HomeMy WebLinkAboutInformation Report 15-21Information Report to Planning & Development Committee Report Number: 15-21 Date: November 1, 2021 From: Catherine Rose, MCIP, RPP Chief Planner Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 07/21 KMSD Mankaryous Holdings Inc. and 1816638 Ontario Inc. 1695 Bayly Street 1.Purpose of this Report The purpose of this report is to provide preliminary information on an application forZoning By-law Amendment, submitted by KMSD Mankaryous Holdings Inc. and1816638 Ontario Inc., to expand the list of permitted uses on the subject lands. Thisreport contains general information on the applicable Official Plan and other related policies and identifies matters raised to date. This report is intended to assist members of the public and other interested stakeholdersto understand the proposal. The Planning & Development Committee will hear publicdelegations on the application, ask questions of clarification and identify any planningissues. This report is for information and no decision on this application is being made at this time. Staff will bring forward a recommendation report for consideration by the Planning & Development Committee upon completion of a comprehensive evaluation ofthe proposal. 2.Property Location and Description The subject property is located at the southwest corner of Brock Road and Bayly Street within the Brock Industrial Neighbourhood (see Location Map, Attachment #1). The property has an area of approximately 0.6 of a hectare with approximately 75 metres offrontage along Brock Road and 45 metres of frontage along Bayly Street. The property is currently vacant. The site was used until 2018 as a PetroCan servicestation and car wash facility. The current site-specific zoning for the property (By-law 5858/01) was enacted in 2001 and limits the permitted uses on the site to an automobile service station only. Surrounding land uses include (see Air Photo Map, Attachment #2): North: Across Bayly Street are single-storey multi-tenant buildings with a range of industrial and limited commercial uses. South: Immediately to the south is a retail bike shop and an automobile repair shop. Information Report 15-21 Page 2 East: Across Brock Road are single-storey multi-tenant buildings with a range of industrial and limited commercial uses. West: Immediately to the west is a KIA automobile dealership and further west is a recently constructed plaza with a range of industrial, limited commercial, and personal service uses. 3. Applicants’ Proposal The applicants are requesting to amend the existing site-specific zoning for the subject lands to include automobile sales showroom and office, automobile service repair garage, bakery, club, commercial club, commercial-recreational establishment, office-associated commercial establishment, and printing shop. The applicants are seeking this request to facilitate the development of an automobile sales outlet and an automobile service repair garage complex. The remainder of the proposed uses are intended for opportunities for future tenancy. The applicants are proposing a single storey, “L”-shaped, 913 square metre multi-tenant building fronting the intersection of Brock Road and Bayly Street. Proposed uses include 2 automobile sales offices and 3 service garages (see Submitted Site Plan, Attachment #3; Submitted Elevation Plan, Attachment #4; and Submitted Coloured Rendering, Attachment #5). To support the development, a total of 105 parking spaces are to be provided internal to the site, of which 30 spaces are intended for visitors and staff, and 75 parking spaces are intended as display spaces for the auto sales component. Additionally, the applicant is required to convey to the Region of Durham a 4.5 metre wide road widening along the entire frontage of Bayly Street, and a 15 metre by 15 metre daylighting triangle at the intersection of Brock Road and Bayly Street. The development will be subject to site plan approval. 4. Policy Framework 4.1 Durham Regional Official Plan The Region of Durham Official Plan (ROP) designates the subject lands as “Employment Areas” in the Urban System, with a “Regional Corridor” overlay along Bayly Street. Along Regional Corridors, the Employment Areas designation permits a range of employment uses such as office buildings and business parks. Limited personal service and retail uses, serving the immediate employment area may be permitted as a minor component (e.g., 10 percent) of the aggregate gross floor area of the uses in Employment Areas, and no single use shall exceed 500 square metres. Retail sales as a minor ancillary component of an industrial operation may also be permitted, subject to the inclusion of appropriate provisions in the Pickering Official Plan and/or Zoning By-law. Information Report 15-21 Page 3 4.2 Pickering Official Plan The subject property is designated as “Employment Areas – Mixed Employment”, which provides for a range of employment uses that includes: automotive and vehicle sales and repair; light manufacturing; assembly and processing of goods; light service industries; offices; corporate office business parks; limited personal service uses; restaurants; hotels; financial institutions; community, cultural and recreational uses; and limited retailing of goods and services serving the area. The proposed additional uses generally comply with the policies and provisions of the City’s Official Plan. However the ROP is more current and restrictive, and any amendments shall conform with the ROP. 4.3 Zoning By-law 2511, as amended The subject lands are currently zoned “CA(F)” within Zoning By-law 2511, as amended by By-law 5858/01. This zoning only permits an automobile service station – type “F”. The applicants are requesting to rezone the subject property to remove automobile service station – type “F” as a permitted use, and to permit a range of employment and limited commercial uses as noted in Section 3 of this report. 5. Comments Received 5.1 Public Comments • As of writing this report, no comments or concerns have been received from the public. 5.2 Agency Comments 5.2.1 Region of Durham – Planning Department The following is a summary of key concerns/issues or matters of importance identified by the Region of Durham: • the proposed amendment should include a cap on the amount of floor space permitted for retail uses, such as bakery, if such uses are introduced on the subject site; • the proposed commercial-recreational establishment use could be considered a sensitive land use and as such is recommended that the proposed zoning by-law omit commercial-recreational establishment as a permitted use, or request that a land-use compatibility study be required prior to issuance of a building permit; and • the Region generally has no concerns with the proposed zoning by-law amendment, if the zoning by-law does not encourage the longevity of, or permits the introduction of, new sensitive land uses. Information Report 15-21 Page 4 5.3 City Department Comments 5.3.1 Engineering Services • As of writing this report, no comments or concerns have been received from Engineering Services. 6. Planning & Design Section Comments The following is a summary of key concerns/issues or matters of importance raised to date. These matters, and others identified through the circulation and detailed review of the proposal, are required to be addressed by the applicant before a final recommendation report to Planning & Development Committee: • ensuring that the requested uses are consistent with the policies and provisions of the Regional Official Plan and the Pickering Official Plan; • ensuring that proposed retail and personal service uses are capped by including appropriate provisions in the zoning by-law to restrict gross floor area to no more than 10 percent of the aggregate gross floor area, and to restrict the size of individual uses to no more than 500 square metres; and • requiring the submission of a Land Use Compatibility Study should the applicant continue to pursue the inclusion of sensitive land uses (such as commercial-recreational establishments). Further issues may be identified following receipt and review of comments from the circulated departments, agencies and public. The City Development Department will conclude its position on the application after it has received and assessed comments from the circulated departments, agencies and the public. 7. Information Received Copies of the plans and studies list below are available for viewing on the City’s website at pickering.ca/devapp, or in person at the offices of the City of Pickering, City Development Department: • Planning Justification Report, prepared by Martindale Planning Services, dated May 2021; • Conceptual Site Plan, Floor Plans and Elevations, prepared by Vincent J. Santamaura Architect, dated April 19, 2021; • Conceptual Coloured Rendering, prepared by Vincent J. Santamaura Architect, no date; • Landscape Plan, prepared by Henry Kortekaas & Associates Inc., dated March 23, 2021; • Environmental Review and Assessment, prepared by AiMS Environmental, dated July 24, 2019; • Functional Servicing and Storm Water Management Report, prepared by Nextrans Consulting Engineers, dated February 2021; and • Transportation Impact Study, prepared by Nextrans Consulting Engineers, dated February 17, 2021. Information Report 15-21 Page 5 8. Procedural Information 8.1 General • written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the City Development Department; • oral comments may be made at the Electronic Statutory Public Meeting; • all comments received will be noted and used as input to a Planning Report prepared by the City Development Department for a subsequent meeting of Council or a Committee of Council; • any member of the public who wishes to reserve the option to appeal Council’s decision must provide comments to the City before Council adopts any by-law for this proposal; and • any member of the public who wishes to be notified of Council’s decision regarding this proposal must request such in writing to the City Clerk. 9. Owner/Applicant Information The owners of the property are KMSD Mankaryous Holdings Inc. and 1816638 Ontario Inc. and are represented by Martindale Planning Services. Attachments: 1. Location Map 2. Air Photo Map 3. Submitted Site Plan 4. Submitted Elevation Plan 5. Submitted Coloured Rendering Prepared By: Original Signed By Felix Chau Planner II Original Signed By Nilesh Surti, MCIP, RPP Manager, Development Review & Urban Design Approved/Endorsed By: Original Signed By Catherine Rose, MCIP, RPP Chief Planner FC:ld Date of Report: October 12, 2021 Attachment #1 to Information Report 15-21 Bayly Street BrockRoadToy AvenueSalk RoadOrangebrook Court Plummer Street Dillingham RoadDon BeerArena City DevelopmentDepartment Location MapFile:Applicant:Municipal Address: A 07/21 Date: Sep. 28, 2021 KMSD Mankaryous Holdings Inc. and 1816638 Ontario Inc.1695 Bayly Street SubjectLands L:\PLANNING\01-MapFiles\A\2021\A 07-21 - KMSD Mankaryous Holdings Inc\A07_21_LocationMap.mxd 1:4,000 SCALE:THIS IS NOT A PLAN OF SURVEY. © The Corporation of the City of Pickering Produced (in part) under license from: © Queens Printer, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. All rights reserved.; © Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, Departmentof Natural Resources. All rights reserved.; © Teranet Enterprises Inc. and its suppliers. All rights reserved.; © Municipal PropertyAssessment Corporation and its suppliers. All rights reserved. Attachment #2 to Information Report 15-21 Bayly Street BrockRoadToy AvenueSalk RoadOrangebrook Court Plummer Street Dillingham RoadAir Photo MapFile:Applicant:Municipal Address: A07/21 Date: Sep. 29, 2021 KMSD Mankaryous Holdings Inc. and 1816638 Ontario Inc.1695 Bayly Street SubjectLands L:\PLANNING\01-MapFiles\A\2021\A 07-21 - KMSD Mankaryous Holdings Inc\A07_21_AirPhoto.mxd 1:4,000 SCALE:THIS IS NOT A PLAN OF SURVEY. © The Corporation of the City of Pickering Produced (in part) under license from: © Queens Printer, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. All rights reserved.; © Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, Departmentof Natural Resources. All rights reserved.; © Teranet Enterprises Inc. and its suppliers. All rights reserved.; © Municipal PropertyAssessment Corporation and its suppliers. All rights reserved. City DevelopmentDepartment Submitted Site Plan File No.: A 07/21 Applicant: KMSD Mankaryous Holdings Inc. and 1816638 Ontario Inc. Municipal Address: 1695 Bayly Street FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT.Date: Jun 09, 2021 Attachment #3 to Information Report 15-21 Attachment #4 to Information Report 15-21 L:\Planning\01-MapFiles\A\2021 Sept. 29, 2021DATE: Applicant: Municipal Address: File No: Submitted Elevation Plan FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. City Development Department A 07/21 1695 Bayly Street KMSD Mankaryous Holdings Inc. and 1816638 Ontario Inc. Submitted Coloured RenderingFile No: A 07/21 Applicant: KMSD Mankaryous Holdings Inc. and 1816638 Ontario Inc. Municipal Address: 1695 Bayly Street CONTACT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT FOR DIGITAL COPIES OF THIS PLAN. Date: Jun 09, 2021 Attachment #5 to Information Report 15-21