HomeMy WebLinkAboutENG 03-23Report to Council Report Number: ENG 03-23 Date: March 27, 2023 From: Richard Holborn Director, Engineering Services Subject: Waterfront Visionary Advisory Committee - File: A-1440 Recommendation: 1. That the Waterfront Visionary Advisory Committee be established and the Terms of Reference as set out in Attachment #2 to ENG 03-23 be approved; and, 2. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary actions as indicated in this report. Executive Summary: At the Council Meeting of January 23, 2023, City Council passed Resolution #59/23 (Attachment #1) and directed staff to conduct a review of all Boards and Advisory Committees, and that this review include the creation of three new Advisory Committees. One of the new Advisory Committees contemplated is to be known as the Waterfront Visionary Advisory Committee. This newly formed committee is to advise on best practices to preserve the nautical village marine theme and the implementation/restoration of a waterfront that is environmentally sustainable and accessible. The purpose of this report is to seek Council’s approval for the establishment of the Waterfront Visionary Advisory Committee and approve its Terms of Reference. Financial Implications: There are no financial implications associated with this report, however, the City Clerk has prepared Report CLK 03-23 to amend Policy ADM 040, Boards and Committees, and part of that Report speaks to the possibility of implementing stipends for the City’s Boards and Committees. Should Council approve stipends for Boards and Committees as part of the recommendations of CLK 03-23, the Terms of Reference for the newly established Waterfront Visionary Advisory Committee will be updated to reflect such stipends and the necessary funds will be included in the 2023 Engineering Services Current Budget. Discussion: The City of Pickering identifies and acknowledges its unique waterfront along Lake Ontario, including Frenchman’s Bay, as an environmental and recreational jewel enjoyed by residents and tourists all year round. Anchored by the Nautical Village along the south limits of Liverpool Road, Pickering’s waterfront is both a journey and a destination offering quaint shops and cafés, marinas, entertainment and recreational activities. The Pickering ENG 03-23 March 27, 2023 Subject: Waterfront Visionary Advisory Committee Page 2 Waterfront Trail is part of the 900km Waterfront Trail that runs along the shores of Lake Ontario and the St. Lawrence River from Niagara-on-the-Lake to the Quebec border. At the Council meeting of January 23, 2023, City Council passed Resolution #59/23 directing staff to conduct a review of all Boards and Advisory Committees. One aspect of the review was to create three new Advisory Committees, one of which is the Waterfront Visionary Advisory Committee. In the late 1990’s Pickering established the Waterfront Coordinating Committee to assist with coordinating the implementation of approved waterfront projects, to provide technical assistance on waterfront issues, to provide assistance in finding waterfront funding sources, and fundraising efforts. In December 2014, the Waterfront Coordinating Committee was disbanded through Resolution #301/14 as many projects that the committee had reviewed and advised on were at or near completion including the 2009 Frenchman’s Bay Stormwater Management Master Plan, the 2012 Frenchman’s Bay Waterfront Master Plan, and the 2009- 2014 Environmental Assessment, design and construction of the Frenchman’s Bay Harbour Entrance Breakwaters. Since disbanding the Waterfront Coordinating Committee, projects undertaken along the Waterfront include: • Rotary Frenchman’s Bay West Park Phase 1 Construction (2018); • Rotary Frenchman’s Bay West Park Master Plan (updated 2020); • Rotary Frenchman’s Bay West Park Comfort Station (under construction); • Rotary Frenchman’s Bay West Park Phase 2 Construction (under construction); • Rotary Frenchman’s Bay West Park Lake Ontario Shoreline Restoration (2022); • Purchase of 501 Marksbury Road and 520 West Shore Boulevard (2022) for future Waterfront Trail Construction; • Beachfront Park Rehabilitation and Needs Assessment including public engagement and Master Plan (2019-2021); • Beachfront Park Master Plan – Design (underway); and, • Waterfront Trail Enhancements (Montgomery Park Road to Frisco Road) (2022). All of these projects have elements of restoration, environmental stewardship, sustainability and accessibility. It is important that the Beachfront Park Rehabilitation project include these elements as well as incorporate the nautical village marine theme in its design and construction. Preserving the nautical village marine theme along Liverpool Road from Millennium Square to Annland Street through streetscape and visitor experience is an important element in the identity of Pickering’s Waterfront. The Waterfront Visionary Advisory Committee will have an opportunity and responsibility to contribute their ideas to enhance work along the waterfront that has already been completed, as well as to those projects still to be undertaken. ENG 03-23 March 27, 2023 Subject: Waterfront Visionary Advisory Committee Page 3 The character of the Nautical Village was also a key theme that emerged from the results of public surveys conducted by City Development staff in 2021. The on-line surveys were conducted during July and November on the Let’s Talk Pickering engagement platform. The surveys were undertaken as a precursor to the Council directed Nautical Village Review. The purpose of the Review is to revisit the vision that was established by the former Waterfront Task Force in 1998 for the Pickering Waterfront, in order to strengthen and enhance the current policies and guidelines for the Nautical Village. The surveys were promoted through news releases, mail-outs to Nautical Village Businesses, promotion through social media and digital signage, and e-mail notices to Council and City departments. Key themes/topics that emerged from the public surveys included: •Many users want to enjoy the waterfront area throughout the year primarily for a wide variety of recreational, water and nature related activities; •Access to the waterfront could be enhanced through improved parking arrangements (e.g. parking lots, street parking, paid parking, etc.), transit service (or shuttle service), and traffic management; •Maintaining the existing character of the Nautical Village is supported, including promoting quality shopping, services, and dining that can help vitalize waterfront activity; •There are limited opportunities for the expansion of commercial or large-scale tourist uses, although many would like to see more uses, even if they are temporary/seasonal, that support tourism, arts and entertainment, and recreational needs; and, •The planning framework for the Liverpool Road Waterfront Node encourages and permits a variety of uses in the Nautical Village to provide opportunities for people to live, work, shop, and play. However, office uses and the commercial school are believed to be not complementary to the commercial uses in the Nautical Village and not conducive to attracting more visitors or supporting waterfront related activities. Additionally, during the COVID-19 pandemic, in support of the Provincial Government’s effort to implement the staged re-opening of businesses, on June 29, 2020, Council approved By-law 7769/20, which delegated authority to the Director, City Development & CBO to review and implement a City process supporting the creation of both new and extended temporary restaurant patio spaces. Two businesses in the Nautical Village were successful in establishing a temporary patio through this initiative. While this program has since concluded (to coincide with the Province’s complete lifting of occupancy restrictions), it is anticipated that the potential for future patios within the Nautical Village would be revisited as part of a broader community engagement with the new Waterfront Visionary Advisory Committee. Terms of Reference for the Waterfront Visionary Advisory Committee have been prepared for Council’s consideration, and are attached to this report (Attachment #2). The Terms of Reference indicate the committee’s mandate, goals, objectives and responsibilities, composition, member, qualifications, meeting schedule and budget and are before Council for their consideration and approval. ENG 03-23 March 27, 2023 Subject: Waterfront Visionary Advisory Committee Page 4 Attachments: 1.Council Resolution #59/23 2.Terms of Reference Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: Richard Holborn, P.Eng. Richard Holborn, P.Eng. Director, Engineering Services Director, Engineering Services Fiaz Jadoon, Ec.D., CEcD, MPM, B. COMM (Hons) Director, Economic Development & Strategic Projects Catherine Rose, MCIP, RPP Chief Planner RH:mjh Original signed by:Original signed by: Original signed by: Original signed by: Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Original signed by: Marisa Carpino, M.A. Chief Administrative Officer Legislative Services Division Clerk’s Office Directive Memorandum January 30, 2023 To: Marisa Carpino Chief Administrative Officer Susan Cassel City Clerk From: Susan Cassel City Clerk Subject: Direction as per Minutes of the Meeting of City Council held on January 23, 2023 Amendments to Boards and Committees/Taskforce Policy Council Decision Resolution #59/23 WHEREAS Section 05.01 of Policy ADM 040, Boards & Advisory Committees of Council, requires early in each new Council term, that Council shall review all Boards and Advisory Committees including, membership, composition and level of expertise or specialization required by Committee members for the selection process; And Whereas, Section 03.01 of ADM 040 provides that Boards and Advisory Committees are proposed by resolution of Council and established by a confirming by- law; And Whereas, each resolution shall incorporate the Terms of Reference for the specific Board/Advisory Committee; And Whereas, an Advisory Committee means a committee created by Council to provide input, advice and technical expertise on particular matters, act as a vehicle for public consultation on issues of municipal interest and make recommendations to Council; And Whereas, Council values the work of the members of Pickering’s Advisory Committees/Boards, as they provide Council and staff with important insight into the concerns and ambitions through a community lens; And Whereas, Section 02.01 of ADM 040 provides that “Council, under certain circumstances, may deem it necessary for Council representation on some Boards and Advisory Committees”, and the composition of each Committee, including whether a Member of Council is appointed to that Committee, is included in the individual Terms of Reference for each Committee; Now therefore be it resolved that that the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering directs the City Clerk to work with the Office of the CAO to conduct a review of all Boards and Advisory Committees reporting to Council and that this review include: Attachment #1 to Report # ENG 03-23 Please take any action deemed necessary. Susan Cassel 1. The creation of 3 new Advisory Committees being: a) Waterfront Visionary Advisory Committee to advise on best practices to preserve the nautical village marine theme and the implementation/restoration of a Waterfront that is environmentally sustainable and accessible; b) Community Safety and Wellbeing Advisory Committee that will be made up of a cross section of community representation including Neighbourhood Watch, Road Watch groups to advise on local community needs and suggested best practices; and that the group shall be responsible for the creation of a Homelessness Task Force that will work in co-ordination with Durham Region to look at how best to address the needs of the homeless population to include services for mental health, substance abuse and the creation of transitional/supportive housing in Pickering; c) Local & Small Business Advisory Committee that will advise on impacts of City Policy implications such as parking in the Nautical Village, relationships with City Economic Development and the measures that will assist businesses impacted by the intensification along Kingston Road; 2. Revisions to the Terms of Reference for the makeup of all Advisory Committees and or Task Forces that currently do not have an elected official representative to include the appointment of no greater than 2 members of Council whose role would be to act as a conduit between Council and their appointed committee as non-voting members; 3. Revisions to the Terms of Reference/Policies, of the Pickering Public Library, to enable the appointment of an additional member of Council to ensure Ward representation; 4. Establishing per meeting honorariums for the non-elected members of all advisory committees including the Pickering Library Board; 5. That the appointed Council Member(s) to all Advisory Committees/Boards be required to update the Members of Council on a monthly basis and that the Procedural By-law governing Council meetings and or Executive Meetings be amended to include an item enabling such reporting; 6. That the City Clerk and CAO report back no later than the end of Q1 with the findings of the review and the associated changes to Policy ADM 040 for Council’s consideration; and, 7. That the previous direction provided to staff, to report back on the legislated process to establish a BIA for the Nautical Village, through Resolution 930/22 and 931/22 be rescinded, as the businesses in the Nautical Village would be better served by the establishment of the new Local/Small Business Advisory Committee. Terms of Reference Waterfront Visionary Advisory Committee 1.0 Mandate The Waterfront Visionary Advisory Committee is a committee of Council appointees who work in partnership with the community and City staff to provide information, advice and assistance on matters relating to the City of Pickering’s waterfront, specifically best practices to preserve the nautical village marine theme, and the implementation/restoration of a waterfront that is environmentally sustainable and accessible. 2.0 Goals, Objective and Responsibilities The Waterfront Visionary Advisory Committee will identify and recommend actions to fulfill the following goals and objectives: 1. Undertake to research and recommend initiatives that promote the waterfront and nautical village. 2.Look for opportunities to provide advice and/or recommendations to Council regarding the promotion, advocacy and awareness of the matters involving Pickering’s Waterfront. 3.Provide input into designs for future Waterfront projects that promotes the nautical village marine theme, environmental sustainability, and accessibility. 4.Further the themes/topics that emerged from the Pickering Waterfront and Nautical Village Community Engagement within the framework of the mandate of the Committee. 5.Liaise with the other appropriate Committees such as Cultural Advisory Committee and Accessibility Advisory Committee. 6.Undertake initiatives which will help raise the profile of Pickering’s Waterfront and the Nautical Village. 7.Report to Council on an annual basis, documenting the Committee’s activities, and accomplishments. Attachment #2 to Report # ENG 03-23 3.0 Composition The Committee shall comprise of eleven (11) members as follows: 1 – Fairport Beach Neighbourhood Association 1 – West Shore Community Association 1 – Alkame Dragon Boat Services 3 – Broader Pickering Community Citizens 3 – Subject Expert Agencies/Organizations (TRCA, OPG, Region of Durham) 2 – Council Members (1 each from Ward 1, and Ward 2) All members will have voting rights except for the two Council Members. 4.0 Member Qualifications As per City Policy ADM 040, resident members must be a minimum of 18 years of age, and reside in Pickering. Committee members shall contribute time, knowledge, skill and expertise to the fulfillment of the committee’s mandate. 5.0 Meeting Schedule The Waterfront Visionary Advisory Committee shall meet quarterly on a date to be determined by the Committee. Meeting’s will not be held in the months of July, August or December unless determined by the Committee that a meeting is necessary to meet the mandate or work plan of the Committee. 6.0 Budget The Director, Engineering Services shall be responsible for the Waterfront Visionary Advisory Committee budget, which shall be submitted annually in accordance with established City budget guidelines. The Director, Engineering Services will present a draft budget for review by the Waterfront Visionary Advisory Committee on an annual basis, prior to submission to the Chief Administrative Officer for approval.