HomeMy WebLinkAboutSeptember 19, 2023For information related to accessibility requirements please contact : Committee Coordinator T: 905.420.4611 Email: clerks@pickering.ca Agenda Cultural Advisory Committee September 19, 2023 7:00 pm Main Committee Meeting Room/Hybrid Members of the public may observe the meeting proceedings by accessing the livestream. 1.Welcome and Call to Order D.Thomson 2.Review and Approval of Agenda and Previous Minutes D.Thomson 3.Disclosure of Interest D.Thomson 4.Delegations 5.General Business 5.1 Call to Artists: Expression of Interest for Public Art Commission for Kingston Road and Whites Road, Pickering 5.2 Public Art Rental for Winter Nights, City Lights 2023 5.3 Call to Artists: Window Painting - Place Making Opportunity 5.4 Community Banner Final TOP 3 – For Endorsement 5.5 West Shore Skate Spot Community Mural Final Design – For Endorsement 5.6 Pickering Museum Village – Update B.Stoyan B. Stoyan B. Stoyan J. St Amant J.St Amant K. Bradley 6.Correspondence D.Thomson 7.Other Business 7.1 Corporate Strategic Plan Engagement 7.2 Update on The Way Gone Made Clear (Wagon Wrap) Temporary public art installation By Artist, Georgia Fullerton D.Thomson S.Muir and K. Wianecki B. Stoyan Agenda Cultural Advisory Committee September 19, 2023 Page 2 of 2 For information related to accessibility requirements please contact : Committee Coordinator T: 905.420.4611 Email: clerks@pickering.ca 7.3 Placemaking Opportunity – Fall Fling Photo Frame B. Stoyan 7.4 Rotary Frenchman’s Bay West Park – Public Art Surveys on types of future public art 7.5 Indigenous Public Art Consultants for Rotary Frenchman’s Bay West Park 7.6 Public Art Policy Updates – For Review B. Stoyan B. Stoyan K. Roberts 8.Next Meeting – October 17, 2023 D.Thomson 9.Adjournment D.Thomson Page 1 of 8 Minutes/Meeting Summary Cultural Advisory Committee June 20, 2023 Main Committee Room 7:00 pm Attendees: D. Thompson, Cultural Advisory Committee, Chair S. Almeida-Schroen, Cultural Advisory Committee, Vice-Chair R. Coelho, Cultural Advisory Committee Member D. Davis, Cultural Advisory Committee Member J. Elliott, Cultural Advisory Committee Member Z. Kazi, Cultural Advisory Committee Member M. McFarland, Cultural Advisory Committee Member A. Palmer, Cultural Advisory Committee Member R. Wali, Cultural Advisory Committee Member M. Nagy, City Councillor, Ward 2 L. Gibbs, Division Head, Culture and Community Programming K. Roberts, (Acting) Supervisor, Cultural Services J. St. Amant, Coordinator, Cultural Services (Staff Liaison) E.Tayles-Armstrong, (Acting) Conservator S. Barakov, Coordinator, Public Art D.Roopchand, Clerk, Culture and Recreation (Recording Secretary) Absent: A. Mujeeb, Cultural Advisory Committee Member Item/ Ref # Details, Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 1. Welcome & Call to Order J. St. Amant welcomed members and called the meeting to order. 2. Review and Approval of Agenda and Previous Minutes The committee reviewed the agenda. J. St. Amant noted that items 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, and 8, are to be changed to D. Thompson, as she is the Chair of the Committee. D. Thompson added the Fire Hall Grand Opening item to Other Business. Moved by M. McFarland. To approve the agenda. Carried - 1 - Page 2 of 8 Item/ Ref # Details, Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) D. Thompson asked for approval of the previous minutes. Moved by R. Wali. To approve the previous minutes. Carried 3. Disclosure of Interest No disclosures of interest were noted. 4. Delegations There were no delegations for this meeting. 5. General Business 5.1 Pickering Museum Village (PMV) Report E. Tayles-Armstrong provided the Cultural Advisory Committee with updates at the Pickering Museum Village (PMV). She said that this season 6500 students attended educational programs onsite, the last day for education programs is June 29 and then they will resume in the Fall. E Tayles-Armstrong spoke about the summer programs, which includes a new Escape the Forest escape room, and the PMV Waterfront Ghost Walk. All of the programs can be found at www.pickering.ca/museum. E. Tayles-Armstrong also invi ted the Committee to the Blacksmith Shop Exhibit Grand Opening, on June 25, which will include a blacksmith demonstration, heritage games and light refreshments. 5.2 Community Banner Series Shortlist – Top 5 Artists – For Endorsement J. St. Amant introduced the committee to the Community Banner Series. He said that the intent of this program is to create street banners that will turn the streetscape into welcoming and engaging spaces. The applicants were asked to submit their resume, CV, references, a brief artist statement and images of their past work. - 2 - Page 3 of 8 Item/ Ref # Details, Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) J. St. Amant said there were 44 applicants who submitted by May 26, 2023. The Public Art Committee reviewed the applications and submitted scores the week of June 5. The shortlisted artists are: Aisha Chiguichon, Oliviana Cinco, Ryan Smeeton, Taile Shalmon, and Yen Linh Thai. J. St. Amant said that next steps would be to notify the artists this week and have them complete a conceptual design proposal for a series of seven banners. Each artist will be paid a fee of $1000 plus HST for their proposals completed by August 4. These designs will be reviewed by the Public Art Committee and the Top Three will have their designs fabricated and installed on Kingston Road and Valley Farm Road, in December 2023, and they will be displayed for two years Moved by R. Wali. To approve the Top 5 artists for the Community Banner Series. Carried 5.3 Whitevale Arts and Culture Community Public Art – For Endorsement J. St. Amant spoke about the Whitevale Arts and Culture Community (WACC) public art project “Beautifying Our New Garbage Bin”. Children 12 and under would be invited to submit a drawing or painting representing pollinators and/or pollinator gardens. There will not be a cost to the City, but will require the support of the Public Art Committee, and the Cultural Advisory Committee. R. Wali asked if all bins across the City would be painted, however, J. St. Amant said it is a community initiative and they are the ones taking it on. M. Nagy asked if it was City property or property of WACC. L. Gibbs said it was City property and the bin would be City property, as well. A.Palmer asked how it would be maintained. J. St. Amant said that it is meant to last one year. - 3 - Page 4 of 8 Item/ Ref # Details, Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) Moved by R. Wali To approve beautification of the new garbage bins in Whitevale. Carried 5.4 Update: Waterfront Public Art – Consultation Services S. Barakov presented the update for the public art at the waterfront. S. Barakov introduced the three different consultants that the City approached for this project. He explained that these artists were paid $4 ,700 including HST for their research and renderings. They were given a potential budget of $240,000 that would be needed to create the work. Our next steps would be to review the collected concepts and determine how these concepts will inform our Call to Artists and Terms of Reference. A discussion around these artists’ concepts and what Committee members thought of this process took place. R. Wali asked if one of these artists will be selected. S. Barakov said not selected, but we just wanted to see what is possible. R. Wali asked if there will be an educational component to the art pieces. S. Barakov said that we usually install a plaque with information discussing what the piece is about. M. McFarland asked about the rights and if the City could use these concepts. S. Barakov said that if we wanted to have one of these installed, we would hire that artist. L. Gibbs said that this consultation does not preclude the artist from applying when we do put the call out. L. Gibbs said these consultations helps us to inform the design and infrastructure of the park. 5.5 Winter Nights, City Lights 2023 – Temporary Public Art – For Endorsement S. Barakov presented the temporary, rented public art piece that will be displayed for the 2023 Winter Nights, City Lights event that takes place in Esplanade Park and - 4 - Page 5 of 8 Item/ Ref # Details, Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) the artist. He said the Public Art Jury selected Nate Nettleton from the applications they received, and he was further endorsed by the Public Art Committee on June 16. The piece consists of illuminated disco balls encased in acrylic boxes. The disco ball will reflect the sunlight, during the day, and the lights that are projected on it, during the night. R. Coelho asked if it is a regular practice to rent art pieces. S. Barakov said yes, many municipalities do this. R. Coelho asked about the 10% contingency in the budget. S. Barakov said that allows us to have the artist come into to repair the piece, if necessary. Moved by R. Coelho. To endorse the temporary public art piece for Winter Nights, City Lights 2023. Carried 5.6 Cultural Fusion Festival - Review K. Roberts discussed the 2023 Cultural Fusion Festival, that will take place on September 9, from 11 am – 5 pm. K. Roberts gave the group a brief history of the event. This year, they are moving the event date from August to September, as it conflicted with the CNE opening last year. K. Roberts spoke about the Opening Ceremony, unofficial dance record, and the community support and mentorship. She said that they will be having their first meeting tomorrow evening, at 7:00 pm, for interested community groups. She said that we want community feedback because it is an event for the community. K. Roberts said that for those who cannot make it to the meeting tomorrow, all the information will be on the website, www.pickering.ca/festivalsandevents. She also mentioned that there will be a form for groups to request a booth, and this is what I would like to showcase. K. Roberts provided the QR code for the link to the survey for the Cultural Fusion Festival and explained the purpose of this feedback survey. D. Roopchand to send the virtual meeting link to the CAC members. - 5 - Page 6 of 8 Item/ Ref # Details, Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) Last year the festival ran from two days, from 12 – 5 pm. R. Coelho asked if the event could be extended. M. Nagy asked if the groups can take down the next day, and K. Roberts said that then the cost of the event rises, as we will need to hire security for overnight, but she will take the suggestion of the extending the event from 10 am to 7 pm, to the staff. L. Gibbs spoke about the event last year and how we had 38 community groups join our inaugural event and the vision for this event came from the community. J. Elliot said that a lot of City residents are not aware of all the great things we have going on in the City, and she asked if there could be an economic developer or tourism stakeholder at a booth to talk about all the amazing events go on throughout the year. J. Elliott said we could have a tourism booth, from Durham Tourism or Central Counties Tourism (CCT), Museum, and programmers. E. Tayles-Armstrong confirmed that the museum will be at the event. S. Almeida-Schroen asked if they can add contact information, along with suggestions of who should be included. K. Roberts said that the team would appreciate that information and she will pass it along to our staff lead. R. Coelho said that she thinks that the Committee should have a booth, and asked if the City’s cultural department could participate, as well. A discussion around last year’s and this year’s Cultural Fusion Festival took place. L. Gibbs said that from this discussion she understand s that the Committee would like to Community Dire ctory to be updated with contacts that may not be in the Directory already; including a City of Pickering general b ooth; and sending the link to the Committee members. 6. Correspondence There was no Correspondence for this meeting. - 6 - Page 7 of 8 Item/ Ref # Details, Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 7. Other Business 7.1 Community Tourism Plan, Public Survey J. St. Amant spoke about Community Tourism Plan , and the Public Survey. The survey will be open throughout the summer. He said that this project is being facilitated by CCT and there is a steering committee that will be meeting four times over a six-month period. He asked the Committee to share and fill out the survey as this information will help develop the tourism plan. The link is letstalkpickering.ca/ctp. J. St. Amant showed the Committee the first draft of the tourism video and he asked for feedback. He said that this video was based on feedback from staff. A discussion around the tourism video took place. M. Nagy said that instead of Heron Gate, which is closing in three months, to use the Museum. She suggested having some niche stores, and the public art. E. Tayles said that she has videos of the museum with families enjoying themselves that could be used. S. Almeida-Schroen asked about development around Durham Live. L. Gibbs said that they will follow up with our Economic Development colleagues, and provide an update at the next meeting. R. Wali said it would be good to have the names of the places in the videos. J. St. Amant said that he will be creating a guide to go with the video, which will include more information about the places in the video, and they will reference each other. J. Elliott suggested splitting up the restaurants in the video. A discussion on what to include in this tourism video and how it could be set up took place. City Staff to follow up with Economic Development staff. - 7 - Page 8 of 8 Item/ Ref # Details, Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 7.2 Firehall Grand Opening D. Thompson said that she attended the Fire Hall opening and she said thought it was very well attended. She said that the wrap looked amazing, the artist was there and there was a colouring book with the five sides of the wrap that children could take. She spoke about the event, and all the activations that were there, and she was surprised to see how large the horse sculpture, in front of the hall actually was. She said that it was a great event. L. Gibbs said there were 800 visitors. 7.3 National Indigenous Peoples Day Ceremony K. Roberts spoke about the National Indigenous Peoples Day event, from 11 am – 3 pm. She also mentioned that the Reflections piece, and musical garden is located right next to where the event will take place. M. Nagy invited everyone to the flag raising ceremony, at 10:30 am, Wednesday, June 21. 8. Next Meeting The next Cultural Advisory Committee meeting will take place on Tuesday, September 19, 2023, from 7:00 – 9:00 pm. 9. Adjournment Moved by R. Coelho That the June 20, 2023 meeting of the Cultural Advisory Committee be adjourned. Carried Meeting Adjourned: 8:27 pm - 8 - Memo To: Cultural Advisory Committee September 11, 2023 From: Stoyan Barakov Coordinator, Public Art Copy: Acting Supervisor, Cultural Services Subject: Call to Artists - Kingston Road (EOI) Public Art Commission Background: With the completion of the Shell Gas Station located at North-West corner of Kingston Road and Whites Road in Pickering, City Development has designated a location for a permanent public art. Following the Public Art Policy (CUL 130), Community Services will be issuing a public two stage opportunity for artists/ artist teams to apply. The first stage of this opportunity: Call to Artists – Expression of Interest (EOI) Public Art Commission for Kingston Road and Whites Road, Pickering (Attachment 1) will be released the week of September 25, 2023. Based on research conducted by Coordinator, Public Art, the location Kingston Road and Whites Road holds significant historical importance as one of the oldest routes connecting Toronto to Durham Region in Ontario, Canada. Its origins trace back to the early 19th century when it served as a vital transportation artery for settlers and traders. Originally a First Nations trail, Kingston Road was established as a colonial route in 1796 by Lieutenant Governor John Graves Simcoe, who aimed to facilitate transportation between Toronto (then known as York) and Kingston. The road played a crucial role in opening the region for settlement and economic development. The commissioned public art piece is intended to be created based on the historical background of the area and be installed as a permanent public artwork. The successful work will act as a landmark and remind the community of the history associated with settlers and traders as well the economic development of the area. The final artwork is to be installed in September 2024. - 9 - September 11, 2023 Page 2 of 2 Call to Artists - Kingston Road (EOI) Public Art Commission Funding: There is $20,000 available for contribution and based on Council approval of 2024 Budget $60,000 from the Public Art Reserve. The total budget for the creation of this permanent public artwork will $80,000 including HST. Next steps: Coordinator, Public Art will issue Stage 1: Call to Artists – Expression of Interest (EOI) Public Art Commission for Kingston Road and Whites Road, Pickering . After collection and evaluation of the submissions by the Public Art Jury, the Coordinator, Public Art will issue Stage 2: Request for Proposal (RFP) alongside a detailed Terms of Reference to the top three (3) ranked artists. Each of the three (3) artists/artist teams will be compensated $1,500 CAD plus HST for their time and the creation of concept for Stage 2. The received concepts will be evaluated against the criteria outlined in the Terms of Reference by the Public Art Jury. The Public Art Committee and the Cultural Advisory Committee will be informed of the highest ranked artist and asked for their endorsement during the January 2024 meeting. Given the amount of the opportunity, a Report to Council will be presented stating the Top 1 artist for final approval before award of the project. Discussion: Currently, Community Services is seeking approval to proceed with this project and issue Stage 1: Call to Artists – Expression of Interest (EOI) Public Art Commission for Kingston Road and Whites Road, Pickering Attachment 1: Call to Artists - Kingston Road(EOI) - 10 - 1 Call to Artists – Expression of Interest (EOI) Public Art Commission for Kingston Road and Whites Road, Pickering Deadline: October 30, 2023 at 4 pm EDT. Photo from the North-West corner of Kingston Road and Whites Road where the artwork is to be located. Artist Opportunity The City of Pickering invites artists or artist teams to respond to this Call for Artists to create a permanent outdoor public artwork to be installed at the North -West corner of Kingston Road and Whites Road , Pickering. As per the City of Pickering’s Public Art Policy (CUL 130) an artist is defined as the designer/creator of an artistic work and can include, but is not limited to, a professional artist, graphic designer, collaborative team, architect, or landscape designe r. The total budget for the project, including artist fees, materials, and installation is $80,000 (including HST). The successful artist/ artist team will be selected through a two-stage process. One (1) artist/ artist team will be awarded the opportunity *. *This project and budget is subject to Council approval in 2024. - 11 - 2 Site Background The City of Pickering resides on land within the Treaty and traditional territory of the Mississaugas of Scugog Island First Nation and Williams Treaties signatories of the Mississauga and Chippewa Nations. Kingston Road, also known as Highway 2, holds significant historical importance as one of the oldest travel and trade routes connecting Toronto to eastern Ontario. Before Kingston Road became a colonial route under John Graves Simcoe, it existed as a trail used by Indigenous peoples, likely for thousands of years. The trail played a vital role in connecting Indigenous communities and was used as a significant travel route by First Nations peoples long before European settlement. The trail served as a crucial link between Lake Ontario and Lake Simcoe, enabling Indigenous peoples to access important resources, such as fish, game, and plants, in different seasons. It also facilitated trade networks, allowing for the exchange of goods , knowledge, and cultural practices between Indigenous communities. In the late 18th century, John Graves Simcoe incorporated the existing trail when establishing a colonial route between Toronto and Kingston in order to foster trade, settlement, and military connections within Upper Canada. Today, Kingston Road continues to connect people and facilitate trade across Ontario. Project Brief The City of Pickering’s Cultural Strategic Plan (2014) outlines the City’s commitment to collaborate with the community to celebrate our cultural diversity, heritage and the arts; to sustain our natural environment; to foster a creative economy; and to strengthen our vibrant neighborhoods. The artwork will be located at the North -West corner of Kingston Road and Whites Road, Pickering. The City has already designated the location and has installed the surface onto which the work can be secured. Detailed Terms of Reference will be provided to the shortlisted artist/ artists teams to help them prepare their concept. - 12 - 3 Budget $80,000 CAD including HST (maximum)*. This is the total amount available for all related expenses of this public art project including, but not limited to: artist fees, all applicable taxes, detailed renderings, materials, technical consultations and approvals or other expertise as required, fabrication, installation, insurance, equipment, travel to meetings and to the site, and an artist statement for completed work. *Subject to Council approval. The selected artist will enter into a written agreement with the City of Pickering following the approval of the acquisition of the public art outlined in the City’s Public Art Policy. This agreement will address the artist's obligations, which include, but are not limited to: • Materials • Timelines • Installation • Maintenance and/or conservation plans • Warranty • Copyright, Intellectual Property and Moral Rights • Payments to sub-contractors Selection Process Stage 1: Call to Artists – Expression of Interest (EOI) A public art jury comprised of city staff, practicing arts professionals, and community members will be established for the evaluation of the Stage 1 submissions. EXPRESSION OF INTEREST (EOI) SUBMISSIONS Artists/ Artist teams are invited to respond to this EOI by submitting a single pdf document including: •CV: Professional resume (3-pages max). If submitting as a team, an individual resume should be submitted for each team member. •Artist statement: describe your interest in this project and share your experience in the field. You can submit a written document (1-page max) or record an audio or video message (MP3 or MP4 file, max 20 MB). •Portfolio of past work: Examples of relevant work. You may include multiple images per project on 1 page of a maximum to 10 projects (10-pages). Add tittle, year, scope, budget and a short description. - 13 - 4 •References: A list of at least two professional references familiar with your work and working methods. The list must include name, title, complete e-mail addresses and telephone numbers. Submissions must be sent by email to: sbarakov@pickering.ca Subject: LastName_EOI:KingstonRD Deadline: XX, 2023 at 4 pm EDT. If the submissions exceed 20 MB, artists should contact Stoyan Barakov, Coordinator, Public Art who will provide a link to an external file share program. Incomplete submissions or submissions received after the deadline will not be juried. Stage 2: Request for Proposal (RFP) The Public Art Jury will review all submissions and identify a short -list based on artistic excellence and demonstrated or perceived ability to create and execute an innovative, engaging public artwork that is complementary to the overall design scheme and community context. The Jury will select a short-list of three (3) artists/artist teams for Stage 2 – Request for Proposal (RFP). Each of the three (3) artists/artist teams will be compensated $1,500 CAD plus HST for their time and the creation of concept for Stage 2. The short-listed artists will be notified by Week of November 6, 2023 and invited to submit a conceptual design proposal to the Public Art Jury and City of Pickering staff. As part of the process, short-listed artists must attend an in-person interview and present their proposals (online presentations may be accommodated) to the public art jury during the week of December 18, 2023. A detailed Terms of Reference project document will be provided to help short -listed artists prepare their proposals. When evaluating specific artwork proposals, the Public Art Jury will consider the vision, mandate and objectives of the Public Art Program and the objectives listed in the Public Art Opportunity outlined on Page 1 of this Call to Artists. The Public Art Jury (as per section 07.02 of the City of Pickering Public Art Policy (CUL 130) will also consider the artist's: •Artistic excellence of previous work; •Ability to achieve the highest quality of contemporary artistic excellence and innovation; •Professional qualifications and relevant working experience as related to the public art project brief; •Ability to manage a project and experience working with a design team, project team and/or community group, as appropriate; - 14 - 5 •Potential to comprehend, access and interpret relevant technical requirements; and, •Interest in and understanding of the public art opportunity and the context. The proposals may be used by the city of Pickering in meetings with stakeholders and staff. Anticipated Schedule It is expected that the commissioned artist(s) will comply with the project’s general timeline dates, as stated below: Date* Project Phase September 25, 2023 Issue Call to Artists: EOI October 30, 2023 Call to Artists: EOI Submissions due Week of November 6, 2023 Shortlisted Artists notified Week of December 4, 2023 Conceptual Proposals due Week of December 18, 2023 Artists presentations February, 2024 Deadline to notify selected Artist March, 2024 Technical Review with project staff. This meeting will provide the selected Artist with further technical specifications and feedback on the submitted conceptual artwork from lead project staff from the City March, 2024 Project Contract signed and executed for project deliverables*. *Subject to Council approval of the project September 2024 Anticipated installation date *Schedule is subject to change - 15 - 6 Accessibility The City will provide accommodations throughout the selection process to applicants with disabilities. Please notify Stoyan Barakov, Coordinator, Public Art at 289.200.7829 or sbarakov@pickering.ca of the nature of any accommodation(s) that you may require in respect of any materials or processes used to en sure your equal participation. Reserved Rights of the City of Pickering The City of Pickering, at its sole discretion, may request clarification or request additional information, as deemed necessary to evaluate the submissions. The City retains the sole discretion to determine whether a submission is responsive and if the prospective Artist or Artist Team is capable of performing the Work. The City reserves the right, at it sole discretion, to determine the number of pre -qualified Artists or Artist Teams. The City reserve the right to not proceed with awarding a contract. Publication of Information The City of Pickering shall have the exclusive rights to issue all public announcements regarding the competition. Additional Information For any additional information or questions please contact: Stoyan Barakov, Coordinator, Public Art at 289.200.7829 or sbarakov@pickering.ca. - 16 - Memo To: Cultural Advisory Committee September 11, 2023 From: Stoyan Barakov Coordinator, Public Art Copy: Acting Supervisor, Cultural Services Subject: Winter Nights, City Lights 2023 – Rental of Public Art -For Endorsement Background: In late July 2023, Cultural Services received funding from the Experience Ontario grant. This Provincial grant will fund the rental of a temporary public art installation at Winter Nights, City Lights 2023. As per the Public Art Policy (CUL 130) the acquisition of Public Art under $25,000 CAD must be endorsed by the Public Art Committee and the Cultural Advisory Committee. The rental of this temporary public art is $18,339 inclusive of HST. Due to the grant limitations and the timeline, a Jury comprised of City Staff selected the work by Toronto based installation artist Casey Watson. The Public Art Committee reviewed and endorsed the work by email on September 8, 2023. Watson will be installing her work “Look Up” inside the Chestnut Hill Developments Recreation Complex from November 15 to November 28, 2023, as part of Winter Nights, City Lights 2023. A rendering of the work in the space is set out in Attachment 1 . The Artist made the following statement: “Look Up! is an immersive installation consisting of multi-coloured balloons, creating a disco daydream. These paper balloons are coated in a metallic, colour changing film that reflects facets of light throughout the space. This installation represents a fut ure of optimism, imagination and reflection. Mixed media, 2021” - 17 - September 11, 2023 Page 2 of 2 Winter Nights, City Lights 2023 – Rental of Public Art Funding: There is $18,339 inclusive of HST available from Experience Ontario grant. Discussion: Currently, Community Services request that the Cultural Advisory Committee endorse the rental of temporary public art by the Toronto based installation artist Casey Watson as part of Winter Nights, City Lights 2023. Attachment 1: Rendering of “Look Up” inside Chestnut Hill Developments Recreation Complex - 18 - - 19 - Memo To: Cultural Advisory Committee September 11, 2023 From: Stoyan Barakov Coordinator, Public Art Copy: Acting Supervisor, Cultural Services Subject: Call to Artists – Placemaking Opportunity - Window Painting Background: The City of Pickering would like to invite local artists or artist teams to apply to paint the main windows at City Hall and Chestnut Hill Developments Recreation Complex. Following the Public Art Policy (CUL 130), Community Services will be issuing a public one stage opportunity for artists/ artist teams to apply. The Call to Artists – Placemaking Opportunity; Window Painting (Attachment 1) will be released on September 20, 2023. The commissioned placemaking art piece is intended to be created based on the theme of an inclusive Canadian Winter, this temporary placemaking opportunity will aim to showcase the beauty associated with winter in Canada. This activation will be displayed on the windows from November 20, 2023 to February 1, 2024. One artist/team will be commissioned by The City of Pickering to create the works. Funding: There is $2,000 including HST available from the 502520.9711 Community and Temp Art for this opportunity. Next steps: Coordinator, Public Art will issue Stage 1: Call to Artists – Placemaking Opportunity: Window Painting. After collection and evaluation of the submissions by the Public Art Jury, the Top 1 artist/team will be selected. The Cultural Advisory Committee will be informed of the highest ranked artists and asked for their endorsement during the October 2023 meeting. - 20 - September 11, 2023 Page 2 of 2 Call to Artists - Placemaking Opportunity: Window Painting Discussion: Currently, Community Services is seeking approval to proceed with this project and issue Call to Artists – Placemaking Opportunity: Window Painting. Attachment 1: Call to Artists – Placemaking Opportunity – Window Painting - 21 - Page 1 Call to Artists – Placemaking Opportunity Window Painting at City Hall and CHDRC Deadline: October 6, 2023 at 4 pm EDT. Example of painted window Placemaking Opportunity The City of Pickering invites local artists or artist teams to apply to paint the main windows at City Hall and Chestnut Hill Developments Recreation Complex. Under the theme of an inclusive Canadian Winter, this temporary placemaking opportunity will aim to showcase the beauty associated with winter in Canada. This activation will be displayed on the windows from November 12, 2023, to February 1, 2024. One artist/team will be commissioned by The City of Pickering to create the works. As per the City of Pickering Public Art Policy (CUL 130) an artist is defined as the designer/creator of an artistic work and can include, but is not limited to, a professional artist, graphic designer, collaborative team, architect, or landscape designer. A public art jury comprised of city staff will be established for this single-stage competition. - 22 - Page 2 Site Context The City of Pickering resides on land within the Treaty and traditional territory of the Mississaugas of Scugog Island First Nation and Williams Treaties signatories of the Mississauga and Chippewa Nations. This placemaking opportunity will occupy the main windows of City Hall (1 The Esplanade S, Pickering, ON L1V 6K7) and Chestnut Hill Developments Recreation Complex (1867 Valley Farm Rd, Pickering, ON L1V 6K7). Images of the windows below: Chestnut Hill Developments Recreation Complex exterior - 23 - Page 3 City Hall, City of Pickering exterior Project Brief The City of Pickering’s Cultural Strategic Plan (2014) outlines the City’s commitment to collaborate with the community to celebrate our cultural diversity, heritage and the arts; to sustain our natural environment; to foster a creative economy; and to strengthen our vibrant neighbourhoods. This placemaking art piece is intended to be created by a local Pickering artist for the winter 2023/2024 winter season. The City of Pickering will commission one artist/ team for the creation of the work. The size and exact number of windows to be determined between the City and the selected artist/team. The created work will create a sense of joy and excitement for residents and visitors during the winter season in Pickering. - 24 - Page 4 Budget $2,000.00 CAD including HST (maximum).* This is the total amount available for the commission of this placemaking artworks. All related expenses of this project including, but not limited to: artist fees, all applicable taxes, detailed renderings, materials, and schedules or other expertise as required, insurance, equipment, travel to meetings and to the site, and an artist statement for completed work. The selected artist will provide a Scope of Work based on the Placemaking opportunity to The City of Pickering. This Scope of Work will address the artist's obligations, which include, but are not limited to: • Materials • Timeline • Installation • Removal • Insurance • Copyright, Intellectual Property and Moral Rights *Subject to change based on final confirmation of number of windows. Anticipated Schedule It is expected that the commissioned artist(s) will comply with the project’s general timeline dates, as stated below: Date* Project Phase September 20, 2023 Call to Artists – Placemaking Opportunity October 6, 2023 Submissions due Week of September 18, 2023 Selected Artist notified Artist to Issue Scope of Work Week of November 13 to 17, 2023 Artwork Production on site November 20, 2023 Artwork Completion *Schedule is subject to change - 25 - Page 5 Technical Specifications Design Considerations 1. This call is targeting local emerging artists. 2. The created work must be painted on the interior side of the windows and able to be removed after. 3. The work is to reflect the theme of an inclusive Canadian Winter. Possible ideas winter activities; skiing, snowshoeing, skating; wildlife, winter celebration or occasions of significance. 4. The work is to be inclusive, engaging and create a feeling of joy. 5. The work may incorporate components; however, this should not add further to maintenance and durability. Selection Process A jury comprised of city staff will be established for the evaluation of the proposals. This is a one stage competition. One artist/team will be awarded the commission. The Jury will recommend an artist or artistic team for the award of the commission based on the following criteria: 1. Artistic merit, including quality of work, originality, and artistic excellence . 2. Adhesion to location and expressed desire in this project; and, 3. Artist’s demonstrated ability and proposal feasibility to meet the artwork goals and technical requirements, within the set timeline and budget. The City of Pickering reserves the right to select and retain the artist deemed most appropriate for the project at its sole discretion. Submission Requirements Complete your RFP submission and email it in a single PDF. Please include: 1. Artist statement: describe your interest in this project and share your experience in the field. You can submit a written document (1-page max) or record an audio or video message (MP3 or MP4 file, max 20 MB). 2. CV: Professional resume (3-pages max). If submitting as a team, an individual resume should be submitted for each team member. 3. Portfolio of past work: Examples of relevant work. You may include multiple images per project on 1 page of a maximum to 10 projects (10-pages). Add tittle, year, scope and a short description. - 26 - Page 6 4. Artwork Design: a. concept sketch, photos, and other images/details as applicable along with proposed dimensions and description of materials used. 5. Proposed Budget and Plan: for artist fees and materials. 6. References: A list of at least two professional references familiar with your work and working methods. The list must include name, title, complete e-mail addresses and telephone numbers. Submissions must be sent by email to: sbarakov@pickering.ca Subject: Placemaking Opportunity – Windows Painting If the file exceeds 20 MB, artists are asked to use an external file share program. Incomplete submissions or submissions received after the deadline will not be juried. The proposals may be used by the City of Pickering in meetings with stakeholders and staff. Accessibility The City will provide accommodations throughout the selection process to applicants with disabilities. Please notify Stoyan Barakov, Coordinator, Public Art at 289.200.7829 or sbarakov@pickering.ca of the nature of any accommodation(s) that you may require in respect of any materials or processes used to ensure your equal participation. Reserved Rights of the City of Pickering The City of Pickering, at its sole discretion, may request clarification or request additional information, as deemed necessary to evaluate the submissions. The City retains the sole discretion to determine whether a submission is responsive and if the prospective Artist or Artist Team is capable of performing the Work. The City reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to determine the number of pre-qualified Artists or Artist Teams. The City reserve the right to not proceed with awarding a contract. Publication of Information The City of Pickering shall have the exclusive rights to issue all public announcements regarding the competition. - 27 - Page 7 Additional Information For any additional information or questions please contact: Stoyan Barakov, Coordinator, Public Art at 289.200.7829 or sbarakov@pickering.ca. - 28 - Memo To: Cultural Advisory Committee September 12, 2023 From: Jesse St. Amant Coordinator, Cultural Services Copy: Director, Community Services Division Head, Culture and Community Programming Acting Supervisor, Cultural Services Acting Curator Subject: Update: Community Banner Series - For Endorsement File: S-1000-013 Public Art Background: The Community Banner Series will build on the success of the original Community Banner Program that has received and archived artwork from a range of artists and artistic practices since 2018. Each year, these banners have contributed to colorful, vibrant, and City proud civic spaces in the City Centre. The Community Banner Series, call for “Expression Of Interest” invited artists starting on May 1, 2023, to identify their intent to design street banners, that will animate and transform the street scape into welcoming and engaging spaces. In stage 1, arti sts were asked to include a resume/CV, references, brief artist statement outlining interest in project, showing relevant experience, ability, and general artistic approach, and a maximum of 10 images of past work. Design proposals were not included at this stage. The City invited artists to respond to this call by May 26, 2023 and received 44 applications for stage 1. A Public Art Committee comprised of members with experience as practicing arts professionals, and community members with significant knowledge of arts and culture was established for this competition. The Public Art Committee reviewed the 44 submissions the week of June 5, 2023 and have identified a top 5 short-list based on artistic excellence and demonstrated or perceived ability to create and execute an innovative, engaging public artwork that is com plementary to the overall design scheme and community context. The top 5 short-list selected artists as determined by the Public Art Committee were invited to participate in stage 2. The short-listed artists were notified on June 21, 2023 and invited to submit a conceptual design proposal for the series of seven (7) banners. A detailed terms of reference - 29 - "[Click here and type date]" Page 2 of 2 "[Click here and type Subject]" project document was provided to help short-listed artists prepare their final proposals. Short- listed artists were paid a fee of $1,000.00 (+HST) for their submission of the completed banner design series by August 4, 2023. The top 3 artists selected at the end of stage 2 by the Public Art Committee will have their designs finalized, fabricated and installed on Kingston Road, and Valley Farm Road in December 2023. These banners will be on display for 2 years. Decisions of the Public Art Committee are reviewed by the Cultural Advisory Committee and are final, pending approval of the Director, Community Services as per the Community Banner Policy CUL 140. Next Steps: The Top 3 short-list selected artists from stage 2 as determined by the Public Art Committee are as follows: Aisha Chiguichon, Yen Linh Thai, and Oliviana Cinco. The Top 3 short-listed artists will be notified on September 20, 2023 and provided technical specification for their final design file submission. Additionally, any comments collected by the Public Art Committee made during stage 2 of the design concepts review will be considered by the artists when finalizing their d esigns. Top 3 Short-listed artists will be paid a fee of $3,500.00 (+HST) for their submission of the final seven (7) banner designs by October 12, 2023. Discussion: Community Services is requesting that the Cultural Advisory Committee endorse the Top 3 Artist Short List for the Community Banner Series moving to the final production stage as selected by the Public Art Committee. Those artist include: Aisha Chiguichon, Yen Linh Thai, and Oliviana Cinco. JSA/jsa Attachment Community Banner Series 2023 - Shortlisted File.pdf - 30 - - 31 - - 32 - - 33 - - 34 - - 35 - - 36 - - 37 - - 38 - - 39 - - 40 - - 41 - - 42 - - 43 - - 44 - - 45 - - 46 - - 47 - - 48 - - 49 - - 50 - - 51 - - 52 - - 53 - - 54 - - 55 - - 56 - - 57 - - 58 - - 59 - - 60 - Memo To: Cultural Advisory Committee September 12, 2023 From: Jesse St. Amant Coordinator, Cultural Services Copy: Director, Community Services Division Head, Culture and Community Programming Acting Supervisor, Cultural Services Coordinator, Public Art Subject: UPDATE: West Shore Skate Park - Community Mural -For Endorsement Background: During the April 18, 2023 Cultural Advisory Committee meeting, the CAC endorsed the Top 3 ranked Artists shortlisted by City Staff for the West Shore Skate Spot Community Mural. The Top 3 artists were provided with a Term of Reference (Attachment 1) to further tailor their submission and presentation for Phase 2. The Phase 2 proposals were received on May 5, 2023. As per Section 07.02 of the Policy, a Public Art Jury must be established for each acquisition of $25,000 and over in value. The Public Art Jury is to be organized on a case by case and project by project basis. The Public Art Jury evaluates the artist pro posals in accordance with the Artist Evaluation Criteria in Section 07.03 and Acquisition Criteria in Section 06.04 of the Policy. Each artist/artists team (Fatspatrol & Mural Routes, Enna Kim & Jieun Kim, and Jacob Headley) presented their concept to the Public Art Jury on May 9, 2023. The jury reviewed the judging criteria outlined in Attachment 2 (Call to Artists), scored each proposal and ranked the top three finalists following the artist’s presentations. Based on the ranking, Fatspatrol and Mural Routes was recommended as the Artist to be awarded the commission of temporary public art at West Shore Community Centre Skate Spot for Phase 2 of the project. The Public Art Jury recommendation was endorsed by the Public Art Committee on May 11, 2023. A Report to Council CS 18-23 was presented during the June 5, 2023 Executive Committee Meeting. Followed by awarding the contract to the Top 1 Artist after the City Council meeting was held on June 26, 2023; where the council decision initiated Resolution #218/23 (Attachment 3) Community consultations were held on August 3 & 21, 2023 at West Shore Community Centre. Each session was opened by Marta Keller of Mural Routes with a land acknowledgement and intention for the consultation. This was followed by a brief introduction by ar tist fatspatrol about her mural painting history and her approach to mural design ex. a more symbolic, representational - 61 - September 12, 2023 Page 2 of 2 UPDATE: West Shore Skate Park - Community Mural approach rather than a realistic/ literal one. Kim Dayman of Mural Routes then continued the consultation by asking a number of questions to the group about the local area, is values and priorities, its stand out features, some of its history and a general invitation to share key subject matters the artist may consider in the designing of this mural. Based on the first consultation it was determined that the artist would work in the following themes: Diverse nature: fish and birds (heron), water and ice, waterfront, trail systems, environmental awareness: important to coexist, intergenerational, sunrises and sunsets, all year round: “you can never close nature”, a meeting place. At the second consultation the Artist presented 3 conceptual mural designs and additional elements based on the first consultation. These concepts formed the final design that the Artist presented to City Staff on Tuesday, September 5; were endorsed by the Public Art Jury on September 6, and by the Public Art Committee on September 7. Next steps: Installation of the mural will take place October 1 to October 19, with the unveiling event taking place on Friday, October 20th from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm. Discussion: Community Services request that the Cultural Advisory Committee endorse the Public Art Committee’s decision to approve the final community mural design for the West Shore Skate Spot as submitted by Fatspatrol. (Attachment 4). Attachment 1: Term of Reference Attachment 2: Call to Artists - Westshore Skate Park (EOI) Attachment 3: Resolution #218/23 Attachment 4: Final Community Mural Design - 62 - Terms of References West Shore Skate Park 1 April 19, 2023 Public Art in the City of Pickering The City of Pickering is committed to and supportive of the benefits of public art and recognizes that art in public spaces is a valuable asset that enhances the social/cultural, built heritage and natural environments. Through public art, we beautify our environment; engage the community in Creative Place-Making; and, celebrate our values, stories, culture, heritage, and diversity while defining our unique identity. Public Art enhances quality of life for citizens and visitors; and, strengthens community pride, tourism and economic growth. Project Description: West Shore Skate Park Community Mural The City of Pickering’s Cultural Strategic Plan (2014) outlines the City’s commitment to collaborate with the community to celebrate our cultural diversity, heritage and the arts; to sustain our natural environment; to foster a creative economy; and to strengthen our vibrant neighbourhoods. The artwork will be located in West Shore Skate Park, 1011-1015 Bayly Street, Pickering. The newly designed skateboard spot in the West Shore Neighbourhood provides a public site for a community mural. This public art piece is intended to be created and executed with the help of the community, reflective of the neighborhood and the recreational activities that take place in this location. Brief Site History and Neighbourhood Context The City developed a Skateboard Park Strategy in 2017 as a supplement to its Recreation and Parks Master Plan update. The strategy helped determine existing and future needs for skateboard park facilities as well as potential locations. Of the households surveyed as part of the strategy engagement, 8% had a family member that skateboarded in the past year, which equates to over 2,500 residents in Pickering who skateboard. The results indicated that one community size skateboard park and five smaller skateboard facilities called “skate spots”, would be required to adequately service the residents of South Pickering. Currently Pickering has one community sized skateboard park, located in Diana, Princess of Wales Park, and one skate spot in West Shore. Skateboard parks provide an inexpensive recreational outlet for the youth of our community as well for the like-minded children and adults. - 63 - Terms of References West Shore Skate Park 2 Artwork Location: The artwork will be located in and around the West Shore Skate Park, across from the West Shore Community Centre, 1011-1015 Bayly Street, Pickering. The newly designed skateboard spot in the West Shore Neighbourhood provides a public site for a community mural. 1 West Shore Skate Park View from West Shore Community Centre Based on the provided budget and consultation including City Staff, West Shore Neighborhood Association and the Programing Team, the Artist will determine the exact mural location and size. - 64 - Terms of References West Shore Skate Park 3 Additional images: 2 Rendering of West Shore Skate Park in Pickering including features list 3 Rendering of West Shore Skate Park in Pickering illustrating different view points West Shore Skate Park Site Plan – Attachment 1 - 65 - Terms of References West Shore Skate Park 4 Artist Selection Process: Per the City of Pickering Public Art Policy section 07.02, a Public Art Jury must be established for each acquisition of $25,000 and over in value. The Public Art Jury will be organized on a case by case, and project by project basis. The composition, duration and terms of reference for any Public Art Jury will be dependent on the nature of the Public Art project. Appointees to a Public Art Jury may consist of: • Three City staff which may include representatives (e.g. department heads, Heritage Planner, Library) from other City of Pickering departments, as appropriate, that may be impacted by the location, or subject matter of a Public Art project. • Three resident members from the Public Art Committee. • Two professional artists that are not residents of the City of Pickering. • One professional architect that is not a resident of the City of Pickering. When evaluating specific artwork proposals, the Public Art Jury will consider the vision, mandate and objectives of the Public Art Program and the objectives listed in the Public Art Opportunity outlined on Page 1 of the Call to Artists. The Public Art Jury (as per section 07.02 of the City of Pickering Public Art Policy) will also consider the artist's: • Artistic excellence of previous work; • Ability to achieve the highest quality of contemporary artistic excellence and innovation; • Professional qualifications and relevant working experience as related to the public art project brief; • Ability to manage a project and experience working with a design team, project team and/or community group, as appropriate; • Potential to comprehend, access and interpret relevant technical requirements; and, • Interest in and understanding of the public art opportunity and the context. For large commissions in public spaces, the Public Art Committee may choose to provide the three top-ranked Public Art Jury selections for Community comment prior to finalizing the selection process. When an open call public art competition results in two equally weighted proposals, consideration will be given to the local/Canadian submission. Stage 2: In depth portfolio review The short-listed artists will be notified on April 19, 2023 and invited to re-submit (if they wish) a portfolio of past projects that further highlights their expertise alongside with a Scope of Work (including a budget breakdown) in a PowerPoint presentation. Additionally, shortlisted artists/teams are asked to present their submission (15 min presentation) either in person or virtual to the Public Art Jury on May 9, 2023. For this, artists/teams will be compensated $111 plus HST (Based on CARFAC C.2.2 Media Arts Q&A or Screening Introduction). The Public Art Jury in selecting the successful proposal will also take into account the following: - 66 - Terms of References West Shore Skate Park 5 Community Relevance and Impact • Suitability for display in a public space • Reflects the City's heritage, and/ or history, culture and diversity, and/or natural elements and landscapes • Builds appreciation for public art Overall Quality and Authenticity • Originality of style • Intrigues viewers and stimulates imagination • Artist reputation, demonstrated and related experience • Condition of past artwork Location • Site suitability • Response to or complements the location's uses and users Economic Value • Short- and long-term costs • Tourism potential Installation Maintenance & Conservation • City's ability to accommodate installation requirements • City's ability to safely display, maintain and conserve the work • Long-term maintenance cost • Longevity of the artwork • Environmental impact Submission • Compliance with guidelines outlined in the Public Art Policy and accompanying "Call to Artist" • Quality of the approach/work plan and methodology (Scope of Work) • Ability to meet budgetary estimates and timelines (Budget Breakdown) Additionally, the City will not purchase or display art that: • violates any City policy; • conveys a negative message that might be deemed prejudicial; • promotes alcohol and other addictive substances; • presents demeaning or derogatory portrayals of individuals or groups or contains anything, which in light of generally prevailing community standards, is likely to cause deep or widespread offence; and, • is in direct competition with City of Pickering services, programs or initiatives. - 67 - Terms of References West Shore Skate Park 6 The finalist artist (artist team) will work closely with City Staff, West Shore Neighbourhood Association and the Programs Team to create and execute the final work to the requirements of the site and other conditions for project realization. Decisions of the Public Art Jury are final. Deadline for Stage 2: In depth portfolio review submissions is May 5, 2023 at 4 pm. Email submissions to: sbarakov@pickering.ca Budget $32,000 CAD including HST (maximum). This is the total amount available for all related expenses of this temporary public art project including, but not limited to: artist fees, all applicable taxes, detailed renderings, materials, community consultations and schedules or other expertise as required, insurance, equipment, travel to meetings and to the site, and an artist statement for completed work. The selected artist will enter into a written agreement with the City of Pickering following the approval of the acquisition of the public art. This agreement will address the artist's obligations, which include, but are not limited to: • Materials • Timeline • Installation • Maintenance and/or conservation plans • Warranty • Copyright, Intellectual Property and Moral Rights • Payments to sub-contractors Design Considerations A list outlining specific Site Parameters and Artwork Materials, Maintenance and Public Safety will be shared with the awarded artist to further inform the design creation and production of the mural. - 68 - Terms of References West Shore Skate Park 7 Project Timeline April 5, 2023 Stage 1: Open Call issued April 17, 2023 at 4 pm Stage 1: Open Call submissions due April 18, 2023 Application reviews April 19, 2023 Deadline to notify short-listed artists. Artists will be provided with detailed Terms of Reference project document for the public artwork at this stage. May 5, 2023 at 4 pm Stage 2: In depth portfolio due Week of June 5, 2023 Deadline to notify selected Artist Week of June 5, 2023 Project Contract signed and executed Week of June 12, 2023 Technical Review with project staff. This meeting will introduce the selected Artist to PWSCA and Community Services Youth Programs team and provide further technical specifications and feedback on the submitted conceptual art work from lead project staff from the City. June - September 2023 Community consultation and design creation September - October 2023 Mural execution with community members October 2023 Mural unveiling and community celebration *Schedule subject to change - 69 - Terms of References West Shore Skate Park 8 Post Competition Procedure Final Recommendation and Awarding of the Commission • The Public Art Jury will select one finalist artist (artist team) and make its recommendation to the City. • No appeals from artists (artist teams) are permitted. • The Public Art Jury may elect not to choose a finalist artist (artist team). • No official winner of the competition may be made public until the agreement between the City of Pickering and the finalist artist (artist team) has been determined. Ownership, Use of the Artwork by the Finalist Artist (Artist Team) and Copyright Artwork acquired for the Public Art Collection shall become the property of the City of Pickering except those artworks subject to the parameters for Temporary Public Art as outlined in Section 08.03 of the CUL 130 Public Art Policy. The City will respect the artist's right of authorship and the integrity of the public art. Except in very rare circumstances, the Artist(s) shall own all Intellectual Property in the work developed. Following best practice in North American Public Art Programs, they will not be asked to waive their Artist Moral Rights or assign their copyrights. Artist(s) will be asked to provide a royalty-free non-commercial license to the City of Pickering for images of their work in perpetuity. Basic Conditions – Future Agreement(s) between the Finalist Artist (Artist Team) and City of Pickering The finalist artist (artist team) and the City of Pickering will enter into an Agreement, which will include the identification of the scope of work to be performed by the artist, payments and performance schedules to be followed. Questions & Contact Artists may submit questions about any aspect of this competition by email to the following address: sbarakov@pickering.ca Stoyan Barakov Coordinator, Public Art Community Services M: 289.200.7829 T: 905.420.4660 ext.1097 sbarakov@pickering.ca - 70 - I­x UJ 1-z 0 (.) T"" N N 0 N (0 0 r--­N SUMMER 2022 DRAWING LIST TITLE COVER DIMENSION PLAN ORDINATE DIMENSION PLAN MA TE RIALS PLAN EDGE AND JOINT PLAN GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN �@ID:fril:il SECTIONS DETAILS \ DETAILS 2 ENLARGMENT PROJECT LOCATION -ADJACENT WESTSHORE COMMUNITY CENTRE • PERSPECTIVE DRAWING - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION REFERENCE PAGE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 General Notes ALL WORK SHALL CONFORM TO THE CUSTOM OF BEST TRADE PRACTICE AND BE EXECUTED BY SKILLED TRADESPERSONS, WELL EQUIPPED AND SUPERVISED. DIMENSIONS SHOWN ON PLAN SHALL TAKE PREFERENCE OVER SCALE. CONTRACTOR TO CONFIRM ALL DIMENSIONS OF DESIGN PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION AND REPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES FOUND DRAWING HISTORY REVIEW A FOR REVIEW 2022.06.28 CREATION 2022.06.15 NO. DESCRIPTION DATE REVISIONS 26200 127th Ave Maple Ridge BC (604) 992-7678 V 4 R 1 C3 info@transitionconstruction.com PROJECT AND TITLE: WESTSHORE SKATESPOT 1015 BAYLY STREET PICKERING ON CLIENT: CITY OF PICKERING PICKERING ON L 1V 6K7 1 THE ESPLANADE S DESIGNED JM A, JMC DRAWN JM CHECKED CD DATE 2022-06-29 BM ELEV. '\. SCALE NTS TRANSITION PROJECT No. 2022.21 SHEET REV. 1 OF 9 A TRANSITION DRAWING No. 1 0:: UJ > 0 () < � en - 71 - - 72 - - 73 - - 74 - - 75 - - 76 - - 77 - - 78 - - 79 - 1 Call to Artists: Community Mural West Shore Skate Park Deadline: April 17, 2023 at 4 pm EST. Artist Opportunity The City of Pickering invites artists to respond to the Call to Artists to create a temporary outdoor community mural for West Shore Skate Park. As per the City of Pickering Public Art Policy (CUL 130) an artist is defined as the designer/creator of an artistic work and can include, but is not limited to, a professional artist, graphic designer, collaborative team, architect, or landscape designer. - 80 - 2 A public art jury comprised of city staff, practicing arts professionals, and community members will be established for this two-stage competition. Public Art Opportunity The City of Pickering’s Cultural Strategic Plan (2014) outlines the City’s commitment to collaborate with the community to celebrate our cultural diversity, heritage and the arts; to sustain our natural environment; to foster a creative economy; and to strengthen our vibrant neighbourhoods. The artwork will be located in West Shore Skate Park, 1011-1015 Bayly Street, Pickering. The newly designed skateboard spot in the West Shore Neighbourhood provides a public site for a community mural. This public art piece is intended to be created and executed with the help of the community, reflective of the neighborhood and the recreational activities that take place in this location. Community Background The City developed a Skateboard Park Strategy in 2017 as a supplement to its Recreation and Parks Master Plan update . The strategy helped determine existing and future needs for skateboard park facilities as well as potential locations. Of the households surveyed as part of the strategy engagement, 8% had a family member that skateboarded in the past year, which equate s to over 2,500 residents in Pickering who skateboard. The results indicated that one community size skateboard park and five smaller skateboard facilities called “skate spots”, would be required to adequately service the residents of South Pickering. Cur rently Pickering has one community sized skateboard park, located in Diana, Princess of Wales Park, and one skate spot in West Shore. Skateboard parks provide an inexpensive recreational outlet for the youth of our community as well for the like-minded children and adults. Budget $32,000 CAD including HST (maximum). This is the total amount available for all related expenses of this temporary public art project including, but not limited to: artist fees, all applicable taxes, detailed renderings, mate rials, community consultations and schedules or other expertise as required, insurance, equipment, travel to meetings and to the site, and an artist statement for completed work. The selected artist will enter into a written agreement with the City of Pic kering - 81 - 3 following the approval of the acquisition of the public art. This agreement will address the artist's obligations, which include, but are not limited to: • Materials • Timeline • Installation • Maintenance and/or conservation plans • Warranty • Copyright, Intellectual Property and Moral Rights • Payments to sub-contractors Stage 1: Open Call City Staff will review all submissions and identify a short-list based on artistic excellence and demonstrated or perceived ability to create and execute a n engaging community-based mural that is complementary to the overall design scheme and community context. Artists are invited to respond to this EOI by submitting a single pdf document: This pdf document must be labeled with the name of the artist and pro ject (Last Name First Name_ WestShoreSkateParkMural) and include: • CV (one for each team member, if applicable) • Brief artist statement outlining interest in project, showing relevant experience, ability, and general artistic approach. Please include yo ur experience and intended approach to the community engaged process. Do not include proposals at this stage. • Maximum ten (10) images of work, with caption including title, materials, dimensions, location, and commissioning body (if applicable). Audio / Video files may be provided via URL. • Names and contact information for two references (preferably from recent community projects). Email submissions to: sbarakov@pickering.ca Submissions must be received by 4PM EST, April 17, 2023. Late submissions will not be accepted. - 82 - 4 Stage 2: In depth portfolio review The short-listed artists will be notified in early May, 2023 and invited to re-submit (if they wish) a portfolio of past projects that further highlights their expertise in a PowerPoint presentation. A detailed Terms of Reference project document will be provided to help short-listed artists prepare their portfolio. When evaluating the artists portfolios, the Public Art Jury will consider the vision, mandate and objectives of the Public Art Program and the objectives listed in the Public Art Opportunity outlined on Page 2 of this Call to Artists. The Public Art Jury (as per section 07.02 of the City of Pickering Public Art Policy) will also consider the artist's: • Artistic excellence of previous work; • Ability to achieve the highest quality of contemporary artistic excellence and innovation; •Professional qualifications and relevant working experience as related to the public art project brief; • Ability to manage a project and experience working with a design team, project team and/or community group, as appropriate; • Potential to comprehend, access and interpret relevant technical requirements; and, • Interest in and understanding of the public art opportunity a nd the context. The Public Art Jury in selecting the successful proposal will also consider the following: Community Relevance and Impact • Suitability for display in a public space • Reflects the City's heritage, and/ or history, culture and diversity, and/or natural elements and landscapes • Builds appreciation for public art Overall Quality and Authenticity • Originality of design • Intrigues viewers and stimulates imagination • Artist reputation, demonstrated and related experience • Condition of the artwork Location • Site suitability • Response to or complements the location's uses and users - 83 - 5 Economic Value • Short- and long-term costs • Tourism potential Installation Maintenance & Conservation • City's ability to accommodate installation requirements • City's ability to safely display, maintain and conserve the work • Long-term maintenance cost • Longevity of the artwork • Environmental impact Submission • Compliance with guidelines outlined in the Public Art Policy and accompanying "Call to Artist" • Quality of the approach/work plan and methodology • Ability to meet budgetary estimates and timelines Project Considerations The artist and the artwork must adhere to the following design parameters: • Be an exterior mural installation, suitable for exhibition in a public space; • Be developed and executed with the involvement of the West Shore community; • Experience working with youth will be considered an asset. • Be able to organize and coordinate community workshops; • City Staff will introduce the artist to the Pickering West Shore Community Association (PWSCA) and Community Services Youth Programs team. • Be appropriate for the site in scale, execution, materials and creativity; • Be created using high quality, long-lasting materials; and • Not pose a risk to public safety. - 84 - 6 Project Timeline April 5, 2023 Stage 1: Open Call issued April 17, 2023 at 4 pm Stage 1: Open Call submissions due April 18, 2023 Application reviews April 19, 2023 Deadline to notify short-listed artists. Artists will be provided with detailed Terms of Reference project document for the public artwork at this stage. May 5, 2023 at 4 pm Stage 2: In depth portfolio due Week of June 5, 2023 Deadline to notify selected Artist Week of June 5, 2023 Project Contract signed and executed Week of June 12, 2023 Technical Review with project staff. This meeting will introduce the selected Artist to PWSCA and Community Services Youth Programs team and provide further technical specifications and feedback on the submitted conceptual art work from lead project staff from the City. June - September 2024 Community consultation and design creation September - October 2023 Mural execution with community members October 2023 Mural unveiling and community celebration *Schedule subject to change - 85 - 7 Accessibility The City will provide accommodations throughout the selection process to applicants with disabilities. Please notify Stoyan Barakov, Coordinator, Public Art at 289.200.7829 or sbarakov@pickering.ca of the nature of any accommodation(s) that you may require in respect of any materials or processes used to ensure your equal participation. Reserved Rights of the City of Pickering The City of Pickering, at it sole discretion, may request clarification or request additional information, as deemed necessary to evaluate the submissions. The City retains the sole discretion to determine whether a submission is responsive and if the prospective Artist or Artist Team is capable of performing the Work. The City reserves the right, at it sole discretion, to determine the number of pre-qualified Artists or Artist Teams. The City reserve the right to not proceed with awarding a contract. Publication of Information The City of Pickering shall have the exclusive rights to issue all public announcements regarding the competition. Additional Information For any additional information or questions please contact: Stoyan Barakov, Coordinator, Public Art at 289.200.7829 or sbarakov@pickering.ca. - 86 - Legislative Services Division Clerk’s Office Directive Memorandum June 30, 2023 To: Sarah Douglas-Murray Director, Community Services From: Susan Cassel City Clerk Subject: Direction as per Minutes of the Meeting of City Council held on June 26, 2023 Director, Community Services, Report CS 18-23 West Shore Skate Spot - Commission of Public Art (Community Mural) Council Decision Resolution #218/23 Please take any action deemed necessary. Susan Cassel Copy: Director, Finance & Treasurer Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor Chief Administrative Officer 1. That Council endorse that the commission of public art for West Shore Community Centre Skate Spot be awarded to fatspatrol (Fathima Mohiuddin) & Mural Routes in the amount of $31,979.00 (HST included); 2. That Council authorize the Director, Finance & Treasurer to finance the net project cost of $28,798.00 by a transfer from the Public Art Reserve as provided for in the 2023 Current Budget; 3. That the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to execute the Letter of Understanding, between fatspatrol (Fathima Mohiuddin) & Mural Routes and the City of Pickering, set out in Attachment 1, subject to minor revisions acceptable to the Director, Community Services and the Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor; and, 4. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary actions as indicated in this report. - 87 - WESTSHORE SKATE SPOT artwork fatspatrol- 88 - Stand out themes from the community consultation considered in final artwork Diverse nature: esp. fish and birds (heron *) Water(front) and ice Trail systems Environmental awareness: ie. important to coexist Sunrises and sunsets/ day and night and all year round – “YOU CAN NEVER CLOSE NATURE” A meeting place, a gateway From a chat with local youth using the skatespot: They liked the bold, graphic, ‘urban art’ look of my previous work and asked that it be similar in aesthetic. - 89 - - 90 - - 91 - - 92 - BN - 93 - Patterns from the inside of the skatespot (ie the main artwork) will spill out on the outsides to remain consistent with the design as a whole and lead the eye into the artwork on the insde - 94 - - 95 - The colour pallet has been set as supplies have to be ordered in advance to ensure exactly colour matches arrive by the installation start date - 96 - fatspatrol - 97 - Plan the City of Pickering's future with us! Community Information Session Learn more and provide your feedback, comments, and questions! - 98 - Shauna Muir Supervisor, Public Affairs & Corporate Communications On the line today Karen Wianecki Director of Practice at Planning Solutions Inc. - 99 - Overview of the process Project activities to date Opportunity for Questions/Comments Your thoughts on the Vision, Goals & Strategic Actions What we'll be covering Next steps - 100 - A Strategic Plan is a long-range document that acts as a roadmap for the future. It will define where the City of Pickering, as an organization, is going, and how it will get there. It is an important tool to bring residents, Council and staff together to develop a shared Vision, direction and goals for our community. What is a Corporate Strategic Plan? - 101 - Project activities to date February 2023 Preliminary planning and research to define project scope and details March 2023 Council Workshop (development of a collaborative set of Council- endorsed priorities) June-August 2023 Community awareness and feedback opportunities September-October 2023 Development of Draft Corporate Strategic Plan and final feedback opportunity November 2023 Report to Council For Final Endorsement of the Corporate Strategic Plan - 102 - Has anyone taken the Community Survey? - 103 - Goal Areas Economic Growth & Opportunity Community Safety & Well-Being Environmental Leadership Infrastructure Investment & Renewal Good Governance Strong Community Partnerships The City’s strategic planning process began with a Special Meeting of Council in March 2023. Six draft goal areas were identified and include: - 104 - Economic Growth & Opportunity Attract and retain quality employment opportunities Promote and support the agricultural community Further develop and promote the film production industry as a key business sector Promote and support employment for youth Promote and support opportunities for non- residential property tax revenue streams - 105 - Questions/Feedback? - 106 - Community Safety & Well-Being Advocate for improved access to medical facilities and services as well as healthcare staff Promote and support opportunities for affordable housing Promote and implement initiatives that support an equitable, diverse, and inclusive community that fosters a sense of belonging, empowerment and respect among all community members Promote and support the City’s emergency preparedness efforts including the core services of Pickering Fire Services - 107 - Questions/Feedback? - 108 - Environmental Leadership Preserve, protect, and enhance Pickering’s natural heritage features , including trails, parks and open spaces, urban forests, watercourses, and Pickering’s Waterfront Demonstrate innovation in green building design, corporately, and work with the development community to promote the same principles throughout the city Promote active and environmentally-friendly modes of transportation and infrastructure Transition the City’s fleet and equipment to electric and energy efficient, where appropriate - 109 - Questions/Feedback? - 110 - Advance the Integrated Transportation Master Plan to develop a safe and well-connected transportation system that offers inclusive mobility, supports complete and sustainable communities, and facilitates continued economic growth Provide safe and reliable municipal infrastructure (roads, sidewalks, bridges, facilities) through timely and cost-effective investment of maintenance, rehabilitation and replacement activities Invest in and ensure that current and future facilities, parks, and amenities (and uses and programs provided within) are responsive to the diverse needs of Pickering’s growing community Infrastructure Investment & Renewal - 111 - Questions/Feedback? - 112 - Good Governance Advance digital service delivery and citizen experience that is accessible, trustworthy, and convenient and that supports Pickering’s diverse population and growth Introduce systems to improve the safety and security of municipal facilities and assets Ensure fiscal sustainability and competitive levels of taxation Promote and implement initiatives that support an equitable, diverse, and inclusive work space for all employees - 113 - Questions/Feedback? - 114 - Strong Community Partnerships Promote and support industry and community partnerships Promote and support partnerships with other levels of government on opportunities related to economic development, Infrastructure, funding, and educating and engaging with the community Support partnerships with key stakeholders who promote the retainment and attraction of businesses to Pickering Expand opportunities for community consultation, engagement, and education - 115 - Questions/Feedback? - 116 - Do you have one big idea for Pickering's Strategic Plan? - 117 - Thank you. Your feedback is key. Input received from the community will help inform the City's plan and related recommendations, which will be presented to Council in late 2023. - 118 - Memo To: Cultural Advisory Committee September 11, 2023 From: Krystal Roberts Acting Supervisor, Cultural Services Copy: Division Head, Culture & Community Programming Subject: Public Art Policy Updates - For Review At the April 18, 2023 meeting, City Staff presented proposed changes to CUL 130 Public Art Policy for review and discussion. Since that meeting staff have met with various departments to review the policy. This memo is to provide the following updates. Staff have made the following changes to the Public Art Policy: • In section 01.13, The Cultural Advisory Committee has been added to definitions. The definition is based on the Terms of Reference for the committee. • In sections 01.18, 01.25 and 01.26, the definitions of public art duration have been updated to include Permanent, Short-Term and Transitory/Temporary artworks. • In section 01.18, the duration of Permanent public art has been updated from longer than one year to longer than five years. The City has installed several printed public art murals and banners that have been displayed for more than a year; however, the ma terials used to create these artworks have a lifespan of 3 years. Updating the definition for more than five years provides a more accurate description for permanent artworks, and also helps guide parameters in the Call to Artists around which materials would be appropriate for artworks that are expected to be durable for more than 5 years. • Transitory / temporary Public Art, section 01.26 has been updated with a duration of 1 to 5 years. • Short-term public art has been added as a definition in section 01.25 and includes art that is displayed from 1 day to 12 months. Short term pubic art has been added to public art exclusions in section 04. In practice, short term artworks are used as feat ure pieces at city events, or as part of exhibitions or very short term installations. Since the public art policy was first approved in 2019, short term artworks have been funded by sponsorship or grant funding, with short turnaround times, making it dif ficult to implement short term artworks within the policy. These short term artworks are typically of lower value and can include rental of art. • In section 04 Public Art Exclusions has been moved from 08.05 to section 04. Short Term art has been added as a public art exclusion. • Removed section 04.02 which states the purpose of this policy to be a framework for the public art program. The Public Art Action Plan (Attachment 2) outlines opportunities for - 119 - September 11, 2023 Page 2 of 3 Public Art Policy Updates public art and the City of Pickering Cultural Strategic Plan outlines long term planning and funding frameworks. • Section 08.04 has been updated to reflect the range of staff teams from various departments that contribute to, and support public art initiatives. “Develop agreements” has been removed as a letter of understanding has been developed by Legal Services and provides the framework for agreements between the City and Artists. “Advise Council” has been removed as this is achieved through the Cultural Advisory Committee. • Section 07.01 which relates to the duties of the Public Art Committee has been updated. The Public Art Committee has been removed from the policy. In practice, since this policy was enacted in 2019, approval for all public art has required endorsement fro m the public art committee and the Cultural Advisory Committee. Any artwork with a value exceeding $25,000 required selection from a Public Art Jury, the Public Art Committee, the Cultural Advisory Committee, and City Council. The extensive approvals proce ss makes it difficult to approve public art in a timely manner. Multiple grant funded projects required extensions and updated contracts due to very long approval cycles. The Public Art Jury would serve in place of the Public Art Committee, removing a step in the approval process. • The Public Art Jury responsibilities have been expanded in the updated section 09.01 to replace the Public Art Committee. The Jury will evaluate and select all Permanent and Transitory / Temporary artworks. The Public Art Jury’s recommendation will be revi ewed by the Cultural Advisory Committee. The composition of the Public Art Jury has been updated to provide greater range of expertise, resident members and project -specific stakeholders. Staff have been removed as voting members of the jury, providing better opportunity for community consultation on projects. The duties of the public art jury have been updated to reflect the tasks of the Jury that have been undertaken in practice by Jury since the 2019 Policy came into effect. • Section 09.02 is consistent with the 2019 Policy where the Cultural Advisory Committee reviews and endorses the recommendations made by the Public Art Jury and Public Art Committee. This section has been updated to reflect the elimination of the Public Art Committee. • Section 07.04 has been removed from the policy. This aligns with the updated definition of short term public art in section 01.25, where short term public art is an exception to this policy. Exhibitions at the City of Pickering have been short term initiatives, with a duration of less than 12 months. • Section 07.05 has been removed. The City of Pickering has not had an Artist in Residence program since the Public Art Policy came into effect in 2019, and Artist in Residence programs are not planned as part of the Public Art Action Plan; however, should t he City decide to develop an artist in residence program, the conditions of the updated 2023 Public Art Policy would come into effect and would guide the purchase or rental of art that would be associated with that program. • Section 10.02 Donations has been updated in alignment with CUL 010 – Collections Management Policy (updated January 12, 2022), which outlines the acquisition and valuation of artifacts for the purpose of issuing a tax receipt. Requesting a cash donation from the donor for the purpose of upkeep of the artwork has been removed. • Section 10.04 has been added to provide guidance on short term public art that is recommended as exempt from this policy. - 120 - September 11, 2023 Page 3 of 3 Public Art Policy Updates • Section 08.04 Community Art Projects has been removed from this policy. The City does not have a Community Art program whereby applications are received from the community to complete art projects. • Section 12.01 Deleted “proponents of public art proposals are required to pre consult with community services staff, city development staff and Public Art Committee; and to present to the Council of the City of Pickering. All public art will follow the ap provals process outlines in section 10 – Acquisition. • Section 10.02 Deleted the acquisition of public art for lands owned by other levels of government or public agencies. Lands that are owned by other levels of government or agencies, where the city has a management agreement and access to servicing those public spaces is outlined in Section 12.01. • Section 10.03 Deleted the acquisition of public art for private lands. This is outside the scope of this policy. • Section 13 Collections Management has been updated to reflect the recommendation that short term art be exempt from this policy. Rentals, exhibits and short term art would not be registered in the Public Art Collection or inventoried. • Section 14.02 has been updated to clarify that only public art submissions with a value over $25,000 require a maintenance and conservation plan from the artist outlining the care of their artwork. This has been updated to manage the scope and scale of pro jects and reduce the cost to the artist in providing artworks to the City. In practice, artworks that are less than $25,000 are typically within the 1 – 5 year span and conservation work is not required. • Section 15.03 Deleted a condition of agreements and installation. Conditions are outlined in the Letter of Understanding. • Section 17.02 Deleted ‘the City will respect the artist’s right of authorship and the integrity of the public art’. This is vague and does not provide clear direction. • Updated Section 20 includes updates to remuneration. The City will follow the Canadian Artists Representation Fee Schedule. The Artist Contract Terms has been deleted as these conditions are outlined in the Letter of Understanding (Appendix 1). • Section 20 Pickering Public Art Interactive Map. This has been deleted as this is a communications and marketing tactic and not policy direction. • Section 23 Funding was updated to 5% percent of annual surplus. Next Steps: These changes will be presented to the Executive Committee of Council on October 4, 2023 for review. Final review and approval will be at the Council meeting on October 23, 2023. Attachment Public Art Plan 2023 - 2025 - 121 -