HomeMy WebLinkAboutFIN 13-21 Report to Council Report Number: FIN 13-21 Date: August 30, 2021 From: Stan Karwowski Director, Finance & Treasurer Subject: 2022 Preliminary Draft Capital Budget and Four Year Forecast -File: F-2000-001 Recommendation: 1.That the 2022 Preliminary Draft Capital Budget and Four Year Forecast, set out inAttachment 1 to this report, be received for information; 2.That Council endorse, in principle, the use of the 2022 Preliminary Draft Capital Budgetand Four Year Forecast for financial planning purposes as it relates to the development of the Five Year financial plan; and 3.That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take the necessaryactions as indicated in this report. Executive Summary: The 2021 Annual Budget report (FIN 05-21) made specific reference for the City to undertake a comprehensive five year capital and operating plan. One of the key building blocks of the financial exercise is the five year capital plan. The attached document represents a preliminary vision of the proposed 2022 capital budget and corresponding four year forecast. Staff could have used the Council approved 2021 capital budget and four year plan, however, staff’s goal for the financial exercise is to provide the most up-to-date financial picture based on best available information. The challenge related to the financial exercise is trying to anticipate and or predict to a relatively high degree, the post pandemic Pickering environment. Is the “fourth wave” going to be the last wave of the pandemic or will there be a future “fifth or sixth wave”? What impact, if any, will future waves have on the local economy? At this current time, the attached document represents staff’s preliminary vision regarding the 2022 capital budget and four year forecast. Obviously, any future senior level government grant funding announcements would be reflected in the final version that is submitted to Council in the spring for approval. At this current time, any government grant funding announcements are thoroughly vetted by staff and the first criteria when selecting projects is to try to select debt financed projects. Directives, regarding the 2022 Preliminary Draft Capital Budget and Four Year Forecast, made by Members of Council during the Council meeting of August 30, 2021 will be reflected in the revised version of the document that is used to develop the Five Year financial plan. Report FIN 13-21 August 30, 2021 Subject: 2022 Preliminary Draft Capital Budget and Four Year Forecast Page 2 Financial Implications: A high level snapshot of the City’s 2022 preliminary draft capital budget and four year forecast is presented below. 2022 Preliminary Draft Capital Budget and Four Year Forecast ($ Millions) * Other financing sources includes: property taxes, donations and sale of land. The “Major Project” line above identifies the major project planned for the respective year that is partially responsible for the planned total expenditure amount. It should be noted that the above forecast does not include the City Centre. As shown above, under the preliminary 2022 draft capital plan, the City would rely on debt financing of approximately $229.5 million by 2025. The total debt financing component ($229.5 million) represents 55.88 percent of the total financing requirement. The Development Charges (DC) debt is the largest forecasted component and this debt is required to be issued due to the fact the City’s DC reserve funds do not have sufficient dollars to meet the growth related capital expenditures. The issue of the DC reserve funds having insufficient balances and therefore, having to borrow funds was identified by the Treasurer in Report FIN 11-21. To reduce the level of debt, the City has basically three options: defer projects, introduce “special levies” to directly fund projects through “cash”, and/or leverage senior level government funding/grants through successful applications. Staff’s preferred option is to access senior 2022 Preliminary 2023 2024 2025 2026 Total Draft Forecast Forecast Forecast Forecast Budget Major Project Animal Shelter Highway 401 Bridge Seaton Community Centre Design Civic Complex Renovations Seaton Community Centre Construction Total Expenditures 41.3$ 117.3$ 66.8$ 50.7$ 134.8$ 410.7$ Financing By Major Sources External Debt 3.1 24.2 18.3 27.6 19.5 92.7 Internal Loans 2.0 3.4 2.7 3.1 1.0 12.1 DC Debt 6.9 11.1 18.5 0.0 88.3 124.7 Sub Total 12.0 38.7 39.5 30.7 108.8 229.5 Prov/Fed Gov Grants 6.1 7.0 4.6 6.8 4.0 28.5 DC Funding 6.7 30.1 5.4 4.1 8.0 54.3 City Funded Reserves 10.9 14.6 12.1 6.8 11.0 55.3 Third Party Contributions 2.3 25.3 1.1 0.7 1.4 30.7 Other *3.3 1.7 4.2 1.6 1.6 12.3 Total 41.3$ 117.4$ 66.8$ 50.7$ 134.8$ 410.7$ Report FIN 13-21 August 30, 2021 Subject: 2022 Preliminary Draft Capital Budget and Four Year Forecast Page 3 level government grant funding. Prior to the pandemic, traditional senior grant funding programs would cover 66.6 percent of the allowable capital costs. Discussion: Over the last twenty plus years, the established City practice was to provide Members of Council and Pickering residents a recommended draft capital budget book. This “recommended” version of the book included maps, spending summaries and multiple graphs to help explain the planned capital expenditures for the next few years. The attached document does not include the same level of additional information, however, it still represents, at this current time and to a relatively high degree, staff’s preliminary capital plan for 2022 and the four year forecast. High Level Analysis of 2022 Preliminary Draft Capital Budget Next year, Council will be in its last year of its term. The graphs below measures the City’s continued growth or spending during this council term on key infrastructure areas and reflects the financing sources. Roads Budgets 2018 to 2022 For Council’s current term, the total spending on “Roads Rehabilitation” is forecast to be $20.6 million. The importance of Federal Gas Tax (FGT) Funding is reflected in the above graph and has become a major source of funds for roads projects. The increase in FGT spending in 2022 reflects the additional FGT funds that the City received in 2021. Another key funding source for roads is the Roads & Bridges Reserve Fund. At the start of the current term of Council, the $500,000 $1,500,000 $2,500,000 $3,500,000 $4,500,000 $5,500,000 $6,500,000 2018 2019 2020 2021 Draft2022 FGT Debt Reserve Fund Reserves Report FIN 13-21 August 30, 2021 Subject: 2022 Preliminary Draft Capital Budget and Four Year Forecast Page 4 annual contribution to this reserve fund was $900,000 and for 2021, the contribution is $1.6 million resulting in an increase of $700,000 or 77.8 percent. Parks Budgets 2018 to 2022 The current financial work plan is to spend a total of $24.2 million during the current term of council. The key funding sources for parks expenditures are: development charge funding and reserve funds such as the Parkland Reserve Fund. With the introduction of Seaton, development charge funding is being used to fund the growth related parks expenditures. However, it should be noted that for every DC funded growth expenditure, there is still a city share that is funded through a reserve. Financial Impact of Growth on Capital Budgets Please find below, a comparison of Roads and Parks budgets based on prior and current year terms. For the Roads budget, we have added the DC funded roads projects as part of the analysis. $1,000,000 $2,000,000 $3,000,000 $4,000,000 $5,000,000 $6,000,000 $7,000,000 $8,000,000 $9,000,000 2018 2019 2020 2021 Draft 2022 Other Debt Reserve Fund Reserves Growth RF Report FIN 13-21 August 30, 2021 Subject: 2022 Preliminary Draft Capital Budget and Four Year Forecast Page 5 Roads expenditures (that includes DC funding), increased by 9.58 percent over the previous term. For Parks, budgetary expenditures increased by 94.64 percent over the prior term that reflects funding of new parks in Seaton. It should be noted, as per the Seaton Financial Impact Agreement (FIA), the Seaton Landowners Group is responsible for the construction of all Seaton internal roads that in-turn results in zero Seaton road cost for the City. Notwithstanding this fact, the above graphs indicate that during this current term of council (including the pandemic and its related challenges), the City has not frozen or decreased investment in critical assets; instead investments have been increasing. Attachment: 1. 2022 Preliminary Draft Capital Budget and Four Year Forecast Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: Original Signed By: Original Signed By: James Halsall, CPA, CA Stan Karwowski, MBA, CPA, CMA Division Head, Finance Director, Finance & Treasurer $0 $5,000,000 $10,000,000 $15,000,000 $20,000,000 $25,000,000 $30,000,000 Prior Term Current Term Prior Term Current Term DC Funded Non - DC Funded Roads Parks Report FIN 13-21 August 30, 2021 Subject: 2022 Preliminary Draft Capital Budget and Four Year Forecast Page 6 Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Original Signed By: Marisa Carpino, M.A. Chief Administrative Officer Attachment #1 to Report #Fl N 13-21 2022 , . Preliminary Draft Capital Budget and Four Year Forecast August 30, 2021 1 $75,000,000 . $65,000,000 $55,000,000 $45,000,000 $35,0 00,000 $25,000,000 $15,000,000 Capital Budget Summary 2016 to 2022 Highway 401 Road Crossing Land Purchase ~ Pickering Heritage Community Centre CHDRC Renovation New Fire Station & HQ (Seaton) New Operations Centre ~ LED Streetligh The approved 2020 Capital Budget includes $187.3 million for the City Centre project, which includes a new Performing Arts Centre, Central Library and Senior & Youth Centre. This project is excluded from the above graph for comparative purposes. 3 Capital Budget & Forecast 2022 to 2026 $145,000,000 $125,000,000 $105,000,000 Highway 401 Road Crossing Construction $85,000,000 $65,000,000 Animal shelter $45,000,000 $25,000,000 Seaton Regional Library Seaton Community Centre Seaton Community Centre & Library-Design \ 4 Civic Complex Renovation \· City of Pickering 2022 Draft Capital Budget For Council Consideration 5612 Building Services 5612.2201 E-Permitting Software -Phase 2 6174 System & Software Upgrade Implementation of E-permitting software (EPS) to expedite the collection of taxes, allow developers to obtain timely approvals to begin construction, and assist in the collection and tracking of various development charges in accordance to Bill 108. Phase 2 allows the continued integration and expansion to other departments such as Fire, Planning, and Engineering to assist and improve upon their application processes. 7506 RF -Building Permit Total 5612.2201 E-Permitting Software -Phase 2 Total 5612 Building.Services 5 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense 500,000 (500,000) (500,000) 500,000 (500,000) 500,000 City of Pickering 2022 Draft Capital Budget For Council Consideration 5700 Civic Complex 5700.2201 Council Chamber Dome Roof Replacemeryt 6500 Building Related Lifecycle replacement of the existing metal roof over the dome of the Council Chamber, including replacement of existing insulation, structural work and tie in to adjacent building envelope. 7021 R -Rate Stabilization Total 5700.2201 Council Chamber Dome Roof Replacement 5700.2204 Workstations, Partitions, Tables, Shelving 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6173 Furniture & Fixtures Replacement of original and worn furniture, some over 25 years old. Spare parts are no longer available as original furniture manufacturer is no longer in business. Includes replacement of existing furniture in poor repair. Total 5700.2204 Workstations, Partitions, Tables, Shelving Total 5700 Civic Complex 6 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense 1,000,000 (1,000,000) (1,000,000) 1,000,000 (25,000) 25,000 (25,000) 25,000 (1,025,000) 1,025,000 5701 Senior Citizens Centre 5701.2201 ESCC Boiler Replacement 6500 Building Related ESCC Boiler Replacement 7505 RF -Federal Gas Tax City of Pickering 2022 Draft Capital Budget For Council Consideration Total 5701.2201 ESCC Boiler Replacement Total 5701 Senior Citizens Centre 7 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense 60,000 (60,000) (60,000) 60,000 (60,000) 60,000 5713 Dunbarton Pool City of Pickering 2022 Draft Capital Budget For Council Consideration 5713.2202 Pool Controller Replacements 6500 Building Related Lifecycle replacement of pool equipment controllers. Existing units were installed in 2011. 7032 R -Dunbarton Pool Surcharge Total 5713.2202 Pool Controller Replacements Total 5713 Dunbarton Pool 8 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense 20,000 (20,000) (20,000) 20,000 (20,000) 20,000 City of Pickering 2022 Draft Capital Budget For Council Consideration 5719 Community Centres 5719.2201 GALCC AC-3 Replacement 6500 Building Related Lifecycle replacement of youth room air conditioning unit and controls at the George Ashe Library and Community Centre. The unit is original, installed in 2000. 7505 RF -Federal Gas Tax Total 5719.2201 GALCC AC-3 Replacement 5719.2203 GALCC AC-2 & C1 Replacement 6500 Building Related Lifecycle replacement of seniors room air conditioning unit and controls at the George Ashe Library and Community Centre. The unit is original, installed in 2000. 7505 RF -Federal Gas Tax Total 5719.2203 GALCC AC-2 & C1 Replacement 5719.2209 TCC Stage Replacement 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6500 Building Related Lifecycle replacement of existing wood floor on gym stage and adjacent stairs. Originally installed in 1997. Total 5719.2209 TCC Stage Replacement 5719.2211 Mt.Zion Masonry Restoration 1711 Internal Loan -5 Year 6500 Building Related Exterior heritage masonry restoration. Total 5719.2211 Mt.Zion Masonry Restoration 5719.2213 WACC Restoration 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6500 Building Related Replacement of existing cladding, roofing, doors, site works, interior finishes and fixtures. Includes electrical and mechanical upgrades. The building was originally constructed in 1910. Total 5719.2213 WACC Restoration Total 5719 Community Centres 9 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense 56,000 (56,000) (56,000) 56,000 175,000 (175,000) (175,000) 175,000 (26,000) 26,000 (26,000) 26,000 (226,000) 226,000 (226,000) 226,000 (41,000) 41,000 (41,000) 41,000. (524,000) 524,000 City of Pickering 2022 Draft Capital Budget For Council Consideration 5731 Rec.Complex-Core 5731.2201 Chilled Water & Condenser Pump Replacements 6500 Building Related Ufecycle replacement of chilled water and condenser pumps including related controls components and accessories. 7505 RF -Federal Gas Tax Total 5731.2201 Chilled Water & Condenser Pump Replacements 5731.2202 Community Services Office Renovation 1711 Internal Loan -5 Year 6500 Building Related Community Services Office Renovation Total 5731.2202 Community Services Office Renovation 5731.2203 BAS & Control Systems Upgrade -Design 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6500 Building Related Investigation and design costs for lifecycle upgrade to the CHDRC's existing building automation system (BAS). The existing system has been expanded gradually over the last 20 years and is nearing the end of viability of its software and hardware components and requires a general overhaul and upgrade. The existing building automation system (BAS) needs to have planned upgrades every 10 years to keep up with technology. This systems serves as a hub for automation controls for all city facilities. Total 5731.2203 BAS & Control Systems Upgrade -Design 5731.2204 Health Club Equipment Replacement 1711 Internal Loan -5 Year 6178 Machinery & Equipment Fitness Equipment Replacement: Strength Machines (21), Cardio Machines (17) Total 5731.2204 Health Club Equipment Replacement 5731.2205 Tennis Court Flat Roof Gutter Repairs 1711 Internal Loan -5 Year 6500 Building Related Tennis Court Flat Roof Gutter Repairs Total 5731.2205 Tennis Court Flat Roof Gutter Repairs 5731.2206 Banquet Hall Floor Replacement 10 Run Date: Aug 23, 2_021 Funding Expense 150,000 (150,000) (150,000) 150,000 (260,000) 260,000 (260,000) 260,000 (80,000) 80,000 ·. (80,000) 80,000 (200,000) 200,000 (200,000) 200,000 (120,000) 120,000 (120,000) 120,000 5731 Rec.Complex-Core 1711 Internal Loan -5 Year 6500 Building Related City of Pickering 2022 Draft Capital Budget For Council Consideration Replace existing cork flooring in the banquet hall with new resilient flooring. Total 5731.2206 Banquet Hall Floor Replacement 5731.2214 Sealant Replacement 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6500 Building Related Lifecycle replacement of exterior sealants at various locations; including tennis court precast panels. Total 5731.2214 Sealant Replacement Total 5731 Rec.Complex-Core 11 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense (155,000) 155,000 (155,000) 155,000 (71,000) 71,000 (71,000) 71,000 (1,036,000) 1,036,000 5733 Rec. Complex-Pool City of Pickering 2022 Draft Capital Budget For Council Consideration 5733.2201 Pool Bleachers Replacement 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6500 Building Related Lifecycle replacement of original 1983 retractable bleachers. Total 5733.2201 Pool Bleachers Replacement Total 5733 Rec. Complex-Pool 12 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense (67,000) 67,000 (67,000) 67,000 (67,000) 67,000 City of Pickering 2022 Draft Capital Budget For Council Consideration 5735 Rec.Complex-Arenas 5735.2202 Delaney Skylight Replacement 6500 Building Related Lifecycle replacement of skylights over upper aisle walkway and stairwell in Delaney arena, originally installed in 1992. 7036 R -R/Cmplx Arena Surcharge Total 5735.2202 Delaney Skylight Replacement 5735.2203 O'Brien Hot Water Tank Replacement 6500 Building Related Lifecycle replacement of existing hot water tank. The equipment is original, installed in 1992. 7036 R -R/Cmplx Arena Surcharge Total 5735.2203 O'Brien Hot Water Tank Replacement Total 5735 Rec.Complex-Arenas 13 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense 55,000 (55,000) (55,000) 55,000 60,000 (60,000) (60,000) 60,000 (115,000) 115,000 City of Pickering 2022 Draft Capital Budget For Council Consideration 5744 Museum 5744.2202 Brougham Temperance House Restoration -Design 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6230 Prof/Consulting Fees Structural, ramp and porch repairs, roofing and cladding replacement, interior framing and finish work. Design and testing only. Total 5744.2202 Brougham Temperance House Restoration -Desi! 5744.2207 Log Barn & House Restoration -Design 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6230 Prof/Consulting Fees Structural repairs, waterproofing, roofing replacement and interior framing and finish work. Design and testing only. Total 5744.2207 Log Barn & House Restoration -Design 5744.2210 Redman House Restoration 1610 Federal Grants 1711 Internal Loan -5 Year 6149 Restoration Museum Bldg Restoratioh of various structural and architectural elements of the building required to maintain a heritage asset. Includes selective repairs to cladding, roofing, porch and barrier-free access ramp. Foundation and chimney repairs are also required. This project will not proceed unless the grant application is successful. 6183 Accessibility Project will include improvements to accessibility ramp Total 5744.2210 Redman House Restoration 5744.2213 Odd Fellows Hall Window Restoration 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6149 Restoration -Museum Bldg Restoration of 8 existing large custom wood frame windows with single pane float glass. Total 5744.2213 Odd Fellows Hall Window Restoration Total 5744 Museum 14 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense (40,000) 40,000 (40,000) 40,000 (40,000) 40,000 (40,000) 40,000 (560,000) (140,000) 660,000 40,000 (700,000) 700,000 (65,000) 65,000 (65,000) 65,000 (845,000) 845,000 City of Pickering 2022 Draft Capital Budget For Council Consideration 5311 Property Maintenance 5311.2206 Wide Area Mower Replacement 6178 Machinery & Equipment Wide Area Mower -replace unit #770 (2016) 7062 R -Major Equipment Total 5311.2206 Wide Area Mower Replacement 5311.2207 Property Line Fence Replacement 6181 Other Fixed Assets Replacement of property line fences along City road allowances at various locations 7057 R -Fence Total 5311.2207 Property Line Fence Replacement 5311.2208 Zero Turn Mowers Replacement -Electric(3) 6178 Machinery & Equipment Conversion of Gas Powered Zero Turn Mowers to Electric - Replacement units #S431, S432, and S433 (2015). 7062 R -Major Equipment Total 5311.2208 Zero Turn Mowers Replacement -Electric(3) 5311.2209 Sidewalk Plow with Attachments -Replacement 6178 Machinery & Equipment Sidewalk Plow & Attachments -replace unit #703 (2015). 7062 R -Major Equipment Total 5311.2209 Sidewalk Plow with Attachments -Replacement 5311.2213 Trailer -New 6178 Machinery & Equipment Trailer to transport mini-excavator for proposed property line fence policy in-house replacement 7062 R -Major Equipment Total 5311.2213 Trailer-New Total 5311 Property Maintenance 15 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense 135,000 (135,000) (135,000) 135,000 120,000 (120,000) (120,000) 120,000 80,000 (80,000) (80,000) 80,000 175,000 (175,000) (175,000) 175,000 15,000 (15,000) (15,000) 15,000 (525,000) 525,000 City of Pickering 2022 Draft Capital Budget For Council Consideration 5319 Roads Equipment 5319.2202 Road Asphalt Roller Replacement 6178 Machinery & Equipment Road Asphalt Roller -replace unit #102 (2010) 7062 R -Major Equipment Total 5319.2202 Road Asphalt Roller Replacement 5319.2207 LED Temporary Sign Trailer -New (2) 6178 Machinery & Equipment Solar message boards (2) 7040 R -v.ehicle Replacement Total 5319.2207 LED Temporary Sign Trailer -New (2) Total 5319 Roads Equipment 16 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense 40,000 (40,000) (40,000) 40,000 60,000 (60,000) (60,000) 60,000 (100,000) 100,000 5315 Operations Centre City of Pickering 2022 Draft Capital Budget For Council Consideration 5315.2201 Ops. Ctre. Northern Satellite Facility -Design 1731 DC Internal Loan -20 Year (Other Services Related to Hwy) 6430 Prof/Consult Fees -Seaton Total 5315.2201 Ops. Ctre. Northern Satellite Facility-Design Total 5315 Operations Centre 17 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense (500,000) 500,000 (500,000) 500,000 (500,000) 500,000 City of Pickering 2022 Draft Capital Budget For Council Consideration 5780 Parks 5780.2201 Reconstruction of ExisUng Asphalt Pathways -Mitchell I 6183 Accessibility Reconstruction of Existing Asphalt Pathways -Mitchell & Amberlea Parks 7501 RF -Third Party Contribution 7505 RF -Federal Gas Tax Total 5780.2201 Reconstruction of Existing Asphalt Pathways -Mi 5780.2202 Tractor Replacement 6178 Machinery & Equipment Tractor Replacement Unit 760 (2007) 7062 R -Major Equipment Total 5780.2202 Tractor Replacement 5780.2203 Electric Utility Vehicle -New 6178 Machinery & Equipment Electric Vehicle to Service Rotary Frenchmans Bay West Park Waterfront Master Plan Completion -New 7040 R -Vehicle Replacement Total 5780.2203 Electric Utility Vehicle -New 5780.2204 Vacuum Excavator with Trailer Replacement 6178 Machinery & Equipment Vacuum Excavator -Replace unit #726 (2012) 7062 R -Major Equipment Total 5780.2204 Vacuum Excavator with Trailer Replacement 5780.2205 Village Green -Seaton P-121 6429 Parks -Landscape Refurb -Seaton Village Green Seaton P-121 (97.5/2.5) 7622 RF DC -Parks & Recreation Services 7713 RF -Seaton Land Grp FIA Total 5780.2205 Village Green -Seaton P-121 5780.2206 Beachfront Park Master Plan -Consulting Services for D 6129 Parks -Landscape Refurbishment Beachfront Park -Consulting Services for Detailed Design and Approvals 7502 RF -Parkland Total 5780.2206 Beachfront Park Master Plan -Consulting Service 18 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense 150,000 (7,000) (143,000) (150,000) 150,000 90,000 (90,000) (90,000) 90,000 30,000 (30,000) (30,000) 30,000 75,000 (75,000) (75,000) 75,000 390,000 (380,250) (9,750) (390,000) 390,000 500,000 (500,000) (500,000) 500,000 City of Pickering 2022 Draft Capital Budget For Council Consideration 5780 Parks 5780.2207 Parks Property Line Fence Replacement 6181 Other Fixed Assets Property Line Fence Replacement 7057 R -Fence Total 5780.2207 Parks Property Line Fence Replacement 5780.2208 Valleyview Park -Playground Reconstruction 6129 Parks -Landscape Refurbishment Playground Reconstruction Valleyview Park 7502 RF -Parkland Total 5780.2208 Valleyview Park -Playground Reconstruction 5780.2209 Accessible Playgrounds 1610 Federal Grants Enabling Accessibility Fund Grant 6129 Parks -Landscape Refurbishment Playground Reconstruction at Progress Frenchman's Bay East Park, St. Mary Park, Forestbook Park and Southcott Park to full · AODA compliant playground areas. (65% Federal grant funding from Enabling Accessibility Fund, 35% Parkland RF) -Prebudget approval (ENG 20-21). 7502 RF -Parkland Total 5780.2209 Accessible Playgrounds 5780.2210 St Mary's Park -Running Track Resurfacing 6129 Parks -Landscape Refurbishment St Mary Artificial Turf Field 7502 RF -Parkland Total 5780.2210 St Mary's Park -Running Track Resurfacing 5780.2213 Skate Board Park Community Size (Civic Centre) -Cons1 6129 Parks -Landscape Refurbishment Community size skate board park (civic centre) (50/50). Subject to HONI approval. 7022 R -DC's City's Share 7622 RF DC -Parks & Recreation Services Total 5780.2213 Skate Board Park Community Size (Civic Centre)• 5780.2215 Enclosed Trailer Replacement (2) 6178 Machinery & Equipment 19 Run Date:.Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense 60,000 (60,000) (60,000) 60,000 120,000 (120,000) (120,000) 120,000 (943,322) 1,451,264 (507,942) (1,451,264) 1,451,264 400,000 (400,000) (400,000) 400,000 850,000 (425,000) (425,000) (850,000) 850,000 40,000 City of Pickering 2022 Draft Capital Budget For Council Consideration 5780 Parks Enclosed Trailer -replace unit #719 (2012) & unit #786 (2017). 7040 R -Vehicle Replacement Total 5780.2215 Enclosed Trailer Replacement (2) 5780.2219 Neighbourhood Park -Seaton P-109 6429 Parks -Landscape Refurb -Seaton Neighbourhood Park-Seaton P-109 (97.5/2.5) 7622 RF DC -Parks & Recreation Services 7713 RF -Seaton Land Grp FIA Total 5780.2219 Neighbourhood Park -Seaton P-109 5780.2220 Primary Trail Network -Seaton T-1 6483 Accessibility -Seaton Primary trail network Seaton T-1 (97.5/2.5) 7622 RF DC -Parks & Recreation Services 7713 RF -Seaton Land Grp FIA Total 5780.2220 Primary Trail Network -Seaton T-1 5780.2221 Primary Trail Network -Seaton T-4/T-5 6483 Accessibility -Seaton Primary trail network Seaton T-4/T-5 (97.5/2.5) 7622 RF DC -Parks & Recreation Services 7713 RF -Seaton Land Grp FIA Total 5780.2221 Primary Trail Network -Seaton T-4/T-5 5780.2222 Kinsmen Park-Sandy Beach Tennis Courts Resurfacing 6129 Parks -Landscape Refurbishment Kinsmen Park-Sandy Beach Tennis Courts Resurfacing 7061 R -Tennis Court Total 5780.2222 Kinsmen Park-Sandy Beach Tennis Courts Resurl 5780.2223 BRC Park -Parking Lot Paving 6129 Parks -Landscape Refurbishment Brock Ridge Park parking lot -reconstruction and paving of gravel parking lot and line painting 7502 RF -Parkland Total 5780.2223 BRC Park -Parking Lot Paving 5780.2224 RHM Park -Playground Replacement 6129 Parks -Landscape Refurbishment 20 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense (40,000) (40,000) 40,000. 550,000 (536,250) (13,750) (550,000) 550,000 360,000 (351,000) (9,000) (360,000) 360,000 1,090,000 (1,062,750) (27,250) (1,090,000) 1,090,000 135,000 (135,000) (135,000) 135,000 120,000 (120,000) (120,000) 120,000 125,000 City of Pickering 2022 Draft Capital Budget For Council Consideration 5780 Parks Replacement of playground in Rick Hull Memorial Park with accessibility options added 7502 RF -Parkland Total 5780.2224 RHM Park -Playground Replacement 5780.2225 Rouge Valley Park -Resurface & Line Paint Basketball C 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6129 Parks -Landscape Refurbishment Resurface and line paint basketball court at Rouge Valley Park + new post and net. Total 5780.2225 Rouge Valley Park -Resurface & Line Paint Baske 5780.2227 Village Green -Seaton (P108) 6429 Parks -Landscape Refurb -Seaton New Village Green (97.5/2.5) in Seaton (P108) 7622 RF DC -Parks & Recreation Services 7713 RF -Seaton Land Grp FIA Total 5780.2227 Village Green -Seaton (P108) 5780.2228 Village Green -Seaton P-110 6429 Parks -Landscape Refurb -Seaton Village Green Seaton P-110 (97 .5/2.5) 7622 RF DC -Parks & Recreation Services 7713 RF -Seaton Land Grp FIA Total 5780.2228 Village Green -Seaton P-110 5780.2229 Village Green -Seaton P-111 6429 Parks -Landscape Refurb -Seaton Village Green Seaton P-111 (97.5/2.5) 7622 RF DC -Parks & Recreation Services 7713 RF -Seaton Land Grp FIA Total 5780.2229 Village Green -Seaton P-111 5780.2231 Walk-Behind Stone & Debris Burier -New 6178 Machinery & Equipment Walk-Behind Stone & Debris Burier -New. Walk-behind soil renovator. 7062 R -Major Equipment Total 5780.2231 Walk-Behind Stone & Debris Burier -New Total 5780 Parks 21 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense (125,000) (125,000) 125,000 (12,000) 12,000 (12,000) 12,000 250,000 (243,750) (6,250) (250,000) 250,000 230,000 (224,250) (5,750) (230,000) 230,000 170,000 (165,750) (4,250) (170,000) 170,000 12,000 (12,000) (12,000) 12,000 (7,210,264) 7,210,264 City of Pickering 2022 Draft Capital Budget For Council Consideration 5990 Fleet Vehicles 5311.2210 3/4 Ton Pickup Truck with Slide in Salter and Plow-Repl, 6157 Vehicles -under $100,000 Two 3/4 Ton Pickup Trucks with Slide in Salter and Plow -replace unit #775 & #776 (2015 Ford F350) (5311 Property Maintenance). 7040 R -Vehicle Replacement Total 5311.2210 3/4 Ton Pickup Truck with Slide in Salter and Plov 5311.2217 3/4 Ton Pickup Truck with Tow Package -New (4) 6157 Vehicles -under $100,000 7040 R -Vehicle Replacement Total 5311.2217 3/4 Ton Pickup Truck with Tow Package -New (4) 5319.2201 4 Ton Dump Truck with Snow Plow & Wing -Replaceme1 6158 Vehicles -Over $100,000 4 Ton Dump Truck with Snow Plow-replace unit #42 (2013 International) (5319 Roads Equipment). 7040 R -Vehicle Replacement Total 5319.2201 4 Ton Dump Truck with Snow Plow & Wing -Repl 5319.2205 4 Ton Dump Truck with Snow Plow & Wing -New 1701 Debt-5 Year 6458 Vehicles -Over $100,000 -Seaton 4 Ton Dump Truck with Snow Plow & Wing -New (Seaton) (5319 Roads Equipment). Total 5319.2205 4 Ton Dump Truck with Snow Plow & Wing -New 5319.2206 1 Ton Truck with Aluminum Dump Body & Tailgate Lift C: 1726 DC Debt -5 Year (Other Services Related to Hwy) 6457 Vehicles -Under $100,000 -Seaton 1 Ton Truck with Aluminum Dump Body & Tailgate Lift Gate - (Seaton) New (5319 Roads Equipment). Total 5319.2206 1 Ton Truck with Aluminum Dump Body & Tailgat 5319.2208 5 Ton Dump Truck with Snow Plow & Wing -New 1726 DC Debt -5 Year (Other Services Related to Hwy) 6458 Vehicles -Over $100,000 -Seaton 5 Ton Dump Truck with Snow Plow & Wing (5319 Roads Equipment) Total 5319.2208 5 Ton Dump Truck with Snow Plow & Wing -New 5319.2209 4 Ton Dump Truck with Snow Plow, Wing & Brine Tank - 22 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense 160,000 (160,000) (160,000) 160,000 260,000 (260,000) (260,000) 260,000 300,000 (300,000) (300,000) 300,000 (300,000) 300,000 (300,000) 300,000 (70,000) 70,000 (70,000) 70,000 (320,000) 320,000 (320,000) 320,000 City of Pickering 2022 Draft Capital Budget For Council Consideration 5990 Fleet Vehicles 1701 Debt-5 Year 6158 Vehicles -Over $100,000 4 Ton Dump Truck with Snow Plow, Wing & Brine Tank (2) (Seaton) (5319 Roads Equipment). Total 5319.2209 4 Ton Dump Truck with Snow Plow, Wing & Brine 5325.2208 Mid Size SUV -New 6157 Vehicles -under $100,000 Mid Size SUV New -Street Lights and Signalization 5325 7040 R -Vehicle Replacement Total 5325.2208 Mid Size SUV -New 5340.2205 Upfit New Fire Rescue -New 6158 Vehicles -Over $100,000 To upfit replacement for unit #540 purchased in 2021. 7062 R -Major Equipment Total 5340.2205 Upfit New Fire Rescue -New 5340.2209 Fire Pumper Rescue Replacement 1703 Debt -15 Year 6159 Fire Veh -Over $100,000 Pumper Rescue -Replace unit# 532 (2005 Smeal Pumper) (5340 Fire Services). 6178 Machinery & Equipment Total 5340.2209 Fire Pumper Rescue Replacement 5612.2202 Electric Vehicle -New 6157 Vehicles -under $100,000 Electric Vehicle New (5612 Building Services). 7040 R -Vehicle Replacement Total 5612.2202 Electric Vehicle -New 5719.2202 Cargo Van Replacement 6157 Vehicles -under $100,000 Cargo Van -replace unit #790 (2015 Chevrolet) (5719 Community Centres). 7040 R -Vehicle Replacement Total 5719.2202 Cargo Van Replacement 5719.2207 Midsize Utility Vans -New (2) 6157 Vehicles -under $100,000 23 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense (600,000) 600,000 (600,000) 600,000 45,000 (45,000) (45,000) 45,000 200,000 (200,000) (200,000) 200,000 (1,500,000) 1,230,000 270,000 (1,500,000) 1,500,000 60,000 (60,000) (60,000) 60,000 45,000 (45,000) (45,000) 45,000 90,000 City of Pickering 2022 Draft Capital Budget For Council Consideration 5990 Fleet Vehicles Midsize Utility Vans for increased cleaning of facilities (5719 Community Centres) 7040 R -Vehicle Replacement Total 5719.2207 Midsize Utility Vans -New (2) 5719.2212 Midsize SUV -New 6157 Vehicles -under $100,000 Midsize SUV for Corporate Security Specialist (5XXX Corporate Security). 7040 R -Vehicle Replacement Total 5719.2212 Midsize SUV -New 5744.2204 Enclosed Trailer -New 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6157 Vehicles -under $100,000 For Moving Art Show-New (Museum 5744) Total 5744.2204 Enclosed Trailer -New 5780.2233 1/2 Ton Pick-up Truck -New 6457 Vehicles -Under $100,000 -Seaton 1/2 Ton Pick-up Truck -New (5780 Parks) 7622 RF DC -Parks & Recreation Services Total 5780.2233 1/2 Ton Pick-up Truck -New Total 5990 Fleet Vehicles 24 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense (90,000) (90,000) 90,000 45,000 (45,000) (45,000) 45,000 (25,000) 25,000 (25,000) 25,000 45,000 (45,000) (45,000) 45,000 (4,065,000) 4,065,000 City of Pickering 2022 Draft Capital Budget For Council Consideration 5206 Information Technology 5206.2201 Technology Infrastructure 6175 Hardware Replacements Server and network infrastructure systems to replace end of life legacy server and network infrastructure required for ongoing technology operations for the City. 7001 R -Capital Equipment Replacement Total 5206.2201 Technology Infrastructure 5206.2202 5 Yr PC Upgrades 6175 Hardware Replacements Replacement of End User Computing Devices 7001 R " Capital Equipment Replacement Total 5206.2202 5 Yr PC Upgrades 5206.2203 Internet Services Technol_ogies 6177 IT Infrastructure Internet services and security infrastructure upgrades to support bandwidth upgrades in City facilities as required to accommodate increased Cloud and Application requirements. 7001 R -Capital Equipment Replacement Total 5206.2203 Internet Services Technologies 5206.2204 Telecommunications Services Technologies 6177 IT Infrastructure Telecommunications services upgrades to support transitioning to Session Initiation Protocol transition from legacy PRI services in City facilities as required. 7001 R -Capital Equipment Replacement Total 5206.2204 Telecommunications Services Technologies Total 5206 Information Technology 25 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense 163,000 (163,000) (163,000) 163,000 58,000 (58,000) (58,000) 58,000 64,000 (64,000) (64,000) 64,000 46,000 (46,000) (46,000) 46,000 (331,000) 331,000 5219 Animal Services City of Pickering 2022 Draft Capital Budget For Council Consideration 5219.2201 Animal Shelter -Construction 1708 DC Debt -15 Year (Protective Services) 6500 Building Related Construction of new animal shelter building (project 5219.2004 re budgeted) 7022 R -DC's City's Share 7501 RF -Third Party Contribution Potential facility naming rights 7706 RF -Animal Shelter Total 5219.2201 Animal Shelter -Construction Total 5219 Animal Services 26 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense (6,004,000) 8,830,000 (1,714,000) (100,000) (1,012,000) (8,830,000} 8,830,000 (8,830,000) 8,830,000 City of Pickering 2022 Draft Capital Budget For Council Consideration 5325 Streetlights & Signalization 5325.2201 Traffic Signals/Controllers Replacement 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6254 Traffic Signals Traffic Signals/Controllers Replacement -Dixie Road at Glenanna Road (last replacement 2009) Total 5325.2201 Traffic Signals/Controllers Replacement 5325.2202 Traffic Signals/Controllers Replacement 2823 Paid from Property Taxes . 6254 Traffic Signals Traffic Signals/Controllers Replacement-Bayly Street at St Martins Drive (original install 2009) Total 5325.2202 Traffic Signals/Controllers Replacement . 5325.2204 LED Signal Head Replacement Program 6254 Traffic Signals Replacement of LED signal heads 7505 RF -Federal Gas Tax Total 5325.2204 LED Signal Head Replacement Program 5325.2205 Accessible Pedestrian Signals -4 locations 1701 Debt -5 Year 6254 Traffic Signals Equipping existing traffic signals with accessible pedestrian signals. In accordance with AODA 2005. All signals must equipped by Jan 1,2025. Year 2 of 5 year program. Total 5325.2205 Accessible Pedestrian Signals -4 locations 5325.2206 Uninterruptible Power Supply -5 locations 1711 Internal Loan -5 Year 6254 Traffic Signals Installation of uninterruptible power supply battery backup system that operates signals in the event of a power outage. Year 2 of 5 year program. Total 5325.2206 Uninterruptible Power Supply -5 locations Total 5325 Streetlights & Signalization 27 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense (23,000) 23,000 (23,000) 23,000 (23,000) 23,000 (23,000) 23,000 12,000 (12,000) (12,000) 12,000 (361,000) 361,000 (361,000) 361,000 (160,000) 160,000 (160,000) 160,000 (579,000) 579,000 5323 Sidewalks City of Pickering 2022 Draft Capital Budget For Council Consideration 5323.2201 West Shore Boulevard New Temp. Multi-use Path Const 6255 Sidewalks West Shore Boulevard New Temp. Multi-use Path Construction 7505 RF -Federal Gas Tax Total 5323.2201 West Shore Boulevard New Temp. Multi-use Path 5323.2202 Pickering Parkway -New Sidewalk Construction 6255 Sidewalks New Sidewalk Construction Pickering Parkway -north side multi-use trail (Glenanna Road to Hydro Corridor) 7505 RF-Federal Gas Tax Total 5323.2202 Pickering Parkway -New Sidewalk Construction Total 5323 Sidewalks 28 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense 250,000 (250,000) (250,000) 250,000 200,000 (200,000) (200,000) 200,000 (450,000) 450,000 City of Pickering 2022 Draft Capital Budget For Council Consideration 5410 Stormwater Management 5410.2201 Lisgoold SWM Pond (C2-08-GC) Retrofit 6253 Storm Water Lisgoold SWM Pond on Meriadoc Dr. north of Dellbrook Ave - SWM Pond retrofit as per SWM Facility Asset Management Plan 7710 RF -Stormwater Mgmt Total 5410.2201 Lisgoold SWM Pond (C2-08-GC) Retrofit 5410.2202 Fairview Ave. and Simpson Ave. -Reconstruction 6500 Building Related Fairview Avenue and Simpson Avenue -Browning Avenue to South Terminus 7710 RF -Stormwater Mgmt Total 5410.2202 Fairview Ave. and Simpson Ave. -Reconstruction Total 5410 Stormwater Management 29 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense 860,000 (860,000) (860,000) 860,000 283,000 (283,000) (283,000) 283,000 (1,143,000) 1,143,000 City o·f Pickering 2022 Draft Capital Budget For Council Consideration 5320 Roads Projects 5320.2201 Hoover Bridge Replacement -Design & Construction 6256 Bridges & Culverts Hoover Bridge -Sideline 34 (7004) Replacement Construction 7709 RF -Roads & Bridges Total 5320.2201 Hoover Bridge Replacement -Design & Construc1 5320.2207 Scarborough/Pickering Townline Rd. -Road Reconstruc 6251 Road Improvements Scarborough/Pickering Townline Road Reconstruction -Finch Ave. to CPR Crossing -RP-14 7022 R -DC's City's Share 7501 RF -Third Party Contribution 7610 RF DC -Transportation Services Total 5320.2207 Scarborough/Pickering Townline Rd. -Road Reco 5320.2208 Granite Court -Asphalt Resurfacing 6251 Road Improvements Granite Court -Asphalt Resurfacing -Ironstone Manor to Whites Road (RR#38) 7505 RF -Federal Gas Tax Total 5320.2208 Granite Court -Asphalt Resurfacing 5320.2209 Fieldlight Boulevard -Asphalt Resurfacing 6251 Road Improvements Fieldlight Boulevard -Asphalt Resurfacing -Glenview Road to Valley Farm Road 7505 RF -Federal Gas Tax Total 5320.2209 Fieldlight Boulevard -Asphalt Resurfacing 5320.2210 Shadybrook Drive -Asphalt Resurfacing 6251 Road Improvements Shadybrook Drive -Asphalt Resurfacing -Shadybrook Tot Lot (east end) to Kates Lane 7505 RF -Federal Gas Tax Total 5320.2210 Shadybrook Drive -Asphalt Resurfacing 5320.2211 Bainbridge Drive -Asphalt Resurfacing 6251 Road Improvements Bainbridge Drive -Asphalt Resurfacing -Kingston Road (Hwy #2) to 370m south of Kingston Road 30 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense 950,000 (950,000) (950,000) 950,000 867,000 (263,246) (170,254) (433,500) (867,000) 867,000 200,000 (200,000) (200,000) 200,000 120,000 (120,000) (120,000) 120,000 225,000 (225,000) (225,000) 225,000 225,000 City of Pickering 2022 Draft Capital Budget For Council Consideration 5320 Roads Projects 7505 RF -Federal Gas Tax Total 5320.2211 Bainbridge Drive -Asphalt Resurfacing 5320.2212 Pickering Parkway -Asphalt Resurfacing 6251 Road Improvements Pickering Parkway -Asphalt Resurfacing -Valley Farm Road to 480m east of Valley Farm Road 7505 RF -Federal Gas Tax Total 5320.2212 Pickering Parkway -Asphalt Resurfacing 5320.2213 Parkside Drive -Asphalt Resurfacing 6251 Road Improvements Parkside Drive -Asphalt Resurfacing -New Street to 150m north of New Street 7505 RF -Federal Gas Tax Total 5320.2213 Parkside Drive -Asphalt Resurfacing 5320.2214 Rawlings Drive -Asphalt Resurfacing 6251 Road Improvements Rawlings Drive -Asphalt Resurfacing -Rambleberry Drive to Glenanna Road 7505 RF -Federal Gas Tax Total 5320.2214 Rawlings Drive -Asphalt Resurfacing 5320.2215 Chipmunk Street -Road Base and Asphalt Repair 6251 Road Improvements Chipmunk Street -Asphalt Resurfacing, Road Base Repair and Curb Replacement -Sunrise Avenue to Oklahoma Drive 7505 RF -Federal Gas Tax Total 5320.2215 Chipmunk Street-Road Base and Asphalt Repair 5320.2216 Grenoble Boulevard -Road Base and Asphalt Repair 6251 Road Improvements Grenoble Boulevard -Asphalt Resurfacing, Road Base Repair and Curb Replacement -Fuschia Lane to Naroch Boulevard (north end) 7505 RF -Federal Gas Tax Total 5320.2216 Grenoble Boulevard -Road Base and Asphalt Re~ 5320.2217 Haller Avenue -Road Base and Asphalt Repair 6251 Road Improvements 31 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense (225,000) (225,000) 225,000 450,000 (450,000) (450,000) 450,000 110,000 (110,000) (110,000) 110,000 400,000 (400,000) (400,000) 400,000 140,000 (140,000) (140,000) 140,000 240,000 (240,000) (240,000) 240,000 200,000 5320 Roads Projects City of Pickering 2022 Draft Capital Budget For Council Consideration Haller Avenue -Asphalt Resurfacing, Road Base Repair and Curb Replacement -Douglas Avenue to Liverpool Road 7505 RF -Federal Gas Tax Total 5320.2217 Haller Avenue -Road Base and Asphalt Repair 5320.2218 Asphalt Resurfacing Projects (TBD) 6251 Road Improvements Future discussions required with Ward 1, 2 and 3 Councillors to determine the additional resurfacing projects across all three Wards. 7505 RF -Federal Gas Tax Total 5320.2218 Asphalt Resurfacing Projects (TBD) Total 5320 Roads Projects 32 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense (200,000) (200,000) 200,000 1,200,000 (1,200,000) (1,200,000) 1,200,000 (5,327,000) 5,327,000 City of Pickering 2022 Draft Capital Budget For Council Consideration 5613 Water Resources & Development Services 5613.2201 Various Construction Projects 6250 Construction Costs Various Construction Projects Related to Development (funded from Third Party Contributions). 7501 RF -Third Party Contribution Total 5613.2201 Various Construction Projects Total 5613 Water Resources & Development Services 33 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense 200,000 (200,000) (200,000) 200,000 (200,000) 200,000 City of Pickering 2022 Draft Capital Budget For Council Consideration 5321 Development Projects-(DC Funded) 5321.2201 RP-5 Finch Ave -Rosebank Road to 500m West 6252 Streetlights & Sidewalks RP-5 Finch Avenue North Side Rosebank Road to 500m west 7022 R -DC's City's Share 7610 RF DC -Transportation Services Total 5321.2201 RP-5 Finch Ave -Rosebank Road to 500m West 5321.2202 RP-6 Finch Ave -Altona Road to Rosebank Road' 6252 Streetlights & Sidewalks RP-6 Finch Avenue South Side Altona Road to Rosebank Road 7022 R -DC's City's Share 7610 RF DC -Transportation Services Total 5321.2202 RP-6 Finch Ave -Altona Road to Rosebank Road 5321.2203 Installation of Oil Grit Separators 6253 Storm Water Installation of Oil Grit Separators (25/75) Frenchman's Bay. 7022 R -DC's City's Share 7611 RF DC -Storm Water Mgmt Tofal 5321.2203 Installation of Oil Grit Separators 5321.2204 B-29 Sandy Beach Rd. -Reconstruction Phase 2 6251 Road Improvements Sandy Beach Road reconstruction and storm sewer installation - Bayly Street to Montgomery Park Road (50/50). Multi-year project. Phase 2. 7022 R -DC's City's Share 7610 RF DC -Transportation Services Total 5321.2204 B-29 Sandy Beach Rd. -Reconstruction Phase 2 5321.2205 TC-6 Valley Farm Road (East Side) 6252 Streetlights & Sidewalks TC-6 Valley Farm Road (East Side) from Kingston Road to 100m south. 7022 R -DC's City's Share 7610 RF DC -Transportation Services Total 5321.2205 TC-6 Valley Farm Road (East Side) 5321.2206 New East/West Local Road -Delta Boulevard 6251 Road Improvements 34 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense 250,000 (125,000) (125,000) (250,000) 250,000 125,000 (62,500) (62,500) (125,000) 125,000 301,000 (215,590) (85,410) (301,000) 301,000 4,500,000 (2,250,000) (2,250,000) (4,500,000) 4,500,000 54,000 (27,000) (27,000) (54,000) 54,000 100,000 City of Pickering 2022 Draft Capital Budget For Council Consideration 5321 Development Projects-(DC Funded) New east/west local road -Delta Boulevard to 45m east (50/50) 7022 R -DC's City's Share 7610 RF DC -Transportation Services Total 5321.2206 New East/West Local Road -Delta Boulevard 5321.2207 Walnut Lane Extension -Design & Approvals 6230 Prof/Consulting Fees Walnut Lane Extension from Liverpool Road to Kingston Road. Completion of Design & Approvals & Permits in accordance with Municipal Class EA completed in 2021. 7022 R -DC's City's Share 7610 RF DC -Transportation Services Total 5321.2207 Walnut Lane Extension -Design & Approvals Total 5321 Development Projects-(DC Funded) 35 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense (50,000) (50,000) (100,000) 100,000 350,000 (87,500) (262,500) (350,000) 350,000 (5,680,000) 5,680,000 City of Pickering 2022 Draft Capital Budget For Council Consideration 5340 Fire Services Design consulting services and related investigation costs to prepare for retrofit of the existing kitchen and living quarters at Fire Station #6, originally constructed in 1994. Total 5340.2207 FS #6 Kitchen & Living Quarters Retrofit -Design 5340.2208 FS #6 Breathing Air Compressor/ Filling Station 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6500 Building Related Lifecycle replacement of breathing air compressor/ filling station. Existing equipment was installed in the 1990s and is obsolete. Total 5340.2208 FS #6 Breathing Air Compressor/ Filling Station 5340.2210 Dispatch Phone Upgrade 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6178 Machinery & Equipment Required upgrades to dispatch phone system. Total 5340.2210 Dispatch Phone Upgrade 5340.2211 FS #1 Public Art 6400 Building Related -Seaton Public art installation at the new Headquarters and Fire Station at Zents & Brock. 7068 R -Artwork Total 5340.2211 FS #1 Public Art 5340.2212 FIT Testing Hardware and Software Replacement 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6175 Hardware Replacements Lifecycle replacement of Portacount FIT testing equipment and software. Equipment is obsolete. Replacement includes hardware, software and tablet. Total 5340.2212 FIT Testing Hardware and Software Replacement 5340.2213 FS #2 Window Replacement 2823 Paid from Property Taxes Lifecycle replacement of exterior windows at Fire Station #2. Existing windows were installed in 1995. 6500 Building Related Total 5340.2213 FS #2 Window Replacement 5340.2214 Thermal Imaging Camera Replacement 37 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense (36,000) 36,000 (75,000) 75,000 (75,000) 75,000 (55,000) 55,000 (55,000) 55,000 95,000 (95,000) (95,000) 95,000 (30,000) 30,000 (30,000) 30,000 (47,500) 47,500 (47,500) 47,500 City of Pickering 2022 Draft Capital Budget For Council Consideration 5340 Fire Services 1711 Internal Loan -5 Year 6176 Office Machines & Equip Lifecycle replacement of eight thermal imaging cameras. Replacement includes cameras and vehicle charging systems. Total 5340.2214 Thermal Imaging Camera Replacement 5340.2215 FS #2 Interior Renovation 1701 Debt -5 Year 6500 Building Related Consolidated renovations to Fire Station #2, including interior renovations and accessibility improvements to interior, creation of a second, gender-neutral washroom, provision of roof access for improved safety and installation of new LED lighting systems. Total 5340.2215 FS #2 Interior Renovation 5340.2216 FS #2 -FF&E Upgrade 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6173 Furniture & Fixtures Upgrade to furniture at Fire Station #2. Total 5340.2216 FS #2 -FF&E Upgrade 5340.2217 FS #2 Exterior Security Camera System 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6500 Building Related New camera systems to allow for video monitoring of building exterior parking. Total 5340.2217 FS #2 Exterior Security Camera System 5340.2218 FS #6 Exterior Security Camera System 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6500 Building Related New camera systems to allow for video monitoring of building exterior parking. Total 5340.2218 FS #6 Exterior Security Camera System 5340.2220 CAD Software 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6174 System & Software Upgrade Records Management Software for Standard Incident Reports Total 5340.2220 CAD Software 38 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 · Funding Expense (110,000) 110,000 (110,000) 110,000 (371,000) 371,000 (371,000) 371,000 (42,500) 42,500 (42,500) 42,500 (20,000) 20,000 (20,000) 20,000 (20,000) 20,000 (20,000) 20,000 (30,000) 30,000 (30,000) 30,000 5340 Fire Services Total 5340 Fire Services City of Pickering 2022 Draft Capital Budget For Council Consideration 39 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense (1,721,000) 1,721,000 City of Pickering 2022 Draft Capital Budget For Council Consideration 5800 Library 5800.2201 Collection Materials 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6179 Book Collection Material Collection Materials include: Books, movies, audiobooks and other types of physical materials along with their processing and packaging. Current collection includes approx 140,000 items -7% of collection replaced with new material each year. Assumes the addition of approx. 9,800 items at $30 each. Total 5800.2201 Collection Materials 5800.2204 GAL Computers Upgrade 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6175 Hardware Replacements Replacement of public and staff computers at the George Ashe Library that are older than 5 years with new equipment. Total 5800.2204 GAL Computers Upgrade 5800.2205 Improvements to Claremont Public Service Space 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6173 Furniture & Fixtures Replace furniture and equipment at Claremont Library (furniture is all at least 20 years old) in order to provide improved client experience for Extended Hours service. Total 5800.2205 Improvements to Claremont Public Service Space 5800.2206 Library Server Replacement 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6175 Hardware Replacements The Library currently has 5 servers. One will be replaced this year. Total 5800.2206 Library Server Replacement 5800.2209 Create Virtual Programming space at Central Library 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6500 Building Related Build space for staff to produce virtual programming, could also be used by the public when not in use by staff Total 5800.2209 Create Virtual Programming space at Central Libr Total 5800 Library 40 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense (295,000) 295,000 (295,000) 295,000 (20,000) 20,000 (20,000) 20,000 (35,000) 35,000 (35,000) 35,000 (17,000) 17,000 (17,000) 17,000 (30,000) 30,000 (30,000) 30,000 (397,000) 397,000 2023-2026 Capital Forecast 41 5111 Mayor 5111.2301 Computer Equipment Mayor 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6175 Hardware Replacements City of Pickering 2023 Capital Forecast As per Council Compensation & Communication Policy (Subsection 12.1), $10,000 is provided for computer hardware, software and telecommunications per term. As per the policy, these funds can only be spent during the first 40 months of office. Total 5111.2301 Computer Equipment Mayor Total 5111 Mayor 42 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense (10,000) 10,000 (10,000) 10,000 (10,000) 10,000 City of Pickering 2023 Capital Forecast 5113 Council 5113.2301 Computer Equip Reg. Coun. Ward 1 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6175 Hardware Replacements As per Council Compensation & Communication Policy (Subsection 12.1), $10,000 is provided for computer hardware, software and telecommunications per term. As per the policy, these funds can only be spent during the first 40 months of office. Total 5113.2301 Computer Equip Reg. Coun. Ward 1 5113.2302 Computer Equip Reg. Coun. Ward 2 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6175 Hardware Replacements As per Council Compensation & Communication Policy (Subsection 12.1), $10,000 is provided for computer hardware, software and telecommunications per term. As per the policy, these funds can only be spent during the first 40 months of office. Total 5113.2302 Computer Equip Reg. Coun. Ward 2 5113.2303 Computer Equip Reg. Coun. Ward 3 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6175 Hardware Replacements As per Council Compensation & Communication Policy (Subsection 12.1), $10,000 is provided for computer hardware, software and telecommunications per term. As per the policy, these funds can only be spent during the first 40 months of office. Total 5113.2303 Computer Equip Reg. Coun. Ward 3 5113.2304 Computer Equip City Coun. Ward 1 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6175 Hardware Replacements As per Council Compensation & Communication Policy (Subsection 12.1), $10,000 is provided for computer hardware, software and telecommunications per term. As per the policy, these funds can only be spent during the first 40 months of office. Total 5113.2304 Computer Equip City Coun. Ward 1 5113.2305 Computer Equip City Coun. Ward 2 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6175 Hardware Replacements 43 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense (10,000) 10,000 (10,000) 10,000 (10,000) 10,000 (10,000) 10,000 (10,000) 10,000 (10,000) 10,000 (10,000) 10,000 (10,000) 10,000 (10,000) 10,000 5113 Council City of Pickering 2023 Capital Forecast As per Council Compensation & Communication Policy (Subsection 12.1), $10,000 is provided for computer hardware, software and telecommunications per term. As per the policy, these funds can only be spent during the first 40 months of office. Total 5113.2305 Computer Equip City Coun. Ward 2 5113.2306 Computer Equip City Coun. Ward 3 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6175 Hardware Replacements As per Council Compensation & Communication Policy (Subsection 12.1), $10,000 is provided for computer hardware, software and telecommunications per term. As per the policy, these funds can only be spent during the first 40 months of office. Total 5113.2306 Computer Equip City Coun. Ward 3 Total 5113 Council 44 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense (10,000) 10,000 (10,000) 10,000 (10,000) 10,000 (60,000) 60,000 5700 Civic Complex City of Pickering 2023 Capital Forecast 5700.2301 Civic Complex Renovations and Addition -Design 6230 Prof/Consulting Fees Preliminary investigations, concept, detailed design and consulting budget for overall renovations to the Civic Complex, including a new enclosed lobby and consolidated service area on the ground floor between the existing city hall and library. This project will include renovations to major building areas and systems, and incorporate lifecycle replacement of many aging interior and exterior building components and finishes. 7021 R -Rate Stabilization Total 5700.2301 Civic Complex Renovations and Addition -Desigr 5700.2302 Workstations, Partitions, Tables, Shelving 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6173 Furniture & Fixtures Replacement of original and worn furniture, some over 25 years old. Spare parts are no longer available as original furniture manufacturer is no longer in business. Includes replacement of existing furniture in poor repair. Total 5700.2302 Workstations, Partitions, Tables, Shelving 5700.2303 Low Pressure Steam Boilers Replacement 1711 Internal Loan -5 Year 6500 Building Related Lifecycle replacement of existing steam boilers installed in 2009. Total 5700.2303 Low Pressure Steam Boilers Replacement 5700.2304 Server Room Upgrades 1701 Debt -5 Year 6500 Building Related Lifecycle replacement of existing access flooring, rooftop air conditioning units and other related systems. Total 5700.2304 Server Room Upgrades Total 5700 Civic Complex 45 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense 1,442,000 (1,442,000) (1,442,000) 1,442,000 (25,000) 25,000 (25,000) 25,000 (155,000) 155,000 (155,000) 155,000 (190,000) 190,000 (190,000) 190;000 (1,812,000) 1,812,000 City of Pickering 2024 Capital Forecast 5700 Civic Complex 5700.2401 Generator Replacement -Construction 1704 Debt -20 year 6500 Building Related Construction budget for the replacement of the existing backup power generator and related systems. Includes increasing the capacity of the existing and expanding backup power coverage throughout the Civic Complex. Total 5700.2401 Generator Replacement -Construction 5700.2402 Workstations, partitions, tables, shelving 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6173 Furniture & Fixtures Replacement of original and worn furniture, some nearly 30 years old. Spare parts are no longer available as original furniture manufacturer is no longer in business. Includes replacement of existing furniture in poor repair. Total 5700.2402 Workstations, partitions, tables, shelving 5700.2403 Heater Replacements 6500 Building Related Lifecycle replacement of existing unit heaters and water heaters. Installation dates vary. 7505 RF -Federal Gas Tax Total 5700.2403 Heater Replacements 5700.2404 Exterior Window Replacement 1712 Internal Loan-10 Year 6500 Building Related Lifecycle replacement of existing exterior windows and frames. Existing units are original, in stalled in 1990. Includes replacement of curtain wall and sliding doors at main entrance. Total 5700.2404 Exterior Window Replacement 5700.2405 Central Tower Renovations 1704 Debt -20 year 6500 Building Related 46 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense (1,538,305) 1,538,305 (1,538,305) 1,538,305 (25,000) 25,000 (25,000) 25,000 63,654 (63,654) (63,654) 63,654 (742,630) 742,630 (742,630) 742,630 (1,648,000) 1,648,000 City of Pickering 2024 Capital Forecast 5700 Civic Complex Lifecycle replacement of major building components on the interior and exterior of the central tower structure, including metal roof, windows and other components at end of life. The central tower contains more of the major mechanical equipment required by City Hall and the Library, and was constructed in 1990. All related work is being combined to avoid repeated expense for the extensive scaffolding required to complete the various scopes of work. - Total 5700.2405 Central Tower Renovations 5700.2406 Parking Garage Retrofit & Repairs 1712 Internal Loan-10 Year 6500 Building Related Various repairs and lifecycle replacements of existing systems in the underground parking garage. Includes: overhead doors, CO monitoring systems, waterproofing repairs, heaters, line painting, and other related work. Total 5700.2406 Parking Garage Retrofit & Repairs 5700.2407 Security Upgrades 1711 Internal Loan -5 Year 6500 Building Related Installation of new and upgrades to existing security systems, including digital access controls, cameras and other related systems. Total 5700.2407 Security Upgrades 5700.2408 Exhaust Fan Replacements 1711 Internal Loan -5 Year 6500 Building Related Lifecycle replacement of existing exhaust fans Total 5700.2408 Exhaust Fan Replacements Total 5700 Civic Complex 47 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense (1,648,000) 1,648,000 (401,700) 401,700 (401,700) 401,700 (190,000) 190,000 (190,000) 190,000 (85,000) 85,000 (85,000) 85,000 (4,694,289) 4,694,289 5700 Civic Complex City of Pickering 2025 Capital Forecast 5700.2501 Air Controls Compressor & Dryer Fan Replacement 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6500 Building Related Lifecycle replacement of existing air controls compressor and dryer fan. Units are original, installed in 1990. Total 5700.2501 Air Controls Compressor & Dryer Fan ReplacemeI 5700.2502 Workstations, partitions, tables, shelving 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6173 Furniture & Fixtures Replacement of original and worn furniture, some nearly 30 years old. Spare parts are no longer available as original furniture manufacturer is no longer in business. Includes replacement of existing furniture in poor repair. Total 5700.2502 Workstations, partitions, tables, shelving 5700.2503 Air Handling Units -SF3 + RF3 Replacement 6500 Building Related Lifecycle replacement of supply fan SF-3 and return fan RF-3 serving the council chambers in city hall, including controls upgrade. Both are original equipment installed in 1990. 7505 RF -Federal Gas Tax Total 5700.2503 Air Handling Units -SF3 + RF3 Replacement 5700.2504 Elevator Upgrades 1711 Internal Loan -5 Year 6183 Accessibility 6500 Building Related Lifecycle retrofit and accessibility upgrades to the existing City Hall elevator. Total 5700.2504 Elevator Upgrades 5700.2505 Building Automation Upgrades 1711 Internal Loan -5 Year 6500 Building Related Lifecycle upgrades to building automation controls and equipment. Total 5700.2505 Building Automation Upgrades 5700.2506 Washroom Renovations 1701 Debt-5 Year 48 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense (42,000) 42,000 (42,000) 42,000 (25,000) 25,000 (25,000) 25,000 185,000 (185,000) (185,000) 185,000 (240,000) 40,000 200,000 (240,000) 240,000 (130,000) 130,000 (130,000) 130,000 (381,924) 5700 Civic Complex 6500 Building Related City of Pickering 2025 Capital Forecast Lifecycle replacement of fixtures and finished in existing public washrooms on the upper floor, and staff washrooms on the ground and upper floor. Total 5700.2506 Washroom Renovations 5700.2507 Civic Complex Renovations and Addition -Construction 1704 Debt -20 year 6183 Accessibility 6500 Building Related Construction budget for overall renovations to the Civic Complex (City Hall and Library sides). This project will include localized renovations to building areas and systems, and incorporate limited lifecycle replacement of aging interior building components and finishes. Total 5700.2507 Civic Complex Renovations and Addition -Constr 5700.2508 Site Works Upgrades and Replacements 1703 Debt-15 Year 6500 Building Related Lifecycle replacement of existing site work components, including: stairs, curbs, sidewalks, roadways, flagpoles. Landscaping, irrigation, street furniture and related components. Total 5700.2508 Site Works Upgrades and Replacements 5700.2509 LED Lighting Conversion and Ceiling Upgrades 6500 Building Related Replacement of existing fluorescent and other lighting systems with LED, including related ceiling repairs and modifications. 7505 RF -Federal Gas Tax Total 5700.2509 LED Lighting Conversion and Ceiling Upgrades Total 5700 Civic Complex 49 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense 381,924 (381,924) 381,924 (14,935,000) 1,000,000 13,935,000 (14,935,000) 14,935,000 (1,339,000) 1,339,000 (1,339,000) 1,339,000 721,000 (721,000) (721,000) 721,000 (17,998,924) 17,998,924 5700 Civic Complex 5700.2601 Gas Monitor Replacement 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6500 Building Related City of Pickering 2026 Capital Forecast Lifecycle replacement of existing gas monitors. Total 5700.2601 Gas Monitor Replacement 5700.2602 Civic Complex Renovations and Addition -FF&E 1711 Internal Loan -5 Year 6173 Furniture & Fixtures Furniture, fixtures and equipment for Civic Complex Renovations and Addition. Total 5700.2602 Civic Complex Renovations and Addition -FF&E Total 5700 Civic Complex 50 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense (35,000) 35,000 (35,000) 35,000 (576,800) 576,800 (576,800) 576,800 (611,800) 611,800 5701 Senior Citizens Centre City of Pickering 2023 Capital Forecast 5701.2302 ESCC Remediation & Decommissioning -Design 1711 Internal Loan -5 Year 6230 Prof/Consulting Fees East Shore Community Centre demolition & remediation plan, excluding lawn bowling club, shed and greens. Total 5701.2302 ESCC Remediation & Decommissioning -Design Total 5701 Senior Citizens Centre 51 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense (257,500) 257,500 (257,500) 257,500 (257,500) 257,500 5701 Senior Citizens Centre City of Pickering 2024 Capital Forecast 5701.2401 ESCC Remediation & Decommissioning -Construction 1594 Sale of Land 6500 Building Related East Shore Community Centre demolition & remediation plan, excluding lawn bowling club, shed and greens. Total 5701.2401 ESCC Remediation & Decommissioning -Constru Total 5701 Senior Citizens Centre 52 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense (2,060,000) 2,060,000 (2,060,000) 2,060,000 (2,060,000) 2,060,000 5713 Dunbarton Pool 5713.2302 Pool Structural Steel Coating 1711 Internal Loan -5 Year 6500 Building Related City of Pickering 2023 Capital Forecast Selective repairs and application of protective coatings to structural steel to extend asset life. The existing structure was installed in 1970. Total 5713.2302 Pool Structural Steel Coating Total 5713 Dunbarton Pool 53 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense (123,500) 123,500 (123,500) 123,500 (123,500) 123,500 5715 Don Beer Arena City of Pickering 2023 Capital Forecast 5715.2301 Rink 1 & 2 Refrigeration Plant -Construction 6500 Building Related Construction costs for replacement of existing compressors. Existing equipment was installed over various years, but is collectively nearing end of life. 7505 RF -Federal Gas Tax Total 5715.2301 Rink 1 & 2 Refrigeration Plant -Construction Total 5715 Don Beer Arena 54 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense 432,600 (432,600) (432,600) 432,600 (432,600) 432,600 5715 Don Beer Arena City of Pickering ·2024 Capital Forecast 5715.2401 Rink 3 Refrigeration Plant Upgrades (Phase 2) 6230 Prof/Consulting Fees 6500 Building Rel1=1ted Design and construction costs for required lifecycle replacements to the Rink 3 refrigeration plant. The plant was originally installed in 2002, and major components are at end of life. Includes related upgrades for regulatory compliance. 7505 RF -Federal Gas Tax Total 5715.2401 Rink 3 Refrigeration Plant Upgrades (Phase 2) 5715.2402 Rink 1 Skate Tile Replacement 1711 Internal Loan -5 Year 6500 Building Related Lifecycle replacement of existing rubber flooring in and adjoining to Rink #1. The existing flooring was installed in 2009. Total 5715.2402 Rink 1 Skate Tile Replacement Total 5715 Don Beer Arena 55 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense 25,000 115,000 (140,000) (140,000) 140,000 (203,983) 203,983 (203,983) 203,983 (343,983) 343,983 5719 Community Centres 5719.2301 wee Restoration -Design 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6230 Prof/Consulting Fees wee Restoration -Design City of Pickering 2023 Capital Forecast Total 5719.2301 wee Restoration -Design 5719.2302 Pickering Heritage & Community Centre -FF&E 1711 Internal Loan -5 Year 6173 Furniture & Fixtures Furniture, fixtures and equipment for the new Pickering Heritage & Community Centre. Additional FF&E budget for this project also appears in 5800. Total 5719.2302 Pickering Heritage & Community Centre -FF&E 5719.2304 GWCC Remediation and Demolition -Design 6230 Prof/Consulting Fees Greenwood Community Centre demolition & remediation plan. Design and testing only. 7055 R -Facilities Total 5719.2304 GWCC Remediation and Demolition -Design Total 5719 Community Centres 56 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense (40,000) 40,000 (40,000) 40,000 (495,000) 495,000 (495,000) 495,000 120,000 (120,000) (120,000) 120,000 (655,000) 655,000 City of Pickering 2024 Capital Forecast 5719 Community Centres 5719.2401 TCC Flooring Replacement (Seniors & Library) 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6500 Building Related Lifecycle replacement of existing flooring in the branch library and seniors rooms. Includes temporary furniture and appliance relocation. Total 5719.2401 TCC Flooring Replacement (Seniors & Library) 5719.2402 GALCC Alarm System Upgrades 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6500 Building Related Lifecycle upgrades to existing fire and security alarm system hardware at the George Ashe Library and Community Centre. Total 5719.2402 GALCC Alarm System Upgrades 5719.2403 GALCC Parking Lot Resurfacing -Design 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6230 Prof/Consulting Fees Consulting budget for resurfacing of the existing parking lot at GALCC. Includes pre-construction testing & inspection. Total 5719.2403 GALCC Parking Lot Resurfacing -Design 5719.2404 TCC Stage Lighting Replacement 6500 Building Related Lifecycle replacement of existing stage lighting. Includes allowance to upgrade or replace supporting structure. 7505 RF -Federal Gas Tax Total 5719.2404 TCC Stage Lighting Replacement 5719.2405 GWCC Remediation and Demolition -Construction 6500 Building Related Greenwood Community Centre demolition & remediation. 7055 R -Facilities Total 5719.2405 GWCC Remediation and Demolition -Constructio 5719.2406 GALCC Convert Lighting to LED -Design 6500 Building Related Design to convert existing interior and exterior light fixtures to LED. Existing poles and bases will be retained. 7053 R -Sustainability Initiatives 57 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense (40,000) 40,000 (40,000) 40,000 (57,000) 57,000 (57,000) 57,000 (53,500) 53,500 (53,500) 53,500 50,000 (50,000) (50,000) 50,000 350,000 (350,000) (350,000) 350,000 21,500 (21,500) 5719 Community Centres City of Pickering 2024 Capital Forecast Total 5719.2406 GALCC Convert Lighting to LED -Design 5719.2407 GALCC East Wall Replacement Design 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6230 Prof/Consulting Fees Reconstruction of the east exterior wall at the George Ashe Library and Community Centre, including re-grading, walkway repairs, window replacements, roofing, roof screens, and drainage repairs required to address ongoing water infiltration. Design and testing only. Total 5719.2407 GALCC East Wall Replacement Design 5719.2409 wee Restoration -Construction 1711 Internal Loan -5 Year 6500 Building Related WCC Restoration -Construction Total 5719.2409 wee Restoration -Construction Total 5719 Community Centres 58 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense (21,500) 21,500 (57,000) 57,000 (57,000) 57,000 (170,000) 170,000 (170,000) 170,000 (799,000) 799,000 5719 Community Centres City of Pickering 2025 Capital Forecast 5719.2501 GALCC Kitchen Exhaust & Hood Replacement 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6500 Building Related Lifecycle replacement of existing kitchen hood exhaust fan originally installed in 2000. Total 5719.2501 GALCC Kitchen Exhaust & Hood Replacement 5719.2502 Northern Facilities -Potable Water Systems Replacemer 6500 Building Related Lifecycle replacement of drinking water treatment systems at northern community centres. 7505 RF -Federal Gas Tax Total 5719.2502 Northern Facilities -Potable Water Systems Repla 5719.2503 TCC Kitchen Retrofit 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6500 Building Related Lifecycle replacement of existing kitchen counters, flooring and appliances, including upgrades to exhaust systems. Originally installed in 1997. Total 5719.2503 TCC Kitchen Retrofit 5719.2504 GALCC Parking Lot Resurfacing -Construction 1711 Internal Loan -5 Year 6500 Building Related Lifecycle replacement of top coat asphalt, including curb repairs, line painting, sidewalk and ramp repairs. Total 5719.2504 GALCC Parking Lot Resurfacing -Construction 5719.2505 GALCC Convert Lighting to LED -Construction 6500 Building Related Convert existing interior and exterior light fixtures to LED. Existing poles and bases will be retained. 7505 RF -Federal Gas Tax Total 5719.2505 GALCC Convert Lighting to LED -Construction 5719.2506 GALCC East Wall Replacement -Construction 1702 Debt-10 Year 6500 Building Related 59 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense (20,000) 20,000 (20,000) 20,000 40,000 (40,000) (40,000) 40,000 (73,500) 73,500 (73,500) 73,500 (575,000) 575,000 (575,000) 575,000 194,000 (194,000) (194,000) 194,000 (395,000) 395,000 5719 Community Centres City of Pickering 2025 Capital Forecast Reconstruction of the east exterior wall at the George Ashe Library and Community Centre, including re-grading, walkway repairs, window replacements, roofing, roof screens, and drainage repairs required to address ongoing water infiltration. Total 5719.2q06 GALCC East Wall Replacement -Construction Total 5719 Community Centres 60 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense (395,000) 395,000 (1,297,500) 1,297,500 City of Pickering 2026 Capital Forecast 5719 Community Centres 5719.2601 GALCC Interior Retrofit -Design 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6500 Building Related GALCC Interior Retrofit -Design Total 5719.2601 GALCC Interior Retrofit -Design 5719.2602 TCC Windows Investigation & Design 6500 Building Related TCC Windows Investigation & Design 7505 RF -Federal Gas Tax Total 5719.2602 TCC Windows Investigation & Design 5719.2603 WSCC Air Conditioners Replacement 6500 Building Related WSCC Air Conditioners Replacement 7505 RF -Federal Gas Tax Total 5719.2603 WSCC Air Conditioners Replacement Total 5719 Community Centres 61 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense (50,000) 50,000 (50,000) 50,000 30,000 (30,000) (30,000) 30,000 15,000 (15,000) (15,000) 15,000 (95,000) 95,000 City of Pickering 2024 Capital Forecast 5720 Seaton Community Centre 5720.2401 Seaton Community Centre -Design 1742 DC Debt -20 Year (Parks & Rec) 6430 Prof/Consult Fees -Seaton Seaton Community Centre -Design 7713 RF -Seaton Land Grp FIA Total 5720.2401 Seaton Community Centre -Design Total 5720 Seaton Community Centre 62 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense (12,606,750) 12,930,000 (323,250) (12,930,000) 12,930,000 (12,930,000) 12,930,000 City of Pickering 2025 Capital Forecast 5720 Seaton Community Centre 5720.2501 Seaton Community Centre -FF&E 1712 Internal Loan-10 Year 6400 Building Related -Seaton Furniture and fixtures for the new Seaton Community Centre. Total 5720.2501 Seaton Community Centre -FF&E Total 5720 Seaton Community Centre 63 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense (1,033,000) 1,033,000 (1,033,000) 1,033,000 (1,033,000) 1,033,000 City of Pickering 2026 Capital Forecast 5720 Seaton Community Centre 5720.2601 Seaton Community Centre -Construction 1742 DC Debt-20 Year (Parks & Rec) 6400 Building Related -Seaton Seaton Community Centre -Construction 6483 Accessibility -Seaton Project will include accessibility upgrades 7060 R -Seaton Land Grp FIA Total 5720.2601 Seaton Community Centre -Construction Total 5720 Seaton Community Centre 64 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense (71,699,725) 72,430,000 1,000,000 (1,730,275) (73,430,000) 73,430,000 (73,430,000) 73,430,000 City of Pickering 2023 Capital Forecast 5731 Rec.Complex-Core 5731.2301 Banquet Hall Digital Display Monitors 1711 Internal Loan -5 Year 6500 Building Related New digital display monitors and controls to replace existing projectors and screens in both halves of the banquet hall. Total 5731.2301 Banquet Hall Digital Display Monitors 5731.2302 Elevator Retrofit 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6183 Accessibility 6500 Building Related Upgrade finishes and accessibility features in the existing lobby elevator to comply with current standards. Total 5731.2302 Elevator Retrofit 5731.2303 Tennis Court Flooring Replacement -Construction 1610 Federal Grants 6500 Building Related Lifecycle replacement of the existing indoor tennis court flooring. Includes replacement of the existing asphalt flooring with a new concrete slab base. The building was constructed in 1990. Subject to receiving senior government funding. Total 5731.2303 Tennis Court Flooring Replacement -Constructio 5731.2304 Tennis Court Structural Coating 1610 Federal Grants 6500 Building Related Repairs and application of protective coatings to existing structural steel in the indoor tennis courts to extend the life of the existing structure. The building was constructed in 1990. Subject to receiving senior government funding. Total 5731.2304 Tennis Court Structural Coating 5731.2305 RF-15 Replacement 6500 Building Related Lifecycle replacement of RF-15 serving fitness/atrium areas, including controls. This equipment was originally installed in 1983. 7505 RF -Federal Gas Tax Total 5731.2305 RF-15 Replacement 65 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense (220,000) 220,000 (220,000) 220,000 (100,000) 30,000 70,000 (100,000) 100,000 (1,905,000) 1,905,000 (1,905,000) 1,905,000 (108,000) 108,000 (108,000) 108,000 45,000 (45,000) (45,000) 45,000 5731 Rec.Complex-Core City of Pickering 2023 Capital Forecast 5731.2306 Paint Tennis Court Walls & Ceiling 1610 Federal Grants 6500 Building Related Lifecycle replacement of existing indoor wall coatings in the tennis courts. Painting on the ceiling will be limited to selective structural elements, not the entire ceiling. Subject to receiving senior government funding. Total 5731.2306 Paint Tennis Court Walls & Ceiling 5731.2308 BAS & Control Systems Upgrade -Construction 1701 Debt-5 Year 6500 Building Related Lifecycle upgrade to the CHDRC's existing building automation system (BAS). The existing system has been expanded gradually over the last 20 years and is nearing the end of viability of its software and hardware components and requires a general overhaul and upgrade. The existing building automation system (BAS) needs to have planned upgrades every 10 years to keep up with technology. This systems serves as a hub for automation controls for all city facilities. Total 5731.2308 BAS & Control Systems Upgrade -Construction Total 5731 Rec.Complex-Core 66 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense (232,000) 232,000 (232,000) 232,000 (372,000) 372,000 (372,000) 372,000 (2,982,000) 2,982,000 5731 Rec.Complex-Core City of Pickering 2024 Capital Forecast 5731.2401 Convert Exterior and Parking Lot Lighting to LED 6500 Building Related Convert existing parking lot light fixtures and wall-mounted exterior light fixtures to LED. Existing poles and bases will be retained. 7505 RF -Federal Gas Tax Total 5731.2401 Convert Exterior and Parking Lot Lighting to LED 5731.2402 Loading Dock Retrofit 6500 Building Related Lifecycle replacement of the CHDRC loading dock to provide an adjustable dock, new bumpers and safety rails, replace doors and related equipment. 7034 R -R/Cmplex Core Surcharge Total 5731.2402 Loading Dock Retrofit 5731.2403 Parking Lot Resurfacing -Design 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6230 Prof/Consulting Fees Design for lifecycle replacement of top asphalt, and selective curb and catch basin repairs for the north public parking lot and south staff lot. Excludes the main entrance turning circle. Total 5731.2403 Parking Lot Resurfacing -Design 5731.2404 Chiller & Cooling Tower Replacement -Design 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6230 Prof/Consulting Fees Chiller & Cooling Tower Replacement -Design Total 5731.2404 Chiller & Cooling Tower Replacement -Design 5731.2406 Roof & Skylight Replacement (D & D1) -Design 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6500 Building Related Lifecycle replacement of roofs D & D1 (core area over space frame). Design and testing only. Total 5731.2406 Roof & Skylight Replacement (D & D1) -Design Total 5731 Rec.Complex-Core 67 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense 95,000 (95,000) (95,000) 95,000 93,000 (93,000) (93,000) 93,000 (52,000) 52,000 (52,000) 52,000 (50,000) 50,000 (50,000) 50,000 (50,000) 50,000 (50,000) 50,000 (340,000) 340,000 City of Pickering 2025 Capital Forecast 5731 Rec.Complex-Core 5731.2501 Roof Replacement (J & 13) -Design 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6500 Building Related Lifecycle replacement of roof J (squash courts) and 13 (loading dock and exit corridor). Design and testing only. Total 5731.2501 Roof Replacement (J & 13) -Design 5731.2502 Roof & Skylight Replacement (D, D1 & 14) -Construction 6500 Building Related Construction costs for lifecycle replacement of roofs D & D1 (core area over space frame). 7505 RF -Federal Gas Tax Total 5731.2502 Roof & Skylight Replacement (D, 01 & 14) -Constr 5731.2503 Staff Room Renovation 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6500 Building Related Lifecycle replacement of existing millwork and fixtures in the staff lunch, locker rooms and adjoining washroom. Includes design costs. Total 5731.2503 Staff Room Renovation 5731.2504 Curtain Wall & Window Replacement -Design 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6230 Prof/Consulting Fees Lifecycle replacement of original 1983 aluminum windows at tenant suites on south side of core area and main entrance curtain wall. Design and testing only. Total 5731.2504 Curtain Wall & Window Replacement -Design 5731.2505 Parking Lot Resurfacing -Construction 1702 Debt -10 Year 6500 Building Related Lifecycle replacement of top asphalt, and selective curb and catch basin repairs for the north public parking lot and south staff lot. Excludes the main entrance turning circle. Total 5731.2505 Parking Lot Resurfacing -Construction 5731.2506 Chiller & Cooling Tower Replacement -Construction 1701 Debt -5 Year 6500 Building Related 68 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense (50,000) 50,000 (50,000) 50,000 1,915,000 (1,915,000) (1,915,000) 1,915,000 (90,000) 90,000 (90,000) 90,000 (53,000) 53,000 (53,000) 53,000 (2,110,000) 2,110,000 (2,110,000) 2,110,000 (410,000) 410,000 5731 Rec.Complex-Core City of Pickering 2025 Capital Forecast Chiller & Cooling Tower Replacement -Construction Total 5731.2506 Chiller & Cooling Tower Replacement -Construct 5731.2507 Health Club Equipment Replacement 6178 Machinery & Equipment Fitness Equipment Replacement: Strength Machines (3), Cardio Machines (1) 7034 R -R/Cmplex Core Surcharge Total 5731.2507 Health Club Equipment Replacement Total 5731 Rec.Complex-Core 69 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense (410,000) 410,000 45,000 (45,000) (45,000) 45,000 (4,673,000) 4,673,000 City of Pickering 2026 Capital Forecast 5731 Rec.Complex-Core 5731.2601 Curtain Wall & Window Replacement -Construction 6500 Building Related Lifecycle replacement of original aluminum windows at tenant suites on south side of core area and main entrance curtain wall. Design only. 7505 RF -Federal Gas Tax Total 5731.2601 Curtain Wall & Window Replacement -Constructi1 5731.2602 Roof Replacement (J & 13) -Construction 1702 Debt-10 Year 6500 Building Related Roof Replacement (J & 13) -Construction Total 5731.2602 Roof Replacement (J & 13) -Construction 5731.2603 Carpet & Flooring Replacement 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6500 Building Related Carpet & Flooring Replacement Total 5731.2603 Carpet & Flooring Replacement 5731.2604 Health Club Equipment Replacement 6178 Machinery & Equipment Fitness Equipment Replacement: Strength Machines (2), Cardio Machines (6) 7034 R -R/Cmplex Core Surcharge Total 5731.2604 Health Club Equipment Replacement Total 5731 Rec.Complex-Core 70 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense 1,210,000 (1,210,000) (1,210,000) 1,210,000 (400,000) 400,000 (400,000) 400,000 (95,000) 95,000 (95,000) 95,000 45,000 (45,000) (45,000) 45,000 (1,750,000) 1,750,000 5733 Rec. Complex-Pool City of Pickering 2025 Capital Forecast 5733.2501 CHDRC Pool Renovations -Design 1711 Internal Loan -5 Year 6230 Prof/Consulting Fees Renovations to the tot and main pools, lifeguard station and change rooms, and related systems. Design only. Total 5733.2501 CHDRC Pool Renovations -Design 5733.2502 Family Change Room RTU Replacement 6500 Building Related Lifecycle replacement of existing roof top unit serving family change rooms. The unit was installed in 2002. 7505 RF -Federal Gas Tax Total 5733.2502 Family Change Room RTU Replacement Total 5733 Rec. Complex-Pool 71 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense (360,000) 360,000 (360,000) 360,000 70,000 (70,000) (70,000) 70,000 (430,000) 430,000 5733 Rec. Complex-Pool City of Pickering 2026 Capital Forecast 5733.2601 CHDRC Pool Renovations -Construction 1704 Debt -20 year 6183 Accessibility Project will include accessibility upgrades 6500 Building Related Renovations to the tot and main pools, lifeguard station and change rooms, and related systems. Total 5733.2601 CHDRC Pool Renovations -Construction Total 5733 Rec. Complex-Pool 72 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense (2,160,000) 150,000 2,010,000 (2,160,000) 2,160,000 (2,160,000) 2,160,000 5735 Rec.Complex-Arenas City of Pickering 2023 Capital Forecast 5735.2301 O'Brien Arena Skate Tile Replacement 1712 Internal Loan-10 Year 6500 Building Related Lifecycle replacement of existing athletic flooring in arena, originally installed in 1992. Total 5735.2301 O'Brien Arena Skate Tile Replacement Total 5735 Rec.Complex-Arenas 73 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense (195,000) 195,000 (195,000) 195,000 (195,000) 195,000 5735 Rec.Complex-Arenas City of Pickering 2024 Capital Forecast 5735.2401 O'Brien Arena Renovation -Design 1701 Debt-5 Year 6230 Prof/Consulting Fees Design and investigation costs for major renovation of the interior spaces in O'Brien Arena, including: structural repairs, building envelope, interior finishes, rink slab and dashboard, structural coating, parking lot asphalt and lighting, exterior patios, and other related systems. Total 5735.2401 O'Brien Arena Renovation -Design 5735.2402 Delaney Arena Mechanical Replacements -Design 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6230 Prof/Consulting Fees Delaney Arena Mechanical Replacements -Design Total 5735.2402 Delaney Arena Mechanical Replacements -Desigr Total 5735 Rec.Complex-Arenas 74 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense (530,000) 530,000 (530,000) 530,000 (30,000) 30,000 (30,000) 30,000 (560,000) 560,000 5735 Rec.Complex-Arenas City of Pickering 2025 Capital Forecast 5735.2501 Delaney Arena Mechanical Replacements 1711 Internal Loan -5 Year 6500 Building Related Lifecycle replacement of existing mechanical equipment in Delaney arena, including pumps, heat exchangers, compressors and related equipment. Total 5735.2501 Delaney Arena Mechanical Replacements 5735.2503 O'Brien Arena Renovation -Construction 1704 Debt -20 year 6183 Accessibility Project will include accessibility upgrades 6500 Building Related Construction costs for major renovation of the interior spaces in O'Brien Arena, including: structural repairs, building envelope, interior finishes, rink slab and dashboard, structural coating, parking lot asphalt and lighting, exterior patios, and other related systems. Total 5735.2503 O'Brien Arena Renovation -Construction Total 5735 Rec.Complex-Arenas 75 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense (110,000) 110,000 (110,000) 110,000 (3,662,000) 200,000 3,462,000 (3,662,000) 3,662,000 (3,772,000) 3,772,000 5735 Rec.Complex-Arenas City of Pickering 2026 Capital Forecast 5735.2601 Delaney Arena Skate Tile Replacement 6500 Building Related Ufecycle replacement of existing skate tile flooring in Delaney Arena. 7036 R -R/Cmplx Arena Surcharge Total 5735.2601 Delaney Arena Skate Tile Replacement 5735.2602 Delaney Arena Roof Replacement -Design 6230 Prof/Consulting Fees Delaney Arena Roof Replacement -Design 7036 R -R/Cmplx Arena Surcharge Total 5735.2602 Delaney Arena Roof Replacement -Design Total 5735 Rec.Complex-Arenas 76 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense 47,000 (47,000) (47,000) 47,000 50,000 (50,000) (50,000) 50,000 (97,000) 97,000 5744 Museum City of Pickering 2023 Capital Forecast 5744.2301 Brougham Temperance House Restoration -Constructic 1711 Internal Loan -5 Year 6149 Restoration -Museum Bldg Structural, ramp and porch repairs, roofing and cladding replacement, interior framing and finish work at the Brougham Temperance House (built ~1835), including restoration of existing wood frame window and doors. 6183 Accessibility Project will include ramp replacement Total 5744.2301 Brougham Temperance House Restoration -Cons 5744.2302 Collins House Restoration -Design 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6230 Prof/Consulting Fees Building investigations and designs for structural and architectural repairs required to maintain a heritage asset. Total 5744.2302 Collins House Restoration -Design 5744.2306 Log Barn & House Restoration -Construction 1711 Internal Loan -5 Year 6149 Restoration -Museum Bldg Structural repairs, waterproofing, roofing replacement and interior framing and finish work. Design and testing only. Total 5744.2306 Log Barn & House Restoration -Construction Total 5744 Museum 77 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense (350,000) 330,000 20,000 (350,000) 350,000 (27,000) 27,000 (27,000) 27,000 (134,000) 134,000 (134,000) 134,000 (511,000) 511,000 5744 Museum City of Pickering 2024 Capital Forecast 5744.2401 General Store Restoration -Design 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6230 Prof/Consulting Fees Roofing, cladding, porch and ramp repairs and interior finish replacement. Design and testing only. Total 5744.2401 General Store Restoration -Design 5744.2403 Harvey House Restoration -Interior fit Out 1592 Donations PMV Foundation 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6149 Restoration -Museum Bldg Construction costs for interior renovation and fit-out of the Harvey House, including restoration and finishing costs associated with preparing the building for programming, historic interpretation and exhibits. Total 5744.2403 Harvey House Restoration -Interior fit Out 5744.2404 Collins House Restoration -Construction 1711 Internal Loan -5 Year 6149 Restoration -Museum Bldg Selective cladding, roofing and trim replacement and repairs to structural framing in the Collins House (built ~1830). Includes repainting, improved pest-proofing, provision of barrier-free ramp and provision of foundation and functioning chimney for stove. Existing materials to be conserved, wherever possible. Total 5744.2404 Collins House Restoration -Construction 5744.2405 Miller Cole House Restoration -Design 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6230 Prof/Consulting Fees Full cladding, trim and roof replacement, repairs to structural framing, and interior restoration for the Miller Cole House (built ~1840). Includes painting. Existing materials to be conserved, wherever possible. Design only. Total 5744.2405 Miller Cole House Restoration -Design 5744.2406 Harvey House Restoration -Construction 1711 Internal Loan -5 Year 6149 Restoration -Museum Bldg 78 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense (17,000) 17,000 (17,000) 17,000 (200,000) (50,000) 250,000 (250,000) 250,000 (154,000) 154,000 (154,000) 154,000 (57,000) 57,000 (57,000) 57,000 (258,000) 218,000 5744 Museum City of Pickering 2024 Capital Forecast Construction costs for the relocation and partial restoration of the Harvey House, including exterior and interior services. This budget excludes interior renovation and exhibit costs. 6183 Accessibility Project will include new ramp Total 5744.2406 Harvey House Restoration -Construction Total 5744 Museum 79 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense 40,000 (258,000) 258,000 (736,000) 736,000 5744 Museum City of Pickering 2025 Capital Forecast 5744.2501 Puterbaugh House Restoration 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6149 Restoration -Museum Bldg Restoration of various structural and architectural elements of the building required to maintain a heritage asset. Includes wood framing, window, roof, chimney, finishes and related repairs. Total 5744.2501 Puterbaugh House Restoration 5744.2502 Improve Access to Conservation Drive Shed Loft 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6500 Building Related Construct permanent stair to loft over Conservation Drive shed and improve interior and exterior lighting. Includes engineering and soils testing. Total 5744.2502 Improve Access to Conservation Drive Shed Loft 5744.2503 General Store Restoration -Construction 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6149 Restoration -Museum Bldg Roofing, cladding, porch and ramp repairs and interior finish replacement. 6183 Accessibility Project will include ramp upgrades Total 5744.2503 General Store Restoration -Construction 5744.2504 Miller Cole House Restoration -Construction 1712 Internal Loan-10 Year 6149 Restoration -Museum Bldg Full cladding, trim and roof replacement, repairs to structural framing, and interior restoration for the Miller Cole House (built -1840). Includes painting. Existing materials to be conserved, wherever possible. Total 5744.2504 Miller Cole House Restoration -Construction Total 5744 M1,1seum 80 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense (50,000) 50,000 (50,000) 50,000 (35,000) 35,000 (35,000) 35,000 (54,000) 44,000 10,000 (54,000) 54,000 (165,000) 165,000 (165,000) 165,000 (304,000) 304,000 5744 Museum City of Pickering 2026 Capital Forecast 5744.2601 Chapel & Drive Shed Restoration -Design 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6230 Prof/Consulting Fees Structural, roofing and cladding repairs, waterproofing and interior finish work. Design and testing only. Total 5744.2601 Chapel & Drive Shed Restoration -Design Total 5744 Museum 81 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense (57,750) 57,750 (57,750) 57,750 (57,750) 57,750 City of Pickering 2023 Capital Forecast 5311 Property Maintenance 5311.2301 Walkway Reconstruction: Foxwood -Beckworth 6183 Accessibility Reconstruct walkway between Foxwood Trail and Beckworth Square including new fence and concrete walkway 7505 RF -Federal Gas Tax Total 5311.2301 Walkway Reconstruction: Foxwood -Beckworth 5311.2302 Walkway Reconstruction: Graceland -St. Mary Park 6183 Accessibility Reconstruct walkway between Graceland Court and St. Mary Park including new fence and concrete walkway 7505 RF -Federal Gas Tax Total 5311.2302 Walkway Reconstruction: Graceland -St. Mary Pa 5311.2303 Walkway Reconstruction: Whites -Cognac 6183 Accessibility Reconstruct walkway between Whites Road and Cognac Crescent including new fence and concrete walkway 7505 RF -Federal Gas Tax Total 5311.2303 Walkway Reconstruction: Whites -Cognac 5311.2304 Property Line Fence Replacement 6181 Other Fixed Assets Replacement of property line fences along City road allowances at various locations 7057 R -Fence Total 5311.2304 Property Line Fence Replacement 5311.2305 Sidewalk Plow with Attachments • New 1726 DC Debt -5 Year (Other Services Related to Hwy) 6478 Miscellaneous Equipment -Seaton Sidewalk Plow with attachments for Seaton. Total 5311.2305 Sidewalk Plow with Attachments -New 5311.2306 Wide Area Mower -New 6478 Miscellaneous Equipment -Seaton Wide Area Mower for Seaton -New 7622 RF DC -Parks & Recreation Services Total 5311.2306 Wide Area Mower -New 5311.2307 Zero Turn Mower Replacement (4) 82 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense 125,000 (125,000) (125,000) 125,000 125,000 (125,000) (125,000) 125,000 125,000 (125,000) (125,000) 125,000 200,000 (200,000) (200,000) 200,000 (175,000) 175,000 (175,000) 175,000 140,000 (140,000) (140,000) 140,000 5311 Property Maintenance 6178 Machinery & Equipment City of Pickering 2023 Capital Forecast Conversion of Gas Powered Zero Turn Mowers to electric - replacement units #S512, #S513, #S514, and #S515 (2017). 7062 R -Major Equipment Total 5311.2307 Zero Turn Mower Replacement (4) 5311.2308 HWY 401 Brock Road On/Off Ramp Landscape 1711 Internal Loan -5 Year 6129 Parks -Landscape Refurbishment 401 Brock Road On/Off Ramp Landscape Reconstruction including Welcome to Pickering Sign. Total 5311.2308 HWY 401 Brock Road On/Off Ramp Landscape 5311.2309 Utility Boat and Trailer -New 6178 Machinery & Equipment Utility Boat and Trailer for Stormwater Pond Management 7710 RF -Stormwater Mgmt Total 5311.2309 Utility Boat and Trailer -New 5311.2313 Walkway Reconstruction: Rosebank -Lightfoot 6183 Accessibility Reconstruct walkway between Rosebank Road and Lightfoot Place including new fence and concrete walkway 7505 RF -Federal Gas Tax Total 5311.2313 Walkway Reconstruction: Rosebank -Lightfoot Total 5311 Property Maintenance 83 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense 120,000 (120,000) (120,000) 120,000 (180,000) 180,000 (180,000) 180,000 15,000 (15,000) (15,000) 15,000 125,000 (125,000) (125,000) 125,000 (1,330,000) 1,330,000 City of Pickering 2024 Capital Forecast 5311 Property Maintenance 5311.2401 Property Line Fence Replacement 6181 Other Fixed Assets Property Line Fencing. 7057 R -Fence Total 5311.2401 Property Line Fence Replacement 5311.2403 Two Sidewalk Tractor -Replacement (2) 6178 Machinery & Equipment Replacement of unit #714 & #718 (2015). 7062 R -Major Equipment Total 5311.2403 Two Sidewalk Tractor-Replacement (2) 5311.2404 Four Zero Turn Replacement (4) 6178 Machinery & Equipment Conversion of Gas Powered Zero Turn Mowers to Electric - Replacement units #S550, #S551, #S552, & #S553 (2018). 7062 R -Major Equipment Total 5311.2404 Four Zero Turn Replacement (4) 5311.2405 Walkway Reconstruction: Strouds -Sultana 6183 Accessibility Reconstruct walkway between Strouds Lane and Sultana Square including new fence and concrete walkway 7505 RF -Federal Gas Tax Total 5311.2405 Walkway Reconstruction: Strouds -Sultana 5311.2406 Walkway Reconstruction: Charnwood -Greenvale 6183 Accessibility Reconstruct walkway between Charnwood Court and Greenvale Crescent including new fence and concrete walkway 7505 RF -Federal Gas Tax Total 5311.2406 Walkway Reconstruction: Charnwood -Greenval1 Total 5311 Property Maintenance 84 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense 200,000 (200,000) (200,000) 200,000 350,000 (350,000) (350,000) 350,000 120,000 (120,000) (120,000) 120,000 125,000 (125,000) (125,000) 125,000 125,000 (125,000) (125,000) 125,000 (920,000) 920,000 City of Pickering 2025 Capital Forecast 5311 Property Maintenance 5311.2501 Four Zero Turn Replacement (4) 6178 Machinery & Equipment Conversion of Gas Powered Zero Turn Mowers to Electric - Replacement units #570, #571, #572 & #573 (2018). 7062 R -Major Equipment Total 5311.2501 Four Zero Turn Replacement (4) 5311.2502 Property Line Fence Replacement 6181 Other Fixed Assets Property Line Fencing Replacement 7057 R -Fence Total 5311.2502 Property Line Fence Replacement 5311.2503 Wide Area Mower -Replacement 6178 Machinery & Equipment Wide Area Mower replace unit #788. 7062 R -Major Equipment · Total 5311.2503 Wide Area Mower -Replacement 5311.2506 Walkway Reconstruction: Cattail -Dunbarton H.S. 6183 Accessibility Reconstruct walkway between Cattail Court and Dunbarton High School including new fence and concrete walkway 7505 RF -Federal Gas Tax Total 5311.2506 Walkway Reconstruction: Cattail -Dunbarton H.S. 5311.2507 Walkway Reconstruction: Tanzer -Bayshore Tot Lot 6183 Accessibility Reconstruct walkway between Tanzer Court and Bayshore Tot Lot including new fence and concrete walkway 7505 RF -Federal Gas Tax Total 5311.2507 Walkway Reconstruction: Tanzer -Bayshore Tot L Total 5311 Property Maintenance 85 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense 120,000 (120,000) (120,000) 120,000 200,000 (200,000) (200,000) 200,000 140,000 (140,000) (140,000) 140,000 125,000 (125,000) (125,000) 125,000 150,000 (150,000) (150,000) 150,000 (735,000) 735,000 5311 Property Maintenance City of Pickering 2026 Capital Forecast 5311.2601 Sidewalk Plow with Attachments -New 1726 DC Debt -5 Year (Other Services Related to Hwy) 6478 Miscellaneous Equipment -Seaton Sidewalk Plow with attachments for Seaton. Total 5311.2601 Sidewalk Plow with Attachments -New 5311.2602 Sidewalk Sweeper with Attachments -New 1726 DC Debt -5 Year (Other Services Related to Hwy) 6178 Machinery & Equipment Sidewalk Sweeper with Attachments for City Centre. Total 5311.2602 Sidewalk Sweeper with Attachments -New 5311.2603 Litter Vacuum -New 6178 Machinery & Equipment Litter Vacuum with Attachments for City Centre. 7062 R -Major Equipment Total 5311.2603 Litter Vacuum -New 5311.2604 Property Line Fence Replacement 6181 Other Fixed Assets Property Line Fencing. 7057 R -Fence Total 5311.2604 Property Line Fence Replacement Total 5311 Property Maintenance 86 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense (175,000) 175,000 (175,000) 175,000 (175,000) 175,000 (175,000) 175,000 50,000 (50,000) (50,000) 50,000 200,000 (200,000) (200,000) 200,000 (600,000) 600,000 5319 Roads Equipment City of Pickering 2023 Capital Forecast 5319.2301 Road Grader with Automatic Grade Control -ReplacemE 6178 Machinery & Equipment Road Grader -replace unit #110 (2013) 7062 R -Major Equipment Total 5319.2301 Road Grader with Automatic Grade Control -Rep 5319.2304 Hydroscopic Excavator with Attachments -Replacemen1 6178 Machinery & Equipment Hydroscopic Excavator with Attachments -replace unit #114 (2005). 7062 R -Major Equipment Total 5319.2304 Hydroscopic Excavator with Attachments -Replac Total 5319 Roads Equipment 87 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense 550,000 (550,000) (550,000) 550,000 550,000 (550,000) (550,000) 550,000 (1,100,000) 1,100,000 5319 Roads Equipment 5319.2401 Asphalt Heater -Replacement 6178 Machinery & Equipment Replace unit #144 (2016) 7062 R -Major Equipment City of Pickering 2024 Capital Forecast Total 5319.2401 Asphalt Heater -Replacement 5319.2402 Asphalt Heater -New 6178 Machinery & Equipment Asphalt Heater -New. Truck mounted unit. 7062 R -Major Equipment Total 5319.2402 Asphalt Heater -New 5319.2403 Walk-behind Concrete Planer -Replacement (2) 6178 Machinery & Equipment Walk-behind Concrete Planer (2) (replace unit #S603 and #S604) 7062 R -Major Equipment Total 5319.2403 Walk-behind Concrete Planer -Replacement (2) 5319.2404 Concrete Dust Extractor -Replacement (2) 6178 Machinery & Equipment Concrete Dust Extractor (2) (replace unit #064 and #065) 7062 R -Major Equipment Total 5319.2404 Concrete Dust Extractor -Replacement (2) Total 5319 Roads Equipment 88 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense 50,000 (50,000) (50,000) 50,000 50,000 (50,000) (50,000) 50,000 25,000 (25,000) (25,000) 25,000 10,000 (10,000) (10,000) 10,000 (135,000) 135,000 City of Pickering 2025 Capital For~cast 5319 Roads Equipment 5319.2502 Hydroscopic Excavator -Replacement 6178 Machinery & Equipment Hydroscopic Excavator -Replace unit #117 (2012) 7062 R -Major Equipment Total 5319.2502 Hydroscopic Excavator -Replacement 5319.2503 Street Sweeper -Replacement 6178 Machinery & Equipment Street Sweeper -replace unit #150 (2015) 7062 R -Major Equipment Total 5319.2503 Street Sweeper -Replacement Total 5319 Roads Equipment 89 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense 600,000 (600,000) (600,000) 600,000 350,000 (350,000) (350,000) 350,000 (950,000) 950,000 5319 Roads Equipment City of Pickering 2026 Capital Forecast 5319.2601 Front End Loader with Attachments -Replacement 6178 Machinery & Equipment Front End Loader with Attachments -Replace Unit #118 (2018). 7062 R -Major Equipment Total 5319.2601 Front End Loader with Attachments -Replacemer 5319.2602 Street Sweeper -Replacement 6178 Machinery & Equipment Street Sweeper -Replace Unit #151 (2015). 7062 R -Major Equipment Total 5319.2602 Street Sweeper -Replacement Total 5319 Roads Equipment 90 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense 250,000 (250,000) (250,000) 250,000 350,000 (350,000) (350,000) 350,000 (600,000) 600,000 5315 Operations Centre City of Pickering 2023 Capital Forecast 5315.2301 Operations Centre Northern Satellite Facility -Construe! 1729 DC Debt -20 Year (Other Services Related to Hwy) 6500 Building Related Operations Centre Northern Satellite Facility-Construction Total 5315.2301 Operations Centre Northern Satellite Facility-Co 5315.2302 EV Charging Stations 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6178 Machinery & Equipment EV Charging Stations Total 5315.2302 EV Charging Stations Total 5315 Operations Centre 91 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense (4,500,000) 4,500,000 (4,500,000) 4,500,000 (60,000) 60,000 (60,000) 60,000 {4,560,000) 4,560,000 5315 Operations Centre City of Pickering 2024 Capital Forecast 5315.2401 Ops. Ctre. Northern Satellite Facility -FF&E 6173 Furniture & Fixtures Furniture, fixtures and equipment for the new northern satellite facility. 7708 RF -Operations Centre Total 5315.2401 Ops. Ctre. Northern Satellite Facility-FF&E Total 5315 Operations Centre 92 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense 300,000 (300,000) (300,000) 300,000 (300,000) 300,000 5315 Operations Centre 5315.2501 EV Charging Stations 6178 Machinery & Equipment EV Charging Stations 7053 R -Sustainability Initiatives Total 5315.2501 EV Charging Stations Total 5315 Operations Centre City of Pickering 2025 Capital Forecast 93 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense 65,000 (65,000) (65,000) 65,000 (65,000) 65,000 5315 Operations Centre City of Pickering 2026 Capital Forecast 5315.2601 Carbon Monoxide System Replacement 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6500 Building Related Carbon Monoxide System Replacement Total 5315.2601 Carbon Monoxide System Replacement Total 5315 Operations Centre 94 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 . Funding Expense (40,000) 40,000 (40,000) 40,000 (40,000) 40,000 City of Pickering 2023 Capital Forecast 5780 Parks 5780.2301 Dunmoore Park Pathway Construction 6183 Accessibility Construction of asphalt path from Dunmoore parking lot to Engel Court and Atwood Crs. Will include removing stairs at Engel Court for accessibility 7505 RF -Federal Gas Tax Total 5780.2301 Dunmoore Park Pathway Construction 5780.2302 J. McPherson Park -Accessible Pathway Construction 6183 Accessibility New Accessibility Pathway at J. McPherson Park. From Parking lot to Baseball diamond and to the walkway at Pebble Court. 7502 RF -Parkland Total 5780.2302 J. McPherson Park -Accessible Pathway Constru 5780.2303 Neighbourhood Park -Seaton P-1 ~2 6429 Parks -Landscape Refurb -Seaton Neighbourhood Park (Seaton) P-122 (97.5/2.5) 7622 RF DC -Parks & Recreation Services 7713 RF -Seaton Land Grp FIA Total 5780.2303 Neighbourhood Park -Seaton P-122 5780.2304 Tractor Replacement 6178 Machinery & Equipment Tractor -replace unit #124 (2009). 7062 R -Major Equipment Total 5780.2304 Tractor Replacement 5780.2306 Enclosed Trailer Replacement 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6178 Machinery & Equipment Enclosed Trailer -replace unit #781 (2018) Total 5780.2306 Enclosed Trailer Replacement 5780.2310 Neighbourhood Park -Seaton P-120 6483 Accessibility -Seaton Neighbourhood Park (Seaton) P-120 (97 .5/2.5) 7622 RF DC -Parks & Recreation Services 7713 RF -Seaton Land Grp FIA Total 5780.2310 Neighbourhood Park -Seaton P-120 95 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense 200,000 (200,000) (200,000) 200,000 300,000 (300,000) (300,000) 300,000 590,000 (575,250) (14,750) (590,000) 590,000 110,000 (110,000) (110,000) 110,000 (20,000) 20,000 (20,000) 20,000 500,000 (487,500) (12,500) (500,000) 500,000 City of Pickering 2023 Capital Forecast 5780 Parks 5780.2311 Mapleridge Park Master Plan -Construction 6129 Parks -Landscape Refurbishment Mapleridge Park Master. Plan -Construction -remove baseball diamond and replace with mini soccer field and new Tennis Courts. New soccer nets, relocate path to avoid flood plain, upgrade all other pathways, replace walkway lighting and wiring, remove concrete foundation. Project scope also includes reconstruction of Maple Ridge Tennis Courts. 7502 RF -Parkland Total 5780.2311 Mapleridge Park Master Plan -Construction 5780.2312 Beachfront Park Master Plan -Phase 1 Construction 1703 Debt-15 Year 6129 Parks -Landscape Refurbishment Beachfront Park Master Plan -Phase 1 Construction -New Boardwalk (waterfront trail) and associated amenities from Millennium Square to Alex Robertson Park Total 5780.2312 Beachfront Park Master Plan -Phase 1 Constructi 5780.2313 Enclosed Trailer Seaton -New 6478 Miscellaneous Equipment -Seaton Enclosed Trailer Seaton -New 7040 R -Vehicle Replacement Total 5780.2313 Enclosed Trailer Seaton -New 5780.2314 BRK Park Soccer Artificial Turf Replacement -QUESTIO 1702 Debt-10 Year 6129 Parks -Landscape Refurbishment QUESTIONABLE -Replacement of artificial turf surface at Bay Ridges Kinsmen Park Soccer Field. Total 5780.2314 BRK Park Soccer Artificial Turf Replacement -QU 5780.2315 Martin's Tot Lot -Playground Replacement of Tot Unit 6129 Parks -Landscape Refurbishment Replacement of tot aged playground only in Martin's Tot Lot. 7502 RF -Parkland Total 5780.2315 Martin's Tot Lot -Playground Replacement of Tot 5780.2318 Beachlawn Park -Multi-use Court 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6129 Parks -Landscape Refurbishment 96 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense 400,000 (400,000) (400,000) 400,000 (4,500,000) 4,500,000 (4,500,000) 4,500,000 20,000 (20,000) (20,000) 20,000 (700,000) 700,000 (700,000) 700,000 80,000 (80,000) (80,000) 80,000 (75,000) 75,000 City of Pickering 2023 Capital Forecast 5780 Parks Beachlawn Park -single basketball court Total 5780.2318 Beachlawn Park -Multi-use Court 5780.2320 DPW Park -Resurface & Line Paint Basketball Court 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6129 Parks -Landscape Refurbishment Diana Princess of Wales Park -Resurface and line paint basketball court at Valleyview Park + new post and net. Total 5780.2320 DPW Park -Resurface & Line Paint Basketball Co 5780.2324 Neighbourhood Park -Seaton P-124 6429 Parks -Landscape Refurb -Seaton Neighbourhood Park -Seaton P-124 (97.5/2.5) 7622 RF DC -Parks & Recreation Services 7713 RF -Seaton Land Grp FIA Total 5780.2324 Neighbourhood Park -Seaton P-124 5780.2325 Village Green -Seaton P-125 6429 Parks -Landscape Refurb -Seaton Village Green Seaton P-125 (97.5/2.5) 7622 RF DC -Parks & Recreation Services 7713 RF -Seaton Land Grp FIA Total 5780.2325 Village Green -Seaton P-125 5780.2326 Amberlea Park Hard Ball Diamond -Outfield Fence 6129 Parks -Landscape Refurbishment Amberlea Hard Ball Diamond-Outfield Fence Replacement ( 6 Foot Fence, O-pipe Cap and Earthworks). 7502 RF -Parkland Total 5780.2326 Amberlea Park Hard Ball Diamond -Outfield Fenc 5780.2327 Pathway Construction (Accessibility to Parks) 6183 Accessibility Accessibility Pathways to Parks -Alex Robertson Park subject to OPG approval 7505 RF -Federal Gas Tax Total 5780.2327 Pathway Construction (Accessibility to Parks) 5780.2329 Kinsmen Park -Artificial Soccer Field Lighting 6129 Parks -Landscape Refurbishment Kinsmen Artificial Soccer Field Lighting Replacement (L.E.D). 97 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense (75,000) 75,000 (25,000) 25,000 (25,000) 25,000 540,000 (526,500) (13,500) (540,000) 540,000 240,000 (234,000) (6,000) (240,000) 240,000 150,000 (150,000) (150,000) 150,000 300,000 (300,000) (300,000) 300,000 655,000 5780 Parks 7505 RF -Federal Gas Tax City of Pickering 2023 Capital Forecast Total 5780.2329 Kinsmen Park -Artificial Soccer Field Lighting 5780.2330 Glendale Tennis Courts Resurfacing 6129 Parks -Landscape Refurbishment Glendale Tennis Courts Resurfacing 7061 R -Tennis Court Total 5780.2330 Glendale Tennis Courts Resurfacing 5780.2331 Remote Controlled Flail Mower -New 6178 Machinery & Equipment Remote Controlled Flail Mower For Phragmites Control -New 7062 R -Major Equipment Total 5780.2331 Remote Controlled Flail Mower -New 5780.2332 Playground Replacement -Southcott Park 6129 Parks -Landscape Refurbishment Replacement of playground in Southcott Park with accessibility options added. 7502 RF -Parkland Total 5780.2332 Playground Replacement -Southcott Park Total 5780 Parks 98 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense (655,000) (655,000) 655,000 80,000 (80,000) (80,000) 80,000 150,000 (150,000) (150,000) 150,000 120,000 (120,000) (120,000) 120,000 (9,755,000) 9,755,000 City of Pickering 2024 Capital Forecast 5780 Parks 5780.2401 Community Park -Seaton P-115 Design 6429 Parks -Landscape Refurb -Seaton Community Parks (Seaton) P-115 (97.5/2.5) 7622 RF DC -Parks & Recreation Services 7713 RF -Seaton Land Grp FIA Total 5780.2401 Community Park -Seaton P-115 Design 5780.2402 Greenwood Park Master Plan -Design 6129 Parks -Landscape Refurbishment Develop a master plan for the redevelopment of Greenwood Park 7502 RF -Parkland Total 5780.2402 Greenwood Park Master Plan -Design 5780.2403 Beachfront Park Master Plan -Phase 2 Construction 1703 Debt -15 Year 6129 Parks -Landscape Refurbishment Beachfront Park Master Plan -Phase 2 Construction -Existing washroom renovations and/or new washroom facility and associated improvements to Millennium Square Total 5780.2403 Beachfront Park Master Plan -Phase 2 Constructi 5780.2404 Neighbourhood Park -Seaton P-134 6483 Accessibility -Seaton Neighbourhood Park (Seaton) P-134 located north of Whitevale Road , east of Sideline 24 7622 RF DC -Parks & Recreation Services 7713 RF -Seaton Land Grp FIA Total 5780.2404 Neighbourhood Park -Seaton P-134 5780.2406 Skate Board Park -(skate spot) (Location TBD) 6129 Parks -Landscape Refurbishment Skate Board Park -(skate spot) (Location TBD) (50/50) 7022 R -DC's City's Share 7622 RF DC -Parks & Recreation Services Total 5780.2406 Skate Board Park -(skate spot) (Location TBD) 5780.2408 Pathway Reconstruction Major Oaks Park 6183 Accessibility Pathway reconstruction within Major Oaks Park 7505 RF -Federal Gas Tax 99 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense 200,000 (195,000) (5,000) (200,000) 200,000 100,000 (100,000) (100,000) 100,000 (2,000,000) 2,000,000 (2,000,000) 2,000,000 700,000 (682,500) (17,500) (700,000) 700,000 200,000 (100,000) (100,000) (200,000) 200,000 150,000 (150,000) 5780 Parks City of Pickering 2024 Capital Forecast Total 5780.2408 Pathway Reconstruction Major Oaks Park 5780.2409 Solar Pathway Lighting Woodview Tot Lot -New 6129 Parks -Landscape Refurbishment New lighting for pathway through Woodview Tot Lot for Safety 7505 RF -Federal Gas Tax Total 5780.2409 Solar Pathway Lighting Woodview Tot Lot -New 5780.2410 RHM Park -Tennis Court Lighting Replacement 6129 Parks -Landscape Refurbishment Replacement of tennis court lighting to LED, wiring & poles at Rick Hull Memorial Park 7505 RF -Federal Gas Tax Total 5780.2410 RHM Park -Tennis Court Lighting Replacement 5780.2411 Pathway Reconstruction Locations TBD 6183 Accessibility Pathway reconstruction various locations TBD 7505 RF -Federal Gas Tax Total 5780.2411 Pathway Reconstruction Locations TBD 5780.2412 Playground Replacement -Chickadee Park 6129 Parks -Landscape Refurbishment Replacement of playground in Chickadee Park with accessibility options added. 7502 RF -Parkland Total 5780.2412 Playground Replacement -Chickadee Park 5780.2413 Whitevale Park -Playground Replacement 6129 Parks -Landscape Refurbishment Replacement of playground in Whitevale Park with accessibility options. 7502 RF -Parkland Total 5780.2413 Whitevale Park -Playground Replacement 5780.2414 St. Mary Park -Soccer Field Rehabilitation 6129 Parks -Landscape Refurbishment St Mary's East Soccer Field Rehabilitation. 7502 RF -Parkland Total 5780.2414 St. Mary Park -Soccer Field Rehabilitation 5780.2415 Water Trailer -Replacement 100 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense (150,000) 150,000 85,000 (85,000) (85,000) 85,000 125,000 (125,000) (125,000) 125,000 300,000 (300,000) (300,000) 300,000 110,000 (110,000) (110,000) 110,000 140,000 (140,000) (140,000) 140,000 225,000 (225,000) (225,000) 225,000 City of Pickering 2024 Capital Forecast 5780 Parks 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6178 Machinery & Equipment Replace unit #796 (2014). Total 5780.2415 Water Trailer -Replacement 5780.2416 Backhoe / Loader -Replacement 6178 Machinery & Equipment Replace unit#717 (2014). 7062 R -Major Equipment Total 5780.2416 Backhoe/ Loader -Replacement 5780.2417 Enclosed Trailer -Replacement 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6178 Machinery & Equipment Replace unit #759 (2019). Total 5780.2417 Enclosed Trailer -Replacement 5780.2418 Dunmoore Park -Parking Lot Reconstruction 6129 Parks -Landscape Refurbishment Pave & Curb Dunmoore Park Gravel Parking Lot. 7502 RF -Parkland Total 5780.2418 Dunmoore Park -Parking Lot Reconstruction 5780.2419 Primary Trail Network -Seaton T-2 6483 Accessibility -Seaton Primary Trail network Seaton T-2 (97.5/2.5) 7622 RF DC -Parks & Recreation Services 7713 RF -Seaton Land Grp FIA Total 5780.2419 Primary Trail Network -Seaton T-2 5780.2425 BM Park -Resurface & Line Paint Basketball Court 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6129 Parks -Landscape Refurbishment Resurface and line paint basketball court at Beverly Morgan Park. Total 5780.2425 BM Park -Resurface & Line Paint Basketball Cow 5780.2426 Playground Replacement -Diana, Princess of Wales Par 6129 Parks -Landscape Refurbishment Replacement of playground in Diana, Princess of Wales Park with accessibility options added. 101 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense (15,000) 15,000 (15,000) 15,000 150,000 (150,000) (150,000) 150,000 (25,000) 25,000 (25,000) 25,000 155,000 (155,000) (155,000) 155,000 360,000 (349,200) (10,800) (360,000) 360,000 (30,000) 30,000 (30,000) 30,000 150,000 5780 Parks 7502 RF -Parkland City of Pickering 2024 Capital Forecast Total 5780.2426 Playground Replacement -Diana, Princess of Wal Total 5780 Parks 102 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense (150,000) (150,000) 150,000 (5,220,000) 5,220,000 City of Pickering 2025 Capital Forecast 5780 Parks 5780.2501 Water Trailer -Replacement 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6178 Machinery & Equipment Water Trailer (replace unit #701) (2015). Total 5780.2501 Water Trailer -Replacement 5780.2502 Utility Tractor Replacement -Electric 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6178 Machinery & Equipment Tractor (replace unit #732) (John Deere Gator 2015). Total 5780.2502 Utility Tractor Replacement -Electric 5780.2503 Tractor -Replacement 6178 Machinery & Equipment Tractor (replace unit #713) (John Deere 5100 2015). 7062 R -Major Equipment Total 5780.2503 Tractor -Replacement 5780.2504 BRK Park -North Parking Lot Paving 6129 Parks -Landscape Refurbishment Bay Ridges Kinsmen Park -Paving & Line Painting of Kinsmen North Parking Lot (pending OPG approval) 7502 RF -Parkland Total 5780.2504 BRK Park -North Parking Lot Paving 5780.2505 Pathway Reconstruction Locations TBD 6183 Accessibility Pathway reconstruction various locations TBD. 7505 RF -Federal Gas Tax Total 5780.2505 Pathway Reconstruction Locations TBD 5780.2506 Property Line Fence Replacement 6181 Other Fixed Assets Property Line Fence Replacement 7057 R -Fence Total 5780.2506 Property Line Fence Replacement 5780.2507 Krosno Creek Valley -Park Construction 6129 Parks -Landscape Refurbishment Krosno Creek Valley (Hwy 401 to Bayly St.) Park Construction 103 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense (15,000) 15,000 (15,000) 15,000 (35,000) 35,000 (35,000) 35,000 90,000 (90,000) (90,000) 90,000 160,000 (160,000) (160,000) 160,000 300,000 (300,000) (300,000) 300,000 100,000 (100,000) (100,000) 100,000 270,000 City of Pickering 2025 Capital Forecast 5780 Parks 7622 RF DC -Parks & Recreation Services 7713 RF -Seaton Land Grp FIA Total 5780.2507 Krosno Creek Valley -Park Construction 5780.2508 Beachfront Park Master Plan -Phase 3 Construction 1703 Debt -15 Year 6129 Parks -Landscape Refurbishment Beachfront Park Master Plan -Phase 3 Construction -Park improvements from Millennium Square to the Frenchman's Bay harbour entrance Total 5780.2508 Beachfront Park Master Plan -Phase 3 Constructi 5780.2509 Primary Trail Network -Seaton T-9 6483 Accessibility -Seaton Primary Trail Network -Seaton T9 (97.5/2.5) 7622 RF DC -Parks & Recreation Services 7713 RF -Seaton Land Grp FIA Total 5780.2509 Primary Trail Network -Seaton T-9 5780.2510 Primary Trail Network -Seaton T-10 6483 Accessibility -Seaton Primary Trail Network -Seaton T10 (97.5/2.5) 7622 RF DC -Parks & Recreation Services 7713 RF -Seaton Land Grp FIA Total 5780.2510 Primary Trail Network -Seaton T-10 5780.2512 Baseball Light Replacement -Kirkey Field 6129 Parks -Landscape Refurbishment Baseball Light Replacement -Kirkey Field -Replace existing lights with LED 7505 RF -Federal Gas Tax Total 5780.2512 Baseball Light Replacement -Kirkey Field 5780.2513 Playground Replacement -Bayshore Tot Lot Park 6129 Parks -Landscape Refurbishment Replacement of playground in Bayshore Park with accessibility options added. 7502 RF -Parkland Total 5780.2513 Playground Replacement -Bayshore Tot Lot Park 5780.2514 Playground Replacement -Lynn Heights Park 104 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense (243,000) (27,000) (270,000) 270,000 (1,000,000) 1,000,000 (1,000,000) 1,000,000 140,000 (136,500) (3,500) (140,000) 140,000 320,000 (312,000) (8,000) (320,000) 320,000 600,000 (600,000) (600,000) 600,000 120,000 (120,000) (120,000) 120,000 5780 Parks 6129 Parks -Landscape Refurbishment City of Pickering 2025 Capital Forecast Replacement of playground in Lynn Heights Park with accessibility options added. 7502 RF -Parkland Total 5780.2514 Playground Replacement -Lynn Heights Park 5780.2515 Playground Replacement -Bonita Park 6129 Parks -Landscape Refurbishment Replacement of playground in Bonita Park with accessibility options added. 7502 RF -Parkland Total 5780.2515 Playground Replacement -Bonita Park Total 5780 Parks 105 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense 120,000 (120,000) (120,000) 120,000 120,000 (120,000) (120,000) 120,000 (3,390,000) 3,390,000 City of Pickering 2026 Capital Forecast 5780 Parks 5780.2601 Electric UV -Replacement 6178 Machinery & Equipment Replaces Gas Powered Unit #707 John Deere Gator (2016). 7062 R -Major Equipment Total 5780.2601 Electric UV -Replacement 5780.2602 Enclosed Trailer -Replacement (2) 6178 Machinery & Equipment Enclosed Trailer -replace unit #778 and #779 (2018 CAN Trailers). 7040 R -Vehicle Replacement Total 5780.2602 Enclosed Trailer -Replacement (2) 5780.2603 Tractor -Replacement 6178 Machinery & Equipment Tractor -replace unit #761 (2017 John Deere Tractor). 7062 R -Major Equipment Total 5780.2603 Tractor -Replacement 5780.2604 Enclosed Trailer -New 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6478 Miscellaneous Equipment -Seaton Enclosed Trailer for Seaton Total 5780.2604 Enclosed Trailer -New 5780.2605 Tile Drainage Sport Fields 6129 Parks -Landscape Refurbishment Add tile drainage to existing sport fields. 7502 RF -Parkland Total 5780.2605 Tile Drainage Sport Fields 5780.2606 Pathway Reconstruction Locations TBD 6183 Accessibility Pathway reconstruction various locations TBD. 7505 RF -Federal Gas Tax Total 5780.2606 Pathway Reconstruction Locations TBD 5780.2607 Playground Replacement -BRK Park 6129 Parks -Landscape Refurbishment Replacement of playground in BRK Park with accessibility options added. 106 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense 35,000 (35,000) (35,000) 35,000 50,000 (50,000) (50,000) 50,000 90,000 (90,000) (90,000) 90,000 (25,000) 25,000 (25,000) 25,000 300,000 (300,000) (300,000) 300,000 300,000 (300,000) (300,000) 300,000 150,000 City of Pickering 2026 Capital Forecast 5780 Parks 7502 RF -Parkland Total 5780.2607 Playground Replacement -BRK Park 5780.2608 Playground Replacement -Clearside Park 6129 Parks -Landscape Refurbishment Replacement of playground in Clearside Park JR Playground with accessibility options added. 7502 RF -Parkland Total 5780.2608 Playground Replacement -Clearside Park 5780.2609 Playground Replacement -Glengrove Park 6129 Parks -Landscape Refurbishment Replacement of playground in Glengrove Park with accessibility options added. 7502 RF -Parkland Total 5780.2609 Playground Replacement -Glengrove Park 5780.2610 Playground Replacement -Pinegrove Park 6129 Parks -Landscape Refurbishment Replacement of playground in Pinegrove Park with accessibility options added. 7502 RF -Parkland Total 5780.2610 Playground Replacement -Pinegrove Park 5780.2611 Village Green -Seaton P-116 6429 Parks -Landscape Refurb -Seaton Village Green Seaton P-116 (97.5/2.5) 7060 R -Seaton Land Grp FIA 7622 RF DC -Parks & Recreation Services Total 5780.2611 Village Green -Seaton P-116 5780.2612 Village Green -Seaton P-117 6429 Parks -Landscape Refurb -Seaton Village Green Seaton P-117 (97 .5/2.5) 7060 R -Seaton Land Grp FIA 7622 RF DC -Parks & Recreation Services Total 5780.2612 Village Green -Seaton P-117 5780.2613 Village Green -Seaton P-118 6429 Parks -Landscape Refurb -Seaton Village Green Seaton P-118 (97.5/2.5) 107 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense (150,000) (150,000) 150,000 120,000 (120,000) (120,000) 120,000 120,000 (120,000) (120,000) 120,000 120,000 (120,000) (120,000) 120,000 230,000 (5,750) (224,250) (230,000) 230,000 540,000 (13,500) (526,500) (540,000) 540,000 230,000 City of Pickering 2026 Capital Forecast 5780 Parks 7060 R -Seaton Land Grp FIA 7622 RF DC -Parks & Recreation Services Total 5780.2613 Village Green -Seaton P-118 5780.2614 Village Green -Seaton P-119 6429 Parks -Landscape Refurb -Seaton Village Green Seaton P-119 (97.5/2.5) 7060 R -Seaton Land Grp FIA 7622 RF DC -Parks & Recreation Services Total 5780.2614 Village Green -Seaton P-119 5780.2615 Community Park -Construction -Seaton P-115 1741 DC Debt-15 Year (Parks & Rec) 6429 Parks -Landscape Refurb -Seaton Community Park-Construction -Seaton P-115 (97.5/2.5) 7713 RF -Seaton Land Grp FIA Total 5780.2615 Community Park-Construction -Seaton P-115 5780.2616 Trail from Creekside Park to SWM Pond 6183 Accessibility Trail from Creekside Park to SWM Pond -Asphalt -Design, Approvals and Construction 7502 RF -Parkland Total 5780.2616 Trail from Creekside Park to SWM Pond 5780.2617 Trail -Hydro Corridor -Liverpool to Whites 6183 Accessibility Multi Purpose Trail -Hydro Corridor (Liverpool Rd. to Whites Rd.) (50/50) 7022 R -DC's City's Share 7622 RF DC -Parks & Recreation Services Total 5780.2617 Trail -Hydro Corridor -Liverpool to Whites 5780.2618 BRK Park -South Parking Lot Paving 6129 Parks -Landscape Refurbishment Pave Kinsmen South Parking Lot -pending OPG approval 7502 RF -Parkland Total 5780.2618 BRK Park -South Parking Lot Paving 5780.2619 Trail -Wharf Street to Sandy Beach Road 6183 Accessibility 108 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense (5,750) (224,250) (230,000) 230,000 480,000 (12,000) (468,000) (480,000) 480,000 (2,730,000) 2,800,000 (70,000) (2,800,000) 2,800,000 230,000 (230,000) (230,000) 230,000 982,000 (491,000) (491,000) (982,000) 982,000 160,000 (160,000) (160,000) 160,000 431,000 5780 Parks City of Pickering 2026 Capital Forecast Trail -Wharf Street to Sandy Beach Road 7022 R -DC's City's Share 7622 RF DC -Parks & Recreation Services Total 5780.2619 Trail -Wharf Street to Sandy Beach Road 5780.2620 Community Park -Greenwood Conservation Lands-Pha~ 1704 Debt -20 year 1741 DC Debt -15 Year (Parks & Rec) 6129 Parks -Landscape Refurbishment Community Park -Greenwood Conservation Lands -land acquisition and phase 1 construction 6265 Land Acquisition & Disp 7022 R -DC's City's Share Total 5780.2620 Community Park -Greenwood Conservation Land Total 5780 Parks 109 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense (215,500) (215,500) (431,000) 431,000 (3,040,500) (3,036,500) 6,073,000 1,504,000 (1,500,000) (7,577,000) 7,577,000 (14,970,000) 14,970,000 City of Pickering 2023 Capital Forecast 5990 Fleet Vehicles 5220.2301 Midsize SUV Replacement (2) 6157 Vehicles -under $100,000 Two Midsize SUVs -replace unit #418 and #419 (2016 Jeep Patriots) (5220 By-Law). 7040 R -Vehicle Replacement Total 5220.2301 Midsize SUV Replacement (2) 5220.2302 1/2 Ton Pickup Truck Replacement 6157 Vehicles -under $100,000 1/2 Ton Pickup Truck-replace unit #420 (2017 Dodge Ram) 7040 R -Vehicle Replacement Total 5220.2302 1/2 Ton Pickup Truck Replacement 5311.2310 1 Ton Dump Truck with Aluminum Body and HIAB Crane 6158 Vehicles -Over $100,000 1 Ton Dump Truck Roll Off body with Sea-Can, Dump Body, and Chipper Body Attachments for stormwater management -New 7040 R -Vehicle Replacement Total 5311.2310 1 Ton Dump Truck with Aluminum Body and HIAE 5311.2311 Utility Truck -New 6158 Vehicles -Over $100,000 Utility truck for stormwater management materials and crew 7040 R -Vehicle Replacement Total 5311.2311 Utility Truck -New 5311.2312 4 Ton Dump Truck Roll-off Body -New 6158 Vehicles -Over $100,000 4 Ton Dump Truck Roll-off Body with Sea-Can, Dump Body, and Chipper Body Attachments for Property Line Fence Repair Crew 7040 R -Vehicle Replacement Total 5311.2312 4 Ton Dump Truck Roll-off Body -New 5315.2303 1/2 Ton Pickup Truck -Replacement 6157 Vehicles -under $100,000 1/2 Ton Pickup Truck -replace unit #210 (2015 Chevy Silverado) (5315 Operations Centre) 7040 R -Vehicle Replacement Total 5315.2303 1/2 Ton Pickup Truck -Replacement 5315.2304 Mid-Size 4 Wheel Drive Vehicle -New 110 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense 100,000 (100,000) (100,000) 100,000 50,000 (50,000) (50,000) 50,000 175,000 (175,000) (175,000) 175,000 150,000 (150,000) (150,000) 150,000 200,000 (200,000) (200,000) 200,000 45,000 (45,000) (45,000) 45,000 5990 Fleet Vehicles 6157 Vehicles -under $100,000 City of Pickering 2023 Capital Forecast , Midsize 4 Wheel Drive -New Security Specialist (Corporate Security) (5919) 7040 R -Vehicle Replacement Total 5315.2304 Mid-Size 4 Wheel Drive Vehicle -New 5319.2302 4 Ton Dump Truck with Snow Plow and Wing -Replacen 6158 Vehicles -Over $100,000 4 Ton Dump Truck with Snow Plow and Wing -replace unit #41 (2014 International) (5319 Roads Equipment). 7040 R -Vehicle Replacement Total 5319.2302 4 Ton Dump Truck with Snow Plow and Wing -Re 5319.2303 4 Ton Dump Truck with Snow Plow and Wing and Brine 1726 DC Debt-5 Year (Other Services Related to Hwy) 6458 Vehicles -Over $100,000 -Seaton 4 Ton Dump Truck with Snow Plow and Wing and Brine Tank (Seaton) (5319 Roads Equipment) Total 5319.2303 4 Ton Dump Truck with Snow Plow and Wing and 5319.2305 1 Ton Dump Truck with Aluminum Body and HIAB Crane 6158 Vehicles -Over $100,000 1 Ton Dump Truck for bridge crew (5319 Roads Equipment) 7040 R -Vehicle Replacement Total 5319.2305 1 Ton Dump Truck with Aluminum Body and HIAE 5340.2307 Fire Pumper Rescue Replacement 1703 Debt-15 Year 6159 Fire Veh -Over $100,000 Aerial Ladder -replace unit #542 (2011 Smeal) (5340 Fire Services). 6178 Machinery & Equipment Total 5340.2307 Fire Pumper Rescue Replacement 5340.2311 Midsize SUV -Replacement (5) 6157 Vehicles -under $100,000 Five Mid Size SUVs -replace units #578 (2016 Jeep Patriot) , #579 (2016 Jeep Patriot), #581 (2016 Jeep Patriot), #582 (2016 Jeep Patriot), and #580 (2016 Jeep Patriot) (5340 Fire Services). 7040 R -Vehicle Replacement 1 1 1 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense 50,000 (50,000) (50,000) 50,000 300,000 (300,000) (300,000) 300,000 (300,000) 300,000 (300,000) 300,000 175,000 (175,000) (175,000) 175,000 (1,500,000) 1,230,000 270,000 (1,500,000) 1,500,000 225,000 (225,000) City of Pickering 2023 Capital Forecast 5990 Fleet Vehicles Total 5340.2311 Midsize SUV -Replacement (5) 5340.2312 1/2 Ton Pickup Truck -Replacement (2) 6157 Vehicles -under $100,000 1/2 Ton Pickup Truck -replace unit #583, #584 (2015 GMC) (5340 Fire Services). 7040 R -Vehicle Replacement Total 5340.2312 1/2 Ton Pickup Truck -Replacement (2) 5613.2301 1/2 Ton Pickup Truck -Replacement 6157 Vehicles -under $100,000 1/2 Ton Pickup Truck-replace unit #644 (2016 Dodge). (5613 Water Resources & Development Services) 7040 R -Vehicle Replacement Total 5613.2301 1/2 Ton Pickup Truck -Replacement 5613.2302 Midsize SUV Replacement (4) 6157 Vehicles -under $100,000 Four Midsize SUVs -replace units #645,646,647 (2017 Jeeps) and unit #643 (2015 Chevrolet Equinox) (5613 Water Resources & Development Services). 7040 R -Vehicle Replacement Total 5613.2302 Midsize SUV Replacement (4) 5780.2307 Garbage Packer with HIAB Crane -Replacement 6158 Vehicles -Over $100,000 Garbage Packer with HIAB Crane -replace unit #733 (2017 Ford) (5780 Parks). 7040 R -Vehicle Replacement Total 5780.2307 Garbage Packer with HIAB Crane -Replacement 5780.2308 1/2 Ton Pickup Truck Replacement 6157 Vehicles -under $100,000 1/2 Ton Pickup Truck -replace unit #720 (2016 Dodge) (5780 Parks). 7040 R -Vehicle Replacement Total 5780.2308 1/2 Ton Pickup Truck Replacement 5780.2309 Cargo Van Replacement 6157 Vehicles -under $100,000 Cargo Van -replace unit #735 (2016 Ford F550) (5780 Parks). 112 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense (225,000) 225,000 90,000 (90,000) (90,000) 90,000 50,000 (50,000) (50,000) 50,000 180,000 (180,000) (180,000) 180,000 200,000 (200,000) (200,000) 200,000 45,000 (45,000) (45,000) 45,000 45,000 City of Pickering 2023 Capital Forecast 5990 Fleet Vehicles 7040 R -Vehicle Replacement Total 5780.2309 Cargo Van Replacement 5780.2317 1 Ton Dump Truck with Tailgate Lift -Replacement 6157 Vehicles -under $100,000 1 Ton Dump Truck -replace unit #747 (2016 Dodge Ram) (5780 Parks). 7040 R -Vehicle Replacement Total 5780.2317 1 Ton Dump Truck with Tailgate Lift -Replacemer 5780.2321 3/4 Ton Pickup Truck with Slide-in Salter and Plow -Ne, 6457 Vehicles -Under $100,000 -Seaton 3/4 Ton Pickup Truck with Slide-in Salter and Plow -Seaton (5780 Parks). 7622 RF DC -Parks & Recreation Services Total 5780.2321 3/4 Ton Pickup Truck with Slide-in Salter and PIO\ 5780.2322 3/4 Ton Pick-up Truck -New Seaton 6457 Vehicles -Under $100,000 -Seaton 3/4 Ton Pick-up Truck -Seaton (5780 Parks). 7622 RF DC -Parks & Recreation Services Total 5780.2322 3/4 Ton Pick-up Truck -New Seaton 5780.2323 1 Ton Dump Truck with Tailgate Lift -New (Seaton) (3) 6457 Vehicles -Under $100,000 -Seaton 3 1 Ton Dump Truck new for Seaton (5780 Parks). 7622 RF DC -Parks & Recreation Services Total 5780.2323 1. Ton Dump Truck with Tailgate Lift -New (Seato1 Total 5990 Fleet Vehicles 113 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense (45,000) (45,000) 45,000 110,000 (110,000) (110,000) 110,000 70,000 (70,000) (70,000) 70,000 60,000 (60,000) (60,000) 60,000 210,000 (210,000) (210,000) 210,000 (4,330,000) 4,330,000 5990 Fleet Vehicles 5220.2401 Midsize SUV -Replacement 6157 Vehicles -under $100,000 City of Pickering 2024 Capital Forecast Midsize SUV -replace unit #421 (Mitsubishi 2017)(5220 Bylaw). 7040 R -Vehicle Replacement Total 5220.2401 Midsize SUV -Replacement 5315.2402 Mid-Size 4 Wheel Drive Vehicle -New 6157 Vehicles -under $100,000 Midsize 4 Wheel Drive -New Security Specialist (Corporate Security) (5919) 7708 RF -Operations Centre Total 5315.2402 Mid-Size 4 Wheel Drive Vehicle -New 5319.2406 4 Ton Dump Truck with Snow Plow and Wing and Brine 1726 DC Debt-5 Year (Other Services Related to Hwy) 6458 Vehicles -Over $100,000 -Seaton 4 Ton Dump Truck with Snow Plow and Wing and Brine Tank (Seaton) (5319 Roads Equipment) Total 5319.2406 4 Ton Dump Truck with Snow Plow and Wing and 5319.2407 Pickup Truck -Replacement 6157 Vehicles -under $100,000 Pickup Truck -replace unit #027 (Dodge 2017)(5319 Roads Equipment). 7040 R -Vehicle Replacement Total 5319.2407 Pickup Truck -Replacement 5319.2408 4 Ton Dump Truck with Snow Plow & Wing -Replaceme 6158 Vehicles -Over $100,000 4 Ton Dump Truck with Snow Plow & Wing -replace unit #046 (Mack 2017)(5319 Roads Equipment). 7040 R -Vehicle Replacement Total 5319.2408 4 Ton Dump Truck with Snow Plow & Wing -Repl 5319.2409 5 Ton Dump Truck with Snow Plow & Wing -Replaceme 6158 Vehicles -Over $100,000 5 Ton Dump Truck with Snow Plow & Wing -replace unit #045 (Mack 2017) (5319 Roads Equipment). 7040 R -Vehicle Replacement Total 5319.2409 5 Ton Dump Truck with Snow Plow & Wing -Repl 114 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense 45,000 (45,000) (45,000) 45,000 50,000 (50,000) (50,000) 50,000 (300,000) 300,000 (300,000) 300,000 45,000 (45,000) (45,000) 45,000 300,000 (300,000) (300,000) 300,000 320,000 (320,000) (320,000) 320,000 City of Pickering 2024 Capital Forecast 5990 Fleet Vehicles 5340.2404 Fire Truck -Pumper Rescue Replacement 1703 Debt-15 Year 6159 Fire Veh -Over $100,000 Fire Truck -Pumper Rescue Replacement -replace unit #543 (2010 Smeal Pumper) Replace with a 100' Aerial Ladder (5340 Fires Services). 6178 Machinery & Equipment Total 5340.2404 Fire Truck -Pumper Rescue Replacement 5340.2405 Midsize SUV -Replacement (2) 6157 Vehicles -under $100,000 Midsize SUV -replace unit #585, #576 (2017 Mitsubishi) (5340 Fires Services). 7040 R -Vehicle Replacement Total 5340.2405 Midsize SUV -Replacement (2) 5340.2406 Fire Pumper Rescue Seaton -New 1708 DC Debt-15 Year (Protective Services) 6178 Machinery & Equipment 6458 Vehicles -Over $100,000 -Seaton Fire Pumper Rescue new for Seaton Fire Station B (5340 Fire Services). 7713 RF -Seaton Land Grp FIA Total 5340.2406 Fire Pumper Rescue Seaton -New 5613.2401 Midsize SUV -Replacements (3) 6157 Vehicles -under $100,000 Three Midsize SUVs -replace unit #648, #649, & #650 (Mitsubishi 2017)(5613 Water Resources & Development Services). 7040 R -Vehicle Replacement Total 5613.2401 Midsize SUV -Replacements (3) 5780.2421 1 Ton Dump Truck with Tailgate Lift -New (Seaton) (1) 6457 Vehicles -Under $100,000 -Seaton 1 Ton Dump Truck new for Seaton (5780 Parks). 7622 RF DC -Parks & Recreation Services Total 5780.2421 1 Ton Dump Truck with Tailgate Lift -New (Seato1 5780.2422 Midsize SUV -Replacement 6157 Vehicles -under $100,000 115 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense (1,500,000) 1,230,000 270,000 (1,500,000) 1,500,000 90,000 (90,000) (90,000) 90,000 (1,450,000) 270,000 1,230,000 (50,000) (1,500,000) 1,500,000 135,000 (135,000) (135,000) 135,000 70,000 (70,000) (70,000) 70,000 45,000 5990 Fleet Vehicles City of Pickering 2024 Capital Forecast Midsize SUV -replace unit #780 (Mitsubishi 2017)(5780 Parks). 7040 R -Vehicle Replacement Total 5780.2422 Midsize SUV -Replacement 5780.2423 1 Ton Truck with Aluminum Dump Body and Tailgate Lif 6158 Vehicles -Over $100,000 1 Ton Truck with Aluminum Dump Body -replace unit #777 (Dodge 2017)(5780 Parks). 7040 R -Vehicle Replacement Total 5780.24231 Ton Truck with Aluminum Dump Body and Tailg Total 5990 Fleet Vehicles 11 6 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense (45,000) (45,000) 45,000 100,000 (100,000) (100,000) 100,000 (4,500,000} 4,500,000 5990 Fleet Vehicles City of Pickering 2025 Capital Forecast 5311.2505 1 Ton Boom Truck with Bucket -Replacement 6158 Vehicles -Over $100,000 1 Ton Boom Truck with Bucket replacement (replace unit #794 2013 Ford) (5311 Property Maintenance). 7040 R -Vehicle Replacement Total 5311.25051 Ton Boom Truck with Bucket-Replacement 5319.2505 4 Ton Dump Truck with Snow Plow and Wing -Replacen 6158 Vehicles -Over $100,000 4 Ton Dump Truck with Snow Plow and Wing -replace unit #043 & #044 (2016 Mack) (5319 Roads Equipment). 7040 R -Vehicle Replacement Total 5319.2505 4 Ton Dump Truck with Snow Plow and Wing -Re 5319.2506 1 Ton Truck with Aluminum Dump Body & Tailgate Lift Fi 6157 Vehicles -under $100,000 1 Ton Truck with Aluminum Dump Body and Tailgate Lift -replace unit# 768 (2018 Dodge Ram) (5319 Roads Equipment). 7040 R -Vehicle Replacement Total 5319.2506 1 Ton Truck with Aluminum Dump Body & Tailgat 5340.2508 Fire Truck -Aerial Ladder Replacement 1703 Debt -15 Year 6159 Fire Veh-Over $100,000 Fire Truck -Rescue Replacement -replace unit #545 (2013 Smeal) (5340 Fires Services). 6178 Machinery & Equipment Total 5340.2508 Fire Truck -Aerial Ladder Replacement 5340.2509 1/2 Ton Pickup Truck -Replacement 6157 Vehicles -under $100,000 1/2 Ton Pickup truck replacement unit #586 (2017 Ford) (5340 Fire) 7040 R -Vehicle Replacement Total 5340.2509 1/2 Ton Pickup Truck -Replacement 5612.2501 Electric Vehicle -Replacement 6157 Vehicles -under $100,000 Electric Vehicle replace unit #651 (2018 Chevy Bolt) (5612 Building Services). 117 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense 150,000 (150,000) (150,000) 150,000 600,000 (600,000) (600,000) 600,000 75,000 (75,000) (75,000) 75,000 (1,500,000) 1,230,000 270,000 (1,500,000) 1,500,000 50,000 (50,000) (50,000) 50,000 60,000 5990 Fleet Vehicles 7040 R -Vehicle Replacement City of Pickering 2025 Capital Forecast Total 5612.2501 Electric Vehicle -Replacement 5780.2516 1 Ton Dump Truck with Aluminum Body and Lift Gate -I 6158 Vehicles -Over $100,000 1 Ton Dump Truck -replace unit #769 (2017 Dodge Ram), #777 (2016 Dodge Ram), #763 (2018 Dodge Ram) and #764 (2019 Dodge Ram) (5780 Parks) 7040 R -Vehicle Replacement Total 5780.2516 1 Ton Dump Truck with Aluminum Body and Lift , 5780.2518 1 Ton Dump Truck with Tailgate Lift -New (Seaton) (1) 6457 Vehicles -Under $100,000 -Seaton 1 Ton Dump Truck new for Seaton (5780 Parks). 7622 RF DC -Parks & Recreation Services Total 5780.2518 1 Ton Dump Truck with Tailgate Lift -New (Seato1 Total 5990 Fleet Vehicles 118 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense (60,000) (60,000) 60,000 400,000 (400,000) (400,000) 400,000 100,000 (100,000) (100,000) 100,000 (2,935,000) 2,935,000 City of Pickering 2026 Capital Forecast 5990 Fleet Vehicles 5220.2601 1/2 Ton Pickup Truck Replacement 6157 Vehicles -under $100,000 1/2 Ton Pickup Truck -replace unit #424 (2019 Dodge) (5220 By-law). 7040 R -Vehicle Replacement Total 5220.2601 1/2 Ton Pickup Truck Replacement 5315.2602 1/2 Ton Pickup Truck Replacement 6157 Vehicles -under $100,000 1/2 Ton Pickup Truck -replace unit #211 (2017 Dodge) (5315 Operation Admin). 7040 R -Vehicle Replacement Total 5315.2602 1/2 Ton Pickup Truck Replacement 5319.2603 4 Ton Dump Truck with Snow Plow, Wing & Brine Tank• 1726 DC Debt-5 Year (Other Services Related to Hwy) 6458 Vehicles -Over $100,000 -Seaton 4 Ton Dump Truck with Snow Plow, Wing and Brine Tank (Seaton) (5319 Roads Equipment). Total 5319.2603 4 Ton Dump Truck with Snow Plow, Wing & Brine 5319.2604 1 Ton Dump Truck with Tailgate Lift -Replacement 6158 Vehicles -Over $100,000 1 Ton Dump Truck Replacement Unit #769 (2017 Dodge) (5319 Roads). 7040 R -Vehicle Replacement Total 5319.2604 1 Ton Dump Truck with Tailgate Lift -Replacemer 5340.2606 Midsize SUV -Replacement (2) 6158 Vehicles -Over $100,000 Midsize SUV -replace unit #587 & #588 (2020 Dodge) (5340 Fire). 7040 R -Vehicle Replacement Total 5340.2606 Midsize SUV -Replacement (2) 5340.2607 Command Vehicle Replacement 6158 Vehicles -Over $100,000 Command Vehicle replace unit #576 (2017 Chevrolet) (5340 Fire). 7040 R -Vehicle Replacement Total 5340.2607 Command Vehicle Replacement 5719.2604 1/2 Ton Pickup Truck Replacement 11 9 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense 45,000 (45,000) (45,000) 45,000 45,000 (45,000) (45,000) 45,000 (300,000) 300,000 (300,000) 300,000 100,000 (100,000) (100,000) 100,000 150,000 (150,000) (150,000) 150,000 100,000 (100,000) (100,000) 100,000 City of Pickering 2026 Capital Forecast 5990 Fleet Vehicles 6157 Vehicles -under $100,000 1/2 Ton Pickup Truck-replace unit #787 (2017 Dodge) (5719 Community Centres). 7040 R -Vehicle Replacement Total 5719.26041/2 Ton Pickup Truck Replacement 5780.2621 1 Ton Dump Truck with Tailgate Lift -New 6458 Vehicles -Over $100,000 -Seaton 1 Ton Dump Truck new for Seaton (5780 Parks). 7622 RF DC -Parks & Recreation Services Total 5780.2621 1 Ton Dump Truck with Tailgate Lift -New 5780.2622 1 Ton Dump Truck with Tailgate Lift -Replacement (2) 6158 Vehicles -Over $100,000 1 Ton Dump Truck -replace unit# 747 (2016 Dodge), #738 (2017 Dodge) (5780 Parks) 7040 R -Vehicle Replacement Total 5780.2622 1 Ton Dump Truck with Tailgate Lift -Replacemer 5780.2623 1/2 Ton Pickup Truck Replacement 6158 Vehicles -Over $100,000 1/2 Ton Pickup Truck -replace unit #734 (2017 Dodge) (5780 Parks). 7040 R -Vehicle Replacement Total 5780.2623 1/2 Ton Pickup Truck Replacement 5780.2624 3/4 Ton Pickup Truck with Tow Package -New 6457 Vehicles -Under $100,000 -Seaton 3/4 Ton Pickup Truck with Tow Package new for Seaton (5780 Parks). 7622 RF DC -Parks & Recreation Services Total 5780.2624 3/4 Ton Pickup Truck with Tow Package -New Total 5990 Fleet Vehicles 120 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense 45,000 (45,000) (45,000) 45,000 100,000 (100,000) (100,000) 100,000 200,000 (200,000) (200,000) 200,000 45,000 (45,000) (45,000) 45,000 80,000 (80,000) (80,000) 80,000 (1,210,000) 1,210,000 City of Pickering 2023 Capital Forecast 5206 Information Technology 5206.2301 Technology Infrastructure 6175 Hardware Replacements Corporate Application Integration -Automate and integrate systems to move away from manual import/export processes for Corporate Applications. This will include an automated service to extract, transform and load data into different systems as well as support the development of API interfaces. 7001 R -Capital Equipment Replacement Total 5206.2301 Technology Infrastructure 5206.2302 Storage Area Network Upgrades 6177 IT Infrastructure The City's SAN is end of service and needs to be replaced. The SAN provides the storage infrastructure for all City data. This project includes both SAN storage and SAN network infrastructure. 7001 R -Capital Equipment Replacement Total 5206.2302 Storage Area Network Upgrades 5206.2303 Virtual Desktop Infrastructure 6177 IT Infrastructure New server infrastructure is required to upgrade the City's VOi environment used by staff to connect to applications and systems. This upgrade is required for improved audio/video transmission, reduced IT support requirements an to provide a better online collaboration experience. 7001 R -Capital Equipment Replacement Total 5206.2303 Virtual Desktop Infrastructure 5206.2304 5 Yrs. PC Upgrades 6175 Hardware Replacements Replacement of End User Computing Devices 7001 R -Capital Equipment Replacement Total 5206.2304 5 Yrs. PC Upgrades Total 5206 Information Technology 1 21 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense 77,000 (77,000) (77,000) 77,000 178,000 (178,000) (178,000) 178,000 122,000 (122,000) (122,000) 122,000 68,000 (68,000) (68,000) 68,000 (445,000) 445,000 5206 Information Technology 5206.2402 Technology Infrastructure 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6177 IT Infrastructure City of Pickering 2024 Capital Forecast IT Security Network and System Upgrades. Enhanced Security Infrastructure and Monitoring System will be required to combat cyber security threats. Total 5206.2402 Technology Infrastructure 5206.2403 Technology Services 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6477 IT Infrastructure -Seaton Network connectivity infrastructure to replace annual costs for WAN Network. This would include infrastructure required for new facilities in Seaton. Total 5206.2403 Technology Services 5206.2404 5 Yr PC Upgrades 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6175 Hardware Replacements Replacement of End User Computing Devices Total 5206.2404 5 Yr PC Upgrades Total 5206 Information Technology 122 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense (140,000) 140,000 (140,000) 140,000 (496,000) 496,000 ' (496,000) 496,000 (78,000) 78,000 (78,000) 78,000 (714,000) 714,000 City of Pickering 2025 Capital Forecast 5206 Information Technology 5206.2501 Technology Infrastructure 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6174 System & Software Upgrade Smart City Infrastructure Platform to enable new technologies and Internet ofThings (IOT) initiatives. This would include a security aspect to protect IOT devices from cyber attack. Total 5206.2501 Technology Infrastructure 5206.2502 Technology Services 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6477 IT Infrastructure -Seaton Introduction of Network and Integrated Resident Technology Solutions at City Parks and Trails (Phase 1) Total 5206.2502 Technology Services 5206.2503 5 Yr PC Upgrades 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6175 Hardware Replacements Replacement of End User Computing Devices Total 5206.2503 5 Yr PC Upgrades Total 5206 Information Technology 123 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense (200,000) 200,000 (200,000) 200,000 (150,000) 150,000 (150,000) 150,000 (50,000) 50,000 (50,000) 50,000 (400,000) 400,000 City of Pickering 2026 Capital Forecast 5206 Information Technology 5206.2601 Technology Infrastructure 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6175 Hardware Replacements Upgrades to server, network and storage infrastructure due to City and staff growth. Total 5206.2601 Technology Infrastructure 5206.2602 5 Yr PC Upgrades 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6175 Hardware Replacements Replacement of End User Computing Devices Total 5206.2602 5 Yr PC Upgrades 5206.2603 Internet Services Technologies 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6177 IT Infrastructure Network switch and bandwidth capacity upgrades for City facilities. Total 5206.2603 Internet Services Technologies 5206.2604 Telecommunications Services Technologies 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6177 IT Infrastructure Deployment of Cloud based Data and Voice Communications Systems with full integration into Microsoft 365 and on premises communications systems. Total 5206.2604 Telecommunications Services Technologies Total 5206 Information Technology 124 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense (128,000) 128,000 (128,000) 128,000 (98,000) 98,000 (98,000) 98,000 (110,000) 110,000 (110,000) 110,000 (298,000) 298,000 (298,000) 298,000 (634,000) 634,000 5219 Animal Services 5219.2301 Animal Shelter -FF&E . 6173 Furniture & Fixtures City of Pickering 2023 Capital Forecast Furniture, fixtures and equipment for new animal shelter building (project 5219.2005 rebudgeted) 7021 R -Rate Stabilization Total 5219.2301 Animal Shelter -FF&E Total 5219 Animal Services 125 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense 330,000 (330,000) (330,000) 330,000 (330,000) 330,000 City of Pickering 2023 Capital Forecast 5325 Streetlights & Signalization 5325.2301 Traffic Signals/Controllers Replacement 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6254 Traffic Signals Traffic Signals/Controllers Replacement-Altona Road @ Valley Gate (last replacement 2010) Total 5325.2301 Traffic Signals/Controllers Replacement 5325.2302 LED Signal Head Replacement Program 6254 Traffic Signals Replacement of LED signal heads 7505 RF -Federal Gas Tax Total 5325.2302 LED Signal Head Replacement Program 5325.2303 Accessible Pedestrian Signals -4 locations 1701 Debt -5 Year 6254 Traffic Signals Equipping existing traffic signals with accessible pedestrian signals. In accordance with AODA 2005. All signals must equipped by Jan 1,2025. Year 4 of 5 year program. Total 5325.2303 Accessible Pedestrian Signals -4 locations 5325.2304 Uninterruptible Power Supply -5 locations 1711 Internal Loan -5 Year 6254 Traffic Signals Installation of uninterruptible power supply battery backup system that operates signals in the event of a power outage. Year 3 of 5 year program. Total 5325.2304 Uninterruptible Power Supply -5 locations 5325.2305 Traffic Signals: Pickering Parkway at Glenanna 6254 Traffic Signals New traffic signals and intersection improvements -Pickering Parkway at Glenanna Road. (90/10) 7022 R -DC's City's Share 7610 RF DC -Transportation Services Total 5325.2305 Traffic Signals: Pickering Parkway at Glenanna 5325.2306 Intersection Improvements: Rosebank at Sheppard Desi 6230 Prof/Consulting Fees 126 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense (23,000) 23,000 (23,000) 23,000 12,000 (12,000) (12,000) 12,000 (361,000) 361,000 (361,000) 361,000 (160,000) 160,000 (160,000) 160,000 350,000 (35,000) (315,000) (350,000) 350,000 100,000 City of Pickering 2023 Capital Forecast 5325 Streetlights & Signalization Environmental Assessment and Design for Intersection Improvements Qog elimination and traffic signals) -Rosebank Road at Sheppard Avenue (90/10) 7022 R -DC's City's Share 7610 RF DC -Transportation Services Total 5325.2306 Intersection Improvements: Rosebank at Sheppar 5325.2307 Old Brock Road New Streetlights 1711 Internal Loan -5 Year 6252 Streetlights & Sidewalks Old Brock Road New Streetlights -from Howton Street to Uxbridge-Pickering Townline Total 5325.2307 Old Brock Road New Streetlights 5325.2308 Pedestrian Countdown Signals -5 locations 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6254 Traffic Signals Retrofit existing traffic signals with pedestrian countdown signals for increased crossing safety. Year 3 of 3 year program. Total 5325.2308 Pedestrian Countdown Signals -5 locations Total 5325 Streetlights & Signalization 127 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense (10,000) (90,000) (100,000) 100,000 (200,000) 200,000 (200,000) 200,000 (37,000) 37,000 (37,000) 37,000 (1,243,000) 1,243,000 City of Pickering 2024 Capital Forecast 5325 Streetlights & Signalization 5325.2401 Accessible Pedestrian Signals -4 locations 1701 Debt -5 Year 6254 Traffic Signals Equipping existing traffic signals with accessible pedestrian signals. In accordance with AODA 2005. All signals must equipped by Jan 1,2025. Year 5 of 5 year program. Total 5325.2401 Accessible Pedestrian Signals -4 locations 5325.2402 Uninterruptible Power Supply -5 locations 1711 Internal Loan -5 Year 6254 Traffic Signals Installation of uninterruptible power supply battery backup system that operates signals in the event of a power outage. Year 4 of 5 year program. Total 5325.2402 Uninterruptible Power Supply -5 locations 5325.2403 Traffic Signals/Controllers Replacement 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6254 Traffic Signals Traffic Signals/Controllers Replacement-Granite Court at Sandstone Manor (original install 2012) Total 5325.2403 Traffic Signals/Controllers Replacement 5325.2404 LED Signal Head Replacement Prograin 6254 Traffic Signals Replacement of LED signal heads 7505 RF -Federal Gas Tax Total 5325.2404 LED Signal Head Replacement Program 5325.2405 Intersection Improvements: Rosebank at Sheppard 6254 Traffic Signals Intersection Improvements and signalization -Rosebank Road at Sheppard Avenue -Construction (90/10) 7022 R -DC's City's Share 7610 RF DC -Transportation Services Total 5325.2405 Intersection Improvements: Rosebank at Sheppar Total 5325 Streetlights & Signalization 128 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense (361,000) 361,000 (361,000) 361,000 (160,000) 160,000 (160,000) 160,000 (24,000) 24,000 (24,000) 24,000 12,000 (12,000) (12,000) 12,000 600,000 (60,000) (540,000) (600,000) 600,000 (1,157,000) 1,157,000 City of Pickering 2025 Capital Forecast 5325 Streetlights & Signalization 5325.2501 Accessible Pedestrian Signals -4 locations 1701 Debt-5 Year 6254 Traffic Signals Equipping existing traffic signals with accessible pedestrian signals. In accordance with AODA 2005. All signals must equipped by Jan 1,2025. Year 5 of 5 year program. Total 5325.2501 Accessible Pedestrian Signals -4 locations 5325.2502 Uninterruptible Power Supply -5 locations 1711 Internal Loan -5 Year 6254 Traffic Signals Installation of uninterruptible power supply battery backup system that operates signals in the event of a power outage. Year 5 of 5 year program. Total 5325.2502 Uninterruptible Power Supply -5 locations 5325.2503 LED Signal Head Replacement Program 6254 Traffic Signals Replacement of LED signal heads 7505 RF -Federal Gas Tax Total 5325.2503 LED Signal Head Replacement Program 5325.2504 Traffic Signals/Controllers Replacement 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6254 Traffic Signals Traffic Signals/Controllers Replacement-Finch Avenue at Spruce Hill Road (original install 2012) Total 5325.2504 Traffic Signals/Controllers Replacement Total 5325 Streetlights & Signalization 129 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense (361,000) 361,000 (361,000) 361,000 (160,000) 160,000 (160,000) 160,000 12,000 (12,000) (12,000) 12,000 (24,000) 24,000 (24,000) 24,000 (557,000) 557,000 City of Pickering 2026 Capital Forecast 5325 Streetlights & Signalization 5325.2601 LED Signal Head Replacement Program 6254 Traffic Signals Replacement of LED signal heads 7505 RF -Federal Gas Tax Total 5325.2601 LED Signal Head Replacement Program 5325.2602 Traffic Signals/Controllers Replacement 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6254 Traffic Signals Traffic Signals/Controllers Replacement-Liverpool Road @ Tatra Drive {last replacement 2013) Total 5325.2602 Traffic Signals/Controllers Replacement 5325.2603 Traffic Signals/Controllers Replacement 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6254 Traffic Signals Traffic Signals/Controllers Replacement-Fairport Road @ Strouds Lane (last replacement 2013) Total 5325.2603 Traffic Signals/Controllers Replacement 5325.2604 Traffic Signals/Controllers Replacement 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6254 Traffic Signals Traffic Signals/Controllers Replacement-Pickering Parkway @ PTC/Picore Entrance (last replacement 2013) Total 5325.2604 Traffic Signals/Controllers Replacement 5325.2605 Traffic Signals/Controllers Replacement 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6254 Traffic Signals Traffic Signals/Controllers Replacement-Finch Avenue @ Rosefield Road (last replacement 2013) Total 5325.2605 Traffic Signals/Controllers Replacement Total 5325 Streetlights & Signalization 130 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense 12,000 {12,000) (12,000) 12,000 (25,000) 25,000 (25,000) 25,000 (25,000) 25,000 (25,000) 25,000 (25,000) 25,000 (25,000) 25,000 (25,000) 25,000 (25,000) 25,000 (112,000) 112,000 5323 Sidewalks City of Pickering 2023 Capital Forecast 5323.2301 New Sidewalk Installation (Location TBD) 6255 Sidewalks New Sidewalk Installation (Location TBD) 7505 RF -Federal Gas Tax Total 5323.2301 New Sidewalk Installation (Location TBD) 5323.2302 Finch Avenue -Temp Asphalt Sidewalk 6255 Sidewalks New Temporary Asphalt Sidewalk -Finch Avenue, south side from Altona Road to Shadow Place 7505 RF -Federal Gas Tax Total 5323.2302 Finch Avenue -Temp Asphalt Sidewalk 5323.2303 Finch Avenue -New Sidewalk Construction 6255 Sidewalks New Sidewalk Finch Avenue -north side from Altona Road to approx. 50m east 7505 RF -Federal Gas Tax Total 5323.2303 Finch Avenue -New Sidewalk Construction Total 5323 Sidewalks 131 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense 200,000 (200,000) (200,000) 200,000 100,000 (100,000) (100,000) 100,000 75,000 (75,000) (75,000) 75,000 (375,000) 375,000 5323 Sidewalks City of Pickering 2024 Capital Forecast 5323.2401 New Sidewalk Installation (Location TBD) 6255 Sidewalks New Sidewalk Installation (Location TBD) 7505 RF -Federal Gas Tax Total 5323.2401 New Sidewalk Installation (Location TBD) 5323.2402 Trail -Bayly Street -Waterfront Trail to Go Station 6183 Accessibility Trail -Bayly Street from Waterfront Trail to Go Station (50/50) 7022 R -DC's City's Share 7622 RF DC -Parks & Recreation Services Total 5323.2402 Trail -Bayly Street -Waterfront Trail to Go Station Total 5323 Sidewalks 132 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense 200,000 (200,000) (200,000) 200,000 539,600 (269,800) (269,800) (539,600) 539,600 (739,600) 739,600 5323 Sidewalks City of Pickering 2025 Capital Forecast 5323.2501 New Sidewalk Installation (Location TBD) 6255 Sidewalks New Sidewalk Installation (Location TBD) 7505 RF -Federal Gas Tax Total 5323.2501 New Sidewalk Installation (Location TBD) 5323.2502 Trail -Bayly Street from Go Station to Hydro Corridor 6183 Accessibility Bayly Street from Go Station to Hydro Corridor (50/50) 7022 R -DC's City's Share 7622 RF DC -Parks & Recreation Services Total 5323.2502 Trail -Bayly Street from Go Station to Hydro Corri Total 5323 Sidewalks 133 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense 200,000 (200,000) (200,000) 200,000 377,700 (188,850) (188,850) (377,700) 377,700 (577,700) 577,700 5323 Sidewalks City of Pickering 2026 Capital Forecast 5323.2601 New Sidewalk Installation (Location TBD) 6255 Sidewalks New Sidewalk Installation (Location TBD) 7505 RF -Federal Gas Tax Total 5323.2601 New Sidewalk Installation (Location TBD) Total 5323 Sidewalks 134 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense 200,000 (200,000) (200,000) 200,000 (200,000) 200,000 5410 Stormwater Management City of Pickering 2023 Capital Forecast 5410.2301 Rouge SWM Pond (C1-01-ER) Cleanout 6253 Storm Water Rouge SWM Pond on Valley Ridge Crescent west of Pine Grove Avenue -SWM Pond Cleanout as per SWM Facility Asset Management Plan. 771 O RF -Stormwater Mgmt Total 5410.2301 Rouge SWM Pond (C1-01-ER) Cleanout Total 5410 Stormwater Management 135 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense 1,010,000 (1,010,000) (1,010,000) 1,010,000 (1,010,000) 1,010,000 5410 Stormwater Management City of Pickering 2024 Capital Forecast 5410.2401 Autumn SWM Pond (C1-03-PT) Cleanout 6253 Storm Water Autumn SWM Pond -on Autumn Crescent south of Strouds Lane - SWM Pond Cleanout as per SWM Facilities Asset Management Plan 7710 RF -Stormwater Mgmt Total 5410.2401 Autumn SWM Pond (C1-03-PT) Cleanout 5410.2402 Begley Street SWM Pond (R3-02-AB) Cleanout 6253 Storm Water Begley Street SWM Pond -on Begley Street south of Bayly Street - SWM Pond Cleanout as per SWM Facilities Asset Management Plan 7710 RF -Stormwater Mgmt Total 5410.2402 Begley Street SWM Pond (R3-02-AB) Cleanout Total 5410 Stormwater Management 136 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense 780,000 (780,000) (780,000) 780,000 380,000 (380,000) (380,000) 380,000 (1,160,000) 1,160,000 5410 Stormwater Management City of Pickering 2025 Capital Forecast 5410.2501 Chickadee SWM Pond {C1-05-PT) Cleanout 6253 Storm Water Chickadee SWM Pond on Chickadee Court east of Altona Road - SWM Pond Cleanout as per SWM Facilities Asset Management Plan 7710 RF -Stormwater Mgmt Total 5410.2501 Chickadee SWM Pond {C1-05-PT) Cleanout 5410.2502 Dixie Estates 2 SWM Pond (C2-03-PC) Cleanout 6253 Storm Water Dixie Estates 2 SWM Pond -on Pine Glen Drive east of Dixie Road -SWM Pond Cleanout as per SWM Facilities Asset Management Plan 7710 RF -Stormwater Mgmt Total 5410.2502 Dixie Estates 2 SWM Pond {C2-03-PC) Cleanout Total 5410 Stormwater Management 137 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense 360,000 (360,000) (360,000) 360,000 405,000 (405,000) (405,000) 405,000 {765,000) 765,000 5410 Stormwater Management City of Pickering 2026 Capital Forecast 5410.2601 Cognac SWM Pond (C2-01-DN) Cleanout 6253 Storm Water Cognac SWM Pond on Cognac Crescent, north of Finch Avenue west of Whites Rd -SWM Pond Cleanout as per SWM Facilities Asset Management Plan 7710 RF -Stormwater Mgmt Total 5410.2601 Cognac SWM Pond (C2-01-DN) Cleanout 5410.2602 Valley Farm SWM Pond (C2-06-WD) Cleanout 6253 Storm Water Valley Farm SWM Pond -within Hydro Corridor, north of Finch Avenue and east of Valley Farm Road -SWM Pond Cleanout as per SWM Facilities Asset Management Plan 7710 RF -Stormwater Mgmt Total 5410.2602 Valley Farm SWM Pond (C2-06-WD) Cleanout Total 5410 Stormwater Management 138 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense 500,000 (500,000) (500,000) 500,000 417,000 (417,000) (417,000) 417,000 (917,000) 917,000 City of Pickering 2023 Capital Forecast 5320 Roads Projects 5320.2301 Asphalt Resurfacing Projects (TBD) 6251 Road Improvements Resurfacing Projects (TBD) 7505 RF -Federal Gas Tax Total 5320.2301 Asphalt Resurfacing Projects (TBD) 5320.2302 Wilson Bridge Replacement -Construction 6256 Bridges & Culverts Wilson Bridge (7002) Replacement Construction. 7709 RF -Roads & Bridges Total 5320.2302 Wilson Bridge Replacement -Construction 5320.2303 Old Brock Rd. -Road Reconstruction 6251 Road Improvements Old Brock Road -Haxton Street to Uxbridge-Pickering Townline 7709 RF -Roads & Bridges Total 5320.2303 Old Brock Rd. -Road Reconstruction 5320.2304 Seventh Concession Rd. -Road Reconstruction 6250 Construction Costs Sideline Road 32 to Sideline Road 26 -Road Reconstruction. Northern Roads Hard Surfacing Strategy. 7709 RF -Roads & Bridges Total 5320.2304 Seventh Concession Rd.~ Road Reconstruction 5320.2305 Radom St. Culverts Replacement -Construction 1702 Debt-10 Year 6256 Bridges & Culverts Radom Street Culverts (7) Replacement Construction. Total 5320.2305 Radom St. Culverts Replacement -Construction 5320.2306 William Jackson Drive -Culvert Replacement Design 6230 Prof/Consulting Fees William Jackson Drive -Urfe Creek Culvert Structure Replacement - Design/approvals 7022 R -DC's City's Share 7610 RF DC -Transportation Services Total 5320.2306 William Jackson Drive -Culvert Replacement De~ Total 5320 Roads Projects 139 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense 2,250,000 (2,250,000) (2,250,000) 2,250,000 1,500,000 (1,500,000) (1,500,000) 1,500,000 950,000 (950,000) (950,000) 950,000 2,150,000 (2,150,000) (2,150,000) 2,150,000 (1,500,000) 1,500,000 (1,500,000) 1,500,000 450,000 (45,000) (405,000) (450,000) 450,000 (8,800,000) 8,800,000 City of Pickering 2024 Capital Forecast 5320 Roads Projects 5320.2401 Liverpool Bridge Replacement -Construction 1704 Debt -20 year 6256 Bridges & Culverts Liverpool Bridge (3) Replacement -Construction Total 5320.2401 Liverpool Bridge Replacement -Construction 5320.2402 Greenwood Bridge -Rehabilitation Construction 1702 Debt-10 Year 6256 Bridges & Culverts Bridge Repairs -Greenwood Bridge Total 5320.2402 Greenwood Bridge -Rehabilitation Construction 5320.2403 Sixth Concession Rd. -Road Reconstruction 1702 Debt-10 Year 6251 Road Improvements Sixth Concession Road -reconstruction including storm sewer and outfall -from Greenwood Road to Highway 7 Total 5320.2403 Sixth Concession Rd. -Road Reconstruction 5320.2404 Dyson Rd. -Road Reconstruction 1702 Debt-10 Year 6251 Road Improvements Dyson Road -Rodd Avenue to Rougemount Drive Total 5320.2404 Dyson Rd. -Road Reconstruction 5320.2405 Sideline 24 -Road Reconstruction 6251 Road Improvements Sideline 24 -Highway 407 to Whitevale Road -Road Reconstruction. Northern Roads Hard Surfacing Strategy. 7709 RF -Roads & Bridges Total 5320.2405 Sideline 24 -Road Reconstruction 5320.2406 Sideline 14 -Road Reconstruction 1702 Debt-10Year 6251 Road Improvements Sideline 14 -Hwy. 407 to Seventh Concession Road -Reconstruct granular base and hard surface. Northern Roads Hard Surfacing Strategy. Total 5320.2406 Sideline 14 -Road Reconstruction 5320.2407 Scarborough/Pickering Townline Rd.-Culvert ReplacemE 140 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense (2,800,000) 2,800,000 (2,800,000) 2,800,000 (625,000) 625,000 (625,000) 625,000 (1,100,000) 1,100,000 (1,100,000) 1,100,000 (1,530,000) 1,530,000 (1,530,000) 1,530,000 975,000 (975,000) (975,000) 975,000 (925,000) 925,000 (925,000) 925,000 5320 Roads Projects 6230 Prof/Consulting Fees City of Pickering 2024 Capital Forecast Toronto/ Pickering Townline Culvert (2004) Replacement - Design/Approvals. 7709 RF -Roads & Bridges Total 5320.2407 Scarborough/Pickering Townline Rd.-Culvert Rep 5320.2408 Lot 2, Cone 7/8 Bridge Replacement -Design 6256 Bridges & Culverts Eighth Cone. Road (east of Sideline 2) (8003) Design - Replacement 7709 RF -Roads & Bridges Total 5320.2408 Lot 2, Cone 7/8 Bridge Replacement -Design 5320.2414 Asphalt Resurfacing Projects (TBD) 6251 Road Improvements Roads Resurfacing Projects (TBD) 7505 RF -Federal Gas Tax Total 5320.2414 Asphalt Resurfacing Projects (TBD) Total 5320 Roads Projects 141 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense 600,000 (600,000) (600,000) 600,000 150,000 (150,000) (150,000) 150,000 2,250,000 (2,250,000) (2,250,000) 2,250,000 (10,955,000) 10,955,000 5320 Roads Projects City of Pickering 2025 Capital Forecast 5320.2501 Seventh Concession Rd. (SL 26 to SL 22) Road Constru< 1702 Debt-10 Year 6251 Road Improvements Seventh Concession Road (SL 26 to SL 22). Northern Roads Hard Surfacing Strategy. Total 5320.2501 Seventh Concession Rd. (SL 26 to SL 22) Road Cc 5320.2502 Kinsale Rd. -Hard Surfacing 6251 Road Improvements Kinsale Road Paving -Hwy 407 to Seventh Concession Road upgrade to hard surface (1300m). Northern Roads Hard Surfacing Strategy. 7709 RF -Roads & Bridges Total 5320.2502 Kinsale Rd. -Hard Surfacing 5320.2503 Asphalt Resurfacing Projects (TBD) 6251 Road Improvements Resurfacing Projects (TBD) 7505 RF -Federal Gas Tax Total 5320.2503 Asphalt Resurfacing Projects (TBD) 5320.2504 Lehman #2 Bridge -Bridge Replacement -Design 6256 Bridges & Culverts Eighth Concession Road (8001) Replacement Construction - Design 7709 RF -Roads & Bridges Total 5320.2504 Lehman #2 Bridge -Bridge Replacement -Design 5320.2505 Pedestrian Bridge 9 -Bridge Replacement -Design 6256 Bridges & Culverts Pickering Museum Village (PB 09) Replacement Construction- Design 7709 RF -Roads & Bridges Total 5320.2505 Pedestrian Bridge 9 -Bridge Replacement -Desig Total 5320 Roads Projects 142 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense {1,525,000) 1,525,000 (1,525,000) 1,525,000 975,000 (975,000) (975,000) 975,000 2,250,000 (2,250,000) (2,250,000) 2,250,000 150,000 (150,000) (150,000) 150,000 100,000 (100,000) (100,000) 100,000 (5,000,000) 5,000,000 5320 Roads Projects City of Pickering 2026 Capital Forecast 5320.2601 Seventh Concession Rd. (SL 22 to Brock Rd.) Road Corn 6251 Road. Improvements Seventh Concession Road (SL 22 to Brock Road). Northern Roads Hard Surfacing Strategy. 7709 RF -Roads & Bridges Total 5320.2601 Seventh Concession Rd. (SL 22 to Brock Rd.) Roe 5320.2602 William Jackson Drive -Culvert Replacement -Construe 6256 Bridges & Culverts William Jackson Drive -Culvert Replacement -Construction 7022 R -DC's City's Share 7610 RF DC -Transportation Services Total 5320.2602 William Jackson Drive -Culvert Replacement -Co 5320.2603 Lehman #2 Bridge -Bridge Replacement -Construction 6256 Bridges & Culverts Eighth Concession Road (8001) Replacement Construction 7709 RF -Roads & Bridges Total 5320.2603 Lehman #2 Bridge -Bridge Replacement -Constri 5320.2604 Pedestrian Bridge 9 -Bridge Replacement -Constructio1 6256 Bridges & Culverts 7709 RF -Roads & Bridges Total 5320.2604 Pedestrian Bridge 9 -Bridge Replacement -Const 5320.2605 Asphalt Resurfacing Projects (TBD) 6251 Road Improvements Resurfacing Projects (TBD) 7505 RF -Federal Gas Tax Total 5320.2605 Asphalt Resurfacing Projects (TBD) Total 5320 Roads Projects 143 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense 1,525,000 (1,525,000) (1,525,000) 1,525,000 3,455,000 (345,410) (3,109,590) (3,455,000) 3,455,000 150,000 (150,000) (150,000) 150,000 100,000 (100,000) (100,000) 100,000 2,250,000 (2,250,000) (2,250,000) 2,250,000 (7,480,000) 7,480,000 City of Pickering 2023 Capital Forecast 5613 Water Resources & Development Services 5613.2303 Various Construction Projects 6250 Construction Costs Various Construction Projects Related to Development (funded from Third Party Contributions). 7501 RF -Third Party Contribution Total 5613.2303 Various Construction Projects Total 5613 Water Resources & Development Services 144 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense 200,000 (200,000) (200,000) 200,000 (200,000) 200,000 City of Pickering 2024 Capital Forecast 5613 Water Resources & Development Services 5613.2402 Various Construction Projects 6250 Construction Costs Various Construction Projects Related to Development (funded from Third Party Contributions). 7501 RF -Third Party Contribution Total 5613.2402 Various Construction Projects Total 5613 Water Resources & Development Services 145 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense 200,000 (200,000) (200,000) 200,000 (200,000) 200,000 City of Pickering 2025 Capital Forecast 5613 Water Resources & Development Services 5613.2501 Various Construction Projects 6250 Construction Costs Various Construction Projects Related to Development (funded from Third Party Contributions). 7501 RF -Third Party Contribution Total 5613.2501 Various Construction Projects Total 5613 Water Resources & Development Services 146 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense 200,000 (200,000) (200,000) 200,000 (200,000) 200,000 City of Pickering 2026 Capital Forecast 5613 Water Resources & Development Services 5613.2601 Various Construction Projects 6250 Construction Costs Various Construction Projects Related to Development (funded from Third Party Contributions). 7501 RF -Third Party Contribution Total 5613.2601 Various Construction Projects Total 5613 Water Resources & Development Services 147 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense 200,000 (200,000) (200,000) 200,000 (200,000) 200,000 City of Pickering 2023 Capital Forecast 5321 Development Projects-(DC Funded) 5321.2301 81·1. Bayly St. · Sidewalks & Streetlights 1722 DC Debt -10 Year (Transportation) 6252 Streetlights & Sidewalks 81 -1 Sidewalks & Streetlights -Bayly Street (Church Street to Hydro Corridor -north and south sides) (50/50). 7022 R -DC's City's Share Total 5321.2301 Bl-I Bayly St.· Sidewalks & Streetlights 5321.2302 8-19 D Krosno Creek• SWM Facility -Design 6230 Prof/Consulting Fees B-19 (48/52) Krosno Creek SWM Facility K16 at Wharf St. (Design). 7022 R -DC's City's Share 7611 RF DC -Storm Water Mgmt Total 5321.2302 B-19 D Krosno Creek -SWM Facility -Design 5321.2303 DH-24 Brock Rd. • Sidewalks & Streetlights 6252 Streetlights & Sidewalks DH-24 Sidewalks & Streetlights -Brock Road( both sides Forbrock St to Taunton Rd.) 7022 R -DC's City's Share 7610 RF DC -Transportation Services Total 5321.2303 DH-24 Brock Rd. · Sidewalks & Streetlights 5321.2304 8-30 D Krosno Creek • SWM Facility • Design 6253 Storm Water 8-30 Krosno Creek SWM Facility K19 Hydro Corridor -(48/52) (feasibility, EA, Design, Land Cost & Approvals). 7611 RF DC -Storm Water Mgmt 7710 RF -Stormwater Mgmt Total 5321.2304 8-30 D Krosno Creek • SWM Facility -Design 5321.2305 Highway 401 Road Crossing Construction 1705 Debt-25 Year 1725 DC Debt -25 Year (Transportation) 6256 Bridges & Culverts 148 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense (581,000) 1,162,000 (581,000) (1,162,000) 1,162,000 81,000 (42,124) (38,876) (81,000) 81,000 25,000 (12,500) (12,500) (25,000) 25,000 459,000 (229,500) (229,500) (459,000) 459,000 (8,700,000) (1,200,000) 60,000,000 City of Pickering 2023 Capital Forecast 5.321 Development Projects-(DC Funded) Highway 401 Road Crossing -connecting Notion Road to Squires Beach Road, and re-alignment of Pickering Parkway at Notion Road -Construction (55/45). Includes design, utility relocations and construction costs. 7501 RF -Third Party Contribution 7610 RF DC -Transportation Services Total 5321.2305 Highway 401 Road Crossing Construction 5321.2306 D-2 Kingston Rd Streetlighting/Sidewalks S. Side 6252 Streetlights & Sidewalks D-2 Kingston Road -South Side Steetlighting & Sidewalks (50/50). 7022 R -DC's City's Share 7610 RF DC -Transportation Services Total 5321.2306 D-2 Kingston Rd Streetlighting/Sidewalks S. Side 5321.2307 D-1 Kingston Rd Steetlighting/Sidewalks N. Side 6252 Streetlights & Sidewalks D-1 Kingston Road -North Side Steetlighting & Sidewalks (50/50). 7022 R -DC's City's Share 7610 RF DC -Transportation Services Total 5321.2307 D-1 Kingston Rd Steetlighting/Sidewalks N. Side 5321.2308 Walnut Lane Extension -Construction 1725 DC Debt -25 Year (Transportation) 6251 Road Improvements Walnut Lane Extension from Liverpool Road to Kingston Road. Construction including bridge over Pine Creek. 7022 R -DC's City's Share Total 5321.2308 Walnut Lane Extension -Construction Total 5321 Development Projects-(DC Funded) 149 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense (24,000,000) (26,100,000) (60,000,000) 60,000,000 695,000 (347,500) (347,500) (695,000) 695,000 570,000 (285,000) (285,000) (570,000) 570,000 (4,312,500) 5,750,000 (1,437,500) (5,750,000) 5,750,000 (68,742,000) 68,742,000 City of Pickering 2024 Capital Forecast 5321 Development Projects-(DC Funded) 5321.2401 RU-4 Audley Rd. -Road Reconstruction 6252 Streetlights & Sidewalks RU-4 Audley Road (50/50) Fifth Concession to Hwy. #7 -Two Lane Rural Reconstruction. 7022 R -DC's City's Share 7610 RF DC -Transportation Services Total 5321.2401 RU-4 Audley Rd. -Road Reconstruction 5321.2402 R-4a Oakwood Drive -Road Reconstruction 6251 Road Improvements R-4a Oakwood Drive -2 lane urban reconstruction (Rougemount Drive to Mountain Ash Drive) (50/50) 7022 R -DC's City's Share 7610 RF DC -Transportation Services Total 5321.2402 R-4a Oakwood Drive -Road Reconstruction 5321.2403 R-4b Oakwood Drive -Road Reconstruction 6251 Road Improvements R-4b Oakwood Drive -2 lane urban reconstruction & storm sewer install (Mountain Ash Drive to Toynevale Road) (50/50) 7022 R -DC's City's Share 7610 RF DC -Transportation Services Total 5321.2403 R-4b Oakwood Drive -Road Reconstruction 5321.2405 RU-7 Scarborough/Pickering Townline Road -Road Rec, 1722 DC Debt -10 Year (Transportation) 6251 Road Improvements RU-7 Scarborough/Pickering Townline Road -Reconstruction & widening (CPR to Taunton Road/ Steeles Avenue)(50/50) 7022 R -DC's City's Share Total 5321.2405 RU-7 Scarborough/Pickering Townline Road -Roi Total 5321 Development Projects-(DC Funded) 150 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense 3,212,000 (1,606,000) (1,606,000) (3,212,000) 3,212,000 1,436,000 (718,000) (718,000) (1,436,000) 1,436,000 718,000 (359,000) (359,000) (718,000) 718,000 (2,817,000) 5,634,000 (2,817,000) (5,634,000) 5,634,000 (11,000,000) 11,000,000 City of Pickering 2025 Capital Forecast 5321 Development Projects-(DC Funded) 5321.2501 Installation of Oil Grit Separators 6253 Storm Water Installation of Oil Grit Separators (25/75) Frenchman's Bay. 7022 R -DC's City's Share 7611 RF DC -Storm Water Mgmt Total 5321.2501 Installation of Oil Grit Separators 5321.2502 Arterial Road: Bayly to Kingston -Feasibility Study 6230 Prof/Consulting Fees TC-31 Future Arterial Road in Hydro Corridor, City Centre - Feasibility Study and Environmental Assessment (75/25). 7022 R -DC's City's Share 7610 RF DC -Transportation Services Total 5321.2502 Arterial Road: Bayly to Kingston -Feasibility Stud 5321.2503 R-5 Rougemount Drive -Road Reconstruction 6251 Road Improvements R-5 Rougemount Drive -2 lane urban reconstruction & storm sewer install (Woodgrange Avenue to Toynevale Road) (50/50) 7022 R -DC's City's Share 7610 RF DC -Transportation Services Total 5321.2503 R-5 Rougemount Drive -Road Reconstruction 5321.2504 B-19 C Krosno Creek -SWM Facility -Construction 6253 Storm Water B-19 Krosno Creek SWM Facility K16. Construction (48/52). 7022 R -DC's City's Share 7611 RF DC -Storm Water Mgmt Total 5321.2504 B-19 C Krosno Creek -SWM Facility -Constructic 5321.2505 DH-2 Valley Farm Rd. Bridge EA/Design 6256 Bridges & Culverts DH-2 Valley Farm Road Bridge EA/Design (90/10) 7022 R -DC's City's Share 7610 RF DC -Transportation Services Total 5321.2505 DH-2 Valley Farm Rd. Bridge EA/Design Total 5321 Development Projects-(DC Funded) 151 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense 301,000 (215,690) (85,310) (301,000) 301,000 2,698,000 (674,500) (2,023,500) (2,698,000) 2,698,000 285,000 (142,500) (142,500) (285,000) 285,000 806,200 (419,224) (386,976) (806,200) 806,200 500,000 (50,000) (450,000) (500,000) 500,000 (4,590,200) 4,590,200 City of Pickering 2026 Capital Forecast 5321 Development Projects-(DC Funded) 5321.2601 RP-2 Finch Ave. Culvert Replacement 6256 Bridges & Culverts RP-2 Finch Ave West of Altona Road Culvert Replacement (50/50). 7610 RF DC -Transportation Services 7709 RF -Roads & Bridges Total 5321.2601 RP-2 Finch Ave. Culvert Replacement 5321.2602 A-12, 8-28 (Plummer) -Krosno Creek Crossing 1702 Debt -10 Year 6256 Bridges & Culverts A-12, B-28 (Plummer) -Krosno Creek Crossing 7610 RF DC -Transportation Services Total 5321.2602 A-12, 8-28 (Plummer) -Krosno Creek Crossing 5321.2603 RP-4 Finch Ave. -Road Reconstruction 6251 Road Improvements RP-4 Finch Avenue reconstruction, urbanization from Altona Road to Townline Road. (75/25) 7022 R -DC's City's Share 7610 RF DC -Transportation Services Total 5321.2603 RP-4 Finch Ave. -Road Reconstruction Total 5321 Development Projects-(DC Funded) 152 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense 1,000,000 (500,000) (500,000) (1,000,000) 1,000,000 (539,500) 2,158,000 (1,618,500) (2,158,000) 2,158,000 1,850,000 (1,387,725) (462,275) (1,850,000) 1,850,000 (5,008,000) 5,008,000 City of Pickering 2023 Capital Forecast 5340 Fire Services 5340.2301 FS #2 Partial Roof Replacement -Design 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6230 Prof/Consulting Fees Lifecycle replacement of lower flat roof over living quarters at Fire Station #2. Includes provision of rooftop access ladder and platform through upper part of hose tower. Total 5340.2301 FS #2 Partial Roof Replacement -Design 5340.2302 FS #2 Apparatus Bay Heaters 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6500 Building Related FS #2 Apparatus Bay Heaters Total 5340.2302 FS #2 Apparatus Bay Heaters 5340.2303 Portable Radio Replacement 1701 Debt -5 Year 6178 Machinery & Equipment Lifecycle replacement of portable radios. Replacement includes portable radios, batteries, lapel mies, vehicle chargers, desktop chargers. Total 5340.2303 Portable Radio Replacement 5340.2304 FS #3 New Fire Station & HQ (Seaton) Bunker Gear and I 1718 DC Internal Loan -5 Year (Protective Services) 6478 Miscellaneous Equipment -Seaton Equipment for 4 firefighters including bunker gear and breathing apparatus equipment for FS #3 New Fire Station (Seaton North). Total 5340.2304 FS #3 New Fire Station & HQ (Seaton) Bunker Gee 5340.2305 FS #6 Water Heater Replacement 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6500 Building Related Lifecycle replacement of existing equipment installed in 2002. Total 5340.2305 FS #6 Water Heater Replacement 5340.2308 FS #5 Replacement -Demolition & New Construction 1704 Debt -20 year 6500 Building Related Construction costs for the replacement of Fire Station #5. Includes demolition of existing structure. Fire Station #5 was originally constructed in 1964 and is at end of its serviceable life. 153 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense (26,000) 26,000 (26,000) 26,000 (50,000) 50,000 (50,000) 50,000 (500,000) 500,000 (500,000) 500,000 (84,000) 84,000 (84,000) 84,000 (30,000) 30,000 (30,000) 30,000 (5,867,000) 5,867,000 5340 Fire Services City of Pickering 2023 Capital Forecast Total 5340.2308 FS #5 Replacement -Demolition & New Construc1 5340.2309 FS #6 Generator Replacement -Construction 1711 Internal Loan -5 Year 6500 Building Related Lifecycle replacement of existing generator. Original unit installed in 1993. Total 5340.2309 FS #6 Generator Replacement -Construction 5340.2310 FS #6 Kitchen & Living Quarters Retrofit -Design 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6230 Prof/Consulting Fees Design consulting services and related investigation costs to prepare for retrofit of the existing kitchen and living quarters at Fire Station #6, originally constructed in 1994. Total 5340.2310 FS #6 Kitchen & Living Quarters Retrofit -Design Total 5340 Fire Services 154 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense (5,867,000) 5,867,000 (185,000) 185,000 (185,000) 185,000 (38,000) 38,000 (38,000) 38,000 (6,780,000) 6,780,000 City of Pickering 2024 Capital Forecast 5340 Fire Services 5340.2401 FS #2 Partial Roof Replacement-Construction 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6500 Building Related Lifecycle replacement of the existing lower roof at Fire Station #2, originally installed in 2002. Total 5340.2401 FS #2 Partial Roof Replacement-Construction 5340.2402 FS #6 Fencing & Patio Replacement 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6500 Building Related Lifecycle replacement of the existing enclosure and patio at Fire Station #6. Total 5340.2402 FS #6 Fencing & Patio Replacement 5340.2403 FS #5 Replacement -FF&E 1711 Internal Loan -5 Year I 6173 Furniture & Fixtures Furniture, fixtures and equipment for the replacement of Fire Station #5. FF&E items which cannot be capitalized will be included in the operating budget(s) corresponding with the timing of construction and occupancy. Total 5340.2403 FS #5 Replacement -FF&E 5340.2407 FS #3 New Fire Station & HQ (Seaton) Bunker Gear and I 1718 DC Internal Loan -5 Year (Protective Services) 6478 Miscellaneous Equipment-Seaton Equipment for 4 firefighters including bunker gear and breathing apparatus equipment for FS #3 New Fire Station (Seaton North). Total 5340.2407 FS #3 New Fire Station & HQ (Seaton) Bunker Ge~ 5340.2408 Seaton North FS #3 -Design 1709 DC Debt -20 Year (Protective Services) 6430 Prof/Consult Fees -Seaton Design consulting services for new fire station in north Seaton lands. Includes testing and inspection costs, and investigations on new site. 7713 RF -Seaton Land Grp FIA Total 5340.2408 Seaton North FS #3 -Design 5340.2409 FS #6 Kitchen & Living Quarters Retrofit -Construction 1711 Internal Loan -5 Year 155 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense (85,000) 85,000 (85,000) 85,000 (15,000) 15,000 (15,000) 15,000 (206,000) 206,000 (206,000) 206,000 (84,000) 84,000 (84,000) 84,000 (477,750) 490,000 (12,250) (490,000) 490,000 (160,000) 5340 Fire Services 6500 Building Related City of Pickering 2024 Capital Forecast Construction costs for interior retrofit of the existing kitchen, living quarters and related adjunct spaces at Fire Station #6. These spaces were originally constructed in 1994. Total 5340.2409 FS #6 Kitchen & Living Quarters Retrofit -Constr 5340.2410 FS #6 Apparatus Bay Heaters 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6500 Building Related FS #6 Apparatus Bay Heaters Total 5340.2410 FS #6 Apparatus Bay Heaters Total 5340 Fire Services 156 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense 160,000 (160,000) 160,000 (52,000) 52,000 (52,000) 52,000 (1,092,000) 1,092,000 City of Pickering 2025 Capital Forecast 5340 Fire Services 5340.2501 FS #4 Generator Replacement -Design 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6230 Prof/Consulting Fees Investigation, assessment and design fees for the replacement of the existing generator at fire station #4. The existing unit was installed in 1997. Total 5340.2501 FS #4 Generator Replacement -Design 5340.2502 FS #2 (1 unit) & FS #3 (2 units) -Air Conditioners Replac 6500 Building Related Lifecycle replacement of existing air conditioners. Existing units installed in 2009. 7505 RF -Federal Gas Tax Total 5340.2502 FS #2 (1 unit) & FS #3 (2 units) -Air Conditioners I 5340.2503 FS #3 New Fire Station & HQ (Seaton) Bunker Gear and I 1718 DC Internal Loan -5 Year (Protective Services) 6478 Miscellaneous Equipment -Seaton Equipment for 4 firefighters including bunker gear and breathing apparatus equipment for FS #3 New Fire Station (Seaton North). Total 5340.2503 FS #3 New Fire Station & HQ (Seaton) Bunker Ge~ 5340.2504 FS #3 FF&E 1711 Internal Loan -5 Year 6173 Furniture & Fixtures Furniture, fixtures and equipment for the Fire Station #3. FF&E items which cannot be capitalized will be included in the operating budget(s) corresponding with the timing of construction and occupancy. Total 5340.2504 FS #3 FF&E 5340.2505 FS #6 Exterior Openings Sealant Replacement 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6500 Building Related Lifecycle replacement of existing sealants and related materials. Total 5340.2505 FS #6 Exterior Openings Sealant Replacement 5340.2506 FS#4 Interior Retrofit -Design 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6230 Prof/Consulting Fees 157 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense (50,000) 50,000 (50,000) 50,000 35,000 (35,000) (35,000) 35,000 (84,000) 84,000 (84,000) 84,000 (200,000) 200,000 (200,000) 200,000 (23,000) 23,000 (23,000) 23,000 (36,000) 36,000 5340 Fire Services City of Pickering 2025 Capital Forecast Design costs to prepare for retrofit of the existing interior quarters on the north side of the apparatus bay, originally designed as the City's Emergency Control Centre, including replacing existing finishes, furniture, fixtures and equipment. Total 5340.2506 FS#4 Interior Retrofit -Design 5340.2507 FS #4 Apparatus Bay Painting 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6500 Building Related Lifecycle replacement of existing paint on walls and mechanical ductwork in the apparatus bay. Total 5340.2507 FS #4 Apparatus Bay Painting Total 5340 Fire Services 158 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense (36,000) 36,000 (88,000) 88,000 (88,000) 88,000 (516,000) 516,000 City of Pickering 2026 Capital Forecast 5340 Fire Services 5340.2601 FS #6 Window Replacement 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6500 Building Related Renovation -Lifecycle replacement of windows at Fire Station #6 Total 5340.2601 FS #6 Window Replacement 5340.2602 FS #4 Interior Retrofit -Construction 1711 Internal Loan -5 Year 6500 Building Related Lifecycle retrofit to existing kitchen and living quarters. The existing accommodations were only intended for volunteer use, whereas the station now has a permanent complement. Total 5340.2602 FS #4 Interior Retrofit -Construction 5340.2603 FS #4 Generator Replacement -Construction 1711 Internal Loan -5 Year 6500 Building Related Lifecycle replacement of existing generator. Original unit installed in 1997. Total 5340.2603 FS #4 Generator Replacement -Construction 5340.2604 FS #4 Driveway Replacement -Investigation & Design 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6230 Prof/Consulting Fees FS #4 Driveway Replacement -Investigation & Design Total 5340.2604 FS #4 Driveway Replacement -Investigation & De: 5340.2605 FS #4 Carbon Monoxide System Replacement 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6500 Building Related FS #4 Carbon Monoxide System Replacement Total 5340.2605 FS #4 Carbon Monoxide System Replacement 5340.2608 Seaton North FS #3 -Construction 1709 DC Debt-20 Year (Protective Services) 6450 Construction Costs -Seaton Construction costs for new fire station #3 in north Seaton lands. 7022 R -DC's City's Share Total 5340.2608 Seaton North FS #3 -Construction Total 5340 Fire Services 159 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense (115,000) 115,000 (115,000) 115,000 (192,000) 192,000 (192,000) 192,000 (185,000) 185,000 (185,000) 185,000 (40,000) 40,000 (40,000) 40,000 (20,000) 20,000 (20,000) 20,000 (5,850,000) 6,000,000 (150,000) (6,000,000) 6,000,000 (6,552,000) 6,552,000 5800 Library 5800.2301 Collection Materials 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6179 Book Collection Material City of Pickering 2023 Capital Forecast Collection Materials include: Books, movies, music and other types of physical materials along with their processing and packaging. Current collection includes over 140,000 items -6.5% of collection replaced with new material each year. Assumes the addition of approx. 9,100 items at $32 each. Total 5800.2301 Collection Materials 5800.2302 PCL Computers Replacement 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6175 Hardware Replacements Replacement of public and staff computers at the Pickering Central Library that are older than 5 years with new equipment. Total 5800.2302 PCL Computers Replacement 5800.2303 Upgrade Library Servers 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6175 Hardware Replacements The Library currently has 5 servers. One to be replaced this year. Total 5800.2303 Upgrade Library Servers 5800.2304 Archives and Library Space FF&E 1711 Internal Loan -5 Year 6173 Furniture & Fixtures Furniture, fixtures and equipment needed for the Library area of the Heritage Centre. Additional FF&E funds for this project appear in 5719. Total 5800.2304 Archives and Library Space FF&E 5800.2305 Improvements to GAL Public Service space Phase 1 & 2 1711 Internal Loan -5 Year 6173 Furniture & Fixtures Update of George Ashe Library public service space and furnishings to improve client experience -Phase 1 ($125,000) and Phase 2 ($175,000) Total 5800.2305 Improvements to GAL Public Service space Phas1 5800.2306 Laptop Charging and Loaning 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 160 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense (290,000) 290,000 (290,000) 290,000 (40,000) 40,000 (40,000) 40,000 (17,000) 17,000 (17,000) 17,000 (425,000) 425,000 (425,000) 425,000 (300,000) 300,000 (300,000) 300,000 (65,000) 5800 Library 6175 Hardware Replacements City of Pickering 2023 Capital Forecast Laptop loaning and charging lockers to allow self serve loaning of laptops to the public at the Central Library · Total 5800.2306 Laptop Charging and Loaning 5800.2307 Collection Materials For Archives and Library Space -RE 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6179 Book Collection Material RECOMMEND REDUCTION -Collection Materials include: Books, movies, audiobooks and other types of physical materials along with their processing and packaging. New collection of approx 2700 items at $30 each. Total 5800.2307 Collection Materials For Archives and Library Spa Total 5800 Library 161 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense 65,000 (65,000) 65,000 (80,000) 80,000 (80,000) 80,000 (1,217,000) 1,217,000 City of Pickering 2024 Capital Forecast 5800 Library 5800.2401 Collection Materials 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6179 Book Collection Material Collection Materials include: Books, movies, music and other types of physical materials along with their processing and packaging. Current collection includes over 140,000 items -6.5% of collection replaced with new material each year. Assumes the addition of approx. 9,100 items at $32 each. Total 5800.2401 Collection Materials 5800.2402 GAL Computer Replacement 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6175 Hardware Replacements Replacement of public and staff computers at George Ashe Library that are older than 5 years with new equipment. Total 5800.2402 GAL Computer Replacement 5800.2403 Upgrade Library Server 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6175 Hardware Replacements · The Library currently has 5 servers. One to be replaced this year. Total 5800.2403 Upgrade Library Server 5800.2404 Skylight Repairs & Replacements 6500 Building Related Lifecycle repairs and replacement of existing skylights originally installed in 1990. 7505 RF -Federal Gas Tax Total 5800.2404 Skylight Repairs & Replacements 5800.2405 Exterior Window Replacements 6500 Building Related Lifecycle replacement of existing exterior windows, installed in 1990. 7505 RF -Federal Gas Tax Total 5800.2405 Exterior Window Replacements 5800.2406 HVAC Upgrades and Replacements 6500 Building Related Lifecycle repair and replacement of existing heating and ventilation equipment at end of life. 162 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense (290,000) 290,000 (290,000) 290,000 (20,000) 20,000 (20,000) 20,000 (17,000) 17,000 (17,000) 17,000 350,000 (350,000) (350,000) 350,000 500,000 (500,000) (500,000) 500,000 18,000 5800 Library 7505 RF -Federal Gas Tax City of Pickering 2024 Capital Forecast Total 5800.2406 HVAC Upgrades and Replacements Total 5800 Library 163 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense (18,000) (18,000) 18,000 (1,195,000) 1,195,000 5800 Library 5800.2501 Collection Materials 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6179 Book Collection Material City of Pickering 2025 Capital Forecast Collection Materials include: Books, movies, music and other types of physical materials along with their processing and packaging. Total 5800.2501 Collection Materials 5800.2502 PCL Computers Replacement 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6175 Hardware Replacements Replacement of public and staff computers at the Pickering Central Library that are at least 5 years old. Total 5800.2502 PCL Computers Replacement 5800.2503 Upgrade Library Server 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6175 Hardware Replacements The Library currently has 5 servers. One to be replaced this year. Total 5800.2503 Upgrade Library Server 5800.2504 Building Automation Upgrades 1711 Internal Loan -5 Year 6500 Building Related RECOMMEND DELETE -Lifecycle upgrades to building automation controls and equipment. Total 5800.2504 Building Automation Upgrades Total 5800 Library 164 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense (290,000) 290,000 (290,000) 290,000 (40,000) 40,000 (40,000) 40,000 (17,000) 17,000 (17,000) 17,000 (130,000) 130,000 (130,000) 130,000 {477,000) 477,000 5800 Library 5800.2601 Collection Materials 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6179 Book Collection Material City of Pickering 2026 Capital Forecast Collection Materials include: Books, movies, music and other types of physical materials along with their processing and packaging. Total 5800.2601 Collection Materials 5800.2602 PCL Computers Replacement 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6175 Hardware Replacements Replacement of public and staff computers at the Pickering Central Library that are at least 5 years old. Total 5800.2602 PCL Computers Replacement 5800.2603 Library Server Upgrade 2823 Paid from Property Taxes 6175 Hardware Replacements The Library currently has 5 servers. One to be replaced this year. Total 5800.2603 Library Server Upgrade Total 5800 Library 165 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense (290,000) 290,000 (290,000) 290,000 (40,000) 40,000 (40,000) 40,000 (17,000) 17,000 (17,000) 17,000 (347,000) 347,000 5801 Seaton Regional Library City of Pickering 2024 Capital Forecast 5801.2402 Seaton Regional Library -Design 1704 Debt -20 year 1732 DC Debt -20 Year (Library) 6430 Prof/Consult Fees -Seaton Seaton Community Library -Design 7630 RF DC -Library Total 5801.2402 Seaton Regional Library -Design Total 5801 Seaton Regional Library 166 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense (3,706,800) (800,000) 5,000,000 (493,200) (5,000,000) 5,000,000 (5,000,000) 5,000,000 5801 Seaton Regional Library City of Pickering 2026 Capital Forecast 5801.2601 Seaton Regional Library -Construction 1704 Debt -20 year 1732 DC Debt -20 Year (Library) 6450 Construction Costs -Seaton Seaton Community Library -Construction Total 5801.2601 Seaton Regional Library -Construction Total 5801 Seaton Regional Library 167 Run Date: Aug 23, 2021 Funding Expense (13,377,810) (4,312,190) 17,690,000 (17,690,000) 17,690,000 {17,690,000) 17,690,000