HomeMy WebLinkAboutJune 18, 2019- City 4 DICKERING Minutes/Meeting Summary Cultural Advisory Committee Tuesday, June 18, 2019 7:00 pm Main Committee Room Attendees: J. St. Amant, Coordinator, Cultural Services (Chair) T. Ryce, Supervisor, Cultural Services L. Gibbs, Supervisor, Museum Services C. Cooper, Cultural Advisory Committee Member J. Currie, Cultural Advisory Committee Stakeholder D. Davis, Cultural Advisory Committee Stakeholder P. DeWilde, Cultural Advisory Committee Stakeholder E. Forde, Cultural Advisory Committee Stakeholder M. Francis, Cultural Advisory Committee Stakeholder N. Holland, Cultural Advisory Committee Member C. Hunt, Cultural Advisory Committee Member J. Sabean, Cultural Advisory Committee Stakeholder A. Sardar, Cultural Advisory Committee Member B. Sopher, Cultural Advisory Committee Stakeholder D. Poole, Clerk -Typist (Recording Secretary) Absent: V. Raees, Cultural Advisory Committee Stakeholder Guests: Sophia Levy-Presner, President, Pickering Rotary Club Carol Sabean, Pine Ridge Arts Council Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 1. Welcome J. St. Amant called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm and introduced Sophia Levy-Presner and Carol Sabean to the committee members. Page 1 of 6 2. Disclosure of Interest J. St. Amant reviewed City Policy ADM 040, Section 14. No disclosure of interest was brought forward by any of the committee members. 3. Review of Minutes J. St. Amant reviewed the minutes from the meeting held on Tuesday, April 30th. It was the consensus of the committee to adopt the minutes as received. 4. Presentation: Durham Regional Police Service Body Worn Camera Pilot Project J. St. Amant advised that this presentation has been postponed until the next meeting. Durham Regional Police Constable Marten Wind advised that he will provide information to the committee prior to his attendance to allow the group an opportunity to formulate questions on this subject matter. 5. Presentation: Future Rotary Events in the Community J. Currie and S. Levy-Presner collaboratively provided an overview of the Pickering Rotary Club with the assistance of a PowerPoint presentation. J. Currie and S. Levy-Presner discussed this year's Ribfest, which raised $100,000 and welcomed over 90,000 guests. They requested feedback from the committee members outlining ideas related to musical performances and food options to reflect the diversity of the community. M. Francis noted that food trucks provide a great option as does a market to have different food options. C. Cooper recommended having additional children activities. J. St. Amant provided an overview of the Pickering Food Truck Festival. T. Ryce noted that there is an opportunity to add other food options and suggested that the club reach out to Pickering resident and Master Chef Canada winner Mary Berg, as she would be an excellent resource. Page 2 of 6 Page 3 of 6 Discussion ensued around the voting process for the best ribs and the potential to have a sample pack available to create interest in all the rib options. J. St. Amant suggested offering a ticketed judging experience. Information regarding the Rotary Club can be obtained through their website at: www. p i c ke ri n g rota ry. c a 6. Community Networking Sessions at PPL T. Ryce provided an overview of the quarterly networking sessions that are planned and organized by the Pickering Public Library and requested feedback on how to increase participation at these sessions. Committee members suggestions included: • continuation of the use if the speed dating technique • decreasing the number of sessions to twice a year as opposed to four times a year • having a community group run a session • hosting evening sessions Committee members to provide additional thoughts to T. Ryce 7. Public Art Juries J. St. Amant indicated that he is looking for 3 committee members to be judges for the Community Banner Program. The judging process will occur from September 16th — 20th J. St. Amant advised that anyone wishing to be a judge is unable to submit artwork for the Banner Program. J. St. Amant requested that the committee members share information regarding the Banner Program with their family, friends, and colleagues. The application deadline is September 10th, 2019. T. Ryce presented drawings related to the City Centre Revitalization Project and noted that the call to artists has been distributed. Interested committee members to contact J. St. Amant Page 3 of 6 Page 4 of 6 T. Ryce noted that in absence of a public art committee she requires 3 judges to assist with the selection of the artist. T. Ryce advised that the trellis, bronze/metal sculptures, and Banner Program are being funded through the Main Street Fund Grant. Interested committee members to contact J. St. Amant 8. Other Business J. Sabean requested that staff create a tracking chart in order to keep information in front of D. Poole to track actions everyone pertaining to ongoing projects. from meetings in a separate chart. M. Francis discussed the launch of the Henry Alexander House and advised that she will be running camps there this summer for individuals aged 9 and over. J. St. Amant advised that a Rainbow Pride flag crosswalk will be painted on Esplanade North adjacent to the gazebo. The project is scheduled to be completed within a month. E. Forde inquired about her request to have a presentation conducted regarding Durham Live. T. T. Ryce provided an Ryce advised that she sent out a request however update, and will follow up she has yet to receive a response. with planning staff. T. Ryce advised that there will be a Big Drum Social at Esplanade Park on June 21st from 11:00 am — 2:00 pm in recognition of National Indigenous Peoples Day. Page 4 of 6 9. Pickering Museum Village - Report L. Gibbs distributed a copy of the 2018 annual report. L. Gibbs advised that the Official Opening of the Conservation Building will occur at 4:00 pm on Wednesday, July 10th. L. Gibbs advised that a funding grant was received for this new building. L. Gibbs advised that there is display at City Hall entitled "Something Old, Something New". L. Gibbs noted that she is working in conjunction with her colleagues in the Community Services Department to develop additional leisure based programs. E. Forde noted that a lot of people are unaware that a museum exists in Pickering and recommended getting a booth at Ribfest as a promotional tool. T. Ryce indicated that there possibility exists to promote the museum on the new and existing digital signs. L. Gibbs advised that she has submitted a grant for tourism funding. L. Gibbs indicated that she is planning the following events: • a ghost walk • escape room • spending a day with an apprentice • a blacksmith workshop. D. Davis suggested that museum staff take advantage of social media to promote such events, as they currently don't have a presence on platforms such as Instagram. T. Ryce noted that the museum can utilize the Great Events Instagram page to promote their events. T. Ryce suggesting contacting TVO Kids to have a program filmed onsite, as this will help develop an awareness of the existence of the museum. Page 5of6 L. Gibbs provided an overview of the Master Site Use Study, which was conducted by Lord Cultural Resources. Copies of this report were distributed to the committee members. J. Sabean recommended that staff at the museum take a page from the library staff whereby they employ an innovative and creative approach with the resources available to them. M. Francis suggested extending an invitation to students from Art based schools to visit the museum and exercise their desires to draw. L. Gibbs advised that a grant has been submitted for the Harvey House and staff would like to use that space as a music studio. T. Ryce indicated that discussions have occurred regarding the development of walking tours that focus on filming spots that were conducted onsite. Brigitte suggested having a skating rink onsite during the winter months. L. Gibbs noted that she is reviewing the possibility of conducting more programs/events during the evening and on weekends. The next meeting is scheduled to occur on Tuesday, September 24th at 7:00 pm in the Main Committee room. Meeting Adjourned: 8:30 pm Copy: Director, Community Services City Clerk Page 6 of 6