HomeMy WebLinkAboutOctober 20, 2021 4 Agenda Accessibility Advisory Committee October 20, 2021 7:00 pm Electronic Meeting Due to COVID-19 and the Premier’s Emergency Orders to limit gatherings and maintain physical distancing, the City of Pickering continues to hold electronic Council and Committee Meetings. Members of the public may observe the meeting proceedings by viewing the livestream. 1. Review and Approval of Agenda 2. Disclosure of Interest 3. Approval of Minutes 3.1 Minutes of September 15, 2021 [See Page 1 of this Agenda] Presentations/ Delegations 4.1 Katrina Pyke, Coordinator, Museum Operations, City of Pickering Re: Proposed Museum Travelling Exhibit 5. New Business 5.1 Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Jaclyn San Antonio 5.2 Site Plan Review: Isabelle Janton (TBC) -Site Plan Application S06/21-Amberlea Creek Developments Inc. (760 Kingston Road) 5.3 Service & Support Animals Initiative David Wysocki 5.4 DRPS Children’s Games – Drive Thru October 23rd Tim Higgins 5.5 Five Year Accessibility Plan 2021-2025 Tim Higgins 5.6 Accessible Housing -Trailers Peter Bashaw 6. Correspondence 7. Other Business & Updates For information related to accessibility requirements please contact: Committee Coordinator 905.420.4611 clerks@pickering.ca Agenda Accessibility Advisory Committee October 20, 2021 7:00 pm Electronic Meeting 8. Next Meeting – November 17, 2021 9. Adjournment For information related to accessibility requirements please contact: Committee Coordinator 905.420.4611 clerks@pickering.ca Minutes/Meeting Summary Accessibility Advisory Committee September 15, 2021 Electronic Meeting 7:00 pm Attendees: P. Bashaw S. Fatima D. Hughes G. Lang A. Lue T. Lyle-Gravlev P. Milton M.Thorpe Ross J. McLellan, Ajax-Pickering Board of Trade T. Higgins, Accessibility Coordinator (Staff Liaison) R. Perera, Committee Coordinator (Recording Secretary) Absent: A. Taverna D. Wysocki Guests: Councillor M. Brenner Item/ Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items/Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 1. Review and Approval of Agenda T. Higgins reviewed the agenda items. He added that Agenda Item 5.1 would be deferred to a future meeting due to Staff unavailability. Agenda approved. 2. Disclosure of Interest No disclosures of interest were noted. 3. Review and Approval of Minutes - June 16, 2021 Moved by T. Lyle-Gravlev Seconded by M. Thorpe Ross That the Minutes of the June 16, 2021 meeting of the Accessibility Advisory Committee be approved. Carried 4. Presentations/ Delegations Page 1 of 6 - 1 - Item/ Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items/Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 4.1 Tammy Lyle-Gravlev, Pickering Football Club Re: Barriers in Sport and Recreation Study Tammy Lyle-Gravlev, Pickering Football Club, noted that in 2019 the Pickering Football Club received a Ontario Trillium Fund Innovation Grant to research on barriers to sports and recreation faced in Durham Region. She noted that the priority populations they would be connecting with were s eniors, new comers, people with disabilities, the LGBTQ community, the indigenous community, and other cultural groups. She added that in person focus groups were paused due to the COVID-19 Pandemic and that they would be conducting virtual focus groups and circulating online surveys in the near future. Ms. Lyle-Gravlev added that the report to the Government was due in December, and stated that they are now reaching out to cultural groups and would be providing a honorarium to focus groups of 15 people, and as ked the Committee for their assistance in connecting with individuals for the upcoming focus groups. T. Higgins asked for further information r egarding the focus of the Study, with T. Lyle-Gravelv noting that the Study would be looking at challenges faced in Durham Region in accessing recreational activities, which may include lack of transportation, opportunities, availability, and more. Discussion ensued regarding: • barriers faced prior to the COVID-19 pandemic being di fferent from barriers and challenges presently faced; • findings from the research conducted by the Abilities Centre; • the City’s Recreational Plan highlighting much of the barriers faced within the City; • involving summer students in need of volunteer hours to conduct cold calls; and, • whether the Football Club would be conducting recreational clubs for seniors. 5. New Business - 2 - Page 2 of 6 Item/ Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items/Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 5.1 Diversity, Equity and Inclusion This Item was differed to a future meeting. 5.2 Accessible Taxi Service Review T. Higgins noted that Councillor Brenner had raised questions regarding the status of accessible taxi services, the number of accessible taxis currently in service, and the number of taxies with accessible plates issued by the City. He added that Councillor Brenner had asked whether the Committee could undertake a review of the current and future needs for accessible taxi services in Pickering and in compliance with the AODA standards. Councillor Brenner provided a brief background of issuing taxicab licenses in the City and noted that after the COVID-19 Pandemic, the three accessible taxicab plates were no longer in operation. He added that there still remained taxis who had self- declared themselves accessible, noting that such taxis may not recognize the specific needs pertaining to accessibility. Councillor Brenner noted that in consultation with the City’s Supervisor, Licensing & Enforcement, the City may explore the accessibility needs in Pickering i n relation to taxis and shared rides. Councillor Brenner further added that the matter in front of the Committee tonight was whether it was time to conduct a review of the accessibility needs in the taxi industry. He discussed t he c hallenges faced by Pickering residents in accessing accessible transit. He noted that he was part of the City’s Taxicab Advisory Committee and that the proposed review would be a joint effort. Discussion ensued regarding: • Rapid City Transit providing accessible taxi services and employing retired professionals as drivers; • challenges posed to the City due to the insufficient accessible transit provided by the Durham Region; - 3 - Page 3 of 6 Item/ Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items/Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) • challenges faced with enforcement in the taxi and ride share industry and the City possibly playing a role in regulating and enforcing the industry; • concerns regarding the possible additional costs to taxi drivers and push back from the taxi industry should the City issue mandates related to accessibility; • Pickering’s demographic containing a large senior population and the need for action to ensure that there were accessible taxis in operation; and, • the possibility of the City having its own accessible mode of transportation. T. Higgins noted that further discussion could occur to explore ways to collaborate with the City’s Taxicab Advisory Committee on this matter. 5.3 Resumption of Service & Support Animal Initiative T. Higgins discussed challenges faced with receiving an extension for the Initiative. He provided an overview of the new timelines which include the submission of a monograph by November 1st and the launch of a virtual program by the week of December 3rd. 5.4 DRPS Children’s Games – Drive Thru October 23rd T. Higgins spoke to the partnership between the City and the DRPS in conducting the Children’s Games. He added that this year the event would be held through a Drive Thru due t o the C OVID-19 pandemic. T. Higgins noted that on October 22nd Staff would be packaging t he boxes to distribute on the 23rd, and added that the Committee was welcome to attend and participate in the event. He asked members whether there were any recommendations for items that should be included in the boxes given to Children to assist with any mental health issues. Discussion ensued regarding: - 4 - Page 4 of 6 Item/ Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items/Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) • working w ith the Pickering Football Club to add activities for the event; and, • including items to improve fine motor abilities in children’s hands. 5.5 Five Year Accessibility Plan 2021-2025 T. Higgins noted that he would provide a copy of the Draft Five Year Accessibility Plan 2021-2025 to the Committee for their input and contribution. He provided an overview of the contents of the Draft plan. He noted that the Committee had been often with the consensus that merely complying w ith legislation and policies was not enough and ensuring that new infrastructure is held to high accessibility standards. He further provided an outline o f the c ontents and the format of the Draft Plan. He noted that the Report was scheduled to be presented to Council at the October 25th Council meeting, and added that the next steps would be consultation with the Community. Brief discussion ensued regarding the impact of the upcoming Municipal election in regards to planning the budget for the next five years. 6. Correspondence There were no items of correspondence. 7. Other Business & Updates T. Higgins surveyed the Members for updates. There were actionable items. 8. Next Meeting – October 20, 2021 9. Adjournment Meeting Adjourned: 9:02 pm Page 5 of 6 - 5 -