HomeMy WebLinkAboutJune 4, 2001PICKERING AGENDA COUNCIL MEETING Thomas J. Quinn Chief Administrative Officer JUNE 4, 21}01 RESOLUTION OF CO[NCIL DATE: JUNE 4. 2001 MOVED BS': SECONDED BY: WHEREAS representatives of Ontario Power Generation made a presentation to the Council of the City of Pickering at its meeting of March 19, 2001 on its proposal to locate a wind-generated turbine on the grounds of the Picketing Nuclear Generating Station to study its feasibility of providing an alternate source of energy~ and WHEREAS a similar presentation was made to the Waterfront Coordinating Committee on April 12, 2001 wherein a number of' representatives of community groups and businesses were in attendance: and WHEREAS the concept of a wind-generated turbine to provide an alternate source of energy was met with enthusiasm bv Members of' Council and the Waterfront Coordinating Committee on the understanding that the turbine would be located on the grounds of the Picketing Nuclear Generating Station and its success would be studied within five years; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering hereby endorses the proposal of Ontario Power Generation to locate the prototyPe of a wind- generated turbine on the grounds of the Picketing Nuclear Generating Station. CARRIED: MAYOR Blavlor:resol OPG turbine AGENDA COUNCIL MEETING MONDAX ', JUNE 4, 2001 7:30 P.M. ADOPTION OF MINUTES Regular Meeting of Max 22. 2001 DELEGATIONS Dr. Donna Re.vnolds, Associate Medical Officer of Health and Ross MacEachern, Manager of Environmental Health. Durham Health Unit, Will address Council with respect to the West Nile Virus. RESOLUTIONS To receive the Report of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer CS 13-01 regarding 2000 Pre-Audit Balances of Reserves and Reserve Funds. To receive the Report of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer CS 17-01 regarding Development Charges Reserve Fund Statement for City of Pickering Services for 1999 and 2000. To authorize the Chief Administrative Officer to approve 'Fenders during the Summer Recess. PAGE 1-16 17-23 24-26 (IV} BY-LAWS By-law Number 5846/01 Beingabv-lawtoexemptI.otsl0. 11 12.1'; 18.'~'~ '~' 24.~q 27. ~ "" ' - -. ..... ~. _. and Plan 40M-_0~, Pickering. from part lot control. - -' By-law Number 5847/01 Being a by-law to amend B.v-law 2359,/87 regulating parking, standing and stopping on highways and on private and municipal property. PAGE 27-29 30-33 By-law Number 5848/01 34-411 Being a by-law to appoint By-law' EnR~rcemcnt Officers Ibr certain purposes (Parking Regulation Westcreek Public School. 1822 White's Rd.. Amberlea Plaza. 1865-1867 Kingston Rd., DCC 19-1210 Radom St.. DC(; 106-1890 Valtev Farm Rd.. [)CC 107-1655 Pickcring Pkwy. DCC 1_~6-I-'~- '"_ , '~ 3_>. t>_~q Diel~nbaker. 1>~,(). 1540 Pickering Pkwy... DCC 139-1400 The Esplanade (Casitas). DCC 140-1995 Pinegrovc Rd.. I)CC 145-1635 Pickering Pkws,.. DCC 152-1625 Pickering Pkwy., DC(' 20-135(1 Glenanna Rd.. DCC 31- 1360 Glenanna Rd., I)CC 51-1958 Rosefield Rd.. DC(' 52-58!1 Ever Dr.. DCC 58-1975 Rosefield Rd., DCC 93-1880 Valley Farm Rd., OCC 11-1235 Radom St.. OCC 2-925 Bayly St. ) OTHER BUSINESS (VI) CONFIRMATION BY-LAW VII~ADJOURNMENT RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL DATE: JUNE 4. 2001 MOVED SECONDED B"f: That Report CS 13-01 of the Dirctor, Corporate Services & Treasurer regarding 2000 Pre-Audit Balances of Reserves and Reserve Funds be received fbr information. CARRIED: MAYOR Btaxlor:rcsol reserve fun&s 0 O, '-~ PICKERING REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Gillis A. Paterson Director. Corporate Services & Treasurer DATE: Mav28, 2001 REPORT NUMBER: CS 13-01 SUBJECT: 2000 Pre-Audit Balances of Reserves and Reserve Funds RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that Report CS 13-01 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received bv Council fbr information. ORIGIN: Report submitted annually to Council. AUTHORITY: Municipal Act. R.S.O. 1990, as amended, Section 163 Ontario Regulation 438/97 FINANCIAL iMPLICATIONS: Not applicable. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: As in previous reports filed over the last three years, this report provides specific information on each of the City's reserves and reserve funds, including year end balances. The current year end balances have declined slightly overall from the 1999 highs due to tighl budgetary restrictions to keep tax increases to zero and lessen the need for debt financing. BACKGROUND: Based on the preliminary 2000 results, we can now report on the pre-audit actual activities within the reserves and reserve funds for 2000. Caution must be exercised in using this information, as the City Auditors have not yet finished their annual reviexv. The "purpose" and the "recommended maintenance level" for each reserve and reserve fund are set out in Appendices B and C respectively. Report to Council CS 1_- )1 Subject: 2000 Pre-Audit Balances of Reset\cs and Reserxc Funds _S. 2001 Date: Max '~ ' Page 2 It is anticipated that a report will be filed xxith Council later this year rationalizing the diflkrent t'unds, balances and including a rex iex~ of any underlying by-la\vs. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Appendix A 2. Appendix B 3. Appendix C Description of Rcser~ cs Description of Reset\ c Funds Prepared By: Appro\ed EndorsedBv: Carvn Kon~. Senior Financial Allalvst Gillis A. Paterson. Director. ('oi~3oI'atC Services & Treasurer GP:vw Attachments Recommended for the consideration of Picketing Git>' Council Thomas ,1. Quinn, Chief Administrative Officer ATTACHMENT# 'l TOREPORT# c:s',3-o~ APPENDIX A SUMMARY CITY OF PICKERING SUMMARY OF RESERVE AND RESERVE FUND PRE-AUDIT ACTUALS DECEMBER 31, 2000 Appendix B 4610/4617 4611 4612 4613'4614 4618 4619 4620 Pre Audit Actuals Summary of Reserves Working Funds Vacation Pay Replacement of Capital Equipment Contingencies Self Insurance/inventories Reskilling Rate Stabilization Dev. Charges Cit?s portion 2000 1999 1998 1997 841,350 841.350 841.350 841,350 2,153.816 2.521,806 1,829,610 175,914 1,371.295 1.381,295 786,318 264,319 776,410 713,080 579.124 452,207 - 83.900 249,139 2.981.232 1,786.232 1.889.000 7.281.010 8.438.764 5.822.634 1.817.690 Appendix C Summary of Reserve Funds 4225 Community Facilities 4227/4229 Development Charges 4228 Capital Works 4230 Parkland 4232 Public Works 4233 Pickering Baseball Assoc. 2000 1999 1998 1997 252.569 219.209 773.483 447,280 7,586.550 6,744,603 5,874.293 6,145,652 850.630 826.082 613.464 403,758 3.875.513 4.242,340 5.778.228 4,161.322 1,304.410 1,194.655 1.185,154 1,096,536 60.789 - 13.960."61 13.226,889 14,224.622 512.254,548 Total Reserve and Reserve Funds ~ S21.065.652 f~Jl,0AJ2,Sfi SA_4A)J2,2~ ATTACHMEN'; ~ ~ TO REPORT APPENDIX B RESERVE FOR %'ORKING FINDS/VACATION PA5? G/L 4610/4617 Actual Balance December 31. lOqq 2000 Transactions Transfers into thc l(cscrvc Working Funds Vacation Pa5 Transt'crs out et'the Reserve Pre-Audit Actual Balance December 31. 200(i \Vorking Funds Va. catiolq Pay 5841.350 441.35!} SS):L,350 Purpose of the Reserx es: The reserve for xxorkin~ funds is used to provide operating cash to assist in avoiding short tema interest expenses incurred on operations, typically durin5 thc first months of the year prior to tax billing and at other times xxhcn cash ini'loxxs and outfioxvs do not match as occurs in any corporation. The reserve tbr vacation pa~ was established to ensure thai tine cost of vacation pay earned, but not taken, is correctly allocated to thc taxpa.~crs of dnat year and the Council of that period. The VacaUon Pay Reserve is no longer needed as such and it will be recommended that it be collapsed and rolled into thc \Vorkin~ Funds Reserve. A rcport will be forthcoming later this year and this reserve will be recommended to be transferred to Working Funds to provide a more appropriate balance in that Reserve. The interest income on these funds form part of the annual Current Budget General Government Revenue. Recommended Maintenance Levels of the Reserves: Reserve for \VorkiiYz Funds - It is recommended as :t "rulc-oi:thumb" that this reserYe be ") , ~0 up to _ o - _~ ,,o of' total revenues. on6 APPENDIX B (Page 2) RESERVE FOR REPLACEMENT OF CAPITAL EQUIPMENT G/L 4611 Actual Balance December 31, 1999 2000 Transactions Transfers into the Reserve 2000 Budget Various Recreation Revenues Sub-total Transfers out of the Reserve 2000 Contribution to Capital Fund Finance, Roads. & Transit Pre-Audit Actual Balance - December 31, 2000 104.962 $ 2.521.806 .104.962 $2.626.768 (472,952) $2.153~816 Purpose of this Reserve: The purpose of this reserve is to eliminate the need to levy for the full cost of major equipment in the year of acquisition. The reserve acts as a stabilization factor and helps to avoid both mill rate fluctuations and the issuance of long term debt or other means of financing. The interest income on these funds form part of the annual Current Budget General Government Revenue. Recommended Maintenance Levels of this Reserve: This reserve should be kept at a level which is equivalent to the replacement cost of the assets for which they were established. The reserve has fluctuated from the Iow as at December 31, 1997 of $175,914 to a high of $2.52 million at the end of 1999. No additional provision has been provided for in the current budget for several years and this account continues to be under funded. Major additional contributions will be required in future years. APPENDIX B (Page 3) RESERVE FOR ('ONTINGENCIES G/I. 4612 Actual Balance December 31. 1999 2000 Transactions Transfers into thc Reserve 2000 Budget - £icnm-al (iovemmcnt - :Xsscssnacnt :\ppeals Sub-total Transfers oul of thc Reserve 2000 Cent to (icncrat Fund - Wcstcn~ Branch Books - Election l)l'ovisioI2 $1.381,295 150.000 15().000) Pre-Audit _Actual Balance - December 31, 2t)00 Pu__q.F_pose of this Reserve: Like the capital equipment replacement reserve, tl~is reserve acts in a tax stabilization capacity. It was established in anticipation of Lmknown, unusual or extraordinary expenditures which occur l¥om time to time. The interest income on these funds Ibrnn pan of thc annual ('utTent }3udder General ©o\'el'l~lllCllt Revenue. Recommended Maintenance l~ex'els of this Reserve: Staff continue to monitor the balance of this reserve and the need contributions required. for long term APPENDIX B (Page 4) RESERVE FOR SELF INSURANCE/INVENTORY G/L 4613/4614 Actual Balance December 31, 1999 2000 Transactions Transfers into the Reserve Inventor' Adjustment - Insurance Premiums Under Budget Provisions Transfers out of the Reserve 0 63.330 $ 713,080 63.330 776.410 0 $776.410 Pre-Audit Actual Balance - December 31, 2000 Purpose of this Reserves: Reserve for self-insurance This reserve was established as a necessary, form of asset protection. Specifically, it is to cover insurance claims resulting from the increase in deductible levels. The higher deductible reduced insurance premiums. Significant savings can be realized through reduced premium costs and staff analyze the costs/benefits of such actions on an annual basis. Reserve for Inventory This reserve has been established to ensure that the cost of revolving inventories is correctly allocated to the taxpayers of that year and the Council of that period. The interest income on these funds form part of the annual Current Budget General Government Revenue. Recommended Maintenance Levels of this Reserve: Reserve for Self Insurance This reserve should be maintained at a level to ensure that the funding is adequate to meet actuarial liabilities. This situation is analyzed by staff on a regular basis. Reserve for Inventory The maintenance level required is explained ip the description of the purpose for this reserve. APPENDIX B (Page 5) RESERVE FOR RATE STABILIZATION G/L 4619 Actual Balance December 31.1999 2000 Transactions q'ransfcrs into thc Rcserx'¢ Transfers out of thc Reserve 0 £2."32,0942 Pre-Audit Actual Balauce - December 31. 2000 o Purpose of Ibis Reserve: The purpose of this reserve is to act as a mill rate stabilization factor for annual current budget funding. The interest income on these funds I'onlq part of the annual Current Budget General Government Revenue. 2. Recommended Maintenance Levels of this Reserve: The level of this reserve will continue to be monitored. 010 APPENDIX B (Page 6) RESERVE FOR DEVELOPMENT CHARGES - CITY SHARE G/L 4620 Actual Balance December 31, 1999 2000 Transactions Transfcr~ into the Reserve - 2000 Provision - Surplus Transfers out of the Reserve $ 0 400,000 1,489,00O Pre-Audit Actual Balance - December 31, 2000 $1,889.000 1. Purpose of this Reserve: This reserve has been established to set aside funds for projected ~owth in the City. From the 1999 Development Charges Study it was approved that a Reserve Fund be established for the City's share i.e. the non development charge portion, oi' the costs of services included in the Development Charges study and that contributions bc included in the Annual Current Budget for consideration by Council. For the City to meet its obligations for the various capital projects an annual contribution of $2.4 million is required. The interest income on these funds form part of tine annual Current Budget General Government Revenue. Recommended Maintenance Levels of this Reserve: This reserve should be maintained at a level to ensure that the funding is adequate to meet future capital growth in the City. ,?TACHM E~,i T ;~ _~ TC, F, EPORT #. CE i ~- ol APPENDIX C 011_ RESERVE Ft'NI) FOR COMNI[NITY FACILITIES G/L 4225 Actual Balance l)eccmber 31. 1999 2000 Transactious 'l'ransfcrs into the Reserve lntcrest t'arncd ('ontribUtlOn t?om Capizal l-Lind Transt'crs out of thc Reserve 9.209 9.021 54,339 252,569 Pre-Audit Actual Balance - 1)eccmbcr 31. 2000 S282.569 Purpose of this Reserve: This is a "discretionaw" reserve fired established by Council to attempt to avoid both tax rate lluctuations and the need Ibr issuing lon~ tcma debt for major expenditures required lbr community facilities. Thc interest income on these funds Ibm~ part of tile Reserve Fund as per thc Municipal Act. o Recommended Maintenance Levels of this Reserve: The balances of this fund have fluctuated from the 1999 year low of $219 thousand to the high in 1994 of $5.1 million. Additional amounts must be allocated to this fund. 0.1. APPENDIX C (Page 2) RESERVE FUND FOR DEVELOPMENT CHARGES G/L 4227/4229 Actual Balance December 31, 1999 2000 Transactions Transfers into the Reserve Capital Fund Contribution lnterest Earned Net Developer Contributions Transfer to Capital Fund 2127 Finance 2240 - Fire 2321 - Roads - External Subdivision 2321 2360 2718 _/45 2745 2610 Roads Vehicle - Specialized Transit - Parks - Development -Libraries Materials Libraries Fixed Assets Planning Studies $ (40,000) (400,000) (617,412) (14,000) (64.800) 143,000 ) (88,000) (468,000) (3,615) $6,744,603 4.638 366,765 2,309,371 9,425,377 (1,838,827) Pre-Audit Actual Balance - December 31, 2000 $7.586~550 Purpose of this Reserve: This is an "obligatory" reserve fund and as such is governed by Provincial legislation, regulation. City by-Law or agreement and requires revenue received for the special purposes to be segregated from tile general revenues of tile municipality. Obligatory reserve funds must be created whenever a statute requires revenue received for a special purpose to be segregated from the general revenues of the municipality and the revenue is to be used solelv for the purpose prescribed by statute, i.e. in this case the monies charged to developers must be held in trust and used to fund capital se~'ices required for new growth. The interest income on these funds form part of the Reserve Fund as per the Municipal Act. Recommended Maintenance Levels of this Reserve: In accordance with development charge legislation, all development charge revenue must be held within separate reserve funds and can onlv be used for the financing of growth- related projects. As such, no reserve fund limits are appropriate for development charge reserve funds because they are tied to growth-related capital requirements. APPENDIX C (Page 3) 0.1 3 RESERVE FUNI) FOR CAPIT-XL \VORKS G/L 4228 Actual Balance l)ecemt)er 31. 1999 2000 Transactions Transfers into the Rcscr~c Interest Earned Developer Contributions I rcI'und) $33.79S S826,()82 24.548 Transfers out of the Reserve Pre-Audit Actual Balance - l)ecember 31. 2000 Purpose of this Reserve: This Fund is a "discretionary-one and is established pursuant to subsection 103.(2) of the Municipal Act for spccilScd pu~3~oscs by Council related to thc acquisition of assets. The interest income on these hinds form part of thc Reserx c Ftmd as per tiao Municipal Act. Recommended Maintenance Levels of this Reserve Fund: This reserve fund has its lowest balance at thc end of 1997 of $404 thousand, with the highest balance in the last 4 years being $1.495 million at the end of 1995. The level of this reserve will continue to be monitored. 0.1 4 APPENDIX C (Page 4) RESERVE FUND FOR PARKLAND G/L 4230 Actual Balance December 31, 1999 2000 Transactions Transfers into the Reserve Interest Earned Recreational Land / cash-in-lieu) Capital Fund Contribution $4.242,339 188.724 114.400 6.563 4.552.026 Transfers out of the Reserve Transfer to Capital Fund 2132 Town Properb' Trackless Tractor 2718 -Parks Land Purchase 927 Tulle St. - Ford Packer/Compactor Farm Tractor Playground Equipment &Misc Park Dex elopment $(69.577) (118.750) (23,011) (7.875) (457.000) (676,213) Pre-Audit Actual Balance - December 31, 2000 $3~875,813 1. Purpose of this Reserve Fund: This is an "obligatory" reserYe fund and it has been established pursuant to subsection 163.(2) of the Municipal Act as required by subsections 42.( 1 ), (5), (6), (7), (8) and (9) of thc Planning Act. This fund is governed by legislation, regulation or agreement and requires revenues received for the special purposes to be segregated from the general revenues of the municipality. Obligatory, reserve funds must be created whenever a statute requires revenues for a special purpose to be segregated from the general revenues of the municipality and the revenue is to be used solely for the purpose prescribed by statute. The interest income on these funds form part of the Reserve Fund as per the Municipal Act. Recommended Maintenance Levels of this Reserve Fund: Due to the obligatory, nature of this fund, there are no limits on this fund. APPENDIX C (Page 5) 01:5 RESERVE FUND FOR PUBLIC V~'ORKS G/L 4232 .Actual Balance December 31. 1999 2000 Transactions ~I ransfers rote thc Reserve Interest !:arncd Dexelopcr('ontribution5 IRcfund) ('apilal Fund ('ontribution ~I'ransfers out of the Reserve Transfer to ('apilal Fund 2321 tixtcmal Subdivision \Vork5 Re,thank Strouds i,anc $1.194,655 48.819 (683) ~0.119 Pre-Audit Actual Balance - l)eceml)er 31. 2000 Purpose of this Reserve Fund: This fund lnas been established by Council pursuant to subsection I(G.12) of the Municipal Act. Tine pm73osc of tiao reserve tkmcts is to acquire fixed assets, e.=.~, sto~ sewers, without the need to /'and on a long ienn~ naikirc t}wokigh tile issue of debentures. The main pu~ose at this time is to 2md the City's slnarc of tiao cost of subdivision works committed to under various subdivision agreements. The interest income on these funds lbrm pan of the Reser-,'c Fund as per the Municipal Act. Recommended Maintenance Levels of this Reserve Fund: Tiao "average" annual balance of rials fund over thc last Ibur xoars has been approximately 5;1.25 million. This reserve stnould be kept at least at this lexel in tile future. Staff will periodically review the need for this level with tho requirements contained in the capital budgets and four year program and report anx alit'IL'rent findings to Council. 0 ~ ¢ APPENDIX C (Page 6) RESERVE FUND FOR PICKERING BASEBALL ASSOCIATION G/L 4233 Actual Balance December 31. 1999 2000 Transactions Transfers into the Reserve interest Earned Picketing Baseball Association Transfers out of the Reserve $ 0 789 60,000 60.789 Pre-Audit Actual Balance - December 31, 2000 $60~789 1. Purpose of this Reserve Fund: This Reserve Fund has been established for the construction of the Brockridge Park Clubhouse. The funding for this Reserve Fund shall initially be by contribution from the Pickering Baseball Association, and thereafter from any other donors or contributors or from such funds as the Council of the City ofPickering mav from time to time approve. The interest income on these funds form part of the Reserve Fund as per the Municipal Act. o Recommended Maintenance Levels of this Reserve Fund: Due to the obligato~ nature of this fund, there are no limits on this fund. 0 ..1 T RESOLI'TION OF COUNCIL DATE: JUNE 4, 2001 MOVED BY: SECONDED That Report CS 17-01 and the Statement of the Director. Corporate Services & Treasurer respecting the Development Charges Fund (G/L 4227) be received. Btaylor:resol development charges CARRIED: MAYOR PICKERING REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM' Gillis A. Paterson Director. Corporate Services & Treasurer DATE: May28, 2001 REPORT NUMBER: CS 17-01 SUBJECT: Development Charges Reserve Fund Statement for City of Pickering Services for 1999 and 2000 RECOMMENT)ATION: That Report CS 17-01 and the Statement of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer respecting the Development Charges Fund (G/L 4227) be received by Council. ORIGIN: Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer .AUTHORITY: Development Charges Act, R.S.O. 1997 as amended, and Regulations thereunder. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS' There are no finacial implications to the receipt of this statement. EXECUTI ,E SUMMARY: Not applicable BACKGROUND: Section 43 of the Development Charges Act requires that the Treasurer furnish to Council a Statement in respect of each Reserve Fund established under Section 33 (ie. for each Development Charge). Statements are attached to this Report covering the last two fiscal years, 1999 and 2000. Total Development Charges collected in 1999 were $2,552,009. Various capital projects in the amount of $1,799,375 were financed in 1999 from cumulative fund balances available. The amount of $163,793 was used to repay advance capital expenditures related to oversizing cost of the Municipal Office and Central Library. This resulted in a favourable increase in funds of $588,841 which together with interest income of $281,468 brought the total increase in funds to $870,309 in 1999. The Development Charges collected in 2000 were $2,309,371 which is 9.5 percent less than 1999. The amount spent on capital projects was $1,838,826 which is 2.2 percent higher than 1999. The total net increase of funds for the years 1999 and 2000 is $1,712,256 out of which $648,232 is interest income (38 percent), the balance being development charges collected from developers. Report to Council CS 17-01 Date: Max,' 28, 2001 Subject: Development Charges Rescrx c Fund Statement tbr City of Picketing Page 2 Services for 1999 and 2000 013 Wilh the decrease in buildin~ actixitx it is amicipatcd receipts xxill continue to decline. Therelbrc. delaying projects max hax c to bc considered in (u~urc budgets until fine development is suft]cicni to xxaH-allt thc expenditure of funds and suI'ihcicnt funds are axailablc, both t?om cxorcisos. ATTACItM ENTS' 1999 Statement of Dcx clopmcnt Charges Reserve Fund 1999 Analysis of Actix i~ios Respecting Transi~'r to Capital Projects 2000 Statement of Activities Respecting TransI~r to Capital Projects 2000 Analysis ofActix itics Respecting Trans~Dr to Capital Projects Prepared Bx': ( ./.---, ~ ,"-' Caryn Kong, Senior Financial Analyst GAP:w, Attachments Approxcd Endorsed ©illis A. Paterson. Dircclor. ('o~]~oratc Services & '[-rcasurer Recommended tbr the consideration of Picketing Git,,' Council Thomas J. Ouinn. Chief Administrative OI'ticor O~.t] AI-rACHMENT# I TOP,EPOP'T#~'q~° % .... .:., ~'$ ¥©P, EPOP, T#C': I~-Ot ANAI.YSIS OF AMOUNTS TRANSFERRED lo 1099 CAPITAL PROJECTS 021 FROM DEXELOPMENT CH.-\RGE RESERVE FUND Roads ~.(External Subdivision \\'orkst Finch Ave & Whites Rd. (1ST-9-(/(~(~) Altona Rd. (1ST-S~I I-) Kingston Rd Street Lishts ~M Sidcx~ alks (S2 94) Sidcxx alk and Street I_ightin5 35.50(I $ 190,S22 Parkland Development Millcmnium Trail \Voodsmere Park Development Charge ('rcdi~s 2-,554 ,604 l.ibrarv 7~lateriais Collection Materials Fire Fire Vehicle & Equipment 120,949 Transit Mid-Life Bus Refurbishing 48,261 Public V~'orks - Storm \\'ater Xlanag_~.ment Frenchmans Bay Watershed Planning Rouge Park Ncighbourhood 12().()()(~ 11,/~9 S 1 799~5 022 ANALYSIS OF AM()UNTS TRANSFERREI) - 2000 CAPITAl. PROJECTS FROM I)E'VELOPMENT CHARGE RESERVE FUND Finance Master Servicino Financino Plan Fire Department Vehicle Aerial Roads Purchased of used uti litv vchic lc External Subdivision \\'orks Services on City Roads Sandy Beach Road }:airport Road Pickcri~: _ Parkway Re-alignment Sidexxalks and 5trcetlights Finch Ax cnuc (North Sido) Kingston Road (North Side) ~Rosebank m ~ cst limit of neighbourhood) Kingston Road (Noah Side) ( Whites Road to 050m cast) Kingston Road ~partial) at Brock Road Kingston Road ~partial) Traffic Signals Signalized Intersections Traffic Signals Twin Rivers DYixc Storm Water %lanagement ROUge Park Ncighbourhood S 1.0(1( 12.18- f)3.375 ! S 4(;.o()() 4()(L()()() 14,000 Transit Specialized Service Vehicle Parks Parkett Design and Construction (Bonita) Petticoat Crossing Bridge (add to existing l Library Collection Materials Library Facilities Seniors Facilities Colnmunitv Centre Parkland Development Planning Rot_IgC Park Neighbourhood - l.()()() -2 () SS.000 ~( 102,()()() 64,800 143.000 556,000 3.614 024 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL DATE: JUNE 4, 2001 MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: That Report to Council CAO 04-01, seeking authorization for the approval of tenders by the Chief Administrative Officer during Council's Summer Recess be received; and That the Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to approve tenders during Council's Summer Recess period (i.e. from June 26 to August 3, 2001 and from August 8, 2001 to September 7, 2001), on condition that, a) b) c) the lowest acceptable tender is approved, the cost thereof is within the budget previously allocated therefor by Council, and a report respecting those tenders is subsequently submitted to Council. Btavlor:resol tenders CARRIED: MAYOR REPORT TO COUNCIL O25 FROM: Thomas J. Quiim Chief Administrative Officer DATE: April 20, 2001 REPORT NUMBER: CAO 04-01 SUBJECT: Tender Approval bv the Chief Administrative Officer - 2001 Summer Council Recess - File: CSll00 RECOMMENDATION: That Report To Council CA() 04-01. seeking authorization for the approval of tenders by the Chief Administrative Officer during Council's Summer Recess be received: and A resolution should be made authorizing the approval of tenders by the Chief Administrative Officer during Council's Summer Recess period (i.e.. from June 26 to August 3. 2001 and from August 8. 2001 to September 7. 2001 ). on condition that. a) b) c) the lowest acceptable tender is approved. the cost thereof is within the budget previously allocated therefor by Council, and a report respecting those tenders is subsequently submitted to Council. ORIGIN: 2001 Summer Recess (i.e., from June 20 to August 3, 2001 and from August 8. 2001 to September 7. 2001). A[JTHORITY: None required, subject to later Council ratification. FINANCIAL IMPLICATION S: Because the authority to approve is subject to condition that the cost of each tender must be within the budget previously allocated therelbr by Council. there will be no financial implications other than those already considered approved by Council. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Not applicable BACKGROUND: During the 2001 Summer Recess, there may be the need to approve tenders and no opportunity to obtain specific Council approval as there is only one Council meeting (August 7) scheduled between June 26 and September 10. It is therefore proposed that thc Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to approve tenders during the summer period (i.e.. from June 26 to August 3, 2001 and from August 8, 2001 to September 7, 200I ), on condition that in each case the lowest acceptable tender is approved, and the cost thereof is within the budget previously allocated theretbr by Council. A report respecting any tenders approved under this authority will be subsequently submitted to Council. 026 Report to Council CAO 04-01 Subject: Tender Approval of the Chief Administrative Officer - 2001 Summer Council Recess Date: April 20. 2001 Page 2 ATTACHMENTS: Not Applicable TJQ:jh Copy: Approved / Endorsed By: Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Manager, Supply & Services Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Cou~ ',, ., cer ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT LEGAL SERVICF, S I)IVISION 027 N1E.'xlOR:\ND[ ;M May 28, 2001 Toi Irrolll: Subject: Bruce Taylor City Clerk Denise Bye Manager. Legal ~erviccs Part Lot Control - 1298989 Ontario Inc. - Lots 10, 11, 12. 15, 18, 22, 23.24, 25 and 27. Plan 40M-2033 - File: P4101.216 The above-mentioned lands are being dexeloped in accordance with tile appropriate Subdivision Agreement and Zoning t3x-I,aw in such a maturer to allow more than one dxvelling unit to be constructed on each of the lots rclbrrcd to. Attached hereto is a location map and a draft bx-laxv, enactment of which will exempt these lands from the part lot control provisions of the Planning Act, thus permitting transfers of those units into separate ov, nership. This by-law is in the lbm~ usually used in such cases and is attached tbr tile consideration of City Council at its meeting scheduled for June 4, 2001. DB:Jim Attachments Copy: Mm~ager, Current Operations I)ivision Denise 028 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-LAW NO. 5846/01 Being a b~v-law to exempt Lots 10, 1], 12, 15. 18, 22, 23, 24, 25 and 2?, Plan 40M-2033, Pickering, from part lot control. WHEREAS pursuant to the provisions of section 50 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P. 13, the Council of the municipality may by by-law provide that section 50(5) of the Act does not apply to certain lands within a plan of subdivision designated in the by-law: NOW THEREFORE. the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: Section 50(5) of the Planning Act. R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13, does not apply to the lands described as follows: Lots 10, 11, 12, 15, 18, 22, 23, 24, 25 and 27. Plan 40M-2033, Pickering. This by-law shall remain in force and effect for a period of one year from the date of the passing of this by-law and shall expire on June 4, 2002. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 4th day of June, 2001. Wayne Arthurs, Mayor Bruce Taylor, Clerk P4101.216 023 >O,~o ..... J~' .~-~'~"' oOG¢\OoG City of Pickering COURT ~'VENU E Planning & Development Department FILE No. P4101.216 40M-2033 LOTS 10, 11, 12, 15, 18 22, 23, 24, 25 AND 27 IDATE MAY 29, 2001 030 PICKERING REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: John Reble Solicitor for the City DATE: Mav 8. 2001 REPORT NUMBER: L10-01 SUBJECT: Parking By-law 2359/87, as amended - Parking or Stopping of Commercial Vehicles - File: W2300 RECOMMENDATION: A by-law should be enacted to regulate the parking or stopping of commercial vehicles on certain highways under the jurisdiction of the City of Picketing. ORIGIN: Schedule "I" of By-law 2359/87 regulating the parking or stopping of commercial vehicles. A[~THORITY: MunicipalAcl, R.S.O. 1990, Chap. M.45, s.210.123-126, 210.131,310, 314.8 Regional Municipalities Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chap. R.8, s34. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: There are no new financial implications to the City as a result of this recommendation. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Pursuant to the Municipal Act, the Council of The Corporation of the City of Picketing may pass by-laws prohibiting or regulating the parking, standing or stopping of vehicles, or any class thereof; on highways or any part of a highway, and such by-laws may classify vehicles according to weight or size. Subsection 9(2) of the City's Parking By-law prohibits the parking or stopping of commercial vehicles on certain highways and it is now appropriate to update that by-law to include the highways set out in the draft by-law attached hereto. BACKGROUND: On January 19, 1997, the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering passed By-law 2359/87 regulating parking, standing and stopping on highways and on private and municipal property. Schedule "I" to that by-law lists the highways within the City that parking or stopping of commercial vehicles is strictly prohibited 24 hours a day. The City Clerk has indicated that there are a number of highways that should be added to that Schedule and therefore By-law 2359/87 requires amendment. Enactment o£ the attached by-law will authorize the amendment to By-law 2359/87. Report to Council L10-01 Subject: Parking By-law 2359/87. as amended Date: Max' 8, 2001 Page 2 ATTACItMENTS: 1. Draft by-law to amend Bx-lax~ 2359 87. Prepared Bx': Jodv [ ar~ghs JEP:lim Attachment Cop>': Chief Administrative (htx Clerk Director. Operations & Emergency Services Recommended for the consideration o£ Picketing City Council Thomas J Quinn, Chief Administrative O!ticer Approv sed Bx: JohffT<-et~~ 03 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PiCKERING BY-LAW NO.._53_42Z0_l__ Being a by-law lo amend By-law 2359/87 regulating parking, standing and stopping on highways and on private and municipal properly. WHEREAS, pursuant to the predecessor of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chap M.45, s 210.52, 210.73,210.124-126, 210.131,310, 314.8, the Council of the Corporation of the City of Picketing enacted By-law 2359/87 regulating parking, standing and stopping on highways and on private and municipal property; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE COP, PORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: Schedule 'T' of Bv-law 2359/87, as amended, is hereby further amended by adding thereto the following highways: ABBOTT CRES. ALANBURY CRES. ANNAN WOODS DR. ANTON SQ. ARATHORN CRT. ARACDIA SQ. ASHFIELD CRT. ASHFORD DR. ASHWOOD GATE ATWOOD CRES. AUTUMN CRES. BAGGINS ST. BAINBRIDGE DR BAYFIELD ST. BAYVIEW ST. BEATON WAY BENTLEY LANE BLAIRWOOD GATE BLAIRWOOD CRT. BLOOMFIELD CRT. BLUE RIDGE CRES. BLUEBIRD CRES BOXWORTH PLACE BOYLE CRT. BRIMWOOD CRT. BROADOAK CRES. BROOKRIDGE GATE BROOKSHIRE SQ. BUTTERNUT CRT. CALLAHAN ST. LAWSON ST. LAYTON CRT. LEKANI CRT. LIGHTFOOT PLACE LITTLEFORD ST. LONGBOW DR. LYMAR CRT. LYTTON (;RT. MAPLE AVE. MAPLE HILL CRT. MARTINS ST. MCBRAI)Y CRES. MELDON DR. MELMAN ST. MERIADOC DR. MIDDLETON ST. 1NSTREL MANOR MONICA COOK PLACE MOSSBROOK SQ. MOUNTAIN ASH DR. MOUNTCASTLE CRES NAPANEE RD. NIPISS1NG CRT. NORDENE DR. OAKBURN ST. OTONBEE DR. PEACHWOOD LANE PEPPERWOOD GATE PINE GLEN DR. PINEVIEW I,ANE -2- 033 COPPERSTONE DR. CORNELL CRT. COTTONWOOD CiR. CROSSING.CRT DAYLIGHT CRT. DEERHAVEN LANE DEERItURST CRT. DELLBROOK AVE. DEUI'A BLV.D DENBY DR. DENCOURT DR. I)[IBERRY DR. EAGLEVIEW DR. ENGEI~ CRT. EP, AMOSA CRES. ERIN GATE BLV.D. ESPLANADE N. ESPi,ANADE S. FERNAM ST. I:ERNCI_IFF CIR. FORDON AVE. I"()P, ESTViEW DR. FOREST PAtLK DR. GAB1,EHURST CRES. GALl ,ANT CRT. GANDALF CRT. GARDENVIEW SQ. GARLAND CRES. GLEN EDEN CRT. GOSSAMER DR. GRACELAND CRT. GfLAFTON CRT. GRAYABBET CRT. GROVEDALE CRT. HADRIAN CRT. ttARROWS M ITH C P,T. HEATHSIDE CRES. HELM ST. HORGARTH ST. HOLBROOK CRT. }tOLLYI-IEDGE DR. } lOWELL CRES. t IUNTSMILL DR. LAMOUR RD. ROUGE VALLEY DR. SANDCASTLE CRT. SANDCHERRY CRT. SAND ItURST CRES. SAUGEEN DR. SLrCORD ST. ~ E(Jt, IN SQ. SHAI)EMASTER DR. SHAY I)R. SiLVKR MAPLE SII,VER SPUR[~ i)R. SOMERGROVE CRES. SOt 5TttCOTT RID. SPARROW CIR. T. NIARTINS DR. STARVIEW CRT. STEEPLE HILL STONEt tAMPTON CRT. WI'A'IHMORE CRES. STREAMSIDE CRI'. S'I'[iRGEON CRT. S[:MMMERPARK C}~S. SWAN PI.ACI{ SWEEIBRAIR CRT. TAWNBERRY ST. Tt 1EODEN CRT. TltlCKET CRES. TONILINSON CRT. TRANQUIL CRT. TREET()P WAY [ :NI)ERHILt. VAI.LEY RIDGE CRES. VII.I.AGE ~V:VI'E RFORI) GATE XVF]S'I' LANE WESTCREEK DR. W}tiTE CEDAR DR. WttlTE PiNE C~S. WILCROFT CRT. WII~DFLOWUR DR. WILLOWSiDE CRT. WINDGARDEN C~S. WOOI)SMERI~ Ct~S. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 4th day of June, 2001. 0 REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Bruce Taylor, AMCT, CMM City Clerk DATE: May 11, 2001 REPORT NUMBER: CL 21/01 SUBJECT: Appointments to enforce the Parking By-law at Westcreek Public School. 1822 White's Rd., Amberlea Plaza, 1865-1867 Kingston Rd., DCC 19-1210 Radom St., DCC 106-1890 Valley Farm Rd., DCC 107-1655 Pickering Pkwy. DCC 136- 1525, 1535 Diefenbaker, 1530, 1540 Pickering Pkwy., DCC 139-1400 The Esplanade (Casitas), DCC 140-1995 Pinegrove Rd., DCC 145-1635 Pickering Pkwy., DCC 152-1625 Pickering Pkwy., DCC 20-1350 Glenanna Rd., DCC 31- 1360 Glenanna Rd., DCC 51-1958 Rosefield Rd., DCC 52-580 Eyer Dr., DCC 58-1975 Rosefield Rd., DCC 93-1880 Valley Farm Rd., OCC 11-1235 Radom St., OCC 2-925 Bayly St., in Pickering RECOMMENDATION: That the draft by-law to appoint two persons to enforce the Parking By-law at Westcreek Public School, thirty persons to enforce the by-law at 1822 White's Rd., Amberlea Plaza, 1865-1867 Kingston Rd., DCC 19-1210 Radom St., DCC 106-1890 Valley Farm Rd., DCC 107-1655 Picketing Pkwy. DCC 136-1525, 1535 Diefenbaker, 1530, 1540 Picketing Pkwy., DCC 139- 1400 The Esplanade (Casitas), DCC 140-1995 Pinegrove Rd.. DCC 145-1635 Pickering Pkwy., DCC 152-1625 Pickering Pkwy., DCC 20-1350 Glenanna Rd., DCC 31-1360 Glenanna Rd., DCC 51-1958 Rosefield Rd., DCC 52-580 Eyer Dr., DCC 58-1975 Rosefield Rd., DCC 93-1880 Valley Farm Rd., OCC 11-1235 Radom St., OCC 2-925 Bayly St., and the removal of two persons from enforcing the Parking By-law at 1305/1315 Pickering Pkwy., 963-979 Brock Rd. and 1735 Bayly St., be forwarded to Council for approval. ORiGIN: Letters from Westcreek Public School dated April 30, 2001, Group 4 Securitas dated May 4, 2001 and Nemesis Security Services Inc. dated April 23, 2001. AUTHORITY: Section 15(I) of the Police Services Act. R.S.O. 1990, c.P. 15 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: None EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: N/A BACKGROUND: Correspondence has been received from Westcreek Public School requesting the appointment of two persons as By-law Enforcement Officers for the purpose of enforcing the Parking By-law at Westcreek Public School, from Group 4 Securitas requesting the appointment of thirty persons for the purpose of enforcing the Parking Bx'-laxv at 1822 White's Rd., Amberlea Plaza. 1865- 1867 Kingston Rd., DCC 19-1210 Radom St.. DCC 1(t6-1890 Valle~ Farm Rd.. DCC I07-1655 Pickering Pkwy. DCC 136-1525, 1535 Diet~nbaker. 1530. 1540 Pickering Pkwy.. DCC 139- 1400 The Esplanade (Casitas), DCC 140-1995 Pinegrove Rd.. DCC 145-1635 Pickering Pkv~T., DCC 152-1625 Pickering PkwT.. DCC 2()-1~_0 Glenanna Rd.. DCC 31-1360 Glenanna Rd., DCC 51-1958 Rosefield Rd., DCC 52-580 Ever Dr., DCC 58-1975 Rosefield Rd., DCC 93-1880 Valley Farm Rd., OCC 11-1235 Radom St., OCC 2-925 Bayl,v St. and from Nemesis Security Services Inc. requesting the removal of two persons as By-law Entbrcement Officers at 1305/1315 Pickering Parkway. 960-97 Brock Road and 17~> Bavlv St. This by-la~,, will replace all by-laws previous(',' passed by' Council respecting Group 4 Securitas. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Correspondence from Westcreek Public School. Group 4 Securitas and Nemesis Security Services Inc. 2. Draft By-law. Prepared By: Approved Endorsed By: Debbie Kearns BT:dk Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Bruce Taylor Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council 03( THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKER]N(] BY-LAW NO. 5848/01 Being a by-law to appoint By-law Enforcement Officers for certain purposes (Parking Regulation Westcreek Public School, 1822 White's Rd., Amberlea Plaza, 1865-1867 Kingston Rd.., DCC 19-1210 Radom St., DCC 106-1890 Valley Farm Rd., DCC 107-1655 Pickering Pkwy. DCC 136- 1525, 1535 Diefenbaker, 1530, 1540 Pickering Pkwy., DCC 139-1400 The Esplanade (Casitas), DCC 140-1995 Pinegrove Rd., DCC 145-1635 Pickering Pkwy., DCC 152-1625 Pickering Pkwy., DCC 20-1350 Glenanna Rd., DCC 31- 1360 Glenanna Rd., DCC 51-1958 Rosefield Rd., DCC 52-580 Eyer Dr., DCC 58-1975 Rosefield Rd., DCC 93-1880 Valley Farm Rd., OCC 11- 1235 Radom St., OCC 2-925 Bayly St.) WHEREAS pursuant to section 15(I) of the Police Services Act., R.S.O. 1990, c.P.15, as amended, a municipal council may appoint persons to enforce the by-laws of the municipality and WHEREAS pursuant to section 15(2) of the said Act, municipal by-law enforcement officers are peace officers for the purpose of enforcing municipal by-laws; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: That the following persons be hereby appointed as municipal law enforcement officers in and for the City of Pickering in order to ascertain whether the provisions of By-law 2359/87 are obeyed and to enforce or carry into effect the said By-law and are hereby authorized to enter at all reasonable times upon lands municipally known as: a) 1822 White's Rd., Amberlea Plaza, 1865-1867 Kingston Rd., 1210 Radom St., 1890 Valley Farm Rd., 1655 Pickering Pkwy., 1525, 1535 Diefenbaker, 1530, 1540 Pickering Pkwy., 1400 The Esplanade (Casitas), 1995 Pinegrove Rd., 1635 Pickering Pkwy., 1625 Pickering Pkwy., 1350 Glenanna Rd., 1360 Glenanna Rd., 1958 Rosefield Rd., 580 Eyer Dr., 1975 Rosefield Rd., 1880 Valley Farm Rd., 1235 Radom St., 925 Bayly St.: Adam Scott Mario Moriera Andrea Johnson Preston Roberts Dave Glover Stan Szymanski Jay Johnston Wolf Brozoska Jen Galo Keith Pearson Lewis Stevens A1 Lambert Nick Koitsopolis Carole MacDonald Shaun Stobert Jason Savage Trevor Parker Jeff Clements Joe DePasquale Kevin Blois Adrian Rozel Monica Gallant Bob Rombough Sean Stafford Ed Francis Teresa Canonico Jeff Cleeves Yvonne Fox Kathy Edwards Kevin Linthorne b) Westcreek Public School: Kevin Lowe Brenda Nixon The authority granted in section 1 hereto is specifically limited to that set out in section 1, and shall not be deemed, at any time, to exceed the authority set out in section 1. These appointments shall expire upon thc persous listed in section l(a) ceasing to be employees of Group 4 Securitas or upon Group 4 Securitas ceasing to be an agent of 1822 White's Rd., Amberlea t'laza. 1865-1867 Kingston Rd., 1210 Radom St., 1890 Valley Farm Rd.. 1655 Picketing Pkx~T.. 1525. 1535 Dietknbakcr, 1530. 1540 Pickering PkwT.. 1400 The Esplanade (Casitasl, 1995 Pinegrove Rd., 1635 Pickering Pkwy., 1625 Picketing PkwT., 1350 Glenanna Rd.. 1360 Glenanna Rd., 1958 Rosefield Rd., 580 Eyer Dr., 1975 Rosefield Rd., 1880 Valley Farm Rd., 1235 Radom St.. 925 Bavlv St., or listed in section l(b) ceasing to be employees of I)urham District School Board-Westcreek Public School, or upon whichever shall occur tirst. By-laws 5525/99, 5555/09, 5578~99, 5680/00. 5753 0() and 5765"00 are hereby deleted. By-laws 5634/00, 5743/00 mid 5774/00 arc herebx mnended by deleting all retierence, to Group 4 Securitas. Bv-law 5774/t)0 is hereby amended by deleting Naila Syed, By-law 5804/01 is herebv amended by deleting Delgado Cobournc. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and linallv passed this 4th day of June. 2001. Wayne Arthurs. Mayor Bruce 'l'avlor. Clerk 3 THE DURHAM DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD WE? CREEK [; .r~L[C ~cCHOOL 30 April, 2001. Mr. B. Taylor. City Clerk Town of Picketing I The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L 1V 6K7 CLERK'S DIVISION Dear Mr. Taylor, Over the last few months our school has experienced many problems with cars stopping in our driveway blocking the flow of traffic. We are concerned about the safeb' of our students trying to cross at the crosswalk adjacent to the school driveway because of the limited visibility. We are also concerned about the need to move emergency vehicles in and out of the driveway which on many days would be almost impossible. We have been in contact with the Bylaw Department and an officer has been out to our school to check on the signs posted and has advised us of possible solutions to improve traffic flow. He suggested the Principal and Vice-Principal apply to your department tbr the authority to act as Municipal Law Enforcement Officers. We would then be able to issue parking tickets directly to those vehicles violating our ~No Parking* ZORCS. We the undersigned, Kevin Lowe and Brenda Nixon, are applying for this authority. We thank vou for your assistance in this matter and should you have anv further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us directly. Kevin Lowe Pnncipal 905-509-5437 Brenda Nixon Vice-Principal Osha'wa, Ontario L1H lC7 Pho/m: 9¢5-~794J020 Fax; 905-579-$02g By-Law Sites a~l¢t Officers ~872 ",'n !e s J-,'.oa(:. Arnberlaa PJaza ~,35,3 ',, S~? .,' Kirx~stc;n Roa(i D,... (.~.':' "'., er',fer", r> ps:kiqg by-Jaw within the tOwr: for tl~e town c~erk, ! <: ,0 P. adorn Street !390 Valley Farm Road !,':;'55 Picketing f~arkway ~{:,25. !535 D~efenbaker i530, 1540 Picker~nr~i Parkway ~400 Vhe Espta~ade (Cas~tas) 1995 Pinegrove Road '1635 Pickermg Parkway ~625 Picketing Parkway !350 Oler~anna Road '3{~0 Gter~ar~na Road 5,SO E/er [)rive 975 RosefisId Road 8S9 Valley Fa~n~ Road ,.:.~s F~adom Sheel Adrian Roz., At l.arnbe~t And rea Jason Jaff Cleaves Jeff Clemor,,f{: Jen Galo Kathy Edwa: Keiti, ~' Kevin,_.:.~ ,'~[h:.' Lewis Stever~.s Mario 1'7~or ~t}ra Monica Nick Koilsopoiis Presto~ Robaris Sean Stafford Shaun Slober-~ Start Szylr~;ar~sk~ I eresa (}anon~co T~evor Pa~ker Wolf Brozoska Yvonne Fox 040 NEMESIS SECURITY SERVICES INC. To Secure and Protect Monday April 23, 2001 ATTE NTIO N: RE: ,lohn Wojni,cz, Manager ,-,Bylaw Services REMOVE OFFICERS FROM COMPANY LIST John, Please arrange to remove the following Officers from our Company list; DELETE: NAILA SYED #76140 DELGADO COBOURNE #76256 FOR 1305/1.3_~L_5 PICKERING PARKWAY 963 - 979 BROCK ROAD A_ND ~.735 BAYLY STREET Thanking you in advance, Michael Deppner General Manager 777 WARDEN AVENUE, SUITE # 214, SCARBOROUGH, ONTARIO. MIL-4C3 PHONE. (416)-285~5233, FA.~: (416) 285.0204, e~mail: nen'~esissccur-J ty,~;ttome.~_~ ca