HomeMy WebLinkAboutInformation Report 13-23Information Report to Planning & Development Committee Report Number: 13-23 Date: November 6, 2023 From: Catherine Rose, MCIP, RPP Chief Planner Subject: Draft Plan of Subdivision Application SP-2023-03 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 11/23 Caplink Limited (Phase 2) (575, 625 and 685 Highway 7) Seaton Community 1.Purpose of this Report The purpose of this report is to provide preliminary information regarding applications for Draft Plans of Subdivision and Zoning By-law Amendment, submitted by Caplink Limited, to facilitate the development of the second phase of their food manufacturing facility campus. This report contains general information on the applicable Official Plan and other related policies, and identifies matters raised to date. This report is intended to assist members of the public and other interested stakeholders to understand the proposal. The Planning & Development Committee will hear public delegations on the applications, ask questions of clarification, and identify any planning issues. This report is for information and no decision on these applications is being made at this time. Staff will bring forward a recommendation report for consideration by the Planning & Development Committee upon completion of a comprehensive evaluation of the proposal. 2.Development Review Process The City has revised the planning review process for Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment, Draft Plan of Subdivision and Site Plan Approval as a result of the Provincial changes to the Planning Act, through Bill 109. Council approved the new planning review process on May 23, 2023, and is in effect for all application submissions received after June 30, 2023. The new process introduces a mandatory pre-submission stage, which occurs before an actual development application is submitted to the City. This adjustment is aimed at ensuring the City meets the Planning Act approval/decision timelines and prevents the need to refund application fees. The subject applications were submitted on June 30, 2023. As such, the new planning review process is not applicable to these applications. 3.Background, Property Location and Description Caplink Limited (FGF Brands) is a food manufacturing business, and is a producer of baked goods, artisan, and fresh bread. FGF Brands has over 30 production facilities across North America, and is one of North America’s largest food manufacturing companies. Information Report 13-23 Page 2 Caplink Limited (FGF Brands) acquired approximately 60 hectares of land in the Pickering Innovation Corridor, for a food manufacturing campus, to be developed in phases. The lands are located south of Highway 7, east of North Road, north of Highway 407 and west of Whites Road. Phase 1 of the food manufacturing campus is located immediately to the east of the subject lands, at the southwest corner of Highway 7 and Whites Road, and is approximately 26 hectares in size (see Location Map, Attachment #1). Phase 1 is approved for 4 manufacturing buildings, having an overall gross floor area of approximately 94,889 square metres (1,021,377 square feet). The applicant also proposes to relocate and repurpose the existing heritage structure for a learning studio/office use. On February 27, 2023, Council endorsed the draft plan and related conditions, and approved the implementing site-specific zoning by-law. The lands were draft plan approved on May 16, 2023. The applicant has submitted four site plan applications for manufacturing buildings on each block of the approved draft plan of subdivision. Each application is in various stages of the review process. The City issued a foundation permit for Block 1, and it is expected that a similar permit will be issued for Block 2 in the near future. The phase 2 lands are approximately 36 hectares in size, and located on the south side of Highway 7, east of North Road and north of Highway 407. The lands are municipally known as 575, 625 and 685 Highway 7 (see Location Map, Attachment #1). The western portion of the lands, 575 Highway 7, is occupied by a one-and-a-half-storey dwelling, known as Vardon House, and an associated bank barn. This property is listed under Section 27 of the Ontario Heritage Act. The lands are currently used primarily for agricultural activities (see Air Photo Map, Attachment #2). Surrounding land uses include: North: Across Highway 7, are rural/agricultural lands owned by the Federal Government intended for a future airport site. These lands are currently designated as “Open Space System – Natural Areas” and “Prime Agriculture Area” in the City’s Official Plan. South: Across the 407 corridor, are agricultural lands designated as “Prestige Employment” and “Seaton Natural Heritage System”, within Seaton Neighbourhood 21: Pickering Innovation Corridor, and the northern edge of Seaton Neighbourhood 18: Mount Pleasant. East: Across the Seaton Natural Heritage System, is the first phase of the applicant’s food manufacturing campus. West: Across North Road, are lands currently used for agricultural purposes that are designated as “Prestige Employment” and “Seaton Natural Heritage System”, and are located within Seaton Neighbourhood 21: Pickering Innovation Corridor. 4. Applicant’s Proposal Caplink Limited has submitted applications for Draft Plan of Subdivision and Zoning By-law Amendment to facilitate an extension of an approved food manufacturing facility, located on the adjacent lands to the east. Information Report 13-23 Page 3 The extension of the food manufacturing facility consists of 6 buildings, including manufacturing, warehousing (including distribution, logistics and freezer storage), and office uses (see Submitted Conceptual Site Plan, Attachment #3). An overall gross floor area of approximately 134,810 square metres (1,451,000 square feet) is proposed. The applicant intends to demolish the Vardon House and barn to implement the proposal. The proposed draft plan of subdivision proposes to create 8 blocks, including 6 employment blocks, a stormwater management block, a road widening block located along Highway 7, and two new streets, as illustrated on Attachment #4, Submitted Draft Plan of Subdivision. The table below provides details of the draft plan of subdivision and proposed land use details. Blocks Land Use Land Area Gross Floor Area Block 1 Employment Use 7.0 ha Building 6: 21,111 square metres Block 2 Employment Use 5.15 ha Building 7: 23,315 square metres Block 3 Employment Use 4.38 ha Building 8: 23,315 square metres Block 4 Employment Use 4.45 ha Building 9: 23,315 square metres Block 5 Employment Use 4.63 ha Building 10: 21,140 square metres Block 6 Employment Use 4.95 ha Building 11: 22,614 square metres Block 7 Stormwater Management Pond 2.96 ha 134,810 square metres (1,451,000 square feet) Block 8 Road Widening (Highway 7) 0.55 ha Right of Way (Streets A and B) 2.16 ha Total 36.22 ha A total of 1,301 surface parking spaces are proposed to support the development. The proposal includes 50 barrier-free spaces, 329 loading spaces, 212 trailer storage spaces, approximately 55 carpool spaces, approximately 60 EV charging stations, and approximately 120 bicycle parking stations. A stormwater management pond is proposed to be located adjacent to North Road, in Block 7 of the draft plan of subdivision plan. The road network to support the first phase, and the full build-out of the manufacturing campus will be developed in stages. The first phase road network will be constructed with two connections to Highway 7, as shown below in Figure 1. A right-in-right-out access from Highway 7 and Wonder Drive located in Phase 1, and a new signalized intersection from Highway 7 and Street B (Stonefire Road), located in Phase 2. Highway 7 will be improved by widening the road to four lanes across the site frontages. Information Report 13-23 Page 4 Figure 1: Phase 1 Road Network The full build-out of the road network is shown below in Figure 2, and illustrated on the Submitted Conceptual Master Plan (see Attachment #5). The full build-out road network will include the extension of Wonder Drive from Phase 1 lands, across the Natural Heritage System, through the Phase 2 lands, and extend to a new intersection at North Road. Figure 2: Full Build-out Road Network (Phases 1 and 2) The Zoning By-law Amendment proposes to remove the subject lands from Zoning By-law 3037 and add them to the Seaton Zoning By-law 7364/14. Appropriate zone categories and provisions will be implemented to facilitate the implementation of the draft plan of subdivision. Information Report 13-23 Page 5 4.1 Vardon House The property at 575 Highway 7, located on the western portion of the lands, includes a one- and-a-half storey, side-gabled, Ontario Gothic Cottage, known as the Vardon House, constructed in 1853. The subject property also contains a Central Ontario bank barn, and landscape features associated with the agricultural history of the property. The subject property is listed as a non-designated property on the City’s Municipal Heritage Register, pursuant to Section 27 of the Ontario Heritage Act. The applicant intends to demolish the Vardon House, barn, and landscape elements to implement the proposal. A Heritage Impact Assessment (HIA) was submitted with the application, which evaluates the subject property against the criteria of Ontario Regulation 9/06 of the Ontario Heritage Act. At the time of writing this report, the application has not been presented to the Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee for their comments and recommendations. 5. Policy Framework 5.1 Durham Regional Official Plan The subject lands are located within the Seaton Urban Area, and are designated as Special Policy Area A in the Regional Official Plan (ROP). The ROP policy refers to the now revoked Central Pickering Development Plan (CPDP), which was revoked by the Province of Ontario in December 2022. The subject site is designated “Employment Areas” within the new ROP (Envision Durham), which was adopted by Regional Council in May 2023, and forwarded to the Province for approval. It is the intent of the Plan to encourage prestige employment uses with high employment generating capacity, and greater architectural, landscaping and design controls along Highways 401 and 407, and Regional corridors (like Highway 7). 5.2 Pickering Official Plan The Pickering Official Plan designates the subject lands as “Employment Areas – Prestige Employment”. Schedule XIII – Neighbourhood 21: Pickering Innovation Corridor, further refines the land use designations as “Prestige Employment – General” (see Neighbourhood 21: Pickering Innovation Corridor, Attachment #6). The “Prestige Employment” designation permits a range of uses including light manufacturing, assembly and processing of goods, office, personal service, and community and cultural services. The Seaton Urban Area policies refine the permissible uses to exclude: outdoor storage; retail stores; waste processing; waste transfer and recycling facilities; freight transfer and similar trucking facilities; automotive and vehicle sales and replace; and places of worship and schools. The Neighbourhood Plan identifies a Stormwater Management Facility on the subject lands. However, the neighbourhood policies permit the number, size and location of stormwater management facilities to be confirmed through functional servicing and stormwater reports, and may be changed without amendment to the Neighbourhood Plan. Information Report 13-23 Page 6 The Neighbourhood Plan identifies a Heritage Lot on the subject lands. Chapter 8 of the Official Plan states that City Council shall respect its cultural heritage, and conserve and integrate important cultural heritage resources, from all time periods, into the community. City Council, in consultation with its heritage committee, where warranted, shall implement the provisions of the Ontario Heritage Act, including the designation of heritage sites. In consideration of the use and reuse of heritage resources, City Council shall maintain, if possible, the original use of heritage structures and sites, and if possible, retain the original location and orientation of such structures. Furthermore, Section 12.23 (e) of Neighbourhood 21: Pickering Innovation Corridor, requires Heritage Lots to be integrated into the design of the surrounding employment area through appropriate landscaping and built form transition. The two watercourses, bordering the northwestern and eastern limits of the site, are designated as Seaton Nature Heritage Systems. The intent of this designation is to protect, maintain, and where possible enhance, all environmentally significant features and functions within the Seaton Natural Heritage System. Furthermore, lands within the Seaton Natural Heritage System shall remain in public ownership. An Environmental Impact Study is required for any proposed development within 120 metres of a key natural heritage or key hydrologic feature. The purpose of the study is to identify and evaluate the natural heritage features and hydrologic features, determine the minimum required vegetation protection zones, and determine the site’s development limits to prevent potential negative impacts from the proposed development on the natural heritage features. The applicant’s proposal will be assessed against the policies and provisions of the Official Plan during the future processing of the applications. 5.2.1 The Seaton Sustainable Place-Making Guidelines The Seaton Sustainable Place-Making Guidelines address the urban design guidelines contained within the CPDP (revoked in December 2022) and expand upon the key design elements such as setting out minimum standards and benchmarks for plans of subdivision and site plans, and listing the range of matters that are to be addressed in the development of the lands. The Guidelines also provide direction on the design of the public realm, built forms, and green infrastructure and buildings. The applications will be assessed against the urban design policies and provisions of the Seaton Sustainable Place-Making Guidelines during the further processing of the applications. 5.2.2 Integrated Sustainable Design Standards Since the creation of the 2007 Sustainable Development Guidelines, and the 2011 Seaton Sustainable Place-Making Guidelines, sustainable design standards and practices have evolved. The new Integrated Sustainable Design Standards (ISDS) reflect the innovative green best practices and technology of today. The ISDS is applicable to those Seaton lands that were not subject to a previous draft plan of subdivision or site plan applications. Given that the lands were not subject to previous applications, the proposal will be assessed against the sustainability policies and provisions of the ISDS, during the further processing of the applications. Information Report 13-23 Page 7 5.3 Zoning By-law 3037 The subject lands are zoned “A” – Rural Agricultural Zone within Zoning By-law 3037, as amended, which currently permits a detached dwelling, home occupation, and various agricultural and related uses. The applicant is requesting to remove the subject lands from Zoning By-law 3037 and add them to the Seaton Zoning By-law 7364/14. Appropriate zone categories and provisions will be implemented to facilitate the implementation of the draft plan of subdivision. 6.Comments Received 6.1 Notice of Electronic Statutory Public Meeting Notice of the Electronic Statutory Public Meeting regarding this application was provided through a mailing of all properties within 500 metres of the entire subject site. Two Public Meeting Notice Signs were erected at the property on October 13, 2023, along the Highway 7 and North Road frontages. 6.2 Resident Comments As of writing this report, no comments or concerns have been received on the revised applications. 6.3 Agency Comments 6.3.1 Region of Durham Planning & Economic Development Department (Region) •the lands are located within the Seaton Urban Area and are designated as Special Policy Area A in the Regional Official Plan (ROP). The ROP policy refers to the Central Pickering Development Plan, (which has now been revoked); •the subject site is designated “Employment Areas” within the new ROP (Envision Durham), which was adopted by Regional Council in May 2023, and forwarded to the Province for approval; •the proposed employment blocks, intended for prestige employment uses, generally conform with Envision Durham policies; •the proposed development supports the policy directions of the Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) as it provides for new industrial uses within an employment area within the Seaton Community; •a Phase Two Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) is required to further examine the potential contaminants on, and adjacent to, the property, and the Region will require the submission of a reliance letter and certificate of insurance; •an updated Stage 1 Archaeological Assessment is required, and must be submitted to the Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries for their review and approval; •an addendum or revised Environmental Impact Study (EIS) is required; •water supply will be available from the watermain that will be installed on Wonder Drive, located in the Phase 1 lands of the Caplink development; •sanitary servicing flow from the subject property will be conveyed by gravity to the future West Subtrunk 1 sanitary sewer which is currently in the design stage; Information Report 13-23 Page 8 • the Region requests that an (‘H’) Holding Symbol be included in the implementing zoning by-law; • the lands are located within the Phase 2 servicing area of the Seaton Community, and the Holding Symbol will require a future site servicing agreement to demonstrate that there is sufficient sanitary servicing capacity to enable the full development of the site; • Durham Region Transit identified potential bus stop locations within the plan, requests that sidewalks be installed and open in tandem with occupancy, and advises that “on demand” service is currently available for this area; and • the additional supporting information outlined above is required before the Region will be able to issue conditions of draft approval. 6.3.2 Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) TRCA requests the following information, based on its role as a conservation authority: • regulatory storm floodplain to be updated on all relevant drawings; • hydraulic modeling files to be provided for review; and • additional hydrogeological information required. 6.3.3 Ministry of Transportation (MTO) At the time of writing this report, no written comments have been received. 6.4 City Department Comments 6.4.1 Economic Development & Strategic Projects • Caplink Limited/FGF is a world-class food manufacturer that will provide a diverse variety of jobs in manufacturing, logistics, automation, technology and IT developers, food science, and others; • once full build-out is completed, the Caplink Limited/FGF Food Manufacturing Campus will be one of, if not the largest, employer within the City, with the creation of 1,000 new full-time jobs in phase 1, and 2,000 new full-time jobs in phase 2 anticipated; and • this development will attract other significant industries to the City, and will highlight the City as a key location for other industry leaders to consider relocating to, and expanding, their operations in the City. 6.4.2 Sustainability • the applicant has submitted a Sustainability Development Report and Checklist, prepared by The Biglieri Group Ltd, dated June 2023; and • the applicant is working towards satisfying the City’s Official Plan policies within Chapter 11 – Seaton Urban Area policies, and the Council adopted ISDS Tier 1 sustainable development requirements. Information Report 13-23 Page 9 6.4.3 Engineering Services • the Owner is required to satisfy all requirements, financial and otherwise, of the City of Pickering including, among other matters, the execution of a subdivision agreement between the owner and the City of Pickering concerning the provision and installation of services, grading, drainage, stormwater management facilities, geotechnical soils analysis, construction of sidewalks, boulevard design, and utility locations; • the City of Pickering’s Fill & Topsoil By-law prohibits soil disturbance, removal or importation of material to the site, unless a permit has been issued; • no on-site works prior to Draft Plan Approval is permitted, and a Fill & Topsoil Permit will be required should grading works proceed prior to a Subdivision Agreement; • the proposed municipal roads are to be designed to the City of Pickering standards, and the applicant is to provide a typical cross section for the new internal road; • as per the recommendations of the Phase One Environmental Site Assessment (ESA), a Phase Two ESA is required; • various technical comments with respect to preliminary grading, site servicing, and stormwater management need to be addressed; • a 3.5 metre road widening along North Road, south of Wonder Drive, is required to ensure access to the overpass on Highway 407; • based on the submitted Arborist Report and the City’s Tree Compensation Policy, tree compensation is required for the removal of 184 existing trees; and • barrier-free pedestrian connection, from the municipal sidewalks to all main entrances of the proposed buildings, is required. 7. Planning & Design Section Comments The following is a summary of key concerns/issues or matters of importance that have been identified by staff for further review and consideration. These matters, and others identified through the circulation and detailed review of the proposal, are required to be addressed by the applicant, before a final recommendation report to Planning & Development Committee: • ensure the applications will implement the City’s Official Plan and the Seaton Neighbourhood policies; • ensure the proposal is consistent with the urban design goals and objectives of the City’s Official Plan and the Seaton Sustainable Place-Making Guidelines; • ensure that the proposal is consistent with the sustainability policies and provisions of the new Integrated Sustainable Design Standards; • ensure consideration is given to the quality of the design of buildings, and the location of parking and loading space areas, given that the lands are highly visible along Highways 407 and 7; • ensure that the new intersections are located and designed to the satisfaction of MTO and the City; • ensure that the implementing zoning by-law contains an appropriate (H) – Holding provision to address the Regional servicing requirements; • ensure that local and regional services, (i.e., water, sanitary sewer, storm sewers), can be extended to the subject lands to facilitate the development within a timely manner; • in consultation with the TRCA, ensure appropriate buffers are provided for the long-term protection of bordering natural heritage features; Information Report 13-23 Page 10 • ensure that the submitted Functional Site Servicing Report is consistent with the Seaton Master Environmental Servicing Plan to the satisfaction of the Region, the City, and TRCA; and • assess the applicant's intent to demolish the Vardon House and barn, and consult with the City’s Heritage Committee. Further issues may be identified following receipt and review of comments from the circulated departments, agencies, and public. The City Development Department will conclude its position on the applications after it has received and assessed comments from the circulated department, agencies, and public. 8. Information Received Copies of the plans and studies submitted for the revised application listed below are available for viewing on the City’s website at pickering.ca/devapp or in person at the office of the City of Pickering, City Development Department: • Draft Plan of Subdivision Drawing, prepared by The Biglieri Group Ltd., dated March 2023; • Planning Rationale Report, prepared by The Biglieri Group Ltd., dated June 2023; • Conceptual Master Plan, prepared by Baldassarra Architects, dated June 2023; • Functional Servicing and Stormwater Management Report, prepared by Sabourin Kimble and Associates Ltd., dated June 2023; • Site Grading and Site Servicing Plans, prepared by Sabourin Kimble and Associates Ltd., Dated June 2023; • Conceptual Landscape Plan, prepared by Landscape Planning, dated June 2023; • Tree Inventory Plan and Arborist Report, prepared by Canopy Consulting, dated June 2023; • Hydrogeological Report and Water Balance Assessment Report, prepared by EXP Services, dated May 2023; • Geotechnical Report, prepared by EXP Services, dated April 2023; • Environmental Impact Study, prepared Palmer Environmental, dated June 2023; • Traffic Impact Study, prepared by BA Group, dated June 2023; • Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, prepared by Pinchin Environmental, dated April 2023; • Heritage Impact Assessment, prepared by WSP, dated May 2023; and • Stage 1 Archaeological Assessment, prepared by WSP, dated April 2022. 9. Procedural Information 9.1 General • written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the City Development Department; • oral comments may be made at the Hybrid Statutory Public Meeting; • all comments received will be noted and used as input to a Recommendation Report prepared by the City Development Department for a subsequent meeting of Council or a Committee of Council; • any member of the public who wishes to reserve the option to appeal Council’s decision must provide comments to the City before Council adopts any by-law for this proposal; and Information Report 13-23 Page 11 •any member of the public who wishes to be notified of Council’s decision regarding this proposal must request such in writing to the City Clerk. 10.Owner/Applicant Information The owner of the subject lands is FGF Brands/Caplink Limited and is represented by the Biglieri Group. Attachments: 1.Location Map 2.Air Photo Map 3.Submitted Conceptual Site Plan 4.Submitted Draft Plan of Subdivision 5.Submitted Conceptual Master Plan (Phase 1 and 2) 6.Neighbourhood 21: Pickering Innovation Corridor Prepared By: Original Signed By Cristina Celebre, MCIP, RPP Principal Planner, Strategic Initiatives Original Signed By Nilesh Surti, MCIP, RPP Division Head, Development Review & Urban Design Approved/Endorsed By: Original Signed By Catherine Rose, MCIP, RPP Chief Planner CC:ld Date of Report: October 19, 2023 Attachment #1 to Information Report 13-23 No r t h R o a d Highway 7 W h i t e s R o a d Highway 407 City DevelopmentDepartment Location MapFile:Applicant:Municipal Address: SP-2023-03, A011/23 Date: Jul. 06, 2023 ¯ E Caplink Limited575,625 and 685 Highway 7 Phase 2 L:\PLANNING\01-MapFiles\SP\2023\SP-2023-03, A011-23 Caplink Limited\SP-2023-03_LocationMap_v2.mxd 1:12,000 SCALE:THIS IS NOT A PLAN OF SURVEY. © The Corporation of the City of Pickering Produced (in part) under license from: © King's Printer, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. All rights reserved.; © His Majesty the King in Right of Canada, Department ofNatural Resources. All rights reserved.; © Teranet Enterprises Inc. and its suppliers. All rights reserved.; © Municipal PropertyAssessment Corporation and its suppliers. All rights reserved. Phase 1 SubjectLands Attachment #2 to Information Report 13-23 Highway 7 Highway 407 Si d e l i n e 2 8 EnterpriseGateway Air Photo MapFile:Applicant:Municipal Address:Date: Jul. 06, 2023 ¯ SubjectLands L:\PLANNING\01-MapFiles\SP\2023\SP-2023-03, A011-23 Caplink Limited\SP-2023-XX_AirPhoto.mxd 1:10,000 SCALE:THIS IS NOT A PLAN OF SURVEY. © The Corporation of the City of Pickering Produced (in part) under license from: © King's Printer, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. All rights reserved.; © His Majesty the King in Right of Canada, Department ofNatural Resources. All rights reserved.; © Teranet Enterprises Inc. and its suppliers. All rights reserved.; © Municipal PropertyAssessment Corporation and its suppliers. All rights reserved. City DevelopmentDepartment SP-2023-03, A011/23Caplink Limited575,625 and 685 Highway 7 No r t h R o a d L:\Planning\01-MapFiles\SP\2021 August 18, 2023DATE: Applicant: Municipal Address: File No: Submitted Conceptual Site Plan FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. City Development Department SP-2023-03, A 11/23 Caplink Limited 575, 625 and 685 Highway 7 N Attachment #3 to Information Report 13-23 Attachment #4 to Information Report 13-23 DATE: Applicant: Municipal Address: File No: Submitted Draft Plan of Subdivision FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. City Development Department SP-2023-03, A 11/23 Caplink Limited 575, 625 and 685 Highway 7 N August 21, 2023 L:\Planning\01-MapFiles\SP\2023 Attachment #5 to Information Report 13-23 L:\Planning\01-MapFiles\SP\2023 Sept. 15, 2023DATE: Applicant: Municipal Address: File No: Submitted Conceptual Master Plan (Phase 1 and 2) FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. City Development Department SP-2023-03, A 11/23 Caplink Limited 575, 625 and 685 Highway 7 N Attachment #6 to Information Report 13-23 L:\Planning\01-MapFiles\SP\2023 August 21, 2023DATE: Applicant: Municipal Address: File No: Neighbourhood 21: Pickering Innovation Corridor FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. City Development Department SP-2023-03, A 11/23 Caplink Limited 575, 625 and 685 Highway 7 N Subject Lands