HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarch 21, 2023 Page 1 of 5 Minutes/Meeting Summary Cultural Advisory Committee March 21, 2023 Virtual Meeting 7:00 pm Attendees: S. Almeida-Schroen, Cultural Advisory Committee Member R. Coelho, Cultural Advisory Committee Member D. Davis, Cultural Advisory Committee Member J. Elliott, Cultural Advisory Committee Member Z. Kazi, Cultural Advisory Committee Member M. McFarland, Cultural Advisory Committee Member A. Mujeeb, Cultural Advisory Committee Member A. Palmer, Cultural Advisory Committee Member D. Thompson, Cultural Advisory Committee Member R. Wali, Cultural Advisory Committee Member L. Page, MNP Digital W. Gnenz, MNP Digital S. Douglas-Murray, Director, Community Services L. Gibbs, Division Head, Culture and Community Programming K. Roberts, (Acting) Supervisor, Cultural Services E Tayles-Armstrong, (Acting) Curator J. St. Amant, Coordinator, Cultural Services (Staff Liaison) S. Barakov, Coordinator, Public Art L. Cabral, Coordinator, Public Art D. Roopchand, Clerk, Culture and Recreation (Recording Secretary) Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 1. Welcome & Call to Order J. St. Amant welcomed members and called the meeting to order. 2. Review and Approval of Previous Minutes The committee reviewed the agenda. J. St. Amant asked if there were any changes to be made to the agenda. None were raised. Moved by A. Mujeeb. To approve the agenda. Carried Page 2 of 5 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 3. Disclosure of Interest No disclosures of interest were noted. 4. General Business 4.1 Wagon Wrap Project at Pickering Museum Village with Artist Presentation L. Cabral presented the Wagon Wrap Project and Artist at the Pickering Museum Village, for endorsement from the committee. G. Fullerton introduced herself and the way she plans on approaching the Wagon Wrap Project. Moved by R. Coelho. To endorse the Wagon Wrap Project and Artist. Carried 4.2 Complementary Banner Designs by Dani Crosby L. Cabral reviewed the complementary banner designs by local artist, Dani Crosby, for endorsement. Moved by D. Thompson. To endorse the complementary banners by Dani Crosby. Carried 4.3 Presentation of Permanent Public Art Sculpture at Pickering Museum Village L. Cabral presented the public art sculpture for the Millpond Meadow, at the Pickering Museum Village, for final endorsement. Moved by R. Coelho. To endorse the permanent public art sculpture at the Pickering Museum Village. Carried Page 3 of 5 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 4.4 Log Barn Digital Artwork E. Tayles-Armstrong reviewed the Digital Artwork that would be created by the company Oddside Arts, for the Log Barn, for endorsement. At the meeting on March 17, the Public Art Committee endorsed the Digital Artwork proposal by Oddside Arts, for the Pickering Museum Village Log Barn exhibit and presented this endorsement to the Cultural Advisory Committee for endorsement. Moved by R. Coelho. To endorse the Log Barn digital artwork. Carried 4.5 Waterfront – Consultation Services S. Barakov presented the consultation services that would take place at the Rotary Frenchman’s Bay West Park, for endorsement. Moved by M. McFarland. To endorse the consultations services at the Waterfront. Carried 4.6 Cultural Advisory Committee Work Plan Draft J. St. Amant reviewed the Cultural Advisory Committee Work Plan Draft. Moved by D. Thompson. To endorse the Cultural Advisory Committee 2023 Work Plan to send to Council. Carried 4.7 CUL 140 Community Banner Policy J. St. Amant reviewed the Community Banner Policy with the committee. Page 4 of 5 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 4.8 2023 Event Plan Presentation K. Roberts presented the 2023 Event Plan to the committee. K. Roberts showed City webpages (pickering,ca/events; pickering.ca/festivalsandevents) that would be helpful to the committee to find events and their descriptions, or apply to host events (www.pickering.ca/communityevents). D. Roopchand to attach the one page event listing to the minutes. 5. Delegations 5.1 City of Pickering Digital Strategy J. St. Amant introduced L. Page and W. Gnenz who presented the City of Pickering Digital Strategy, from MNP Digital. L. Page explained that the City of Pickering is working towards becoming a leader in citizen-centred digital services. A discussion around how the City’s Digital Strategy can strengthen cultural diversity, what barriers currently exist within the City’s digital services, what cultural benefits can be achieved through an increased offering of digital services, and what digital initiatives should the City prioritize to increase cultural services and community engagement took place. 6. Correspondence There was no Correspondence for this meeting. 7. Other Business M McFarland said that for clarification about the Public Art Sub-Committee, is there more than one jury for the selection. K. Roberts said that there was difficulty interpreting the Public Art Policy, and she said that projects over $25,000 would require the Public Art Jury to meet first, and narrow down selections for acquisition and present the three top- ranked proposals to the Public Art Committee for final recommendation to the Cultural Advisory Committee for final endorsement. Page 5 of 5 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) A. Mujeeb asked if those that observe Ramadan can leave part way through the meeting, in order to break their fast. J. St. Amant confirmed that this should not be an issue but he will follow up. J. St. Amant to follow up on members leaving early to break their fasts for Ramadan. 8. Next Meeting The next Cultural Advisory Committee meeting will take place on Tuesday, April 18, 2023, from 7:00 – 9:00 pm. 9. Adjournment Moved by R. Coelho. That the March 21, 2023 meeting of the Cultural Advisory Committee be adjourned. Carried Meeting Adjourned: 8:53 pm