HomeMy WebLinkAboutBy-law 2909/88THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF PICKERING BY-LAW NUMBER z909 /gg Being a by-law to authorize the execution of a Collective Agreement between the Corporation of the Town of Pickering and the Town of Pickering Professional Firefighters' Association (January 1, 1987 - December 31, 1988) Whereas pursuant to the provisions of sections 5(1) and 7(1) of the Fire Department's Act, R.S.O. 1980, chapter 164, the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Pickering may enter into an agreement, in writing, with the Town of Pickering Professional Firefighters' Association for the purpose of defining, determining and providing for remuneration, pensions or working conditions of full-time Firefighters as defined in that Act; Now Therefore, the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Pickering Hereby Enacts As Follows: 1. The Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute a Collective Agreement, in the form attached hereto as Schedule A, between the Corporation of the Town of Pickering and the Town of Pickering Professional Firefighters' Association for the purpose of defining, determining and providing for remuneration, pensions or working conditions of full-time Firefighters, as defined by the Fire Department's Act, R.S.O. 1980, chapter 164. By-law read a first, second and third time and passed this 3rd day of October 1988. d.�i.i. ' /i � .t ;� , TH1S A6REEMENT �ad� thls lst d�y of Janue�y, 1987. •BETMEEN: THE CpIPORATIOtl OF THE TOMN OF PICKERIN6 h�rrinafLar ealled th� 'Corporetion' - end - PIp(ERIN6 PROFESSIONAL FIREFI6HTERS' ASSOCIATION hanlnafter eslled the 'ASSx1�tlon' OF THE FIRST PART OF THE SECOND PAIIT MHEREAS the Partles hereLO wlsh W establfsh and mqlntatn collecH ve bargaining relations bed+een the Corporatton, its F1reflghters and F1re Dispatchers, and to provlde machlnery for the proopt and eQuitable dlsposltlon of grlevances, and to establlsh and malntaln sutually sattsfactory vrorkln9 conditions, hours and wages for all F1reflghters and Ftre Dispatchers who are subject W the provlsions of thls Agreement; MON THEREFORE, THIS A6REDIENT MITIIESSETH: 1.01 1.02 ARTICLE 1- SCOPE OF A6REEMENT In thls Agreeaent, the ters, (a) 'Dlspatcher' �eans a full-tlme F1re Dispatcher of the Town of Pickerin9 F1re Department; (D) 'Firefighter" �eans a full-t1�e Flrefighter of the Tovm of Plckering Fire Departaent, and lncludes a Captaln, Offlcer and Inspector, but does not include a F1re Ch1ef or Deputy Ch1ef; and (c) 'Fwpiqya�" �eens a Dlspatcher or a Flrefighter. The provislons of this Agree*enL shall apply to all Employees 1n the Departinent. ARTICLE 2 - REC06NITION 2.01 The Corporatlon retains the sole rlght to nanage all services and direct the working forces, lncluding tha right to htre, promote, transfer, reprlmand, penallze, suspend, discharge or de�wta 1ts Faployees for just cause. A clals of disclminaWry praawtion, demotlon or transfer or a clalm that aRy Eaployee has been dlscharged, penallzed or suspended wlthouL just cause shall be the subject of a grievance and dealt wlth as provlded in Articles 18 and 19. 2.02 The Assxlatlon and the Faployees recognlze the rlght of the Corporation W delegate its authority to a co�litea af the appropriate officials, to negotiate a renewal Agreeoent or Lo participate in the resolution of grlevances with Eoployees sub�ect W the final approval of eqy Agreesent by the Corporation. 2.03 2.04 The Corporatian recognizes the Assxtation as the excluslve bargalning agent for all Emplayees, and thls Agree�ent shall be regarded as being applicable to ali such Enployees. All Fsployees wh11e tn unifon, whether on or off duty, shall be governed by tl�e rules and regulatlons of the Departnent as establlshed and publlshed by the F1re Chief froa tine to tiae. 2.05 All Eoployeas that ara nav �e�bers of ihe Association shell remain aiembers thereof and the new Erployees of the Departqent shall beco�ae �embers of the Assaiation wlthin the flrst 30 days of thelr probatlonary perlod and wtll continue thetr membershlp 1n good standing in the Assactetlan as a conditlon of contlnued e�loyement. J�� I,, .;'F,,; ;", ';;; . ,;� , '.,`_ '�. r _p_ 2.06 The Assoet�tton syn�s to keep the Corporatton advlsed of the naioes of the Officers of th� Ex�tutiv� and Bary�tning CaelCtea upon Lhe1r electlon or any change theretn. 2.07 Th� Corpo�atlon md tht Asaoclatlon agroe that at no t1�e w111 dlseri�lnation be shwn Wward eqy 6plqy�� rho is covered Dy thls Agree�ent. Ib strlke or lak-out shall occur during th� 11f� of thls 11�roe�ent or any renewel thereof, and the Associatlon shall not participaL� 1n a�►r sy�paLhy strlka 1n support of any other orgenlzation. MTICLE 3- NOUlS OF MORK 3.01 Dlspatch�rf and Flnftghbrs othar than F1re Preventton OfHcers, Tratning Offlcers and Firo InspeeLors sh�ll be requtrod to work a 42 hour week on the average, based on the bvo platoan systa�, conslsting of s ten hour day and a fourteen hour nlght. 3.02 Deys lst ile�k Nights for 2nd Meak Deys 3rd Neak Nlghts 4th Naflk Moriclny SeMdul� - 42 Houn P�� W�k Mon. Tu�s. Wd. Thun. Fr1. Sat. Sun. Toql 10 10 14 14 10 10 14 14 14 14 10 10 40 14 56 10 30 42 3.03 Nothinp 1n the ebow Sehaduls of Hours of Mork shall prevent the Fire Ch1eP granting the wrltten request af� (a) any Wo Fir�flyhtars to exchanga shifts or dsys off; or (b) any two DispaLeh�rs to azchange shifts or deys off. 3.04 F1re Proventiae Offtars, Tralnlny Offlcera and Fire Inspectors shall rork a systew of houra to b� d�tn�lmd and scheduled 1n aManee by the Ftre Ch1ef, provlded, however, thaL the systM shail in no way tnqalr the effictency of the Departaent and provlded that their houn of work shall not excaed those of other Faployees. ARTiCLE 4 - YACAT[OMS 4.01 All Fi�ployees who have cawpleLed tha yesrs of servlce shavn betow on thelr sentority dates she�l ba entltled to the corresponding vecatlon with pay: Y�ars of S�rv1c� Less than one year One year but less then four years Four years but less than eleven years Eleven years bui less then nineteen yaers Ntnetean ysers but lass ihan benty-flve years Twenty-ftw y�ars or �ora Length of Vacatton rlth Pay One day for each complete month of servtce to a total of two weeks Two weeks Three weeks Four weeks Ftve weaks Six wedcs 4.02 flrefightars' vuatton p�rloda shall be drawn Dy senlority. One Fireflghtar fro� each shlft �ey Lak� the seN vaution parlod at the saoe t1�a. AL the dlseretlon of the F1re Chief, those Flrefighters who are entitled to oore than Avo weeks vacetion may choose their entlr� a1lo�nt on a cons�cutiw waNc bssls tf desired. After aach Fireftghtar has had th� opportunity 1n turn of �ekiny this chotce, seniority shall again govern with respect to thos� F1roflghters entitled to additlonal vacatlon pertods using tha above foroula. �� ,• 4.03 . ^ 4.04 4.05 4.06 e:�, 5.01 � 5.02 >io � 4'i.'� 5.03 5.04 -3- Dlspatch�rs' vautton perlods ahall be drawn on a rotatian basis as agreed upon by the Fir� Chtef and Lh� Assxlatlon; f1na1 decision w111 rest wlth the F1re Chief. No vauLla� ti�e shell ba lost as a result of an acupeLtonal illness or accldent lncurrod 1n th� perfor�ena of duty. Vecatlon det� rpuests shall be sub�itted to the F1re Ch1ef on or before February lst of each yasr end Lh� Yaeetton Sch�dui• shall be posted on or beforo February 15th of each ysar. Yacattons sh�ll not b� accu�ulaLlv� wi Uiout the speclal per�lssion of tha Town MenageF., Qily ona vaeatlon accuAUlatlon or extended vecatton w111 be peroltted duriny each three year pertod. ARTICLE b - STATUTORY HOLIDAYS All Eaployees sha11 be antitled to Lwelva statutory holidays in eaeh yaar, plus any holtdey dxland by the Corporetlon in addltion W those listed in Mticle 5.02, or a proporttonat� uounL tn tha event oP eaploy�ent for less than the eo�pleLa year. The follaing are eonsiderad as stsWWry holldsys: New Y�er's Dey Good Frldey EasLsr Monday Wctorla Dey DonlMon Dey C1vie Holldey Labour Day Thanksglving Dey Rwembrance Day Dece�ber 24th Chrlstoas Day Boxing Dey Such statutory holldeys shall be taken by F1reflghters as Pollavs: (a ) (b) Four day's psy, and E1Lhar N yht day's pey or elght days off duty or aqy combination thereof at the Firoflghter's optlon provlding tliat thls option has been stated in wriLing prtor to Febrwry lst In ths yaar tn whlch the s4Wtory holldeys occur. Such staWtory holldsys shall ba teken by Dtspatchers as follws: (al (b) E1ghL dty's pay, and E1M�r four dqy's pay or four days off duty or any combinmatton thereof at the Oispatchar's optlon, providing that Lh1s optlon has been stated in writing prior to Fabruary lst 1n the year in whlch the staWtory holidays occur. ARTICLE 6 - MORKqtS' COMPENSATION 6.01 Mhen an E�ploye� 1s lnjured at work and in receipt of Morkers' Compensation in 11eu of his regular pey, tha Corporatton wtll nake up tFie dtfference beGeen such caopensatton and hts regular pay. ARTICLE 7 - Slp( LEAYE 7.01 Each Employe� shall be entitled, upon coa�pletton oP three month's eaipioyment, to slck leave with pey (`stck leave') whlch shall accunulate at the rate of 1-1/2 days per ronth of servlce. 1.02 7.03 M unErokan �onth of servlc� shall be one where an Eoplqyee ts eaployed on all his working days 1n the oonLh and 1s not absent froo his dutles other than on account of: (a) aecident or illness; ib) leave of absenca granted under Article 12; (c) bareave�ent leavs granted under Article 13. Tha Tavn w111 asWbllsh a Sick Leava Bank for the benePiL of Association me�bers. 7.04 Mhera an Fsplqyea 1s entilted, as of the end of Decesber 31st tn any year, to accuwlated sick leave in exeess of bo days, ati but bo days thereof w111 be carrled forward to the next year for thaL Fapioyea's use. . � -4- 7.05 My apunt of stek lava Lo which an Fi�ployea is otherwlse entltled but whlch w111 not be . cerried forw��d to th� naxt year pursuant W Article 7.04 shall be accusulaLed in the 51ck Leew Bank. 7.06 Wher� an faploy�e h�s axhaustsd his stck leav� entltlesenL dnd 1s unable to work Decause ha is stek, ha My apply to the Corporstlon for a draw upon the accumulated sick leave, 1f any, in th� S1cic L�av� Bank. 7.07 Upon recNpt o} an eppllatton for e S1ck leava Bank draw, the Corporattan shall notlfy the AssocleLion of th� nes� of the e�ployee applying and the amount of slck leave applled for, tf known. 7.08 8.01 8.02 9.01 9.02 The Corporatlon shall grant en applleetlon for a 51ck Leave Bank draw only where, (a) the Sick Leave Bank has accurilated sick leava suffictent to cover the drew; and (b) the Assxlatlon consents io wrlttng to the drew. MTICLE 8- HOSVITAL � MEDICAL COYERA6E The Corporatlan shall psy 100f of the prerlus cost of the following: (a) Ontarlo Health lnsurance Plan; (D) Lif� Insur�nca Lo Mo end a half tlnrs the annual salary of tha Fiployea to the neartst .;100.00 lnctudtng an accldenWl death and dismeubernent provlston; (c) Mejor Medtul Plan including Preserlption Drugs; (d) Long Ter� D1saD111ty Plan provlding 75� of salary under Article 10 subject to a naxi�u� of �3,000.00 per ipnth; there shall be a 17-week waTting period before cao�encuant of LTD benafits. (a) Yistan ur� plan Lo provide up to �80 every txo years for glasses and/or contact lensas. (f) Dentel Plan oquiralmt to Lhe Blue Cross Plan Nu�ber 9, ut111z1ng the 1987 O.D.A. Fee Scha8�1�. Each e�ploy��, as a conditton of e�ploya�ent, will participate tn the L1fe Insurance Plan raferred to 1n Artlela 8.01(b1, above. ARTICLE 9 - RETIREE'S BENEFITS The Corporailon shall pay 65X of the preioluA cost of tAe following benefits for employees fro� the dab of retlrenent W age 65: (a) Ontarlo Health Insuranee Plan; (b) Major Med1u1 Plan tneluding Prescrlptlon Drugs. The provislons of thls Artlele shall be effective SeptemCer 6, 1988. � ;1 / •. ",;. : $^;. ,:� . ,'; : f`; ,�; . ; 3, �,�. ;, '� .J,,; :j '::;;. . ':;i; ,; ;�{ -5- ARTICLE 10 - SALARIES 10.01 The foliowiny thall b� tha sul� of salarles peld W Esployees: CUISSIFICATION JAN. 1/87 JULY 1/87 JAN. 1/88 JUIY 1/68 lst Class Ftnfighbr j38,376.00 j38,900.00 ;40,456.00 ;40,962.00 2nd Class FlrefighLer - 90f of 1sC Class flreH yhter 3rd Class F1rHlght�r • - 80i of ist Class HraHghter 4th Class flreHyhter - 67.55 of lsC Class F1reflghter CapWtn - 6rad� 1 - 1155 of 1sL Clesa Fir�flghter CepLaln - Grads 11 - 112f of lst Class Flrsfightar F1ra Preventton 8 Trotning OfHcers - 115i of lst Class F1roH 9hter Fire Inspector - 6rad� 1 - 1005 of lst Class FlrefigAter Ftre Inspactor - Grade 11 - 90t of lst Claas Fireflghter Ulspatcher - (First 51x Months) - 65t of lst Class Flrafighter Dispatehar - (Afts� First 51x Months) - 70S of lst Class FlrefighLar ;34,539.40 ;35,010.00 j36,410.40 j36,865.80 j30,700.80 j31,120.00 j32,364.80 ;32,769.60 j25,903.80 ;26,25I.50 �27,307.80 ;27,649.35 ;44,132.40 ;44,735.00 ;46,524.10 ;47,106.30 �42,981.12 �43,568.00 �45,310.72 ;45,877.44 j44,132.40 �44,735.00 ;46,524.40 ;47,106.30 j38,376.00 �38,900.00 j40,456.00 ;40,962.00 ;34,538.40 j35,010.00 ;36,410.40 �36,865.80 ;24,944.40 �26,863.20 j25,285.00 j26,296.40 ;26,625.30 �27,230.00 �28,319.20 ;28,673.40 10.02 Tha Corporatlon shall wlthhold fra� the wages of all Eraployees all aonLhly dues which have been properly lwled egatost Assoclatlai niembers and will transmlt same to the Trlasurer of tha Assoclatton at fuch tlse or tla�es in eech year as shall be iwtuatly agreed upon by the Corporatton and the Assaclation. 10.03 (1) OwrtiN Overtier psy wtll be peld quarterly si the rate of 1-t/2 tlmes the nonwl hourly rate of pay. (2) CailDack My Fnployee who has con�pleted a regular scheduled shift and gone howe, Tf called back in for extra service shall recetve 1-1/2 ti�es his normal hourly rate of pay. 10.04 Mhen an Faployee is subpoenaed W court as a result of perforeing h1s duties, he shall be paid straight t1�e. 10.05 StatuWry holldqys shall De calculated at Lha rste of 1/182 of a year's wages for their particular rank. ARTILLE 11 - PItOMOTIONS, SENIORITY i LAY-OFF Pra�otlons - Finflyht�n ' 11.01 (1) When a F1reH ghtsr 1s htred, he shall be on probatlon for a perlod of Welve oonths. (2) Aftar servtng the probationary perlod, each Flrafighter shall be revlawed by the Fire Chtef wlth a vtew to advanee�ent. (3) Thereaft�r, euh F1reflghter sh�ll Da rariared, on the snnlversary of his prerlous advanca�ent, with � vlew to further advance�ent until he has reached the rank of 1sY Class F1reH ght�r. i � �� . (4) A F1r�flyAt�r pra�obd W tha posltlon of Offleer withln the Depert�ent shall serve a , probatlonary p�Mod of s1x wnths. In the event that a Ftreflyhter prawted to the positian of Otfia� is not confined, he shall have the rlght to rewrn w his foner rank. A Finfiyhtar �ust serve the rank of lst Class for a pertod of O+o years befora betng ellytbla for pra�oClon W a hlgh�r rank. Pra�oLlons - D1sp�LCMrs 11.02 Nhen a Dlspsteh�r 1s hlrad, he shall ba on prabatlon for a perlod of 90 days. 11.03 Raca�anGtlons for ell proiwtions of Dlspsichera sAall be based upon senlorlty of years of service wtthln th� Dspsrtwnt, together with sfflctency and due regard W skill, �er1t and abillty. The F1ra LMef shall be the ona to deieralne tbe efH ctency of the Dispatcher and ■ake h1s reco�wendattons W th� Town Nensgsr. S�ntorlty - Nnflqhqn i D1sp�teMn 11.04 (1) In deter�inlny an Faployea's langth of servlce for sentorlty purposes, co�yuWtton will beyin on th� date the Eapioyee began work. Foner Faployees re-entering the servta afbr contlnutty of servlca has been brokan by any reeson (Her pajesty's Servla �xuptad) shall bs eonsid�red new Fwployees, and senlorlty shall sWrt as of the dat� thay re-enLer servlea. (21 Senlorlty far a Dispatchar shall not be credited until the coaplettan of h1s probetionary pertod; however, upon co�ptetion thereof he shall be deened to have acquirad s�niarlty and shall be credited with senlarity in accprdanee wlth clause (l), above. 11.05 Senlorlty shall �ean sentorlty ot an Eoployee wlthln h1s particular employee 9roup (1.e. F1ref19htars or Dtspetchers). 11.06 A senlorlty list shell be posbd by the Corporatlon 1n all flrehalls each year Dy January 15th. L�y-Off Proe�dun - Ftnflyht�n 11.07 (1) in th� w�nt of a reduetlon 1n th� F1reflghtar work force, lqy-off shall coo�nence wlth tM F1nH ght�� wlth tha leaat aiwunt of senlority wtth the F1reflghter group, provlded the �or� senlor flrefl9hbrs re�atning !re aDle W perfor� the work required. (2) FirvflyhNrs so lald off shall retain, but shall not accrue, thelr seniority wh11e taid off. [n the event of retall or increasa in the work force, posltions w111 be filled 1n reverse �anner to the lay-0ff. (3) A Ftreflghter shall ba deeeed to have rastgned 1f, after lay-off, (a) ha fa11s to acknowledge his ava11ab111ty to report to work wlthTn five days (�xcludtng SaWrdays, Sundays and sWWtory holtdqys) after notice of re�all is lssued by reglstared nwil at the last known address; or (b) he fatls W report to work within ten days after notice of re-call is lssued. L�y-Off Proeedun - Dispatchsn 11.06 (1) In the avent of a reductlon 1n tha D1spaLcher work Porce, lay-off shall coxwence with the Dlspetchar wtth the least mwunt of total depar4�ental seniorlty wlth the Otspatehar group. (2) Dispsteh�rs so lald off shall retatn, but shall noL accrue, thelr senlorlty whtle laid off. !n ths avant of ro-call or increase in tlie work force, posltlons wtll be f111ed in rav�rs� �snn�r W Lh� l�y-off. (3) A Dtspsteher shall Da dewd W have restgned if, after lsy-0ff, (a) he fails to acknwl�dga M s avatlab111ty W report to work within flve days (sxcludlny SeWrdeys, Suodeys end statutory holidays) after notice of re-call 1s tsswd Dy raglsterad �sil at the last knam address; or (b) h� f�11s to roport to work withln tan days after notice oP retall is issued. � ;:. ?•, ,;' . •.. -7- ARTICLE 12 - LEAYE OF ABSENCE 12.01 The Corpor�tion �yr yrmt leava of abaenc�, wlthout pay and withaut loss of senlorlty or occupattanal el�stlfiatlon, to any Faployea reQuesttng such leava for e good and suffictent ceusa. 12.02 SuDject to th� approv�l of th� Tovm Msnager, Lhe F1re Ch1ef �ay grant leave of absence with . pey to an faploy�� upon any spectal grounds, and the pertod of eqy such leave oP absence shall bs charyed agstnat th� Faployae's slck leave credtts. 12.03 12.04 All requesb for lears of absenee shall be 1n writing. M e�ploye� �ay only secu�ulate senlority durtng the flrst throe months of a granted leave of aDsenca undar any parayraph of thls Article. 12.05 Vlhen an Fi�plqy�a 1s subpoeneed as a court witness, he shall not suffer aRy loss of salary or wagaz wh11• so serving, provided ihaC the Corporatton shall be obllged to pay only the differena Mt�mn sueh E�ployee's ca�pensatlon for h1s witness fee or conduct wney as a wltness and tha salary or wages whlch he wuld othenvlse have earned hed he worked the reguler worklny day lnvolred. 12.06 Leav� of abs�ne� without pay or toss of sentorlty to sttend W Assoctatton buslness will ba yrantad W noL �ore Lhan four Fioployeas for a �axi�u� of twelve days 1n any y�ar, provtdtny a replaee�ent or replsce�ents accaptable to the F1re Chief 1s or ere provlded Dy the Assoclatlon. ARTICLE 13 - BEREAYEMENT LEAYE 13.01 Mhere tn the dlacretlon of tha Fire Chtef or the Town Menager 1t 1s justlfied, an Fmployee w111 be allowed up to threa consecuttve days off with pay when a death occurs 1n h1s iioaedtate faNly, whlch shall mean father, mother, father-in-law, nother-tn-law, sister, brother, spouse, ch11d or other relative living with the Fmployee. 13.02 M Faployee shall ba allowad one dsy off wlth pay when death occurs of a slster-ln-law, brother-in-law, gr�ndpsrants, son-ln-law, daughter-tn-law or grandchlld, in order to attend tha funerel and such l�eve shall De charged agatnst Lhe stck leave credits of the Employee. ARTICLE 14 - PENSIONS i IIKUNANCE 14.01 (1) Tha Corporatton shall contlnus the preseni O.N.E.R.S. Penston Plan which presently provtdes a p�nslon equal to 2� of the Faployee's annual contribuWry earnings during the 60 eons�cutiv� �anths of highesL contrlbutory earnings. 1. ew1L1p11ed by the number of yeers of crediLed servtu since enrol�ent in O.M.E.R.S. after January lst, 1966 (wxirur 35), and 2. when tha aie�ber is entitled to a penslon under the Canada Penslon Plan, reduced by the lessor of: ( a) the average of YMPE for the year the 1 ( ae�bar retires and the Wo preceding 1 ( years, or ) ( I ( � Ix 0,7f ( b1 penstonabla earnings whtch are the ) ( avarage annual contrlbuWry earnin9s 1 ( during the 60 conseeutive aonths of 1 ( highest eontrtbutory earnings ) number of years credited servlce since enrolsent in O.M.E.R.S. after January lst, 1966 (n�aximio 35) (2) For Flrefighters oniy, ths Corporatlon shsll pay 1005 of !he cost af an O.M.E.R.S. Type 1 Supplaentary Penston Plan using the 2i Forwla. 14.02 Tha EmployN's record of the penslon contrlbuttons shell be �ade avatlabla for indlvldual approval annually. 14.03 Al1 Fmploye�s shall, as s condttton of e�ploy�eni, particlpete in the Penslon Plan 1n effect at tha L1N of co�ncu�nt of a�ployMnt. 14.04 All F1r�flyhters naehtny nw�el rettre��nt age, 60 years, shall be obllged to retire fro� tha Corporatian on tfi� last day of the �qnLh after the attain�ent of the noraal rettreoent age, as deflnad 1n the Ontarlo Mmiclpel Faployees Retlre�enL Syste� Pension Plan. � � r' "• ' � -e- MTICIE 15 - 1NDE11NIFICATION 15.01 Where an eaplaye� charged with e erl�lnal or statutary offence while perfor�ing hts respons1b111ttas end itaviny fro� h1s dutlas 1s acquitted of sueh charges, the eaployee shatl be ralnbursed for any reasonebls legel expenses that have been taxed pursuant to the Soitcitor's Aet and lneurred as a result of sueh cAarges. 15.02 Th� Corporatlon w111 eontlnue tha coverage under its present exlsLing general 11aD111ty insurance or aqulvalanC eoverage. ARTICLE 16 - UNIFOpMS � EQUIPMENT Unlfom � EqulpMnt - Flnttyhbn 16.01 The CorporeN on shell supply all full-t1�e F1reflghtars with the follaving: (a 1 (b) (c) one Wnic every three years; three peira of unlfor� pents every two years (to alternate w1Ui suower welght pantsl: four unlfor� shtrts each year (tno shlrts W be short-sleevedl; (d) Lwo untfor� ties each year; (e) ona unifor7 wlnLer coat every four years; (f) f91 (h) I11 (� I one untfon ap every two years; Wo per�nnent press fatlgue shirts each year; two p�1rs of penanent press fatl9ue psnts each year; on� peir of rubber boota, far renewel at the discretion of the Fire Chtef; ona saf�Ly he1Nt wt� front na�e shteld and flip-up shleld afflzed, for renewal at Lh� dlseretton of the F1re CM ef; ' (k) ona �odern flre coat, for renewal at the dlscretion of the Fire Ch1ef. The Corporation agrees to phase in new flre-flghting coats at a sWndard equal to a Safaiy Supply Canpany Syste�s 3, 7.5 Nouex coat witFi F1re Marshal's Scotchllte reflxtive markings. Coats to have one internal and two external pockets; (1 ) (m) one petr of rubber mitts and one patr of lbnex gloves; and lnsoles as needed. wtth shoulder flashes W be afflxed to new untforss when supplted, subject to the provlston that ttems (a), (D), (c), (d), (e) and (f) shall not be supplied to probaHonary F1reHghters. 16.02 The neasuring end ordering of uniforms shall be coapleted by March lst of each year. 16.03 The Corporstlon shall psy to each Fireflghter a cleentng allowance of j75.00 per annum Defore January 31st asch ysar. 16.04 ihe Corporstion agrees to per�it the associaLion to provide beds and bedding, at each flrehall, for use of Firoflghtars on nlyht shtft. The Associatian will be respanslble for all cosis lnvolved, lncludlny the cost of laundry, and under no circu�stances will the Corporaiton assu�a eny portlon of sueh costs, etther directly or lndirec Uy. 0 � �•� Unifont i EqulpMnt - Dlsatehtn 16.05 The Corporatton shell suppty all full-L1�e 0lspatchers wlth the following: (al (b) (e 1 one tuMe �v�ry throe yaars; thrt� pe1�s of unlfor� panLS every Lwo ysars (to alLernate wiLh su�er welght pants): four unlfor� shtrts eseh year ; (d) Lwo unifo� tles each year; (e) on� unlfon wlntar coat ev�ry four years; and (f) ona unttorw cap avery two years; wiLh shoulder flash�s W be atflxad to new unlfor�s when supplted, sub�ecL Lo the provlston thaL 1La�s Ia1, (b), (c), (dl, (e) and (f) shall not be supplled to probatlonary Dispsteh�rs. 16.06 The oeasuring and ordering of unlforos shall be capleted by March ist of each year. 16.07 Tha Corporatlon shall pay Lo each Dlspatcher a cleaning ellowance of j15,00 per annu� before January 31sL,each year. AiITICLE 17 - AC?IN6 RANK - FIREFI611TERS 11.01 When no Captatn - 6rade 1(other fhan a Fire Preventlon Offlcer, 7raining Officer or Ftre lnspector), or other rank eeting 1n that capecity, is on duty tn the Departnent, (a ) (D) a Gptain - 6red� 11, or 1f no Capqln - 6rada 11 1a on duty in the Department, a lst Cless Firefightsr prwtously designated as an llcting GpWin, or (c) 1f no such Captaln - 6rsda 11 or 1sL Class Firefighter prevlously deslgnated as an AcLiny Captatn 1s on duty tn the Deparbent, the most senlor qualified F1raflghter who 1s on duty, sbell b� rpulr�d by th� F1re Ch1af to parfor� tha duttes of a CapW1n - Grade 1 nnd shall be paid at a Captaln - 6rada 1 rate wM1e perfor�ing those duties. 17,02 Mben no Capbin - 6rade 11 (otMer than a F1re Preventton Officer, Training Officer or F1re Inspectorl, or other rank acting in that capecity, is on duty 1n the DeparLoent, or when such a Captaln - 6rada 11 is on duty but is perforuin9 the dutles of a Captaln - Grade 1 pursuant W Mttcle 17.01, (a ) (b ) e lst Class flreflghter prevlously designated as an Ikting Captaln, or if no ist Class Firefighter prevlously dezignated as an Acting Captatn 1s on duty in Lhe Department, Lhe nost senior Qualifled Flrefighter who 1s on duty, shell be repulrod by tha F1re Chief to perforo the dutles oI a Captatn - Grade 11 and shall De psld at a Capt�tn - 6rade 11 raLe while perfor�ing those duties. 17.03 ArClclet 17.01 and 17.02 do not appiy to Captatns - Grads 11 or F1reflghters requested to perfor� tb� dutta of a Captatn - Grede 1 or a CapWtn - Grade 11 who 1s, (e) a Fin Prw�ntton OfHcer, (b) a Tralotng Offlc�r, or (c) A F1ro Inspector � �. -io- ARTICLE 19 - DISCHNt6E OR DISCIPLINE 19.01 Tha proe�dur� pa�rniny dlsehary� cases shall be pursuant to sectlo� 4 of the Fire � DeparU�ants Aet. 18.02 Cases lnvolviny slteyed unjust dlselplin� or suspenzlon shall start at Stage 1 of the Grlevanc� Proadun. 18.03 A Firefighqr or Dlspatch�r who 1s ezoneratad unda� sectton 18.01 hereof, or 18.02 Aeraof, shall be relnsLet�d an4 psld h1s salary for the t1M lost. ��' AilT1CLE 19 - 6RIEYANCE PROCEDI�tE 19.01 Tha E�ploye� sh�11 eppoint 'e 6rlevanc� Ca�itta� fro� a�ong thalr ae�Ders of three persons, end shall notlfy th� Corporetlon of tha personn�l of such Cowlttee and any ehanges wd� Lhenln fra� t1N to t1�� 19.02 ln th� w�nt of ■ co�qlalnt or yrlwance ralating to the lnterpr�tatton, app1/utlon or ad�lnlstraN on of thlf Agree�ent, lneluding any allegatton that thls Agroe�ant has been vtolated or any questton �s to whsM�r a�ett�r is arDlErable, or as the resulL of aqy acN on involriny an E�ploys�, h� �ey than proceed as follaws: STA6E 1 - The Faplqye� �ey take up the wtta� 1n writing w1Lh the F1re Ch1ef or Deputy Ch1sf not later than two days afLer the dsy of the incident co�plslnad of. STAfiE 2 - If Lhe �etter 1s not settlad Dy the Fire Ch1ef or Deputy Chief withtn Wo days of the dey 1t was Wken up wlth h1■ .at Stage 1, the Grlevanca Cawittee, acco�panled by tha Faplqyee, �ey taka the matter up with the Town Manager withln bvo days of ths day 1t was flrst taken up wlth the Fire Chief or Deputy CMsf by the Fwplqyae. STA6E 3 - If Lh� Mtt�r is not seLt1M by th� To�n Menayer wlthln flve days of the day it wes Lak�n up with ht� at Stage 2, 1t �ay b� raferred by the Grievance Lamlttee W th� Ex�cutiv� Co�itb� of Councll, wtthln seven days of the day 1t was Lakm up wlth tha Tam Menag�r. . f :,�a . STA6E 4 - If th��i�tter 1s not sattled by the Exetutive Cantttee of Counctl, 1t �ay, by noHe� �1n wrlting to the Twn Manager, be referred to arDitration by the firtwanc� Coawlttee under Article 20 of tA1s Agreement wlthln seven days of tha day 1L Nas flrst taken up wtth Lha Executive Carittee of Counctl. .. . �,: : i.� 6roup 6rtevanc�s ,'�. . 19.03 In case a group of Faplqyees has e grlevance, 1t shall be taken up by the Grtevance Counittee startln9 at Stage 2. 6an�ral 6rlwane�s y :�. � : , 19.04 My dlff�rMe� artstny dtractly between tha Assoctatlon and tAe Town concerning the lnterpro4tlon or vtolatton of th� lar�s or prorlstons of tbls Agreerent �y be suDaitted to etther Party py th� other et SWge 2 wtthln and not after ten days of the day of the tncldent co�platned of. 19.05 In detentntny Lht tlrr withtn whlch ar�y step 1s W De taken under the forayoing provlslont of thts Articla, Saturdays� Sundays and staWtory holidays shall be excluded. T1se lt�its H xed by thts Art1c1� �ey b� exLendad Dy agreaoent 1n wrlttng Detween the Partles. 19.06 At any 54g� ot th� firlewnt� Procedun, lncludtng arbttratton, the conferring partles �ay have th� asslstana of Che Ea�plqy�es concarned and aqy neeassary wtU�esses, and all reesonabl� arrang�entt shall bt �ed� W p�n1t th� conferrtng parLles W hev� aecess to the DeparO�ent, to vter dtfput�d op�ratlons and to confar wtth the necessary witnesses. a.. , �,.� .. t; , . � � � �;.: ,.:. <i;:� ,;..� _ >> _ MTICLE 20 - ANBI7pATI0N 20.01 Whar� a dithrma arises Mtweon th� ParNas rolating to the interpretstlon, appltutlon or a�fnistration of this Ayne�ant or rh�n an alle9atfon is ineda that the I�gree�ent has Deen violeLad, �ith�r ot th� Parttes �sy, afL�r exhausting the Grlevanc� Procedura as set oui 1n Articla 19, notlfy th� oMar Perty 1n wrlting of 1ts desire to suD�it tha dlfferenca or allegstton to arbttratlon. If the reclplmt of tha notic� and the Party desiring th� arbltratlon do not, withtn flft�an dsys, ayree upon s single arbltrator, the appolndent of a sinyle arbltrator sh�ll b� �ed� by the Mlntster of Justlee and AtWrney-feneral upon Lha request of elth�r Party. Tha arbttrator shall ca�enee to heer and deterwine ths differenGe or allagatton wlLhtn 30 days aftsr h1s appolntaent or at such other L1�e es �ey be agreed upon by Lha ParNas and tha arbltretor. Ths arbltratar shall lssue a decislon wlthin a rasonabla t1M after heariny the diffenna or allegatlon and the arbltrstor's decision is final and bindlny upon th� P�rLtas. The arbitrator shall not have any authortty W alter or ehange any of th� provisions of thls Agp�e�ent or to substltute aqy new provislon 1n lteu thareof or W plva any daetslon conLrary to Lha tens and condltlons of tbls Agroe�ent, or 1n aryr way �odify, edd to or datraet fro� any provtston of thts Agree�ent. Each ot the Parttes W Lhis AgraaMnt wtlt shan equally the fees a�d dlsbursme�ts of the arAttratcr. ARTICLE 21 - TECIMIOL06ICAL CWIN6E 21.01 if ths Corporatlon propos�a to change the nieMod of provlding fire services W ti�e ca�unity by technoloplcsl chang�, and as a result ta dlsplace an Emplqyee fra� hts positton, the Corporatlon shall notlfy the Associatton of 1ts proposal es soon es preeticable and afford tha Assxtatlon an opporLunity to met wlth th� Town Mnnager, and such oLher wnageoent personnal as he consld�rs approprtate, prior ta tha 1eple�enWLton of the proposal. 21.02 When proposlny to displaee an Fsployee fro� hts posttlon 1n the process of iqrlerenttng a t�chnologlul change, tha Corporstton shall consider tha foltaving posslbilittes: 21.03 22.01 (a) the re-tratnlny of th� Fwplqyea W work wlthtn the Lechnologically changed �etliod; (D) Lh� r�loutton of the Faployea to anoth�r posttlon, ihe require�enis of whlch he has the quallHutlons aM ab111ty W perfor�; (c) Lh� relaitlon ot th� Faplqyae to anoth�r posltlon, the requlreoents of which he does not hav� th� pwllfiuttons or ab111ty to parforw, and the re-tralning af tha e�pioyea 1n that potition. ' In the ev�nt that an Eiployee being dlspleced as a result of technological change, (a) is not to De re-tratned, relocated or relocated and re-tralned, and (b) is W be lald oft, such lay-off sh�11 be governed by the provislons of Mticle 11. ARTILLE 22 - CONTRACTIN6 OUT MORK Ib work 1n classiflestions covgred by thls Agreeoent shall be contracted out at the expense of presant Faployaes b�iny latd off. 22.02 Mhera th� Corporatlon 1s eonte�plating contracting out rrork of a nature perfor�ed by Faployees, the Assoetatlon w111 be given six �onth's notice of the Corporation's lntent. 22.03 During the s1x �onth noLtee period referred to 1n Articte 22.02, the Iltsalatton shall be givan an opportunity W �ake represenUtton to the Corporatlon with respect Lo the contracLing out of the work 1n questlon; Lhs Corporatton shall maka avallable to the Assoctatton any �st�rtal of a non�onfldantlal natura beiny exulned in support of its dectston to contract out Lht work. 22.04 No tanMrs ah�ll be lnvibd until the expiry of the six �onth notice perlod rePerred to 1n Articla 22.02. ARTICLE 23 - FIRE DEPNtTMEMTS ACT 23.01 The provislons of tha F1re DeperlaenLS Aet, R.S.O. 1980, c,64, as mey be a�ended fro� ttae to ttioe. shall aPP1Y � tAts Agrea�enL. � ;?i;i 'r. , ,r i:' e.� �,jj. .y . ; �' j �. ,± , ,'t :^� - 12 - ARTICIE 24 - DUGTIOM 24.01 Th1s Ayr�nL sh�ll b� 1n foru and afhct fra� Januery lst, 1987 unt11 Dace�ber 31st, 1988 and fra� y�ir W y�ar tAtnaft�r. In the erent of either Party desirTn9 or proposin9 any change or albr�tlon 1n th� AgrauenL, such Perty shall yive to the other Party noL less than 30 dqy's rrittan nottc� Mfora the ren�wal date and both Partles shall thereupon negotlata 1n good fa1M in resp�et W th� �eLtars whlch tt 1s proposad Lo change or alter and th� ra�etning provlstons sh�ll autoytically renaw the�selres. MTICLE YS - IMTERPIIETATION 25.01 in thls AgneNnt, rher� the eontext or elrcu�stances requlro, (a) sinyule� shall be eonstrusd as plur�l, (b) plur�l sM1] b� construed as slnqu)a�, and (c) iuuulin� shall b� eonstruad as fs�intne, snd relatad vrords and phresta shall be construed accordtngly. �-�� ;`. ::1;. ,�'. •;:. ;;'. ,:�:. ' _�3_ IN MITN�S HHFAEOF Sh� Corporatlon has h�rounW affixed its corporate seal under the hands of tts duly authorizad offieert, and Lha Msafatton has aused this lnstruoent to be executed by tts propsr ofNcers duly authorizad. D�t� S1ymd DaL� Sfyned �3E�/rJ7e4t� r2i�. �'88 0 THE CORPORATIOM OF TNE tOWM OF PICKERIN6 �a� C)�rk PIqtERIN6 SIONAL FIREFI6NTERS' ASSOCIATIOM \ �� "'—Tw'rild P�Awll. P sldent . %!///�� .(/�e.'u�/"'� l4rk otc�. Se roqry �.___- � THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF PICKERING BY-LAW NUMBER z909 /gg Being a by-law to authorize the execution of a Collective Agreement between the Corporation of the Town of Pickering and the Town of Pickering Professional Firefighters' Association (January 1, 1987 - December 31, 1988) Whereas pursuant to the provisions of sections 5(1) and 7(1) of the Fire Department's ACt, R.S.O. 1980, chapter 164, the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Pickering may enter into an agreement, in writing, with the Town of Pickering Arofessional Firefighters' Association for the purpose of defining, determining and providing for remuneration, pensions or working conditions of full-time Firefighters as defined in that Act; Now Therefore, the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Pickering Hereby Enacts As Follows: The Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute a Collective Agreement, in the form attached hereto as Schedule A, between the Corporation of the Town of Pickering and the Town of Pickering Professional Firefighters' Association for the purpose of defining, determining and providing for remuneration, pensions or working conditions of full-time Firefighters, as defined by the Fire Department's Act, R.S.O. 1980, chapter 164. By-law read a first, second and third time and passed this 3rd day of October 1988. ��' . / �i�a�i_ �. THIS AGREEMENT aada thls lst dqy of January. 1987. �BETMEEN: Y L`I ��I�;:1��IT31I�1'Llf I;[�L��`[�I�'lI�{�:i� heretnefter ealled tha 'Corporatton' - and - PIq(ERIN6 PROFESSIONAL FIREFI611TERS' ASSOCIATION Aarelnefter celled the 'ASSOCtatlon' OF THE FIRST PART OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS the Parttes hereto wish to establlsh and AainWin collective bargalning relatlons between the Corporatton, its F1ref19hters and F1re Dispatchers, and to provide machinery for the prompt and equttable dlsposltlon of grlevances, and to establish and mainWin mutually satisfactory workTng conditions, hours and wages for all Fireflghters and Fire Dispatchers Nho are subject to the provislons of this Agreeioent; NON TNEREFORE, THIS A6kEElAENT MIiMESSETH: ARTICLE 1- SCOPE OF AGREEMENT 1.01 In this Agreement, the term, (a) "Dispatcher' neans a full-tTme F1re Dispatcher of the Town of Pickering Fire Department; (b) "Firefighter" means a full-time Fireflghter of the Town of Pickering Fire Department, and lncludes a Captatn, Officer and Inspector, but does not include a F1re Chief or Deputy Chief; and (c) 'Employee" neens a Dtspetcher or a Firefighter. 1.02 The provlslons of thls Agreenent shall apply to all Enployees in the Depariment. ARTICLE 2 - REC06NITION 2.01 The Corporatlon retains the sole right to manage all services and direct the warking forces, lncluding the rlght Lo h1re, promote, transfer, reprimand, penalize, suspend, discharge or demote 1ts Fnployees for just cause. A claim of disclminatory pranotTon, demotton or trsnsfer or a clalm that any Employee has been discharged, penalized ar suspended without just cause shall be the subject of a 9rievance and deait with as provlded in Articles 18 and 19. 2.02 'fhe Assoclatlon and the Fnployees recognize the rlght of the Corporation W delegate its authorlty to a camilttee of the appropriate officials, to negotTate a renewal Agreement or to particlpate 1n the resolution of grievances wlth Employees sub�ect to the final approval af any A9reement by the Corporation. 2.03 The Corporatton recognlzes the Assoctatton as the exclusive bargalning agent for all Fmployees, and thls Agreenent shall be regarded as being appllcaGle to all such Employees. 2.04 All Employees while 1n unlform, whether on or off duty, shall be governed by the rules and regulations of tha Department as established and published by the Fire Chief fran time to time. 2.05 All Fmployees that are now nembers of the Associatlon shall remain members thereof and the new Fmployees of the DeparUrent shall become members of the Assoctatton within tbe flrst 30 days of thetr probatlonary perlod and will continue their membership 1n good standing in the Assoclatlon as a conditlon of continued employement. , -� �i -p_ 2.06 The Assoclatton agraes to keep the Corporation advtsed of the na�es of the Offlcers of the Executiva and Bargalning Coanittee upon thelr electton or any change thereln. 2.07 The Corporatlon and tha Assoetatton agree that at no tlaie will discrlrtnatlon be shown toward erly FaDlqyes who is covered by thls Agreement. No strike or lak-out shall xcur _ durin9 the life of this Agree�ent or any renewal thereof, and the Association shall not particlpate 1n aRy sy�pathy strlke in support of any other organlzatlon. 3.01 3.02 3.03 ARTICLE 3- NOURS OF MORK Dlspatchers and Flreftyhters other than F1re Prerentlon Officers, Tralning Offlcers and fire Inspectors shall be requlred to work a 42 hour week on the average, based on the twa platoon ;ysteo, conslsting of a ten hour day and a fourteen hour nlght. Deys lst Meek Nlghts for 2nd Meek Days 3rd Neek Nights 9th Neek Morking Sch�dult - 42 Hours Per Meek Mon. Tues. Med. Thurs. Frf. Sat. Sun. ToLel 10 10 14 14 10 10 14 14 14 14 10 10 40 14 56 10 30 42 Nothing 1n the above Schedule of Hours of Mork shall prevent the Fire Chtef granting the written request of� (a) any bo Flrsftghtars W exchange shifts or days off; or (E) any two Dlspatchers W exchange shlPts or days off. 3.04 Ftre Preve�tion Offlcers, Tralning Offlcers and Fire Inspectors shall work a systen of hours to be deter�lned and scheduled in advance by the F1re Chief, provided, hawever, that the systeA shall 1n no ray 1aQair the efficlency of the Department and provided that their hours of work shall not ezceed those of other Employees. ARTICLE 4 - YACATtONS 4.01 All Employees who have completed the years of servlce shown below on their sentority dates shell be entl q ed to the corresponding vacation with pay: Years of Arvlee Less than one year One year but less Lhan faur years Four years but less than eleven years Eteven years but less then nineteen years Nlneteen years Dut lass than twenty-five years Twenty-flve years or oore Length of Yacation with Pay One day for each complete nonth of service to a toWl of two weeks Tro weeks Three weeks Four weeks F1ve weeks 51x weeks 4.02 Flreftghters' vacatlon perlods shall be drawn by seniorlty. One Firefighter from each shtft a�ny take the saaie vacatton pertod at the sa�e ttme. At the dlscretion of the Fire Chief, those F1retlghters who are entltled to more than two weeks vacation may choose thetr entlro allotaent on a consecutive week basis if deslred. After each F1reflghter has had the opportunity in Wrn of aiaking thls cholce, seniority shall again govern wlth respect to those F1reflghters entltled to addltional vacation periods using the above formula. > � :• 4.03 . 'v' :.< 4.04 r;: . 4.05 4.06 ^a;�. 5.01 . � 5.02 );; .:�. ;ij� , : `,' -3- Dispatchers' vecatton perlods shall De drawn on a rotatton basts as agreed upon by the Fire CAtef and Lhe Assoctation; /inal declsion w111 rest wlth the F1re Chtef. No vacatlon t1�e shall be lost as a result of an occupational illness or accident incurred 1n the perfon�ance of duty. Vacation deta requests shell be suboitted to the Fire Ch1ef on or before February lst of each year and Lhe Vaeatlon Schedule shail be posted on or before February 15th of each year. Yacations shall not De accuaulative wlthout the special pernlsslon of the Town Manager.. Only one vacatlon accuniulatlon or extended vacation w111 be permltted during each three year period. ARTICLE 5 - STANTORY HOLIOAYS All Enployees shall �e enttiled to Melve statutory holidays in each year, plus any holiday declared by the Corporatlon 1n addition W those listed 1n Article 5.02, or a proporttonate eaaunt 1n the event of employment for less than the complete year. The follawing are eonstdered as statutory holldays: New Year's Dey Good Frtday Easter Monday Victorla Dey DaalMon Day Civ1c Holldsy Labour Day Thanksgiving Uey Remembrance Day December 24th Christnas Day Boxing Day 5.03 Such statutory holidays shatl be taken by Fireflghters as follows: (a) Four day's pay, and (b) Eltlier otght day's pey or elght days off duty or any combination thereof at the Fireflghter's optlon providing that thls optlon has Deen sWted in writing prior to February lat 1n the year in which tha statutory holidays occur. 5.04 Such staLutory holidays shall be taken by Dispatchers as follaws: (a) (D) E1ght day's pey, and Etther four dqy's pay or four dyys off duty or any combinmatian thereof at the Dlspstcher's option, provlding Lhat this optlon has been sWted in writing prior to February lst in the year in whlch the statutory holidays occur. ART[CLE 6 - MORKERS' COMPENSATION 6.01 When an Fi�ployee is injured at work and in recelpt of Ykrkers' Compensation in 11eu of his regular pay, the Corporation will make up the dlfference between such compensatlon and his regular pay. ARTICLE 7 - Std( LEAYE 1.01 Each Fmployee shall be entltlad, upon canpletion of three month's mployment, to sick leave with pay ("sick teave') whlch shall accuaulaLe at the rate of 1-1/2 days per month of servlce. 7.02 M unbroken aqnth of service ahell be one where an Fmployee is employed on all his working days in the nonth and ts not absenL fron hTs dutles other than on account of: (a) accldent or illness; (b) leave of absence granted under Mticle 12; (c) bereaveaent leava granted under Article 13. 7.03 The Tavn will establtsh a S1ck Leave Bank for the Denefit of Associatlon memDers. 7.04 Where an Fapl4yee is entltled, as of the end of December 31st 1n any year, to accumulated sick leave 1n excess af two deys, all �ut two days thereof will be carried forward to the next year for that Fi�ployee's use. . � , ,, , <' ;. 7.05 . ;� .�: ':i;�? ss My amount of sick leave to v�hlch an Employee 1s otherwise entitled but which will not be carrled forward to the next year pursuant W Article 7.04 shall be accuwlated 1n Lhe Stck Leave Bank. 7.06 Where an Enployae has axhausted h1s slck leave entitlement and is unable to work because he is s1ck, he oay apply to the Corporatton for a draw upon the accumulated slck leave, if any, 1n the 51ck Leave Bank. 7.07 Upon recelpL of an appltcatlon for a Sick Leave Bank draw, the Corporatlon shali natlfy the Association of the name of the e�uployee applying and the amount of slck leave appllad for, if known. 7.08 8.01 8.02 9.01 9.02 The Corporation shall grant an appllcatlon for a S1ck Leave eank draw only where, (a) the Sick Leave 8ank has accunulated slck leave sufficient to cover the draw; and (bi the Assoclatlon consents 1n wrlting to the draw. ARTICLE 8- NOSPITAL � MEDICAL COYERA6E The CorporeLlon shall pay 1005 of the preriun� cost of the following: (a) Ontarlo Health lnsurance Plan; (b) l.ife Insurance to two and a half times the annual salary of the Fmployee to the nearest ;100.00 including an accidental death and dismemberment provision; (c) Mnjor Medleal Plan lnduding VrescMption Drugs; (d) Long Taru Disability Plan providing 75S of salary under Article 10 subject to a maxinua of =3,000,00 per iaonth; there sha11 be a 17-week waiting period before caanence�enL ot LTD benefits. (e) Yislon cara plan Lo provlde up to ;80 every two years far giasses and/or contact lenses. (f) Dental Plen equlvalent to the Blue Cross Plan Nu�er 9, ut111zing the 1987 O.D.A. Fee Schedula. Each employee, as a condltlon of employment, w111 participate in the Life Insurance Plan referred W in Articie 8.01(bl, aDove. ARTICLE 9 - RETIREE'S BENEFITS The Corporation shall pay 65� of the premiwa cost of the following benefits for employees from tbe date of retlrewent to age 65: (a) Onterlo Health Insurance Plan; (b) Major Medical Plan including PrescripLion Drugs. The provlsions of this Article shall Ce effective September 6, 1988. i � u -5- IIRTICLE 10 - SALARIES 10.01 The follaving shsll be tha scale of selarles pald W Employees: CU155[FICATION JAM. 1/87 JULY 1/87 JAN. 1/88 JULY 1/B8 lst Class Ffreflghter ;38,376.00 j38,900.00 ;40,456.00 ;40,962.00 2nd Class Ftrefighter - 90Y oP lst Class F1reflghter �34,538.40 ;35,010.00 j36,410.40 ;36,865.80 3rd Cless F1raH ghter � - 80X of lst Class Ftreflghter ;30,700.80 �31,120.00 ;32,364.80 ;32,769.60 4th Class Fireflghter - 67.55 of 1st Class Flreftghter �25,903.80 �26,257.50 j27,307.80 �27,649.35 Captaln - Grade 1 - 115� of lst Class Fireftghter ;44,132.40 �44,735.00 �46,524.40 �47,106.30 Captain - 6rade 11 - 112� of lst Class Flrefighter j42,987.12 j43,568.00 ;45,310.72 �45,877.44 Fire Preventton 8 Trai�ing Offlcers - 115f of lst Class F1reflghter j44,132.40 j44,735.00 $46,524.40 �47,106.30 Ftre Inspector - Grada 1 - 1005 of lst Cless F1reflghter j38,376.00 ;38,900.00 j40,456.00 ;40,962.00 Fire lnspector - Grade 11 - 90% of lst Class F1reflghter j34,538.40 335,070.00 j36,410.40 �36,865.80 Dispatcher - (First Six Months) - 658 of lst Class F1reflghter �24,944.40 �25,285.00 �26,296.40 ;26,625.30 Dispatcher - (Aftar F1rst S1x Months) - 70S of lst Class Firaflghter ;26,863.20 ;27,230.00 j28,319.20 j28,673.40 10.02 The Corporetton shall withhold fron the wages of all Employees all monthly dues whlch have been properly levled agatnst Assoclatton mewbers and wTll transmit same to the Treasurer of the Assactatton at fueh time or tlmes in eech year as shall Ce mutually agreed upon by the Corporatlon and the Assoclation. 10.03 (1) Overtt�e Overtlme psy w111 be pald quarLerly et the rate of 1-1/2 times the noreal hourly rate of pay. (2) Calibaek My Employee wAo has completed a regular scheduled shlft and gone home, if called back tn for extra servlce shall recelve 1-1/2 tlmes his normal hourly rate of pay. 10.04 Mhen an Eeployee 1s subpoenaed to court as a result of performtng his duties, he shall be paid streight t1ne. 10.05 StaWtory holldays shall be caiculated aL the rete of 1/182 of a year's wages for their particular rank. ARTICLE 11 - PIIOMOTIONS. SENIOIIITY � LAY-0FF Pro�ottons - Flrofiyht��s ' 11.01 (1) Mhen a F1reH ghter 1s hlred, he shall be on probation for a period of twelve months. (2) After serving the probationary perlod, each Firefighter shall be revlewed by the F1re Chief with a view to advancement. (3) Thereafter, each F1reflghter sha17 be reviewed, on the anniversary of h1s prevlous advance�ent, wlth a view to further advance�ent until he has reached the rank of lst Class F1reflghter. 0 � -6- . (4) A Firefighter praated ta the posltlon of Offlcer withln the Departwent shall serve a . probatlonary perlod of s1x nonths. In Lhe event that a Firefl9hter praaoted to the positlon of Offlcer is not confirnied, he shell have the ri9ht to return W his for�er rank. A Flreftghter �ust serva the rank of lst Class for a period of Wo years before being e11g1b1e for prawtlon Lo a htgher rank. Pra�otlons - Dlspeteh�rs 11.02 Nhen a Dlspatehar is hlred, he shall be on probation for a perlod of 90 days. 11.03 Recoomendattons for a11 praatians of Dispetchers shall be based upon seniorlty of years of service wtthin Lhe Depertment, together wlth efficiency and due regard to sktil, merlt and abillty. Tha Fire Ch1ef shall be the one to deternlne the efficlency of the Dtspatcher and make h1s recwwendatlons to the Town Manager. SeMortty - F1nHyht�rs i D1spaLeh��s 11.04 (1) In deternlnlny en Ee�ployee's length of service for senlorlty purposes, compu Wtian wtll begin on the date the Finployee began work. Forner Fnployees re-entering the servica aPter eontinuity oP servica has been braken by ar�y reason (Her Majesty's Servtce excaptad) shall be consldered new E�aployees, and senlorlty shall start as of the date they re-enter servlce. 11.05 11.06 (2) Senlority for a D1speLcher shall not be credited unttl the completion of h1s probationary perlod; however, upon coopletion thereof he shall be deeiaed to have acquired seniorlty and shall be credlted wiLh senlority in accprdance wlth clause (1), above. Seniority shall mean seniority of an Eaiptoyee wtthin h1s particular employee group (i.e. Firefighters or Dlspatchers). A seniority 11st shall be posted by the Corporation in all flrehalls each year by January 15th. Lay-Off Proceduro - F1r�flghbn 11.07 (1) in the event of a reductlon in the Firefighter work force, lay-off shall comoence wttli the Flrefighler wlth tha least amount of senlority wlth the Firefighter group, provlded the more sentor flrefighters remelning !re able to perform the vrork requtred. (2) Firefightars so lald off shall reU1n, but shall not accrue, thelr seniorTty while laid off. In the event of retall or increase in the work force, posTtions will be f111ed 1n reverse manner to the lay-off. (3) A F1reflghter shall be deeaied to have reslgned if, after lay-off, (a) he fails Lo acknavledge h1s avallability to report to work wtthTn five days (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and sWWtory holldays) after notice of re�all is issued by reglstered ma11 at the last known address; or (b) he fails to report to work within ten days after notice of re-call is lssued. L;y-Off Proceduro - D1apaLchan 11.08 (1) In the avenL of a reduetlon in the Dlspatcher work force, lay-off shall comcence with the Dispatcher wlih Lhe leasL amount of toWl departmental sentority with the Oispetcher group. (2) Dispetchers so latd off shall retatn, but shall not accrue, thelr se�lority while lald off. In the event of re-call or increase 1n the work force, positions will be filted 1n reverse senner W the lay-0ff. (3) A Dlspeteher shall De dee�aed to have reslgned if, after lay-off, (a) he fa11s to acknowledge his avatla�111ty to reporL to rrork withln ftve days (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and sLatutory holidays) after notice of re-call is lssuad by reglstered �ail at the last known address; or (b) he fa11s W roport to vrork wlthin ten dqys after noLice of re�all is issued. � , , . . -�- ARTICLE 12 - LEAYE OF IIBSENCE 12.01 The Corporatton iaay yrant leava of absence, without pay and without loss of senlority or occupetianel classificetion, to any Fmployee requesting such leave for a good and sufficlent ceuse. 12.02 SuEject to tha epproval of the Town Manager, the F1re Chief may grant leave of absence with • pay to a� Faployee upon any spectal grounds, and the perlod of any such leave of absence shall be charged agelnst the Fnployee's sick leave credits. 12.03 All requests for leave of absence shall be 1n wrlting. 12.04 M employee osy only eccuo�ulate senlorlty during the Pirst three aronths of a granted leave of absence under any paragraph oP thls Article. 12.05 Mhen an Fiaployee 1s subpoenaed as a court wltness, he shall not suffer any loss of salary or wages wh11e so serving, provlded that the Corporation shalt be obllged to pay only the dtfference beiween such Enployee's compensatlon for h1s witness fee or conduct money as a witness and the salary or wages whlch he would otherwise have earned had he worked the regular working day lnvolved. 12.06 Leave of absence wlthout pay or toss of sentorlty to atLend to Associatlon buslness rill be granted W not oore than four Enployaes for a maxi�ua of Uvelve days 1n any year, provlding a replacenent or repleee�ents aeeeptable to the F1re Ch1ef 1s or are provided by the Assoctation. MTICLE 13 - BEREAYEMENT LEAYE 13.01 Where 1n the dtscretton oP the Fira Ch1ef or the Tavn Manager it is justlfied, an Fmployee w171 be allowed up to three consecutive days off with pay when a death occurs in his immedtaie fa�ily, whlch shall mean father, mother, father-in-lar, mother-ln-law, sister, brother, spouse, ch11d or other relative 1lving with the Fmployee. 13.02 M Euployee shall be allowed one day off with pay when death occurs of a sister-in-law, brother-ln-lsw, grandparents, son-in-law, daughter-ln-law or grandchild, 1n order W attend tbe funeral and such leave shall be chargad agatnst the sick leave credTts of the Fmployee. MTICLE 14 - PENSIONS � 1NSURANCE 14.01 (1) The Corporatlon shall continue the present O.M.E.R.S. Penslon Plan which presently provldes a penston eQual to 2f of the Eaployee's annual contributory earnings during the 60 conseeutive oonths of hlghest contributory earnings. 1. multiplled Cy the number of years af credited servlce slnce enrolnient in O.M.E.R.S. after January lst, 1966 (maxlmum 351, and 2. when the meiWer 1s entitled to a penston under the Canada Penston Plan, reduced by the lessor of; ( a) the average of YMPE for the year the ) ( me�er retires and the two preceding 1 ( years, or ) i I c �x 0.75 ( D) psnstonable earnings whlch are the ) ( average annual contrlbutory earnings 1 ( during the 60 consecutive nonths of 1 ( hlghest contrlbutory earnings ) number of years credited service 51nce enrolment in O.M.E.R.S. after January lst, 1966 (naximum 35) (2) For Flrefighters only, the Corporation shall pay 100g of the cost of an O.M.E.R.S. Type 1 Suppleaentary Penslon Plan ustng the 2S Fornula. 14.02 The Employea's record of the penston contriDutions shall be made available for indTvidual approval annuelly. 14.03 All E�aployees shall, as a tonditton of enplay�ent, participate in the Pension Plan in effecL at the time of camencement of employment. 14.04 All flreflghters reaching normal reLlrment ege, 60 years, shall be obllged to retire fro�n the Corporatlon on the last day of the qonth after the attainnent of the norwal retirement age, as deflned 1n the Ontarlo Mmicipal Faployees Retirement System Pension Plan. � 1 :�!f (': I� • � 8 � ARTICIE 15 - INDEIINIFICATION 15.01 Where an employee charged wlth a cr1M nal or statutory offence while perforn�ing h1s responsibilttles and flowing frae his dutles is acqultted of such charges, the eaiployee shall be reimbursed for aqy reasonable legal expenses that have been taxed pursuant to the Sollcitor's Aet and lncurred as a result of such charges. 15.02 The Corporatton wtil contlnue the coverage under its present exlsting general 11ab111ty insurance or equlvalanL coverage. ARTICLE 16 - UNIFORMS i EQUIPMENT Uniforn 8 Equtp�ent - F1nflphte�s 16.01 The Corporatlon shell supply all full-time Fireftghters wlth the fallaving: (a) (b) (c) one tunlc avary three years; threa palrs of unlforA pants every two years (to alternate wlth summer weiyht pants); four unlfors shlrts each year (two shlrts to be short-sleeved); (d) Lwo unlforv ties each year; (e) one unifora wlnter coat every four years; (f) l91 (h ) (11 (� 1 one unlforq cep every Lwo years; two pernanent press fatigue shlrts each year; two pslrs of peroanent press fattgue psnts each year; one pelr ot rubber boots, for renewal at the discretion of the Ftre Ch1ef; one safety heleet with front nane shleld and flip-up shleld afflxed, for renewal at the dlscretlon of the Fire Chief; ' (k) one oodern Pire coat, for renewai at che discretton of the FTre Chief. The Corporatlon agrees to phase in new fire-flghting coats at a s Wndard equal to a Safety Supply Campany Systems 3, 7.5 Nomex coat with Fire Marshal's Scotchlite reflective markings. Coats to have one internal and two externat pockets; (1) one patr of rubber mitts and one pair of Nomex gloves; and (m) lnsoles as needed. with shoulder flashes to be affixed to new uniforns when supplled, subject to the provlston that items (a1, (b), (cI, (d1, (e) and (f) shall not be supplted W probationary Ffrefighters. 16.02 The measurtng and ordertng of unlforvs sha11 be completed by March lst of each year. 16,03 7he Corporatton shall pay W each Flrefighter a cleaning a7lorance of �75.00 per annum before January 31st each year. 16.04 The Corporetion agrees to permlt the assoctaLlon to provide beds and bedding, at each flrehall, for use of Flrefighters on night shift. The Assoclation will be responsTble for all costs involved, lneluding the cost of laundry, and under no clrcun�stances will the Corporatlon assuoe any portion of such costs, either dtrectly or indirectly. � -9- Unlforn i EqulpMnt - D1sp�tchers 16.05 The Corporetlon shall supply all full-tloe Dlspatchers wlth Lhe follaving: 16.06 16.07 17.01 (a) (b ) one Wnic every three years; Lhree pslrs of unifor� pants every Wo years (to alternate with suomer weight pantsl; (c) four unifor� ahirts each year ; (d) Mo untfo� tles each year; (e) one unlfor� wlnter coaL every four years; and (f1 ane unlfar� cap every two years; wlth shouldar flashas to be affixed to new uniforms when supplied, subject to the provlston thet ltaas (a1, (D), (c), (d), (e) and (f) shall not be suppited W probationary Dlspetchars. The ioeasuring and ordering of unlforos shatl be completed by March lst of each year. The Corporatlon shall pay to each Dispatcher a cleaning allowance of ;75.00 per annum before January 31st.each year. JIRTICLE 77 - ACTING RANK - fIREF16NTERS When no CapW1n - Grade 1(other than a Fire Prevention Officer, Tralning Officer or Fire InspecWrl, or other rank acting 1n that capscity, is on duty in the Department, (a ) (b) a Captaln - 6rade 71, or if no Ceptaln - 6rade 11 is on duty in the Depertment, a lst Class Flrefighter prevtously deslgnated as an Acting CapW1n, or (c) 1f no such CapWtn - Grade 11 or ist Class Firefighter previously designated as an Acting CapWin 1s on duty 1n the DeparLment, the most sentor qualified Fireflghter who 1s on duty, shall be raqulred by Lhe Fire Chief W perform the dutles of a Captaln - Grade 1 and shall be pald at e Captain - Grade 1 rate while performing those duties. 17.02 Nhen no Captafn - Grade 11 (other than a F1re Preventlon Offlcer, Trafning Offlcer or Fire Inspector), or other rank acting in that capacity, is on duty 1n the Department, or when such a Captaln - Grade 11 ts on duty but ts perforAing the duties of a Captaln - Grade 1 pursuant W Arttcle 17.01, (a) (b ) e lst Class F1reflghter prevlously deslgnated as an M ting CapW1n, or if no lst Class Firefighter prevtously deslgnated as an Pcting Captatn is on duty 1n the DeparLnent, the most senlor qualtfied flrefighter who 1s on duty, shail be repulred by the Fire Ch1eP to perfora� the duties of a CapWin - Grode 11 and shall be paid at a CapLaln - Grade 11 rate wh11e perforning those duttes. 17.03 Articles 17,01 and 17.02 do not apply Lo Captalns - 6rade 11 or F1reflghters requested to perforn the dutlas of a Captatn - Grade 1 or a Captain - Grade 11 wtio 1s, (a) a F1re Prevantlon MHcar, (b) a Tralning Mftcer, or (c) A F1re Inspector � > �[�� ARTICLE 18 - DISCHARfiE OR DISCIPLINE 18.01 Tha procedure govarning dlscharge cases shali be pursuant to section 4 of the F1re Departments Act. 18.02 Csses lnvolving elleyed unjusi diseipllne or suspension shall start at Stage 1 of the Grievance Procadura. 18.03 A FirePighter or Dlspetchar who 1s exonerated under sectton 18.01 hereof, or 18.02 hereof, shall be retnstated and pald his salary for the tiine lost. r ' lINT1CLE 19 - 6RIEYIINCE PROCEDURE 19.01 The Eaploysa shall sppolnt e Grlevance Comtttae fro� among thelr nembers of three persons, and shall noitfy the Corporatton af the personnel of such Camlttee and aqy changes aade therein froa t1�e to ti�e, 19.02 in the event of a caqlaint or grievance relating to the interpretatlon, applicatton or aAainistratlon of thls Agreeaent, lncluding any allegatton that thls Agreapeni has been violated or aqy questlon as W whether a nwtter is arbitrable, or as the result of ar�y actlon lnvalving an Esptoyee, h� �ay the� proceed as follows: STA6E 1 - The Faployes mey take up the mtter 1n wrlting wlth the F1re Ch1eP or Deputy Ch18f not later than two days after the day of the incident complained of. � STA6E 2 - if the aetter 1s not settled by the F1re Chtef or Deputy Chief wtthln Wo days of the dqy 1t was taken up wtth Mm at Stage 1, the Grlevance Committee, accoepanled by the fmployee, nay take the matter up with the Town Manager wlthln two days of the day 1t was first taken up with the F1re Ch1ef or Deputy Ch1af by Lhs Fmployee. STA6E 3 - If the oettar is not settled by the Town Menager wi Ui1n flve days of the day it Nas taken up w1Lh M� at Stage 2, tt may be referred by the Grlevance Camittee W the ExaeuLlve Co�lttee of Council, wlthin seven days of the day it was taken up wlth the Town Mnnagar. � :��a . STA6E 4 - If the � �ietter is not settl ed by the Fxecutive Commi ttee of Cound 1, 1 t nay, Cy notice in wrlting to the iown Manager, De referred to arbitration by the Grievance Camlttee under Article 20 of thls Agreement wlthln seven days of the day 1t was flrst taken up with the Executive Comoittee of Councll. . ., . , . t: a 6roup 6rievances i .. 19.03 In case a group of Fi�plqyees hes a grlevance, it shall be Wke� up by the Grlevance Committee starting at Stage 2. 6en�rsl 6rievanas i .. , :i,.��•. c. ,. 19.04 My differe�ca erlstny direetly beA+een the Assoctation and the Town concerning the interpretatlon or vtolatton of the terms or provlsians of this Agreement may be submltted to elther Party Dy the other at Stage 2 wi Uiin and not after Len days of the day of the tncident ca�platned of. 19.05 In deter�lning the ti�e Mithin whleh any step 1s W be taken under the fore9oing provlsia�s af th15 Mt1Cle, Saturdsys� Sundays and sWtutory holidays shall be excluded. T1me limits fixed by thls Articla *ey be axtended by agreewent tn wrlting beWeen the Parties. 19.06 At any Stega of the 6rlwanee Procedure, lncludin9 arbltration, the conferring parties oay have the assisqnce of Lha Enplqyees concerned and any necessary wi triesses, and all reasonabla arrangexients shell M arde W penit the conferring partles to have access W the Department, to vtew dlaputed operaLlons anC to confer with the necessary witnesses. a. � .:. e �. ��,_, � � � _ �� _ ARTICLE ZO - ARBI7RATION 20.01 Mhere a differenee arlses between the Partles relating to the interpretatlon, appllcatton or a�lnistratton of Lhif Agreement or where an allegatlon is nade that the Agreerent has been vlolated, etther oP Lhe Partles �ney, after exhausting the Grlevance Procedure as set out in Mttcle 19, notlfy tha oLher Party 1n wrtting of its deslre to subait the dlfference or allegation W arbltratlon. If tha reclplent of the notice and the Party desiring the arbttratton do not, within flfteen deys, agree upon a single arbitrator, the appoln4aent of a single arbitraLor shall be oade by the Mlntster of Justice and AtWrney-f�neral upon the request of either Varty. The arbttrator shall camence to heer and deternine the differenGe or allegatton withln 30 deys after h1s appolnLoent or at such other tlme as �aay be agreed upon by the Partles and the arbttrator. The arbitrator shall issue a decision wlthin a reasonable t1�e after heering the difference or allegatlon and the arbitraWr's declsion is final and binding upon the Parties. The arbttrator shall not �ave any authority to alter or change a�y oP the provlsions of thls Agreement or W substltute any new provislon 1n lteu thereof or to gtve eqy decislon contrary to the terns and condltions of thls Agreeoent, or 1n any way oodify, add W or detract Prw arty provision of this Agreement. Each of the Parttes to thls Agree�ent wtll share equally the fees and disbursements of the arbitrator. ARTICLE 21 - 7ECIp10L06iCAL CHAN6E 21.01 If the Corporstlon proposes to change the sethod of providing flre services W tAe caiwuntty by technologleal change, a�d as a result to displace an Fmployee frax his posltton, the Corporatlon shall notlfy the Assoclation of tts proposal as soon as practicable and afford the Assxlatlon en opportunity to iaeet with the Town Menager, and such other wanagement personnel as he considers appropriate, prior to the lnplementation of the proposal. 21.U2 21.03 22.01 Mhen proposing to dlsplaca an Eaployee froo h1s posltton 1n the process of 1�rytementing a technologlcal thange, the Corporatlon shall conslder the fotlowing poss1b111t1es: (a) the re-tratning of the Fmployee to work within the technolo9lcally changed ioethod; (b) tha relocetton of the Esployee to another position, the requirements of which he has the que11f1catlons and ab111ty Lo perform; (c) the relaatlon of the Fi�ployee to another position, the requirements of which he does not have the quallftcations or ab111ty to perforei, and the re-treining of the employee in that posittan. ' In the event thet en Fi�ployee betng dlsplaced as a result of technotoglcal change, (a1 1s not to be re-trained, relocated or relocated and re-trained, and (b) is W be lald off, such l�y-off shell be governed by the provislons of Article 11. MTICLE 22 - CONTRACTIN6 OUT MORK No work in classlficattons covgred by thls Agreement shall be contracted out at the expense of presenL Faployaes being laid off. 22.02 Where the CorporaLlon 1s conte�plating conLracting out work of a naWre perfor�ed by F�aployees, the Assoclation N111 be glven s1x month's notice of the Corporatlon's lntent. 22.03 During the six �anth oottca pertod referred to tn Article 22.02, the Assxlatlon shall be given an opportunity to oake representatlon to the Corporation with respect to the contracting out of the work in question; the Corporatlon shall make avallable to the Assoctation any �eLerlal of a nontonftdential nature betng examined in support of its decislon W coniract out the work. 22.04 No tenders ahall be 1nvlLed until the expiry of the six nonth notice period referred to in Article 22.02. ARTICLE 23 - FIRE DEPARINENTS ACT 23.01 The provistons of the Ftre Depertaents Act, R.S.O. 1980, c.64, as may be amended fror time to time, shall apply to this A9reement. � - 12 - ARTICLE 24 - DURATIOM 24.01 Th1s Agree�ent ahelt ba 1n force and effect frae January lst, 1987 unt11 Deceaber 31st, 1988 aod frw yedr to year thereafter. In the event of either Party deslring or proposing any change or alteration in the Agreeoent, such Part,y shall glve to the other Party not less than 30 day'; wrltten noties before the renewal date and Doth Parties shall thereupon negotiate in yood faiLh in respect to tha �atters whlch it is proposed W change or alter and the reoxining provlslons shall eutometically renew themselves. ARTICLE 25 - IMTERPRETAT[ON 25,01 In thls Agreeaent, where She eontext or circuosWnces requtre, (a) sln�lar ahall be construed as plural, (b) plural she11 be construed as singular, and (c) resculine shall be construed as feminlne, and related words and phrases shall be construed accordingly. _�� - 13 - iN MITN�S IIHE(IFAF th� Corporetlon has hereunto afftxed its corporate seal under the hands of tts duly authorized oPflcers, and the Ilssoclatlon has caused thls tnstrument to be executed by 1ts proper officers duly authorized. Dat� Slgntd THE CORPORATION OF THE TOtlN OF PICKERIN6 Nqyor Cl�rk PICKERIN6 SIONAL FIREFI6NTERS' ASSOCIATION � � rald Ve6m11, P sldent Data Slgned .�SCplrM�4r:+e 2%`�8& %�//1..,� .[/�e!�l� MiNc Otte. SB retary _--�