HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS 31-02 198 REPORT TO THE FINANCE & OPERATIONS COMMITTEE Report Number: CS 31-02 Date: November 13, 2002 From: Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Subject: Tridel/Options for Homes Development Final Phase 1200 The Esplanade North (East of Millennium Building) Recommendation: 1. That Report CS 31-02 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received for information and that: 2. Council advise Staff if it wishes to consider providing relief from the provisions of the 1987 Development Agreement respecting cash-in-lieu of parkland payment for the last phase of the development, being 1200 The Esplanade North, based on the same formulae as was applied to the Millennium Apartment at 1000 The Esplanade North, at an estimated cost of approximately $132,000; 3. Council advise staff if it wishes to consider permitting, in addition to the relief from Development Charges in the estimated amount of approximately $112,000 as provided by the 1987 Agreement, any further relief in the form of deferral of all parkland payments, fees, charges and development charges: a) totaling $700,000 or less at an estimated cost of approximately $178,000 until the units are resold or a maximum of 15 years after any agreements are executed; b) totaling more than $700,000 at an estimated cost of approximately $31,000 until one year following project negotiation; 4. Should Council determine that it wishes to consider relief outlined in Recommendations 2 and/or 3 above, that the Chief Administrative Officer, the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer and the Director, Planning & Development be authorized and directed to enter into discussions with the appropriate representatives of Deltera Inc. and Options for Homes in order to determine and explore all options, the potential costs to the City and to present the results of these discussions at the earliest possible opportunity for the consideration of the Committee and Council; and, Report CS 31-02 Date: November 13,2002 1 q 9 Subject: Tridel/Options for Homes Development Final Phase Page 2 1200 The Esplanade North (East of Millennium Building) 5. that appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be given authority to give effect thereto. Executive Summary: Deltera Inc. (Tridel) and Options for Homes propose to develop the last phase of the Apartment/Casita complex located in the City's downtown, between Kingston Road and the Esplanade North (1200 The Esplanade North). The project consists of an eleven (11) storey apartment building containing 220 units. In order to accommodate the development, assist in the provision of affordable home ownership, and provide special accessible units for 8-12 households, Options for Homes and Deltera are requesting that the City provide financial relief in the form of parkland cash-in-lieu payment reduction, and the deferral of parkland, development charge, and other municipal fees and levies. Further, Options for Homes requests that the City designate the lands as a "revitalization area" for the purpose of homeowner grant eligibility. Staff are supportive of initiatives to complete this important area of Pickering's Downtown, with the continuing involvement of Tridel as builder. Generally speaking, staff are also supportive of the concept of providing more affordable ownership housing accommodation in the City. We understand that the external elements of this project will be of high quality standards as the existing apartments at Discovery Place. Tridel has recently submitted a Site Plan Application for this project which is currently under review by staff. This report outlines details of the requests, as staff understands them, and considers the related financial implications. Council direction is necessary in order to confirm its interest in considering further the request for the parkland reduction and the reduction and deferral of fees and charges. Financial Implications: The total estimated benefit to the developer, representing either a direct cost to the City, or lost income is as follows: Parkland Dedication Development Charges Deferral of $700,000 Deferral of over $700,000 Total Benefit $132,355 112,476 178,000 31 ,132 $453.963 Any financial decisions favouring the developer, especially those involving development charges, will have to be made up by an increase in property taxes as the majority of these items affect the Development Charges Study approved by Council in 1999. 2 0 0 Report CS 31-02 Date: November 13, 2002 Subject: Tridel/Options for Homes Development Final Phase 1200 The Esplanade North (East of Millennium Building) Page 3 Background: Deltera Inc. (Tridel) and Options for Homes proposes to complete the development of lands between Kingston Road and the Esplanade North with an eleven (11) storey apartment building containing 220 dwelling units (see Attachment 1). In letters from Options for Homes and Deltera Inc. dated August 23, 2002 (see Attachment 2), and August 29, 2002 (see Attachment 3) respectively, various requests of the City are set out pertaining to the reduction and deferral of municipal fees and development charges. We have reviewed the Options for Homes letter to the Chief Administrative Officer dated August 23, 2002; the Report to Council from the Town Solicitor dated May 23, 1998 on the previous Phase (Millennium Building); the agreements between Duffin Developments Inc., Discovery Place Limited and the Town of Pickering dated January 19,1987, and June 3,1998; other documents as provided to us. The following is based upon our understanding of the foregoing. The current proposal calls for 220 units of which 51 per cent (113 units) are one bedroom and 49 percent (107 units) are two bedroom or larger. Comments in this report pertain to the financial considerations requested of the City and not the Region nor the School Boards. Michel Labbé's letter of August 23, 2002 lays out the detail of his request of the City. This report addresses the issues in the order they appear in that letter. Also attached for information is: a letter dated September 3, 2002 from McLevin Co-Operative Development Corporation (see Attachment 4); an Information Flyer/Letter outlining the project dated July 10, 2002 (see Attachment 5); an Options for Homes 'Frequently Asked Questions' sheet (see Attachment 6); a letter dated September 11, 2002 from the Chief Administrative Officer to Deltera Inc. (see Attachment 7); and, a letter dated September 16, 2002 from the Chief Administrative Officer to the President, Options for Homes (see Attachment 8) Reduction of Cash-in-Lieu for Parkland Dedication Fees The letter of August 29, 2002 from Elio Zoffranieri, Senior Manager Planning Services for the Deltera Inc to the Chief Administrative Officer contains the following statement, in part: "...this letter shall serve as a formal request for both deferral and reduction of the cash-in-lieu of parkland dedication requirement.. .using the same formula used for the Millennium Building.. u" On January 19, 1987 Duffin Developments Inc., Discovery Place Limited and the Town entered into a Development Agreement respecting the development of lands that currently comprise the Tridel Apartment and Casita projects. Section 33 of the agreement provided that a cash-in-lieu payment for the provision of parkland be paid for Report CS 31-02 Date: November 13, 2002 2' '.'.1 ,.u Subject: Tridel/Options for Homes Development Final Phase Page 4 1200 The Esplanade North (East of Millennium Building) each residential condominium apartment building prior to the issuance of a building permit for that building. The agreement set out a formulae for the determination of the payment amount which included a 10% per annum increase (not compounded) in the amount payable to provide for inflationary and other escalating factors. According to the Agreement the payment is to be calculated as follows: i:! ,392,825 x N 5 (where N is 1.0 if the payment is made in 1987, and increases at the rate of 0.1 per year thereafter) At the time the Agreement was entered into the parties anticipated that the entire five phases of the development would be built out by June of 1990. Unfortunately the economic climate changed and to date, only four of the five phases have been completed. The first three phases of the development, consisting of two apartment towers and the Casitas, provided parkland cash-in-lieu payments in accordance with the agreement formulae (totaling $1,086,403). The forth phase, being the 253 unit 'Millennium' apartment building received some relief in cash-in-lieu payment from Council. Rather than apply the formulae of the agreement, Council agreed to a payment option which used the Casita 1994 parkland payment of $473,560 indexed by the rate of inflation since 1994 established by the Consumer Price Index for Toronto. This resulted in a payment of $512,335 for the Millennium phase. This represented a benefit of $72,650 to the developer. Deltera/Options for Homes requests that Council apply the same relief approach to the cash-in-lieu requirements for the final apartment tower phase. They request that the payment be based on the Casita payment, indexed by the rate of inflation since 1994. This will result in a payment of $564,057, which represents a benefit of $132,355 to the developer (payment of $696,412 would be required under the formulae of the 1987 development agreement if the building permit is issued in 2002). Desianation as Revitalization Area for the Purpose of Homeowner GranLEliaib~ Options for Homes, in its August 23, 2002 letter, requests that the lands proposed for the apartment tower development be designated by Council as a "revitalization area" for the purposes of "making the building eligible for homeowner grants that will soon be available to purchasers in Ontario". It is stated that this grant will be between $6-8,000 per unit and available to purchasers whose incomes are below the 60th percentile for Pickering, who are currently renting and buy in a revitalization area. Mr. Labbé of Options for Homes advised that the grant monies would reduce the first mortgage on the units, lowering the monthly carrying costs by about $50 per month for each unit. 2 n 2 Report CS 31-02 Date: November 13, 2002 Subject: Tridel/Options for Homes Development Final Phase Page 5 1200 The Esplanade North (East of Millennium Building) Staff contacted the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing to receive information on the homeowner grants referenced by Mr. Labbé. The Ministry advised that details on the affordable urban home ownership program have not yet been finalized or released, although discussions between the Province and some stakeholders have been held. It appears that the Federal Government may tie its participation in the grant program to housing that is made available within designated 'revitalization areas'. Until such time as details are available respecting this anticipated grant program, it would be premature for the City to apply any specific 'designations' to this area, such as a 'revitalization area' designation. Further, these lands are located in the City's downtown core, within a complex of prestige buildings and in an area considered to hold high development potential and desirability. The appropriateness and necessity of designating these lands as a 'revitalization area' would have to be fully considered. Municipal Fees and levies Options for Homes further requests that the City defer the first $700,000 of municipal fees and levies to when the suites are resold. This deferral is requested in order that their client, the McLevin Corporation, can help 8-12 households with physical disabilities and requiring care to purchase in the building (special accessibility units). Further, the deferred funds would be used to help people with their down payments to make units in the building affordable at various income levels (see Attachment 2). If this amount determines affordability of the units, then based upon the information provided in Mr. Labbé's letter, affordability ceases for the original target owner audience upon resale. Fees and levies normally payable to the City are: Building Permit Fees (estimated) Site Plan Approval Draft Plan of Condo and Release Parkland Dedication Development Charges Total Payable $145,000 6,250 1,800 696,412 660,000 $1.509.462 Development Char~es In considering Deltera's request for a reduction in parkland cash-in-lieu payment, one must also take into consideration the reduction in City development charges provided by the terms of the 1987 agreement. While the parkland payment requirements under the 1987 agreement are significant, so is the relief provided by the Agreement in development charge payments. The agreement requires that the City development charge (unit levy) be the lesser of the amount of the Town's two-bedroom apartment Report CS 31-02 Date: November 13, 2002 203 Subject: Tridel/Options for Homes Development Final Phase Page 6 1200 The Esplanade North (East of Millennium Building) residential unit levy in effect on the day of payment by the owner or $3,000 per unit if paid after January 31, 1990. When Council granted the parkland payment relief for the Millennium apartment building in 1998 and processed the building permit, the Town's two-bedroom apartment development charge was $3,754 (excluding hydro payment of $663). Consequently, the provisions of the 1987 development agreement did provide significant savings to the developer of approximately $92,778. The City's current two- bedroom apartment unit development charge is $4,029, resulting in a significant savings to the developer of $1029 per two bedroom unit as shown below. Consideration must be given to the development charge savings provided to the developer through the 1987 agreement when considering any financial relief that Council may wish to grant respecting parkland cash-in-lieu payment. The 1987 Agreement "caps" development charges at $3,000 per unit, which is confirmed in the 1998 agreement which, when multiplied by the 220 units, equals $660,000. Inherent in this condition is an unrecognized savings to the developer under the City's current Development Charge By-Law as follows: Size Development Charge/Unit $3,021 $4,029 No. of Units 133 107 Total $341,373 431 ,1 03 . 660,000 $112.476 One bedroom & smaller Two bedroom & larger Less "capped" amount Unrecognized loss to the City The proposal calls for the deferral of the $700,000 until the units are sold OR a minimum of $100,000 per year commencing 5 years after registration of the condominium and thereafter for 8 Y2 years. The letter states that this would ".. .guaranteeing a 21 % rate of return". There were no details of this calculation but assuming $100,000 per year for 8 Y2 years equals $850,000. The difference or additional funds over the deferred $700,000 would be $150,000 which would appear to produce the 21 % rate of return. HOWEVER, the calculation ignores the time value of money or the lost interest income on the money deferred. In other words a dollar today is worth approximately 4 per cent more than a dollar one year from now. Conversely, a dollar on year from now is worth 96 cents today. As perhaps a "worst case" scenario, assuming registration takes place one year later plus the deferral of 5 years thereafter plus the repayment timeframe of 8 Y:z years (assuming no resale) equals a total deferral of 14 Y:z years. Under these assumptions the $850,000 is worth approximately $522,000 today. This results in a savings to the developer, or a loss to the City of $328,000, or 47 per cent. Deducting the $522,000 from the original deferred $700,000 results in a direct cost to the City of $178,000 or 25 per cent. 2 ". r Report CS 31-02 ¡Ill Date: November 13, 2002 Subject: Tridel/Options for Homes Development Final Phase 1200 The Esplanade North (East of Millennium Building) Page 7 Under a "best case" scenario, registration takes place immediately upon completion, which occurs quickly and resales occur at the rate of 10 per cent per year. While no details are provided on the amount payable to the City upon resale, dividing the deferred $700,000 by 220 units yields $3,182 per unit or a total of $70,000 per year. This would occur for the first 5 years totaling $350,000 with $100,000 payable in years 5 through 8 %. The estimate present value of this stream of funds is $536,000 representing a cost to the City, or saving to the developer, of $164,000 or 23 per cent. Options for Homes also request a deferral of any amounts owing the City in excess of $700,000 until".. .after the closing of the condominium". We assume this refers to the registration of the condominium. If correct, then $809,462 ($1,509,462-700,000) would be deferred for one year resulting in a present value of $778,330 and a savings to the developer, or cost to the City of $31 ,132. Mr. Labbé's letter states that the deferrals would be guaranteed by Home Ownership Alternatives Non Profit Corporation. Until more is known about this company, we cannot offer comments on this aspect. Conclusion The total estimated benefit to the developer, representing either a direct cost to the City, or lost income is as follows: Parkland Dedication Development Charges Deferral of $700,000 Deferral of over $700,000 Total Benefit $132,355 112,476 178,000 31 ,132 $453.963 Any financial decisions favouring the developer, especially those involving development charges, will have to be made up by an increase in property taxes as the majority of these items affect the Development Charges Study approved by Council in 1999. General Pickering Hydro Development Charges applicable prior to August 1999 and no longer payable save the developer approximately $145,000 using the 1998 amount. Mr. Labbé's letter states that ".. .Our building will generate approximately $400,000 in property tax revenue annually". If correct, the City's portion of this amount would be approximately $154,000 using 2002 Tax Rates, the balance being shared between the Region of Durham and the School Boards. Report CS 31-02 Date: November 13, 2002 2 n 5 Subject: Tridel/Options for Homes Development Final Phase 1200 The Esplanade North (East of Millennium Building) Page 8 I would like to point out that while the letter contains several references to the need for the City to agree to the requests in order to make the project affordable, and to provide accessible units, oral communication from Mr. Labbé to the City's CAO's office indicated that Options for Homes' marketing campaign does not take into consideration the financial effects of any of the above mentioned reductions or deferrals. This would seem to indicate that favourable consideration by the City would not have any financial effect on their proposal. This needs to be clarified. Finally, the foregoing is subject to review and revision as discussions continue, more details become known and I become more familiar with this matter. I must caution that our current financial climate within the City's operations make granting financial concessions a matter that requires serious consideration. Attachments: 1. 2. 3. 4. Location Map Letter from Options for Homes dated August 23, 2002 Letter from Deltera Inc. dated August 29,2002 Letter from McLevin Co-Operative Development Corporation dated September 3, 2002 Information Flyer/Letter dated July 10, 2002 Options for Homes 'Frequently Asked Questions' Letter to Deltera Inc. dated September 11,2002 Letter from Options for Homes dated September 16, 2002 5. 6. 7. 8. 2CI6 Report CS 31-02 Date: November 13, 2002 Subject: Tridel/Options for Homes Development Final Phase 1200 The Esplanade North (East of Millennium Building) Page 9 Prepared By: Endorsed By: -~? ~ =- Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Neil Carro Director, Planning & Development Approved By: Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering. Co iI .., ATTACHMENT#--L- TOREPORT#~/ -ad 207 ::I ~ a:: 0 0 a:: a:: 0 () GLENANNA ð II:: City of Pickering ~ Planning & Development Department l' DATE NOv. 7, 2002 ~9/11/2aa2 09:45 4168671743 OPTIONS FOR HOMES PAGE 82 , 2C.'8 / ATTACHMENT#~ TO REPORT # (5 ~/-():J.. 19~ for Homes The K~ to Home Ownmhip for ëveJYone ..... ^ i, - CAO RECEIVED: SEP 1 1 ...""'-- /'" rI FICE" NO.: ..-~ ld3r::y TO: - .. . ---- '. -,_::{~P!COPY/CIRCULATETO: 1~.tì.'fC["; COUNCIL :,~;¡~ ;..'::_.?§YEL ClERI( ';'fR /~ ~MERG. CORP. SERVo ..' ..__..._---~ , ; :!:..iJ::.~(;. HUMAN RES. I '. ;~... ~ W:§.GAL -~'_.=--._._.__. '-'-- ~ ,~!~~~'2!:_- \ u::or4P. PROJ.&POL ,,1."'N~;'¡:r j IS?ON.DEV '-"-'" ------+ . '¡;!1hW : ¡ CUSi: CARE --'-r.' ¡ '. ..".."..._~~--- August 23, 2002 . Thomas J. Quinn Chief Administrative Officer Planning & Developm<mt Department One The Esplanade ' Pickering, ON LIV 6K7 Dear MI. Quinn: Re: Municipal Assistance with the Development of the Condominium at 1200 The Esplanade North o~ bebalf of our client, the MeLeviD Co:rporatioD Further to OUX" severa1 conversations. I would confirm that we are requesting, on behalf of our client, the McLevin Corporation, municipal assistance in several ways to make our development more effective md accessible to potential purchasers with :moderate incomes. First and foremost, we would ask that the site be designated a revitalization area for the purposes . of making the building eligible for homeowner grants that will soon be available to purchasers in Ontario. This grant will be between $6-8,000 and aVailable to purchasers, whose incomes are below the 60th percentile for Pickerin& who are cummtly rentizig and buy in a revitalization area. . I have not seen a definition for 'revitalization area 'but I am sure it would apply to a. piece of . pFOperty that is an undeveloped hole in the middle of a fully developed neighbourhood; Second, we would request that the City ofPickerlng agree to defer $700,000 of its mÙn:icipal fees and levies in order to anow the Corporation to help 8-12 households, with physical disabilities and requiring care, to purcháse in the building. This, as you know, is a group of individuals with limited income who can beneñt sigr.IÌficantly ftom the ability to design units to meet their needs prior to the stan of cønstruction. . The defeITed :funds would be used to help people wit}) their down payments to make the units in the building affordable at v~ous income levels. The deferred funds would be repaid when the suites are resold so that the affordabi1ity would last for one occupant but the accessibility changes to the suites would be permanent. 468 Queen Street EtJSl.LOWer LeVell, P.O, BOX 28, To.rc11l0. O1It4t:fo MSA.IT7 rei: (416) 867-/501 of 01: (41ó}861-174J. website:opdons.icoinm.œ 0 e-mail: oplionsOicomm.a ~~{~~{~~~~ ~~:~~ 4158571743 OPTIONS FOR HOMES PAGE 83 Thomu Quinn Auguft 23. 2002 Page 2 . 2(t9 The repayment of the defemls would be guarant~ by Home Ownership Alternatives Non- profit Corporation (BOA), a company that will hold $4, 700~OOO in mortgages with respect to this site. They will also agree to a repayment schedule that will pay a minimum of $100,000 per year. starting five years after registration. of the condominium and running for eight and one-half years, tbU$ guaranteeing a 21 % rate of return. I h~ve included a copy of the current repayment rate on other developments completed to date as confirmation that the funds will be available as . required. Third, and critical to the success of our devèlopment. is a request that the City defer the coI1~tion ofilie balance of all fees and levies over and above $700.000 until after the Closing of . the condominium. Once again, BOA would provide its cozporate guarantee as to the payment of . these funds. The importance to the development is that, because the Corporation is a non-profit, it needs ~elp coming up with the equity required by its l~dcrs to provide its construction financing: Municipal deferrals. such as those requested here and pro~ided on our last deye1<:~pment.by the City of Toronto, are an important part ofacmcving the financial requirements set by our lenders, . It is important to note that our building will generate approximately $400,000 in property tax revenue annually. The sooner this begjns, the better it is for all involved We believe very strongly that the requests contained in this letter are reasonable, given the housing crisis that we are all trying to address as effectively as possible. It will also allow for the creation of a building that will address longstanding neighbourhood issues. Spocifically this building and this neighbourhood is the best place in Pickering to provide: units designed. to accommodate individuals with accessibility issues. If the municipality Stipports our request, instead of producing two or three accessible units. we will be able to produce a sufficient number to provide the numbers needed to support full-time attendants. Attendant care is critical to maximizing the effectiveness of accessible units. We would request ~ meeting with the appropriate individuals so. that we can discuss these requests further and proyjde the information you need. to bring them to a successful conclusion. Yours truly, ~~/ Michel Labbé President ML:sn encl. co: Elio Zoffi:anieri 09/11/2002 09:45 4168671743 OPTIONS FOR HOMES PAGE 84 210 ~ for Homes The Key to Home Ownership for Everyone Repayment Experience on Other Developments Sf. L~wfence (70 MD1 Street [95 ~]) Closing (September. J 998) Voluntary 7 'Rental 2 9 1999 Sale Voluntary Rental S 1 -2. 11 2000 Sale Voluntary 3 '2 5 2001 Sale Voluntary Rental 5 ,2 1 8 1002 (April) Sale Voluntary Tota.l Sale Volunta.tt Rental 4 3 - 7 17 15 8 40 (42%) Parliament Square (39 Parliament Street (lSI UIJÎtsJ) Closing CA.pri1 2000) V~unúny 4S Rental --á.. , 49 (27%) , 468 Queen Street EQsl; Lower Level 2. P.O. Box 28, Toronto, onlOtio MSA 117 eel: (4161 B6NSflI.þc (416)167-1743. web5ite: options.icomm.ca- e-maJJ:opdons@iCDmm.CJl --,~~,~~y~ ~~.~~ '<.Letle n. t.:¡:.:¡ OPTIONS FOR HOMES PAGE as 211 A!tamatives Mwrpp Røpayment July 23. 2002 . Pap:z Re1natnder of 2000 Voluntary ~ Sale 1 3 - 2001 Voluntary 3 Sale ..£ 11 2002 (May) Voluntary Sale ..i 4 Total Sale 13 Voluntary 50 Rental J 67 (37%) Mill Street (80 Mill Street [144 Qnits]). Closing (May 2002) Sale 1 Voluntary 43 Rental 2 46 Remainder of 2002 Sale 1 1 Total Sale 2 Voluntary 43 Rental 2 47 (32%) ATTACHMENT #-3- TO REPORT # CS3J.. Qõ). , , , '212 CELTERA r--~ : 6A~ ~1 :' f~~i\!ED: r 5 £ P ~~~~OOl j ¡":¡LE 1.10, I , -'."-'~-'-1---~., .. J\8E't" "0 j -- ~ '.,., ¡:-:Ÿ'¡~i~~()PY/CíRCÙ¡ ATE TO: = I' Deftera Inc. August 29, 2002 --'-- - )¡'\"WG~ COUNC;: .:',.--..:..;.. .(..~ DËVEL c~){- '.'PER, &. EMERG, -. ...f.9,BE.,g i~ÜL & REC.--- ¡.¡ Ii M ;:>, ',' P ¡:' RE TLi=GÄ"i:'.'- -. -.--.,. 4800 Dufferin Street Toronto, Ontario M3H SSg Telephone: (416) 661-9290 Fax: (416) 661-0978 Internet www.trideJ.com Mr. Tom Quinn City Manager City of Pickering Pickering Civic Complex One the Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L 1V 6K7 ~:-ï ..~ ., , í "-r1UN, PROP. r.fAANSJT U8RARY ¡ rtoR}~PR6:ï.8.POL EèõN-:õëv:'- GUST. CARE ., '..... Dear Sir: Re: Request for Deferral and Reduction of Cash-in-Lieu for Parkland dedication Fees Final Phase - McLevin Corporation ' Further to a meeting of May 3' 2002, with yourself, His Worship Mayor Wayne Arthur, Mr. Mike Labbe,ofOptions for Homes, Mr. Tony Moro of our office, Mr. Neil Carrol of your office and myself, this letter shall serve as a formal request for both deferral and reduction of the cash-in-lieu of parkland dedication requirement to be paid by the developer using the same formula us6,dfor the Millinium building, being 1000 The Esplanade'.' , The deferral will be more particularily set out in a separate letter being forwarded directly to you through Mr. Labbe wherein he VliJ/ be requesting a deferral for other fees and charges such as Development Charges, Building Permit Fees sic; Trusting the aforementioned is ~ufficient for you to commence the necessary process and should you r~quire additional information or wish to discuss this matter further, . please contact the writer. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you in advance for your favourable consideration of this matter. ' _.-.~' Y... Pêr: Elio Zoffranieri Sr. Manager Planning Services hJ1..mh..r n'¡: +h... 'T'CI1P'U:lO ,..--,.- 09/11/2802 89:45 4168671743 OPTIONS FOR HOMES PAGE 06 MCLEVIN CO-OPERATIVE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 4ó8 Queen Street Eost, Lower Level 2, P.O. Sox 28 Toronto, Ontorio M5A 117 Tel: (416) 867-1501 Fox: (.416) 867-1743 213 September 3, 2002 ;",TTACHMENT#~ TO REPORT#~-o.::> Thomas J. Quinn Chief Administrative Officer Planning & Development Department One The Esplanade . Pick~rin& ON LIV 6K7 Dear Mr. Quinn: Re: Updåte on 1200.Tbe Esplanade North I am pleased to provide the following update on our progr~s with I'C$peci to the condominium development at 1200 The Esplanade North. We have now had fOUf sets of presentations to the neighboW'S and Durham residents. Our first pair of pres(:ßtations was on July 27 and was advertised exclusively to the resídents at Discovery Place:. Nearly 120 people attended and hatfwere there to get additional information about the development. . The other three sets of presentations, held on August 10, 17, and 24, were advertised first to Pickering residents, then to all of South Durham. In all, we received 81 $lOO.deposits. We CU1Tently anticipate generating 2S sales ftom these deposits. . . Based on our previous experience, w~ would a.nticip~te a significant local demand fCJt our suites. To date our ~ence wîth thîs development hM been very satisfying. We will keep you aware of our progress throughout the fall Should you wish specific details, please call me at (416) 867-1501, extension 226. Yours tridy, 11IW .. -M/Íc / Michel Labbé Development Consultant :ML:sn , " " , ~. . n . "ITAC~MENT#-.£..TOREPORT#..G.3~~~ - ... t/~forHOmeS ~ ' ~.... 'The Key to Home Own~p for Everyone t . ø; '( . .. ~. 468 Queen Street East, P.O. Box 28, Toronto, ON, M5A 1 T7 ¡... ¿ Phone; (416) 867-1501, Fax; (416) 867-1743 . '. -. '. , - ., ,. . , ¡ , July 10, 2002 1 5 2002 . 21.4 Dear Millennium Place Resident: Options For Homes was estab"tished 10 years ago with one goal in mind. We wanted to offer . quality housing at attractive prices. We have develòped five condóminiums to date ìn the Greater Toronto Area, which have achieved this gòa1. ' Our next building wilI be co~structed on the vacant land at,I200 The Esplanade North. This site represents an unprecedented opportunity to fiilish the development of your complex with a high quality condominium. .. Municipal officials have asked that we offer this option to own in this final phase to the immediate neighbourhood, their friends and relatives. This is your opportunity to be the first in IIDe for tbese homes at an e~tremely attractive cost price~ Our marketing approach is respectful and low-key. At our ftee presentations, our sales consultants will provide all relevant information to enable you to make an informed decision. By using a low cost, ftenzy-free approach, we save on expenses and pass these savings on to" you. To date all of our condominiums have had owner occupancy levels above 95% and have been positive additions to their respective neighbourhoods. There is no better way' of continuing this achievement than targeting those ~ho live next door - or their friends ànd relatives. . Our condoÍniniums start at: $ 87,596 . Studio . 472 $ 801.46 98,640 one-bedroom 540 905.30 126,900 one-bedroom. 700 1; 166.42 . 139,500 two-bedroom 750 1,275.80 160,200 two-becl:foom 900 .1,477.88 '"'Based on 5% down, includes P&I (five.year term), taxes, utilities, amenities and maintenance. *Price does :pot in~lude Alternative Mortgage. Parking starts at $5,500 You must register to attend one of our fIrst free presentations scheduled for: Saturday, July 27, . and August 10, 2002. . Please pass this infol111ation on to friends and relatives. To register, please call (416) 867-1501, or visit our website at www.options.komm.ca. We look forward to seeing you there. Yours truly, ~ ~~ . Michel Labbé President' ATTACHMENí #-iL,," TC Rf.P()Rr#...£~31-tJ~ 2.1.5 o~ for Homes The Key to Home Ownership for Everyone FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS. What is Options For Homes Non-Profit Corpora~ion (Options)? Options For Homes is a privat~, not for profit, corporation led by deveÌopment professionals who obtain access to residential land and pre-sells ownership homes to low- and moderate-income households. It co-ordinates the design and development of buildings on these lands with the goal of keeping all costs to a minimum on behalf of these households. For whom does Options work? The initial purchasers of the condominium homes fonn a Co-operative Housing Corporation for whom Options co-ordinates the development. This Corporation acts as the developer of the buildings and retains Options as their Development Consultant. How is Options paid? Options receives a fee for its services which is included in the purchase price of the homes. . . Does the Options' concept require government subsidies? NO. The Options' concept has been designed to reach low- and moderate-income households without any form of government subsidy. It has also been designed to focus traditional real estate market mechanisms directly at the issue of affordable housing in such a way as to be more and more effective over time. . . What has Options achieved so far? . . To date Options has five condominiums completed or under construction. 1. The Weston Village Co-operative has successfully developed and sold a $6 million, 42-unit, townhouse condominium at Lawrence Avenue and Weston Road in Toronto. Prices for the three-bedroom townhouses ranged ftom $128,900 to $152,000. The homes were affordable to households with incomes as low as $32,000 per year. 468 Queen Street East, Lower Level 2, P.O. Box 28, Toronto, Ontario M5A IV tel: (416) 867-1501.jax: (416) 867-1743. website: options.icomm.ca. e-mail: options@icomm.ca 216 Page 2 Frequently Asked Questions 2. The S1. Lawrence Co-opèrative has successfully completed and sold a $17 million, 95- unit, apartnient condominium at Parliament and Front Streets, a 15- minute walk ITom downtown Toronto. It has one-, two- and three-bedroom suites that sold at $50,000 below the cost of other newlY. constructed condominiums in the same area. The suites were sold to households with incomes as low as $16,000 per year. 3. The Parliament Square Co-operative is a 181-unit condominium, one block ITom the S1. Lawrence building. It is a $32 million building and offers attendant care services to 12 purchasers who require care because of personal mobility restrictions. It has been able to offer bachelor suites for as little as $65,000. Several owners are in an income bracket below $15,000 per year. The building was fully sold as of November 1999, four months before final occupancy 4. The Mill Street Co-operative is a 144-unit building completed and occupied at the end of 2001. It has a value of $27 million and is located next door to the S1. Lawrence condominium. 5. The Shennount Co-operative started the construction of its $70 million, 430-unit townhouse and apartment condominium at 650 Lawrence Avenue West in March of 2001. The City of Toronto agreed to defer the payment of its development charges, levies and pennit fees in order to allow the Co-operative to accommodate fifteen (15) low-income seniors in the building. Options has three clients cUlTently developing their condominiums. 1. The Pentland Co-operative is selling a 208-unit apartment building east of the Pickering Town Center. 2. The Queen Street Co-operative is developing a 282-unit townhouse and apartment condominium at the comer of Queens Plate Drive and Rexdale Avenue in north Etobicoke. - 3. The McLevin Co-operative is developing a 456-unit townhouse and apartment condominium in the Malvern Town Centre in northern Scarborough. - How does Options prevent the flipping of its homes for quick profits? Because Options cUlTently makes homes available at 10-15% below market value and will offer even better reductions in the future, all homes carry a second mortgage on title that equals the difference between the cost price and market value. These mortgages are payable upon resale and go into an equity pool that must be used to develop other similar projects. This allows owners to sell at any time and benefit from a market appreciation only on the funds they invested themselves. There has be'en $1.9 million in cash and $13 million in mortgages generated on the first five buildings (see the attached Co-operative Deferral example). Page 3 Frequent1y Asked Questions 2.1.7 For whom can Options provide homes? Options' concept can provide homes for all income groups and household situations except the hard-to-house, or individuals who currently d~ not have the skills to care properly for their housing. More specifically, Options enables individual or households with limited resources to own homes by increasing the amount of their Alternatives Mortgage, thereby adding to their downpayments. The third wave of Options projects should be offering 20-30% of the homes to households below Toronto's poverty line. Why can Options do what no one else has been able to do? By focusing exclusively on affordability, Options brings a unique perspective to the housing market (see the attached cost comparison chart). This allows us to eliminate costly amenities, vastly reduce marketing costs and eliminate overall development profits. An average reduction of $40,000 per suite has been achieved to date in the City of Toronto and $20,000 in smaller municipalities. . Why is Options talking to government agencies? Left on its own, the Options' concept will take 40 to 50 years to become a successful nation~l source for affordable housing. Given proper policy support and infra-structure development support, low- and moderate-income Canadians can benefit from this concept in a significant way (10-20,000 units per year) within 5 years. Is Options willing to share its knowledge? YES. Options is not interested in becoming a national company with offices in each major urbaJf area. Instead we would prefer to train and monitor several non-profit òrganizations in the delivery of the Options' concept in their respective regions. lfthe opportunities were sufficient in any given region, Options would train several organizations. To date, Options is working with other organizations in Ottawa, in the Kitchener Waterloo region of Ontario, and in the Vancouver area of British Columbia. Pickering Civic CO] , One The Espl! Pickering, 01 C¡ Ll' Direct Access 905.42C cityofpickerlnE ATTACHMEN"f #-1- TO REPORT#~.31-0.;L Septerhber11, 2002 , Efio Zoffranieri Delter~ Inc. 4800 Dufferin Street Toronto, ON M3H 5S9 Subject: Tridel/Options for Homes Development of Final Phase' East of 1000 The Esplanade (Millennium Building) City of Pickering ,File: PO 1000 Thank you for yo-ur letter of August 29, 2002, respecting the 'request for deferral and reduction of cash-in-lieu for parkland dedicatfo!1 fees, final phase-McLevin Corporation'. The City looks forward'to the completion of a quality development on this important block' within our downtown. Your letter provides a specific proposal for a reduction in cash-in-lieu of parkland ,payment and makes referenc~ to a forthcoming request from Mr. Labbe of Options for Homes for deferral of parkland payments and other charges such as development charges, building pefT!1it fees, etc. , , 'WhHe I understand the reasons for- Tridel's' and Options for' Homes' request for relief in , various pàyment requirements, I would be very concerned if the current marketing being condUf;:ted by Options for Homes, including unit prices, is in any way dependent on financial relief being approved by Pickering Council. 'To date the City has not provided an indication of its acceptance of any red~çtio"n or deferral of payments related to this apartment development. Our meeting of May 3, 2002 was a general discussion" and it , was concluded at that meeting that a City, position on any reduction or deferral of payments could only be determined following a definitive proposal by Tridel/Options for , Homes, and full consideration by Council. While I can advise of my general support to a possible reduction in parkland' cash-in-lieu payment based Or:! the $ame formula used for the Millennium building, this" and other requested reductions/deferrals require the formal approval of Pickering Council. It would be inappropriate to secure pllblic interest in this development based on potential financial reductiqns/deferrals that have not þeen . foni1allyapproved. If any such assumptions have been included in the marketing of this project, those representing the project will be on their own to deal with any public concern, should approvals not be secured. ' , i Elio Zoffranieri Tridel/Optioris for Homes Development of Final Phase . . September 11 20.02 .' . 21"9. Page 2 . Upon receipt' of details from Mr. Labbe respecting proposed deferral~ in fees and charges, I will instruct àpprcipriate City staff to review the request and report to me directly. J will then bring the matter forward for Council's consideration. Again, I look. forward to working with you in the completion of this final phase of dev~lopment. Yours truly " - ...- -- . . T~9:lr Copy: Mayor Arthurs Members of Council. . DirectÖr, Corporate Services & Treasurer Director, Operations & Eme~gency Services Director, Planning & Development' Solicitor for the. City Michel Labbe (Options. fòr Homes) ",';IACHI"ItI{¡ #1- TOREPORT#~/~o.;l Pickering Civic Complex One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario Canada LlV6K7 Direct Access 905,420.4660 cityofpickering.com PI CKE RIN G OFFICE OF THE CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER Department 905.420.4648 Facsimile 905.420.6064 cao@city.pickering.on.ca September 16, 2002 Michel Labbé President Options for Homes 468 Queen Street East Lower Level 2 P.O. Box 28 Toronto, ON M5A 1T7 Subject: Condominium Development at 1200 The Esplanade North McLevin Corporation City of Pickering - File: PO 1000 Thank you for your letters dated August 23, 2002 and September 3, 2002, both of which were received at my office by fax on September 11, 2002. I have forwarded copies of these letters to appropriate City Staff for review and comment back to my office. I expect that a meeting will be arranged between yourself and City Staff in the near future to allow for further discussion of your proposal. I have attached for your information, a copy of my September 11, 2002 letter to Elio Zoffranieri of Deltera Inc., to which you were copied. The letter outlines the fact that to date, the City has not approved any reductions/deferrals of payments related to this project and expresses my concern if marketing of the project has included any dependency on financial relief from the City. While City staff will give full consideration to your proposal, any financial relief or area designation will require formal Council approval. Yours truly TJQ:lr Attachment Copy: " Mayor Arthurs Members of Council Elio Zoffranieri (Deltera Inc.) Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Director, Operations & Emergency Services Director, Planning & Development Solicitor for the City