HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS 34-23 Report to Executive Committee Report Number: CS 34-23 Date: December 4, 2023 From: Laura Gibbs (Acting) Director, Community Services Subject: Civic Awards Policy -Repeal of By-law -File: A-1440-2023 Recommendation: 1. That Report CS 34-23 regarding the Civic Awards Policy be received; 2. That Council approve CUL 150, Civic Awards Policy, as set out in Attachment #1 to this Report; 3. That the By-law included in Attachment #4 to this Report be enacted to repeal By-law #1448/82, a By-law establishing the Civic Recognition Committee; and 4.That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take the necessary actions as indicated in this report. Executive Summary: In 1975, the Civic Recognition Committee was established by By- law #197/75 (Attachment #2), which was further updated and repealed by By-law #1448/82 (Attachment #3). That By-law has remained in place since 1982. The By-law provided an overview of the Civic Recognition Committee as well as the fair and equitable process for residents to be recognized for their valuable contributions. Over the years, there have been many changes to the Civic Recognition Program, which is now referred to as the City of Pickering’s Civic Awards Program. The Civic Recognition Committee is no longer operating as an advisory committee in the City of Pickering, and the manner in which the Civic Awards process is carried out has changed and evolved. As such, this report recommends that the outdated By-law #1448/82 be repealed and that the Civic Awards Policy, included as Attachment 1, be approved as it is reflective of current practices for the application, selection and awarding recipients. Financial Implications: There are no financial implications associated with this Report. Discussion: The Civic Recognition Committee was established to provide a transparent and equitable process for residents to be recognized for their outstanding contributions to the City of Pickering. Since 1982, the Civic Awards program has been updated in many ways, including the expansion of award categories; the establishment of award tokens (medal, certificate, pins) provided to nominees; and the process in which the nominations are reviewed and selected. CS 34-23 December 4, 2023 Subject: Repeal of By-law 1448/82 Page 2 Additionally, the Civic Recognition Committee is no longer a formal committee of the Civic Awards Program and has now evolved into the Civic Awards Selection Panel. This panel includes City Councillors of Wards One, Two and Three, and Mayor, as an ex-officio member. The panel meets in March annually to review the Civic Awards nominations. At the Selection meeting, the Civic Awards Panel reviews each category and determines award recipients. At this time, staff are requesting Council’s approval of CUL 150 Civic Awards Policy and repeal of Bylaw #1488/82. Attachments: 1.CUL 150 Civic Awards Policy 2.By-law #198/75 3.By-law #1448/82 4.By-law to Repeal By-law #1448/82 Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: Original Signed By Original Signed By Krystal Roberts Laura Gibbs MBA, MSc (Acting) Supervisor, Cultural Services (Acting) Director, Community Services LG/kr Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Original Signed By Marisa Carpino, M.A. Chief Administrative Officer Policy Policy Title: Civic Awards Program Policy Number CUL 150 Reference "Click and type reference" Date Originated (m/d/y) December 4, 2023 Date Revised (m/d/y) Pages 5 Approval: Chief Administrative Officer Point of Contact Supervisor, Cultural Services Attachment #1 to Report CS 34-23 Policy Objective The purpose of this policy is to outline the process of the Civic Awards Program, which recognizes individuals, community groups, and businesses who have exemplified outstanding service and achievements to the City of Pickering. Index 01 Definitions 02 Roles and Responsibilities 03 Procedure to Nominate for Civic Awards 04 Civic Awards Approval Criteria 01 Definitions 01.01 Civic Award – An award to a recipient for their positive contributions to the City of Pickering. 01.02 Civic Awards Selection Panel – Comprised of Pickering City Councillors from Wards 1, 2, 3 and, Mayor, as ex-officio. 01.03 Civic Award Ceremony – A formal ceremony, hosted by the Mayor and Members of Council, to present nominees with a Civic Award 01.04 Conflict of Interest – Shall be declared when a nominee is also the spouse, parent, or child of the Selection Panel member. 02 Roles and Responsibilities 02.01 Mayor & Members of Council to: a.Approve and support this Policy. Policy Title: Civic Awards Policy Page 2 of 5 Policy Number: CUL 150 b.Direct nomination inquiries to the appropriate City staff. c.Present the Civic Awards to recipients at the annual Civic Awards Ceremony. d.Mayor to host the ceremony. 02.02 Chief Administrative Officer to: a.Support the allocation of staff resources to coordinate the Civic Awards ceremony and nomination process. 02.03 Directors & Division Heads to: a.Support the allocation of staff resources. b.Director, Community Services to review/approve the Civic Awards nomination package, prior to being distributed to the Civic Awards Selection Panel and attend Selection Meeting. 02.04 Managers & Supervisors to: a.Assign staff resources to coordinate the Civic Awards ceremony. 02.05 Employees to: a.Gather and screen nominations for Civic Awards criteria for final endorsement by Director, Community Services and the Civic Awards Selection Panel; b.Plan, coordinate and implement all logistics for the Civic Awards Ceremony (awards, guest list, invites, special performance, notes); and c.Log and track past and present Civic Award winners. 03 Procedure to Nominate and Award Civic Awards 03.01 The City of Pickering hosts an annual Civic Awards Ceremony honouring nominees from the previous year. Nominations are accepted year-round. 03.02 Civic Awards recipients will be selected by the Civic Awards Selection Panel. 03.03 Civic Award Nominations may be submitted online or in paper copy and must be submitted on the prescribed application form by the due date. The prescribed form shall be determined by the Director, Community Services. a.Online applications must be submitted on the prescribed online application (Appendix 1). b.Hard copy nominations must be submitted to the Customer Care Centre on the prescribed paper application forms. Policy Title: Civic Awards Policy Page 3 of 5 Policy Number: CUL 150 c.A complete nomination is required, including information about the nominee's achievements, the award category, and contact information for both the nominee and nominator. d.Nominators of incomplete applications will be contacted and given an opportunity to submit all required information. e.Staff may contact nominators to seek clarification or more information if required. f.If an application is not eligible or does not comply with City policies, staff will notify the nominator. 03.04 Nominations for achievements in the previous year will close on the second Thursday in February at 4:30 pm. Nominations will be screened by staff for eligibility. A package of qualified nominations will be prepared and provided by Community Services Department staff to the Civic Awards Selection Panel for review. 03.05 The Civic Awards Selection Panel will attend a selection meeting to determine the award recipients. The selection meeting will take place after the application deadline. The Section Panel will review each category and select award recipient(s) as per their award criteria (Section 4). The Director, Community Services will be in attendance to track selected recipients for each category and answer any questions pertaining to nominations as they are put fourth. a.Members of the Civic Award Selection Panel will declare any conflict of interests at the beginning of the meeting. It is expected that the member(s) of the Selection Panel with a declared conflict, shall recuse themselves from the selection review of the conflicting nomination. 03.06 Staff will notify nominees and nominators following the Civic Awards Selection Panel meeting: a.Successful recipients are each notified by an official letter from the Office of the Mayor. The letter will include an invitation to the Civic Awards Ceremony event. b.Nominators of successful and unsuccessful nominations are notified by a letter from the Director, Community Services as to the success/status of Civic Awards recipient letters. c.The names of all Civic Awards recipients are confidential until the Civic Awards Ceremony. There are no formal announcements or news releases in advance of the Ceremony. 03.07 Upon the commencement of the Civic Awards Ceremony, staff will update the website (pickering.ca/civicawards) and submit a media release with a full list of winners, their award categories and photos from the ceremony. Policy Title: Civic Awards Policy Page 4 of 5 Policy Number: CUL 150 04 Civic Awards Approval Criteria 04.01 The Civic Awards nominations are collected year-round for individuals, groups, and businesses who have made a significant contribution to the City of Pickering. Nominees awarded must meet the criteria of the award category: •Special Citation - Given to one or more individuals, groups, or businesses from Pickering whose outstanding achievements over the last year or more, within or outside of the City, brought Provincial, National, or International recognition to the City. •Bravery/Heroism - Given to one or more individuals for their selfless act of bravery or heroism within or outside of the City during the last year. •Lifetime Achievement - Given to one or more individuals living within or outside of Pickering, for a significant contribution over their lifetime, to the betterment of the community. •Individual Volunteer - Given to one or more individuals who stand out amongst all other valuable individuals in Pickering for their volunteer service to the City over the last year or more. •Service Group - Given to the service group whose activities stand out amongst all other service groups in Pickering for their contribution and service to the City over the last year. •Community Group - Given to the community group whose activities stand out amongst all other community groups in Pickering for their contributions and service to the community over the last year. •Amateur Sport - Given to one or more individuals from Pickering to recognize excellence in amateur sport over the last year. •Youth Volunteer - Given to one or more youth 13 – 19 years of age for outstanding volunteerism within or outside of the City of Pickering over the last year or more. •Youth Leadership - Given to one or more Pickering youth 13 – 19 years of age for outstanding leadership within or outside the City of Pickering over the last year or more. •Sustainability - Given to one or more individuals, groups, or businesses who have made significant contributions to the Sustainable Pickering Journey. •Arts - Given to one or more individuals, groups, or businesses who have made significant artistic achievements within or outside the City of the last year or more. Policy Title: Civic Awards Policy Page 5 of 5 Policy Number: CUL 150 •Cultural Diversity - Given to one or more individuals, groups, or businesses who have made significant and sustained commitment to the promotion of cultural harmony in the City of Pickering. •Heritage - Given to one or more individuals, groups, or businesses who have demonstrated a significant contribution to the preservation, conservation, education and/or promotion of Pickering’s Heritage. •Urban Design - Given to one or more individuals, groups, or businesses from Pickering who were outstanding in their support of and participation with community activities over the last year or more. •Economic Development - Given to one or more businesses from Pickering who have made a significant contribution to the City’s economic prosperity over the last year or more. •Local Business - Given to one or more individuals, groups, or businesses who were outstanding in their support of and participation with community activities over the last year or more. •Environment - Given to one or more individuals, groups, or businesses from Pickering who have made significant contributions to conserving or enhancing the City’s Natural Environment. •Accessibility - Given to one or more individuals, groups, or businesses who have made significant or ongoing contributions, beyond legislative requirements, to the well-being and advancement of people with accessibility requirements. 04.02 An individual shall only be recognized for one Civic Award per year. In the case of multiple nominations for an individual in multiple categories, the Selection Panel will identify the award category that best reflects their achievement. 04.03 Any proposal to delete, change or introduce a new Civic Award shall be approved by the Civic Award Selection Panel during the selection meeting. Award category changes shall be made and carried out by the Director, Community Services for the following year. Please refer to all associated Procedures and Standard Operating Procedures, if applicable, for detailed processes regarding this Policy. Attachment #2 to Report CS 34-23 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF PICKERING BY-LAW NUMBER 19S 1>Being a By-law of the Town of Pickering to appoint members to the 1975-1976 Civic Recognition Committee.WHEREAS the Council of the Town of Pickering has established a Civic Recognition Committee under the authority of By-law Number T BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the 1975-1976 Civic Recognition Committee shall be composed of the following citizens of Pickering:Mr. George Ashe - Mr. Jim King -Mrs. Joyce Root -Mr. Joe Wilks -Mrs. Marjorie Thompson - Mr. David Bass -Father Quesnelle -Mayor Chairman ( Representing Sports Service Clubs) Representing Creative Recreation)Representing Business) Representing the Press)Representing Municipal Recreation)Holy Redeemer Catholic Church Member of Pickering-Ajax Ministerial Association and Community Leader)By- law read a f'1'rst, second and third time and PASSED this -Z?`--day of ----- Q'FY1°?----------- 1975.TOWNOF PICKERING e APPROVED Mayor AS TO FORM JtUlnDna?'?Clerk THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF PICKERING BY-LAW NUMBER 1448/82 Being a by-law of the Town of Pickering to establish a civic Recognition Committee WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to recognize with suitable awards, local residents or groups who have brought favourable publicity and honour to the Municipality; and WHEREAS Council wishes to place this responsibility in the hands of a Committee to be known as "The Civic Recognition Committee"; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. a)A Civic Recognition Committee shall be established consisting of the Mayor or his representative, the Director of Parks and Recreation or his represen- tative, and five responsible citizens residing in the Municipality. b)The Citizen members shall be appointed by the Council and serve on a Council-term basis. Committee Operation a)The Civic Recognition Committee shall meet as necessary but at least three times each year. b)It will be the Committee's duty to process appli- cations and to make recommendations to Town Council through Council's Executive Committee, as to the recipients of awards. c)A majority vote on any question before the Civic Recognition Committee will mean approval. Four members will make a quorum at any duly called meeting of the Committee. Meetings may be ordered only by the Chairman or by the Mayor. d)The Committee will release information regarding awards for news media when deemed necessary. Types of Awards a) There shall be the following categories known as: Regional Provincial National International Special Citation Individual Civic Award Regional Award: Individual or Team)Shall consist of a Town of Pickering crest (for public relations only). Attachment #3 to Report CS 34-23 2 - b) c) d) Provincial Award: Individual or Team)Shall consist of a plaque or memento. National Award: i-vz~l or Team)Shall consist of a plaque or memento. International Award: n~ividual or Team)Shall consist of a plaque bearing details of the occasion. Special Citation Award: Individual Civic Award: Will be an appropriate award as suggested by the Committee. Shall consist of a Sterling Silver Ring plus a scroll bearing details of the con- tribution being acknowledged. The Committee also may issue message of "good wishes" and "congratulations" when desirable. Awards will be presented by the Chairman of the Civic Recognition Committe~ or his representative, during any meeting of Town Council or at the Annual Civic Recognition Dinner. No individual on a team, nor individual participant should receive an award for the same category on more than one occasion. Citizens recognized on a second occasion shall receive a "Town of Pickering" embroidered crest. Those Who Qualify for Awards Persons or groups eligible: A B C Those citizens of Pickering who win recognized Provincial, National or International Championships and in doing so have brought honour to the Town. Those citizens of Pickering who, in the view of the Civic Recog- nition Committee, through honourable endeavours have brought favourable publicity and honour to the Town, will be presented with a Special Citation Award. Those citizens of Pickering who, in the view of the Civic Recog- nition Committee, through volunteer endeavour have made a longstanding contribution to community life in Pickering. 3 - The civic Recognition Committee itself, or any other person, may forward nominations for awards. The Committee shall verify championships or accomplishments. Award winners and their respective categories will be recommended to Council only by the Civic Recognition Committee. 6. By-law 197/75 is hereby repealed. BY-LAW READ a first, second and third time and PASSED this 1st day of March 1982. The Corporation of the City of Pickering By-law No. XXXX/23 Being a By-law to repeal By-Law 1448/82, a By-law to establish a Civic Recognition Committee. Whereas By-law 1448/82 to establish a Civic Recognition Committee, was enacted on March 1, 1982; And Whereas, since 1982 the Civic Recognition Committee has taken on various forms that no longer coincide with By-law 1448/82; And Whereas, the Civic Recognition Committee is now being changed to a Civic Awards Selection Panel under a new Civic Awards Program Policy, and therefore By-law 1448/82 is no longer necessary or relevant; Now therefore the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering hereby enacts as follows: 1.That By-Law 1448/82 be repealed in its entirety; and, 2. That this By-law shall come into effect upon the date of the final passing thereof. By-law passed this 11th day of December, 2023. ________________________________ Kevin Ashe, Mayor ________________________________ Susan Cassel, City Clerk Attachment #4 to Report CS 34-23