HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS 22-21Report to Council Report Number: CS 22-21 Date: April 26, 2021 From: Brian Duffield (Acting) Director, Community Services Subject: Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce Terms of Reference -File: A-1440 Recommendation: 1.That the Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce Terms of Reference, as amended by the Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce in Attachment 1, be endorsed by Council; and, 2.That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary actions as indicated in this report. Executive Summary: At the Council meeting of August 24, 2020, Council endorsed Report CS 27-20 (Attachment 2) through Resolution #408/20 which adopted the draft Terms of Reference for the Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce (PABRT), as recommended by the Cultural Advisory Committee. This document contained a provision that makes the newly formed PABRT responsible to propose amendments to the draft Terms of Reference, should they see it, for Council’s consideration. At the Council meeting of January 25, 2021, Council endorsed Confidential Report CS 12-21 through Resolution #513/21 which appointed recommended community representatives to the Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce.Since then, the PABRT has hosted three meetings to, in part, review and revise the Terms of Reference document. Additionally, PABRT also determined a taskforce structure, discussed stipend, appointed an Executive, identified key areas for the action plan, set out taskforce sub-committees, and identified a meeting schedule. At this time, the PABRT is prepared to propose the amended Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce Terms of Reference as set out in Attachment 1 for Council consideration and endorsement. Financial Implications: An amount of $25,000 has been allocated in account 2711.5350.0004 of the 2021 Current Budget for expenses associated with the initiatives of the taskforce. The PABRT will be responsible to provide a proposed Action Plan with related budget expenditures for Council approval each year, and to report quarterly to Council on the progress of the plan. An amount of $20,000 is available in account 2711.1100.0000 to fund the remuneration of taskforce members as proposed by PABRT in the Terms of Reference (Attachment 1 – section 8). CS 22-21 April 26, 2021 Subject: Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce Terms of Reference Page 2 Discussion: At the Council Meeting of August 24, 2020, the Anti-Black Racism Action Plan of the Cultural Advisory Committee (CAC) outlined in Report CS 27-20 was approved by Council. This Action Plan was developed so that relevant data can be collected, resources can be identified, and community consultation can be completed and shared with the PABRT. To that end, the CAC identified a PABRT Preparatory Sub-Committee who took on this effort. On February 27, 2021, the PABRT Preparatory Sub-committee attended a special meeting of the CAC to hand over the results of their work to the newly appointed PABRT. This work included a full review of the work to date, review of existing documents, next steps, and survey results. Since the PABRT appointment in January 2021, the Taskforce has met on three occasions: March 3, April 1, and April 8, 2021. During these meetings the taskforce completed the following action items: •comprehensive review and revision of the Terms of Reference; •determined committee structure; •discussed stipend; •appointed an executive; •identified key areas for the Action Plan; •set out taskforce sub-committees; •approved their meeting schedule; •developed administrative processes; and, •amended Terms of Reference document. Through the review and of the draft Terms of Reference, PABRT worked with staff to propose amendments largely reflect additions to Section 7 entitled “Taskforce Structure and “Positions” and Section 8 entitled “Budget”. As per Section 7, PABRT carried out nominations and elections of Executive positions. Furthermore, sub-committee positions have been identified, and will be voted upon in upcoming meetings. 1.Chair | Staff/Government Liaison 2.Vice Chair | Action Plan Development Tracking/Presentations 3.Secretary (two positions) | Committee Administration, Advocacy, Compliance, Accountability, Ethics, Community Hub Liaison, Mediation 4.Treasurer | Budget Tracking, Fund Development Section 8 includes a recommendation that a stipend be provided to PABRT members, consistent with the approach of a neighbouring municipality. The stipend is proposed by the PABRT in recognition of the experiences and skillsets they contribute to the development and implementation of the Pickering Anti-Black Racism Action Plan. The Director, Finance & Treasurer has confirmed that funds are available in account 2711.1100.0000 for the remuneration of taskforce members as proposed in the Terms of Reference. The recommended rate has been set by Human Resources, who evaluated the Terms of Reference against the City’s job evaluation criteria. CS 22-21 April 26, 2021 Subject: Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce Terms of Reference Page 3 Moving forward, subject to Council’s approval of the Terms of Reference, the PABRT will appoint sub-committee chairs, form their action plan, and create connections with stakeholders, organizations and the community, and provide an update to Council. Attachments: 1.PABRT Terms of Reference 2.Report CS 27-20 Pickering Anti-Black Racism Initiatives Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Marisa Carpino, M.A. Chief Administrative Officer Prepared By: Original Signed By: Tanya Ryce Supervisor, Cultural Services TR:bd Approved/Endorsed By: Original Signed By: Brian Duffield (Acting) Director, Community Services Original Signed By: Draft Terms of Reference – Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce Terms of Reference – Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce Revised April 8 by PABRT Appointees 1.0 Mandate The Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce (PABRT) is a committee of Council appointees who work in partnership with the Pickering community, Durham-based organizations, businesses, stakeholders, and the City to: •identify barriers and areas of opportunity, in order to enhance the shared experience and opportunities afforded to Black residents, •identify and coordinate opportunities for stakeholder and community engagement, •provide expert input and action on matters relating to the provision of anti- Black racism initiatives within the community; and, •celebrate and promote the Black community, and promote Black culture. 2.0 Goals, Objectives and Responsibilities The Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce will identify and implement actions to fulfill the following goals and objectives: 1.Work towards the continued reduction of anti-Black racism; 2.Ongoing communication with the residents of Pickering to identify existing systemic barriers for Black residents and develop/provide opportunities to address these barriers, provide education, and effect change; 3.Act as a partner in collaboration with the City on initiatives related to anti-Black racism and Equity, Diversity and Inclusion as a stakeholder; 4.Provide advocacy and act as a liaison on behalf of the Black community to the City, as well as organizations and businesses serving the City of Pickering; 5.Strengthen and support Black-led economic development and Black employment initiatives; 6. Support and promote the creation and success of the Black community and cultural organizations; 7. Provide educational resources to build allies within and for the Black community; 8.Conserve and promote Black history and heritage; 9.Celebrate and support success within the Black community; 10. Provide opportunities for the creation, education, and enjoyment of Black culture; 11. Build partnerships and share resources with like-minded organizations to maximize effect, be aware of global best practice, to reduce potential for overlap of services and initiatives; 12. Be inclusive of community residents as per the charter of rights and freedoms; and, Draft Terms of Reference – Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce 13. Engage stakeholders, businesses, and cultural organizations as partners in the delivery of initiatives. Taskforce responsibilities include: a) Regularly communicate with Pickering residents, businesses, stakeholders, and like-minded organizations (includes taskforces) to fully identify issues, barriers, and opportunities within the mandate of the taskforce. b) Develop an annual action plan for presentation to Council; which identifies primary goals, strategies, implementation schedule, measurement tools, and budgets in response to the goals and objectives of the Taskforce. c) Regularly review the action plan and track results. d) Provide quarterly updates to Council on Taskforce activities. e) Schedule meetings, set agendas, review minutes, and organize sub- committees as needed. f) Promote and support grass roots organizations and community-led anti-Black racism initiatives. g) Deliver programs, education, reconciliation circles, and develop as needed educational resources and toolkits in partnership with the community, related to anti-Black racism, alliance, heritage, and culture. h) Develop and implement recognition and incentives for initiatives that support the Black community and anti-Black racism. i) Advocate, provide guidance and support or partner with initiatives of Durham Region Police Service and Durham School Boards related to anti-Black racism, Black culture, and safety of Black community members. j) Encourage and promote effective communication between the Black community, community cultural groups, individuals, and the City. k) Advise and develop working relationships with owners of businesses, and the Chamber of Commerce. l) Work collaboratively with the City to align priorities and to aid Diversity and Inclusion initiatives of the City. m) Provide consultation, research, resources, report findings and make recommendations as necessary on matters of anti-Black racism, and the promotion of Black culture within the City of Pickering. n) Facilitate education and awareness of federal, provincial and local legislation related to anti-Black racism, accessibility, equity, and inclusion, human rights, and labour. o) Advocate and promote the value and benefit of anti-Black racism initiatives, and Black culture for all. Members do not have the authority to assign work to staff but will work cooperatively and assume related duties as directed by the Taskforce. More specifically, the PABRT will not be responsible for the following: 1. Development of City Diversity & Inclusion initiatives or strategy; 2. Budget approval; 3. City programming or events; 4. Day-to-day operations of the City or City facilities; and 5. Administrative matters including direction given to staff. Draft Terms of Reference – Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce 3.0 Composition Up to 20 Taskforce members will be appointed, including: • 8 resident representatives (maximum); • 12 stakeholders representatives (maximum); All appointees will be voting members regardless of age. 3 City representatives will attend meetings to provide support, and facilitate meetings. • 2 City staff liaisons; and, • the Mayor As per Policy ADM 040 resident members must be 18 years of age, reside in Pickering, and represent a broad range of interests, ages, backgrounds, and experience. Youth representation is essential and must be provided a right to vote on the Taskforce. It is strongly recommended that at least one youth sub- committee be mandated who set their own plan in line with the goals and objectives of the Taskforce. Community Organization representatives must be from organizations that serve the City of Pickering. Where possible, appointments to the Committee shall include community leaders, and stakeholder representatives from the African diaspora and the following organizations/associations/areas: • Active anti-Black racism Organizations • Black Business Owners/Chamber of Commerce • Black Cultural Organizations/Diversity Groups • Community Development Council of Durham • Community Safety Organization or Committee • Cultural Advisory Committee • Cultural Expressions - Durham Black History Month • Durham Human Resources Professional Association • Human Rights Organization • LGBTQ Organization • Mental or Public Health Organization • Pickering Public Library • Youth Organization City Staff from the following departments will act as liaisons to the committee: • Community Services Department • Human Resources Department Draft Terms of Reference – Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce Staff from other departments, including Legislative Services, Economic Development, and Corporate Services, will be called upon as required by the work of the Taskforce. 4.0 Member Qualifications Qualifications include the skills, knowledge, and lived-experience needed to contribute effectively to Taskforce goals and objectives. Membership will be sought on the basis of broad interest, understanding and commitment to the development of anti-Black racism initiatives in the municipality, in addition to specific expertise and interest related to Black business, culture, education, employment, health, heritage, and safety. Resident appointees must be residents of the City of Pickering. 5.0 Meeting Schedule The Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce meets a minimum of 9 times per year. Established meeting dates and times shall not be changed unless circumstances warrant special consideration. Meetings will not be held in the months of July, August or December unless determined by the Taskforce that a meeting is necessary to meet the mandate or work plan of the Taskforce. During a Municipal election year, meetings shall continue unless determined by the Taskforce that a break in service is necessary. 6.0 Term of the Taskforce Taskforce members will serve for a term of four years starting in March of the year following a Municipal Election until they are no longer able to serve or a new taskforce is appointed. At the end of 2022, the Taskforce will consider in their report to Council broadening the activities to include Community-wide Racism, becoming the Anti- Racism Taskforce. The Taskforce will provide an update before the end of 2022 to be provided to the incoming Council with actions, achievements, and a recommendation/plan on how the Taskforce should continue in the next term. 7.0 Taskforce Structure and Positions The Taskforce may choose to appoint a committee chair, or subcommittees in accordance with Boards and Committee Policy ADM 040. Draft Terms of Reference – Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce Chairpersons and Sub-committee chairs will be nominated by a member of the taskforce and receive a majority vote to hold the position. Chair persons will hold a term of no more than 12 months. Should a chair person not be able to attend a meeting, they will assign chair duties to a second member of the taskforce, or request the staff liaisons to lead the meeting. The chairperson will manage the activities of the meeting, develop agendas, and follow up on action items with taskforce members and staff liaisons. The following Executive and Sub-Committee positions are adopted for the 2021 – 2023 Term of the Taskforce: Executive 1. Chair – Staff/Government Liaison 2. Vice Chair – Action Plan Development Tracking/Presentations 3. Secretary (two positions) – Committee Administration, Advocacy, Compliance, Accountability, Ethics, Community Hub Liaison, Mediation 4. Treasurer Sub-committee Positions 1. Executive Advisory Sub Committee eg. Police Services, Human Resources, Faith Groups [Chair + 1] 2. Fund Development [Treasurer +1 ] 3. Policy / Best Practice [research and presentations] 4. Youth 5. Outreach/Communications - Social Media, 'Bang The Table', Fundraising, Youth Recruitment 6. Education as partner with DDSB 7. Employment / Entrepreneurship 8. Health 9. Policing as partner with DRPS 10. Events, Community Engagement, Programming 11. Recognition Program e.g. Procurement, Allyship, Community Champion/Achievement [Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer] 12. Housing/Construction Subcommittees (ADM 040 Section 16.09) will be struck at the direction of the Taskforce by a majority vote, and must include at least two members of the Taskforce, and can include additional relevant stakeholders, experts, or members of the public as needed. Sub-committees must include at least one youth representative from the youth sub-committee. Sub-committee Co-chairs will report to the Taskforce during regular meetings, and results will be recorded as part of the meeting minutes. Sub-committees Chairs will be responsible for recruitment of sub-committee members and organizing activities of the sub-committee in line with the action plan and approval of the taskforce. The Chairs will manage their own administrative practice including meeting schedules, Draft Terms of Reference – Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce meeting platform, minutes, agendas, tracking and reporting. Reports to Council regarding sub-committee work will be presented by the Taskforce. 8.0 Budget The Taskforce activities will be paid from the Community Services Boards and Committees account. Remuneration for appointed Taskforce Members will be paid from the Community Services Salary Account. A stipend shall be paid to Members of the Taskforce. The Taskforce Terms of Reference to be reviewed at each term of the taskforce by Human Resource, and a rate assigned. For this term, the rate set is $65/Member and $75 for the Chair or Sub-Committee Chair, per each 2-hour regular Taskforce Meeting (active visible participation in meetings is required). A rate of $25 per hour shall be paid to appointed Members of the Taskforce for work which has been pre-approved by the Taskforce, and recorded in the minutes. A written request must be received by the Taskforce liaison to receive payment. Payments will be issued twice a year. Request for payment must be received by December 15th of each calendar year. Maximum yearly income per Taskforce Member is $1,000.00. A T4 will be issued at the conclusion of the year, or the service of the Taskforce Member. Attachment #2 to Report CS 22-21 Report to Council Report Number: CS 27-20 Date: August 24, 2020 From: Brian Duffield (Acting) Director, Community Services Subject: Pickering Anti-Black Racism Initiatives -File: A-1440 Recommendations: 1. That Council adopt the Terms of Reference for the Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce prepared by the Cultural Advisory Committee, as set out in Attachment 1; 2. That Council endorse the Anti-Black Racism Action Plan of the Cultural Advisory Committee, as set out in Attachment 2; and 3. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary actions as indicated in this report. Executive Summary: City staff has identified a three-pronged approach to address racism, diversity and inclusion within Pickering which includes: 1. Establish the Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce in 2020 that will create an action plan to identify and address issues of anti-black racism in Pickering. This will be a community-led initiative. 2. Complete the City of Pickering Diversity & Inclusion Plan in 2021 that will review the City of Pickering’s organizational policies and practices and set out recommendations and action items over a 10 year timeframe. This will be a City-staff led initiative. 3. Hire a consultant in 2021 to facilitate the completion of the City’s Diversity & Inclusion Plan and conduct an unbiased, third party review of The Corporation of the City of Pickering. This will be a City-staff led initiative. The City’s three-pronged approach supported, in principle, by Council through Resolution #375/20 at the Council meeting of July 27, 2020 (see Attachment 3), will serve to identify and address anti- black racism in our community through both a corporate perspective (which focuses inward on our organization) and a community perspective (which focuses outward on our community); providing for robust and comprehensive outcomes. The purpose of this report is to seek Council’s adoption of the terms of reference for the new Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce (PABRT); and seek Council’s endorsement of the Anti- Black Racism Action Plan of the Cultural Advisory Committee (CAC). CS 27-20 August 24, 2020 Subject: Pickering Anti-Black Racism Initiatives Financial Implications: With respect to the work of the Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce (PABRT), the Director, Finance & Treasurer has confirmed funding of $25,000 from Account 2711.2392.0000 (Consulting & Professional Services) in 2020. The PABRT will be responsible to provide an action plan with related budget expenditures for Council approval each year, and to report quarterly to Council on program measures. With respect to the City’s Diversity & Inclusion Plan, funds of approximately $75,000 will be added by City staff to the 2021 Current Budget for Council’s consideration and approval (partially funded by Development Charges). Discussion: The City of Pickering is a growing community, rich in diversity. The demographic changes Pickering has experienced will be compounded with the future growth of Seaton. Municipalities, such as ours, must recognize the importance of creating a Diversity & Inclusion Plan to ensure that the needs of our diverse community are understood and supported. Diversity and inclusion relates to matters of multiculturalism, accessibility, economic status, gender, sexual orientation, health and age. Diversity, inclusion and racism are topics that require the engagement, advice, and guidance of subject experts, stakeholders, community leaders and residents to fully realize and achieve meaningful outcomes. Successful implementation of diversity and inclusion strategies requires full consideration and support of an engaged leadership team, workforce and community. As such, City staff and the Cultural Advisory Committee (CAC) have reviewed this topic and have identified a three-pronged approach to address immediate needs, and create long-term results which includes the following: 1. Establish a Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce in 2020 who will create an action plan to identify and address issues of anti-black racism in Pickering. Once struck, the PABRT will be required to develop a plan and measure their progress over a defined period of time and report back to Council, every three months. PABRT will be community-led initiative. 2. Complete a Diversity & Inclusion Plan in 2021 that will review the City of Pickering’s organizational policies and practices which will provide a critical analysis of hiring practices (including recruitment and hiring), training programs, service delivery, program delivery, etc., and bring forward meaningful recommendations over a 10 year timeframe to ensure ongoing inclusivity, access and representation within our organization. This is a City staff- led initiative. 3. Hire a consultant in 2021 to facilitate the completion of the Diversity & Inclusion Plan and conduct an unbiased, third party review of our organization which will include a comprehensive consultation program. This is a City staff-led initiative. This approach is responsive to the feedback and directions received from Council, stakeholders, and residents in the Council adopted Cultural Strategic Plan (2014). The Cultural Strategic Plan identifies diversity and inclusion initiatives as mid-term goals of the plan, and led to the formation CS 27-20 August 24, 2020 Subject: Pickering Anti-Black Racism Initiatives of the Cultural Advisory Committee which consists of an expert panel of community residents and stakeholders. 1. Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce (PABRT) – Community-Led Initiative: The current global situation following the death of George Floyd, and the subsequent global call to action, has provided an immediate need to engage the community in meaningful change, and requires leadership and action from the City. From the outset, Council has taken an active role in advocating for action on Anti-Black Racism, releasing a public statement of solidarity, commissioning a display outside of City Hall, and providing support for local residents, and organizations. At their Advisory Committee meeting of June 16, 2020, the Cultural Advisory Committee (CAC) discussed what should be done in Pickering to effect positive change for black residents in light of recent incidents and the Anti-Black Racism movement. Members of the CAC believe they are uniquely positioned to take this on and support the striking of a Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce. The CAC envisions this taskforce to be comprised of representatives of the black community in Pickering, as well as relevant stakeholders and community leaders; along with the Mayor, and staff administrative and operational support from Community Services and Human Resources. To that end, the CAC have prepared the Terms of Reference for the PABRT which includes committee composition, recruitment/appointment process and recommended areas of focus (see Attachment 1). The CAC has also developed an Action Plan so that relevant data can be collected, resources can be identified, and community consultation can be completed in the coming months and shared with the PABRT, once struck (see Attachment 2). To complete the work of the action plan, the CAC has identified PABRT Preparatory Sub-Committee led by Esther Forde, Celia Cooper, Nikosa Holland and Michelle Francis. To solicit public input on the issue of black racism in Pickering, the Preparatory Sub-Committee also plans to administer a survey and will provide that information to the newly formed PABRT to help guide and support their work. That said, the draft survey will first be reviewed and finalized, with the support of a professional consultant in the field of anti-black racism, before implementation. As per section 7 of the PABRT Terms of Reference entitled “Appointment Process”, the Preparatory Sub-Committee will complete a recruitment and applicant screening process bringing forward recommended applicants for appointment by Council. Once struck in late 2020, PABRT will be responsible to propose amendments to the Terms of Reference for Council’s consideration (should they feel it is required), develop a PABRT action plan for Council’s approval and report back to Council quarterly on progress to the plan. PABRT will be community-led where City staff will act as a liaison providing operational and organizational support. The PABRT will work in partnership with the Pickering community, Durham-based organizations, businesses, stakeholders, and the City: CS 27-20 August 24, 2020 Subject: Pickering Anti-Black Racism Initiatives  to identify barriers and areas of opportunity, in order to enhance the shared experience and opportunities afforded to black residents;  to identify and coordinate opportunities for stakeholder and community engagement;  to provide expert input and action on matters relating to the provision of Anti-Black Racism initiatives within the community; and,  to celebrate and promote the black community, and promote black culture. Clearly the work of the PABRT will begin conversations, and provide a foundation from which the Diversity & Inclusion Plan process will benefit. The Plan will be invaluable in meeting the needs of our residents and removing barriers to their full participation. These immediate actions will form a basis for the larger conversations on Diversity & Inclusion within the City which was already planned by staff to commence in 2021. The approach will ensure that the City is engaging the community, supporting and providing advocacy to like-minded organizations, celebrating cultural diversity, and providing immediate action and leadership with relation to Anti-Black Racism. These actions will lay the groundwork for successful development and implementation of the full Diversity & Inclusion Plan. 2. City of Pickering Diversity & Inclusion Plan – Corporate Driven Initiative: The Diversity & Inclusion Plan has been included within the most recent version of the City’s Development Charges background study. Subject to Council’s approval of the 2021 Current Budget, staff will proceed to award the Request For Proposal (RFP) in 2021 after engaging in a competitive procurement process. The strategic framework of the Plan will include the development and implementation of diversity and inclusion practices in the City of Pickering:  Employment opportunities, policies and practices (recruitment, development, performance management, training, retention and succession planning);  Programs and services (delivery models);  Community and civic engagement; and,  Neighbourhood strengthening initiatives. The 10 year Plan will identify recommendations to ensure all residents have access to employment opportunities, programs, services and feel welcomed in Pickering. It is important that all our residents are assured inclusivity, access and representation in the way we conduct business. This is a City staff-led initiative, which has been identified as a priority by both the community and Council. 3. Hire A Consultant – Corporate Driven Initiative: A corporate working group comprised of a diverse cross section of the organization was assembled in February 2020 to prepare an RFP to secure the services of a consultant who can assist the City with the completion of the Diversity & Inclusion Plan. Staff are now researching examples of best practices related to such RFPs in preparation for meetings which will commence in August of 2020; where staff will collaborate to prepare the RFP for release in the fall. It is CS 27-20 August 24, 2020 Subject: Pickering Anti-Black Racism Initiatives anticipated that a consultant will be selected by years end so they may commence work early in 2021. The hiring of a consultant is very important as it provides for an unbiased assessment of the City’s organizational and operational practices by an independent third party. This consultant will consider global and nation-wide best practices, personal accounts/perspectives from staff and customers/residents (through a robust consultation process), and identify the gaps before making recommendations for necessary corporate changes. This is an essential step in creating a fulsome Diversity & Inclusion Plan. The City’s planned three-pronged approach to identify and address anti-black racism in our community, through both a corporate perspective (which focuses inward on our organization) and a community perspective (which focuses outward on our community), is anticipated to provide robust and comprehensive outcomes. Attachments: 1. Terms of Reference for the Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce 2. Cultural Advisory Committee Anti-Black Racism Action Plan 3. Council Resolution #375/20, Directive Memorandum dated July 31, 2020 CS 27-20 August 24, 2020 Subject: Pickering Anti-Black Racism Initiatives Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: Original Signed By: Original Signed By: Tanya Ryce Brian Duffield Supervisor, Cultural Services (Acting) Director, Community Services Original Signed By: Jennifer Eddy Director, Human Resources BD:tr Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Original Signed By: Marisa Carpino, M.A. Interim Chief Administrative Officer Attachment #1 to Report CS 27-20 Terms of Reference – Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce Terms of Reference 1.0 Mandate The Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce (PABRT) is a committee of Council appointees who work in partnership with the Pickering community, Durham-based organizations, businesses, stakeholders, and the City:  to identify barriers and areas of opportunity, in order to enhance the shared experience and opportunities afforded to Black residents,  to identify and coordinate opportunities for stakeholder and community engagement,  to provide expert input and action on matters relating to the provision of anti- Black racism initiatives within the community; and,  to celebrate and promote the Black community, and promote Black culture. 2.0 Goals, Objectives and Responsibilities The Pickering Anti-Racism Taskforce will identify and implement actions to fulfill the following goals and objectives: 1. Work towards the reduction/elimination of anti-Black racism. 2. Ongoing communication with the residents of Pickering to identify existing systemic barriers for Black residents and develop/provide opportunities to address these barriers, provide education, and effect change. 3. Produce an annual action plan and report to Council within the first three months of operation; which identifies primary goals, measurement tools, implementation plans, timelines, and budget. 4. Provide advocacy and leadership on behalf of the Black community to the City, as well as organizations and businesses serving the City of Pickering. 5. Strengthen and support Black-led economic development and Black employment initiatives. 6. Support the creation and success of Black community and cultural organizations. 7. Provide educational resources to build allies within and for the Black community. 8. Conserve and promote Black history and heritage. 9. Celebrate and support success within the Black community. 10.Provide opportunities for the creation, education, and enjoyment of Black culture. 11.Build partnerships and share resources with like-minded organizations to maximize benefit, be aware of global best practice, to reduce potential for overlap of services and initiatives. 12.Be inclusive of all community residents at all levels and abilities; and, 13.Engage stakeholders, businesses, and cultural organizations as partners in the delivery of initiatives. Terms of Reference – Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce Taskforce responsibilities include: a) Review and revise name, and update terms of reference for the Taskforce, as may be applicable, and submit to the City Clerk for Council approval within one month of the first meeting. b) Regularly communicate with Pickering residents, organizations, businesses, stakeholders, and like-minded organizations to fully identify issues, barriers, and opportunities within Pickering. c) Develop an annual action plan for presentation to Council; which identifies primary goals, strategies, implementation schedule, measurement tools, and budgets in response to the goals and objectives of the Taskforce. d) Regularly review the action plan and track results. e) Provide quarterly updates to Council on Taskforce activities. f) Schedule meetings, set agendas, review minutes, and organize sub- committees as needed. g) Promote and support grass roots organizations and community-led anti-Black racism initiatives. h) Deliver programs, education, reconciliation circles, and develop as needed educational resources and toolkits in partnership with the community, related to anti-Black racism, alliance, heritage, and culture. i) Develop and implement recognition and incentives for initiatives that support the Black community and anti-Black racism. j) Advocate, provide guidance and support or partner with initiatives of DRPS and Durham School Boards related to anti-Black racism, Black culture, and safety of Black community members. k) Encourage and promote effective communication between the Black community, community cultural groups, individuals, and the City. l) Advise and develop working relationships with owners of businesses, Business Improvement Areas (BIA) and the Chamber of Commerce. m) Work collaboratively with the City to align priorities and to aid Diversity and Inclusion initiatives of the City. n) Provide consultation, research, resources, report findings and make recommendations as necessary on matters of anti-Black racism, and the promotion of Black culture within the City of Pickering. o) Be knowledgeable of federal, provincial and local legislation related to anti- Black racism, equity, and inclusion, human rights, and labour; and provide advice, advocacy, and education within the community. p) Advocate and promote the value and benefit of anti-Black racism, and Black culture for all; and Members do not have the authority to assign work to staff but will work cooperatively and assume related duties as directed by the Taskforce. More specifically, the ABRT will not be responsible for the following: Development of City Diversity & Inclusion initiatives or strategy; 1. Budget approval; 2. City programming or events; 3. Day-to-day operations of the City or City facilities; and 4. Administrative matters including direction given to staff. Terms of Reference – Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce 3.0 Composition Up to 23 Taskforce members will be appointed, including:  8 resident representatives (maximum);  12 stakeholders representatives (maximum);  2 City staff liaisons; and the  Mayor All appointees will be voting members regardless of age. As per the policy ADM 040 resident members must be 18 years of age, reside in Pickering, and represent a broad range of interests, ages, backgrounds, and experience. Youth representation is essential and must be provided a right to vote on the Taskforce. It is strongly recommended that at least one youth sub- committee be mandated who set their own plan in-line with the goals and objectives of the Taskforce. Community Organization representatives must be from organizations who serve the City of Pickering. Where possible, appointments to the Committee shall include community leaders, and stakeholder representatives from the African diaspora and the following organizations/ associations/areas:  Active anti-Black racism Organizations  Black Business Owners/Chamber of Commerce  Black Cultural Organizations/Diversity Groups  Community Development Council of Durham  Community Safety Organization or Committee  Cultural Advisory Committee  Cultural Expressions -Durham Black History Month  Durham Human Resources Professional Association  Human Rights Organization  LGBQT Organization  Mental or Public Health Organization  Pickering Public Library  Youth Organization City Staff from the following departments will act as liaisons to the committee:  Community Services Department  Human Resources Department Staff from other departments, including Legislative Services, Economic Terms of Reference – Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce Development, and Corporate Services, will be appointed and called upon as required by the work of the Taskforce. The Taskforce may choose to appoint a committee chair, or subcommittees in accordance with Boards and Committee Policy ADM 040. Subcommittees (ADM 040 Section 16.09) will be struck at the direction of the Taskforce by a majority vote, and must include at least two members of the Taskforce, and can include additional relevant stakeholders, experts, or members of the public as needed. Sub-committees will report to the Taskforce during regular meetings, and results will be recorded as part of the meeting minutes. Sub-committees are not required to keep minutes, and reports to Council regarding sub-committee work will be presented by the Taskforce. 4.0 Member Qualifications Qualifications include the skills, knowledge, and lived experience needed to contribute effectively to Taskforce goals and objectives. Membership will be sought on the basis of broad interest, understanding and commitment to the development of anti-Black racism initiatives in the municipality, in addition to specific expertise and interest related to Black business, culture, education, employment, health, heritage, and safety. Resident appointees must be residents of the City of Pickering. 5.0 Meeting Schedule The Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce meets a minimum of 9 times per year. Established meeting dates and times shall not be changed unless circumstances warrant special consideration. Meetings will not be held in the months of July, August or December unless determined by the Taskforce that a meeting is necessary to meet the mandate or work plan of the Taskforce. During a Municipal election year, meetings shall not be held after September 30th unless determined by the Taskforce that a meeting is necessary to meet the requirements of the mandate or work plan. 6.0 Term of the Taskforce The taskforce will serve until the end of the 2019 – 2022 term of Council. At the end of 2021, the Taskforce will consider in their report to Council broadening the activities to include Community wide Racism, becoming the Anti- Racism Taskforce. Terms of Reference – Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce The Taskforce will provide an update before the end of 2022 to be provided to the incoming Council with actions, achievements, and a recommendation/plan on how the Taskforce should continue in the next term. 7.0 Appointment Process The Cultural Advisory Committee will strike a sub-committee consisting of up to 6 committee members to work with staff liaisons and the Clerks office to nominate Taskforce members for Council appointment. The recruitment phase will consist of an open call for applicant’s in-line with policy ADM 040. Members of the Cultural Advisory Committee will effect an enhanced call for application in two ways. 1. Identify organizations, stakeholders, and individuals to whom they would like an invitation sent. 2. Reaching out to the community through a survey to collect community comment, which includes information on how to apply to become part of the Taskforce (see appendix a – community survey on Anti-Black Racism and Diversity) Application review will be undertaken by the CAC sub-committee. Personal information will be redacted prior to review. The sub-committee will recommend suitable applicants for round-table interviews. Selected applicants will attend round-table discussions to gauge interest, suitability, collaboration, and readiness to contribute to Taskforce objectives. A staff liaison and sub-committee member will lead round-table discussions, and provide a rating of the candidates, based upon a set criteria. The sub-committee will review results and prepare the recommended list of applicant’s in-line with the Taskforce composition guidelines for appointment by Council. Once complete, an update will be provided by the sub-committee to the Cultural Advisory Committee that this list is ready to be provided to Council by the staff liaison. Attachment #2 to Report CS 27-20 2020 Cultural Advisory Committee Actions on Anti-Black Racism Anti-Black Racism Taskforce development, continuing actions of the Cultural Plan goals and objectives related to -Diversity & Inclusion, and celebrating Black culture Budget Implications 2020 $25,000 in contingency funding as per Director, Finance and Treasurer Action Details Required Resources Timeline Creation of CAC Subcommittee Working Groups The CAC will strike subcommittee working groups to undertake the work of the Anti-Black Racism Action Plan. CAC & Staff time July – August 2020 Anti-Black The CAC will release a community survey on Anti-Promotions Survey development July 2020 Racism Survey black Racism to inform the plans and actions of the taskforce. This will be undertaken during the recruitment process for the committee, and providing immediate action, and increasing the reach of the recruitment call. The CAC will summarize the results of the survey for the use of the incoming taskforce. $3500 (see survey for proposed marketing plan) Promotions preparation August 2020 Survey Release September 2020 Results Compilation October 2020 Results review CAC meeting November 2020 Create an The CAC and staff will compile an extensive listing CAC and Staff time July and ongoing expansive listing of agencies and organizations serving the Black of organizations community, promoting Black culture, or providing and agencies advocacy. Staff and CAC will consult with internal serving the Black and external stakeholders to compile the list. Community The listing will be shared on the City website, used for engagement in the survey, committee recruitment, and to build alliances and partnerships. Taskforce Resource File The CAC and staff will work to collect an electronic collection of relevant resources, such as regional strategic plans related to Diversity or Anti-Black Racism, examples of best practice, tool kits, news articles, and index for the immediate use of the taskforce once formed. CAC and Staff Time Ongoing Taskforce Recruitment The Cultural Advisory Committee will strike a sub-committee consisting of up to 6 committee members to work with staff liaisons and the Clerks office to nominate Taskforce members for Council appointment. The recruitment phase will consist of an open call for applicants in-line with policy ADM 040. Members of the Cultural Advisory Committee will effect an enhanced call for application in two ways. 1. Identify organizations, stakeholders, and individuals to whom they would like an invitation sent. 2. Reaching out to the community through a survey to collect community comment, which includes information on how to apply to become part of the Taskforce (see attachment community survey on Anti-Black Racism and Diversity) Application review will be undertaken by the sub-committee. Personal information will be redacted by staff prior to review. The sub-committee will Development of Terms of Reference and Action Plan June/July 2020 Report to Council submitted July 15, 2020 Authorization of Director July 17, 2020 Review of Interim CAO July 19, 2020 Endorsement of Documents CAC Aug 6, 2020 Report to Clerks Aug 13, 2020 Report in Council August 24, 2020 Motion of Council provided to staff August 26 – 29 Survey launch and taskforce call August 31. Taskforce call closes October 1 Review of applications completed October 5 recommend suitable applicants for round-table interviews. Selected applicants will attend round- table discussions to gauge interest, suitability, collaboration, and readiness to contribute to Taskforce objectives. A staff liaison and sub-committee member will lead round-table discussions, and provide a rating of the candidates, based upon a set criteria. The sub-committee will review results against the taskforce composition and prepare the recommended list of applicants, for appointment by Council. Once complete, an update will be provided by the sub-committee to the Cultural Advisory Committee that this list is ready to be provided to Council by the staff liaison. The names of the recommended applicants will be provided by the staff liaison in a report to Council, with all applications attached. The above actions follow the required process of ADM 040 Boards and Committees Policy Scheduling of candidates October 6 - 9 Round table October 12 -15 Subcommittee meets to finalize list of recommended candidates October 16 Report prepared and for CAC Advised October 20 Report with names and all applications sent to Director/Clerk October 30 Council appoints recommended candidates November 23 Candidates are advised of appointment by Clerks First meeting of taskforce January 2021. Round Table/Reconciliation Hire a Facilitator to host 10+ sessions $12,000 Survey Questions have been Circles/Focus Groups (2 per day, 5 days) across Pickering at different locations and facilities, including places of worship, and Facilitators fees Hospitality Costs Promotions developed and approved by the CAC. Schedule and Facilitator confirmation August 2020. Operated in partnership with organizations and agencies across Pickering; to ensure typically unreachable communities are engaged. Discussions in line with the goals and objectives of the taskforce, as well as providing a facilitated discussion following the content of the survey. Feedback will be collected and summarized by the CAC for the use of the taskforce. cultural centres. Group size based upon current provincial restrictions, committee will also consider web-ex facilitated conversations and data collection to maximize participation. Technological Support Promotion/Registration-September 2020. Round Table/Focus Groups to commence at the end of Operation last week of September 2020/First week of October 2020 Listing of Black Artists and Staff will work with the CAC to develop Staff time July – August 2020 Cultural Organizations a listing and intake of Black cultural organizations and artists. With permission of the artists and organizations, listings can be included in the City website, Cultural portal, and be used as a resource to celebrate Black culture. Internally the list will ensure opportunities for participation are shared with the Black community. Cultural Celebrations To celebrate and support Black cultural organizations, cultural pop-up events $4500 (6 x $750 per for CAC and staff will develop a listing of cultural organizations and artists to Support and Celebrate Black will be organized within the community performance fees, support this initiative in August 2020 culture within the community. and shared online and through social media. The pop-ups will highlight Black culture from across the African Diaspora, Pop-ups will occur across Pickering, in highly visible locations. and production costs) and the open call for taskforce membership. Open Call early August 2020, pop-up events September – early October 2020. Locations will be carefully selected to maximize impact and reach. Place4Arts -Outdoor Exhibit showcasing Black Artists Black artists will be invited to share their artwork in temporary outdoor exhibitions in key areas of the City. Installations will be positioned throughout Pickering, Artists from the Black Community will be called to submit a proposal for the display of their work. Installations may take the shape of banners, wraps, temporary community art projects, playable art (i.e. Piano), performance art or other. Final installations will be featured on the open data portal, tracked within the public art installation database, and presented to the public through social media and marketing initiatives. $5000 (4 artists, $1250 per installation to include production and installation costs) Staff will work with the CAC to develop a listing and intake of Black artists in the community, which will be included in the City’s listing of community artists, as well as forming a list of artists to whom the Community Banner program will be promoted to, and to whom the CAC will directly commission to participate in this project. July 2020. Call to Artist criteria (July 2020), commission August 2020. Pieces created and designed in September 2020. Final installation in Early October. Black Business Summary CAC will collect and summarize the current work of economic development, the Region of Durham, The Ajax Pickering Board of Trade, and the Black Chamber of Commerce related to the promotion and development of Black Business in Pickering and Durham Region and will prepare a summary and resource documents for the use of the Taskforce Committee Time Outreach and Compilation October/November 2020 Alliance and Education Add a new Diversity Tab and content to Committee and Framework identified August 2020. Online Resources made the Cultural Portal web pages of Staff Time Resources identified and linked available on the Cultural Portal Pickering.ca that includes details on the City’s actions related to Anti- Racism, Diversity and Inclusion, and provide a curated of resources to August – September 2020 Launch November 2020 Updates and promotion Ongoing assist residents with self-education and alliance. Resources will be streamed for children, adults, business, and organizations. Once established, this resource will be promoted and shared with partners and like-minded organizations. Outreach to Black The City of Pickering would like to Committee and Ongoing Community Groups to support the work, messages and reach Staff Time display in and around City of our local Black Community groups Facilities and Parks. by offering them opportunities to set-up display, information booths, and engage with residents by offering facility/outdoor space, and marketing a t no charge. Total $25,000 Attachment #3 to Report CS 27-20 Legislative Services Division Clerk’s Office Directive Memorandum July 31, 2020 To: Marisa Carpino Interim Chief Administrative Officer From: Susan Cassel City Clerk Subject: Direction as per Minutes of the Meeting of City Council held on July 27, 2020 Corr. 35-20 Marisa Carpino, Interim Chief Administrative Officer City of Pickering Re: Anti-Black Racism Strategy -Summary Council Decision Resolution #375/20 1. That Council support in principle the 3 pronged approach as presented by the Interim CAO; 2. That the Cultural Advisory Committee be instructed to amend their 2020 Work Plan to include the initiatives that have been committed to by the Interim CAO including measuring; and, 3. That the Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce be requested to provide Quarterly updates to Council on the status of their work in the area of Anti-Black Racism, Diversity and Inclusion with a tracking of their targeted outcomes. A copy of the original correspondence is attached for your reference. Please take any action deemed necessary. Susan Cassel Enclosure Copy: (Acting) Director, Community Services City Clerk CAO 28-20 Memo To: Deputy Mayor Ashe and Members of Council July 10, 2020 From: Marisa Carpino Interim CAO Copy: (Acting) Director, Community Services Director, Human Resources Supervisor, Cultural Services Subject: Anti-Black Racism Strategy -Summary File: A-1200-007 Further to my comments at the Council meeting of June 29 th regarding staff’s plans to address issues of Racism, Diversity and Inclusion within Pickering, please find below a summary of this three pronged approach. 1. Diversity & Inclusion Plan Subject to Council’s approval of the 2021 Current Budget, the City of Pickering will create and implement a Diversity and Inclusion Plan in 2021. The City of Pickering is a growing community, rich in diversity. The demographic changes Pickering has experienced will be compounded with the future grown of Seaton. Municipalities, such as ours, must recognize the importance of creating a Diversity and Inclusion Plan to ensure that the needs of our diversifying community are understood and met. Diversity and inclusion relates to matters of multiculturalism, accessibility, economic status, gender, sexual orientation , health and age. The Plan will be invaluable in meeting the needs of our residents and removing barriers for their full participation. The strategic framework of the Plan will include the development and implementation of diversity and inclusion practices in the City of Pickering:  Employment opportunities and practices (recruitment, hiring, training);  Programs and services (delivery models);  Community and civic engagement; and  Neighbourhood strengthening initiatives. The 10-year Plan will identify recommendations to ensure all residents have a ccess to employment opportunities, programs, services and feel welcomed in Pickering. It is important that all our residents are assured inclusivity, access and representation in the way we conduct business. This is a City staff led initiative. 2. Hire a Consultant A corporate City staff team has been assembled since February 2020 to prepare an RFP to secure the services of a consultant who can assist the City with the completion of the Diversity and Inclusion Plan. This approach is very important as it provides for an unbiased assessment of the City’s organizational and operational practices by an independent third party consultant. This consultant will consider global and nation-wide best practices, personal accounts/perspectives from staff and customers/residents (through a robust consultation program), and identify the gaps making recommendations for necessary corporate changes. The Diversity and Inclusion Plan has been included within the most recent version of the City’s Development Charges (DC) background study. Subject to Council’s approval of the 2021 Current Budget, staff will proceed to award the RFP after engaging in a competitive procurement process in 2021. 3. Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce At their advisory committee meeting of June 16, 2020, the Cultural Advisory Committee (CAC) discussed what should be done in Pickering to effect positive change for black residents in light of recent incidents and the anti-black racism movement. Members of the CAC felt that they were uniquely positioned to take this on and supports the striking of a Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce. As per the CAC, this taskforce is envisioned to be comprised of representatives of the black community in Pickering, as well as relevant stakeholders and community leaders. The CAC, with the support of designated City staff, will prepare the terms of reference for this taskforce to include committee composition, selection and recommended areas of focus. Community Services staff will bring this information back to Council, for their consideration and approval, by way of a report anticipated for the August 10, 2020 Executive Committee meeting agenda. The Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce will be a community driven initiative where City staff will act as a liaison providing operational and organizational support. The City’s planned three pronged approach to identify and address anti-black racism in our community, through both a corporate perspective (which focuses inward on our organization) and a community perspective (which focuses outward on our community), is anticipated to provide robust and comprehensive outcomes. This summary of the City’s planned three pronged approach will form part of staff’s report anticipated for the August 10, 2020 Executive Committee meeting agenda; thereby, becoming part of the public record. :mc July 10, 2020 Page 2 of 2 Anti-Black Racism Strategy