HomeMy WebLinkAboutHUR 03-21 Report to Executive Committee Report Number: HUR 03-21 Date: September 13, 2021 From: Jennifer Eddy Director, Human Resources Subject: Terms & Conditions of Employment – Non-union Employees Policy - File: A-1440 Recommendation: 1. That Report HUR 03-21, regarding a proposed new Policy for the Terms & Conditions of Employment – Non-union Employees, be received; 2. That the draft Policy, outlining the Terms & Conditions of Employment – Non-union Employees appended as Attachment #1 to HUR 03-21, be approved; and 3. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary actions as indicated in this report. Executive Summary: Currently, the terms and conditions of employment for non-union employees are documented in a number of outdated, stand-alone corporate policies and procedures. These policies/procedures had previously been approved by the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) with the authority to do so being provided through an amendment to the 1977 CAO’s By-law, in May 2000. As that was 20 years ago, and all policies are now approved through Council, this authority has been removed from the new CAO By-law (7780/20) which took effect on January 1, 2021. Council was advised in Report HUR 03-20 that Human Resources was undergoing a review of these policies and updating and amalgamating them to bring forward a report and overriding policy for Council’s approval, that will encompass all terms and conditions of employment for non-union employees. This overriding policy will provide guiding principles and authorities that will allow for the implementation of specific procedures for the provision of compensation, hours of work, benefits and leaves for the non-union group. This new Policy and associated procedures will document all current entitlements, and provide for greater transparency related to the ongoing administration of these entitlements. Financial Implications: No financial impact beyond existing standard entitlements. Discussion: This Report serves to provide Council with an overview of the new Policy regarding the Terms & Conditions of Employment for Non-union Employees, providing certain guiding principles and authorities to allow for the ongoing administration of entitlements. This new Policy will replace the following existing polices: HUR 03-21 September 13, 2021 Subject: Terms & Conditions of Employment – Non-union Employees Policy Page 2 1. HUR 090 Leave Policy, last updated December, 2004 2. HUR 100 Benefits Policy, last updated August 8, 2001 3. HUR 110 Hours of Work Policy, effective January 1, 2001 4. HUR 150 Compensation Policy, last updated November 22, 2005 and ultimately replaced by Salary Administration Guidelines which were approved by the CAO February 10, 2010 and revised January 1, 2015 A review of these existing policies has determined that they are procedural in nature and do not conform to the requirement that all policies be approved by Council. Accordingly, it was determined that a primary policy be developed with the associated procedures flowing from it, which contemplate the current practices and administrative processes. The new Policy will confirm Council’s endorsement of the following guiding principles: 1. That the City wishes to provide a level of compensation to its non-union employees that is consistent with comparable municipalities in the Region of Durham and the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). 2. That where, as a result of collective bargaining, across the board increases are provided to the Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local 129 (CUPE), the same increase will be applied to the non-union salary structure, with effect on January 1st of the year in which the increase occurs. Increases to employee salaries will take effect the first full pay in January of each year. 3. That non-union benefits plans will be, at minimum, comparable to those provided to the unionized groups. Increases achieved in collective bargaining will automatically be applied to the non-union employee group and the benefits procedure will be revised. 4. That where, as a result of collective bargaining, enhancements are made to CUPE, Local 129 leave entitlements (vacation, sick leave, statutory holidays, bereavement leaves, etc.), those same enhancements will be applied to the non-union employee group. The endorsement of these guiding principles will allow us to implement and maintain procedures that are consistent with this direction. It will also ensure that fulsome changes to the benefits plans, which are outside of those provided to the unionized employee groups through collective bargaining, be brought back to Council for approval. For reference purposes, the following procedures will now be finalized and implemented which will flow from the Council approved Policy: 1. Compensation & Hours of Work – Non-union Employees: This procedure documents the salary administration practices for the implementation of a comprehensive non- union salary structure that provides employees with compensation that is both internally equitable and externally competitive. This procedure also outlines the mechanisms in place for acting assignments, job description development, job evaluation and salary progression including the processing of promotions, demotions and transfers. Hours of Work, including the provision for overtime are also documented. HUR 03-21 September 13, 2021 Subject: Terms & Conditions of Employment – Non-union Employees Policy Page 3 5.Benefits – Non-union Employees: This procedure outlines the benefits available to non- union employees and provides a system that will facilitate the administration of the City’s benefits plan to ensure records are kept accurately and up to date. Benefits include Life Insurance, Extended Health, Vision, Dental, Long Term Disability as well as the Ontario Municipal Employee Retirement System (OMERS). This Procedure also outlines the benefits available upon retirement in addition to survivor benefits in the event of the death of a benefits plan member. It should be noted that as per the Terms & Conditions of Employment – Non-union Employees Policy, this Procedure will automatically be updated with any benefits enhancements that result from collective bargaining. Fulsome descriptions of the insured benefits plans can be found in the associated benefits plan summary booklets. 6.Leave – Non-union Employees: The objective of this procedure is to ensure uniform standards and processes respecting the provisions and administration of leaves for non- union employees within the City. This procedure provides a system that will facilitate monitoring the various forms of leave applied for and granted, allowing for the consistent and accurate application of leaves, detection of potential abuses, as well as maintaining a system of record keeping. 7.The intent of the new over-riding Policy as well as the associated Procedures, is to provide non-union staff with comprehensive documentation related to their various entitlements. These documents, in tandem with the relevant plan documents, provide for a transparent detailing of all terms and conditions of employment that are consistent with Council direction. Attachments: 1.Draft Terms & Conditions of Employment – Non-union Employees Policy 2.Draft Compensation & Hours of Work– Non-union Employees Procedure 3.Draft Benefits – Non-union Employees Procedure 4.Draft Leave – Non-union Employees Procedure Prepared/Approved/Endorsed By: Original signed by: Jennifer Eddy Director, Human Resources HUR 03-21 September 13, 2021 Subject: Terms & Conditions of Employment – Non-union Employees Policy Page 4 Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Marisa Carpino, M.A. Chief Administrative Officer Original signed by: Policy Policy Title: Terms & Conditions of Employment – Non-union Employees Policy Number HUR 080 Reference Date Originated (m/d/y) September 13, 2021 Date Revised (m/d/y) Pages 3 Approval: Point of Contact Director, Human Resources Attachment #1 to Report #HUR 03-21 Draft Policy Objective The objective of this Policy is to institute a framework for the establishment of the terms and conditions of employment for permanent full-time non-union employees of the Corporation of the City of Pickering (“the City”). This Policy will also cover non-permanent non-union employees where applicable. Terms and conditions of employment, in this instance, primarily refer to the following entitlements, which are detailed in the associated procedures: 1.Compensation and Hours of Work: A non-union salary structure with administrative guidelines that provide fair and equitable compensation for hours worked, which will ensure the attraction and retention of qualified individuals, while maintaining internal equity and external competitiveness. 2.Benefits: Entitlement to a comprehensive benefits package for full-time permanent non-union employees. This includes the provision of an extended health care, vision, dental, life insurance and long-term disability plan, as well as the relevant procedural requirements for the effective administration of the plans. It also includes eligibility for participation in the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System (OMERS) and the associated procedural requirements of the pension plan. 3.Leaves: Entitlement to various leaves including, vacation leave, paid holidays, leaves of absence, sick leave, bereavement leave, court and jury duty, professional leave, pregnancy/adoption/parental leave and other statutory leaves as outlined in the Employment Standards Act, 2000 (ESA). Index 01 Definitions 02 Responsibilities 03 Guiding Principles 01 Definitions 01.01 City – For the purposes of this Policy, “City” refers to the Corporation of the City of Pickering. Policy Title: Terms & Conditions of Employment – Non-union Employees Page 2 of 3 Policy Number: HUR 080 01.02 Director – A department head or the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) in their capacity as head of the Office of the CAO. 01.03 Division Head – The head of a significantly large work section classified as a division in the Corporate structure. 01.04 Full-time Hours - Employees assigned regularly scheduled work consisting of 70 hours biweekly. 01.05 Immediate Supervisor – The direct non-union supervisor of the employee. 01.06 Non-permanent Employee – An employee hired in a temporary capacity to replace an existing employee who is on an approved leave, or to perform overflow work. 01.07 Non-union Employee - An employee of the Corporation designated as out of scope on the basis of professional and/or management criteria established under the Ontario Labour Relations Act and who is subject to the Corporation’s Compensation Policy for non-union employees. 01.08 OMERS - The Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System. 01.09 Permanent Employee - An employee hired into a permanent position and who has successfully completed the required period of time, which constitutes probationary service. 02 Responsibilities 02.01 Council to: a) approve the Policy and any amendments as required. 02.02 Chief Administrative Officer to: a) actively support this Policy and approve the associated Procedures. 02.03 Human Resources to: a) administer, interpret and ensure consistent application of this Policy; b) assist Directors/Division Heads, immediate supervisors, and employees in the administration and application of this Policy; and, c) recommend Policy amendments to the Chief Administrative Officer. 03 Guiding Principles 3.01 The City wishes to provide a level of compensation to its non-union employees that is consistent with comparable municipalities in the Region of Durham and the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). Policy Title: Terms & Conditions of Employment – Non-union Employees Page 3 of 3 Policy Number: HUR 080 3.02 Where, as a result of collective bargaining, across the board increases are provided to the Canadian Union of Public Employees Local 129 (CUPE), the same increases will be applied to the non-union salary structure, with effect on January 1st of the year in which the increase occurs. Increases to employee salaries will take effect the first full pay in January of each year. 3.03 Benefit plans will be, at minimum comparable to those provided to the unionized groups. Increases achieved in collective bargaining will automatically be applied to the non-union employee group and the benefits procedure will be revised. 3.04 Where, as a result of collective bargaining, enhancements are made to the leave entitlements of CUPE, Local 129 members, those same entitlements will be provided to the non-union employee group. Please refer to all associated Procedures, if applicable, for detailed processes regarding this Policy. It is understood that procedures may be expanded to include others which would impact the employment of non-union staff. Procedure Procedure Title: Compensation & Hours of Work – Non-union Employees Procedure Number HUR 080-001 Reference Date Originated (m/d/y) Date Revised (m/d/y) September 13, 2021 Pages 20 Approval: Chief Administrative Officer Point of Contact Director, Human Resources Attachment #2 to Report #HUR 03-21 Draft Procedure Objective The Corporation of the City of Pickering (“the City”) is committed to providing fair and equitable compensation for its employees to ensure that it is capable of attracting, retaining, and motivating qualified individuals to meet Corporate objectives, while maintaining internal equity and external competitiveness. The City wishes to provide a level of compensation to its non- union employees that is consistent with comparable municipalities in the Region of Durham and the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). The objective of this Procedure is to: 1.Provide specific guidelines for compensation. 2.Provide a clear understanding with regards to hours of work. 3.Provide a framework for developing job descriptions for each position in the organization. 4.Ensure that the evaluation of positions is administered in a fair and equitable manner. 5.Provide for recognition of market conditions when appropriate. 6.Support consistent processing of promotions, demotions, transfers, acting assignments and job re-evaluations. 7.Maintain compensation levels consistent with that of other municipalities in the Region of Durham and the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). Index 01 Definitions 02 Responsibilities 03 Salary Structure 04 Acting Assignments 05 Salary Surveys Page 2 of 20Procedure Title: Compensation & Hours of Work – Non-union Employees Procedure Number: HUR 080-001 06 Job Descriptions 07 Job Evaluation 08 Hours of Work 09 Professional Designation Fees and Membership Dues 01 Definitions 01.01 Acting Assignment – The temporary assignment of an employee to another position. 01.02 Across the Board Increase – An upward change in the pay ranges of the salary structure applied to the minimum and maximum of the range, as well as the incremental steps in between. 01.03 Anniversary Date – The annual anniversary of an employee’s appointment to a permanent position within the City. 01.04 Annual Salary – An employee’s annual salary based on full-time, continuous employment in their regular position, excluding monies paid for acting assignments, overtime etc. 01.05 Benchmark Jobs – Internal positions that serve as market anchor points because they closely resemble positions performed in other organizations or industries. 01.06 Compensation – Remuneration paid to employees for services rendered. For the purposes of this Procedure, compensation includes annual salaries only and does not include benefits, pensions, overtime, paid vacation etc. and other forms of employee remuneration. 01.07 Corporation – The Corporation of the City of Pickering. 01.08 Daily Salary – An employee’s annual salary divided by 260. 01.09 Demotion – The movement of an employee to a position in a lower pay grade. 01.10 Director – A department head or the Chief Administrative Officer in their capacity as head of the Office of the CAO. 01.11 Division Head – The head of a significantly large work section classified as a division in the Corporate structure. 01.12 Exempt Employee - Non-permanent and/or casual positions excluded from the bargaining unit, according to the provisions of the Labour Relations Act. Page 3 of 20Procedure Title: Compensation & Hours of Work – Non-union Employees Procedure Number: HUR 080-001 01.13 Full-time Hours - Employees assigned regularly scheduled work consisting of 70 hours biweekly. 01.14 Hourly Salary – An employee’s annual salary divided by 1820. 01.15 Human Resources Information System (HRIS) – a software that provides a centralized repository of employee master data for completing core human resource processes. 01.16 Internal Equity – Compensating positions of similar scope and responsibility at comparable rates. 01.17 Job Description – A summary of the most important functions of a job, including the general nature of the work performed, specific task responsibilities and employee characteristics/competencies/prerequisites to be successful in the job. 01.18 Job Evaluation – A formal and systematic process used to determine the relative value of jobs within the Corporation utilizing the Job Evaluation Manual. 01.19 Job Rate – Represents Step 10 within a Pay Grade and is equal to 92% of the maximum of the range. 01.20 Job Re-evaluation – The job evaluation process when it is re-applied to an existing position. 01.21 Market Adjustment – A salary increase applied to an employee’s base salary to align compensation for a comparable position with the external market. 01.22 Non-Permanent Employee – An employee hired in a temporary capacity to replace an existing employee who is on an approved leave, or to perform overflow work. 01.23 Non-union Employee - An employee of the Corporation designated as out of scope on the basis of professional and/or management criteria established under the Ontario Labour Relations Act and who is subject to the Corporation’s Compensation Policy for non-union employees. 01.24 Overtime – Authorized work performed in excess of the employee’s regular workday in a 24-hour period or regular work week. A 24-hour period shall begin at 12 midnight in any day. 01.25 Pay Grade – Specified levels within a salary structure. 01.26 Pay Range – A range of pay in each Pay Grade, from minimum to maximum. 01.27 Performance Improvement Plan – A plan structured to achieve certain performance goals to bring an employee who has been working below Page 4 of 20Procedure Title: Compensation & Hours of Work – Non-union Employees Procedure Number: HUR 080-001 competent levels to an acceptable standard. The plan must be formalized, documented and filed with Human Resources. 01.28 Permanent Employee - An employee hired into a permanent position and who has successfully completed the required period of time, which constitutes probationary service. 01.29 Probation Period – A six (6) month period used to review a newly hired employee, whereby the employee demonstrates their competency and suitability in a particular job. 01.30 Promotion – The movement of an employee to a position in a higher Pay Grade. 01.31 Reclassification – The permanent reassignment of an employee to a different position. 01.32 Red Circling – The practice of maintaining an employee’s current rate of pay for 6 months due to demotion, permanent accommodation, or job re-evaluation resulting in a lower Pay Grade. 01.33 Salary Progression – A permanent increase to an employee’s base salary within a pay range. 01.34 Salary Structure – The structure of pay grades and pay ranges established by the Corporation outlining the assignment of each job classification to one of the Pay Grades. 01.35 SAP SuccessFactors – The City’s HRIS system. 01.36 Staff Complement – The complete number of approved staff within the organizational structure. 01.37 Step – Specified levels within a pay range through which employees progress. 01.38 Transfer – The movement of an employee to a position within the same Pay Grade. 01.39 Trial Period – A six (6) month period where an existing promoted, transferred or demoted employee serves in a permanent vacancy/appointment to demonstrate their competency and suitability in the new job. 01.40 Work Week - The normal work week shall consist of thirty-five (35) hours. The City may establish a work week other than thirty-five (35) hours depending on operational requirements. Page 5 of 20Procedure Title: Compensation & Hours of Work – Non-union Employees Procedure Number: HUR 080-001 02 Responsibilities 02.01 Chief Administrative Officer to: a)Actively support the Procedure and approve any amendments as required. b)Approve salary increases, as a result of annual movement, exceptional performance, market adjustments, and internal equity. c)Approve all market adjustments to the salary structure. d)Approve all job descriptions and requests for changes in staff complement. e)Authorize the job evaluation/re-evaluation of direct reporting positions. 02.02 Human Resources to: a)Administer, interpret and ensure consistent application of the Procedure. b)Assist Directors, Division Heads, immediate supervisors and employees in the administration and application of the Procedure. c)Recommend Procedure amendments to the Chief Administrative Officer. d)Maintain all records relating to the Procedure. e)Input new employee information into SAP SuccessFactors, including payroll/banking information. f)Implement all approved salary adjustments and merit related payments, ensuring changes are made in SAP SuccessFactors. g)Conduct formal market salary surveys when required. Determine benchmark positions and review and make recommendations for revisions. h)Review and endorse all job descriptions with a view to organizational consistency. i)Maintain comprehensive current Job History File on each position in the organization showing the evolution of all job descriptions and resulting changes in pay. j)Coordinate and conduct all job evaluations/re-evaluations. Page 6 of 20Procedure Title: Compensation & Hours of Work – Non-union Employees Procedure Number: HUR 080-001 k)Act as Chair of the Job Evaluation Committee. l)Track salary adjustments and advise Payroll and the Department of a change in employee salary. m)Ensure that changes to an employee’s salary are entered into SAP SuccessFactors, with documentation provided to Payroll by the stipulated payroll deadline for the affected pay period of the change. n)Ensure the rate of pay for the acting assignment is consistent with the Procedure requirements. o)Process the change of pay for the duration of the acting assignment, providing Payroll with a copy of the Acting Assignment Form (Appendix 1). p)Maintain accurate records of all job evaluations. q)Process salary adjustments resulting from job re-evaluation, including completion of Action Notice, and entering changes into SAP SuccessFactors. r)Advise incumbent in writing (within five (5) working days) of the result of the job re-evaluation. 02.03 Job Evaluation Committee Chairperson to: a)Review and endorse, (when in agreement) all corporate and employee initiated requests for re-evaluation, as submitted by the Director. When not in agreement, the Chairperson shall advise the Director accordingly, in writing, within thirty (30) working days providing reasons for the dissenting opinion. b)Record the results of each evaluation, ensuring the official Record of Job Evaluation is signed by each member of the Committee. 02.04 Director, Human Resources to: a)Provide the CAO with compensation recommendations as it relates to hiring, promotion, market and internal equity adjustments, and annual movement through the salary ranges. 02.05 Payroll to: a)Ensure that employee pays are processed accurately and in a timely manner. b)Support the processing of OMERS pension administration including the preparation and completion of OMERS annual financial reporting. Page 7 of 20Procedure Title: Compensation & Hours of Work – Non-union Employees Procedure Number: HUR 080-001 02.06 Directors to: a)Actively support the Procedure. b)Approve any promotions, demotions, transfers and acting assignments. c)Recommend annual salary increases on the basis of merit, internal equity or market conditions to the CAO for consideration and approval. d)Endorse and maintain the currency and accuracy of job content in all departmental job descriptions including the nature, level and scope of responsibility. Endorse all job evaluations/re-evaluations for the Department. e)Consult with the Director, Human Resources, or the designated Human Resources representative when proposing to hire an employee at a rate of pay other than the minimum of the Pay Grade for the position. f)Utilize acting assignments as a means for employee development and career advancement. g)Provide Human Resources with an authorized Acting Assignment Form (Appendix 1). h)Support Corporate initiated requests for job evaluations, and endorse when in agreement, employee initiated requests for job re-evaluations. i)Participate as a member of the Job Evaluation Committee. j)Initiate, (when in agreement), all requests for Appeals. 02.07 Division Head/Immediate Supervisor to: a)Complete all required forms, records and reports respecting the Procedure. b)Ensure that employees understand the Procedure. c)Recommend and endorse employees for promotion, demotion, transfers and acting assignments. d)Endorse all acting assignments for direct reports. e)Recommend to Director increases based on merit, internal equity or market conditions for employees within the division. This authority rests with Division Heads only. f)Provide pre-authorization to an employee required to work overtime. Page 8 of 20Procedure Title: Compensation & Hours of Work – Non-union Employees Procedure Number: HUR 080-001 g)Ensure accurate overtime and time off in lieu records are maintained. h)Develop and maintain up-to-date job descriptions. i)Prepare all job descriptions for direct reports, for submission to the Director/Division Head for endorsement. j)Initiate amendments to job descriptions as a response to significant changes in job duties/responsibilities. k)Meet with incumbents to obtain input when reviewing job descriptions. l)Endorse employee initiated requests for job re-evaluation for direct reports, or provide written response if the request is not supported. m)Look for opportunities to utilize acting assignments as a means of providing employee development and cross training. n)Approve acting assignments as required. o)Provide the Human Resources Department with an authorized Acting Assignment Form (Appendix 1). p)Participate as a member of the Job Evaluation Committee as required. 02.08 Employees to: a)Develop and maintain an understanding of the Procedure. b)Review and provide input into their job description. 03 Salary Structure 03.01 Pay Grades and Pay Ranges There are thirteen (13) pay grades within the salary structure. Each pay grade has a pay range comprised of a minimum and maximum. Effective January 1st of each year, the negotiated CUPE increase for the current year will be applied to the non-union pay ranges as the Across the Board increase. Note, this compensation structure is subject to change upon approval of the CAO. a)Pay grades are defined by numeric values outlined in the Job Evaluation System. b)The minimum of the salary range represents Step 1, which is equal to 83% of the salary range maximum. Page 9 of 20Procedure Title: Compensation & Hours of Work – Non-union Employees Procedure Number: HUR 080-001 c)Each salary range has ten (10) steps. Each step approximately represents a 1% incremental increase of the maximum of the salary range. d)Step 10 will be considered as Job Rate, and is representative of 92% of the maximum of the range. Employees at Job Rate will continue to receive the CUPE adjustment as applied to the non-union salary structure each year. e)After attaining Job Rate employees may only receive salary adjustments beyond Step 10 as a result of exceptional performance, external market conditions or internal equity. Employees compensated above Step 10, or within the top 8% of the salary range, will be classified as paid Above Job Rate. Increases will be provided on above job rate will be made in 1% increments. Non-union Salary Structure Step Percentage of Maximum of Range Step 1 83% of Maximum. Represents the Minimum of Salary Range Step 2 84% of Maximum of Salary Range Step 3 85% of Maximum of Salary Range Step 4 86% of Maximum of Salary Range Step 5 87% of Maximum of Salary Range Step 6 88% of Maximum of Salary Range Step 7 89% of Maximum of Salary Range Step 8 90% of Maximum of Salary Range Step 9 91% of Maximum of Salary Range Step 10 92% of Maximum of Salary Range. Represents Job Rate 100% Represents the Maximum of Salary Range 03.02 Compensation Principles and Adjustments Compensation practices and adjustments shall follow the following principles: a)On Appointment – New employees shall be placed at the Minimum of the Pay Grade. Subject to the recommendation of the Director, and in consultation with the Director, Human Resources, the Chief Administrative Officer may approve starting an employee at a higher rate if the candidate substantially exceeds the minimum entry Page 10 of 20Procedure Title: Compensation & Hours of Work – Non-union Employees Procedure Number: HUR 080-001 requirements of the position, and satisfies an outstanding benefit or need to the Corporation. b)Promotion – A promoted employee shall be placed at the minimum of the new Pay Grade. Where an employee’s current salary exceeds the minimum of the new Pay Grade they will be placed within the new range at the step that affords the smallest increase, and is at least equal to 5% more than their current salary. c)Demotion – A demoted employee shall be placed within the range of the new pay grade at the step that affords the smallest decrease. The employee will continue to follow the normal process of annual movement through the new range. If the employee’s current salary exceeds the job rate (step 10) of the new pay grade, they will be red- circled for six (6) months and then placed at job rate (step 10) of the new pay grade. d)Transfer – A transferred employee shall retain the same rate of pay when moving to the new position, which is the same pay grade as their previous position. e)Under filling - On occasion, and where a vacant position is unable to be filled, the City may choose to fill the vacant position with an employee who does not meet the minimum requirements of the job. In this case, the position will be considered as under filled and the employee will be compensated at 5% under the minimum of the pay range. 03.03 Salary Progression Permanent non-union employees will receive the Across the Board CUPE increase and a one (1) step movement within their Pay Grade each year until they progress to Job Rate. Once Job Rate is achieved, the employee will continue to receive the Across the Board increase as negotiated by CUPE. Increases will take effect on the first full pay in January of each year. a)Employees will be eligible for the one (1) step movement provided they are not on a Performance Improvement Plan. b)Employees on a leave of absence for three (3) months or more within the year will not be eligible for the one (1) step movement. c)Employees must be in their current position for six months or more to qualify for the annual step progression, unless otherwise authorized by the CAO. If applicable, consideration of the annual one (1) step movement for employees promoted, reclassified or transferred will be undertaken when determining their new salary. Page 11 of 20Procedure Title: Compensation & Hours of Work – Non-union Employees Procedure Number: HUR 080-001 d)A non-union employee may not move more than two (2) steps per year, except as a result of job re-evaluation. In consultation with the Director and the Director, Human Resources, the Chief Administrative Officer may approve an additional one (1) step increase per year when considering the following factors: I.Exceptional performance. II.The employee’s placement within the Pay Grade relative to other employees in the Department/Corporation. III.The years of service and experience the employee has related to the position (both inside and outside of the organization). IV.External market conditions. e)No employee will move more than three (3) steps each year. f)In consultation with the Director and the Director, Human Resources, the Chief Administrative Officer may approve a bonus in addition to the Across the Board increase for employees who are at the Maximum of their range based on the criteria outlined in 3.03 d). This one time bonus will not be applied to the employee’s base salary. g)If the Director deems the employee is working below the minimum acceptable standards of performance no additional step increase will be provided for the current year. h)Non-union employees must be actively employed at the time of ratification of the CUPE Collective Agreement to qualify for any retroactive pay. i)Temporary non-union employees who are performing the duties of a permanent position within the Corporate Structure are eligible for the Across the Board increase only. 03.04 Non-permanent Exempt Positions Compensation for non-permanent and/or casual positions excluded from the bargaining unit, according to the provisions of the Labour Relations Act, will follow the Exempt Compensation Pay Structure (Appendix 2). The Exempt Compensation Pay Structure will be used for employees performing non- unionized work or short-term contracts where the incumbent is not occupying a position in the Corporate structure. a)The Exempt Compensation Pay Structure will mirror the salary grid negotiated between the Corporation and CUPE Local 129. b)The exempt structure is comprised of twenty-two (22) Pay Grades, with three (3) Steps in each grade. Incumbents will start at Step 1, and Page 12 of 20Procedure Title: Compensation & Hours of Work – Non-union Employees Procedure Number: HUR 080-001 movement from Step to Step shall be on a six (6) month schedule, if applicable. c)Across the Board increases to the salary grid will be effective the first full pay in April in any given year, or as negotiated by CUPE Local 129. d)For job evaluation purposes, the Job Evaluation Committee will utilize the point-factors established for CUPE employees. 04 Acting Assignments 04.01 At the discretion of the Chief Administrative Officer, Director or Division Head, a permanent employee may be assigned to perform work in a higher Pay Grade. 04.02 An employee who is working in an acting capacity will be placed at the minimum of the applicable Pay Grade, or the step that affords the smallest increase, and is at least equal to 5% more than their current salary. 04.03 Acting assignments will be subject to the following criteria: a)An employee required to act in a non-union position that is compensated at Pay Grade 8 or higher will receive acting pay subject to the approval of the immediate supervisor, the Director, and the Chief Administrative Officer. The employee is expected to perform the full range of duties of the higher position. b)An employee required to act in non-union positions below Pay Grade 8 will receive acting pay subject to the approval of the immediate non- union supervisor and Director. The employee is expected to perform the full range of duties of the higher position. c)A Director who is required to act as the Chief Administrative Officer will be compensated at Step 1 of the CAO Salary Range. Step 1 represents 85% of the maximum of the salary range. d)An employee in an acting capacity who is on an approved paid leave of absence i.e. vacation, sick, or bereavement leave will receive their regular rate of pay for the leave if they have been in the acting position for less than one calendar month. They will receive the applicable acting rate for any approved paid leave that occurs after the first calendar month. e)Unionized employees acting in a non-union assignment for less than six (6)months are not eligible for the annual one (1) step movement. They will remain at their current step inclusive of the Across the Board adjustment until the next period of eligibility. Page 13 of 20Procedure Title: Compensation & Hours of Work – Non-union Employees Procedure Number: HUR 080-001 05 Salary Surveys 05.01 The Corporation wishes to provide a level of compensation to its employees which is approximately equivalent to that provided by comparable municipalities in the Region of Durham, and comparable jurisdictions in the Greater Toronto Area. Human Resources will conduct Salary Surveys as required to assess the Corporation’s competitiveness. 05.02 The objective of the Corporation will be to provide approximately equivalent levels of compensation to its employees based upon levels of duties and responsibilities performed. The Corporation will not attempt to follow precisely the details of the compensation packages provided by comparable employers. Total compensation will be considered where relevant. 05.03 When conducting salary surveys, Human Resources will review current positions within the City and select a cross-section to be compared with participating municipalities. These positions will serve as the benchmark positions. 05.04 Each benchmark position is compared with the corresponding position in the comparable participating organization to ensure that the scope of responsibility, education and experience are equivalent. 05.05 Human Resources will convert salary survey data for the comparable positions being reviewed when the hours of work differ from the Corporation’s normal work week. 05.06 Significant salary inconsistencies apparent as a result of the salary survey will be reviewed for potential market adjustments in accordance with 03.03 Salary Progression. 05.07 Targeted market surveys may be conducted for individual positions on an as needed basis, at the direction of the Chief Administrative Officer. 06 Job Descriptions 06.01 A job description is a summary of the most important functions of a job, including the general nature and level of the work performed and employee characteristics required to perform the job. It is not intended to be an exhaustive list of all tasks, duties or responsibilities performed by an employee. A job description describes the job itself. It focuses on the work to be done and not on the individual who might fill the job. Ultimately, the work carried out by an employee is the work directed to be performed by the employee’s supervisor. Page 14 of 20Procedure Title: Compensation & Hours of Work – Non-union Employees Procedure Number: HUR 080-001 06.02 A job description is used to: a)Assist employees and others to know what their responsibilities are. b)Provide a means of organizing work in various components of the Corporation. c)Clarify relationships and differences between jobs. d)Evaluate jobs. e)Provide a basis for measurement of performance. f)Provide a basis for recruitment and selection. g)Compare jobs and salaries with other organizations. 06.03 All current job descriptions, as well as historical job description information shall be maintained in the Human Resources Department. 06.04 All job descriptions shall be developed by the immediate supervisor, with employee input, according to the format approved by the Corporation (Appendix 3). All job descriptions are subject to the review and approval of Human Resources and the Chief Administrative Officer. 06.05 Where a Department is proposing a change in staff complement by adding a new position, deleting an existing position or substantively changing the functional responsibility of an existing position, the Request for Change in Staff Complement Form (Appendix 4) will include a draft job description. 07 Job Evaluation 07.01 The Corporation recognizes that the duties and responsibilities of a job may change either over a period of time, or at one point in time, and therefore, has established a process for the systematic review of job re-evaluation requests initiated by the Director or incumbent. The Corporation reserves the right at all times, however, to decide on the nature and scope of the work to be done. 07.02 The Job Evaluation System (as documented in the Corporation’s 2012 Job Evaluation Manual) is a point factor method of job evaluation based on a systematic application of a common set of job evaluation standards or factors used to measure the relative worth of jobs and to determine their rank within the organizational hierarchy. It is a gender neutral comparison system which addresses the required skill, responsibility, effort and working conditions of a position to determine the value of the work done so they can be compared in terms of value and compensation as described below: Page 15 of 20Procedure Title: Compensation & Hours of Work – Non-union Employees Procedure Number: HUR 080-001 a)Compensable factors are established by the Corporation to be applied to the job content of the job description being evaluated. Each job factor in the evaluation plan has been assigned an overall weighting based on the relative importance to the organization. b)Levels are defined within each factor. c)Each job is evaluated by determining the level within each factor that best fits the job. d)The determined level corresponds with the amount of points assigned for each factor. e)The total points received determines the Pay Grade within the salary structure and establishes the relative value of the job within the Corporation. Note: Job evaluation is concerned with job requirements as detailed in a job description and not with the qualifications or personal attributes of the incumbent. 07.03 New job descriptions shall be evaluated by the Job Evaluation Committee in accordance with the Job Evaluation Manual. Human Resources may assign a Pay Grade to a new position where posting is to be expedited. 07.04 Job Evaluation Committee: The Job Evaluation Committee shall be composed of three representatives appointed by the Corporation to include: a)Supervisor, Employee Services (Chairperson) b)Director of the position being evaluated. c)The Human Resources Designate d)If required, the Chairperson will appoint a representative from Human Resources to serve as an Alternate member for a regular Committee member who is absent or whose position is the job being re-evaluated. When replacing a regular Committee member, an Alternate member will have the same voting rights and privileges as a regular Committee member. 07.05 Corporate Initiated Job Evaluation/Re-evaluation a)When a new job is created, or there is significant and material change to an existing job, the Department will prepare the proposed job description (in conjunction with Human Resources) allowing any existing incumbent(s) the opportunity to review and provide input. The proposed job description is provided to the Chairperson of the Job Evaluation Committee for review. Within sixty (60) calendar days of receipt of the Page 16 of 20Procedure Title: Compensation & Hours of Work – Non-union Employees Procedure Number: HUR 080-001 proposed job description, the Job Evaluation Committee shall convene to review and evaluate/re-evaluate the job description. b)Where there is an incumbent, the results shall be effective the day the job description was evaluated or re-evaluated, or sixty (60) calendar days following receipt of the proposed job description by the Chair of the Job Evaluation Committee, whichever is earlier. c)Where the position is vacant, the results shall be implemented on the date the position is occupied. d)Where circumstances prevent the job description from being transmitted to the Job Evaluation Committee in a timely manner, the Director may recommend that the effective date be earlier. An effective date that falls outside of the timeline as described in 07.05 (a) will be subject to final endorsement by the Chief Administrative Officer. 07.06 Employee Initiated Job Re-evaluation: a)Any employee, having occupied a position for a minimum of one year (1) year since the date of last evaluation/re-evaluation, who feels that there has been a material change in the duties or responsibilities of the position and wishes to initiate a re-evaluation, shall complete a Job Re- Evaluation Request Form (Appendix 5) and shall forward it along with a copy of the proposed job description to their immediate non-union supervisor. b)If the immediate non-union supervisor agrees that there has been a material change in the duties or responsibilities of the position, they shall approve the request, amend the job description accordingly and forward it along with the signed form to the Director for review and approval. c)If the immediate non-union supervisor does not agree there has been a material change in duties or responsibilities, they will notify the employee in writing within thirty (30) calendar days of receipt of the request. The employee may appeal this decision to the Director. d)If the Director agrees with the request for re-evaluation and the proposed job description, they will sign and forward same to the Chair of the Job Evaluation Committee within forty-five (45) calendar days of when the request was submitted by the employee. The Chair will review and confirm material change in the duties and responsibilities. e)When the Director does not agree with the request for re-evaluation, they will advise the employee in writing within forty-five (45) calendar days of when the request was submitted by the employee. Page 17 of 20Procedure Title: Compensation & Hours of Work – Non-union Employees Procedure Number: HUR 080-001 f)Within sixty (60) calendar days after receipt of the proposed job description and Form, the Job Evaluation Committee shall convene to review and re-evaluate the amended job description. g)Salary increases resulting from the job re-evaluation shall be made effective as of the date that the job description was re-evaluated, or sixty (60)calendar days following the receipt of the amended job description by the Chairperson, whichever is earlier. 07.07 Where an employee is not satisfied with the result of a job re-evaluation, they may appeal the decision made by the Job Evaluation Committee in the following manner: a)Within fifteen (15) calendar days the employee will appeal to the Director, stating reasons, in writing, why the job description should undergo a second review. b)If the Director does not concur with the employee, within fifteen (15) calendar days they shall advise the employee accordingly in writing, providing the reasons. c)If the Director concurs with the employee, within fifteen (15) calendar days they shall submit a written request to the Chief Administrative Officer for a second review of the position to be performed by the Appeals Committee. The Chief Administrative Officer shall render a final decision in writing within thirty (30) days. d)The Appeals Committee shall be comprised of the following: i.Job Evaluation Chairperson (Human Resources) ii.Director, Human Resources iii.Another Director (not participating in the initial review). e)Decisions of the Appeals Committee are final. 07.08 When a position is re-evaluated to a higher Pay Grade, the incumbent will be placed at the step of the new Pay Grade that affords the smallest increase, and is at least equal to 5% more than their current salary. 07.09 When a position is re-evaluated to a lower Pay Grade, the incumbent will be red-circled for six (6) months, and then placed at the step in the new Pay Grade that affords the smallest decrease. 07.10 When a position is re-evaluated and there is no change in Pay Grade, the Director may seek approval from the Chief Administrative Officer to provide the employee with a salary adjustment within the current Pay Grade. Page 18 of 20Procedure Title: Compensation & Hours of Work – Non-union Employees Procedure Number: HUR 080-001 08 Hours of Work The City recognizes that in order to provide efficient service to the public, it is necessary for groups of employees within the organization to work hours outside their normal workday. This procedure outlines the normal hours of work and the entitlement of non- union employees to paid overtime and time off in lieu. 08.01 Standard Working Hours: a)Management Employees - The normal workday for such employees is seven (7) hours per day between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday, with a one (1) hour unpaid lunch break. b)Non-supervisory Employees - The normal work day for such employees is seven (7) hours per day between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday, with a one (1) hour unpaid lunch break, except where the terms and conditions of employment state otherwise. c)The City may establish hours of work and days of work for work units, other than those set out above, depending on the nature of the business and the requirements of the Corporation. d)Employees working full-times hours shall be granted a fifteen (15) minute rest period during the first and second halves of the work day. e)Employees working part-time hours who work three (3) consecutive hours or more shall be entitled to a fifteen (15) minute rest period. 08.02 Overtime All employees are required to manage their time effectively so as to minimize the need to work overtime. From time to time, the needs of the City may require the performance of overtime when the work in a department cannot be completed during regular working hours, or when emergency or unusual conditions arise. In such circumstances, overtime may be authorized and scheduled by any level of management. Overtime is to be reported to the nearest quarter hour. a)There is no compensation for working overtime available to non-union employees compensated at Pay Grade 8 and above and Municipal Officers as defined in the Ontario Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter M.45, section 207.45. b)Employees at Pay Grade 7 and below will be entitled to overtime compensated at one and one-half (1½) times their regular rate of pay when required to work in excess of their normal work day or normal work week. Overtime must be preapproved by the immediate supervisor and for the following authorized reasons: Page 19 of 20Procedure Title: Compensation & Hours of Work – Non-union Employees Procedure Number: HUR 080-001 I.Employee is required to deal with emergencies or unusual conditions. II.To attend evening business meetings scheduled to begin after their normal work day or work week and they are unable to make arrangements with their supervisor to flex their time to work outside of their regular schedule. III.Excess or overflow work that despite all efforts the employee is unable to complete during regular working hours. c)The immediate non-union supervisor will determine if overtime worked by the employee will be compensated in time off in lieu or paid dollars if budgeted funds permit. d)If an employee is required to work overtime on a Sunday or on a Paid Holiday, then payment will be at a rate of double time (2x) the employee’s regular rate of pay. e)In order to qualify for overtime compensation, a part-time employee must have worked in excess of the normal work day or normal work week as that of a full-time employee. 08.03 Time off in Lieu General Principles: a)Employees at non-union Pay Grade 8 and above are not eligible for time off in lieu. b)Employees in Pay Grade 7 and below may earn lieu time, subject to prior approval from their supervisor. If the immediate supervisor approves time off in lieu, it shall be earned at the applicable overtime rate as outline in 08.02 for each hour of overtime worked. c)Eligible employees may accumulate up to a maximum of five (5) working days at any time. d)Time off in lieu earned up to and including November 30th must be taken in the calendar year in which it is earned or it will be paid out before December 31st. Time off in lieu earned in December may be carried over into the next year if requested in writing prior to the end of the year. e)Use of time off in lieu is subject to the approval of the employee’s immediate supervisor and shall be taken at a time that is mutually agreeable to the employee and supervisor, and at a time that does not interfere with the effectiveness of the work unit. All requests must be made in advance. f)The accumulation and use of time off in lieu is to be properly recorded on the Vacation/Lieu Request form and the bi-weekly time sheet and endorsed by the immediate supervisor. Page 20 of 20Procedure Title: Compensation & Hours of Work – Non-union Employees Procedure Number: HUR 080-001 09 Professional and Membership Fees 09.01 The City will pay for, or reimburse employees for the cost of annual professional designation or membership fees as they relate to their ability and authority to perform the duties of their role. 09.02 Employees who cease employment with the City will be required to reimburse the City, on a prorated basis at a rate of 1/12 per month of service, for the cost of the annual fee. Appendices Appendix 1 Acting Assignment Form Appendix 2 Exempt Compensation Pay Structure Appendix 3 Job Description Template Appendix 4 Change in Staff Complement Form Appendix 5 Job Evaluation Request Form Appendix 1 Employee Information - Current Position Title Employee #Employee Last NameEmployee First Name Acting Assignment Affiliation Hours of Work Pay RatePay Grade Acting Assignment Information Position Title Affiliation Effective Date From Per Non-Union PPFA CUPE 129 Full-Time Part-Time Pay Grade Pay Rate Per Non-Union Position Confidential Page 1 of 2 Non-Union Effective Date To CAO 0308-08/14 Revised 16/11/04 Department Division Section SectionDivisionDepartment Division Head/Immediate Non-Union Supervisor Date Director Date Chief Administrative Officer Date I hereby agree to perform the full range of duties for the position for which I am acting. To be completed following appropriate approvals. Submit original to Human Resources. Signature Alternate formats available upon request at 905.683.7575. Position Title Authorization/Signature Non-Union Position Confidential Acting Assignment Page 2 of 2 Date (Pay Grades 9 and above is required prior to offering the assignment to the employee) CAO 0308-08/14 Revised 16/11/04 SectionDivisionDepartment Appendix 2 Exempt Compensation Pay Structure April 13, 2020 - March 31, 2021 PAY GRADE STEP 1 - 90%HOURLY STEP 2 - 95%HOURLY STEP 3 - 100%HOURLY2245.22 47.73 50.24 21 43.67 46.1 48.522042.13 44.47 46.821940.56 42.82 45.071839.02 41.19 43.36 17 37.45 39.54 41.621635.91 37.9 39.91534.76 36.68 38.611433.57 35.43 37.29 13 32.41 34.21 36.01 12 31.19 32.93 34.66 11 30.06 31.73 33.39 10 28.9 30.5 32.11 9 27.72 29.26 30.8 8 26.55 28.02 29.5725.38 26.78 28.19624.37 25.72 27.08 5 23.42 24.73 26.03419.5 20.58 21.66317.56 18.54 19.52215.62 16.48 17.35 1*14.25 14.25 14.25 *PG 1 will be adjusted according to current minimum wage rate Appendix 3 Job Description Job Title: Job Number: Department: Choose an item. Division: Choose an item. Section: Choose an item. Affiliation: Choose an item. Hours Worked Bi-weekly: Type of Position: Choose an item. Reports To: Pay Grade: Receives Guidance From (if applicable): Function/Purpose: (summary of the main function/purpose of this position) Primary Responsibilities: (description of the core duties of the position) 1. Secondary Responsibilities: (responsibilities/important duties performed occasionally or in addition to the core duties of the position) 2. Communication: (typical interactions with others including frequency, nature and difficulty of communication (i.e., sensitivity, negotiation, etc.) Internal  External  Leadership and Program Accountability Number of employees directly supervised: Nature of supervisory responsibilities: (related to employees directly supervised) Assign Work Yes No Evaluate Performance Yes No Review Work Yes No Undertake Discipline Yes No Insert Job Title Insert Date Page 2 of 3 Leadership Responsibilities include: (e.g., technical guidance provided, supervision of volunteers or contractors, leading project teams/committees, specialized expertise to organization, etc.)   Independence of Action: (degree of supervision and guidance received and the extent that decision or actions may be taken with own initiative)   Impact of Decisions: (responsibility for and impact of decision-making)   Financial Accountability: (financial responsibilities for processing transactions, budget planning and approval, asset management etc.)   Customer Service Delivery: (covers both external and internal customers, quantifies the positions overall responsibility to identify, evaluate and address customer needs)   Analytical Thinking and Problem-Solving Effort: (complexity of tasks and problems and availability of policies, processes and procedures, etc. to follow)   Physical Skills and Effort: (typical physical skills, effort and frequency including sitting, standing, lifting, visual strain, interruptions, pace of work, etc.)   Working Conditions: (identify working conditions for core duties including comfort, exposure to adverse conditions, risk of injury and mental stress)   Insert Job Title Insert Date Page 3 of 3 Minimum Entry Requirements Formal Education and Training: (must be from a recognized educational institution, include certifications, professional licenses and designations)    or any combination of education, workplace training and experience deemed to be acceptable by the Corporation. Experience:   Knowledge, Skills and Abilities: (knowledge, skill and ability necessary for an individual to perform the job competently)   Please remove the following if not appropriate to the position:  Must be prepared to undergo a Criminal Reference Check as a condition of employment OR must be prepared to undergo a Vulnerable Sector Screening as a condition of employment  Must hold current Standard First Aid (within 2 years of certification) and Basic Rescuer CPR-C (within 1 year of certification) certificates.  Must possess a valid Class “G” Ontario Driver’s Licence and provide consent for a Driver’s Abstract. A clean driving record is preferred. Demonstrates a commitment and adherence to all aspects of occupational health and safety (legislation, the Corporation’s policies and procedures) applicable to the position. Authorized By: ________________________________ _________________________________ Manager/Division Head Director ________________________________ Human Resources Final Approval ______________________________ _____________________ Tony Prevedel Date Chief Administrative Officer CAO 0901-12/21 Rev. 16/11/03 Appendix 4 Request for Change in Staff Complement Page 1 of 2 Position Title Position Title Position Title Background History (attach an additional sheet if necessary). Additional sheet attached?Yes No NoYesAdditional sheet attached? Functional Responsibility (attach an additional sheet if necessary). Add New Position Delete Existing Position Change Existing Position Department Division Section CAO 0304-07/04 Revised 16/11/04 Request for Change in Staff Complement Immediate Non-Union Supervisor Supervisory Responsibility Location Hours of Work Biweekly Hours Chief Administrative Officer Date Director DateDivision Head Date Attachments: Budget Page (Mandatory) Page 2 of 2Alternate formats available upon request at 905.683.7575. Start Work Date Reporting Relationships NoYesAdditional sheet attached? Justification and Advantages (attach an additional sheet if necessary). Employment Details Authorization/Signatures Revised Organization Chart (Mandatory) Draft Job Description (Mandatory) Part-TimeFull-Time CAO 0304-07/04 Revised 16/11/04 1 Request for Job Re-Evaluation – Non-union Employee Initiated The purpose of this form is to support a request for a job re-evaluation and to provide background information about how a position has changed in terms of responsibilities, duties, authority, relationships, physical demands and working conditions. If approved, the Job Evaluation Committee will review the completed form in combination with the updated job description. Employee to: Please indicate how the job has changed by detailing the revisions in the appropriate area(s) and submit to the immediate non-union supervisor along with a copy of the proposed Job Description. Non-union Supervisor to: Review the submission to determine if a material change in the duties and responsibilities of the position exists. Material changes include a change that is significant and ongoing. If yes, please authorize and forward the proposed Job Description and this form to the Director. If no, advise the employee in writing within 30 days outlining why the re-evaluation request is denied. Director to: Review the proposed Job Description to determine if a material change in the duties and responsibilities of the position exists. Material changes include a change that is significant and ongoing. If yes, authorize and forward to the Chair of the Job Evaluation Committee (Human Resources) within 45 days after receipt. If no, advise the employee in writing within 45 days outlining why the re-evaluation request is denied. Employee Name: Section/Division: Job Title: Department: Employee Signature: Date: Name of Non-union Supervisor: Appendix 5 Education: Is there new legislated educational requirements needed for this position? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Communication: Briefly specify any change with emphasis on the nature, regularity and especially the purpose of internal and external contacts. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Leadership and Program Accountability: Have there been changes to the required supervisory, leadership, technical guidance or level of authoritative advice responsibilities? Detail the changes and provide a brief explanation for such changes. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Independence of Action (Initiative): Have the types of decisions to be made without reference to a supervisor changed? Detail changes and provide a brief explanation for such changes. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Impact of Decisions (Result of Errors): Briefly state the reason(s) for requested change. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 3 Financial Accountability Briefly state the reason(s) for requested change. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Customer Service Briefly state the reason(s) for requested change. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Analytical Thinking and Problem Solving Effort (Complexity/Judgment -Decision-Making): Have the types of decisions which are required to be made on a day-to-day basis changed? Detail changes and provide a brief explanation for such changes. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Physical Demands: Briefly describe any changes/adjustments to the physical demands of the job. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Working Conditions: Have the working conditions changed? If so, describe how they have changed? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 4 Immediate Non-union Supervisor Please indicate if there is material change to the duties and responsibilities of the position: Yes, there is material change. Please forward to your Director within 30 days after receiving from the employee. No material change. Please return to employee with a written explanation. Comments: Name: Position: Signature: Date: Director Please indicate if there is material change to the duties and responsibilities of the position: Yes, there is material change. Please forward to the Chair of the Job Evaluation Committee (Human Resources) within 45 days after receiving from the immediate non- union supervisor. No material change. Please return to employee with a written explanation. Comments: Name: Position: Signature: Date: Procedure Procedure Title: Benefits – Non-union Employees Procedure Number HUR 080-002 Reference: Date Originated (m/d/y) May 8, 2000 Date Revised (m/d/y) September 13, 2021 Pages 5 Approval: Chief Administrative Officer Point of Contact Director, Human Resources Procedure Objective The Corporation of the City of Pickering (the “City”) will provide its permanent full-time non-union employees with a comprehensive benefits package supporting the health and well-being of its employees. Specifically this procedure is intended to: 1.Outline the benefits available to non-union employees. 2.Provide a system that will facilitate the administration of the City’s benefits plan to ensure records are kept accurately and up-to-date. Index 01 Definitions 02 Responsibilities 03 Insured Benefits 04 Pension Benefits 05 Disability Benefits 06 Retiree and Survivor Benefits 01 Definitions 01.01 City – The Corporation of the City of Pickering. 01.02 Dependent - A person who is a resident in Canada or the United States, and who is: (a)the spouse of the employee; Attachment #3 to Report #HUR 03-21 Draft Page 2 of 5 Procedure Title: Benefits – Non-union Employees Procedure Number: HUR 080-002 (b)the natural, legally adopted, or step child of the employee or spouse, who is unmarried, not engaged in active employment, or dependent on the employee or spouse for financial support. The dependent must be under 21 years of age or under 25 years of age and enrolled in full-time attendance at an accredited educational institution. 01.03 Disability Pension – An unreduced early retirement pension through OMERS for employees who are totally and permanently disabled. This pension is calculated using the OMERS Plan pension formula. 01.04 Early Retirement Age - For OMERS purposes only the early retirement age is deemed to be fifty-five (55) years. 01.05 Early Retirement Reduced Pension - Employees who retire prior to age sixty- five (65) and who have not obtained the OMERS pre-determined combined level of age and credited service. 01.06 Early Retirement Unreduced Pension - Employees who retire prior to age sixty-five (65) and who have obtained the OMERS pre-determined combined level of age and credited service. 01.07 Full-time Employee - Employees assigned to work regularly scheduled bi- weekly hours consisting of seventy (70) hours. 01.08 Immediate Supervisor - The direct supervisor of the employee. 01.09 Non-Union Employee - All employees of the City designated as out of scope on the basis of professional and/or management criteria established under the Ontario Labour Relations Act and who are subject to the City Compensation Plan for non-union employees. 01.010 Normal Retirement Age - For OMERS purposes only the normal retirement age is deemed to be age sixty-five (65). 01.011 OMERS -The Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System. 01.012 Part-time Hours - An employee who consistently works less than the bi-weekly hours of a full-time position. 01.013 Permanent Employee - An employee hired into a permanent position and who has successfully completed the required period of time, which constitutes probationary service. 01.014 Spouse - An adult who is legally married to their respective partner or who cohabits in a conjugal relationship outside of marriage. Page 3 of 5 Procedure Title: Benefits – Non-union Employees Procedure Number: HUR 080-002 02 Responsibilities 02.01 Chief Administrative Officer to: (a)Actively support the Procedure. (b)Approve the Procedure and any amendments, as required, from time to time. 02.02 Human Resources to: (a)Administer, interpret and ensure consistent application of the Procedure. (b)Recommend Procedure amendments to the Chief Administrative Officer. (c)Perform an orientation session with all new employees, explaining the benefits available, and assisting in the timely completion of all required forms and applications. (d)Administer the benefit plan by enrolling eligible employees in the City’s benefit plan and processing changes as required. (e)Administer the OMERS pension plan by enrolling eligible employees, advising eligible employees of enrolment and processing changes as required. (f)Maintain an up-to-date list of Other Than Continuous Full Time (OTCFT) employees who have enrolled in OMERS. (g)Provide Payroll with copies of OMERS enrolment, leave of absence, disability and terminations documentation. 02.03 Director to: (a)Actively support the Procedure. 02.04 Division Head to: (a)Actively support the Procedure. 02.05 Immediate Supervisor to: (a)Complete all required forms, records and reports respecting the Procedure. (b)Ensure that employees understand the Procedure. (c)Ensure that employees complete required forms and provide necessary documentation in a timely manner. Page 4 of 5 Procedure Title: Benefits – Non-union Employees Procedure Number: HUR 080-002 02.07 Employee to: (a)Be aware of the regulations, policies and procedures respecting the various benefits plans. (b)Comply with all regulations, policies and procedures respecting application for various benefits plans covered under the Procedure. (c)Advise Human Resources promptly of changes in family status and beneficiaries. 02.08 Payroll To: (a)Prepare financial information for OMERS reporting purposes. (b)Deduct and remit OMERS contributions as determined by OMERS and as required for leave or disability purchases. (c)Verify and remit monthly benefit premiums to the City’s benefits provider ensuring premiums for elective optional benefits are accurately deducted from the participating employee. 03 Benefit Package 03.01 The City shall pay 100% of the premium cost of a comprehensive benefits package including extended health, vision, dental, emergency travel assistance, basic life insurance, AD&D, and long-term disability benefits for active permanent non-union employees to age seventy (70). Benefit levels and specific information related to coverage are outlined in the Benefit Booklet provided by the City’s benefit insurance carrier. 03.02 Permanent full-time employees classified as a Director will receive an annual Health Spending Account administered by the City’s benefit insurance carrier details of which are outlined in the Benefit Booklet provided by the City’s benefit insurance carrier. 03.03 A permanent full-time non-union employee may apply for optional life insurance and optional spousal life insurance through the City’s benefits carrier. The employee shall pay 100% of the premium cost of this additional insurance. 03.04 A permanent full-time non-union employee may apply for optional critical illness insurance and optional spousal and child critical illness insurance through the City’s benefits carrier. The employee shall pay 100% of the premium cost of this additional insurance. 03.05 The City will continue to pay 100% of the premium costs of the extended health, dental and vision care benefit plans in respect of an employee’s surviving spouse and dependents for up to twenty-four (24) calendar months following an employee’s death while in service. Page 5 of 5 Procedure Title: Benefits – Non-union Employees Procedure Number: HUR 080-002 04 Pension Benefits 04.01 The City shall make contributions on behalf of each participating employee to the OMERS Basic Pension Plan, in amounts required by the Board of OMERS from time to time. 05 Disability Benefits: 05.01 Where an employee is eligible for benefits under the provisions of a Long Term Disability Plan provided by the City’s insurance company, the City will continue to pay the premium cost of the extended health care, vision care and dental plan so long as the employee continues to be employed by the City and in receipt of such Long Term Disability benefits. 06 Retiree Benefits: 06.01 The City shall pay 100% of the premium cost of retiree benefits for permanent full-time non-union employees. Employees will be eligible for retiree benefits including, extended health, vision care, dental care, and emergency travel assistance (within provisions established by the benefit carrier) to age 65 if the following criteria are met. All other benefits shall cease at the date of retirement: (a)they have been employed with the City of Pickering for a minimum of 5 consecutive years and (b)they are receiving an unreduced OMERS basic pension or an unreduced OMERS disability pension. 06.02 Permanent full-time employees classified as Directors at the date of retirement will be eligible for retiree benefits as stipulated in 06.01 to the age of eighty-five (85). These benefits continue to include a health care spending account. 06.03 The City shall purchase a paid up life insurance policy of $2,000 for all permanent full-time employees who retire at the normal retirement age, or who retire with an unreduced pension as defined by OMERS. Procedure Procedure Title: Leave – Non-union Employees Procedure Number HUR 080-003 Reference Employment Standards Act Workplace Safety & Insurance Act Date Originated (m/d/y) September 1, 2021 Date Revised (m/d/y) September 13, 2021 Pages 16 Approval: Chief Administrative Officer Point of Contact Director, Human Resources Attachment #4 to Report #HUR 03-21 Draft Procedure Objective The City is committed to establishing and maintaining an orderly system for the administration of various forms of leave, including vacation leave, paid holidays, leaves of absence, sick leave, bereavement leave, court and jury duty, professional leave, pregnancy/adoption/parental leave and other statutory leaves as outlined in the Employment Standards Act, 2000 (ESA). The objective of this Procedure is to: 1.Ensure uniform standards and procedures respecting the provisions and administration of leaves for non-union Employees within the City. 2.Provide a system that will facilitate monitoring the various forms of leave applied for and granted to ensure consistent and accurate application and detect potential abuses. 3.Ensure employees, immediate supervisors and directors are aware of the leave program for non-union employees of the City. 4.Provide a system of record keeping. Index 01 Definitions 02 Responsibilities 03 Leave of Absence Reporting Requirements 04 Vacation 05 Statutory Holidays 06 Sick Leave Page 2 of 16 Procedure Title: Leave – Non-union Employees Procedure Number: HUR 080-003 07 Pregnancy and/or Parental Leave 08 Statutory Leaves 09 Bereavement Leave 10 Professional Development Leave 11 Witness and Jury Duty 12 Voting Time Off 13 Unpaid Leave of Absence 01 Definitions 01.01 Annual Salary – An employee’s annual salary based on full-time, continuous employment in their regular position, excluding monies paid for acting assignments, overtime etc. 01.02 Case Management Team – A team comprised of the employee, their immediate supervisor and a Human Resources Representative who work collaboratively to develop appropriate accommodations for injured or ill employees during the Disability Management and Return to Work process. 01.03 Corporation – For the purposes of this Procedure Corporation shall mean the Corporation of the City of Pickering. 01.04 Daily Salary – An employee’s annual salary divided by 260. 01.05 Dependent – A person who is a resident in Canada or the United States, and who is: a)the spouse of the employee; b)the natural, legally adopted, or step child of the employee or spouse, who is unmarried, not engaged in active employment, or dependent on the employee or spouse for financial support. The dependent must be under 21 years of age or under 25 years of age and enrolled in full- time attendance at an accredited educational institution. 01.06 Full-time Hours – Employees assigned to work regularly scheduled bi- weekly hours consisting of 70 hours. 01.07 Hourly Rate – An employee’s annual salary divided by 1820. 01.08 Immediate Family – A spouse, including common-law spouse, children, including foster or stepchildren, parents, including stepparents of an employee. Page 3 of 16 Procedure Title: Leave – Non-union Employees Procedure Number: HUR 080-003 01.09 Immediate Supervisor – the direct non-union supervisor of the employee. 01.10 Lieu Time – paid time off instead of additional pay for hours worked in excess of 7 hours per day or 35 hours per week. 01.11 Loss of Earnings (LOE) Benefits – payment from WSIB for employees with a loss of earnings as a result of a workplace injury or illness. 01.12 Non-union Employee – an employee of the City designated as out of scope on the basis of professional and/or management criteria established under the Ontario Labour Relations Act and who is subject to the City’s Compensation Procedures for Non-union employees. 01.13 OMERS – Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System. 01.14 Permanent Employee – an employee hired into a permanent position and who has successfully completed the required period of time, which constitutes probationary service. 01.15 Permanent Part-time Employee - an employee working less than 35 hours per week, or 70 hours bi-weekly, hired into a permanent position and who has successfully completed the required period of time, which constitutes probationary service. 01.16 Sick Leave - Sick leave means the period of time an employee is entitled to be absent from work by virtue of being sick or disabled, quarantined as a result of exposure to a contagious disease, under examination or treatment by a qualified medical practitioner, or injured because of an accident which is not compensable under the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act. Sick leave payments are intended only for the protection of the income of employees who are unable to work for these reasons. 01.17 Spouse - An adult who is legally married to their respective partner or who cohabits in a conjugal relationship outside of marriage. 01.18 Statutory Leave – job-protected time off work in certain situations as defined and determined by the Ontario Employment Standards Act. 01.19 Non-permanent Employee – A temporary employee typically hired to perform overflow work and to fill in during peak work periods, or one who is hired on a non-permanent basis to replace an existing employee who is on an approved leave. 01.20 Vacation Entitlement - Earned vacation entitlement in days based on the years of service. 01.21 Vacation Leave - Leave without loss of pay granted in each vacation year based on earned vacation credits. Page 4 of 16 Procedure Title: Leave – Non-union Employees Procedure Number: HUR 080-003 01.22 Vacation Year - A period of 12 consecutive months beginning January 1 and ending December 31. 01.23 Work Day - Those regularly scheduled hours the employee is normally scheduled to work. 01.24 WSIB – Workplace Safety & Insurance Board. 02 Responsibilities 02.01 Chief Administrative Officer to: a)Actively support the Procedure b)Approve the Procedure and any amendments, as required, from time to time. c)Authorize any vacation carryover as per 04.02 c). d)Approve any paid leaves of absence. 02.02 Human Resources to: a)Administer, interpret and ensure consistent application of the Procedure. b)Assist Directors, Division Heads, immediate supervisors and employees in the administration and application of the Procedure. c)Recommend Procedure amendments to the Chief Administrative Officer. d)Counsel employees on leave options available to them. e)Record and process the required leave documentation through Payroll. f)Track and report leave periods to OMERS and provide employee with corresponding leave purchase information. g)Oversee the disability management process as an active member of the Case Management Team for Long Term Disability. File necessary long- term disability documentation with the City’s benefit carrier. h)Provide annual vacation entitlement listings to each Department and Payroll. 02.03 Director/Division Head to: a)Actively support the Procedure. b)Authorize vacation carryover requests as per 04.04 c). Page 5 of 16 Procedure Title: Leave – Non-union Employees Procedure Number: HUR 080-003 c)Approve any request for a leave of absence where appropriate. 02.04 Immediate Supervisor to: a)Complete all required forms, records and reports respecting the Procedure. b)Ensure that employees understand the Procedure. c)Approve employee requests for vacation leave. d)Assist employees in identifying eligibility under the Procedure. Ensure employees complete required forms and provide necessary documentation to support their request. 02.05 Employees to: a)Be aware of the regulations, policies and procedures respecting the various programs of leave of the City. b)Comply with all regulations, policies and procedures respecting application for various leaves covered under the Procedure. 03 Leave of Absence Reporting Requirements 03.01 A leave of absence from work, including leave of absence without pay, pregnancy/parental/adoption leave and other statutory leaves, professional leave, or witness/jury duty leave, is requested by the employee through the electronic Leave Reporting Form (Appendix I) and are subject to the approval of the immediate supervisor, director and where applicable, the Chief Administrative Officer. 03.02 For leaves of absence as outlined in 03.01 the department is required to forward the finalized Leave Form to Human Resources for processing along with an Action Notice within the designated timeframe of the appropriate pay period. Human Resources will follow their normal practices and timelines for processing Action Notices for Payroll. 03.03 Requests for vacation and use of accumulated lieu time are submitted to the immediate supervisor for approval using the Vacation Lieu Request Form (Appendix 2). 04 Vacation 04.01 Vacation Entitlement a)A permanent full-time non-union employee who has attained the consecutive years of service in the chart below on December 31st in any year shall be entitled to the corresponding vacation entitlement without Page 6 of 16 Procedure Title: Leave – Non-union Employees Procedure Number: HUR 080-003 loss of pay in the year following the completion of the required years of service. For the first incomplete calendar year of service, an employee shall earn one (1) day for each complete month of service to a maximum of ten (10) days unless otherwise negotiated at the time of hire. Standard annual vacation entitlements will be awarded as follows: Standard Annual Vacation Entitlement Consecutive Years of Service Vacation Entitlement Less than one year Eleven working days One year but less than two years Twelve working days Two years but less than three years Thirteen working days Three years but less than four years Fourteen working days Four years but less than five years Fifteen working days Five years but less than six years Sixteen working days Six years but less than seven years Seventeen working days Seven years but less than eight years Eighteen working days Eight years but less than nine years Nineteen working days Nine years but less than ten years Twenty working days Ten years but less than eleven years Twenty-one working days Eleven years but less than twelve years Twenty-two working days Twelve years but less than thirteen years Twenty-three working days Thirteen years but less than fourteen years Twenty-four working days Fourteen years but less than fifteen years Twenty-five working days Fifteen years but less than sixteen years Twenty-six working days Sixteen years but less than seventeen years Twenty-seven working days Seventeen years but less than nineteen years Twenty-eight working days Nineteen years but less than twenty-one years Twenty-nine working days Twenty-one years but less than twenty-five years Thirty working days Twenty-five years but less than twenty-seven years Thirty-one working days Twenty-seven years but less than thirty Thirty-two working days Thirty years but less than thirty-two years Thirty-three working days Thirty-two years but less than thirty-five years Thirty-four working days Thirty-five years or more Thirty-five working days b)Vacation entitlements for permanent full-time employees may be adjusted when employment triggers the continuous employment criteria Page 7 of 16 Procedure Title: Leave – Non-union Employees Procedure Number: HUR 080-003 as defined by the Employment Standards Act (ESA). An employee’s adjusted vacation entitlement will align with the ESA until the years of continuous employment align with the City’s standard vacation entitlement structure. c)Employees who negotiated a higher level of vacation than afforded in the standard vacation entitlement will follow an Alternate Vacation Progression schedule on a two year staggered basis as outlined in Appendix 3. d)Employees who negotiated vacation entitlements outside the entitlements contemplated in the Alternate Vacation Progression schedule will follow the same two-year staggered principal. e)Unpaid vacation, or vacation pay, for permanent part-time or temporary employees shall be granted and paid in accordance with the ESA (as amended from time to time). f)The vacation year will run from January 1 to December 31. 04.02 Prorating Vacation: a)Vacation entitlement is an earned benefit and as such it is earned at a rate of one-twelfth (1/12) for each calendar month of service. In the case of an incomplete month of service, the employee will receive vacation entitlement only if they have worked one-half (1/2) or more of the working days in the month. b)An employee upon ceasing employment shall receive the prorated amount of their vacation entitlement for the calendar year in the event of employment for less than the complete year. All employees will be required to pay back vacation time taken if the amount taken exceeds the prorated entitlement earned as of the date their employment ends. c)In the case of an incomplete month of service, vacation entitlements will be prorated for employee’s performing modified work who have not worked one-half (1/2) or more of the working days in the month. Furthermore, full-time permanent employees performing modified work must be paid for a minimum of one-half (1/2) their normal work day to be considered a work day for the purpose of determining vacation entitlement. 04.03 Prorating Vacation and Employee Absences a)Leaves of absence in excess of one (1) continuous month will reduce the paid vacation entitlement on a prorated basis, except for absences related to qualifying Employment Standards Act leaves. Page 8 of 16 Procedure Title: Leave – Non-union Employees Procedure Number: HUR 080-003 b)An employee who is off work and being paid by a Long Term Disability Insurance Carrier will have their paid vacation entitlement reduced on a prorated basis. c)Where an employee is absent from work for more than eight (8) continuous months as a result of a workplace illness/injury and is in receipt of WSIB benefits, their paid vacation entitlement shall be reduced on a prorated basis. d)Employees on pregnancy or Parental leave shall continue to accrue vacation entitlement in accordance with the entitlement outlined for their consecutive years of service, or the alternate progression as negotiated. 04.04 Taking of Vacation a)A employee will be entitled to receive vacation leave subject to the operational needs of the department: i.In one continuous period pending approval of the employee’s immediate supervisor. ii.In separate periods of not less than ½ day. b)Vacation leave may be taken at any time during the year in which it is earned subject to approval of the immediate supervisor. c)The Director may grant an employee’s request to carry over a maximum of five (5) working days of vacation to the next year. In extraordinary circumstances, the CAO may approve carry over requests that exceed five (5) working days. d)Employees will not be paid for accumulated vacation entitlements except when exiting the organization as stated in 04.02 b) or in extraordinary circumstances when authorized by the CAO. e)An employee who is an admitted in-patient in hospital or confined under doctor’s direction as a result of illness or injury occurring immediately prior to their scheduled vacation may have their vacation re-scheduled, if possible. In all cases, a medical certificate stating the inclusive dates the employee was admitted or confined and the date of the occurrence of the illness or injury must be provided prior to the scheduled vacation. 04.05 Recall During Vacation – Expenses a)When, during any period of authorized vacation leave, an employee is recalled to duty, they will be reimbursed, for reasonable expenses incurred, in proceeding to their place of duty and in returning to the place from when they were recalled if the employee immediately resumes vacation upon completing the assignment for which they were recalled. Page 9 of 16 Procedure Title: Leave – Non-union Employees Procedure Number: HUR 080-003 b)If a recall from vacation results in any expenses, such as cancellation of reservations, loss of deposits, penalty payments or travel and related expenses for their dependents in excess of those reasonably anticipated had they not been recalled, the employee will be reimbursed for reasonable expenses. 04.06 Cancellation of Vacation – Expenses a)Where a specific period of vacation leave is authorized and such leave is cancelled by the City prior to commencement, any expenses as detailed in Section 04.05 b), may be reimbursed provided the employee has made every reasonable effort to minimize the cost of such cancellation. 05 Statutory Holidays 05.01 All permanent employees shall be granted the following holidays with pay: a)New Years’ Day b)Family Day c)Good Friday d)Easter Monday e)Victoria Day f)Canada Day g)Civic Holiday h)Labour Day i)National Day for Truth & Reconciliation j)Thanksgiving Day k)Christmas Day l)Boxing Day m)½ day on Christmas Eve n)½ day on New Years’ Eve o)One day floating holiday, to be taken on a day mutually agreeable to the employee and their immediate supervisor. New employees who commence employment after November 11th shall not be entitled to a floating holiday during the first incomplete calendar year of employment. Page 10 of 16 Procedure Title: Leave – Non-union Employees Procedure Number: HUR 080-003 p)Any other day proclaimed as a National or Provincial holiday by the Federal or Ontario Government. 05.02 Should any of the holidays fall on a normal work day, the employee will receive the day off with pay provided that the employee has worked the full number of scheduled hours of work on the work day immediately preceding and immediately following the holiday unless excused by the City, or an employee was absent due to: a)An approved leave of absence. b)Bereavement leave c)Vacation approved by the City. d)Any other reasonable cause. 05.03 If one of the holidays falls or is observed during an employee’s vacation period, they shall be granted another day off with pay in lieu thereof. 05.04 The City may designate one (1) day off to be taken with Christmas Day or Boxing Day instead of the two (2) half (1/2) days off for Christmas Eve and New Years’ Eve. 05.05 Should any of the holidays fall on a Saturday or Sunday, it will be observed on the preceding Friday or the following Monday as determined by the City. 05.06 Holiday pay for permanent full-time employees shall be computed on the basis of the regularly scheduled number of hours the employee would otherwise have worked (up to a maximum of seven (7) hours) at the employee’s regular hourly rate of pay. 05.07 Holiday pay for part-time employees shall be computed in accordance with the ESA. 05.08 An employee who has undertaken to work on any of the holidays and fails to report to work shall forfeit all pay for that day unless their absence is due to illness verified by a medical certificate as required by the City or otherwise provides a reason satisfactory to the City. 06 Sick Leave 06.01 Sick Entitlement Each full-time permanent employee will earn sick leave at the rate of one and one half (1½) days per month of service and each permanent part-time employee will earn sick leave at a rate of 0.07% of each hour worked except: Page 11 of 16 Procedure Title: Leave – Non-union Employees Procedure Number: HUR 080-003 a)Where an employee is off work and being paid by a Long Term Disability Insurance Carrier; b)Where an employee is absent from work for more than eight (8) continuous months as a result of workplace illness/injury and is in receipt of WSIB benefits. c)Where an employee is absent from work on an unpaid leave of absence in excess of one (1) continuous month. d)When the employee has not worked one-half (1/2) or more of the working days in the month in the case of an incomplete month of service. Full-time permanent employees performing modified work must be paid for a minimum of one-half (1/2) their normal work day to be considered a work day for the purpose of sick leave accrual. 06.02 The unused portion of an employee’s sick entitlement will be accumulated and carried forward from one year to the next. 06.03 Sick Leave Entitlement Usage: a)Employees are subject to the provisions set out in HUR 130-025 Attendance Management Procedure. b)Employees are not entitled to paid sick leave during the first month of service. c)Employees will not be paid cash for accumulated sick leave credits. d)In the case of illness or a required medical procedure of a member of the employee’s immediate family (spouse, dependent children or parents), and where the employee must provide for the needs of the family member, the employee shall be entitled to use a maximum of five (5) sick leave days per calendar year. Sick leave used for this purpose shall be drawn from the employee’s accumulated sick leave credits. 06.04 When an employee is injured at work and in receipt of WSIB loss of earnings (LOE) benefits instead of regular pay, the City will make up the difference between such WSIB compensation and regular pay by deducting the difference from the employee’s accumulated paid sick leave entitlements. Employees who have exhausted their paid sick leave entitlements will receive WSIB LOE benefits only. 06.05 Permanent full-time employees are required to apply for Long term Disability benefits after an accumulated absence of 17 weeks (elimination period) for the same illness/disability. Employees are not permitted to continue to use sick leave credits once they have accumulated the 17 weeks of disability, unless denied for Long term Disability benefits by the Insurance Carrier, or during the period where a decision is pending or during the appeal process. Employees Page 12 of 16 Procedure Title: Leave – Non-union Employees Procedure Number: HUR 080-003 will be required to pay back their sick leave entitlement if LTD benefits are approved retroactively past the 17 week elimination period. 06.06 Unpaid sick leave may be established as credited service for OMERS pension plan purposes. The leave must be purchased by the end of the year in which the leave occurred. If the leave is not purchased, OMERS will recognize the leave as eligible service. 06.07 If an employee does not take any sick leave for a calendar year, they shall earn one extra day of vacation to be taken in the following year. 07 Pregnancy and/or Parental Leave 07.01 Pregnancy and/or Parental leaves as defined under the ESA will be granted in accordance with the terms and provisions of the ESA, as amended from time to time. 07.02 An employee requesting a pregnancy and/or parental leave will compete the Leave Reporting Form and submit it to their immediate supervisor at least two weeks prior to the commencement of the leave. If requested by the immediate supervisor, the Form shall be accompanied by a certificate from a qualified medical practitioner stating the expected date of birth. 07.03 Pregnancy and/or parental leave will be without salary. While on leave, an employee will continue to accrue vacation and sick leave credits. They will also continue to be covered by the City’s Basic Life, LTD, Extended Health Care, Dental and Vision Plans. 07.04 Pregnancy and/or parental leave may be established as credited service for OMERS pension plan purposes. The leave must be purchased by the end of the year following the year in which the period of leave ended. If the leave is not purchased by the employee, OMERS will recognize it as eligible service. 07.05 An employee returning from pregnancy and/or parental leave within the approved period will be given the same position, if available, or a comparable position at their former salary. 08 Statutory Leaves 08.01 Statutory leaves as defined under the ESA will be granted in accordance with the terms and provisions of the ESA, as amended from time to time. 08.02 An employee requesting a statutory leave will compete the Leave Reporting Form and submit to their immediate supervisor prior to the commencement of the leave or as soon as reasonably possible after the commencement of the leave. Page 13 of 16 Procedure Title: Leave – Non-union Employees Procedure Number: HUR 080-003 08.03 Statutory leaves will be without salary. While on leave, an employee will continue to accrue vacation and sick leave credits. They will also continue to be covered by the City’s Basic Life, LTD, Extended Health Care, Dental and Vision Plans. 08.04 Statutory leaves may be established as credited service for OMERS pension plan purposes. The leave must be purchased by the end of the year following the year in which the period of leave ended. Otherwise, they are recognized by OMERS as eligible service. 08.05 An employee returning from a statutory leave within the approved period will be given the same position, if available, or a comparable position at their former salary. 09 Bereavement Leave 09.01 A permanent employee shall be granted bereavement leave without loss of pay, according to the schedule below, immediately following the death of; a)an employee’s spouse (including common-law spouse) child, stepchild, parent or stepparent up to five (5) consecutive work days off. b)an employee’s sister, brother, grandparent, grandchild, father-in-law, mother-in-law, or other relative living with the employee, up to three (3) consecutive work days off. c)an employee’s brother-in-law or sister-in-law, son-in-law or daughter-in- law, one (1) work day off to attend the funeral. 09.02 If funeral services are held at a later date, such entitlement shall not be consecutive, but shall be scheduled as approved by the employee’s immediate non-union supervisor, upon written request of the employee. 09.03 In the event such a death occurs, or the funeral is held at a distant point (minimum 500 km away) requiring extra traveling time, the employee may be granted up to two additional work days off without loss of pay, subject to the prior approval of the immediate supervisor. 09.04 Employees may have their vacation rescheduled if a death occurs which entitles them to bereavement leave in accordance with 08.01. To be eligible to have their vacation rescheduled, the employee must notify their immediate non-union supervisor immediately when such a death occurs. 10 Professional Development Leave 10.01 Special leave with pay to a maximum of one day per subject may be granted to an employee to write an examination for an employer-approved course at an accredited school or educational institution, provided the employee has Page 14 of 16 Procedure Title: Leave – Non-union Employees Procedure Number: HUR 080-003 demonstrated that the examination to be written directly relates to the employee’s function and will improve his/her qualifications and ability to perform those duties. 10.02 Special leave with pay to a maximum of one day may also be granted to an employee for the purpose of receiving a degree or diploma at a school, technological institute, professional association or university convocation or to receive special honor at a meeting of a professional society. 11 Witness and Jury Duty Leave 11.01 An employee who has been called to jury duty or subpoenaed as a Crown witness or subpoenaed as a witness in a civil or criminal proceeding shall receive for each day absent from regularly scheduled working hours, the difference between average hourly earnings lost and the amount of jury or witness fee received, providing the employee furnishes the City with a Certificate of Service signed by the Clerk of the Court showing the amount of any fee received. 11.02 To ensure that the City acts and is perceived to act impartially in any legal matter in which the City is not directly involved as a plaintiff or defendant, an employee will not testify in such matters unless formally subpoenaed. 11.03 Under no circumstances will an employee appear as an “expert witness” or otherwise represent the City or their position at the City without a formal subpoena having been served on them. 11.04 Notwithstanding the above clauses, an employee may act as a witness without benefit of a subpoena on behalf of the City where the City is the plaintiff or defendant. 12 Voting Time Off 12.01 Upon request, an employee who is an elector will, while the voting stations are open on election day, be allowed three (3) consecutive hours for the purpose of casting a vote. 12.02 If the employee’s hours of work do not allow for the necessary hours, the City will allow the employee any additional time for voting that is necessary to provide them the consecutive hours. The additional time for voting will be granted at the convenience of the City. 12.03 The City will not make any deduction from the pay of an employee nor impose any penalty by reason of their absence from work during these consecutive hours. Page 15 of 16 Procedure Title: Leave – Non-union Employees Procedure Number: HUR 080-003 13 Unpaid Leave of Absence 13.01 The City may grant a leave of absence without pay to any employee requesting such a leave for reasons which the City determines to be legitimate. The recipient shall use the leave of absence only for the purpose for which it was granted. 13.02 An employee requesting a leave of absence without pay, which is less than one (1)month in duration, will submit their written request for leave to their Director for approval. When a leave of absence without pay is requested for more than one (1) month, both the Director and Chief Administrative Officer must approve the leave request. In both cases, a copy of the approved leave request is forwarded to Human Resources for information purposes. Except in emergencies, such requests must be submitted as follows: a)For a leave of absence up to one (1) month, at least two (2) weeks prior to the requested start date of the leave. b)For a leave of absence of over one (1) month, at least one (1) month prior to the requested start date of the leave. c)The employee will be informed if the leave is approved or not approved within one (1) week of the receipt of the request for same. 13.03 An employee will not be granted a leave of absence except as provided for in the ESA during the twelve (12) month period immediately following their appointment to the City. 13.04 An employee who is on a leave of absence without pay for more than one (1) month shall not accrue further vacation and sick leave credits. 13.05 The City shall cease its payment of the premium cost of the employee’s benefits after one (1) continuous month of unpaid leave. If the employee requests, they will be permitted to continue eligible benefits if they arrange to pay the premium costs of benefits through Human Resources before the leave commences. 13.06 Employees, may continue their service in the OMERS pension plan, but are required to pay both the employee and the employer portion of the contributions. 13.07 An employee engaged in other employment for gain while on leave of absence without the express written consent of the City, will be deemed to have automatically terminated their employment with the City. Page 16 of 16 Procedure Title: Leave – Non-union Employees Procedure Number: HUR 080-003 Appendices Appendix 1 Leave Reporting Form Appendix 2 Vacation/Lieu Request Form Appendix 3 Alternate Vacation Progression Schedule Appendix 1 Leave of Absence Request Form Employee Name: Position Title: Department: Division: Employment Status Permanent ☐ Temporary ☐ Hours of Work Full-time ☐ Part-time ☐ Leave Type No. of Hours/Days Start Date End Date ☐ LOA Without pay ☐ Pregnancy Leave ☐ Parental Leave ☐ Adoption Leave ☐ Professional Leave ☐ Witness/Jury Duty ☐ Other Additional Information Employee Signature Date Immediate Supervisor Date Division Head Date Director Date For any unpaid leave of more than on month in duration Chief Administrative Officer Date HR0305-09/29 Submit original form (with applicable supporting documentation) to the Human Resources Department Employee #: To: [Click here and type name] "[Click here and type title]" "[Click here and type date]" From: [Click here and type name] "[Click here and type title]" 202X Vacation Entitlement Summary Day(s) Carry-over (if applicable) Vacation Entitlement Perfect Attendance (if applicable) Float Day 1 Total Vacation I am requesting approval to schedule vacation day(s) as follows: For ½ day requests please indicate am or pm Lieu I am requesting approval to schedule lieu time as follows: For ½ day requests please identify am or pm Vacation Date(s) Day(s) Requested Day(s) Remaining Mgmt Approval Lieu Date(s) Hours Requested Mgmt Approval Request to carry over to 202X vacation (if applicable) Lieu Time Carry Over to 202X (if applicable) Lieu bank cannot exceed 5 working days 202X Vacation and Lieu Time Request  Ongoing history of current year’s vacation/lieu  Bold new requests or revisions to an existing request  Indicate in brackets (delete) if time scheduled is not taken and update days remaining accordingly  Detailed instructions are at the bottom of page 2 Appendix 2 CAO 1002-01/05 Revised 21/09/01 Vacation I am requesting approval to schedule vacation day(s) as follows: For ½ day requests please indicate am or pm Lieu I am requesting approval to schedule lieu time as follows: For ½ day requests please identify am or pm Vacation Date(s) Day(s) Requested Day(s) Remaining Mgmt Approval Lieu Date(s) Hours Requested Mgmt Approval Request to carry over to 202X vacation (if applicable) Lieu Time Carry Over to 202X (if applicable) Instructions Vacation  this form is an active document and provides an up-to-date record of the current year’s vacation/lieu history. Utilize the same document for all vacation/lieu requests, listing subsequent requests in date order  new requests or revisions to an existing request must be reflected in bold. Ensure the columns calculate accordingly each time a new request/revision is submitted  in the event requested time is not taken, submit a revised request form and indicate (delete) beside the date(s) not taken and adjust the days remaining accordingly  staff may carry-over up to five days of vacation to the next calendar year with appropriate approval signatures  annual vacation requests must be submitted by April 1st of each year. The Corporation will post the approved vacation schedule on or before April 30th in the work area concerned Lieu Time  staff are permitted to bank lieu time up to maximum of five working days  CUPE employees – time off in lieu earned prior to November 30th must be taken in the calendar year in which it is earned  Non-union staff – time off in lieu earned prior to November 30th must be taken in the calendar year in which it is earned or it will be paid out before December 31st. [refer to Compensation and Hours of Work Procedure – Non-union Employees [HUR 110 Section 08.03 d)] 202X Vacation and Lieu Time Request Page 2 Alternate Vacation Progression Schedule Page 1 of 2 Negotiated Entitlements – Sliding Scale Consecutive Years of Service Standard Vacation Entitlement Fifteen Working Days Twenty Working Days Twenty-Five Working Days Less than 1 year Eleven working days Fifteen Working Days Twenty Working Days Twenty-five Working Days 1 less than 2 years Twelve working days Fifteen Working Days Twenty Working Days Twenty-five Working Days 2 years less than 3 years Thirteen working days Sixteen working days Twenty-one working days Twenty-six working days 3 years less than 4 years Fourteen working days Sixteen working days Twenty-one working days Twenty-six working days 4 years less than 5 years Fifteen working days Seventeen working days Twenty-two working days Twenty-seven working days 5 years less than 6 years Sixteen working days Seventeen working days Twenty-two working days Twenty-seven working days 6 years less than 7 years Seventeen working days Eighteen working days Twenty-three working days Twenty-eight Working days 7 years less than 8 years Eighteen working days Eighteen working days Twenty-three working days Twenty-eight Working days 8 years less than 9 years Nineteen working days Nineteen working days Twenty-four working days Twenty-nine working days 9 years less than 10 years Twenty working days Twenty Working Days Twenty-four working days Twenty-nine working days 10 years less than 11 years Twenty-one working days Twenty-one working days Twenty-five Working Days Thirty working days 11 years less than 12 years Twenty-two working days Twenty-two working days Twenty-five Working Days Thirty working days 12 years less than 13 years Twenty-three working days Twenty-three working days Twenty-six working days Thirty-one working days 13 years less than 14 years Twenty-four working days Twenty-four working days Twenty-six working days Thirty-one working days 14 years less than 15 years Twenty-five working days Twenty-five working days Twenty-seven working days Thirty-two working days 15 years less than 16 years Twenty-six working days Twenty-six working days Twenty-seven working days Thirty-two working days 16 years less than 17 years Twenty-seven working days Twenty-seven working days Twenty-eight Working days Thirty-three working days 17 years less than 19 years Twenty-eight working days Twenty-eight working days Twenty-eight working days Thirty-three working days Appendix 3 Alternate Vacation Progression Schedule Page 2 of 2 19 years less than 21 years Twenty-nine working days Twenty-nine working days Twenty-nine working days Thirty-four working days 21 years less than 25 years Thirty working days Thirty working days Thirty working days Thirty-four working days 25 years less than 27 years Thirty-one working days Thirty-one working days Thirty-one working days Thirty-five working days 27 years less than 30 years Thirty-two working days Thirty-two working days Thirty-two working days Thirty-five working days 30 years less than 32 years Thirty-three working days Thirty-three working days Thirty-three working days Thirty-five working days 32 years less than 35 years Thirty-four working days Thirty-four working days Thirty-four working days Thirty-five working days 35 years or more Thirty-five working days Thirty-five working days Thirty-five working days Thirty-five working days