HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLN 43-21Report to Council Report Number: PLN 43-21 Date: November 22, 2021 From: Kyle Bentley Director, City Development & CBO Subject: Pickering Integrated Sustainable Design Standards City of Pickering File: D-7000-007 Recommendations: 1. That Council approve the hiring of Urban Equation Corp. to update and convert the 2007 Sustainable Development Guidelines into a tiered Integrated Sustainable Design Standard in accordance with Purchasing Policy 10.03 (c); 2. That the Letter Proposal submitted by Urban Equation Corp. for Professional Consulting Services to prepare a tiered Integrated Sustainable Design Standard for the City in the amount of $84,850.00 (HST excluded), provided as Appendix I to Report PLN 43-21, be accepted; 3. That the total gross project cost of $106,604.00 (HST included), and the total net project cost of $96,000.00 (net of HST rebate) be approved; 4. That Council authorize the Director, Finance & Treasurer to finance the total net project cost from the Consulting & Professional 2021 Council Approved Current Budget Account 502230.10115 as follows: a) The sum of $86,000.00 from The Atmospheric Fund; and b) The sum of $10,000.00 from The Regional Municipality of Durham; 5. That City staff be authorized to sign any agreements between the City and Urban Equation Corp. in a form satisfactory to the Director, City Development; and 6. That the appropriate staff of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary actions as indicated in this report. Executive Summary: In early 2020, City staff drafted a revised set of sustainable development standards with the purpose of updating and expanding upon the 2007 Sustainable Development Guidelines (SDG). However, due to the evolving variety and complexity of sustainable measures, it became evident that outside expertise would be necessary. The process of reviewing the draft standards and finalizing a new guidance document was divided into two phases. Urban Equation Corp., a sustainability and community planning firm, was retained and completed the first phase in December 2020. The completion of Phase 2 was predicated on securing grant funding to retain a consultant. Report PLN 43-21 November 22, 2021 Subject: Pickering Integrated Sustainable Design Standard Page 2 In May 2021, City staff was successful in securing a grant from The Atmospheric Fund (TAF) to offset the consulting costs for the remaining phase. Additional funds were also secured from the Region of Durham for the Phase 2 work. For practical reasons, continuing the relationship with Urban Equation Corp. on Phase 2 would enable the team to continue from where Phase 1 ended and meet the project’s deadline of June 2022. In discussions with Urban Equation Corp., staff requested a fee proposal from the consulting firm (see Letter Proposal, Appendix I). In accordance with Purchasing Policy 10.03 (c), where the funds are available in the approved budget and the project or annual cost of a consulting or professional service assignment is expected to be above $50,000.00, the purchase is subject to the additional approval of Council. Staff are recommending that the fee proposal submitted by Urban Equation Corp. for Consulting and Professional Services to update, expand and convert the 2007 Sustainable Development Guidelines into a tiered Integrated Sustainable Design Standard and other deliverables in the amount $84,850.00 (HST excluded) be accepted. Financial Implications: 1. Proposal Proposal Amount $84,850.00 HST (13%) 11,030.50 Gross Proposal Cost $95,880.50 2. Total Project Cost (Proposal + Other Costs) Proposal Amount $84,850.00 Contingency (reviews, additional meetings, etc.) 9,490.00 Sub Total $94,340.00 HST (13%) 12,264.00 Total Gross Project Cost $106,604.00 HST Rebate (11.24%) ($10,604.00) Net Project Cost to City (incl. 1.76%) $96,000.00 1. Background In 2007, Pickering became an early adopter of sustainable green development practices after drafting its Sustainable Development Guidelines (SDG). In 2009, Pickering Council approved a resolution, requiring that all new developments meet at least a rating of “Level 1”, with some minor exceptions. As the only municipality in the region with a green development standard at that time, Pickering emerged as a leader in sustainable building and development. Report PLN 43-21 November 22, 2021 Subject: Pickering Integrated Sustainable Design Standard Page 3 Best practices have evolved since then. Many municipalities have completed sustainable development guidelines and the City of Pickering has the benefit of being able to learn from their various approaches to formulate a path forward that would best serve the City. Recognizing this, in early 2020, City staff drafted a revised set of standards with the purpose of updating and expanding upon the original SDG. However, due to the evolving variety and complexity of sustainable measures, and in researching the level of effort undertaken by neighbouring municipalities to obtain widespread stakeholder engagement, it became evident that outside expertise would be necessary. The process to review the draft standards and finalize a new guidance document was divided into two phases. Phase 1 included the following tasks: • assess the draft standards for alignment with existing provincial, regional, and municipal plans; • identify gaps and/or conflicts with the overall principles and intent; • recommend any necessary revisions or additional performance measures to: • ensure all elements of sustainability and resiliency are incorporated; • reflect current best practices; • proactively address known challenges for stakeholders and staff; • compare the benefits and drawbacks to various frameworks (e.g., checklists, checklists with points, tiered levels); • advise on the legislative authority of municipalities to require development standard; and • develop a comprehensive engagement plan. In accordance with the City’s Purchasing Policy, Urban Equation Corp. was retained and they completed their background review report in December 2020. Phase 2 includes drafting and finalizing an Integrated Sustainable Design Standard (ISDS) through a comprehensive engagement strategy with the public, development community, staff, and Council. Although the 2021 budget includes the Phase 2 project, it was contingent on securing grant funds to offset the consulting costs for the remaining phase. In early 2021, staff submitted a grant proposal for funding the Phase 2 work to The Atmospheric Fund (TAF). In May, the proposal was approved and funding in the amount of $86,000.00 was secured. In addition to the updated Standards, other deliverables include: a Technical Guide to support municipal staff in using the Standards; a Resource Manual to support the development industry in implementing the Standards; and a Shared-Learning Report to assist other municipalities undertaking similar work. As part of its approval, TAF also required the completion of a carbon emissions reduction report. The Region of Durham has agreed to assist the City by contributing $10,000.00 towards the Phase 2 work. Report PLN 43-21 November 22, 2021 Subject: Pickering Integrated Sustainable Design Standard Page 4 2. Discussion 2.1 Urban Equation Corp. has considerable expertise in the field of sustainable community building Staff had a positive experience working with Urban Equations Corp. on the Phase 1 project. In continuing our relationship with Urban Equation Corp. on the Phase 2,the City will realize financial and time efficiencies since they can immediately continue from where Phase 1 ended to complete the task by the project deadline. Urban Equation Corp. staff are well respected in their field and have tremendous experience having recently completed the Town of Whitby’s tiered Green Standard. Whitby’s Green Standard consists of tiers (Tiers 1 to 4) of performance measures, with supporting guidelines that promote sustainable site and building design. Tier 1 of the Green Standard is a mandatory requirement of the planning approval process. The hiring of Urban Equation Corp. represents good value as they: • have the necessary administrative resources; • are extremely familiar with green building and community design practices; • have worked with developers, municipalities, and building owners; and • are intimately familiar with public and stakeholder consultations. Urban Equation Corp. also hold positions on Toronto’s Design Review Panel and the Canada Green Buildings Council Board of Directors. Given that Urban Equation Corp. are well respected in their field, staff supports continuing with this relationship to update and convert the 2007 SDG into a tiered Integrated Sustainable Design Standard. 2.2 As required by the City’s Purchasing Policy, Council is requested to approve this consulting assignment as it is for an amount greater than $50,000.00 In accordance with Purchasing Policy 10.03 (c), the Manager of Supply & Services may obtain the services of a particular consultant selected by the initiating Director. Where funds are available in the approved budget and the project or annual cost of a consulting or professional service assignment is expected to be above $50,000.00, Council approval is required. Staff are recommending approval of the proposal submitted by Urban Equation Corp. for Consulting and Professional Services to prepare the Integrated Sustainable Design Standard for a net project cost of $96,000.00. 3. Next Steps Subject to Council approval and the agreement with Urban Equation Corp. being executed, Urban Equation Corp. will commence the Phase 2 work immediately. Concurrently, staff will begin raising awareness of the project through the City’s communication platforms followed by public, development and building industry, municipal staff, and Council engagements. Report PLN 43-21 November 22, 2021 Subject: Pickering Integrated Sustainable Design Standard Page 5 Staff will notify Council members of their engagement session dates as well as the public engagement dates. Appendix Appendix I Proposal Letter from Urban Equation Corporation dated November 5, 2021 Prepared By: Original Signed By Grant McGregor Project Manager, Strategic Initiatives Approved/Endorsed By: Original Signed By Catherine Rose, MCIP, RPP Chief Planner Original Signed By Chantal Whitaker Supervisor, Sustainability Original Signed By Kyle Bentley, P. Eng. Director, City Development & CBO Original Signed By Stan Karwowski, MBA, CPA, CMA Director, Finance & Treasurer GM:ld Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Original Signed By Marisa Carpino, M.A. Chief Administrative Officer Appendix I to Report PLN 43-21 Proposal Letter from Urban Equation Corporation, dated November 5, 2021 ■ URBAN EQUATION NOVEMBER 5, 2021 Integrated Sustainable Design Standards Advisory Proposal City of Pickering 1 The Esplanade S, Pickering, ON L1V 6K7 Attention: Chantal Whitaker cwhitaker@pickering.ca 416-929-5264 | urbanequation.ca People + Planet + Prosperity URBAN November 5, 2021 City of Pickering 1 The Esplanade S, Pickering, ON L1V 6K7 Re: Pickering Integrated Sustainable Design Standards Dear Chantal Thank you for considering Urban Equation to be your sustainability advisor for the Integrated Sustainable Design Standards in the evolving City of Pickering. We are excited by the opportunity to continue supporting the City of Pickering by delivering a compelling Sustainable Design Standards that drives impact, achieves the overarching goals established, and provides compelling branding and storytelling language. We understand that the City of Pickering is seeking to retain a Consultant to update and expand upon the 2007 SDG and convert them into tiered Integrated Sustainable Design Standards. This important task is understood to be essential to foster the development of more sustainable communities aligned with numerous City funded programs. Urban Equation is a leading strategic sustainability and development consultancy with a proven track record of delivering impact and innovation for award-winning sustainability development projects. We are uniquely situated to be your sustainability advisor because: • We have successfully applied sustainability frameworks on nearly 5,000 acres of sustainability-focused community developments, including Sidewalk Labs in Toronto, Cloverdale Mall in Etobicoke, Dixie Mall in Mississauga, the award-winning Healthy Community Guidelines for Brightwater in Mississauga, and Zibi in Ottawa. • We are systems thinkers who consider the environmental, social and economic aspects of sustainability. Our team of diverse professionals, including planners, engineers, architects, marketing professionals and environmental specialists, excel at determining creative ways to deliver social and environmental value to meet the aspirations of our clients and their stakeholders. Urban Equation is proud to provide our clients with the highest quality sustainability advisory. We are thrilled at the opportunity to work with your team and set the foundation for a sustainable, healthy and thriving communities in Pickering. Please feel free to contact me directly at 416.352.8831 with any questions. We look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Jenny McMinn Managing Director URBAN EQUATION People + Planet + Prosperity P2021.0059 i URBAN TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 PROJECT UNDERSTANDING................................................................................................... 1 2 SCOPE OF WORK...................................................................................................................... 1 2.1 DETAILED WORK PLAN AND DELIVERABLES .............................................................................. 5 3 PROJECT TEAM......................................................................................................................... 6 3.1 RELEVANT PROJECT EXPERIENCE ............................................................................................. 7 4 FEES ............................................................................................................................................ 7 4.1 AUTHORIZATION FORM............................................................................................................... 8 5 APPENDIX 1: WORKPLAN........................................................................................................ 9 6 APPENDIX 2: RELEVANT PROJECT EXPERIENCE............................................................ 10 People + Planet + Prosperity P2021.0059 ii URBAN 1 Project Understanding Durham Region and the City of Pickering are slated for significant growth. This project will establish the necessary framework to ensure that development is completed in a sustainable manner. In 2007, Pickering was an early adopter of Sustainable Development Guidelines (SDG) however, best practices have evolved since that time. Moving forward, and informed by the background work completed in 2020, the City of Pickering is seeking to retain a Consultant to update and expand upon the 2007 SDG and convert them into tiered Integrated Sustainable Design Standards. This project is being funded by a grant from The Atmospheric Fund and contribution from the Region of Durham. This project builds upon a solid foundation that aligns with the goals of Council-adopted plans including: Durham Community Climate Action Plan, Durham Community Energy Plan, Corporate Energy Management Plan, Integrated Transportation Master Plan and the Climate Emergency Declaration. The impetus of this project – to essentially foster the development of more sustainable communities, aligns with City funded programs that support urban forests, pollinators, waste reduction, water conservation, access to local food and greenspace, etc. Although the City strives to encourage, highlight and recognize builders who exemplify a commitment to sustainability through for example Civic Awards and the Sustainable Seaton: Community- Building Series, this project is critical to support an overall industry shift. In order to complete this project, the Consultant with guidance from the City’s Project Manager will undertake a comprehensive engagement strategy with the development community, stakeholders, Members of Council, municipal staff and general public. To foster the successful use of the new Standards, the Consultant will build upon the work of others to develop training tools/guides/resources for municipal staff and the development community. Based on the new standards, the Consultant will calculate the estimated carbon reduction as a result of this project. Based on expected growth and the type of growth that Pickering will experience in the next five years, the Consultant will compare greenhouse gas emissions associated had the development been built to the Ontario Building Code (OBC) versus Tier 1 of the new Integrated Sustainable Design Standards. 2 Scope of Work The scope of work has been divided into 5 objectives and detailed below with corresponding tasks, consultation and deliverables for each objective. This is not intended to be an exhaustive list of the work activities. The Consultant may outline additional tasks, meetings, workshops or other activities necessary to achieve the objectives of the Project subject to Project Manager approval. People + Planet + Prosperity P2021.0059 1 URBAN Objective #1 Update and expand Pickering’s 2007 Sustainable Development Guidelines and convert to a tiered approach that addresses already identified gaps. Activities Estimated completion date Consultant’s key tasks and deliverables 1.0 Dec 2021 For the 1st meeting, introduce team Kick off meeting with members, present project work plan, Project Team project deliverables, and community engagement strategy, etc.) Meeting minutes to be prepared 1.1 Dec 2021 – Feb Prepare 1st Draft of the Integrated 1st draft tiered Standards 2022 Sustainable Design Standards reflecting information already collected to address best practices, inconsistencies and the gap analysis 1.2 2nd draft tiered Mar 2022 Prepare 2nd Draft of the Integrated Sustainable Design Standards Standards reflecting information received from consultation 1.3 May 2022 Prepare Final (draft) of the Integrated Final Sustainable Sustainable Design Standards Building and Development Standards 1.4 Target May/June Present Final Integrated Sustainable Planning and 2022 Design Standards at Planning and Development Report to Development Committee on June 6th Council with a and City Council Meeting on June recommendation to 27th. adopt Integrated Sustainable Design Standards. Objective #2 Undertake a comprehensive engagement strategy with the development community, stakeholders, Members of Council, municipal staff and general public. Activities Estimated Consultant’s key tasks and completion date deliverables 2.0 Mar 2022 Prepare agenda, conduct the meeting Undertake and prepare minutes (including list of comprehensive attendees) for each of the following: education and engagement process People + Planet + Prosperity P2021.0059 2 URBAN with development community, Council, staff, stakeholders, local environmental organizations, appropriate advisory committees, utilities and the general public on the review of the draft versions of the Standards. • Four engagement workshops (stakeholder and community) • Two City staff engagement workshops • One workshop with Members of Council • Two one-on-one workshops with key stakeholders • Three Project Committee meetings Analyze and summarize results of survey results conducted by City staff on feedback received for each of the following • Two stakeholder surveys • Two community surveys Review the comments received from the surveys and indicate how the comments were addressed Objective #3 Develop training tools/guides/resources for municipal staff and the development community through a collaborative effort. Activities Estimated completion date Consultant’s key tasks and deliverables 3.0 Conduct a needs assessment with City staff and stakeholders to identify the resources and tools needed to successfully implement the Standards. Mar 2022 Conduct and evaluate input received from City staff who will administer the Standards and the development community who will implement the Standards Document how input was incorporated into the resource manuals. 3.1 Connect with GTHA municipalities to determine what tools and resources are already available or being developed to avoid duplication. Learn from and build upon these to create relevant and updated tools and resources for tiered standards. Mar 2022 The Consultant with the assistance of City staff will contact municipalities who require sustainable development checklists and have tools/resources. 3.2 Work with partners (e.g., Clean Air Partnership, July 2022 Prepare an Educational webinar for municipal staff. People + Planet + Prosperity P2021.0059 3 URBAN Region of Durham) as required to deliver educational webinar for staff. 3.3 Develop, test and finalize Resource Manual for development industry use July 2022 Prepare a Draft and Final Resource Manual for the development community. 3.4 Develop, test and finalize Technical Guide for municipal staff use July 2022 Prepare a Draft and Final Technical Guide for municipalities. 3.5 Throughout the project, document lessons learned, strategies, processes and resources used to update and implement the Standard and compile into a report that can be shared with other municipalities. July 2022 Prepare a Shared Learning Report. This Report can be finalized after the June Council meeting. Objective #4 Estimate carbon emission reduction as a result of this project Activities Estimated completion date Consultant’s key tasks and deliverables 4.0 Based on expected population and employment growth that Pickering will experience in the next five years, estimate and compare greenhouse gas emissions from development between the current Ontario Building Code requirements and Tier 1 of the new Integrated Sustainable Design Standards. July 2022 Prepare a Carbon Emissions Report outlining the estimated carbon emission reductions that could be achieved through Tier 1 of the Integrated Sustainable Design Standards. We understand that Staff will provide us with estimated 5 year growth numbers (in building area, broken out by building type). We will use industry standard archetype energy profiles to then project associated carbon savings. Objective #5 Raise awareness using a variety of marketing and communication channels. Activities Estimated completion date Consultant’s key tasks and deliverables People + Planet + Prosperity P2021.0059 4 2.1 Detailed Work Plan and Deliverables URBAN EQUATION 5.0 Raise awareness of the project through the City’s communication platforms (e.g., dedicated page on website, social media posts, eNewsletters, Bang the Table EngagementHQ), media outlets and to targeted groups across diverse channels (e.g., Region of Durham, Clean Air Partnership, TAF) June 2022 Prepare a key messages memo describing core attributes of the standard, that City staff will use for the following: • Webpage • Social media posts • Article in City of Pickering’s Corporate and Sustainable Pickering eNewsletters • Bang the Table results • Promotional email blasts • News release and article requests (e.g., Better Builder) • Marketing and communication through other agencies See Appendix 1 for detailed Workplan People + Planet + Prosperity P2021.0059 5 URBAN 3 Project Team Jenny McMinn B. ARCH., B.E.S., LEED AP BD+C Managing Director As Managing Director of Urban Equation, Jenny provides real estate development and sustainability advisory across North America. Her most recent clients include Sidewalk Toronto, Oxford Properties, DREAM as well as all levels of Canadian government. Prior to joining Urban Equation, for nearly a decade at Halsall Associates (now WSP), Jenny led design teams, municipalities and building owners in the creation of award-winning high-performance green building and community design projects. With her experience in sustainable architecture, performance management, facilitation and business modeling, she has led teams with multi-disciplinary stakeholders and consultants on a range of cutting-edge green projects including those targeting One Planet Living, Living Building Challenge, The WELL standard and LEED Platinum. Jenny’s leadership in Sustainable Design was recognized in 2014 through her nomination to the City of Toronto’s Design Review Panel and most recently through her appointment to the CaGBC Board of Directors. Jenny has a Bachelor of Architecture and a Bachelor of Environmental Studies both from the University of Waterloo. Charles Gosselin-Giguère M.Arch, M.Sc.UD, LEED GA Project Manager Charles is an urban designer and architecture professional with multiscalar experience retrofitting regenerative living environments. As a project manager, he thrives at communicating the scope of opportunities that can alleviate ecological footprints and create communities centered on equity and wellbeing. With a climate action lens, he uses a multidisciplinary approach to exercise practical and science-based leadership in sustainability solutions. Charles has diverse work experience in NGOs, community groups, and at the municipal level. Notably, in the past years, he has worked for the City of Quebec where he helped establish a new Transition and Climate Action Plan, develop the complete streets approach and sustainable neighbourhood indicators, and design serval brownfield, mixed-use densification, riverfronts and infill projects. Laura Chute BSc Biology, MSc Climate Change Sustainability Analyst Laura supports Urban Equation project teams in delivering sustainable development projects for a wide variety of clients. Her interdisciplinary understanding of climate change science provides a holistic understanding of sustainability challenges. Prior to joing Urban Equation, Laura lived in Denmark, where she completed a Master of Science in Climate Change – Impacts, Adaptation and Mitigation from the University of Copenhagen. Through her degree, Laura developed an understanding of climate change related problems from a wide range of disciplines including climate change and land use, the role of national and international organizations, as well as the sustainability challenges faced by businesses. People + Planet + Prosperity P2021.0059 6 URBAN Jenny Harmer B.Mus., M.B.Sc., CPHC Energy Consultant As an Energy Consultant, Jenny combines her technical expertise with a dedication for clear and engaging communication to provide superior guidance on low-carbon design and policy. With the lens of “progress over perfection,” she seeks out opportunities to drive effective action on climate change in the built environment. Whether working at the scale of one building or a whole community, Jenny is driven to find sustainability solutions that align the social, environmental, and economic interests of all stakeholders. Jenny brings a multi-faceted perspective with over five years of experience in energy and sustainability consulting, and high-performance building design. Before joining the Urban Equation team, Jenny contributed energy analysis to campus sustainability plans, real estate developments, and municipal policy development. She has a Master of Building Science from Ryerson University, and is a Certified Passive House Consultant. 3.1 Relevant Project Experience Urban Equation has a broad range of valuable project experience and successes that can be leveraged for this project, which range from leading edge private sector clients, to multiple levels of government. See Appendix 2 for descriptions on the following three relevant projects • Whitby Sustainable Development Guidelines • Cobourg’s Tannery district • Vaughan’s Weston Road and Highway 7 Secondary Plan 4 Fees Our fees to deliver the scopes of work as described in this proposal are as follows: Services Estimated completion date Fees Approval Phase 1: Launch and First Draft February 2022 15 190$ Phase 2: Content Development and Second Draft April 2022 29 505$ Phase 3: Final Standards and Presentations June 2022 19 075$ Phase 4: Other Tools and Knowledge Workshops July 2022 21 080$ TOTAL 84 850 $ Fees are exclusive of any applicable taxes such as HST. Additional disbursements could include travel, printed material, etc. We will advise and seek approval prior to incurring any expenses. People + Planet + Prosperity P2021.0059 7 URBAN EQUATION ___________________________________ 4.1 Authorization Form Urban Equation (Legal Name: Urban Equation Corp.) is hereby authorized to proceed as per the Fees, Scope of Work and Conditions of Assignment included in this proposal. AUTHORIZED BY: Company: ___________________________________ Contact Name: ___________________________________ Signature: ___________________________________ Date: ___________________________________ CONTRACT AND BILLING DETAILS: Company Legal Name: ___________________________________ Billing Address: ___________________________________ Billing Contact Name: ___________________________________ Billing Contact Email: ___________________________________ Special Billing Instructions: ___________________________________ (if applicable) People + Planet + Prosperity P2021.0059 8 URBAN 5 Appendix 1: Workplan People + Planet + Prosperity P2021.0059 9 Consulting Team Working Consulting Team Deliverable Meeting/presentation Consultations/engagement sessions Hourly:01 08 15 22 29 06 13 20 27 03 10 17 24 31 07 14 21 28 07 14 21 28 04 11 18 25 02 09 16 23 30 06 13 20 27 04 11 18 25 01 08 15 22 29 Per Diem: Internal Kickoff Kick off meeting with Project Team Project Committee meeting 1st Draft Integrated Sustainable Design Standards (reflecting information already collected)√ Public and stakeholder consultation and engagement: survey (stakeholder and community; sustainability elements/features are important to them ) S1 Public and stakeholder consultation and engagement: workshops (2)W W Council Engagement Workshop W GTHA municipal consultation C Phase 2: Content Development and Second Draft 2nd Draft Integrated Sustainable Design Standards (reflecting information received from consultation) Needs Assessment Analysis Public and stakeholder consultation and engagement: survey (stakeholder and community; input on the 1st draft of the Standards) S2 Public and stakeholder consultation and engagement: workshops (2)W W Council Engagement Workshop W Draft Technical Guide Draft Resource Manual Project Committee meeting Outline for Recommendations Report March April May June July August Phase 2: 11 weeks December January February PICKERING INTERGRATED SUSTAINABLE DESIGN STANDARDS WORKPLAN 2021 2022 November • • • ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Phase 3: Final Standards and Presentations Public, agency and stakeholder consultation C Project Committee meeting Planning and Development Report to Council for review by Chief Planner 11 Final adjustments Planning and Development Report to Council following Chief Planner comments Final Integrated Sustainable Design Standards Present Final Integrated Sustainable Design Standards at Planning & Development Committee Meeting 6 Prepare key messages memo communication by city Staff Present Final Integrated Sustainable Design Standards at City Council Meeting 27 Phase 4: Other Tools and Knowledge Workshops Educational Webinar for municipal staff Final Technical Guide for municipal staff Final Resource Manual for development industry Green Gas Emission Report Shared-learning Report Contingency Phase 3: 14 weeks Phase 4: 12 weeks People + Planet + Prosperity P2021.0059 10 6 Appendix 2: Relevant Project Experience Whitby Sustainable Development Guidelines Whitby, Ontario Community Sustainability Program + PolicySustainability Strategy Urban Equation, working with The Planning Partnership, is working to produce innovative Sustainable Development Guidelines for the Town of Whitby, Ontario. Building on Whitby’s existing sustainable strategies, plans, and policies, the Sustainable Development Guidelines will incorporate goals, requirements, and targets related to energy efficient building and site design, water conservation techniques, green infrastructure, sustainable building materials, waste reduction, on-site renewable energy generation and recovery, natural heritage preservation, active transportation, cultural heritage, climate change adaptation, and land use compatibility. In addition to meetings with Town staff and members of the public, the Guidelines will be informed by conversations with the development and landowner community. A series of meetings have been planned to better understand the opportunities for, and obstacles to, achieving deeper sustainable outcomes in response to anticipated population growth and development pressure in Whitby. The guidelines will be complemented by a tiered Development Review Checklist, a staff training guide, an educational brochure, and an Incentive Programs Summary Report for Voluntary Standards. ONE PLANET LIVINGINSPIRED TANNERY DISTRICT Cobourg, Ontario Sustainability Strategy In order to help shape the sustainability ambitions for the Tannery District, we undertook extensive background research and public consultation to understand the priorities in Cobourg. Using the One Planet Living sustainability framework, we organized these priorities into a series of principle and goal statements, together acting as the foundation of subsequent master planning and design activities. Following the engagement work, we developed a series of required and voluntary sustainability requirements, targets, and key performance indicators. These were incorporated into the Urban Deign Guidelines prepared by Fotenn Planning + Design in order to provide guidance to future developers when preparing development applications. By way of our collaborative and integrative relationship with Fotenn, the Urban Design Guidelines evolved into a sustainability-focused document. . ONE PLANET LIVINGINSPIRED Weston Road and Highway 7Secondary Plan Vaughan, Ontario Program + PolicySustainability Advisory Leveraging our experience developing aspirational yet feasible sustainable strategies for large, mixed-use projects, Urban Equation prepared a Sustainability Analysis and Community Energy Plan for the Weston Road and Highway 7 Secondary Plan area in Vaughan, Ontario. The Secondary Plan will provide policy direction for the anticipated development of the site that, among other objectives, conforms to Vaughan’s sustainable ambitions. In addition to a review of prevailing policies, the Sustainability Analysis advances a sustainability vision, six key themes, six guiding principles, and 31 strategies. It also enumerated a series of policies and tools, technologies, and measures related to green infrastructure, green buildings, and climate change adaptation to inform future phases of the project. The Community Energy Plan, delivered with the support of EQ Building Performance, provides an overview of the anticipated energy use of the Secondary Plan area based on density targets, helping to inform long term energy planning strategies. The Plan describes a number of community energy technologies and systems to be explored in future feasibility studies. Together, the Sustainability Analysis Report and Community Energy Plan offer a series of practical next steps to help translate the initial background reports into implementable strategies in future phases of the Secondary Plan project. 1 SUSTAINABILITYANALYSIS REPORT 1 COMMUNITY ENERGY REPORT