HomeMy WebLinkAboutOctober 1, 2001,q PICKERING AGENDA COUNCIL MEETING Thomas J. Quinn Chief Administrative Officer OCTOBER I, 2001 Council Meeting Monday, October 1, 2001 7::30 P.M. ADOPTION OF MINUTES Regular Meeting of September 17, 2001 2. 3. 4. RESOLUTIONS PAGE To adopt the Report of the Finance Committee dated September 24, 2001. 1-3 To adopt the Report of the Operations Committee dated September 24, 2001. 4-5 To receive the 2000 Audited Financial Statements. 6-29 To receive the 2000 Financial Information Return 30-70 That Report CS 26-01, Municipal Performance Measurement Program, be 71-83 received for information. To consider proclaiming October 8, 2001 as ~'Fire Service Recognition Day" and 84-85 October 13, 2001 as "Fire Prevention Week". I. I1) BY-iLAWS ~- law Number 5887/01 3eing a by-law to amend Restricted Area (Zoning) Bv-law 2520, as amended, to mplement the Official Plan of the City of Picketing District Planning Area, Region of Durham in Part of Lot 22, Range 3, B.F.C, in the City ofPickenng. (A 23/99) By-law Number 5888/01 Being a by-law to approve an agreement of the shareholders of Veridian Corporation and the Corporation of the City of Pickering, an agreement amending the merger agreement dated November 3, 2000, as amended, among the shareholders of Veridian Corporation et al. and an agreement respecting the amendment and replacement of promissory notes issued by Veridian Corporation, Veridian Connections Inc. and two of the successor corporations to the electricity distribution business of the Corporation of the City of Pickering }!_y-law Number 5889/01 Being a by-law to dedicate Block 59, Plan 40M-1480 (Steeple Hill) as public highway. 86-100 101- 105 106- 108 NOTICES OF MOTION Moved by Councillor Ryan Seconded by Councillor Pickles WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the City of Picketing enacted By-law Number 3665/91 on February 18, 1991 to govern the proceedings of Council, any of its committees, the conduct of its Members, and the calling of meetings; and 109 -1- Council Meeting Monday, October 1, 2001 7:30 P.M. WHEREAS Council passed Resolution #69/01 at its regular meeting of May 7, 2001 to establish a standing committee system; and WHEREAS part 14 of Resolution #69/01 provided for Members of Council to receive an honorarium per meeting not to exceed $2500 per annum per each committee of which they are a member; and WHEREAS part 9 of Resolution a69/01 directed staff to facilitate a Stakeholders Forum to invite public input respecting the standing committee system; and WHEREAS the Discussion Paper, which summarized comments received from the public at the Stakeholders Forum, stated that the issue of Members of Council receiving an honourarium based on committee membership as set out in Item #14 of Resolution #69/01 was removed for consideration; and WHEREAS Council enacted By-law Number 5874/01 on August 9, 2001 to amend By-law Number 3555/91 to provide for a Standing Committee system; and WHEREAS By-law 5874/01 was silent on the issue of establishing an honorarium for Members of Council to receive per meeting; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Item 14 of Resolution #69/01 be recinded; and THAT Members of Council not receive an honorarium for membership on standing committees or attendance at standing committee meetings. Moved by Councillor Johnson Seconded by Councillor Pickles WHEREAS it has been reported that used asphalt and concrete has been buffed at Sideline 16 and Highway 7; and WHEREAS the contractor for SLF has completed their work on Highway 407; and WHEREAS the City of Picketing does not have the staff to, investigate this concern raised by the public; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the City of Picketing hereby requests the Ministry of the Environment to investigate the allegations raised by the public and if any contaminated soil is found on this site, then it be rempved by the proponents who are responsible. 110 Iv) OTHER BUSINESS (vi) CONFIRMATION BY-LAW (VII) ADJOURNMENT 01 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY That the Report of the Finance Committee dated September 24, 2001, be adopted. CARRIED: MAYOR Appendix I Finance Committee Report FC-2001/01 That the Finance Committee of the City of Pickering having met on September 24, 2001, presents its first report to Council and recommends: l. APPOINTMENT OF CHAIR That pursuant to Section 5(d)(iii) of Procedural By-law 3665/91, as amended, Councillor Holland be appointed as Chair of the Finance Committee. APPOINTMENT OF VICE CHAIR That Councillor Brenner be appointed as Vice Chair of the Finance Committee. TERM OF CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR That pursuant to Section 5(d)(iii) of Procedural By-law 3665/91, as amended, the appointments of Councillor Holland as Chair and Councillor Brenner as Vice Chair shall expire on November 30, 2002. LOCATION AND MEETING TIME OF FINANCE COMMITTEE That pursuant to Section 5(d)(ii) of Procedural Bv-law 3665/91, a amended, the Finance Committee shall meet on the fourth Monday of each month at 10:00 a.m. in the Main Committee Room. CORPORATE SERVICES REPORT CS 27-01 VERIDIAN CORPORATION That Confidential Report CS 27-01, of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, be adopted as amended. CORPORATE SERVICES REPORT CS 33-01 VERIDIAN CORPORATION That Confidential Report CS 33-01, of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, be adopted. CORPORATE SERVICES REPORT CS 24-01 ONTARIO POWER GENERATION ASSESSMENT APPEAL That Confidential Report CS 24-01, of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, be adopted. CORPORATE SERVICES REPORT CS 25-01 NEW MUNICIPAL ACT That Report CS 25-01, of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, concerning the Municipal Act, be received for information. PICKER1NG O3 Appendix I Finance Committee Report FC-2001/O1 CORPORATE SERVICES REPORT CS 28-01 THE CITY OF PICKERING - LIABILITY INSURANCE That Report CS 28-01 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, City of Picketing, be received and that it be hereby resolved that the Council of the City of Picketing accept the agreement of the Liability Insurance Subscription Policy to insure the liability assumed by the Resolution as follows: The Council of the City of Picketing hereby; 1. Assumes the Liability for bodily injury to or death of any person or damage to or destruction of property of others, imposed bv law upon: a) Members of Council, Commissioners, Trustees, Board Members, Statutory Officers, Officers, Employees or Workers of the City of Picketing lbr Liability which arises out of the use or operation by such person of a licensed motor vehicle, or b) The owner of any licensed motor vehicle, for liability which arises out of the use or operation of such licensed motor vehicle by Members of Council, Commissioners, Trustees, Board Members, Statutory Officers, Employees or Workers of the City of Picketing. 2. Declares that such assumption of liability be subject to the following limitations, exclusions and conditions: a) This assumption of liability applies only to the use or operation of a licenced motor vehicle in Canada or the United States of Ametica by Members of Council, Commissioners, Trustees, Board Members, Statutory. Officers, Employees or Workers on behalf of the City of Pickenng including travel to and from work and attendance at meetings. b) This assumption of liability applies only in excess of existing insurance carded by the owner of the licensed motor vehicle which was being used or operated by Members of Council, Commissioners, Trustees, Board Members, Statutory Officers, Officers, Employees or Workers at the time of the accident and does not apply unless the licensed motor vehicle which was being used or operated by such person at the time of the accident is insured for not less than the minimum Third Party Liability Limit required by The Insurance Act for the Province of Ontario. c) This assumption of liability is subject to the agreements, conditions, terms and limit of liability insured in the Non-Owned Automobile Policy issued by the Subscription Policy and shall terminate whenever such Non-Owned Automobile: Policy is terminated. RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY That the Report of the Operations Committee dated September 24, 2001, be adopted. CARRIED: MAYOR Appendix 1 Operations Committee Report 0C-2001/01 That the Operations Committee, having met on September 24, 2001, presents its first report to Council and recommends: APPOINTMENT OF CHAIR That pursuant to Section 5(d)(iii) of Procedural By-law 3665/91, as amended, Councillor Ryan be appointed as Chair of the Operations Committee. APPOINTMENT OF VICE CHAIR That Councillor McLean be appointed as Vice Chair of the Operations Committee. TERM OF CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR That pursuant to Section 5(d)(iii) of Procedural Bv-law 3665/91, as amended, the appointments of Councillor Ryan as Chair and Councillor McLean as Vice Chair shall expire on November 30, 2002. LOCATION AND MEETING TIME OF OPERATIONS COMMiTTEE That pursuant to Section 5(d)(ii) of Procedural By-law 3665/91, as amended, the Operations Committee shall meet on the fourth Monday of each month at 4:30 p.m. in the Main Committee Room. -3- RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY That the 2000 Audited Financial Statements, be received for information. CARRIED: MAYOR 2000 AUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS CITY OF PICKERING CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT SEPTEMBER, 2001 O8 AUDITORS' REPORT TO THE MEMBERS OF COUNCIL, INHABITANTS AND RATEPAYERS OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING We have audited the consolidated statement of financial position of the Corporation of the City Of Pickering as at December 31, 2000 and the consolidated statements of financial activities and changes in financial position for the year then ended. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Corporation's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform an audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accom~ting principles ttsed and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. In our opinion, these consolidated financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Corporation of the CiD' of Pickering as at December 31, 2000 and the results of its operations for the year then ended in accordance with the accounting principles disclosed in Note 1 to the financial statements. HURREN, FLETT, SINCLAIR CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS March 23,2001 Pickering, Ontario CITY OF PICKERING CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT DECEMBER 31, 2000 ASSETS Financial Assets Cash Investments (Note 3) 'Faxes Receivable Accounts Receivable Other Current Assets investment in Veridian Corporation (Note 4~ Promissory Notes Receivable (Note 5) Other t~,ssets Inventory TOTALASSETS LIABILITIES Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabiiities Other Current Liabilities Deferred Revenue Deferred Revenue - Obligatory Reserve Funds (Note F-mployee Benefits Payable (Note 7) TOTAl_ LIABILITIES MUNICIPAL POSITION Fund Balances (Note 9) Current Fund Capital Fund Reserves Reserve Funds Equity in Veridian Amounts to be Recovered From future revenues TOTAL_ MUNICIPAL POSITION 2000 6.882.025 17.163.335 8.387.828 2.439,409 233.569 28,771,851 25.069.000 88.947.017 263.580 89.210.597 7,518,368 195.039 6,484.488 11.462.364 135.217 25.795.476 112,434 (258,354) 7,357,010 2,498,397 53.840,851 63,550,338 (I35.217) 89.210.597 1999 1,961,305 20.556,456 8,971,448 3,678,074 192,833 29,103,485 25,069,000 89,532,601 245,271 89,777,872 5,697,584 198,970 3,367,058 10,986,943 20.250,555 109,916 4,566,207 8,438,763 2,239,946 54,172,485 69,527,317 89,777,872 O9 1 0CITY OF PICKERING CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL ACTIVITIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,2000 Budget REVENUES Residential and farm taxation Commercial and industrial taxation Taxation from other governments User charges Government grants Developer contributions and donations Development charges earned Investment income Penalties and interests on taxes Other Acquisition of Veridian 16,552,166 4,501,866 4,606,388 7,761,624 307,579 122,700 1,953,212 945,000 900,000 625,000 EXPENDITURES Current General government Protection to persons and property Transportation services Environmental services Social and family services Recreation and cultural services Planning and development 38,275,535 8,091,608 8,876,192 7,169,952 1,255,980 214,878 10,554,743 1,337,371 Capital General government Protection to persons and property Transportation services Environmental services Social and family services Recreation and cultural services Planning and development 37,500,724 719,790 1,072,550 3,595,450 100,000 7,000 3,382,732 17,313 8,894,835 46,395,559 (8,120,024) (8,120,024) TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET REVENUES (EXPENDITURES) Veridian Corporation - Net Loss - Adj for Future Employee Benefits Change in Fund' Balances 2000 16,668,105 4,113,917 6,806,496 7,759,613 228,806 243,011 2,503,840 1,755,132 1,305,755 1,100,873 42,485,548 7,646,488 8,512,885 7,360,121 1,242,981 261,666 10,481,770 1,162,512 36,668,423 611,967 659,110 1,533,029 182,109 8,461,808 14,447 11,462,470 48,130,893 (5,645,345) (139,173) (192,461) (5,976,979/ 1999 16,466,399 4,001,248 5,799,761 7,024,485 3,272,486 705,394 3,744,970 1,344,888 1,125,358 1,331,364 55,565,196 100,381,549 7,245,467 8,399,931 6,949,757 848,411 258,543 8,635,477 969,158 33,306,744 922,025 594,297 5,372,492 34,O36 3,286,683 17,187 10,226,720 43,533,464 56,848,O85 (1,392,711) 55,455,374 CITY OF PtCKERING CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FINANCIAL POSITION FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,2000 CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIViTiES Net Revenues(Expenditures) Uses Increase in Other Current Assets Increase in Inventory Increase ~n Investments increase ~n Taxes Receivable Decrease ~n Accounts Payable Decrease In Other Current Liabilities Decrease in Deferred Revenue-Obtigato~.' Reserve Funds Sources Decrease in Investments Decrease in Taxes Receivable Decrease in Accounts Receivable increase ~n Accounts Payable increase in Other Current Liabilities increase ~n Deferred Revenue Increase ~n Deferred Revenue-Obligatory Reserve Funds CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES 2000 (5,645,345) (40,736) (18,309) (3,931) (62,976) 3,393,121 583,620 1,238,665 1,820,784 3,117,430 475,421 10,629,041 1999 1,282.889 (4,958) (1,240,135) (1,187,403) (477,104) (665.578) (3,575,178) 58,717 61,527 2,919,309 3,039,553 CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES NET CHANGE IN CASH CASH, BEGINNING OF YEAR CASH, END OF YEAR 4,920,720 1.961,305 6.882.025 747,264 1,214,041 1,961,305 12 CITY OF PICKERING NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AS AT DECEMBER 31, 2000 Accountin9 Policies The consolidated financial statements of The Corporation of the City of Pickering are the representations of management prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles for local governments as recommended by the Public Sector Accounting Board of the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants. Significant aspects of the accounting policies adopted by the City are as follows: (a) Basis of Consolidation (i) Consolidated statements The consolidated financial statements reflect the assets, liabilities, revenues and expenditures of the revenue fund, capital fund, reserve funds and reserves and include the activities of all Committees of Council and the Library Board which is under the control of Council. All inter-fund assets, liabilities and revenues and expenditures have been eliminated with the exception of loans between the reserve funds and any other fund of the municipality and the resulting interest income and expenditures. (ii) Fund Accounting Funds within the consolidated financial statements consist of revenue, capital and reserve funds. Transfers between funds are recorded as adjustments to the appropriate municipal fund balance. (iii) Accounting for Municipal Government Business Enterprise The consolidated financial statements include the Corporation's investment in Veridian Corporation, Veridian Connections Inc. and Veridian Energy Inc. (Veridian). This investment in Veridian, a government business enterprise is accounted for using the modified equity method. Under this method, the business enterprise's accounting principles are not adjusted to conform with those of the City of Pickering, and inter-organizational transactions and balances are not eliminated. (iv) Operations of School Boards and the Region of Durham The taxation, other revenues, expenditures, assets and liabilities with respect to the operations of the school boards and the Region of Durham are not reflected in the municipal fund balances of these financial statements. CITY OF PICKERING NOTES ¥O THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AS AT DECEMBER 31,2000 (v) Deferred Revenue (vi) (vii) Deferred revenues represent user charges and fees which have been collected but for which the related services have yet to be performed. These amounts will be recognized as revenues in the fiscal year the services are performed. Trust Funds Trust funds and their related operations administered by the municipality are not consolidated, but are reported separately on the Trust Funds Statement of Continuity and Balance Sheet. Use of Estimates The preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements, and the reported amounts of revenues and · expenditures during the period. These have been made using careful judgement. Actual results could differ from these estimates. (viii) Accounting For Capping Provisions (ix) The net reduction in commercial and industrial taxes levied as a result of the capping provisions has also not been reflected in the "Consolidated Statement of Operations" but is reported in the "Consolidated Balance Sheet" as a decrease in taxes receivable and a decrease in accounts payable and accrued charges to the Region of Durham. Capital Expenditures Differences between the budget and actual expenditures may arise as a result of the timing difference between budgetar7 approval and the actual occurrence of the expenditures. CI-i~F PICKERING NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AS AT DECEMBER 31, 2000 (b) Basis of Accounting (i) Sources of financing and expenditures are reported on the accrual basis of accounting with the exception of principal charges on long term liabilities which are charged against operations in the pedods in which they are paid. (ii) The accrual basis of accounting recognizes revenues as they become available and measurable; expenditures are recognized as they are incurred and measurable as a result of receipt of goods or services and the creation of a legal obligation to pay. The historical cost and accumulated depreciation of fixed assets are not reported for municipal purposes. Fixed assets are reported as an expenditure on the Consolidated Statement of Financial Activities in the year of acquisition. Adoption of Public Sector Accounting Recommendations Commencing in 2000, the City has adopted the local govemment accounting standards issued by the Public Sector Accounting Board of the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants. The comparative figures included in this financial statement have been restated to conform with the accounting standards adopted for the current year. The adoption of these standards has resulted in the following changes to amounts previously reported. The balances reported for cash and investments in these financial statements include both funds for current purposes and balances held for reserve funds. ii) Amounts previously reported as reserve funds adsing from development charges and parks contributions amounting to $11,462,364 (1999 - $10,986,943) are included in deferred revenues - obligatory reserve funds. iii) The accounts include accruals for certain employee related costs such as post employment benefits which were previously accounted for when settled. These obligations amount to $,135,217. iv) The.financial statements include the City's equity interest in Veridian Corporation in the amount of $53,840,851 (1999 - $54,172,485). CIT~ OF PICKERING NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AS AT DECEMBER 31,2000 investments The investments are stated at cost and consist of the following: Investment Certificates Municipal Debentures 1999 $ 16,163.335 $ 19,307,456 1,000,000 1,249,000 S 17.163,335 $ 20,556,456 Investment in Veridian Tile City of Pickering holds 28,195 common shares (47.4%) in Veridian. This investment is accounted for on a modified equity basis in these financial statements. Promissory Notes Receivable Four year promissory notes payable by Veridian Corporation and Veridian Connections Inc. due November I, 2003, 7.6% rate of interest effective November 1,2000. convertible into common shares at the option of the holder at the rate of 1 common share for every $1,000 of principal then outstanding, on or before May 1, 2003. Deferred Revenue - Obligatory Reserve Funds A requirement of the public sector accounting principles of the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants, is that obligatory reserve funds be reported as deferred revenue. This requirement is in place as provincial legislation restricts how these funds may be used and under certain circumstances these funds may pcssibly be refunded. The balances in the obligatory reserve funds of the City are summarized below: 1999 Development charges $ 7.586,551 $ 6,744,604 Parkland 3,875.813 4,242,339 $ 11,462,364 $ 10,986,943 CITY OF PICKERING NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AS AT DECEMBER 31,2000 7. Employee Benefits The City provides certain employee benefits which will require funding in future periods. For employees who take early retirement and meet the applicable OMERs factor, the City continues to pay a percentage of the extended health benefits until they reach age 65. It is intended this amount will be funded from future revenues. 1999 Post Employment Benefits $ 135,217 $ Net Long Term Liabilities (a) The balance of net liabilities is made up the following: The municipality has assumed responsibility for the payment of principal and interest charges on certain long term liabilities issued by the Region of Durham. At the end of the year, the outstanding principal amount of this liability is Of the long term liabilities shown above, the responsibility for payment has been assumed by Veridian Corporation. At the end of the year, the outstanding principal amount of this liability is Net Long Term Liabilities, End of Year 1999 $ 927,000 $ 1,472,000 (927,000) (1,472,000) $ $ - (b) Approval of the Ontario Municipal Board has been obtained for the long term liabilities. The annual principal and interest payments required to service these liabilities are within the annual debt repayment limit prescribed by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs. CITY OF PICKERING NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AS AT DECEMBER 31. 2000 ]? The municipality is contingently liable for these long term liabilities even though responsibility for the payment of principal and interest has been assumed by Veddian Corporation. The total principal amount outstanding as at December 31. 2000 is as set out below and is not recorded on the Consolidated Statement of Financial Position. 2000 1999 S 927.000 S 1,472,000 Municipal Fund Balances at the End of the Year The City's fund balances are comprised of the following: For general reduction of taxation Funds available for acquisition of fixed assets For acquisition of fixed assets to be recovered from long term debt Reserves Reserve Funds Equity in Veridian Corporation 2_0_0_0 1999 $ 112,434 $ 109.916 4,165,595 4,566.207 (4,423,949) - 7,357,010 8,438,763 2,498,397 2,239,946 53.840,851 54,172,485 S 63.550,338 $ 69,527,317 10. Pension Agreements The municipality makes contributions to the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement Fund (OMERS), which is a multi-employer plan, on behalf of the members of its staff. The plan is a defined benefit plan which specifies the amount of the retirement benefit to be received by the employees based on the length of service and rates of pay. Effective August 1, 1998, OMERS declared a premium contribution holiday with a tentative end date of December 31, 2001. CITY OF PICKERING NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AS AT DECEMBER 31,2000 11. Trust Funds Trust funds administered by the municipality amounting to $238,345 (1999 - $230,928) have not been included in the Consolidated Statement of Financial Position nor have their operations been included in the Consolidated Statement of Financial Activities. 12. Contingent Liabilities The municipality is contingently liable for tong term liabilities which the responsibility for the payment of principal and interest has been assumed by Veridian Corporation. The total amount outstanding as at December 31,2000 is $927,000 (1999 - $1,472,000) and is not recorded on the Consolidated Statement of Financial Position. 13. Public Sector Salary Disclosure Pursuant to the Public Sector Salary Disclosure Act of January 29, 1996, two employees of the Corporation of the City of Pickering were paid a salary of $100,000 or more. The term salary is defined by this Act. 14. Impact of Capping Provisions As a result of the implementation of market value assessment, certain taxpayers in the City have experienced significant changes (both increases and decreases) in their property taxes. The Province of Ontario has introduced legislation (Bill 79) which provided for optional phase-in periods for residential properties and mandatory capping provisions for commercial and industrial properties to lessen the immediate impact of these assessment-related property tax changes on municipalities within the Region. CITY OF PtCKERING CONSOLIDATED SCHEDULE OF CURRENT FUND OPERATIONS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,2000 Bua?t REVENUES Residential and farm taxation Commercial, industrial and business taxation Taxation from other governmenis User charges Government grants & fees Developer contributions and donauons Investment income Penalties and interest on taxes Other 16,552,t68 4,501.866 4,606,388 7,761.624 307.579 5,000 945,000 900.000 975,600 36.555.225 EXPENDITURES General government Protection to persons and property Transportation services Environmental services Social and family services Recreation and cultural serwces Planning and development 8.091 8.876 7.s69 1.255 214 10,554 1,337 .608 .~92 .98C) .878 .743 .37! 37,500.724 NET REVENUES (945,499 FINANCING & TRANSFERS Transfers to capital fund Transfers from/(to) reserve and reserve funds (i ,256.595) 2,092.094 835,499 CHANGE IN CURRENT FUND BALANCE (110 000) CURRENT FUND BALANCE, BEGINNING OF YEAR 110,000 2000 16.668,105 ~.113.917 6,806,496 7,759.613 190,606 1,525 1.662,706 1,305,755 1.I00.873 39,609.596 7.646.488 8,512.885 7.360.121 1.242.981 261.666 10,481,770 1.162,512 36,668,423 2.941,173 t4,020.409) 1.081.754 (2,938,655) 2,518 109,916 1999 16,466,399 4,001.248 5,799.761 7,024,485 984.697 408,383 1,250,082 1,125,358 1,331,364 38,391,777 7.245,467 8.399.931 6,949,757 848,411 258,543 8,635,477 969,158 33,306,744 5,085,033 (2.099 835) (2.982,603) (5,082,438) 2,595 107,321 19 CURRENT FUND BALANCE, END OF YEAR 112,434 109,916 2O CITY OF PICKERING CONSOLIDATED SCHEDULE OF CAPITAL FUND OPERATIONS FOP, THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,2000 REVENUES Grants Developer contributions and donations Other Development charges earned EXPENDITURES General government Protection to persons and property Transportation services Environmental services Recreation and cultural services Planning and development NET EXPENDITURES FINANCING & TRANSFERS Transfers from current fund Transfers from/(to) reserve funds CHANGE IN CAPITAL FUND BALANCE CAPITAL FUND BALANCE, BEGINNING OF YEAR CAPITAL FUND BALANCE, END OF YEAR 2000 38,200 191,419 2,503,840 2,733,459 611,967 659,110 1,533,029 182,109 8,461,808 I4,447 11,462,470 (8,729,011) 4,020,409 (115,959) 3,904,450 (4,824,561) 4,566,207 (258,354) 1999 2,287,789 298,160 3,744,970 6,330,919 922,025 594,297 5,372,492 34,036 3,286,683 17,187 10,226,720 (3,895,801) 2,099,835 792,286 2,892,121 (1,003,680) 5,569,887 4,566,207 CITY OF PICKERING CONSOLIDATED SCHEDULE OF RESERVE AND RESERVE FUNDS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,2000 REVENUES Developer contributions and donations Investment income Other NET 'TRANSFERS FROM/(TO) OTHER FUNDS Transfers from/(to) current fund Transfers from/(to) capital fund CHANGE IN RESERVE & RESERVE FUND BALANCE RESERVES & RESERVE FUND, BEGINNING OF YEAR RESERVES & RESERVE FUND, END OF YEAR 2000 50,067 92,426 142,493 {1,081,754) 115.959 (965,795) (823,302; 10.678,709 9.855,407 1999 (1,149) 94,806 93,657 2,982,603 (792,286) 2,190,317 2.283,974 8,394,735 10,678,709 ANALYZED AS FOLLOWS: Reserves set aside for specific purposes by Council: Working capital Self insurance Inventories Replacement of capital equipment Contingencies Rate stabilization City's podion of development charges Reserve Funds set aside for specific purposes by Council: Recreation programs and facilities Acquisition of fixed assets Picketing Baseball Association 400.000 531,139 245.271 2.153.816 1.812.645 249.139 1.965.000 7,357.010 282,569 2.155.039 60,789 2.498,397 9,855,407 400,000 467,809 245,271 2,521,806 1,822,645 2,981,232 8,438,763 219,209 2,020,737 2,239,946 10,678,709 22 AUDITORS' REPORT TO THE MEMBERS OF COUNCIL, INHABITANTS AND RATEPAYERS OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING We have audited the balance sheet of the Trust Funds of the Corporation of the City of Pickering as at December 31, 2000 and the statement of continuity of trust funds for the year then ended. These financial statements are the responsibility of the City's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform an audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. In our opinion, these financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the trust funds of the Corporation of the City of Pickering as at December 31, 2000 and the continuity of trust funds for the year then ended in accordance with the accounting principles disclosed in Note 1 to the financial statements. HURREN, FLETT, SINCLAIR CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS March 23, 2001 Pickering, Ontario CITY OFPICKERING TRUST FUNDS BALANCE SHEET AS AT DECEMBER31,2000 ASSETS Term Deposits Interest Receivable Loans Receivable CAPITAL Capital O.H.R.P. 16,931 16,931 16.931 Dorothy Card Estate 212,215 9,199 221.414 221.41~ 2000 212,215 9,199 16,931 238,345 238.345 23 1999 203,473 8,037 19,418 230,928 230,928 CITY OF PICKERING TRUST FUNDS STATEMENT OF CONTINUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,2000 O.H.R.P. Dorothy Card Estate Balance, Beginning of Year 19,418 211,510 Revenue interest Earned 1,927 9,904 21,345 Expenditures Provincial payments 4,082 Administration charges 332 4,414 16,931 Balance, End of Year 221,414' 221,414 2000 230,928 11,831 242,759 4,082 332 4,414 238,345 1999 224,017 9,521 233,538 2,437 173 2,610 230,928 CITY OF PICKERING TRUST FUNDS NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AS AT DECEMBER 31,2000 Accounting Policies Basis of Accounting Capital receipts and income are reported on the cash basis of accounting. Expenditures are reported on the cash basis of accounting with the exception of administrative expenses which are reported on the accrual basis of accounting which recognizes expenditures as they are incurred and measurable as a result of the receipt of goods or services and the creation of a legal obligation to pay. Ontario Home Renewal Program ia) The Ontario Home Renewal Program was established by the Ontario Ivlinistry of Housing in 1973 to provide grants for municipalities to make loans to assist owner occupants to repair, rehabilitate and improve their homes to local property standards. Individual loans are limited to $7,500 of which the maximum forgivable portion is $4,000. Ontario Home Renewal Program loans receivable at December 31, 2000 are comprised of repayable loans of $16,931 (1999 - $19,4t8). Effective in 1998. the entire amount of loans receivable are repayable. In the event of the sate or lease of the home or in the event of the homeowner ceasing to occupy the home, the balances of the repayable loan and the unearned forgivable loan immediately become due and payable by the homeowner. lb) Ontario Regulation 641 established procedures for the winding down of the Ontario Home Renewal Program. The Municipality continues to administer the collection of any outstanding loans and remit the proceeds, net of a 5% administration free to the Ministry. of Housing. Dorothy Card Estate The City of Pickering has established a trust fund for the Dorothy Card Estate for the care and upkeep of the destitute elderly. The balance invested in term deposits amounts to $221,414 including accrued interest. AUDITORS' REPORT TO THE BOARD MEMBERS, MEMBERS OF COUNCIL, INHABITANTS AND RATEPAYERS OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING We have audited the balance sheet of the Public Library Board of the Corporation of the City of Pickering as at December 31, 2000 and the statement of operations for the year then ended. These f'mancial statements are the responsibility of the Board's .management. Our responsibility is to express au opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform an audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. In our opinion, these financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Public Library Board of the Corporation of the City of Pickering as at December 31, 2000 and the results of its operations for the year then ended in accordance with accounting principles disclosed in Note 1 to the financial statements. HURREN, FLETT, SINCLAIR CHARTE~D ACCOUNTANTS March 23, 2001 Pickering, Ontario CITY OF PICKERING PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD BALANCE SHEET AS AS'' DECEMBER 31,2000 ASSETS Current Cash Accounts receivable Inventory Prepaid expense Due from Government of Canada Due from own municipality LIABILITIES Current Accrued Payables Deferred Revenue Due to own municipaiity FUN[) BALANCE Fund Balance - to be used to offset taxation or user charges 2O00 <.760 837 1,931 25.090 12.289 45.156 87.063 14,288 72,775 87.063 87.063 1999 1,760 7,564 815 20,026 6,541 36.706 36,706 36,7O6 36,706 2? ?S CITY OF PICKERING PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,2000 Fund Balance, Beginning of Year Expenditures Operating Salaries Salaries and wages Fringe Benefits Material, supplies and utilities Books Utilities Other Supplies Services Repairs and maintenance Insurance Travel Audit and legal Advertising Conventions Postage Telephone Freight Seminars and education Miscellaneous Total Operating Expenditures Capital Expenditures Total Expenditures Revenue Municipal contribution Federal Grants Province of Ontario grants Fines and other receipts Total Revenue Fund Balance, End of Year Budqet 2000 1999 1,842,575 1,810,950 1,730,896 361,934 283,923 247,891 2,204,509 2,094,873 1,978,787 225,000 225,000 195,920 128,981 126,685 109,890 I78,048 68,642 34,112 532,029 420,327 339,922 215,900 198,674 209,055 10,780 6,799 8,383 8,240 8,934 7,596 4,069 2,412 5,970 7,517 4,272 2,546 6,279 4,838 1,983 4,774 4,245 4,2t3 36,785 30,958 33,908 309 437 102 6,000 6,033 3,659 4,984 3,316 3,102 305,637 270,918 280,517 3,042,175 2,786,118 2,599,226 477,832 2,539,488 528,858 3,520,007 5,325,606 3,128,084 3,103,664 5,031,002 2,764,625 18,133 9,052 54,677 231,745 118,660 134,561 166,465 166,902 174,221 3,520,007 5,325,606 3,128,084 CITY OF PICKERING PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AS AT DECEMBER 31,2000 Significant Accounting Policies The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted for Ontario municipalities as required by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs. and reflect the following policies as set forth in the Municipal Financial Reporting Handbook. Basis of Accounting The financial statements, except for principal and interest payments on debenture debt which are recorded on the cash basis, have been prepared using the accrual basis of accounting under which revenue and expenditure are recorded in the year in which they are earned or incurred respectively. The historical cost and accumulated depreciation of fixed assets are not reported for municipal purposes. Instead, the "Capital outlay to be recovered in future years", which represents the amount of any outstanding portion of unmatured tong term liabilities for municipal expenditures, is reported on the "Balance Sheet". 30 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY That the 2000 Financial Information Return, be received for information. CARRIED: MAYOR 31_ 2000 FINANCIAL INFORMATION RETURN (FIR) CITY OF PICKERING CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT SEPTEMBER, 2001 32 DECLARATION OF THE MUNICIPAL TREASURER Mon ~7~o-~o~ '~.~ FR~0ZR i Schedule 02 I :~ ;-1!80:1:191;02 ~iekeHng C : ,: :, For the year ending December 31st, 2000 MunCode MAH Code Municipality Staging Data Area Pursuant to the information required by the Province of Ontario under the Municipal Affairs Act, the following schedules are attached: Declaration of the Municipal '[raasurer Schedule Title Revenue Fund Receipts 12 Current Revenue for Specific Functions Taxation Information i22_GPL t Munic~pa[ and School Board '[axation - General Pumose Levies 122_SRA I Municipal and School Board Taxation - SpeCial Rate Areas 122_ LEVY I Municipal and School Board TaxalJon - Special Rate A~-eas Master Record !22_SPC Municipal and School Board Taxation - Special Charges I Z4_GPL Payments-m-Lieu of Taxatmn - General Purpose Levies 124_SRA ! Payments-in-Lieu cf Taxation - Special Rate Areas ;24_LEVY I Payments-in-Lieu of Taxation -Spectal Rate.Areas Master Record 24-SPC Payments-in-Lieu of Taxation - Special Charges ~ -26 1 Taxation and P L Summary Section 1 - Municipal and School Board Taxa§on 126-2 Taxation and PIL Summary Section 2 - Payment in beu of Taxation t26_3 Taxation and P L Summary Section 3 - Distribution of Entitlements 128 ! Upper-Tier Entittaments 40 Revenue Fund Expenditures 42 Additional Revenue Fund Expenditures 50 Capital Fund Operations 52 Sources of Capital Fund Financing and Expenditures 60 Continuity of Reserves and Reserve Funds 70 Consolidated Financial Position 72 Continuity of Taxes Receivable 174 Long q'erm Liabilities and Commitments 8D Stalistical ~nformatien 80_ BOARD Statistical Information - Joint Boards 80_SERVICE Statistical information - Service Delivery 82 Municipal User Charges 82_1 , Municipal User Charges - New User Fees J85 PM CMSM Information 85 I PM CMSM Effectiveness 86 tPM CMSM Notes t90 PM Municipal Information 91 PM Efficiency t92 PM Effectiveness 93 Notes I! 4 tPM Questions 95 I PM Cross Boundary 6 I PM Summary For the purposes of this Financial Information Return, the amounts disclosed on the attached schedules are in agreement with the books and records of the municipality and its consolidated entities. Line Description 1 2 IThis Financial Information Return has been prepared in accordance with the Financial Information Return instructions, Financial information Return prepared by (Auditor's The City of Pickehng J Contact Name Kristine Senior m 'fetaphone 1905-420-4660 ext 2171 Fax 905-420-5313 Email I ksenior@city.pickedng.en.ca Municipal website I Control Data 0050 Total Revenue 0052jTotaJ Expenditures 0054i TOTAL ASSETS IEdlt Checks end Messages 00701 Critical Error 0072 Warning Error (Unforced) '00741Warning Error (Forced) 0076 Reasonable Error 0078 FIR Status ' laud t Information Traasurer 41,958,300 42,42..2,633 89,210,597 Not Clean - Production area only G. A~ Patterson Hurrah, Fiett & Sinclair July 4, 2001 ;REVENUE FUND RECEIPTS J Schedule 10 1801 ~1'0102 PiCketing C ! Forths Year ending December 31st,_ 2000 Mun$ode MAH Code Municipality Men 27-Aug-2001 19:25 FR111ZR] Staging Data Area Revenue 33 Taxation -Own purposes (Schedule 26 9199 LESS Schedute 72. 2999) Payments-in-lieu of taxation (Schedule 26 95991 Ontario unconditional grants Community. Reinvestment Fund Please specify Please specify Please specify Please specily Conditional grants O~tario conditional grants (Schedule 12 9910 01/ Canada conditional grants (Schedule 12 9910 02, Revenue from other municipalities (Schedule 12 9910 03; User fees and service charges (Schedule 12 9910 04) Licences, permits, rents, etc. 7 ~ailer revenue and permits L~cences and permits Rents. concessions and franchises Fines and penalties Provincial Offences Act (PEA) Other Fines Penalties and interest on taxes Other revenue mvestment income - From own runes Investment income * From other Donations Sale of publications, equipment, etc. Con~bu~ons from non-consolidaled entibes Sale of Land Miscellaneous Goer Bus~ness Enterpnse Net LOSs & Future Employee Benefits Transfers from Own Funds Contdbubons from capital fund Contnbubons from resep/es and reserve funds Continuity of Revenue Fund Balance Accumulated net revenue (clerical), beginnmg of year PLUS: Total revenue fund receipt~ (Schedule 1(~ 9930 01 LESS: Total revenue fund expenditures (Scnedute 40 9910 PLUS: Adjustments forPSAB Accumulated net revenue (deficit), end of year Subtotal Sudtotat Subtotal Subtotal Sub;to[al TOTAL Revenue fund revenues TOTAL Transfers TOTAL Revenue fund receipts 0299 20,187,6381 0499 ~ 0610 0695 0696 0697 0698 0810 181,554~ 0820 0699 190,606 J 1099 110,814 1299 6,151 ;243 1410 1420 1430 1605 313,656~ 1610 259,~ 1820 1.~,755 J 1699 1 i879~1;~,4-J 1810 0 1820 1,662,706 1830 1,525 1840 5.134 1850 0 1896 131,266 1697 39%084 1898 (331,63~ 1899 1 860,081 0910 38,996;879 3010 12,910 ', 3020 2,948,511 i 9920 2,961 421 i 9930 41 958 300 r 5010 54,282,401 502O 41,958,3001 5~40 42,~.22;633 5050 135,217 5090 34 CURRENT REVENUE FOR SPECIFIC FUNCTIONS Mon27-Aug-2001 19:25 FRl12ZR j Schedulevear 12 1;80:i 1" i1010~ ,~ckering CMunicipality For the ending December 31st, 2000 MunCode MAH Code Staging Data Ar~ Ontario Canada Conditional User Fees and Grants Service Charges 1 4 $ Currant Revenue for Specific Functions General government Protection services Fire Police Conservatinn authority Protective inspechon and control Emergency measures Please specify Transportation services Roadways Winter control 'transit Parking Street lighSng Air transportation Public Works Centre Environmental services Sanitary sewer system Storm sewer system Waterworks system Waste collection Waste disposat Recycling Please specify Health services Public health servE;es Hospitals Ambulance services Cemeteries Please specify Social and family sen/ices General assistance A~eistance to aged persons Child care Please specify Social Housing Recreation and cultural sa~ices Parks Recreation programs Recreation fadiities Libraries Cultural services Please specify Planning and development Planning and zoning Commercial and industrial ResidenSal development Agriculture and reforestation Tile drainageJshorelJne assistance Please specify Eiecthclty Gas Telephone Conditional Other Grants Municipalities 2 3 $ $ Subtotal 0410 0420 0430 0440 0460 oi o o} o oI o 0498 0 0 0499 ~2o~ ::: o 3'9°° Io{ 4'7100 o 0 ~ 128,47 0[ 0 Subtotal Subtotal 0610 0620 0630 084O 0650 0660 0698 0699 0810 [ 0820 0830 0840 0850[ o86oI 0898 o8o9 Ii: 1010I 0 0 45,5551 73,919 0 0 O[ 0 0 0 O[ 1,637,135 o o oI o 0 0 O~ OI o o oi o 0 0 1,039 o{ 0i o 0 OI 01 0 0 ol ol o o Ot 0I, 0 0 O 0 I 57,639 0 O{ OI O 0 0 o ; 1020 1030 1040 1098 Subtotal 1099 Subtotal 1210 1220 1230 1298 1299 1499 o{ o{ o 30,002 0 0 oi 30,0020 0 6,470 1,191,384 11'51i 11,51~ Subtotal 1610 1620 1630 1640 1650 1698 1699 14,8640 2,370,589 166,902 116,65o! 16,0181 , O{ 91,756 o{ o{ oi 6 1810 1820 1830 O!OI ~ 93,267 0 o o[ o Subtotal TOTAL 1840 1850 18991898 3099 3299 3499 9910 oI o o{ o 0 0 O{ 0 : ~1i~i , 1 o!05z 11oi~{ ' ~1~;'~43 TAXATION INFORMATION Schedule 20 For the year ending Deoemt~er 31st, 2000 I 1801 i 101O2 MunCooe ~,,iCkering C Mort 27-Aug-2001 19:25 FR113ZRI MAH Code Municipality Staging Data Area Middle band J % of i highest band rate 35 'taxation Information 1. Optional classes in effect Parking Lot Office Building (D) Shopping Centre (S) Large Industrial (L) 2. 10/5/5 Capping Division B or Division C? 3. Graduated taxation (-fax bands) Graduated Tax Rates in the Commeraal class Graduated 'fax Rates in the Industrial c[ass'~ 4. Phase-in program in effect Residential (R) Multi-Residential (M) New Mulii-Residential (N} Commercial (C) Perking Lot (G) Office Building (D) Shopping Centre (S) industrial (I) Large Industnal (L) Farmland (F) Managed Forest Pipeline (P) 5. Rebate percentage for eligible chanties Schedule 72 2099) 0205 0210 0215 0220 0410 061C 0820 0805 0810 0815 082C C825 0830 0835 0840 0845 0550 0~6[' ~10 Number Low band CVA boundary ,4 % of highest : 5 N 1 0 0.0000 N O 0 0.000O Y N N N N N N N N Y N ~ N 4O CVA boundary 6 0 o.oood Mort 27-Aug-2001 19:25 FR114ZR MUNICIPAL and SCHOOL BOARD TAXATION Schedule 22_gpl 1~801 I 1'0~102 For the year ending December 31st. 2000 Mun Code MAR Code ~Pickering C Municipality Staging Data Area 1. GENERAL 'PURPOSE LEVY MergedC, rea: ~ IPickering C tlRTC / Tax T Q 1 Band Prooerty Class 2 3 ®%".T / o r'e"0an 'a O0511~-'-I~lT / 0 ~Aulti-Resldential 0110~ FT I 0 Farmland Tax Rate Description Tax Ratio zt 5 Full OCCUPied Full occuo~ed Percent of 'Taxable Assessment Full Rate 7 6 $ % 10C 4.559,656,305 100 31.049,705 100 28,029.000 100 1,555,8951 100 334,851,88~ 100 4,627,38~ 70 16,526.384 70 100 0140~ 'FF j 0 t'~anaged Forest Full occupied 0_2500 0210~ CT / 0 ~Commerc~e ~ulioccuDied 1.4819 024~ CU 0 ~ommer~a Vaunt units and exes lane [ 1.481g 1.0000 2.7103 0.2500 0270~ CX 0 ~ommercml ~/acant land 0320~ DT I 0 ~OfliceBuild.n~ ~Full occupied 034C~L ST / 0 ~hopping Centre ~Fuiloccu~,ed 0350~' SU / 0 IShopplng CeriSe ~Vacar~t units and excess land 0510/ IT 0 Industrial Full occupied ;?_,. o ndu.,.a, a n,u.,tsande cess,and 06I~' LT 0 Laroe lndus~al ~ull occupied 062~ LU ] 0 ~1 arge Industrial Na~nt un~s and exes land 07'OLPT ~ 0 ~uli .... pied 1.4819 22960 1.2078 %2078 2.2598 2.2598 100 70 lO0 65 8,899,190t 3,420.7~ 219.461.2831 9,150.8161 ~ipeiines 2.2598 3.6140 3.6140 1.2294 65 10c 92,061,687 13,955,561! 65 i 18,635,00~ 100 MUNICIPAL and SCHOOL BOARD TAXATION Schedule 22_gpl 1801 10102 For the year ending Deoember 31st. 2000 MUP, Ooce MAH Code Mon 27-Au9-2001 19:25 FR114ZR Municipality Staging Data Area 37 1. GENER/~L PURPOSE LEVY Me;ged Ares: IPickering' C RTC / I 'Tax RTQ ! Band I 2 001£ RT i 0 005£ MT ',0 0110~FT i 0 0'~ ST i 0 ¢ 0.427711 0.520162 061~ LTi 0 I 1.2798~ 9201 Tax t~,at es Municipal 'faxes Lower-tier (Single-tier) 8 0.xxxxxx% Education Upper-tier Education TOTAL Lower-tier Upper-tier ~faxes (Single-tier) 14 9 10 11 12 13 $ 0.xxxxxx% 0.xxxx;o:% O.xx:~oL~% $ 0.524776 1.032500 0.367343 0.722750 TOTAL 15 0.354124 0.696741 ~414000 1.464865 15146,837 31.768,995 18,876,977 66,792,809 0.959782 1.888377 0 414000 3.252159 298,009 585,335 128,546 1,012,890 0.088531 0174165 C 103500 0.355215 24.814 48,822 29.010 102,646 0.088531 0.174185 C~153500 0 365216 1.377 2,710i 1,610 5,697 0.524T76 1.032500 2 114817 3572093 1,757,£22 3457.346! 7.081,505 12,295,073 1480372 244,652 0.367343 0.722750 ! 480372 1.599717 3.276518 0.841524 1723550 0.58906? 1.205555 1.574495 2.905808 1.023422 1.688775 1.023422 1.888775 1.557278 24,283 47'-~78 72,061 2.570465 80r709 119~ 424,805 2.576~55 32691 6'4319; 131.741 228,~ 5.68940~ 27.613 54.7231 112,056 2.992885 938.660 1.846,819! 3,782,744: 2.09502C 27397 53 904' 110,410 5.280552 735.723 1 449,507~ 2,675,136 3.432359 5359 15466, 30.389 3432359 139599 215,638~ 397,970 194,622 0.813069 6,568,223 191,711 4,861,368 55,224 723,207 2.518C22 4.547133 8.44~959 178.60a 351404 648,533 1,178,541 1.636714 302(}636 5.48922? C 0' 0! 0 0.8~6573 I $~337 3.113233 8~ 129 159,622 339,399i 580,150 Su~to~l EL 45,4235 45.243.832 34,590,708! 95,288,776 MUNICIPAL and SCHOOL BOARD TAXATION Mon27-Au9-2001 19:25 FR116ZR Schedule 22 sra ' ' ,1 For t~e year ending December 31st. 2000 MunCode MAH Code Municipality Staging Data Area 2. EOWer;,Tier;l Si,hgle Tier Special Area ~Y InformatiOn GENERAL Purpose 9401 Tax Rate Descr}ption Tax Percent of tTaxable Assessmen I Ratio Full Rate 7 Tax Rate iMunictpaITax 5 I 6 $ 8~ 12 1.0000 100 01 0.000000 Subte~l 0 Lower-Tier / Single Tier Special Area Levy Total { 0 3. UPper--Tier Spedia Area Levy. Information Upper-Tier. Special Area Levy: I GENERAL Pu133ose Tax Percent of ITaxabie Assessment, Tax Rate Description Ratio Full Rate 7 TaxRate Municipal Tax a 5 6 $9 13 % O.~xx%, $ Fult ocCuolad 1.0000 100 0 J 0.0000001 Subto~l 9601 Upper-Tier Special Area Levy: Other area rates Was£e RTC / Tax RTQ ~and Property Class I 2 3 O14(~ 'Ir 0 ~Managed Forest 021(~ CTI 0 ~ ..... ~a[ 022~ CM j 0 CommerciaJ 924~ CU ~ 0 ~o .... ~,' 027~ CX ~ 0 Commercial 032~ DT 0 ~ceBui,ding 0~ ST ~ 0 ~hop~ngCentre 035~ SU ~ 0 ~hoppmgCentre ~61~ LT ~ 0 ~argelnd~trial Tax Rate Descriotlon Tax t Percent cf Taxable Assessment RatioI. Full Rate 7 5 6 % FuI OCCUDIOd ruu occupied Full O¢CUDled full occup*ed ull occuoied ' 1_0000 ~ 100 4,559.656.305 TaXgRate O.xxx~ccx% 100 0.041407 Vacant units and excess lan0 1.0000 t00 I 31,049,705 0.112225 1.0000 100 28.029 000 0.010352 1.0000J 1.555.895 0.010352 334.851.884 0_061361 4,627,380 16,526 38410.042953 8,899,190 0.042953 3.420,772 0.095070 MunicipaJ Tax 13 $ 1.888.017 341846 2.902 161 205.468 2.839 7.099 :U{I OCCUDlaC :ult occupied vacant units and excess land :ull occupied /acant units and excess land /acant land :UIl occupied /acant units and excess land :ul{ occupied 1.0000 100 1.0000 100 1.0000 10( [ 1.0000 1.0000 i 10£ '.00001 100 1.0000 100 ~ 1 0000! 100 11.ooool lOO 1,0000 I 100 11.ooooi lOO 219,461,2830.050011 9,150,816 0.0350081 92,06%687 0.093572I 1,608,919 0.060822 21,070,250 0.080'822 13,955,561 0.149645 0 0.097269 18,635,000 0.050906 ..... Subtotal' ~l~per. Tiel~ S~ecial;Area Levy To~l 3.822 3.252 109,755 3,204 86,144 979 12,815 20,884 0 9,486 2,391,673 2,391,673 MUNICIPAL & SCHOOL TAXATION (Special Charges) Schedule 22_spt : ~80t 10102 Picketing C Forthe yearending December 31st, 2000 MunCooe MAH Cooe Municipality 1 blon 27-Au9-2001 19:25 FR117ZR i s~'aging Da~ A~ea I 4. Supplementary 'Taxes TotaJ of all supplementary taxes (Supps, Omits, Section-' 9799 , 5. Amount Levied by 'Tax Rate 'Total ievied by ~x rate 9~q1§ 6. Amounts Added to Tax Bill Local ~mprovements 8005 Sewer end water service charges 8010 Sewer and water connection charges 8015 Fire service charges 8020 Minimum tax (differential only) 8025 Municipal drainage charges 8030 Waste management collection cha~es 8035 Business improvement area Railway rights-of-way 8045 Utility transmission and utility corrld3rs 8050 Piease specify 8097 Please specily 5398 Sub,ora; 9589 . TOTAL AMOUNT LEVIED TOTAL Levies Municipal Taxes LowerlSmgie Upper Education Tier Tier Taxes 12 13 14 $ $ $ TOTAL 327,782 683,742 721.964 20,782,0j8! 43,319,247 35.312,672 1,733,488 ] i 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0; o ol 0 0. 0 0 0 0~ 28,317 59.829 122,428! 210,574 0 0 0+ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0'. 0 28.317; 105,22.5 1Z2,~281 255;9Z0 20,810.335 43,424,472 3 5~-35~I00I 99;669~907 0 0 0 0 45.396 0 45,396 0 0 0 Oi, 4O MUNICIPAL and SCHOOL BOARD TAXATION Schedule 2.2_sum t: ?1'801 101,02 i~ibkering.C For the year ending December 31st, 2000 MunCode MAH Code Municipality Mon 27-Aug-2001 19:25 FR 115ZR Staging Data Area Gener~lPumoSe Levy: SUmma~ of Taxe~ and AVERAGE General;Tax,Rates I RTC I Tax oi~d ~ 0 014~ ~ 0 o~! c~ t D'4~ gU ~ 0 g27~ CX ~ 0 o~q ST~ 035~ SU I ~057q ~X ~ ¢ I ' 0~2~ L U I 0 071~ PT i Property Class 3 ~.esidential ~Full occupied Multi-Residentim ~=ull occupied Farmland tull occupied Managed Forest ~Full occupied ~Commercial Fult occupied Tax Rate Description 4  ommercial ~General rate onty (no education) ommercim ~acant units and excess land ~ .... rcial ~acant land ~ffiCO Building ~ull occupied ~Shopping Centre ~ull occupied ~Shopping Cenfre ~/acant un ts and excess land !Industrial ~Fult occupied !ndustrial ~acant units and excess tend ndustrial acant land I Tax Ratio 0.0000 0.0000 O.O000 9.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 0.0000 I 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 , 0.0000 ! 0.0000 I Percent of Full Rate 6 % Taxable Assesamanl 7 $ 0 4,559,656,305 0 31,049,705 0 28,029,000 0 1,555,895 0 334,851,884 4,627,3~' 0.0000 i 0 21,070,250 barqe Industnal Full occupied ' 0.0000 J 0 13,955,561 Large lndustnel ~Vacant units and excess land 0.0000 i 0 0 , ipelines Full occupied 0.0000 0 18,635,000 0 16,526,384 0 8,899,190 0 3,420,772 0 I 219,461,283 0 i 9,150,816 0 ! 92,061,687 0 1,608,919 MUNICIPAL and SCHOOL BOARD TAXATION Schedule 22_$um ~ 1801 10102 L Fortheyearend~ngDec~mber31st, 2000 Mun~o~e MA~fl Code Mort 27-Aug-2001 19:25 FR115ZR Municipality staging Data Area 41 General Purpose LevY: Summary of Taxes and AVERAGE Genera! Tax Rates Weighted Average -[ax Rates Municipal Taxes ! RTC /; '[ex i RTQ Band 00~ RT 0 005C(MT 011C FT fi' 01401 'IT 0 o~1o~ CT o 0228I 0320~ DT 0 9299 Lower-tier (Single-tier) 0,xxxxxx% 0.354124 0,959780 0.088530 0.088502 Upper-tier 9 O.xxxxxx% Educatmn TOTAL 10 11 O.:o:xx~x%: O.xy. xxxx% Education Lower-her Upper-tier Taxes [S;ngle-tier! 14 12 !3 $ $ $ TOTAL 15 $ 0.696741 0 41400C 1 464865 15~46837 31 768,995 18,6~6,977 66,792,809 1.886375 3.414CD~ 3.262159 29800? 586,335 128.546' 1,012.890 24 514 48.822 29,010 102,~----~ 0.174184 01C350£ C.366216 0.174176 '3 103477 ~.366216 1377 £710, 1,610 5.697 0.524776 1.032500 2.114517 3 672093 i ~57.222 3 457.346 7,081.505 j 12,296,073 !.55727~ 24.283 47778 £ 57~6~ 6C709 119,444! 244.652i 64,319I 131,741i 0.524768 1.032507 72,061 0.367346 0.722747 i 483372 424,B05 0.367348 O 72275~ i 48037' 25704E5 32,591 2281751 0.813062 1599727 3.276629 5.68~40~ 27,813 54,723J 112,086[ 194,622 0,427711 0,841524 '72365: 2.992885 935,656, 1,846,819 ~ 3,782,744I 6,568.223 0.299394 05~9062 :.206559 2 095020 27.397 53,904i 110,410! 191,711 0.800249 1.57,t495 2.9£'5505 5.280552 73E,723 1,449,507I 2,675,136i 4,881,366 0.520163 1.023420 ~.888784 3.432359 E,359 16,466I 30,389! 55,224 0.520160 1023424 1.888777 3.432359 109599 215,638i 397,970! 723,207 1.279805 2.518021 45471% B.44-4959 178.5:~ 351,404j 648,533 1,178,541 0.000000 0 000O0~ © 90OCCC 5 489223 O O~ 0 0.435358 0 C, 85657~ i.~212-:~ 2' ' 323.L 81.!29 159,522: 339 399' 580,150 TOTAL General Purpose Levy 2:~ 45Z 238 4'3.243,~5 J 34,590,708 ] 95,288,776 PAYMENTS-IN-LIEU of TAXATION Mon27-Aug-2001 19:26 FR1187R Schedule24_g.l ;' tlS01 ,:1 i 10'10~ ~ickeHngC :"::' '; ::: ':; For the year ending DecemDer 31s',, 2000 MunCode MAH Code Municipality Staging Data Area 1. GENERAL ~URPOsE PAYMENTS-IN,LIEU RTC / Tax ' RTQ Band j Propert3/Class I 2 I 3 ~01(~ RF 0 IResidential 102~ RG 0 ~esidentia, 129~ CZ I 0 ~CommerrJ~I Merged Area: I- 0-~ ,~piCkering ~ Ii;i; Tax Rate Description 4 3Il: Full occupied ~IL: General only (no education) DIL: FuN occupied miL: Full occupied miL: Generat only (no education) Tax 5Ratio 1.0000 1.0000 2.7103 1.4819 1.4819 =IL; General vacant land (no education) ~ll: Full occupied 3IL: Full occupied 3IL: Full occupied 1.4819 1,4819 2.2960 2.2598 Percent of Full Rate 6 % PIL Assassment 7 $ 100 153,019,95; 100 I 35,467,198i 100 2,306,000 100 ! 45,548,417 100 3,592,663 70 1,049,570 62,000; 100 100 1[,740,0201 100 g,871,3501 I 4,086,5751 5,600i i 2,707,500 J General only (no education) 2.2598 I 100 Vacant land 2.2598 j 65 General vacant land (no education) 2.2598 I Full occupied 3.6140 Vacant units and excess land I 3.6140 65 lOO 65 28,438,855 I 1,8o6,7oo J PAYMENTS-IN-LIEU of TAXATION Schedule 24_gpl 1801 For the year ending December 31st, 2000 Mun~ode Mon 27-Au9-2001 19:26 FR118ZR 10102 Pickering C MAH Cooe Munic*pality Staging'Data Area 1. GENERAL PURPOSE PAyMENts'IN'LIEU Mer.~ed Area 0 ~ickerin9 C ] 'fax Lower-tier RTQIB d ~n (Single-tier) 8 I o.xxxxxx% 101Q RF 0 102~ RG 0 105~ MF 0 121C~CF 0 1220 CG 0 129(3CZ 0 131~ GF 0 1320'DF 0 1510 IF 0 1526~tG I580~IY 0 161~,LF 0 0.354124 0.354124 0.959782 0.524776 Tax Rates Municipal PtLS Upper-tier Education 9 10 O.xx~xxx% 0.xxxxx×% (2.696741 0 41400'[ Education TOTAL TOTAL Lower-bet Upper-tier PILS 11 12 13 $ $ O.xxxxxx% $ $ 1464865 54!.880 !.06(,!53~ 633 503 2,241,536 3.698741 O00000C, 1.05C865 125598 247.115 C 372,713i 1888377 0 414000, 3.26215~ 22133 43.5A6 9,5-4? 75,2261 3.672093 239027 470.2.87 ' 963,266 1,672,580 i03250~ 2114817 0_524776 1.0325,3C OC~00CC, 1.5572v6 15.853 3%094[ 0 55,947 0.367343 0.824776 0.813069 0.800249 0.800249 0.520162 0.722750 9.~,3000 1.03250C 2.114817 %090093 3856 7,586/ Oj 11,442 3.672095 325 640i 1,311i 2,276 1.599717 3.276618 5.68940,: 127,977, 251,7961 515,7401 895,513 1.574495 2.905808 5.280552 78.995 ! 55,424 i 286,8421 521.261 1.574495 0 O00C, O0 2.374"4z 32,703 64.343, O[ 97.046 1023422 ~.888775 3 432359 29 57 -- 106] 192 1.023422 2.C©O00S 1.54358z lZ,083 27,709i O! 41,792 0.520162 %279804 2.518022 4.647133 844495~ 353.962 716,097I 1,321,591~ 2,401,650 I 636714 3.020636 5.489~3 !5.029 54,574, 162q LV ! 0 0.831873 29,571i 99,174 9201 Subtotal ~ ,584,450 2 117.418! 3.786.480 6,488,348 PAYMENTS-IN-LIEU of TAXATION Schedule24_sra j ' . i] 10102 For the year ending December 31st, 2000 MunOode MAH Code Mon 27-Aug-2001 19:26 FR120ZR ~P_icker, ing C . ' J, Municipality Staging Data Area 2. Lower~Tier ] ~single Tier SPeCial A~ 'ea, Payments4n-Lieu information .Lower-Tier/single Tier Spe~iai Area PIL: I GENERAL Purpose j Tax Rate Description 4 IL: Fuji occupied Property Class ~ 1 2 3 1{)~t RF 0 Residential 940.1 Tax PIL Ra~io Full, ate Assessment7 $ ~.oooo [ ~oo ~ ,I , oj o.oooooo}. koWei:Tier / Singi~e Tier Special Area LevySUbt°tal'rotal[' Municipal PILS 12 $ 0 0 3, UpPer:Fiat special ~rea'Payments'ln-LieU irtformation Upper-Tier Special Area PIL: I GENERAL Pumose j RTQ Band Property Class Tax Rate Description 1 / 2 3 4 10tC~ RF 0 ~Residential ~IL: Full occupied 1.0000 i ;9601 ,82q .v o e,ndus, a, 9601 PIL Assessment 7 $ Tax Rate ! Municipal PILS 9 i 13 o.xxxxxx% i $ o o.oooooo J 'Subtotal upper-~ie¢s~ecial Area PIL: [ ..... Oth ........ tes J Waste I PIL Tax Rate Description Assessment Tax9Rata 4 7 $ 0.xxxxxx% JPIL: Full occupied 153.019,957 J 0.041407 PIL: General only (no education) 1_0000 ! 100 35,467,198 J 0.041407 PIL: FuJI occupied %0000 j 100 2.306,000J 0.1122251 PJL: Full occupied 1.0000 I 100 I 45.548,417 0.061361 PIL:G ..... ' only (no education)1.0000 100 i 3,592,663i 0.061361! PIL: General vacant land (no educ 1.0000 j 100 i 1,049.570t 0.0,~-953 PIL: Full occupied i .0000 i 100 15 740,020 0.095070 rlL: FulJ occupied 1,0000i 100, 9,871,350! 0.093572I ~PIL: General only (.o education) 1.0000i 100 4,08e.575 ! 0.093572 j iPtL: Vacant land 1.0000 100 5.600i 0.060822j PIL: General vacant land (no edud 1.0000 J 100 j 2,707,500 0.060822 OiL: Full occupied 1.0000 100 j 28,438,855 0.149645 j mlL: Vacant units and excess lanI 1.0000 J 100 I 1,806.700J 0.097269 ' i SubtOtal : Upper-T er Spec al Area P L T Tax J Percent of Rustle Full6Rata %0000 j 100 Municipal PILS 13 $ 63,361 14.686 2.588 27,949 2,204 451 14.964 g,237 3,824 3 1,647 42,557 1,757 185,228 185,228 PAYMENTS-IN-LIEU OF TAXATION (Special Charges) · Staging Da~.Area- 45 Schedule 24_spc ; 1801 i 10102 Picketing C Forthe year ending December 31st. 2000 MunCode MAH Code MunicipaJit.v MunJcJoal PILS iI Lower/Single Upper Education Tier Tier PILS 12 13 14 $ $ TOTAL 15 $ 4. Supplementary Payments-in.Lieu Total of all supplementary. PILS fSupps, Omits, Section 444 9799 5. 7oral Payments-in-Lieu Levied by'fax Rate TOTAL PILS Levied by 'fax Rate 9910 6, Amounts Adde~ to Payments-in-Lieu Local improvetaer45 8C05 Sewer and water service cl~arges 8'.1L Sewer end water connection charges 80 ! 5 Fire service charges 8020 Municipal drainage charges 8030 Waste management collection charges 5335 Business improvement area 8340 Railway rights-of-way 8(~5 Utility transmission and ulilify corridors 8050 Please specify 8097 Please specify 8098 SubtotaJ 9899 7. Tetal Payments-in-Lieu Levied 136,762 i 286,743 550,988i 974,493] '1,72t,212' 3.589,389 4.'33?;468[ 9;648~06~ t 0 0 OI 0 O O, 0 0 0 O; 01 0 0 Oi 0 0 0 0 0 O; 0 0 0 O; 0 g o 1.449.570 498.860 0i 1,948,430 O 0 0 0 0 O0 0 1,449,57D; ;498,860: 1¥948,430 TOTAL PILS Levied ;caE,.~ 3.170,782' ,4;088,249 . 4;33L~68 { 11;596,'4991 PAYMENTS-IN-LIEU of TAXATION Schedule 24_sum t .1 8Q,1 Forthe yearend~ December31st 2000 MunCode Mort 27-Aug-2001 19:26 FRllgZR ;l 1:0~t02' ~ickerin§ C .... I MAH Code Municipality Staging Data Area General P.urpose, Payments-ln-Lieu: Summarized RTC ITa)c RTQ Band RF 0 RG 0 Property Class 3 Tax Rata D4escrlptiOrl IL: Full occupied IL: General only' (no educationl Tax RaUo $ Percent of' PIL Full Rate Assessment 6 1010~ Resldentia~ 0.0000 0 153.019,957 1028i ~esidenbal 9.0000 0 35.467.198 'I050~ MF 0 ~ulti-Residentla PIL: Full occua~ed 0.0000 0 2,306,000 PIL: Full occupied 0.0000 0 45.548,417 PIL: General only (no educatlonl 0 3,592.663 1219 CF 1229 CG 129~ CZ 131d GE t32~ DF 1519 IF 1520 IG IY 159~ IZ 161~ LF Commercial )Commercial iCommercial General vacant land [no educabon ~:>ar'king LO[ PIL: Full OCCUPied ~ce Building PIL: Full occupied Indusma PIL: Full Occupied InQus~TI81 PlL: General only (no educabon, ~ndust/ial ~IL: Vacant lano ~ndustrla PIL; General vacant land no eoucauon Large Inoustnal PIL: Full occue~eo 0.0000 P]L: vacant units end excess land I 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0 1.049.570 0.0000 0 62.000 0 0000 0 15.740.020 0.0000 0 9.871,350 0.0000 0 4.086.575 0.0000 i 0 5.600 0.0000 ~ 0 2.'707.500 i ( 28.438.855 0 Large mous[rla u 1,806.700 J ~0102 Pickering C PAYMENTS-IN-LIEU of TAXATION Schedule 24_sum 1801 Forthe year ending DecemDer 31sL 2000 MunCode MAH Coca Municipally, Staging Data Area Gener,fii Pur'Pose'Payments-in-Lieu: Summarized Tax Rates Municipal PILS Mort 27-Au9-2001 19726 FRqlaZR 47 RTC I Tax I RTQ1 I B~nd I 101~ RF 0 1028 RG 0 1050, MF 0 1210~ CF 0 1220~ CG O 1290~ CZ 0 Lower-tier Upper-tier Eauc-ation TOTAL (Single-tier) 8 9 10 11 0.xxxxxx% 0.xxx~c(x% 0.xx~xxx% 0.xxxxxx% Lower-tier Upper-tier 12 13 S $ Eeucation PILS 14 $ TOTAL 15 $ 0.354124 0.695741 C, z1400,2 1 464865 541,880 i06£,153 633,5031 2,2415-35!, 0.354124 0.696742 0.~30C3~' i 050865 125,598 247,115 9 372,713,1 0.959801i 1.888378 C 414;23,* 3.262159 22,133 43,548 9547 75,226 , 0.524776I 1032499 2.~14818 3672093 239027 470.287i 953,266~ 1,672.5807 1 0.524764 1.032493 C.030000 1,857275 18853 37.094, 0,; 55.947 0.367389~ 0.722772 0 O00000 1.090093 3,856, 7,585~ 0! 11,44211 I 1.032258 2,114518 3.672093 325 640i 2,276~ 13113 GF! 0 0.524194 0~- 0.813068 132 DF I 0 15101 IF! 0I 0.800245 %599718 8276615 5,68.0404 127,977 251,796 1,311i 895,513 521,261 j 1.574496 2935833 £.2805.52 78995 155,424 286,842I 0.800254 ! 1.574497 :CgOgC~, 2374744 32,703 64.343 01 97,046 0.517857 I 1017857 1892857 343235~ 29 57 1061 192 0.520148 i 1.023416 0C~30000 !54358z 14083 27709 0 1.279805 2.518023 4647132 8444~5~ 383,962 716.097 !.321,591~ ~59q-'~z i o i 0.831848 i %635741 3 020645 54~223 !5029 297' 54,574 41,792 2,401,650 99,174 9299 ~ TOTAL General Purpose PIL 1584450 3117415 3,786 480 8,488,3481 48 i TAXATION AND PAYMENTS-IN-LIEU SUMMARY Mort 27-A.g-2001 19~6 FR~ZR I Schedule 26_1 t ',i] ,!!01~2 ~iOkeringc, For the year ending December 31st, 2000 MunCode MAH Code Municipality Staging Data Area · Municipal and School Board Taxation Property Class Group Taxation and Payments-in-Lieu Summary 0010 Residential 0050 Multi-residential 0110 Farmland 0140 Managed forests 9110 0210 Commercial 0310 Parking lot 0320 Office building 0340 Shopping centre 9120 0510 0610 9130 0710 0810 9170 9180 ladustdal Large industrial Pipelines Other property classes Supplementary taxes Total levied by tax rate 9190 Amounts added to tax bill 9199 'Total before adjustments 9010 Legislated percsntage of education taxes distributed to each school board weighted and discounted Taxation and Payments-in-Lieu Summary 0010 Resldential 0050 Multi-residential 0110 Farmland 0140 Managed forests 9110 Subtota 0210 Commercial 0310 Parking tot 0320 Office building 0340 Shopping centre 9120 Subtota 0510 Industrial 0610 Large Industrial 9130 Subtotal 0710 Pipelines 0810 Other property classes 9170 Supplementaw taxes 9180 Total levied by tax rate 9190 Amounts added to tax bill 9199 Total before adjustments Total tsxes 3 4 559,656.3051 68,680,826I 84,1541015 7,007,250 105,548 388.974 i 5,858 Subtotal .¢,~651~206;544;~ i 69~39j968 529,449,032 13,240,9i8 1,874,905 7'854'093fl 0 197,874 27,813 272,801,9871 6,872,893 966,057 Subtota~ '810i~ 0571t121 :~.0 ;311~;~685 : 2,868;77.5 ~ 241,353,751 i ' 5,739,735 854,691 / 50,435,397[ 1,199,425 178,604 Subtotal ~91,789i:148/ 6;939,'1.60, : i1~03-3;295 22,909,8691 589,636 81,129 Oi 0 0 1,733,488 ! :327,782 255,970 : 99~869~90'r 1,047,736 { 57,975 2,013,682 5;979~7~2 1,71~I,549 372,288 2;153~837 169,108 0 683,742 '. 721,964 28,317 105,225 i22;428' Municipal taxes Lower I Education {single) Upper I taxes tier tier i 6 4 16,146 837 2 8,008 i 621,181 i 128, 6 I1 24.8141 51,724 29,010 11377 2,871 1.610 ~ 6~7~1~037~ ' 34;3~32i7~88t .19;036~143 English i French Total public i public 7 8 100.0000~ 71.024q .060( 3,908,115 7,457,898 0 112,086 3,893,154 ,.1'h46a;138 3,103,495 648,533 3;'Z52;:028 339,399 0 English Catholic 9 % 27.6060 French Catholic Other 10 11 1.3100{ .000( English public 7 $ French I English public i Catholic French Catholic Other 10 11 $ $ 14,446,707I 61,671i 4,273,662 109,4711 6681 17,456 25,921 1,290 O[ 3,086 lj 307 ii i;62;340 I. ! :~;294i511~i 94,9371 0 1~;583~89 5,296,897 4,475! 2,058,827 0 0 0 0 . 79,608 1,468 0 2,765,074 0 Of 0 67 [ 30,942 2,336 [ 1,074,744 ;6~878:r . : 3,d 64;513: 2,204,22.6 i 1,862 [ 856,751 460,614 389 179,034 2i66~,~840 , 2,25~ !;035;78~' 241,055 [ 2041 93,694 557,14~ 0 0 989 156,887 I!6~188~0:1~1; ~i66~1 18 745,390 86,953 ' 731 33,798 26~27~9641 ;72;735[ ' 8;779;,1;88i 951 :95,901 12 97,698 51,000 150;166 40,656 8,496 4,446 0 6,940 .'V306i6QT. 1,604 308;21t ol I TAXATION AND PAYMENTS-IN-LIEU SUMMARY Mort 27-Au9-2001 19:26 FR123ZRi Schedule 26_2 1801 I 10102 Pickering C :":' ' I Fo¢ the year ending December 31st, 2000 ['¢,ur~Cooe MAi- Cone Municipally' Staging Data Area~ 2. Payments-in-lieu of taxation Municipal PIL's Property Class Group weighted and PlUs discounted levmd 2 3 isinglel Upper tier tier 4 5 Education PlUs 6 %axation and Payments-in-Lieu Summary Residential 1010 188,487,155 2,692.296 667,478 1,391.315 633,503!! Multi-residential 1050 6.249,952 77,814 22,133 46,134; 9,547 Commerc4al Parking lot Office building Shopping centre industrial Large industrial Pipelines Other property classes Supolementary taxes Total levied by t~x rate Amounts added to tax bill 'Total before adjustments Subtotal Subtotal 9210 , 194~737,107: 2,7:~0~.110 ' 589,61.t 1,'437~4z~9 [ ~;050 1210 73.910.917 1,770,5-73 i 26! ,736 545,571 , 963,266 1310 91.878 2,276 325 640 1,311 1320 !340 §220 36.139,086 910,477 127.9/~7 0 0 0 110,141i881 i 2,683.326 390,038 266,760! 515,740 1510, 35.527,310; 675,002 125,810 262,244[ 286,948 1610 107,022,141 2.545,138 378.991 789,982~, 1,376,165 9230 142;549;451 i 3.?-20;140 1718 0 181o 0 i 9270 9280 447;~42J~;4391 ~29c, ~ 9299 i '447;z~28,439 504~$01 0 0 1;052:'226i '1;66¢3 ;1~I3 01 0 0 0 0, 01 974.493 136,762 286.743 55~988ii 9,648.069 1,72!;212 ~,589,389i 1.948,430 i ,449.570 498,860 11;596;499 ~; 170 i7--~,' 4~088,249;t 4i337,468 i' 4 337,46~; 5O !TAXATION AND PAYMENTS-IN-LIEU SUMMARY Mon27-Aug-2001 19:26 FR124ZR i Schedule 26_3 11 ~801:1 !~: ~1i0102 '~ieke~ing C : ~ ~ ' For the year ending December 31st, 2000 MunCode MAH Code Municipality Staging Data Area 3. Payments-in-lieu of Taxation - Distribution of Entitlements PIL's levied by h~X rate Source of PIL's Taxation and Payments-tn-Ltau Summary 5010 Canada 5020 Canada enterprises Ontario ~ The Municipal Tax Assistance Act 5210 Previously Exempl Properties 5220 Other Mun. '~ax Assistance Act PILS 52405230 TheotherMUnicipal Act (Sec. 157 - Heads and Beds) Ontario Enterprises 5410 Ontario Housing Corporation 5420 Etecthcal utilities 5430 Liquor Control Board cf Ontario 5440 Ontario Hydro Services Corporation 5450 Ontario Power Generation Corporation 5460 Other 5610 Municipal enterprises 5910 Other Municipalities, Enterprises 9599 TOTAL TOTAL 2 $ Municipal PIL's Lower Upper tier tier 3 4 $ $ Education PIL's 5 $ Adjustment to PIL's levied 6 $ 1,562,713 350,2751 730,125 482,313 21,418 3,011J 6,275 12,132 o 01 o o 279,708 90,123 187.85~ 1,73~ 0 0 1,301,424 326,527' 680,625 294,2721 46,134 77,814J 22,1331 of 13,840 2,747,695 4,242,373 4,487! 9,353 1,566,313I 617,40~ 01 0 0t 165,367 344,696 1,171,5941 1!i~4181579I :3,~4~637~1'~ii: i:~;035;8~;i 438,619 742,763 1,288,042 2,336,930 0i 661,531 Source of PIL's Taxation and Payments-in-Lieu Summary 5010 Canada 5020 Canada enterprises Ontario - The Municipal Ta~. Assistance Act 5210 Previously Exemp[ Properties ~- 5220 Other Mun. Tax Assistance Acl PILS 5230 The Municipal Act (Sec. 157 - Hea~s and Beds) 5240 Other Ontario Enterprises 5410 Ontario Housing Corporation 5420 Electrical utilities 5430 Liquor Control Board of Ontario 5440 Ontario Hydra Services Corporation 5450 Ontario Power Generation Corporation 5460 Other 5610 Municipal ~ntarpriaes 5910 Other Municipalities, Enterprises 9599 TOTAL P[L Enflttament after adjustment Municipal PIL'a Total I Lower J Upper tier tier 7 8 9 $ $ $ Education PIL's 10 $ 1,562,713 832,588 730,125 21,418 15,143 6,275 1,301,4241 369,739j 77,814! 22,133 Bi o 13,84DI 4,487 27476951 2,002,626 4,242,373 I 2,954,331 1,171,59~0 826,8910 46,134 1 9,54~ 9,35~ 0 0 742,7631 2,306 1,288,04~ 0 0 0 0 344,696 0 4~03586~l 26~9~3 0 Source of PIL's Distribution of Education PILs in column 10 by School Board English t French i English public public Catholic 11 ' 12 13 $ $ French Catholic 14 $ Other 15 $ Ontario Enterprises 5410 Ontario Housing Corporation 5420 Electrical ulilities 5430 Liquor Contro~ Board of Ontario 5440 Ontario Hydro Services Corporation 5450 Ontado Power Generation Corporation 5460 Other 5610 Municipal enterprises 5910 Other Municipalities, Enterprises 9599 TOTAL 5210 Previously Exempt Properties ~ 5220 Other Mun. Tax Assistance Act PILS 5230 The Municipal Act (Sec. 157 - Heads and Beds) 5240 Other 6,780 0 0 0 0 1,638 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,636 637 '7,2;580 12sI o; i 0 0 0 3~ i ~ Taxation and Payments-in-Lieu Summary 5010 Canada ~ ~ ~ 0 O 5020 Canada enterprises 0 0 Ontario -The Municipal Tax Assistance Act REVENUE FUND EXPENDITURES Schedule 40 1801 For the year ending December 31st. 2000 MuRCoae 10102 ~ickering C MAH Coae Municipality Salaries Net long wages and term debt employee charges benefits (interest) 1 2 Mort 27-Aug-2001 19:26 FR126ZR ..... Staging Data Are~r Contracted MaLeriais Services Revenue Fund Expenditures Generat govemment Members of ccuncd General govemmer~t suppod Corporate overhead Omar Subtotal Protection ser¥ices Fire PcJice Conservabon authority Protective insoecbon and control Emergency measures Please specify Subtotal Transportation services Roadways Wrater control Transit Parking Street lighting Air transportation Public Works Centre Subtotal Environmental services Sanitary sewer system Storm sewer system Waterworks system Waste collection Waste disposal Recydin9 Please specify Subtota; Health services Public health serv=ces Hospitals Ambulance s er~.q cas Cemetenes Please spemfy Subtotal Sociat and family services General assistance Assistance to abed persons Child care Please specify Subtotal Social Housing Recreation and cultural services Par~s Recreation programs Re~eabon facilities Libraries Cultural sepaces Please speci~ Subtotal Planning and development Planning end zonmg Commermal and industrial Residential development Agriculture and reforestation Tile drainagetshoreline assistance Please specify Sut~total Electricity Gas Telephone 0210 353,285 0 97,510~ 022C 3,625,192 662,541! 0230 0290 0299 266.688 4,245,165 [ 0~ 16,903 412,781 327,177 293,864f 477.107 194,561 5~4335; 0410 5.636,851 0 265.180 113,678 0420 0 0; 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0430 O44O 1.557.438 0 125.206; 458,315 o45o f939~ 0 3,589 0 0 0 D. 0 0498 0499 7,493.353 0 i 393;975! :57:1;993; 0610 0~20 0630 2,336.548 O640 0650 0660 0698 0699 925.717 O; 858,764 ' 46,218 I 264.490 0 429,282 ! 0; 817,180; 0 0 0, __ 0 0: 514.4771 0 0: 0 516,995 0 128.853; 90,380 4,D43.75D gl 2;748,558i 312,3431 081C 0820 0930 0 0 0! 0 '~32.245 0 214,641 i __ O 0 0' 0 0 10.990 ' 1,121,264 J 0 0 0 n-~ 0 0' 8,052 102,675 0 0' 0 0 132,245 0i 233,683I 1;230;542 0 0 0 0; O 0i 0 0_a-4C 0850 C560 9898 0697 !01o 1c2o o !C30 098 099 1210 0 0 0[ 0 1220 88,!96' 0 32.561 34,604 1230 O 0' 0 0 0, 0 0; 0 88,196 0 32,561 i 8z1~604 1298 1299 1499 0 0 g 0 1610: 1,001,067 0 483,471J 42,241 1620: 1,692,027 0 437,143 ! 78,329 1630 2,191,835 0~ 502,998 798,317 1640 2,099,711 gi 512,729j 160,254 !650 248,721 0 65,447 i 30,150 O 0 2'0D1~78O§ -~ 0 i 1 ;109,291 1696 1699 7,233,361 18101 1,068.127: 0 45,290 1820; 0 48,99~' 0 0 0 1830! 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ 45,290 , 48¢995 0j 0 0; 0 OI 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1840) 0l 1850 ~ 1898. 1899 ! . 3099 3299 3499 TOTAL 991C 24,304,197 Or 7,020,188i 4;225;87,Z 52 REVENUE FUND EXPENDITURES Mon 27-Aug-2001 19:26 FR126ZR Schedule 40 I' lSD.!: ilj :,10102~id~i'iQg C~':i~L : J : ' For the year ending December 31st, 2000 MunCode MAH Code Municipality Staging Dai.~"~rea Rents and financial expenses 5 External transfers Subtotal 7 Net tong term debt charges (principal) 8 Transfers to ow~ funds 9 functional I TOTAL ad.i ustments Expenditures 10 11 O210 0220 0230 0290 0299 0410 0420 0430 0440 O450 0499 0610 0620 467,698 I 0t 623 (467 698)1 623 4,858,515 0 440,835 (4 858 515) 4.4.0 535 1,498,7941 6 107,2~,t (~,498,794)I 107,2~ 671,6681 01 2 234 748 (671~668) 2,234,748 158,0011 611,06~ '769i066i/ : o~ 06lll o°i o°P 639,8~:° 3,1~,~11° 12,903[ 0 2,453,862 0 64008 0 0 1,83o,69911 706,97711 3,320,42~ 514,47~ 736,22811 309,1731 650,282 2 790,15.4 0 233,329 940,306 60 104 1,153,581 ] 4,534,112 oI ol 119,ooo 132,965 766,~2 oI ot o 80,572 (486 799) 330,001 0810 0820 0830 0840 0850 o[ oI o ol oI ot o 0i OI 353 489 I O! 100,0001 116,664J 570,153 0 ' i OI 0i 1132,254J: O[ Oj 292,6271 1,424,881 oi o oli o ot o o 01 0 110,7~i 0i 01 28,617I 139,~3.4 ol o oI o o o o 0~ . ;0:t ' ii596i470~ :i;::~ ~ 01./ ' 0860 0898 0899 1010 1020 °ol o : o o ~ °o ol : o , : , ~oi lO30j lO4O lO98 1099 121o 122o 123o 1298 1299 1499 88,882 88,8821 o 17,42~ 172,78~ O~ I 0 0 I ~ 05;3050, !26!~66~ i ~ 1620 574 1630 25,740 1640 13,42 1650 1698 1699 , i .~9i7~8 40,0230 1'526'7791 Z,248,0961 i 3,518,8901 2,786,118 344,318 589,4971 464,065t 2,580,341J 7,094f 581,013t ~836,203 1,135,4531 912,420t 5,566,763 386,8691 720,0631 3,893,050 ~9,5091 88,9881 - 482.815 o/ o~ o 1810 i 0 1820 0 1830 0 1840 100 1850I 1898 1899 3099 0 ~ 0 3299 0t 0 3499 ' 0 0 9910 825~866: 1~46;,~28 1,162,412 1,478,594 0 0 0 0 100 : 0 0 36~522;556 o; 15,761j 300,421 ot oI o oI of o  1 0 26 ol o/ 0 ~oj,': ~5;~6~1. :: ',3ooi~'~.: 126 0 0 0 0 0 ADDITIONAL REVENUE FUND INFORMATION Schedule 42 1BO1 10102 For the year ending December 31st, 2000 MunCode MAH Code pJckefing ;C Municipality Man 27-Aug-2001 19:25 FR127ZR t Staging Data Are~ 53 Total Df column I includes: Salaries ~",d wages Employee banefi[s 501g 5020 Subta~l 5099 Total of column 4 includes: Ontario Prupert¥ Assessment Corporation (OPAC) 5210 Total of columns 2 and B includes: Payments to Ontado in respect of Downtown RevitaJizabon Program ~oans ~4.10 Accrued interest (Enter amount only if changes to t~ accrual basis were mace ,q Lhls repo~n~ year 5420 Interest podion of transit debt charges (included on hne 0630i 5430 Total of column 5 includes: Shod tenm interest costs 5610 Total of column 6 includes: Grants to c~adtab!e and non-profit organizations 5810 Grants to un,varsities and cc4~eges 582© GT Transit 5830 Total of column 6 includes (Contributions to UNCONSOLIDATED joint local uoardsJ: Health unit 5840 District Social Services Administrabon Board (DSSAB) 5850 Consolidated Municipal Service Manager fCMSM) 5860 Homes for the aged 5870 Recreation boards 5880 Fire area boards 5890 Please specify 5897 Piease specify 5898 Total of column 11 includes: Payments for long term commitments and haDilities financed ~rom revenue abproved b'. DM5 cr 6010 Council (Exclude debt charges in columns 2 and 8 Line 0630 of column 11 includes: Conver~tional transit services 6110 Line 0810 of column 11 includes: Sanitar~ sewer collection Sanitary sewer treatment and disposal Line 0820 of column 11 includes: Storm sewer Collection Storm sewer treatment and dlsposat Subtotal Subtotal Subtotal Line 0830 of column 11 Includes: Water'worKs treatment Waterworks distribution 6210 6220 6299 6410 6420 6499 6823 20,899,525i 3,404,672! 24,304¢97j 53ol oi 0; oi 555,637i 104,574! 12,4961 O~ 3,941,504' 86.93] 54 CAPITAL FU ND OPEF~TIONS Men 27-^ug-2~0~ 19~26 .R126Za Schedule 50 Ir 7;1801: -,t ~0102~ ~ickering C .,, :, ~ For~eyearendi~ Decem~r31st, 2D00 MunCo~e MAH Coae Municipali~ Staging Data Area Capital Fund Oaerations Long term liabilities incurred Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) Ontario Financing Authority Commercial Area improvement Program Other Ootario housing programs Ontario Clean Water Agency (OCWA) Tile drainage and shoreline properly assistance programs Sedal debentures Sinking fund debentures Long term bank loans Long term reserve fund Jeans Please specify Grantsandloanforgiveness: Ontado Canada Other municipalities - Grants and fees Other revenue: Prepaid special charges Proceeds from sale of land Proceeds from sate of hydro utilities Proceeds from sale Df other capital assets Investment income from own funds Investment income from other Donations Developer Contributions/Donations Please specify Transfers From Own Funds To Capital Fund Contributions from revenue fund OontdbutJoe from reserves, reserve funds and deferred revenue Capital expenditures Transfers of proceeds from long term liabilities to: Other municipalities Unconsolidated local boards Individuals Transfers from capital fund t~ own funds Transfers to revenue fund Transfers to reserves and reserve funds Subtotal Subtotal Subtotal TOTAL Capital Fund Revenues TOTAL Transfers from own funds to capital fund TOTAL Sources of capital financing Subtotal Subtotal TOTAL Applications of capital financing Continuity of Capital Fund Operations Capital fund balance, beginning of year PLUS: Total Sources of Capital Financing (Schedule 50 9930 01) LESS: Total Applies[ions of Capital Financing (Schedule 50 9940 01) Capital fund balance, end of year Capital fund balance, end of year, reported in line 5090 is analyzed as follows: Unexpended capital financing LESS: Unfinanced capYml outlay Capital fund balance, end of year, reported in line 5090 is analyzed as follows (To be recovered from): Taxation or user charges within tem~ of council Proceeds from long term liabilities Transfers from reserves and reserve funds Please specify Capital fund balance, end of year Total of line 3099 includes: Short tern3 interest costs 1 02051 0210~ 0215i 02201 0225i 0230i 0235 f 0240 0245 i 0250 0298 0410 I 38,200; 0420 0499 0699 0810 0 0820 O 0830 0 0840 O 0850 0 0860 0 0870 0 0897 191,419 0898 0 0899 19~,419 9910 229¢619 2010 I 3,560,367 2020 i 2,996,492 9920 ~ 6~556;859 9930 :6~786;478 3099 I 11'462'470 3410( 12,910 3420 135,659 3499 148;569 9~0 : ~,6~1 039 5010 4,566,207 5020 6,786,478 5040 11,611,039 5200 4,165,595 5400 4,423,949 5410 0 5420 4,423,949 5430 0 5498 0 CAPITAL FUND FINANCING AND EXPENDITURES Mon27-^~2~1 19~6 FR~2~ZR Schedule 52 , 1801 i 10102 iIPickefing C ~ ':,: ;,i 'i .. ~ For me year endir~j Decem~r 31sL 2000 ~u~Cooe MAN Coae Municipally Staging Data Are 55 Sources of Capital Fund Financing and Expenditures General government Protection services Fire 0410 Police 0420 Conservation authority 0430 Protectwe inspec~on and control 0440 Emergency measures 0450 Please specfly 0498 Subtotal 0499 Transportation services ROadways 0610 Winter control 0620 ?ransit 0630 Parking 0640 Street lighting 0650 Air lranspodation 066C Pubtic Works Centre 069E Subtotal 0699 Sanitary sewer system 0810 S[om~ sewer system 0820 Waterworks system 0630 Waste collection 0840 Waste disposal 0850 Recycling 0860 Piease specify 0896 Subtotal 0899 Contribubons from own furies Capital grants 2 3 4 0299: 548.712 167.777 199.577 400.000 0 0I 0 0 0' O 0 0 0 64,008 0 0, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 263:585 400.000 OJ 309.173 974.464 0 0 o o o; o 60.104 145.000 0 '19.000 0 80.572 568;8,49 0 10C OOO 0 o o o o 100.000 Health services Public health services ~ 01 ~J D 0 0 0] hospitals 1 Ambulance services Cemeteries Please specify 1 s~bto~l Social and family services General assistance 121 ~ 0 0 0 Assistance to aged persons i Z27 0 O 0 ' Child care ' 23~ 0 0 0 Please specify 1298 0 D 0 Social Housing Recreatioe and cultural services Parks RecreaUon programs Recreation facitities Libraries Cultural services Please specify Planning and ,development Planning eno zoning Commercial and industrial ResidentJal development Agncutture and retorestation Tile drainage/shoreline assistance Please specJfy Subto~l Subtotal Subtotal TOTAL Ele~nci~ Gas Telephone 1299 1499 dj 0 0 0 589 497 749.637 38.200 0 7.094 0 0 0 1610 1520 1630 1.030 492 0 0 0 386.869 556.000 0 0 49.509 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1640 1650 1698 1699 2.063.461 1.305:637 1810 1620 1830 1540 1850 1898 1899 3099 3299 3499 15.760 3,614 o o 0 0 0, 0 o o ' 15,760 3;614 o o 0 0 0 0 991£ 3,560,367 2,996;492 56 CAPITAL FUND FINANCING AND EXPENDITURES Mon 27-Aug-2001 19:26 FR129ZR! Schedule 52 I 1801 I !' ~102 '~!skering C ':: ' a,Are~a, ForfheyaarendingDecemper31st, 2000 MunOode' MAH Code Municipality " ........... staging D;t Sources of Capital Fund Financing and Expenditures General government Protection services Fire Police Conservation authority Protective inspection and contror Emergency measL~es Please specify Subtotal Transportation services Roadways Winter control Transit Parking Sireet lighting Air transportation Public Works Centre Subtotal Environmental services Sanitary sewer system S~orm sewer system Waterworks system Waste collection Waste disposa~ Recyding Please specify Subtotal Health services Public health services Hospitals Ambulance services Cemelenes Please specify Subtotal I Social and family services General assistance Assistan(~e to aged persons Child care Please specEy Subtotal Social Housing Recreation and cultural services Parks Recreation programs Recreation facilities Libraries Cultural services Please specify Subtotal Ptenning and d~elopment Planning and zoning Commercial and industrial Residential development Agriculture and retorestabon Tile drainage/shoreline assistance Please specify Subtotal Electricity Gas Telephone TOTAL Otter Capital Municipalities ~ Other financing Expenditures 6 i 6 ! 7 0299[ el el 611,967] g4~o I or or 0 604'1021 0420I 0 0430 0~ 0 0440 0 ~ 0 55,0 04501 0 0 0498 0 0 0499 i!:01111 D '659;~10j 0610 10 0620 001 130,74 2,151,703 0630 I 01 5,000 117,0941 064O 0650 0660 0698 0699 o61ol 01 o 0 o62o,~ ~ o ,sz,o~ 0830 ¢ 0 ! o84o[ o! et oi o6~o I o o' o l 0860 I 0 0 0 ~ 0898 i ~ oi ~ o599 ol . 1040 1098 1099 1210! 1230J 1299 1499[ 1610i oI 48,~ot 3,~6,~1 16201 °i 9] 9,~5~ ~83o oI ~,0001 2,o~,~ooI 1650 19,307r 1698 0t 01 0J 1810 1820 1830 1840 1850 1898 1899 3099 3299 3499 9910 o[ o ' ...... ' 0i , ...... o oI o 0 0 0 CONTINUITY OF RESERVES & RESERVE FUNDS Schedule 60 1891 ! 10102 Pickering C For the year ending December 31sl, 2000 Murh.~ode MAH Code MunJoJpalJt~ 27-Au;-2001 19:26 FR130ZR Staging Data Area Continuity of Reserves and Reserve Funds Balance, beginning of year Revenues Contributions from revenue fund Contributions from capital fund Revenues: Development Charges Act Non-discounted services Discounted services Lot levies Subdivider contribubons Recreational land (the Planning Act) Revenues: Investment income Fram own lunds . From other ContdbutJons/Donabons Please specdy Please specify Please specify Expenditures ] ransferred ta capital fund ] ransferred to revenue fund Charges for tang term Itabilities - ormcmal and mteres Please specify Ptease specify Please specify Subtatal Development Charges Act TOTAL Revenues To~i Expenditures Balance, end of year 'fotals in fine 2099 are analysed ss fohows: WorKing funds Contingencies Ontario Clean Waler Agency (OCWA) fund for renewal~ e~: Se¢.~- Ontario Clean Water Agency (OCWA~ fund for renewals, el: Wa:e' Replacement of equipment S~ok leave Insurance Warkplace Safety and Insurance Board 0.%SIB Post-employment benefits Yotals in line 2099: Current purposes General govemmenl Protection services Transportation services: Roadways 'rransportafion services: Transit Environmental services: Sanitary sewer system Envirof~mental services: Storm sewer system Environmental services: Waterworks system Environmental services: Waste callection Environmental services: Waste disposal Health services Social end family services Social Hausing Recreation and cultural services: Parks Recreation ar'cd cultural services: Re.cation fadiibes Recreabon and cultural services: MPrsnes Planning and development Other end unspecified 0299 ,.3410 0420 0610 062? O699 08i0 0826 OB30 Obhgatoo' r~serve runes Discretionary Deferred revs reserve funds 1 2 $ $ O 0 2,339,710} 11,201 124,458[ 2.314,253 0 '2;314,~5: 0 {4,882 114,400 0840 455,613 92,426 085O 99,876~ 0895 o 50,067[ 08~ o; 0 0897 0 O 0 0898 0 0 9910 2,990~61~ 266~951 2,339,7'!0] I01c 2.515.040 8,500 472,9521 io£~ 0 0 2,948.51111 1030 O O OJ 1096 0 O~ O~ i 097 0 0: 13~E O 0 9928: 2,51 5,040 2os~ 11,462,364i 2,498,397i 7,357,01oj 5010 5020 5039 5050 5070 5080 5090 5205 5210 5215 522O 5225 5230 5235 5240 5245 5250 5255 5260 5265 5270 5275 5280 5290 0 i 400,000 0 1,812~,-,-,-,-,-,-,-~ O, 0 2, 0 531.139, , o 0 0i' J 0I 494,410 01 0 01 o! o! o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0, 0 0 1,965,000 57 55 CONTINUITY OF RESERVES & RESERVE FUNDS Moo 27-Aug-2001 19:26 FR130ZR Schedule 60 For the year ending December 31st, 2000 MunCode MAH Code Municipality Staging Data Area Obligatory I I reserve funds Discretionary Defer'~d revs reserve funds Reserves 1 2 3 $ $ r $ Totals In line 2099: Capital purposes General govemment Protection services Transportation services: Roadways Transportation services: Transit Environmental services: Sanitary sewer system Environmental services: Storm sewer system Environmental services: Waterworks system Environmental services: Waste collection Environmental services: Waste disposal Health services Social and family services Social Housing Recreation and cuffura[ services: Parks + Recreation and cultural services: Recreation facJlifies RecreatJon and cultural services: Libraries Planning and development Other and unspecified Totals in line 2099: Obligatory reserve funds / Deferred revenue Development Charges Act: Non-discounted services Development Charges Act: Discounted services Lot tevies Subdivider contriPut]ons Recreational land (the Planning Act} Parking revenues Debenture repayment Exchange rate stabilization Please specify Please specify TOTAL 54~ ~10 ~15 ~20 54~ ~35 5440 5.445 54~ 5~0 ~65 ~70 5475 ~80 54~ 56t0 5620 5630 5640 5650 5660 5670 5680 5697 5698 9930 7,586 0 3,875,813 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6D,789 262,569 0 b- 2,155,039' CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL POSITION Schedule 70 18ol For the year ending December 31st. 2000 MunCooe N'on 27-A~g-2001 19:26 FR131ZR 10102 ,p4ckering C MAH ,Code K.lunicicaiit5 Staging Data Area Financial Assets Cash and temporary inYestments Accounts receivaDle Canada Ontanc Uoper tier Other municipalities Yaxes receivable OurTent year's levies Previous year's levies Pnor yea¢s levies Penalties and inlerest Less: Allowance for uncollectables Other financial assets investments * Canada investments * Ontario Investments * Municipal investments ' Government business eqtemnsss investments * Other N ores receivabJe Mortgages receivable Debt recoverable from others Deferred taxes receivable Other Physical assets inventories of materials and supplies Liabilities: Temporary loans Current purposes Capital purposes: Canada Capital purposes: Ootario Capital purposes: Other Liabilities: Accounts payable and accrued liabilities Canac, a Omano Upper-0er Other municipati0es School boards Intelest on debt Trade accounts payable Other Liabilities: Deferred revenue Obtigator~ Other Liabilities: Long t~rm liabilities Debt issued Debt payabie to others Liabilities: Post employment benefits Subtotal Subtotal TOTAL Financial assets TOTAL Physic. al assets TOTAL ASSETS Suctc~L Subto~l SuDtota[ Subtotal 0299 6,882,025 O8O5 0810 0815 0820 0828 0835 0840 0845 O85O 0890 0899 0410 285,668] 0420 23,485/ 0430 1,185,76.~.~ 0440 0450 136,950 049o 807,5461 0499 2,439~409 0610 5,215,003I 0620 1,848,492 0630 593,067 0640 0690 5,000 0699 0 1.000.0001 28.771.851 16.163.335! 25.069.000 0 233,56~ I 71,2.37,.7;551 9910 [ 1010 263.580 9920 263,580 993O 89.210.597 2010 0 2923 ~q 2333 D 2040 0 2099 ~ 2210 0 222. O 0 2230 22,651 224O 9,000 2250 438.638 2260 [ 0 2270 4,361,089 ~9oI 2,882,029 2299 7,~07) 2410 [ 11,462,364 2490 6,484,488 2499 . 17¢946;852 2620 2699 59 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL POSITION Mon27-Aug-2001 19;26 FR131ZRI 6O Schedule 70 For the year ending December 31st, 2000 Accumulated sick leave Accrued vacation pay Accrued pensions payable Accrued Workplace Safely and insurance Board 0/VSIB) claims Employee Benefits Payable Fund balances: Revenue fund General revenue Fund balances: Revenue fund: Special charges and special areas Please specify P~ease specify Please specify Fund balances: Revenue ~uod: Local boards Please specify Transit operations Water operations Sewer operations Libraries Cemeteries Recreation, community centres and arenas Business improvement area Please specify Please specify Please specify Please speci~ Equity in govemmeRt business enterprises Fund balances: Capital fund balance Fund balances: Reserves and Reserve funds LESS: Amounts to be recovered tn future years Long term liabilities Post employment benefits Interest Please specify Market value of Investments included in lines 0805 to 0828 Subtotal TOTAL LIABILITIES Subtotal TOTAL Fund balances Subtotal Municipal Position TOTAL Liabalties and Municipal Position 1 2810 0 2820 0 2830 2840 0 2898 135,217 2899 ~35;21'7 9940 25,795i476 5010 112,434 5026 ! d 5027 i 0 5028 0 5029 0~ 5030 5035 0 504O 0 5045 0 5050 5055 506O 5O76 0 5O77 O 5078 O 5079 0 5080 53,840,851 5099 ; i 53;953;285 5299 (258,354) 5499 9,855,407 9950 ~3;550i~38~ 5610 0 5620 135,217i 5630 OI 5690 5699 135,21;7 6099 63;415,~21 9960 89,210;597 8010 17,163,335 CONTINUITY OF TAXES RECEIVABLE Schedule 72 1801 For the year ending December 31aL 2000 Mutq~o(]8 Men 27-Au9-2001 19:26 FR132.ZR 10102 MAH picketing C Munic~[}ali~, staging Data/~rea Continuity of 'Taxes Receivable '[axes receivable, beginning of year PLUS: Amounts added to tax bills for collection purposes PLUS 'Tax amounts levied in the year (Schedule 26 9199 05 LESS: lotal cash collections (Scheaule 72 0699 09, LESS: 'Fax adjustments before allowances (Schedule 72 2899 LESS: Tax adjustments not applied to taxation (Schesu!e 7£ 4999 09 Taxes receivable, end of year Cash Collections Current yeaYs levies , Previous yeacs levies Penalties and interest Amounts added to lax bills for collection purposes 9 0210! 8,969,716] O2151 2,013,284 ! 02-20i 99.669,9971 0~40~ 400,062,947 0250[ 2,202,132 0260~ 0 0290i 8,387,828 0610 92,857,817 06201 5,776,647 0630 r 1,217,9o9 0640 r 210,574 TOTAL Cas~ Collections 06991 .100i062~947 ¸61 Tax Adjustments appiied to Taxation Section 421 of the Municipal Act 1010 Secbon 441 of the Municipal Act 1020 Sectzop 442 of the Muniopal Ac', 1030 Subtotal 1099 Dtscounts allowed 1299 Reductions and Refunds under Tr~e Municipal Elderly Residents' Assistance Act Reeuctlons 1410 ,~eiunds 1420 Subtotal 1499 Taxes cancelled for Iow raceme seniors and disabled persons (various Acts including section 373 of the Municipal Act) Cancellations 1810 Other 1690 Subtotal 1699 Rebates to commercial and industrial properties (section 442.2 of the Municipal Act) Corn mercial properties 1810 Industrial properlies 1820 Subtotal 1899 i Rebates to eligible charities Section 442.1 of the Municipal 2099 ! Act Other taxation reductions 28901 Tax adjustments before 2899 allowances LESS: Tax adjustments applied to allowances for doubtfut English ; French English French Public Public Catholic Catholic Other 1 2 3 4 5 TOTAL 6 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 63%321 1.634 198,140 9,142 631.321, 1,634i 196,149: 0 Ol 0 0 0i ~1 0 01 0 0 0~ o¢ o el 0 gl gl ' o o o o o o ~1 0 0 0 0 0 0[ 0 01 0 0 0[ :840;230'~ 531,321 1;834:! 198,140 9,1421 01 2910 TOTAL Tax Adjustments 2999 ~ applied to Taxation Tax Adjustments Not applied to Taxation Tax sale, tax registration Tax Deferrals for Jew income 4210~ 373 of the Municipal Act) School Tax Recovery (10-5-5) 4~10i Net impact of 10-5-5 Program 4420! Other non-taxation reductions 4890 i Tax Adjustments Not applied 4999 ! to Taxation Additional Information Recovery of Tax Deferrals 6010 ! EnUtlement of Scho¢ Boards 631.321, I 6341 198,140 9,fl42i 0I 840;2371 4010 0, ol o o 01 ~J o oi o 0 "0 0 gl 0 0 0 gl 0 o o OI 0 0 O~ el 0 1 34,857,7 70101 25,830,374 71,259! 6,653.628 302,5'~3 CONTINUITY OF TAXES RECEIVABLE 62 For the year ending December 31s[, 2000 Men 27-Aug-2001 19:26 FR132ZR Schedule 72 i ~ ~IIB01 : t :'10102 ' :rick6Hng c MunCode MAH Code Municipality staging Data Area Lower Upper TOTAL Tax Tier Tier Adjustment ~ 7 8 9 10101 01 0 0 ,020 °1 °i o 1030 622,6971 739,198 / 2,202,132 1099 622;697 . '739/~98] 2,202;I32 1299 Q I 0 ~,~o~ o~ o/ o ~ 820 0 0 ? 0 1899 , ~] ;O~ , 2099 ' ;'O .: :~D 2890] "' 0~' 0~ ' ~ 2899 ~o{ ' ~ .......... ~ 2999 4010 ~ 0 421ol 01 O[ 0 4890{ Ol ~o~o~ ol o{ ~ 7010 ] Tax Adjustments applied to Taxation Section 421 of the Municipal Act Section 441 of the Municipal Act Section 442 of the Manicioal Act Subtotal Discounts allowed ' Reductions and Refunds under The Municipal Elderly Residents' Assistance Act Reductmns Refunds Subtotal Taxes cancelled for Iow income seniors and disabJed persons (various Acts including section 373 of the Municipal Act) Cancellations Other Subtotal Rebates to commercial and lndustrtaJ properties (section 44Z.2 of the Municipal Act) Commercial properties industrial properties Subtotal Rebates to eligible charities Section 442_1 of the Municipal Act Other taxation reductions Tax adjustments before allowances LESS: Tax adiustrnents applied to allowances for doubtful accounts TOTAL Tax Adjustments applied fo Taxation Tax Adjustments Not applied to Taxation Tax sale, tax regisb-alion accounts TS× Deferrals for Iow income seniors and disabled persons (various Acts including section 373 of the Municipal Act) School Tax Recovery (10-5-5) Net ~mpact of 10-5-5 Program Other non-taxation reductions Tax Adjustments Not applied to Taxation Additional Information Recovery of Tax Deferrals Enlitlement of School Boards LONG TERM LIABILITIES AND COMMITMENTS ScheduLe 74 : 1801 : 10102 For the year endmg December 31sL 2000 ~,'~UR~,OQ8 MAH Co~e Mon 2T-Aug-2001 19:26 FR133ZR Pickering C Municipality' Staging Data Area 1, Debt burden of the municipality All ouLs[andmg debt issued by the municipality, p~'edecessc? municleahbes ant ccnsoi~dated edt;ben T." Ontar'.o eno epenc~es Ail oL~tstandlng debt issued by the municipality, predecessor muolC:OaJtt~es ere ooRs©hoatec enbbes Ts Canada end a~encres 4JI outstanding debt issued by the municipality, predecessor muoJc:DalitJes and consolidated endbes Tc c~ers Subtotal PLUS: All debt assumed by the muni¢il~allty from others LESS: All debt assumed Dy others: Ontario LESS: ~11 debt assumed by others: School boards LESS: All debt assumed by others: Other mudfuipalitles LESS: Ontario Clean Water Agency (OCWA) debt reUrement lunds - sewer LESS: Ontario Clean Water Agency (OCWA) cebt retirement funds - ',*,ate: LESS: Owr~ sinkin9 funds {actual balances! - general municipal LESS: Own sinking funds (actual ba~anses) - enterprises and other 2. Debt burden of the municipality - Anatysed by debt instrument Sinkmg fund debentures ms[ailment (serial! debentures Lon9 term bank loans Lease purchase agreements Mortgages Ontario Clean Water Agency (OCWA) Long term reserve fund loans Please specify 3. Debt burden of the General government Protection services Transportation services Transportation services Environmental services Environmental services F- nvlronmental services Environmental sen'ices Environmental services Health services municipality - Analysed dy func~mn Roadways Transit Sanita~, sewer svstern Storm sewer ers;err Waterworzs synton Waste colleot~er Waste dlspOSa: Social and family services Social Housing Recreatiod and cultural services Recreabon and cu~tura~ services: Recreahon faciliUes Recreation and cultural services: Libranes Planning and development Electricity Gas Telephone Other long term liabilities 0210, O 022O 0 0230: 0 04991 927,000 0610i 0 0620[ 0630: Subtoml 0699[ 0810; 08201 Subtotal 0899 b lOlOL 1020i Subtotal 1099L TOTAL Debt burden of tqe municipaliby 9910i TOTAL Debt burden of toe municipality TOTAL Debt burden of tqe municipality, 4, Debt payable in foreign currencies (net of sinking fund holdings) U.S dollars - Canadian dollar equ~vaient incJuded In line 9910 a~ove U.S dollars - par va~ue m 'U.S. dollars' O~her currency - Canadiar dollar equivalent included in ~ine 9910 adore Other CUfTency - par va~ue in: Please speci~ currency 5. interest earned on sinking funds and on debt rebrement funds dunn9 toe year Own funds Ontario C!ean Waler Agency (OCWA~ fund for renewals, et:.: Sewe- Ontario Clean Water Agency (OCWA~ fund for renew'a!s, ets: Wa[e: 1210~ 0'~ 1220r 927,000; 1230 1240 0 1250 0 1260 O 1298 9920i ! 405 0 !410 O !415 0 1420 O 1425~ 0 ~ 430 O 1435 0 1440: 0 1450 0 1455i 0 14601 1465i 1470 1475 1480 i 0 1485 ! 927,000 1487[ 1490; 9930i 927i000 t 620 0 183o: 0! 1640 0 18201 63 64 LONG TERM LIABILITIES AND COMMITMENTS Schedule 74 1~1801 I 10102 For the year ending December 31st, 2000 MunCode MAH Code Men 27-Aug-2001 19:26 FP. 133ZR i ~iCke¢ing C , ' ! Municipality 6, Details of sinking fund balance Value of own sinking fund debentures issued and outstanding at year end Total contributions to own sinking funds Total income earned from investments of sinking funds' monies Balance of own sinking funds at year end Estimated total future contdbutinns from this municipality required to meet obligations in tine 2010 above Estimatert total future income eamed from investments in lines 2199 and 2210 above 7. Long term commitments at year end Hospital support Universify suppod Leases and other agreements Capital equipment, land acc~uisition Please specify Please specify Please specify TOTAL 20101 !t~ 211o[ 21201 221ot 2220[ 2410! 0 2420! 0 24301 17,82~ 2496[ 0 2497~ 0 24g~L .__o 8. Contingent liabilities Pending or threatened litigation 2610 Retroactive wage setUements 2620 Guarantees of long term indebtedness in the name of the municipality but assumed by 2630 o(her5 Outstanding loans guaranteed Please specify IS value in Number of years column 2 payable over estimated? ,3 (Y or N) I Value 2 N 2640 r N TOTAL o] 9. Ontario Clean Water Agency Provincial Projects Water projects - For this Municipality onty Water projects ~ Share of integrated project(s) Sewer projects - For this Municipality only Sewer projects - Share of integrated proiect(s) 2810! 28201 26301 2840] Total Accumulated outstanding surplus capital Debt deficit obligation charges 1 2 3 ol o[ o O0 O; 0 0 0 10, Debt Charges for the current year Recovered from the Consolidated revenue fund Recovered from reserve funds Recovered from unconsolidated entities: Electhcity Recovered from unconsolidated entities: Gas Recovered from unconsolidated entities: Telephone Please specify Please specify Une 3099 includes: Lump sum (balloon) repayments of long term debt 3010 3020 3030 3040 3050 3097 3098 TOTAL 3099 3110 Principal 1 $ Interest 2 545,000 0 545;000 0~ 01 115,29ij LONG TERM LIABILITIES AND COMMITMENTS Schedule 74 i 18Ol 10102 For the year eridmg December 31st, 2000 MunCoae MAH Cooe ;'don 27-Au9-2001 19:26 FR133ZR ~Jckering C Municipaiib,., Staoing Data Area 65 11, Future principal and Interest payments on EXISTING Year 2001 3210 Year 2002 3220 Year 2003 3230 "rear 2004 3240 ¥ea r 2005 3250 Years 2006 to 2010 3260 Years 2011 onwards 3270: Interesf to be earned on sinking funds 3280 Downtown revitalization program 3290 TOTAL 3299i Recovered from the Recoverable from consoticletea revenue fund reserve funds Pnn~pal Interest Principal interest o o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O' OI 0 0 0 01 0 o: o: : O! 11. Future principal arid Interest payments on EXISTING debt 'rear 2001 3210 599.000 Year 2002 3220 328.000 'rear 2003 3230, 0 tear 2004 3240 0 "ear 2005 3250 0 ~, ears 2006 to 2010 3260 0 t ears 2011 onwards 3270 0 interest to be earned on sinking funds 328U -- 0 Dowrltowrl revitalization program 3290 0 TOTAL 3299: 927,000 unconsolidated entities eli others Prlnc~Da interest Principal Interest 5 6 7 8 59,539 0 0[ 15,170 0 0 o 0 0 0i o o, _o1 O O O! 0 0 0 74.799 0' 0~ Principal interest 1 2 $ 12. Long term debt refinanced: Re3ayment of Proviac4al Spec4al Assislence 3410 0 0 Other Iorcc term debt refinanced 3420 0 0 ~13. Other notes (please forward supporting schedules as reoulred, 36101 3620l 3630 ' 3640 i 3650i 3660! 3670; 36801 3690 STATISTICAL INFORMATION Schedule 80 F0r the year ending December 31st, 2000 Mort 27-Aug-2001 19;26 FR134ZR MunCode MAH Code Municipality Full-time t Part-time Funded Funded Poeitions Positions Staging Data Are~, 1. Municipal workforce profile Administratir.~n Fire Police Transit Public Works Health services Homes for ~he aged Other Social Services Parks ann recreation Libraries Plannin9 Other TOTAL Proportion of workforce covered i~y ColtectiYe Agreements (%) Seasonal Employees 3 2. Tax Due Dates for 2000 (Lower-tier municipalities Onlyl) tntedm Bitiings Final Billings 0205 0210 0215 0220 0225 0230 0235 0240: 0245 0250 0255 0290 0299 0300 29! 3i 0 91,41611 601 0 123,136 oI o 0i 0 0[ 0 0 50J 153 226,216 s2j ~2I 3441 ~1~1 153 i 90 I 100 of Installments # 1 First Installment Due Date DD-MON-YYYY 2 95,004 40,040 131,560 900;292 Last Installment Due Date DD-MON-YYYy 3 041o! O42O I 2] 25-FEB~2000 26-APR-2000 3i 29-JUN-2000 13-OCT-2000 3. Selected investments of own sinking funds as at December Own sinking funds Own Municipality 1 $ municipalities school boards 2 Provincial 3 $ Federal 4 $ STATISTICAL INFORMATION Schedule 80 [~ .'1801 ~ 10102 Pickerin§ C For the year endlng December 31st, 2000 MunCoae MAR Cooe Munisipaiity 4. Consolidated Local boards including Joint local boards and local entities set up by t_qe municipality. Mo¢, 2?-Aug-2001 192.6 FR134ZR Staging Data Area Name of Board or Entity Code Board Description 1 ! 2 3 Municipality's consolic~ated ; contrtbLrtions 4 5 % $ Municipality's share of tot:a[ fee raven ue 6 I)Proportionally consolidated Local cards including Joint local boards andl lall local entities set up by the ~unicipailty [1[) Fully consolidated Local boards including Joint local boards and all ~local entities set up by the municip~ 6? STATISTICAL INFORMATION Schedule 80 ~ 'r ~ 1 8~1 ~] [~,t [ 10102 For the year ending December 31st, 2000 MunCode MAH Code ~Pickering C Moa 27-Aug-2001 19:26 FR1:34ZR { Municipality Staging Data Area 5. Municipal procurement this year Total construction contracts awarOed Construction cootracts awarqed et $100,000 or greater 1010 1020 Number of Value of con t3"ac'ts contract~ I 2 11i 7,901,909 8 i 7,670,503 6. Building permit information Residential properties Multi-Residential properties All other property classes Subtotal Number of building permits 1 Total value of building permits 2 $ Square meters of new construction 3 m 1210 3021 54,164,979 ! oj 1220 29~ oj 1230 72,218,015 i 69,858 1299 : ~ '5~j '126 $82~9,4[ b69~858 7. Insured value of physical assets Buildings Machinery and equipment Please s pech'y Subtotal 1410 ! 86,105,100 1420 10,813,500 1498 i 0 1499L 96~9tB;600 1601 1602 1603 1604 1605 16061 1607j 1608/ 1609 1610 Municipal Service 1 Fir40 Li2ne B. Alternate service delivery arrangements - Municipal se~/ices ~vhich the municipality currently ~rovides through same form of alternate service delivery: {List top 10 ~3y Operating Expenditures) J i Functional heading from schedule 40 3 Operating Expenditure 4 $ o Comments 5 MUNICIPAL USER CHARGES ;Schedule 82 For the year ending December 31st, 2000 Municipal User Charges General govemmen[ Protection services Conservation authadty Protective inspecbon and control Please specify "f ransportation services Roadways Street lighting /:,Jr t~ansportation Please specify Waste collection ~,~aste disposal Recycling Please specify Health services PubJic health services Hospitals P~ease specify Social and family services Child care Please specify Socia[ Housing Recreation and cultural services Parks Recreebon programs Libraries Cuifurai servmes Please specify Planning and development Planning and zoning Commermai and industrial Residential development Agriculture and reforestation Tin drainage/shoreline assistance Please specify. E~ectricity Gas Telephone TOTAL 1801 10102 piCkering C MunCode MAH Cooe Mumcipatity ~ Percent I User fee Men 27-Aug-2001 19:26 FR135ZR User fees aha service charges ' change /from schedule 12 Previous year Current year 4 Elim=2 6 C29S 04!5 0420 0432 C~5C 0610 0622' 0640 0650 0660 069¢ 0823 0~80 0840 0553 lOlO lO20 lO3b lO4[ lO98 1210 1220 1230 1296 1499 1610 162o 163o 164o 1650 1698 181o 182o 1830 184o 185o 1898 3099 3299 3499 9910 482,522:, 374,085 - 22.4~ O Change Change Transfer in user in amnt Of fee i of service ct]arge !~, usage [ inc=l [ Inc=l I Ne'er1 De~2 Dec=2 i Elim=27 8 I I o [ o i o 18,323 4,710,- 74.29 0 0 0 O.OO 0 0 0, 0.00 0 146,789' 128.477~- 12.48 C' 0 0 O.OQ 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 120,~69 73,919 - 38.74 O 0 0 2 O 0 0 0 O O 0 0 0 O 0 2 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 1,479,181 , 1,637,135 10.6~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 O.OO 0 0 0 i 0 723 !.039 43.71 6 0 1 o o o.oo o i o ! o I o o o o.oo 6 I o ! o o o o o.oo o o i0 ; 0 0 0 O.OO 0 : 0I 0 I 0 0 0 O.OO 0 0 t 0 0 0 0 O.OD 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 O.OO 0 0 0 O.O0 0 0.00 0 {3.00 0 0 O.OD 0 ot 6I o 0:; 0 0 0 0 o Oo 0 0 0 0.0Of 0 ! 0 7,569 11,510 52.07 0 0 0 0 O.OO 0 0 J 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 j 0 10,718 6,470 - 39.63 0 0 ! 2 i 0 1 137,168; 1,191,384 4.77 O 0 0 ! 0 2,402,162 2,370,589 !.31: 0 i g ~ 0 I 0 174,221! 166,902 - 4.20 O , 0 ,! 0 J 0 ' 0 0 91,756 0 0 100,615! 0 6.6~ o i o 0.00 0 [ 0 136,424] 93,267 - 31.6& O i 6 el o o.0o, o oI o o.oo: o - 0 0 0 0 o; c.0~ o 0.00 0 O.OQ 0 O.OO 0 0.0O 0 O.OO 6,151,243 6,217,084 69 7O NEW MUNICIPAL USER CHARGES Schedule 82_1 For the year end ng December 31st, 2000 Mort 27.-Aug-2001 19;26 FR136ZR Staging Data Area 2. Detailed information of new user fees only Please provide a brief description of all NEW user fees indicated appropnatety in column 5 on the Municipal User Charge schedule 82. Reporting lines 5999, 6099. 9920. and annual revenue > 0 Functional heading FIR12 from schedule 12 Lin~ Program or Service Description 3 MINimum MAXimum rate per rate per unit of ut-lit of measure mea49ure 5 Annual revenue ? MAH Code~01:02 ] MunCode Ii~0~ i i 5999 6099 9920 Municipality pidkeriqg;6 p.,ar User Fee, L~I'OTAL User fees and se~ice charges 6,151,243 6,151,243 71 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY That Report CS 26-01, Municipal Performance Measurement Program, be received by Council for information. CARRIED: MAYOR PICKERING REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer DATE: September 19, 2001 REPORT NUMBER: CS 26-01 SUBJECT: Municipal Performance Measurement Program - Provincially Mandated Public Reporting and Performance Measures RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that Report CS 26-01 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received for information. ORIG1N: Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer AUTHORITY: The Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended and Regulations thereunder FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Not applicable. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: At its meeting of June 18, 2001 the Audit Committee, prior to the establishment of the Finance Committee, directed that a draft of the Municipal Performance Measurement Program results be submitted to the Committee. The collection and reporting of these measures is not in any way associated with the annual audit and these measurements are being submitted and reported to the public by the Treasurer under direction of Provincial authority. Therefore, in the future it is anticipated they will be submitted through the Finance Committee to Council. Attached are the results of that exercise that will be reported to the public. BACKGROUND: Attached is the information mandated by the Province to be reported to the public by September 30, 2001. You may recall that this information was originally to be reported on June 30, 2001, however, the Province extended that date. Complicating matters was the lack of clear definitions and advice from the Province that has necessitated the lateness of the date of filing. One must bear in mind that being the first year of Performance Measurement reporting, together with changes in the Financial Information Return and the implementation of Public Sector Accounting Board requirements, some of the definitions and guidelines are still unclear. This together with the limitations of our current reporting system, the need to allocate certain departmental costs in a different manner to meet the reporting requirements make the exercise Report to Council CS 26-01 Date: September lC). 2001 Subject: Municipal Performance Measurement Program Page 2 Provincially Mandated Public Reporting and PerIbrmance Measures 73 all the more difficult. Moreover, I must strongly emphasize that all of the foregoing makes municipality to municipality comparisons relatively meaningless. It wilt only be through continuing efforts, ongoing experience and further clarifications from the Province that year to year comparisons within the municipality will start to become meaningful. Originally, 35 measures were to be reported, hoxvever, the Province reduced this to 16 of which 9 apply to the City of Picketing. According to the Provincial mandate the City has the following options' 1. Direct mail to taxpayers households 2. Insert with the property tax bill 3. Public "advertising" in local nex~spapers 4. Posting on the Intemet In the interests of efficiency and expediency, City staff have opted 1br the fourth option. The ild0rmation will be posted on the City's xvebsite, and a notice to this effect will be included in thc next "Community Page" in the local nexvspapcr. Thc inlbnnation will also be available to anyone wishing to pick it up at City Hall. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Provincial Performance Measurement Program ~ Public Reporting Prepared Approved Endorsed By: Gillis A. Paterson Director. Corporate Services & Treasurer GAP:vw Attachment Copy: E. Buntsma, Director, Operations & Emergency Services N. Carroll, Director, Planning and Development J. Reble, Solicitor B. Taylor, Clerk Recommended for the consideration of Picketing Ciw Council ------ ') ~--bO/r~-s'-J 7 Quin~ Chip/Ad-------x< ye O~ er 2O0O PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT REPORTING CITY OF PICKERING CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT SEPTEMBER, 2001 75 OPERATING COSTS FOIl MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION AS A PERCENTAGE TOTAL MUNICIPAL OPERATING COSTS Pickering's 2000 Result 13.39o ,, of total municipal operating costs General Comments The Following comments are an integral part in the interpretation of' the above noted performance measure result. These results should not be compared across municipalities xvittaout consideration of the variety of factors that impact on interpreting and understanding results. Tile folloxving Factors can influence tile above result: · Tile extent to which a municipality's administrative function and costs are centralized or decentralized. · The extent to which a municipality's administrative services are provided in-hotlse or externallv. Detailed Comments The City of Picketing operates a centralized Purchasing function which in turns leads to a centralized Accounts Pavable function. The City off Picketing has centralized hlformation tectmology Services and Legal Services. City of Pickering 1 Corporate Services Department OPERATING COSTS FOR FIRE SERVICES PER $1,000 OF ASSESSMENT Pickering's 2000 result $1.30 per $1,000 of assessment General Comments The following comments are an integral part in the interpretation of the above noted performance measure result. These results should not be compared across municipalities without consideration of the variety of factors that impact on interpreting and understanding results. The operating costs can be affected by the following factors: · Emergency response times. · Number and location of fire halls. Assessment value does not necessarily correlate to operating costs for fire services. The higher the assessment value, the lower the cost per $1,000 assessment. Conversely the urban/rural mix of the community will affect the results as will the size and type of commercial/industrial establishments. Number of households, response time and.the urban/rural mix of the municipality are factors that determine the need for fire services not the property value. City of Pickering 2 Corporate Services Department 77 OPERATING COSTS FOR WINTER CONTROL PER LANE KILOMETRE Pickering's 2000 result S970.4.3 per lane kilometer i'-~Jeneral Comments The lbllowing comments are an integral part in the interpretation of the above noted pertbnnance measure result. These results should not be compared across municipalities without consideration oF the variety of' factors that impact on interpreting and understanding results. The tbllowing factors can influence the above result: The frequency and severity o£the winter events The municipality's standard se~sce levels ibr road conditions. The number and mix of paved versus gravel roads which have dighting programs and costs fbr illaLeriaJs. I)etailed Comments At the present time, the City of Picketing does not maintain winter control as a separate cost center. As a result, direct costs attributable to winter control sucl~ as labour and materials were easily identifiable however equipment charges and other indirect costs such as administration and overhead had to be estimated. City of Picketing 3 Corporate Services Department 78¸ PERCENTAGE OF WINTER EVENT RESPONSES THAT MET OR EXCEEDED MUNICIPAL ROAD MAINTENANCE STANDARDS Pickering's 2000 result 100.00% met or exceeded municipal road maintenm~ce standards General Comments The following comments are an integral part in the interpretation of the above noted performance measure result. These results should not be compared across municipalities without consideration of the variety of factors that impact on interpreting and understanding results. The following factors can influence the above result: · The frequency and severity of the winter events · The municipality's standard service levels for road conditions. Detailed Comments The City did not experience a winter event which staff was not able to meet or exceed road maintenance standards. City of Pickering 4 Corporate Services Department 79 OPERATING COSTS FOR CONVENTIONAL TRANSIT PER REGULAR SERVICE PASSENGER TRIP Pickering's 2000 result 53.12 per passenger trip General Conm~ents Thc following comments are an integral part in the interpretation of the above noted per/bnnance measure result. These results should not be compared across municipalities without consideration of the variety of factors that impact on interpreting and understanding results. Tile operating costs carl be influenced by the following factors: · The service hours of the transit operations, for example thc lexel of weekend or holiday service provided. · Service levels required to accommodate passenger trips transferred from outside of City's boundaries. · :\n unexpected event that may be included in operating costs that have no correlation to service levels. · The urbanTural mix of the se~;icc area. Detailed Comments Tile City of Picketing has a GO-transit station and a shopping mall located within its boundaries that would increase the passenger usage by individuals outside of Pickermg's boundaries. These trips would be deemed as transfers and are excluded from the denominator of passenger trips. However the costs would be impacted to ensure that appropriate service levels are provided to accornmodate these additional passengers. For 2000, thc number of passenger trips including transfers was 1,409,353 compared to 1,246,699 passenger trips excluding transfers. City of Pickering 5 Corporate Services Department $0 NUMBER OF CONVENTIONAL TRANSIT PASSENGER TRIPS PER PERSON IN THE SERVICE AREA IN A YEAR Pickering's 2000 result 14.68 trips per person in service area General Comments Detailed Comments The following comments are an integral part in the interpretation of the above noted performance measure result. These results should not be compared across municipalities without consideration of the variety of factors that impact on interpreting and understanding results. The following factors can influence the above result: · The service hours of the transit operations, for example the level of weekend or holiday service provided. · The percentage of the service area to the total municipal area. City of Pickering 6 Corporate Services Department 81 OPERATING COSTS FOR WASTE COLLECTION PER TONNE Pickering's 2000 result S69.T3 per tempe General Comments Detailed Comments Thc following comments are an integral part in tine interpretation of thc aboxe noted pcrfomnance measure result. These results should not be compared across municipalities wittnout consideration o£ the variety of factors that impact on interpreting and understanding results. Tine efficiency rate can be iniluenced by the following factors: · The number mid frequency of pick-ups and the extent of tiao yard waste collection program. · Whether the service is provided internally or externally and if provided externally then the timing of tine contract renewals. · The effectiveness of any 3R's initiatives and educational,,promotional eftbrts. · Tile urba~vrural mix and size of the municipality. Tiao City of Pickcring currently contracts out all waste collection services. City of Pickering 7 Corporate Services Department $2 PERCENTAGE OF RESIDENTIAL SOLID WASTE DIVERTED FOR RECYCLING AND TONNES OF RESIDENTIAL WASTE DIVERTED Pickering's 2000 result General Conunents Detailed Comments · 8.77% of residential solid waste diverted · 1,948 tonnes of residential solid waste diverted The following comments are an integral part in the interpretation of the above noted performance measure result. These results should not be compared across municipalities without consideration of the variety of factors that impact on interpreting and understanding results. The diversion rate can be influenced by the following factors: · The frequency of collection. · The type of materials included in the recycling program. · The promotion of the recycling program. · The participation in the program by residents. The collection of recycling materials (blue box) is the responsibility of the Region of Durham and results are not reported above. The performance measure indicates the diversion rate of collected and non-collected compostable materials only. The City of Pickering has adopted grasscycling and does not collect grass clippings. The weight of non-collected compostables (i.e. grass) has been estimated by the Region. City of Pickering 8 Corporate Services Department PERCENTAGE OF DESIGNATED AGRICULTURAL LAND PRESERVED DURING THE YEAR Pickering's 2000 result 99.83~ o of land preserved Gcncral Comments Detailed Comments Thc following comments are an integral part in the interpretation of thc above noted perlbm~ance measure result, These results should not be compared across municipalities without consideration of the variety of factors that impact on interfering and underst~ding results. The reduction m agriculturally designated lands occurred as a result of Picketing Council's and Regional Council's approval of an application to develop a nine hole golf course. City of Pickering 9 Corporate Services Department 84 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY That Mayor Arthurs be authorized to make the following proclamation: "Fire Service Recognition Day" - October 8, 2001 "Fire Prevention Week" - October 7-13, 2001 CARRIED: MAYOR 85 Eli~akah file ~er~nk. b~ tile (~raee ~f (~ ~f ~c ~efrn~er nf ~e TO ALL FO W~ the~e Presen~ shal~ co~ ~ whom *he sa~ ~ m c~oy GEEEYZNG: A PROCLAI'~ATZON WNEi~EA5 many dedicated citizens have joined with ~lunteer, profesalo~i and ind~rml fmre safety p~son~t os "P~ in Fire Pre~nt~on' tn a relentJess eff~t ¢0 minimize Ios~ to life. des~uction of peop~ and do~ to the environ~nt; AND WNE!~EAS fire losses inConado remain unacceptably man m ccmparlson those ~n other- industrialized ~tio~ there~ nece~sitat~ im~E~d fire ~evenhen ~ND WHEREAS it J~ desirable that Jnf~tJon ~e~ntive measles ~ all.emitted d~i~ a s~cJfJc ~r~od of the year; AND WHEREAS the B~I fire ~e~ntion the~ f~ thi~ ~riod ts: 'COVER ~E BASE5 AND 5~KE OUT ~E ~W K~W YOU T~T WE. ~ and with the odwce of O~ Prow Co.ncd foe ~z,~ tho~ht fit to desiD~te and do desig~te the week com~,~ SUNDAY, e beVeNTH OF OCTOBER. AND ENDZ~ ON 5AT.DAy, THE T~EN~ OF ~]OBE~. in the ~e~nt y~r ~ "~RE ~EVEN~ON WEEK" ther. m ,aE~eciat~on of the ~ ~ervice5 rendered ~ the ~m~ of the Fi~ ~ce of Ca.da, that ~OND~Y the ~TH OF OCTOBER ~ 0es,ar~teZ as ~E S~CE ~E6OG~ TZON DAY. AND WE do recommend to all Our Loving .Subjects that dur r~ F~re Prevent on Week, federal, Wovinciat and municipal aulJx~itiee inter~ify their f~'e pre'neOn act ~; it ~es. OF ALL WHZCH Our Loving Subjects and otl others whom these Presents concern are hereby requined to toke notice and to 9ovum them~dves occocd~. TN TE5%ZMONY WHEREOF, We haw caused th~e Our Le tt~r'~ to b~ made Patent and the E,~eat Seal of Canada to be hereunto affixed. W~TNESS: PP~OCLAMA TZ ON SALUT: de r~mbreux citayer~ d~.vou~ ant ~ Ia ca~ des ~-~mpi~ des 5~ices d'i~end~e profes~ion~b et ind~iet~ en q~lit~ de ua~ ia W~nt ~on des ~endie~ of in de ~duine au mlnim~ le~ ~es de vie, de ble~ et ie dom~ a I'envivon~nt; ~' qbe les pertes attribuabies oux incendies au Canada demet~ent tiev~es ~ rap~t a celles e~eg~ do~ d'a~s ~s ind~rioli~ et q~, co~q~nt, de ~ille~e5 ~es de ~nt~on 5'i~ent: eJI opportunitf de difft~er, pendant uno p~riode d~termin~e de t'anr~e, des renee~?~ments sue }es cau~es des mcend,es et lee mesu~es prfventiv~s recornrnond~es; VU qu~e [e th~me peemnt eur la prevention dee inaendie~ en 2001 est · REMPLE$SEZ LES BUTS ET FAZTE5 ~HEC AU FEUd,. SACt4EZ DONC ~,AI NTENANT ~UE. sur et ov~c I'avis de Notre ¢or~ll priv~ pour Canada, Nou~ a',~r~ cru bor] de d~signer et No~ d~signon~ ~ titre de · SEINE bE PR~VEN'I~ON DES IN~ENDIES, ia sem~lr~ c0mmengant le DI~HE 5~T ~TO~E, et ~pi~nt le SA~EDI ~ZE ~ assigns recon~a~e d~ ~m~e~ bienfait~ co[iectlv~t~. ET ~U5 recom~ndo~ servlce~ fEd~aux, ~w~a~ et mumc~ux td~ifient le~ ~tidt~ de ~nt~n comer [' i~end~e. DE CE qUZ PReCeDE. N~ f~aux ~ujet~ et t~ crux q~ I~ ~nt~nt EN FOZ DE Q~Z, ~ a~ fait d~li~r ~ ~nte~ I~ttre~ ~tente~ et y a~ fait op~ le ~and ~eau du ~OZN: Our Right Tru,~ty and Well-bdoved Adrienr~ ¢lark~on, Chancellor and Pmncipal Companion of Our Order of Canada, Chancelk~r and Commander of Our Order of Military Merit, ~,ov~rnar ~T~neral and Commander-in-Chief of Conado. AT OU~ 6OVERNMENT HOUSE, in OurC fy of Ottawa, th~s s~xteent~ d~y of May in the year of ,Our Lord two thousand and one and in the fift*eth year cf Ocr I~e~?. Netne tr~s fiddle et bien-otrn~e Adrienne Clarkson, Chonceli~e et Compagnan prrnctpol de kietre Ordre du Canada, Chanceli~e et Commandeur de Notre Ondre du ~,&~te md~a~re, ~ou~erneure 9~r~ra[e et Commandante en chef du Canada. ~ NOTRE P~ TEL DU F:~OUVERNE,~EN T, en Notre rills al'Ottawa, ce seizi~rne joue de rrx]r de lan de ~6ce deux mine un, c~r*quant~me de Notre r~ne. NEPAL OF CANADA 6ENERAL DU CANADA 86 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM September 26, 2001 To: [Tronl: Bruce Taylor City Clerk Ron Taylor Planner II Subject: Implementing Zoning By-law for Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 23/99 974582 Ontario Limited (Glenbrook Homes) (formerly G. & A. Hilts) Part of Lot 22, Range 3, B.F.C. (Lands on the east side of Liverpool Road and south of Wharf Street) City o f Picketing City Council, on June 19, 2000, approved in principle zoning by-laxv amendment application A 23/99 to permit 17 townhomes, commercial uses, a bed and breakfast, public parking and boat storage uses on the subject land, subject to various conditions being fulfilled. A copy of Council Resolution #96/00 is enclosed. Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2001-03 is currently being reviewed by the City, and proposes to subdivide the lands in general accordm~ce with the development scheme presented to Council in June, 2000. Staff recommendations respecting the draft plan of subdivision application are anticipated to be considered by Planning Committee on October 9, 2001. Site Plan Application S 1/01 applies to the majority of the lands, with the exception of the northerly property proposed for the bed and breakfast use (and supporting the existing detached dwelling). The site plan is currently being reviewed by the City, and has progressed to a stage where Staff is satisfied that building design and property layout is appropriate and reflects the direction established by the Liverpool Road Waterfront Node Development Guidelines (as recommended by the Executive Committee on June 13, 2000). Conditions of approval most appropriately fulfilled prior to the passage of the implementing zoning by-law have now been met. The enclosed draft implementing zoning by-law incorporates limitations and restrictions set out by City Council. A copy of Appendix I to Planning Report Number PD 28-00, outlining conditions of approval adopted by City Council for this application, is enclosed. Conditions 1.0, 2.0 and 4.0 have been fulfilled. Condition 3.0 required the owner to enter into a development agreement with the City prior to an implementing zoning by-law being forwarded to Council for consideration, to address various specific matters pertaining to the proposed development. Those matters outlined in subclauses (d) and (h) have been fulfilled. Remaining matters outlined in condition 3.0 can be more appropriately implemented through the draft plan of subdivision and site plan approval processes (and related agreements resulting from those processes). It is recommended that Council require fulfillment of the remainder of condition 3.0 of its June 19, 2000 approval through conditions of draft approval for related Draft Plan of Subdivision Application S-P-2001-03. Draft Implementing Zoning By-law for Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 2399 September 26, 2001 Page 2 87 Condition 3.0(c) of Council's June 19. 200(I approxal requires the ov,'ner to satisfy the City respecting the design and construction of ground floors of dwelling units facing Liverpool Road to appropriate Building and Fire Code standards such that the unit can acco~nlnodate a variety of uses, including retail and office. Staff is satisfied that dwelling units can be designed to accommodate a variety of ground floor uses. In order to ensure that appropriate internal and external construction criteria and building design are provided with thc initial construction of dv,'elling units to facilitate non-residential development within the ground floor, an "lHi" - Holding SFm-~bol has been established in the implementing zoning by-lay,', to be lifted prior to anv townhouse dwelling units being constructed. Prior to the lifting of the "(1t)" - Holding Symbol, thc applicant will be required to enter into an appropriate agreementis) with, and to the satisfaction el- the City, to address: · minimum construction criteria of dwelling units to ensure that dwellings can readily accommodate retrofit to accept commercial uses within the ground floor; and, · the registration on title of appropriate clauses prolsbiting certain t>t>es of privacy fencing within front yards. The enclosed draft bv-law has been circulated to and approved by the applicant. A Statutory Public Meeting was ineld Ibr this application on August 24, 1999. Please note that this By-law tninv be given all three readings at the October 1, 2001 Council Meeting, stnould Council concur xvith the above-noted recommendations made by Staff. The purpose and effect ofttfis By-lay,' is to: · allow 17 townhouse dwelling units to be constructed on the front portion of the subject lands with commercial uses permitted on tile ground floor; · establish specific building requirements tbr the townhouses that will readily acconunodate retrofit to accept commercial uses within the ground floor; · establish vehicle parking and boat storage uses on tile rear portion of the subject lands; and, · recognize an existing detached dwelling at the north end of the subject lands and permit the use of such lands for a variety of commercial uses. If you require further assistance or clarification, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. I concur that this by-law be considered at this time. RST/pr Enclosures Ron Tayl~ 88 INTER-DEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM CLERK'S DIVISION DATE: June 23, 2000 TO: Nell Carroll, Director, Planning & Development FROM: Brace Taylor, City Clerk Please be advised that the Council of the City of Picketing passed Resolution #96/00, ltem #2, at the Council Meeting of June 19th, 2000, as follows: That Zoning By-law Amendmem Application A 23/99, submitted by Malone Given Parsons Ltd., on behalf of the property owner G. & A. Hilts (now 794582 Ontario Ltd.), to permit townhomes, commercial uses, a bed and breakfast, public parking and boat storage on lands known as Part of Lot 22, Range 3, B.F.C., City of Pickering, be APPROVED IN PRINCIPLE, subject to conditions attached as Appendix 1 to Report Number PD 28-00 as amended by rewording Clause 1.0 to read as follows: 1.0 That prior to the forwarding of an implememing zoning by-law to City Council, the owner shall submit a revised concept plan including elevations reflecting the direction established by the Liverpool Road Waterfi'ont Node Development Guidelines, as recommended by the Executive Committee on June 13, 2000, for the review and approval of the Director, Planning and Development. This resolution is sent to you for your information. Bruce Taylor, City Clerk cc. T.J. Quirm, Chief Administrative Officer ,XPPEND X TO 8 9 REPORT NUMBER PD 28-00 RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR ZONING BY-IiAXA' AMENi)MENT APPLICATION A :23/99 l .() 2.0 4.0 That prior to the forwarding of an implementing zoning by-law to City Council, tile owner shall submit a revised concept plan including elevations reflecting the direction established by the Liverpool Road Waterfront Node Development Guidelines, for the review and approval of the Director. Plamung and Development. That prior to the forwarding of an implementing zoning by-law to City Council, the owner shall provide the City with a Reference Plan identi~'ing, among other matters, the conditionally-approved O. 11-hectare parcel for the existing house at the north end of the property; the blocks for residential with retail, commercial, and office uses; tile block for parking and boat storage; tile blocks tbr aisles: and any blocks with existing or required easements. That prior to the lbrwarding of an implementing zoning by-laxx to City Council, the owner shall enter into a Dcx elopment Agreement with the City of Picketing, in which the Owner shall: grant the City authority to establish high standards of architectural control, which would detail such aspects of buildino= desion= as architectural style, elevations, materials, colours, etc.: provide the City with funding ibr the services of a mutually-acceptable Control Architect, who will assist tile City in review ing proposed building siting, models and elevations; (c) to the City's satisfaction, design and construct the ground Floors of units facing Liverpool Road to appropriate Building and Fire Code standards such that the unit can accommodate a variety of uses, including retail and office: (d) prepare an Environmental Report to ensure that an appropriate bu£fer exists, and appropriate edge management treatment is proposed, between the proposed development and Hydro Marsh: submit various reports, to tile satisfaction of tile City, in consultation with appropriate review agencies, including but not limited to: stonnwater management plans; grading plans; construction management plans; and, archaeological investigations; (f) satisfy the City with respect to tile construction and conveyance of public roads, services and easements; (g) satisfy the City with respect to the desi~ and construction of appropriately landscaped areas and fencing to screen the public parking and boat storage area from existing and future development; (h) satisfy the City with respect to tile manner in which division of land will occur; and (i) any other matters deemed necessary bv tile City. That the implementing zoning by-law shall include, but not necessarily be limited to the ibllowing: (a) establish a maximum number of townhouse units, based on a revised concept plan approved of the Director. Plamsng and Development; Appendix I to Report Number PD 28-00 Page 2 (b) establish a maximum height for the townhouse units of 11 metres; (c) establish a minimum lot width of 6 metres; (d) establish minimum and maximum front yard setbacks, based on a revised concept plan approved of the Director, Planning and Development; (e) for lots fronting on Liverpool Road, include a broad list of permitted uses (including residential, retail, personal services, and office uses); (f) establish minimum floor area and ceiling heights for ground floors, in order to make suitable accommodations for non-residential uses, such as retail, personal services, and office uses; (g) establish appropriate zoning for a Bed and Breakfast operation on the proposed severed parcel, including minimum off-street parking requirements; (h) establish appropriate zoning for the public parking and boat storage area; (i) establish appropriate off-street resident and visitor parking for the residential component; and (j) require that all garages be located in the rear yard. THE CORPORATION OF Tile CITY OF PICKERiNG BY-LAW NO. 5887/01 91 Being a By-law to amend Restricted Area (Zoning) By-law 2520. as amended, to implement the Official Plan of the City of Picketing District Planning Area, Region of Durham in Part of Lot 22, Range 3, B.F.C., in the City of Picketing. (A 23/99) WI IEREAS the Council of The Coq, oration of tile City of Picketing deems it desirable to permit tile development of 17 freehold townhouse units on thc front portion of the subject lands with potential ground floor commercial uses. to permit a vehicle parking and boat storage area on the rear portion of the subject lands, and to recognize an existing detached dwclling on the north portion of the subject lands m~d permit a variety of commercial uses on that land; AND WHEREAS an amendment to By-law 252(0. as amended, is therefore deemed necessary; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF TltE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: SCHEDULE 1 Schedule I attached hereto with notations and references shown thereon is hereby declared to be part of this By-law. AREA RESTRICTED The provisions of this Bv-laxv shall apply to those lands in Part of Lot 22, Range 3, B.F.C., designated "MU-lY'. "MU-t 4" and "02-2" on Schedule i attached hereto. GENERAL PROVISIONS No building, land or part thereof st~all hereafter be used, occupied, erected, moved, or structurally altered except in con£omfitv with the provisions o£ this By-law. DEFINITIONS In this By-law, (1) "Adult Entertainment Parlour" shall mean a building or part of a building in which is provided, in pursuance of a trade, calling, business or occupation, services appealing to or designed to appeal to erotic or sexual appetites or inclinations; (2) "Bakery" shall mean a building or part of a building in which food products are baked, prepared and offered lbr retail sale. or in which food products baked and prepared elsewhere are offered for retail sale: (3) "Bed and Breakfast" shall mean a business within a detached dxvelling in which a maximum of three rooms are provided with or without meals for hire or pay, for the traveling or vacationing public; (4) "Boat Storage" shall mean the temporary or seasonal open storage of boats on land, and may include a trailer supporting a boat, but shall not include the service, repair or sale of boats: 92 (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) -2- "Business Office" shall mean a building or part of a building in which the management or direction of business, a public or private agency; a brokerage or a labour or fraternal organization is carried on and which may include a telegraph office, a data processing establishment, a newspaper publishing office, the premises of a real estate or insurance agent, or a radio or television broadcasting station and related studios or theatres, but shall not include a retail store; "Club" shall mean a building or part of a building in which a not-for-profit or non-commercial organization carries out social, cultural, welfare, athletic or recreational programs for the benefit of the community; "Commercial School" shall mean a school which is operated for gain or profit and may include the studio of a dancing teacher or music teacher, or an art school, a golf school or any other such school operated for gain or profit, but shall not include any other school defined herein; "Day Nursery" shall mean lands and premises duly licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Day Nurseries Act, or any successor thereto, for use as a facility for the daytime care of children; "Dry Cleaning Depot" shall mean a building or part of a building used for the purpose of receiving articles, goods, or fabrics to be subjected to dry cleaning and related processes elsewhere, and of distributing articles, goods or fabrics which have been subjected to any such processes; (a) "Dwelling" shall mean a building or part of a building containing one or more dwelling units, but does not include a mobile home or trailer; (b) "Dwelling Unit" shall mean one or more habitable rooms occupied or capable of being occupied as a single, independent, and separate housekeeping unit containing a separate kitchen and sanitary facilities; (c) "Dwelling, Detached or Detached Dwelling" shall mean a single dwelling which is freestanding, separate and detached from all other main buildings or structures; (d) "Multiple Dwelling - Horizontal" shall mean a building containing three or more dwelling units attached horizontally, not vertically, by an above grade wall or walls; (a) "Floor Area - Residential" shall mean the area of the floor surface contained within the outside walls of a storey or part of a storey; (b) "Gross Floor Area - Residential" shall mean the aggregate of the floor areas of all storeys of a building or structure, or part thereof as the case may be, other than a private garage, an attic, or a cellar; (c) "Ground Floor Area" shall mean the area of that portion of a lot occupied by a building or structure, exclusive of any porch, private garage, verandah or sunroom, unless such sunroom is habitable at all seasons; (d) "Gross Leasable Floor Area - Commercial" shall mean the aggregate of the floor areas of all the storeys of a building or structure, or part thereof as the case may be, other than rooms or space jointly used by tenants of the building, such as garbage storage areas, mechanical and electrical rooms, lobbies, stairwells, elevators and service corridors; 12) 14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) "Games Arcade*' shall mean any building, room. or area in which facilities are offered for the play of (a) three or more games of chance, (b) three or more games of mixed chance and skill, (c) a combination of three or more gmnes ct'chance and games of mixed chance and skill, for the amusement of tile public, which games are not contrary to the Criminal Code of Canada, but does not include premises in which the amusement facilities offered are pool tables, billiard tables, or bowling alleys; (a) "Lot" shall mean an area of land fronting on a street which is used or intended to be used as the site ol'a building, or group of buildings, as the case may be, together with any accessory buildings or structures, or a public park or open space area. regardless of whether or not such lot constitutes the whole of a lot or block on a registered plan of subdivision: (b) "Lot Frontage" shall mean the width cfa lot between the side lot lines measured along a linc parallel to and 7.5 metres distant from the front lot line; "Parking Lot" shall mcan a lot or portion thcrcoi,, used lbr tile temporary storage or parking of lI1OtOf vehicles and available Ibr public usc, whether free. for compensation, or as an accommodation Ibr clients, customers or residents, but shall not include the repair or the storage or parking of motor vehicles for hire and gain, display or lbr salcs: "Personal Service Shop" shall mean an establishment in which a personal service is performed and which inav include a barber shop. a beauty salon, a shoe repair shop, a tailor or a dressmaking shop or a photographic studio, but shall not include an adult entertainment parlour as defined herein or a body-rub parlour as defined in section 224 (9)(b) of thc Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter M.45. as amended from time-to-time, or any successor thereto: "Place of Amusement or Entertaimnent" shall mean a building or part of a building in which facilities are provided tbr amusement or entertainment purposes, and xvhich may include a billiard or pool room, a dance hall, a music hall, or theatre, but shall not include a games arcade or an adult entertainment parlour as defined herein: "Private Garage" shall mean an enclosed or partially enclosed structure for the storage of one or more vehicles, in which structure no business or service is conducted for profit or otherwise; "Professional Office" shall mean a building or part of a building in which medical, legal or other professional service is perfbrmed or consultation given, and which may include a clinic, tile offices of an architect, a chartered accountant, an engineer, a lawyer or a physician, but shall not include a body-rub parlour as defined in section 224 {9)(b) of the Municipal Act. R.S.O. 1990, chapter M.45, as amended from time-to-time, or any successor thereto: "Restaurant - TTpe A" shall mean a building or part of a building where food is prepared and offered or kept for retail sale to the public for immediate consumption on tile premises or off the premises, or both, but shall not include an adult entertainment parlour as defined herein: "Retail Store" shall mean a building or pan of a building in which goods, wares, merchandise, substances, articles or things are stored, kept and offered for retail sale to the public. (21) -4- (a) w (b) (c) (d) (e) (I3 (g) (h) (i) "Yard" shall mean an area of land which is appurtenant to and located on the san~e lot as a building or structure and is open, uncovered, and unoccupied above ground except for such accessory buildings, structures, or other uses as are specifically permitted thereon; "Front Yard" shall mean a yard extending across the full width of a lot between the front lot line of the lot and the nearest wall of the nearest main building or structure on the lot; "Front Yard Depth" shall mean the shortest horizontal dimension of a front yard of a lot between the front lot line and the nearest wall of the nearest main building or structure on the lot; "Rear Yard" shall mean a yard extending across the full width of a lot between the rear lot line of the lot, or where there is no rear lot line, the junction point of the side lot lines, and the nearest wall of the nearest main building or structure on the lot; "Rear Yard Depth" shall mean the shortest horizontal dimension of a rear yard of a lot between the rear lot line of the lot, or where there is no rear lot line, the j unction point of the side lot lines, and the nearest wall of the nearest main building or structure on the lot; "Side Yard" shall mean a yard of a lot extending from the front yard to the rear yard, and from the side lot line to the nearest wall of the nearest main building or structure on the lot; "Side Yard Width" shall mean the shortest horizontal dimension of a side yard of a lot between the side lot line and the nearest wall of the nearest main building or structure on the lot; "Flankage Side Yard" shall mean a side yard immediately adjoining a street or abutting on a reserve on the opposite side of which is a street; "Flanka~e Side Yard Width" shall mean the shortest horizontal dimension of a flankage side yard of a lot between the lot line adjoining a street or abutting on a reserve on the opposite side of which is a street, and the nearest wall of the nearest main building or structure on the lot; (j) "Interior Side Yard" shall mean a side yard other than a flankage side yard. PROVISIONS (1) (a) Uses Permitted ("MU-13" Zone) No person shall within the lands designated "MU-lY' on Schedule I attached hereto, use any lot or erect, alter, or use any building or structure for any purpose except the following: 6) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) bed and breakfast business office club day nursery detached dwelling personal service shop professional office restaurant - type A retail store 95 (b) Zone Requirements ("ML!-I 3" Zone) No person shall within the lands designated "NIl..;-13" on Schedule 1 attached hereto, use any lot or erect, alter, or use any building except in accordance with tile following provisions: (i) BUILDING I.OC:\TION AND RESTRICTIONS: A Buildings and structures shall be located entirely within the envelope illustrated on Schedule I attached hereto: B Building lleight: minimum 7.5 metres n~axinlum 11.0 metres C Front Yard Depth: minimum 3.0 metres maximum 4.5 metres D Despite clause C above, fl-ont xard balconies, verandahs and decks. both covered and uncoxcrcd, may project f'ullv into thc required minimun~ f'ront yard: (ii) PARKINGREQUiRENiENTS A For any business office, club. day nursery, personal service shop, professional office, restaurant tSpe-A and:or retail store use, there shall be provided auld maintained on the lot a minimum of 5 parking spaces per 100 square metres of gross leasable floor area or part thereof; B For a detached dwelling use. there shall be provided and maintained on the lot a minimum of 2 parking spaces: C For a bed and breakfast use. there shall be provided and maintained on the lot a mininmm of' 5 parking spaces: D Clauses 5.21.2a} to 5.21.213 inclusive, o£ By-law 2520, as amended, shall not apply to the lands designated "MU-13" on Schedule I attached hereto; E Despite clauses 5.21.2g) and 5.21.2k) of By-law 2520, as amended, all entrance and exits to parking areas and all parking areas shall be surfaced with brick, asphalt, or concrete, or any combination thereof; (iii) SPECIAL REGULATIONS A Tile maximum combined gross leasable Floor area for all non- residential uses on the lands zoned "MU-13" on Schedule I attached hereto shall not exceed 500 square metres: B For tile purpose of this clause, the ten'n "drive-through facility" shall mean a Facility in vchich goods, products or services are provided directly to tile customer in vehicles: ii No drive through l-acilitv shall be permitted in association with any of tile uses permitted on tile lands designated "MU-13" on Schedule i attached hereto; C A maximum of one dwelling unit is permitted on the lands designated "MU-13" on Schedule I attached hereto; D E -6- The minimum gross floor area - residential for a detached dwelling shall be 100 square metres; Notwithstanding the provisions of 5.(1)(b)(i) and 5.(1)(b)(iii)D above, the buildings existing on the lands designated "MU-lY' on Schedule I attached hereto, on the date of the passing of this By-law, as shown on Reference Plan 40R-20148 prepared by Donevan Fleischmann Petrich Ltd., Ontario Land Surveyors, dated November 21, 2000, shall be deemed to comply with the provisions of this By-law, amending Zoning By-law 2520. (2) (a) Uses Permitted ("MU-14" Zone) No person shall within the lands designated "MU-14" on Schedule I attached hereto, use any lot or erect, alter, or use any building or structure for any purpose except the following: (i) Residential Uses: A multiple dwelling- horizontal (ii) Commercial Uses: A business office B commercial school C professional office D personal service shop E restaurant type-A F retail store (b) Zone Requirements ("MU- 14" Zone) No person shall within the lands designated "MU-14" on Schedule I attached hereto, use any lot or erect, alter, or use any building except in accordance with the following provisions: (i) BUILDING LOCATION AND RESTRICTIONS: A Buildings and structures shall be located entirely within the envelope illustrated on Schedule I attached hereto; B Despite A above, front yard balconies, verandahs and decks, both covered and uncovered, may project fully into the required minimum front yard; C Front Yard Depth: minimum 3.0 metres maximum 4.5 metres (ii) Building Height: minimum 7.5 metres maximum 11.0 metres (iii) Lot Frontage: minimum 6.0 metres 97 (b) PARKiNG REQUIREMENTS (i) For each and every nluttiplc dwelling horizontal, there shall be provided and maintained a minimum of 3 parking spaces, any of which may not be located within a front yard. and one of which must be provided within an attached private garage located to the rear of the dwelling unit. any vehicular entrance of' which shall be located not less than 6 metres fi'om any street or drive aisle providing access to those lots: (ii) Clauses 5.21.2a) to 5.21.2F) inclusive, of By-law 2520, as amended, shall not apply to the lands designated "MU-10" on Schedule I attached hereto: (iii) Despite Clauses 5.21.2g) and 5.21.2k) of Bv-laxv 3036. as amended, all entrance and exits to parking areas and all parking areas shall be surfaced with brick, asphalt, or concrete, or any combination thereof. (iv) Section 5.21.1 shall not apply' to the lands designated "MU-14" on Schedule I attached hereto. (c) SPECIAL REGULATIONS (i) A maximuin of 17 multiple dx;citing - horizontal units are permitted on the lands designated zoned "MU-14" on Schedule I attached hereto; (ii) Each dwelling unit shall provide a minimun~ ground floor area of 60 square mcti'cs, with a mininatnn finished ceiling height of 2.7 metres; (iii) Despite Section 5.(2)(a)(ii) of this By-law, non-residential uses permitted within the "MU-14" zone designation may be established only within the ground floor ol'a multiple dwelling horizontal; (iv) A single dxvelling unit shall be established on each lot above thc ground floor of the dwelling, with supplementary floor area provided within tile ground floor. (3) (a) Uses Permitted ("O2-2" Zone) No person shall within the lands designated "02-2" on Schedule I attached hereto, use any lot or erect, alter, or use an,,' building or structure for any purpose except the following: (i) parking lot (ii) boat storage (b) Zone Requirements ("02-2" Zone) No person shall within the lands designated "O2-2" on Schedule I attached hereto, use any lot or erect, alter, or use any building except in accordance with the following provisions: (i) All vehicular parking and boat storage shall take place entirely within the envelope illustrated on Schedule I attached hereto; (ii) No buildings or structures shall be erected on the lands designated "O2-2" on Schedule I attached hereto: (iii) Despite Clause (ii) above, section 5.21.2i) of Zoning By-taw 2520 shall apply to tile lands designated "02-2" within the established envelope on Schedule I attached hereto: (iv) Clauses 5.21.2a) to 5.21.2f) inclusive, and clause 5.21.2k), of By-law 2520, as amended, shall not apply to the lands designated "02-2" on Schedule I attached hereto; (4) (a) Uses Permitted ("(H)" Holding Symbol) Despite the provisions of Section 5.(2) of this By-law, while the "(H)" Holding Symbol is in place preceding the "MU-14" Zone designation as outlined on Schedule I attached hereto, no person shall use any lot or erect, alter or use any building or structure for any purpose except by amendment to this By-law. (b) Removal of the "(H)" Holding Symbol Prior to an amendment to remove the "(H)" Holding Symbol preceding the "MU-14" Zone designation, an appropriate agreement(s) shall be entered into between the City of Pickering and the owner of the lands to which the "(H)" Holding Symbol applies, to address: (i) minimum construction criteria of dwelling milts to ensures that dwellings can readily accommodate retrofit to accept commercial uses ~vithin the ground floor; and, (ii) the registration on title of appropriate clauses prohibiting certain types of privacy fencing within front yards. BY-LAW 2520 By-law2520, as amended, is hereby further amended only to the extent necessary to give effect to the provisions of this By-law as it applies to the area set out in Schedule I attached hereto. Definitions and subject matters not specifically dealt with in this By-law shall be governed by relevant provisions of By-law 2520, as amended. 7. EFFECTIVE DATE This By-law shall take effect from the day of passing hereof subject to the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board, if required. BY-LAW read a first, second, and third time and finally passed this 1 day of October 2001. Wayne Arthurs, Mayor Bruce Taylor, Clerk 99 WHARF ENVELOPE 360m (I--t)IVl U-14 36o~__ ! _ _ MU-13 02-2 SCHEDULE I TO BY-LAW s887/o] PASSED THIS ] DAY OF Oc tot:~-r 2001 MAYO R CLERK 130 -- ,-- < __ !j x~/////////~/.~ IN~ A 97..~>~¢-.~_¥ ~ ~ --- ALYSSUM ST ; % --j : OLD ORCHARDI AVE. O % U4Y~ll . II~',iI ~~ ~ /Ni-F"T'-r-1--T "-'F~~--F-----~ ~L 8At~ATON AVENUE -- ~_~ '-~I-HI~-> I--~-~ []llllllllt ~~J-~=~.h---~ - izJ_~ _--~--- -- !1 ST~?EEr~----~ ..... I~- /~~ I IIIIII LJ __~z~ ~N-TFFF----,- Ill I I t I I i I ~ L_J~= ---~-~-"-~-L~^~ -- 'Xt \-%V/-d----,,z, I BROADVlEW STREET *(- ~Z~--~L--'~4 I lit IIIIIit I I ~ ._ ~ x~ il~i~ PROPERTY ONTARIO ~ ,/// City of Picketing Planning & Development Department DATE SEPT 25, 2001 II THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-LAW NO. 5888/01 Being a by-law to approve an agreement of the shareholders of Veridian Corporation and the Corporation of the City of Picketing, an agreement amending the merger agreement dated November 3, 2000. as amended, among the shareholders of Veridian Corporation et al. and an agreement respecting the amendment and replacement of promissory notes issued by Veridian Corporation, Veridian Connections Inc. and two of the successor corporations to the electricity distribution business of the Corporation of the City of Picketing WHEREAS the Corporation of tile Town of .Ajax C.~jax"). the Corporation of tile City of Belleville ("Belleville"), the Corporation of the Municipality of' Clarington ("Clarington"), the Corporation of the City of Picketing ("Picketing'), Veridian Corporation. Veridian Connections Inc. Veridian Energy Inc., 1437864 Ontario Limited. Belleville Electric Corporation and 14,44141 Ontario Limited entered into a merger agreement dated November 3, 2000 as amended bv a merger amending agreement dated as of June 20, 2001 (collectively the "Merger Agreement"); AND WHEREAS the parties to the Merger Agreement wish to amend the same in accordance with the terms set out in the form of agreement attached hereto as Schedule A~ AND WHEREAS following the amalgamation of Veridian Corporation and 1437864 Ontario Limited pursuant to the terms of the Merger Agreement. Belleville. Ajax, Picketing and Clarington (collectively the "Municipalities") shall be the owners of all the issued and outstanding shares of the amalgamated entity continuing as Veridian Corporation ("VC Amalco"); AND WHEREAS the Municipalities wish to enter into a shareholders' agreement to provide for the conduct of certain affairs of VC Amalco and its subsidiary corporations, to provide for certain restrictions on the transfer and ownership of shares in the capital of VC Amalco and to govern the mutual rights and obligations of the Municipalities with respect to VC Amalco and its subsidiary corporations and each other in the form of agreement attached hereto as Schedule B; AND WHEREAS following the completion of the transactions contemplated by the Merger Agreement, the Municipalities, Veridian Corporation, Veridian Energy Inc. and Veridian Connections Inc. will desire to amend the existing promissog' notes held by each of the Municipalities in connection with the electricity distribution businesses of their successor corporations on the terms set out in the form of agreement attached hereto as Schedule C; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: The execution of the Second Merger Amending Agreement by the Mayor and Clerk, in the form attached hereto as Schedule .& forming part of this bv-law is hereby ratified and confirmed. The execution of the Shareholders' Agreement by the Mavor and the Clerk, in the form attached hereto as Schedule B. forming part of this by-law, is hereby ratified and confirmed. The execution of the First Note Replacement Agreement by the Mayor and the Clerk, in the form attached hereto as Schedule C, forming part of this by-law, is hereby ratified and confirmed 10© By-law read a first, second and third time and finally passed this first day of October, 2001. Wayne Arthurs, Mayor Bruce Taylor, Clerk Attached. SCHEDULE A SECOND MERGER AMENDING AGREEMENT Attached. SCHEDULE B SHAREHOLDERS' AGREEMENT Attached. SCHEDULE C FIRST NOTE REPLACEMENT AGREEMENT ln,5 ::()l )MA'~PCi)OC S\CCTO.4915%1 September 20, To: From: Subject: ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT LEGAL SERVICES DIVISION MEMORANDUM 2001 Bruce Taylor City Clerk Denise Bye Manager, Legal Services Road Dedication By-Law Centrefund (Picketing) Corporation Block 59. Plan 40M-1480 - File: W2304.405 When the above-noted plan was registered, the reserve block referred to was conveyed to the City along Steeple Hill. This reserve was intended to be dedicated as public highway upon the development of adjacent lands. As our Plmming & Development Department has advised that road works within this plm~ and adjacent lands have been constructed to standards sufficient to permit public access, the required dedication should therefore be made. Attached hereto is a location map and a draft by-law, enactment of which will lift the 0.3 metre reserve thus permitting legal access to the adjacent lands. This by-law is in the form usually used in such cases and is attached for the consideration of City Council at its ~neeting scheduled for October 1, 2001. DB:Ijm Attachments Denise BS'e Copy: Director, Planning & Development Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering Supervisor, Development Control 1 O7 THE CORPORATION {)t: '1} tE CITY OF PICKERiNG 5889/01 WIIEREAS The Corporation olTthe Citx of Picketing is tile owner of Block 59. Plan 4()M-1480. Picketing and wishes to dedicate it as a public tfighx~a3. N()\V I'[tEREFORE, the Council oI'Thc Corporation of thc City oF Picketing l tEREBY IZN:\CT$ AS FOLLOWS' Block 59, Plan 405,I-1480. Picketing is hereby dedicated als public highv, a> (Steeple ltill). BY-LAXV read a first, second and third time and finally passed this t' day of October, 2001. \Vavnc Art}mrs. %lax'or Bruce Taylor. Clerk 405 SHEPPARD AVENUE SHEPPARD gUNDOWN CRESCENT DAYLIOH] CA'F[AtL AVENUE --J I DUNFA, R ST. PLACE RAINY DAY STEEPLE HILL ROAD ~OUOE HILL ROAD TOYNEVALE City of Pickerin~ FILE No. W2304.405 ROAD ATWOOD Planning & Development Department N DATE SEPT 25, 2001 NOTICE OF MOTION DATE: OCTOBER 1, 2001 51()VEDBY: CO['NCILLORRYAN SECONI)EDBY: COLNCILLORPICKLES \VHEREAS the Council of the Corporation oi' the City of Pickering enacted By-law Number 3665/91 on February 18. 1991 to govern the proceedings of Council, any of its committees, the conduct of its Members, and the calling of meetings: and WI tEREAS Council passed Resolution =0901 at its regular meeting of Mav 7, 2001 to establish a standing committee system: and WttEREAS part 14 of Resolution =0901 provided for IXlembers of Council to receive an honorarium per meeting not to exceed 52500 per annum per each committee of which they arc a member; and WHEREAS pan 9 of Resolution #6901 directed staff' to facilitate a Stakeholders Forum to invite public input respecting the standing committee system: and WHEREAS the Discussion Paper. which summarized comments received from the public at the Stakeholders Forum. stated that the issue of Members of Council receiving an honourarium based on COlnmittee membership as set out in Item #14 of Resolution #69/01 was removed for consideration: and WHEREAS Council enacted Bv-laxv Number 5874/01 on August 9. 2001 to amend Bv- law Number 3555/91 to provide lbr a Standing Committee system: and WHEREAS By-law 5874/01 was silent on the issue of establishing an honorarium for Members of Council to receive per meeting; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Item 14 of Resolution #69/01 be recinded: and THAT Xlembers of Council not receive an honorarium for membership on standing committees or attendance at standing committee meetings. CA I~,I~dED: MAYOR [~13 NO'X1 (. OIII[IIlI[~{2R~IllUtlCF;.I[i(II~ NOTICE OF MOTION DATE: OCTOBER 1, 2001 MOVED BY: COUNCILLOR JOHNSON SECONDED BY: COUNCILLOR PICKLES WHEREAS it has been reported that used asphalt and concrete has been buried at Sideline 16 and Highway 7; and WHEREAS the contractor for SLF has completed their work on Highway 407; and WHEREAS the City of Picketing does not have the staff to investigate this concern raised by the public; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the City of Picketing hereby requests the Ministry of the Environment to investigate the allegations raised by the public and if any contaminated soil is found on this site, then it be removed by the proponents who are responsible. CARRIED: Btaylor:NoM Dumping at Highway 7 MAYOR