinator T: 905.420.4611 Email: clerks@pickering.ca Cultural Advisory Committee Agenda April 16, 2024 Hybrid Electronic Meeting - 7:00 pm Main Committee Room Members of the public may observe the meeting proceedings by viewing the livestream. Page 1.Welcome and Call to Order S. Almeida 2.Review and Approval of Agenda S. Almeida 3.Disclosure of Interest S. Almeida 4.Approval of Minutes 4.1 March 19, 2024, Meeting Minutes S. Almeida 1 5.Presentations/Delegations 6.General Business 6.1 City Centre Banner Display Program Update J. St. Amant 9 6.2 Pickering Arts Culture Engagement (PACE) Subcommittee Update 6.3 Placemaking – Live Painting Battle Artist Selection for Endorsement M.McFarland S.Barakov 10 6.4 Placemaking – Durham at 50, Muskoka Chair Art Celebration Artist Selection for Endorsement S. Barakov 17 6.5 Pickering Museum Village Update K. Bradley 24 7.Correspondence S. Almeida 8.Other Business S. Almeida 9.Next Meeting – May 21, 2024 S. Almeida Agenda April 16, 2024 Cultural Advisory Committee Page 2 of 2 For information related to accessibility requirements please contact: Committee Coordinator T: 905.420.4611 Email: clerks@pickering.ca 10.Adjournment S. Almeida Page 1 of 8 Minutes/Meeting Summary Cultural Advisory Committee Tuesday, March 19, 2024 Main Committee Room 7:00pm Attendees: D. Thompson, Cultural Advisory Committee, Chair S.Almeida-Schroen, Cultural Advisory Committee, Vice-Chair D.Davis, Cultural Advisory Committee Member M.McFarland, Cultural Advisory Committee Member A.Mujeeb, Cultural Advisory Committee Member A.Palmer, Cultural Advisory Committee Member R.Wali, Cultural Advisory Committee Member S.Barakov, Coordinator, Public Art K. Bradley, (Acting) Curator, Pickering Museum Village C. Farrell, Event Coordinator I. McLaughlin, Coordinator, Community Events M.Nagy, City Councillor, Ward 2 M.Murray, (Acting) Division Head, Culture and Community Programming K.Roberts, (Acting) Supervisor, Cultural Services J.St. Amant, Coordinator, Cultural Services (Staff Liaison) S. England, (Acting) Clerk, Culture and Recreation (Recording Secretary) Absent: R. Coelho, Cultural Advisory Committee Member J.Elliott, Cultural Advisory Committee Member Z.Kazi, Cultural Advisory Committee Member Item / Ref # Details, Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 1. Welcome & Call to Order D.Thompson welcomed the Cultural Advisory Committee members and called the meeting to order. 2. Review and Approval of Agenda D. Thompson put forth the motion for adoption of the current agenda as circulated. Moved by M. McFarland Cultural Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda March 19, 2024 Carried 1- 1 - Page 2 of 8 K. Roberts spoke to one additional item to be presented by S. Barakov, 6.7A. Item/ Ref # Details, Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 3. Disclosures of Interest There were no disclosures of interest noted to matters on the agenda. 4. Approval of Minutes D. Thompson put forth the motion for adoption of the minutes as circulated. Moved by M. McFarland Cultural Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes February 20, 2024 Carried 5. Presentations/Delegations There were no delegations for the meeting. 6. General Business 6.1 J. St. Amant RE: Cultural Advisory Committee (CAC) Delegation to March 25, 2024, Council Meeting. J. St. Amant spoke to the Delegation attending the next meeting of Pickering City Council on March 25, 2024. •This will be the first delegation to Council for the CAC. •A. Palmer, R. Wali, D. Thompson, and S. Almeida-Schroen will attend the meeting to present the 2024 Work Plan and 2023 achievements. J. St. Amant inquired as to the items the CAC would like to speak about at the March 25th Meeting of Council. A brief discussion ensued under D. Thompson’s guidance. 2- 2 - Page 3 of 8 •D. Thompson to make introduction of the CAC, A. Palmer will speak on the Work Plan and R. Wali will speak to the Year End Report. •Year-end highlights to be included: o Cultural Fusion 2023 Outreach o Pickering Fire Services Headquarters and OneHorse Power Public Art. •Work Plan highlights to be included: o Formation of the Sub-Committee o Tourism Plan o Notable Public Art Endorsements There were no questions. 6.2 J. St. Amant Re: Engaging Pickering’s Cultural Community, Sub- Committee Formation J. St. Amant spoke to the CAC’s formation of a Sub- Committee in the 2024 Work Plan. •This is the first Sub-Committee for the Cultural Advisory Committee. •Sub-Committee formation is about the engagement of stakeholders, organizers, and community members with regards to events. A discussion ensued to form the CAC’s Sub- Committee. •The name chosen for the Sub-Committee was PACE – Pickering Arts Cultural Engagement •The following CAC Members volunteered for the Sub-Committee: o S. Almeida-Schroen o M. McFarland o D. Thompson o R. Wali Questions M. McFarlane inquired as what would happen to unfinished business the Sub-Committee when the CAC dissolves in October 2024. J. St. Amant responded explaining that the work would sit and wait for the Cultural Advisory Committee to be 3- 3 - Page 4 of 8 recalled and new members would be informed of the unfinished business of the Sub-Committee. There were no further questions. 6.3 S. Almeida-Schroen Re: Cultural Advisory Committee (CAC) Outreach to City Advisory Committees S. Almeida-Schroen spoke to email correspondence with the Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce (PABRT). Communications are ongoing regarding an opportunity to attend PABRT’s next meeting to discuss opportunities for collaboration and about important issues based on Terms of Reference. There were no questions. 6.3 K. Roberts RE: Cultural Advisory Committee Outreach Opportunities at Events. K. Roberts introduced C. Farrell, Event Coordinator, and I. McLaughlin, Coordinator, Community Events for the City of Pickering. C. Farrell spoke to Artfest taking place May 25 and 26, 2024 from 11:00 am to 5:00 pm. The event exposes the community to various artistic talents. Also included is an Artisan Vendor Market with over ninety (90) artists. It would be a great opportunity for Members of the Cultural Advisory Committee to engage with the artists and the community. Any physical requirements like tents, tables, and chairs would be provided for the CAC. Questions. M. Nagy inquired if the same vendors would be participating over the two days, or will the number of vendors be maximized over the two days? C. Farrell shared that this year vendors have been given the option to participate either for one or two days. M. Nagy inquired about the Dunbarton High School Youth Exchange. K. Roberts spoke to the question with the following 4- 4 - Page 5 of 8 details. •Details with Dunbarton about the partnering YMCA Youth Exchange are still in the early planning stages; more details will be available in April. •The Exchange Students will be greeted at Artfest. •Exchange students from Nunavut will explore the waterfront at Millenium Square with a special event. Cris spoke to Canada Day (daytime) in Esplanade Park on July 1, 2024, form 12:00 to 5:00 pm with the following details. •It is a family friendly event. •Thirty (30) or more groups from the community will be participating. I. McLaughlin spoke to Cultural Fusion on September 14, 2024, 11:00 am to 5:00 pm. The components to the event will be similar Cultural Fusion in 2023. The event will include the following: •stage performance •food vendors •Community Group area •sports to tie into the Summer Olympics •Artisan Vendor Market. A consultation with Community Groups will take place in advance of any formal planning for Cultural Fusion in May. There will be an opportunity for the Cultural Advisory Committee to engage with the Community. I. McLaughlin spoke to Summer Concerts. Noting that Rick Johnson Memorial Park will also be programmed with a concert series for the first time this year. Also mentioned engagement details pertaining to Fall Fling. Questions D.Thompson inquired about feedback received from participants at Cultural Fusion? I. McLaughlin explained that there was feedback data available. R.Wali inquired about the Durham Regional Police Services Children’s Games? K. Roberts shared that the Games were in partnership with City of Pickering’s Accessibility Coordinator at the 5- 5 - Page 6 of 8 Chestnut Hill Developments Recreation Complex. The event offers an engaging day of games for children of all abilities, with prizes, and awards. R. Wali inquired about Hindu Heritage month in November and why it was not formally recognized by the City of Pickering? K. Roberts spoke to details of the Dates of Significance program displays at the Chestnut Hill Developments Recreational Complex from November through to February that honours a wide range of various dates of significance and special cultural celebrations as they are put forth by Community Groups. Details about third party facility rentals for dates of significant celebrations like Tamil Heritage Month celebrations were offered in response to the question. A.Palmer inquired if the Sub-Committee would be allowed to host an event? K. Roberts and J. St. Amant spoke to the following details in response. •The Sub-Committee can host an event. •There is no budget item listed for events. •It would be important to connect events as they are now. •There are many resources available to the Cultural Advisory Committee. There were no further questions. 6.4 J. St. Amant RE: Community Banner Series J. St. Amant spoke to the details of the Community Banner Series call for expression of interest seeks artist to propose street banner designs for seven (7) digital banners for seven (7) City street light poles. Designs will be presented to the Public Art Jury and endorsement will be sought from the Cultural Advisory Committee. Retired banners are currently on a four-month rotational display cycle at the Chestnut Hill Developments Recreational Complex. There were no questions. 6.5 S. Barakov 6- 6 - Page 7 of 8 RE: Call to Artists – Public Art Commission: Remembrance Day Poppy Sidewalk Markers S. Barakov spoke to the Council Directive issued on January 22, 2024, Resolution #392/24, through the Office of the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO), to undertake a commission of Remembrance Day Poppy Sidewalk Markers to honour, thank, and remember the sacrifices of Veterans for placement in Esplanade Park. The location of the commissioned Public Artwork is on the eleven (11) light posts in the park. Funding for the artwork is a maximum of $35,000 including HST from the Public Art Reserve. Questions M. McFarlane inquired if the same piece of art would be displayed on all eleven (11) light posts? In response, S. Barakov shared that what and how the artwork will be displayed is to be determined by the Artist. D. Thompson inquired if the artwork would be permanently attached for the entire year given the known respectful removal and storage of a Poppy following Remembrance Day on November 11th? In response, S. Barakov, spoke to the details of Public Art Commission had been shared with the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 606 and that submission will go to the Public Art Jury and then to the Cultural Advisory Committee for endorsement. S. Barakov is seeking approval. Moved by A. Palmer Carried 6.6A S. Barakov RE: My Main Street Grant S. Barakov spoke to an external funding opportunity through My Main Street Grant which offers funding to Municipalities for creating public art activations. The Funding could be applied to potential Public Art projects with the City. There were no questions. 6.7 K. Bradley 7- 7 - Page 8 of 8 RE: Pickering Museum Village K. Bradley spoke to the Pickering Museum Village updates including the Log House, Log Barn, Pickering Heritage and Community Centre as well as the Launch of the Forging On website. A brief discussion ensued. There were no questions. 7. Correspondence K. Roberts spoke to details of an email received by Mayor, Members of Council and City Staff from Stephen Moore, a Pickering resident, requesting that the Cultural Advisory Committee consider Pickering residents when endorsing Public Artworks that honour individuals. Krystal spoke to the fact that the Cultural Advisory Committee (CAC) typically do not put forth motions to the City of Pickering with regards to Public Artworks, the CAC’s role is to consider/endorse the art projects that are brought forth from the City. A brief discussion ensued. 8. Other Business S. Barakov spoke to the Community Consultation being held on Thursday, April 4, 2024, at the George Ashe Community Centre at 6:00 PM for the Gordon Lightfoot Public Art Project. Action Item: Stoyan to forward the Community Consultation invite to Jesse. Jesse to forward to the CAC. 9. Next Meeting – April 16, 2024. 10. Adjournment Moved by D. Thompson Carried Meeting Meeting Adjourned: 8:26 pm Copy: Director, Community Services 8- 8 - Memo To: Cultural Advisory Committee April 9, 2024 From: Jesse St. Amant Coordinator, Cultural Services Copy: Director, Community Services Manager, Cultural Services Subject: City Centre Banner Display Request - Royal Canadian Legion 606 – Remembrance Day Banner Series File: S-1000-013 Public Art The Royal Canadian Legion 606 has completed a new City Centre Banner Display Request to install 7 additional Remembrance Day Commemorative Banners along Bayly Street. As per City Policy CUL 140, all City Centre Banner Display Request are to be reviewed by the Cultural Advisory Committee. Currently, The Royal Canadian Legion 606 has been approved to display 48 Remembrance Day Commemorative Banners in the City Centre from October through November annually. As this new request included a new location, additional approvals were required and obtained. In the CAO 23-24 Executive Committee Meeting of March 4, 2024, Engineering Staff have verified that along the north side of Bayly Street between Sandy Beach Road and Salk Road there are 7 concrete 40ft direct bury Class C streetlight poles. These poles are owned and maintained by the City of Pickering and can be used for banner installations. Next Steps: That the Cultural Advisory Committee review for endorsement The Royal Canadian Legion 606 City Centre Banner Display Request for the additional 7 banners to be installed in the new location on Bayly Street. JSA 9- 9 - Memo To: Cultural Advisory Committee April 9, 2024 From: Stoyan Barakov Curator, Public Art Copy: Director, Community Services Manager, Cultural Services (Acting) Supervisor, Cultural Services Subject: Placemaking – Live Painting Battle -Artist List for Endorsement Background: As part of Artfest, taking place in Esplanade Park in Pickering on May 25 and 26, Cultural Services has organized a Live Painting Battles placemaking opportunity. The City of Pickering’s Cultural Strategic Plan (2014) outlines the City’s commitment to collaborating with the community to celebrate our cultural diversity, heritage, and the arts; sustaining our natural environment; fostering a creative economy; and strengthening our vibrant neighborhoods. The Curator, Public Art issued a Call to Artists (Attachment 1) on March 28th, seeking local artists. This placemaking art opportunity aims to showcase the talent of our local artists. Each day, a maximum of 20 different artists will have an hour to create a piece of art under the theme "Forward Horizon: Imagining Pickering's Tomorrow". Artwork must adhere to the theme, avoiding profound imagery and derogatory language. Failure to comply will result in immediate disqualification. Each participating artist will be provided with a canvas, easel, and a variety of painting supplies for their work. The winner of each day will be selected through a community vote and receive a $500 prize. Additionally, the winning artwork may be used by the City for future marketing purposes. On April 16th, Cultural Services staff reviewed the submissions and selected the participating artists for this placemaking opportunity. The selected artists' applications are included as Attachment 2. 10- 10 - Funding: There is a maximum of $1,000 plus HST, from the 502520.9009 Program&Event Supps - Artfest. Next steps: The selected artists will paint live during Artfest and compete to win. Discussion: Currently, Community Services is seeking approval on the selected artists who will be painting live during Artfest. Attachment 1: Call to Artists - Live Painting Battle Attachment 2: Artists Submissions April 9, 2024 Placemaking – Live Painting Battle - Artist List for Endorsement Page 2 of 2 11- 11 - Page 1 Call to Artists – Live Painting Battle Forward Horizon: Imagining Pickering's Tomorrow Deadline: April 16, 2024, at 4 pm EST. Opportunity Are you ready to paint the future of Pickering through your artwork? The City of Pickering invites local emerging artists to apply to participate in the first ever Live Painting Battle that will take place during ArtFest (May 25 and 26, 2024) at Esplanade Park in Pickering. As we celebrate the present and look ahead to what lies beyond, artists are invited to interpret the theme "Forward Horizon: Imagining Pickering's Tomorrow" in their own unique style and perspective. 12- 12 - Page 2 Whether it's innovative infrastructure, sustainable development, cultural diversity, or technological advancement, let your imagination soar as you paint your vision of Pickering's future. During the event, the participating artists will be provided with a canvas, paint supplies, and 1 (one) hour to create their masterpieces. The audience will have the opportunity to witness the creative process unfold in real-time and vote for their favorite artworks. A maximum of 40 artists in total (20 artists on Saturday and 20 artists on Sunday) will be accepted to paint live for a chance to win two prizes of $500.00. There is no sign-up fee! As per the City of Pickering Public Art Policy (CUL 130) an artist is defined as the designer/creator of an artistic work and can include, but is not limited to, a professional artist, graphic designer, collaborative team, architect, or landscape designer. A public art jury comprised of city staff will be established to select a maximum of 40 artists participating in the Live Painting Battle. Site Context The City of Pickering resides on land within the Treaty and traditional territory of the Mississaugas of Scugog Island First Nation and Williams Treaties signatories of the Mississauga and Chippewa Nations. This Live Painting Battle will take place during ArtFest, Saturday May 25 and Sunday May 26, 2024, in Esplanade Park (1 The Esplanade S, Pickering, ON L1V 6K7). ArtFest in Pickering is an energetic and inclusive extravaganza of artistic expression, cultural appreciation, and community cohesion. Showcasing the diverse talents of local and regional artists, the festival offers an array of captivating experiences for visitors of all ages. From a wide spectrum of artistic disciplines including painting, sculpture, photography, and mixed media, attendees have the chance to explore and admire and purchase the rich tapestry of creativity within the community. Engaging in live demonstrations and workshops led by seasoned artists, participants gain valuable insights into various techniques and mediums, fostering both learning and creation opportunities for beginners and experts alike. Interactive activities such as metal casting ignite hands-on participation and unleash creative expression across all age groups. Adding to the festival's vibrant ambiance, live performances by local musicians, dancers, and performers infuse the event with dynamic energy and festive spirit, enhancing the overall experience for attendees. In essence, ArtFest in Pickering embodies the transformative power of art to inspire, educate, and unite people from all walks of life, offering an inclusive and enriching experience for art enthusiasts, aspiring artists, and curious minds alike. 13- 13 - Page 3 Project Brief The City of Pickering’s Cultural Strategic Plan (2014) outlines the City’s commitment to collaborate with the community to celebrate our cultural diversity, heritage and the arts; to sustain our natural environment; to foster a creative economy; and to strengthen our vibrant neighbourhoods. This placemaking art opportunity is intended to showcase the talent of our local artists. Each day, a maximum of 20 different artists will have an hour to create a piece of art under the theme of "Forward Horizon: Imagining Pickering's Tomorrow". The artwork must adhere to the theme; however artists should stray from including profound imagery and use derogatory language. Those who do so will be disqualified immediately. Each participating artist will be provided with a canvas and an easel as well as a variety of painting art supplies to choose from for the creation of their work. The winner of each day will be selected by a community vote and receive a $500.00. In addition, the awarded artwork may be used by the City for future marketing purposes. Budget There is no registration fee and everyone who feels like an artist is welcome to apply. Anticipated Schedule It is expected that the selected artists will comply with the project’s general timeline dates, as stated below: Date* Project Phase March 28, 2024 Issue Call to Artists – Live Painting Battle April 16, 2024 Submissions due April 25, 2024 Selected Artist notified May 25 & 26, 2024 Live Painting Battle Artists will be communicated in advance which day they will be painting. *Schedule is subject to change 14- 14 - Page 4 Considerations 1. This call is targeting local emerging artists. 2. The created work must be painted on the provided canvas with the provided art supplies. 3. The work is to reflect the theme of "Forward Horizon: Imagining Pickering's Tomorrow"; depicting innovative infrastructure, sustainable development, cultural diversity, or technological advancement, just to name a few. 4. The work is to be inclusive, engaging and create a feeling of joy. 5. The work must not depict profaned imagery and derogatory language. Selection Process A jury comprised of city staff will be established for the selection of the maximum of 40 artists. The Jury will be selecting the artists based on the following criteria: 1. Their interest in the Live Painting Battle as stated in the Letter of Interest; and 2. Examples of past works. The City of Pickering reserves the right to select and retain the artist deemed most appropriate for the project at its sole discretion. Submission Requirements Complete your application and email it in a single PDF. Please include: 1. Artist statement: describe your interest in this project and share your experience in the field. You can submit a written document (1-page max) or record an audio or video message (MP3 or MP4 file, max 20 MB). 2. Portfolio of past work: Examples of relevant work. You may include multiple images per project on 1 page of a maximum to 10 projects (10-pages). Add title, year, and a short description. Submissions must be sent by email to: sbarakov@pickering.ca Subject: Live Painting Battle_LastName (example: Live Painting Battles_Smith) If the file exceeds 20 MB, please ask for our external file share program. Incomplete submissions or submissions received after the deadline will not be juried. The submissions may be used by the City of Pickering in meetings with stakeholders and staff. 15- 15 - Page 5 Accessibility The City will provide accommodations throughout the selection process to applicants with disabilities. Please notify Stoyan Barakov, Coordinator, Public Art at 289.200.7829 or sbarakov@pickering.ca of the nature of any accommodation(s) that you may require in respect of any materials or processes used to ensure your equal participation. Reserved Rights of the City of Pickering The City of Pickering, at its sole discretion, may request clarification or request additional information, as deemed necessary to evaluate the submissions. The City retains the sole discretion to determine whether a submission is responsive and if the prospective Artist is capable of performing the Work. The City reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to determine the number of pre-qualified Artists. The City reserve the right to not proceed with selecting anyone. Publication of Information The City of Pickering shall have the exclusive rights to issue all public announcements regarding the competition. Additional Information For any additional information or questions please contact: Stoyan Barakov, Coordinator, Public Art at 289.200.7829 or sbarakov@pickering.ca. 16- 16 - Memo To: Cultural Advisory Committee April 9, 2024 From: Stoyan Barakov Curator, Public Art Copy: Director, Community Services Manager, Cultural Services (Acting) Supervisor, Cultural Services Subject: Placemaking – Muskoka Chair Art Celebration - Artist for Endorsement Background: As part of Artfest, taking place in Esplanade Park in Pickering on May 25 and 26, Cultural Services has organized a Muskoka chair art celebration placemaking opportunity. The City of Pickering’s Cultural Strategic Plan (2014) outlines the City’s commitment to collaborating with the community to celebrate our cultural diversity, heritage, and the arts; sustaining our natural environment; fostering a creative economy; and strengthening our vibrant neighborhoods. The Curator, Public Art issued a Call to Artists (Attachment 1) on April 5th, seeking local artists. This placemaking art opportunity aims to showcase the talent of our local artists. As part of the Durham Region Celebrates 50 Years campaign, Cultural Services will provide a raw wood Muskoka love seat chair for an Artist to paint during Artfest. Artwork must illustrate the cultural richness, community spirit, and artistic expression and incorporate some of Pickering’s landmarks. The selected Artist will be paid $750.00 plus HST for their time, design, and supplies. Once painted and varnished, the Muskoka love seat chair will be exhibited in Pickering alongside two other chairs donated by the Region through their Durham Region Celebrates 50 Years - Community Placemaking Initiative. The chairs will create a place for people to gather and enjoy their local surroundings. On April 16th, Cultural Services staff reviewed the submissions and selected the Top 1 Artist. Their submission is listed as Attachment 2. 17- 17 - Funding: There is a maximum of $750.00 plus HST, from 502520.9711 Program&Event Supps - Community and Temp Art. Next steps: The selected artist will paint the Muskoka chair during both days of Artfest, May 25 and May 26. Discussion: Currently, Community Services is seeking approval on the selected artist who will be painting the Muskoka chair during Artfest. Attachment 1: Call to Artists - Muskoka Chair Art Celebration Attachment 2: Artist Submissions April 9, 2024 Placemaking – Muskoka Chair Art Celebration - Artist for Endorsement Page 2 of 2 18- 18 - Page 1 Call to Artists – Muskoka Chair Art Celebration Durham Region Celebrates 50 Years Deadline: April 16, 2024, at 4 pm EST. Opportunity Join us in commemorating 50 years of Durham Region's cultural vibrancy and community pride through the Muskoka Chair Art Celebration. The City of Pickering invites local emerging artists to apply to paint a Muskoka chair during ArtFest (May 25 and 26, 2024) at Esplanade Park in Pickering. 19- 19 - Page 2 Durham Region celebrates 50 years of cultural richness, community spirit, and artistic expression! As part of this milestone celebration, we are thrilled to announce the Muskoka Chair Art Celebration, an exciting opportunity for one (1) artist to showcase their talent and contribute to our region's vibrant legacy. During the event, the selected artist will be provided with a Muskoka love seat chair to paint, illustrating the beauty of our Region. The artist will have both days, Saturday, May 25, and Sunday, May 26, to live paint the chair. One artist will be awarded this placemaking opportunity. The awarded artist will be paid $750.00 plus HST, which should include supplies (varnish, paint, etc.). As per the City of Pickering Public Art Policy (CUL 130), an artist is defined as the designer/creator of an artistic work and can include, but is not limited to, a professional artist, graphic designer, collaborative team, architect, or landscape designer. A public art jury comprised of city staff will be established to select the artist painting the chair. Site Context The City of Pickering resides on land within the Treaty and traditional territory of the Mississaugas of Scugog Island First Nation and Williams Treaties signatories of the Mississauga and Chippewa Nations. The Muskoka Chair Art Celebration will take place outdoors during ArtFest, Saturday May 25 and Sunday May 26, 2024, in Esplanade Park (1 The Esplanade S, Pickering, ON L1V 6K7). ArtFest in Pickering is an energetic and inclusive extravaganza of artistic expression, cultural appreciation, and community cohesion. Showcasing the diverse talents of local and regional artists, the festival offers an array of captivating experiences for visitors of all ages. From a wide spectrum of artistic disciplines including painting, sculpture, photography, and mixed media, attendees have the chance to explore and admire and purchase the rich tapestry of creativity within the community. Engaging in live demonstrations and workshops led by seasoned artists, participants gain valuable insights into various techniques and mediums, fostering both learning and creation opportunities for beginners and experts alike. Interactive activities such as metal casting ignite hands-on participation and unleash creative expression across all age groups. Adding to the festival's vibrant ambiance, live performances by local musicians, dancers, and performers infuse the event with dynamic energy and festive spirit, enhancing the overall experience for attendees. In essence, ArtFest in Pickering embodies the transformative power of art to inspire, educate, and unite people from all walks of life, offering an inclusive and enriching experience for art enthusiasts, aspiring artists, and curious minds alike. 20- 20 - Page 3 Project Brief The City of Pickering’s Cultural Strategic Plan (2014) outlines the City’s commitment to collaborate with the community to celebrate our cultural diversity, heritage, and the arts; to sustain our natural environment; to foster a creative economy; and to strengthen our vibrant neighborhoods. This placemaking art opportunity is intended to showcase the talent of our local artists. One artist will be awarded the opportunity to paint a Muskoka love seat chair. The artwork must illustrate the beauty of our Region, including Pickering’s landmarks as part of the design. The artist should refrain from including profane imagery and using derogatory language. If not, they will be disqualified immediately. The selected artist will be responsible for securing their own art supplies for the creation of the work. The final artwork may be used by the City for future marketing purposes. Once painted and varnished, the Muskoka love seat chair will be exhibited in Pickering alongside two other chairs donated by the Region through their Durham Region Celebrates 50 Years - Community Placemaking Initiative. The chairs will create a place for people to gather and enjoy their local surroundings. Budget There is no registration fee and everyone who feels like an artist is welcome to apply. Anticipated Schedule It is expected that the selected artists will comply with the project’s general timeline dates, as stated below: Date* Project Phase April 5, 2024 Issue Call to Artists – Muskoka Chair Art Celebration April 16, 2024 Submissions due April 25, 2024 Selected Artist notified May 25 & 26, 2024 Muskoka Chair Art Celebration Artist will be communicated in advance in order to coordinate proper supplies. *Schedule is subject to change 21- 21 - Page 4 Considerations 1.This call is targeting local emerging artists. 2.The created work must be painted on the provided raw wood Muskoka love chair with the artist’s supplies. 3.The work is to reflect the Region’s beauty as well as incorporate Pickering’s landmarks. 4.The work is to be inclusive, engaging and create a feeling of joy. 5.The work must not depict profaned imagery and derogatory language. 6.The finished work must be sealed with weather appropriate varnish. Selection Process A jury comprised of city staff will be established for the selection of the awarded artist. The Jury will be selecting the artists based on the following criteria: 1.Their interest in the project as stated in the Letter of Interest; and 2.Examples of past works. The City of Pickering reserves the right to select and retain the artist deemed most appropriate for the project at its sole discretion. Submission Requirements Complete your application and email it in a single PDF. Please include: 1.Artist statement: describe your interest in this project and share your experience in the field. You can submit a written document (1-page max) or record an audio or video message (MP3 or MP4 file, max 20 MB). 2.Portfolio of past work: Examples of relevant work. You may include multiple images per project on 1 page of a maximum to 10 projects (10-pages). Add title, year, and a short description. Submissions must be sent by email to: sbarakov@pickering.ca Subject: Muskoka Chair Art Celebration_LastName (example: Muskoka Chair Art Celebration_Smith) If the file exceeds 20 MB, please ask for our external file share program. Incomplete submissions or submissions received after the deadline will not be juried. The submissions may be used by the City of Pickering in meetings with stakeholders and staff. 22- 22 - Page 5 Accessibility The City will provide accommodations throughout the selection process to applicants with disabilities. Please notify Stoyan Barakov, Curator, Public Art at 289.200.7829 or sbarakov@pickering.ca of the nature of any accommodation(s) that you may require in respect of any materials or processes used to ensure your equal participation. Reserved Rights of the City of Pickering The City of Pickering, at its sole discretion, may request clarification or request additional information, as deemed necessary to evaluate the submissions. The City retains the sole discretion to determine whether a submission is responsive and if the prospective Artist is capable of performing the Work. The City reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to determine the number of pre-qualified Artists. The City reserve the right to not proceed with selecting anyone. Publication of Information The City of Pickering shall have the exclusive rights to issue all public announcements regarding the competition. Additional Information For any additional information or questions please contact: Stoyan Barakov, Curator, Public Art at 289.200.7829 or sbarakov@pickering.ca. 23- 23 - Memo To: Cultural Advisory Committee April 8, 2024 From: Kim Bradley (Acting) Curator, Pickering Museum Village Copy: Director, Community Services Manager, Cultural Services Subject: Pickering Museum Village -Site & Program Updates Background Pickering Museum Village is undergoing several projects, including major construction of the new Pickering Heritage Community Centre, a 44,000 sq. ft. facility, that will celebrate the city’s rich heritage by bringing together Museum, Library, and Community Centre into one dynamic space, slated to open in spring 2026. Pickering Heritage Community Centre features •Exhibit gallery, •Program room, •Multipurpose hall, including a community stage, •Kitchen suitable for public programs, •Collections storage for the museum artifact collection, City’s archives, and the public library’s local history collection, •Gift shop and coffee bar, •Outdoor program spaces include an art garden and patio. Community Benefits This facility will be located on the upper site of the Pickering Museum Village and will: •Serve as a new Visitor’s Centre for the Pickering Museum Village and replace the small, aging administrative building that currently exists on the site. The existing Museum Administration Building, also known as the Robert A. Miller Building, is a hybrid structure including an 1867 post and beam wood framed barn with a 1967 wood frame addition. •Preserve local history and provide much-needed storage space for over 11,000 artifacts, with special environmental and lighting controls, for collections, artifacts and records for the Library, Pickering Museum Village, and City Hall. 24- 24 - •Replace the aging Greenwood Community Centre and provide a modern and accessible space for community groups, programs and services, and events and exhibition space. •Include the first public exhibit/art gallery to Pickering to showcase travelling exhibitions, and artworks by local artists. •Be more accessible to the broader community. It will serve more residents and visitors than the facility can currently accommodate. We anticipate welcoming up to 300 users at one time. •Be zero-carbon – meaning the facility will be highly energy-efficient and minimize greenhouse gas emissions from building materials to operations, and support Pickering’s journey of becoming one of the most sustainable cities in Canada! Forging ON: The Evolution of Blacksmithing in Ontario Pickering Museum Village launched a new digital exhibit and teaching resource on March 15, 2024. Programs are available in both English and French, and this innovative website features an interactive timeline that invites users to explore blacksmithing in Ontario, with dynamic videos that showcase blacksmiths at work. Website: https://www.pickering.ca/en/forging-on/ •Developed in partnership with Lang Pioneer Village, Fanshawe Pioneer Village, Westfield Heritage Village, Grey Roots Museum and Archives and Fleming College. •This online project was developed with the support of the Digital Museums Canada investment program. Digital Museums Canada is managed by the Canadian Museum of History, with the financial support of the Government of Canada. Log House and Barn Construction Updates: The Log House and Log Barn rejuvenation project is slated for completion in June 2024. Roof replacement on both structures is complete. Accessibility ramps are in progress. Electrical and lighting upgrades will commence as soon as lighting fixtures arrive (anticipated last week of April). Installation of exhibit is set to begin the first week of May (pending additional delays). New glass doors for the Log barn have been ordered and are set to arrive the first week of June. The website is complete and will launch to coincide with the official launch of the new and improved spaces. PMV staff are working with event staff to determine the most appropriate launch date, that will be shared soon. Funding for this project has been provided by the Government of Canada Museum Assistance Program Digital Access to Heritage ($212,000.00) and the Canadian Race Relations Foundation ($50,000.00). Invitation to come! 25- 25 - Roots to Rebellion – website: https://www.pickering.ca/en/forging-on/index.aspx Join our tour guide Millie on a journey through augmented reality, audio clips, and hands-on activities, as she unveils the untold stories of the Underground Railroad. Discover the struggles, triumphs, and powerful legacy of Black Loyalists. Don’t miss this captivating experience! Discover the roots of community building and the events that will lead to the 1837 Rebellion of Upper Canada. Learn about how and why people moved to Upper Canada, the early communities they built, and why they choose to rebel against the government. Available in both English and French, explore our artifact and audio gallery, play games, and learn what it took to live in the 1830s. Developed in partnership with Sharon Temple National Historic Site and Museum, Mackenzie House (Toronto History Museums), Fort York National Historic Site (Toronto History Museums) Chatham-Kent Black Historical Society (Black Mecca Museum), Archives of Ontario, Canadian Race Relations, and the Government of Ontario. This online project was developed with the support of the Digital Access to Heritage program. Digital Access to Heritage is managed by the Museum Assistance Program, through the Government of Canada. https://www.rootstorebellion.com/ Gather & Grow Mini Exhibit at the CHRDC: The Chestnut Hill Developments Recreation Complex will be host to the Gather & Grown Mini exhibit from May 6 to September 16, 2024. The target audience for this exhibit is multi- generational families and is intended as a teaser for the Gather & Grow Exhibit and outdoor program space to be installed outside the Miller Cole House at the Pickering Museum Village in 2026. This exhibit will explore how food preparation and production has united people and communities across cultures and throughout history. Subthemes include coming together to share and create new recipes, coming together to share seeds and gardening knowledge and coming together to eat. The exhibit is comprised of three display cases, two wall panels, and a child size table and chairs for activities. It will be installed in the foyer of the complex, to the left of the main entrance door. Each case will explore one of the sub themes using artifacts, information panels, and activities. Activities include a scavenger hunt, colouring sheets, an “eye spy” game, and NFC tags that link to a Let’s Talk Pickering page for visitors to share their favorite memories of food. These memories will be gathered for inclusion in the full-size exhibit at the Miller Cole House in the museum village in 2026. Education Programs This spring marks an incredible milestone for PMV; all education programs will be offered in both English and French language. In the fall three of the eight programs were piloted in French and the uptake was a huge success. As of today, we have 63 schools booked for 122 programs, seeing almost 6,000 students and faculty visit the site in the coming months. Of those, over 5,000 26- 26 - will participate in the English and over 700 in French language programs. Many of those will see the Roots to Rebellion programs planned for the Log House and Log Barn spaces. Field Trip education programs begin April 17. New programs were designed to align with the Roots to Rebellion exhibit content (4 programs) and those will begin May 2. Field Trip education programs available for teachers to book this spring include the following: Blacksmith Apprentice Quest (gr 2/3) Join our Museum Interpreter to learn about the life of a blacksmith’s apprentice while solving puzzles, finding clues, earning tools for your toolkit, and becoming a full journeyman in a new quest-style education program. This 90-minute program includes visits to a house, general store, and the newly opened Greenwood Blacksmith Shop exhibit as well as a quest booklet to complete. Fun on the Farm Independent Discovery (gr. 1-3) We’ll provide three scavenger hunt cards, and you’ll explore independently in groups lead by you and your chaperones. Spend time in our new Combination Barn exhibit: try milking our demonstration cow, Buttercup, comb the tail of Clyde (our demonstration Clydesdale foal), judge fair exhibits, and grind feed for cattle, then explore an inn and our village to complete activities on your hunt cards. School Days (Gr. 2/3) The bell has rung and it’s time to step back in time to the early days of school and slates! Role- play along with our schoolteacher through authentic lessons (and a few old-time school rules). Then learn new games and enjoy some typical recess play. This program takes place in our Chapel school room and outdoors for some recess play (recess will be indoors in poor weather). Playful Pursuits (Gr. K-3) Explore life for children 200 years ago through play. Try our toys (batteries are not included!) and learn a combination of quiet and active games. Finish up by making and learning a game to take home. This program takes place outdoors; in poor weather, indoor games will be substituted in our hall. *NEW* Millie's Day! (Gr. 2/3) Pickering’s early Black settlers faced many hardships in their first years in Upper Canada after finding freedom. Experience early settlement through the eyes of young Millie and share in the work needed for her family to clear their land and road allowances, build fences, and help around the home. This program takes place in the new Log Barn and Log House exhibit spaces. 27- 27 - *NEW* Roots to Rebellion (Gr. 7/8) Pickering Township was a hotbed of political unrest in the 1830s. Through role-play and hands-on activities, we’ll help students use historical inquiry to explore physical, social, and political challenges facing all Upper Canadians, and to understand the causes of the 1837 Rebellion. They will learn stories of local people and decide for themselves if they were Reform or Tory. Program reservations will include pre- and post-presentation activities for teachers to do with their students to prepare for and round out the experience. *NEW* Traitors! (Gr. 7/8) Could you be loyal to the King, but also a traitor? Through role-play and interactive lessons, students will understand how dangerous and corrupt early elections were and why the farmers moved from lawful reforms to armed rebellion in their quest for responsible government. A debate at the conclusion reveals the ultimate sacrifice paid by the men found guilty of treason but also how their actions brought Canada democracy. This program takes place in the hotel, new Log House exhibit space, and grounds of Pickering Museum Village. This program explores government and the consequences of the Upper Canada Rebellion more deeply, as an add-on to the Roots to Rebellion program. *NEW* Follow the Drinking Gourd (Gr. 5-8) Early Black settler, George Chapman, had been enslaved in Virginia before settling in Pickering Township. Students will explore how George may have followed the Drinking Gourd (north star) to find freedom in Canada and what that freedom looked like on a small plot of land in this hands- on, interactive program about the Underground Railroad and early settlement. Training for Museum Interpreter staff is taking place April 10 and 12 on the four new programs. Additional Information For additional information or questions please contact Kim Bradley, (Acting) Curator, Pickering Museum Village at 905.420.4660, ext. 2078 or kbradley@pickering.ca 28- 28 -