HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024 Current Budget Working Papers2024 Current Budget Budget Deemed Adopted on March 1, 2024 in Accordance with the Municipal Act. City of Pickering 2024 Current Budget Table of Contents Department Page Financial Housekeeping Report 1 Budget Summaries 53 Office of the Chief Administrative Officer 64 Office of the CAO - Administration 10000 71 Customer Care Centre 10005 75 Public Affairs & Corp. Comm. 10010 78 Economic Development & Strategic Projects 85 Economic Development & Strategic Projects 10050 86 City Development 94 City Development - Administration 10100 103 Planning & Design 10105 106 Office of Affordability 10105-9755 112 Building Services 10110 115 Sustainability 10115 121 Committee of Adjustment 10120 128 Heritage Pickering 10125 130 Community Services 132 Culture & Recreation - Administration 10200 147 Programs 10205 153 Culture Services 10207 164 Dunbarton Pool 10210 174 Don Beer Arena 10215 178 Community Centres 10220 184 Recreation Complex - Central Core 10225 191 Recreation Complex - Pool 10230 200 Recreation Complex - Arenas 10235 204 Civic Centre 10240 210 Senior Citizens Centre 10245 215 Museum 10250 221 Operations 230 Public Works - Administration 10300 239 Property Maintenance 10305 245 Fleet Services 10310 251 Roads 10315 257 Parks 10320 264 Operations Services 10325 272 Major Capital Facilities 10330 277 City of Pickering 2024 Current Budget Table of Contents Corporate Services 280 Legal Services 10400 291 Information Technology 10405 295 Clerks Office 10410 302 Records Management & Elections 10415 305 Print Shop/ Mail Room 10420 308 By-Law 10425 311 Animal Services 10430 318 Engineering Services 325 Engineering Services - Administration 10500 335 Crossing Guards 10505 341 Water Resources & Development Services 10510 343 Sidewalks 10515 349 Streetlights 10520 351 Finance 354 Finance 10600 363 Supply & Services 10605 371 Fire Services 374 Fire Protection 10700 378 Emergency Operations 10705 387 Human Resources 390 Human Resources 10800 393 Health & Safety 10805 397 Libraries 400 Library 10900 401 General Government 411 Capital Reserve & Reserve Fund Continuity Schedule 455 Report to Council Report Number: FIN 06-24 Date: March 25, 2024 From: Stan Karwowski Director, Finance & Treasurer Subject: 2024 Financial Housekeeping Report - File: A-2000-001 Recommendation: 1. That Council approve the 2024 Low Income Seniors & Persons with Disabilities grant amount, to be increased from $535 to $560 per household; 2. That the City’s share of the Municipal Accommodation Tax be used to fund tourism- related capital infrastructure; 3. That Council approve the cancellation of the following previously approved Capital projects: Project Number Description Unspent Budget Amount C10235.2203 O’Brien Hot Water Tank Replacement $60,000 C10240.2007 Purchase and Installation of Electric Vehicle Charge Station at the Civic Centre $25,000 C10300.1801 New Security Cameras $27,500 C10315.2106 Front Plow & Wing Attachment for Seaton Plow $40,000 C10320.2204 Vacuum Excavator with Trailer Replacement $95,000 C10510.2301 Mid-Size SUV New $45,000 C10510.2303 Various Construction Projects $200,000 C10515.1801 WO-2 Kingston Road – New Sidewalk Installation $332,660 C10575.1806 RO-12 Kingston Road Sidwalk & Streetlights $175,500 C10575.1905 BI-17 – Church Street – Sidewalks & Streetlights $325,000 C10575.1906 TC-7 Kingston Road Sidewalks & Streetlights $133,500 C10700.2306 Dispatch CAD Replacement $350,000 C10700.2308 Fire Station #5 Land Purchase $3,500,000 C10900.2003 Central Library Outdoor Drop Box $10,000 1 FIN 06-24 March 25, 2024 Subject: 2024 Financial Housekeeping Report Page 2 4.That Council authorize staff to expand the approved scope, as included in the 2023 Capital Budget, for project C10240.2307 – Satellite Office Leasehold Improvements, originally planned for pre-occupancy renovations and leasehold improvements at a future satellite facility (location yet to be determined), to include consulting and related costs for completion of a Municipal Space Utilization Study, in an amount not to exceed $300,000 (net HST); 5.a)That the Director, Finance & Treasurer be authorized to combine capital projects C10570.1803 Greenwood Bridge and C10570.2403 Sixth Concession Rd. – Road Reconstruction to facilitate project management and administration of these projects, by transferring the budget of $1,200,000 from C10570.2403 to C10570.1803 and subsequently closing C10570.2403 ; b)That the Director, Finance & Treasurer be authorized to combine capital projects C10900.2203 Accessible Public Washroom (Claremont) with C10900.2106 Claremont Hardware for Extended Service Offering – Technology and C10900.2205 Improvements to Claremont Library Public Service Space by transferring the available budget of $55,000 from C10900.2106 and $55,000 from C10900.2205 to C1900.2203 and subsequently closing C 10900.2106 and C10900.2205; 6.That Council approve staff attendance at international technology conferences, in accordance with Subsection 10.02 of the Financial Control Policy, as follows: a)International travel by the Division Head, Information Technology, Supervisor, Network Support and Senior Systems Administrator to attend the 2024 Dell World conference in Las Vegas, and that the total conference costs not exceed $3,000 (CAD); and b)International travel by the Manager, ERP & Financial Systems or designate to attend the 2024 annual SAP Sapphire Conference in Orlando, Florida, and that the total conference costs not exceed $5,000 (CAD); 7.That Council authorize the establishment of a new reserve to be called the Building Faster Reserve, that any funds received from the Province of Ontario’s Building Faster Fund be transferred to this reserve, and that these funds be used to invest in community-enabling infrastructure; 8.That the Mayor be requested to consider the inclusion of funds in the 2025 Capital Budget, to increase the proposed 2025 Asphalt Resurfacing Program amount from $4,160,000 as indicated in the Capital Forecast to $5,200,000 with funding to be determined by the Director, Finance & Treasurer; 9.That the Director, Finance & Treasurer be authorized, at his discretion, to undertake the following transfers: a)Any 2024 surplus Current Operating funds at year-end in excess of approximately $125,000 be allocated in the following ratio: 25 percent to the 2 FIN 06-24 Subject: 2024 Financial Housekeeping Report March 25, 2024 Page 3 Rate Stabilization Reserve (8007); 20 percent to the Facilities Reserve (8026); 5 percent to the Public Art Reserve (8038) and 50 percent to the City Share DC Projects Reserve (8008); b)Any surplus funds from the Emergency Operational Capital Needs Account (11100.503510) to the Facilities Reserve (8026); c)Any revenue from the sale of used vehicles (11100.406600) to the Vehicle Replacement Reserve (8016); d)Any surplus funds from Museum donations (10250.406500) and Artefact Repairs & Maintenance Account (10250.502385) to the Museum Collection Reserve (8033); e)Any green energy rebates and revenue associated with the Claremont solar roof rental project account (10325.404500.9480) and other incentives and rebates account (10325.406551) to the Reserve for Sustainable Initiatives; f)50 percent of revenues collected from Municipal Accommodation Tax (MAT) (subject to Council’s approval of the tax) to the MAT Reserve (8042); g)An amount up to $625,406 from the Casino Reserve to fund the net cost of the Major Capital Facilities Cost Centre (10330); h)Where the 2024 year-end balance of the WSIB Reserve is greater than $4.0 million, the excess funds will be transferred to the WSIB Excess Indemnity Reserve Fund (8702); i)Where the 2024 actual investment income (10600.406000) exceeds the budget of $1,800,000, the excess funds will be transferred to the Balloon Payment Reserve (8039) to minimize future debt costs; j)Where the 2024 actual winter control costs exceed the budget, the deficit will be funded by a transfer from the Winter Control Reserve; k)Where the actual 2024 Property Tax Write-offs (account 11100.503000) exceed the budget provision due to assessment appeals, the deficit will be funded by a transfer from the Assessment Appeal Reserve (8002), and if this reserve is depleted, then the shortfall will be funded from the Rate Stabilization Reserve (8007); l)Where the actual 2024 Payment-in-Lieu Education Share revenues are less than the budget estimates, the deficit will be funded by a transfer from the Rate Stabilization Reserve (8007); 3 FIN 06-24 Subject: 2024 Financial Housekeeping Report March 25, 2024 Page 4 m)Any other budget transfers that may be required during the fiscal year which do not change the overall approved property tax levy; 10.That Council approve Attachment 1, FIN 030 Financial Control Policy, with an effective date of January 1, 2024; 11.That the Director, Finance & Treasurer be authorized to: a)Undertake transactions in the spot or forward (12 months or less) currency markets in order to effect United States dollar denominated expenditures in the Current or Capital Budgets; b)Sign leases or rental agreements (including summer rentals) on the City’s behalf for the provision of vehicles or equipment required for temporary use during periods of equipment breakdown or repair or during periods of increased need (e.g. inclement weather); c)Apply for all grants included in the 2024 Current Budget, 2024 Capital Budget, and prior year’s capital projects that have not started, and that Council endorse all future applications that meet senior government grant criteria and that staff report back to Council at the next possible meeting regarding which grants staff have applied to; d)Make any changes or take any actions necessary, to ensure that the budget accommodates any reallocation of 2024 current operating expenditures and revenues that may be required to accommodate any labour relations settlements, while maintaining the approved levy; e)Adjust the 2024 final tax rates to address any revenue shortfall arising as a result of a provincial tax policy change; f)Initiate any additional assessment appeals necessary to protect the assessment base of the City; g)Apply any debt repayment, interest or financing provisions contained in the annual Current Operating Budget not used in the current year’s payments towards additional principal repayments, repayment of outstanding loans, debt charges, to reduce debt or internal loans not issued, or transfer funds to the balloon payment reserve; h)Adjust the per kilometer travel expense reimbursement rate (last increased in 2023) with an effective date of May 1, 2024, from 0.65 cents per kilometre to 0.70 cents per kilometre for the first 5,000 kilometres and from 0.59 cents per kilometre to 0.64 cents per kilometre for travel beyond 5,000 kilometres. 12.a)That Council approve the continuing engagement of Watson & Associates Economists Ltd., to be used for fiscal impact studies and related works, 4 FIN 06-24 Subject: 2024 Financial Housekeeping Report March 25, 2024 Page 5 Development Charge Background Study updates and/or amendments, Community Benefit Charge Study updates and/or amendments and any other DC or CBC related matters; b)That Council approve the award of professional services in accordance with the City’s Purchasing Policy Item 10.03 (c) to Watson & Associates Economists Ltd. for the completion of a Development Charge Background Study and Community Benefits Charge Study, in an amount not to exceed $90,000 (net HST); 13.a)That Council approve the continuing engagement of the firm PSD Citywide Inc ., to be used for asset management consulting and other work in support of the City’s compliance with Asset Management legislation; b)That Council approve the award of professional services in accordance with the City’s Purchasing Policy Item 10.03 (c) to PSD Citywide Inc. for the development and delivery of a Proposed Level of Service Framework with Optimization Scenarios, Citizen Engagement (Phases 1 and 2) and on-site meetings, in an amount not to exceed $88,600 (net HST) and completion of stage three of the City’s Asset Management Plan (as required by Ontario Regulation 588 (2021), in an amount not to exceed $75,000 (net HST); 14. That Council approve the continuing engagement of the following firms: Nixon Poole Lackie LLP, Municipal Tax Advisor Group and Municipal Tax Equity Consultants for any studies related to reassessment or other property tax issues and to protect the property tax base by defending assessment appeals through proactive assessment base management; 15.That Council approve the following grants, which are exceptions to the Community Grant policy, and that these grants be funded from the General Government Grants to Organizations – Contingency account: a)A grant to the Pickering Lawn Bowling Club, in the amount of $2,070, to be used for the purchase of a video camera, club pins and 2 bowling assistance arms; b)A grant to the Purpose Church, in the amount of $3,000, to be used to provide equipment and supplies for youth programming in the Church’s youth centre; and c)A grant to The Redeemer Christian Church of God - Fountainhead Chapel, in the amount of $4,500, to be used to purchase two desktop computers, software and program supplies, to support a cloud computing and cybersecurity certification program for individuals recovering from addiction . 16.That FIN 040 Community Grant Policy be amended by adding the following additional provisions and the change to the policy be effective for the 2025 Community Grants program; 5 FIN 06-24 Subject: 2024 Financial Housekeeping Report March 25, 2024 Page 6 a)That the grant application deadline date for the 2025 Community Grant Program be September 27, 2024, to give community groups sufficient time to complete their applications; b)That grant requests for repair and maintenance activities on private property shall be deemed ineligible; c)That an application shall be deemed ineligible if submitted by, or on behalf of, a youth and/or adult competitive sports team or league; d)That grants provided for social, youth and seniors program s must be open to participation by all Pickering residents, with programming to be conducted in public or commercial spaces; and e)That an organization may only submit one Community Grant Application each year; 17.That Council approve Attachment 2, ADM 190 Council Compensation Policy with an effective date of January 1, 2024; and 18.That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take the necessary actions as indicated in this report. Executive Summary: The purpose of this report is to seek the authorizations and directions necessary to implement the 2024 Financial Plans as reflected in the 2024 Current and Capital Budgets. Under the Strong Mayors legislation, the budget was deemed adopted on March 1, 2024. Many of the recommendations in this report are similar to the previous Council budget reports. Relationship to the Pickering Strategic Plan: The recommendations in this report respond to the Pickering Strategic Plan Corporate Key to Deliver on Good Governance – Open & Transparency. Financial Implications: There are no additional costs associated with the adoption of the recommendations. However, if the recommendations are approved by Council, this will enhance the transparency and accountability of City operations from a financial lens for this year and future years. Discussion: The purpose of this report is to seek the authorizations and directions necessary to implement the 2024 Current and Capital Budgets. Under the Strong Mayors legislation, the budget was deemed adopted on March 1, 2024. 6 FIN 06-24 March 25, 2024 Subject: 2024 Financial Housekeeping Report Page 7 Explanation of Key Recommendations Municipal Accommodation Tax (MAT) Reserve - Recommendation 2 At the March 27, 2023 Council meeting, Council approved Report CAO 06-23 (Resolution 124/23) that approved in principle the inclusion of the MAT revenues to the 2023 and subsequent budget. At this time, $300,000 in revenues was an estimate. There is still additional administrative work required before the program can be implemented , such as Durham Region Council has to approve the establishment of a Municipal Service Corporation . Implementation is expected in 2024, subject to Council approval. Cancellation of Capital Projects – Recommendation 3 The capital projects listed in Recommendation 3 and in the table below, in many cases have been re-budgeted in the 2024 Capital Budget or 2025 – 2033 Capital Forecast because the original budget amount was too low (due to project delays or higher construction costs), or the project was delayed to other external factors. In other cases, the project was deferred or not required due to operational changes in the year. Project Number Description Reason for Closure C10235.2203 O’Brien Hot Water Tank Replacement Not required - completed as an emergency repair in 2022 C10240.2007 Purchase and Installation of Electric Vehicle Charge Station at the Civic Centre TBA C10300.1801 New Security Cameras Re-budgeted C10315.2106 Front Plow & Wing Attachment for Seaton Plow Funds redirected to cover cost overage in another project C10320.2204 Vacuum Excavator with Trailer Replacement Re-budgeted C10510.2301 Mid-Size SUV New Not required – Cherrywood development did not proceed C10510.2303 Various Construction Projects Not required – no projects initiated in 2023 C10515.1801 WO-2 Kingston Road – New Sidewalk Installation Re-budgeted C10575.1806 RO-12 Kingston Road Sidwalk & Streetlights Re-budgeted C10575.1905 BI-17 – Church Street – Sidewalks & Streetlights Re-budgeted C10575.1906 TC-7 Kingston Road Sidewalks & Streetlights Re-budgeted C10700.2306 Dispatch CAD Replacement Not required – operational changes in Fire dispatch anticipated C10700.2308 Fire Station #5 Land Purchase Re-budgeted 7 FIN 06-24 March 25, 2024 Subject: 2024 Financial Housekeeping Report Page 8 Project Number Description Reason for Closure C10900.2003 Central Library Outdoor Drop Box Not required – project deferred due to Pickering City Centre timing changes Municipal Space Use Study – Recommendation 4 An interim solution for office space is needed at City Hall. Demand for office space at City Hall is currently 25 percent over capacity, based on existing available desks, and projected to continue increasing. Previous long-term solutions to these pressures relied on timing and implementation of the City Centre project. Council’s direction on capital project priorities in January 2024 deferred facility-based elements of the City Centre project until 2028. As a result, other options will be required to accommodate existing and future pressures until the City Centre designs and timelines are revisited. Funding was provided in the 2023 Current and Capital Budgets for leasehold improvements and related capital costs to create a suitable municipal satellite office. Due to high market rates and limited local availability, the lease of a smaller suite is being pursued to address the most immediate needs. A longer-term solution will be required in order to meet the City’s operational needs until at least 2030, and possibly beyond. Existing use of offices throughout City Hall has changed over time, but the physical space and essential infrastructure of the building has been largely unchanged since its original construction in 1990. Office use and workspace needs have evolved considerably since then, notably regarding use of digital technology and remote working options. Staff propose to undertake a Space Utilization Study to determine how existing office space at City Hall could be maximized and modified in order to avoid the cost of more leased satellite offices. In the 2023 Capital Budget, $1.1 million was approved for project C10240.2307 - Satellite Office Leasehold Improvements, anticipating the need for additional leased office space of approximately 15,000 square feet. Staff are currently exploring an alternative location that is approximately one third of that size, meaning that related leasehold improvement costs should be lower than originally expected. In order to avoid additional pressures on the City’s capital programs and budgets, staff recommend and request authorization to expand the scope of project C10240.2307 to include consulting and related costs required for the Space Utilization Study, in an amount not to exceed $300,000. Completion of this work would provide recommended space utilization solutions at City Hall and related construction cost projections, which could then be reflected in a future Capital Budgets for adoption. Approval to Attend International Technology Conferences – Recommendations 6 a) & b) FIN 030 Finance Control Policy requires Council approval for all out of country conferences and this policy applies to all City and Library staff. It’s well known that technology advancements continues to grow at an almost exponential pace. For the past decades, municipalities have been faced with the challenge as to how to stay abreast of the changing technology and to translate these advancements into benefits 8 FIN 06-24 March 25, 2024 Subject: 2024 Financial Housekeeping Report Page 9 for the municipality. Today’s technology conferences consist of technology driven workshops (classrooms) where new trends and advancement for computer systems, software and security are presented and discussed. Dell Canada has invited three Pickering staff from the Information Technology (IT) section to attend the 2024 Dell World conference in Las Vegas. Dell Canada will cover the expenses at the conference. These IT staff will attend various technology training sessions to obtain the latest insights into cybersecurity, threat intelligence, data and network security, performance optimization, system administration, cloud solutions, data management and Dell’s product development roadmap, topics directly relevant to their job responsibilities. They will also have the opportunity to network with industry peers and experts to foster collaboration, partnerships and insights that can drive innovation . The SAP Sapphire Conference is one of the premier events as it relates to enterprise software and technology. Attending the SAP Sapphire Conference offers the Manager, ERP a unique opportunity to stay updated on the latest trends and developments in SAP software. In addition, the conference provides an opportunity for networking, connecting with municipal peers and experts, and to gain the knowledge and resources needed to drive business success. Several Ontario Municipalities that have implemented SAP sent delegations in the past, and have commented on the benefits of attending this conference . Building Faster Fund – Recommendation 7 On March 4, 2021, in the middle of the Treasurer’s 2021 budget presentation, the City received the good news that it had received approximately $1.6 million in Provincial funding to address COVID cost pressures. At that time, Council made the wise decision to put these dollars in a reserve and these dollars were used to support the 2022 budget. During the most recent March Break, the City received good news that it had been awarded $5.2 million from the Building Faster Fund. Staff recommend that these funds similarly be put in a new reserve to be called the Building Faster Reserve, and that these funds be used to invest in housing or community-enabling infrastructure in accordance with the intent of the fund. The Building Faster Fund is a three-year $1.2 billion provincial program designed to encourage municipalities to address the housing supply crisis on Ontario . The fund makes payments to municipalities that have reached at least 80 percent of their provincially assigned housing target for the year. Funding is increased for municipalities that exceed their target. In 2023, the City of Pickering built 1,502 new housing units, exceeding the 2023 target of 953 units by 58 percent. As a result, on March 13, 2024, the Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Housing announced that the Province of Ontario will be providing the City of Pickering with $5.2 million through the Building Faster Fund. This grant amount is an accomplishment that reflects the hard work of many City Departments and the decisions of Council. There are 9 FIN 06-24 Subject: 2024 Financial Housekeeping Report March 25, 2024 Page 10 other municipalities with larger populations that did not receive the same dollar amount as Pickering. Council Direction to Increase the 2025 Capital Budget Road Asphalt Resurfacing from $4.160 million to $5.2 million - Recommendation 8 This year, the City received an unexpected grant of $5.2 million through the Building Faster Fund. These dollars will be applied to “community-enabling infrastructure” (growth related capital projects), that in will turn will reduce the financial pressure in funding other City programs. In other words, this grant amount ($5.2 million) will likely be used to fund the City Share of growth-related capital costs that in-turn will free up other dollars such as Casino/reserves that can now be re-invested in the City’s road asphalt resurfacing program. Asphalt Resurfacing Budget Comparison (Previous vs. Current Term) In the previous term, the City budgeted a total of $9.451 million for road resurfacing, and with the planned expenditure of $5.2 million in 2026, the City would have surpassed the previous term’s total spending by 45.60 percent in three years. Council Authority to Apply for All Possible Grants (Current & Capital) – Recommendation 11 c) There are two types of grants: regular and unpredictable grant opportunities. Every year, City staff apply for numerous operating grants such as “Cultural Tourism Strategy” and $- $1,000,000 $2,000,000 $3,000,000 $4,000,000 $5,000,000 $6,000,000 1st Yr.2nd. Yr.3th. Yr 4th. Yr. Previous Term Current Term 10 FIN 06-24 March 25, 2024 Subject: 2024 Financial Housekeeping Report Page 11 “Community Museum Operating Grant”. These grants help fund, to some degree, the operating costs related to their respective current budgets. The unpredictability of the grant process usually applies to capital grants. Historically, both senior levels of government (federal & provincial) announce capital grant funding opportunities through their budget-day announcements, and the information included in the “Budget Background Papers” is usually sparse regarding project criteria and application timelines. After a budget-day announcement, you could be waiting several weeks and or months before the formal application process is initiated by the senior government level. Recommendation 11 c) is seeking Council authority and approval to submit a grant application, where a senior level of government has announced a grant opportunity with a short-term application deadline or due to a summer recess, thereby making the scheduling of a Council meeting to seek Council’s endorsement of the project a significant challenge. Included in the recommendation is the direction that staff report back to Council at t he next available Council meeting regarding the capital and/or current grant(s) that was applied for. Update to the Development Chart Background Study and Community Benefit Charge Study- Recommendation 12 The City of Pickering charges Development and Community Benefit fees to new/repurposed development to fund the growth-related capital costs. Under the Development Charges Act, 1997, municipalities are required to prepare a Background study to establish the growth forecast, capital costs and then calculate the charge that new development needs to pay to fund the cost of this new infrastructure. The City completed its last background studies in July 2022. Since then, several factors have caused a significant increase in the capital costs required to be funded from Development Charges and Community Benefit Charges: •Council priorities have been clarified to include direction for Pickering Heritage & Community Centre (PHCC) and the City Centre project, and new initiatives at Petticoat Creek Conservation Area; and •The pace of growth has accelerated beyond what was forecast in the study, moving the timing for certain projects forward; and •Inflationary pressures on major capital facilities projects have reached unprecedented levels. The legislation allows municipalities to increase the fees annually to reflect the impact of inflation on project costs, using Statistics Canada’s Non-Residential Building Price Index (NRCPI). Prior to 2020, the ten-year average of the NRCPI was 2.61 percent. However, since COVID, construction prices have escalated at rates not seen in decades across the province. In 2021 and 2022 the NRCPI averaged almost 15 percent per year. 11 FIN 06-24 March 25, 2024 Subject: 2024 Financial Housekeeping Report Page 12 Historical Non-Residential Building Construction Price Index Even the allowable increases to the Development Charges fees do not compensate fully for the inflationary pressures facing the City’s capital program. The tender results for PHCC which saw the prices come in 158 percent over the initial budget included in the 2022 Development Charge Background Study. Similarly, the budget for Seaton Recreation Complex & Library was increased by $129 million or 113 percent to reflect the current cost environment. A scan of other municipalities has seen similar results for tenders on the construction of recreation complexes throughout 2023. Finance staff have undertaken preliminary work as it relates to DC fees and the estimated DC debt charges for the Seaton Recreation Complex & Library. The preliminary results indicate that our current fees are not sufficient or adequate to the meet the DC annual debt payment obligations (principal and interest.). In other words, the City cannot entertain building the new Seaton Recreation Complex & Library until the DC & CBC Study with the corresponding fee increase is completed. As noted in the FIN 01-24 report in January 2024, it has become increasingly clear that the 2022 Development Charge Background Study and 2022 Community Benefit Charge Study are insufficient to meet the City’s current financial needs and the Director, Finance & Treasurer recommends undertaking a new study to update the capital forecast, timing and costs and adjust the development forecast to reflect the Region of Durham’s current growth plan. $90,000 has been included in the 2024 Current Budget to fund this work. Bill 23 More Homes Built Faster Act 2022, introduced the DC fee haircut or discount. Currently, the DC fee discount is at 85 percent and will change in July of this year to 90 percent. When the new DC is adopted in April 2025, the DC fee discount will be reset to 80 percent. In other words, the developers will be paying 80 percent of the stated fees when the new DC is adopted. 1.86%1.72% 3.70%2.75% 5.75% 2.91%2.19% 15.34% 14.54% 5.47% 0.00% 2.00% 4.00% 6.00% 8.00% 10.00% 12.00% 14.00% 16.00% 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Historical Non-Residential Building Construction Price Index (NRCPI) NRBCPI 10-year Average NRBCPI 12 FIN 06-24 March 25, 2024 Subject: 2024 Financial Housekeeping Report Page 13 Good News! – There Appears to be No Reassessment Planned for 2024 In 1998, the Province of Ontario introduced the new Ontario Fair Assessment System (OFAS). The purpose of this new assessment system was to eliminate the historical inconsistent measure of property values across the Province and to enhance the level of fairness and equity into the assessment and property tax system. The new assessment system uses a Province-wide valuation date to establish the theoretical value of each property (structure/land) based on the principle that the value of the property is determ ined between a willing buyer and seller from an arm’s length transaction perspective. Last year (2023) was the eighth year of the Province’s four-year reassessment cycle. The current value assessment is based on a valuation date of January 1, 2016. Assessment - related increases are phased-in over four years, and assessment-related decreases are implemented immediately. The City does not receive any additional revenue as a result of reassessment. The corresponding property tax rates are adjusted for the increase in reassessment values to create an overall property tax neutral position on a total property class basis. Inevitably, when there is an overall change in assessment values, there is shifting of the property tax burden among property classes, and as well among individual property owners within each property class. Staff’s preliminary analysis indicates, that when the re- assessment is implemented, that will probably be a shift in property tax responsibility (dollars) from the commercial to the industrial property tax class due to the simple reason that cost of residential housing has increased at a faster rate then commercial properties. On the front page, on the bottom left corner, of the Final Residential Property Tax Bill is a schedule entitled “Explanation of Tax changes from 2023 to 2024”. This schedule includes a line called Tax change due to Reassessment and this line will be zero for this year. Historically, the annual Provincial Budget has been the trigger for the announcement of the next reassessment cycle. The most recent Provincial Budget was silent on the next reassessment and therefore, it appears that there will not be a reassessment for 2024. Debt Capacity and Annual Repayment Limit (ARL) Managing the debt capacity of the City is essential due to the financial limitations imposed by the Province through the ARL. Ontario Regulation 403/02 issued under the Municipal Act, permits a maximum of 25 percent of net operating revenues to be used to fund principal and interest charges on debt. For Pickering, the net operating revenues consists of the following major revenue sources: •Property tax revenue •User fee and charges •Fines, penalties & interest on taxes •License fees, permit fees & rental income •Gaming & casino revenues On January 18, 2024, staff reported on the City’s Capital Project Priorities and the related financial implications in report FIN 01-24. Council adopted the following capital priorities: 13 FIN 06-24 Subject: 2024 Financial Housekeeping Report March 25, 2024 Page 14 1)Seaton Recreation Complex & Library with an estimated total project cost of $243.0 million (design, construction, and furniture & fixtures). 2)Pickering City Centre Project Phase One (City Centre Park) with an estimated total project cost of $15.0 million. 3)The PHCC with an estimated total project cost of $61.2 million. The total gross cost of the three priorities is $319.2 million with the large percentage of the cost being debt funded. These priorities, along the other capital projects, are reflected in the 2024 Capital Budget and 2025-2033 Capital Forecast. The proper use of debt is an essential component of the City’s fiscal strategy. The use of debt promotes intergenerational equity. By borrowing, Pickering can distribute the cost of the asset over the lifetime of the asset. The ARL will be monitored and reported annually to ensure that the City balances the requirements of the forecast capital program with the City’s financial capacity, and maintain flexibility to address emerging priorities over time. City’s Debt Capacity Measured Against the ARL Limit Currently, interest rates are higher than in the recent past and the Bank of Canada has indicated that it will continue holding the current rates until inflation decreases to its target rate of two percent. As a result, the current financial debt strategy is to defer the issuance of debt until the beginning of 2026 for major projects such as the PHCC, major fire vehicles, 0.00% 2.50% 5.00% 7.50% 10.00% 12.50% 15.00% 17.50% 20.00% 22.50% 25.00% 27.50% 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 ARL City %Projection City Target 14 FIN 06-24 March 25, 2024 Subject: 2024 Financial Housekeeping Report Page 15 replacement of Bayly Street fire station and the new animal shelter. The financial impact of the debt issuance delay is reflected in the above chart where there is a substantial upward increase in the ARL line. However, it should be noted that this plan will be monitored and the timing of the borrowing may change depending on actual project activity and cash flow requirements. The current financial strategy for the new Seaton Recreation Complex & Library is to issue the debt into two parts: 2027 and 2028 . High Level Financial Work Plan Please find below a high level summary of the Finance Department key work plan objectives. The summary below excludes the important day-to-day activities undertaken by all of the Finance staff as it relates to accounting, payroll, property taxes and purchasing . The work plan is to highlight major tasks to be undertaken or required to maintain the City’s financial strategy. 15 FIN 06-24 March 25, 2024 Subject: 2024 Financial Housekeeping Report Page 16 Financial Workplan (Present to July 1, 2025) June September November 29 April 2025 June 2025 July 1 2025 Complete ARO 2023 Fin. Statements 2025 Current & Capital Budgets DC & CBC Studies 2024 Fin. Statements AM O Reg. 588/17 16 FIN 06-24 Subject: 2024 Financial Housekeeping Report March 25, 2024 Page 17 Asset Retirement Obligation (ARO) As stated in FIN 04-24, there is a small City-wide team working with Deloitte consultants to implement the requirements of Public Sector Accounting Standards 3280 . The goal is to have this project completed by June of this year. 2023 Financial Statements The external auditors are starting their work in June with the target goal of having the financial statements to be presented at the September Council meeting . In order to finalize the financial statements, the ARO work has to be completed. 2025 Current & Capital Budget & 9 Year Forecast The goal is to present the Mayor’s 2025 Budget by November 29, 2024 . Similar to the 2024 budget, staff would deliver the budget binders to Councillors on November 29th and post the complete document on the City’s website on the same day. If required, a possible meeting day to discuss the 2025 budget could be December 16th, which is also the scheduled Council meeting day for that month. The budget work plan is to start working on budgets in June, with the Senior Staff Recommended Capital Budget Book to be posted on the City’s website in early November to solicit the feedback from Pickering residents. Completion of the Development Charges (DC) and Community Benefit Charges (CBC) Studies There is a need to revise the DC & CBC studies to address the growth related capital funding shortfall mainly due to higher capital construction costs. As stated earlier in the report, this work has to be completed before the City can consider approving the construction of the Seaton Recreation Complex & Library. The work plan is attainable due to the fact the 2025 budget will be completed, providing staff the time to undertake this large and time consuming process. In other words, to hit the April target date, we need to have the 2025 budget completed early in the year. This project will commence in April of this year and the goal is to try to achieve workload efficiencies where possible, by linking growth capital budget development activity with the development of the 2025 Capital Budget and corresponding forecast. Asset Management Ont. Reg. 588/17 Ontario Regulation 588/17 establishes a deadline on or before July 1, 2026, for municipalities to have an approved asset management plan for all municipal infrastructure assets . This includes identifying proposed levels of service, outlining the activities needed to meet these levels of service, and developing a strategy to fund these activities . There is a City-wide management team already working on this project to meet the reporting deadline. One of the requirements under this regulation is to have a 10 year capital forecast which the City would have already completed as part of the 2025 Capital Budget. 17 FIN 06-24 March 25, 2004 Subject: 2024 Financial Housekeeping Report Page 18 Attachments: 1.FIN 030 Financial Control Policy 2.ADM 190 Council Compensation Policy Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: Danna Munns James Halsall Senior Budgets and Financial Analyst Division Head, Finance Stan Karwowski Director, Finance & Treasurer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Marisa Carpino, M.A. Chief Administrative Officer 18 pickering.ca January 4, 2024 City of Pickering Senior Staff Recommended 2024 Draft Capital Budget & Forecast 19 pickering.ca Introduction Page 2 Financial Budget Basics Assessment Update Property Tax Pie Understanding City’s Capital Budget Infrastructure Challenges Capital Budget Funding Strategies Casino Reserve Senior Staff Recommended 2024 Capital Budget & Forecast 2024 Budget Timetable 20 pickering.ca Budget Basics Assessment Update Page 3 Current Market Value What is my home worth today? >MPAC Assessment Value January 1, 2016 MPAC Assessment value is based on the value of the price that your property might reasonably have sold for in its current state and condition on January 1, 2016 between a willing buyer and seller. House Purchased for $1.0 Million Average Assessment Value would be $487,000 51.3% Decrease 21 pickering.ca Impact of Delayed Reassessment on Residential Property Taxes Page 4 For 2024, the reassessment is being delayed to post 2025? Therefore, there should be no financial impact due to reassessment. The highlighted line should be ZERO for 2024. 22 pickering.ca How is the Residential Tax Bill Allocated? Pickering 31.20% Durham Region 55.62% School Boards 13.18% Residential Tax Bill Pickering Share Page 5 23 pickering.ca Page 6 2023 24 pickering.ca Property Tax Allocation by Major Property Tax Class Page 7 25 pickering.ca Understanding City’s Capital Infrastructure Challenges Page 8 Notes 10. Tangible Capital Assets Balances As of December 31, 2022 Machinery Information Buildings Equipment Vehicles Infrastructure Technology Balance - End of Year $120,021,423 $12,966,083 $19,191,883 $315,640,617 $2,501,920 Accum Amortization - Bal End of Year 58,675,102- 7,443,196- 10,671,721- 184,398,237- 1,773,822- Net Book Value $61,346,321 $5,522,887 $8,520,162 $131,242,380 $728,098 Asset Consumption 48.89% 57.41% 55.61% 58.42% 70.90% (Lower is Better) 26 pickering.ca Infrastructure Investments & Funding Challenges Page 9 Old Facilities: Don Beer Arena (54 years) Rec Complex (41 years) George Ashe Library Community Centre (23 years) New Facilities ($ Millions) Animal Shelter Est. ($9.8) Seaton Rec Complex Est. ($243.1) 27 pickering.ca Building Maintenance Costs Page 10 28 pickering.ca Capital Project Cost Inflation Page 11 Fire Pumper 2020 Budget - $1.0 Million 2023 Budget - $2.0 Million Seaton Rec Complex & Library 2022 Budget - $114.0 Million 2024 Est. Budget - $243.1 Million The City has 12 Large Fire Vehicles 29 pickering.ca Higher Interest Rates Equals Higher Debt Costs Page 12 Actual Estimated Comparison of Debt Costs 2020 2024 $10 Million - Total Interest Cost (10 Year Debt)$814,715 $3,715,829 An increase of $2,901,114 or 456.0%. 30 pickering.ca Capital Budget Funding Strategies Page 13 Raise Taxes Senior Gov’t Grant Funding Strategic Assess. Growth Use Reserves To Defer or Delay a capital project is an option that is also considered. Partnerships Borrow 31 pickering.ca Senior Government Funding Page 14 Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund or OCIF is used to fund Roads projects as listed in the capital budget document (Pages 113-119). In 2024, the Province is providing the City $2.572 million. Canada Community Building Fund or CCBF was formerly known as Federal Gas Tax funding. The City uses these dollars to fund road resurfacing and energy efficient projects. In 2024, the City will receive $3,118,419 in funding from the CCBF. Where applicable, the City will always apply for senior government grant funding. However, it should be noted that the applications or funding requests from the many municipalities usually exceeds the dollars being provided. Grant funding is subject to a very competitive process. Funding Used in the Draft 2024 Capital Budget OCIF (Provincial) $3,060,000 CCBF or FGT 2,689,000 Federal Grants (Museum)977,000 Total $6,726,000 32 pickering.ca Partnership Funding Page 15 The City is currently in a partnership funding arrangement with Chestnut Hill Developments (for naming rights) and the City receives $75,000 per year. These dollars are applied toward the debt charges associated with the recent renovation to the facility. The City is always willing to consider partnership funding for capital projects as long as the financial scenario results in a “win/win” for all parties. 33 pickering.ca Assessment Growth Page 16 $3,393,053 The increase in growth is mainly in the residential property tax class. 34 pickering.ca Strategic Assessment Growth Property Taxes Economic Development from a Property Tax Lens Property taxes prior to development Farm Tax Class –Pays 20% at the Residential Tax Rate Total Property Taxes per Acre = $37.00 Property taxes after development Commercial Tax Class Total Property Taxes per Acre = $154,272 Page 17 Farmland Development City Share Only $11.00 $34,600 Average Per Acre Property Taxes 35 pickering.ca Strategic Assessment Growth Economic Benefits From a Property Taxes Lens Innovation Corridor Page 18 In 2023, the City share of the property tax levy was $84.073 million. The economic potential of the full development of the Innovation Corridor represents 30.87% of the total property taxes levied in 2023. City Potential Share Only Property Acres Taxes Per Acre Taxes 750 34,600$ 25,950,000$ Ongoing Property Tax Revenues 36 pickering.ca Pickering’s Preliminary 2024 Debt Picture Page 19 Original Borrowed Amount ($) Outstanding Principal Balance A Total "Issued" Debt Commitments-Dec 31, 2023 56,465,116$ 42,051,534$ Add: B Debt Funded Projects from Prior Year's Budgets 10,401,700 C 2024 Debt Funded Projects 1,240,000 D Estimated City Debt Commitments - Dec 31, 2024 53,693,234$ 37 pickering.ca Major Debt Financed Capital Projects Page 20 Top 5 Largest Outstanding Debt Financed Projects Project Year Borrowed Term Borrowed Amount Outstanding Principal Dec 31, 2023 % Out Standing New Operations Centre 2017 20 9,907,000$ 7,486,000$ 75.56% Construction of a New Fire Station and Headquarters on Zent Drive 2021 20 8,978,000 8,246,000 91.85% Chestnut Hill Developments Recreation Complex - Lobby & Core Area Renovations – Construction 2021 20 5,600,000 5,154,000 92.04% Purchase of Land for the Construction of 401 Overpass 2022 20 4,373,000 4,227,000 96.66% Indoor Soccer Facility 2014 15 3,734,000 1,699,000 45.50% Total 32,592,000$ 26,812,000$ 38 pickering.ca Debt Reduction Strategy for 2024 Page 21 39 pickering.ca ARL Annual Repayment Limit (ARL), O. Reg 403/02: • This limit represents the maximum amount that a municipality can commit to payments relating to debt or financial obligation • ARL = 25 % x Net Own Source Revenues The ARL limit is capped at 25% of own source revenues Own Source Revenues includes property taxes, user fees, investment income and casino revenues. The ARL should be viewed as your Provincial Credit Card Debt Limit The debt limit includes: DC Debt, Third Party Debt (Pickering Soccer Club for the Dome) and taxpayer debt. Page 22 40 pickering.ca Annual Repayment Limit Page 23 41 pickering.ca Reserves & Reserve Funds Reserves and Reserve Funds is a mechanism to legally save money to finance purchases of future infrastructure, equipment and other requirements • Provide a degree of financial stability by reducing reliance on indebtedness to finance capital projects • Helps mitigate the need to raise taxes or cut services in order to finance capital projects and other requirements • Can be viewed as a “savings account” with a specific intent Reserve/reserve funds should be established with a clear intent or plan in mind regarding the future purpose, use and, when appropriate, replenishment of funds from the reserve/reserve fund Page 24 42 pickering.ca Reserves & Reserve Funds Page 25 Obligatory Reserve Funds: Funds created whenever a statute requires that funds received by segregated from the general revenues of the municipality (i.e. Development charges, Parkland acquisitions) Discretionary Reserve Funds: Funds established at the discretion of Council (by law) and earmarked for a specific purpose (i.e. Roads & Bridges, Stormwater Management 43 pickering.ca Reserve & Reserve Funds General Philosophy The City “deposits” funds in Reserve/RF in Year A and then uses the funds in Year B. Evidence of this approach, can be seen in our consumable reserves such as vehicles and major equipment reserves. The 2023 Budget reflected a contribution of $1.6 million to the vehicles reserve and these dollars will be used in the 2024 budget to fund vehicle purchases. Page 26 44 pickering.ca Reserve & Reserve Funds (Excluding DCs) Page 27 45 pickering.ca Senior Staff Recommended Use of the Casino Reserve Page 28 Capital 11,191,000$ Current 1,868,050 Bill 23 Shortfall 2,500,000 Preliminary Est. Dividend Shortfall 1,452,800 Other cost Pressures 2,150,000 Total 19,161,850$ 46 pickering.ca Page 29 Major Capital Projects Funded By Casino Reserve 2024 Capital Asset Investments Page No. Beachfront Park Master Plan 5,050,000 145 CHDRC - Tennis Court Flooring Replacement 2,210,000 32 CHDRC - Arena Overflow Parking 800,000 39 City Centre Phase 1 - Glenanna Park - Design 750,000 153 Brockridge Community Park - Parking Lot Improvements 550,000 80 Pickering Heritage Community Centre Museum and Library - Furniture & Equipment 425,000 27 & 181 Accessible Pedestrian Signals 400,000 102 Claremont Memorial Park - Playground Reconstruction 400,000 148 Diana, Princess of Wales Park - Playground Replacement 200,000 157 Ernie L. Stroud Park - New Multi-Use Court 156,000 81 Outdoor Pickelball Court Complex - Design 150,000 143 Beachlawn Park - New Multi-Use Court 100,000 156 11,191,000 47 pickering.ca 2024 Key Draft Capital Budget Highlights Page 30 Department Description Community Services C10260.2101 Seaton Community Centre - Design 18,000,000$ Engineering Services C10320.2206 Beachfront Park Master Plan 10,100,000 Library C10905.2101 Seaton Regional Library - Design 4,950,000 Fire Services C10700.2401 FS #5 Replacement 4,600,000 Public Works C10300.2307 Vehicle Storage Shed 2,350,000 Engineering Services C10572.2405 Geranium Homes - Claremont Neighbourhood Park 2,271,200 Community Services C10225.2407 Tennis Court Flooring Replacement 2,210,000 Engineering Services C10572.2418 Neighbourhood Park - Seaton P-107 2,204,400 Engineering Services C10572.2401 Neighbourhood Park, Seaton P-131 1,688,700 Engineering Services C10572.2414 Neighbourhood Park - Seaton P-124 1,529,700 49,904,000$ 48 pickering.ca 2024 Financing of Draft Capital Budget Page 31 49 pickering.ca Page 32 Preliminary Draft Budget 2024 Timetable Mayor Ashe’s Budget (Capital & Current) will be posted on the City’s Website on January 30, 2024. The staff work plan is to include a 2024 draft capital budget with a nine year forecast. Ontario Regulation, 530/22, requires that the “Budget” be made available to the public by February 1 to be considered as the Mayor’s Budget. Council approved the 2024 User Fee Schedule at the December Council meeting and this document is posted on the City’s website. 50 pickering.ca Page 33 Summary The City faces financial pressures/challenges as it relates to the Current and Capital Budget for this year and for the remainder of the term. The opportunity is how to address these budget challenges in a fiscally responsible manner both for the current year, medium and long term basis. How is the City Able To Meet this Challenge? The City has bench strength as it relates to the composition of Council with four Members bringing the experience, wisdom and expertise of managing the City through the recent COVID environment. The new Councillors bring new business skills and perspectives and strongly complements the experienced elected team. The Current Council working together with the experienced senior (staff) management team will develop options and financial flexibility to maximize opportunities for the short, medium and long term for the benefit of Pickering residents. 51 pickering.ca Page 34 52 2024 Budget 2024 2023 Increase Draft Budget (Decrease)Budget 1 City Revenues ($52,033,905)($10,086,158)($62,120,063)-12.00% 2 Est. Casino Gaming Revenues (16,000,000)(2,830,000)(18,830,000)-3.37% 3 Supplementary Tax Revenues (500,000)(100,000)(600,000)-0.12% 4 2024 Assessment Growth 0 (3,393,000)(3,393,000)-4.04% 5 Sub Total Lines (1 to 4)($68,533,905)($16,409,158)($84,943,063)-19.52% 6 City Expenditures $138,892,481 $16,240,581 $155,133,062 19.32% 7 Transfer to Casino Reserve 16,000,000 2,830,000 18,830,000 3.37% 8 Capital From Current 668,000 82,000 750,000 0.10% 9 Sub Total (Lines 6 to 8)$155,560,481 $19,152,581 $174,713,062 22.78% 10 Net City (Lines 5 Minus 9)$87,026,576 2,743,423 $89,769,999 3.26% One-Time Funding City Use of One Time Funds: 11 Rate Stabilization Reserve (1,500,000)(1,500,000)0.00% Funding of Major Cost Pressures From Casino Reserve 12 Bill 23 (DC Fee Reduction)(3,500,000)1,000,000 (2,500,000)1.19% 13 Elexicon Dividend Decrease (1,452,744)224,000 (1,228,744)0.27% 14 Sub Total (Lines 11 to 13)(6,452,744)1,224,000 (5,228,744)1.46% 15 Base Budget (L10 Plus 14)$80,573,832 $3,967,422.80 $84,541,255 4.72% 16 Add: Bill 23 - DC Funding Shortfall 3,500,000 (1,000,000)2,500,000 -1.19% Four Staff - 4th Class FireFighters 387,900 387,900 0.46% 17 Recommended Budget $84,073,832 $3,355,323 $87,429,155 3.99% School Boards City Estimated Region Total Percentage 13.18% 31.20% 55.62% 100.00% Est. Levy Inc.3.99%7.50% Impact on Tax Bill 1.25%4.17%5.42% City of Pickering Residential Levy Impact 5/2/2024 53 City of Pickering 2024 Current Budget Reconciliation Mayor’s Recommended Current Budget as Presented on January 30, 2024 and Deemed Adopted on March 1, 2024 $87,429,155 Report FIN 06-24 Housekeeping Budget Changes (Council Resolution #440/24): Transfer Funding for Additional Community Grants: From: General Government Grants to Organizations - Contingency 11100.503050 ($9,570) To: Pickering Lawn Bowling Club 11100.503050 $2,070 To: Purpose Church 11100.503050 $3,000 To: The Redeemer Christian Church of God 11100.503050 $4,500 - 2024 Current Budget Deemed Adopted on March 1, 2024 in Accordance with the Municipal Act as adjusted for Housekeeping Budget Changes Report items $87,429,155 54 Salary Benefits Total Cost Office of the CAO Government & Stakeholder Relationship Specialist 1-Jan 1.0 $101,920 $30,600 $132,520 Community Engagement Coordinator (net cost) (conversion from contract to part-time) 1-Jan 0.5 - 3,265 3,265 1.5 $101,920 $33,865 $135,785 Supervisor, Pickering Museum Village 1-Jan 1.0 107,100 32,100 139,200 Less: Part-time Childcare redundant positions 1-Jan -2.5 (129,630) (25,150) (154,780) Facility Operator 1-Apr 2.0 87,800 26,400 114,200 Volunteer Coordinator (conversion from part-time) 1-Apr 1.0 55,300 16,600 71,900 Less: Part-time Volunteer Coordinator 1-Apr -0.5 (44,000) (7,900) (51,900) Graphic Assistant (net cost) (conversion from term to part-time) 1-Jan 0.5 $5,500 $4,400 $9,900 1.5 82,070$ 46,450$ 128,520$ Operations Heavy Equipment Operator I 1-Jan 2.0 $150,050 $45,015 $195,065 Maintenance Worker, Roads 1-Jan 2.0 144,310 43,300 187,610 Maintenance Worker, Parks & Property 1-Jan 2.0 144,310 43,300 187,610 Coordinator, SAP 1-Jan 1.0 88,635 26,590 115,225 7.0 $527,305 $158,205 $685,510 Corporate Services Senior Project Manager, Digital Services 1-Jan 1.0 $129,440 $36,300 $165,740 Parking Control Officer 1-Jan 1.0 68,160 20,450 88,610 By-law Enforcement Officer (Part-time)1-Jan 1.0 68,170 12,600 80,770 3.0 $265,770 $69,350 $335,120 Engineering Services Coordinator, Forestry Management 1-Jan 1.0 $112,900 $33,880 $146,780 Finance Purchasing Contract Specialist 1-Jan 1.0 $78,500 $23,500 $102,000 Fire Services Firefighters 1-Jan 4.0 $298,300 $89,600 $387,900 Total 19.00 $1,466,765 $454,850 $1,921,615 City of Pickering 2024 New Full & Part Time Permanent Positions 2024 Property Tax Impact Community Services Effective Date # of PositionsDepartmentPosition 55 City of Pickering 2024 Current Budget Pickering's 2024 Budget Levy Increase is 1.25% on the Total Tax Bill 0.00%1.00%2.00%3.00%4.00%5.00%6.00% 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 1.25%4.17% 1.96% 2.25% 1.54% 1.98% 5.31% City Region Total Tax Bill Budget Levy Increases From 2020 to 2024 1.00% 2.00% 3.00% 4.00% 5.00% 6.00% 7.00% 8.00% 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2.25% 1.54%1.98% 5.31%5.42% 2.99% 1.45%1.79% 7.99% 3.99% Total Tax Bill City Share 5.42%* *Based on an estimate of the Durham Region levy increase of 7.5% 56 2024 Budget Average Daily Cost of Municipal Services Average Daily Cost of Municipal Services: 6.31$ 23.2% Fire Services $1.46 20.7% Roads & Water Network 1.31$ 7.2% Library 0.45$ 8.0% Parks & Property 0.51$ 4.2% Debt Servicing Costs 0.27$ 5.6% Community & Recreation Centres 0.35$ 6.5% Corporate Services 0.41$ 4.1% Culture & Recreation - Other 0.26$ 1.4% City Development 0.09$ 1.6% Mayor, Council & Council Support 0.10$ 1.2% Streetlights 0.08$ 1.2% Recreation Programs 0.08$ 0.7% Animal Services 0.04$ 0.6% Customer Care 0.04$ 1% Museum 0.06$ 0.7% Crossing Guards 0.04$ 1.1% Arenas 0.07$ 0.8% Community Grants 0.05$ 0.1% By-law Services 0.01$ 10.2% All Other Areas 0.63$ * Calculated based on the average assesed value of $612,000 for a residential property. 57 Full Accrual Budget The City of Pickering, like most municipalities, prepares its Current Budget on the traditional cash basis. This provides a clear and concise presentation of the property taxes needed to fund City operations each year. This cash-based budget also determines the tax rate to be approved by Mayor and Council. Since 2009, changes by the Public Sector Accounting Board (PSAB) require municipalities to prepare financial statements on a full-accrual basis, including reporting Tangible Capital Assets (TCA) in the statement of financial position, and amortizing the assets over their useful lives in the statement of operations. Under Ontario Regulation 284/09, all municipalities are required to report on the impact that tangible capital asset purchases and amortization expense, as well as other non- cash items such as post-employment benefits and debt principle payments, have on the cash-based budget. This full-accrual budget presentation provides a complete picture of the long-term financial health of the City and is consistent with the City’s full-accrual accounting in the financial statements. The estimated net increase in the 2024 accumulated surplus of the City resulting from the exclusion of non-cash items from the cash-based Current Budget is summarized below: PSAB Additions to 2024 Budget (Reduces Surplus) Amortization Expense ($12,555,100) Post-Employment Benefits Expense (897,000) Total PSAB Additions ($13,452,000) PSAB Reduction to 2024 Budget (Increases Surplus) Tangible Capital Asset Acquisition $20,328,000 Net Transfers to/from Reserves and Reserve Funds 3,979,500 Debt Principal Payments 3,352,000 Total PSAB Reductions $27,659,500 Net Increase in Accumulated Surplus $14,207,500 58 Department Expenditures Office of the CAO - Administration10000 583,867 27,481 611,348 4.71% Customer Care Centre10005 506,916 12,339 519,255 2.43% Public Affairs & Corp. Comm.10010 1,379,019 148,327 1,527,346 10.76% Economic Development & Strategic Projects10050 1,171,582 798,776 1,970,358 68.18% City Development - Administration10100 1,015,573 (133,955)881,618 (13.19%) Planning & Design10105 5,258,525 695,415 5,953,940 13.22% Building Services10110 2,563,745 360,399 2,924,144 14.06% Sustainability10115 870,335 355,475 1,225,810 40.84% Committee of Adjustment10120 11,778 466 12,244 3.96% Heritage Pickering10125 17,525 1,000 18,525 5.71% Culture & Recreation - Administration10200 4,222,283 (902,725)3,319,558 (21.38%) Programs10205 3,344,383 (246,352)3,098,031 (7.37%) Cultural Services10207 - 1,761,895 1,761,895 - % Dunbarton Pool10210 536,204 49,616 585,820 9.25% Don Beer Arena10215 1,530,349 321,233 1,851,582 20.99% Community Centres10220 892,171 259,268 1,151,439 29.06% Recreation Complex - Central Core10225 3,951,930 (114,470)3,837,460 (2.90%) Recreation Complex - Pool10230 980,768 (26,486)954,282 (2.70%) Recreation Complex - Arenas10235 1,149,023 43,243 1,192,266 3.76% Civic Centre10240 1,199,128 133,312 1,332,440 11.12% Senior Citizens Centre10245 612,699 42,075 654,774 6.87% Museum10250 1,638,549 (311,671)1,326,878 (19.02%) Pickering Arts Centre10255 - - - - % Public Works - Administration10300 1,022,806 82,865 1,105,671 8.10% Property Maintenance10305 1,727,186 18,889 1,746,075 1.09% Fleet Services10310 2,324,003 82,579 2,406,582 3.55% Roads10315 9,177,349 1,146,810 10,324,159 12.50% Parks10320 5,649,424 696,883 6,346,307 12.34% Operations Services10325 1,611,829 55,088 1,666,917 3.42% Major Capital Facilities10330 189,975 435,431 625,406 229.20% Legal Services10400 995,053 (96,313)898,740 (9.68%) Information Technology10405 3,892,845 291,267 4,184,112 7.48% Clerks Office10410 674,502 190,511 865,013 28.24% Records Management & Elections10415 177,016 19,609 196,625 11.08% Print Shop/Mail Room10420 561,750 21,373 583,123 3.80% 2023 Budget Increase / (Decrease) 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 2024 Departmental Expenditures by Cost Centre 59 By-Law10425 2,117,671 278,173 2,395,844 13.14% Animal Services10430 766,832 56,130 822,962 7.32% Engineering Services - Administration10500 3,166,507 329,314 3,495,821 10.40% Crossing Guards10505 434,140 166,895 601,035 38.44% Water Resources & Development Services10510 2,658,578 (159,858)2,498,720 (6.01%) Sidewalks10515 685,654 (195,649)490,005 (28.53%) Streetlights10520 1,024,720 99,301 1,124,021 9.69% Finance10600 5,115,639 924,543 6,040,182 18.07% Supply & Services10605 707,863 26,161 734,024 3.70% Fire Protection10700 20,543,920 1,196,938 21,740,858 5.83% Emergency Operations10705 184,642 6,272 190,914 3.40% Human Resources10800 1,584,875 69,873 1,654,748 4.41% Health & Safety10805 200,132 (4,381)195,751 (2.19%) Library10900 6,671,192 209,740 6,880,932 3.14% TOTAL 107,302,455 9,223,105 116,525,560 8.60% 2023 Budget Increase / (Decrease) 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 2024 Departmental Expenditures by Cost Centre 60 Departmental Revenues Public Affairs & Corp. Comm.10010 (161,985)61,985 (100,000)(38.27%) Economic Development & Strategic Projects10050 (202,250)(733,540)(935,790)362.69% City Development - Administration10100 (145,000)143,000 (2,000)(98.62%) Planning & Design10105 (3,537,480)242,206 (3,295,274)(6.85%) Building Services10110 (4,235,000)(535,000)(4,770,000)12.63% Sustainability10115 (202,750)(270,340)(473,090)133.34% Culture & Recreation - Administration10200 (587,300)301,300 (286,000)(51.30%) Programs10205 (2,481,950)(656,138)(3,138,088)26.44% Cultural Services10207 - (201,800)(201,800) - % Dunbarton Pool10210 (132,440)700 (131,740)(0.53%) Don Beer Arena10215 (1,087,650)(33,550)(1,121,200)3.08% Community Centres10220 (199,380)5,980 (193,400)(3.00%) Recreation Complex - Central Core10225 (1,239,690)(30,310)(1,270,000)2.44% Recreation Complex - Pool10230 (271,960)(6,561)(278,521)2.41% Recreation Complex - Arenas10235 (846,700)(47,400)(894,100)5.60% Civic Centre10240 (323,790)(136,250)(460,040)42.08% Senior Citizens Centre10245 (206,400)(53,244)(259,644)25.80% Museum10250 (753,650)360,450 (393,200)(47.83%) Public Works - Administration10300 (175,850)(15,250)(191,100)8.67% Property Maintenance10305 (60,100)(30,050)(90,150)50.00% Fleet Services10310 (193,000)12,400 (180,600)(6.42%) Roads10315 (425,050)136,925 (288,125)(32.21%) Parks10320 (259,000)224,000 (35,000)(86.49%) Operations Services10325 (46,000) - (46,000) - % Legal Services10400 (159,000)(109,000)(268,000)68.55% Information Technology10405 (251,680)251,680 - (100.00%) Clerks Office10410 (323,000)(35,000)(358,000)10.84% By-Law10425 (1,827,600)(494,500)(2,322,100)27.06% Animal Services10430 (180,300)(12,950)(193,250)7.18% Engineering Services - Administration10500 (235,000)(19,000)(254,000)8.09% Water Resources & Development Services10510 (1,317,540)(152,460)(1,470,000)11.57% Streetlights10520 (500) - (500) - % Finance10600 (4,316,000)(960,000)(5,276,000)22.24% Fire Protection10700 (231,000)20,000 (211,000)(8.66%) 2023 Budget Increase / (Decrease) 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 2024 Departmental Revenues by Cost Centre 61 Emergency Operations10705 (150,000) - (150,000) - % Human Resources10800 (240,540)64,940 (175,600)(27.00%) Library10900 (305,425)22,305 (283,120)(7.30%) TOTAL (27,311,960)(2,684,472)(29,996,432)9.83% 2023 Budget Increase / (Decrease) 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 2024 Departmental Revenues by Cost Centre 62 Departmental Transfers Public Affairs & Corp. Comm.10010 (160,475)160,475 - (100.00%) Economic Development & Strategic Projects10050 (114,435)(111,754)(226,189)97.66% Planning & Design10105 (619,540)(501,364)(1,120,904)80.93% Sustainability10115 (25,000)(95,440)(120,440)381.76% Culture & Recreation - Administration10200 (332,087)111,068 (221,019)(33.45%) Programs10205 (136,900)136,900 - (100.00%) Cultural Services10207 - (411,600)(411,600)- % Recreation Complex - Central Core10225 (125,000)125,000 - (100.00%) Property Maintenance10305 (467,395)(197,160)(664,555)42.18% Roads10315 (76,500)61,500 (15,000)(80.39%) Parks10320 (22,380) - (22,380)- % Operations Services10325 (159,705)46,256 (113,449)(28.96%) Major Capital Facilities10330 (189,975)(435,431)(625,406)229.20% Legal Services10400 (211,480)53,390 (158,090)(25.25%) Information Technology10405 (67,000)67,000 - (100.00%) By-Law10425 - (20,000)(20,000)- % Engineering Services - Administration10500 (199,973)55,665 (144,308)(27.84%) Water Resources & Development Services10510 (482,726)235,150 (247,576)(48.71%) Sidewalks10515 (450,000)225,000 (225,000)(50.00%) Streetlights10520 (4,372)(9,999)(14,371)228.71% Finance10600 (234,650)(276,950)(511,600)118.03% Fire Protection10700 (112,500)(15,146)(127,646)13.46% Human Resources10800 (25,000)(6,272)(31,272)25.09% Health & Safety10805 (35,000)10,000 (25,000)(28.57%) Library10900 21,250 (56,425)(35,175)(265.53%) TOTAL (4,230,843)(850,137)(5,080,980)20.09% 2023 Budget Increase / (Decrease) 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 2024 Departmental Transfers by Cost Centre 63 / City -C1of ­P1CKER1NG '\ / ' , The Corporation of the City of Pickering Organization Structure Mayor Members of Council ' .I Chief Administrative Officer ..I City of Pickering Employee Complement 136 Non-Union Full-Time (NUFT) 386 Union Full-Time (UFT) 46 Union Part-Time (UPT) 341 Union Term (UFTT & UPTT) 11 O Temp Non-Union / 'I ' Office of the Chief Administrative Officer (Chart No. 2t 'I / ' ' Community Corporate '-t'. -:-\/ Economic Development Engineering Finance / ' / Fire Services Human Development Services Services & Strategic Projects Services Department Department Resources Department Department Department Department Department Department (Chart No. 3) (Chart No. 4) (Chart No. 5) (Chart No. 6) (Chart No. 7) (Chart No. 8) (Chart No. 9) (Chart No. 10) ' '---'-'--\.. '--'-- Authorized by: Chief Administrative Officer / Operations '\ Department (Chart No. 11) '-- January 1, 2024 Chart No. 1 64 65 66 Expenditures 1,828,734 1,494,229 Salaries & Wages 1,411,789 222,752 1,634,541 15.78% 1,064 5,128 Overtime 2,000 - 2,000 - % 434,748 386,486 Employee Benefits 369,808 61,515 431,323 16.63% 6,178 6,839 Conferences 10,000 2,500 12,500 25.00% 16,346 20,354 Seminars & Education 31,500 (1,200)30,300 (3.81%) 18,609 13,617 Travel 18,550 1,250 19,800 6.74% 17,731 3,025 Business Development 3,000 - 3,000 - % 182 - Freight, Express & Cartage - - - - % 9,573 9,114 Cellular Phones 14,900 (1,460)13,440 (9.80%) 24,299 20,853 Telephone & Data 25,200 1,000 26,200 3.97% 572 552 Internet 445 - 445 - % 18,273 9,351 Advertising 13,000 31,000 44,000 238.46% 6,000 - Trade Shows,Exhibits & Displays - - - - % 1,325 2,630 Subscriptions & Publications 3,545 (225)3,320 (6.35%) 6,365 4,470 Brochures/Newsletters Printing 5,000 - 5,000 - % 3,427 4,379 Photo, Mapping, Print 5,500 - 5,500 - % 8,920 8,360 Insurance Premium 8,360 1,255 9,615 15.01% 439,205 152,049 Consulting & Professional Fees 227,575 (182,575)45,000 (80.23%) 58,405 28,548 Meals, Promotions & General 37,000 (1,000)36,000 (2.70%) 10,555 3,235 Memberships 1,740 150 1,890 8.62% 26,210 8,039 Outside Agency Services 117,500 (1,500)116,000 (1.28%) - 16 Building - Repairs & Maintenance - - - - % - - Gas, Oil, Tire, Etc.1,000 100 1,100 10.00% 4,363 2,617 Stationary & Office Supplies 6,100 - 6,100 - % 1,708 158 Programs & Event Supplies 700 - 700 - % 50,758 41,952 Committee Expenses 75,000 62,000 137,000 82.67% 1,474 1,783 Utilities - Hydro 2,300 (400)1,900 (17.39%) 11,876 22,514 Software & Hardware Mtce. Contracts 32,990 (7,015)25,975 (21.26%) 26,580 28,907 Website Support 42,300 - 42,300 - % 998 - System & Software Upgrade - - - - % 142 - Hardware Replacements - - - - % 101 837 Misc. Equipment 3,000 - 3,000 - % 3,034,721 2,280,042 Total Expenditures 2,469,802 188,147 2,657,949 7.62% Revenues - - Federal Grants (61,985)61,985 - (100.00%) 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 2024Office of the CAO Department Current Budget Summary 67 (10,407)(10,264)Ontario Grants - - - - % - - Advertising Space (100,000) - (100,000) - % - (10)Other User Fees - - - - % - - Marketing Sponsors - - - - % (268,396) - Cost Recoveries - - - - % (278,803)(10,274) Total Revenues (161,985)61,985 (100,000)(38.27%) Transfers 27,563 (160,476)Transfer to(from) Cntg Sty Res.(160,475)160,475 - (100.00%) - - Transfer to(from) Reserve - - - - % 27,563 (160,476) Total Transfers (160,475)160,475 - (100.00%) 2,783,481 2,109,292 Net Expenditures (Revenues)2,147,342 410,607 2,557,949 19.12% 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 2024Office of the CAO Department Current Budget Summary 68 Budget vs Actual Net Cost 2019-2023 If actual net cost > budget net cost, the cost centre is in a deficit position. If actual net cost > budget net cost, the cost centre is in a deficit position. $51,225 $170,508 $71,990 $9,807 $10,876 (200,000) (150,000) (100,000) (50,000) 0 50,000 100,000 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 10000 Office of the Chief Administrative Officer $17,580 $44,065 $57,383 $16,252 $35,477 (80,000) (60,000) (40,000) (20,000) 0 20,000 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 10005 Customer Care Centre 69 Budget vs Actual Net Cost 2019-2023 If actual net cost > budget net cost, the cost centre is in a deficit position. $14,795 $22,898 $75,398 $2,377 $62,651 (10,000) 0 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 70,000 80,000 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 10010 Public Affairs & Corp Comm 70 Expenditures 936,375 427,259 Salaries & Wages 422,724 20,334 443,058 4.81% - 260 Overtime 500 - 500 - % 217,637 118,935 Employee Benefits 107,145 7,000 114,145 6.53% 6,178 4,566 Conferences 4,500 - 4,500 - % 77 229 Seminars & Education 2,000 (1,200)800 (60.00%) 18,034 12,690 Travel 15,000 1,000 16,000 6.67% 16,383 - Business Development - - - - % 182 - Freight, Express & Cartage - - - - % 4,920 2,927 Cellular Phones 5,300 (1,320)3,980 (24.91%) 1,749 1,494 Telephone & Data 1,700 (100)1,600 (5.88%) 229 184 Internet 100 - 100 - % 11,169 259 Advertising 3,000 - 3,000 - % 6,000 - Trade Shows,Exhibits & Displays - - - - % 257 460 Subscriptions & Publications 425 (225)200 (52.94%) 2,800 1,628 Insurance Premium 1,628 242 1,870 14.86% 372,228 - Consulting & Professional Fees - 5,000 5,000 - % 47,424 6,775 Meals, Promotions & General 10,000 (3,000)7,000 (30.00%) 5,465 1,204 Memberships 840 150 990 17.86% 20,279 1,832 Outside Agency Services 3,000 (500)2,500 (16.67%) - 16 Building - Repairs & Maintenance - - - - % - - Gas, Oil, Tire, Etc.1,000 100 1,100 10.00% 3,616 1,864 Stationary & Office Supplies 4,500 - 4,500 - % 989 673 Software & Hardware Mtce. Contracts 505 - 505 - % 667 - Website Support - - - - % 142 - Hardware Replacements - - - - % 101 - Misc. Equipment - - - - % 1,672,901 583,255 Total Expenditures 583,867 27,481 611,348 4.71% Revenues - - Federal Grants - - - - % (10,407)(10,264)Ontario Grants - - - - % - - Marketing Sponsors - - - - % (268,396) - Cost Recoveries - - - - % (278,803)(10,264) Total Revenues - - - - % Transfers 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410000 Office of the CAO - Administration Current Budget Summary 71 (132,913) - Transfer to(from) Cntg Sty Res. - - - - % - - Transfer to(from) Reserve - - - - % (132,913) - Total Transfers - - - - % 1,261,185 572,991 Net Expenditures (Revenues)583,867 27,481 611,348 4.71% 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410000 Office of the CAO - Administration Current Budget Summary 72 Expenditures 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages Base Salaries and Wages 443,058 Total 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages 443,058 501010.0000 Overtime To meet service level/workload commitments 500 Total 501010.0000 Overtime 500 501020.0000 Employee Benefits This item includes mandatory deductions (CPP, EI, EHT) and employer provided benefits such as extended health and dental 114,145 Total 501020.0000 Employee Benefits 114,145 501100.0000 Conferences Association of Municipalities of Ontario Conference & Canadian Nuclear Association Conference 3,000 Topical Trade Shows, Conferences & Business Missions 1,500 Total 501100.0000 Conferences 4,500 501110.0000 Seminars & Education Topical Workshop or Course 800 Total 501110.0000 Seminars & Education 800 501130.0000 Travel Car allowance - $1,000 per month - CAO 12,000 Mileage for staff associated with CAO's office 1,000 Airfare & Train for Trade Shows, Conferences & Business Missions 3,000 Total 501130.0000 Travel 16,000 502020.0000 Cellular Phones Annual Smartphone Charges - CAO 2,000 Annual Tablet Charges - CAO 500 Annual Smartphone Charges - Executive Assistant, Chief Administrative Officer 540 Annual Smartphone Charges - Supervisor, Administrative Services 540 SIM Cards (1)400 Total 502020.0000 Cellular Phones 3,980 502030.0000 Telephones & Data Voice / Data 1,600 Total 502030.0000 Telephones & Data 1,600 502040.0000 Internet Internet 100 Total 502040.0000 Internet 100 502100.0000 Advertising Advertising 3,000 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410000 Office of the CAO - Administration Background Information 73 Total 502100.0000 Advertising 3,000 502120.0000 Subscriptions&Publcs Reference materials, journals and reports 200 Total 502120.0000 Subscriptions&Publcs 200 502210.0000 Insurance Premium Annual cost of insurance policy that provides protection for municipal activities and property. (Policy coverage includes: liability, automobile and property). 1,870 Total 502210.0000 Insurance Premium 1,870 502230.0000 Consult&Prof Fees Consulting to operationalize the Corporate Strategic Plan 5,000 Total 502230.0000 Consult&Prof Fees 5,000 502240.0000 Meals/Prom/General General Public Relations - Office of CAO 7,000 Total 502240.0000 Meals/Prom/General 7,000 502250.0000 Memberships Ont. Municipal Mgmt. Institute (OMMI) - Supervisor, Administrative Services 170 Ont. Municipal Mgmt. Institute (OMMI) - Executive Assistant, Chief Administrative Officer 170 Ontario Municipal Administrators' Association 650 Total 502250.0000 Memberships 990 502260.0000 Outside Agency Srvc Communications & Marketing Services 2,500 Total 502260.0000 Outside Agency Srvc 2,500 502375.0000 Gas, Oil, Tires, Etc Fuel and oil changes for corporate sponsored vehicle 1,100 Total 502375.0000 Gas, Oil, Tires, Etc 1,100 502500.0000 Stationery&OfficeSup General office supplies 4,500 Total 502500.0000 Stationery&OfficeSup 4,500 502700.0000 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr Maintenance - HRIS 505 Total 502700.0000 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr 505 Total Expenses 611,348 Total Revenues - Total Transfers - Net Expenses (Revenues)611,348 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410000 Office of the CAO - Administration Background Information 74 Expenditures 342,639 398,385 Salaries & Wages 362,248 9,441 371,689 2.61% 438 1,308 Overtime 1,000 - 1,000 - % 90,386 110,191 Employee Benefits 101,960 4,436 106,396 4.35% - 1,389 Conferences 1,500 (1,500) - (100.00%) 6,409 6,869 Seminars & Education 10,000 - 10,000 - % - 379 Travel 800 - 800 - % 211 295 Cellular Phones 1,200 (660)540 (55.00%) 21,675 17,865 Telephone & Data 21,800 200 22,000 0.92% 229 184 Internet 230 - 230 - % 2,630 2,893 Insurance Premium 2,893 437 3,330 15.11% 486 945 Meals, Promotions & General 1,000 - 1,000 - % 235 716 Memberships 550 - 550 - % 366 391 Stationary & Office Supplies 600 - 600 - % 57 158 Programs & Event Supplies 700 - 700 - % 445 435 Software & Hardware Mtce. Contracts 435 (15)420 (3.45%) 466,206 542,403 Total Expenditures 506,916 12,339 519,255 2.43% Revenues - (10)Other User Fees - - - - % - (10) Total Revenues - - - - % Transfers - - Total Transfers - - - - % 466,206 542,393 Net Expenditures (Revenues)506,916 12,339 519,255 2.43% 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410005 Customer Care Centre Current Budget Summary 75 Expenditures 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages Base Salaries and Wages 371,689 Total 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages 371,689 501010.0000 Overtime To meet service level/workload commitments 1,000 Total 501010.0000 Overtime 1,000 501020.0000 Employee Benefits This item includes mandatory deductions (CPP, EI, EHT) and employer provided benefits such as extended health and dental 106,396 Total 501020.0000 Employee Benefits 106,396 501110.0000 Seminars & Education Corporate customer service training 10,000 Total 501110.0000 Seminars & Education 10,000 501130.0000 Travel Parking & Mileage 800 Total 501130.0000 Travel 800 502020.0000 Cellular Phones Smartphone - Supervisor, Customer Care 540 Total 502020.0000 Cellular Phones 540 502030.0000 Telephones & Data Voice / Data 1,900 Accu-Tel after hours answering service (Operations, Animal Services, By-law & Customer Care) 20,100 Total 502030.0000 Telephones & Data 22,000 502040.0000 Internet Internet 230 Total 502040.0000 Internet 230 502210.0000 Insurance Premium Annual cost of insurance policy that provides protection for municipal activities and property. (Policy coverage includes: liability, automobile and property) 3,330 Total 502210.0000 Insurance Premium 3,330 502240.0000 Meals/Prom/General To cover various promotional items 1,000 Total 502240.0000 Meals/Prom/General 1,000 502250.0000 Memberships Municipal Service Delivery Officials (MSDO)350 Certified Municipal Management Membership (CMM) - Supervisor, Customer Care 200 Total 502250.0000 Memberships 550 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410005 Customer Care Centre Background Information 76 502500.0000 Stationery&OfficeSup General office supplies 600 Total 502500.0000 Stationery&OfficeSup 600 502520.0000 Program&Event Supps To cover training supplies 700 Total 502520.0000 Program&Event Supps 700 502700.0000 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr Maintenance - HRIS 420 Total 502700.0000 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr 420 Total Expenses 519,255 Total Revenues - Total Transfers - Net Expenses (Revenues)519,255 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410005 Customer Care Centre Background Information 77 Expenditures 549,720 668,585 Salaries & Wages 626,817 192,977 819,794 30.79% 626 3,560 Overtime 500 - 500 - % 126,725 157,360 Employee Benefits 160,703 50,079 210,782 31.16% - 884 Conferences 4,000 4,000 8,000 100.00% 9,860 13,256 Seminars & Education 19,500 - 19,500 - % 575 548 Travel 2,750 250 3,000 9.09% 1,348 3,025 Business Development 3,000 - 3,000 - % 4,442 5,892 Cellular Phones 8,400 520 8,920 6.19% 875 1,494 Telephone & Data 1,700 900 2,600 52.94% 114 184 Internet 115 - 115 - % 7,104 9,092 Advertising 10,000 31,000 41,000 310.00% 1,068 2,170 Subscriptions & Publications 3,120 - 3,120 - % 6,365 4,470 Brochures/Newsletters Printing 5,000 - 5,000 - % 3,427 4,379 Photo, Mapping, Print 5,500 - 5,500 - % 3,490 3,839 Insurance Premium 3,839 576 4,415 15.00% 66,977 152,049 Consulting & Professional Fees 227,575 (187,575)40,000 (82.42%) 10,495 20,828 Meals, Promotions & General 26,000 2,000 28,000 7.69% 4,855 1,315 Memberships 350 - 350 - % 5,931 6,207 Outside Agency Services 114,500 (1,000)113,500 (0.87%) 381 362 Stationary & Office Supplies 1,000 - 1,000 - % 1,651 - Programs & Event Supplies - - - - % 50,758 41,952 Committee Expenses 75,000 62,000 137,000 82.67% 1,474 1,783 Utilities - Hydro 2,300 (400)1,900 (17.39%) 10,442 21,406 Software & Hardware Mtce. Contracts 32,050 (7,000)25,050 (21.84%) 25,913 28,907 Website Support 42,300 - 42,300 - % 998 - System & Software Upgrade - - - - % - 837 Misc. Equipment 3,000 - 3,000 - % 895,614 1,154,384 Total Expenditures 1,379,019 148,327 1,527,346 10.76% Revenues - - Federal Grants (61,985)61,985 - (100.00%) - - Advertising Space (100,000) - (100,000) - % - - Total Revenues (161,985)61,985 (100,000)(38.27%) Transfers 160,476 (160,476)Transfer to(from) Cntg Sty Res.(160,475)160,475 - (100.00%) 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410010 Public Affairs & Corp. Comm. Current Budget Summary 78 160,476 (160,476) Total Transfers (160,475)160,475 - (100.00%) 1,056,090 993,908 Net Expenditures (Revenues)1,056,559 370,787 1,427,346 35.09% 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410010 Public Affairs & Corp. Comm. Current Budget Summary 79 Expenditures 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages Base Salaries and Wages 668,444 Conversion of one contract part-time Community Engagement Coordinator position to a permanent part-time position 49,430 One new full-time Government Affairs & Strategic Projects Advisor position, Jan. 1, 2024 effective date 101,920 Total 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages 819,794 501010.0000 Overtime To meet service level/workload commitments 500 Total 501010.0000 Overtime 500 501020.0000 Employee Benefits This item includes mandatory deductions (CPP, EI, EHT) and employer provided benefits such as extended health and dental 171,282 Benefits related to conversion of one contract Community Engagement Coordinator position to permanent part-time 8,900 Benefits related to one new full-time Government Affairs & Strategic Projects Advisor position, Jan. 1, 2024 start date 30,600 Total 501020.0000 Employee Benefits 210,782 501100.0000 Conferences Topical Conference - Business Development 1,000 Topical Conference - Division Head, Public Affairs & Corporate Communications 1,000 Topical Conference - Supervisor, Communications 1,000 Topical Conference - Strategic Initiatives & Corporate Priorities Advisor 2,000 Topical Conference - Government & Stakeholder Relations Specialist 2,000 Total 501100.0000 Conferences 7,000 501100.9750 Conferences - Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Topical Conference - Senior Advisor, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion 1,000 Total 501100.9750 Conferences - Equity, Diversity & Inclusion 1,000 501110.0000 Seminars & Education Topical Seminar & Educational Assistance - Supervisor, Communications 1,000 Staff training for website and Laserfiche accessibility compliance 1,500 Digital Marketing Training 1,000 Media Relations Training 5,000 Total 501110.0000 Seminars & Education 8,500 501110.9750 Seminars & Education - Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Corporate Training 11,000 Total 501110.9750 Seminars & Education - Equity, Diversity & Inclusion 11,000 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410010 Public Affairs & Corp. Comm. Background Information 80 501130.0000 Travel Parking & Mileage 3,000 Total 501130.0000 Travel 3,000 501140.0000 Business Development Business Activities & Special City Initiatives 3,000 Total 501140.0000 Business Development 3,000 502020.0000 Cellular Phones Annual Smartphone Charges (6 staff) - Division Head, Public Affairs & Corporate Communications, Supervisor, Public Affairs & Corporate Communications, Digital Communications Specialist, Coordinator, Public Affairs & Corporate Communications, Strategic Initiatives & Corporate Priorities Advisor, and Government & Stakeholder Relations Specialist 4,665 Annual Tablet Charges (2 staff) - Supervisor, Public Affairs & Corporate Communications and Digital Communications Specialist 1,080 SIM Cards (5)2,000 Smartphone for one new staff position 400 Total 502020.0000 Cellular Phones 8,145 502020.9750 Cellular Phones - Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Annual Smartphone Charges - Senior Advisor, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion 775 Total 502020.9750 Cellular Phones - Equity, Diversity & Inclusion 775 502030.0000 Telephones & Data Voice / Data 2,600 Total 502030.0000 Telephones & Data 2,600 502040.0000 Internet Internet 115 Total 502040.0000 Internet 115 502100.0000 Advertising Corporate City Advertising 10,000 Advertising for Statutory Notice Requirements - transfer from 10200 cost centre 31,000 Total 502100.0000 Advertising 41,000 502120.0000 Subscriptions&Publcs Novae Res Urbis 470 Meltwater Media Monitoring 1,200 Toronto Star 450 Audio/Video Stock 500 Total 502120.0000 Subscriptions&Publcs 2,620 502120.9750 Subscriptions & Publcs - Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Subscription to survey for Equity, Diversity & Inclusion training 500 Total 502120.9750 Subscriptions & Publcs - Equity, Diversity & Inclusion 500 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410010 Public Affairs & Corp. Comm. Background Information 81 502130.0000 Brchrs/NewsLtr-Print Brochures, Promotional & Marketing Initiatives 5,000 Total 502130.0000 Brchrs/NewsLtr-Print 5,000 502150.0000 Photo,Mapping,Print To cover professional services for photo enlargements, map and printing reproductions 500 Photography services for City's promotional publications & oblique aerials 2,500 Various outreach/promotional pieces - Communications 1,000 Total 502150.0000 Photo,Mapping,Print 4,000 502150.9750 Photo,Mapping,Print - Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Equity, Diversity & Inclusion signage 1,500 Total 502150.9750 Photo,Mapping,Print - Equity, Diversity & Inclusion 1,500 502210.0000 Insurance Premium Annual cost of insurance policy that provides protection for municipal activities and property (Policy coverage includes: liability, automobile and property) 4,415 Total 502210.0000 Insurance Premium 4,415 502230.0000 Consult&Prof Fees Consulting for community engagement (facilitation for special initiatives, promotional videos, PSAs, and training) 15,000 Planning & Development Public Education 15,000 Total 502230.0000 Consult&Prof Fees 30,000 502230.9750 Consult&Prof Fees - Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Consultations 10,000 Total 502230.9750 Consult&Prof Fees - Equity, Diversity & Inclusion 10,000 502240.0000 Meals/Prom/General Community Engagement 5,000 General Public Relations 7,000 Total 502240.0000 Meals/Prom/General 12,000 502240.9750 Meals/Prom/General - Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Equity, Diversity & Inclusion events/education initiatives 6,000 Equity, Diversity & Inclusion community partnership initiatives 10,000 Total 502240.9750 Meals/Prom/General - Equity, Diversity & Inclusion 16,000 502250.0000 Memberships International Assoc. of Business Communicators (IABC) - Supervisor, Communications 350 Total 502250.0000 Memberships 350 502260.0000 Outside Agency Srvc Graphics Support 3,000 Community Partnerships expenses such as promotional materials and advertisements 6,500 Publication of magazine dedicated to Pickering (offset by advertising revenues)100,000 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410010 Public Affairs & Corp. Comm. Background Information 82 External document remediation services 4,000 Total 502260.0000 Outside Agency Srvc 113,500 502500.0000 Stationery&OfficeSup General Office Supplies 1,000 Total 502500.0000 Stationery&OfficeSup 1,000 502530.4601 Committee Expenses Big Drum Social 2,000 Truth & Reconciliation Day 3,000 Flag Raisings 500 Beading (Full-day) Workshop 1,500 Drumming (2-part) Workshop 2,000 Youth (with PPL) Workshop 1,000 Medicine Bag Workshop 750 Bannock Workshop 750 Flag Pole Installation 5,000 Indigenous vendor Market (ArtFest, Cultural Fusion, Winter Nights, etc.)1,500 Community Art (e.g., Moccasin Identifier Project)2,500 Signage (Land Acknowledgement)500 Trainings 2,450 Turtle Island Storytelling 1,500 Honoraria for Consultations 5,050 Total 502530.4601 Committee Expenses 30,000 502530.4603 Committee Expenses Community partnerships and collaborations (e.g., Anti-Black Racism Project, Durham Black Collective Symposium), 7,000 Community Events and Initiatives (Black History Month, Canada Day, Artfest, Cultural Fusion, Emancipation Day, Winter Nights, City Lights, etc.) 10,000 Resources and Supplies (e.g., Online knowledge hub to share community resources)3,000 Consultation and Engagement (e.g., policy review, social media, Black Town Hall)3,000 Miscellaneous (e.g. facility rentals)4,000 Stipend for Members 20,000 Policy Development Consulting 60,000 Total 502530.4603 Committee Expenses 107,000 502620.0000 Utilities - Hydro Hydro costs for Digital Sign Program (4 LED Lights)1,900 Total 502620.0000 Utilities - Hydro 1,900 502700.0000 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr General Enhancements 3,000 Maintenance - HRIS 750 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410010 Public Affairs & Corp. Comm. Background Information 83 PDF/Word licences and annual fees to create/remediate accessible documents 6,000 Digital Engagement Platform (Bang the Table)15,300 Total 502700.0000 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr 25,050 502710.0000 Website Support Security Certificate 1,250 Annual Hosting 3,850 Technical Support 2,500 eNewsletter Constant Contract (annual fee)1,850 eCommerce Payment Processing (annual fee)10,000 iCreate License Fee 3,250 Chat (5 licenses for Customer Care)1,000 Domain Names Registration 600 Website Enhancements (includes online service tool)15,000 Cludo Custom Search 3,000 Total 502710.0000 Website Support 42,300 502750.0000 Misc. Equipment Video/audio production equipment 3,000 Total 502750.0000 Misc. Equipment 3,000 Total Expenses 1,527,346 Revenues 403078.0000 Advertising Space Advertising revenue from publication of magazine dedicated to Pickering (100,000) Total 403078.0000 Advertising Space (100,000) Total Revenues (100,000) Total Transfers - Net Expenses (Revenues)1,427,346 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410010 Public Affairs & Corp. Comm. Background Information 84 85 Expenditures - 631,885 Salaries & Wages 643,662 180,227 823,889 28.00% - - Overtime 750 - 750 - % - 148,005 Employee Benefits 138,805 50,218 189,023 36.18% - 12,137 Conferences 15,500 4,500 20,000 29.03% - 2,746 Seminars & Education 4,000 - 4,000 - % - 30,338 Travel 26,500 5,000 31,500 18.87% - 17,463 Business Development 20,000 - 20,000 - % - 3,448 Cellular Phones 8,800 1,600 10,400 18.18% - 1,494 Telephone & Data 1,700 1,200 2,900 70.59% - 184 Internet 130 - 130 - % - 7,684 Advertising 14,000 14,000 28,000 100.00% - 12,000 Trade Shows,Exhibits & Displays 20,000 - 20,000 - % - 196 Subscriptions & Publications 775 - 775 - % - 1,760 Insurance Premium 1,760 265 2,025 15.06% - 48,377 Consulting & Professional Fees 150,000 533,131 683,131 355.42% - 40,199 Meals, Promotions & General 68,000 20,000 88,000 29.41% - 7,097 Memberships 10,575 (1,300)9,275 (12.29%) - 21,324 Outside Agency Services 23,350 2,300 25,650 9.85% - 2,789 Stationary & Office Supplies 3,000 - 3,000 - % - 148 Supplies & Tools - - - - % - 43 Gift Shop/Plaques - - - - % - 773 Software & Hardware Mtce. Contracts 7,775 135 7,910 1.74% - 34 Website Support - - - - % - 12,211 System & Software Upgrade 12,500 (12,500) - (100.00%) - 1,002,335 Total Expenditures 1,171,582 798,776 1,970,358 68.18% Revenues - (35,984)Federal Grants (25,000)(15,000)(40,000)60.00% - (12,157)Ontario Grants (27,500)(105,246)(132,746)382.71% - (126,350)Licences & Permits - (380,250)(380,250)- % - (6,500)Marketing Sponsors (30,000) - (30,000)- % - (5,000)Misc. Revenue - - - - % - (138,668)Cost Recoveries (119,750)(233,044)(352,794)194.61% - (324,659) Total Revenues (202,250)(733,540)(935,790)362.69% Transfers 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410050 Economic Development & Strategic Projects Current Budget Summary 86 - 75,000 Transfer to(from) Cntg Sty Res. - (97,297)(97,297)- % - - Transfer to(from) Reserve (114,435)(14,457)(128,892)12.63% - 75,000 Total Transfers (114,435)(111,754)(226,189)97.66% - 752,676 Net Expenditures (Revenues)854,897 (46,518)808,379 (5.44%) 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410050 Economic Development & Strategic Projects Current Budget Summary 87 Budget vs Actual Net Cost 2019-2023 If actual net cost > budget net cost, the cost centre is in a deficit position. $102,221 0 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 120,000 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 10050 Economic Development & Strategic Projects 88 Expenditures 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages Base Salaries and Wages 629,809 One full-time contract Senior Project Manager - Northeast Pickering position (100% funded by third party) 109,500 One full-time contract Administrative Assistant position (50% funded from Rate Stabilization Reserve) 71,700 One full-time Summer Student position 12,880 Total 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages 823,889 501010.0000 Overtime To meet service level/workload commitments 750 Total 501010.0000 Overtime 750 501020.0000 Employee Benefits This item includes mandatory deductions (CPP, EI, EHT) and employer provided benefits such as extended health and dental 169,623 Benefits related to one full-time contract Senior Project Manager - Northeast Pickering position (100% funded by third party) 10,950 Benefits related to one full-time contract Administrative Assistant position (50% funded from Rate Stabilization Reserve) 7,170 Benefits related to one full-time Summer Student position 1,280 Total 501020.0000 Employee Benefits 189,023 501100.0000 Conferences Economic Development & Strategic Projects related conferences 20,000 Total 501100.0000 Conferences 20,000 501110.0000 Seminars & Education Educational Assistance 4,000 Total 501110.0000 Seminars & Education 4,000 501130.0000 Travel Parking & Mileage 6,500 Airfare & train fares for trade shows, conferences & business missions 25,000 Total 501130.0000 Travel 31,500 501140.0000 Business Development Business Development 20,000 Total 501140.0000 Business Development 20,000 502020.0000 Cellular Phones Annual Smartphone Charges - Director, Economic Development & Strategic Projects, Manager, Economic Development & Marketing, Senior Officer, Economic Development & Strategic Projects, Marketing Specialist and Economic Development Associate 7,300 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410050 Economic Development & Strategic Projects Background Information 89 SIM cards (2) - Director, Economic Development & Strategic Projects and Manager, Economic Development & Marketing 800 Annual Smartphone Charges - Senior Project Manager - Northeast Pickering (funded by third party) 1,500 Annual Smartphone Charges - Senior Advisor, Film & Tourism - transfer from 10105 cost centre 800 Total 502020.0000 Cellular Phones 10,400 502030.0000 Telephones & Data Voice / Data 2,900 Total 502030.0000 Telephones & Data 2,900 502040.0000 Internet Internet 130 Total 502040.0000 Internet 130 502100.0000 Advertising Economic Development Promotional Advertising 14,000 Digital Film Advertising (for film activity) - $10,000 transfer from 10105 cost centre 14,000 Total 502100.0000 Advertising 28,000 502110.0000 Trd Shows/Exhb/Dsply Exhibit & Trade Shows (displays, rentals & exhibit materials)13,000 Municipal/Regional Economic Development Partnership (trade shows, displays, advertising) 7,000 Total 502110.0000 Trd Shows/Exhb/Dsply 20,000 502120.0000 Subscriptions&Publcs Reference materials, journals and reports 775 Total 502120.0000 Subscriptions&Publcs 775 502210.0000 Insurance Premium Annual cost of insurance policy that provides protection for municipal activities and property. (Policy coverage includes: liability, automobile and property). 2,025 Total 502210.0000 Insurance Premium 2,025 502230.0000 Consult&Prof Fees Consulting for Economic Development & Strategic Projects 90,000 Consulting for communication assignments related to corporate/strategic projects (funded from Rate Stabilization Reserve) 75,000 Consulting for the High Frequency Rail (HFR) corridor design PO#4500001327 - (83.3% funded from Continuing Studies Reserve and 16.7% from the Rate Stabilization Reserve) 86,571 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410050 Economic Development & Strategic Projects Background Information 90 Consulting for the Highway Access Management Plan (HAMP) Study PO#4500001344 - (6.6% funded from Continuing Studies Reserve, 60.5% from Developer Contributions and 32.9% from the Ministry of Transportation) 381,560 Consulting for naming rights and other partnerships 50,000 Total 502230.0000 Consult&Prof Fees 683,131 502240.0000 Meals/Prom/General General Public Relations 12,000 City of Pickering Promotional Items (corporate merchandise)10,000 City Business Events 4,000 City Sponsorship for Events (e.g., Board of Trade events)12,000 Business Engagement Event. Event expenses include staging and sound, entertainment, catering and rentals, promotions, displays, etc. (costs offset by corporate sponsorship). 30,000 Business Development for Film Industry - transfer from 10105 cost centre 20,000 Total 502240.0000 Meals/Prom/General 88,000 502250.0000 Memberships Ajax-Pickering Board of Trade 2,000 Toronto Region Board of Trade 2,000 Economic Development Council 900 Project Management Institute 750 International Economic Development Council 875 Economic Developers Association of Canada (EDAC) Membership 1,200 Ontario Aerospace Council 650 Professional Engineers of Ontario 700 Urban Land Institute 200 Total 502250.0000 Memberships 9,275 502260.0000 Outside Agency Srvc Economic Development & Strategic Projects writing services (including translation services) 2,000 Graphics Support 9,000 Marketing Materials 6,000 Commercial Real Estate Information 7,500 Region Business Count Data (TGT Solutions)650 Film Investment Package (preparation, design & marketing, photography, and promotional video) (100% funded from film permit and land lease revenues) - transfer from 10050 cost centre 500 Total 502260.0000 Outside Agency Srvc 25,650 502500.0000 Stationery&OfficeSup General Office Supplies 3,000 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410050 Economic Development & Strategic Projects Background Information 91 Total 502500.0000 Stationery&OfficeSup 3,000 502700.0000 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr Maintenance - HRIS 910 Maintenance - Customer Relationship Management Software 7,000 Total 502700.0000 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr 7,910 Total Expenses 1,970,358 Revenues 402500.0000 Federal Grants CanExport Community Initiatives Grant for investment attraction initiatives and delegation missions (40,000) Total 402500.0000 Federal Grants (40,000) 402510.0000 Ontario Grants Rural Economic Development grant to support the Small Business Centre (marketing, business development, etc.) (7,213) Funding from the Ministry of Transportation for consulting related to the HAMP Study (32.9%) (125,533) Total 402510.0000 Ontario Grants (132,746) 404000.9400 Licences and Permits - Lic.&Permits-Film Permit Film Permit Fees (public road use and land lease) - transfer from 10105 cost centre (380,250) Total 404000.9400 Licences and Permits - Lic.&Permits-Film Permit (380,250) 406530.0000 Marketing Sponsors Economic Development & Strategic Projects Dept. - Marketing Sponsorships (Taxable)(30,000) Total 406530.0000 Marketing Sponsors (30,000) 406540.0000 Cost Recoveries Funding from Third Party (100%) for one full-time Senior Project Manager - Northeast Pickering contract position (Salary & Benefits) (120,450) Funding from Third Party (100%) for annual smartphone charges - Senior Project Manager, Northeast Pickering (1,500) Funding from Third Party (60.5%) for the HAMP Study - Seaton Landowners Group (230,844) Total 406540.0000 Cost Recoveries (352,794) Total Revenues (935,790) Transfers 408007.0000 Trf fr RateStblz Res Rate Stabilization Reserve funding for communication assignments related to corporate/strategic projects (75,000) 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410050 Economic Development & Strategic Projects Background Information 92 Rate Stabilization Reserve funding for one full-time contract Administrative Assistant position (50%) (39,435) Rate Stabilization Reserve funding for consulting for the HFR Corridor design (16.7%)(14,457) Total 408007.0000 Trf fr RateStblz Res (128,892) 408009.0000 Trf fr Cntg Stdy Res Continuing Studies Reserve funding for consulting for the HFR Corridor design (83.3%)(72,114) Continuing Studies Reserve funding for the HAMP Study (6.6%)(25,183) Total 408009.0000 Trf fr Cntg Stdy Res (97,297) Total Transfers (226,189) Net Expenses (Revenues)808,379 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410050 Economic Development & Strategic Projects Background Information 93 --C�of-­ PlCl<ERlNG The Corporation of the City of Pickering City Development Department Director, City Development & CBO (1-NUFT) Supervisor, City Development Administration (1-NUFT) I Administrative Assistant, City Development (1-NUFT). I r Clerk, Support Services ,,-----I Planning Division (Chart No. 3a) Director's Office Employee Complement 3 Non-Union FT 2 Union FT Authorized by: Chief Administrative Officer .I (2-UFT) Building Services \. Planning Division Employee Complement 1 O Non-Union FT 18 Union FT 1 Non-Union Temp (Chart No. 3b) Building Services Employee Complement 4 Non-Union FT 21 Union FT January 1, 2024 Employee Complement 19 44 1 Non-Union Ful I-Time (NUFT) Union Full-Tim e (UFT) mporary (TNU) Non-Union Te Sustain ability (Chart No. 3c) Sustainability Employee Complement 2 Non-Union FT 3 Union FT Chart No. 3 94 95 96 97 Expenditures 4,668,750 5,306,470 Salaries & Wages 5,475,245 192,670 5,667,915 3.52% 35,210 55,552 Overtime 45,250 (4,750)40,500 (10.50%) 1,193,179 1,394,606 Employee Benefits 1,481,809 38,794 1,520,603 2.62% 1,493 3,716 Uniforms 5,450 (400)5,050 (7.34%) 6,743 20,916 Conferences 26,425 5,400 31,825 20.44% 14,357 29,749 Seminars & Education 54,850 9,425 64,275 17.18% 16,159 16,964 Travel 28,370 (240)28,130 (0.85%) 9,637 12,102 Cellular Phones 16,800 (1,450)15,350 (8.63%) 16,048 18,057 Telephone & Data 20,300 700 21,000 3.45% 2,096 2,230 Internet 2,125 - 2,125 - % 5,704 7,024 Advertising 27,750 (10,000)17,750 (36.04%) 1,386 5,624 Trade Shows,Exhibits & Displays 3,000 - 3,000 - % 9,944 9,649 Subscriptions & Publications 9,400 (500)8,900 (5.32%) 141 188 Photo, Mapping, Print 5,050 (1,000)4,050 (19.80%) 27,120 29,832 Insurance Premium 29,832 4,483 34,315 15.03% 2,743 2,564 Insurance Deductible 4,000 600 4,600 15.00% 548,301 668,780 Consulting & Professional Fees 1,885,160 1,035,793 2,920,953 54.94% 1,889 29,235 Meals, Promotions & General 38,450 1,000 39,450 2.60% 30,394 30,851 Memberships 41,920 (3,240)38,680 (7.73%) 4,868 6,221 Outside Agency Services 12,800 13,200 26,000 103.13% 1,029 331 Building - Repairs & Maintenance - - - - % 803 1,358 Vehicle - Repairs & Maintenance 2,000 - 2,000 - % - 301 Gas, Oil, Tire, Etc.3,000 (2,000)1,000 (66.67%) - - Building Rentals 300 - 300 - % 10,146 10,146 Misc. Equip. Rentals 10,150 - 10,150 - % 8,916 16,364 Stationary & Office Supplies 22,750 (1,100)21,650 (4.84%) 265 285 Forms 9,000 (4,000)5,000 (44.44%) 102,450 116,247 Programs & Event Supplies 146,750 7,000 153,750 4.77% 231 578 Supplies & Tools 2,400 (100)2,300 (4.17%) 399 - Gift Shop/Plaques 500 6,000 6,500 1,200.00% 170,135 227,267 Software & Hardware Mtce. Contracts 316,645 (82,485)234,160 (26.05%) - 4,694 System & Software Upgrade - - - - % - 5,399 Hardware Replacements - - - - % - - Misc. Equipment 10,000 (10,000) - (100.00%) - - Financial Services Charges - 85,000 85,000 - % 6,890,536 8,033,300 Total Expenditures 9,737,481 1,278,800 11,016,281 13.13% 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 2024City Development Department Current Budget Summary 98 Revenues - - Federal Grants - (1,049,030)(1,049,030)- % (96,958)(352,186)Ontario Grants (387,630)387,630 - (100.00%) (92,495) - Other Agency Grants - (20,000)(20,000)- % (1,995,023)(2,907,785)Department User Fees (2,675,100)218,625 (2,456,475)(8.17%) (9,819)(12,044)Event Vendor Fees (12,250)(1,750)(14,000)14.29% (1,365)(1,396)Other User Fees - - - - % (4,099,440)(6,377,837)Licences & Permits (4,480,250)(69,750)(4,550,000)1.56% (2,025) - Fines & Charges - - - - % (4,884) - Donations (3,000) - (3,000)- % - - Sponsorships - (7,000)(7,000)- % - (3,720)Sustainability Sponsorships (2,000)2,000 - (100.00%) - - Marketing Sponsors - (5,000)(5,000)- % - - Sustain Mkt Sponsors (2,000)2,000 - (100.00%) - - Other Contributions - (10,000)(10,000)- % (42,704)(235,184)Cost Recoveries (558,000)132,141 (425,859)(23.68%) (6,344,713)(9,890,152) Total Revenues (8,120,230)(420,134)(8,540,364)5.17% Transfers (86,856)(157,457)Transfer to/(from) DC Oblg RF (276,705)(164,105)(440,810)59.31% (122,403)314,556 Transfer to(from) Cntg Sty Res.(25,300)(327,829)(353,129)1,295.77% - - Transfer to(from) Reserve (317,535)(94,870)(412,405)29.88% (15,999)(8,678)Transfer to (from) Oblig RF (25,000)(10,000)(35,000)40.00% (225,258)148,421 Total Transfers (644,540)(596,804)(1,241,344)92.59% 320,565 (1,708,431) Net Expenditures (Revenues)972,711 261,862 1,234,573 26.92% 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 2024City Development Department Current Budget Summary 99 Budget vs Actual Net Cost 2019-2023 If actual net cost > budget net cost, the cost centre is in a deficit position. If actual net cost > budget net cost, the cost centre is in a deficit position. $34,341 $48,424 $71,612 $141,409 $76,608(100,000) (50,000) 0 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 10100 City Development-Admin $682,626 $963,278 $415,572 $898,417 $254,361 0 200,000 400,000 600,000 800,000 1,000,000 1,200,000 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 10105 Planning & Design 100 Budget vs Actual Net Cost 2019-2023 If actual net revenue < budget net revenue, the cost centre is in a deficit position. If actual net cost > budget net cost, the cost centre is in a deficit position. $1,019,983 $315,384 $347,236 $346,279 $2,187,078 0 500,000 1,000,000 1,500,000 2,000,000 2,500,000 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 10110 Building Services $39,374 $141,277 $98,421 $30,274 $305,063 0 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 300,000 350,000 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 10115 Sustainability 101 Budget vs Actual Net Cost 2019-2023 If actual net cost > budget net cost, the cost centre is in a deficit position. If actual net cost > budget net cost, the cost centre is in a deficit position. $425 $1,875 $1,189 $3,995 $620 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 4,000 4,500 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 10120 Committee of Adjustment $8,714 $13,453 $9,510 $11,395 $10,628 0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000 14,000 16,000 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 10125 Heritage Pickering 102 Expenditures 425,460 476,107 Salaries & Wages 473,619 12,667 486,286 2.67% 2,673 3,233 Overtime 500 2,500 3,000 500.00% 112,451 130,152 Employee Benefits 131,492 5,955 137,447 4.53% 162 - Uniforms - - - - % 300 - Conferences 1,000 - 1,000 - % 585 375 Seminars & Education 2,500 - 2,500 - % 42 101 Travel 500 - 500 - % 906 529 Cellular Phones 800 - 800 - % 2,044 2,113 Telephone & Data 2,400 (200)2,200 (8.33%) 267 261 Internet 265 - 265 - % 6,575 2 Subscriptions & Publications - - - - % 3,170 3,487 Insurance Premium 3,487 523 4,010 15.00% - 141,985 Consulting & Professional Fees 123,000 (123,000) - (100.00%) 235 182 Meals, Promotions & General 500 1,000 1,500 200.00% 378 398 Memberships 500 - 500 - % 10,146 10,146 Misc. Equip. Rentals 10,150 - 10,150 - % 1,889 2,223 Stationary & Office Supplies 3,000 - 3,000 - % - - Supplies & Tools 100 - 100 - % 150,234 206,261 Software & Hardware Mtce. Contracts 261,760 (33,400)228,360 (12.76%) - 4,694 System & Software Upgrade - - - - % 717,517 982,249 Total Expenditures 1,015,573 (133,955)881,618 (13.19%) Revenues - (29,978)Ontario Grants (143,000)143,000 - (100.00%) (18,805)(1,719)Department User Fees (2,000) - (2,000)- % (18,805)(31,697) Total Revenues (145,000)143,000 (2,000)(98.62%) Transfers - (3,371)Transfer to(from) Cntg Sty Res. - - - - % - (3,371) Total Transfers - - - - % 698,712 947,181 Net Expenditures (Revenues)870,573 9,045 879,618 1.04% 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410100 City Development - Administration Current Budget Summary 103 Expenditures 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages Base Salaries and Wages 486,286 Total 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages 486,286 501010.0000 Overtime To meet service level/workload commitments 3,000 Total 501010.0000 Overtime 3,000 501020.0000 Employee Benefits This item includes mandatory deductions (CPP, EI, EHT) and employer provided benefits such as extended health and dental 137,447 Total 501020.0000 Employee Benefits 137,447 501100.0000 Conferences City Development related conference - Director - registration and accommodation 1,000 Total 501100.0000 Conferences 1,000 501110.0000 Seminars & Education General Education Assistance 2,500 Total 501110.0000 Seminars & Education 2,500 501130.0000 Travel Parking & Mileage 300 Mileage - Conferences 200 Total 501130.0000 Travel 500 502020.0000 Cellular Phones Annual Smartphone - Director 800 Total 502020.0000 Cellular Phones 800 502030.0000 Telephones & Data Voice / Data 2,200 Total 502030.0000 Telephones & Data 2,200 502040.0000 Internet Internet 265 Total 502040.0000 Internet 265 502210.0000 Insurance Premium Annual cost of insurance policy that provides protection for municipal activities and property. (Policy coverage includes: liability, automobile and property) 4,010 Total 502210.0000 Insurance Premium 4,010 502240.0000 Meals/Prom/General Corporate Apparel 1,000 Refreshments for public planning meetings/workshops and promotional situations - lunches & consultant workshops 500 Total 502240.0000 Meals/Prom/General 1,500 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410100 City Development - Administration Background Information 104 502250.0000 Memberships Urban Land Institute (Associate Membership) - Director 240 Professional Engineers Ontario - Director 260 Total 502250.0000 Memberships 500 502410.0000 MiscEquip Rentals Licence agreement with Durham Region for Teranet land parcel information and registered plans (Year 5 of 5) 10,150 Total 502410.0000 MiscEquip Rentals 10,150 502500.0000 Stationery&OfficeSup General Office Supplies 3,000 Total 502500.0000 Stationery&OfficeSup 3,000 502540.0000 Supplies & Tools Small Office Equipment 100 Total 502540.0000 Supplies & Tools 100 502700.0000 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr Maintenance - AMANDA Property 56,200 Maintenance - ESRI and Geocortex 79,050 Maintenance - HRIS 550 FME Software (annual license)20,000 Bluebeam Revu (for Building & Planning sections)21,500 AutoCAD License Renewal (Year 1 of 3)6,060 Maintenance - ePermitting (transferred from 10110 cost centre)45,000 Total 502700.0000 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr 228,360 Total Expenses 881,618 Revenues 403000.9560 Department User Fees - Sale of Services-Plan Admin Sale of Services - maps and other planning documents (2,000) Total 403000.9560 Department User Fees - Sale of Services-Plan Admin (2,000) Total Revenues (2,000) Total Transfers - Net Expenses (Revenues)879,618 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410100 City Development - Administration Background Information 105 Expenditures 2,235,031 2,757,949 Salaries & Wages 2,803,716 (224,531)2,579,185 (8.01%) 17,338 33,090 Overtime 32,750 (7,250)25,500 (22.14%) 560,067 698,042 Employee Benefits 721,673 (44,136)677,537 (6.12%) 464 214 Uniforms 1,000 (400)600 (40.00%) 850 7,370 Conferences 9,000 2,000 11,000 22.22% 3,022 7,428 Seminars & Education 13,450 13,425 26,875 99.81% 572 1,478 Travel 2,950 - 2,950 - % 2,551 1,606 Cellular Phones 4,000 (2,000)2,000 (50.00%) 6,417 8,121 Telephone & Data 9,100 800 9,900 8.79% 838 1,003 Internet 835 - 835 - % - 1,028 Advertising 18,000 (10,000)8,000 (55.56%) - 6,794 Subscriptions & Publications 5,000 (500)4,500 (10.00%) 141 188 Photo, Mapping, Print 2,000 (1,000)1,000 (50.00%) 13,410 14,751 Insurance Premium 14,751 2,214 16,965 15.01% - - Insurance Deductible 1,000 150 1,150 15.00% 381,633 483,800 Consulting & Professional Fees 1,551,160 31,103 1,582,263 2.01% 17 19,193 Meals, Promotions & General 20,850 (18,500)2,350 (88.73%) 14,338 13,583 Memberships 17,330 (2,590)14,740 (14.95%) - 1,590 Outside Agency Services 2,500 (2,000)500 (80.00%) - - Building Rentals 300 - 300 - % 4,880 7,279 Stationary & Office Supplies 9,600 (1,100)8,500 (11.46%) - - Supplies & Tools 300 (100)200 (33.33%) 3,229 3,262 Software & Hardware Mtce. Contracts 7,260 (4,190)3,070 (57.71%) - - Misc. Equipment 10,000 (10,000) - (100.00%) 3,244,798 4,067,769 Total Expenditures 5,258,525 (278,605)4,979,920 (5.30%) Revenues (91,079)(178,260)Ontario Grants (244,630)244,630 - (100.00%) (1,945,250)(2,642,853)Department User Fees (2,453,600)453,705 (1,999,895)(18.49%) (367,500)(250,350)Licences & Permits (380,250)380,250 - (100.00%) (42,704)(235,184)Cost Recoveries (459,000)137,641 (321,359)(29.99%) (2,446,533)(3,306,647) Total Revenues (3,537,480)1,216,226 (2,321,254)(34.38%) Transfers (86,856)(157,457)Transfer to/(from) DC Oblg RF (276,705)(164,105)(440,810)59.31% (101,907)243,601 Transfer to(from) Cntg Sty Res.(25,300)(242,389)(267,689)958.06% 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410105 Planning & Design Current Budget Summary 106 - - Transfer to(from) Reserve (317,535)(94,870)(412,405)29.88% (5,381)(122)Transfer to (from) Oblig RF - - - - % (194,144)86,022 Total Transfers (619,540)(501,364)(1,120,904)80.93% 604,121 847,144 Net Expenditures (Revenues)1,101,505 436,257 1,537,762 39.61% 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410105 Planning & Design Current Budget Summary 107 Expenditures 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages Base Salaries and Wages 2,830,575 Conversion of one full-time Planner II position to a Senior Planner position, Jan. 1, 2024 effective date 13,500 One full-time Supervisor, Geomatics position - transfer to 10405 cost centre (101,900) One-full time Senior Geomatics Analyst position - transfer to 10405 cost centre (78,100) Elimination of one full-time Planner II - Site Planning position from staff complement, Jan. 1, 2024 effective date (84,890) Total 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages 2,579,185 501010.0000 Overtime Ontario Land Tribunal Preparation 2,500 Priority Projects/Applications 3,500 Resident Meetings 2,000 Council/Planning Committee Meetings/Statutory Public Meetings 7,500 Heritage Pickering - 11 Meetings 1,000 Committee of Adjustment - 12 meetings 8,000 Advisory Committee Meetings 1,000 Total 501010.0000 Overtime 25,500 501020.0000 Employee Benefits This item includes mandatory deductions (CPP, EI, EHT) and employer provided benefits such as extended health and dental 753,842 Benefits related to conversion of one full-time Planner II position to a Senior Planner position as of April 1, 2024 3,375 Benefits related to one full-time Supervisor, Geomatics position - transfer to 10405 cost centre (30,000) Benefits related to one full-time Senior Geomatics Analyst position - transfer to 10405 cost centre (24,100) Benefits related to elimination of one full-time Planner II - Site Planning position from staff complement as of Jan. 1, 2024 (25,580) Total 501020.0000 Employee Benefits 677,537 501040.0000 Uniforms As per the Collective Agreement 600 Total 501040.0000 Uniforms 600 501100.0000 Conferences Can. Institute of Planners (CIP)/Ont. Professional Planners Institute (OPPI) Conference (3 staff) - registration and hotel 5,000 Urban Land Institute/Municipal Affairs Conference/Strategy Institute or similar 4,000 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410105 Planning & Design Background Information 108 ESRI User Regional Conference 1,000 General Conferences 1,000 Total 501100.0000 Conferences 11,000 501110.0000 Seminars & Education Planner/Zoning Progression - Education/Training/Report Writing 9,500 Municipal Management Course 4,175 Durham Region Planners Seminars & Workshops 500 GIS or AMANDA Training 12,200 Planning & Design Seminars 500 Total 501110.0000 Seminars & Education 26,875 501130.0000 Travel Parking & Mileage 2,500 OPPI or Similar Conference 450 Total 501130.0000 Travel 2,950 502020.0000 Cellular Phones Annual Smartphone Charges or Reimbursements - Chief Planner, Division Head Dev. Review & Urban Design, Mgr. Policy & Geomatics, Sr. Coordinator, Development Liaison, and Mgr. Zoning & Administration 4,000 Annual Smartphone Charges - Senior Coordinator, Development Liaison - transfer to 10050 cost centre (800) Annual Smartphone Charges - Geomatics staff - transfer to 10405 cost centre (1,200) Total 502020.0000 Cellular Phones 2,000 502030.0000 Telephones & Data Voice / Data 9,900 Total 502030.0000 Telephones & Data 9,900 502040.0000 Internet Internet 835 Total 502040.0000 Internet 835 502100.0000 Advertising Public meetings regarding various studies and notification of City-initiated zonings & official plans and Request for Proposal (RFP) notices 8,000 Digital film advertising for film activity (i.e., promote backlot)10,000 Digital film advertising for film activity (i.e., promote backlot) - transfer to 10050 cost centre (10,000) Total 502100.0000 Advertising 8,000 502120.0000 Subscriptions&Publcs Reference material, standards, regulations and safety legislation 4,500 Total 502120.0000 Subscriptions&Publcs 4,500 502150.0000 Photo,Mapping,Print 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410105 Planning & Design Background Information 108A Report Reproduction/Specialized Printing 1,000 Total 502150.0000 Photo,Mapping,Print 1,000 502210.0000 Insurance Premium Annual cost of insurance policy that provides protection for municipal activities and property. (Policy coverage includes: liability, automobile and property) 16,965 Total 502210.0000 Insurance Premium 16,965 502220.0000 Insurance Deductible Insurance Deductible 1,150 Total 502220.0000 Insurance Deductible 1,150 502230.0000 Consult&Prof Fees Professional/Technical Assistance - General/Urban Design/Heritage 50,000 Total 502230.0000 Consult&Prof Fees 50,000 502230.4633 Consult&Prof Fees - Fund-ContStudies-PLAN Infrastructure Ontario Environmental Assessment for land for park purposes at the southeast corner of Tillings Rd. and Dersan St. (PO# 4500000005) (funded from Continuing Studies Reserve) 1,182 Consulting services for improving efficiencies in Development Application processing - PO#4500001337 (funded from Continuing Studies Reserve) 218,447 Total 502230.4633 Consult&Prof Fees - Fund-ContStudies-PLAN 219,629 502230.4634 Consult&Prof Fees - Fund-SeatonAPP-PLAN Seaton Development, Implementation & Legal Assistance in response to unknown development issues as they arise related to planning, heritage, trail planning, economic development, sustainability, broadband infrastructure and OMB - 100% funded from Seaton App Fees 150,000 Infrastructure Ontario Environmental Assessment for Seaton Primary Trails - PO# 4500000011 (100% funded from Seaton App Fees) 71,155 Total 502230.4634 Consult&Prof Fees - Fund-SeatonAPP-PLAN 221,155 502230.4635 Consult&Prof Fees - Fund-Dvlp/Ownrs-PLAN Urban Design Review Services (funded 100% from Developers)60,000 Peer Review Consulting Services (heritage, transportation, land use compatibility, environmental studies, etc.) - funded 100% from developers 50,000 Total 502230.4635 Consult&Prof Fees - Fund-Dvlp/Ownrs-PLAN 110,000 502230.4639 Consult&Prof Fees - Fund-DC Reserves-PLAN Official Plan Review - Growth Management, Employment Lands & Public Engagement Expert - 45% DC Funded 500,000 Comprehensive Zoning By-law Update - Multi Year Project - Contingency (Phases 2 & 3) 67.5 % DC Funded and 32.5% funded from Rate Stabilization Reserve 50,000 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410105 Planning & Design Background Information 109 Comprehensive Zoning By-law Review (Phases 2 & 3) - PO#45000000230 (67.5 % DC Funded and 32.5% funded from Continuing Studies Reserve) 73,845 North East Pickering Official Plan Amendment - Background Studies - PO#4500000474 (71% funded by Landowners and 29% DC funded). Res# 625/21 283,604 Official Plan Review Background Studies (e.g., Retail & Office Impact Assessment) - PO#4500001270 (67.5% DC funded and 32.5% funded from Continuing Studies Reserve) 74,030 Total 502230.4639 Consult&Prof Fees - Fund-DC Reserves-PLAN 981,479 502240.0000 Meals/Prom/General Corporate Apparel 1,500 Refreshments for public planning meetings/workshops and promotional situations - lunches & consultant workshops 600 OPPI Sponsor Registrations 250 Business Development for Film Industry (Your Business. Their Next Film) Event - expenses include staging and sound, entertainment, catering and rentals, promotions, displays, etc., cost off-set by backlot lease revenues 20,000 Business Development for Film Industry (Your Business. Their Next Film) Event - transfer to 10050 cost centre (20,000) Total 502240.0000 Meals/Prom/General 2,350 502250.0000 Memberships Can. Institute of Planners (CIP)/Ont. Professional Planners Institute (OPPI) Full Membership (11 staff) 9,400 OPPI/CIP Membership (4 staff)2,920 Ontario Association of Committees of Adjustment (4 staff)550 Urban Land Institute (Associate Membership) (4 staff)900 Ontario Building Officials Association 400 Canadian Association of Heritage Professionals 320 AMANDA Central User Group Annual Fee (2 staff)500 One (1) AMANDA Central User Group Annual Fee - transfer to 10405 cost centre (250) Total 502250.0000 Memberships 14,740 502260.0000 Outside Agency Srvc Film Investment Package - preparation, design & marketing, photography and promotional videos (100% funded from film permit and land lease revenues) 500 Film Investment Package - transfer to 10050 cost centre (500) Pickering Custom Graphics and Artwork 500 Total 502260.0000 Outside Agency Srvc 500 502400.0000 Building Rentals Rental of facilities and payment of security when holding public meetings 300 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410105 Planning & Design Background Information 109A Total 502400.0000 Building Rentals 300 502500.0000 Stationery&OfficeSup General office supplies & paper/print cartridges 8,500 Total 502500.0000 Stationery&OfficeSup 8,500 502540.0000 Supplies & Tools Small office & drafting equipment 200 Total 502540.0000 Supplies & Tools 200 502700.0000 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr HRIS Maintenance 3,070 Total 502700.0000 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr 3,070 Total Expenses 4,979,920 Revenues 403000.9561 Department User Fees - Pre-Sub - Zoning By-law Amendments Zoning By-law Amendments - Pre-submissions (303,825) Total 403000.9561 Department User Fees - Pre-Sub - Zoning By-law Amendments (303,825) 403000.9562 Department User Fees - Pre-Sub - Official Plan Amendment Official Plan Amendment - Pre-submissions (131,400) Total 403000.9562 Department User Fees - Pre-Sub - Official Plan Amendment (131,400) 403000.9563 Department User Fees - Pre-Sub - Draft Plan of Subdivision/Condominium Draft Plan of Subdivision/Condominium - Pre-submissions (97,400) Total 403000.9563 Department User Fees - Pre-Sub - Draft Plan of Subdivision/Condominium(97,400) 403000.9564 Department User Fees - Pre-Sub - Site Plan Site Plan - Pre-submissions (1,158,300) Total 403000.9564 Department User Fees - Pre-Sub - Site Plan (1,158,300) 403000.9568 Department User Fees - Request for Zoning Information Request for Zoning Information & Zoning Certificates (13,900) Total 403000.9568 Department User Fees - Request for Zoning Information (13,900) 403000.9569 Department User Fees - Pre-consultations - Plan Pre-consultations (52,720) Total 403000.9569 Department User Fees - Pre-consultations - Plan (52,720) 403000.9575 Department User Fees - Telecommunication Tower Telecommunications Towers (22,750) Total 403000.9575 Department User Fees - Telecommunication Tower (22,750) 403000.9576 Department User Fees - Committee of Adjustment - Variances Committee of Adjustment - Variances (103,000) Total 403000.9576 Department User Fees - Committee of Adjustment - Variances (103,000) 403000.9577 Department User Fees - Land Division Land Division (105,000) 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410105 Planning & Design Background Information 110 Total 403000.9577 Department User Fees - Land Division (105,000) 403000.9578 Department User Fees - Minister's Zoning Order Minister's Zoning Order (7,100) Total 403000.9578 Department User Fees - Minister's Zoning Order (7,100) 403000.9579 Department User Fees - Other-PlanningSrvc Other Planning Services (4,500) Total 403000.9579 Department User Fees - Other-PlanningSrvc (4,500) 404000.9400 Licences and Permits - Lic.&Permits-Film Permit Film Permit Fees - public road use and land lease (380,250) Film Permit Fees - transfer to 10050 cost centre 380,250 Total 404000.9400 Licences and Permits - Lic.&Permits-Film Permit - 406540.0000 Cost Recoveries Records Management Scanning Fees (10,000) Northeast Pickering OPA - Background Studies (71% funded by Landowners)(201,359) Urban Design Review Services (100% funded by Developers)(60,000) Peer Review Consulting Services (heritage, transportation, land use compatibility, environmental studies, etc.) (100% funded by Developers) (50,000) Total 406540.0000 Cost Recoveries (321,359) Total Revenues (2,321,254) Transfers 408007.0000 Trf fr RateStblz Res Rate Stabilization Reserve funding (32.5%) for Comprehensive Zoning By-law Update-Multi Year Project-Contingency (Phases 2 & 3) (16,250) Rate Stabilization Reserve funding for change in revenue recognition for Planning Fees (175,000) Total 408007.0000 Trf fr RateStblz Res (191,250) 408009.0000 Trf fr Cntg Stdy Res Continuing Studies Reserve funding for consulting services for improving efficiencies in Development Application processing (218,447) Continuing Studies Reserve funding (32.5%) for OP Review background studies (e.g., Retail & Office Impact Assessment) (24,060) Continuing Studies Reserve funding for Infrastructure Ontario Environmental Assessment for Land for Park Purposes at the southeast corner of Tillings Rd. and Dersan St. (1,182) Continuing Studies Reserve funding (32.5%) for Comprehensive Zoning By-law Review (Phases 2 & 3) (24,000) Total 408009.0000 Trf fr Cntg Stdy Res (267,689) 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410105 Planning & Design Background Information 110A 408019.0000 Trf fr SeatonDev Res Seaton Application Fees funding for Seaton Development, Implementation & Legal Assistance (150,000) Seaton Application Fees funding for Infrastructure Ontario Environmental Assessment for Seaton Primary Trails (71,155) Total 408019.0000 Trf fr SeatonDev Res (221,155) 408605.0000 Trf fr DC Studies RF DC Funding (45%) for OP Review Growth Management, Employment Land Studies & Public Engagement Specialist (225,000) DC Funding (29%) for Northeast Pickering OPA - Background Studies (82,245) DC Funding (67.5%) for Comprehensive Zoning By-law Review (Phases 2 & 3)(49,845) DC Funding (67.5%) for Comprehensive Zoning By-law Update-Multi Year Project-Contingency (Phases 2 & 3) (33,750) DC Funding (67.5%) for OP Review Background Studies (e.g., Retail & Office Impact Assessment) (49,970) Total 408605.0000 Trf fr DC Studies RF (440,810) Total Transfers (1,120,904) Net Expenses (Revenues)1,537,762 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410105 Planning & Design Background Information 111 Expenditures - - Salaries & Wages 24,200 134,000 158,200 553.72% - - Employee Benefits 7,240 8,580 15,820 118.51% - - Consulting & Professional Fees - 800,000 800,000 - % - - Total Expenditures 31,440 942,580 974,020 2,998.03% Revenues - - Federal Grants - (865,780)(865,780)- % - - Department User Fees - (108,240)(108,240)- % - - Total Revenues - (974,020)(974,020)- % Transfers - - Total Transfers - - - - % - - Net Expenditures (Revenues)31,440 (31,440) - (100.00%) 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 2024 Current Budget Summary 10105 - 9755 Office of Affordability 112 Expenditures 501000.9755 Salaries & Wages - Office of Affordability One contract full-time Senior Planner - Housing position (conversion from a permanent full-time position) 98,400 Two new Planning Intern positions, June 1, 2024 start date, (100% funded from Housing Accelerator Fund (HAF) grant - subject to grant approval) 59,800 Total 501000.9755 Salaries & Wages - Office of Affordability 158,200 501020.9755 Employee Benefits - Office of Affordability Benefits related to one contract full-time Senior Planner, Housing position (conversion from a permanent full-time position) 9,840 Benefits related to two new Planning Intern positions, June 1, 2024 start date, (100% funded from HAF grant - subject to grant approval) 5,980 Total 501020.9755 Employee Benefits - Office of Affordability 15,820 502230.9755 Consult&Prof Fees - Office of Affordability CIP Program for Affordable & Purpose Built Rental Development (100% funded from HAF grant - subject to grant approval) 150,000 Zoning By-law Amendment for Kingston Road Corridor/Brock Node (100% funded from HAF grant - subject to grant approval) 75,000 Surplus Land Disposition & Land Acquisition Strategy (100% funded from HAF grant - subject to grant approval) 125,000 Protected Major Transportation Station Area (PMTSA) Official Plan & Zoning By-law Amendment (100% funded from HAF grant - subject to grant approval) 75,000 Pickering Wide Parking Study (100% funded from HAF grant - subject to grant approval) 175,000 Additional Dwelling Unit (ADU) Education Program & Implementation (100% funded from HAF grant - subject to grant approval) 75,000 Scoped Housing Assessment & Inclusionary Zoning Study (100% funded from HAF grant - subject to grant approval) 125,000 Total 502230.9755 Consult&Prof Fees - Office of Affordability 800,000 Total Expenses 974,020 Revenues 402500.9755 Federal Grants - Office of Affordability CIP Program for Affordable & Purpose Built Rental Development (100% funded from HAF Grant) (150,000) Zoning By-law Amendment for Kingston Road Corridor/Brock Node (100% funded from HAF Grant) (75,000) Surplus Land Disposition & Land Acquisition Strategy (100% funded from HAF Grant)(125,000) 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 2024 Background Information 10105 - 9755 Office of Affordability 113 Protected Major Transportation Station Area (PMTSA) Official Plan & Zoning By-law Amendment (100% funded from HAF Grant) (75,000) Pickering-wide Parking Study (100% funded from HAF Grant)(175,000) Additional Dwelling Unit Education Program & Implementation (100% funded from HAF Grant) (75,000) Scoped Housing Assessment & Inclusionary Zoning Study (100% funded from HAF Grant) (125,000) Two new Planning Intern positions, effective June 1, 2024 (100% funded from HAF grant) (65,780) Total 402500.9755 Federal Grants - Office of Affordability (865,780) 403000.9755 Department User Fees - Office of Affordability Revenue offset from general planning fees for Office of Affordability cost recovery (108,240) Total 403000.9755 Department User Fees - Office of Affordability (108,240) Total Revenues (974,020) Total Transfers - Net Expenses (Revenues) - 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 2024 Background Information 10105 - 9755 Office of Affordability 114 Expenditures 1,632,338 1,794,412 Salaries & Wages 1,760,020 205,410 1,965,430 11.67% 13,148 18,067 Overtime 10,000 - 10,000 - % 443,101 490,878 Employee Benefits 503,253 52,401 555,654 10.41% 653 3,187 Uniforms 4,000 - 4,000 - % 3,823 9,603 Conferences 9,900 800 10,700 8.08% 10,750 19,359 Seminars & Education 30,300 (4,100)26,200 (13.53%) 15,162 14,462 Travel 22,600 - 22,600 - % 4,586 8,656 Cellular Phones 9,100 550 9,650 6.04% 6,417 6,318 Telephone & Data 7,100 200 7,300 2.82% 838 780 Internet 835 - 835 - % 3,369 2,853 Subscriptions & Publications 4,000 - 4,000 - % 7,520 8,272 Insurance Premium 8,272 1,248 9,520 15.09% 2,743 2,564 Insurance Deductible 3,000 450 3,450 15.00% 53,856 17,484 Consulting & Professional Fees 95,000 70,000 165,000 73.68% 187 7,982 Meals, Promotions & General 5,900 - 5,900 - % 12,241 12,501 Memberships 19,355 (650)18,705 (3.36%) 1,029 331 Building - Repairs & Maintenance - - - - % 803 1,358 Vehicle - Repairs & Maintenance 2,000 - 2,000 - % - 301 Gas, Oil, Tire, Etc.3,000 (2,000)1,000 (66.67%) 1,682 5,130 Stationary & Office Supplies 8,000 - 8,000 - % 265 285 Forms 9,000 (4,000)5,000 (44.44%) 231 578 Supplies & Tools 2,000 - 2,000 - % 16,202 17,229 Software & Hardware Mtce. Contracts 47,110 (44,910)2,200 (95.33%) - 5,399 Hardware Replacements - - - - % - - Financial Services Charges - 85,000 85,000 - % 2,230,944 2,447,989 Total Expenditures 2,563,745 360,399 2,924,144 14.06% Revenues - (143,948)Ontario Grants - - - - % (30,968)(34,887)Department User Fees (40,000)(85,000)(125,000)212.50% (3,731,940)(6,127,487)Licences & Permits (4,100,000)(450,000)(4,550,000)10.98% (2,025) - Fines & Charges - - - - % - - Cost Recoveries (95,000) - (95,000)- % (3,764,933)(6,306,322) Total Revenues (4,235,000)(535,000)(4,770,000)12.63% Transfers 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410110 Building Services Current Budget Summary 115 (20,496) - Transfer to(from) Cntg Sty Res. - - - - % (20,496) - Total Transfers - - - - % (1,554,485)(3,858,333) Net Expenditures (Revenues)(1,671,255)(174,601)(1,845,856)10.45% 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410110 Building Services Current Budget Summary 116 Expenditures 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages Base Salaries and Wages 1,965,430 Total 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages 1,965,430 501010.0000 Overtime On-Call Basis as per Collective Agreement 10,000 Total 501010.0000 Overtime 10,000 501020.0000 Employee Benefits This item includes mandatory deductions (CPP, EI, EHT) and employer provided benefits such as extended health and dental 555,654 Total 501020.0000 Employee Benefits 555,654 501040.0000 Uniforms As per the Collective Agreement 4,000 Total 501040.0000 Uniforms 4,000 501100.0000 Conferences Ontario Building Officials Association (OBOA) (3 staff) - hotel and registration 7,500 Large Municipalities Chief Building Officials Fall/Spring Workshop - Chief Building Officer (CBO) 3,200 Total 501100.0000 Conferences 10,700 501110.0000 Seminars & Education Building Code & other technical training programs - all staff 8,400 Heating, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Institute (HRAI) Courses - Senior Examiner/Inspector (Plumbing & HVAC) 2,000 General Educational Assistance 1,000 Construct Canada - CBO and Staff 700 Ontario Building Officials Association (OBOA) or similar course (to be facilitated by the City (100% cost recoverable from revenues from attending municipalities) 10,000 Municipal Management Course - UOIT (1 staff)4,100 Total 501110.0000 Seminars & Education 26,200 501130.0000 Travel Ontario Building Officials Association Conference (4 staff)1,100 Annual mileage for Building Services staff 21,500 Total 501130.0000 Travel 22,600 502020.0000 Cellular Phones Annual Smartphone Charges (Manager, supervisors and 14 staff)7,500 Equipment Upgrades (5 staff)2,150 Total 502020.0000 Cellular Phones 9,650 502030.0000 Telephones & Data 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410110 Building Services Background Information 117 Voice/Data 7,300 Total 502030.0000 Telephones & Data 7,300 502040.0000 Internet Internet 835 Total 502040.0000 Internet 835 502120.0000 Subscriptions&Publcs Building Codes & Updates, Referenced Standards, and Fire Codes 4,000 Total 502120.0000 Subscriptions&Publcs 4,000 502210.0000 Insurance Premium Annual cost of insurance policy that provides protection for municipal activities and property. (Policy coverage includes: liability, automobile and property) 9,520 Total 502210.0000 Insurance Premium 9,520 502220.0000 Insurance Deductible Insurance Deductible 3,450 Total 502220.0000 Insurance Deductible 3,450 502230.0000 Consult&Prof Fees Professional engineers, building science specialists, code experts and environmental consultants retained to provide specialized examination, consultation and inspection services for complex projects - 100% recoverable 80,000 IT Consultants for PRISM and AMANDA 70,000 Specialized consultants to support investigations - 100% recoverable 15,000 Total 502230.0000 Consult&Prof Fees 165,000 502240.0000 Meals/Prom/General Various Events (CBO, CIAC, SAC, BIAC, PAC, MSAC, Building Safety Month)800 Conference Meals 600 Corporate Apparel 2,500 Promotional Items 2,000 Total 502240.0000 Meals/Prom/General 5,900 502250.0000 Memberships Assn. of Architectural Technologists of Ont. (2 staff)500 Min. of Municipal Affairs (MMAH) Building Code Identification Number (BCIN) - Director Filings 2,700 Ontario Building Officials Assn. (22 staff)8,500 Code Interpretation Advisory Committee (1 staff)50 Mechanical Services Advisory Committee (1 staff)50 Plumbing Advisory Committee (1 staff)50 Building Inspection Advisory Committee (1 staff)50 American Society of Heating Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Engineers (1 staff)280 Structural Advisory Committee (1 staff)50 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410110 Building Services Background Information 118 Large Municipalities Chief Building Officials (1 staff)750 Ontario Association of Certified Engineering Technologists (2 staff)550 Membership Contingency Fund 700 Professional Engineers Ontario (4 staff)900 Durham Chapter - OBOA (5 staff)625 Heating, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Institute (HRAI) Corporate Membership 500 Durham Home Builders Association 1,600 Ontario Association of Architects (1 staff)850 Total 502250.0000 Memberships 18,705 502370.0000 Vehicle Rpr & Mntc For Building Services Vehicle 2,000 Total 502370.0000 Vehicle Rpr & Mntc 2,000 502375.0000 Gas, Oil, Tires, Etc Winter tires, etc. for Building Services vehicle 1,000 Total 502375.0000 Gas, Oil, Tires, Etc 1,000 502500.0000 Stationery&OfficeSup General Office Supplies 8,000 Total 502500.0000 Stationery&OfficeSup 8,000 502510.0000 Forms Promote building services to the public 5,000 Total 502510.0000 Forms 5,000 502540.0000 Supplies & Tools Personal Protective Equipment (grow operations and other hazardous sites)1,000 Incidental Inspection and Testing Devices 1,000 Total 502540.0000 Supplies & Tools 2,000 502700.0000 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr Maintenance - HRIS 2,200 Maintenance - ePermitting 45,000 Maintenance - ePermitting (transfer to 10100)(45,000) Total 502700.0000 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr 2,200 503080.9532 Financial Srvc Chrgs - Online Convenience Fee Convenience fees paid for online credit card processing 85,000 Total 503080.9532 Financial Srvc Chrgs - Online Convenience Fee 85,000 Total Expenses 2,924,144 Revenues 403000.9530 Department User Fees - Compliance Ltr-Bldg Compliance Letters (15,000) Total 403000.9530 Department User Fees - Compliance Ltr-Bldg (15,000) 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410110 Building Services Background Information 119 403000.9531 Department User Fees - Other Rev - Building Revenue from attendance by outside municipalities to offset cost for OBOA course (10,000) Records Management Scanning (15,000) Total 403000.9531 Department User Fees - Other Rev - Building (25,000) 403000.9532 Department User Fees - Online Convenience Fee Convenience fees charged for online credit card processing (85,000) Total 403000.9532 Department User Fees - Online Convenience Fee (85,000) 404000.9450 Licences and Permits - Building Permits Residential (3,300,000) Non-Residential (1,000,000) Sign Permits (50,000) Other Permits (200,000) Total 404000.9450 Licences and Permits - Building Permits (4,550,000) 406540.0000 Cost Recoveries Cost recovery for professional engineers, specialists and consultants, code experts to provide specialized examination, consultation and inspections services for complex projects - 100% recoverable (80,000) Cost recovery for specialized consultants to support investigations (charge-back for costs incurred) - 100% recoverable (15,000) Total 406540.0000 Cost Recoveries (95,000) Total Revenues (4,770,000) Total Transfers - Net Expenses (Revenues)(1,845,856) 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410110 Building Services Background Information 120 Expenditures 370,161 269,432 Salaries & Wages 429,490 40,804 470,294 9.50% 2,051 1,162 Overtime 2,000 - 2,000 - % 77,122 74,749 Employee Benefits 124,883 8,618 133,501 6.90% 214 315 Uniforms 450 - 450 - % 1,287 3,943 Conferences 5,000 2,500 7,500 50.00% - 2,277 Seminars & Education 8,000 - 8,000 - % 66 180 Travel 1,000 (250)750 (25.00%) 1,594 1,311 Cellular Phones 2,900 - 2,900 - % 1,170 1,505 Telephone & Data 1,700 (100)1,600 (5.88%) 153 186 Internet 190 - 190 - % 5,704 5,996 Advertising 9,750 - 9,750 - % 1,386 5,624 Trade Shows,Exhibits & Displays 3,000 - 3,000 - % - - Subscriptions & Publications 400 - 400 - % - - Photo, Mapping, Print 2,800 - 2,800 - % 3,020 3,322 Insurance Premium 3,322 498 3,820 14.99% 107,788 18,614 Consulting & Professional Fees 101,000 262,690 363,690 260.09% 1,419 1,878 Meals, Promotions & General 11,000 18,500 29,500 168.18% 2,762 3,619 Memberships 3,885 - 3,885 - % 4,868 4,631 Outside Agency Services 10,300 15,200 25,500 147.57% 465 1,732 Stationary & Office Supplies 2,000 - 2,000 - % 102,450 116,247 Programs & Event Supplies 146,750 7,000 153,750 4.77% 470 515 Software & Hardware Mtce. Contracts 515 15 530 2.91% 684,150 517,238 Total Expenditures 870,335 355,475 1,225,810 40.84% Revenues - - Federal Grants - (183,250)(183,250)- % (5,879) - Ontario Grants - - - - % (92,495) - Other Agency Grants - (20,000)(20,000)- % - (228,326)Department User Fees (179,500)(41,840)(221,340)23.31% (9,819)(12,044)Event Vendor Fees (12,250)(1,750)(14,000)14.29% (1,365)(1,396)Other User Fees - - - - % (4,884) - Donations (3,000) - (3,000)- % - - Sponsorships - (7,000)(7,000)- % - (3,720)Sustainability Sponsorships (2,000)2,000 - (100.00%) - - Marketing Sponsors - (5,000)(5,000)- % - - Sustain Mkt Sponsors (2,000)2,000 - (100.00%) 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410115 Sustainability Current Budget Summary 121 - - Other Contributions - (10,000)(10,000)- % - - Cost Recoveries (4,000)(5,500)(9,500)137.50% (114,442)(245,486) Total Revenues (202,750)(270,340)(473,090)133.34% Transfers - 74,326 Transfer to(from) Cntg Sty Res. - (85,440)(85,440)- % (10,618)(8,556)Transfer to (from) Oblig RF (25,000)(10,000)(35,000)40.00% (10,618)65,770 Total Transfers (25,000)(95,440)(120,440)381.76% 559,090 337,522 Net Expenditures (Revenues)642,585 (10,305)632,280 (1.60%) 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410115 Sustainability Current Budget Summary 122 Expenditures 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages Base Salaries and Wages 470,294 Total 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages 470,294 501010.0000 Overtime To meet service level/workload commitments 2,000 Total 501010.0000 Overtime 2,000 501020.0000 Employee Benefits This item includes mandatory deductions (CPP, EI, EHT) and employer provided benefits such as extended health and dental 133,501 Total 501020.0000 Employee Benefits 133,501 501040.0000 Uniforms As per the Collective Agreement 450 Total 501040.0000 Uniforms 450 501100.0000 Conferences Sustainability & Energy Conferences 6,000 Ont. Professional Planners Institute (OPPI) or similar conference - Senior Planner, Sustainability 1,500 Total 501100.0000 Conferences 7,500 501110.0000 Seminars & Education Sustainability & Related Projects 2,000 Staff Training - Professional Development 2,500 Sustainable Design Standards Implementation 1,500 Education Assistance Program (2 staff)2,000 Total 501110.0000 Seminars & Education 8,000 501130.0000 Travel Parking & Mileage 750 Total 501130.0000 Travel 750 502020.0000 Cellular Phones Smartphone Charges - Manager & 3 Coordinators 2,900 Total 502020.0000 Cellular Phones 2,900 502030.0000 Telephones & Data Voice / Data 1,600 Total 502030.0000 Telephones & Data 1,600 502040.0000 Internet Internet 190 Total 502040.0000 Internet 190 502100.9720 Advertising - General(Strat Initv) Advertising Programs / Events 9,750 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410115 Sustainability Background Information 123 Total 502100.9720 Advertising - General(Strat Initv)9,750 502110.9720 Trd Shows/Exhb/Dsply - General(Strat Initv) Events (supplies for various displays/activities)3,000 Total 502110.9720 Trd Shows/Exhb/Dsply - General(Strat Initv)3,000 502120.0000 Subscriptions&Publcs Reference Material 400 Total 502120.0000 Subscriptions&Publcs 400 502150.0000 Photo,Mapping,Print Photography & videography services for City's promotional publications 1,000 Measuring Sustainability Reprint and Materials 1,800 Total 502150.0000 Photo,Mapping,Print 2,800 502210.0000 Insurance Premium Annual cost of insurance policy that provides protection for municipal activities and property. (Policy coverage includes: liability, automobile and property) 3,820 Total 502210.0000 Insurance Premium 3,820 502230.0000 Consult&Prof Fees Implementation of Sustainable Design Standards 15,000 Local Enhancement & Appreciation of Forests (LEAF) Tree Planting Program (Year 4 of 4) 15,000 Sustainability and Climate Change - PO#4500001319 (partially funded from Continuing Studies Reserve ($61,018) and grants ($10,000) subject to grant approval) 116,018 Update to Measuring Sustainability Report - PO#4500001313 (funded from Continuing Studies Reserve) 24,422 Climate Adaptation Tools (100% Federal grant funded - subject to grant approval)183,250 Environmental Sustainability Guidelines (ESG) standards/framework research (100% grant funded - subject to grant approval) 10,000 Total 502230.0000 Consult&Prof Fees 363,690 502240.9720 Meals/Prom/General - General(Strat Initv) Sustainability Corporate Wear 2,500 Refreshment/Food for Events 1,000 Sustainable Community-Building Workshop Series (partially funded from other contributions ($10,000) and cost recoveries ($9,500)) 26,000 Total 502240.9720 Meals/Prom/General - General(Strat Initv)29,500 502250.0000 Memberships OPPI/CIP Full Membership - Senior Planner, Sustainability 750 Clean Air Council 1,800 Project Management Institute 400 International Society of Sustainability Professionals (3 staff)450 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410115 Sustainability Background Information 124 Circular Innovation Council 360 Pickering Naturalists 25 Durham Integrated Growers 100 Total 502250.0000 Memberships 3,885 502260.9720 Outside Agency Srvc - General(Strat Initv) General Design Services 2,500 Pollinator Garden Volunteer Training, Services & Supplies 3,000 Measuring Sustainability Report Design Services 7,000 Measuring Sustainability Report Editorial Services 6,000 Climate Adaptation Plan Design Services 7,000 Total 502260.9720 Outside Agency Srvc - General(Strat Initv)25,500 502500.0000 Stationery&OfficeSup General Office Supplies 2,000 Total 502500.0000 Stationery&OfficeSup 2,000 502520.9015 Program&Event Supps - Farmers Market Program supplies (including marketing, equipment, maintenance and entertainment)12,250 Total 502520.9015 Program&Event Supps - Farmers Market 12,250 502520.9720 Program&Event Supps - General(Strat Initv) Promotional Activities & Materials 10,000 Total 502520.9720 Program&Event Supps - General(Strat Initv)10,000 502520.9721 Program&Event Supps - Corporate Awareness Program Supplies 3,000 Total 502520.9721 Program&Event Supps - Corporate Awareness 3,000 502520.9722 Program&Event Supps - Comm Awareness Event Mgmt Program Supplies 5,500 Total 502520.9722 Program&Event Supps - Comm Awareness Event Mgmt 5,500 502520.9723 Program&Event Supps - Dog Waste Diversion Program Supplies (18 stations plus additional new sites)65,000 Total 502520.9723 Program&Event Supps - Dog Waste Diversion 65,000 502520.9724 Program&Event Supps - Community Clean-ups Program Supplies 2,000 Total 502520.9724 Program&Event Supps - Community Clean-ups 2,000 502520.9725 Program&Event Supps - Waterfowl Management Prgm Program Supplies (includes goose relocation, egg oiling)11,000 Total 502520.9725 Program&Event Supps - Waterfowl Management Prgm 11,000 502520.9726 Program&Event Supps - Tree Planting Program Supplies - Tree Planting (Funded from Duffin Heights Terrestrial Habitat Reserve Fund) 15,000 Tree & Vegetation Planting-High Priority Sites 10,000 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410115 Sustainability Background Information 125 Total 502520.9726 Program&Event Supps - Tree Planting 25,000 502520.9727 Program&Event Supps - Stream Restoration Program Supplies - Stream Restoration (Funded from Duffin Heights Fish Habitat Reserve Fund) 20,000 Total 502520.9727 Program&Event Supps - Stream Restoration 20,000 502700.0000 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr Maintenance - HRIS 530 Total 502700.0000 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr 530 Total Expenses 1,225,810 Revenues 402500.0000 Federal Grants Federal grant (Natural Resources Canada) for Climate Adaptation Tools (subject to grant approval) (183,250) Total 402500.0000 Federal Grants (183,250) 403000.9559 Department User Fees - Sustain Srvc - Plan Applications Pre-Consultations (5,775) Zoning By-law Amendments (32,750) Official Plan Amendment (14,600) Draft Plan of Subdivision/Condominium (19,085) Site Plan (149,130) Total 403000.9559 Department User Fees - Sustain Srvc - Plan Applications (221,340) 403090.9015 Event Vendor Fees - Farmers Market Farmers Market Vendor Table Fees (14,000) Total 403090.9015 Event Vendor Fees - Farmers Market (14,000) 406500.0000 Donations Sustainable Pickering Contributions (3,000) Total 406500.0000 Donations (3,000) 406510.0000 Other Agency Grants Sustainability & Climate Change Grant (subject to grant approval)(10,000) ESG standards/framework research (subject to grant approval)(10,000) Total 406510.0000 Other Agency Grants (20,000) 406520.9720 Sponsorships - General (Strat Initv) Sustainability Sponsorships (No tax)(7,000) Total 406520.9720 Sponsorships - General (Strat Initv)(7,000) 406530.9720 Marketing Sponsors - General (Strat Initv) Sustainability Marketing Sponsorships (Taxable)(5,000) Total 406530.9720 Marketing Sponsors - General (Strat Initv)(5,000) 406540.0000 Cost Recoveries 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410115 Sustainability Background Information 126 Sponsorship for Sustainable Community-Building Workshop Series (subject to sponsorship approvals) (9,500) Total 406540.0000 Cost Recoveries (9,500) 406550.0000 Other Contributions Other contributions - Sustainable Community-Building Workshop Series (10,000) Total 406550.0000 Other Contributions (10,000) Total Revenues (473,090) Transfers 408009.0000 Trf fr Cntg Stdy Res Continuing Studies Reserve funding for Sustainability and Climate Change (61,018) Continuing Studies Reserve funding for Update to Measuring Sustainability Report (24,422) Total 408009.0000 Trf fr Cntg Stdy Res (85,440) 408200.0000 Trf fr 3rdPtyOblg RF Tree Planting - Duffin Heights Terrestrial Habitat (15,000) Stream Restoration - Duffin Heights Fish Habitat (20,000) Total 408200.0000 Trf fr 3rdPtyOblg RF (35,000) Total Transfers (120,440) Net Expenses (Revenues)632,280 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410115 Sustainability Background Information 127 Expenditures 5,760 8,570 Salaries & Wages 8,400 120 8,520 1.43% 438 785 Employee Benefits 508 136 644 26.77% - - Conferences 1,000 100 1,100 10.00% - 310 Seminars & Education 300 100 400 33.33% 124 743 Travel 820 10 830 1.22% 675 750 Memberships 750 - 750 - % 6,997 11,158 Total Expenditures 11,778 466 12,244 3.96% Revenues - - Total Revenues - - - - % Transfers - - Total Transfers - - - - % 6,997 11,158 Net Expenditures (Revenues)11,778 466 12,244 3.96% 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410120 Committee of Adjustment Current Budget Summary 128 Expenditures 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages Honorarium (5 members)8,520 Total 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages 8,520 501020.0000 Employee Benefits This item includes mandatory deductions (CPP, EI, EHT) and employer provided benefits such as extended health and dental 644 Total 501020.0000 Employee Benefits 644 501100.0000 Conferences Ontario Association of Committees of Adjustment Conference (1 member)1,100 Total 501100.0000 Conferences 1,100 501110.0000 Seminars & Education Ontario Assoc. of Committee of Adjust. (1 member/1 staff)400 Total 501110.0000 Seminars & Education 400 501130.0000 Travel Committee of Adjustment Members - 12 meetings (55km per meeting)500 Committee of Adjustment Members - Site Visits (200km)130 Ontario Association of Committee of Adjustment Conference/Seminars 200 Total 501130.0000 Travel 830 502250.0000 Memberships Ontario Association of Committee of Adjust. (5 members)750 Total 502250.0000 Memberships 750 Total Expenses 12,244 Total Revenues - Total Transfers - Net Expenses (Revenues)12,244 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410120 Committee of Adjustment Background Information 129 Expenditures 483 - Conferences 525 - 525 - % - - Seminars & Education 300 - 300 - % 193 - Travel 500 - 500 - % - - Photo, Mapping, Print 250 - 250 - % 5,024 6,897 Consulting & Professional Fees 15,000 (5,000)10,000 (33.33%) 31 - Meals, Promotions & General 200 - 200 - % - - Memberships 100 - 100 - % - - Stationary & Office Supplies 150 - 150 - % 399 - Gift Shop/Plaques 500 6,000 6,500 1,200.00% 6,130 6,897 Total Expenditures 17,525 1,000 18,525 5.71% Revenues - - Total Revenues - - - - % Transfers - - Total Transfers - - - - % 6,130 6,897 Net Expenditures (Revenues)17,525 1,000 18,525 5.71% 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410125 Heritage Pickering Current Budget Summary 130 Expenditures 501100.0000 Conferences Heritage Conference - registration and accommodation (1 staff)525 Total 501100.0000 Conferences 525 501110.0000 Seminars & Education General 300 Total 501110.0000 Seminars & Education 300 501130.0000 Travel Parking & Mileage 250 Education Seminars and Conferences - Out of Town 250 Total 501130.0000 Travel 500 502150.0000 Photo,Mapping,Print General printing 250 Total 502150.0000 Photo,Mapping,Print 250 502230.0000 Consult&Prof Fees Consultations for designations, promo materials, heritage permit review, cultural heritage assessments 10,000 Total 502230.0000 Consult&Prof Fees 10,000 502240.0000 Meals/Prom/General Designation events (1 event)200 Total 502240.0000 Meals/Prom/General 200 502250.0000 Memberships Annual fee for Community Heritage Ontario - Chair 100 Total 502250.0000 Memberships 100 502500.0000 Stationery&OfficeSup General office supplies, training supplies, & name tags 150 Total 502500.0000 Stationery&OfficeSup 150 502590.0000 Gift Shop/Plaques Plaques for designated properties (5)2,500 Stand-alone plaque for 560 Park Crescent 4,000 Total 502590.0000 Gift Shop/Plaques 6,500 Total Expenses 18,525 Total Revenues - Total Transfers - Net Expenses (Revenues)18,525 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410125 Heritage Pickering Background Information 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 Expenditures 8,208,677 8,984,555 Salaries & Wages 9,172,188 284,587 9,456,775 3.10% 807,297 1,154,536 Salaries & Wages - Programs 1,272,620 273,212 1,545,832 21.47% 214,141 251,779 Overtime 199,179 20,000 219,179 10.04% 1,895,817 2,180,124 Employee Benefits 2,247,039 123,691 2,370,730 5.50% - 998 Employee Recognition - - - - % 36,085 33,914 Uniforms 55,060 19,110 74,170 34.71% 4,172 2,641 Conferences 7,465 1,535 9,000 20.56% 12,358 27,190 Seminars & Education 54,812 (12,247)42,565 (22.34%) - 104 Corporate Training - - - - % 6,747 10,248 Travel 10,600 1,300 11,900 12.26% 3,638 6,963 Freight, Express & Cartage 7,500 (3,000)4,500 (40.00%) 52 - Environmental Charges - - - - % 32,415 31,009 Cellular Phones 36,720 (800)35,920 (2.18%) 70,268 71,164 Telephone & Data 79,100 (3,820)75,280 (4.83%) 14,614 15,980 Internet 15,090 - 15,090 - % 6,509 6,418 Cable TV 6,635 - 6,635 - % 345,140 238,814 Advertising 261,850 (16,100)245,750 (6.15%) 151,621 43,205 Trade Shows,Exhibits & Displays 219,500 (121,759)97,741 (55.47%) 94 1,725 Subscriptions & Publications 550 - 550 - % 56,109 25,416 Brochures/Newsletters Printing 67,000 - 67,000 - % - 6,949 Photo, Mapping, Print 9,000 (4,000)5,000 (44.44%) 61,896 67,892 Insurance Premium 67,892 10,188 78,080 15.01% 4,856 5,892 Insurance Deductible 11,000 1,650 12,650 15.00% 35,882 109,971 Consulting & Professional Fees 393,387 (153,918)239,469 (39.13%) 66,939 16,662 Meals, Promotions & General 30,500 13,000 43,500 42.62% 10,446 14,832 Memberships 16,399 5,883 22,282 35.87% 237,344 278,644 Outside Agency Services 329,462 87,978 417,440 26.70% - 148 Repairs & Maintenance Contract Services - - - - % - 938 Repairs & Maintenance Materials - - - - % 1,401,821 1,651,220 Building - Repairs & Maintenance 1,735,052 48,485 1,783,537 2.79% 21,991 19,421 Vehicle - Repairs & Maintenance 22,900 (6,000)16,900 (26.20%) 26,501 27,106 Gas, Oil, Tire, Etc.19,850 6,585 26,435 33.17% 34,111 55,729 Misc. Equip. - Repairs & Maintenance 76,675 (6,700)69,975 (8.74%) 9,468 7,776 Artefact Repairs & Maintenance 8,700 - 8,700 - % 370 1,736 Grounds Upkeep 2,800 - 2,800 - % - 9 Fert. & Lawn Control - - - - % 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 2024Community Services Department Current Budget Summary 138 214,555 233,869 Building Rentals 250,220 191,345 441,565 76.47% 582 - Misc. Equip. Rentals 9,600 - 9,600 - % 40,820 40,820 Land Rentals 99,345 - 99,345 - % 13,698 12,821 Stationary & Office Supplies 14,450 - 14,450 - % - - Forms 1,900 - 1,900 - % 610,889 990,512 Programs & Event Supplies 1,155,225 102,009 1,257,234 8.83% 2,296 4,339 Special Event Supplies 95,000 3,476 98,476 3.66% 28,012 20,882 Committee Expenses 22,000 27,000 49,000 122.73% 31,133 37,404 Supplies & Tools 58,211 20,939 79,150 35.97% 114 254 Artefact Purchases 600 - 600 - % 3,610 5,488 Gift Shop/Plaques 5,000 - 5,000 - % 120,295 146,821 Utilities - Water 165,370 2,630 168,000 1.59% 904,263 1,124,672 Utilities - Hydro 1,116,162 22,098 1,138,260 1.98% 265,494 299,385 Utilities - Natural Gas 289,075 31,785 320,860 11.00% 7,067 5,198 Utilities - Oil 6,367 (1,377)4,990 (21.63%) 23,726 69,316 Software & Hardware Mtce. Contracts 69,637 12,853 82,490 18.46% - (215)Hardware Replacements - - - - % 3,863 35,748 Furniture & Fixtures 72,000 15,420 87,420 21.42% 8,204 5,542 Misc. Equipment 15,800 4,400 20,200 27.85% 3,085 - Miscellaneous Expenses - - - - % 156,349 213,674 Financial Services Charges 175,000 7,500 182,500 4.29% 16,215,434 18,598,238 Total Expenditures 20,057,487 1,008,938 21,066,425 5.03% Revenues (729,700)(577,784)Federal Grants (874,350)630,550 (243,800)(72.12%) (329,035)(166,347)Ontario Grants (467,400)233,524 (233,876)(49.96%) (25,167)(54,300)Other Agency Grants (76,000)6,000 (70,000)(7.89%) - (2,278)Department User Fees (10,000) - (10,000)- % (11,639)(5,149)Gift Shop (11,600) - (11,600)- % (763)(8,942)Snack Bar (10,150)(13,450)(23,600)132.51% (11,484)(21,159)Vending Machines (16,600)1,700 (14,900)(10.24%) (288,638)(383,981)Admissions (343,858)(2,502)(346,360)0.73% (1,543)(4,000)Rentals - User Fees (4,600)(286,000)(290,600)6,217.39% (1,419,888)(1,725,111)Rentals - Ice Surface (1,709,000)(51,500)(1,760,500)3.01% (21,509)(66,314)Rentals - Arena Floor (50,000)(22,500)(72,500)45.00% (210,105)(183,982)Rentals - Pool (274,400)(3,801)(278,201)1.39% (63,323)(106,336)Rentals - Meeting Rooms (107,700)12,000 (95,700)(11.14%) 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 2024Community Services Department Current Budget Summary 139 (81,425)(131,019)Rentals - Halls (136,000)(1,000)(137,000)0.74% (79,334)(82,394)Rental - Wellness Clinic (81,000)(800)(81,800)0.99% (125,208)(189,117)Community Ctr. Rentals (183,980)(6,120)(190,100)3.33% - (28,025)Advertising Space (66,000) - (66,000)- % (485,807)(962,598)Memberships (792,632)(71,868)(864,500)9.07% (11,963)(10,746)Event Vendor Fees (9,600)(5,000)(14,600)52.08% (3,658)(6,197)Seniors Event Fees (3,000)(850)(3,850)28.33% (41,351)(69,439)Older Adults 55+ Programs (54,000)(38,918)(92,918)72.07% (1,535,209)(2,301,684)Program Revenue (2,173,850)(844,738)(3,018,588)38.86% (14,001)(9,962)Museum Programs (15,000)3,000 (12,000)(20.00%) (3,703)(4,493)Child Supervision - - - - % (55,773)(89,828)Fitness Testing (50,000)(50,000)(100,000)100.00% (90,377)(90,438)Other User Fees (100,500)84,500 (16,000)(84.08%) (3,365)(344)Donations (5,000) - (5,000)- % (16,900)(15,200)Sponsorships (18,000)11,000 (7,000)(61.11%) (5,500)(18,500)Program Sponsorships (7,000)7,000 - (100.00%) (5,000)(20,450)Marketing Sponsors (44,500)(32,500)(77,000)73.03% (13,715)(25,885)Program Mkt Sponsors (40,000)40,000 - (100.00%) - - Other Contributions (50,000)30,000 (20,000)(60.00%) - - Cost Recoveries (10,000) - (10,000)- % (353,648)(322,382)Netted Revenue (335,190)(124,550)(459,740)37.16% (6,038,731)(7,684,384) Total Revenues (8,130,910)(496,823)(8,627,733)6.11% Transfers 41,000 - Capital Expenditures - - - - % - (47,222)Transfer to/(from) DC Oblg RF (217,087)47,685 (169,402)(21.97%) 60,506 19,308 Transfer to(from) Cntg Sty Res. - (51,617)(51,617)- % 62,843 (18,749)Transfer to(from) Reserve (376,900)(34,700)(411,600)9.21% (290)(1,464)Transfer to (from) Oblig RF - - - - % 164,059 (48,127) Total Transfers (593,987)(38,632)(632,619)6.50% 10,340,762 10,865,727 Net Expenditures (Revenues)11,332,590 473,483 11,806,073 4.18% 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 2024Community Services Department Current Budget Summary 140 Budget vs Actual Net Cost 2019-2023 If actual net cost > budget net cost, the cost centre is in a deficit position. If actual net cost > budget net cost, the cost centre is in a deficit position. $53,946 $414,083 $452,740 $11,304 $352,156 (100,000) 0 100,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 500,000 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 10200 Culture & Recreation - Admin $63,659 $736,659 $147,451 $441,375 $203,791 (200,000) (100,000) 0 100,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 500,000 600,000 700,000 800,000 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 10205 Programs 141 Budget vs Actual Net Cost 2019-2023 If actual net cost > budget net cost, the cost centre is in a deficit position. If actual net cost > budget net cost, the cost centre is in a deficit position. $214,978 $240,442 $242,799 $8,637 $66,217 (300,000) (200,000) (100,000) 0 100,000 200,000 300,000 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 10215 Don Beer Arena $930 $48,143 $65,644 $174,316 $97,527 (20,000) 0 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 120,000 140,000 160,000 180,000 200,000 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 10210 Dunbarton Pool 142 Budget vs Actual Net Cost 2019-2023 If actual net cost > budget net cost, the cost centre is in a deficit position. If actual net cost > budget net cost, the cost centre is in a deficit position. $41,756 $32,685 $172,563 $33,983 $114,349 (50,000) 0 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 10220 Community Centres $6,207 $363,606 $51,663 $110,765 $106,516 (400,000) (350,000) (300,000) (250,000) (200,000) (150,000) (100,000) (50,000) 0 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 10225 Recreation Complex - Central Core 143 Budget vs Actual Net Cost 2019-2023 If actual net cost > budget net cost, the cost centre is in a deficit position. If actual net cost > budget net cost, the cost centre is in a deficit position. $9,627 $63,020 $92,900 $194,719 $251,950(300,000) (250,000) (200,000) (150,000) (100,000) (50,000) 0 50,000 100,000 150,000 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 10230 Recreation Complex - Pool $92,967 $333,423 $248,730 $37,986 $105,568 (400,000) (300,000) (200,000) (100,000) 0 100,000 200,000 300,000 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 10235 Recreation Complex - Arenas 144 Budget vs Actual Net Cost 2019-2023 If actual net cost > budget net cost, the cost centre is in a deficit position. If actual net cost > budget net cost, the cost centre is in a deficit position. $1,843 $41,182 $285,791 $245,946 $30,478 (100,000) (50,000) 0 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 300,000 350,000 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 10240 Civic Centre $63,919 $95,973 $287,433 $95,489 $85,594 0 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 300,000 350,000 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 10245 Senior Citizens Centre 145 Budget vs Actual Net Cost 2019-2023 If actual net cost > budget net cost, the cost centre is in a deficit position. $64,871 $145,214 $63,735 $162,712 $19,214 (200,000) (150,000) (100,000) (50,000) 0 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 10250 Museum 146 Expenditures 1,661,719 1,838,891 Salaries & Wages 2,262,977 (398,086)1,864,891 (17.59%) 6,015 11,314 Overtime 20,335 (5,000)15,335 (24.59%) 433,770 451,828 Employee Benefits 592,999 (59,591)533,408 (10.05%) - 872 Employee Recognition - - - - % - 2,913 Uniforms 2,500 (2,500) - (100.00%) 2,977 2,641 Conferences 7,465 (965)6,500 (12.93%) 993 3,540 Seminars & Education 6,150 (3,150)3,000 (51.22%) 795 3,819 Travel 2,000 1,000 3,000 50.00% 12,784 10,546 Cellular Phones 10,480 (5,000)5,480 (47.71%) 7,153 7,258 Telephone & Data 9,600 - 9,600 - % 1,590 2,372 Internet 1,745 - 1,745 - % 142,019 137,930 Advertising 151,100 (61,100)90,000 (40.44%) - 909 Trade Shows,Exhibits & Displays 5,000 (5,000) - (100.00%) - 1,692 Subscriptions & Publications 200 - 200 - % - 4,449 Photo, Mapping, Print 9,000 (4,000)5,000 (44.44%) 8,250 9,075 Insurance Premium 9,075 40 9,115 0.44% 4,681 104,971 Consulting & Professional Fees 376,387 (154,918)221,469 (41.16%) 9,900 4,715 Meals, Promotions & General 9,000 - 9,000 - % 5,385 6,419 Memberships 4,665 5,225 9,890 112.00% - 2,408 Outside Agency Services - - - - % - 149 Building - Repairs & Maintenance - - - - % 1,988 1,033 Vehicle - Repairs & Maintenance - - - - % 272 112 Gas, Oil, Tire, Etc. - - - - % 72,861 75,295 Building Rentals 75,310 189,845 265,155 252.08% 4,483 5,105 Stationary & Office Supplies 4,300 (1,000)3,300 (23.26%) 166,436 283,579 Programs & Event Supplies 430,000 (430,000) - (100.00%) 25 920 Special Event Supplies - - - - % 26,750 20,882 Committee Expenses 22,000 9,500 31,500 43.18% 1,775 (17)Supplies & Tools - - - - % - 238 Gift Shop/Plaques - - - - % 6,270 33,917 Software & Hardware Mtce. Contracts 33,995 6,375 40,370 18.75% 2,020 1,706 Furniture & Fixtures 1,000 - 1,000 - % - - Misc. Equipment - 8,600 8,600 - % 156,349 213,674 Financial Services Charges 175,000 7,000 182,000 4.00% 2,737,260 3,245,155 Total Expenditures 4,222,283 (902,725)3,319,558 (21.38%) 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410200 Culture & Recreation - Administration Current Budget Summary 147 Revenues (151,832)(155,013)Federal Grants (372,300)372,300 - (100.00%) (5,000) - Ontario Grants (125,000)125,000 - (100.00%) - - Rentals - User Fees - (286,000)(286,000)- % - (1,275)Other User Fees - - - - % (14,200)(15,000)Sponsorships (15,000)15,000 - (100.00%) - - Marketing Sponsors (25,000)25,000 - (100.00%) - - Other Contributions (50,000)50,000 - (100.00%) (171,032)(171,288) Total Revenues (587,300)301,300 (286,000)(51.30%) Transfers - (47,222)Transfer to/(from) DC Oblg RF (217,087)47,685 (169,402)(21.97%) 60,506 19,308 Transfer to(from) Cntg Sty Res. - (51,617)(51,617)- % (12,157)(93,749)Transfer to(from) Reserve (115,000)115,000 - (100.00%) (290)(1,464)Transfer to (from) Oblig RF - - - - % 48,059 (123,127) Total Transfers (332,087)111,068 (221,019)(33.45%) 2,614,287 2,950,740 Net Expenditures (Revenues)3,302,896 (490,357)2,812,539 (14.85%) 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410200 Culture & Recreation - Administration Current Budget Summary 148 Expenditures 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages Base Salaries and Wages 1,853,591 Conversion of one part-time Volunteer Coordinator position to full-time, April 1, 2024 start date 11,300 Total 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages 1,864,891 501010.0000 Overtime Programs and Events 5,455 Department Graphics 1,200 Administration 2,280 Facilities 6,400 Total 501010.0000 Overtime 15,335 501020.0000 Employee Benefits This item includes mandatory deductions (CPP, EI, EHT) and employer provided benefits such as extended health and dental 524,708 Benefits related to conversion of one part-time Volunteer Coordinator position to full-time, April 1, 2024 start date 8,700 Total 501020.0000 Employee Benefits 533,408 501100.0000 Conferences Professional Conferences 6,500 Total 501100.0000 Conferences 6,500 501110.0000 Seminars & Education CPRC & First Aid Training 1,000 Seminars & Workshops Expenses 2,000 Total 501110.0000 Seminars & Education 3,000 501130.0000 Travel Parking & Mileage 3,000 Total 501130.0000 Travel 3,000 502020.0000 Cellular Phones Staff Annual Smartphone & Tablet charges 5,480 Total 502020.0000 Cellular Phones 5,480 502030.0000 Telephones & Data Voice / Data 9,600 Total 502030.0000 Telephones & Data 9,600 502040.0000 Internet Internet 1,745 Total 502040.0000 Internet 1,745 502100.0000 Advertising Accessible Documents 1,000 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410200 Culture & Recreation - Administration Background Information 149 Community Initiatives 93,000 Community Initiatives - Advertising for Statutory Notices - transfer to 10010 cost centre (31,000) Recreation Programs 15,000 General Marketing 12,000 Total 502100.0000 Advertising 90,000 502110.0000 Trd Shows/Exhb/Dsply Street Banners and Hardware 5,000 Street Banners and Hardware - transfer to 10207 cost centre (5,000) Total 502110.0000 Trd Shows/Exhb/Dsply - 502120.0000 Subscriptions&Publcs Security Publications 200 Total 502120.0000 Subscriptions&Publcs 200 502150.0000 Photo,Mapping,Print Professional services for photography map, printing reproductions, and plotter supplies 5,000 Total 502150.0000 Photo,Mapping,Print 5,000 502210.0000 Insurance Premium Annual cost of insurance policy that provides protection for municipal activities and property. (Policy coverage includes: liability, automobile and property) 9,115 Total 502210.0000 Insurance Premium 9,115 502230.0000 Consult&Prof Fees Consulting for Recreation and Parks Masterplan Update (PO #4500001065) - 75% funded from Development Charges, 25% funded from Continuing Studies Reserve 165,572 Consulting for Recreation User Fee Study (PO#4500000800) - 75% funded from Development Charges, 25% funded from Continuing Studies Reserve 40,897 Seaton Recreation Complex Consultation (97% funded from Development Charges)15,000 Total 502230.0000 Consult&Prof Fees 221,469 502240.0000 Meals/Prom/General Administrative Staff 4,000 Volunteer Appreciation and Hospitality 5,000 Total 502240.0000 Meals/Prom/General 9,000 502250.0000 Memberships Ontario Recreation and Facilities Association 850 Professional Association of Volunteer Leaders Ontario (PAVRO)190 Canadian Municipal Network on Crime Prevention 1,100 Security Associations 1,500 American Society for Industrial Security (ASIS) (virtual)250 Culinary Tourism Alliance 2,500 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410200 Culture & Recreation - Administration Background Information 150 Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers 400 Creative Cities Network of Canada 1,100 Parks and Recreation Ontario 1,825 International Association of Public Participation (IAP2)175 Total 502250.0000 Memberships 9,890 502400.0000 Building Rentals Rental charges associated with 1101 Kingston Road lease 75,310 Additional leasing costs for Satellite Facility 160,000 Additional facility maintenance costs for Satellite Facility 60,000 Additional IT connectivity costs for Satellite Facility 7,500 6 months rental charges at 1101 Kingston Road - transfer to 10330 cost centre (37,655) Total 502400.0000 Building Rentals 265,155 502500.0000 Stationery&OfficeSup General Office Supplies 2,500 Access Cards 800 Total 502500.0000 Stationery&OfficeSup 3,300 502530.4610 Committee Expenses - Accessibility Cttee Committee Special Events 6,000 Total 502530.4610 Committee Expenses - Accessibility Cttee 6,000 502530.4612 Committee Expenses - Age Friendly Cttee Committee Related Expenses 500 Total 502530.4612 Committee Expenses - Age Friendly Cttee 500 502530.4614 Committee Expenses - Comm. Safety & Wellbeing Adv. Cttee Community Safety and Well Being Committee Expenses 25,000 Total 502530.4614 Committee Expenses - Comm. Safety & Wellbeing Adv. Cttee 25,000 502700.0000 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr Maintenance - HRIS 2,090 Maintenance - Adobe Creative Clouds x 7 280 Maintenance - Security Incident Reporting Software 34,000 Tracksmart - Staff Scheduling Software 1,500 Volunteer Management Software 2,500 Total 502700.0000 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr 40,370 502740.0000 Furniture & Fixtures Office Chairs Replacement 1,000 Total 502740.0000 Furniture & Fixtures 1,000 502750.0000 Misc. Equipment Pin Pad Replacement 5,000 New Card Printer 3,600 Total 502750.0000 Misc. Equipment 8,600 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410200 Culture & Recreation - Administration Background Information 151 503080.0000 Financial Srvc Chrgs ActiveNet Service Charges 182,000 Total 503080.0000 Financial Srvc Chrgs 182,000 Total Expenses 3,319,558 Revenues 403060.0000 Rentals - User Fees Parks Permits - Sports Camps / Tournaments - transfer from 10320 cost centre (212,000) Park Permits - Lighting Fees - transfer from 10320 cost centre (66,500) Hydro Costs Tennis Courts - transfer from 10320 cost centre (7,500) Total 403060.0000 Rentals - User Fees (286,000) Total Revenues (286,000) Transfers 408009.0000 Trf fr Cntg Stdy Res Continuing Studies Reserve funding (25%) for Recreation and Parks Masterplan Update (41,393) Continuing Studies Reserve funding (25%) for Recreation User Fee Study (10,224) Total 408009.0000 Trf fr Cntg Stdy Res (51,617) 408606.0000 Trf fr DC-P&R OB RF DC funding (75%) for Recreation and Parks Masterplan Update (124,179) DC funding (75%) for Recreation User Fee Study (30,673) DC funding (97%) for Seaton Recreation Complex Consultation (14,550) Total 408606.0000 Trf fr DC-P&R OB RF (169,402) Total Transfers (221,019) Net Expenses (Revenues)2,812,539 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410200 Culture & Recreation - Administration Background Information 152 Expenditures 658,279 667,170 Salaries & Wages 767,728 (82,254)685,474 (10.71%) 807,297 1,154,536 Salaries & Wages - Programs 1,272,620 273,212 1,545,832 21.47% 24,593 32,711 Overtime 31,300 (21,300)10,000 (68.05%) 200,706 255,959 Employee Benefits 193,485 17,258 210,743 8.92% 6,590 3,885 Uniforms 5,000 8,080 13,080 161.60% 365 5,053 Seminars & Education 6,600 (2,400)4,200 (36.36%) 2,938 1,079 Travel 3,200 300 3,500 9.38% 935 - Freight, Express & Cartage - - - - % 1,753 1,255 Cellular Phones 4,000 - 4,000 - % 2,033 2,716 Telephone & Data 3,000 (800)2,200 (26.67%) 266 333 Internet 300 - 300 - % 1,129 11,099 Advertising 13,750 (13,750) - (100.00%) - 33 Subscriptions & Publications 100 - 100 - % 56,109 25,416 Brochures/Newsletters Printing 67,000 - 67,000 - % 9,500 10,450 Insurance Premium 10,450 (1,807)8,643 (17.29%) 6,951 135 Meals, Promotions & General 3,000 (3,000) - (100.00%) 1,250 1,154 Memberships 1,500 - 1,500 - % 32,560 49,502 Outside Agency Services 71,200 63,200 134,400 88.76% - 243 Vehicle - Repairs & Maintenance 6,600 (6,600) - (100.00%) 6,522 1,066 Gas, Oil, Tire, Etc. - - - - % - - Misc. Equip. - Repairs & Maintenance 200 - 200 - % 141,662 158,542 Building Rentals 174,900 1,500 176,400 0.86% 1,153 - Stationary & Office Supplies - - - - % - - Forms 500 - 500 - % 391,309 646,889 Programs & Event Supplies 696,125 (477,066)219,059 (68.53%) 1,262 - Committee Expenses - - - - % 3,449 (296)Supplies & Tools 2,400 - 2,400 - % 854 2,424 Software & Hardware Mtce. Contracts 2,425 75 2,500 3.09% 1,171 1,278 Misc. Equipment 7,000 (1,000)6,000 (14.29%) 11 - Miscellaneous Expenses - - - - % 2,360,647 3,032,632 Total Expenditures 3,344,383 (246,352)3,098,031 (7.37%) Revenues (107,783)(90,686)Federal Grants (150,000)90,000 (60,000)(60.00%) (53,407)(31,372)Ontario Grants (42,000)42,000 - (100.00%) (10,167)(10,500)Other Agency Grants (20,000)(25,000)(45,000)125.00% 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410205 Programs Current Budget Summary 153 - (525)Advertising Space (11,000) - (11,000)- % (11,963)(10,746)Event Vendor Fees (9,600)9,600 - (100.00%) (1,535,209)(2,301,684)Program Revenue (2,173,850)(844,738)(3,018,588)38.86% (4,900)(5,991)Other User Fees (18,500)15,000 (3,500)(81.08%) (5,500)(18,500)Program Sponsorships (7,000)7,000 - (100.00%) - (15,000)Marketing Sponsors - - - - % (13,715)(25,885)Program Mkt Sponsors (40,000)40,000 - (100.00%) - - Cost Recoveries (10,000)10,000 - (100.00%) (1,742,644)(2,510,889) Total Revenues (2,481,950)(656,138)(3,138,088)26.44% Transfers - - Transfer to(from) Reserve (136,900)136,900 - (100.00%) - - Total Transfers (136,900)136,900 - (100.00%) 618,003 521,743 Net Expenditures (Revenues)725,533 (765,590)(40,057)(105.52%) 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410205 Programs Current Budget Summary 154 Expenditures 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages Base Salaries and Wages 727,874 Conversion of one Term Graphic Designer position to part-time, Jan. 1, 2024 effective date 5,500 Conversion of one full-time Recreation Programmer position to full-time Assistant Recreation Programmer position, May 1, 2024 start date (3,400) Additional hours (1,090 hours) for Assistant Recreation Term positions, Jan. 1, 2024 effective date 32,800 Conversion of Youth Leader positions (4,550 hours) to Term Coordinator Public Art position (1,820 hours) (10207 cost centre), Jan. 1, 2024 effective date (77,300) Total 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages 685,474 501000.9801 Salaries & Wages - Dance Dance 38,315 Total 501000.9801 Salaries & Wages - Dance 38,315 501000.9802 Salaries & Wages - Languages Languages 3,705 Total 501000.9802 Salaries & Wages - Languages 3,705 501000.9803 Salaries & Wages - Summer Cmps-3-12 Summer Camps - 3 to 12 531,846 Total 501000.9803 Salaries & Wages - Summer Cmps-3-12 531,846 501000.9804 Salaries & Wages - Fitness Classes Fitness 40,000 Total 501000.9804 Salaries & Wages - Fitness Classes 40,000 501000.9805 Salaries & Wages - Aquatics Learn to Swim 388,500 Total 501000.9805 Salaries & Wages - Aquatics 388,500 501000.9807 Salaries & Wages - Summer Camps 13+ Camps 13+16,000 Total 501000.9807 Salaries & Wages - Summer Camps 13+16,000 501000.9808 Salaries & Wages - Camps-Spring Brk March Break Camp 30,600 Total 501000.9808 Salaries & Wages - Camps-Spring Brk 30,600 501000.9809 Salaries & Wages - Art/Cartooning Arts 73,590 Total 501000.9809 Salaries & Wages - Art/Cartooning 73,590 501000.9810 Salaries & Wages - Preschool Skating Pre-School Skating 17,500 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410205 Programs Background Information 155 Total 501000.9810 Salaries & Wages - Preschool Skating 17,500 501000.9811 Salaries & Wages - Badminton Badminton 3,662 Total 501000.9811 Salaries & Wages - Badminton 3,662 501000.9812 Salaries & Wages - Babysitter Train Babysitting 1,092 Total 501000.9812 Salaries & Wages - Babysitter Train 1,092 501000.9813 Salaries & Wages - Volleyball Volleyball 6,713 Total 501000.9813 Salaries & Wages - Volleyball 6,713 501000.9814 Salaries & Wages - Karate Karate 12,081 Total 501000.9814 Salaries & Wages - Karate 12,081 501000.9815 Salaries & Wages - Preschool Actvts Pre-School 123,233 Total 501000.9815 Salaries & Wages - Preschool Actvts 123,233 501000.9816 Salaries & Wages - Youth Program Youth Prgms 68,230 Total 501000.9816 Salaries & Wages - Youth Program 68,230 501000.9817 Salaries & Wages - Pre-Teen Pre-teen social 5,431 Total 501000.9817 Salaries & Wages - Pre-Teen 5,431 501000.9818 Salaries & Wages - Kindergym Kindergym 72,146 Total 501000.9818 Salaries & Wages - Kindergym 72,146 501000.9819 Salaries & Wages - Adult Leisure Adult Leisure 2,034 Total 501000.9819 Salaries & Wages - Adult Leisure 2,034 501000.9820 Salaries & Wages - Seasonal Program Registration Standby Allowance 39,000 Total 501000.9820 Salaries & Wages - Seasonal Program Registration 39,000 501000.9899 Salaries & Wages - Rev-New Programs New Programs 72,154 Total 501000.9899 Salaries & Wages - Rev-New Programs 72,154 501010.9800 Overtime - Program Support Working Stat Holidays 10,000 Total 501010.9800 Overtime - Program Support 10,000 501020.0000 Employee Benefits 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410205 Programs Background Information 156 This item includes mandatory deductions (CPP, EI, EHT) and employer provided benefits such as extended health and dental 169,523 Benefits related to contract program instructors 27,250 Provision for OMERs on part time staff 17,000 Benefits related to conversion of one Term Graphic Designer position to part-time, Jan. 1, 2024 start date 4,400 Benefits related to conversion of one full-time Recreation Programmer position to full-time Assistant Recreation Programmer position, May 1, 2024 start date (3,000) Benefits related to additional hours (1,090 hours) for Assistant Recreation Term positions, Jan. 1, 2024 effective date 3,300 Benefits related to conversion of Youth Leader positions (4,550 hours) to Term Coordinator Public Art position (1,820 hours) (10207), Jan. 1, 2024 effective date (7,730) Total 501020.0000 Employee Benefits 210,743 501040.0000 Uniforms As per the Collective Agreement & Security Guards (legislated)13,080 Total 501040.0000 Uniforms 13,080 501110.0000 Seminars & Education High Five Program Certification 1,000 High Five Trainer Recertification 600 Defibrillator Training & Recertifications 500 Seminars & Education 2,100 Total 501110.0000 Seminars & Education 4,200 501130.9800 Travel - Program Support Parking & Mileage 3,500 Total 501130.9800 Travel - Program Support 3,500 502020.9800 Cellular Phones - Program Support Staff Cellular Phone Charges 4,000 Total 502020.9800 Cellular Phones - Program Support 4,000 502030.0000 Telephones & Data Voice / Data 2,200 Total 502030.0000 Telephones & Data 2,200 502040.0000 Internet Internet 300 Total 502040.0000 Internet 300 502120.0000 Subscriptions&Publcs To continue to enhance the general program resource library 100 Total 502120.0000 Subscriptions&Publcs 100 502130.0000 Brchrs/NewsLtr-Print 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410205 Programs Background Information 157 Printing costs for brochures 67,000 Total 502130.0000 Brchrs/NewsLtr-Print 67,000 502210.0000 Insurance Premium Annual cost of insurance policy that provides protection for municipal activities and property. (Policy coverage includes: liability, automobile and property) 8,643 Total 502210.0000 Insurance Premium 8,643 502250.0000 Memberships High Five Annual Renewal 1,500 Total 502250.0000 Memberships 1,500 502260.9803 Outside Agency Srvc - Summer Cmps-3-12 Summer Camp Excursions and Transportation 129,600 Total 502260.9803 Outside Agency Srvc - Summer Cmps-3-12 129,600 502260.9817 Outside Agency Srvc - Pre-Teen Contracted Services - Pre Teen Social 4,800 Total 502260.9817 Outside Agency Srvc - Pre-Teen 4,800 502380.0000 Misc Equip Rpr&Mntc To cover repairs and maintenance for various equipment 200 Total 502380.0000 Misc Equip Rpr&Mntc 200 502400.9803 Building Rentals - Summer Cmps-3-12 Summer Camp Rentals 10,000 Total 502400.9803 Building Rentals - Summer Cmps-3-12 10,000 502400.9805 Building Rentals - Aquatics Learn to Swim Rentals 147,700 Total 502400.9805 Building Rentals - Aquatics 147,700 502400.9808 Building Rentals - Camps-Spring Brk March Break Rentals 1,000 Total 502400.9808 Building Rentals - Camps-Spring Brk 1,000 502400.9809 Building Rentals - Art/Cartooning Arts Rentals 3,700 Total 502400.9809 Building Rentals - Art/Cartooning 3,700 502400.9810 Building Rentals - Preschool Skating Pre-school Skating 6,000 Total 502400.9810 Building Rentals - Preschool Skating 6,000 502400.9815 Building Rentals - Preschool Actvts Pre-school Rentals 1,000 Total 502400.9815 Building Rentals - Preschool Actvts 1,000 502400.9818 Building Rentals - Kindergym Kindergym Rentals 2,000 Total 502400.9818 Building Rentals - Kindergym 2,000 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410205 Programs Background Information 158 502400.9890 Building Rentals - Community Use of Schools Custodian wages for general recreation programs 5,000 Total 502400.9890 Building Rentals - Community Use of Schools 5,000 502510.0000 Forms Forms 500 Total 502510.0000 Forms 500 502520.9008 Program&Event Supps - Youth Events Youth Events 9,000 Total 502520.9008 Program&Event Supps - Youth Events 9,000 502520.9801 Program&Event Supps - Dance Dance supplies 2,730 Total 502520.9801 Program&Event Supps - Dance 2,730 502520.9803 Program&Event Supps - Summer Cmps-3-12 Summer camp supplies 21,600 Total 502520.9803 Program&Event Supps - Summer Cmps-3-12 21,600 502520.9804 Program&Event Supps - Fitness Classes Fitness Supplies 20,000 Total 502520.9804 Program&Event Supps - Fitness Classes 20,000 502520.9805 Program&Event Supps - Aquatics Learn to Swim Supplies 27,000 Total 502520.9805 Program&Event Supps - Aquatics 27,000 502520.9807 Program&Event Supps - Summer Camps 13+ Camps - 13+ Supplies 4,150 Total 502520.9807 Program&Event Supps - Summer Camps 13+4,150 502520.9808 Program&Event Supps - Camps-Spring Brk March Break Camp Supplies 3,850 Total 502520.9808 Program&Event Supps - Camps-Spring Brk 3,850 502520.9809 Program&Event Supps - Art/Cartooning Arts Supplies 20,964 Total 502520.9809 Program&Event Supps - Art/Cartooning 20,964 502520.9810 Program&Event Supps - Preschool Skating Skating Supplies 900 Total 502520.9810 Program&Event Supps - Preschool Skating 900 502520.9811 Program&Event Supps - Badminton Badminton Supplies 150 Total 502520.9811 Program&Event Supps - Badminton 150 502520.9812 Program&Event Supps - Babysitter Train Babysitting Supplies 150 Total 502520.9812 Program&Event Supps - Babysitter Train 150 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410205 Programs Background Information 159 502520.9813 Program&Event Supps - Volleyball Volleyball Supplies 1,200 Total 502520.9813 Program&Event Supps - Volleyball 1,200 502520.9814 Program&Event Supps - Karate Karate Supplies 1,500 Total 502520.9814 Program&Event Supps - Karate 1,500 502520.9815 Program&Event Supps - Preschool Actvts Pre-school supplies 13,725 Total 502520.9815 Program&Event Supps - Preschool Actvts 13,725 502520.9816 Program&Event Supps - Youth Program Youth Program Supplies 19,665 Skateboard Truck Rental 5,000 Mobile Skateboarding Initiative - funded by Hydro One grant (subject to grant approval) 25,000 Total 502520.9816 Program&Event Supps - Youth Program 49,665 502520.9817 Program&Event Supps - Pre-Teen Pre-teen Social Supplies 2,750 Total 502520.9817 Program&Event Supps - Pre-Teen 2,750 502520.9818 Program&Event Supps - Kindergym Kindergym Supplies 1,675 Total 502520.9818 Program&Event Supps - Kindergym 1,675 502520.9819 Program&Event Supps - Adult Leisure Adult Leisure Supplies 250 Total 502520.9819 Program&Event Supps - Adult Leisure 250 502520.9895 Program&Event Supps - Drop-in Centre Assist in provision of supplies and equipment for various Youth and Teen Programs 4,400 New Mobile Van Wrap 5,000 Total 502520.9895 Program&Event Supps - Drop-in Centre 9,400 502520.9899 Program&Event Supps - Rev-New Programs New Program Supplies 9,900 Vehicle Wraps 6,000 Program Supplies - New Seaton Programs 12,500 Total 502520.9899 Program&Event Supps - Rev-New Programs 28,400 502540.0000 Supplies & Tools Various sports equipment for Youth and Teen programs and camps 2,400 Total 502540.0000 Supplies & Tools 2,400 502700.0000 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr Maintenance - HRIS 2,500 Total 502700.0000 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr 2,500 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410205 Programs Background Information 160 502750.0000 Misc. Equipment Program equipment for youth programs & camps (gaming equipment & accessories, various games, sports equipment) 6,000 Total 502750.0000 Misc. Equipment 6,000 Total Expenses 3,098,031 Revenues 402500.0000 Federal Grants Canada Summer Jobs (summer camp staff)(60,000) Total 402500.0000 Federal Grants (60,000) 403078.0000 Advertising Space Sale of advertising space in City Brochures - Spring/ Summer (5,000) Fall Advertisers (3,000) Winter Advertisers (3,000) Total 403078.0000 Advertising Space (11,000) 403100.9801 Program Revenue - Dance Program Registrations (72,705) Total 403100.9801 Program Revenue - Dance (72,705) 403100.9802 Program Revenue - Languages Program - Languages (7,560) Total 403100.9802 Program Revenue - Languages (7,560) 403100.9803 Program Revenue - Summer Cmps-3-12 Program - Summer Camps (1,050,969) Total 403100.9803 Program Revenue - Summer Cmps-3-12 (1,050,969) 403100.9804 Program Revenue - Fitness Classes Program - Fitness (90,000) Total 403100.9804 Program Revenue - Fitness Classes (90,000) 403100.9805 Program Revenue - Aquatics Program - Learn to Swim (824,000) Total 403100.9805 Program Revenue - Aquatics (824,000) 403100.9807 Program Revenue - Summer Camps 13+ Program - Camps age 13 +(21,060) Total 403100.9807 Program Revenue - Summer Camps 13+(21,060) 403100.9808 Program Revenue - Camps-Spring Brk Program - March Break Camp (61,000) Total 403100.9808 Program Revenue - Camps-Spring Brk (61,000) 403100.9809 Program Revenue - Art/Cartooning Program - Arts (191,322) Total 403100.9809 Program Revenue - Art/Cartooning (191,322) 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410205 Programs Background Information 161 403100.9810 Program Revenue - Preschool Skatng Program - Pre-School Skating (30,792) Total 403100.9810 Program Revenue - Preschool Skatng (30,792) 403100.9811 Program Revenue - Badminton Program - Badminton (24,300) Total 403100.9811 Program Revenue - Badminton (24,300) 403100.9812 Program Revenue - Babysitter Train Program - Babysitting (2,772) Total 403100.9812 Program Revenue - Babysitter Train (2,772) 403100.9813 Program Revenue - Volleyball Program - Volleyball (20,790) Total 403100.9813 Program Revenue - Volleyball (20,790) 403100.9814 Program Revenue - Karate Program - Karate (22,444) Total 403100.9814 Program Revenue - Karate (22,444) 403100.9815 Program Revenue - Preschool Actvts Program - Pre-School (179,052) Total 403100.9815 Program Revenue - Preschool Actvts (179,052) 403100.9816 Program Revenue - Youth Program Program - Youth programs (161,240) Total 403100.9816 Program Revenue - Youth Program (161,240) 403100.9817 Program Revenue - Pre-teen dance Program - Pre-teen Social (8,000) Total 403100.9817 Program Revenue - Pre-teen dance (8,000) 403100.9818 Program Revenue - Kindergym Program - Kindergym (141,915) Total 403100.9818 Program Revenue - Kindergym (141,915) 403100.9819 Program Revenue - Adult Leisure Program - Adult Leisure (6,000) Total 403100.9819 Program Revenue - Adult Leisure (6,000) 403100.9899 Program Revenue - Rev - New Programs New Programs (102,667) Total 403100.9899 Program Revenue - Rev - New Programs (102,667) 403120.9800 Other User Fee Revenue - Program Support Revenue generated from charges to community school user groups to offset security costs (3,500) Total 403120.9800 Other User Fee Revenue - Program Support (3,500) 406510.0000 Other Agency Grants Jumpstart Programs (20,000) 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410205 Programs Background Information 162 Hydro One grant - Mobile Skateboarding Initiative (25,000) Total 406510.0000 Other Agency Grants (45,000) Total Revenues (3,138,088) Total Transfers - Net Expenses (Revenues)(40,057) 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410205 Programs Background Information 163 Expenditures - - Salaries & Wages - 506,740 506,740 - % - - Overtime - 36,300 36,300 - % - - Employee Benefits - 104,263 104,263 - % - - Uniforms - 2,500 2,500 - % - - Conferences - 2,500 2,500 - % - - Seminars & Education - 2,000 2,000 - % - - Cellular Phones - 5,000 5,000 - % - - Telephone & Data - 1,000 1,000 - % - - Advertising - 48,750 48,750 - % - - Trade Shows,Exhibits & Displays - 5,000 5,000 - % - - Insurance Premium - 4,692 4,692 - % - - Meals, Promotions & General - 4,000 4,000 - % - - Memberships - 505 505 - % - - Outside Agency Services - 10,000 10,000 - % - - Vehicle - Repairs & Maintenance - 6,600 6,600 - % - - Stationary & Office Supplies - 1,000 1,000 - % - - Programs & Event Supplies - 1,002,975 1,002,975 - % - - Committee Expenses - 17,500 17,500 - % - - Software & Hardware Mtce. Contracts - 570 570 - % - - Total Expenditures - 1,761,895 1,761,895 - % Revenues - - Federal Grants - (44,700)(44,700)- % - - Ontario Grants - (33,500)(33,500)- % - - Event Vendor Fees - (14,600)(14,600)- % - - Other User Fees - (10,000)(10,000)- % - - Sponsorships - (4,000)(4,000)- % - - Marketing Sponsors - (65,000)(65,000)- % - - Other Contributions - (20,000)(20,000)- % - - Cost Recoveries - (10,000)(10,000)- % - - Total Revenues - (201,800)(201,800)- % Transfers - - Transfer to(from) Reserve - (411,600)(411,600)- % - - Total Transfers - (411,600)(411,600)- % 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410207 Cultural Services Current Budget Summary 164 - - Net Expenditures (Revenues) - 1,148,495 1,148,495 - % 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410207 Cultural Services Current Budget Summary 165 Expenditures 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages Base Salaries and Wages 301,190 Conversion of Term Youth Leader positions (4,550 hours) (10205 cost centre) to Term Coordinator Public Art position (1,820 hours), Jan. 1, 2024 effective date 69,650 Additional hours (2,940 hours) for Term Community Events Coordinator positions to support community events and festivals 108,300 Additional hours (955 hours) for Term Community Event Leader positions to support community events and festivals 18,000 Additional hours (285 hours) for Easter Parade - Lead Event Staff: Term Coordinator Community Events Coordinator positions 8,500 Additional hours (65 hours) for Easter Parade - Support Event Staff: Term Community Event Leader positions 1,100 Total 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages 506,740 501010.0000 Overtime To meet service level/workload commitments - to include evening and weekend call-ins for program staff 16,900 Culture Programs and Events - to meet service level / workload commitments - including evening and weekend call-ins for program staff 5,000 Overtime for Roads, Parks, and By-law staff related to parades and City events 9,400 Overtime for Roads, Parks and Bylaw staff related to the Easter Parade 5,000 Total 501010.0000 Overtime 36,300 501020.0000 Employee Benefits This item includes mandatory deductions (CPP, EI, EHT) and employer provided benefits such as extended health and dental 83,638 Benefits related to conversion of Term Youth Leader positions (4,550 hours) (10205) to Term Coordinator Public Art position (1,820 hours), effective Jan. 1, 2024 6,965 Benefits related to additional hours (2,940 hours) for Term Community Events Coordinator positions to support community events and festivals 10,900 Benefits related to additional hours (955 hours) for Term Community Event Leader positions to support community events and festivals 1,800 Benefits related to additional hours (285 hours) for Easter Parade - Lead Event Staff: Term Coordinator Community Events Coordinator positions 850 Benefits related to additional hours (65 hours) for Easter Parade - Support Event Staff: Term Community Event Leader positions 110 Total 501020.0000 Employee Benefits 104,263 501040.0000 Uniforms Uniforms 2,500 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410207 Cultural Services Background Information 166 Total 501040.0000 Uniforms 2,500 501100.0000 Conferences Professional Conferences 2,500 Total 501100.0000 Conferences 2,500 501110.0000 Seminars & Education Seminars & Workshops Expenses 2,000 Total 501110.0000 Seminars & Education 2,000 502020.0000 Cellular Phones Staff Annual Smartphone & Tablet charges (7 staff)5,000 Total 502020.0000 Cellular Phones 5,000 502030.0000 Telephones & Data Voice / Data 1,000 Total 502030.0000 Telephones & Data 1,000 502100.0000 Advertising Culture Programs 15,000 General Marketing 20,000 Total 502100.0000 Advertising 35,000 502100.9016 Advertising - Santa Claus Parade Marketing and Signage 10,000 Total 502100.9016 Advertising - Santa Claus Parade 10,000 502100.9017 Advertising - Millenium Square Events Fall Fling - Marketing and Signage 2,500 Winter Wonderland - Marketing and Signage 1,250 Total 502100.9017 Advertising - Millenium Square Events 3,750 502110.9704 Trd Shows/Exhb/Dsply - Banner Program Banner Display Program - Hardware - transfer from 10200 cost centre 5,000 Total 502110.9704 Trd Shows/Exhb/Dsply - Banner Program 5,000 502210.0000 Insurance Premium Annual cost of insurance policy that provides protection for municipal activities and property. (Policy coverage includes: liability, automobile and property) 4,692 Total 502210.0000 Insurance Premium 4,692 502240.0000 Meals/Prom/General Marketing/ Promotion Area Staff 1,000 Sponsorship Program (100% offset by sponsorship revenue)3,000 Total 502240.0000 Meals/Prom/General 4,000 502250.0000 Memberships Pine Ridge Arts Council (PRAC)30 Festivals & Events Ontario 475 Total 502250.0000 Memberships 505 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410207 Cultural Services Background Information 167 502260.0000 Outside Agency Srvc Seasonal Weekend Waterfront Shuttle Bus Service (funded by third party)10,000 Total 502260.0000 Outside Agency Srvc 10,000 502370.9006 Vehicle Rpr & Mntc - Community Group Activity Wrap of Vehicle / Branding / Gas 6,600 Total 502370.9006 Vehicle Rpr & Mntc - Community Group Activity 6,600 502500.0000 Stationery&OfficeSup General Office Supplies 1,000 Total 502500.0000 Stationery&OfficeSup 1,000 502520.9000 Program&Event Supps - Community Events Special Events General Liability Coverage 41,300 Cultural Fusion & Culture Days Programming 25,000 Cultural Fusion Festival Event Enhancements (100% funded by sponsorship)15,000 Council Directed Event Activities 10,000 Corporate Events (Ribbon Cutting / Ground-Breaking etc.)7,000 Total 502520.9000 Program&Event Supps - Community Events 98,300 502520.9001 Program&Event Supps - Canada Day Community Groups Rentals and Supplies for Community Group Activities (100% funded by donations)10,000 Total 502520.9001 Program&Event Supps - Canada Day Community Groups 10,000 502520.9002 Program&Event Supps - Canada Day - Daytime Programming 31,500 Electrical and Rentals 6,000 Equipment Rentals and Program supplies 9,000 Citizenship Ceremony 6,125 Total 502520.9002 Program&Event Supps - Canada Day - Daytime 52,625 502520.9003 Program&Event Supps - Canada Day-Evening Mainstage and Evening Program 54,000 Fireworks 28,000 Police Security EMS 25,000 Staging and Geotechnical Report 3,000 Bussing and Transportation 15,000 Total 502520.9003 Program&Event Supps - Canada Day-Evening 125,000 502520.9004 Program&Event Supps - Winter Nights, City Lights Supplies 25,000 Rental for Event Equipment 5,000 Entertainment 10,000 Event Enhancements (100% funded by sponsorship)15,000 Event Enhancements (100% funded by Experience Ontario)30,000 Total 502520.9004 Program&Event Supps - Winter Nights, City Lights 85,000 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410207 Cultural Services Background Information 168 502520.9006 Program&Event Supps - Community Group Activity Community Engagement Activities 14,400 Remembrance Day Events 2,300 Equipment Rental 3,000 Total 502520.9006 Program&Event Supps - Community Group Activity 19,700 502520.9007 Program&Event Supps - Summer Concerts Thursday and Sunday Concerts (entertainers, SOCAN fees, etc.)20,000 Summer Concerts - New Locations 15,500 Summer Concerts Enhancements (100% funded by sponsorship)5,000 Total 502520.9007 Program&Event Supps - Summer Concerts 40,500 502520.9009 Program&Event Supps - Artfest Various costs such as: rentals, sound technician, performances, setup and craft supplies 13,500 Event Enhancements (100% funded by sponsorship)5,000 Total 502520.9009 Program&Event Supps - Artfest 18,500 502520.9010 Program&Event Supps - Civic Awards Costs associated with hosting the Civic Awards event 17,000 Total 502520.9010 Program&Event Supps - Civic Awards 17,000 502520.9013 Program&Event Supps - New Years Countdown Various supplies related to the New Years Countdown event, such as entertainment, decorations and refreshments 5,000 Total 502520.9013 Program&Event Supps - New Years Countdown 5,000 502520.9014 Program&Event Supps - Mayor's Levee Event Supplies 8,500 Total 502520.9014 Program&Event Supps - Mayor's Levee 8,500 502520.9016 Program&Event Supps - Santa Claus Parade Policing and Security 3,500 Council float décor or classic car hire 6,000 Parade Bands 15,000 Santa Float (rental of sleigh and trailer + Santa fee/honorarium)4,500 Community Group Grants - Floats 7,500 Event Materials 10,000 Volunteer Support 1,000 Contingency 2,500 Total 502520.9016 Program&Event Supps - Santa Claus Parade 50,000 502520.9017 Program&Event Supps - Millenium Square Events Fall Fling - Program & Event Costs 8,250 Winter Wonderland - Program & Event Costs 12,100 Total 502520.9017 Program&Event Supps - Millenium Square Events 20,350 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410207 Cultural Services Background Information 169 502520.9018 Program&Event Supps - Easter Parade Policing & Security 3,500 Council Float 6,000 Parade Bands 7,500 Easter Bunny & Carriage Hire 4,500 Event Materials 5,000 Volunteer Support 1,000 Advertising 5,000 Total 502520.9018 Program&Event Supps - Easter Parade 32,500 502520.9019 Program&Event Supps - Petapalooza Policing & security 3,000 Event rentals & materials 7,000 Total 502520.9019 Program&Event Supps - Petapalooza 10,000 502520.9704 Program&Event Supps - Banner Program Supplies, materials and artist fees for the Banner Display Program - transfer from 10320 cost centre 15,000 Total 502520.9704 Program&Event Supps - Banner Program 15,000 502520.9710 Program&Event Supps - Public Art Program Pickering Waterfront Public Art (funded from Public Art Reserve)125,000 Highway 2 & Whites Road Public Art (funded from Public Art Reserve)80,000 Celebration of Gordon Lightfoot Public Art at Ernie L. Stroud Park (funded from Public Art Reserve) 60,000 Art Sculpture in Pickering Council Chambers (funded from Public Art Reserve)30,000 Remembrance Poppy Sidewalk Marker - Esplanade Park North (funded from Public Art Reserve) - Resolution #392/24 35,000 Total 502520.9710 Program&Event Supps - Public Art Program 330,000 502520.9711 Program&Event Supps - Community and Temp Art Temporary Public Art 10,000 Hanging Display Program at Chestnut Hill Developments Recreation Complex 5,000 Temporary Public Art Program (100% funded by sponsorship)10,000 Temporary Art Murals and Electrical Box Wraps 10,000 Total 502520.9711 Program&Event Supps - Community and Temp Art 35,000 502520.9712 Program&Event Supps - Winter Lights Program Public Art and Illuminated Displays (funded from sponsorships)15,000 Total 502520.9712 Program&Event Supps - Winter Lights Program 15,000 502520.9713 Program&Event Supps - Public Art Admin, Promotion&Consultation Community Consultation Public Art Projects 15,000 Total 502520.9713 Program&Event Supps - Public Art Admin, Promotion&Consultation 15,000 502530.4611 Committee Expenses - Cultural Advisory Cttee 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410207 Cultural Services Background Information 170 Public Consultation Art, Heritage & Culture Plan 15,000 Public Art Jury Honorariums 2,500 Total 502530.4611 Committee Expenses - Cultural Advisory Cttee 17,500 502700.0000 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr Maintenance - HRIS 570 Total 502700.0000 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr 570 Total Expenses 1,761,895 Revenues 402500.0000 Federal Grants Canada Summer Jobs (Culture staff)(20,000) Celebrate Canada Grant (24,700) Total 402500.0000 Federal Grants (44,700) 402510.0000 Ontario Grants Summer Employment Opportunities Grant (3,500) Total 402510.0000 Ontario Grants (3,500) 402510.9004 Ontario Grants - Winter Nights, City Lights Experience Ontario Grant (Winter Nights, City Lights)(30,000) Total 402510.9004 Ontario Grants - Winter Nights, City Lights (30,000) 403090.9000 Event Vendor Fees - Community Events Vendor Fees - Cultural Fusion Festival (5,000) Total 403090.9000 Event Vendor Fees - Community Events (5,000) 403090.9009 Event Vendor Fees - Artfest Booth Fees (4,500) Food Vendors and Activations (2,600) Total 403090.9009 Event Vendor Fees - Artfest (7,100) 403090.9016 Event Vendor Fees - Santa Claus Parade Float Entry Fees (2,500) Total 403090.9016 Event Vendor Fees - Santa Claus Parade (2,500) 403120.9001 Other User Fee Revenue - Canada Day Community Groups Donations from various community groups to be used to partially offset supply costs used for Canada Day (10,000) Total 403120.9001 Other User Fee Revenue - Canada Day Community Groups (10,000) 406520.9000 Sponsorships - Community Events General Events Sponsorships (No tax)(4,000) Total 406520.9000 Sponsorships - Community Events (4,000) 406530.0000 Marketing Sponsors Sponsorship of Temporary Public Art (10,000) Sponsorship of Winter Lights Program -Public Art & Illuminated Displays (15,000) 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410207 Cultural Services Background Information 171 Total 406530.0000 Marketing Sponsors (25,000) 406530.9000 Marketing Sponsors - Community Events Sponsorships - Cultural Fusion (15,000) Total 406530.9000 Marketing Sponsors - Community Events (15,000) 406530.9004 Marketing Sponsors - Winter Nights, City Lights Sponsorship - Winter Nights, City Lights (15,000) Total 406530.9004 Marketing Sponsors - Winter Nights, City Lights (15,000) 406530.9007 Marketing Sponsors - Summer Concerts Sponsorship - Summer Concerts (5,000) Total 406530.9007 Marketing Sponsors - Summer Concerts (5,000) 406530.9009 Marketing Sponsors - Artfest Sponsorship - Artfest (5,000) Total 406530.9009 Marketing Sponsors - Artfest (5,000) 406540.0000 Cost Recoveries Third party sponsorship of seasonal weekend waterfront shuttle bus service (10,000) Total 406540.0000 Cost Recoveries (10,000) 406550.0000 Other Contributions External Contributions - Highway 2 & Whites Road Public Art (20,000) Total 406550.0000 Other Contributions (20,000) Total Revenues (201,800) Transfers 408007.9016 Trf fr RateStblz Res - Santa Claus Parade Transfer from Rate Stabilization Reserve for Santa Claus Parade (57,500) Total 408007.9016 Trf fr RateStblz Res - Santa Claus Parade (57,500) 408007.9017 Trf fr RateStblz Res - Millenium Square Events Transfer from Rate Stabilization Reserve for Millenium Square Events (24,100) Total 408007.9017 Trf fr RateStblz Res - Millenium Square Events (24,100) 408038.0000 Trf fr Public Art Res Public Art Reserve funding for Highway 2 & Whites Road Public Art (80,000) Public Art Reserve funding for Pickering Waterfront Public Art (125,000) Public Art Reserve funding for the Celebration of Gordon Lightfoot Public Art at Ernie L. Stroud Park (60,000) Public Art Reserve funding for an art sculpture in Pickering Council Chambers (30,000) Remembrance Poppy Sidewalk Marker - Esplanade Park North (funded from Public Art Reserve) - Resolution #392/24 (35,000) Total 408038.0000 Trf fr Public Art Res (330,000) Total Transfers (411,600) 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410207 Cultural Services Background Information 172 Net Expenses (Revenues)1,148,495 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410207 Cultural Services Background Information 173 Expenditures 145,903 233,570 Salaries & Wages 330,417 26,296 356,713 7.96% 4,834 6,192 Overtime 2,200 - 2,200 - % 39,126 48,665 Employee Benefits 82,140 152 82,292 0.19% 1,616 2,767 Uniforms 3,820 60 3,880 1.57% 506 3,857 Seminars & Education 6,150 (5,150)1,000 (83.74%) 115 117 Travel 200 - 200 - % 12 - Environmental Charges - - - - % 511 515 Cellular Phones 1,040 - 1,040 - % 3,454 3,044 Telephone & Data 3,900 200 4,100 5.13% 1,511 1,390 Internet 1,570 - 1,570 - % 1,720 1,892 Insurance Premium 1,892 283 2,175 14.96% - 769 Memberships 1,211 89 1,300 7.35% 1,198 2,098 Outside Agency Services 2,113 187 2,300 8.85% - 26 Repairs & Maintenance Materials - - - - % 37,763 52,087 Building - Repairs & Maintenance 51,615 16,385 68,000 31.74% 1,025 764 Misc. Equip. - Repairs & Maintenance 3,000 - 3,000 - % 31 23 Stationary & Office Supplies 200 - 200 - % 599 899 Supplies & Tools 8,661 2,289 10,950 26.43% 27,395 30,389 Utilities - Natural Gas 32,680 2,220 34,900 6.79% 348 397 Software & Hardware Mtce. Contracts 395 5 400 1.27% - - Furniture & Fixtures 3,000 1,000 4,000 33.33% - - Misc. Equipment - 5,600 5,600 - % 267,667 389,461 Total Expenditures 536,204 49,616 585,820 9.25% Revenues (2,522)(2,637)Admissions (5,000)2,500 (2,500)(50.00%) (93,286)(72,587)Rentals - Pool (119,440)(1,800)(121,240)1.51% (7,334)(8,000)Memberships (8,000) - (8,000)- % (103,142)(83,224) Total Revenues (132,440)700 (131,740)(0.53%) Transfers - - Total Transfers - - - - % 164,525 306,237 Net Expenditures (Revenues)403,764 50,316 454,080 12.46% 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410210 Dunbarton Pool Current Budget Summary 174 Expenditures 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages Base Salaries and Wages 341,823 Additional hours (416 hours) for part-time Facilities Maintenance position - Pool Ops due to Heath Regulations and expanded facility hours 14,890 Total 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages 356,713 501010.0000 Overtime To meet service level/workload commitments 2,200 Total 501010.0000 Overtime 2,200 501020.0000 Employee Benefits This item includes mandatory deductions (CPP, EI, EHT) and employer provided benefits such as extended health and dental 80,803 Benefits related to additional hours for part-time Facilities Maintenance position - Pool Ops 1,489 Total 501020.0000 Employee Benefits 82,292 501040.0000 Uniforms Aquatics Uniforms 1,500 As per the Collective Agreement - Facilities Staff 2,380 Total 501040.0000 Uniforms 3,880 501110.0000 Seminars & Education Defibrillator Training & Recertification (various staff)600 Aquatic Certifications (full-time and part-time staff)400 Total 501110.0000 Seminars & Education 1,000 501130.0000 Travel Parking & Mileage 200 Total 501130.0000 Travel 200 502020.0000 Cellular Phones Cell Phone Charges 1,040 Total 502020.0000 Cellular Phones 1,040 502030.0000 Telephones & Data Voice / Data 4,100 Total 502030.0000 Telephones & Data 4,100 502040.0000 Internet Internet 1,570 Total 502040.0000 Internet 1,570 502210.0000 Insurance Premium Annual cost of insurance policy that provides protection for municipal activities and property. (Policy coverage includes: liability, automobile and property) 2,175 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410210 Dunbarton Pool Background Information 175 Total 502210.0000 Insurance Premium 2,175 502250.0000 Memberships Life Saving Society 1,300 Total 502250.0000 Memberships 1,300 502260.0000 Outside Agency Srvc Base Hospital Support Defibrillation Program 1,000 Pool Inspection & Audit 900 Defibrillator Monitoring Contract 400 Total 502260.0000 Outside Agency Srvc 2,300 502340.0000 Building Rpr & Mntc Caretaking Supplies 7,500 General Supplies 5,000 Chlorine and Chemicals 6,500 Motors, Belts & Filters 2,000 Door, window and lock repairs and replacement 3,000 General Repairs and Maintenance 2,500 Electrical and Plumbing 2,000 Minor Roof and Wall Repairs 5,000 Heating and Air Handling (contract)3,500 Boiler Repair and Maintenance (contract)1,500 Energy Management (service contact)2,000 Chemical treatment of boilers & condensing equipment 2,500 Security Camera Repairs 6,000 Duct Cleaning 2,000 Feminine Hygiene Products 2,000 Maintenance and repairs required due to aging infrastructure 15,000 Total 502340.0000 Building Rpr & Mntc 68,000 502380.0000 Misc Equip Rpr&Mntc Automatic pool vacuum repairs & maintenance 1,500 Cleaning machine services & repairs 1,500 Total 502380.0000 Misc Equip Rpr&Mntc 3,000 502500.0000 Stationery&OfficeSup General Office Supplies 200 Total 502500.0000 Stationery&OfficeSup 200 502540.0000 Supplies & Tools Tools & Safety Supplies (replacement)5,450 First Aid and Program Supplies (replacement)5,500 Total 502540.0000 Supplies & Tools 10,950 502610.0000 Utilities - Gas 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410210 Dunbarton Pool Background Information 176 Budget based on 2023 projected actuals and anticipated increase in natural gas prices 34,900 Total 502610.0000 Utilities - Gas 34,900 502700.0000 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr Maintenance - HRIS 400 Total 502700.0000 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr 400 502740.0000 Furniture & Fixtures Defibrillator Replacement 4,000 Total 502740.0000 Furniture & Fixtures 4,000 502750.0000 Misc. Equipment Pool Vacuum Replacement 5,600 Total 502750.0000 Misc. Equipment 5,600 Total Expenses 585,820 Revenues 403040.0000 Admis - Public Swimm Singles & Passes (2,500) Total 403040.0000 Admis - Public Swimm (2,500) 403063.0000 Rentals - Pool Private Permits (61,800) Learn to Swim (59,440) Total 403063.0000 Rentals - Pool (121,240) 403082.0000 Membership - Pool/Health Memberships (8,000) Total 403082.0000 Membership - Pool/Health (8,000) Total Revenues (131,740) Total Transfers - Net Expenses (Revenues)454,080 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410210 Dunbarton Pool Background Information 177 Expenditures 637,767 680,871 Salaries & Wages 661,623 143,097 804,720 21.63% 32,376 52,492 Overtime 20,000 5,000 25,000 25.00% 138,637 173,951 Employee Benefits 165,858 40,738 206,596 24.56% 3,278 1,356 Uniforms 7,080 1,325 8,405 18.71% 418 870 Seminars & Education 5,600 (860)4,740 (15.36%) - - Travel 200 - 200 - % 624 - Freight, Express & Cartage - - - - % 1 - Environmental Charges - - - - % 608 430 Cellular Phones 1,800 (800)1,000 (44.44%) 14,564 14,747 Telephone & Data 15,100 (500)14,600 (3.31%) 262 256 Internet 265 - 265 - % 493 501 Cable TV 545 - 545 - % 5,970 6,567 Insurance Premium 6,567 983 7,550 14.97% - - Insurance Deductible 2,000 300 2,300 15.00% 333 391 Meals, Promotions & General - - - - % - - Memberships 400 - 400 - % 4,318 4,018 Outside Agency Services 3,115 - 3,115 - % 165,910 208,444 Building - Repairs & Maintenance 213,606 37,630 251,236 17.62% - 1,107 Gas, Oil, Tire, Etc. - - - - % 2,916 14,190 Misc. Equip. - Repairs & Maintenance 15,000 - 15,000 - % - 468 Grounds Upkeep - - - - % - - Misc. Equip. Rentals 300 - 300 - % 40,820 40,820 Land Rentals 99,345 - 99,345 - % 265 38 Stationary & Office Supplies 300 - 300 - % 176 1,178 Supplies & Tools 2,165 - 2,165 - % 31,823 41,792 Utilities - Water 34,300 10,700 45,000 31.20% 214,850 307,266 Utilities - Hydro 229,150 79,550 308,700 34.72% 36,780 44,774 Utilities - Natural Gas 39,235 3,965 43,200 10.11% 900 794 Software & Hardware Mtce. Contracts 795 105 900 13.21% - - Furniture & Fixtures 6,000 - 6,000 - % 4,220 - Misc. Equipment - - - - % 1,338,309 1,597,321 Total Expenditures 1,530,349 321,233 1,851,582 20.99% Revenues - (7,481)Snack Bar (3,950)(9,050)(13,000)229.11% (5,543)(6,167)Vending Machines (3,600) - (3,600)- % 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410215 Don Beer Arena Current Budget Summary 178 (1,208) - Admissions (2,000) - (2,000)- % (1,543)(4,000)Rentals - User Fees (4,600) - (4,600)- % (852,006)(1,136,771)Rentals - Ice Surface (992,000)(30,000)(1,022,000)3.02% (20,565)(32,551)Rentals - Arena Floor (38,000)(1,000)(39,000)2.63% (19,763)(33,869)Rentals - Halls (36,000)(1,000)(37,000)2.78% - - Marketing Sponsors (7,500)7,500 - (100.00%) (900,628)(1,220,839) Total Revenues (1,087,650)(33,550)(1,121,200)3.08% Transfers - - Total Transfers - - - - % 437,681 376,482 Net Expenditures (Revenues)442,699 287,683 730,382 64.98% 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410215 Don Beer Arena Current Budget Summary 179 Expenditures 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages Base Salaries and Wages 804,720 Total 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages 804,720 501010.0000 Overtime To meet service level/workload commitments 25,000 Total 501010.0000 Overtime 25,000 501020.0000 Employee Benefits This item includes mandatory deductions (CPP, EI, EHT) and employer provided benefits such as extended health and dental 206,596 Total 501020.0000 Employee Benefits 206,596 501040.0000 Uniforms Facilities Staff 8,405 Total 501040.0000 Uniforms 8,405 501110.0000 Seminars & Education Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA) B Certificate Renewal - Chief Operator and Maintenance Workers (8 staff) 640 Defibrillator Training & Recertification (various staff)2,500 Ontario Recreation Facilities Association (ORFA) Ice Maintenance Training (1 staff)1,600 Total 501110.0000 Seminars & Education 4,740 501130.0000 Travel Parking & Mileage 200 Total 501130.0000 Travel 200 502020.0000 Cellular Phones Cellular Phone Charges 1,000 Total 502020.0000 Cellular Phones 1,000 502030.0000 Telephones & Data Voice / Data 14,600 Total 502030.0000 Telephones & Data 14,600 502040.0000 Internet Internet 265 Total 502040.0000 Internet 265 502050.0000 Cable TV Cable 545 Total 502050.0000 Cable TV 545 502210.0000 Insurance Premium Annual cost of insurance policy that provides protection for municipal activities and property. (Policy coverage includes: liability, automobile and property) 7,550 Total 502210.0000 Insurance Premium 7,550 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410215 Don Beer Arena Background Information 180 502220.0000 Insurance Deductible Insurance Deductible 2,300 Total 502220.0000 Insurance Deductible 2,300 502250.0000 Memberships Memberships and other related associations 400 Total 502250.0000 Memberships 400 502260.0000 Outside Agency Srvc Base Hospital Support Defibrillation Program 1,450 Alarm Monitoring Contract 1,200 Defibrillator Monitoring Contract 465 Total 502260.0000 Outside Agency Srvc 3,115 502340.0000 Building Rpr & Mntc Garbage Disposal (contract)10,930 Snow Removal & Salting 31,400 Caretaking Supplies and Services 34,000 General Repairs (supplies)17,000 Building Repairs 210 Electrical Repairs 10,160 Plumbing Repairs 7,840 Door and lock repairs/replacements 30,000 Parking Lot Maintenance 1,000 Replacement of dasher board, kickboard, stay white, tempered glass 3,500 Paint, Drainage & Disposal System 2,450 Refrigeration repairs maintenance and dehumidifiers (contract)27,280 Condenser Water Treatment Program 6,526 Overhaul Compressor 15,035 Fan and motor repairs, supplies and accessories 4,000 Elevator Inspection 3,600 Kitchen Hood Inspection/Cleaning 600 Annual Regulatory Inspections 7,150 Repair to Rubber Flooring 12,000 Security Camera Repairs 6,000 Feminine Hygiene Products 2,000 Duct Cleaning 5,455 Testing and calibration of gas monitoring systems 3,100 Maintenance and repairs required due to aging infrastructure 10,000 Total 502340.0000 Building Rpr & Mntc 251,236 502380.0000 Misc Equip Rpr&Mntc Ice Resurfacer Maintenance 10,500 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410215 Don Beer Arena Background Information 181 Misc. Small Equipment Repairs 1,500 Goal Frames & Mesh 3,000 Total 502380.0000 Misc Equip Rpr&Mntc 15,000 502410.0000 MiscEquip Rentals Rental of tools for specific jobs - platform lift 300 Total 502410.0000 MiscEquip Rentals 300 502420.0000 Land Rentals Parking lot lease with Ontario Infrastructure, including property taxes 94,845 Arena encroachment agreement with Hydro One, including property taxes 4,500 Total 502420.0000 Land Rentals 99,345 502500.0000 Stationery&OfficeSup General Office Supplies 300 Total 502500.0000 Stationery&OfficeSup 300 502540.0000 Supplies & Tools First Aid Supplies (replacement)665 Small Tools (replacement)1,500 Total 502540.0000 Supplies & Tools 2,165 502600.0000 Utilities - Water Budget based on 2023 projected actuals and regional water rate increase in 2024 45,000 Total 502600.0000 Utilities - Water 45,000 502610.0000 Utilities - Gas Budget based on 2023 projected actuals and anticipated increase in natural gas prices 43,200 Total 502610.0000 Utilities - Gas 43,200 502620.0000 Utilities - Hydro Budget based on 2023 projected actuals 308,700 Total 502620.0000 Utilities - Hydro 308,700 502700.0000 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr Maintenance - HRIS 900 Total 502700.0000 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr 900 502740.0000 Furniture & Fixtures Defibrillator Replacement 6,000 Total 502740.0000 Furniture & Fixtures 6,000 Total Expenses 1,851,582 Revenues 403020.0000 Snack Bar Snack Bar Lease Agreement (13,000) Total 403020.0000 Snack Bar (13,000) 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410215 Don Beer Arena Background Information 182 403030.0000 Vending Machines Don Beer Vending Machines (3,600) Total 403030.0000 Vending Machines (3,600) 403041.0000 Admis - Pleasure Ska Daily Admissions - Shinny (2,000) Total 403041.0000 Admis - Pleasure Ska (2,000) 403060.0000 Rentals - User Fees Yearly Pro-Shop Contract (4,600) Total 403060.0000 Rentals - User Fees (4,600) 403061.0000 Rentals- Ice Surface Ice Surface Rentals (1,022,000) Total 403061.0000 Rentals- Ice Surface (1,022,000) 403062.0000 Arena Floor Rentals Ball Hockey (12,200) Lacrosse (26,800) Total 403062.0000 Arena Floor Rentals (39,000) 403065.0000 Rentals - Halls Various Hall Rentals and Activities (37,000) Total 403065.0000 Rentals - Halls (37,000) Total Revenues (1,121,200) Total Transfers - Net Expenses (Revenues)730,382 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410215 Don Beer Arena Background Information 183 Expenditures 293,863 246,835 Salaries & Wages 259,392 147,292 406,684 56.78% 10,340 9,785 Overtime 8,000 - 8,000 - % 59,853 53,108 Employee Benefits 63,450 46,357 109,807 73.06% 1,996 2,689 Uniforms 4,920 (20)4,900 (0.41%) 1,083 254 Seminars & Education 1,760 690 2,450 39.20% 436 87 Travel 500 - 500 - % 16 - Environmental Charges - - - - % 3,217 3,683 Cellular Phones 2,500 - 2,500 - % 6,324 6,995 Telephone & Data 7,300 (700)6,600 (9.59%) 5,901 6,436 Internet 6,080 - 6,080 - % 1,066 1,081 Cable TV 1,080 - 1,080 - % - 233 Advertising - - - - % 4,156 4,378 Insurance Premium 4,378 657 5,035 15.01% 314 - Insurance Deductible 2,000 300 2,300 15.00% 17 - Meals, Promotions & General - - - - % 17,210 8,165 Outside Agency Services 11,984 - 11,984 - % - 52 Repairs & Maintenance Materials - - - - % 282,294 231,721 Building - Repairs & Maintenance 333,545 33,709 367,254 10.11% 17,946 10,694 Vehicle - Repairs & Maintenance 6,300 - 6,300 - % 17,621 24,217 Gas, Oil, Tire, Etc.17,150 6,315 23,465 36.82% 2,302 1,020 Misc. Equip. - Repairs & Maintenance 1,500 - 1,500 - % 32 32 Building Rentals 10 - 10 - % 381 34 Stationary & Office Supplies - - - - % - 74 Programs & Event Supplies - - - - % 1,568 631 Supplies & Tools 2,000 10,950 12,950 547.50% 12,322 11,968 Utilities - Water 13,250 (450)12,800 (3.40%) 91,599 108,019 Utilities - Hydro 101,990 7,810 109,800 7.66% 23,976 28,125 Utilities - Natural Gas 27,905 4,185 32,090 15.00% 7,067 5,198 Utilities - Oil 4,867 123 4,990 2.53% 413 2,512 Software & Hardware Mtce. Contracts 310 2,050 2,360 661.29% - 7,445 Furniture & Fixtures 10,000 - 10,000 - % (234) - Miscellaneous Expenses - - - - % 863,079 775,471 Total Expenditures 892,171 259,268 1,151,439 29.06% Revenues (758)(1,320)Vending Machines (1,000)200 (800)(20.00%) 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410220 Community Centres Current Budget Summary 184 (125,208)(189,117)Community Ctr. Rentals (183,980)(6,120)(190,100)3.33% - - Other User Fees (2,500) - (2,500)- % - (6,592)Netted Revenue (11,900)11,900 - (100.00%) (125,966)(197,029) Total Revenues (199,380)5,980 (193,400)(3.00%) Transfers 41,000 - Capital Expenditures - - - - % 41,000 - Total Transfers - - - - % 778,113 578,442 Net Expenditures (Revenues)692,791 265,248 958,039 38.29% 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410220 Community Centres Current Budget Summary 185 Expenditures 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages Base Salaries and Wages 282,684 Two (2) new full-time Facility Operator positions for East Shore and George Ashe Community Centres, April 1, 2024 start date 87,800 Conversion of one full-time Facility Attendant position to Facility Operator position, April 1, 2024 start date 11,300 Additional hours (936 hours) for part-time Facility Attendant positions for Dr. Nelson F. Tomlinson Community Centre 24,900 Total 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages 406,684 501010.0000 Overtime To meet service level/workload commitments 8,000 Total 501010.0000 Overtime 8,000 501020.0000 Employee Benefits This item includes mandatory deductions (CPP, EI, EHT) and employer provided benefits such as extended health and dental 75,407 Benefits related to two (2) new full-time Facility Operator positions for East Shore and George Ashe Community Centres, April 1, 2024 start date 26,400 Benefits related to conversion of one full-time Facility Attendant position to Facility Operator position, April 1, 2024 start date 3,400 Benefits related to additional hours (936 hours) for part-time Facility Attendant positions for Dr. Nelson F. Tomlinson Community Centre 4,600 Total 501020.0000 Employee Benefits 109,807 501040.0000 Uniforms As per the Collective Agreement - Program and Administrative Staff 1,400 As per the Collective Agreement - Facilities Staff 3,500 Total 501040.0000 Uniforms 4,900 501110.0000 Seminars & Education Defibrillator Training & Recertification 600 Seminars & Education 1,850 Total 501110.0000 Seminars & Education 2,450 501130.0000 Travel Parking & Mileage 500 Total 501130.0000 Travel 500 502020.0000 Cellular Phones Cellular Phone Charges 2,500 Total 502020.0000 Cellular Phones 2,500 502030.0000 Telephones & Data 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410220 Community Centres Background Information 186 Voice/Data 4,600 Total 502030.0000 Telephones & Data 4,600 502030.9933 Telephones & Data - George Ashe (Library &) Community Centre Voice/Data 2,000 Total 502030.9933 Telephones & Data - George Ashe (Library &) Community Centre 2,000 502040.0000 Internet Internet 2,370 Total 502040.0000 Internet 2,370 502040.9933 Internet - George Ashe (Library &) Community Centre Internet 3,710 Total 502040.9933 Internet - George Ashe (Library &) Community Centre 3,710 502050.9933 Cable TV - GALCC Cable 1,080 Total 502050.9933 Cable TV - GALCC 1,080 502210.0000 Insurance Premium Annual cost of insurance policy that provides protection for municipal activities and property. (Policy coverage includes: liability, automobile and property) 5,035 Total 502210.0000 Insurance Premium 5,035 502220.0000 Insurance Deductible Insurance Deductible 2,300 Total 502220.0000 Insurance Deductible 2,300 502260.0000 Outside Agency Srvc Base Hospital Support Defibrillation Program - George Ashe and Dr. Nelson F. Tomlinson Community Centres 2,000 Technical Support 5,000 Fire Alarm & Security Monitoring Contract 4,540 Defibrillator Monitoring Contract 444 Total 502260.0000 Outside Agency Srvc 11,984 502340.0000 Building Rpr & Mntc Pest Control 3,000 Caretaking Supplies 27,750 General Supplies 15,000 Window, Door and Lock Repair/Replacement 10,270 Service Contracts (snow removal & salting)55,000 Electrical/Plumbing Repairs 39,950 Provision for pumping out septic system (Mt. Zion, Greenwood, Dr. Nelson F. Tomlinson & Whitevale CC) 5,000 Environmental Monitoring (water treatment and testing of wells)15,944 Window Cleaning 3,570 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410220 Community Centres Background Information 187 Emergency repairs/equipment replacement (aging buildings)29,550 HVAC 5,000 Pumps, Motors, etc.2,000 Boiler Repair and Maintenance 1,700 Kitchen Hood Exhaust System Inspection 1,000 Energy Management (service contract)4,125 Generator Testing 1,430 Life Safety System Testing (fire alarms/extinguishers & emergency lighting)3,500 Security Camera Repairs 8,000 Duct Cleaning 6,000 Feminine Hygiene Products (ESCC)2,900 Feminine Hygiene Products (WSCC)2,600 Feminine Hygiene Products (Dr. Nelson F. Tomlinson CC)1,350 Upgrades to Dr. Nelson F. Tomlinson CC gym, lobby and kitchen to support new programs 10,000 Garbage Disposal (contract)8,960 Total 502340.0000 Building Rpr & Mntc 263,599 502340.9933 Building Rpr & Mntc - George Ashe (Library &) Community Centre Caretaking Supplies 5,250 Garbage Disposal (contract)5,640 Pest Control 915 General Supplies 2,445 Window, Door and Lock Repair/Replacement 3,930 Service Contracts (snow removal & salting)12,000 Electrical/Plumbing Repairs 10,000 Window Cleaning 510 Emergency repairs/equipment replacement (aging buildings)3,450 HVAC 5,000 Pumps, Motors, etc.500 Boiler Repair and Maintenance 1,000 Kitchen Hood Exhaust System Inspection 300 Energy Management (service contract)2,065 Life Safety System Testing (fire alarms/extinguishers & emergency lighting)1,500 Security Camera Repairs 8,000 Duct Cleaning 3,000 Feminine Hygiene Products 2,615 Maintenance and repairs required due to aging infrastructure 10,000 Monthly service fees associated with trial of Motorola two-way radio system 5,535 Youth Room Renovation 20,000 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410220 Community Centres Background Information 188 Total 502340.9933 Building Rpr & Mntc - George Ashe (Library &) Community Centre 103,655 502370.0000 Vehicle Rpr & Mntc Culture & Recreation - Vehicle 6,300 Total 502370.0000 Vehicle Rpr & Mntc 6,300 502375.0000 Gas, Oil, Tires, Etc Fuel: Unleaded 16,178 litres @ $1.38/litre 22,325 Oil changes and tires 1,140 Total 502375.0000 Gas, Oil, Tires, Etc 23,465 502380.0000 Misc Equip Rpr&Mntc Misc. Equipment Repairs 1,500 Total 502380.0000 Misc Equip Rpr&Mntc 1,500 502400.0000 Building Rentals Brougham Community Centre - Federal rental charge 10 Total 502400.0000 Building Rentals 10 502540.0000 Supplies & Tools First aid and safety supplies & small tools (replacement)1,475 Total 502540.0000 Supplies & Tools 1,475 502540.9933 Supplies & Tools - George Ashe (Library &) Community Centre First aid and safety supplies & small tools (replacement)1,475 Furniture and equipment to support new programs at Dr. Nelson F. Tomlinson CC 10,000 Total 502540.9933 Supplies & Tools - George Ashe (Library &) Community Centre 11,475 502600.0000 Utilities - Water Budget based on 2023 projected actuals and regional water rate increase in 2024 9,670 Total 502600.0000 Utilities - Water 9,670 502600.9933 Utilities - Water - George Ashe (Library &) Community Centre Budget based on 2023 projected actuals and regional water rate increase in 2024 3,130 Total 502600.9933 Utilities - Water - George Ashe (Library &) Community Centre 3,130 502610.0000 Utilities - Gas Budget based on 2023 projected actuals and anticipated increase in natural gas prices 25,790 Total 502610.0000 Utilities - Gas 25,790 502610.9933 Utilities - Gas - George Ashe (Library &) Community Centre Budget based on 2023 projected actuals and anticipated increase in natural gas prices 6,300 Total 502610.9933 Utilities - Gas - George Ashe (Library &) Community Centre 6,300 502620.0000 Utilities - Hydro Budget based on 2023 projected actuals 99,600 Total 502620.0000 Utilities - Hydro 99,600 502620.9933 Utilities - Hydro - George Ashe (Library &) Community Centre 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410220 Community Centres Background Information 189 Budget based on 2023 projected actuals 10,200 Total 502620.9933 Utilities - Hydro - George Ashe (Library &) Community Centre 10,200 502630.0000 Utilities - Oil Mt. Zion Community Centre 4,990 Total 502630.0000 Utilities - Oil 4,990 502700.0000 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr Maintenance - HRIS 460 Maintenance - MySeniorCentre 1,900 Total 502700.0000 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr 2,360 502740.0000 Furniture & Fixtures Replacement tables and chairs for Dr. Nelson F. Tomlinson CC 10,000 Total 502740.0000 Furniture & Fixtures 10,000 Total Expenses 1,151,439 Revenues 403030.0000 Vending Machines East Shore C.C.(800) Total 403030.0000 Vending Machines (800) 403068.9930 Community Ctr Rentl - West Shore Community Centre West Shore Community Centre - Nursery School Lease (5,300) Hall Rentals (73,000) Total 403068.9930 Community Ctr Rentl - West Shore Community Centre (78,300) 403068.9931 Community Ctr Rentl - East Shore Community Centre Hall & Room Rentals (45,000) Total 403068.9931 Community Ctr Rentl - East Shore Community Centre (45,000) 403068.9932 Community Ctr Rentl - Dr. Nelson F. Tomlinson Community Centre Hall Rentals (Saturday evenings only)(800) Total 403068.9932 Community Ctr Rentl - Dr. Nelson F. Tomlinson Community Centre (800) 403068.9933 Community Ctr Rentl - George Ashe (Library &) Community Centre Estimated Revenues (66,000) Total 403068.9933 Community Ctr Rentl - George Ashe (Library &) Community Centre (66,000) 403120.0000 Other User Fee Revenue Damage Deposit Forfeited (2,500) Total 403120.0000 Other User Fee Revenue (2,500) Total Revenues (193,400) Total Transfers - Net Expenses (Revenues)958,039 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410220 Community Centres Background Information 190 Expenditures 2,152,656 2,431,419 Salaries & Wages 2,240,124 39,877 2,280,001 1.78% 54,896 51,533 Overtime 73,844 - 73,844 - % 471,157 558,695 Employee Benefits 576,180 (23,470)552,710 (4.07%) 10,684 8,986 Uniforms 9,820 5,430 15,250 55.30% 194 - Conferences - - - - % 3,911 4,332 Seminars & Education 6,081 2,169 8,250 35.67% - 104 Corporate Training - - - - % 129 159 Travel 800 - 800 - % 7,889 9,951 Cellular Phones 8,800 - 8,800 - % 10,199 10,393 Telephone & Data 11,660 (1,800)9,860 (15.44%) 1,049 1,023 Internet 1,065 - 1,065 - % 24,433 17,763 Advertising 31,000 - 31,000 - % 104 - Subscriptions & Publications 250 - 250 - % 13,570 14,927 Insurance Premium 14,927 2,238 17,165 14.99% 2,790 4,985 Insurance Deductible 4,000 600 4,600 15.00% 11,339 7,441 Meals, Promotions & General 13,000 - 13,000 - % 1,670 2,827 Memberships 3,575 - 3,575 - % 59,898 65,404 Outside Agency Services 66,370 (229)66,141 (0.35%) - 257 Repairs & Maintenance Materials - - - - % 362,026 466,359 Building - Repairs & Maintenance 403,404 (146,810)256,594 (36.39%) 413 - Vehicle - Repairs & Maintenance - - - - % 18,952 26,366 Misc. Equip. - Repairs & Maintenance 44,475 (6,700)37,775 (15.06%) 582 - Misc. Equip. Rentals 8,000 - 8,000 - % 5,244 5,838 Stationary & Office Supplies 6,500 - 6,500 - % - - Forms 1,100 - 1,100 - % 2,199 2,360 Programs & Event Supplies 6,800 - 6,800 - % 17,578 29,269 Supplies & Tools 26,400 200 26,600 0.76% 27,540 34,837 Utilities - Water 36,180 1,320 37,500 3.65% 191,986 227,962 Utilities - Hydro 244,000 (13,200)230,800 (5.41%) 58,185 66,435 Utilities - Natural Gas 60,385 6,715 67,100 11.12% 8,973 22,360 Software & Hardware Mtce. Contracts 19,190 2,870 22,060 14.96% 1,843 11,660 Furniture & Fixtures 34,000 15,820 49,820 46.53% 6 22 Misc. Equipment - - - - % 3,308 - Miscellaneous Expenses - - - - % - - Financial Services Charges - 500 500 - % 3,525,403 4,083,667 Total Expenditures 3,951,930 (114,470)3,837,460 (2.90%) 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410225 Recreation Complex - Central Core Current Budget Summary 191 Revenues - (2,278)Department User Fees (10,000) - (10,000)- % (2,799)(11,586)Vending Machines (10,000)700 (9,300)(7.00%) (115,797)(183,869)Admissions (133,858)(11,842)(145,700)8.85% (27,749)(45,253)Rentals - Meeting Rooms (55,700)21,000 (34,700)(37.70%) (61,662)(97,150)Rentals - Halls (100,000) - (100,000)- % (79,334)(82,394)Rental - Wellness Clinic (81,000)(800)(81,800)0.99% (445,599)(864,888)Memberships (719,632)(68,868)(788,500)9.57% (3,703)(4,493)Child Supervision - - - - % (55,773)(89,828)Fitness Testing (50,000)(50,000)(100,000)100.00% (85,477)(83,172)Other User Fees (79,500)79,500 - (100.00%) (877,893)(1,464,911) Total Revenues (1,239,690)(30,310)(1,270,000)2.44% Transfers 75,000 75,000 Transfer to(from) Reserve (125,000)125,000 - (100.00%) 75,000 75,000 Total Transfers (125,000)125,000 - (100.00%) 2,722,510 2,693,756 Net Expenditures (Revenues)2,587,240 (19,780)2,567,460 (0.76%) 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410225 Recreation Complex - Central Core Current Budget Summary 192 Expenditures 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages Base Salaries and Wages 2,410,331 Conversion of redundant part-time Shift Leader and Childcare Work positions to full-time Supervisor, Pickering Museum Village position (10250), Jan. 1, 2024 effective date (129,630) Conversion of two (2) full-time Facility Attendant positions to Term positions (700) Total 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages 2,280,001 501010.0000 Overtime Facilities 22,000 Front Desk and Program 10,000 Other 41,844 Total 501010.0000 Overtime 73,844 501020.0000 Employee Benefits This item includes mandatory deductions (CPP, EI, EHT) and employer provided benefits such as extended health and dental 589,860 Benefits related to conversion of redundant part-time Shift Leader and Childcare Work positions to full-time Supervisor, Pickering Museum Village position (10250), Jan. 1, 2024 effective date (25,150) Benefits related to conversion of two (2) full-time Facility Attendant positions to Term positions (12,000) Total 501020.0000 Employee Benefits 552,710 501040.0000 Uniforms As per the Collective Agreement - Facilities Staff 10,250 Other Uniforms - Administration Staff 5,000 Total 501040.0000 Uniforms 15,250 501110.0000 Seminars & Education First Aid/CPR Defibrillator Training & Recertification 4,000 CSEP Courses (Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology)2,000 Seminars & Education 2,250 Total 501110.0000 Seminars & Education 8,250 501130.0000 Travel Parking & Mileage 800 Total 501130.0000 Travel 800 502020.0000 Cellular Phones Annual staff cell phone charges 7,150 Tablet data charges for Facilities staff 1,650 Total 502020.0000 Cellular Phones 8,800 502030.0000 Telephones & Data 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410225 Recreation Complex - Central Core Background Information 193 Voice / Data 9,860 Total 502030.0000 Telephones & Data 9,860 502040.0000 Internet Internet 1,065 Total 502040.0000 Internet 1,065 502100.0000 Advertising Marketing and advertising for Recreation Complex packages 31,000 Total 502100.0000 Advertising 31,000 502120.0000 Subscriptions&Publcs Reference material, journals and reports 250 Total 502120.0000 Subscriptions&Publcs 250 502210.0000 Insurance Premium Annual cost of insurance policy that provides protection for municipal activities and property. (Policy coverage includes: liability, automobile and property) 17,165 Total 502210.0000 Insurance Premium 17,165 502220.0000 Insurance Deductible Insurance Deductible 4,600 Total 502220.0000 Insurance Deductible 4,600 502240.0000 Meals/Prom/General Membership Recognition 13,000 Total 502240.0000 Meals/Prom/General 13,000 502250.0000 Memberships Can. Society for Exercise Physiology (CSEP) Membership (5 staff)1,465 Facility Licences: Mechanical licenses, professional fees, etc.150 Squash Ontario 500 Tennis Ontario 800 CSEP Fitness Centre Accreditation 260 Canfit Pro Membership 400 Total 502250.0000 Memberships 3,575 502260.0000 Outside Agency Srvc Squash Professional 42,900 Tennis Professional 13,566 Base Hospital Support Defibrillation Program 2,000 Defibrillator Monitoring Contract 1,450 Fire Alarm Monitoring Contract 600 Circuit Metering 2,875 Annual licensing fee for CHDRC two way radio system 2,750 Total 502260.0000 Outside Agency Srvc 66,141 502340.0000 Building Rpr & Mntc 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410225 Recreation Complex - Central Core Background Information 194 Garbage Disposal (contract)12,928 Caretaking Supplies 18,750 General Supplies 6,300 Glass Cleaning 4,000 Snow Removal & Salting 22,500 Building Supplies and Repairs 8,000 Electrical Repairs 12,000 Plumbing Repairs 11,000 Lamps, Ballasts, Fuse Inventory 2,000 Window, Door and Lock Repairs 5,000 Various repairs to infrastructure due to aging facility 22,000 Duct Cleaning on Various Areas 5,000 Replace Windows 1,000 Carpet Service - Mats 6,000 Painting and Tile Repairs 6,000 Door Replacement Program 10,000 Foot Sprayer Solution 3,300 Audio/Visual Equipment Maintenance (Banquet Hall)2,000 Electrical Substation Inspection 5,500 Kitchen Hood Inspection 600 Air Circulation Equipment (contract out)5,000 Elevator Inspection & Repair (contract out)4,800 Air Conditioning (contract out)7,000 Energy Management (service contract)8,248 Boiler Inspection and Repair (contract out )3,500 Water Treatment 6,000 Fire Alarm Inspection and Service (contract out )3,000 Motors, Belts, Filters 5,000 Diesel Generator Repair and Maintenance (contract out)5,500 Chiller Maintenance Contract 12,783 Security Camera 8,000 Feminine Hygiene Products 4,185 Exterior Entrance Sidewalk Repairs 10,000 Replacement of Keypads with Buttons for Exiting Tennis Court and Studio Areas 5,000 Testing and Calibration of Gas Monitoring Systems 1,500 Electric Door Operator PM Contract 3,200 Total 502340.0000 Building Rpr & Mntc 256,594 502380.0000 Misc Equip Rpr&Mntc Program Equipment Repairs 15,000 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410225 Recreation Complex - Central Core Background Information 195 Fitness Equipment Replacement Parts 6,800 Floor Machine & Equipment Service 5,000 Ladder / Lift Inspection 2,675 Total 502380.0000 Misc Equip Rpr&Mntc 29,475 502380.9595 Misc Equip Rpr&Mntc - EV Charging - Rec Centre Provision for repairs and maintenance on electric vehicle chargers 8,300 Total 502380.9595 Misc Equip Rpr&Mntc - EV Charging - Rec Centre 8,300 502410.0000 MiscEquip Rentals Occasional equipment needs, other equipment rentals 8,000 Total 502410.0000 MiscEquip Rentals 8,000 502500.0000 Stationery&OfficeSup General Office Supplies 6,500 Total 502500.0000 Stationery&OfficeSup 6,500 502510.0000 Forms Professional Printing Services 1,100 Total 502510.0000 Forms 1,100 502520.0000 Program&Event Supps Banquet Hall Supplies 6,800 Total 502520.0000 Program&Event Supps 6,800 502540.0000 Supplies & Tools Card Access Supplies (cards, cartridges)22,000 Creative Centre & Art Room 2,100 First Aid Supplies (replacement)500 Small Tools 1,500 Racquets, Balls & Eyewear (for programs)500 Total 502540.0000 Supplies & Tools 26,600 502600.0000 Utilities - Water Budget based on 2023 projected actuals and regional water rate increase in 2024 37,500 Total 502600.0000 Utilities - Water 37,500 502610.0000 Utilities - Gas Budget based on 2023 projected actuals and anticipated increase in natural gas prices 67,100 Total 502610.0000 Utilities - Gas 67,100 502620.0000 Utilities - Hydro Budget based on 2023 projected actuals 230,800 Total 502620.0000 Utilities - Hydro 230,800 502700.0000 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr Maintenance - Game Time 4,800 Maintenance - HRIS 2,560 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410225 Recreation Complex - Central Core Background Information 196 Maintenance - Recreation - DBS 3,800 Maintenance - Captivate App 9,500 Apple Development 200 Total 502700.0000 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr 20,860 502700.9595 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr - EV Charging - Rec Centre Software maintenance charges related to EV Charging stations at the Recreation Centre 1,200 Total 502700.9595 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr - EV Charging - Rec Centre 1,200 502740.0000 Furniture & Fixtures Misc. Furniture & Fixtures 15,000 Office Desk & Chair Replacement 4,000 Defibrillator Replacement 8,000 Additional Lobby Tables and Chairs 7,000 Banquet Hall Ice Machine Replacement 15,820 Total 502740.0000 Furniture & Fixtures 49,820 503080.9595 Financial Srvc Chrgs - EV Charging - Rec Centre Services charges related to EV Charging stations at the Recreation Centre 500 Total 503080.9595 Financial Srvc Chrgs - EV Charging - Rec Centre 500 Total Expenses 3,837,460 Revenues 403000.9595 Department User Fees - EV Charging Initiative - Rec Centre Electric Vehicle Charging Fees (10,000) Total 403000.9595 Department User Fees - EV Charging Initiative - Rec Centre (10,000) 403030.0000 Vending Machines Based on 12% of total Complex Vending Machine Sales plus annual exclusivity payment (9,300) Total 403030.0000 Vending Machines (9,300) 403042.9920 Admis - Rec Complex - Admissions - Tennis Court Admissions (100,000) Total 403042.9920 Admis - Rec Complex - Admissions - Tennis (100,000) 403042.9921 Admis - Rec Complex - Admissions - Squash Court Admissions (20,000) Total 403042.9921 Admis - Rec Complex - Admissions - Squash (20,000) 403042.9922 Admis - Rec Complex - Admissions - Fitness Room Health Club - Pay as you Go (8,000) Total 403042.9922 Admis - Rec Complex - Admissions - Fitness Room (8,000) 403042.9923 Admis - Rec Complex - Admissions - Racquet Ball Pay as you Play (2,700) 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410225 Recreation Complex - Central Core Background Information 197 Total 403042.9923 Admis - Rec Complex - Admissions - Racquet Ball (2,700) 403042.9924 Admis - Rec Complex - Admissions - PIckleball Pay as you Go Pickleball Admissions (15,000) Total 403042.9924 Admis - Rec Complex - Admissions - PIckleball (15,000) 403064.0000 Rentl-Mtg.Room/Publi Various private rentals for Complex Meeting Rooms (1,2 & 3)(17,000) Total 403064.0000 Rentl-Mtg.Room/Publi (17,000) 403065.0000 Rentals - Halls Various private rentals for Complex East and West Salons (Banquet Halls)(100,000) Total 403065.0000 Rentals - Halls (100,000) 403070.0000 Rentl-Wellness Clnc Wellness Health Centre Ltd.(33,300) Pickering Sports Medicine & Wellness Centre (48,500) Total 403070.0000 Rentl-Wellness Clnc (81,800) 403071.0000 Rentl-Mtg.Room/Publi Rentals for Community Services Dept. operating at the CHDRC (17,700) Total 403071.0000 Rentl-Mtg.Room/Publi (17,700) 403080.9950 Membership - Membership - New Tennis Tennis (40,000) Total 403080.9950 Membership - Membership - New Tennis (40,000) 403080.9951 Membership - Membership - Basic Health Health (Basic)(530,000) Total 403080.9951 Membership - Membership - Basic Health (530,000) 403080.9954 Membership - Membership - New Squash Squash (85,000) Total 403080.9954 Membership - Membership - New Squash (85,000) 403080.9955 Membership - Membership - New Fitness Fitness (80,000) Total 403080.9955 Membership - Membership - New Fitness (80,000) 403080.9956 Membership - Membership - Golden/Combination Fitness (Golden/Combination)(33,000) Total 403080.9956 Membership - Membership - Golden/Combination (33,000) 403080.9957 Membership - Membership - New Racquet Ball Racquet Ball (15,000) Total 403080.9957 Membership - Membership - New Racquet Ball (15,000) 403089.0000 Membrshp NSF Fee Rev NSF Revenue (5,500) Total 403089.0000 Membrshp NSF Fee Rev (5,500) 403105.0000 Personal Training 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410225 Recreation Complex - Central Core Background Information 198 Personal and Small Group Training (100,000) Total 403105.0000 Personal Training (100,000) Total Revenues (1,270,000) Total Transfers - Net Expenses (Revenues)2,567,460 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410225 Recreation Complex - Central Core Background Information 199 Expenditures 645,509 650,144 Salaries & Wages 492,564 (68,837)423,727 (13.98%) 24,756 29,364 Overtime 5,000 - 5,000 - % 134,059 143,434 Employee Benefits 91,709 1,321 93,030 1.44% 3,649 3,999 Uniforms 6,320 500 6,820 7.91% 532 3,983 Seminars & Education 6,246 (5,246)1,000 (83.99%) 23 - Environmental Charges - - - - % 574 590 Telephone & Data 700 (100)600 (14.29%) 75 73 Internet 75 - 75 - % 4,630 5,093 Insurance Premium 5,093 767 5,860 15.06% - 610 Insurance Deductible - - - - % - 68 Meals, Promotions & General - - - - % - 769 Memberships 1,236 64 1,300 5.18% - 603 Repairs & Maintenance Materials - - - - % 94,984 99,264 Building - Repairs & Maintenance 74,950 39,100 114,050 52.17% 459 - Misc. Equip. - Repairs & Maintenance 1,000 - 1,000 - % 3,852 1,198 Supplies & Tools 7,650 6,000 13,650 78.43% 27,540 34,837 Utilities - Water 52,750 (5,950)46,800 (11.28%) 135,794 161,241 Utilities - Hydro 162,500 700 163,200 0.43% 58,185 66,435 Utilities - Natural Gas 60,385 6,715 67,100 11.12% 723 591 Software & Hardware Mtce. Contracts 590 (120)470 (20.34%) - 12,323 Furniture & Fixtures 12,000 (1,400)10,600 (11.67%) 1,135,344 1,214,619 Total Expenditures 980,768 (26,486)954,282 (2.70%) Revenues (42,111)(52,756)Admissions (52,000)(1,560)(53,560)3.00% (116,819)(111,395)Rentals - Pool (154,960)(2,001)(156,961)1.29% (32,874)(89,710)Memberships (65,000)(3,000)(68,000)4.62% (191,804)(253,861) Total Revenues (271,960)(6,561)(278,521)2.41% Transfers - - Total Transfers - - - - % 943,540 960,758 Net Expenditures (Revenues)708,808 (33,047)675,761 (4.66%) 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410230 Recreation Complex - Pool Current Budget Summary 200 Expenditures 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages Base Salaries and Wages 423,727 Total 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages 423,727 501010.0000 Overtime To meet service level/workload commitments 5,000 Total 501010.0000 Overtime 5,000 501020.0000 Employee Benefits This item includes mandatory deductions (CPP, EI, EHT) and employer provided benefits such as extended health and dental 93,030 Total 501020.0000 Employee Benefits 93,030 501040.0000 Uniforms As per the Collective Agreement - Facilities Staff 1,820 Aquatics Staff 5,000 Total 501040.0000 Uniforms 6,820 501110.0000 Seminars & Education Defibrillator Training (Various staff)600 Aquatic Certifications (full-time and part-time staff)400 Total 501110.0000 Seminars & Education 1,000 502030.0000 Telephones & Data Voice / Data 600 Total 502030.0000 Telephones & Data 600 502040.0000 Internet Internet 75 Total 502040.0000 Internet 75 502210.0000 Insurance Premium Annual cost of insurance policy that provides protection for municipal activities and property. (Policy coverage includes: liability, automobile and property). 5,860 Total 502210.0000 Insurance Premium 5,860 502250.0000 Memberships Life Saving Society 1,300 Total 502250.0000 Memberships 1,300 502340.0000 Building Rpr & Mntc Pool Chemicals 17,250 Cleaning Supplies 10,300 Miscellaneous 1,500 Electrical and Plumbing Repairs 10,000 Lamps, Ballasts and Fuse Inventory 3,000 Filters, etc.3,000 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410230 Recreation Complex - Pool Background Information 201 Tile, Painting, Door & Lock Repairs 6,000 Snow Removal & Salting (contract)22,500 Filter System 6,500 HVAC Services 2,000 Pumps, Motors, Valves, Seals 3,000 Bleacher Safety Inspection 2,000 Duct Cleaning 3,000 Maintenance and repairs required due to aging infrastructure 10,000 Sump Pump Replacement 14,000 Total 502340.0000 Building Rpr & Mntc 114,050 502380.0000 Misc Equip Rpr&Mntc Repair Parts for Pool Vacuum 1,000 Total 502380.0000 Misc Equip Rpr&Mntc 1,000 502540.0000 Supplies & Tools First Aid Supplies 800 Program Supplies 9,000 Small Tools etc.3,850 Total 502540.0000 Supplies & Tools 13,650 502600.0000 Utilities - Water Budget based on 2023 projected actuals and regional water rate increase in 2024 46,800 Total 502600.0000 Utilities - Water 46,800 502610.0000 Utilities - Gas Budget based on 2023 projected actuals and anticipated increase in natural gas prices 67,100 Total 502610.0000 Utilities - Gas 67,100 502620.0000 Utilities - Hydro Budget based on 2023 projected actuals 163,200 Total 502620.0000 Utilities - Hydro 163,200 502700.0000 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr Maintenance - HRIS 470 Total 502700.0000 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr 470 502740.0000 Furniture & Fixtures Replacement of Lane Storage Reel 5,000 Total 502740.0000 Furniture & Fixtures 5,000 502750.0000 Misc. Equipment Pool Vacuum Replacement 5,600 Total 502750.0000 Misc. Equipment 5,600 Total Expenses 954,282 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410230 Recreation Complex - Pool Background Information 202 Revenues 403040.0000 Admis - Public Swimm Singles & Passes (53,560) Total 403040.0000 Admis - Public Swimm (53,560) 403063.0000 Rentals - Pool Private Permits (68,701) Learn to Swim (88,260) Total 403063.0000 Rentals - Pool (156,961) 403081.0000 Membership - Swim Memberships (68,000) Total 403081.0000 Membership - Swim (68,000) Total Revenues (278,521) Total Transfers - Net Expenses (Revenues)675,761 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410230 Recreation Complex - Pool Background Information 203 Expenditures 495,539 537,675 Salaries & Wages 538,256 10,486 548,742 1.95% 28,459 28,609 Overtime 25,000 - 25,000 - % 134,053 138,219 Employee Benefits 134,781 923 135,704 0.68% 910 2,820 Uniforms 4,650 1,025 5,675 22.04% 674 616 Seminars & Education 5,375 1,400 6,775 26.05% 448 327 Cellular Phones 1,000 - 1,000 - % 860 1,182 Telephone & Data 1,400 200 1,600 14.29% 1,738 1,889 Internet 1,750 - 1,750 - % 1,883 1,861 Cable TV 1,920 - 1,920 - % (10) - Subscriptions & Publications - - - - % 4,510 4,961 Insurance Premium 4,961 744 5,705 15.00% 1,236 297 Insurance Deductible 2,000 300 2,300 15.00% 269 272 Meals, Promotions & General - - - - % 222 - Memberships - - - - % 272 272 Outside Agency Services 1,645 - 1,645 - % - 148 Repairs & Maintenance Contract Services - - - - % 129,544 215,194 Building - Repairs & Maintenance 198,485 42,760 241,245 21.54% 3,750 7,189 Misc. Equip. - Repairs & Maintenance 7,000 - 7,000 - % - - Misc. Equip. Rentals 800 - 800 - % 192 177 Stationary & Office Supplies 650 - 650 - % - - Forms 300 - 300 - % 665 801 Supplies & Tools 3,335 - 3,335 - % 6,120 7,742 Utilities - Water 9,070 (770)8,300 (8.49%) 140,476 166,801 Utilities - Hydro 178,500 (9,600)168,900 (5.38%) 15,032 16,807 Utilities - Natural Gas 16,700 600 17,300 3.59% 728 646 Software & Hardware Mtce. Contracts 645 (25)620 (3.88%) - - Furniture & Fixtures 6,000 - 6,000 - % 386 4,225 Misc. Equipment 4,800 (4,800) - (100.00%) 967,956 1,138,730 Total Expenditures 1,149,023 43,243 1,192,266 3.76% Revenues - (1,000)Snack Bar (4,200)(4,400)(8,600)104.76% (1,942)(1,686)Vending Machines (1,500)600 (900)(40.00%) (14,376)(26,851)Admissions (16,000)8,400 (7,600)(52.50%) (567,882)(588,340)Rentals - Ice Surface (717,000)(21,500)(738,500)3.00% (944)(33,763)Rentals - Arena Floor (12,000)(21,500)(33,500)179.17% 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410235 Recreation Complex - Arenas Current Budget Summary 204 (21,482)(51,699)Rentals - Meeting Rooms (41,000)(9,000)(50,000)21.95% - (27,500)Advertising Space (55,000) - (55,000)- % (606,626)(730,839) Total Revenues (846,700)(47,400)(894,100)5.60% Transfers - - Total Transfers - - - - % 361,330 407,891 Net Expenditures (Revenues)302,323 (4,157)298,166 (1.38%) 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410235 Recreation Complex - Arenas Current Budget Summary 205 Expenditures 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages Base Salaries and Wages 548,742 Total 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages 548,742 501010.0000 Overtime To meet service level/workload commitments 25,000 Total 501010.0000 Overtime 25,000 501020.0000 Employee Benefits This item includes mandatory deductions (CPP, EI, EHT) and employer provided benefits such as extended health and dental 135,704 Total 501020.0000 Employee Benefits 135,704 501040.0000 Uniforms As per the Collective Agreement 5,675 Total 501040.0000 Uniforms 5,675 501110.0000 Seminars & Education First Aid & Defibrillation Training & Certification 2,500 Staff Training 2,300 Ontario Recreation Facilities Association (ORFA) Ice Maintenance Training 1,600 Technical Standards & Safety Association (TSSA) B Certificate Renewal - Chief Operator and Maintenance Workers (5 staff) 375 Total 501110.0000 Seminars & Education 6,775 502020.0000 Cellular Phones Cellular Phone Charges 1,000 Total 502020.0000 Cellular Phones 1,000 502030.0000 Telephones & Data Voice / Data 1,600 Total 502030.0000 Telephones & Data 1,600 502040.0000 Internet Internet 1,750 Total 502040.0000 Internet 1,750 502050.0000 Cable TV Cable 1,920 Total 502050.0000 Cable TV 1,920 502210.0000 Insurance Premium Annual cost of insurance policy that provides protection for municipal activities and property. (Policy coverage includes: liability, automobile and property) 5,705 Total 502210.0000 Insurance Premium 5,705 502220.0000 Insurance Deductible Insurance Deductible 2,300 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410235 Recreation Complex - Arenas Background Information 206 Total 502220.0000 Insurance Deductible 2,300 502260.0000 Outside Agency Srvc Base Hospital Support Defibrillation Program 700 Defibrillator Monitoring Contract 945 Total 502260.0000 Outside Agency Srvc 1,645 502340.0000 Building Rpr & Mntc Garbage Disposal (contract)12,928 Caretaking Supplies & Services 22,338 Building Repair Supplies & Services 14,910 Electrical Repairs 11,240 Plumbing Repairs 6,510 Door and Lock Repairs 3,550 Facility Decals 600 Parking Lot Maintenance (snow removal and salting)22,500 Carpet Service (mats)2,000 Rink Light Bulbs (replacement)15,000 Condenser Water Treatment Program 7,147 Dasher Board, Netting & Glass (repair & replacement)5,700 HVAC Repairs 3,500 Paint Drainage & Disposal System 2,450 Goal Nets Replacement 2,100 Annual Regulatory Inspections 2,400 Refrigeration and dehumidifiers repairs & maintenance (contract)15,092 Overhaul Compressors (2)15,750 Fan & motor repairs, supplies & fuse inventory 2,150 Energy Management System (service contract)1,500 Kitchen Hood Inspection 850 Life Safety Systems Testing (fire alarm/extinguisher & emergency lighting)2,200 Security Camera Repairs 6,000 Duct Cleaning 4,000 Heat Exchanger Repairs 4,000 Structural and Coating Review Repairs 15,000 Feminine Hygiene Products 2,730 Rink Seal Pro Application (O'Brien rink under-floor heating system)10,000 Gas Monitoring Systems (testing and calibration)3,100 Maintenance and repairs required due to aging infrastructure 10,000 Moveable Wall Repairs (O’Brien meeting rooms)14,000 Total 502340.0000 Building Rpr & Mntc 241,245 502380.0000 Misc Equip Rpr&Mntc 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410235 Recreation Complex - Arenas Background Information 207 Ice Resurfacer Maintenance 4,000 Misc. Small Equipment Repairs 3,000 Total 502380.0000 Misc Equip Rpr&Mntc 7,000 502410.0000 MiscEquip Rentals Tool Rentals for Specific Jobs 800 Total 502410.0000 MiscEquip Rentals 800 502500.0000 Stationery&OfficeSup General Office Supplies 400 Toners for Printer 250 Total 502500.0000 Stationery&OfficeSup 650 502510.0000 Forms Printing of facility permits and receipt forms 300 Total 502510.0000 Forms 300 502540.0000 Supplies & Tools First Aid Supplies (replacement)1,335 Small Tools (replacement)2,000 Total 502540.0000 Supplies & Tools 3,335 502600.0000 Utilities - Water Budget based on 2023 projected actuals and regional water rate increase in 2024 8,300 Total 502600.0000 Utilities - Water 8,300 502610.0000 Utilities - Gas Budget based on 2023 projected actuals and anticipated increase in natural gas prices 17,300 Total 502610.0000 Utilities - Gas 17,300 502620.0000 Utilities - Hydro Budget based on 2023 projected actuals 168,900 Total 502620.0000 Utilities - Hydro 168,900 502700.0000 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr Maintenance - HRIS 620 Total 502700.0000 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr 620 502740.0000 Furniture & Fixtures Defibrillator Replacement 6,000 Total 502740.0000 Furniture & Fixtures 6,000 Total Expenses 1,192,266 Revenues 403020.0000 Snack Bar Snack Bar Lease Agreement (8,600) Total 403020.0000 Snack Bar (8,600) 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410235 Recreation Complex - Arenas Background Information 208 403030.0000 Vending Machines Arena Vending Machines (900) Total 403030.0000 Vending Machines (900) 403041.0000 Admis - Pleasure Ska Daily Admissions for Public Skating (16,000) 2024 Free Skating Initiative 8,400 Total 403041.0000 Admis - Pleasure Ska (7,600) 403061.0000 Rentals- Ice Surface Ice Surface Rentals (732,500) Pre-School Skating Rentals Prg - (9810)(6,000) Total 403061.0000 Rentals- Ice Surface (738,500) 403062.0000 Arena Floor Rentals Ball Hockey (5,500) Lacrosse (28,000) Total 403062.0000 Arena Floor Rentals (33,500) 403064.0000 Rentl-Mtg.Room/Publi Various Hall Rentals & Activities (50,000) Total 403064.0000 Rentl-Mtg.Room/Publi (50,000) 403078.0000 Advertising Space Rink Board Advertising (55,000) Total 403078.0000 Advertising Space (55,000) Total Revenues (894,100) Total Transfers - Net Expenses (Revenues)298,166 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410235 Recreation Complex - Arenas Background Information 209 Expenditures 395,805 520,681 Salaries & Wages 468,477 102,109 570,586 21.80% 17,185 20,278 Overtime 5,500 - 5,500 - % 63,822 96,482 Employee Benefits 99,200 6,068 105,268 6.12% 1,134 1,914 Uniforms 2,220 3,320 5,540 149.55% - 173 Seminars & Education - - - - % 4,088 4,204 Telephone & Data 4,700 (600)4,100 (12.77%) 534 519 Internet 530 - 530 - % 1,451 1,470 Cable TV 1,500 - 1,500 - % 3,120 3,432 Insurance Premium 3,432 518 3,950 15.09% 516 - Insurance Deductible 1,000 150 1,150 15.00% 1,201 - Consulting & Professional Fees 2,000 - 2,000 - % - - Meals, Promotions & General - 15,000 15,000 - % 114,108 139,955 Outside Agency Services 165,200 14,820 180,020 8.97% 169,516 214,593 Building - Repairs & Maintenance 246,407 24,249 270,656 9.84% 1,859 2,397 Misc. Equip. - Repairs & Maintenance 1,500 - 1,500 - % - - Misc. Equip. Rentals 500 - 500 - % - 610 Stationary & Office Supplies - - - - % 586 1,267 Supplies & Tools 3,000 - 3,000 - % 10,072 10,488 Utilities - Water 13,770 (2,070)11,700 (15.03%) 90,401 109,686 Utilities - Hydro 148,825 (36,725)112,100 (24.68%) 28,364 32,339 Utilities - Natural Gas 30,805 6,395 37,200 20.76% 440 562 Software & Hardware Mtce. Contracts 562 78 640 13.88% 904,202 1,161,050 Total Expenditures 1,199,128 133,312 1,332,440 11.12% Revenues (442)(400)Vending Machines (500)200 (300)(40.00%) (353,648)(315,790)Netted Revenue (323,290)(136,450)(459,740)42.21% (354,090)(316,190) Total Revenues (323,790)(136,250)(460,040)42.08% Transfers - - Total Transfers - - - - % 550,112 844,860 Net Expenditures (Revenues)875,338 (2,938)872,400 (0.34%) 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410240 Civic Centre Current Budget Summary 210 Expenditures 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages Base Salaries and Wages 532,086 Additional hours (1,640 hours) for Term Facility Attendant positions related to winter cleaning of waterfront washrooms 38,500 Total 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages 570,586 501010.0000 Overtime To meet service level/workload commitments 5,500 Total 501010.0000 Overtime 5,500 501020.0000 Employee Benefits This item includes mandatory deductions (CPP, EI, EHT) and employer provided benefits such as extended health and dental 101,768 Benefits related to additional hours (1,640 hours) for Term Facility Attendant positions related to winter cleaning of waterfront washrooms 3,500 Total 501020.0000 Employee Benefits 105,268 501040.0000 Uniforms Uniforms 5,540 Total 501040.0000 Uniforms 5,540 502030.0000 Telephones & Data Voice/Data 4,100 Total 502030.0000 Telephones & Data 4,100 502040.0000 Internet Internet 530 Total 502040.0000 Internet 530 502050.0000 Cable TV Local cable TV charges for Civic Complex building 1,500 Total 502050.0000 Cable TV 1,500 502210.0000 Insurance Premium Annual cost of insurance policy that provides protection for municipal activities and property. (Policy coverage includes: liability, automobile and property) 3,950 Total 502210.0000 Insurance Premium 3,950 502220.0000 Insurance Deductible Insurance Deductible 1,150 Total 502220.0000 Insurance Deductible 1,150 502230.0000 Consult&Prof Fees Roof Safety System Inspection 2,000 Total 502230.0000 Consult&Prof Fees 2,000 502240.0000 Meals/Prom/General 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410240 Civic Centre Background Information 211 Refreshments (coffee service) - $10,000 transfer from 11100 cost centre 15,000 Total 502240.0000 Meals/Prom/General 15,000 502260.0000 Outside Agency Srvc Networx Council Chambers Support 18,000 Base Hospital Support Defibrillation Program 1,000 Technical Support 4,800 Fire Alarm and Security Monitoring Contract 1,600 Defibrillator Monitoring Contract 300 Circuit Metering 2,020 Security Contract 142,800 Security Contract – Council Meetings 5,000 Corporate Blue-Bin Contract (producer recycling system fees)4,500 Total 502260.0000 Outside Agency Srvc 180,020 502340.0000 Building Rpr & Mntc Building Repairs & Services (general)25,000 Furniture Repairs 4,000 Building Supplies 15,000 Misc. Costs (outside lighting, signage, etc.) (costs shared with Library)6,000 Underground Parking (power washing/floor repairs/line painting)5,000 Inspection and replacement of worn components (HVAC system)12,000 GE Lighting - Transformer Maintenance 1,900 Card Access System 3,150 Window, door and lock repair/replacement 5,000 Tower Clock Inspection & Repairs 1,500 Carpet Service - Mats 2,000 Carpet Cleaning 3,500 Snow Removal (costs shared with Library)15,000 Window Washing 2,060 Council Chambers Sound System Repairs 3,000 Painting & Drywall Repairs 3,000 Standby Generator (diesel generator) (costs shared with Library)3,000 York Centrifugal Chiller & Starters (costs shared with Library)2,500 Boilers (costs shared with Library)3,000 Fire Alarm, Sprinkler System & Fire Extinguishers (costs shared with Library)3,200 Overhead Garage Doors 1,000 Electrical Safety Authority (yearly inspection fee as per legislation under Electrical Code) 3,542 Energy Management System - Service Contract 4,124 Switch Station Sub Panel Inspection (costs shared with Library)2,250 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410240 Civic Centre Background Information 212 Chemical treatment of boilers and condensing equipment (costs shared with Library)3,000 City Crest Cleaning (biannual)5,000 General Civic Complex Localized Repairs 65,000 Duct Cleaning 5,000 Elevator (costs shared with Library)3,500 Security Camera Repairs 6,000 Main Committee Room AV Upgrades 30,000 Testing and Calibration of Gas Monitoring Systems 2,500 Council Chambers Display Screen Maintenance 10,000 Garbage Disposal 10,930 Total 502340.0000 Building Rpr & Mntc 270,656 502380.0000 Misc Equip Rpr&Mntc Cleaning machine repairs and service 1,500 Total 502380.0000 Misc Equip Rpr&Mntc 1,500 502410.0000 MiscEquip Rentals Rental of tools for specific jobs 500 Total 502410.0000 MiscEquip Rentals 500 502540.0000 Supplies & Tools First Aid & Safety Supplies 2,500 Small Tools 500 Total 502540.0000 Supplies & Tools 3,000 502600.0000 Utilities - Water Budget based on 2022 projected actuals and regional water rate increase in 2023 11,700 Total 502600.0000 Utilities - Water 11,700 502610.0000 Utilities - Gas Budget based on 2023 projected actuals and anticipated increase in natural gas prices 37,200 Total 502610.0000 Utilities - Gas 37,200 502620.0000 Utilities - Hydro Budget based on 2023 projected actuals 112,100 Total 502620.0000 Utilities - Hydro 112,100 502700.0000 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr Maintenance - HRIS 640 Total 502700.0000 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr 640 Total Expenses 1,332,440 Revenues 403030.0000 Vending Machines Civic Complex vending machine sales (300) 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410240 Civic Centre Background Information 213 Total 403030.0000 Vending Machines (300) 406720.0000 Net Rev-Clning Chrgbk Janitorial Staff - City (cross charge to 10900 cost centre)(188,000) Janitorial Staff - City (cross charge to 10300 cost centre)(87,750) Janitorial Staff - City (cross charge to 10320 cost centre)(176,490) Cleaning Supplies for Rotary Park Washrooms (cross charge to 10320 cost centre)(7,500) Total 406720.0000 Net Rev-Clning Chrgbk (459,740) Total Revenues (460,040) Total Transfers - Net Expenses (Revenues)872,400 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410240 Civic Centre Background Information 214 Expenditures 256,697 289,936 Salaries & Wages 280,747 45,011 325,758 16.03% 6,857 6,222 Overtime 6,000 - 6,000 - % 49,785 65,174 Employee Benefits 72,966 3,433 76,399 4.70% 225 368 Uniforms 2,110 1,190 3,300 56.40% 20 - Conferences - - - - % 712 874 Seminars & Education 5,850 (1,700)4,150 (29.06%) 180 784 Travel 1,200 - 1,200 - % 410 467 Cellular Phones 600 - 600 - % 2,552 2,485 Telephone & Data 2,740 (400)2,340 (14.60%) 76 74 Internet 75 - 75 - % 1,616 1,505 Cable TV 1,590 - 1,590 - % - - Advertising 1,000 - 1,000 - % 2,440 2,684 Insurance Premium 2,684 406 3,090 15.13% 35,148 833 Meals, Promotions & General - - - - % 825 825 Memberships 850 - 850 - % 1,165 346 Outside Agency Services 2,580 - 2,580 - % 50,096 55,093 Building - Repairs & Maintenance 110,275 (18,079)92,196 (16.39%) - 472 Misc. Equip. - Repairs & Maintenance - - - - % 71 133 Stationary & Office Supplies - - - - % 17,168 32,945 Programs & Event Supplies 18,300 6,100 24,400 33.33% - - Special Event Supplies 55,000 17,476 72,476 31.77% - 1,611 Supplies & Tools 2,100 - 2,100 - % 4,878 5,157 Utilities - Water 6,050 (150)5,900 (2.48%) 17,499 18,929 Utilities - Hydro 26,652 (7,052)19,600 (26.46%) 4,671 4,932 Utilities - Natural Gas 7,095 (1,095)6,000 (15.43%) 1,979 2,025 Software & Hardware Mtce. Contracts 2,235 935 3,170 41.83% - 17 Misc. Equipment 4,000 (4,000) - (100.00%) 455,070 493,891 Total Expenditures 612,699 42,075 654,774 6.87% Revenues (39,050) - Federal Grants - - - - % (129,078)(91,900)Ontario Grants (144,400)(13,476)(157,876)9.33% (3,658)(6,197)Seniors Event Fees (3,000)(850)(3,850)28.33% (41,351)(69,439)Older Adults 55+ Programs (54,000)(38,918)(92,918)72.07% (2,700)(200)Sponsorships (3,000) - (3,000)- % - (5,450)Marketing Sponsors (2,000) - (2,000)- % 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410245 Senior Citizens Centre Current Budget Summary 215 (215,837)(173,186) Total Revenues (206,400)(53,244)(259,644)25.80% Transfers - - Total Transfers - - - - % 239,233 320,705 Net Expenditures (Revenues)406,299 (11,169)395,130 (2.75%) 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410245 Senior Citizens Centre Current Budget Summary 216 Expenditures 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages Base Salaries and Wages 294,693 Contract Program Instructors for new programs 19,765 Conversion of one full-time Facility Attendant position to one full-time Facility Operator position, April 1, 2024 start date 11,300 Total 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages 325,758 501010.0000 Overtime To meet service level/workload commitments 6,000 Total 501010.0000 Overtime 6,000 501020.0000 Employee Benefits This item includes mandatory deductions (CPP, EI, EHT) and employer provided benefits such as extended health and dental 72,999 Benefits related to conversion of one full-time Facility Attendant position to one full-time Facility Operator position, April 1, 2024 start date 3,400 Total 501020.0000 Employee Benefits 76,399 501040.0000 Uniforms Facilities Staff 1,800 Programs 1,500 Total 501040.0000 Uniforms 3,300 501110.0000 Seminars & Education Seminars & Workshops 3,000 Defibrillator Training 1,150 Total 501110.0000 Seminars & Education 4,150 501130.0000 Travel Parking & Mileage 1,200 Total 501130.0000 Travel 1,200 502020.0000 Cellular Phones Annual Smartphone Charges 600 Total 502020.0000 Cellular Phones 600 502030.0000 Telephones & Data Voice / Data 2,340 Total 502030.0000 Telephones & Data 2,340 502040.0000 Internet Internet 75 Total 502040.0000 Internet 75 502050.0000 Cable TV Cable 1,590 Total 502050.0000 Cable TV 1,590 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410245 Senior Citizens Centre Background Information 217 502100.0000 Advertising Display and Promotion 1,000 Total 502100.0000 Advertising 1,000 502210.0000 Insurance Premium Annual cost of insurance policy that provides protection for municipal activities and property. (Policy coverage includes: liability, automobile and property) 3,090 Total 502210.0000 Insurance Premium 3,090 502250.0000 Memberships Older Adult Centres Association of Ontario 850 Total 502250.0000 Memberships 850 502260.0000 Outside Agency Srvc Base Hospital Support Defibrillation Program 1,000 Fire Alarm & Security Monitoring Contract 1,400 Defibrillator Monitoring Contract 180 Total 502260.0000 Outside Agency Srvc 2,580 502340.0000 Building Rpr & Mntc Caretaking Supplies 7,875 General Supplies 2,100 Electrical and Plumbing 6,000 Doors, Windows & Locks 2,000 Snow Ploughing & Salting 16,640 Carpet Cleaning Service 2,000 Painting & Plaster Repairs 3,000 HVAC Servicing 3,000 General Repairs and Maintenance 3,000 Boiler Repair and Maintenance 1,000 Fire Alarm, Sprinkler System and Fire Extinguisher Inspection 3,500 Emergency Lighting 500 Energy Management - Service Contract 2,061 TSSA Inspection and Maintenance Lift 1,600 Chairlift Inspection 3,600 Security Camera Repairs 6,000 Duct Cleaning 3,000 Maintenance and repairs required due to aging infrastructure 10,000 Parking Lot Line Painting 12,000 Garbage Disposal 3,320 Total 502340.0000 Building Rpr & Mntc 92,196 502520.0000 Program&Event Supps 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410245 Senior Citizens Centre Background Information 218 To assist in the provision of supplies and equipment for various Older Adult Programs. Program supplies offset completely by revenue 2,300 Senior Centre Special Events 9,100 Aging Well Events 6,600 Durham Region Senior Games 300 New Programs 55+6,100 Total 502520.0000 Program&Event Supps 24,400 502525.0000 Special Event Supplies Project costs funded from New Horizons Grant 25,000 Project costs funded from Seniors Active Living Centre Special Projects Grant (ESCC)15,000 Project costs funded from Seniors Active Living Centre Special Projects Grant (GACC)15,000 Project costs funded from 2023 Seniors Active Living Centre Special Projects Grant (ESCC) 8,738 Project costs funded from 2023 Seniors Active Living Centre Special Projects Grant (GACC) 8,738 Total 502525.0000 Special Event Supplies 72,476 502540.0000 Supplies & Tools First Aid & Safety (replacement) and Small tools (replacement)2,100 Total 502540.0000 Supplies & Tools 2,100 502600.0000 Utilities - Water Budget based on 2023 projected actuals and regional water rate increase in 2024 5,900 Total 502600.0000 Utilities - Water 5,900 502610.0000 Utilities - Gas Budget based on 2023 projected actuals and anticipated increase in natural gas prices 6,000 Total 502610.0000 Utilities - Gas 6,000 502620.0000 Utilities - Hydro Budget based on 2023 projected actuals 19,600 Total 502620.0000 Utilities - Hydro 19,600 502700.0000 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr Maintenance - MySeniorCentre 2,800 Maintenance - HRIS 370 Total 502700.0000 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr 3,170 Total Expenses 654,774 Revenues 402510.0000 Ontario Grants Seniors Active Living Centre Operating Grant (ESCC)(42,700) 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410245 Senior Citizens Centre Background Information 219 Seniors Active Living Centre Operating Grant (GACC)(42,700) New Horizons Grant (25,000) Seniors Active Living Centre Special Projects Grant (ESCC)(15,000) Seniors Active Living Centre Special Projects Grant (GACC)(15,000) 2023 Seniors Active Living Centre Special Projects Grant (ESCC)(8,738) 2023 Seniors Active Living Centre Special Projects Grant (GACC)(8,738) Total 402510.0000 Ontario Grants (157,876) 403091.0000 Seniors Event Fees Seniors Events - Ticket Sales & Sponsorship (3,850) Total 403091.0000 Seniors Event Fees (3,850) 403101.0000 Older Adults 55+ Prg Arts & Crafts and Dance (54,000) New Programs 55+(38,918) Total 403101.0000 Older Adults 55+ Prg (92,918) 406520.0000 Sponsorships Seniors Events Sponsorships (No tax)(3,000) Total 406520.0000 Sponsorships (3,000) 406530.0000 Marketing Sponsors Senior Events Marketing Sponsorships (Taxable)(2,000) Total 406530.0000 Marketing Sponsors (2,000) Total Revenues (259,644) Total Transfers - Net Expenses (Revenues)395,130 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410245 Senior Citizens Centre Background Information 220 Expenditures 864,940 887,363 Salaries & Wages 869,883 (187,144)682,739 (21.51%) 3,830 3,279 Overtime 2,000 5,000 7,000 250.00% 170,849 194,609 Employee Benefits 174,271 (13,761)160,510 (7.90%) - 126 Employee Recognition - - - - % 6,003 2,217 Uniforms 6,620 (1,800)4,820 (27.19%) 981 - Conferences - - - - % 3,164 3,638 Seminars & Education 5,000 - 5,000 - % 2,154 4,203 Travel 2,500 - 2,500 - % 2,079 6,963 Freight, Express & Cartage 7,500 (3,000)4,500 (40.00%) 4,795 3,835 Cellular Phones 6,500 - 6,500 - % 18,467 17,550 Telephone & Data 19,000 (320)18,680 (1.68%) 1,612 1,615 Internet 1,635 - 1,635 - % 177,559 71,789 Advertising 65,000 10,000 75,000 15.38% 151,621 42,296 Trade Shows,Exhibits & Displays 214,500 (121,759)92,741 (56.76%) - 2,500 Photo, Mapping, Print - - - - % 4,030 4,433 Insurance Premium 4,433 667 5,100 15.05% 30,000 5,000 Consulting & Professional Fees 15,000 1,000 16,000 6.67% 2,982 2,807 Meals, Promotions & General 5,500 (3,000)2,500 (54.55%) 1,094 2,069 Memberships 2,962 - 2,962 - % 6,615 6,476 Outside Agency Services 5,255 - 5,255 - % 109,518 108,316 Building - Repairs & Maintenance 102,765 19,541 122,306 19.02% 1,644 7,451 Vehicle - Repairs & Maintenance 10,000 (6,000)4,000 (60.00%) 2,086 604 Gas, Oil, Tire, Etc.2,700 270 2,970 10.00% 2,848 3,331 Misc. Equip. - Repairs & Maintenance 3,000 - 3,000 - % 9,468 7,776 Artefact Repairs & Maintenance 8,700 - 8,700 - % 370 1,268 Grounds Upkeep 2,800 - 2,800 - % - 9 Fert. & Lawn Control - - - - % 1,878 863 Stationary & Office Supplies 2,500 - 2,500 - % 33,777 24,665 Programs & Event Supplies 4,000 - 4,000 - % 2,271 3,419 Special Event Supplies 40,000 (14,000)26,000 (35.00%) 885 863 Supplies & Tools 500 1,500 2,000 300.00% 114 254 Artefact Purchases 600 - 600 - % 3,610 5,250 Gift Shop/Plaques 5,000 - 5,000 - % 21,658 24,768 Utilities - Hydro 24,545 615 25,160 2.51% 12,906 9,149 Utilities - Natural Gas 13,885 2,085 15,970 15.02% - - Utilities - Oil 1,500 (1,500) - (100.00%) 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410250 Museum Current Budget Summary 221 2,098 3,088 Software & Hardware Mtce. Contracts 8,495 (65)8,430 (0.77%) - (215)Hardware Replacements - - - - % - 2,614 Furniture & Fixtures - - - - % 2,421 - Misc. Equipment - - - - % 1,660,327 1,466,241 Total Expenditures 1,638,549 (311,671)1,326,878 (19.02%) Revenues (431,035)(332,085)Federal Grants (352,050)212,950 (139,100)(60.49%) (141,550)(43,075)Ontario Grants (156,000)113,500 (42,500)(72.76%) (15,000)(43,800)Other Agency Grants (56,000)31,000 (25,000)(55.36%) (11,639)(5,149)Gift Shop (11,600) - (11,600)- % (763)(461)Snack Bar (2,000) - (2,000)- % (112,624)(117,868)Admissions (135,000) - (135,000)- % (14,092)(9,384)Rentals - Meeting Rooms (11,000) - (11,000)- % (14,001)(9,962)Museum Programs (15,000)3,000 (12,000)(20.00%) (3,365)(344)Donations (5,000) - (5,000)- % (5,000) - Marketing Sponsors (10,000) - (10,000)- % (749,069)(562,128) Total Revenues (753,650)360,450 (393,200)(47.83%) Transfers - - Total Transfers - - - - % 911,258 904,113 Net Expenditures (Revenues)884,899 48,779 933,678 5.51% 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410250 Museum Current Budget Summary 222 Staff have calculated approximately $82,762.50 in volunteer human resources and skills for the Museum (based on 2023 volunteer hours totaling 3,210.5 hours at a value of $25.78 per hour). Expenditures 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages Base Salaries and Wages 564,034 Conversion of part-time Shift Leader and Childcare Work positions (in 10225 cost centre) to full-time Supervisor, Pickering Museum Village position, Jan. 1, 2024 effective date 107,100 Conversion of one full-time Museum Facilities Attendant position to one full-time Facility Operator position, Jan. 1, 2024 effective date (800) One Museum Exhibit Specialist (partially funded by Young Canada Works grant)16,535 One Curatorial Assistant (partially funded by Young Canada Works grant)16,535 One French Program & Marketing Specialist (partially funded by Young Canada Works grant) 16,535 One Project Intern-Translation contract position 4,500 One Museum Exhibit Specialist contract position 12,250 One Collections Officer contract position 11,050 Reduction in Term staff hours due to program changes (reduced programs due to planned construction) (65,000) Total 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages 682,739 501010.0000 Overtime To meet service level/workload commitments 7,000 Total 501010.0000 Overtime 7,000 501020.0000 Employee Benefits This item includes mandatory deductions (CPP, EI, EHT) and employer provided benefits such as extended health and dental 135,885 Benefits related to conversion of part-time Shift Leader and Childcare Work positions (in 10225 cost centre) to full-time Supervisor, Pickering Museum Village position, Jan. 1, 2024 effective date 32,130 Benefits related to conversion of one full-time Museum Facilities Attendant position to one Term Facility Operator position, Jan. 1, 2024 effective date (8,800) Benefits related to one Museum Exhibition Specialist contract position 1,655 Benefits related to one Curatorial Assistant contract position 1,655 Benefits related to one French Program & Marketing Specialist 1,655 Benefits related to one Project Intern-Translation contract position 500 Benefits related to one Museum Exhibit Specialist contract position 1,225 Benefits related to one Collections Officer contract position 1,105 Benefits related to reduction in term staff hours due to reduced education programs (6,500) Total 501020.0000 Employee Benefits 160,510 501040.0000 Uniforms 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410250 Museum Background Information 223 Uniforms (Staff and Volunteers)3,000 Facilities Staff Uniforms 1,820 Total 501040.0000 Uniforms 4,820 501110.0000 Seminars & Education Seminars & Education 3,000 Defibrillator Training & CPRC Certification 1,500 Volunteer Training Workshops 500 Total 501110.0000 Seminars & Education 5,000 501130.0000 Travel Parking & Mileage 2,500 Total 501130.0000 Travel 2,500 502010.0000 Frght,Exprss&Cartage Shipment of Artifacts or Displays 4,500 Total 502010.0000 Frght,Exprss&Cartage 4,500 502020.0000 Cellular Phones Cell Phone Charges 5,800 Motorola Radios (Replacement)700 Total 502020.0000 Cellular Phones 6,500 502030.0000 Telephones & Data Voice/Data 18,680 Total 502030.0000 Telephones & Data 18,680 502040.0000 Internet Internet 1,635 Total 502040.0000 Internet 1,635 502100.0000 Advertising Print, Online, On Air Advertising; Tourism Signage and Display; Promotional Goods 40,000 Social Media Marketing 20,000 Tourism Marketing and Signage (100% funded from Central Counties Tourism - subject to grant funding approval) 15,000 Total 502100.0000 Advertising 75,000 502110.0000 Trd Shows/Exhb/Dsply Exhibit maintenance, replacement panels and signage 3,500 CHDRC Exhibit 5,000 Gather & Grow Exhibit ($20,000 funded by Agrispirit grant; $10,000 funded from Sponsorships) 40,000 Log House Exhibit 5,000 Exhibit Consultation (funded from Museum Assistance Program (confirmed))23,000 Permanent Exhibit: Log Barn (100% funded from MAP - Digital Access to Heritage grant (confirmed)) 4,950 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410250 Museum Background Information 224 Permanent Exhibit: Log Barn (partially funded from Canada Race Relations Foundations (confirmed)) 11,291 Total 502110.0000 Trd Shows/Exhb/Dsply 92,741 502210.0000 Insurance Premium Annual cost of insurance policy that provides protection for municipal activities and property. (Policy coverage includes: liability, automobile and property) 5,100 Total 502210.0000 Insurance Premium 5,100 502230.0000 Consult&Prof Fees Exhibit Design and Development 5,000 Museum & Cultural Strategic Plan Consultation 5,000 Museum Fire Safety Plan Update 6,000 Total 502230.0000 Consult&Prof Fees 16,000 502240.0000 Meals/Prom/General Museum Meals, Promotion, Recognition 2,500 Total 502240.0000 Meals/Prom/General 2,500 502250.0000 Memberships Ancestry.ca 305 York-Durham Association of Museums & Galleries 25 Ontario Museum Association 1,000 Ontario Historical Society 102 Culinary Historians Membership 30 York Pioneer Newsletter 25 UK Museum Association 750 Canadian Association of Conservators 200 Interpretation Canada 25 Tourism Industry Association of Ontario 500 Total 502250.0000 Memberships 2,962 502260.0000 Outside Agency Srvc Base Hospital Support Defibrillation Program 1,450 Fire & Security Alarm Monitoring 3,400 Defibrillator Monitoring Contract 405 Total 502260.0000 Outside Agency Srvc 5,255 502340.0000 Building Rpr & Mntc Daily maintenance supplies and building repairs 18,750 Environmental monitoring & water treatment 9,000 Routine plumbing and electrical services and repairs 10,000 Window, door and lock repair/replacement 7,000 Garbage Disposal Contract 5,641 Pest Control 5,000 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410250 Museum Background Information 225 Chimney Sweeping & Inspections 915 Site Preparation for Exhibits 15,000 HVAC Maintenance & Repairs 5,000 Snow Removal & Salting 10,000 Septic System 8,000 Portable Washrooms (due to Redman House construction)15,000 Furniture Replacement (Heritage Buildings)7,000 Security Cameras 6,000 Total 502340.0000 Building Rpr & Mntc 122,306 502370.0000 Vehicle Rpr & Mntc Vehicle Repair and Maintenance 4,000 Total 502370.0000 Vehicle Rpr & Mntc 4,000 502375.0000 Gas, Oil, Tires, Etc Fuel: Unleaded 1,428 litres @ $1.38/litre 1,970 Fuel: Diesel 255 litres @ $1.51/litre 385 Oil Changes and Tires 615 Total 502375.0000 Gas, Oil, Tires, Etc 2,970 502380.0000 Misc Equip Rpr&Mntc Daily maintenance supplies and restoration for Woodwrights (minor bldg. repairs and gift shop merchandise) 3,000 Total 502380.0000 Misc Equip Rpr&Mntc 3,000 502385.0000 Artefact Repairs & Maint Conservation & restoration materials, on going repairs and restoration of artifacts in collection 7,600 Reproduction Window Coverings 800 Research Materials 300 Total 502385.0000 Artefact Repairs & Maint 8,700 502390.0000 Grounds Upkeep Annuals, perennial, seeds, vegetable plants, crushed stone for pathways and calcium chloride for driveway 800 Road & Grounds Repairs 2,000 Total 502390.0000 Grounds Upkeep 2,800 502500.0000 Stationery&OfficeSup General Office Supplies 2,500 Total 502500.0000 Stationery&OfficeSup 2,500 502520.0000 Program&Event Supps On-site Program Supplies 4,000 Total 502520.0000 Program&Event Supps 4,000 502525.0000 Special Event Supplies 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410250 Museum Background Information 226 General Events Supplies 2,000 Tourism Programming 4,000 Program Supplies and Materials 14,000 Fairy Tours 4,000 Kids Programs 2,000 Total 502525.0000 Special Event Supplies 26,000 502540.0000 Supplies & Tools Gardening Supplies 400 Grounds Tools 100 Facility Maintenance Hand Held Tools 1,500 Total 502540.0000 Supplies & Tools 2,000 502560.0000 Artefact Purchases Reproduction items for programming artefacts for the Collection 600 Total 502560.0000 Artefact Purchases 600 502590.0000 Gift Shop/Plaques Retail Merchandise for Gift Shop 3,500 Display and Sales Supplies 750 Snack Bar Supplies 750 Total 502590.0000 Gift Shop/Plaques 5,000 502610.0000 Utilities - Gas Budget based on 2023 projected actuals and anticipated increase in natural gas prices 15,970 Total 502610.0000 Utilities - Gas 15,970 502620.0000 Utilities - Hydro Budget based on 2023 projected actuals 25,160 Total 502620.0000 Utilities - Hydro 25,160 502700.0000 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr Maintenance - Museum - Past Perfect 1,400 Maintenance - HRIS 730 Website hosting: Blacksmithing in Ontario 2,800 ActiveNet Remote POS 3,500 Total 502700.0000 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr 8,430 Total Expenses 1,326,878 Revenues 402500.0000 Federal Grants Young Canada Works (Museum Guides & Interpreters)(18,000) Young Canada Works (Museum Exhibit Specialist, Curatorial Assistant, French Program & Marketing Assistant) (37,200) 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410250 Museum Background Information 227 Canada Summer Jobs (31,500) Agrispirit Foundation (Gather & Grow Exhibit)(20,000) Museum Assistance Program: Digital Access to Heritage - multi-year grant (confirmed) - (partial funding for consulting ($23,000), translation ($5,000) and marketing and promotions ($4,950)) (32,400) Total 402500.0000 Federal Grants (139,100) 402510.0000 Ontario Grants Museum Operating Grant (39,000) Summer Employment Opportunities Grant (3,500) Total 402510.0000 Ontario Grants (42,500) 403010.0000 Gift Shop Retail purchases: Jan./May (2,000) July/August/Sept.(7,000) Oct./ Nov./Dec.(2,600) Total 403010.0000 Gift Shop (11,600) 403020.0000 Snack Bar Gift Shop Snack Bar (2,000) Total 403020.0000 Snack Bar (2,000) 403043.0000 Admis - Public & Edu Outreach Programs (5,000) Fairy Tours (5,000) Haunted Ghost Walk / Fall Programming (15,000) Kids Programs (15,000) Tourism Programming (20,000) School Tours (75,000) Total 403043.0000 Admis - Public & Edu (135,000) 403064.0000 Rentl-Mtg.Room/Publi Photography (1,500) Grounds Rentals (9,500) Total 403064.0000 Rentl-Mtg.Room/Publi (11,000) 403103.0000 Museum Programs Heritage Skills Programs (6,000) Birthday Parties (6,000) Total 403103.0000 Museum Programs (12,000) 406500.0000 Donations Donations & Donation Box (5,000) Total 406500.0000 Donations (5,000) 406510.0000 Other Agency Grants Central Counties Tourism grant funding for tourism marketings & signage (15,000) 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410250 Museum Background Information 228 Canadian Race Relations Foundation (Log Barn exhibit signage and materials)(10,000) Total 406510.0000 Other Agency Grants (25,000) 406530.0000 Marketing Sponsors Sponsorship of Museum Programs and Events (10,000) Total 406530.0000 Marketing Sponsors (10,000) Total Revenues (393,200) Total Transfers - Net Expenses (Revenues)933,678 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410250 Museum Background Information 229 230 231 232 Expenditures 8,538,045 8,936,027 Salaries & Wages 9,608,131 1,201,138 10,809,269 12.50% 504,767 380,255 Overtime 484,750 32,250 517,000 6.65% 2,136,528 2,286,307 Employee Benefits 2,445,848 441,180 2,887,028 18.04% 124,116 122,620 Uniforms 99,505 13,120 112,625 13.19% 3,876 1,655 Conferences 2,600 5,100 7,700 196.15% 33,409 44,246 Seminars & Education 64,565 (2,370)62,195 (3.67%) 6,901 7,100 Travel 6,800 4,000 10,800 58.82% 10,184 13,834 Freight, Express & Cartage 1,800 - 1,800 - % 2,587 99 Environmental Charges 2,000 - 2,000 - % 19,915 27,603 Cellular Phones 29,605 715 30,320 2.42% 24,942 24,178 Telephone & Data 25,125 175 25,300 0.70% 1,641 1,600 Internet 2,020 - 2,020 - % 6,285 6,285 Subscriptions & Publications 12,600 200 12,800 1.59% 7 - Photo, Mapping, Print 11,450 6,750 18,200 58.95% 200,470 220,517 Insurance Premium 221,217 35,123 256,340 15.88% 12,623 31,068 Insurance Deductible 27,050 4,060 31,110 15.01% 183,310 174,868 Consulting & Professional Fees 513,780 (47,946)465,834 (9.33%) 7,819 6,271 Meals, Promotions & General 9,150 3,950 13,100 43.17% 7,560 13,126 Memberships 14,125 4,730 18,855 33.49% 177,433 338,624 Outside Agency Services 362,700 (7,000)355,700 (1.93%) 782,575 712,432 Winter Control Maintenance 846,000 40,000 886,000 4.73% 175,124 473,483 Repairs & Maintenance Contract Services 404,200 275,800 680,000 68.23% 59,315 266,612 Engineering - Repairs & Maintenance 383,500 (75,500)308,000 (19.69%) 218,543 287,593 Storm Sewer - Repairs & Maitenance 370,000 - 370,000 - % 511,674 510,750 Repairs & Maintenance Materials 642,500 (14,500)628,000 (2.26%) 116,640 85,491 Highway Aids - Repairs & Maintenance 75,000 50,000 125,000 66.67% 92,083 71,069 Engineering Highway Aids - Repairs & Mtce.120,000 - 120,000 - % 532,618 665,206 Building - Repairs & Maintenance 620,603 139,002 759,605 22.40% 450,126 382,306 Tree Maintenance 405,000 15,000 420,000 3.70% 36,323 17,578 Lighting - Repairs & Maintenance 30,000 - 30,000 - % 481,089 540,137 Vehicle - Repairs & Maintenance 454,000 40,000 494,000 8.81% 845,113 807,489 Gas, Oil, Tire, Etc.846,010 144,585 990,595 17.09% 402,023 410,142 Misc. Equip. - Repairs & Maintenance 305,000 89,000 394,000 29.18% 405,980 352,673 Grounds Upkeep 416,500 (62,000)354,500 (14.89%) 41,684 44,253 Fert. & Lawn Control 55,000 - 55,000 - % - - Building Rentals 9,700 27,955 37,655 288.20% 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 2024Operations Department Current Budget Summary 233 188,001 137,815 Misc. Equip. Rentals 160,500 5,000 165,500 3.12% 19,538 19,538 Land Rentals 21,696 - 21,696 - % 13,295 8,406 Stationary & Office Supplies 17,650 2,250 19,900 12.75% 2,753 5,342 Forms 6,000 - 6,000 - % 321,471 302,462 Programs & Event Supplies 536,800 209,400 746,200 39.01% 134,566 162,481 Supplies & Tools 85,475 25,025 110,500 29.28% 1,888 - Educational Material - - - - % - 48 Gift Shop/Plaques - - - - % 13,904 - COVID Related Expenses - - - - % 71,934 67,092 Utilities - Water 92,200 2,100 94,300 2.28% 187,764 215,598 Utilities - Hydro 201,725 20,175 221,900 10.00% 64,630 75,512 Utilities - Natural Gas 65,230 21,570 86,800 33.07% 63,390 100,339 Software & Hardware Mtce. Contracts 170,732 (62,412)108,320 (36.56%) - 1,477 Furniture & Fixtures 5,000 - 5,000 - % 44,887 43,107 Misc. Equipment 35,730 10,920 46,650 30.56% 61,035 98,232 Other Fixed Assets 140,000 (60,000)80,000 (42.86%) 178,825 227,472 Taxes - Tenant 236,000 (21,000)215,000 (8.90%) - - Financial Services Charges - 1,000 1,000 - % 18,521,209 19,728,418 Total Expenditures 21,702,572 2,518,545 24,221,117 11.60% Revenues (67,200) - Federal Grants (18,000)18,000 - (100.00%) (312,920)(383,008)Department User Fees (225,000)15,000 (210,000)(6.67%) (122)(115)Vending Machines (500) - (500)- % (215,170)(210,696)Rentals - User Fees (215,000)215,000 - (100.00%) (37,400)(35,200)Memrl Tree/Bench Revenue (35,000) - (35,000)- % (89,124)(89,038)Other User Fees (135,100)(30,050)(165,150)22.24% (6,000)(6,000)Municipal Rentals (6,000) - (6,000)- % - (10,702)Rebates & Incentives (40,000) - (40,000)- % (69,838)(119,772)Cost Recoveries (116,050)102,925 (13,125)(88.69%) (308,467)(313,165)Netted Revenue (368,350)7,150 (361,200)(1.94%) (1,106,241)(1,167,696) Total Revenues (1,159,000)328,025 (830,975)(28.30%) Transfers - (18,775)Transfer to/(from) DC Oblg RF (67,500)33,705 (33,795)(49.93%) 28,418 55,977 Transfer to(from) Cntg Sty Res.(40,780)(86,488)(127,268)212.08% (50,000)(204,282)Transfer to(from) Reserve (777,675)(472,052)(1,249,727)60.70% 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 2024Operations Department Current Budget Summary 234 (30,000)(30,000)Transfer to (from) Oblig RF (30,000) - (30,000)- % (51,582)(197,080) Total Transfers (915,955)(524,835)(1,440,790)57.30% 17,363,386 18,363,642 Net Expenditures (Revenues)19,627,617 2,321,735 21,949,352 11.83% 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 2024Operations Department Current Budget Summary 235 Budget vs Actual Net Cost 2019-2023 If actual net cost > budget net cost, the cost centre is in a deficit position. If actual net cost > budget net cost, the cost centre is in a deficit position. $24,183 $238,944 $158,261 $93,488 $50,691 0 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 300,000 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 10300 Public Works - Administration $3,915 $205,317 $322,874 $14,401 $31,605 (50,000) 0 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 300,000 350,000 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 10305 Property Maintenance 236 Budget vs Actual Net Cost 2019-2023 If actual net cost > budget net cost, the cost centre is in a deficit position. If actual net cost > budget net cost, the cost centre is in a deficit position. $180,835 $10,943 $304,753 $377,065 $194,754 (300,000) (200,000) (100,000) 0 100,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 500,000 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 10310 Fleet Services $15,040 $515,645 $856,913 $537,612 $650,551 (100,000) 0 100,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 500,000 600,000 700,000 800,000 900,000 1,000,000 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 10315 Roads 237 Budget vs Actual Net Cost 2019-2023 If actual net cost > budget net cost, the cost centre is in a deficit position. If actual net cost > budget net cost, the cost centre is in a deficit position. $126,993 $507,472 $45,273 $268,270 $110,558 0 100,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 500,000 600,000 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 10320 Parks $5,567 $370,246 $225,816 (50,000) 0 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 300,000 350,000 400,000 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 10325 Operations Services 238 Expenditures 488,474 290,142 Salaries & Wages 350,366 (17,071)333,295 (4.87%) 292 327 Overtime 4,000 - 4,000 - % 136,907 113,991 Employee Benefits 92,381 3,320 95,701 3.59% 2,306 1,506 Uniforms 1,500 - 1,500 - % 290 845 Seminars & Education 4,290 (2,140)2,150 (49.88%) - - Travel 250 - 250 - % 127 1,396 Freight, Express & Cartage - - - - % 1,128 1,328 Cellular Phones 800 (800) - (100.00%) 3,498 5,991 Telephone & Data 4,100 (600)3,500 (14.63%) 457 446 Internet 455 - 455 - % 6,285 6,285 Subscriptions & Publications 12,200 - 12,200 - % 19,910 21,901 Insurance Premium 21,901 3,284 25,185 14.99% - - Insurance Deductible 2,000 300 2,300 15.00% - - Consulting & Professional Fees 2,000 - 2,000 - % 2,875 1,453 Meals, Promotions & General 1,800 3,200 5,000 177.78% - - Memberships 250 - 250 - % 4,340 5,830 Outside Agency Services 5,500 - 5,500 - % 216,794 306,875 Building - Repairs & Maintenance 271,463 76,552 348,015 28.20% - 107 Gas, Oil, Tire, Etc. - - - - % - 2,197 Misc. Equip. - Repairs & Maintenance - 9,000 9,000 - % 8,554 5,898 Stationary & Office Supplies 11,000 1,000 12,000 9.09% 4,069 3,978 Supplies & Tools - - - - % 12,715 10,444 Utilities - Water 13,600 (2,200)11,400 (16.18%) 109,793 126,636 Utilities - Hydro 117,500 10,600 128,100 9.02% 64,630 75,512 Utilities - Natural Gas 65,230 21,570 86,800 33.07% 5,615 5,610 Software & Hardware Mtce. Contracts 38,220 (24,150)14,070 (63.19%) - 1,203 Furniture & Fixtures 2,000 - 2,000 - % - - Financial Services Charges - 1,000 1,000 - % 1,089,059 989,901 Total Expenditures 1,022,806 82,865 1,105,671 8.10% Revenues - (521)Department User Fees - (10,000)(10,000)- % (122)(115)Vending Machines (500) - (500)- % (175,350)(193,000)Netted Revenue (175,350)(5,250)(180,600)2.99% (175,472)(193,636) Total Revenues (175,850)(15,250)(191,100)8.67% 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410300 Public Works - Administration Current Budget Summary 239 Transfers - - Total Transfers - - - - % 913,587 796,265 Net Expenditures (Revenues)846,956 67,615 914,571 7.98% 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410300 Public Works - Administration Current Budget Summary 240 Expenditures 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages Base Salaries and Wages 244,660 One new full-time Coordinator, SAP (financial system) position, Jan. 1, 2024 effective date 88,635 Total 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages 333,295 501010.0000 Overtime To meet service level/workload commitments 4,000 Total 501010.0000 Overtime 4,000 501020.0000 Employee Benefits This item includes mandatory deductions (CPP, EI, EHT) and employer provided benefits such as extended health and dental 69,111 Benefits related to one new full-time Coordinator, SAP (financial system) position, Jan. 1, 2024 effective date 26,590 Total 501020.0000 Employee Benefits 95,701 501040.0000 Uniforms As per the Collective Agreement for Admin. Staff 1,500 Total 501040.0000 Uniforms 1,500 501110.0000 Seminars & Education Health & Safety Training and Seminars 600 Misc. Training 1,200 Laserfiche Training 350 Total 501110.0000 Seminars & Education 2,150 501130.0000 Travel Parking & Mileage 250 Total 501130.0000 Travel 250 502030.0000 Telephones & Data Voice/Data - Operations Centre 3,500 Total 502030.0000 Telephones & Data 3,500 502040.0000 Internet Internet 455 Total 502040.0000 Internet 455 502120.0000 Subscriptions&Publcs Weather Monitoring Subscription 12,000 Miscellaneous Manuals 200 Total 502120.0000 Subscriptions&Publcs 12,200 502210.0000 Insurance Premium 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410300 Public Works - Administration Background Information 241 Annual cost of insurance policy that provides protection for municipal activities and property. (Policy coverage includes: liability, automobile and property) 25,185 Total 502210.0000 Insurance Premium 25,185 502220.0000 Insurance Deductible Insurance deductible for low dollar value claims 2,300 Total 502220.0000 Insurance Deductible 2,300 502230.0000 Consult&Prof Fees Roof Safety System Inspection 2,000 Total 502230.0000 Consult&Prof Fees 2,000 502240.0000 Meals/Prom/General Miscellaneous meetings, functions & promotional events 5,000 Total 502240.0000 Meals/Prom/General 5,000 502250.0000 Memberships Durham Region Public Works Association 250 Total 502250.0000 Memberships 250 502260.0000 Outside Agency Srvc Base Hospital Support Defibrillation Program (4 inspections)2,900 Nextgen Radio Charge - Base Radios 1,800 Defibrillator Monitoring Program Operations Centre 800 Total 502260.0000 Outside Agency Srvc 5,500 502340.0000 Building Rpr & Mntc Janitorial Staff City (Term staff) (cross charge from 10240 cost centre)87,750 Waste Disposal 23,000 Fixed Hoists Repairs 5,000 Fire Alarm Monitoring 1,100 Maintenance Mechanic 88,565 Security Camera Repairs and Maintenance 7,000 Overhead Door and Gate Maintenance and Repairs 30,000 Overhead Door Parts Stock 2,500 Lock, Electric Door Operator and Gate Repairs and Maintenance 7,500 Caretaking Supplies 14,400 Building Supplies and Repairs 7,500 Electrical Repairs 7,500 Plumbing Repairs 5,000 Air Circulation Equipment (HVAC)5,000 Belts, Filters, and Fuses 3,000 Energy Management Service Contract 5,000 Gas Detection System Testing (2)1,400 Maintenance and Repairs to Building Envelope 30,000 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410300 Public Works - Administration Background Information 242 Window Cleaning 1,000 Entrance Mat Service 1,000 Boiler Inspection 1,800 Pressure Washer 2,000 Lighting Controls 2,500 Mechanical Air Compressor 5,500 Backup Generator 3,000 Total 502340.0000 Building Rpr & Mntc 348,015 502380.9596 Misc Equip Rpr&Mntc - EV Charging - Operations Centre Provision for repairs and maintenance of EV Charging equipment 9,000 Total 502380.9596 Misc Equip Rpr&Mntc - EV Charging - Operations Centre 9,000 502500.0000 Stationery&OfficeSup General office supplies for all cost centres 12,000 Total 502500.0000 Stationery&OfficeSup 12,000 502600.0000 Utilities - Water Budget based on 2023 projected actuals and regional water rate increase in 2024 11,400 Total 502600.0000 Utilities - Water 11,400 502610.0000 Utilities - Gas Budget based on 2023 projected actuals and anticipated increase in natural gas prices 86,800 Total 502610.0000 Utilities - Gas 86,800 502620.0000 Utilities - Hydro Budget based on 2023 projected actuals 128,100 Total 502620.0000 Utilities - Hydro 128,100 502700.0000 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr LiveCycle and Adobe Acrobat X Pro- License (2)800 Maintenance - HRIS 270 EV Charging Station Cloud Services 5,000 AutoCAD Licence (2)8,000 Total 502700.0000 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr 14,070 502740.0000 Furniture & Fixtures Misc. Furniture Requirements for Operations Centre 2,000 Total 502740.0000 Furniture & Fixtures 2,000 503080.9596 Financial Srvc Chrgs - EV Charging - Operations Centre Service charges for operation of EV Chargers at Operations Centre 1,000 Total 503080.9596 Financial Srvc Chrgs - EV Charging - Operations Centre 1,000 Total Expenses 1,105,671 Revenues 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410300 Public Works - Administration Background Information 243 403000.9596 Department User Fees - Administration EV Charging - Operations Centre EV charging user fees at Operations Centre (10,000) Total 403000.9596 Department User Fees - Administration EV Charging - Operations Centre(10,000) 403030.0000 Vending Machines Works Centre - Vending Machines (500) Total 403030.0000 Vending Machines (500) 406722.0000 Netted Revenue - Storage Storage Charges (cross charge to 10315 and 10320 cost centres)(180,600) Total 406722.0000 Netted Revenue - Storage (180,600) Total Revenues (191,100) Total Transfers - Net Expenses (Revenues)914,571 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410300 Public Works - Administration Background Information 244 Expenditures 464,871 458,164 Salaries & Wages 461,460 8,536 469,996 1.85% 28,732 20,163 Overtime 30,000 - 30,000 - % 99,422 102,134 Employee Benefits 119,559 3,894 123,453 3.26% 14,222 5,745 Uniforms 3,100 100 3,200 3.23% 405 - Seminars & Education 1,510 - 1,510 - % - 224 Travel - - - - % 419 171 Freight, Express & Cartage - - - - % 2,336 2,897 Cellular Phones 3,660 - 3,660 - % 295 310 Telephone & Data 300 - 300 - % 39 38 Internet 40 - 40 - % 7 - Photo, Mapping, Print - - - - % 4,210 4,631 Insurance Premium 4,631 694 5,325 14.99% 331 1,737 Insurance Deductible - - - - % 11,021 29,750 Consulting & Professional Fees 88,695 (32,190)56,505 (36.29%) 62 51 Meals, Promotions & General 200 - 200 - % 7,775 9,573 Outside Agency Services 8,000 - 8,000 - % 148,441 144,296 Tree Maintenance 175,000 (155,000)20,000 (88.57%) 35,979 17,578 Lighting - Repairs & Maintenance 30,000 - 30,000 - % 14,694 29,232 Vehicle - Repairs & Maintenance 12,000 - 12,000 - % 36,981 50,431 Gas, Oil, Tire, Etc.37,950 15,795 53,745 41.62% 114,278 93,662 Misc. Equip. - Repairs & Maintenance 90,000 - 90,000 - % 119,937 114,647 Grounds Upkeep 120,000 (50,000)70,000 (41.67%) 22,073 24,135 Misc. Equip. Rentals 28,000 - 28,000 - % 19,538 19,538 Land Rentals 21,696 - 21,696 - % 220,226 233,498 Programs & Event Supplies 448,800 224,400 673,200 50.00% 5,222 2,997 Supplies & Tools 3,500 1,500 5,000 42.86% 642 554 Software & Hardware Mtce. Contracts 555 (25)530 (4.50%) 1,822 5,190 Misc. Equipment 6,030 1,185 7,215 19.65% 20,345 24,618 Other Fixed Assets 30,000 - 30,000 - % - - Taxes - Tenant 2,500 - 2,500 - % 1,394,325 1,395,964 Total Expenditures 1,727,186 18,889 1,746,075 1.09% Revenues (22,985)(39,802)Other User Fees (60,100)(30,050)(90,150)50.00% (22,985)(39,802) Total Revenues (60,100)(30,050)(90,150)50.00% 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410305 Property Maintenance Current Budget Summary 245 Transfers 1,338 29,133 Transfer to(from) Cntg Sty Res.(13,695)(42,810)(56,505)312.60% (50,000)(202,209)Transfer to(from) Reserve (438,700)(169,350)(608,050)38.60% (15,000)(15,000)Transfer to (from) Oblig RF (15,000)15,000 - (100.00%) (63,662)(188,076) Total Transfers (467,395)(197,160)(664,555)42.18% 1,307,678 1,168,086 Net Expenditures (Revenues)1,199,691 (208,321)991,370 (17.36%) 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410305 Property Maintenance Current Budget Summary 246 Expenditures 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages Base Salaries and Wages 469,996 Total 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages 469,996 501010.0000 Overtime Winter Control 20,000 Emergency Call-in & Special Events 10,000 Total 501010.0000 Overtime 30,000 501020.0000 Employee Benefits This item includes mandatory deductions (CPP, EI, EHT) and employer provided benefits such as extended health and dental 123,453 Total 501020.0000 Employee Benefits 123,453 501040.0000 Uniforms As per the Collective Agreement, Personal Protective Equipment 3,200 Total 501040.0000 Uniforms 3,200 501110.0000 Seminars & Education Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Symposium - Foreperson, Parks & Property 135 Parks & Rec. (PRO) Conference 900 Ontario Parks Association - Summer Forum 175 Sports Turf Association 300 Total 501110.0000 Seminars & Education 1,510 502020.0000 Cellular Phones Cellular Phone Charges & Smartphone Charges 1,800 Data for Tablets and Cellular Phone Charges 1,860 Total 502020.0000 Cellular Phones 3,660 502030.0000 Telephones & Data Voice/Data 300 Total 502030.0000 Telephones & Data 300 502040.0000 Internet Internet 40 Total 502040.0000 Internet 40 502210.0000 Insurance Premium Annual cost of insurance policy that provides protection for municipal activities and property. (Policy coverage includes: liability, automobile and property) 5,325 Total 502210.0000 Insurance Premium 5,325 502230.0000 Consult&Prof Fees TRCA Water Testing of Frenchman's Bay Watershed - PO#4500001057 (funded from Continuing Studies Reserve) 55,459 City Pit Closure Plan - PO# 4500000384 (funded from Continuing Studies Reserve)1,046 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410305 Property Maintenance Background Information 247 Total 502230.0000 Consult&Prof Fees 56,505 502240.0000 Meals/Prom/General Meal Allowance as per Collective Agreement 200 Total 502240.0000 Meals/Prom/General 200 502260.0000 Outside Agency Srvc Internet based GPS/AVL Subscription for vehicles/equipment 6,000 Nextgen Radio Licensing 2,000 Total 502260.0000 Outside Agency Srvc 8,000 502350.0000 Tree Maintenance Tree Protection (beaver mitigation throughout City)20,000 Tree Replacement, Removal & Maintenance 125,000 Tree Replacement, Removal & Maintenance - transfer to 10315 cost centre (125,000) EAB Treazin Treatment or Replacement Trees 15,000 EAB Treazin Treatment or Replacement Trees - transfer to 10315 cost centre (15,000) IPM / Insect Pest Control 10,000 IPM / Insect Pest Control - transfer to 10315 cost centre (10,000) Total 502350.0000 Tree Maintenance 20,000 502360.0000 Lighting Rpr & Mntc Maintenance, Repairs and Replacement of Walkway Lighting 30,000 Total 502360.0000 Lighting Rpr & Mntc 30,000 502370.0000 Vehicle Rpr & Mntc Repairs and Maintenance of Vehicles 12,000 Total 502370.0000 Vehicle Rpr & Mntc 12,000 502375.0000 Gas, Oil, Tires, Etc Fuel: Unleaded 2,670 litres @ $1.38/litre 3,685 Fuel: Diesel 30,705 litres @ 1.51/litre 46,364 Oil Changes and Tires 3,696 Total 502375.0000 Gas, Oil, Tires, Etc 53,745 502380.0000 Misc Equip Rpr&Mntc Repair and Maintenance of Equipment 90,000 Total 502380.0000 Misc Equip Rpr&Mntc 90,000 502390.0000 Grounds Upkeep Maintenance and repair of City property, (sod, brick interlock, graffiti removal, vandalism, concrete & asphalt walkways, street furnishings, fences and signs) 20,000 Mechanical Harvesting of Eurasian Water-Milfoil Weeds in Frenchman's Bay Project (50% funded from Rate Stabilization Reserve) 50,000 Total 502390.0000 Grounds Upkeep 70,000 502410.0000 MiscEquip Rentals Rental of equipment and vehicles for seasonal operations 8,000 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410305 Property Maintenance Background Information 248 Rental of dozer to maintain City pit 20,000 Total 502410.0000 MiscEquip Rentals 28,000 502420.0000 Land Rentals Liverpool Road South parking lot rental fees to the Liverpool Road Limited Partnership by its general partner 2864543 ONTARIO INC. 21,696 Total 502420.0000 Land Rentals 21,696 502520.0000 Program&Event Supps Senior Snow Removal 673,200 Total 502520.0000 Program&Event Supps 673,200 502540.0000 Supplies & Tools Screw drivers, hammers, drill bits, grinder wheels, concrete cut blades, saw blades, etc. 5,000 Total 502540.0000 Supplies & Tools 5,000 502700.0000 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr Maintenance - HRIS 530 Total 502700.0000 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr 530 502750.0000 Misc. Equipment TE 6-A36 Cordless Hammer Drill 2,200 Mini Top Dresser (3)3,015 Walk-Behind Fertilizer Spreader (2)2,000 Total 502750.0000 Misc. Equipment 7,215 502760.0000 Other Fixed Assets Garbage and recycling receptacles for roadside garbage and Seaton expansion (Year 3 of 3) 25,000 Cemeteries (headstone & grave marker maintenance and repairs)5,000 Total 502760.0000 Other Fixed Assets 30,000 502820.0000 Taxes - Tenant The Liverpool Rd. Ltd. Partnership, 640 Liverpool Rd. South Parking Lot 2,500 Total 502820.0000 Taxes - Tenant 2,500 Total Expenses 1,746,075 Revenues 403120.0000 Other User Fee Revenue Senior Snow Removal Program Fees (90,150) Total 403120.0000 Other User Fee Revenue (90,150) Total Revenues (90,150) Transfers 408007.0000 Trf fr RateStblz Res 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410305 Property Maintenance Background Information 249 Rate Stabilization Reserve funding for Mechanical Harvesting of Eurasian Water-Milfoil Weeds in Frenchman's Bay Project (25,000) Total 408007.0000 Trf fr RateStblz Res (25,000) 408009.0000 Trf fr Cntg Stdy Res Continuing Studies Reserve funding for TRCA Water Testing of Frenchman's Bay Watershed (55,459) Continuing Studies Reserve Funding for City Pit Closure Plan (1,046) Total 408009.0000 Trf fr Cntg Stdy Res (56,505) 408037.0000 Trf fr Casino Res Casino reserve funding for the Senior's Snow Removal program (583,050) Total 408037.0000 Trf fr Casino Res (583,050) 408200.0000 Trf fr 3rdPtyOblg RF Tree Compensation - Cash in Lieu (reserve funding for tree replacement)(15,000) Tree Compensation - Cash in Lieu (reserve funding for tree replacement) - transfer to 10315 cost centre 15,000 Total 408200.0000 Trf fr 3rdPtyOblg RF - Total Transfers (664,555) Net Expenses (Revenues)991,370 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410305 Property Maintenance Background Information 250 Expenditures 1,059,252 1,244,997 Salaries & Wages 1,407,695 61,286 1,468,981 4.35% 57,910 40,366 Overtime 50,000 - 50,000 - % 277,209 322,369 Employee Benefits 408,748 26,483 435,231 6.48% 24,199 28,230 Uniforms 27,400 2,160 29,560 7.88% 2,658 - Conferences - - - - % 5,556 10,190 Seminars & Education 23,970 (5,500)18,470 (22.95%) 1,419 2,040 Travel 550 - 550 - % 3,626 2,933 Freight, Express & Cartage 1,800 - 1,800 - % 977 156 Environmental Charges 2,000 - 2,000 - % 1,981 1,333 Cellular Phones 2,400 - 2,400 - % 14,021 10,531 Telephone & Data 11,700 2,600 14,300 22.22% 306 297 Internet 305 - 305 - % - - Subscriptions & Publications 200 - 200 - % 5,050 5,555 Insurance Premium 5,555 835 6,390 15.03% 857 342 Meals, Promotions & General 800 200 1,000 25.00% 823 1,268 Memberships 1,025 200 1,225 19.51% 61,654 217,865 Outside Agency Services 225,500 - 225,500 - % 501 1,781 Building - Repairs & Maintenance 5,000 - 5,000 - % 9,430 7,853 Vehicle - Repairs & Maintenance 8,000 - 8,000 - % 19,485 16,228 Gas, Oil, Tire, Etc.19,290 1,930 21,220 10.01% 4,340 6,576 Misc. Equip. - Repairs & Maintenance 5,000 - 5,000 - % - 2,307 Misc. Equip. Rentals 500 - 500 - % 2,753 5,342 Forms 6,000 - 6,000 - % 76,934 105,809 Supplies & Tools 62,875 17,125 80,000 27.24% 1,888 - Educational Material - - - - % 15,818 21,446 Software & Hardware Mtce. Contracts 45,690 (24,740)20,950 (54.15%) 15 600 Misc. Equipment 2,000 - 2,000 - % 1,648,662 2,056,414 Total Expenditures 2,324,003 82,579 2,406,582 3.55% Revenues (133,117)(120,165)Netted Revenue (193,000)12,400 (180,600)(6.42%) (133,117)(120,165) Total Revenues (193,000)12,400 (180,600)(6.42%) Transfers - - Total Transfers - - - - % 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410310 Fleet Services Current Budget Summary 251 1,515,545 1,936,249 Net Expenditures (Revenues)2,131,003 94,979 2,225,982 4.46% 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410310 Fleet Services Current Budget Summary 252 Expenditures 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages Base Salaries and Wages 1,468,981 Total 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages 1,468,981 501010.0000 Overtime To service emergency repairs and be available for winter on-call 50,000 Total 501010.0000 Overtime 50,000 501020.0000 Employee Benefits This item includes mandatory deductions (CPP, EI, EHT) and employer provided benefits such as extended health and dental 435,231 Total 501020.0000 Employee Benefits 435,231 501040.0000 Uniforms As per the Collective Agreement - Personal Protective Equipment 12,760 Coverall Rental/Cleaning Service 11,000 Tool Allowance (10 staff)5,800 Total 501040.0000 Uniforms 29,560 501110.0000 Seminars & Education Health & Safety Training and Seminars 1,500 Fire Truck Training 4,000 Fire Truck International Training Program - Foreperson and Leadhand 2,000 Electric Vehicle Training (2 staff)4,000 Ontario Public Buyer Association 400 Wheels Off (10 staff)2,750 Carbon Training International (CTI) Training (4 staff)2,700 Alternative Fuel (2 staff)1,120 Total 501110.0000 Seminars & Education 18,470 501130.0000 Travel Parking & Mileage 550 Total 501130.0000 Travel 550 502010.0000 Frght,Exprss&Cartage Shipment of Auto Repair Parts 1,800 Total 502010.0000 Frght,Exprss&Cartage 1,800 502015.0000 Environmental Chrg Environmental Charges 2,000 Total 502015.0000 Environmental Chrg 2,000 502020.0000 Cellular Phones Annual Smartphone Charges - Manager, Fleet Operations, Lead Hand and Foreperson, Municipal Garage 2,400 Total 502020.0000 Cellular Phones 2,400 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410310 Fleet Services Background Information 253 502030.0000 Telephones & Data Voice / Data 14,300 Total 502030.0000 Telephones & Data 14,300 502040.0000 Internet Internet 305 Total 502040.0000 Internet 305 502120.0000 Subscriptions&Publcs Subscriptions/publications related to vehicle maintenance 200 Total 502120.0000 Subscriptions&Publcs 200 502210.0000 Insurance Premium Annual cost of insurance policy that provides protection for municipal activities and property. (Policy coverage includes: liability, automobile and property) 6,390 Total 502210.0000 Insurance Premium 6,390 502240.0000 Meals/Prom/General Meal Allowance 700 Receptions/Business Meetings 300 Total 502240.0000 Meals/Prom/General 1,000 502250.0000 Memberships Licence Renewals (11 licences)825 Commercial Vehicle Operators Registration Number Renewal 100 Professional Buyer Association 300 Total 502250.0000 Memberships 1,225 502260.0000 Outside Agency Srvc Nextgen Radio - Operating, Maintenance & Licensing 500 Parts Supplier Fees 225,000 Total 502260.0000 Outside Agency Srvc 225,500 502340.0000 Building Rpr & Mntc Air Compressor and Oil Supply Maintenance 5,000 Total 502340.0000 Building Rpr & Mntc 5,000 502370.0000 Vehicle Rpr & Mntc Repair & Maintenance of Service Vehicles 8,000 Total 502370.0000 Vehicle Rpr & Mntc 8,000 502375.0000 Gas, Oil, Tires, Etc Fuel: Unleaded 12,622 litres @ $1.38/litre 17,419 Fuel: Diesel 274 litres @ $1.51/litre 413 Oil Changes and Tires 3,388 Total 502375.0000 Gas, Oil, Tires, Etc 21,220 502380.0000 Misc Equip Rpr&Mntc Repairs & Maintenance of Hoists, Jacks, Scopes, etc.5,000 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410310 Fleet Services Background Information 254 Total 502380.0000 Misc Equip Rpr&Mntc 5,000 502410.0000 MiscEquip Rentals Rental of Tools/Equipment for Specific Jobs 500 Total 502410.0000 MiscEquip Rentals 500 502510.0000 Forms Vehicle Check Books (MTO requirement)6,000 Total 502510.0000 Forms 6,000 502540.0000 Supplies & Tools Tool Upgrades/Replacement 6,500 All Data Diagnostic Tool Upgrade 2,000 Diagnostic Tools (Allison, ABS, Cummin, V4 Edge)6,500 Total 502540.0000 Supplies & Tools 15,000 502541.0000 Shop Supplies Various Shop Supplies (miscellaneous hardware, and fasteners)65,000 Total 502541.0000 Shop Supplies 65,000 502700.0000 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr Maintenance - HRIS 1,650 Maintenance - Fuel System 8,000 Maintenance - RTA - Fleet Maintenance 4,000 Maintenance - Cummins Insite (diagnostics)1,000 Subscription - Snap on Diagnostic Software 2,000 Mitchell On-Demand 2,500 Focus Fleet Software (modifications)1,800 Total 502700.0000 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr 20,950 502750.0000 Misc. Equipment Stands, Clamps and Jacks 2,000 Total 502750.0000 Misc. Equipment 2,000 Total Expenses 2,406,582 Revenues 406721.0000 Netted Revenue Services Charges - Share of overhead for municipal garage (cross charge to 10315 cost centre) (139,500) Services Charges - Share of overhead for municipal garage (cross charge to 10320 cost centre) (41,100) Total 406721.0000 Netted Revenue (180,600) Total Revenues (180,600) Total Transfers - 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410310 Fleet Services Background Information 255 Net Expenses (Revenues)2,225,982 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410310 Fleet Services Background Information 256 Expenditures 3,227,440 3,379,082 Salaries & Wages 3,607,333 392,515 3,999,848 10.88% 308,205 225,003 Overtime 286,500 28,500 315,000 9.95% 835,573 895,973 Employee Benefits 943,484 153,192 1,096,676 16.24% 49,418 44,625 Uniforms 31,870 8,235 40,105 25.84% 1,218 1,360 Conferences - - - - % 11,749 15,098 Seminars & Education 18,000 1,000 19,000 5.56% 54 752 Travel 500 - 500 - % 875 1,314 Freight, Express & Cartage - - - - % 1,528 - Environmental Charges - - - - % 4,677 6,145 Cellular Phones 9,900 300 10,200 3.03% 2,624 3,009 Telephone & Data 3,400 (500)2,900 (14.71%) 343 372 Internet 340 - 340 - % - - Subscriptions & Publications 200 - 200 - % 150,950 166,045 Insurance Premium 166,045 24,905 190,950 15.00% 12,292 27,542 Insurance Deductible 20,000 3,000 23,000 15.00% - - Consulting & Professional Fees 5,000 10,000 15,000 200.00% 3,166 2,718 Meals, Promotions & General 4,000 - 4,000 - % 2,851 5,471 Memberships 4,240 - 4,240 - % 52,746 52,425 Outside Agency Services 69,500 - 69,500 - % 782,575 712,432 Winter Control Maintenance 846,000 40,000 886,000 4.73% 175,124 291,945 Repairs & Maintenance Contract Services 248,600 144,400 393,000 58.09% 59,315 266,612 Engineering - Repairs & Maintenance 383,500 (75,500)308,000 (19.69%) 218,543 287,593 Storm Sewer - Repairs & Maitenance 370,000 - 370,000 - % 456,713 461,733 Repairs & Maintenance Materials 595,000 (25,000)570,000 (4.20%) 116,640 84,275 Highway Aids - Repairs & Maintenance 75,000 50,000 125,000 66.67% 92,083 71,069 Engineering Highway Aids - Repairs & Mtce.120,000 - 120,000 - % 135,718 149,282 Building - Repairs & Maintenance 149,100 (9,600)139,500 (6.44%) 222,657 156,988 Tree Maintenance 150,000 165,000 315,000 110.00% 364,498 391,252 Vehicle - Repairs & Maintenance 340,000 40,000 380,000 11.76% 534,005 533,294 Gas, Oil, Tire, Etc.534,110 106,040 640,150 19.85% 198,788 218,549 Misc. Equip. - Repairs & Maintenance 120,000 80,000 200,000 66.67% 71 - Grounds Upkeep - - - - % 40,147 51,368 Misc. Equip. Rentals 30,000 5,000 35,000 16.67% 26,595 47,056 Supplies & Tools 15,000 5,000 20,000 33.33% - 48 Gift Shop/Plaques - - - - % - - Utilities - Water 14,000 500 14,500 3.57% 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410315 Roads Current Budget Summary 257 6,795 18,422 Software & Hardware Mtce. Contracts 6,727 (177)6,550 (2.63%) - 7,891 Misc. Equipment 10,000 - 10,000 - % 8,095,976 8,576,743 Total Expenditures 9,177,349 1,146,810 10,324,159 12.50% Revenues (18,900) - Federal Grants (9,000)9,000 - (100.00%) (312,920)(382,487)Department User Fees (225,000)25,000 (200,000)(11.11%) (66,139)(49,236)Other User Fees (75,000) - (75,000) - % (69,838)(119,772)Cost Recoveries (116,050)102,925 (13,125)(88.69%) (467,797)(551,495) Total Revenues (425,050)136,925 (288,125)(32.21%) Transfers - - Transfer to(from) Reserve (76,500)76,500 - (100.00%) - - Transfer to (from) Oblig RF - (15,000)(15,000) - % - - Total Transfers (76,500)61,500 (15,000)(80.39%) 7,628,179 8,025,248 Net Expenditures (Revenues)8,675,799 1,345,235 10,021,034 15.51% 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410315 Roads Current Budget Summary 258 Expenditures 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages Base Salaries and Wages 3,705,488 Two new full-time Maintenance Worker, Roads positions - Jan. 1, 2024 effective date 144,310 Two new full-time Heavy Equipment Operator 1 positions - Jan. 1, 2024 effective date 150,050 Total 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages 3,999,848 501010.0000 Overtime Winter Control and Road Patrols 278,500 Emergency Call-in 8,000 Streetlight Inspections 1,500 Special Events 27,000 Total 501010.0000 Overtime 315,000 501020.0000 Employee Benefits This item includes mandatory deductions (CPP, EI, EHT) and employer provided benefits such as extended health and dental 1,008,361 Benefits related to two new full-time Heavy Equipment Operator 1 positions - Jan. 1, 2024 effective date 45,015 Benefits related to two new full-time Maintenance Worker, Roads positions - Jan. 1, 2024 effective date 43,300 Total 501020.0000 Employee Benefits 1,096,676 501040.0000 Uniforms Clothing Allowance (39 permanent staff)17,940 Clothing Allowance (1 part-time staff)315 Safety Boot Allowance 19,150 Students 300 Miscellaneous Safety Equipment 2,400 Total 501040.0000 Uniforms 40,105 501110.0000 Seminars & Education First Responder Training (4 staff)500 CPR & First Aid Training (30 staff)2,800 OTM Ontario Traffic Training Book 7 2,000 Ontario Good Roads Association - Managing Winter Operations (4 staff)2,000 Innovations Academy - Installation and Maintenance of Guiderails (4 staff)2,400 OGRA Ontario Good Roads (2 staff)3,500 Durham College GIS Training 800 Canada Heavy Equipment College Gradall Training (2 staff)5,000 Total 501110.0000 Seminars & Education 19,000 501130.0000 Travel Parking & Mileage 500 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410315 Roads Background Information 259 Total 501130.0000 Travel 500 502020.0000 Cellular Phones Annual Smartphone Charges - Manager, Road Operations; Supervisor, Road Operations; Lead Hand, Road Operations; Forepersons (2); Inspector, Municipal Infrastructure; Inspector, Utility Cuts 7,200 Cell Phones 1,400 Temporary Cell Phones (Winter Control)1,600 Total 502020.0000 Cellular Phones 10,200 502030.0000 Telephones & Data Voice / Data 2,900 Total 502030.0000 Telephones & Data 2,900 502040.0000 Internet Internet 340 Total 502040.0000 Internet 340 502120.0000 Subscriptions&Publcs Allowance for standards, regulations and legislation, reference materials 200 Total 502120.0000 Subscriptions&Publcs 200 502210.0000 Insurance Premium Annual cost of insurance policy that provides protection for municipal activities and property. (Policy coverage includes: liability, automobile and property) 190,950 Total 502210.0000 Insurance Premium 190,950 502220.0000 Insurance Deductible Insurance Deductible 23,000 Total 502220.0000 Insurance Deductible 23,000 502230.0000 Consult&Prof Fees Professional Fees for Structural Reviews 5,000 Soil Monitoring 10,000 Total 502230.0000 Consult&Prof Fees 15,000 502240.0000 Meals/Prom/General Meal Allowances as per Collective Agreement 3,000 Receptions / Business Meetings 1,000 Total 502240.0000 Meals/Prom/General 4,000 502250.0000 Memberships Ontario Good Roads Association - City Membership 2,600 Ontario Association of Roads (1 Supervisor, 2 Forepersons, 2 Lead Hand, etc.)1,400 Ontario Association of Certified Engineering Technicians and Technologists - Inspector, Municipal Infrastructure 240 Total 502250.0000 Memberships 4,240 502260.0000 Outside Agency Srvc 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410315 Roads Background Information 260 Nexgen - Radio - Operating, Maintenance & Licensing 19,000 Antenna Site Rental 5,500 Internet-Based GPS/AVL Subscription for Vehicles/Equipment 45,000 Total 502260.0000 Outside Agency Srvc 69,500 502300.0000 Winter Control Mntc Winter Sand 80,000 Winter Salt 676,000 Winter Brine 65,000 Snow Removal (cul-de-sacs, bridges, laneways and mews)65,000 Total 502300.0000 Winter Control Mntc 886,000 502310.0000 Rpr&Mntc Contract Serv Liquid Magnesium Contract and Flake Calcium purchase (dust control)128,000 Bridge/Culvert/Embankment Repairs 50,000 Ditching Contract 70,000 Phragmites Control (Pilot)15,000 Road Sweepings and Waste Disposal 100,000 TRCA Work Permit 30,000 Total 502310.0000 Rpr&Mntc Contract Serv 393,000 502311.0000 Eng -Rpr & Mntc Contracts Curb Cutting Contract (primarily offset by revenue)15,000 Spill Responses & Clean-up 15,000 Concrete Curb Repair Program 75,000 2024 Line Painting & Pavement Marking 90,000 Bridge Washing Program 38,000 Crack Sealing Program 60,000 Integrated Transportation Master Plan - Line Painting & Signage (Bike Lanes)15,000 Total 502311.0000 Eng -Rpr & Mntc Contracts 308,000 502312.0000 Storm Sewer R&M Contracts Catchbasin & Manhole Adjustment Repairs Contract 40,000 Storm Sewer Repairs 60,000 Storm Sewer Flushing and Inspection Program 100,000 Catchbasin Cleaning Contract 170,000 Total 502312.0000 Storm Sewer R&M Contracts 370,000 502315.0000 Rpr&Mntc Materials Granular A/Limestone and other Aggregates 305,000 Asphalt and Concrete 100,000 Topsoil and Sod (ditches and boulevards) Hydroseeding 25,000 Culverts (partially offset by revenue)50,000 Easement Charges for Storm Sewer Crossings 5,000 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410315 Roads Background Information 261 Catchbasin and Manhole Repair Materials 25,000 Neighbourhood Issues (incl. illegal dumping & miscellaneous items)10,000 Guiderails In-house Repairs 50,000 Total 502315.0000 Rpr&Mntc Materials 570,000 502320.0000 Hwy Aids-Repair&Mntc CN/CP Railroad Signal Charges 40,000 Misc. Signs (incl. hardware & posts)65,000 Purchase of Traffic Marking Paint 20,000 Total 502320.0000 Hwy Aids-Repair&Mntc 125,000 502321.0000 Eng-Hwy Aids-Repair&Mntc Traffic Signals, Flashing Signals, Pedestrian Crossovers, IPS 80,000 Guiderail repairs/replacement including design costs 40,000 Total 502321.0000 Eng-Hwy Aids-Repair&Mntc 120,000 502340.0000 Building Rpr & Mntc Share of overhead for Municipal Garage (cross charge from 10310 cost centre)139,500 Total 502340.0000 Building Rpr & Mntc 139,500 502350.0000 Tree Maintenance Tree Maintenance within Road Allowances, Block Pruning 160,000 Tree Removal, Stumping & Boulevard Planting - $125,000 transfer from 10305 cost centre 130,000 EAB Treazin Treatment or Replacement Trees - Required for Ash Trees that were treated in 2022 - transfer from 10305 cost centre 15,000 IPM / Insect Pest Control (LDD treatment) - transfer from 10305 10,000 Total 502350.0000 Tree Maintenance 315,000 502370.0000 Vehicle Rpr & Mntc Repair and Maintenance of Roads Section Licensed vehicles 380,000 Total 502370.0000 Vehicle Rpr & Mntc 380,000 502375.0000 Gas, Oil, Tires, Etc Fuel: Unleaded 21,268 litres @ $1.38/litre 29,350 Fuel: Diesel 332,053 litres @ $1.51/litre 501,400 Oil Changes and Tires 109,400 Total 502375.0000 Gas, Oil, Tires, Etc 640,150 502380.0000 Misc Equip Rpr&Mntc Repair and Maintenance of Equipment 200,000 Total 502380.0000 Misc Equip Rpr&Mntc 200,000 502410.0000 MiscEquip Rentals Large & Small Equipment Rentals 35,000 Total 502410.0000 MiscEquip Rentals 35,000 502540.0000 Supplies & Tools 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410315 Roads Background Information 262 Rakes, shovels, hammers, drill bits etc. for road maintenance Activities (includes provision for small tools, safety items, etc.) 20,000 Total 502540.0000 Supplies & Tools 20,000 502600.0000 Utilities - Water Durham Region water supply for City street sweepers, etc.14,500 Total 502600.0000 Utilities - Water 14,500 502700.0000 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr M.R. Compliance Annual License Fee 2,400 Maintenance - HRIS 4,150 Total 502700.0000 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr 6,550 502750.0000 Misc. Equipment Small Gas Powered Equipment Replacement 10,000 Total 502750.0000 Misc. Equipment 10,000 Total Expenses 10,324,159 Revenues 403000.9550 Department User Fees - Sale of Services - Roads Miscellaneous Charges - Road Occupancy Permits (200,000) Total 403000.9550 Department User Fees - Sale of Services - Roads (200,000) 403120.0000 Other User Fee Revenue Revenue From Curb Cuts and Driveway Culverts (45,000) Revenue From Road Cut Degradation Fees (30,000) Total 403120.0000 Other User Fee Revenue (75,000) 406540.0000 Cost Recoveries Reimbursement from Durham Region - Winter Maintenance (13,125) Total 406540.0000 Cost Recoveries (13,125) Total Revenues (288,125) Transfers 408200.0000 Trf fr 3rdPtyOblg RF Tree Compensation - Cash in Lieu (reserve funding for tree replacement) - transfer from 10305 cost centre (15,000) Total 408200.0000 Trf fr 3rdPtyOblg RF (15,000) Total Transfers (15,000) Net Expenses (Revenues)10,021,034 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410315 Roads Background Information 263 Expenditures 2,623,170 2,799,338 Salaries & Wages 2,798,288 391,502 3,189,790 13.99% 109,538 88,810 Overtime 108,000 - 108,000 - % 608,498 640,714 Employee Benefits 606,551 157,476 764,027 25.96% 32,433 42,005 Uniforms 30,200 1,300 31,500 4.30% 14,274 10,335 Seminars & Education 12,145 (580)11,565 (4.78%) 371 459 Travel 500 - 500 - % 5,137 8,020 Freight, Express & Cartage - - - - % 82 (57)Environmental Charges - - - - % 8,018 12,044 Cellular Phones 7,300 700 8,000 9.59% 2,460 2,224 Telephone & Data 2,500 (100)2,400 (4.00%) 229 186 Internet 530 - 530 - % - - Photo, Mapping, Print 200 - 200 - % 17,850 19,635 Insurance Premium 19,635 2,945 22,580 15.00% - 1,789 Insurance Deductible 5,050 760 5,810 15.05% 784 5,528 Consulting & Professional Fees 22,380 (10,000)12,380 (44.68%) 671 1,074 Meals, Promotions & General 1,100 - 1,100 - % 947 2,273 Memberships 2,760 80 2,840 2.90% 50,918 52,931 Outside Agency Services 54,200 (7,000)47,200 (12.92%) - 181,538 Repairs & Maintenance Contract Services 155,600 131,400 287,000 84.45% 54,961 49,017 Repairs & Maintenance Materials 47,500 10,500 58,000 22.11% - 1,216 Highway Aids - Repairs & Maintenance - - - - % 179,473 207,268 Building - Repairs & Maintenance 191,190 75,900 267,090 39.70% 79,028 81,022 Tree Maintenance 80,000 5,000 85,000 6.25% 344 - Lighting - Repairs & Maintenance - - - - % 92,467 111,800 Vehicle - Repairs & Maintenance 94,000 - 94,000 - % 254,642 207,429 Gas, Oil, Tire, Etc.254,660 20,820 275,480 8.18% 84,617 89,158 Misc. Equip. - Repairs & Maintenance 90,000 - 90,000 - % 285,972 238,026 Grounds Upkeep 296,500 (12,000)284,500 (4.05%) 41,684 44,253 Fert. & Lawn Control 55,000 - 55,000 - % 125,781 60,005 Misc. Equip. Rentals 102,000 - 102,000 - % 1,984 254 Stationary & Office Supplies - - - - % 101,245 68,964 Programs & Event Supplies 88,000 (15,000)73,000 (17.05%) 21,665 2,641 Supplies & Tools 4,000 1,000 5,000 25.00% 13,904 - COVID Related Expenses - - - - % 59,219 56,648 Utilities - Water 64,600 3,800 68,400 5.88% 77,971 88,962 Utilities - Hydro 84,225 9,575 93,800 11.37% 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410320 Parks Current Budget Summary 264 8,679 16,302 Software & Hardware Mtce. Contracts 9,610 70 9,680 0.73% - 274 Furniture & Fixtures - - - - % 43,050 29,426 Misc. Equipment 17,700 9,735 27,435 55.00% 40,690 73,614 Other Fixed Assets 110,000 (60,000)50,000 (54.55%) 178,825 227,472 Taxes - Tenant 233,500 (21,000)212,500 (8.99%) 5,221,581 5,522,597 Total Expenditures 5,649,424 696,883 6,346,307 12.34% Revenues (48,300) - Federal Grants (9,000)9,000 - (100.00%) (215,170)(210,696)Rentals - User Fees (215,000)215,000 - (100.00%) (37,400)(35,200)Memrl Tree/Bench Revenue (35,000) - (35,000) - % (300,870)(245,896) Total Revenues (259,000)224,000 (35,000)(86.49%) Transfers 7,378 (4,215)Transfer to(from) Cntg Sty Res.(7,380) - (7,380) - % (15,000)(15,000)Transfer to (from) Oblig RF (15,000) - (15,000) - % (7,622)(19,215) Total Transfers (22,380) - (22,380) - % 4,913,089 5,257,486 Net Expenditures (Revenues)5,368,044 920,883 6,288,927 17.15% 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410320 Parks Current Budget Summary 265 Expenditures 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages Base Salaries and Wages 3,045,480 Two new full-time Maintenance Worker, Parks & Property positions - Jan. 1, 2024 effective date 144,310 Total 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages 3,189,790 501010.0000 Overtime Special Events (includes Canada Day)72,500 Emergency Call-in/Winter Control 28,000 Natural Rink Maintenance 7,500 Total 501010.0000 Overtime 108,000 501020.0000 Employee Benefits This item includes mandatory deductions (CPP, EI, EHT) and employer provided benefits such as extended health and dental 720,727 Benefits related to two new full-time Maintenance Worker, Parks & Property positions - Jan. 1, 2024 effective date 43,300 Total 501020.0000 Employee Benefits 764,027 501040.0000 Uniforms As per the Collective Agreement (includes uniforms, safety boots and miscellaneous PPE) 31,500 Total 501040.0000 Uniforms 31,500 501110.0000 Seminars & Education CPR & First Aid Training (20 staff)1,500 Integrated Pest Management Symposium (6 staff)1,050 Ontario Good Roads Association - Manager, Parks & Property 600 Phragmites Workshop 300 Ontario Parks Association (OPA) - Educational Forum (3 staff)1,650 OPA - Sports Turf Maintenance Seminar (3 staff)765 Parks & Recreation Ontario (PRO) - Parks & Rec. Management - Manager, Parks & Property 1,500 Masters Certificate in Public Sector Management - Supervisor, Parks & Property 4,200 Total 501110.0000 Seminars & Education 11,565 501130.0000 Travel Parking & Mileage 500 Total 501130.0000 Travel 500 502020.0000 Cellular Phones Cellular Phone and Smartphone Charges 8,000 Total 502020.0000 Cellular Phones 8,000 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410320 Parks Background Information 266 502030.0000 Telephones & Data Voice / Data 2,400 Total 502030.0000 Telephones & Data 2,400 502040.0000 Internet Internet 530 Total 502040.0000 Internet 530 502150.0000 Photo,Mapping,Print Colour Printing of Maps 200 Total 502150.0000 Photo,Mapping,Print 200 502210.0000 Insurance Premium Annual cost of insurance policy that provides protection for municipal activities and property. (Policy coverage includes: liability, automobile and property) 22,580 Total 502210.0000 Insurance Premium 22,580 502220.0000 Insurance Deductible Insurance Deductible 5,810 Total 502220.0000 Insurance Deductible 5,810 502230.0000 Consult&Prof Fees Miscellaneous Consulting, Testing and Inspection Fees 5,000 LED Conversion of Kinsmen Park Artificial Turf Sports Field - PO#4500000737 (funded from Continuing Studies Reserve) 7,380 Total 502230.0000 Consult&Prof Fees 12,380 502240.0000 Meals/Prom/General Meal Allowance 600 Receptions/Business Meetings 500 Total 502240.0000 Meals/Prom/General 1,100 502250.0000 Memberships Ontario Parks Association - City Membership 900 Int. Society of Arboriculture (ISA) Membership Ontario - Horticulturist 110 ISA Professional Membership (USA) - Horticulturalist 130 Integrated Pest Mgmt. (IPM) - Horticulturalist; Foreperson, Parks & Property; Lead Hand 500 Sports Turf Association - (Foreperson, Parks; Manager, Parks & Property; Lead Hand 500 Ontario Turfgrass - Foreperson, Parks; Manager, Parks & Property; Lead Hand 400 Ontario Recreation Facilities Association (ORFA) - Foreperson, Parks & Property (2 staff) 300 Total 502250.0000 Memberships 2,840 502260.0000 Outside Agency Srvc NextGen (Durham Region) Radio Licence 20,000 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410320 Parks Background Information 267 Internet-Based GPS/AVL subscription for vehicles/equipment 22,200 Security guard services for long-weekend waterfront patrols (June-September)5,000 Total 502260.0000 Outside Agency Srvc 47,200 502310.0000 Rpr&Mntc Contract Serv Supply and Installation of Playground Safety Surfacing 130,000 Contracted Organic Weed Control 7,000 Parks and Roadside Garbage Waste Disposal 150,000 Total 502310.0000 Rpr&Mntc Contract Serv 287,000 502315.0000 Rpr&Mntc Materials Maintenance, repairs and replacement of outdoor electrical and lighting (parks, sports fields, utility buildings, etc.) 40,000 String Light Replacements for Esplanade Park 10,000 Repair/Replacement of Claremont Community Service Sign 8,000 Total 502315.0000 Rpr&Mntc Materials 58,000 502340.0000 Building Rpr & Mntc Share of overhead for Municipal Garage (cross charge from 10310 cost centre)41,100 Janitorial service for park washroom (cross charge from 10240 cost centre)176,490 Cleaning supplies for Rotary Park Washrooms (cross charge from 10240 cost centre)7,500 Misc. building supplies and caretaking/cleaning supplies 2,000 Contracted repairs and maintenance to accessory buildings / clubhouses 40,000 Total 502340.0000 Building Rpr & Mntc 267,090 502350.0000 Tree Maintenance Tree Removal, Replacement & Maintenance 80,000 Mulching Service 5,000 Total 502350.0000 Tree Maintenance 85,000 502370.0000 Vehicle Rpr & Mntc Repair & maintenance of Parks section licensed vehicles 73,000 Replace & Install Nextgen Radios 21,000 Total 502370.0000 Vehicle Rpr & Mntc 94,000 502375.0000 Gas, Oil, Tires, Etc Fuel: Unleaded 56,159 litres @ $1.38/litre 77,500 Fuel: Diesel 118,874 litres @ $1.51/litre 179,500 Oil Changes and Tires 18,480 Total 502375.0000 Gas, Oil, Tires, Etc 275,480 502380.0000 Misc Equip Rpr&Mntc Repairs to large and small equipment (off road)90,000 Total 502380.0000 Misc Equip Rpr&Mntc 90,000 502390.0000 Grounds Upkeep Ball Diamonds (infield material and mound clay)25,000 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410320 Parks Background Information 268 Fencing Repairs (sports fields, property line)17,000 Topsoil and Sod (including top dressing or compost sports fields, hydroseeding)24,000 Lumber to Repair (picnic tables, park benches, bleachers)12,000 Flowers 35,000 Shrubs (renovate existing beds)6,000 Misc. Supplies 1,500 Signs (replacements)30,000 Aggregates (pathway repairs)5,000 Phragmite Control 10,000 Walkway Repairs (concrete and asphalt)20,000 Maintenance and water for seasonal outdoor rinks 15,000 Paint and Parking Lot Line Painting 7,000 Play unit maintenance and replacement parts 32,000 Plumbing maintenance and repairs to irrigation systems 25,000 P Gates and Soccer Posts 20,000 Total 502390.0000 Grounds Upkeep 284,500 502395.0000 Fertilizr&Lawn Cntrl Fertilizer 15,000 Seed - 2 applications per year 35,000 Foam Stream Agent 5,000 Total 502395.0000 Fertilizr&Lawn Cntrl 55,000 502410.0000 MiscEquip Rentals Portable Washrooms 50,000 Vehicles for Trim Crews 50,000 Power Tools and Equipment (generators, augers)2,000 Total 502410.0000 MiscEquip Rentals 102,000 502520.9700 Program&Event Supps - Other Events Supplies, materials and rentals for City events 25,000 Pet Memorial Program (offset by fees)5,000 Total 502520.9700 Program&Event Supps - Other Events 30,000 502520.9701 Program&Event Supps - Pickering Blooms Pickering Blooms 10,000 Garden Showcase 3,000 Total 502520.9701 Program&Event Supps - Pickering Blooms 13,000 502520.9702 Program&Event Supps - Memorial Trees & Benchs Memorial Trees and Benches (fully offset by fees)30,000 Total 502520.9702 Program&Event Supps - Memorial Trees & Benchs 30,000 502520.9704 Program&Event Supps - Banner Program Supplies, materials and artist fees for the Banner Program 15,000 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410320 Parks Background Information 269 Supplies, materials and artist fees for the Banner Program - transfer to 10207 (15,000) Total 502520.9704 Program&Event Supps - Banner Program - 502540.0000 Supplies & Tools Small hand tools, wrenches, hammers etc.5,000 Total 502540.0000 Supplies & Tools 5,000 502600.0000 Utilities - Water Budget based on 2023 projected actuals and regional water rate increase in 2024 68,400 Total 502600.0000 Utilities - Water 68,400 502620.0000 Utilities - Hydro Budget based on 2023 projected actuals 93,800 Total 502620.0000 Utilities - Hydro 93,800 502700.0000 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr Maintenance - Parks Inspection Software (unlimited users)6,250 Maintenance - HRIS 3,430 Total 502700.0000 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr 9,680 502750.0000 Misc. Equipment 5 Gas Line Trimmers (replacement)2,500 5 Gas Blowers 1,650 2 Pole Saws (replacement)2,000 2 Salters (replacement)4,325 2 Gas Snow Blowers Toro 821 2,340 1 Battery Snow Blower Two Stage Blower Toro 826 2,380 1 Electric Hedge Trimmer 310 1 Electric Long Reach Hedge Trimmer 710 1 Honda Generator 3000i ES 3,070 1 Honda Generator 2200GFCI 1,550 6 Stihl AP 500 batteries (Various)3,000 1 Rear Tine 20" Pro Roto Tiller 3,600 Total 502750.0000 Misc. Equipment 27,435 502760.0000 Other Fixed Assets Garbage receptacles, picnic tables, benches, bleachers 50,000 Total 502760.0000 Other Fixed Assets 50,000 502820.0000 Taxes - Tenant Conservation Authority 5,000 Frenchman's Bay Ratepayers 14,000 Ontario Power Generation / Hydro One - Greenspace Licences 138,000 Dianna, Princess of Wales Park/Ontario Infrastructure 24,000 West Duffin Creek Trail /Ontario Infrastructure 1,500 Beverley Morgan Park/Ontario Infrastructure 24,000 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410320 Parks Background Information 270 Pickering/York Payment in Lieu of Taxes 6,000 Total 502820.0000 Taxes - Tenant 212,500 Total Expenses 6,346,307 Revenues 403060.0000 Rentals - User Fees Parks Permits/Sports Camps/Tournaments (212,000) Parks Permits/Sports Camps/Tournaments - transfer to 10200 cost centre 212,000 Lighting Fees (66,500) Lighting Fees - transfer to 10200 cost centre 66,500 Hydro Costs Tennis Courts (7,500) Hydro Costs Tennis Courts - transfer to 10200 cost centre 7,500 Total 403060.0000 Rentals - User Fees - 403102.0000 Memrl Tree/Bench Rev Memorial Trees and Benches (30,000) Pet Memorial Program (5,000) Total 403102.0000 Memrl Tree/Bench Rev (35,000) Total Revenues (35,000) Transfers 408009.0000 Trf fr Cntg Stdy Res Continuing Studies Reserve funding for LED conversion of Kinsmen Park artificial turf sports field (7,380) Total 408009.0000 Trf fr Cntg Stdy Res (7,380) 408200.0000 Trf fr 3rdPtyOblg RF Tree Compensation - Cash in Lieu reserve funding for general tree replacement (15,000) Total 408200.0000 Trf fr 3rdPtyOblg RF (15,000) Total Transfers (22,380) Net Expenses (Revenues)6,288,927 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410320 Parks Background Information 271 Expenditures 674,838 764,304 Salaries & Wages 856,489 95,738 952,227 11.18% 90 5,586 Overtime 5,000 - 5,000 - % 178,919 211,126 Employee Benefits 240,325 30,061 270,386 12.51% 1,538 509 Uniforms 5,435 (250)5,185 (4.60%) - 295 Conferences 2,600 2,100 4,700 80.77% 1,135 7,778 Seminars & Education 3,650 1,850 5,500 50.68% 5,057 3,625 Travel 4,000 2,000 6,000 50.00% 1,775 3,856 Cellular Phones 4,345 (1,105)3,240 (25.43%) 2,044 2,113 Telephone & Data 2,500 (600)1,900 (24.00%) 267 261 Internet 350 - 350 - % - - Subscriptions & Publications - 200 200 - % - - Photo, Mapping, Print 9,000 - 9,000 - % 2,500 2,750 Insurance Premium 2,750 410 3,160 14.91% 171,505 139,590 Consulting & Professional Fees 395,705 (65,756)329,949 (16.62%) 188 633 Meals, Promotions & General 1,000 (200)800 (20.00%) 2,939 4,114 Memberships 5,850 950 6,800 16.24% 132 - Building - Repairs & Maintenance 2,000 (2,000) - (100.00%) 2,757 2,254 Stationary & Office Supplies 5,900 (1,000)4,900 (16.95%) 81 - Supplies & Tools - - - - % 25,841 38,005 Software & Hardware Mtce. Contracts 61,930 (7,310)54,620 (11.80%) - - Furniture & Fixtures 3,000 - 3,000 - % 1,071,606 1,186,799 Total Expenditures 1,611,829 55,088 1,666,917 3.42% Revenues (6,000)(6,000)Municipal Rentals (6,000) - (6,000) - % - (10,702)Rebates & Incentives (40,000) - (40,000) - % (6,000)(16,702) Total Revenues (46,000) - (46,000) - % Transfers - (18,775)Transfer to/(from) DC Oblg RF (67,500)33,705 (33,795)(49.93%) 19,702 31,059 Transfer to(from) Cntg Sty Res.(19,705)(43,678)(63,383)221.66% - (2,073)Transfer to(from) Reserve (72,500)56,229 (16,271)(77.56%) 19,702 10,211 Total Transfers (159,705)46,256 (113,449)(28.96%) 1,085,308 1,180,308 Net Expenditures (Revenues)1,406,124 101,344 1,507,468 7.21% 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410325 Operations Services Current Budget Summary 272 Expenditures 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages Base Salaries and Wages 952,227 Total 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages 952,227 501010.0000 Overtime To meet service level/workload commitments 5,000 Total 501010.0000 Overtime 5,000 501020.0000 Employee Benefits This item includes mandatory deductions (CPP, EI, EHT) and employer provided benefits such as extended health and dental 270,386 Total 501020.0000 Employee Benefits 270,386 501040.0000 Uniforms Uniforms for all Staff 5,185 Total 501040.0000 Uniforms 5,185 501100.0000 Conferences Ontario Association of Architects (OAA) - Division Head and Manager 3,000 IBPSA-Canada eSim - Supervisor, Energy Management 600 Passive House Canada Conference - Supervisor, Energy Management 700 The Buildings Show - Supervisor, Energy Management 300 Canadian Mechanical and Plumbing Exposition - Supervisor, Energy Management 100 Total 501100.0000 Conferences 4,700 501110.0000 Seminars & Education First Aid/CPR Defibrillator Training/Recertification 600 Passive House Seminars - Supervisor, Energy Management 2,700 Technical Skill Educational Support 1,200 Project Management Administrative Training 1,000 Total 501110.0000 Seminars & Education 5,500 501130.0000 Travel Parking & Mileage 6,000 Total 501130.0000 Travel 6,000 502020.0000 Cellular Phones Annual Smartphone Charges - Director, Operations; Division Head, Operations Services; Manager, Facilities Capital Projects; Supervisor (2); Coordinators (3) 3,060 Annual Tablet Charges - Director 180 Total 502020.0000 Cellular Phones 3,240 502030.0000 Telephones & Data Voice/Data 1,900 Total 502030.0000 Telephones & Data 1,900 502040.0000 Internet 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410325 Operations Services Background Information 273 Internet 350 Total 502040.0000 Internet 350 502120.0000 Subscriptions&Publcs Ontario Electrical Safety Code (OESC), 29th Editions 200 Total 502120.0000 Subscriptions&Publcs 200 502150.0000 Photo,Mapping,Print To cover professional services for photography map, printing reproductions, plotter supplies 9,000 Total 502150.0000 Photo,Mapping,Print 9,000 502210.0000 Insurance Premium Annual cost of insurance policy that provides protection for municipal activities and property. (Policy coverage includes: liability, automobile and property) 3,160 Total 502210.0000 Insurance Premium 3,160 502230.0000 Consult&Prof Fees Corporate Energy Management Plan (CEMP)55,000 Annual Miscellaneous Consulting 40,000 Structural and Coating Review (O'Brien Arena)18,000 Coating and Structural Review (Recreation Complex and Banquet Hall)18,000 Designated Substance Surveys (Pickering Village Museum - Conservation Shed and Conservation Building, Parks Washroom Facilities) 16,000 East Shore Community Centre Structural Audit 15,000 Mt. Zion Community Centre Structural Audit 10,000 Septic System Inspections (Linton House)9,000 Annual Roof Structure Review (DIP)8,000 Building Condition Assessments (Dr. Nelson F. Tomlinson Community Centre)8,000 FS6 Structural Audit 8,000 Architectural Study (PMV Chapel)7,500 Structural Review (City Hall Tower)4,000 Facilities Renewal Plan - PO#4500001183 (32.5% funded from DC City Share Reserve and 67.5% funded from Development Charge Reserve Fund) 50,066 Pool Condition Assessment and Investigation (CHDRC) - PO#4500001026 (funded from Continuing Studies Reserve) 12,567 Energy Audits (PCC, CHDRC) - PO#4500001222, 4500001272, 4500001325 and 4500001350 (funded from Continuing Studies Reserve) 33,558 Miscellaneous Consulting - PO#4500000843 (funded from Continuing Studies Reserve) 7,428 CHDRC Lobby Roof Consulting - PO#4500001210 (funded from the Continuing Studies Reserve) 9,830 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410325 Operations Services Background Information 274 Total 502230.0000 Consult&Prof Fees 329,949 502240.0000 Meals/Prom/General Miscellaneous Meetings, Functions, and Promotional Events 800 Total 502240.0000 Meals/Prom/General 800 502250.0000 Memberships Ontario Association of Architects (OAA) - Division Head and Manager 2,400 Canada Green Building Council 2,000 Ontario Association of Certified Engineering Technicians and Technologists - Supervisor, Energy Management and Supervisor, Capital Assets 600 Passive House Canada - Supervisor, Energy Management 500 Royal Architectural Institute of Canada (RAIC)450 Certified Measurement and Verification Professional (CVMP) - Supervisor, Energy Management 400 American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers - Supervisor, Energy Management 300 Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Accredited Professional Building Design and Construction - Supervisor, Energy Management 150 Total 502250.0000 Memberships 6,800 502500.0000 Stationery&OfficeSup General Office Supplies 4,000 Energy Measurement Tools 900 Total 502500.0000 Stationery&OfficeSup 4,900 502700.0000 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr Facility Asset Management Maintenance 40,000 Energy Management Software 6,000 Blue Beam (7 licences)2,450 AutoCAD (2 licenses)5,100 HRIS Maintenance 1,070 Total 502700.0000 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr 54,620 502740.0000 Furniture & Fixtures Furniture Replacements 3,000 Total 502740.0000 Furniture & Fixtures 3,000 Total Expenses 1,666,917 Revenues 404500.9480 Municipal Rentals - Rntl-CCC Roof Solar Panel Rental of Tomlinson Community Centre Rooftop Solar Panels (6,000) Total 404500.9480 Municipal Rentals - Rntl-CCC Roof Solar Panel (6,000) 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410325 Operations Services Background Information 275 406551.0000 Rebates&Incentives Green Initiatives - Incentives and Rebates received from Corporate Energy Programs (40,000) Total 406551.0000 Rebates&Incentives (40,000) Total Revenues (46,000) Transfers 408008.0000 Trf fr City Share DC DC City Share Reserve funding for Facilities Renewal Plan (32.5%)(16,271) Total 408008.0000 Trf fr City Share DC (16,271) 408009.0000 Trf fr Cntg Stdy Res Continuing Studies Reserve funding for Pool Condition Assessment and Investigation (CHDRC) (12,567) Continuing Studies Reserve funding for Energy Audits (PCC, CHDRC)(33,558) Continuing Studies Reserve funding for Miscellaneous Consulting (7,428) Continuing Studies Reserve funding for CHDRC Lobby Roof Consulting (9,830) Total 408009.0000 Trf fr Cntg Stdy Res (63,383) 408605.0000 Trf fr DC Studies RF Development Charge Reserve Fund funding for Facilities Renewal Plan (67.5%)(33,795) Total 408605.0000 Trf fr DC Studies RF (33,795) Total Transfers (113,449) Net Expenses (Revenues)1,507,468 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410325 Operations Services Background Information 276 Expenditures - - Salaries & Wages 126,500 268,632 395,132 212.36% - - Overtime 1,250 3,750 5,000 300.00% - - Employee Benefits 34,800 66,754 101,554 191.82% - - Uniforms - 1,575 1,575 - % - - Conferences - 3,000 3,000 - % - - Seminars & Education 1,000 3,000 4,000 300.00% - - Travel 1,000 2,000 3,000 200.00% - - Cellular Phones 1,200 1,620 2,820 135.00% - - Telephone & Data 625 (625) - (100.00%) - - Photo, Mapping, Print 2,250 6,750 9,000 300.00% - - Insurance Premium 700 2,050 2,750 292.86% - - Consulting & Professional Fees - 50,000 50,000 - % - - Meals, Promotions & General 250 750 1,000 300.00% - - Memberships - 3,500 3,500 - % - - Building - Repairs & Maintenance 1,850 (1,850) - (100.00%) - - Building Rentals 9,700 27,955 37,655 288.20% - - Stationary & Office Supplies 750 2,250 3,000 300.00% - - Supplies & Tools 100 400 500 400.00% - - Software & Hardware Mtce. Contracts 8,000 (6,080)1,920 (76.00%) - - Total Expenditures 189,975 435,431 625,406 229.20% Revenues - - Total Revenues - - - - % Transfers - - Transfer to(from) Reserve (189,975)(435,431)(625,406)229.20% - - Total Transfers (189,975)(435,431)(625,406)229.20% - - Net Expenditures (Revenues) - - - - % 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410330 Major Capital Facilities Current Budget Summary 277 Expenditures 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages Base Salaries and Wages 395,132 Total 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages 395,132 501010.0000 Overtime Overtime required to meet workload demands 5,000 Total 501010.0000 Overtime 5,000 501020.0000 Employee Benefits This item includes mandatory deductions (CPP, EI, EHT) and employer provided benefits such as extended health and dental 101,554 Total 501020.0000 Employee Benefits 101,554 501040.0000 Uniforms Uniforms (3 staff)1,575 Total 501040.0000 Uniforms 1,575 501100.0000 Conferences Conferences (3 staff)3,000 Total 501100.0000 Conferences 3,000 501110.0000 Seminars & Education Seminars and Education (3 staff)4,000 Total 501110.0000 Seminars & Education 4,000 501130.0000 Travel Parking & Mileage 3,000 Total 501130.0000 Travel 3,000 502020.0000 Cellular Phones Annual Smartphone Charges - Senior Project Managers (2 staff) and Coordinator (1 staff) 1,620 Smartphone Purchase (3 staff)1,200 Total 502020.0000 Cellular Phones 2,820 502150.0000 Photo,Mapping,Print Professional services for photography map, printing reproductions, and plotter supplies 9,000 Total 502150.0000 Photo,Mapping,Print 9,000 502210.0000 Insurance Premium Allocation of insurance premium 2,750 Total 502210.0000 Insurance Premium 2,750 502230.0000 Consult&Prof Fees Miscellaneous Consulting 50,000 Total 502230.0000 Consult&Prof Fees 50,000 502240.0000 Meals/Prom/General 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410330 Major Capital Facilities Background Information 278 Miscellaneous meetings, functions, and promotional events 1,000 Total 502240.0000 Meals/Prom/General 1,000 502250.0000 Memberships Professional Memberships (3 staff)3,500 Total 502250.0000 Memberships 3,500 502400.0000 Building Rentals Rental charges for 1101 Kingston Road lease (6 months) - transfer from 10200 cost centre 37,655 Total 502400.0000 Building Rentals 37,655 502500.0000 Stationery&OfficeSup General Office Supplies 3,000 Total 502500.0000 Stationery&OfficeSup 3,000 502540.0000 Supplies & Tools General Supplies and Tools 500 Total 502540.0000 Supplies & Tools 500 502700.0000 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr Maintenance -HRIS 420 Adobe Acrobat Pro (3 licenses)600 Bluebeam (3 licenses)900 Total 502700.0000 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr 1,920 Total Expenses 625,406 Total Revenues - Transfers 408037.0000 Trf fr Casino Res Casino Reserve funding for cost of Major Capital Facilities cost centre operations (625,406) Total 408037.0000 Trf fr Casino Res (625,406) Total Transfers (625,406) Net Expenses (Revenues) - 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410330 Major Capital Facilities Background Information 279 280 281 282 283 284 Expenditures 4,111,103 4,472,477 Salaries & Wages 4,706,439 492,259 5,198,698 10.46% 122,397 134,074 Overtime 98,239 19,511 117,750 19.86% 985,974 1,068,350 Employee Benefits 1,200,908 177,916 1,378,824 14.82% 336 12 Employee Recognition - - - - % 14,374 17,859 Uniforms 21,400 4,200 25,600 19.63% 3,843 6,354 Conferences 8,000 - 8,000 - % 39,688 41,573 Seminars & Education 63,920 9,480 73,400 14.83% 12,817 13,469 Corporate Training 18,000 4,000 22,000 22.22% 1,914 3,014 Travel 4,200 400 4,600 9.52% 224,009 160,479 Postage 156,000 - 156,000 - % 4,376 3,198 Freight, Express & Cartage 4,500 - 4,500 - % 10 - Environmental Charges - - - - % 19,982 25,557 Cellular Phones 27,660 2,500 30,160 9.04% 24,901 23,089 Telephone & Data 24,815 3,785 28,600 15.25% 1,910 1,560 Internet 2,140 - 2,140 - % 104 997 Advertising 800 1,500 2,300 187.50% 9,469 9,061 Subscriptions & Publications 8,835 1,875 10,710 21.22% 10,556 12,614 Legal Services Expense 12,000 - 12,000 - % 24,620 66,934 Insurance Premium 66,934 4,062 70,996 6.07% - - Insurance Deductible 2,000 300 2,300 15.00% 118,381 349,658 Consulting & Professional Fees 539,500 (199,825)339,675 (37.04%) 4,459 20,419 Meals, Promotions & General 11,500 (5,800)5,700 (50.43%) 3,902 4,438 Memberships 14,600 (4,180)10,420 (28.63%) 223,549 230,718 Outside Agency Services 177,800 61,500 239,300 34.59% 23,134 11,683 Building - Repairs & Maintenance 25,358 (14,998)10,360 (59.15%) 18,963 16,796 Vehicle - Repairs & Maintenance 12,800 - 12,800 - % 36,438 36,541 Gas, Oil, Tire, Etc.39,155 3,916 43,071 10.00% 16,500 27,707 Misc. Equip. - Repairs & Maintenance 47,300 (5,000)42,300 (10.57%) 15,571 15,771 Building Rentals 17,498 282 17,780 1.61% - 16 Misc. Equip. Rentals - - - - % - - Land Rentals 13,600 (13,600) - (100.00%) 14,867 11,304 Stationary & Office Supplies 11,900 500 12,400 4.20% 7,838 6,465 Forms 10,000 - 10,000 - % - 842 Programs & Event Supplies - 6,000 6,000 - % 229,716 227,806 Supplies & Tools 235,602 20,498 256,100 8.70% 55,393 - COVID Related Expenses - - - - % 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 2024Corporate Services Department Current Budget Summary 285 - 524 Utilities - Water 3,300 - 3,300 - % 4,407 9,558 Utilities - Hydro 17,300 (7,600)9,700 (43.93%) - 946 Utilities - Natural Gas 6,700 (1,520)5,180 (22.69%) 5,106 5,510 Utilities - Oil 6,500 160 6,660 2.46% 939,130 850,164 Software & Hardware Mtce. Contracts 965,071 319,174 1,284,245 33.07% 50,204 118,020 System & Software Upgrade 146,700 (82,950)63,750 (56.54%) 33,181 67,543 Hardware Replacements 100,400 9,600 110,000 9.56% - 559 Furniture & Fixtures - - - - % 22,775 268,273 Misc. Equipment 280,795 (55,795)225,000 (19.87%) 23,666 26,495 Parking MOT 75,000 - 75,000 - % 755 - Livestock Killed 500 - 500 - % - 8,917 Financial Services Charges - 8,600 8,600 - % - (648)Exchange Rate - Gain or Loss - - - - % 7,460,318 8,376,696 Total Expenditures 9,185,669 760,750 9,946,419 8.28% Revenues (16,800) - Federal Grants (18,900) - (18,900)- % (103,200)(278,994)Ontario Grants (252,180)251,680 (500)(99.80%) - (25,000)Other Agency Grants (30,000)(5,000)(35,000)16.67% (311,465)(639,596)Department User Fees (284,500)(384,200)(668,700)135.04% - (450)Event Vendor Fees - (450)(450)- % (373,140)(74,762)Other User Fees (340,000)260,000 (80,000)(76.47%) (684,466)(818,469)Licences & Permits (504,000)(139,300)(643,300)27.64% (1,519,332)(1,522,955)Fines & Charges (1,302,000)(378,000)(1,680,000)29.03% (4,363)(16,133)Donations - (1,500)(1,500)- % (800)(2,000)Sponsorships (3,000) - (3,000)- % (1,250)(18,750)Marketing Sponsors (7,000)(3,000)(10,000)42.86% (3,014,816)(3,397,109) Total Revenues (2,741,580)(399,770)(3,141,350)14.58% Transfers - - Transfer to(from) Cntg Sty Res. - (43,675)(43,675)- % (435,075)5,872 Transfer to(from) Reserve (278,480)144,065 (134,415)(51.73%) (435,075)5,872 Total Transfers (278,480)100,390 (178,090)(36.05%) 4,010,427 4,985,459 Net Expenditures (Revenues)6,165,609 461,370 6,626,979 7.48% 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 2024Corporate Services Department Current Budget Summary 286 Budget vs Actual Net Cost 2019-2023 If actual net cost > budget net cost, the cost centre is in a deficit position. If actual net cost > budget net cost, the cost centre is in a deficit position. $29,029 $21,978 $11,523 $75,318 $61,904 (40,000) (20,000) 0 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 10400 Legal Services $189,124 $165,047 $394,689 $679,136 $429,155 0 100,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 500,000 600,000 700,000 800,000 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 10405 Information Technology 287 Budget vs Actual Net Cost 2019-2023 If actual net cost > budget net cost, the cost centre is in a deficit position. If actual net cost > budget net cost, the cost centre is in a deficit position. $215,509 $128,184 $7,668 $110,222 $200,138 (150,000) (100,000) (50,000) 0 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 10410 Clerks Office $41,940 $5,756 $17,515 $37,940 $81,846 (160,000) (110,000) (60,000) (10,000) 40,000 90,000 140,000 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 10415 Records Management & Elections 288 Budget vs Actual Net Cost 2019-2023 If actual net cost > budget net cost, the cost centre is in a deficit position. If actual net cost < budget net Cost, the cost centre is in a deficit position. $58,658 $63,034 $99,719 $19,191 $17,818 0 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 120,000 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 10420 Print Shop/Mail Room $139,599 $250,917 $47,380 $658,652 $416,798 (420,000) (220,000) (20,000) 180,000 380,000 580,000 780,000 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 10425 By-Law 289 Budget vs Actual Net Cost 2019-2023 If actual net cost > budget net cost, the cost centre is in a deficit position. $15,252 $199,432 $19,869 $63,949 $27,509 (100,000) (50,000) 0 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 10430 Animal Services 290 Expenditures 389,709 436,177 Salaries & Wages 530,744 14,756 545,500 2.78% 1,561 67 Overtime 1,500 - 1,500 - % 98,815 110,194 Employee Benefits 131,441 12,189 143,630 9.27% 336 12 Employee Recognition - - - - % 853 557 Seminars & Education 4,500 500 5,000 11.11% - - Travel 750 - 750 - % 1,499 1,948 Cellular Phones 1,600 - 1,600 - % 1,170 907 Telephone & Data 1,215 85 1,300 7.00% 153 112 Internet 150 - 150 - % 9,255 8,889 Subscriptions & Publications 8,085 1,925 10,010 23.81% 10,556 12,614 Legal Services Expense 12,000 - 12,000 - % 3,530 3,883 Insurance Premium 3,883 582 4,465 14.99% 77,499 220,363 Consulting & Professional Fees 290,000 (126,325)163,675 (43.56%) 442 3,394 Meals, Promotions & General 500 - 500 - % 2,653 2,862 Memberships 6,550 - 6,550 - % 1,808 1,465 Stationary & Office Supplies 1,500 - 1,500 - % 161 - Supplies & Tools - - - - % 691 637 Software & Hardware Mtce. Contracts 635 (25)610 (3.94%) 600,691 804,081 Total Expenditures 995,053 (96,313)898,740 (9.68%) Revenues (205,197)(241,412)Department User Fees (159,000)(109,000)(268,000)68.55% (106) - Other User Fees - - - - % (205,303)(241,412) Total Revenues (159,000)(109,000)(268,000)68.55% Transfers - - Transfer to(from) Cntg Sty Res. - (43,675)(43,675)- % - - Transfer to(from) Reserve (211,480)97,065 (114,415)(45.90%) - - Total Transfers (211,480)53,390 (158,090)(25.25%) 395,388 562,669 Net Expenditures (Revenues)624,573 (151,923)472,650 (24.32%) 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410400 Legal Services Current Budget Summary 291 Expenditures 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages Base Salaries and Wages 545,500 Total 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages 545,500 501010.0000 Overtime To meet service level/workload commitments 1,500 Total 501010.0000 Overtime 1,500 501020.0000 Employee Benefits This item includes mandatory deductions (CPP, EI, EHT) and employer provided benefits such as extended health and dental 143,630 Total 501020.0000 Employee Benefits 143,630 501110.0000 Seminars & Education Topical Seminar - City Solicitor (mandatory Continuing Legal Education (CLE))2,000 Topical Seminar - Associate Solicitor (mandatory CLE)2,000 Topical Seminar - Law Clerk 500 Topical Seminar - Legal Services Assistant 500 Total 501110.0000 Seminars & Education 5,000 501130.0000 Travel Parking & Mileage 750 Total 501130.0000 Travel 750 502020.0000 Cellular Phones Annual Smartphone Charges - Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor 800 Annual Smartphone Charges - Associate Solicitor 800 Total 502020.0000 Cellular Phones 1,600 502030.0000 Telephones & Data Voice / Data 1,300 Total 502030.0000 Telephones & Data 1,300 502040.0000 Internet Internet 150 Total 502040.0000 Internet 150 502120.0000 Subscriptions&Publcs 2024 LexisNexis Quicklaw 5,450 Reference material, journals and reports 4,000 Miscellaneous 560 Total 502120.0000 Subscriptions&Publcs 10,010 502200.0000 Legal Srv Exp Searching titles, registering documents, filing documents and obtaining transcripts. These costs are offset by revenues (Sale of Service Agreements). 12,000 Total 502200.0000 Legal Srv Exp 12,000 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410400 Legal Services Background Information 292 502210.0000 Insurance Premium Annual cost of insurance policy that provides protection for municipal activities and property. (Policy coverage includes: liability, automobile and property) 4,465 Total 502210.0000 Insurance Premium 4,465 502230.0000 Consult&Prof Fees Integrity Commissioner Fees 60,000 Contract Services - Provincial Offences Act (POA) enforcement 45,000 City's legal jurisdiction over Frenchman's Bay (funded from the Continuing Studies Reserve) 43,675 General legal matters (including contract legal services from Durham Region)15,000 Total 502230.0000 Consult&Prof Fees 163,675 502240.0000 Meals/Prom/General General Meetings 500 Total 502240.0000 Meals/Prom/General 500 502250.0000 Memberships General Law Society Memberships - Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor 3,500 General Law Society and Canadian Bar Association Memberships - Associate Solicitor 3,050 Total 502250.0000 Memberships 6,550 502500.0000 Stationery&OfficeSup General Office Supplies 1,500 Total 502500.0000 Stationery&OfficeSup 1,500 502700.0000 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr Maintenance - HRIS 610 Total 502700.0000 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr 610 Total Expenses 898,740 Revenues 403000.9526 Department User Fees - Sale of Services - Agreements Revenues from various legal services (255,000) Revenue recovery from registering documents (5,000) Total 403000.9526 Department User Fees - Sale of Services - Agreements (260,000) 403000.9527 Department User Fees - Other Revenue (Disb Recovery) Chargebacks for registration and search fees paid by the City and billed back to the developers. (8,000) Total 403000.9527 Department User Fees - Other Revenue (Disb Recovery)(8,000) Total Revenues (268,000) Transfers 408009.0000 Trf fr Cntg Stdy Res 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410400 Legal Services Background Information 293 Continuing Studies Reserve funding for the City's legal jurisdiction over Frenchman's Bay (43,675) Total 408009.0000 Trf fr Cntg Stdy Res (43,675) 408019.0000 Trf fr SeatonDev Res Seaton App Fees funding for one position, including benefits - Law Clerk)(114,415) Total 408019.0000 Trf fr SeatonDev Res (114,415) Total Transfers (158,090) Net Expenses (Revenues)472,650 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410400 Legal Services Background Information 294 Expenditures 1,210,632 1,515,553 Salaries & Wages 1,563,013 206,803 1,769,816 13.23% 62,098 79,430 Overtime 70,000 - 70,000 - % 296,645 330,515 Employee Benefits 399,286 107,264 506,550 26.86% - 726 Uniforms 800 - 800 - % 2,347 4,956 Conferences 6,000 - 6,000 - % 30,676 30,265 Seminars & Education 45,400 8,000 53,400 17.62% 12,817 13,469 Corporate Training 18,000 4,000 22,000 22.22% 1,433 2,310 Travel 1,200 400 1,600 33.33% 15 - Freight, Express & Cartage - - - - % 11 - Environmental Charges - - - - % 10,625 10,469 Cellular Phones 10,800 2,500 13,300 23.15% 4,996 5,150 Telephone & Data 5,700 300 6,000 5.26% 610 593 Internet 850 - 850 - % 8,000 48,652 Insurance Premium 48,652 1,319 49,971 2.71% 38,287 124,690 Consulting & Professional Fees 229,500 (65,500)164,000 (28.54%) 348 4,227 Meals, Promotions & General 1,000 200 1,200 20.00% 454 463 Memberships 5,400 (4,500)900 (83.33%) 458 - Outside Agency Services 2,400 - 2,400 - % - - Building - Repairs & Maintenance 15,000 (15,000) - (100.00%) 10 - Vehicle - Repairs & Maintenance - - - - % 16,500 27,707 Misc. Equip. - Repairs & Maintenance 47,300 (5,000)42,300 (10.57%) - (4)Building Rentals - - - - % - 16 Misc. Equip. Rentals - - - - % 147 2,571 Stationary & Office Supplies 3,700 - 3,700 - % - 842 Programs & Event Supplies - - - - % - 174 Supplies & Tools - - - - % 55,393 - COVID Related Expenses - - - - % - 524 Utilities - Water 3,300 - 3,300 - % - 3,601 Utilities - Hydro 12,000 (8,400)3,600 (70.00%) - 946 Utilities - Natural Gas 6,700 (1,520)5,180 (22.69%) 617,133 762,361 Software & Hardware Mtce. Contracts 868,949 194,546 1,063,495 22.39% 50,204 117,012 System & Software Upgrade 146,700 (82,950)63,750 (56.54%) 33,181 67,543 Hardware Replacements 100,400 9,600 110,000 9.56% 22,775 268,273 Misc. Equipment 280,795 (60,795)220,000 (21.65%) - (638)Exchange Rate - Gain or Loss - - - - % 2,475,795 3,422,396 Total Expenditures 3,892,845 291,267 4,184,112 7.48% 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410405 Information Technology Current Budget Summary 295 Revenues (102,415)(277,386)Ontario Grants (251,680)251,680 - (100.00%) (102,415)(277,386) Total Revenues (251,680)251,680 - (100.00%) Transfers - - Transfer to(from) Reserve (67,000)67,000 - (100.00%) - - Total Transfers (67,000)67,000 - (100.00%) 2,373,380 3,145,010 Net Expenditures (Revenues)3,574,165 609,947 4,184,112 17.07% 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410405 Information Technology Current Budget Summary 296 Expenditures 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages Base Salaries and Wages 1,460,376 One new full-time Senior Project Manager, Digital Services position, Jan. 1, 2024 effective date 129,440 One full-time Supervisor, Geomatics position - transfer from 10105 cost centre 101,900 One full-time Senior Geomatics Analyst position - transfer from 10105 cost centre 78,100 Total 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages 1,769,816 501010.0000 Overtime Onsite Support for Council meetings (virtual) and other service level commitments 28,000 After hours support 42,000 Total 501010.0000 Overtime 70,000 501020.0000 Employee Benefits This item includes mandatory deductions (CPP, EI, EHT) and employer provided benefits such as extended health and dental 416,150 Benefits related to one new full-time Senior Project Manager, Digital Services position, Jan. 1, 2024 effective date 36,300 Benefits related to one full-time Supervisor, Geomatics position - transfer from 10105 cost centre 30,000 Benefits related to one full-time Senior Geomatics Analyst position - transfer from 10105 cost centre 24,100 Total 501020.0000 Employee Benefits 506,550 501040.0000 Uniforms As per Collective Agreement, Personal Protective Equipment 800 Total 501040.0000 Uniforms 800 501100.0000 Conferences IT Conferences 6,000 Total 501100.0000 Conferences 6,000 501110.0000 Seminars & Education Information Technology Staff Training 32,000 Geomatics Staff Training 8,000 IT Security Training 12,500 Training & Exam-Related Expenditures 900 Total 501110.0000 Seminars & Education 53,400 501120.0000 Corporate Training Security awareness training for all staff 22,000 Total 501120.0000 Corporate Training 22,000 501130.0000 Travel 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410405 Information Technology Background Information 297 Parking & Mileage 1,600 Total 501130.0000 Travel 1,600 502020.0000 Cellular Phones Annual cell phone and Smartphone charges for staff 11,700 Annual cell phone charges for Geomatics staff - transfer from 10105 cost centre 1,200 Smartphone phone for 1 new staff position 400 Total 502020.0000 Cellular Phones 13,300 502030.0000 Telephones & Data Voice / Data 6,000 Total 502030.0000 Telephones & Data 6,000 502040.0000 Internet Internet 850 Total 502040.0000 Internet 850 502210.0000 Insurance Premium Annual cost of insurance policy that provides protection for municipal activities and property. (Policy coverage includes: liability, automobile and property) 10,120 Cyber Insurance Premiums 39,851 Total 502210.0000 Insurance Premium 49,971 502230.0000 Consult&Prof Fees Corporate Systems Integration Support 23,000 Network & Security Support 49,000 Corporate Software Strategic Plan 57,000 Broadband Consulting 5,000 Annual Security Assessment 30,000 Total 502230.0000 Consult&Prof Fees 164,000 502240.0000 Meals/Prom/General Receptions, Promotions & Meetings 1,200 Total 502240.0000 Meals/Prom/General 1,200 502250.0000 Memberships Municipal Information Systems Association - Division Head, IT 650 AMANDA Central User Group Annual Fee - transfer from 10105 cost centre 250 Total 502250.0000 Memberships 900 502260.0000 Outside Agency Srvc Recording of Meetings within Council Chambers 2,400 Total 502260.0000 Outside Agency Srvc 2,400 502380.0000 Misc Equip Rpr&Mntc General Equipment Repair & General Expenditures 21,400 General Network Cabling and City Growth and Development 13,600 Wireless Communications and Monitoring 2,400 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410405 Information Technology Background Information 298 Web Streaming Hosting (annual)900 UPS and Battery Replacement 4,000 Total 502380.0000 Misc Equip Rpr&Mntc 42,300 502500.0000 Stationery&OfficeSup General Office Supplies 3,200 Ergonomic Devices for Staff 500 Total 502500.0000 Stationery&OfficeSup 3,700 502600.0000 Utilities - Water Administrative space at Fire Hall 5 (relocated IT staff)3,300 Total 502600.0000 Utilities - Water 3,300 502610.0000 Utilities - Gas Administrative space at Fire Hall 5 (relocated IT staff)5,180 Total 502610.0000 Utilities - Gas 5,180 502620.0000 Utilities - Hydro Administrative space at Fire Hall 5 (relocated IT staff)3,600 Total 502620.0000 Utilities - Hydro 3,600 502700.0000 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr Maintenance - MS-Enterprise Agreement. This license agreement allows the City to receive upgrades of the Microsoft licenses. 317,000 Maintenance - Oracle Licenses 95,000 Maintenance - Network Security - FW and SIEM 38,545 Maintenance - IT Help Desk Software 10,000 Maintenance - Virtualization 38,000 Maintenance - Vendor Security Solution (Upguard)12,000 Maintenance - Systems Monitoring 8,000 Maintenance - Liebert - Uninterruptible Power Supply 3,000 Maintenance - APC - Uninterruptible Power Supply 2,890 Maintenance - HP Support for Large Format Printers and Plotters 3,000 Maintenance - Storage Area Network (SAN) - Civic Complex 20,785 Maintenance - Storage Area Network (SAN) - Recreation Complex 24,900 Maintenance - Endpoint and Network Anti-Virus 14,500 Maintenance - Internet Email Spam Prevention 33,780 Maintenance - Annual Assessment View Data Conversion 510 Maintenance - Microsoft Systems Support 6,500 Maintenance - Citrix 45,000 Maintenance - Edge Network Switches 13,500 API Maintenance for Active Net and Arena Displays 6,915 Maintenance - Backup & Replication & Management Suite 46,000 Contract - Internet Security Certificates 3,500 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410405 Information Technology Background Information 299 Contract - Network and Application Security Assessment 26,000 Contract - Managed Services - Network Security 32,500 Maintenance - Datacentre Server and Network Core Hardware 24,900 Contract -Wi-Fi Licensing 1-year Renewal 13,500 Maintenance - Sierra Wireless Cloud Management Platform 2,800 Maintenance - Capital Networks Audience Solution 18,000 Maintenance - Password Management Solution 2,000 Maintenance - AD Manager Software 9,000 Maintenance - Enterprise Patching Solution 31,800 Maintenance - Remote Support Application 6,530 Cloud based Security Filter OpenDNS 36,500 Maintenance - HRIS 1,840 Maintenance - City Surveillance System 6,500 Maintenance - Secure Card Access Server 21,000 Maintenance - Vulnerability scanning software 6,000 Maintenance - Adobe Licensing - Acrobat, Graphics Design, Sign 57,800 Maintenance - Cisco WebEX Meetings 22,000 Maintenance - Secure Transfer Software 1,500 Total 502700.0000 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr 1,063,495 502720.0000 System&Sftwr Upgrade Security Management and Monitoring Upgrades 7,500 Corporate - PC-based Software Upgrades 5,000 Corporate - Project and Change Management System 12,000 Hybrid Meeting Room Software Upgrades 6,000 Graphics Design Upgrades 1,800 Network Access Control Solution 8,750 Oracle Cloud Control Software - Oracle DB Monitoring 4,500 Fleet Management Software Upgrade 18,200 Total 502720.0000 System&Sftwr Upgrade 63,750 502730.0000 Hardware Replacements Network Switch Replacement 40,000 PCs, laptop replacements and upgrades 18,000 Access point hardware upgrades 12,800 Additional phones and licencing for staff 12,000 LED monitor upgrades or replacements 9,600 Cloud Backup Solution 8,800 Replacement firewalls for VPN connectivity for City facilities 4,800 Card access system replacements 4,000 Total 502730.0000 Hardware Replacements 110,000 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410405 Information Technology Background Information 300 502750.0000 Misc. Equipment Cellular / Network Backup for City Facilities 2,500 IT Budget Requests - Community Services 45,500 IT Budget Requests - Operations and Capital Projects 84,000 IT Equipment Requests - City Development 62,000 Additional telecommunications hardware for new fire station 8,000 Computers and peripherals for new employees 18,000 Total 502750.0000 Misc. Equipment 220,000 Total Expenses 4,184,112 Total Revenues - Total Transfers - Net Expenses (Revenues)4,184,112 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410405 Information Technology Background Information 301 Expenditures 397,215 486,652 Salaries & Wages 495,935 63,330 559,265 12.77% 15,031 11,195 Overtime 2,000 8,000 10,000 400.00% 109,416 133,095 Employee Benefits 144,582 18,016 162,598 12.46% 1,496 1,398 Conferences 2,000 - 2,000 - % - 1,220 Seminars & Education 3,000 - 3,000 - % 189 196 Travel 500 - 500 - % 464 1,079 Cellular Phones 1,600 - 1,600 - % 1,749 1,206 Telephone & Data 1,400 800 2,200 57.14% 229 149 Internet 230 - 230 - % 214 172 Subscriptions & Publications 700 - 700 - % 2,600 2,860 Insurance Premium 2,860 430 3,290 15.03% - 4,605 Consulting & Professional Fees 10,000 - 10,000 - % 1,005 140 Meals, Promotions & General 1,000 - 1,000 - % 458 871 Memberships 1,000 - 1,000 - % 2,361 2,007 Stationary & Office Supplies 2,000 - 2,000 - % - 205 Supplies & Tools - - - - % 527 5,683 Software & Hardware Mtce. Contracts 5,695 99,935 105,630 1,754.78% 532,954 652,733 Total Expenditures 674,502 190,511 865,013 28.24% Revenues (62,595)(96,452)Department User Fees (83,000) - (83,000)- % (351,036)(410,789)Licences & Permits (240,000)(35,000)(275,000)14.58% (413,631)(507,241) Total Revenues (323,000)(35,000)(358,000)10.84% Transfers - 5,872 Transfer to(from) Reserve - - - - % - 5,872 Total Transfers - - - - % 119,323 151,364 Net Expenditures (Revenues)351,502 155,511 507,013 44.24% 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410410 Clerks Office Current Budget Summary 302 Expenditures 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages Base Salaries and Wages 559,265 Total 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages 559,265 501010.0000 Overtime To meet service level/workload commitments and Boards and Committees 10,000 Total 501010.0000 Overtime 10,000 501020.0000 Employee Benefits This item includes mandatory deductions (CPP, EI, EHT) and employer provided benefits such as extended health and dental 162,598 Total 501020.0000 Employee Benefits 162,598 501100.0000 Conferences Assoc. of Municipal Mgrs., Clerks & Treasurers (AMCTO) Conference - City Clerk 2,000 Total 501100.0000 Conferences 2,000 501110.0000 Seminars & Education Education for Clerk's staff - Courses through AMCTO 3,000 Total 501110.0000 Seminars & Education 3,000 501130.0000 Travel Misc. Travel 500 Total 501130.0000 Travel 500 502020.0000 Cellular Phones Annual Smartphone Charges - City Clerk and Deputy Clerk 1,600 Total 502020.0000 Cellular Phones 1,600 502030.0000 Telephones & Data Voice / Data 2,200 Total 502030.0000 Telephones & Data 2,200 502040.0000 Internet Data 230 Total 502040.0000 Internet 230 502120.0000 Subscriptions&Publcs Reference material, journals and reports 700 Total 502120.0000 Subscriptions&Publcs 700 502210.0000 Insurance Premium Annual cost of insurance policy that provides protection for municipal activities and property. (Policy coverage includes: liability, automobile and property) 3,290 Total 502210.0000 Insurance Premium 3,290 502230.0000 Consult&Prof Fees Integrity Commissioner - education & training, consulting for Code of Conduct updates and Lobbyist Registry 10,000 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410410 Clerks Office Background Information 303 Total 502230.0000 Consult&Prof Fees 10,000 502240.0000 Meals/Prom/General Refreshments for workshops and meetings 1,000 Total 502240.0000 Meals/Prom/General 1,000 502250.0000 Memberships Assoc. of Municipal Mgrs., Clerks & Treasurers (AMCTO) - City Clerk, Deputy Clerk and Legislative Coordinator 1,000 Total 502250.0000 Memberships 1,000 502500.0000 Stationery&OfficeSup General Office Supplies 2,000 Total 502500.0000 Stationery&OfficeSup 2,000 502700.0000 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr Maintenance - HRIS 630 Lobbyist Registry Software 5,000 Implementation, set-up, and annual maintenance for Meeting Management Software 100,000 Total 502700.0000 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr 105,630 Total Expenses 865,013 Revenues 403000.9500 Department User Fees - Commissioning and Certification Commissioning and Certifications (23,000) Total 403000.9500 Department User Fees - Commissioning and Certification (23,000) 403000.9501 Department User Fees - Burial Permits Burial Permits (22,000) Total 403000.9501 Department User Fees - Burial Permits (22,000) 403000.9502 Department User Fees - Other Revenue - Clerks' Office Marriage Ceremonies, FOI Requests, etc.(38,000) Total 403000.9502 Department User Fees - Other Revenue - Clerks' Office (38,000) 404000.9420 Licences and Permits - Lic.&Prmts-Lotteries Issuance of licences for raffles, bingos, etc.(225,000) Total 404000.9420 Licences and Permits - Lic.&Prmts-Lotteries (225,000) 404000.9460 Licences and Permits - Lic.&Permits-Marriage Issuance of marriage licences (50,000) Total 404000.9460 Licences and Permits - Lic.&Permits-Marriage (50,000) Total Revenues (358,000) Total Transfers - Net Expenses (Revenues)507,013 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410410 Clerks Office Background Information 304 Expenditures 106,844 23,342 Salaries & Wages 74,329 2,256 76,585 3.04% 6,802 - Overtime 2,000 - 2,000 - % 23,417 14,974 Employee Benefits 23,854 1,586 25,440 6.65% - 865 Seminars & Education 1,500 - 1,500 - % - - Travel 500 - 500 - % 74,875 - Postage - - - - % 590 598 Telephone & Data 700 - 700 - % 77 74 Internet 75 - 75 - % 880 968 Insurance Premium 968 147 1,115 15.19% 2,595 - Consulting & Professional Fees 10,000 (8,000)2,000 (80.00%) - 5 Meals, Promotions & General - - - - % - - Memberships - 520 520 - % 32,942 8,281 Outside Agency Services 11,000 4,600 15,600 41.82% 5,631 682 Stationary & Office Supplies 2,000 - 2,000 - % 298,239 45,381 Software & Hardware Mtce. Contracts 50,090 18,500 68,590 36.93% 552,892 95,170 Total Expenditures 177,016 19,609 196,625 11.08% Revenues - - Total Revenues - - - - % Transfers (435,075) - Transfer to(from) Reserve - - - - % (435,075) - Total Transfers - - - - % 117,817 95,170 Net Expenditures (Revenues)177,016 19,609 196,625 11.08% 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410415 Records Management & Elections Current Budget Summary 305 Expenditures 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages Base Salaries and Wages 76,585 Total 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages 76,585 501010.0000 Overtime To meet service level/workload commitments 2,000 Total 501010.0000 Overtime 2,000 501020.0000 Employee Benefits This item includes mandatory deductions (CPP, EI, EHT) and employer provided benefits such as extended health and dental 25,440 Total 501020.0000 Employee Benefits 25,440 501110.0000 Seminars & Education Courses for Records Coordinator and Deputy Clerk 1,250 Assoc. of Municipal Mgrs., Clerks & Treasurers (AMCTO) Zone Meetings for Clerk and Deputy Clerk 250 Total 501110.0000 Seminars & Education 1,500 501130.0000 Travel Parking & Mileage 500 Total 501130.0000 Travel 500 502030.0000 Telephones & Data Voice/Data 700 Total 502030.0000 Telephones & Data 700 502040.0000 Internet Internet 75 Total 502040.0000 Internet 75 502210.0000 Insurance Premium Annual cost of insurance policy that provides protection for municipal activities and property. (Policy coverage includes: liability, automobile and property) 1,115 Total 502210.0000 Insurance Premium 1,115 502230.0000 Consult&Prof Fees Compliance Audit Committee 2,000 Total 502230.0000 Consult&Prof Fees 2,000 502250.0000 Memberships ARMA International - Coordinator, Records & Elections 270 Assoc. of Municipal Mgrs., Clerks & Treasurers (AMCTO) - Coordinator, Records & Elections 250 Total 502250.0000 Memberships 520 502260.0000 Outside Agency Srvc 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410415 Records Management & Elections Background Information 306 DataFix - Maintain and update municipal voter's list for elections 5,600 Outside shredding services for all depts 5,000 MTL - Microimage Technologies - scanning 3,000 Outside services for editing video and/or other file formats to fulfill FOI requests 2,000 Total 502260.0000 Outside Agency Srvc 15,600 502500.0000 Stationery&OfficeSup General Office Supplies 2,000 Total 502500.0000 Stationery&OfficeSup 2,000 502700.0000 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr Maintenance - Laserfiche 55,000 Laserfiche - Cost for additional user licences for new staff 13,500 Maintenance - HRIS 90 Total 502700.0000 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr 68,590 Total Expenses 196,625 Total Revenues - Total Transfers - Net Expenses (Revenues)196,625 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410415 Records Management & Elections Background Information 307 Expenditures 111,140 115,307 Salaries & Wages 115,861 2,170 118,031 1.87% 1,735 376 Overtime 1,000 - 1,000 - % 28,124 30,164 Employee Benefits 29,854 1,123 30,977 3.76% 149,134 160,479 Postage 156,000 - 156,000 - % 4,361 3,198 Freight, Express & Cartage 4,500 - 4,500 - % 590 598 Telephone & Data 700 - 700 - % 77 74 Internet 75 - 75 - % 2,380 2,618 Insurance Premium 2,618 392 3,010 14.97% 34,975 38,531 Outside Agency Services 39,000 1,000 40,000 2.56% 1,338 1,000 Stationary & Office Supplies 1,500 500 2,000 33.33% 202,154 192,063 Supplies & Tools 210,502 14,998 225,500 7.12% 158 139 Software & Hardware Mtce. Contracts 140 1,190 1,330 850.00% 536,166 544,547 Total Expenditures 561,750 21,373 583,123 3.80% Revenues - (615)Other User Fees - - - - % - (615) Total Revenues - - - - % Transfers - - Total Transfers - - - - % 536,166 543,932 Net Expenditures (Revenues)561,750 21,373 583,123 3.80% 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410420 Print Shop/Mail Room Current Budget Summary 308 Expenditures 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages Base Salaries and Wages 118,031 Total 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages 118,031 501010.0000 Overtime To meet service level/workload commitments 1,000 Total 501010.0000 Overtime 1,000 501020.0000 Employee Benefits This item includes mandatory deductions (CPP, EI, EHT) and employer provided benefits such as extended health and dental 30,977 Total 501020.0000 Employee Benefits 30,977 502000.0000 Postage Corporate wide postage costs - including provision for potential price increases 156,000 Total 502000.0000 Postage 156,000 502010.0000 Frght,Exprss&Cartage Cost of Courier Services 4,500 Total 502010.0000 Frght,Exprss&Cartage 4,500 502030.0000 Telephones & Data Voice / Data 700 Total 502030.0000 Telephones & Data 700 502040.0000 Internet Internet 75 Total 502040.0000 Internet 75 502210.0000 Insurance Premium Annual cost of insurance policy that provides protection for municipal activities and property. (Policy coverage includes: liability, automobile and property) 3,010 Total 502210.0000 Insurance Premium 3,010 502260.0000 Outside Agency Srvc The City's daily, scheduled mail delivery and courier service 40,000 Total 502260.0000 Outside Agency Srvc 40,000 502500.0000 Stationery&OfficeSup Stationery 2,000 Total 502500.0000 Stationery&OfficeSup 2,000 502540.0000 Supplies & Tools Supplies and maintenance for all copiers and other related equipment and envelopes for corporate-wide use 225,500 Total 502540.0000 Supplies & Tools 225,500 502700.0000 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr Maintenance - HRIS 130 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410420 Print Shop/Mail Room Background Information 309 Annual Service Contract for FPI 4730 folder machine 1,200 Total 502700.0000 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr 1,330 Total Expenses 583,123 Total Revenues - Total Transfers - Net Expenses (Revenues)583,123 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410420 Print Shop/Mail Room Background Information 310 Expenditures 1,438,311 1,405,153 Salaries & Wages 1,440,640 180,459 1,621,099 12.53% 25,568 27,426 Overtime 15,739 11,511 27,250 73.14% 330,652 339,222 Employee Benefits 369,709 20,725 390,434 5.61% 11,441 12,728 Uniforms 16,600 2,500 19,100 15.06% 6,265 7,257 Seminars & Education 8,000 (1,000)7,000 (12.50%) 10 189 Travel 900 - 900 - % (1) - Environmental Charges - - - - % 6,166 6,346 Cellular Phones 10,760 - 10,760 - % 4,383 3,308 Telephone & Data 3,700 2,400 6,100 64.86% 573 409 Internet 570 - 570 - % 4,920 5,412 Insurance Premium 5,412 813 6,225 15.02% - - Insurance Deductible 2,000 300 2,300 15.00% 237 242 Memberships 1,000 - 1,000 - % 91,966 123,362 Outside Agency Services 86,500 43,900 130,400 50.75% 11,066 14,643 Vehicle - Repairs & Maintenance 10,000 - 10,000 - % 28,289 27,546 Gas, Oil, Tire, Etc.29,160 2,916 32,076 10.00% 2,753 3,011 Stationary & Office Supplies 600 - 600 - % 7,838 6,465 Forms 10,000 - 10,000 - % 744 460 Supplies & Tools 2,000 - 2,000 - % 18,186 28,658 Software & Hardware Mtce. Contracts 29,381 5,049 34,430 17.18% 23,666 26,495 Parking MOT 75,000 - 75,000 - % - 8,917 Financial Services Charges - 8,600 8,600 - % 2,013,033 2,047,249 Total Expenditures 2,117,671 278,173 2,395,844 13.14% Revenues (12,600) - Federal Grants (12,600) - (12,600)- % - (244,332)Department User Fees - (272,200)(272,200)- % (340,745)(43,504)Other User Fees (310,000)260,000 (50,000)(83.87%) (288,001)(365,250)Licences & Permits (205,000)(104,300)(309,300)50.88% (1,515,292)(1,520,890)Fines & Charges (1,300,000)(378,000)(1,678,000)29.08% (2,156,638)(2,173,976) Total Revenues (1,827,600)(494,500)(2,322,100)27.06% Transfers - - Transfer to(from) Reserve - (20,000)(20,000)- % - - Total Transfers - (20,000)(20,000)- % 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410425 By-Law Current Budget Summary 311 (143,605)(126,727) Net Expenditures (Revenues)290,071 (236,327)53,744 (81.47%) 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410425 By-Law Current Budget Summary 312 Expenditures 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages Base Salaries and Wages 1,484,769 One new full-time Parking Control Officer position, Jan. 1, 2024 effective date 68,160 One new part-time By-law Enforcement Officer position, Jan. 1, 2024 effective date 68,170 Total 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages 1,621,099 501010.0000 Overtime City functions, snow clearing ticketing and issues afterhours at businesses 20,000 For Waterfront Enforcement Coverage on Statutory Holidays (276 hours)7,250 Total 501010.0000 Overtime 27,250 501020.0000 Employee Benefits This item includes mandatory deductions (CPP, EI, EHT) and employer provided benefits such as extended health and dental 357,384 Benefits related to one new full-time Parking Control Officer position, Jan. 1, 2024 effective date 20,450 Benefits related to one new part-time By-law Enforcement Officer position, Jan. 1, 2024 effective date 12,600 Total 501020.0000 Employee Benefits 390,434 501040.0000 Uniforms Uniforms (11 full-time staff, 2 part-time staff and 8 SEO)11,600 Vests - three vests at end-of-life to be replaced and one new vest for By-law officer hired due to promotions 7,500 Total 501040.0000 Uniforms 19,100 501110.0000 Seminars & Education Ont. Assoc. of Property Stds. Officers (OAPSO) certification (2 new staff)3,500 OAPSO Regional Conference, IATR 1,500 Annual Officer OC & Baton Certification 2,000 Total 501110.0000 Seminars & Education 7,000 501130.0000 Travel Officers: Parking & Mileage 900 Total 501130.0000 Travel 900 502020.0000 Cellular Phones Annual cell phone charges for staff, data plans for all staff to run new parking ticket application, and replacement of old cell phones 9,760 Annual cell phone charges for new staff - Supervisor, Parking Enforcement and Term staff for dedicated waterfront parking enforcement 1,000 Total 502020.0000 Cellular Phones 10,760 502030.0000 Telephones & Data 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410425 By-Law Background Information 313 Voice / Data 6,100 Total 502030.0000 Telephones & Data 6,100 502040.0000 Internet Internet 570 Total 502040.0000 Internet 570 502210.0000 Insurance Premium Annual cost of insurance policy that provides protection for municipal activities and property. (Policy coverage includes: liability, automobile and property) 6,225 Total 502210.0000 Insurance Premium 6,225 502220.0000 Insurance Deductible Insurance Deductible 2,300 Total 502220.0000 Insurance Deductible 2,300 502250.0000 Memberships Ont. Assoc. of Property Standards Officers (OAPSO) (4 staff), certifications (2 staff), and Municipal Law Enforcement Officers Association Membership 500 International Assoc. of Transportation Regulators (IATR ) membership 500 Total 502250.0000 Memberships 1,000 502260.0000 Outside Agency Srvc Internet-Based GPS/Automated Vehicle Location (AVL) subscription for vehicles 3,500 Use of process servers for info. to be served upon defendants who live outside of Pickering 1,000 Expense for those property owners charged under Clean and Clear By-Laws - offset in Other User Fee Revenue (account 403120)) 50,000 Waterfront Parking communication and signage 5,000 Purchase of parking printers, batteries and charging docks 8,000 Administration and consulting for Short Term Rental Licensing (funded from the Municipal Accommodation Tax Reserve) 20,000 Total 502260.0000 Outside Agency Srvc 87,500 502260.9434 Outside Agency Srvc - Waterfront Parking Permits Administrative processing fees for waterfront parking permits 2,100 Total 502260.9434 Outside Agency Srvc - Waterfront Parking Permits 2,100 502260.9509 Outside Agency Srvc - Waterfront Parking Fees Administrative processing fees for waterfront parking fees 40,800 Total 502260.9509 Outside Agency Srvc - Waterfront Parking Fees 40,800 502370.0000 Vehicle Rpr & Mntc Servicing of Vehicles 10,000 Total 502370.0000 Vehicle Rpr & Mntc 10,000 502375.0000 Gas, Oil, Tires, Etc 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410425 By-Law Background Information 314 Fuel: Unleaded 19,657 litres @ $1.38/litre 27,126 Oil Changes and Tires 4,950 Total 502375.0000 Gas, Oil, Tires, Etc 32,076 502500.0000 Stationery&OfficeSup General Office Supplies 600 Total 502500.0000 Stationery&OfficeSup 600 502510.0000 Forms Purchase of parking ticket rolls and books, taxicab plates 10,000 Total 502510.0000 Forms 10,000 502540.0000 Supplies & Tools Purchase of Extraordinary Items 2,000 Total 502540.0000 Supplies & Tools 2,000 502700.0000 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr Maintenance - Groupe Techna Software 22,000 Maintenance - Identicam - Printer 770 Maintenance - HRIS 1,660 Processing cost for resident waterfront parking permits 10,000 Total 502700.0000 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr 34,430 502800.0000 Parking - MOT Admin. fee for attaching outstanding parking fines to a driver's licence renewal 75,000 Total 502800.0000 Parking - MOT 75,000 503080.9434 Financial Srvc Chrgs - Waterfront Parking Permits Credit card processing fees for waterfront parking permits 400 Total 503080.9434 Financial Srvc Chrgs - Waterfront Parking Permits 400 503080.9509 Financial Srvc Chrgs - Waterfront Parking Fees Credit card processing fees for waterfront parking permits 8,200 Total 503080.9509 Financial Srvc Chrgs - Waterfront Parking Fees 8,200 Total Expenses 2,395,844 Revenues 402500.0000 Federal Grants 2023 Canada Summer Jobs (partial funding for Summer Enforcement Officer Term positions) (12,600) Total 402500.0000 Federal Grants (12,600) 403000.9509 Department User Fees - By-Law Waterfront Parking Fees Revenue from Waterfront Parking Fees (272,200) Total 403000.9509 Department User Fees - By-Law Waterfront Parking Fees (272,200) 403120.0000 Other User Fee Revenue Recovery of cost from Clean and Clear By-Law (50,000) 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410425 By-Law Background Information 315 Total 403120.0000 Other User Fee Revenue (50,000) 404000.9410 Licences and Permits - Business Licences Business licence revenue from home businesses, hawkers & peddlers, wrecking yards, etc. (20,000) Total 404000.9410 Licences and Permits - Business Licences (20,000) 404000.9411 Licences and Permits - Body Rub Licences Licence revenue from operators and attendants (15,500) Total 404000.9411 Licences and Permits - Body Rub Licences (15,500) 404000.9412 Licences and Permits - Sign Permits Revenue from sign permits (28,000) Total 404000.9412 Licences and Permits - Sign Permits (28,000) 404000.9413 Licences and Permits - Tree Cutting Permit Revenue from tree cutting permits (2,500) Total 404000.9413 Licences and Permits - Tree Cutting Permit (2,500) 404000.9430 Licences and Permits - Taxicab Drivers Lic. License revenue from taxi drivers (2,000) Total 404000.9430 Licences and Permits - Taxicab Drivers Lic.(2,000) 404000.9431 Licences and Permits - Plate Owner & Brokerage License revenue from taxi plate owners and taxi brokerages (18,000) Total 404000.9431 Licences and Permits - Plate Owner & Brokerage (18,000) 404000.9432 Licences and Permits - Other Taxicab Fees Revenue from other taxicab & PTC fees (4,000) Total 404000.9432 Licences and Permits - Other Taxicab Fees (4,000) 404000.9433 Licences and Permits - Veh for Hire Lic&Fees Anticipated Uber and LYFT licences and per trip fees (205,000) Total 404000.9433 Licences and Permits - Veh for Hire Lic&Fees (205,000) 404000.9434 Licences and Permits - By-Law Waterfront Parking Permits Revenue from Waterfront Parking Permits (14,300) Total 404000.9434 Licences and Permits - By-Law Waterfront Parking Permits (14,300) 405000.0000 Fines & Charges Parking and other by-law fines from "Plate Denial" Program (1,678,000) Total 405000.0000 Fines & Charges (1,678,000) Total Revenues (2,322,100) Transfers 408042.0000 Trf fr Municipal Accomodation Tax Res MAT Reserve funding for software and consulting for Short Term Rental Licensing (20,000) Total 408042.0000 Trf fr Municipal Accomodation Tax Res (20,000) Total Transfers (20,000) 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410425 By-Law Background Information 316 Net Expenses (Revenues)53,744 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410425 By-Law Background Information 317 Expenditures 457,252 490,293 Salaries & Wages 485,917 22,485 508,402 4.63% 9,602 15,580 Overtime 6,000 - 6,000 - % 98,905 110,186 Employee Benefits 102,182 17,013 119,195 16.65% 2,933 4,405 Uniforms 4,000 1,700 5,700 42.50% 1,894 1,409 Seminars & Education 1,520 1,980 3,500 130.26% 282 319 Travel 350 - 350 - % 1,228 5,715 Cellular Phones 2,900 - 2,900 - % 11,423 11,322 Telephone & Data 11,400 200 11,600 1.75% 191 149 Internet 190 - 190 - % 104 997 Advertising 800 1,500 2,300 187.50% - - Subscriptions & Publications 50 (50) - (100.00%) 2,310 2,541 Insurance Premium 2,541 379 2,920 14.92% 2,664 12,653 Meals, Promotions & General 9,000 (6,000)3,000 (66.67%) 100 - Memberships 650 (200)450 (30.77%) 63,208 60,544 Outside Agency Services 38,900 12,000 50,900 30.85% 23,134 11,683 Building - Repairs & Maintenance 10,358 2 10,360 0.02% 7,887 2,153 Vehicle - Repairs & Maintenance 2,800 - 2,800 - % 8,149 8,995 Gas, Oil, Tire, Etc.9,995 1,000 10,995 10.01% 15,571 15,775 Building Rentals 17,498 282 17,780 1.61% - - Land Rentals 13,600 (13,600) - (100.00%) 829 568 Stationary & Office Supplies 600 - 600 - % - - Programs & Event Supplies - 6,000 6,000 - % 26,657 34,904 Supplies & Tools 23,100 5,500 28,600 23.81% 4,407 5,957 Utilities - Hydro 5,300 800 6,100 15.09% 5,106 5,510 Utilities - Oil 6,500 160 6,660 2.46% 4,196 7,305 Software & Hardware Mtce. Contracts 10,181 (21)10,160 (0.21%) - 1,008 System & Software Upgrade - - - - % - 559 Furniture & Fixtures - - - - % - - Misc. Equipment - 5,000 5,000 - % 755 - Livestock Killed 500 - 500 - % - (10)Exchange Rate - Gain or Loss - - - - % 748,787 810,520 Total Expenditures 766,832 56,130 822,962 7.32% Revenues (4,200) - Federal Grants (6,300) - (6,300)- % (785)(1,608)Ontario Grants (500) - (500)- % 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410430 Animal Services Current Budget Summary 318 - (25,000)Other Agency Grants (30,000)(5,000)(35,000)16.67% (43,673)(57,400)Department User Fees (42,500)(3,000)(45,500)7.06% - (450)Event Vendor Fees - (450)(450)- % (32,289)(30,643)Other User Fees (30,000) - (30,000)- % (45,429)(42,430)Licences & Permits (59,000) - (59,000)- % (4,040)(2,065)Fines & Charges (2,000) - (2,000)- % (4,363)(16,133)Donations - (1,500)(1,500)- % (800)(2,000)Sponsorships (3,000) - (3,000)- % (1,250)(18,750)Marketing Sponsors (7,000)(3,000)(10,000)42.86% (136,829)(196,479) Total Revenues (180,300)(12,950)(193,250)7.18% Transfers - - Total Transfers - - - - % 611,958 614,041 Net Expenditures (Revenues)586,532 43,180 629,712 7.36% 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410430 Animal Services Current Budget Summary 319 Expenditures 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages Base Salaries and Wages 499,927 Additional hours (260) for part-time Animal Shelter Attendant positions (funded by PetSmart Charities Grant) 8,475 Total 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages 508,402 501010.0000 Overtime Overtime - Officer call-ins, no part-time staff response 6,000 Total 501010.0000 Overtime 6,000 501020.0000 Employee Benefits This item includes mandatory deductions (CPP, EI, EHT) and employer provided benefits such as extended health and dental 117,670 Benefits related to additional hours (260) for part-time Animal Shelter Attendant positions (funded by PetSmart Charities Grant) 1,525 Total 501020.0000 Employee Benefits 119,195 501040.0000 Uniforms Officer Uniforms 2,000 Uniforms for Shelter Staff (supervisor, part-time and summer staff)2,000 Ballistic Vest (new staff)1,700 Total 501040.0000 Uniforms 5,700 501110.0000 Seminars & Education Assoc. of Animal Shelters Administrators of Ont. (AASAO) Seminar (3 staff)600 Bite Stick/OC Spray Training (3 staff)600 Other Seminars/Workshops 800 Additional Staff Training - funded by PetSmart Charities Grant 1,500 Total 501110.0000 Seminars & Education 3,500 501130.0000 Travel Parking & Mileage 350 Total 501130.0000 Travel 350 502020.0000 Cellular Phones Annual cellphone charges for staff and Smartphone charges for the Supervisor, Animal Services. 2,900 Total 502020.0000 Cellular Phones 2,900 502030.0000 Telephones & Data Voice / Data 11,600 Total 502030.0000 Telephones & Data 11,600 502040.0000 Internet Internet 190 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410430 Animal Services Background Information 320 Total 502040.0000 Internet 190 502100.0000 Advertising Advertising 600 Increase as a result of new branding guidelines to begin to replace items 200 Additional marketing expenditures including promotion of adoption events, outdoor signage and branding of portable cattery - funded by PetSmart Charities Grant 1,500 Total 502100.0000 Advertising 2,300 502210.0000 Insurance Premium Annual cost of insurance policy that provides protection for municipal activities and property. (Policy coverage includes: liability, automobile and property) 2,920 Total 502210.0000 Insurance Premium 2,920 502240.0000 Meals/Prom/General Library Partnership Programs 2,000 Other Community Events and Promotions 1,000 Total 502240.0000 Meals/Prom/General 3,000 502250.0000 Memberships Association of Animal Shelter Administrators of Ontario 100 Association for Animal Shelter Advancement 350 Total 502250.0000 Memberships 450 502260.0000 Outside Agency Srvc Veterinary costs (surgery/diagnostics)30,000 Additional veterinary costs (exams, spay/neuter surgeries, vaccinations) for - funded by PetSmart Charities Grant 10,000 Post-adoption follow-up resources - funded by PetSmart Charities Grant 2,000 Miscellaneous services (injured wildlife)5,000 Disposal of dead animals (wild and domestic) removed from public areas and roads 2,000 Internet-Based GPS/AVL Subscription for Animal Services vehicles 1,000 Security for Animal Shelter 900 Total 502260.0000 Outside Agency Srvc 50,900 502340.0000 Building Rpr & Mntc Snow Removal at Animal Shelter 3,500 Mat Rentals 700 General Repairs 4,500 Environmental Monitoring (water treatment and testing of well)660 Cleaning Supplies for Facility 1,000 Total 502340.0000 Building Rpr & Mntc 10,360 502370.0000 Vehicle Rpr & Mntc Servicing of Vehicle 2,500 Vehicle Cleaning 300 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410430 Animal Services Background Information 321 Total 502370.0000 Vehicle Rpr & Mntc 2,800 502375.0000 Gas, Oil, Tires, Etc Fuel: Unleaded 8,728 litres @ $1.38/litre 9,741 Oil Changes and Tires 1,254 Total 502375.0000 Gas, Oil, Tires, Etc 10,995 502400.0000 Building Rentals Brougham - Lease Location 17,780 Total 502400.0000 Building Rentals 17,780 502500.0000 Stationery&OfficeSup General office supplies, forms & receipt books 600 Total 502500.0000 Stationery&OfficeSup 600 502520.9030 Program&Event Supps - Petapolooza - Animal Services Petapolooza (partially funded from event sponsorships)6,000 Total 502520.9030 Program&Event Supps - Petapolooza - Animal Services 6,000 502540.0000 Supplies & Tools Purchase of license tags 1,500 Misc. supplies and tools for shelter and enforcement staff 1,500 Total 502540.0000 Supplies & Tools 3,000 502541.0000 Shop Supplies Animal Feed 5,000 Medication 6,100 Microchips 2,500 Litter 1,000 Cleaning supplies specific to shelter operation (laundry soap, disinfectants, etc.)3,000 Other 3,000 Additional Sheltering Supplies (food, litter, microchips, medications etc.) - funded by PetSmart Charities Grant 5,000 Total 502541.0000 Shop Supplies 25,600 502620.0000 Utilities - Hydro Brougham located facility - Budget based on 2023 projected actuals 6,100 Total 502620.0000 Utilities - Hydro 6,100 502630.0000 Utilities - Oil Estimated oil costs for the Brougham facility 6,660 Total 502630.0000 Utilities - Oil 6,660 502700.0000 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr Maintenance - Animal Shelter 2,000 Maintenance - HRIS 560 Maintenance - ShelterBuddy: Monthly Support Cost and Hosting Fees 7,600 Total 502700.0000 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr 10,160 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410430 Animal Services Background Information 322 502750.0000 Misc. Equipment New portable cattery/caging equipment - funded by PetSmart Charities Grant 5,000 Total 502750.0000 Misc. Equipment 5,000 502810.0000 Livestock Killed Cost of livestock destroyed by other animals (offset by grant revenues)500 Total 502810.0000 Livestock Killed 500 Total Expenses 822,962 Revenues 402500.0000 Federal Grants Canada Summer Grants (partial grant for summer students salaries)(6,300) Total 402500.0000 Federal Grants (6,300) 402510.0000 Ontario Grants Reimbursement for livestock claims due to livestock being destroyed by other animals (500) Total 402510.0000 Ontario Grants (500) 403000.9580 Department User Fees - Dog Adoptions Dog Adoptions (10,000) Total 403000.9580 Department User Fees - Dog Adoptions (10,000) 403000.9581 Department User Fees - Cat Adoptions Cat Adoptions (23,000) Total 403000.9581 Department User Fees - Cat Adoptions (23,000) 403000.9582 Department User Fees - Other Adoptions Other Animal Adoptions (1,200) Total 403000.9582 Department User Fees - Other Adoptions (1,200) 403000.9583 Department User Fees - Impound Fees Impound Fees (6,000) Total 403000.9583 Department User Fees - Impound Fees (6,000) 403000.9584 Department User Fees - Owner Surrender Owner Surrender Fees - resident and non resident (3,500) Total 403000.9584 Department User Fees - Owner Surrender (3,500) 403000.9585 Department User Fees - Dead Animal Pickup Dead Animal Pick Up Fee (300) Total 403000.9585 Department User Fees - Dead Animal Pickup (300) 403000.9586 Department User Fees - Request for Zoning Info. Microchip Clinic (1,500) Total 403000.9586 Department User Fees - Request for Zoning Info.(1,500) 403090.9030 Event Vendor Fees - Petapolooza - Animal Services Food Vendors for Petapolooza (450) Total 403090.9030 Event Vendor Fees - Petapolooza - Animal Services (450) 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410430 Animal Services Background Information 323 403120.0000 Other User Fee Revenue Sheltering service fees received from Whitchurch-Stouffville (monthly service fee plus a per-animal charge for animal care) (30,000) Total 403120.0000 Other User Fee Revenue (30,000) 404000.9440 Licences and Permits - Dog Licence Dog Licences (45,000) Total 404000.9440 Licences and Permits - Dog Licence (45,000) 404000.9441 Licences and Permits - Cat Licence Cat Licences (12,000) Total 404000.9441 Licences and Permits - Cat Licence (12,000) 404000.9442 Licences and Permits - Other Licence Other Licences (2,000) Total 404000.9442 Licences and Permits - Other Licence (2,000) 405000.0000 Fines & Charges Fines (2,000) Total 405000.0000 Fines & Charges (2,000) 406500.0000 Donations Public Donations (1,500) Total 406500.0000 Donations (1,500) 406510.0000 Other Agency Grants PetSmart Charities Grant (approved)(35,000) Total 406510.0000 Other Agency Grants (35,000) 406520.0000 Sponsorships Animal Services Sponsorships (No tax)(3,000) Total 406520.0000 Sponsorships (3,000) 406530.0000 Marketing Sponsors Pet Valu Canine Activity Sponsor (Year 3 of 5 year agreement)(5,000) Animal Services Marketing Sponsorships (Taxable)(5,000) Total 406530.0000 Marketing Sponsors (10,000) Total Revenues (193,250) Total Transfers - Net Expenses (Revenues)629,712 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410430 Animal Services Background Information 324 325 326 327 328 329 Expenditures 2,615,290 2,864,200 Salaries & Wages 3,488,302 267,729 3,756,031 7.68% 17,243 11,755 Overtime 15,900 (1,900)14,000 (11.95%) 688,695 754,979 Employee Benefits 948,216 72,665 1,020,881 7.66% 1,316 2,567 Uniforms 3,500 1,030 4,530 29.43% - - Conferences 1,000 (500)500 (50.00%) 1,757 5,060 Seminars & Education 10,960 9,555 20,515 87.18% 14 436 Travel 2,000 (750)1,250 (37.50%) 8,016 12,805 Cellular Phones 14,390 1,370 15,760 9.52% 8,756 9,017 Telephone & Data 10,200 1,300 11,500 12.75% 1,144 1,114 Internet 1,110 - 1,110 - % - - Subscriptions & Publications 1,150 (550)600 (47.83%) 1,860 3,374 Photo, Mapping, Print 4,000 - 4,000 - % 176,700 194,370 Insurance Premium 194,370 29,155 223,525 15.00% 27,078 6,516 Insurance Deductible 32,950 4,945 37,895 15.01% 168,020 172,036 Consulting & Professional Fees 855,291 (134,536)720,755 (15.73%) 6,913 156 Meals, Promotions & General 500 - 500 - % 5,926 7,471 Memberships 10,285 1,295 11,580 12.59% 540,631 535,028 Outside Agency Services 685,300 184,700 870,000 26.95% 18,708 66,775 Repairs & Maintenance Materials 40,000 (10,000)30,000 (25.00%) - - Building - Repairs & Maintenance 3,700 (3,700) - (100.00%) 7,668 7,568 Vehicle - Repairs & Maintenance 10,000 - 10,000 - % 13,677 14,542 Gas, Oil, Tire, Etc.15,000 950 15,950 6.33% 283,223 274,847 Misc. Equip. - Repairs & Maintenance 461,200 - 461,200 - % - - Building Rentals 19,400 (19,400) - (100.00%) - - Misc. Equip. Rentals 200 - 200 - % 2,597 4,818 Stationary & Office Supplies 3,800 400 4,200 10.53% - - Forms 750 (450)300 (60.00%) 61 - Programs & Event Supplies - - - - % 5,239 1,056 Supplies & Tools 8,650 (350)8,300 (4.05%) 453,529 575,037 Utilities - Hydro 475,000 98,200 573,200 20.67% 32,560 28,289 Software & Hardware Mtce. Contracts 60,975 (4,655)56,320 (7.63%) 37,592 44,013 Misc. Equipment 81,500 (31,500)50,000 (38.65%) 5,151 311,100 Other Fixed Assets 510,000 (225,000)285,000 (44.12%) 5,129,364 5,908,929 Total Expenditures 7,969,599 240,003 8,209,602 3.01% Revenues 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 2024Engineering Services Department Current Budget Summary 330 (2,309,277)(3,336,870)Department User Fees (1,210,500)(249,500)(1,460,000)20.61% (108,322)(7,180)Other User Fees (2,000)(2,000)(4,000)100.00% - - Licences & Permits (7,500)7,500 - (100.00%) - - Misc. Revenue (500) - (500)- % (66,950)(423,304)Cost Recoveries (332,540)72,540 (260,000)(21.81%) (2,484,549)(3,767,354) Total Revenues (1,553,040)(171,460)(1,724,500)11.04% Transfers (70,644)(56,460)Transfer to/(from) DC Oblg RF (380,246)51,147 (329,099)(13.45%) 76,889 (84,790)Transfer to(from) Cntg Sty Res.(127,294)50,138 (77,156)(39.39%) - - Transfer to(from) Reserve (179,531)179,531 - (100.00%) - (308,889)Transfer to (from) Oblig RF (450,000)225,000 (225,000)(50.00%) 6,245 (450,139) Total Transfers (1,137,071)505,816 (631,255)(44.48%) 2,651,060 1,691,436 Net Expenditures (Revenues)5,279,488 574,359 5,853,847 10.88% 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 2024Engineering Services Department Current Budget Summary 331 Budget vs Actual Net Cost 2019-2023 If actual net cost > budget net cost, the cost centre is in a deficit position. If actual net cost > budget net cost, the cost centre is in a deficit position. $305,513 $537,857 $736,979 $609,475 $810,872 0 100,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 500,000 600,000 700,000 800,000 900,000 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 10500 Engineering Services - Admin $1,959 $108,473 $129,211 $22,568 $45,151(60,000) (40,000) (20,000) 0 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 120,000 140,000 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 10505 Crossing Guards 332 Budget vs Actual Net Cost 2019-2023 If actual net cost > budget net cost, the cost centre is in a deficit position. If actual net cost > budget net cost, the cost centre is in a deficit position. $1,153,915 $734,107 $1,424,395 $1,733,698 $2,646,383 0 500,000 1,000,000 1,500,000 2,000,000 2,500,000 3,000,000 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 10510 Water Resources & Development Services $28,580 $18,159 $38,685 $107,279 $47,614 0 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 120,000 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 10515 Sidewalks 333 Budget vs Actual Net Cost 2019-2023 If actual net cost > budget net cost, the cost centre is in a deficit position. $233,963 $89,287 $164,811 $323,409 $128,334 0 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 300,000 350,000 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 10520 Streetlights 334 Expenditures 1,430,094 1,555,850 Salaries & Wages 1,865,620 297,826 2,163,446 15.96% 11,764 7,795 Overtime 9,500 - 9,500 - % 388,043 425,718 Employee Benefits 509,105 91,303 600,408 17.93% 665 1,292 Uniforms 2,000 - 2,000 - % - - Conferences 1,000 (500)500 (50.00%) 619 577 Seminars & Education 3,860 3,340 7,200 86.53% 14 17 Travel 750 (250)500 (33.33%) 4,710 7,174 Cellular Phones 6,770 3,050 9,820 45.05% 4,668 5,410 Telephone & Data 6,100 - 6,100 - % 610 668 Internet 610 - 610 - % - - Subscriptions & Publications 500 - 500 - % 1,860 3,374 Photo, Mapping, Print 4,000 - 4,000 - % 9,590 10,549 Insurance Premium 10,549 1,581 12,130 14.99% - - Insurance Deductible 2,000 300 2,300 15.00% 104,773 88,244 Consulting & Professional Fees 390,473 (68,665)321,808 (17.59%) 6,913 131 Meals, Promotions & General 400 - 400 - % 3,780 4,893 Memberships 5,740 350 6,090 6.10% 129,771 119,159 Outside Agency Services 235,800 18,200 254,000 7.72% 1,935 4,628 Vehicle - Repairs & Maintenance 5,000 - 5,000 - % 5,721 5,754 Gas, Oil, Tire, Etc.6,190 619 6,809 10.00% - - Misc. Equip. - Repairs & Maintenance 200 - 200 - % - - Misc. Equip. Rentals 200 - 200 - % 1,683 2,810 Stationary & Office Supplies 2,100 900 3,000 42.86% - - Forms 750 (450)300 (60.00%) 61 - Programs & Event Supplies - - - - % 495 942 Supplies & Tools 150 150 300 100.00% 21,140 19,085 Software & Hardware Mtce. Contracts 45,640 (16,940)28,700 (37.12%) 37,592 44,013 Misc. Equipment 51,500 (1,500)50,000 (2.91%) 2,166,501 2,308,083 Total Expenditures 3,166,507 329,314 3,495,821 10.40% Revenues 200 (7,180)Other User Fees (2,000)(2,000)(4,000)100.00% - (322,235)Cost Recoveries (233,000)(17,000)(250,000)7.30% 200 (329,415) Total Revenues (235,000)(19,000)(254,000)8.09% Transfers 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410500 Engineering Services - Administration Current Budget Summary 335 (67,031)(40,743)Transfer to/(from) DC Oblg RF (168,514)38,637 (129,877)(22.93%) 31,460 (17,263)Transfer to(from) Cntg Sty Res.(31,459)17,028 (14,431)(54.13%) (35,571)(58,006) Total Transfers (199,973)55,665 (144,308)(27.84%) 2,131,130 1,920,662 Net Expenditures (Revenues)2,731,534 365,979 3,097,513 13.40% 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410500 Engineering Services - Administration Current Budget Summary 336 Expenditures 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages Base Salaries and Wages 2,050,546 One new full-time Coordinator, Forestry Management position, Jan. 1, 2024 effective date 112,900 Total 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages 2,163,446 501010.0000 Overtime Design and Construction 7,000 Traffic and Engineering (Special Events and Data Collection)2,000 Streetlight Inspections 500 Total 501010.0000 Overtime 9,500 501020.0000 Employee Benefits This item includes mandatory deductions (CPP, EI, EHT) and employer provided benefits such as extended health and dental 566,528 Benefits related to one new full-time Coordinator, Forestry Management position, Jan. 1, 2024 effective date 33,880 Total 501020.0000 Employee Benefits 600,408 501040.0000 Uniforms As per the Collective Agreement, Personal Protective Equipment 2,000 Total 501040.0000 Uniforms 2,000 501100.0000 Conferences Ont. Assoc. of Landscape Architects Conference - Manager, Landscape & Parks Dev.500 Total 501100.0000 Conferences 500 501110.0000 Seminars & Education Business Related Seminars & Workshops 1,000 Ontario Traffic Council Workshops -Coordinator, Traffic Programs & Operations & Transportation Engineer 1,000 Ontario Traffic Manual - Book 7 Training - Transportation Engineer, Coordinator Traffic Programs & Operations, Coordinator Infrastructure Maintenance Contracts, Technical Assistant, Infrastructure Maintenance Contracts 1,000 AutoDesk infraWorks 2021 - Fundamentals Training Class - Sr. Coordinator, Infrastructure Design 1,400 AutoDesk Civil 3D General Civil Design - Technologist, Design & Construction (2 staff)2,800 Total 501110.0000 Seminars & Education 7,200 501130.0000 Travel Parking & Mileage 500 Total 501130.0000 Travel 500 502020.0000 Cellular Phones 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410500 Engineering Services - Administration Background Information 337 Annual Smartphone Charges - (13 managers and staff)8,220 Smartphone and Tablet Charges - Director, Engineering Services 1,200 Smartphone phone for new position (1 staff)400 Total 502020.0000 Cellular Phones 9,820 502030.0000 Telephones & Data Voice / Data 6,100 Total 502030.0000 Telephones & Data 6,100 502040.0000 Internet Internet 610 Total 502040.0000 Internet 610 502120.0000 Subscriptions&Publcs Reference material, standards, regulations, AutoCAD publications, safety legislations, traffic & transportation publications 500 Total 502120.0000 Subscriptions&Publcs 500 502150.0000 Photo,Mapping,Print Plotting (cartridges), colour printing, oversize scanning 4,000 Total 502150.0000 Photo,Mapping,Print 4,000 502210.0000 Insurance Premium Annual cost of insurance policy that provides protection for municipal activities and property. (Policy coverage includes: liability, automobile and property) 12,130 Total 502210.0000 Insurance Premium 12,130 502220.0000 Insurance Deductible Insurance Deductible 2,300 Total 502220.0000 Insurance Deductible 2,300 502230.0000 Consult&Prof Fees 2024 Road Needs Study (roads condition assessment update)100,000 Pre-Engineering (soils investigations, surveys & utility locates for future capital works projects) 20,000 2024 Bridge and Culvert Structural Inspections / Assessments (biennial)50,000 Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) Count Program 7,500 Total 502230.0000 Consult&Prof Fees 177,500 502230.4630 Consult&Prof Fees - Fund-ContStudies-ENG City Centre Transportation Master Plan - PO#4500000477 (90% funded from Development Charges and 10% funded from Continuing Studies Reserve) 144,308 Total 502230.4630 Consult&Prof Fees - Fund-ContStudies-ENG 144,308 502240.0000 Meals/Prom/General Miscellaneous Meetings / Functions / Promotional Events 400 Total 502240.0000 Meals/Prom/General 400 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410500 Engineering Services - Administration Background Information 338 502250.0000 Memberships Association of Professional Engineers of Ontario - Director, Eng Services, Manager, Transportation & Traffic , Transportation Engineer, Sr. Coordinator, Capital Projects, Manager, Capital Projects & Infrastructure 1,200 Ontario Association of Certified Engineering Technicians & Technologists (5 staff)1,500 Municipal Engineers Association - Director, Engineering Services 160 Ontario Association of Landscape Architects - Manager, Parks & Landscape Development and Coordinator, Parks Development 1,110 Canadian Association of Certified Planning Technicians - Coord., Infrastructure Design 230 Institution of Transportation Engineers - Coord. Traffic Programs & Operations 375 Ontario Traffic Council - City Membership 800 International Society of Arboriculture/Society of Municipal Arborists - Coord., Forestry Management 475 Project Management Institute - Sr. Coordinator, Capital Projects 240 Total 502250.0000 Memberships 6,090 502260.0000 Outside Agency Srvc Cloud based subscription for radar speed signs (10 signs)4,000 Automated Speed Enforcement Camera Services - annual costs to operate three (3) cameras 250,000 Total 502260.0000 Outside Agency Srvc 254,000 502370.0000 Vehicle Rpr & Mntc Repairs to Section's utility vehicles 5,000 Total 502370.0000 Vehicle Rpr & Mntc 5,000 502375.0000 Gas, Oil, Tires, Etc Unleaded Fuel: 3,978 litres @ $1.38/litre 5,489 Oil changes, tires and vehicle washes 1,320 Total 502375.0000 Gas, Oil, Tires, Etc 6,809 502380.0000 Misc Equip Rpr&Mntc Traffic counting classifier and portable speed message boards 200 Total 502380.0000 Misc Equip Rpr&Mntc 200 502410.0000 MiscEquip Rentals Miscellaneous equipment rentals 200 Total 502410.0000 MiscEquip Rentals 200 502500.0000 Stationery&OfficeSup General Office Supplies 3,000 Total 502500.0000 Stationery&OfficeSup 3,000 502510.0000 Forms Miscellaneous forms and door knockers 300 Total 502510.0000 Forms 300 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410500 Engineering Services - Administration Background Information 339 502540.0000 Supplies & Tools Various sundry items such as spray paint, small tools, traffic counter tubes, etc.300 Total 502540.0000 Supplies & Tools 300 502700.0000 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr Maintenance - Traffic Engineering Software (TES) License Upgrade 1,400 Maintenance - HRIS 2,300 Maintenance - AutoCad Licences (10 staff)25,000 Total 502700.0000 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr 28,700 502750.0000 Misc. Equipment Traffic Speed Management Equipment / Signs / Devices 50,000 Total 502750.0000 Misc. Equipment 50,000 Total Expenses 3,495,821 Revenues 403120.0000 Other User Fee Revenue Driveway widening applications (4,000) Total 403120.0000 Other User Fee Revenue (4,000) 406540.0000 Cost Recoveries Funding from Durham Region for Automated Speed Enforcement Program (250,000) Total 406540.0000 Cost Recoveries (250,000) Total Revenues (254,000) Transfers 408009.0000 Trf fr Cntg Stdy Res Continuing Studies Reserve funding (10%) for City Centre Transportation Master Plan (14,431) Total 408009.0000 Trf fr Cntg Stdy Res (14,431) 408603.0000 Trf fr DC Other Services Related to Highway RF DC funding (90%) for City Centre Transportation Master Plan (129,877) Total 408603.0000 Trf fr DC Other Services Related to Highway RF (129,877) Total Transfers (144,308) Net Expenses (Revenues)3,097,513 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410500 Engineering Services - Administration Background Information 340 Expenditures - 72,146 Salaries & Wages - - - - % - 5,062 Employee Benefits - - - - % 2,400 2,640 Insurance Premium 2,640 395 3,035 14.96% - 25 Meals, Promotions & General - - - - % 399,432 399,418 Outside Agency Services 431,500 166,500 598,000 38.59% 401,832 479,291 Total Expenditures 434,140 166,895 601,035 38.44% Revenues - - Total Revenues - - - - % Transfers - - Total Transfers - - - - % 401,832 479,291 Net Expenditures (Revenues)434,140 166,895 601,035 38.44% 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410505 Crossing Guards Current Budget Summary 341 Expenditures 502210.0000 Insurance Premium Annual cost of insurance policy that provides protection for municipal activities and property. (Policy coverage includes: liability, automobile and property) 3,035 Total 502210.0000 Insurance Premium 3,035 502260.0000 Outside Agency Srvc School Crossing Guard Program 598,000 Total 502260.0000 Outside Agency Srvc 598,000 Total Expenses 601,035 Total Revenues - Total Transfers - Net Expenses (Revenues)601,035 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410505 Crossing Guards Background Information 342 Expenditures 1,185,196 1,236,204 Salaries & Wages 1,622,682 (30,097)1,592,585 (1.85%) 5,479 3,960 Overtime 6,400 (1,900)4,500 (29.69%) 300,652 324,199 Employee Benefits 439,111 (18,638)420,473 (4.24%) 651 1,275 Uniforms 1,500 1,030 2,530 68.67% 1,138 4,483 Seminars & Education 7,100 6,215 13,315 87.54% - 419 Travel 1,250 (500)750 (40.00%) 3,306 5,631 Cellular Phones 7,620 (1,680)5,940 (22.05%) 4,088 3,607 Telephone & Data 4,100 1,300 5,400 31.71% 534 446 Internet 500 - 500 - % - - Subscriptions & Publications 650 (550)100 (84.62%) 7,390 8,129 Insurance Premium 8,129 1,221 9,350 15.02% 986 513 Insurance Deductible 1,000 150 1,150 15.00% 60,001 73,820 Consulting & Professional Fees 440,446 (65,870)374,576 (14.96%) - - Meals, Promotions & General 100 - 100 - % 2,146 2,578 Memberships 4,545 945 5,490 20.79% 6,848 50,442 Repairs & Maintenance Materials 20,000 (10,000)10,000 (50.00%) - - Building - Repairs & Maintenance 3,700 (3,700) - (100.00%) 5,733 2,940 Vehicle - Repairs & Maintenance 5,000 - 5,000 - % 7,956 8,788 Gas, Oil, Tire, Etc.8,810 331 9,141 3.76% 1,017 - Misc. Equip. - Repairs & Maintenance 1,000 - 1,000 - % - - Building Rentals 19,400 (19,400) - (100.00%) 914 2,008 Stationary & Office Supplies 1,700 (500)1,200 (29.41%) 4,744 114 Supplies & Tools 8,500 (500)8,000 (5.88%) 11,420 9,204 Software & Hardware Mtce. Contracts 15,335 12,285 27,620 80.11% - - Misc. Equipment 30,000 (30,000) - (100.00%) 1,610,199 1,738,760 Total Expenditures 2,658,578 (159,858)2,498,720 (6.01%) Revenues (2,309,277)(3,336,870)Department User Fees (1,210,500)(249,500)(1,460,000)20.61% - - Licences & Permits (7,500)7,500 - (100.00%) (66,950)(101,069)Cost Recoveries (99,540)89,540 (10,000)(89.95%) (2,376,227)(3,437,939) Total Revenues (1,317,540)(152,460)(1,470,000)11.57% Transfers (3,613)(15,717)Transfer to/(from) DC Oblg RF (211,732)12,510 (199,222)(5.91%) 44,157 (73,175)Transfer to(from) Cntg Sty Res.(91,463)43,109 (48,354)(47.13%) 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410510 Water Resources & Development Services Current Budget Summary 343 - - Transfer to(from) Reserve (179,531)179,531 - (100.00%) 40,544 (88,892) Total Transfers (482,726)235,150 (247,576)(48.71%) (725,484)(1,788,071) Net Expenditures (Revenues)858,312 (77,168)781,144 (8.99%) 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410510 Water Resources & Development Services Current Budget Summary 344 Expenditures 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages Base Salaries and Wages 1,592,585 Total 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages 1,592,585 501010.0000 Overtime Development Review 1,500 Various Inspections 1,500 Water Resources 1,500 Total 501010.0000 Overtime 4,500 501020.0000 Employee Benefits This item includes mandatory deductions (CPP, EI, EHT) and employer provided benefits such as extended health and dental 420,473 Total 501020.0000 Employee Benefits 420,473 501040.0000 Uniforms As per the collective agreement - Personal Protective Equipment 2,530 Total 501040.0000 Uniforms 2,530 501110.0000 Seminars & Education General education assistance and various seminars and workshops 1,000 First Aid/CPR-C Recertification (13 staff)660 Courses related to Certified Inspector of Sediment & Erosion Control (CISEC) and exam fee (3 staff) 2,200 TRCA Source to Stream Annual Conference (14 staff)5,530 Source to Stream Pre-Conference Training (14 staff)3,925 Total 501110.0000 Seminars & Education 13,315 501130.0000 Travel Parking & Mileage 750 Total 501130.0000 Travel 750 502020.0000 Cellular Phones Annual Smartphone Charges (11 staff)5,940 Total 502020.0000 Cellular Phones 5,940 502030.0000 Telephones & Data Voice / Data 5,400 Total 502030.0000 Telephones & Data 5,400 502040.0000 Internet Internet 500 Total 502040.0000 Internet 500 502120.0000 Subscriptions&Publcs Miscellaneous Publications 100 Total 502120.0000 Subscriptions&Publcs 100 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410510 Water Resources & Development Services Background Information 345 502210.0000 Insurance Premium Annual cost of insurance policy that provides protection for municipal activities and property. (Policy coverage includes: liability, automobile and property) 9,350 Total 502210.0000 Insurance Premium 9,350 502220.0000 Insurance Deductible Insurance Deductible 1,150 Total 502220.0000 Insurance Deductible 1,150 502230.0000 Consult&Prof Fees Foundation Drainage Discharge Policy 50,000 Excess Soils Management - Consulting Services for Fill and Topsoil Disturbance By-law Update 50,000 Total 502230.0000 Consult&Prof Fees 100,000 502230.4631 Consult&Prof Fees - Fund-ContStudies-WATR Pickering City Centre Stormwater Management Strategy Update - PO# 190121 (90% DC funded and 10% funded from Continuing Studies Reserve) 216,931 Pine Creek Erosion Assessment Municipal Class EA Study - PO# 4500000591 (13% DC funded and 87% funded from the Continuing Studies Reserve) 30,645 Total 502230.4631 Consult&Prof Fees - Fund-ContStudies-WATR 247,576 502230.4632 Consult&Prof Fees - Fund-Dvlp/Ownrs-WATR Technical Peer Reviews for Development Applications (partially funded from developers/land owners) 27,000 Total 502230.4632 Consult&Prof Fees - Fund-Dvlp/Ownrs-WATR 27,000 502240.0000 Meals/Prom/General Miscellaneous Meetings/Functions/Promotional Events 100 Total 502240.0000 Meals/Prom/General 100 502250.0000 Memberships Ontario Assn. of Certified Engineering Technicians & Technologists - (8 staff)2,360 Certified Inspector of Sediment & Erosion Control - (5 staff)550 Association of Professional Engineers of Ontario, PEO - Div. Head, Water Res. & Dev. Ser., Manager, Water Resources, Senior Water Resources Eng. (2 staff), and Coord. Dev. Approvals (3 staff) 2,100 Project Management Institute - Senior Water Resources Engineer and Project Manager, Development Approvals 480 Total 502250.0000 Memberships 5,490 502315.0000 Rpr&Mntc Materials Curb Cuts, Sidewalk and Curb Repairs 10,000 Total 502315.0000 Rpr&Mntc Materials 10,000 502370.0000 Vehicle Rpr & Mntc 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410510 Water Resources & Development Services Background Information 346 Repairs to Division utility vehicles 5,000 Total 502370.0000 Vehicle Rpr & Mntc 5,000 502375.0000 Gas, Oil, Tires, Etc Fuel - Unleaded 5,508 litres @ $1.38/litre 7,601 Oil changes, tires, and vehicle washes 1,540 Total 502375.0000 Gas, Oil, Tires, Etc 9,141 502380.0000 Misc Equip Rpr&Mntc Repairs and annual maintenance to confined space & survey equipment.1,000 Total 502380.0000 Misc Equip Rpr&Mntc 1,000 502500.0000 Stationery&OfficeSup General Office Supplies 1,200 Total 502500.0000 Stationery&OfficeSup 1,200 502540.0000 Supplies & Tools Confined space entry equipment & various sundry items 8,000 Total 502540.0000 Supplies & Tools 8,000 502700.0000 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr Maintenance - Bluebeam License (Annual)10,000 Maintenance - Visual Otthymo License Annual Upgrade (3)8,250 Maintenance - PCSWMM Professional 2D License Annual Upgrade (3)7,500 Maintenance - HRIS 1,870 Total 502700.0000 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr 27,620 Total Expenses 2,498,720 Revenues 403000.9540 Department User Fees - Engineering Design Review Fees Engineering Design Review fees (500,000) Total 403000.9540 Department User Fees - Engineering Design Review Fees (500,000) 403000.9541 Department User Fees - Dev Inspection Fees - Subdivisions Development Inspection fees for subdivisions (625,000) Total 403000.9541 Department User Fees - Dev Inspection Fees - Subdivisions (625,000) 403000.9542 Department User Fees - Dev Inspection Fees - Site Plan Development Inspection fees for site plans (225,000) Total 403000.9542 Department User Fees - Dev Inspection Fees - Site Plan (225,000) 403000.9543 Department User Fees - Development Inspect Fees-Direct/Monthly Development Inspection fees for monthly and direct billed accounts (2,500) Total 403000.9543 Department User Fees - Development Inspect Fees-Direct/Monthly (2,500) 403000.9544 Department User Fees - Topsoil/Fill Permits Topsoil/Fill Permits (30,000) Total 403000.9544 Department User Fees - Topsoil/Fill Permits (30,000) 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410510 Water Resources & Development Services Background Information 347 403000.9545 Department User Fees - Other Revenue - Engineering Services City's component of fees associated with Ministry of Environment & Climate Change Environmental Compliance Approval for storm sewer installation related to development, and residential lot grading fees (40,000) Total 403000.9545 Department User Fees - Other Revenue - Engineering Services (40,000) 403000.9546 Department User Fees - Pool Enclosure Permits Pool Enclosure Permits (7,500) Total 403000.9546 Department User Fees - Pool Enclosure Permits (7,500) 403000.9547 Department User Fees - Municipal Consent Fees Revenue from Telecommunication and Utility Companies for Municipal Consent & Occupancy of Right of Ways (20,000) Total 403000.9547 Department User Fees - Municipal Consent Fees (20,000) 403000.9548 Department User Fees - Public Works Services Revenue Curb Cuts, Sidewalk and Curb Repairs (10,000) Total 403000.9548 Department User Fees - Public Works Services Revenue (10,000) 406540.0000 Cost Recoveries Partial funding from Developers for Technical Peer Reviews for Development Applications (10,000) Total 406540.0000 Cost Recoveries (10,000) Total Revenues (1,470,000) Transfers 408009.0000 Trf fr Cntg Stdy Res Continuing Studies Reserve funding (10%) for Pickering City Centre SWM Strategy (21,693) Continuing Studies Reserve funding (87%) for Pine Creek EA (26,661) Total 408009.0000 Trf fr Cntg Stdy Res (48,354) 408604.0000 Trf fr DC SWM RF DC funding (90%) for Pickering City Centre Stormwater Management Strategy Update (195,238) DC funding (13%) Pine Creek Erosion Assessment Municipal Class EA Study (3,984) Total 408604.0000 Trf fr DC SWM RF (199,222) Total Transfers (247,576) Net Expenses (Revenues)781,144 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410510 Water Resources & Development Services Background Information 348 Expenditures 150,640 165,704 Insurance Premium 165,704 24,856 190,560 15.00% 26,092 6,003 Insurance Deductible 29,950 4,495 34,445 15.01% 11,860 16,333 Repairs & Maintenance Materials 20,000 - 20,000 - % 5,151 308,889 Other Fixed Assets 470,000 (225,000)245,000 (47.87%) 193,743 496,929 Total Expenditures 685,654 (195,649)490,005 (28.53%) Revenues (105,432) - Other User Fees - - - - % (105,432) - Total Revenues - - - - % Transfers - (308,889)Transfer to (from) Oblig RF (450,000)225,000 (225,000)(50.00%) - (308,889) Total Transfers (450,000)225,000 (225,000)(50.00%) 88,311 188,040 Net Expenditures (Revenues)235,654 29,351 265,005 12.46% 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410515 Sidewalks Current Budget Summary 349 Expenditures 502210.0000 Insurance Premium Annual cost of insurance policy that provides protection for municipal activities and property. (Policy coverage includes: liability, automobile and property) 190,560 Total 502210.0000 Insurance Premium 190,560 502220.0000 Insurance Deductible Insurance Deductible 34,445 Total 502220.0000 Insurance Deductible 34,445 502315.0000 Rpr&Mntc Materials Sidewalk Repair Materials (forms, expansion joint, concrete)20,000 Total 502315.0000 Rpr&Mntc Materials 20,000 502760.0000 Other Fixed Assets Sidewalk Installation - miscellaneous locations (TBD)20,000 2024 Sidewalk Rehabilitation program (funded 100% from CCBF)225,000 Total 502760.0000 Other Fixed Assets 245,000 Total Expenses 490,005 Total Revenues - Transfers 408502.0000 Trf fr CCBF (FGT) Oblg RF Canada Community Building Fund (previously Federal Gas Tax) funding for 2024 sidewalk rehabilitation program. (225,000) Total 408502.0000 Trf fr CCBF (FGT) Oblg RF (225,000) Total Transfers (225,000) Net Expenses (Revenues)265,005 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410515 Sidewalks Background Information 350 Expenditures 6,680 7,348 Insurance Premium 7,348 1,102 8,450 15.00% 3,246 9,972 Consulting & Professional Fees 24,372 (1)24,371 - % 11,428 16,451 Outside Agency Services 18,000 - 18,000 - % 282,206 274,847 Misc. Equip. - Repairs & Maintenance 460,000 - 460,000 - % 453,529 575,037 Utilities - Hydro 475,000 98,200 573,200 20.67% - 2,211 Other Fixed Assets 40,000 - 40,000 - % 757,089 885,866 Total Expenditures 1,024,720 99,301 1,124,021 9.69% Revenues (3,090) - Other User Fees - - - - % - - Misc. Revenue (500) - (500)- % (3,090) - Total Revenues (500) - (500)- % Transfers 1,272 5,648 Transfer to(from) Cntg Sty Res.(4,372)(9,999)(14,371)228.71% 1,272 5,648 Total Transfers (4,372)(9,999)(14,371)228.71% 755,271 891,514 Net Expenditures (Revenues)1,019,848 89,302 1,109,150 8.76% 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410520 Streetlights Current Budget Summary 351 Expenditures 502210.0000 Insurance Premium Annual cost of insurance policy that provides protection for municipal activities and property. (Policy coverage includes: liability, automobile and property) 8,450 Total 502210.0000 Insurance Premium 8,450 502230.0000 Consult&Prof Fees General consulting for streetlighting needs 10,000 Salem Road/Fifth Concession Road Streetlight Design - PO#4500001140 (funded from Continuing Studies Reserve) 8,090 Rodd Avenue Streetlighting Improvements - PO#700700/450000046 (funded from Continuing Studies Reserve) 2,819 Lane Street Streetlight Design - PO#4500000882 (funded from Continuing Studies Reserve) 2,168 Lane Street Pole Certification - PO#4500000156 (funded from Continuing Studies Reserve) 1,294 Total 502230.0000 Consult&Prof Fees 24,371 502260.0000 Outside Agency Srvc Ontario One call fees (legislated requirement)18,000 Total 502260.0000 Outside Agency Srvc 18,000 502380.0000 Misc Equip Rpr&Mntc Monthly repairs on existing streetlights by contractor, including labour, vehicle, material costs for replacements and underground cable repairs, and street light locate requests 395,000 Cracked concrete pole replacement program 65,000 Total 502380.0000 Misc Equip Rpr&Mntc 460,000 502620.0000 Utilities - Hydro Budget based on 2023 projected actuals 573,200 Total 502620.0000 Utilities - Hydro 573,200 502760.0000 Other Fixed Assets Streetlight installations - miscellaneous locations (TBD)40,000 Total 502760.0000 Other Fixed Assets 40,000 Total Expenses 1,124,021 Revenues 406602.0000 Misc. Revenue Misc. Revenue (500) Total 406602.0000 Misc. Revenue (500) Total Revenues (500) 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410520 Streetlights Background Information 352 Transfers 408009.0000 Trf fr Cntg Stdy Res Continuing Studies Reserve funding for Salem Road/Fifth Concession Road Streetlight Design (8,090) Continuing Studies Reserve funding for Rodd Avenue Streetlighting Improvements (2,819) Continuing Studies Reserve funding for Lane Street Pole Certification (1,294) Continuing Studies Reserve funding for Lane Street Streetlight Design (2,168) Total 408009.0000 Trf fr Cntg Stdy Res (14,371) Total Transfers (14,371) Net Expenses (Revenues)1,109,150 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410520 Streetlights Background Information 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 Expenditures 2,744,503 3,246,106 Salaries & Wages 3,371,433 365,772 3,737,205 10.85% 22,396 28,685 Overtime 30,750 - 30,750 - % 708,621 828,720 Employee Benefits 914,439 167,092 1,081,531 18.27% 6,767 6,773 Conferences 10,650 - 10,650 - % 12,287 9,170 Seminars & Education 30,950 7,150 38,100 23.10% - 6 Corporate Training - - - - % 596 1,160 Travel 1,900 - 1,900 - % 112 - Postage - - - - % 1,793 1,849 Cellular Phones 2,400 - 2,400 - % 8,757 10,533 Telephone & Data 11,800 (300)11,500 (2.54%) 1,144 1,301 Internet 1,135 - 1,135 - % 179,651 205,498 Data Processing Services 185,000 15,000 200,000 8.11% 2,623 2,906 Subscriptions & Publications 4,000 - 4,000 - % 27,881 12,089 Brochures/Newsletters Printing 28,000 - 28,000 - % 16,200 17,820 Insurance Premium 17,820 2,675 20,495 15.01% 267,395 302,306 Consulting & Professional Fees 522,280 111,320 633,600 21.31% 2,118 2,400 Meals, Promotions & General 2,000 500 2,500 25.00% 17,064 17,502 Memberships 19,080 620 19,700 3.25% 8,520 8,493 Outside Agency Services 11,600 (2,500)9,100 (21.55%) 1,275 246 Misc. Equip. - Repairs & Maintenance 2,300 - 2,300 - % 13,179 10,443 Stationary & Office Supplies 10,200 - 10,200 - % - 921 Forms 1,500 2,500 4,000 166.67% 7,519 15,000 Programs & Event Supplies 15,000 - 15,000 - % 522,278 663,827 Software & Hardware Mtce. Contracts 545,665 235,875 781,540 43.23% - - System & Software Upgrade 8,600 - 8,600 - % 669 - Hardware Replacements - - - - % (13) - Miscellaneous Expenses - - - - % 119,165 120,947 Financial Services Charges 75,000 45,000 120,000 60.00% 2,863 (141)Exchange Rate - Gain or Loss - - - - % 4,695,363 5,514,560 Total Expenditures 5,823,502 950,704 6,774,206 16.33% Revenues (314,174)(344,797)Department User Fees (281,000)(10,000)(291,000)3.56% (155,213)(162,646)Other User Fees (70,000) - (70,000)- % (3,311,796)(3,779,346)Pen. & Interest - Prop. Taxes (2,890,000)(225,000)(3,115,000)7.79% (2,097,817)(6,474,698)Investment Income (1,025,000)(775,000)(1,800,000)75.61% 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 2024Finance Department Current Budget Summary 360 - - Other Contributions (50,000)50,000 - (100.00%) (5,879,000)(10,761,487) Total Revenues (4,316,000)(960,000)(5,276,000)22.24% Transfers (64,171) - Transfer to/(from) DC Oblg RF - (90,000)(90,000)- % - 34,387 Transfer to(from) Cntg Sty Res.(14,100)7,600 (6,500)(53.90%) (90,128)(61,500)Transfer to(from) Reserve (64,350)(154,650)(219,000)240.33% (10,949)(71,019)Transfer to (from) Oblig RF (156,200)(39,900)(196,100)25.54% (165,248)(98,132) Total Transfers (234,650)(276,950)(511,600)118.03% (1,348,885)(5,345,059) Net Expenditures (Revenues)1,272,852 (286,246)986,606 (22.49%) 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 2024Finance Department Current Budget Summary 361 Budget vs Actual Net Cost 2019-2023 If actual net cost > budget net cost, the cost centre is in a deficit position. If actual net cost > budget net cost, the cost centre is in a deficit position. In 2023, investment income significantly exceeded expectations, resulting in a large surplus. $2,053,004 $811,012 $452,841 $2,537,494 $6,573,443 0 1,000,000 2,000,000 3,000,000 4,000,000 5,000,000 6,000,000 7,000,000 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 10600 Finance $64,777 $8,247 $22,365 $105,914 $44,468 0 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 120,000 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 10605 Supply & Services 362 Expenditures 2,464,248 2,764,622 Salaries & Wages 2,862,964 331,259 3,194,223 11.57% 19,229 28,685 Overtime 25,750 - 25,750 - % 632,471 705,280 Employee Benefits 784,702 135,962 920,664 17.33% 5,851 4,505 Conferences 8,250 - 8,250 - % 10,957 6,508 Seminars & Education 22,250 7,150 29,400 32.13% 596 767 Travel 1,000 - 1,000 - % 112 - Postage - - - - % 1,529 1,515 Cellular Phones 2,100 - 2,100 - % 7,587 9,028 Telephone & Data 10,100 (500)9,600 (4.95%) 991 1,115 Internet 985 - 985 - % 179,651 205,498 Data Processing Services 185,000 15,000 200,000 8.11% 2,623 2,906 Subscriptions & Publications 4,000 - 4,000 - % 27,881 12,089 Brochures/Newsletters Printing 28,000 - 28,000 - % 14,280 15,708 Insurance Premium 15,708 2,357 18,065 15.01% 267,395 259,109 Consulting & Professional Fees 479,280 152,320 631,600 31.78% 2,118 2,400 Meals, Promotions & General 1,600 500 2,100 31.25% 16,312 15,770 Memberships 17,295 620 17,915 3.58% 6,928 7,069 Outside Agency Services 10,000 (2,500)7,500 (25.00%) 1,275 246 Misc. Equip. - Repairs & Maintenance 2,300 - 2,300 - % 9,696 9,419 Stationary & Office Supplies 9,200 - 9,200 - % - 921 Forms 1,500 2,500 4,000 166.67% 7,519 15,000 Programs & Event Supplies 15,000 - 15,000 - % 520,762 662,199 Software & Hardware Mtce. Contracts 545,055 234,875 779,930 43.09% - - System & Software Upgrade 8,600 - 8,600 - % 669 - Hardware Replacements - - - - % (13) - Miscellaneous Expenses - - - - % 119,165 120,947 Financial Services Charges 75,000 45,000 120,000 60.00% 2,863 (141)Exchange Rate - Gain or Loss - - - - % 4,322,695 4,851,165 Total Expenditures 5,115,639 924,543 6,040,182 18.07% Revenues (314,174)(344,797)Department User Fees (281,000)(10,000)(291,000)3.56% (155,213)(162,646)Other User Fees (70,000) - (70,000)- % (3,311,796)(3,779,346)Pen. & Interest - Prop. Taxes (2,890,000)(225,000)(3,115,000)7.79% (2,097,817)(6,474,698)Investment Income (1,025,000)(775,000)(1,800,000)75.61% - - Other Contributions (50,000)50,000 - (100.00%) 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410600 Finance Current Budget Summary 363 (5,879,000)(10,761,487) Total Revenues (4,316,000)(960,000)(5,276,000)22.24% Transfers (64,171) - Transfer to/(from) DC Oblg RF - (90,000)(90,000)- % - 34,387 Transfer to(from) Cntg Sty Res.(14,100)7,600 (6,500)(53.90%) (90,128)(61,500)Transfer to(from) Reserve (64,350)(154,650)(219,000)240.33% (10,949)(71,019)Transfer to (from) Oblig RF (156,200)(39,900)(196,100)25.54% (165,248)(98,132) Total Transfers (234,650)(276,950)(511,600)118.03% (1,721,553)(6,008,454) Net Expenditures (Revenues)564,989 (312,407)252,582 (55.29%) 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410600 Finance Current Budget Summary 364 Expenditures 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages Base Salaries and Wages 3,128,823 Workplace Accommodation 65,400 Total 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages 3,194,223 501010.0000 Overtime Year End Processing 4,000 Payroll 2,750 Budgets 4,750 Tax Due Dates 4,250 Ongoing SAP Financial System Support 10,000 Total 501010.0000 Overtime 25,750 501020.0000 Employee Benefits This item includes mandatory deductions (CPP, EI, EHT) and employer provided benefits such as extended health and dental 898,814 Employee benefits related to workplace accommodation 21,850 Total 501020.0000 Employee Benefits 920,664 501100.0000 Conferences Municipal Finance Officers' Association -Treasurer and Division Head, Finance 3,000 Society of Public Insurance Administrators of Ontario (SPIAO) Spring Conference - Treasurer and Division Head, Finance 500 Property Tax Conference (Spring & Fall) - Assessors & Compliance -Supervisor & Tax Analyst 1,250 CityWide User Group Conference - Registration and accommodation (2 staff)2,500 Other Conferences 1,000 Total 501100.0000 Conferences 8,250 501110.0000 Seminars & Education Professional Development Course Requirements for Finance, Budget & Accounting staff (8 staff) 4,700 Property Tax Courses - Tax staff 1,700 Public Sector Virtual Conference (1 staff)1,200 Payroll PD Courses (3 staff)1,500 Citywide Workshop - Senior Financial Analyst, TCA 300 Financial System (SAP) Finance staff training 20,000 Total 501110.0000 Seminars & Education 29,400 501130.0000 Travel Parking & Mileage 1,000 Total 501130.0000 Travel 1,000 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410600 Finance Background Information 365 502020.0000 Cellular Phones Annual Smartphone Charges - Director, Finance & Treasurer, Division Head, Finance and ERP Project Manager 2,100 Total 502020.0000 Cellular Phones 2,100 502030.0000 Telephones & Data Voice / Data 9,600 Total 502030.0000 Telephones & Data 9,600 502040.0000 Internet Internet 985 Total 502040.0000 Internet 985 502070.0000 Data Processing Srvc Processing fees for City's payroll 200,000 Total 502070.0000 Data Processing Srvc 200,000 502120.0000 Subscriptions&Publcs Reference materials, journals and reports 4,000 Total 502120.0000 Subscriptions&Publcs 4,000 502130.0000 Brchrs/NewsLtr-Print Printing costs for tax bills 28,000 Total 502130.0000 Brchrs/NewsLtr-Print 28,000 502210.0000 Insurance Premium Annual cost of insurance policy that provides protection for municipal activities and property (policy coverage includes: liability, automobile and property) 18,065 Total 502210.0000 Insurance Premium 18,065 502230.0000 Consult&Prof Fees Audit & Professional Services (City, Public Sector Accounting Board)100,000 Property tax legislation changes, capping, preparation & review of tax rates and various property tax issues and assessment appeals 12,500 Consulting services to support TXM system 10,000 Review and Revise Investment Policy 11,000 Municipal BMA Consulting Study 5,500 FMW (Budget software) Refresh - PO# 4500000611 - funded from the Continuing Studies Reserve 6,500 Asset Management Planning (AMP) - completion of the Data Governance Policy and Procedures - PO#4500000757 - funded from CCBF 11,200 Continuing Asset Management Training and Support to advance the action plan deliverables (estimated 80 hours) - funded from CCBF 16,300 Proposed Level of Service Frameworks with Optimization Scenarios and Citizen Engagement sessions (Phase 1) - funded from CCBF 50,500 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410600 Finance Background Information 366 Financial Impact Study on impacts of North East Pickering development. (Council Resolution #37/23) 50,000 Proposed Level of Service Frameworks with optimization scenarios and citizen engagement sessions (Phase 2) - funded from CCBF 34,500 Asset Management Plan (Phase 3) - funded from CCBF 75,000 Additional on-site meetings and related travel expenses related to consultants working on Asset Management Plan project 3,600 Asset Retirement Obligations accounting standard implementation (Phase 2 & 3)100,000 Property Assessment Data Review and Analytic Services - funded from Assessment Appeals Reserve 45,000 Consulting services related to taxation of Payment In Lieu of Taxes (PIL) properties 10,000 Development Charge Study / Amendment 90,000 Total 502230.0000 Consult&Prof Fees 631,600 502240.0000 Meals/Prom/General Receptions & Promotions 2,100 Total 502240.0000 Meals/Prom/General 2,100 502250.0000 Memberships Chartered Professional Accountants of Ont. - Corporate (10 staff)10,250 Americas SAP User Group Dept., Membership 3,000 Assoc. of Mun. Managers, Clerks & Treasurers - Acct. Mgr., Senior Fin. Analyst, & Taxation Supervisor 1,000 Municipal Financial Officers Assoc. - Corporate (8 staff)1,650 Ont. Mun. Tax & Rev. Assoc. - Tax Supervisor & Tax Analyst 620 Canadian Payroll Assoc. - Payroll Supervisor, Payroll Admin., Mgr., Accounting Services and Senior Financial Analyst 875 Insurance and Risk Management Associations - Division Head, Finance and Director, Finance & Treasurer 300 Ont. Public Buyers Assoc. (OPBA) - (1 staff)220 Total 502250.0000 Memberships 17,915 502260.0000 Outside Agency Srvc Armoured car services for daily pick-up of bank deposits (Civic Complex & Recreation Complex). 7,500 Total 502260.0000 Outside Agency Srvc 7,500 502380.0000 Misc Equip Rpr&Mntc Service contract for cheque signer and perforator 800 Service contract for cash handling machines 1,500 Total 502380.0000 Misc Equip Rpr&Mntc 2,300 502500.0000 Stationery&OfficeSup 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410600 Finance Background Information 367 General Office Supplies 8,200 Budget Document Supplies 1,000 Total 502500.0000 Stationery&OfficeSup 9,200 502510.0000 Forms Cash Receipt Forms 1,500 Pre-Printed Cheques 2,500 Total 502510.0000 Forms 4,000 502520.9740 Program&Event Supps - Garbage Tags Garbage Bag Purchases (approx. 6,000 tags purchased each year at $2.50 a tag - expense is offset by revenue from the program) 15,000 Total 502520.9740 Program&Event Supps - Garbage Tags 15,000 502700.0000 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr Maintenance - FMW Web Budget Software & Salary Planning Module 16,500 Contract - Reamined - Assessment Data Conversion 800 Contract - MPAC - Property Information 350 Maintenance - TXM system maintenance fees for tax system 73,000 Maintenance - CityWide Asset Manager 9,500 Maintenance - CityWide GIS 2,000 Maintenance - CityWide Decision Support 5,400 Maintenance - CityWide CPA (PO #160247)1,300 Maintenance - HRIS 3,580 Maintenance - CORE (Point of Sale)134,500 SAP Financials Hosting and Template Maintenance Fees (including Cloud Connector)259,000 SAP Annual Software Licences Fees (partially funded from Financial Systems Reserve) 274,000 Total 502700.0000 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr 779,930 502720.0000 System&Sftwr Upgrade CityWide Decision Support Module (PO# 4500000814) - funded from CCBF 8,600 Total 502720.0000 System&Sftwr Upgrade 8,600 503080.0000 Financial Srvc Chrgs Property Tax Processing (Royal Bank)13,100 Debit & Credit Card Charges (All banks)32,100 Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) charges for pre-authorized payment plans and direct deposit to City vendor's bank accounts. 17,200 U.S. Acct. Fees & Other 100 Parking Tickets Electronic Payment 12,500 Other Processing Fees and Charges 45,000 Total 503080.0000 Financial Srvc Chrgs 120,000 Total Expenses 6,040,182 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410600 Finance Background Information 368 Revenues 403000.9510 Department User Fees - Regular Tax Certificates Tax Certificates (22,000) Total 403000.9510 Department User Fees - Regular Tax Certificates (22,000) 403000.9511 Department User Fees - Rush Tax Certificates Rush Tax Certificates (24 hr. turnaround)(30,000) Total 403000.9511 Department User Fees - Rush Tax Certificates (30,000) 403000.9512 Department User Fees - Duplicate Tax Receipts/Bills/Statements Duplicate tax receipts/reprint of tax bills/statement of accounts (6,000) Total 403000.9512 Department User Fees - Duplicate Tax Receipts/Bills/Statements (6,000) 403000.9513 Department User Fees - Returned Payment Fee (NSF/Dishonoured) Electronic Payment Correction (9,000) Total 403000.9513 Department User Fees - Returned Payment Fee (NSF/Dishonoured)(9,000) 403000.9514 Department User Fees - Change in Ownership Fee Ownership Change Fee (59,000) Total 403000.9514 Department User Fees - Change in Ownership Fee (59,000) 403000.9515 Department User Fees - Mortgage Company Billing Fee Tax billing for mortgage companies (84,000) Total 403000.9515 Department User Fees - Mortgage Company Billing Fee (84,000) 403000.9516 Department User Fees - Other Revenue - Finance Other fees (Application fees for Sect. 357 & 358 property tax refunds, recovery of costs for tax collection and tax registration letters, roll # set-up fees, registration of farm debt notices, etc.) (6,000) Total 403000.9516 Department User Fees - Other Revenue - Finance (6,000) 403000.9517 Department User Fees - Arrears Notice Fee Property tax arrears reminder notices fees (75,000) Total 403000.9517 Department User Fees - Arrears Notice Fee (75,000) 403120.0000 Other User Fee Revenue Internal management fee for investment portfolio (55,000) Total 403120.0000 Other User Fee Revenue (55,000) 403120.9740 Other User Fee Revenue - Garbage Tags Garbage Bag Tag Sales (15,000) Total 403120.9740 Other User Fee Revenue - Garbage Tags (15,000) 405500.0000 Pen. & Interest - Taxes The City charges 15% per annum for unpaid property taxes (3,115,000) Total 405500.0000 Pen. & Interest - Taxes (3,115,000) 406000.0000 Investment Income Investment income is based on prior year estimated actuals (1,800,000) 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410600 Finance Background Information 369 Total 406000.0000 Investment Income (1,800,000) Total Revenues (5,276,000) Transfers 408002.0000 Trf fr Asses. Appeals Res Assessment Appeal Reserve funding for Property Assessment Data Review and Analytic Services (45,000) Total 408002.0000 Trf fr Asses. Appeals Res (45,000) 408009.0000 Trf fr Cntg Stdy Res Continuing Studies Reserve funding for FMW (Budget Software) Refresh (6,500) Total 408009.0000 Trf fr Cntg Stdy Res (6,500) 408020.0000 Trf fr FI System Res Financial Systems Reserve partial funding for SAP Annual Software Licences Fees (174,000) Total 408020.0000 Trf fr FI System Res (174,000) 408502.0000 Trf fr CCBF (FGT) Oblg RF Canada Community Building Fund funding for Asset Management Planning (AMP) Data Governance Policy and Procedures (11,200) Canada Community Building Fund funding for Proposed Level of Service Frameworks (50,500) Canada Community Building Fund funding for CityWide Decision Support Module (8,600) Canada Community Building Fund funding for continuing Asset Management Training and Support (16,300) Canada Community Building Fund funding for Proposed Level of Service Frameworks (Phase 2) (34,500) Canada Community Building Fund funding for Proposed Level of Service Frameworks (Phase 3) (75,000) Total 408502.0000 Trf fr CCBF (FGT) Oblg RF (196,100) 408605.0000 Trf fr DC Studies RF Development Charge Reserve Fund funding for Development Charge Study / Amendment (90,000) Total 408605.0000 Trf fr DC Studies RF (90,000) Total Transfers (511,600) Net Expenses (Revenues)252,582 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410600 Finance Background Information 370 Expenditures 280,255 481,484 Salaries & Wages 508,469 34,513 542,982 6.79% 3,167 - Overtime 5,000 - 5,000 - % 76,150 123,440 Employee Benefits 129,737 31,130 160,867 23.99% 916 2,268 Conferences 2,400 - 2,400 - % 1,330 2,662 Seminars & Education 8,700 - 8,700 - % - 6 Corporate Training - - - - % - 393 Travel 900 - 900 - % 264 334 Cellular Phones 300 - 300 - % 1,170 1,505 Telephone & Data 1,700 200 1,900 11.76% 153 186 Internet 150 - 150 - % 1,920 2,112 Insurance Premium 2,112 318 2,430 15.06% - 43,197 Consulting & Professional Fees 43,000 (41,000)2,000 (95.35%) - - Meals, Promotions & General 400 - 400 - % 752 1,732 Memberships 1,785 - 1,785 - % 1,592 1,424 Outside Agency Services 1,600 - 1,600 - % 3,483 1,024 Stationary & Office Supplies 1,000 - 1,000 - % 1,516 1,628 Software & Hardware Mtce. Contracts 610 1,000 1,610 163.93% 372,668 663,395 Total Expenditures 707,863 26,161 734,024 3.70% Revenues - - Total Revenues - - - - % Transfers - - Total Transfers - - - - % 372,668 663,395 Net Expenditures (Revenues)707,863 26,161 734,024 3.70% 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410605 Supply & Services Current Budget Summary 371 Expenditures 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages Base Salaries and Wages 464,482 One new full-time Purchasing Contract Specialist position, Jan. 1, 2024 effective date 78,500 Total 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages 542,982 501010.0000 Overtime To meet service level/workload commitments and support implementation of new financial system. 5,000 Total 501010.0000 Overtime 5,000 501020.0000 Employee Benefits This item includes mandatory deductions (CPP, EI, EHT) and employer provided benefits such as extended health and dental 137,367 Benefits related to one new full-time Purchasing Contract Specialist position, Jan. 1, 2024 effective date 23,500 Total 501020.0000 Employee Benefits 160,867 501100.0000 Conferences Ontario Public Buyers Association (OPBA)1,600 Supply Chain Management Association (SCMA)800 Total 501100.0000 Conferences 2,400 501110.0000 Seminars & Education OPBA/SCMA Seminars - Buyers (2 staff)1,800 The Procurement Office - Governance and Project Execution Certificate - Manager, Procurement 1,500 OPBA Seminars - Manager, Procurement 900 OPBA/SCMA Seminars - Senior Procurement Analyst 900 OPBA Seminars - Junior Buyer 900 Financial System (SAP) staff training 2,700 Total 501110.0000 Seminars & Education 8,700 501130.0000 Travel Parking & Mileage 900 Total 501130.0000 Travel 900 502020.0000 Cellular Phones Annual Smartphone Charges - Manager, Procurement 300 Total 502020.0000 Cellular Phones 300 502030.0000 Telephones & Data Voice / Data 1,900 Total 502030.0000 Telephones & Data 1,900 502040.0000 Internet 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410605 Supply & Services Background Information 372 Internet 150 Total 502040.0000 Internet 150 502210.0000 Insurance Premium Annual cost of insurance policy that provides protection for municipal activities and property. (Policy coverage includes: liability, automobile and property) 2,430 Total 502210.0000 Insurance Premium 2,430 502230.0000 Consult&Prof Fees Consulting services to upgrade bid templates 2,000 Total 502230.0000 Consult&Prof Fees 2,000 502240.0000 Meals/Prom/General Hosting a Durham Region Co-op Meeting and an OPBA Conference 400 Total 502240.0000 Meals/Prom/General 400 502250.0000 Memberships OPBA - Manager 160 National Institute of Governmental Purchasing, Inc. (NIGP) - Manager 560 OPBA/SCMA - Senior Procurement Analyst 460 OPBA - Buyers (3 staff)475 NIGP - Buyer 130 Total 502250.0000 Memberships 1,785 502260.0000 Outside Agency Srvc Access Copyright Fee (add digital copies)1,600 Total 502260.0000 Outside Agency Srvc 1,600 502500.0000 Stationery&OfficeSup General Office Supplies 1,000 Total 502500.0000 Stationery&OfficeSup 1,000 502700.0000 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr Bids&Tenders Single Sign-On License 1,000 Maintenance - HRIS 610 Total 502700.0000 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr 1,610 Total Expenses 734,024 Total Revenues - Total Transfers - Net Expenses (Revenues)734,024 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410605 Supply & Services Background Information 373 374 Expenditures 12,944,864 14,014,440 Salaries & Wages 13,986,439 914,912 14,901,351 6.54% 252,545 770,271 Overtime 250,000 150,000 400,000 60.00% 3,597,288 3,882,464 Employee Benefits 3,766,030 422,850 4,188,880 11.23% 177,243 223,045 Uniforms 220,000 52,600 272,600 23.91% 4,055 5,762 Conferences 6,500 - 6,500 - % 122,317 123,727 Seminars & Education 154,000 (11,500)142,500 (7.47%) 675 609 Travel 1,000 - 1,000 - % 102 11 Freight, Express & Cartage - - - - % 57 - Environmental Charges - - - - % 17,952 18,938 Cellular Phones 16,300 1,600 17,900 9.82% 62,382 73,536 Telephone & Data 61,400 700 62,100 1.14% 1,156 1,077 Internet 1,160 - 1,160 - % 2,482 1,692 Cable TV 2,505 - 2,505 - % 1,059,383 1,169,382 Dispatch Comunications 1,107,240 (280,160)827,080 (25.30%) - 833 Advertising 1,000 - 1,000 - % - (11)Subscriptions & Publications 2,000 - 2,000 - % - 130 Brochures/Newsletters Printing - - - - % - - Photo, Mapping, Print 1,000 - 1,000 - % 95,925 89,898 Insurance Premium 89,898 (1,978)87,920 (2.20%) - 710 Insurance Deductible 2,000 300 2,300 15.00% 6,830 49,988 Consulting & Professional Fees 190,000 (105,954)84,046 (55.77%) 1,927 3,644 Meals, Promotions & General 4,250 4,500 8,750 105.88% 2,417 4,610 Memberships 6,450 (2,000)4,450 (31.01%) 750 995 Outside Agency Services 1,000 - 1,000 - % - 608 Highway Aids - Repairs & Maintenance - - - - % 192,432 255,209 Building - Repairs & Maintenance 146,200 21,200 167,400 14.50% - 678 Tree Maintenance - - - - % 201,335 246,344 Vehicle - Repairs & Maintenance 165,600 300 165,900 0.18% 135,546 155,193 Gas, Oil, Tire, Etc.133,700 13,370 147,070 10.00% 53,525 109,459 Misc. Equip. - Repairs & Maintenance 88,500 6,570 95,070 7.42% 6,375 6,894 Stationary & Office Supplies 6,000 - 6,000 - % - - Forms 1,500 - 1,500 - % 6,847 19,804 Programs & Event Supplies 21,000 3,400 24,400 16.19% 108,568 110,782 Supplies & Tools 95,000 14,000 109,000 14.74% 12,812 17,650 Utilities - Water 18,850 470 19,320 2.49% 50,727 75,677 Utilities - Hydro 67,710 27,290 95,000 40.30% 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 2024Fire Services Department Current Budget Summary 375 27,183 35,094 Utilities - Natural Gas 37,535 2,865 40,400 7.63% 17,899 16,786 Software & Hardware Mtce. Contracts 16,795 (425)16,370 (2.53%) 2,834 13,435 System & Software Upgrade 8,500 200 8,700 2.35% 7,968 - Hardware Replacements - - - - % 9,238 22,820 Furniture & Fixtures 23,000 (22,000)1,000 (95.65%) 8,885 27,752 Misc. Equipment 28,500 (9,900)18,600 (34.74%) - (256)Exchange Rate - Gain or Loss - - - - % 19,192,524 21,549,680 Total Expenditures 20,728,562 1,203,210 21,931,772 5.80% Revenues - - Ontario Grants - (10,000)(10,000)- % (146,318)(146,917)Department User Fees (100,000) - (100,000)- % (5,432) - Other User Fees - - - - % - - Sponsorships (500) - (500)- % - - Marketing Sponsors (500) - (500)- % - - Other Contributions (30,000)30,000 - (100.00%) (250,000)(250,881)Cost Recoveries (250,000) - (250,000)- % (401,750)(397,798) Total Revenues (381,000)20,000 (361,000)(5.25%) Transfers - (30,751)Transfer to/(from) DC Oblg RF (112,500)3,366 (109,134)(2.99%) - 15,893 Transfer to(from) Cntg Sty Res. - (18,512)(18,512)- % - (14,858) Total Transfers (112,500)(15,146)(127,646)13.46% 18,790,774 21,137,024 Net Expenditures (Revenues)20,235,062 1,208,064 21,443,126 5.97% 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 2024Fire Services Department Current Budget Summary 376 Budget vs Actual Net Cost 2019-2023 If actual net cost > budget net cost, the cost centre is in a deficit position. If actual net cost > budget net cost, the cost centre is in a deficit position. $546,285 $207,682 $18,262 $10,939 $862,543(1,000,000) (900,000) (800,000) (700,000) (600,000) (500,000) (400,000) (300,000) (200,000) (100,000) 0 100,000 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 10700 Fire Protection $11,210 $12,314 $14,296 $25,966 $39,419 (150,000) (100,000) (50,000) 0 50,000 100,000 150,000 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 10705 Emergency Operations 377 Expenditures 12,780,544 13,839,365 Salaries & Wages 13,848,731 910,941 14,759,672 6.58% 252,545 770,271 Overtime 250,000 150,000 400,000 60.00% 3,564,585 3,838,950 Employee Benefits 3,732,639 421,256 4,153,895 11.29% 177,243 223,045 Uniforms 220,000 52,600 272,600 23.91% 4,055 5,762 Conferences 5,000 - 5,000 - % 122,317 123,718 Seminars & Education 150,500 (11,500)139,000 (7.64%) 675 609 Travel 1,000 - 1,000 - % 102 11 Freight, Express & Cartage - - - - % 57 - Environmental Charges - - - - % 17,365 18,506 Cellular Phones 15,500 1,000 16,500 6.45% 62,361 73,283 Telephone & Data 60,900 700 61,600 1.15% 1,156 1,077 Internet 1,100 - 1,100 - % 873 369 Cable TV 885 - 885 - % 1,059,383 1,169,382 Dispatch Comunications 1,107,240 (280,160)827,080 (25.30%) - 833 Advertising 1,000 - 1,000 - % - (11)Subscriptions & Publications 2,000 - 2,000 - % - 130 Brochures/Newsletters Printing - - - - % - - Photo, Mapping, Print 500 - 500 - % 95,245 89,150 Insurance Premium 89,150 (2,090)87,060 (2.34%) - 710 Insurance Deductible 2,000 300 2,300 15.00% 6,830 49,988 Consulting & Professional Fees 190,000 (105,954)84,046 (55.77%) 1,866 3,273 Meals, Promotions & General 3,500 4,500 8,000 128.57% 2,417 4,610 Memberships 6,050 (2,000)4,050 (33.06%) 750 995 Outside Agency Services 1,000 - 1,000 - % - 608 Highway Aids - Repairs & Maintenance - - - - % 191,542 255,193 Building - Repairs & Maintenance 146,200 21,200 167,400 14.50% - 678 Tree Maintenance - - - - % 201,335 246,344 Vehicle - Repairs & Maintenance 165,600 300 165,900 0.18% 135,546 155,193 Gas, Oil, Tire, Etc.133,700 13,370 147,070 10.00% 53,133 109,446 Misc. Equip. - Repairs & Maintenance 88,000 6,570 94,570 7.47% 6,375 6,042 Stationary & Office Supplies 5,000 - 5,000 - % - - Forms 1,500 - 1,500 - % 6,847 19,718 Programs & Event Supplies 21,000 3,400 24,400 16.19% 107,795 110,473 Supplies & Tools 93,500 14,000 107,500 14.97% 12,812 17,650 Utilities - Water 18,850 470 19,320 2.49% 50,727 75,677 Utilities - Hydro 67,710 27,290 95,000 40.30% 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410700 Fire Protection Current Budget Summary 378 27,183 35,094 Utilities - Natural Gas 37,535 2,865 40,400 7.63% 17,716 16,621 Software & Hardware Mtce. Contracts 16,630 (420)16,210 (2.53%) 2,834 13,435 System & Software Upgrade 8,500 200 8,700 2.35% 7,968 - Hardware Replacements - - - - % 10,232 22,664 Furniture & Fixtures 23,000 (22,000)1,000 (95.65%) 5,165 27,013 Misc. Equipment 28,500 (9,900)18,600 (34.74%) - (256)Exchange Rate - Gain or Loss - - - - % 18,987,579 21,325,619 Total Expenditures 20,543,920 1,196,938 21,740,858 5.83% Revenues - - Ontario Grants - (10,000)(10,000)- % (146,318)(146,917)Department User Fees (100,000) - (100,000)- % (5,432) - Other User Fees - - - - % - - Sponsorships (500) - (500)- % - - Marketing Sponsors (500) - (500)- % - - Other Contributions (30,000)30,000 - (100.00%) (100,000)(100,881)Cost Recoveries (100,000) - (100,000)- % (251,750)(247,798) Total Revenues (231,000)20,000 (211,000)(8.66%) Transfers - (30,751)Transfer to/(from) DC Oblg RF (112,500)3,366 (109,134)(2.99%) - 15,893 Transfer to(from) Cntg Sty Res. - (18,512)(18,512)- % - (14,858) Total Transfers (112,500)(15,146)(127,646)13.46% 18,735,829 21,062,963 Net Expenditures (Revenues)20,200,420 1,201,792 21,402,212 5.95% 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410700 Fire Protection Current Budget Summary 379 Expenditures 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages Base Salaries and Wages 14,461,422 Four new full-time Fire Fighter positions - Jan. 1, 2023 effective date 298,250 Total 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages 14,759,672 501010.0000 Overtime Overtime to meet service level/workload commitments 375,000 Emergency callback 25,000 Total 501010.0000 Overtime 400,000 501020.0000 Employee Benefits This item includes mandatory deductions (CPP, EI, EHT) and employer provided benefits such as extended health and dental 4,064,245 Benefits related to four new full-time Fire Fighter positions - Jan. 1, 2023 effective date 89,650 Total 501020.0000 Employee Benefits 4,153,895 501040.0000 Uniforms Uniform Articles - Coats, T-shirts, hats, epaulettes, equipment bags, etc.30,000 Station Wear & Bunker Gear 70,000 Repairs and Alterations 5,000 Testing and cleaning contract for bunker gear 12,000 Cleaning Allowance 9,500 Dress Uniforms 35,000 Firefighting boots, gloves, helmets & shields, balaclavas 39,000 Station Boots 18,000 Corporate Wear 500 Uniforms and personal protective equipment for four new firefighters 53,600 Total 501040.0000 Uniforms 272,600 501100.0000 Conferences Conferences 1,500 Ontario Association of Fire Chiefs Conference 2,500 Fire Prevention Conference 500 Training Officers Annual Conference 500 Total 501100.0000 Conferences 5,000 501110.0000 Seminars & Education Computer-based instruction and resource materials 41,500 Emergency Medical Response Training 35,500 Training (OPG MOU)15,000 Certification and recertification for high angle, ice & water rescue, auto extrication, company officer, pump operators, trainers and public educators 10,000 Incident Command Training 11,000 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410700 Fire Protection Background Information 380 Vehicle Extrication Training 8,000 Fire Prevention courses/symposiums/seminars 5,500 Continuous Education Courses 5,000 Municipal Management Courses - Ontario Tech University 3,500 Ontario Fire College (online/remote)3,000 Fire Prevention Resource Materials 1,000 Total 501110.0000 Seminars & Education 139,000 501130.0000 Travel Parking & Mileage 1,000 Total 501130.0000 Travel 1,000 502020.0000 Cellular Phones Annual smartphone & tablet - Fire Chief 900 Annual smartphone charges - Deputy Chief, Fire Inspectors (4), Chief Training Officer, Training Officers (2), Platoon Chief, Chief Fire Prevention Officer 4,400 Annual cell phone charges (on trucks)1,400 Annual charges for cellular data cards - Crisys truck data terminals 6,800 Hardware upgrades 3,000 Total 502020.0000 Cellular Phones 16,500 502030.0000 Telephones & Data Voice / Data 61,600 Total 502030.0000 Telephones & Data 61,600 502040.0000 Internet Internet 1,100 Total 502040.0000 Internet 1,100 502050.0000 Cable TV Cable 885 Total 502050.0000 Cable TV 885 502060.0000 Dispatch Communications Pickering portion of Regional shared costs (NextGen System)62,080 Operational cost for joint fire dispatch - PFS/AFES 750,000 Dispatch Audio Logger Placement - Pickering share only 15,000 Total 502060.0000 Dispatch Communications 827,080 502100.0000 Advertising Advertising 1,000 Total 502100.0000 Advertising 1,000 502120.0000 Subscriptions&Publcs Ontario Fire & Building Codes Updates, Trade Magazines, National Fire Protection Codes, ULC/CSA Codes 2,000 Total 502120.0000 Subscriptions&Publcs 2,000 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410700 Fire Protection Background Information 381 502150.0000 Photo,Mapping,Print Printing map book updates 500 Total 502150.0000 Photo,Mapping,Print 500 502210.0000 Insurance Premium Annual cost of insurance policy that provides protection for municipal activities and property. (Policy coverage includes: liability, automobile and property) 87,060 Total 502210.0000 Insurance Premium 87,060 502220.0000 Insurance Deductible Insurance Deductible 2,300 Total 502220.0000 Insurance Deductible 2,300 502230.0000 Consult&Prof Fees General Consulting, Legal Consulting and Prosecutions 5,000 Psychology Consultant Retainer 5,000 Fire Master Plan (75% funded from Development Charges, 25% funded from Continuing Studies Reserve) 74,046 Total 502230.0000 Consult&Prof Fees 84,046 502240.0000 Meals/Prom/General Fire Services Bars/Medals Service Awards 1,500 Host Durham Region Fire Chiefs, Training, Fire Prevention, TAPP-C meetings 1,000 Food and drink for emergency situations 3,500 Meals (conferences, seminars, out of town meetings, events)1,500 Hosting Visitors (Fire Marshal, special guests)500 Total 502240.0000 Meals/Prom/General 8,000 502250.0000 Memberships Ontario Association of Fire Chiefs 750 International Fire Chiefs Association 275 Canadian Association of Fire Chiefs 275 Durham Regional Fire Chiefs 250 Ontario Association of Fire Training Officers 150 Municipal Fire Prevention Officers Association 150 Municipal Fire Service Instructors Association 150 Wood Energy Technical Transfer (WETT) Designation 150 Building Code Identification Number 350 International Society of Fire Instructors 350 National Association of Fire Investigators 300 Association of Fire Engineers 200 Fire Marshal's Fire Safety Council 100 Certified Municipal Mgr. (CMM) Annual membership 600 Total 502250.0000 Memberships 4,050 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410700 Fire Protection Background Information 382 502260.0000 Outside Agency Srvc Retainer Fee for Critical Incident Stress Support Team 1,000 Total 502260.0000 Outside Agency Srvc 1,000 502340.0000 Building Rpr & Mntc Garbage Disposal - Stations #1, #2, #5 & #6 (contract)22,200 HVAC Repairs & Maintenance 12,000 Emergency Generators (repairs, service & fuel tank flushing)9,600 Apparatus bay doors repairs & maintenance 15,000 Pump-out of hazardous waste tank - Stations #4 and #6 3,000 Electrical Repairs 6,000 Plumbing Repairs 10,000 Diesel exhaust removal systems repairs & maintenance 9,600 Pest Control 5,000 Cleaning Products 9,600 Spill Absorbent Materials 4,000 Cleaning Contract for Administration Office - Station #1 17,700 General Repairs 18,000 Drinking Water - Station #4 1,200 Bio-Hazardous Waste Removal 12,500 Lighting LED upgrades 2,000 Cleaning Supplies 10,000 Total 502340.0000 Building Rpr & Mntc 167,400 502370.0000 Vehicle Rpr & Mntc Pump, Engine and Aerial Device Repairs 121,300 Annual testing and certification for aerial devices 3,800 PMVCI (Periodic Motor Vehicle Certification Inspections)36,800 Annual Pump Tests 4,000 Total 502370.0000 Vehicle Rpr & Mntc 165,900 502375.0000 Gas, Oil, Tires, Etc Fuel: Unleaded 18,094 litres @ $1.38/litre 24,970 Fuel: Diesel 66,219 litres @ $1.51/litre 99,990 Oil Changes and Tires 22,110 Total 502375.0000 Gas, Oil, Tires, Etc 147,070 502380.0000 Misc Equip Rpr&Mntc Portable and Mobile Radio Repairs 10,000 Extrication Tools Repair and Testing 5,000 Fire Extinguisher Repairs, Refill and Testing 2,500 Breathing Air Compressor Maintenance & Testing 10,925 Traffic Pre-Emption System Maintenance/Repairs 2,000 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410700 Fire Protection Background Information 383 SCBA - Hydro Static Testing 2,000 SCBA - Functional Testing 9,345 Ground Ladder Testing 2,000 Thermal Imaging Camera Repairs 1,000 Gas Detector Repairs 1,000 Gas Detector Calibration & Repairs 9,000 Portacount Calibration 1,800 Fire Prevention Props Repairs 1,000 Fitness Equipment Repairs 3,000 Fire Hose Testing and Repairs 12,000 Turnout Gear Extractor Washing Machines Repairs 2,000 Defibrillator Maintenance and Calibration 10,000 SCBA Parts for Repairs 10,000 Total 502380.0000 Misc Equip Rpr&Mntc 94,570 502500.0000 Stationery&OfficeSup General Office Supplies 5,000 Total 502500.0000 Stationery&OfficeSup 5,000 502510.0000 Forms Fire Services Forms 1,500 Total 502510.0000 Forms 1,500 502520.0000 Program&Event Supps Fire Prevention Program (Home Safety, Buddy Bear, Fire Prevention Week, and Canada Day) 18,000 Smoke detectors (300) for emergency preparedness program (100% funded from Ontario Community Emergency Preparedness grant - subject to approval) 6,400 Total 502520.0000 Program&Event Supps 24,400 502540.0000 Supplies & Tools Firefighting Foam 25,000 Equipment and Supplies (OPG MOU)17,000 Rescue Equipment & Tools 15,000 Fire Hose Replacement 14,000 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)9,000 Miscellaneous Medical Response Equipment 8,000 Station Supplies 6,000 Miscellaneous Supplies 5,000 Fire Hose/Nozzles/Couplings 4,000 Ladder Replacement 1,000 Food and drink for emergency situations 3,500 Total 502540.0000 Supplies & Tools 107,500 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410700 Fire Protection Background Information 384 502600.0000 Utilities - Water Budget based on 2023 projected actuals and regional water rate increase expected in 2024 19,320 Total 502600.0000 Utilities - Water 19,320 502610.0000 Utilities - Gas Budget based on 2023 projected actuals and anticipated increase in natural gas prices 40,400 Total 502610.0000 Utilities - Gas 40,400 502620.0000 Utilities - Hydro Budget based on 2023 projected actuals 69,400 Station 1 budget based on 2023 projected actuals 25,600 Total 502620.0000 Utilities - Hydro 95,000 502700.0000 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr Maintenance - HRIS 16,210 Total 502700.0000 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr 16,210 502720.0000 System&Sftwr Upgrade Pre-Planning Program Software (Vantage)5,000 Vehicle Maintenance Software (Check It Apparatus)3,700 Total 502720.0000 System&Sftwr Upgrade 8,700 502740.0000 Furniture & Fixtures Replacement of furniture (Stations #1, #2, #4, #5, and #6)1,000 Total 502740.0000 Furniture & Fixtures 1,000 502750.0000 Misc. Equipment New intersection traffic pre-emption device installation 15,000 iPads (4) for expanded emergency preparedness program delivery (100% funded from Ontario Community Emergency Preparedness grant - subject to grant approval) 1,800 Program Status large format monitors (3) to support emergency preparedness program (100% funded from Ontario Community Emergency Preparedness grant - subject to grant approval) 1,800 Total 502750.0000 Misc. Equipment 18,600 Total Expenses 21,740,858 Revenues 402510.0000 Ontario Grants Community Emergency Preparedness grant funding for smoke detectors, IPads and Program Status monitors (subject to grant approval) (10,000) Total 402510.0000 Ontario Grants (10,000) 402520.0000 MTO Recovery 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410700 Fire Protection Background Information 385 MTO cost-recovery for Highway 401 related calls (50,000) Total 402520.0000 MTO Recovery (50,000) 403000.9535 Department User Fees - Sale of Srv - Fire Reports Fire alarm inspections and reports, and extinguishing grass fires on railway lines. Fire vehicle & crew for production of movies. (50,000) Total 403000.9535 Department User Fees - Sale of Srv - Fire Reports (50,000) 406520.0000 Sponsorships Fire Services Sponsorships (No tax)(500) Total 406520.0000 Sponsorships (500) 406530.0000 Marketing Sponsors Fire Services Marketing Sponsorships (Taxable)(500) Total 406530.0000 Marketing Sponsors (500) 406540.0000 Cost Recoveries Reimbursement from OPG - Annual Fire Inspection Service (5,000) Reimbursement from OPG - Annual Fire Safety Plan Review and Approval (3,000) Reimbursement from OPG - Joint Fire Training (60,000) Reimbursement from OPG - Specialized Training for City of Pickering Fire Fighters (15,000) Reimbursement from OPG - Equipment & Supplies (17,000) Total 406540.0000 Cost Recoveries (100,000) Total Revenues (211,000) Transfers 408009.0000 Trf fr Cntg Stdy Res Continuing Studies Reserve funding (25%) for Fire Master Plan (18,512) Total 408009.0000 Trf fr Cntg Stdy Res (18,512) 408601.0000 Trf fr DC-Proective Services RF Development Charge funding (75%) for Fire Master Plan (55,534) Development Charge funding for protective equipment for four new firefighters (53,600) Total 408601.0000 Trf fr DC-Proective Services RF (109,134) Total Transfers (127,646) Net Expenses (Revenues)21,402,212 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410700 Fire Protection Background Information 386 Expenditures 164,320 175,075 Salaries & Wages 137,708 3,971 141,679 2.88% 32,703 43,514 Employee Benefits 33,391 1,594 34,985 4.77% - - Conferences 1,500 - 1,500 - % - 9 Seminars & Education 3,500 - 3,500 - % 587 432 Cellular Phones 800 600 1,400 75.00% 21 253 Telephone & Data 500 - 500 - % - - Internet 60 - 60 - % 1,609 1,323 Cable TV 1,620 - 1,620 - % - - Photo, Mapping, Print 500 - 500 - % 680 748 Insurance Premium 748 112 860 14.97% 61 371 Meals, Promotions & General 750 - 750 - % - - Memberships 400 - 400 - % 890 16 Building - Repairs & Maintenance - - - - % 392 13 Misc. Equip. - Repairs & Maintenance 500 - 500 - % - 852 Stationary & Office Supplies 1,000 - 1,000 - % - 86 Programs & Event Supplies - - - - % 773 309 Supplies & Tools 1,500 - 1,500 - % 183 165 Software & Hardware Mtce. Contracts 165 (5)160 (3.03%) (994)156 Furniture & Fixtures - - - - % 3,720 739 Misc. Equipment - - - - % 204,945 224,061 Total Expenditures 184,642 6,272 190,914 3.40% Revenues (150,000)(150,000)Cost Recoveries (150,000) - (150,000)- % (150,000)(150,000) Total Revenues (150,000) - (150,000)- % Transfers - - Total Transfers - - - - % 54,945 74,061 Net Expenditures (Revenues)34,642 6,272 40,914 18.11% 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410705 Emergency Operations Current Budget Summary 387 Expenditures 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages Base Salaries and Wages 141,679 Total 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages 141,679 501020.0000 Employee Benefits This item includes mandatory deductions (CPP, EI, EHT) and employer provided benefits such as extended health and dental 34,985 Total 501020.0000 Employee Benefits 34,985 501100.0000 Conferences Conferences 1,500 Total 501100.0000 Conferences 1,500 501110.0000 Seminars & Education Emergency Management courses - MECG 3,500 Total 501110.0000 Seminars & Education 3,500 502020.0000 Cellular Phones Smartphone - Deputy Fire Chief 1,400 Total 502020.0000 Cellular Phones 1,400 502030.0000 Telephones & Data Voice / Data 500 Total 502030.0000 Telephones & Data 500 502040.0000 Internet Internet 60 Total 502040.0000 Internet 60 502050.0000 Cable TV Cable 1,620 Total 502050.0000 Cable TV 1,620 502150.0000 Photo,Mapping,Print Photo, Mapping, Printing 500 Total 502150.0000 Photo,Mapping,Print 500 502210.0000 Insurance Premium Annual cost of insurance policy that provides protection for municipal activities and property. (Policy coverage includes: liability, automobile and property) 860 Total 502210.0000 Insurance Premium 860 502240.0000 Meals/Prom/General Emergency training sessions - refreshments & other incidental requirements 750 Total 502240.0000 Meals/Prom/General 750 502250.0000 Memberships Ontario Association of Emergency Managers 150 Emergency Management Accreditation Program 250 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410705 Emergency Operations Background Information 388 Total 502250.0000 Memberships 400 502380.0000 Misc Equip Rpr&Mntc General Equipment Repairs 500 Total 502380.0000 Misc Equip Rpr&Mntc 500 502500.0000 Stationery&OfficeSup General Office Supplies 1,000 Total 502500.0000 Stationery&OfficeSup 1,000 502540.0000 Supplies & Tools Misc. Equipment and Tools 1,500 Total 502540.0000 Supplies & Tools 1,500 502700.0000 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr Maintenance - HRIS 160 Total 502700.0000 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr 160 Total Expenses 190,914 Revenues 406540.0000 Cost Recoveries OPG grant for Emergency Management Coordinator's salary (150,000) Total 406540.0000 Cost Recoveries (150,000) Total Revenues (150,000) Total Transfers - Net Expenses (Revenues)40,914 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410705 Emergency Operations Background Information 389 I' I Manage r, Human Reso urces ,__ (1-NUFT) - / - Authorized by: Chief Administrative Officer The Corporation of the City of Pickering Human Resources Department r Human Resources Assistant Director, Human Resources (1-NUFT) 'I ....-- (1-NUFT) Recruitment Specialist' (1-NUFT) 'I Human Resources Associate (3-NUFT) � Manager, Employee Services (1-NUFT) Human Resources Associate (2-NUFT) January 1, 2024 ' Employee Complement 12 Non-Union Full-Time (NUFT) ' Manager, People & Culture (1-NUFT) Human Resources Associate (1-NUFT) ) Chart No. 10 390 Expenditures 979,112 1,121,943 Salaries & Wages 1,114,922 67,505 1,182,427 6.05% 866 545 Overtime 3,000 (1,000)2,000 (33.33%) 271,286 311,238 Employee Benefits 310,860 23,295 334,155 7.49% 31,328 51,640 Employee Recognition 42,250 - 42,250 - % - 1,577 Conferences 2,650 - 2,650 - % 2,414 2,484 Seminars & Education 6,500 - 6,500 - % 12,836 37,673 Corporate Training 60,000 (10,000)50,000 (16.67%) 71 90 Travel 500 - 500 - % 708 844 Cellular Phones 1,300 - 1,300 - % 2,969 3,618 Telephone & Data 3,700 100 3,800 2.70% 382 447 Internet 380 - 380 - % 16,068 21,052 Advertising 15,000 - 15,000 - % 4,330 4,763 Insurance Premium 4,763 712 5,475 14.95% 212,166 192,213 Consulting & Professional Fees 200,000 (18,728)181,272 (9.36%) 2,879 2,729 Meals, Promotions & General 3,500 3,500 7,000 100.00% 1,580 2,725 Memberships 3,530 130 3,660 3.68% 978 1,180 Stationary & Office Supplies 1,500 - 1,500 - % 52 - Programs & Event Supplies - - - - % 699 639 Educational Material 1,400 - 1,400 - % - - Workplace Accomodation 900 - 900 - % 8,089 8,010 Software & Hardware Mtce. Contracts 8,352 (22)8,330 (0.26%) 1,548,813 1,765,410 Total Expenditures 1,785,007 65,492 1,850,499 3.67% Revenues (229,941)(238,916)Netted Revenue (240,540)64,940 (175,600)(27.00%) (229,941)(238,916) Total Revenues (240,540)64,940 (175,600)(27.00%) Transfers (50,090)14,575 Transfer to(from) Cntg Sty Res.(25,000)(6,272)(31,272)25.09% (10,912)(24,986)Transfer to (from) Oblig RF (35,000)10,000 (25,000)(28.57%) (61,002)(10,411) Total Transfers (60,000)3,728 (56,272)(6.21%) 1,257,870 1,516,083 Net Expenditures (Revenues)1,484,467 134,160 1,618,627 9.04% 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 2024Human Resources Department Current Budget Summary 391 Budget vs Actual Net Cost 2019-2023 If actual net cost > budget net cost, the cost centre is in a deficit position. If actual net cost > budget net cost, the cost centre is in a deficit position. $67,547 $2,645 $41,644 $24,607 $28,373 (60,000) (40,000) (20,000) 0 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 10800 Human Resources $9,111 $9,662 $4,094 $4,922 $3,243 (15,000) (10,000) (5,000) 0 5,000 10,000 15,000 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 10805 Health & Safety 392 Expenditures 862,321 996,167 Salaries & Wages 991,035 63,817 1,054,852 6.44% 866 545 Overtime 3,000 (1,000)2,000 (33.33%) 238,975 277,446 Employee Benefits 277,491 21,478 298,969 7.74% 31,328 51,640 Employee Recognition 42,250 - 42,250 - % - 1,577 Conferences 2,000 - 2,000 - % 2,414 2,484 Seminars & Education 6,000 - 6,000 - % 1,630 12,664 Corporate Training 25,000 - 25,000 - % 71 90 Travel 300 - 300 - % 708 844 Cellular Phones 1,300 - 1,300 - % 2,674 3,308 Telephone & Data 3,700 100 3,800 2.70% 343 409 Internet 340 - 340 - % 16,068 21,052 Advertising 15,000 - 15,000 - % 3,570 3,927 Insurance Premium 3,927 588 4,515 14.97% 212,166 192,213 Consulting & Professional Fees 200,000 (18,728)181,272 (9.36%) 2,879 2,729 Meals, Promotions & General 3,500 3,500 7,000 100.00% 1,440 2,585 Memberships 3,330 130 3,460 3.90% 978 1,180 Stationary & Office Supplies 1,200 - 1,200 - % 4,487 1,189 Software & Hardware Mtce. Contracts 5,502 (12)5,490 (0.22%) 1,382,918 1,572,049 Total Expenditures 1,584,875 69,873 1,654,748 4.41% Revenues (229,941)(238,916)Netted Revenue (240,540)64,940 (175,600)(27.00%) (229,941)(238,916) Total Revenues (240,540)64,940 (175,600)(27.00%) Transfers (50,090)14,575 Transfer to(from) Cntg Sty Res.(25,000)(6,272)(31,272)25.09% (50,090)14,575 Total Transfers (25,000)(6,272)(31,272)25.09% 1,102,887 1,347,708 Net Expenditures (Revenues)1,319,335 128,541 1,447,876 9.74% 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410800 Human Resources Current Budget Summary 393 Expenditures 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages Base Salaries and Wages 1,054,852 Total 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages 1,054,852 501010.0000 Overtime To meet service level/workload commitments 2,000 Total 501010.0000 Overtime 2,000 501020.0000 Employee Benefits This item includes mandatory deductions (CPP, EI, EHT) and employer provided benefits such as extended health and dental 298,969 Total 501020.0000 Employee Benefits 298,969 501025.0000 Employee Recognition Annual Luncheon 15,000 Retirements - Union Affiliated 2,750 Retirements - Non - Union 4,500 Employee Recognition Program Awards 20,000 Total 501025.0000 Employee Recognition 42,250 501100.0000 Conferences Benefits & HR Conferences 2,000 Total 501100.0000 Conferences 2,000 501110.0000 Seminars & Education Training HR staff to maintain knowledge of new legislative requirements and emerging HR issues 1,500 Employee Education Assistance (under Policy (HUR 160))2,000 Training Funds (cross charge to 10900 cost centre)2,500 Total 501110.0000 Seminars & Education 6,000 501120.0000 Corporate Training Corporate Training - leadership training 25,000 Total 501120.0000 Corporate Training 25,000 501130.0000 Travel Parking & Mileage 300 Total 501130.0000 Travel 300 502020.0000 Cellular Phones Annual Smartphone Charges - Director, Human Resources 1,300 Total 502020.0000 Cellular Phones 1,300 502030.0000 Telephones & Data Voice / Data 3,800 Total 502030.0000 Telephones & Data 3,800 502040.0000 Internet 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410800 Human Resources Background Information 394 Internet 340 Total 502040.0000 Internet 340 502100.0000 Advertising Funds allocated for possible retirements, turnover of staff and advertising cost increases 15,000 Total 502100.0000 Advertising 15,000 502210.0000 Insurance Premium Annual cost of insurance policy that provides protection for municipal activities and property. (Policy coverage includes: liability, automobile and property) 4,515 Total 502210.0000 Insurance Premium 4,515 502230.0000 Consult&Prof Fees Ongoing Legal Advice 70,000 Employee & Family Assistance Program (Council Resolution 441/97)60,000 Pre-Employment Criminal Reference Checks (City Policy HUR-040)10,000 Requested Medical Certificates 4,000 Pre-Employment Medicals (City Policy HUR-040)2,000 Provision for legal counsel related to Library (cross charge to 10900 cost centre)4,000 Diversity & Inclusion Strategy Consultant - consulting and final report/presentation - PO# 4500000182 (funded from Continuing Studies Reserve) 31,272 Total 502230.0000 Consult&Prof Fees 181,272 502240.0000 Meals/Prom/General Employee & Board Relations, condolences, meeting costs etc.6,500 Board / Community linkage activities 500 Total 502240.0000 Meals/Prom/General 7,000 502250.0000 Memberships HRPAO - Human Resources, Associate (3 staff)1,770 HRPAO - Manager, Employee Services 590 HRPAO - Mgr. of People & Culture and Human Resources, Associate 1,100 Total 502250.0000 Memberships 3,460 502500.0000 Stationery&OfficeSup General Office Supplies 1,200 Total 502500.0000 Stationery&OfficeSup 1,200 502700.0000 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr Maintenance - HRIS 1,180 Maintenance - Organization Software 510 Maintenance - Parklane 3,800 Total 502700.0000 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr 5,490 Total Expenses 1,654,748 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410800 Human Resources Background Information 395 Revenues 406721.0000 Netted Revenue HR staff salary and benefits (cross charge to 10900 cost centre)(168,000) HR staff HRPAO Memberships (cross charge to 10900 cost centre)(1,100) Training (cross charge to 10900 cost centre)(2,500) Legal counsel (cross charge to 10900 cost centre)(4,000) Total 406721.0000 Netted Revenue (175,600) Total Revenues (175,600) Transfers 408009.0000 Trf fr Cntg Stdy Res Continuing Studies Reserve funding for Diversity & Inclusion Strategy Consultant (31,272) Total 408009.0000 Trf fr Cntg Stdy Res (31,272) Total Transfers (31,272) Net Expenses (Revenues)1,447,876 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410800 Human Resources Background Information 396 Expenditures 116,791 125,776 Salaries & Wages 123,887 3,688 127,575 2.98% 32,311 33,792 Employee Benefits 33,369 1,817 35,186 5.45% - - Conferences 650 - 650 - % - - Seminars & Education 500 - 500 - % 11,206 25,009 Corporate Training 35,000 (10,000)25,000 (28.57%) - - Travel 200 - 200 - % 295 310 Telephone & Data - - - - % 39 38 Internet 40 - 40 - % 760 836 Insurance Premium 836 124 960 14.83% 140 140 Memberships 200 - 200 - % - - Stationary & Office Supplies 300 - 300 - % 52 - Programs & Event Supplies - - - - % 699 639 Educational Material 1,400 - 1,400 - % - - Workplace Accomodation 900 - 900 - % 3,602 6,821 Software & Hardware Mtce. Contracts 2,850 (10)2,840 (0.35%) 165,895 193,361 Total Expenditures 200,132 (4,381)195,751 (2.19%) Revenues - - Total Revenues - - - - % Transfers (10,912)(24,986)Transfer to (from) Oblig RF (35,000)10,000 (25,000)(28.57%) (10,912)(24,986) Total Transfers (35,000)10,000 (25,000)(28.57%) 154,983 168,375 Net Expenditures (Revenues)165,132 5,619 170,751 3.40% 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410805 Health & Safety Current Budget Summary 397 Expenditures 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages Base Salaries and Wages 127,575 Total 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages 127,575 501020.0000 Employee Benefits This item includes mandatory deductions (CPP, EI, EHT) and employer provided benefits such as extended health and dental 35,186 Total 501020.0000 Employee Benefits 35,186 501100.0000 Conferences PSHSA (Public Services Health & Safety Association) membership meetings 650 Total 501100.0000 Conferences 650 501110.0000 Seminars & Education Education Assistance - Manager, Human Resources 500 Total 501110.0000 Seminars & Education 500 501120.0000 Corporate Training Corporate health & safety training program to reduce WSIB claims. Expenditure includes: in-house training, external trainers, wellness initiatives, safety supplies inclusive of food and beverage. Program funded from the WSIB reserve. 25,000 Total 501120.0000 Corporate Training 25,000 501130.0000 Travel Parking & Mileage 200 Total 501130.0000 Travel 200 502040.0000 Internet Internet 40 Total 502040.0000 Internet 40 502210.0000 Insurance Premium Annual cost of insurance policy that provides protection for municipal activities and property. (Policy coverage includes: liability, automobile and property) 960 Total 502210.0000 Insurance Premium 960 502250.0000 Memberships OMHSPA Membership - Manager, Human Resources 200 Total 502250.0000 Memberships 200 502500.0000 Stationery&OfficeSup General Office Supplies 300 Total 502500.0000 Stationery&OfficeSup 300 502570.0000 Educational Material Training & Educational Material 1,400 Total 502570.0000 Educational Material 1,400 502580.0000 Wrkplc Accommodation 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410805 Health & Safety Background Information 398 Physical Demands Analyses (assistive devices, workplace modifications for injured workers) 900 Total 502580.0000 Wrkplc Accommodation 900 502700.0000 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr MSDS Online (H&S compliance)2,700 Maintenance - HRIS 140 Total 502700.0000 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr 2,840 Total Expenses 195,751 Total Revenues - Transfers 408702.0000 Trf fr WSIB RF Transfer from WSIB reserve to offset the cost associated with the additional Health & Safety Training (25,000) Total 408702.0000 Trf fr WSIB RF (25,000) Total Transfers (25,000) Net Expenses (Revenues)170,751 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410805 Health & Safety Background Information 399 Manager of Client Experience 1 FT NU Director of Support Services 1 FT NU CEO 1 FT NU Library Board Client Experience Associate-Outreach 1 x FT UNION 1 x PT UNION Senior Client Experience Associate 1 x FT UNION Marketing Strategist 1 x FT UNION Marketing Assistant 1 x FT UNION Manager of Community Engagement & Marketing 1 FT NU Administrative Services Assistant 1 x FT UNION Client Experience Specialist -Info Tech 1 x FT UNION Senior Client Experience Associate - Info Tech 5 x FT UNION 1 x PT UNION Senior Client Experience Associate - Digital 1 x FT UNION Client Experience Associate -Info Tech 2 x FT UNION 6 x PT UNION Client Experience Taskforce - Technology x 2 Systems Administrator 1 x FT UNION IT Support Technician 1 x FT UNION Digital Services Tech 1 x FT UNION Manager of IT and Collections 1 FT NU Client Experience Specialist 3 x FT UNION Senior Support Services Associate 1 x FT UNION Client Experience Associate -Support Services 1 x FT UNION 1 x PT UNION Senior Client Experience Associate - Borrower Services 1 x FT UNION 2 x PT UNION Client Experience Associate -Borrower Services 8 x PT UNION Client Experience Courier 1 x PT UNION Courier & Operations Support 1 x FT UNION Client Experience Taskforce x 14 Casual Team Members x 13 Assistant Manager of Collections 1 FT NU ORGANIZATIONAL CHART Director,Engagement & Client Experience 1 FT NU Manager, People and Culture (City staff) 1 FT NU HR Associate (City staff) 1 FT NU Executive Assistant 1 FT NU Assistant Manager of Borrower Services 1 FT NU Assistant Manager of Info Tech Services 1 FT NU Client Experience Specialist -Digital 1 x FT UNION Client Experience Specialist -Children 1 x FT UNION Client Experience Specialist -Youth 1 x FT UNION Client Experience Specialist - Adults 1 x FT UNION Client Experience Specialist - Technology Outreach 1 x FT UNION Events Coordinator (Term) 1 FT NU PPL Staff Complement 10 x Non-Union Full Time 1 x Non-Union Full Time Term 29 x Union Full Time 20 x Union Part Time 13 x Casual 16 x Taskforce Total: 89 positions 400 Expenditures 3,308,620 3,667,271 Salaries & Wages 3,729,961 221,299 3,951,260 5.93% 6,560 2,878 Overtime 3,275 135 3,410 4.12% 874,733 971,007 Employee Benefits 1,042,079 77,520 1,119,599 7.44% 2,273 2,000 Employee Recognition 3,800 - 3,800 - % 1,585 2,380 Uniforms 1,070 2,180 3,250 203.74% 5,790 13,937 Conferences 10,000 1,000 11,000 10.00% 20,178 22,949 Seminars & Education 23,500 2,500 26,000 10.64% 1,527 6,263 Travel 3,540 1,460 5,000 41.24% 2,622 3,959 Postage 1,200 300 1,500 25.00% 365 77 Freight, Express & Cartage 500 - 500 - % 15,427 15,276 Cellular Phones 17,280 5,720 23,000 33.10% 21,292 20,140 Telephone & Data 22,300 (2,600)19,700 (11.66%) 35,179 35,784 Internet 51,960 (19,860)32,100 (38.22%) 1,299 1,095 Cable TV 1,425 (700)725 (49.12%) 13,149 15,362 Advertising 20,000 (2,000)18,000 (10.00%) 3,172 9,399 Brochures/Newsletters Printing 11,000 2,000 13,000 18.18% 24,830 28,730 Insurance Premium 27,313 7,312 34,625 26.77% - - Insurance Deductible 2,000 300 2,300 15.00% 4,202 94,131 Consulting & Professional Fees 135,000 (75,825)59,175 (56.17%) 5,212 9,146 Meals, Promotions & General 7,000 - 7,000 - % 9,543 14,435 Memberships 14,580 1,170 15,750 8.02% 305,554 327,757 Outside Agency Services 343,910 (78,495)265,415 (22.82%) 257,247 251,134 Building - Repairs & Maintenance 252,818 36,492 289,310 14.43% 3,164 2,420 Vehicle - Repairs & Maintenance 2,000 - 2,000 - % 2,807 2,954 Gas, Oil, Tire, Etc.3,430 343 3,773 10.00% 41,077 46,536 Misc. Equip. - Repairs & Maintenance 43,140 (1,840)41,300 (4.27%) 28,150 26,087 Stationary & Office Supplies 19,000 - 19,000 - % 33,757 53,771 Programs & Event Supplies 46,000 (8,000)38,000 (17.39%) 8,342 7,734 Committee Expenses 11,100 700 11,800 6.31% 7,446 9,791 Supplies & Tools 9,500 (300)9,200 (3.16%) 321,992 312,960 Library Materials 306,000 (5,000)301,000 (1.63%) 13,816 15,399 Utilities - Water 17,300 (1,000)16,300 (5.78%) 110,247 134,742 Utilities - Hydro 165,000 (26,600)138,400 (16.12%) 35,956 41,267 Utilities - Natural Gas 38,185 9,315 47,500 24.39% 201,213 219,324 Software & Hardware Mtce. Contracts 239,026 (18,036)220,990 (7.55%) - 293 System & Software Upgrade 20,000 80,000 100,000 400.00% 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410900 Library Current Budget Summary 401 28,059 17,808 Hardware Replacements 16,000 3,000 19,000 18.75% 8,153 10,100 Furniture & Fixtures 10,000 (2,750)7,250 (27.50%) - 79 Financial Services Charges - - - - % 5,764,538 6,416,375 Total Expenditures 6,671,192 209,740 6,880,932 3.14% Revenues (13,333)(21,188)Federal Grants (37,000)(8,195)(45,195)22.15% (146,689)(157,689)Ontario Grants (157,425)21,000 (136,425)(13.34%) - (6,450)Other Agency Grants - - - - % (26,776)(39,245)Department User Fees (53,000)3,000 (50,000)(5.66%) (1,807)(2,074)Vending Machines (2,500) - (2,500)- % (723)(2,146)Rentals - Meeting Rooms (5,500)500 (5,000)(9.09%) (1,939)(4,420)Other User Fees (10,000)(4,000)(14,000)40.00% (6,079)(6,094)Fines & Charges (20,000)10,000 (10,000)(50.00%) (6,354)(10,267)Donations (20,000) - (20,000)- % (203,700)(249,573) Total Revenues (305,425)22,305 (283,120)(7.30%) Transfers - (46,523)Transfer to/(from) DC Oblg RF (78,750)52,369 (26,381)(66.50%) - 9,832 Transfer to(from) Cntg Sty Res. - (8,794)(8,794)- % 100,000 100,000 Transfer to(from) Reserve 100,000 (100,000) - (100.00%) 100,000 63,309 Total Transfers 21,250 (56,425)(35,175)(265.53%) 5,660,838 6,230,111 Net Expenditures (Revenues)6,387,017 175,620 6,562,637 2.75% 2022 Actuals 2023 Actuals Account Description 2023 Budget Increase / Decrease 2024 Budget % Change From 2023 City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410900 Library Current Budget Summary 402 Budget vs Actual Net Cost 2019-2023 If actual net cost > budget net cost, the cost centre is in a deficit position. $105,642 $487,622 $530,775 $474,547 $156,906 0 100,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 500,000 600,000 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 10900 Library 403 Expenditures 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages Base Salaries and Wages 3,962,065 Summer Students - 4 positions - (subject to Young Canada Works grant funding approval) 41,195 Pay in Lieu of benefits for casual staff (level 3)5,100 Position changes and gapping (57,100) Total 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages 3,951,260 501010.0000 Overtime Staff overtime 3,410 Total 501010.0000 Overtime 3,410 501020.0000 Employee Benefits This item includes mandatory deductions (CPP, EI, EHT) and employer provided benefits such as extended health and dental 1,109,179 Benefits related to position changes and gapping (10,300) Benefits related to Summer Students - 4 positions 4,120 Employee Post-Retirement Benefits 16,600 Total 501020.0000 Employee Benefits 1,119,599 501025.0000 Employee Recognition Long Service and Retirement Awards for Staff 2,800 Recognition Event for Volunteers 1,000 Total 501025.0000 Employee Recognition 3,800 501040.0000 Uniforms Uniforms and Safety Apparel 3,250 Total 501040.0000 Uniforms 3,250 501100.0000 Conferences Ontario Library Association Annual Conference (OLA)4,000 Out-of-Country (USA) Conferences 7,000 Total 501100.0000 Conferences 11,000 501110.0000 Seminars & Education Staff Training (based on Staff Development Plans)20,000 Legally Required Staff Training 6,000 Total 501110.0000 Seminars & Education 26,000 501130.0000 Travel Staff and Board travel at City's approved rate 3,000 Travel costs for out-of-country (USA) seminars and education 1,700 Travel costs for seminars and education 300 Total 501130.0000 Travel 5,000 502000.0000 Postage 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410900 Library Background Information 404 Overdue Notices 600 Other Mail 900 Total 502000.0000 Postage 1,500 502010.0000 Frght,Exprss&Cartage Freight, express & cartage 500 Total 502010.0000 Frght,Exprss&Cartage 500 502020.0000 Cellular Phones Library Cellular Phones 9,000 Public Hotspot and Internet Kit Connectivity costs 14,000 Total 502020.0000 Cellular Phones 23,000 502030.0000 Telephones & Data Voice / Data 19,700 Total 502030.0000 Telephones & Data 19,700 502040.0000 Internet Internet 32,100 Total 502040.0000 Internet 32,100 502050.0000 Cable TV Cable 725 Total 502050.0000 Cable TV 725 502100.0000 Advertising Advertising (recreation newsletter, advertisements, job postings)18,000 Total 502100.0000 Advertising 18,000 502130.0000 Brchrs/NewsLtr-Print Printed brochures, newsletters, signs, banners, etc.13,000 Total 502130.0000 Brchrs/NewsLtr-Print 13,000 502210.0000 Insurance Premium Annual cost of insurance policy that provides protection for Library activities and property. (Policy coverage includes: liability, automobile and property) 31,410 Cyber Security Insurance 3,215 Total 502210.0000 Insurance Premium 34,625 502220.0000 Insurance Deductible Insurance Deductible 2,300 Total 502220.0000 Insurance Deductible 2,300 502230.0000 Consult&Prof Fees Strategic Plan - PO#4500001048 & 4500001335 (75% funded from Development Charges and 25% funded from Continuing Studies Reserve) 35,175 Cyber Security Review 10,000 External Audit Fees 6,000 EFAP Program 4,500 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410900 Library Background Information 405 Board Education 1,500 Miscellaneous Costs 1,500 Roof Anchor Inspection 500 Total 502230.0000 Consult&Prof Fees 59,175 502240.0000 Meals/Prom/General Board / Community Linkage Activities 1,000 Employee & Board Relations (condolence, meeting costs etc.)6,000 Total 502240.0000 Meals/Prom/General 7,000 502250.0000 Memberships Library Association Memberships 15,000 Other Miscellaneous Memberships 750 Total 502250.0000 Memberships 15,750 502260.0000 Outside Agency Srvc Human Resources Staff Salaries & Benefits - cross charge from 10800 cost centre 168,000 Security Services for Central Library 80,970 HR Legal Counsel - cross charge from 10800 cost centre 4,000 HR Training - cross charge from 10800 cost centre 2,500 HR Professional Memberships - cross charge from 10800 cost centre 1,100 Rental of storage space for local history documents 3,445 Accessibility Services 3,000 Security Alarm System Service (all branches) & Defibrillator Monitoring 2,400 Total 502260.0000 Outside Agency Srvc 265,415 502340.0000 Building Rpr & Mntc Janitorial Staff - City (Term employees) - cross charge from 10240 cost centre 188,000 All Branches - Washroom & Janitorial Supplies 8,350 All Branches - Water Testing 800 All Branches - Bed Bug (inspection and treatment)3,300 Central Library Snow Clearing 16,500 Claremont Library Snow Clearing 3,300 George Ashe Snow Clearing 4,950 Sanitact Services - Central and George Ashe locations 3,220 Air Handling Maintenance (chillers & starters only)4,120 Elevator Maintenance 2,500 Boiler Maintenance 3,090 Garbage Disposal 9,840 Diesel Generator Maintenance 3,000 Main Electrical Switchboard Maintenance 1,800 Mech. Systems Water Treatment 3,600 Energy Management System "PM"1,800 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410900 Library Background Information 406 Electrical Safety Authority Inspections 3,200 All Branches - Fire Alarm, Sprinkler & Fire Extinguishers 3,350 Special Cleaning Projects (power cleaning stairs, carpet cleaning all branches, foyer and flooring major cleaning to access areas etc.) 7,500 Feminine Hygiene Products 540 Miscellaneous provision for electrical, plumbing, mechanical & other supplies, air handling 10,300 Contingency (all locations)5,000 George Ashe (HVAC service contingency)1,250 Total 502340.0000 Building Rpr & Mntc 289,310 502370.0000 Vehicle Rpr & Mntc City vehicle assigned for Library Courier use 2,000 Total 502370.0000 Vehicle Rpr & Mntc 2,000 502375.0000 Gas, Oil, Tires, Etc Fuel: Unleaded 2,336 litres @ $1.38/litre 3,223 Oil changes and tires 550 Total 502375.0000 Gas, Oil, Tires, Etc 3,773 502380.0000 Misc Equip Rpr&Mntc Network Maintenance - Installation and Cabling 2,000 Copier Maintenance - all branches, partially offset by photocopier revenues 37,500 Payment Devices - wireless 1,800 Total 502380.0000 Misc Equip Rpr&Mntc 41,300 502500.0000 Stationery&OfficeSup General Office Supplies 13,000 Computer Peripherals 6,000 Total 502500.0000 Stationery&OfficeSup 19,000 502520.0000 Program&Event Supps Programming funds for public programs - partially offset by donations 35,000 Purchase of Library merchandise for sale 3,000 Total 502520.0000 Program&Event Supps 38,000 502530.4619 Committee Expenses - Anti-Black Racism (Library) Stipend for Members 8,000 Supplies for Task Force 3,800 Total 502530.4619 Committee Expenses - Anti-Black Racism (Library)11,800 502540.0000 Supplies & Tools Miscellaneous & Supplies 5,000 Total 502540.0000 Supplies & Tools 5,000 502541.0000 Shop Supplies Supplies includes membership cards, printer rolls and related items 4,200 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410900 Library Background Information 407 Total 502541.0000 Shop Supplies 4,200 502550.0000 Library Materials Includes Non-Capital Materials (Online Products, Digital Collections and Periodicals)301,000 Total 502550.0000 Library Materials 301,000 502600.0000 Utilities - Water Budget based on 2023 projected actuals and regional water rate increase in 2024 - Central 11,270 Budget based on 2023 projected actuals and regional water rate increase in 2024 - George Ashe 5,030 Total 502600.0000 Utilities - Water 16,300 502610.0000 Utilities - Gas Central, George Ashe and Claremont Libraries - Budget based on 2023 projected actuals and anticipated increase in natural gas prices 47,500 Total 502610.0000 Utilities - Gas 47,500 502620.0000 Utilities - Hydro Budget based on 2023 projected actuals 138,400 Total 502620.0000 Utilities - Hydro 138,400 502700.0000 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr RFID Maintenance Contract (CN & GAL) - Hardware 35,230 ILS Maintenance--Horizon Software and Hardware Support 35,000 Catalogue & Website Maintenance--BiblioCommons 90,000 Network Maintenance & Security 10,800 Software for staff and client use 15,250 Software to support client experience 15,100 Software to support organizational systems 15,200 Maintenance - HRIS software 4,410 Total 502700.0000 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr 220,990 502720.0000 System&Sftwr Upgrade Replace ILS software - funded from one-time transfer from the Rate Stabilization Reserve 100,000 Total 502720.0000 System&Sftwr Upgrade 100,000 502730.0000 Hardware Replacements Replace UPS and Power Supplies 2,000 Replace Public Laptops 2,000 Replace Staff Devices 8,000 Replace network core switches & wireless access ports & firewalls 7,000 Total 502730.0000 Hardware Replacements 19,000 502740.0000 Furniture & Fixtures 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410900 Library Background Information 408 Replacements - Furniture 7,250 Total 502740.0000 Furniture & Fixtures 7,250 Total Expenses 6,880,932 Revenues 402500.0000 Federal Grants Young Canada Works Grant (41,195) Poet Laureate Grant (4,000) Total 402500.0000 Federal Grants (45,195) 402510.0000 Ontario Grants Household Grant - Province (97,833) Connectivity Grant (30,000) Pay Equity Equalization ("down-payment" estimate)(8,592) Total 402510.0000 Ontario Grants (136,425) 403000.9590 Department User Fees - Photocopy fees Photocopying (25,000) Total 403000.9590 Department User Fees - Photocopy fees (25,000) 403000.9591 Department User Fees - Makerspace Supplies Makerspace Supplies (25,000) Total 403000.9591 Department User Fees - Makerspace Supplies (25,000) 403030.0000 Vending Machines Vending Machine Products (2,500) Total 403030.0000 Vending Machines (2,500) 403064.0000 Rentl-Mtg.Room/Publi Room Rentals to Outside Groups (5,000) Total 403064.0000 Rentl-Mtg.Room/Publi (5,000) 403120.0000 Other User Fee Revenue Merchandise Sales (4,000) Payphone, book sales, genealogy research, other revenues (10,000) Total 403120.0000 Other User Fee Revenue (14,000) 405000.0000 Fines & Charges Replacements and Other Fees (10,000) Total 405000.0000 Fines & Charges (10,000) 406500.0000 Donations Donated Funds from Various Sources (20,000) Total 406500.0000 Donations (20,000) Total Revenues (283,120) Transfers 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410900 Library Background Information 409 408007.0000 Trf fr RateStblz Res One-time Rate Stabilization Reserve funding to replace ILS software (100,000) Total 408007.0000 Trf fr RateStblz Res (100,000) 408009.0000 Trf fr Cntg Stdy Res Continuing Studies Reserve funding for the Strategic Plan (25%)(8,794) Total 408009.0000 Trf fr Cntg Stdy Res (8,794) 408607.0000 Trf fr DC-Libr OB RF DC funding for the Strategic Plan (75%)(26,381) Total 408607.0000 Trf fr DC-Libr OB RF (26,381) 508036.0000 Trsf to LibrBldg Res Transfer to Library Building Reserve 100,000 Total 508036.0000 Trsf to LibrBldg Res 100,000 Total Transfers (35,175) Net Expenses (Revenues)6,562,637 2024 Budget City of Pickering 2024 Run Date: Jun 21, 202410900 Library Background Information 410 2024 Budget General Government Expenditure % Change 2023 Increase 2024 2024 Budget Budget (Decrease)Budget vs. 2023 Members of Council & Council Support $1,373,578 $100,339 $1,473,917 7.30% 502895 Miscellaneous Transactions 7,510,000 1,890,000 9,400,000 25.17% 502230 Purchased Services 1,429,500 239,046 1,668,546 16.72% Funding for Municipal Facilities Corporation 150,000 0 150,000 0.00% Tsfr.to Reserve Municipal Accomodation Tax 150,000 0 150,000 0.00% Additional Rent 280,000 (280,000)0 -100.00% 502240 Corporative Requirements & PR 50,500 0 50,500 0.00% 503000 Provision for Uncollectable Taxes 451,750 0 451,750 0.00% 503005 Charity Property Tax Rebate 26,800 0 26,800 0.00% 503025 Heritage Property Tax Rebate 10,000 0 10,000 0.00% 503010 Low Income Seniors & Disabilities Tax Grant 140,000 23,000 163,000 16.43% 502215 Third Party - WSIB Coverage 36,760 4,594 41,354 12.50% 502225 Insurance - Self Insurance 200,210 25,690 225,900 12.83% 503040 Grants to Organizations & Individuals 369,959 323,675 693,634 87.49% 503060 Debenture Debt Charges 4,145,275 (326,256) 3,819,019 -7.87% 0 4,415,000 4,415,000 NA 508003 Tsfr.to Reserve for Contingency-Elections 110,000 0 110,000 0.00% 508016 Tsfr. to Reserve for Vehicle Replacement 1,600,000 100,000 1,700,000 6.25% 508026 Tsfr. to Reserve Facilities 768,833 231,167 1,000,000 30.07% 508041 Tsfr. to Parks Infrastructure Res.253,333 156,667 410,000 61.84% 508032 Tsfr. To Major Equipment Reserve 1,100,000 150,000 1,250,000 13.64% 508020 Tsfr. To Financial Sys Res.125,000 0 125,000 0.00% 508021 Tsfr. To Senior Centre Res.700,000 0 700,000 0.00% 508028 Trs to Fence reserve 270,000 0 270,000 0.00% 508031 Trs to Tennis Court Reserve 230,000 0 230,000 0.00% 508002 Trs to Assessment Appeal Res.255,000 45,000 300,000 17.65% 508040 Trs to Cherrywood Reserve 315,760 (315,760)0 -100.00% 508702 Trans. to Reserve Fund - WSIB 710,000 0 710,000 0.00% 508711 Trans. to Reserve Fund - Excess Indemnity 163,940 0 163,940 0.00% 508502 Trans to Reserve Fund - Federal Gas Tax 2,910,530 207,889 3,118,419 7.14% 508707 Trans to RF - Stormwater Res. Fund 700,000 100,000 800,000 14.29% 508703 Trans to Animal Shelter Res Fund 300,000 0 300,000 0.00% XXXX Trans to Development Charges Res. Fund 0 0 0 NA 508706 Trans to Roads & Bridges Res Fund 2,253,333 346,667 2,600,000 15.38% Trans. to Capital Fund 508800 Capital Funded From Current 668,000 82,000 750,000 12.28% Capital Funded From Debt & Internal Loans 1,587,324 13,786,828 15,374,152 868.56% 508008 City Share of DC Projects 1,100,000 100,000 1,200,000 9.09% 503500 Contingency 1,199,964 (131,341) 1,068,623 -10.95% 503510 Emergency Operational Needs - Capital 200,000 0 200,000 0.00% $33,845,349 $21,274,205 $55,119,554 62.86% Without Debt & Int. Loans & Deal Fin.$32,258,025 $7,487,377 $39,745,402 Without Debt & Capital funded Current $31,590,025 $7,405,377 $38,995,402 2024 Estimated Durham Region Casino Payment Transfers to Reserve & Reserve Funds City of Pickering 411 City of Pickering 2024 Budget General Government Revenue % Change 2023 Increase 2024 2024 Budget Budget (Decrease)Budget VS. 2023 406510 POA Revenues $25,000 ($25,000) $0 -100.00% 402000 Non-Shared P.I.L.S.3,569,091 37,684 3,606,775 1.06% 402040 Linear Properties 1,500,298 5,039 1,505,337 0.34% 404500 Rentals 89,165 (3,333)85,832 -3.74% 406600 Sale of Equipment 50,000 0 50,000 0.00% Other Misc. Transactions 10,417,511 207,889 10,625,400 2.00% 409500 Elexicon 2,755,350 224,000 2,979,350 8.13% 408035 Tsfr. from Rec Complex Res (Chestnut Hill) 75,000 0 75,000 0.00% 408007 Tsfr. from Rate Stabilization Reserve 50,000 1,645,000 1,695,000 3290.00% 408003 Tsfr. from Reserve - Elections 0 0 0 NA 408025 Tsfr. from Reserve - Duffin Heights 0 0 0 NA 408037 Tsfr. from Reserve - Casino 1,068,987 4,225,079 5,294,066 395.24% 408008 Tsfr. from Reserve - City Centre City Share 0 0 0 408009 Tsfr. from Reserve - Cont. Studies 265,000 26,546 291,546 10.02% 408702 Tsfr. from Res. Fund - Workers' Comp. 200,700 (41,354)159,346 -20.60% 408200 Tsfr. from Res. Fund - Third Party Oblig.0 250,000 250,000 NA Hotel Accomodation Tax 300,000 0 300,000 0.00% 409600 Surplus 125,000 0 125,000 0.00% $20,491,102 $6,551,549 $27,042,651 31.97% 412 City of Pickering 2024 Budget Non-Departmental Revenues 2023 Increase 2024 Budget (Decrease) Budget 406510 - POA Revenues Projected Revenues $25,000 ($25,000) $0 $25,000.00 ($25,000)$0 Durham Region staff have recommended the lower budgeted amount. 402040 - Linear Properties (CN,CP & Hydro Corridors) Projected Revenues $1,503,347 $1,990 $1,505,337 $1,503,347 $1,990 $1,505,337 402000 - Non-Shared PIL's Projected Revenues $3,569,091 $37,684 $3,606,775 $3,569,091 $37,684 $3,606,775 413 City of Pickering 2024 Budget Municipal Rentals 2023 Increase 2024 Budget Decrease Budget 404500 - Municipal Rentals Cellular Tower Rentals 9471 Rogers - Sideline 34 - North of Whitevale Rd.$24,165 $0 $24,165 9472 TELUS - Sideline 16 - North of Old Taunton Rd.20,000 0 20,000 9473 Public Mobile Retail - Centennial Park 25,000 0 25,000 9476 Tillings & Brock Rd.20,000 (3,333) 16,667 $89,165 ($3,333) $85,832 414 City of Pickering 2024 Budget Sale of Old/Used Equipment 2023 Increase 2024 Budget (Decrease)Budget 406600 - Misc. Sale of Equipment Miscellaneous equipment sold at Regional auction, and private auctions. $50,000 $0 $50,000 $50,000 $0 $50,000 The City uses "Gov Deals Auction" to dispose of its older equipment and vehicles. Funds received from the disposal of older vehicles are transferred to the vehicle replacement reserve to help offset future vehicle purchases. 415 City of Pickering 2024 Budget Other Miscellaneous Revenue Transactions 2023 Increase 2024 Budget (Decrease)Budget 406602 - Gen Gov't Revenue LAS Rebate Natural Gas Rebate $6,981 $0 $6,981 406601 - Misc. Sale of Land Pickering Innovation Corridor Land Sales Anticipated Sales of Various Blocks of land 7,500,000 0 7,500,000 402500 - Federal Grants Receipt of 2024 Federal Gas Tax Funds 2,910,530 207,889 3,118,419 $10,417,511 $207,889 $10,625,400 416 City of Pickering 2024 Budget Revenues From Elexicon 409500 - Gen. Gov't Revenue - Other 2023 Increase 2024 Budget (Decrease)Budget Dividend (27.88%)$3,172,744 $0 $3,172,744 (546,587)0 (546,587) 2023 Dividend Adj. as Per Elexicon (906,157)0 (906,157) 2024 Dividend Adj. as Per Elexicon 224,000 224,000 (Anticipate higher dividends in 2024) Interest on Prom notes 1,035,350 0 1,035,350 $2,755,350 $224,000 $2,979,350 Prom Prom Note Description Note Int. Rate Int. Earned Elexicon Corporation $7,095,000 4.13% $293,024 Elexicon Energy Inc.17,974,000 4.13%742,326 Total Notes $25,069,000 $1,035,350 2022 Dividend Adj. as Per Elexicon 417 City of Pickering 2024 Budget Transfers from Reserves 2023 Increase 2024 Budget (Decrease)Budget 408009 - Continuing Studies Res. City Centre - Stage 1 Options Analysis $265,000 $26,546 $291,546 Studies carried Over from 2023 to be completed in 2024 408035 - Recreation Complex Res. Annual contribution from Chestnut Hill to help fund the debt charges for the renovation 75,000 0 75,000 408007 - Rate Stabilization Res. Petticoat Creek Business Case 50,000 (50,000) Strategic Investments Strategy & Divesture 1,400,000 Funding for Walnut Lane expense 250,000 250,000 Art Study 45,000 45,000 408037 - Casino Reserve Funding of Charitable Organizations 260,181 318,885 579,066 Funding of City Centre Stage 2 Analysis 490,000 (490,000)0 Loan to the Cherrywood Reserve 315,760 (315,760)0 Funding of 2024 Durham Region Casino Payment 4,415,000 4,415,000 Petticoat Creek Master Plan 300,000 300,000 Total $1,455,941 $4,473,125 $7,355,612 418 City of Pickering 2024 Budget Transfers from Reserve Funds 2023 Increase 2024 Budget (Decrease)Budget 408200 - Trans From Third Party Oblig. Reserve Fund Funding for Walnut Lane expense $250,000 $250,000 $0 $250,000 $250,000 408702 - Workers' Compensation Reserve Fund This transfer to offset the cost of $200,700 ($41,354)$159,346 WSIB related insurance. In 2021, the City started to move to a self-insurance model as it relates to Excess Indemnity Insurance coverage. $200,700 ($41,354) $159,346 Total $200,700 $208,646 $409,346 419 City of Pickering 2024 Mayor Ashe Budget 2023 2023 Increase 2024 % Actuals Budget (Decrease) Budget Change Salaries & Wages $124,252 $123,189 $2,275 $125,464 1.85% Employee Benefits 36,620 30,152 1,931 32,083 6.40% Severance Provision 10,354 10,060 395 10,455 3.93% Conferences 3,320 3,500 0 3,500 0.00% Travel 19,182 21,550 5,000 26,550 23.20% Cellular Phones 1,984 1,400 0 1,400 0.00% Internet 718 0 0 0 0.00% Meals, Promotions & General 5,663 15,000 0 15,000 0.00% Corporate Initiatives 9,794 25,000 5,000 30,000 20.00% Stationary & Office Supplies 0 0 0 0 0.00% $211,887 $229,851 $14,601 $244,452 6.35% 4/23/2024 11:12 AM Council 420 City of Pickering 2024 11000 Mayor Ashe Background Information Expenditures 2024 Budget 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages Base Salaries & Wages $125,464 Total 501000.0000 Salaries & Wages 125,464 501020.0000 Employee Benefits This item includes mandatory deductions ( CPP, EHT, ) and City provided benefits such as RRSP, dental and extended health 32,083 Total 501020.0000 Employee Benefits 32,083 501030.0000 Severance Provision Mayor is entitled to one month's salary for each year of service after completion of a term 10,455 Total 501030.0000 Severance Provision 10,455 501100.0000 Conferences Provision to attend various conferences 3,500 Total 501100.0000 Conferences 3,500 501130.0000 Travel Car Allowance - $1,350 per month 16,200 Travel outside GTA (Mileage & parking)350 Foreign Investment - Delegations 10,000 Total 501130.0000 Travel 26,550 502020.0000 Cellular Phones Smartphone Reimbursement 1,400 Total 502020.0000 Cellular Phones 1,400 502240.0000 Meals/Prom/General Public Affairs, Events & General 15,000 Total 502240.0000 Meals/Prom/General 15,000 502275.0000 Corporate Initiatives City Corporate initiatives, International Trade events and Town Hall meetings approved by the Mayor 30,000 Total 502275.0000 Corporate Initiatives 30,000 Total Expenses $244,452 4/23/2024 11:12 AM Council 421 City of Pickering 2024 Councillor M. Brenner Budget 2023 2023 Increase 2024 % Actuals Budget (Decrease) Budget Change Salaries & Wages $56,901 $56,456 $2,292 $58,748 4.06% Employee Benefits 16,631 19,938 801 20,739 4.02% Severance Provision 4,746 4,610 286 4,896 6.20% Conferences 0 4,000 0 4,000 0.00% Travel 12,000 12,350 0 12,350 0.00% Cellular Phones 1,812 1,830 0 1,830 0.00% Internet 1,391 1,800 0 1,800 0.00% Brochures/Newsletters Printing 3,557 16,000 0 16,000 0.00% Meals, Promotions & General 275 5,000 0 5,000 0.00% Council Economic Initiatives 0 7,000 3,000 10,000 42.86% Stationary & Office Supplies 382 750 0 750 0.00% $97,695 $129,734 $6,379 $136,113 4.92% 4/23/2024 11:04 AM Council 422 City of Pickering 2024 11005 M. Brenner, Reg. Coun. Ward 1 Background Information Expenditures 2024 Budget 501000.0002 Salaries & Wages Base Salaries & Wages $53,407 Per Diem 5,341 Total 501000.0002 Salaries & Wages 58,748 501020.0002 Employee Benefits This item includes mandatory deductions ( CPP, EHT, ) and City provided benefits such as RRSP, dental and extended health 20,739 Total 501020.0002 Employee Benefits 20,739 501030.0002 Severance Provision Councillor is entitled to one month's salary (base salary & per diem) for each year of service after completion of a term 4,896 Total 501030.0002 Severance Provision 4,896 501100.0002 Conferences Budget of $16,000 is provided each term 4,000 Total 501100.0002 Conferences 4,000 501130.0002 Travel Car Allowance - $1,000 per month 12,000 Travel outside GTA (Mileage & parking)350 Total 501130.0002 Travel 12,350 502020.0002 Cellular Phones Smartphone Reimbursement 1,830 Total 502020.0002 Cellular Phones 1,830 502040.0002 Internet Reimbursement of internet costs 1,800 Total 502040.0002 Internet 1,800 502130.0002 Brchrs/NewsLtr-Print $16,000 is permitted during a non-election year and includes Town Hall meeting costs 16,000 Total 502130.0002 Brchrs/NewsLtr-Print 16,000 Council 423 City of Pickering 2024 11005 M. Brenner, Reg. Coun. Ward 1 Background Information Expenditures 2024 Budget 502240.0002 Meals/Prom/General Provisions for promotional items 5,000 Total 502240.0002 Meals/Prom/General 5,000 502276.0002 Council Economic Initiatives This account is to cover all costs associated with Councillors undertaking economic initiatives for business attraction such as business development exhibitions. Costs includes: travel, food, accommodation and registration fees. 10,000 Total 502276.0002 Council Economic Initiatives 10,000 502500.0002 Stationery&OfficeSup General office supplies 750 Total 502500.0002 Stationery&OfficeSup 750 Total Expenses $136,113 Council 424 City of Pickering 2024 Councillor L. Cook Budget 2023 2023 Increase 2024 % Actuals Budget (Decrease) Budget Change Salaries & Wages $56,901 $56,456 $2,292 $58,748 4.06% Employee Benefits 14,192 19,938 801 20,739 4.02% Conferences 0 4,000 0 4,000 0.00% Travel 12,000 12,350 0 12,350 0.00% Cellular Phones 253 2,000 0 2,000 0.00% Internet 427 1,800 0 1,800 0.00% Brochures/Newsletters Printing 3,791 16,000 0 16,000 0.00% Meals, Promotions & General 150 5,000 0 5,000 0.00% Council Economic Initiatives 0 7,000 3,000 10,000 42.86% Stationary & Office Supplies 22 750 0 750 0.00% $87,736 125,294 $6,093 $131,387 4.86% 4/23/2024 11:04 AM Council 425 City of Pickering 2024 11005 L. Cook, Reg Coun. Ward 2 Background Information Expenditures 2024 Budget 501000.0015 Salaries & Wages Base Salaries & Wages $53,407 Per Diem 5,341 Total 501000.0015 Salaries & Wages 58,748 501020.0015 Employee Benefits This item includes mandatory deductions ( CPP, EHT, ) and City provided benefits such as RRSP, dental and extended health 20,739 Total 501020.0015 Employee Benefits 20,739 501100.0015 Conferences Budget of $16,000 is provided each term 4,000 Total 501100.0015 Conferences 4,000 501130.0015 Travel Car Allowance - $1,000 per month 12,000 Travel outside GTA (Mileage & parking)350 Total 501130.0015 Travel 12,350 502020.0015 Cellular Phones Smartphone Reimbursement 2,000 Total 502020.0015 Cellular Phones 2,000 502040.0015 Internet Reimbursement of internet costs 1,800 Total 502040.0015 Internet 1,800 502130.0015 Brchrs/NewsLtr-Print $16,000 is permitted during a non-election year and includes Town Hall meeting costs 16,000 Total 502130.0015 Brchrs/NewsLtr-Print 16,000 502240.0015 Meals/Prom/General Provisions for promotional items 5,000 Total 502240.0015 Meals/Prom/General 5,000 502276.0015 Council Economic Initiatives This account is to cover all costs associated with Councillors undertaking economic initiatives for business attraction such as business development exhibitions. Costs includes: travel, food, accommodation and registration fees. 10,000 Total 502276.0015 Council Economic Initiatives 10,000 426 City of Pickering 2024 11005 L. Cook, Reg Coun. Ward 2 Background Information Expenditures 2024 Budget 502500.0015 Stationery&OfficeSup General office supplies 750 Total 502500.0015 Stationery&OfficeSup 750 Total Expenses $131,387 427 City of Pickering 2024 Councillor D. Pickles Budget 2023 2023 Increase 2024 % Actuals Budget (Decrease) Budget Change Salaries & Wages $56,901 $56,456 $2,292 $58,748 4.06% Employee Benefits 20,413 19,938 801 20,739 4.02% Severance Provision 4,746 4,610 286 4,896 6.20% Conferences 0 4,000 0 4,000 0.00% Travel 12,000 12,350 0 12,350 0.00% Cellular Phones 492 2,500 0 2,500 0.00% Internet 855 1,800 0 1,800 0.00% Brochures/Newsletters Printing 7,279 16,000 0 16,000 0.00% Meals, Promotions & General 275 5,000 0 5,000 0.00% Council Economic Initiatives 7,519 7,000 3,000 10,000 42.86% Stationary & Office Supplies 126 750 0 750 0.00% $110,606 $130,404 $6,379 $136,783 4.89% 4/23/2024 11:05 AM Council 428 City of Pickering 2024 11005 D. Pickles, Reg. Coun. Ward 3 Background Information Expenditures 2024 Budget 501000.0006 Salaries & Wages Base Salaries & Wages $53,407 Per Diem 5,341 Total 501000.0006 Salaries & Wages 58,748 501020.0006 Employee Benefits This item includes mandatory deductions ( CPP, EHT, ) and City provided benefits such as RRSP, dental and extended health 20,739 Total 501020.0006 Employee Benefits 20,739 501030.0006 Severance Provision Councillor is entitled to one month's salary (base salary & per diem) for each year of service after completion of a term 4,896 Total 501030.0006 Severance Provision 4,896 501100.0006 Conferences Budget of $16,000 is provided each term 4,000 Total 501100.0006 Conferences 4,000 501130.0006 Travel Car Allowance - $1,000 per month 12,000 Travel outside GTA (Mileage & parking)350 Total 501130.0006 Travel 12,350 502020.0006 Cellular Phones Smartphone Reimbursement 2,500 Total 502020.0006 Cellular Phones 2,500 502040.0006 Internet Reimbursement of internet costs 1,800 Total 502040.0006 Internet 1,800 502130.0006 Brchrs/NewsLtr-Print $16,000 is permitted during a non-election year and includes Town Hall meeting costs 16,000 Total 502130.0006 Brchrs/NewsLtr-Print 16,000 Council 429 City of Pickering 2024 11005 D. Pickles, Reg. Coun. Ward 3 Background Information Expenditures 2024 Budget 502240.0006 Meals/Prom/General Provisions for promotional items 5,000 Total 502240.0006 Meals/Prom/General 5,000 502276.0006 Council Economic Initiatives This account is to cover all costs associated with Councillors undertaking economic initiatives for business attraction such as business development exhibitions. Costs includes: travel, food, accommodation and registration fees. 10,000 Total 502276.0006 Council Economic Initiatives 10,000 502500.0006 Stationery&OfficeSup General office supplies 750 Total 502500.0006 Stationery&OfficeSup 750 Total Expenses $136,783 Council 430 City of Pickering 2024 Councillor L. Robinson Budget 2023 2023 Increase 2024 % Actuals Budget (Decrease) Budget Change Salaries & Wages $44,091 $56,456 $2,292 $58,748 4.06% Employee Benefits 13,353 19,938 801 20,739 4.02% Conferences 0 4,000 0 4,000 0.00% Travel 12,000 12,350 0 12,350 0.00% Cellular Phones 1,235 2,000 0 2,000 0.00% Internet 999 1,800 0 1,800 0.00% Brochures/Newsletters Printing 13,271 16,000 0 16,000 0.00% Meals, Promotions & General 0 5,000 0 5,000 0.00% Council Economic Initiatives 0 7,000 3,000 10,000 42.86% Stationary & Office Supplies 414 750 0 750 0.00% $85,363 125,294 $6,093 $131,387 4.86% 4/23/2024 11:06 AM Council 431 City of Pickering 2024 11005 L. Robinson, City Coun. Ward 1 Background Information Expenditures 2024 Budget 501000.0017 Salaries & Wages Base Salaries & Wages $53,407 Per Diem 5,341 Total 501000.0017 Salaries & Wages 58,748 501020.0017 Employee Benefits This item includes mandatory deductions ( CPP, EHT, ) and City provided benefits such as RRSP, dental and extended health 20,739 Total 501020.0017 Employee Benefits 20,739 501100.0017 Conferences Budget of $16,000 is provided each term 4,000 Total 501100.0017 Conferences 4,000 501130.0017 Travel Car Allowance - $1,000 per month 12,000 Travel outside GTA (Mileage & parking)350 Total 501130.0017 Travel 12,350 502020.0017 Cellular Phones Smartphone Reimbursement 2,000 Total 502020.0017 Cellular Phones 2,000 502040.0017 Internet Reimbursement of internet costs 1,800 Total 502040.0017 Internet 1,800 502130.0017 Brchrs/NewsLtr-Print $16,000 is permitted during a non-election year and includes Town Hall meeting costs 16,000 Total 502130.0017 Brchrs/NewsLtr-Print 16,000 502240.0017 Meals/Prom/General Provisions for promotional items 5,000 Total 502240.0017 Meals/Prom/General 5,000 Council 432 City of Pickering 2024 11005 L. Robinson, City Coun. Ward 1 Background Information Expenditures 2024 Budget 502276.0017 Council Economic Initiatives This account is to cover all costs associated with Councillors undertaking economic initiatives for business attraction such as business development exhibitions. Costs includes: travel, food, accommodation and registration fees. 10,000 Total 502275.0017 Council Economic Initiatives 10,000 502500.0017 Stationery&OfficeSup General office supplies 750 Total 502500.0017 Stationery&OfficeSup 750 Total Expenses $131,387 Council 433 City of Pickering 2024 Councillor M. Nagy Budget 2023 2023 Increase 2024 % Actuals Budget (Decrease) Budget Change Salaries & Wages $56,901 $56,456 $2,292 $58,748 4.06% Employee Benefits 9,194 19,938 801 20,739 4.02% Conferences 4,362 4,000 0 4,000 0.00% Travel 12,345 12,350 0 12,350 0.00% Cellular Phones 1,292 2,000 0 2,000 0.00% Internet 971 1,800 0 1,800 0.00% Brochures/Newsletters Printing 6,869 16,000 0 16,000 0.00% Meals, Promotions & General 154 5,000 0 5,000 0.00% Council Economic Initiatives 3,293 7,000 3,000 10,000 42.86% Stationary & Office Supplies 0 750 0 750 0.00% $95,381 125,294 $6,093 $131,387 4.86% 4/23/2024 11:07 AM Council 434 City of Pickering 2024 11005 M. Nagy, City Coun. Ward 2 Background Information Expenditures 2024 Budget 501000.0016 Salaries & Wages Base Salaries & Wages $53,407 Per Diem 5,341 Total 501000.0016 Salaries & Wages 58,748 501020.0016 Employee Benefits This item includes mandatory deductions ( CPP, EHT, ) and City provided benefits such as RRSP, dental and extended health 20,739 Total 501020.0016 Employee Benefits 20,739 501100.0016 Conferences Budget of $16,000 is provided each term 4,000 Total 501100.0016 Conferences 4,000 501130.0016 Travel Car Allowance - $1,000 per month 12,000 Travel outside GTA (Mileage & parking)350 Total 501130.0016 Travel 12,350 502020.0016 Cellular Phones Smartphone Reimbursement 2,000 Total 502020.0016 Cellular Phones 2,000 502040.0016 Internet Reimbursement of internet costs 1,800 Total 502040.0016 Internet 1,800 502130.0016 Brchrs/NewsLtr-Print $16,000 is permitted during a non-election year and includes Town Hall meeting costs 16,000 Total 502130.0016 Brchrs/NewsLtr-Print 16,000 502240.0016 Meals/Prom/General Provisions for promotional items 5,000 Total 502240.0016 Meals/Prom/General 5,000 Council 435 City of Pickering 2024 11005 M. Nagy, City Coun. Ward 2 Background Information Expenditures 2024 Budget 502276.0016 Council Economic Initiatives This account is to cover all costs associated with Councillors undertaking economic initiatives for business attraction such as business development exhibitions. Costs includes: travel, food, accommodation and registration fees. 10,000 Total 502276.0016 Council Economic Initiatives 10,000 502500.0016 Stationery&OfficeSup General office supplies 750 Total 502500.0016 Stationery&OfficeSup 750 Total Expenses $131,387 Council 436 City of Pickering 2024 Councillor S. Butt Budget 2023 2023 Increase 2024 % Actuals Budget (Decrease) Budget Change Salaries & Wages $56,901 $56,456 $2,292 $58,748 4.06% Employee Benefits 20,413 19,938 801 20,739 4.02% Severance Provision 4,746 4,610 286 4,896 6.20% Conferences 2,831 4,000 0 4,000 0.00% Travel 12,216 12,350 0 12,350 0.00% Cellular Phones 984 2,000 0 2,000 0.00% Internet 1,057 1,800 0 1,800 0.00% Brochures/Newsletters Printing 7,184 16,000 0 16,000 0.00% Meals, Promotions & General 275 5,000 0 5,000 0.00% Council Economic Initiatives 6,725 7,000 3,000 10,000 42.86% Stationary & Office Supplies 144 750 0 750 0.00% $113,476 $129,904 $6,379 $136,283 4.91% 4/23/2024 11:08 AM Council 437 City of Pickering 2024 11005 S. Butt, City Coun. Ward 3 Background Information Expenditures 2024 Budget 501000.0013 Salaries & Wages Base Salaries & Wages $53,407 Per Diem 5,341 Total 501000.0013 Salaries & Wages 58,748 501020.0013 Employee Benefits This item includes mandatory deductions ( CPP, EHT, ) and City provided benefits such as RRSP, dental and extended health 20,739 Total 501020.0013 Employee Benefits 20,739 501030.0013 Severance Provision Councillor is entitled to one month's salary (base salary & per diem) for each year of service after completion of a term 4,896 Total 501030.0013 Severance Provision 4,896 501100.0013 Conferences Budget of $16,000 is provided each term 4,000 Total 501100.0013 Conferences 4,000 501130.0013 Travel Car Allowance - $1,000 per month 12,000 Travel outside GTA (Mileage & parking)350 Total 501130.0013 Travel 12,350 502020.0013 Cellular Phones Smartphone Reimbursement 2,000 Total 502020.0013 Cellular Phones 2,000 502040.0013 Internet Reimbursement of internet costs 1,800 Total 502040.0013 Internet 1,800 502130.0013 Brchrs/NewsLtr-Print $16,000 is permitted during a non-election year and includes Town Hall meeting costs 16,000 Total 502130.0013 Brchrs/NewsLtr-Print 16,000 Council 438 City of Pickering 2024 11005 S. Butt, City Coun. Ward 3 Background Information Expenditures 2024 Budget 502240.0013 Meals/Prom/General Provisions for promotional items 5,000 Total 502240.0013 Meals/Prom/General 5,000 502276.0013 Council Economic Initiatives This account is to cover all costs associated with Councillors undertaking economic initiatives for business attraction such as business development exhibitions. Costs includes: travel, food, accommodation and registration fees. 10,000 Total 502276.0013 Council Economic Initiatives 10,000 502500.0013 Stationery&OfficeSup General office supplies 750 Total 502500.0013 Stationery&OfficeSup 750 Total Expenses $136,283 Council 439 City of Pickering 2024 11005 Council Support Budget 2023 2023 Increase 2024 % Actuals Budget (Decrease) Budget Change Salaries & Wages $263,523 $275,935 $32,522 $308,457 11.79% Overtime 418 1,000 0 1,000 0.00% Employee Benefits 92,246 86,715 14,618 101,333 16.86% Seminars & Education 769 2,000 0 2,000 0.00% Travel 7 250 0 250 100% Cellular Phones 233 1,200 (660) 540 -55.00% Telephone & Data 3,308 3,700 (500) 3,200 0.00% Internet 409 380 0 380 0.00% Insurance Premium 1,518 1,518 227 1,745 14.95% Meals, Promotions & General 8,641 3,500 1,500 5,000 42.86% Memberships 155 150 190 340 126.67% Stationary & Office Supplies 308 1,000 0 1,000 0.00% Software & Hardware Mtce. Contracts 454 455 425 880 93.41% $371,989 $377,803 $48,322 $426,125 12.79% 4/23/2024 11:10 AM Council 440 City of Pickering 2024 11005 Council Support Background Information Expenditures 2024 Budget 501000.0001 Salaries & Wages Base Salaries & Wages 308,457 Total 501000.0001 Salaries & Wages 308,457 501010.0001 Overtime To meet service level/workload commitments 1,000 Total 501010.0001 Overtime 1,000 501020.0001 Employee Benefits This item includes mandatory deductions ( CPP., EI., EHT., ) and employer provided benefits such as dental and extended health 101,333 Total 501020.0001 Employer Contributions 101,333 501110.0001 Seminars & Education Council Support - topical seminar/course for Executive Assistant, Mayor and Executive Assistant, Council 2,000 Total 501110.0001 Seminars & Education 2,000 501130.0001 Travel Travel - for attendance at meetings, postal runs 250 Total 501130.0001 Travel 250 502020.0001 Cellular Phones Annual Smartphone Charges - Executive Assistant, Mayor 540 Total 502020.0001 Cellular Phones 540 502030.0001 Telephones & Data Voice / Data 3,200 Total 502030.0001 Telephones & Data 3,200 502040.0001 Internet Internet 380 Total 502040.0001 Internet 380 502210.0001 Insurance Premium Annual cost of insurance policy that provides protection for municipal activities and property. (Policy coverage includes: liability, automobile and property).1,745 Total 502210.0001 Insurance Premium 1,745 441 City of Pickering 2024 11005 Council Support Background Information Expenditures 2024 Budget 502240.0001 Meals/Prom/General Includes provision for Special Meetings (i.e. Council, Budget, etc.)5,000 Total 502240.0001 Meals/Prom/General 5,000 502250.0001 Memberships Ont. Municipal Mgmt. Institute (OMMI) - Executive Assistants, Council 340 Total 502250.0001 Memberships 340 502500.0001 Stationery&OfficeSup General office supplies, toners 1,000 Total 502500.0001 Stationery&OfficeSup 1,000 502700.0001 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr Maintenance - HRIS 880 Total 502700.0001 Sfwr/Hdwr Mntc Contr 880 Total Expenses $426,125 442 City of Pickering 2024 Budget Other Miscellaneous Expenditures 2023 Increase 2024 Budget (Decrease)Budget 502895 - Miscellaneous Transactions Pickering Innovation Corridor Land Purchases Anticipated purchase of Blocks of Land (PIC) $7,500,000 $0 $7,500,000 future sale. Walnut Lane Easement acquisition/.expropriation 500,000 500,000 Key Investments Divesture Strategy Technical Support 200,000 200,000 RFP Stage 1,000,000 1,000,000 Outside Legal Resources 200,000 200,000 Total $7,500,000 $1,900,000 $9,400,000 443 City of Pickering 2024 Budget Purchased Services 2023 Increase 2024 502230 - Consulting & Professional Fees Budget (Decrease)Budget Strategic Initiatives (CAO)$5,000 $0 $5,000 Unanticipated needs (includes Integrity 30,000 30,000 60,000 Commissioner) General Litigation Needs 150,000 0 150,000 (Councillor Judicial Review)250,000 250,000 Public Relations Investments for (communications, strategy, legal advisory & community engagement) 0 100,000 100,000 Feasibility Study (Commander Project)0 55,000 55,000 PCCP Visioning Exercise and related studies 0 300,000 300,000 Funded from Casino Reserve Seaton FIS Review 0 60,000 60,000 Arbitration Hearings 30,000 0 30,000 OLT Appeals - Legal & Consulting Resources 322,000 0 322,000 City Strategic Plan 37,500 (37,500) 0 KPMG Acquisition Study 50,000 (50,000) 0 City Centre - Stage 1 Options Analysis 265,000 (265,000) 0 Budgeted in 2022, vender invoiced in 2023 Funded From Continuing Studies Reserve City Centre - Stage 2 Analysis of Option 490,000 (490,000) 0 Funded by Casino Reserve Post Manor Art Gallery 0 45,000 45,000 Funded from the Rate Stabilization Reserve Studies carried Over from 2023 to be completed in 2024 0 291,546 291,546 Funded From Continuing Studies Reserve Consulting Fees for Petticoat Creek Business Case 50,000 (50,000) 0 Total $1,429,500 $239,046 $1,668,546 444 City of Pickering 2024 Budget Corporate Requirements 2023 Increase 2024 502240 - Meals/Prom/General Budget (Decrease) Budget AMO Memberships $13,500 $0 $13,500 Corporate Requirements & Initiatives 10,000 0 10,000 CANHC Membership 1,000 0 1,000 EDI Initiatives 10,000 10,000 Big City Mayors Association 10,000 0 10,000 Corporate Tables 6,000 0 6,000 Age Friendly Initiatives 10,000 (10,000) Funded in Community Services Department Total $50,500 $0 $50,500 4/23/2024 10:31 AM Council 445 City of Pickering 2024 Budget Property Tax & Charity & Heritage & Low Income/Persons with Disabilities Rebates 2023 Increase 2024 Budget (Decrease) Budget 503000 - Provision for Reduction in Taxes General Provision $150,000 $0 $150,000 Anticipated settlement for multi-year appeals 300,000 0 300,000 Exemption for Claremont Legion 1,750 0 1,750 Appeal costs for all years and tax classes Total $451,750 $0 $451,750 503005 - Charity Property Tax Rebates Registered charities that occupy either $26,800 $0 $26,800 commercial or industrial units can receive a 40% rebate of their property taxes. Total $26,800 $0 $26,800 503025 - Heritage Property Tax Rebate Funding is being provided for the Heritage Property $10,000 $0 $10,000 Tax rebate program. Total $10,000 $0 $10,000 503010 - Low Income Seniors/Persons with Disabilities Property Tax Grant Seniors over the age of 65 and in receipt of GIS will qualify for a $560 grant. ODSP recipients will also qualify for the $560 grant.$140,000 $23,000 $163,000 Total $140,000 $23,000 $163,000 446 5 City of Pickering 2024 Budget Third Party WSIB Insurance 2023 Increase 2024 Budget (Decrease) Budget 502215 - Third Party - WSIB Coverage Insurance Costs For WSIB Occupational Accident Ins.$36,760 $4,594 $41,354 Excess Indemnity 0 0 0 $36,760 $4,594 $41,354 The City's financial strategy is to self insure the risk that was covered by excess indemnity insurance policy and re-direct the insurance premium dollars to a Reserve Fund entitled "Excess Indemnity." 447 5 City of Pickering 2024 Budget Insurance/Self Insurance 2023 Increase 2024 Budget (Decrease) Budget 502225 - General Insurance General Government $329,000 $0 $329,000 Excess Coverage - $50 million 25,210 6,690 31,900 2023 Premium Increase Excess 0 0 0 Insurance Reserve (154,000) 19,000 (135,000) $200,210 $25,690 $225,900 448 2023 Approved 2024 2024 Funding Request Recommended 503040 - Community Grants - Social City of Pickering Award - (5) High School students $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 Jerry Coughlin Health & Wellness Centre 0 125,000 125,000 Year 1 of 2 Pickering Rotary Club - Start up funds for Rib Festival 0 10,000 10,000 Approved at the January 22, 2024 Council Meeting Ajax-Pickering Roadwatch Committee 10,000 4,750 4,750 Environmental Stewardship Pickering Prog. Renewal (1 year extension)25,000 25,000 25,000 TRCA - Petticoat Creek Facility - Construction of new unisex washroomRetro fit to existing washrooms at Petticoat Creek Conservation Park 50,000 100,000 100,000 Funding request is for $100,000 allocated over two years TRCA only spent $8,900 in 2023 PARA Marine Search & Rescue 7,877 4,702 4,702 Canadian Federation of University Women Ajax/Pickering - rental cost 1,678 1,678 1,678 Environmental School Grant - Report FIN 17-19 / SUS 02-23 Durham District Public School Board 10,000 10,000 10,000 Durham District Catholic School Board 10,000 10,000 10,000 Ontario French Public School Board 1,000 1,000 1,000 As We Grow Food (9286071 Canada Association)3,000 25,000 5,000 Dedicated Advocacy and Resource Services (DARS)3,000 3,000 3,000 Mayor's Request to top up funding to $50,000 47,000 Children's Foundation (Durham Catholic District School Board)3,000 3,000 3,000 St. Pauls on the Hill Community Food Bank 8,764 3,000 48,000 Pickering-Ajax Caremongers - no request in 2024 2,500 0 0 10,000 0 0 Council resolution # 114/23 10,000 0 0 Council resolution # 141/23 Charles H. Best Diabetes Centre Expansion Campaign Contribution 25,000 25,000 25,000 Council resolution # 45/23 (Year 2 of 4) Ignite Durham Learning Foundation (Durham District School Board)3,000 0 0 - no request in 2024 Claremont Lions Club - no request in 2024 336 0 0 Orchard Villa Families - no request in 2024 1,000 0 0 Canadian Caribbean Cultural Association - no request in 2024 3,210 0 0 Contingency 5,454 25,000 25,000 Sub Total $198,819 $381,130 $453,130 503045 - Community Grants - Seniors Senior Club Trips & other expenses (excludes restaurant meals) $14,000 $14,000 $14,000 PROBUS Club of Pickering - facility rental cost 3,200 3,200 3,200 PROBUS Pickering Lakeside - facility rental cost 3,002 #3,028 3,028 Bay Ridges Seniors Euchre Club - primarily facility rental cost 1,000 1,000 1,000 South Pickering Seniors Club #753 5,000 20,000 5,000 Sub Total $26,202 $41,228 $26,228 City of Pickering 2024 Budget Grants to Organizations Support for Ukraine's Energy Infrastructure Earthquake Relief for Turkey & Syria via Canadian Red Cross 449 2023 Approved 2024 2024 Funding Request Recommended 503050 - Community Grants - Programs Grant to CUPE 129 - Christmas Party $1,500 1,500$ $1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 Access to Recreation 60,000 60,000 60,000 Council resolution # 56/23 Bus trip expenses for Canada Day and other trips 10,500 10,500 10,500 Youth Initiatives 1,000 1,000 1,000 Royal Canadian Legion 606 (Easter parade) - no request in 2024 5,000 0 0 Royal Canadian Legion 606 9,000 9,000 9,000 Royal Canadian Legion 483 (Claremont)9,000 9,000 9,000 Afghan Canadian Cultural & Education International Organization 5,000 7,000 5,000 Canadian Food Truck Festival 3,000 10,000 5,000 Claremont Winter Carnival 5,500 6,000 6,000 East Toronto Modern Quilt Guild - facility rental cost 1,360 1,360 1,360 Women's Friday Morning Volleyball - facility rental cost 1,000 1,000 1,000 Pickering Community Concert Band - facility rental cost 2,000 2,000 2,000 Pickering Table Tennis Club - facility rental cost 2,192 2,192 2,192 Pickering Township Historical Society 2,500 3,000 3,000 PineRidge Arts Council - facility rental cost 800 800 800 PineRidge Arts Council (Artfest)- 7,500 7,500 Whitevale & District Residents Association 2,000 2,000 2,000 Whitevale Porchfest 2,000 2,000 2,000 Whitevale Arts & Culture Centre - no request in 2023 - 2,000 2,000 Affiliation for Inspiring Youth Upliftment Enterprise 3,000 3,000 3,000 Greenwood Recreation Association 3,000 3,000 3,000 Litmus Chinese Senior Dance Group - facility rental cost 1,500 3,000 1,500 Pickering Palestinian Association 3,000 9,700 7,940 Pickering West Shore Community Association 5,000 5,000 5,000 Claremont & District Community Association 3,000 11,300 6,000 Durham Tamil Association - facility rental cost 3,000 7,900 4,000 Pickering Rotary Club Music Festival - no request in 2024 3,000 0 0 Pickering Middle Eastern Community - no request in 2024 3,000 0 0 Pickering Naturalists - no request in 2024 850 0 0 Pickering Puffs - facility rental cost - no request in 2024 500 0 0 Pickering Cricket Club 0 3,755 3,755 Black Jewel Foundation - facility rental cost 0 3,000 3,000 Canadian Tamil Congress, Pickering Chapter 0 3,000 3,000 Durham Region Unemployed Help Centre 0 3,000 3,000 Durham West Lightning UA13AA - facility rental cost 0 3,000 1,310 Maplevale Maple Syrup Festival 0 3,000 3,000 Peace Lutheran Church of Bay Ridges 0 1,849 1,849 Pickering Ajax Italian Social Club 0 3,000 3,000 Pride Durham Inc.0 3,000 3,000 Rougemount Community & Recreational Association 0 3,000 3,000 Royal Canadian Legion Branch #606 - Ladies Auxiliary 0 3,000 3,000 The Tema Foundation - facility rental cost 0 4,000 3,000 Contingency - Mayors recommendations 0 21,000 17,570 Sub Total $153,702 $239,856 $214,276 Total $378,723 $662,214 $693,634 Budget Grants to Organizations Durham Regional Police Children's Games New Applicants for 2024 City of Pickering 2024 450 2023 Approved 2024 2024 Funding Request Recommended 503050 - Community Grants - Programs Durham West Girls Hockey Association 0 3,000$ $0 Ajax-Pickering Board of Trade 0 50,000 0 Amberlea Presbyterian Church 0 3,000 0 Bayfair Daycare 0 3,000 0 0 5,000 0 Frenchman's Bay Public School 0 3,750 0 Frenchman's Bay Yacht Club 0 3,000 0 Galacticos Soccer Club 0 5,000 0 Girls Inc. of Durham 0 3,000 0 Pickering Pentecostal Church - 2 applications submitted 0 55,200 0 Rougemount Co-Operative Homes 0 5,000 0 Satya Sanatan Dharma Cultural Sabha 0 3,000 0 Sound Marketing Canada Inc.0 20,000 0 St. Nedela Macedonian Orthodox Church 0 3,480 0 Total 0 165,430$ 0 DIVYA Foundation Durham Ineligible Applications for 2024 Grants to Organizations City of Pickering 2024 Budget 451 City of Pickering 2024 Budget 2024 Principal Interest Budget Property Taxes Funded Debt 2024 Capital Budget (Property Tax Based)$0 $0 $0 Fire Services $501,598 $209,134 $710,732 Civic Complex 0 0 0 Museum 36,000 22,699 58,699 Parks 124,586 20,985 145,571 Storm Water System 21,000 8,095 29,095 Rec. Facilities 998,820 619,698 1,618,518 Library 0 0 0 Roads & Sidewalks 920,944 336,260 1,257,204 Debt Issuance Costs 0 0 67,000 Total Property Taxes Funded Debt $2,602,948 $1,216,871 $3,819,019 Third Party - Pickering Football Club Pickering Soccer Dome 255,000 64,856 $319,856 Development Charges Reserve Fund Protective Services (Fire) - Seaton fire Hall 365,204 154,648 519,852 Opr Ctr DC - New Operations Centre 426,000 248,354 674,354 Fleet (3 Dump trucks and a sidewalk plow)0 31,038 31,038 Grand Total $3,649,152 $1,715,767 $5,364,119 City's Debt Responsibility (Taxes & DC Debt)$5,044,263 503060 - Annual Debt Charges - External Debentures & Internal Loans By Function Annual Charges 452 City of Pickering 2024 Budget Transfers to Reserves 2023 2023 Increase 2024 Est. Actual Budget (Decrease) Budget 508003 - Contingency Reserve Provide funding for 2026 election.$110,000 $110,000 $0 $110,000 508016 - Vehicle Replacement Reserve Funding for replacement vehicles that are 1,600,000 1,600,000 100,000 1,700,000 less than $300,000 for Parks, Roads, By-law Council Resolution #368/23 created the Facilities Reserve 508026 - Facilities Reserve Funding for major repairs & rennovations 768,833 768,833 231,167 1,000,000 508041 - Parks Infrastructure Repl. Res. Funding for major replacements & new 253,333 253,333 156,667 410,000 508032 - Major Equipment Reserve Funding - large equip (Sidewalk plows, tractors) 1,100,000 1,100,000 150,000 1,250,000 508031 - Tennis Court Reserve Funding for major renovations - tennis courts 230,000 230,000 0 230,000 508020 - Financial Systems Reserve New financial sys.: A/P, A/R, GL & Purch.125,000 125,000 0 125,000 508021 - Senior Centre Reserve Funds for new senior centre Res #185/11 700,000 700,000 0 700,000 508028 - Fence Reserve Replace fences on City property 270,000 270,000 0 270,000 508002 - Assessment Appeal Reserve Additional funds to offset aniticipated appeals 255,000 255,000 45,000 300,000 508040 - Cherrywood Reserve Funding to cover Cherrywood costs 0 315,760 (315,760)0 (No longer required). Total Transfer to Reserves $5,412,166 $5,727,926 $367,074 $6,095,000 453 City of Pickering 2024 Budget Transfer to Reserve Funds 2023 Increase 2024 Budget (Decrease) Budget 508502 - Federal Gas Tax Reserve Fund Receipt of Funds July 15th $1,455,265 November 15th 1,455,265 $2,910,530 $207,889 $3,118,419 508707 - Storm water Reserve Fund 700,000 100,000 800,000 The City has 19 storm water management ponds. There is need to undertake pond cleanout and reconstruction. 508702 - WSIB Reserve Fund The City self-insures the cost of its WSIB claims as a cost reduction strategy. The City budgets an amount to be used to pay for costs. 710,000 0 710,000 508711 - Excess Indemnity Reserve Fund The purpose of this fund is to cover higher WSIB claim costs.163,940 0 163,940 508703 - Animal Shelter Reserve Fund Annual provision for construction of a new animal shelter.300,000 0 300,000 508706 - Roads & Bridges Reserve Fund Annual provision for major roads and bridges repair and reconstruction.2,253,333 346,667 2,600,000 Total Transfer to Reserve Funds $7,037,803 $654,556 $7,692,359 454 Capital Reserves Uncommitted Estimated Bal., Jan. 1, 2024 Current Budget Allocation Estimated Interest Income Other Contributions Transfer to Current Budget Capital Funding Uncommitted Estimated Bal., Dec. 31, 2024 City Share DC Charges (7,753,140)$ (1,200,000)$ -$ -$16,271$ 845,600$ (8,091,269)$ Equipment Replacement - (1,250,000) - - - 1,103,000 (147,000) Facilities (5,616,275) (1,000,000) - - - 2,422,500 (4,193,775) Fence (670,000) (270,000) - - - 550,000 (390,000) Financial Systems (711,808) (125,000) - - 174,000 - (662,808) Senior's Centre (4,200,000) (700,000) - - - 4,900,000 - Library Building (370,000) (100,000) - - - 470,000 - Parks Infrastructure (253,333) (410,000) - - - 238,500 (424,833) Sustainable Initiatives (291,576) - - - - 285,000 (6,576) Tennis Court (565,065) (230,000) - - - 727,000 (68,065) Vehicle Replacement (2,273,366) (1,700,000) - - - 2,785,000 (1,188,366) Total Capital Reserves (22,704,563)$ (6,985,000)$ -$ -$190,271$ 14,326,600$ (15,172,692)$ Capital Reserve Funds Uncommitted Estimated Bal., Jan. 1, 2024 Current Budget Allocation Estimated Interest Income Other Contributions Transfer to Current Budget Capital Funding Uncommitted Estimated Bal., Dec. 31, 2024 Animal Shelter (497,958)$ (300,000)$ (4,980)$ -$ -$ -$ (802,938)$ Canada Community-Building Fund (2,190,404) - (21,904) (3,118,419) 421,100 2,612,000 (2,297,627) Public Benefits Obligatory (268,251) - (2,683) - - - (270,934) OCIF Grant (1,786,799) - (17,868) (2,573,240) - 3,885,000 (492,907) Operations Centre (7,615,976) - (76,160) - - 2,730,500 (4,961,636) Parkland in Lieu (3,506,749) - (35,067) (250,000) - 401,000 (3,390,816) Roads & Bridges (7,816,673) (2,600,000) (78,167) - - 3,780,000 (6,714,840) Seaton FIA (4,146,782) - (41,468) (1,063,190) - 703,931 (4,547,509) Stormwater Management (3,482,596) (800,000) (34,826) - - 1,750,000 (2,567,422) Total Capital Reserve Funds (31,312,188)$ (3,700,000)$ (313,123)$ (7,004,849)$ 421,100$ 15,862,431$ (26,046,629)$ 2024 ESTIMATED CAPITAL RESERVE AND RESERVE FUND CONTINUITY 455 2024 ESTIMATED CAPITAL RESERVE AND RESERVE FUND CONTINUITY Development Charges (DC) & Community Benefit Charge (CBC) Reserve Funds Uncommitted Estimated Bal., Jan. 1, 2024 Current Budget Allocation Estimated Interest Income Other Contributions Transfer to Current Budget Capital Funding Uncommitted Estimated Bal., Dec. 31, 2024 DC - By-Law Enforcement Services 2,812,804$ -$ 28,128$ (18,217)$ -$ -$ 2,822,715$ DC - Fire Protection Services 6,210,577 - 62,106 (1,192,417) 109,134 - 5,189,400 DC - Library Services (8,740,707) - (87,407) (1,629,357) 26,381 6,346,658 (4,084,432) DC - Other Services Related to a Highway 8,744,493 - 87,445 (537,545) 129,877 693,000 9,117,270 DC - Parks & Recreation Services (29,049,686) - (290,497) (9,541,277) 169,402 35,815,609 (2,896,449) DC - Storm Water Managment (924,948) - (9,249) (453,359) 199,222 60,400 (1,127,934) DC - Studies 1,853,690 - 18,537 (291,522) 564,605 - 2,145,310 DC - Transportation (20,363,138) - (203,631) (2,971,357) - 649,100 (22,889,026) Community Benefit Charges 41,964 - 420 (200,000) - 148,274 (9,342) Total DC & CBC Reserve Funds (39,414,951)$ -$ (394,148)$ (16,835,051)$ 1,198,621$ 43,713,041$ (11,732,488)$ TOTAL CAPITAL RESERVES & RESERVE FUNDS (93,431,702)$ (10,685,000)$ (707,271)$ (23,839,900)$ 1,809,992$ 73,902,072$ (52,951,809)$ 456