HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS 02-23 Report to Executive Committee Report Number: CS 02-23 Date: January 9, 2023 From: Sarah Douglas-Murray Director, Community Services Subject: Community Banner Policy -File: A-1440-001 Recommendation: 1. That Council endorse CUL 140 Community Banner Policy as set out in Attachment 1 to this report, subject to minor revisions acceptable to the Director, Community Services; and, 2. That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take the necessary actions as indicated in this report. Executive Summary: As per Report CS 09-22 (Resolution #877/22), Council directed City staff to draft a Community Banner Policy and return it for Council’s consideration before the end of 2022. The purpose of the Community Banner Policy is to establish clear and consistent methods for City staff to initiate and implement Community led banner displays; to establish methods for individuals and organizations to request banners on 24 designated streetlight poles in City Centre; and, to address requests from the public to display banners in new locations throughout the City. The purpose of this report is to seek Council’s endorsement of CUL 140 Community Banner Policy as set out in Attachment 1 of this report. Financial Implications: There is no financial impact resulting from the endorsement of this policy. Community applicants are responsible for costs associated with fabrication of community-led banner displays. Staff-led banner display costs will be included in the annual Current Budget. Discussion: The City of Pickering owns and maintains in excess of 8,000 streetlights throughout the City. Public art and wayfinding initiatives displayed on street banners are valuable assets that enhance the social and cultural environments of municipalities. Through these street banner installations we beautify our environment, engage the community in creative place-making, and celebrate community stories, culture, and diversity. As the City continues to grow, more community organizations will be interested in displaying banners and this document will provide the guidelines and timelines on how to do so fairly, and CS 02-23 January 9, 2023 Subject: Community Banner Policy Page 2 equitably. The purpose of the Community Banner Policy is to establish clear and consistent methods for City of Pickering staff to initiate and implement community-led banner displays; to establish methods for individuals and organizations to request banners on 24 designated streetlight poles in City Centre; and, to address requests from the public to display banners in new locations throughout the City. The City of Pickering will implement streetlight banner displays in three ways: 1) Staff led initiatives for banner displays on City streetlight posts. Staff-led initiatives may include public art displays, beautification, wayfinding, tourism initiatives, support for City initiatives, and commemoration. The approval process and criteria is outlined in Section 09 of the Community Banner Policy; 2) Community requests for banner displays on the 24 designated streetlights in Pickering’s City Centre. This program will be promoted and administered through a biannual community call for submissions and supported by a procedure as outlined in Section 10 in the Community Banner Policy; 3) Community requests for banner displays in new locations in the City. This program will accept banner display requests that will be reviewed and recommended, as outlined in Section 11 of the Community Banner Policy, on a case by case basis. When any community banner display proposal is submitted to the City, the criteria used to evaluate their request will be based on a number of considerations, as described in Community Banner Policy Section 08 -Inclusions and Restrictions for all banner displays. Established community-led banners that have previously been approved by City Staff or Council and displayed on City owned streetlight poles, may continue, based on the initial approved conditions for display. This includes: • 48 Legion banners commemorating Remembrance Day in City Centre annually in October and November; • 26 Legion banners commemorating Remembrance Day in Claremont annually in October and November; • 17 Lions Club Spring / Summer and Community place making banners that are displayed annually from April to October and December to April; and • 6 PFlag banners commemorating Pride Month along Esplanade North annually in June. At this time, City staff seek Council’s authorization to implement the Community Banner Policy. Attachments: 1. Community Banner Policy CUL 140 CS 02-23 January 9, 2023 Subject: Community Banner Policy Page 3 Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: Original Signed By Original Signed By Laura Gibbs MBA, MSc. Sarah Douglas-Murray Division Head, Culture and Community Director, Community Services Programming LG:sdm Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Original Signed By Marisa Carpino, M.A. Chief Administrative Officer Attachment 1 to Report CS 02-22 Policy Procedure Title: Community Banner Policy Policy NumberCUL 140 Reference CUL-130 Public Art Policy, ADM 150 Marketing Partnership and Advertising Policy, Resolution #877/22 Date Originated (m/d/y) December 5, 2022 Date Revised (m/d/y) Pages 9 Approval: Chief Administrative Officer Point of Contact Supervisor, Cultural Services Policy Objective Banners on City streetlight and facility parking lot light poles provide opportunities to develop community identity, pride, and enhance cultural experiences within a community. The objectives of this policy are: • To establish clear and consistent methods for The Corporation of the City of Pickering (“City”) staff to initiate and implement community-led banner displays within the City; • To establish clear and consistent methods for individuals and organizations to request banner displays through the City Centre Banner Display Program, located on 24 designated streetlight poles in the City Centre; and • To establish clear and consistent methods for individuals and organizations to request banner displays in new locations throughout the City. Index 01 Purpose 02 Scope 03 Application 04 Definitions 05 Delegation of Authority 06 General 07 Locations 08 Inclusions and Restrictions for all banners 09 Approval process and criteria for staff-led banner displays 10 Approval process and criteria for community-led banner displays on the 24 City Centre Streetlights 11 Approval process and criteria for community-led banner displays in new locations in the City 01 Purpose Public art and wayfinding initiatives displayed on street banners are valuable assets that enhance the social and cultural environments of municipalities. Through these street banner installations we beautify our environment, engage the community in creative place-making, and celebrate community stories, culture, and diversity. 02 Scope The Banner Policy is designed: • To establish the process for City staff to create banner displays in the City; • To establish the process for individuals and organizations to request banner displays on Pickering’s City Centre 24 designated streetlight poles; and • To establish the process for individuals and organizations to request banner displays in new locations throughout the City. 03 Application This Policy applies to banners displayed within the City, on owned streetlight and parking lot light poles. 04 Definitions 04.01 City of Pickering Streetlight Poles -Municipal streetlight poles can be found throughout the City, including facility parking lots. These poles are owned and maintained by the City. City Streetlight Poles that make good candidates for banners are in visible community locations and in safe environments away from hydro lines and hanging branches. 04.02 Utility Poles -Utility Poles support overhead power lines and other public utilities such as electrical cable, fibre optic cable and other related equipment such as street lights and transformers. Utility Poles are not included within the scope of this policy. Policy Title: City Banner Policy Page 2 of 9 Policy Number: CUL 140 04.03 Public Art Banners -Art developed and designed by professional artists that is displayed on municipally owned public space. These artworks are subject to the approval process outlined in the City of Pickering Public Art Policy (CUL – 130). 04.04 Corporate Art Banners - Banners designed by City staff, or a designer subject to the City of Pickering Branding Guidelines. 04.05 Community-led Designs - Banners designed and produced by community groups or Pickering residents. 04.06 City Centre Banner Display Program - Community requested banners that have been submitted through an online application form which will be reviewed by staff using established criteria, and endorsed by the Cultural Advisory Committee. Intake for this program is twice a year: March 28th and October 28th. 04.07 Established Community Banner Program - Community-led banners that have been approved by City Staff or Council and displayed on City of Pickering streetlight poles previously. Established community-led banner displays may continue based on the initial conditions of approval for display. Established Community Banner displays include: • 48 Legion banners commemorating Remembrance Day in City Centre annually in October and November. • 26 Legion banners commemorating Remembrance Day in Claremont annually in October and November. • 17 Lions Club Spring/Summer and Community place making banners that are displayed annually from April to October and December to April. • 6 PFlag banners commemorating Pride Month along Esplanade North annually in June. 05 Delegation of Authority 05.01 Chief Administrative Officer to: a) Support the allocation of staff resources to coordinate the Community Banner Policy; 05.02 The Mayor and Members of Council to: a) Direct inquiries related to community-led banners to the appropriate City staff; b) Review and approve the community banner displays endorsed by staff and the Cultural Advisory Committee. 05.03 Directors & Division Heads to: Policy Title: City Banner Policy Page 3 of 9 Policy Number: CUL 140 a) Support the allocation of staff resources to the Community Banner Program; b) Ensure their department supports and meets the corporations obligations related to the Community Banner Program; c) Director, Community Services to consider and endorse, as appropriate, City staff recommendations to display banners on City Streetlight poles. 05.04 Managers & Supervisors to: a) Assign staff resources to coordinate display of banners on City of Pickering streetlight poles; 05.05 Employees to: a) Review banner applications and provide timely responses; b) Recommend the approval or denial of a proposal based on eligibility criteria; c) Keep an up to date listing of the banner displays and available City streetlight and parking lot light poles; d) Install banner hardware and banners; 05.06 Cultural Advisory Committee to: a) Review applications from the community for banner displays and recommend community displays in the Cultural Advisory Committee reports that are presented to Council for approval. 06 General The City will implement streetlight banner displays in three ways: 1. Staff led initiatives for banner displays on City of Pickering streetlight poles. Staff-led initiatives may include public art displays, beautification, wayfinding, tourism initiatives, support for City initiatives, and commemoration. 2. Community requests for banner displays on the 24 designated streetlights in Pickering’s City Centre. This program will be promoted and administered through a biannual community call for submissions and supported by a procedure. Policy Title: City Banner Policy Page 4 of 9 Policy Number: CUL 140 3. Community requests for banner displays in new locations in the City. This program will accept banner display requests that will be reviewed and recommended for approval on a case-by-case basis. 07 Locations 1. Staff-led initiatives for banner displays can be installed in various locations around the City, with preference to pedestrian pathways, and locations with high visibility. 2. The City will provide 24 streetlights in City Centre for Established Community Banner Program displays that can be requested and booked by community groups. The 24 City Centre locations have banner hardware that will be maintained by the City. 3. Individuals and the community can request banner displays in new locations in the City. Only City-owned streetlight poles will be considered for display. New banner locations will be subject to available staff resources for installation and removal. Any additional cost for the purchase of new hardware for streetlight poles may be subject to budget approval by Council in the next fiscal year. 08 Inclusions and Restrictions for all banner displays 08.01 All banner displays including: 1) staff-led banner displays; 2) community-led banner displays on the 24 City Centre Banners; and 3) community-led banner displays in new locations are subject to the following criteria: To be considered for the Community Banner Program, banner proposals must provide a meaningful benefit to the community and must support, foster or promote one or more of the following areas: • Arts and Culture; • Environment; • Culture; • Diversity; • Heritage Promotion; • Education; • Health and Wellness; • Physical Fitness; • Enrich the character and identity of the City; • Create unique or innovative experiences; and • Be openly accepting, inclusive and accessible of all community members. Banner proposals submitted to the City for approval must meet certain criteria to be eligible, including compatibility with the provisions of municipal, provincial and federal laws as well as in accordance with rules and regulations administered by the City’s by-laws. Policy Title: City Banner Policy Page 5 of 9 Policy Number: CUL 140 09 08.02 The City will not accept banner proposals and/or banner designs that: • Endorse views or ideas that promote discrimination, contempt or hatred. The purposes, practices and banner proposals of applicant groups must be consistent with the Human Rights Code; • Represent politically based parties, organizations or individuals; • Conflict with the City’s values or that are deemed to impact negatively on the City’s identity as being family friendly; • Contribute to the sale of tobacco, marijuana, pornography or support the production, distribution, and sale of weapons and other life-threatening products; • Endorse views and ideas that are likely to promote discrimination, contempt or hatred for any person on the basis of race, national or ethnic origin, citizenship, religion, age, gender, marital status, family status, sexual orientation, disability, political affiliation, economic status or level of literacy; and, • The primary purpose of the banners is promotion of a business or commercial enterprise. Approval Process and criteria for Staff-led banner display 09.01 Staff-led banner designs are subject to the following approval criteria in addition to those outlined in Section 8: • Designs that are considered public art have followed the provisions of the Public Art Policy (CUL 130) and may be subject to evaluation by a Public Art Jury or Committee. • Costs for banner printing and installation are approved in the budget. 09.02 Staff-led banner designs are subject to the following approval process: 1. Banners designs are recommend by staff to the Cultural Advisory Committee. 2. The Cultural Advisory Committee reviews banner designs and provides endorsement. 3. Banner designs are approved by the Director, Community Services. Policy Title: City Banner Policy Page 6 of 9 Policy Number: CUL 140 10 Approval process for community-led banner displays on the 24 City Centre streetlights 10.01 The application and installation process for community-led banner displays on the 24 City Centre banner locations is outlined in City Centre Banner Display Procedure. 10.02 Community groups and individuals can submit a proposal application on the City website. The application process is outlined in the City Centre Banner Display Procedure. 10.03 Community requests to display banners on the 24 City Centre streetlights is subject to the following conditions: • Each community banner submission can request a maximum of 12 banner locations of the 24 City Centre locations available. • Community banners may be displayed for a span of eight weeks. • Community banners will be installed and removed by the City. • The City will supply the hardware to display banners. • The Community organization or individual is responsible for the design of the banners and costs fabrication. • All banners must meet size, material guidelines etc. • Organizations and individuals are responsible to drop off banners two weeks prior to the installation date. Organizations and individuals are responsible for picking up banners from the City within two weeks of the removal date or else they will be discarded at the owners expense. 10.04 Community-led banner designs for the 24 City Centre streetlights is subject to the following approval process: • The City will issue a call for written applications biannually, with deadlines to apply via the City website on March 28th and October 28th. • Applications will be screened by staff for eligibility and presented to the Cultural Advisory Committee for review. • The Cultural Advisory Committee will review the applicants’ banner displays and may recommend approval based on the selection criteria in Section 8 and 10 of this policy. • Banner recommendations will be presented to Mayor and Council for approval as part of the Cultural Advisory work plan and report to council. Policy Title: City Banner Policy Page 7 of 9 Policy Number: CUL 140 11 • Staff will notify applicants on the outcome of their application. Approval process for community-led banner displays in new locations in the City 11.01 When proposals are submitted, the criteria used will be based on a number of different considerations: • Nature and type of banner design o Artwork must fit banner dimensions as provided by City staff o Artwork must be printed on both sides of banners o Artwork must be colourful o High resolution digital files are required for production o Banners must be printed on low-maintenance materials. • Capacity and relevant experience of the applicant o Availability of budget to complete the project o Ability of the applicant to meet project timelines o Applicant’s ability to create high quality designs. • Space/staff/equipment availability the dates requested o Availability of proposed banner locations o Staff resources will support the scope of the banner installation o Staff resources support installation and removal of banners within the timeframe requested. • Benefit and/or enhancement of the community o Artwork demonstrates direct impact to the community as outlined in section 8. 11.02 Community-led banner designs for new City streetlight locations that are not included in the 24 City Centre locations are subject to the following approval process: • Written submissions will be accepted via the City website and form for new banner locations. • Applications will be screened by staff for eligibility. • Staff will confirm if banner locations are available and if City resources can support the request. • Staff will present the application to the Cultural Advisory Committee. • The Cultural Advisory Committee will review the applicants’ banner displays and may recommend approval based on the selection criteria in section 8 and 11 of this policy. Policy Title: City Banner Policy Page 8 of 9 Policy Number: CUL 140 • Banner recommendations will be presented to Mayor and Council for approval as a Report to Council. • Staff will notify applicants on the outcome of their application. Policy Title: City Banner Policy Page 9 of 9 Policy Number: CUL 140