HomeMy WebLinkAboutHUR 04-21Report to Council Report Number: HUR 04-21 Date: September 27, 2021 From: Jennifer Eddy Director, Human Resources Subject: Occupational Health & Safety Policy - File: A-1440 Recommendation: 1.That Report HUR 04-21, regarding a proposed new Occupational Health & Safety Policy, be received; 2.That the draft Occupational Health & Safety Policy appended as Attachment 1 to HUR 04-21, be approved; and 3.That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary actions as indicated in this report. Executive Summary: The existing organizational Occupational Health & Safety Policy was approved by the Chief Administrative Officer on May 1, 2002. This Policy was approved almost 20 years ago and now all policies are approved through Council, in accordance with ADM 010 Standards for City Policies and Procedures. Accordingly, it has been updated to include minor amendments to reflect our current structure and to provide greater clarity. Financial Implications: Not applicable. Discussion: This Report serves to provide Council with an overview of the Occupational Health & Safety Policy including the amendments made since its creation in 2002. This Policy provides the framework for the development and implementation of both inter-departmental and departmental procedures which flow from this Policy. The Occupational Health & Safety Policy is the overriding document which outlines the City’s commitment to providing and maintaining a safe and healthy workplace in accordance with the requirements of the Occupational Health & Safety Act (OHSA) and associated regulations. It provides a detailed accounting of the responsibilities associated with each level of management and employees as well as establishing a consistent organizational approach for the development of health and safety procedures. This Policy also contains a number of housekeeping amendments which have been made to the previously (2002) approved Policy, which provide clarity as follows: 1.A change in reference from Coordinator, Health & Safety to a Health & Safety Representative. This change provides greater flexibility by allowing the Human HUR 04-21 September 27, 2021 Subject: Occupational Health & Safety Policy Page 2 Resources Department to designate a position as the identified Health & Safety Representative and does not refer to a specific job title. For reference purposes the current designated Health & Safety Representative is the Supervisor, Human Resources. 2.Identifies the roles of the Director/Division Head, immediate Non-union Supervisor and Supervisor (as defined by the OHSA) to conduct regular workplace inspections and maintain a written record of the same. 3.Emphasizes the employees’ responsibility to report any damage, wear and tear or malfunctions of protective devices, clothing and equipment, promptly as well as to identify hazards in the workplace. This in effect highlights that health and safety is everyone’s responsibility. 4.Outlines the responsibility of the Health & Safety Representative to recommend remedial action to respond to incident trends. 5.Provides parameters for the Joint Health & Safety Committee (JHSC) to conduct facility and equipment inspections at least twice annually and to participate in the investigation of critical/fatal accidents. This is consistent with parameters outlined in Terms of Reference for each JHSC. 6.Examples of interdepartmental health and safety procedures have been expanded to include Infectious Disease and Mandatory Vaccination. 7.Explains that certain interdepartmental/departmental health and safety procedures may apply to volunteers and students where applicable. The Occupational Health & Safety Policy is the cornerstone to the City’s Health & Safety Program which is comprised of measures designed to maintain legislative compliance and to eliminate/minimize hazards, accidents and incidents in the workplace. For reference purposes, there currently are 29 interdepartmental procedures that flow from the Policy. Attachment: 1.Draft Occupational Health & Safety Policy Prepared/Approved/Endorsed By: Original Signed By: Jennifer Eddy Director, Human Resources HUR 04-21 September 27, 2021 Subject: Occupational Health & Safety Policy Page 3 Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Original Signed by: Marisa Carpino, M.A. Chief Administrative Officer Attachment #1 to Report #HUR 04-21 Policy Procedure Title: Occupational Health & Safety Policy Policy Number HUR 130 Reference Date Originated (m/d/y) May 1, 2002 Date Revised (m/d/y) September 3, 2021 Pages 10 Approval: Chief Administrative Officer Point of Contact Director, Human Resources Policy Statement The Corporation of the City of Pickering (the “City”) recognizes that the health and safety of its employees is of primary importance. The City is committed to providing and maintaining a safe and healthy workplace, which meets the requirements of the Ontario Occupational Health & Safety Act and Regulations. Policy Objective The objective of this Policy is to: 1.Demonstrate the City’s commitment to the provision of a safe and healthy workplace. 2.Communicate responsibilities for health and safety within the City. 3.Establish a consistent organizational approach for the development of health and safety procedures. Index 01 Definitions 02 Procedures 03 General Principles 04 Interdepartmental Health & Safety Procedures 05 Departmental Health & Safety Procedures 06 Confidentiality 07 Application Policy Title: Occupational Health & Safety Policy Page 2 of 10 Policy Number: HUR 130 01 Definitions 01.01 Accident - An occurrence which has resulted in unintended injury, damage or loss to people, property, materials, equipment or the workplace environment. 01.02 Certified Member - A Joint Health & Safety Committee member who is certified by the Workplace Safety & Insurance Board. The certification process involves participation in a specialized training program that meets the standards outlined in the Workplace Safety & Insurance Act. 01.03 Competent Person - An individual who is (a) qualified because of knowledge, training and experience to organize the work and its performance, (b) is familiar with the Occupational Health & Safety Act and Regulations that apply to the work and (c) is aware of any potential or actual danger to health or safety in the workplace. 01.04 Employee - An individual employed by the City who performs work or supplies services for monetary compensation. It does not include volunteer workers or persons placed in unpaid work programs, external contractors, sub-contractors, and their employees. (Under the Occupational Health & Safety Act, an employee is referred to as a worker.) 01.05 Hazard - A dangerous condition, potential or inherent, which can result in the occurrence of an accident or incident. 01.06 Health & Safety Policy Statement - A summary statement signed by the Mayor and the Chief Administrative Officer that re-affirms the City’s commitment to the provision of a safe and healthy workplace. In compliance with the Occupational Health & Safety Act, this document is reviewed annually and posted in each workplace. 01.07 Health & Safety Program - A compilation of health and safety measures that an organization has implemented to (a) maintain legislative compliance and (b) eliminate or minimize hazards, accidents and incidents in the workplace. Program elements may include accident/incident prevention, workplace inspection and training and is graphically illustrated in Appendix 1. 01.08 Health & Safety Representative - A Human Resources Department employee who is responsible for the function of health and safety. 01.09 Immediate Non-Union Supervisor - The first level of management who is not a member of a union. This individual also has the responsibilities of a Supervisor, as outlined in the Occupational Health & Safety Act. 01.10 Incident - An occurrence which has the potential to cause injury, damage or loss to people, property, equipment or the workplace environment. Policy Title: Occupational Health & Safety Policy Page 3 of 10 Policy Number: HUR 130 01.11 Joint Health & Safety Committee - A committee which consists of an equal number of management and employee members. The functions and powers of this committee are set out in the Occupational Health & Safety Act. 01.12 Personal Protective Equipment - Safety equipment that is used to protect an employee and provide a barrier from hazards (i.e. safety boots, hard hat, rubber gloves, face mask, etc.). 01.13 Prevention Programs - Programs that have been designed to recognize, eliminate or control hazards, in the workplace. 01.14 Safety-Related Legislation - Federal or provincial legislation that pertains to occupational health and safety (i.e. Hazardous Products Act, Occupational Health & Safety Act, and Workplace Safety & Insurance Act). 01.15 Supervisor - Under the Occupational Health & Safety Act, this term refers to a person who has charge of a workplace or authority over an employee. It includes unionized supervisory staff (i.e. forepersons and captains). 01.16 Workplace - The working or work-related environment including, but not limited to, the offices, buildings, worksites or any other location where City business is being conducted and employees have gathered as a result of employment responsibilities. 02 Procedures 02.01 Council to: (a)Actively support this Policy. (b)Approve any amendments to this Policy. 02.02 Chief Administrative Officer to: (a)Actively support this Policy. (b)Ensure that each Director/Division Head is a “competent person”, as required by the Occupational Health & Safety Act. (c)Ensure that all City of Pickering employees are provided with a safe and healthy workplace. 02.03 Director/Division Head to: (a)Actively support this Policy. (b)Provide leadership in the implementation and administration of the departmental/divisional health and safety program. Policy Title: Occupational Health & Safety Policy Page 4 of 10 Policy Number: HUR 130 (c)Provide and maintain a safe and healthy workplace for employees, through the establishment of health and safety training programs and departmental/divisional safety procedures established in cooperation with the Health & Safety Representative. (d)Review all accident/incident reports and related statistics and confer with Supervisors concerning the causes for such occurrences and their recommendations for corrective action. (e)Ensure that all employees within the department/division are working in compliance with this Policy, interdepartmental/departmental safety procedures, and safety-related legislation. (f)Ensure that each Supervisor is a “competent person”, as required by the Occupational Health & Safety Act. (g)Conduct regular workplace inspections and maintain a written record of such inspections. 02.04 Immediate Non-Union Supervisor to: (a)Communicate and re-enforce this Policy to all current and new employees within their work unit. (b)Ensure that Supervisors and employees within their work unit comply with this Policy, interdepartmental/departmental safety procedures, and safety-related legislation in all workplace operations. (c)Identify and take appropriate corrective or disciplinary action, as required. (d)Ensure that all accidents causing personal injury, and incidents with the potential for causing personal injury, are investigated by the Supervisor, reports are completed in a timely manner and remedial action is taken. (e)Ensure that each Supervisor receives the required training in health and safety legislation, interdepartmental/departmental safety procedures, recognition of potential hazards and preventative measures to protect the employee against work-related illness and injury. (f)Report serious hazards, accidents or infractions of this Policy or of safety-related legislation promptly to the Director/Division Head. (g)Fulfill the responsibilities of a Supervisor, under the Occupational Health & Safety Act, as outlined in Section 02.05 of this Policy. (h)Conduct regular workplace inspections and maintain a record of such inspections. Policy Title: Occupational Health & Safety Policy Page 5 of 10 Policy Number: HUR 130 (i) Maintain detailed records of all incidents, reported hazards and remedial actions. 02.05 Supervisor to: (a) Ensure that their own conduct and that of their employees is in accordance with this Policy, interdepartmental/department safety procedures and safety-related legislation. (b) Ensure that all employees receive training regarding departmental safety procedures, personal protective equipment, job-specific hazard recognition, and prevention measures associated with the job/task. (c) Respond to safety concerns and suggestions promptly. (d) Regularly inspect the workplace for hazards and unsafe acts and ensure that such conditions are remedied promptly. (e) Investigate all accidents involving personal injury or incidents with the potential for injury promptly and forward recommendations for remedial action to the immediate Non-Union Supervisor or Director/Division Head. (f) Enforce housekeeping, including general office and worksite upkeep on a day-to-day basis. (g) Take every reasonable precaution to ensure that employees use and/or wear the required personal protective equipment, devices or clothing. (h) Report serious hazards, incidents or serious infractions of this Policy, department safety procedures or of safety-related legislation to the immediate Non-Union Supervisor or Department/Division Head, promptly. (i) Conduct regular workplace inspections and maintain a written record of such inspections. 02.06 Employees to: (a) Comply with this Policy, interdepartmental/departmental safety procedures, safety-related legislation, and safe work directions of a competent person. (b) Use, wear and care for the protective devices, clothing and safety equipment provided by the City for their protection, and report any damage, wear and tear or malfunctions promptly. (c) Work in a manner that will not endanger themselves or other employees. (d) Identify and report hazards and concerns to the Supervisor (or immediate Non-Union Supervisor) promptly. Policy Title: Occupational Health & Safety Policy Page 6 of 10 Policy Number: HUR 130 (e) Report accidents, incidents, and any occupational injuries or illnesses to the Supervisor (or immediate Non-Union Supervisor) promptly. (f) Participate in appropriate safety-related training sessions. (g) Advise Supervisor, immediate Non-Union Supervisor and/or Joint Health & Safety Committee member of any safety suggestions or recommendations to improve health and safety in the workplace. 02.07 Health & Safety Representative to: (a) Provide leadership in the development, administration and implementation of the City’s health and safety program. (b) Jointly prepare occupational health and safety policies and procedures with departmental employees based upon appropriate safety-related legislation, standard safe work practices, and the particular needs of the City. (c) Develop and coordinate effective accident/incident prevention programs throughout the City. Assist in departmental accident/incident prevention planning and provide guidance and resources, where required, to ensure compliance with this Policy and safety-related legislation. (d) Coordinate accident/incident prevention measures, training and educational activities, with the appropriate departmental employees and Joint Health & Safety Committee Members. (e) Respond to safety concerns and suggestions promptly. (f) Maintain and distribute injury and incident records and statistics, review accident/incident records, and recommend remedial action to the department/division. (g) Serve as a resource to management, Supervisors, employees and members of the Joint Health & Safety Committees on workplace health and safety issues. (h) Review the City’s Health & Safety Policy Statement on an annual basis to ensure it is consistent with this Policy and applicable safety-related legislation. Revisions will be made to the Health & Safety Policy Statement, as required. 02.08 Joint Health & Safety Committee to: (a) Fulfill the duties of a health and safety committee as outlined in the Occupational Health & Safety Act. (b) Meet at least quarterly to review the City’s health and safety program. Policy Title: Occupational Health & Safety Policy Page 7 of 10 Policy Number: HUR 130 (c) Monitor the City’s operations regarding safe work procedures, use of personal protective equipment, and compliance with safety-related legislation. (d) Inspect City facilities and equipment, at least twice annually, to identify hazards and recommend remedial measures. (e) Review accident and incident records to determine the immediate and underlying causes of accidents, and recommend actions to prevent recurrence. (f) Provide a forum for open discussion of health and safety concerns and suggestions, and recommend appropriate courses of action to management. (g) Maintain the interest and cooperation of all levels of management and employees in matters of accident prevention. (h) Participate in the investigation of critical/fatal accidents. 03 General Principles 03.01 Integrating preventative health and safety measures into all aspects of the City’s operation is the key to reducing workplace injuries and illnesses. 03.02 Health and safety is a shared responsibility. Employees at all levels of the City are responsible for working safely at all times, following established safety procedures, identifying and reporting hazards, and taking whatever measures are necessary and reasonable in the circumstance to protect and promote health and safety. 03.03 Accidents and incidents are preventable. Therefore, accident/incident prevention activities will form an integral part of the operating procedures for each department/division. 03.04 All accidents causing personal injury and incidents with the potential for causing injury are to be investigated by supervisory employees. The purpose of the investigation process is to determine accident/incident causes and recommend remedial measures that could be taken to prevent a recurrence. A Health & Safety Representative and the Joint Health & Safety Committee may also participate in the accident investigation process. 03.05 Supervisory employees will be held accountable for their part in implementing and directing this Policy and interdepartmental/departmental safety procedures. Policy Title: Occupational Health & Safety Policy Page 8 of 10 Policy Number: HUR 130 04 Interdepartmental Health & Safety Procedures 04.01 The Health & Safety Representative will coordinate the identification, development, implementation and training for interdepartmental health and safety procedures that would apply to more than one department in the City (i.e. accident investigation, accident reporting, safety orientation, infectious disease, mandatory vaccination, etc.). 04.02 The Health & Safety Representative will consult with departmental employees and Co-chairs of the Joint Health & Safety Committee(s), as required, in the development of the interdepartmental health and safety procedures. 04.03 Interdepartmental Health & Safety Procedures will be distributed throughout the City and kept in the Interdepartmental Procedure Binder. 05 Departmental Health & Safety Procedures 05.01 The Director/Division Head will coordinate the identification and development of health and safety procedures that apply to their own department (i.e. confined space entry, boiler room maintenance, lockout, etc.). 05.02 Designated employees may consult with the Health & Safety Representative in the development of departmental health and safety procedures. 05.03 Departmental Health and Safety Procedures must be approved by the Director/Division Head and a Health and Safety Representative before they are included in the Departmental Procedure Manual. 05.04 Copies of all Departmental Health and Safety Procedures, once approved, must be forwarded to a Health & Safety Representative and the Secretary of each Joint Health & Safety Committee, as applicable. 06 Confidentiality All information pertaining to Workplace Safety and Insurance Claims will be held in confidence and will be disclosed only to the extent necessary to generate accident statistics. All records pertaining to accident/incident investigation under this Policy will be retained by the Human Resources Department and are subject to the provisions of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, 1990. 07 Application This Policy is applicable to all City of Pickering employees and others with whom the City may contract services. This Policy applies to all matters identified in the Policy occurring in the course of any person’s employment or contract of services. Certain interdepartmental/departmental procedures may apply to volunteers and students where applicable. Policy Title: Occupational Health & Safety Policy Page 9 of 10 Policy Number: HUR 130 Please refer to all associated Procedures and Standard Operating Procedures, if applicable, for detailed processes regarding this Policy. Appendices Appendix 1 Health & Safety Program Overview Policy Title: Occupational Health & Safety Policy Page 10 of 10 Policy Number: HUR 130