HomeMy WebLinkAboutInformation Report 08-030.1 Czh! o¢ PICKERING INFORMATION REPORT NO. 08-03 FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING OF February 20, 2003 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PUBLIC MEETING REQUIREMENTS OF THE PLANNING ACT, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13 SUBJECT: Proposed Revision 1 to Modification 1 to the Pickering Official Plan City Initiated: Duffin Heights Neighbourhood of the East Duffin Area Duffin Heights Neighbourhood Development Guidelines Part of Lots 15 to 24, Concession 3 City of Pickering 1.0 LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION the East Duffins Area is divided into two neighbourhoods: Duffin Heights and Lamoreaux (see Neighbourhood Map, Attachment #1); Duffin Heights Neighbourhood, as depicted by the Pickering Official Plan, is bounded by the St. Lawrence & Hudson (formerly C.P.) Rail line to the north, Ontario Hydro Gatineau Corridor to the south, and the Pickering -Ajax boundary to the east and the West Duffins Creek to the west (see Location Map, Attachment #2); Duffin Heights Neighbourhood is approximately 516 hectares in size; the majority of land within the Neighbourhood is publicly owned, with privately owned lands primarily concentrated along the frontage of Brock Road. 2.0 BACKGROUND in June 1997, Pickering Council, passed a resolution to: • endorse the "Phase 1 Final Report -- East Duffins Area",prepared by Templeton-Lepek Limited, dated May 1997, as the basis for modifications to the Council Adopted Pickering Official Plan; • adopt the "Proposed Modifications to the Council Adopted Official Plan and requests the Region of Durham to modify the new Pickering Official Plan; and, Information Report No. 08-03 Page 2 • request the Region of Durham to amend the Durham Regional Official Plan to enable the above referenced modifications to the Council Adopted Pickering Official Plan; - In 1999, following the Region's review of Modification 1, Regional Council authorized the Regional Commissioner of Planning to approve the deferred portions of the Pickering Official Plan, for the East Duffins Area, once the Province approves a portion of Deferral No. 7 (affecting Dixie Road) to the Regional Official Plan; in May 2002, Pickering Council adopted a resolution directing that staff initiate a Growth Management Study for certain lands in Pickering, including the Lamoreaux Neighbourhood. In addition, Council at its meeting of January 23, 2003, requested that the Region of Durham not issue its Notice of Decision on Modification 1 to the Pickering Official Plan as it affects the Lamoreaux Neighbourhood until the Growth Management Study was completed. City staff was also requested to proceed and fine-tune the land use polices and designations for the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood and to report back to Council on any further changes. 3.0 REVISON 1 TO MODIFICATION 1 TO THE PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN - the City of Pickering proposes to revise Modification 1 to the Pickering Official Plan to protect a continuous vegetated corridor of coniferous and mixed forests lying between the Ganatsekiagan Creek Valley and Brock Road; the proposed revision, provided as Appendix I, includes the following policy and Schedule changes to Modification 1; • revise certain lands on Schedule I — Land Use Structure by: • replacing the Urban Residential Area — Low Density and Urban Residential Area — Medium Density with the Open Space System — Natural Areas to reflect the forest corridor; • replacing the Urban Residential Area — Medium Density with the Urban Residential Area — Low Density for lands located west of the forest corridor; and • replacing the Urban Residential Area — Low Density with the Urban Residential Area — Medium Density for lands located east of Brock Road to offset the loss of population resulting from the recognition of the forest corridor; • revise policy 11.17— Duffin Heights Neighbourhood policies with new policies to: • locate buildings closer to the street; • provide safe and convenient pedestrian access; • promote the construction of multi-storey buildings; • ensure that the forest corridor is adequately protected from any new development; Information Report No. 08-03 Page 3 03 require road and engineering designs to enhance the ecological integrity of the forest corridor; • revise the populations targets for the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood in recognition of the proposed land use changes; informal revisions to the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood Map to update road, school and park locations, and the Detailed Review Area will be prepared for Council's consideration. 4.0 OFFICIAL PLANS 4.1 Durham Regional Official Plan the eastern portion of the Duffins Heights Neigbourhood including the closed Brock West Landfill site is designated Major Open Space System with the remainder designated as Living Area on Map A4 of the Regional Official Plan; lands designated Major Open Space shall be used for conservation, recreation, and reforestation uses; lands designated Living Area shall be used predominantly for housing purposes, in addition to certain home occupations, convenience stores, public and recreational uses, limited office development and limited retailing of goods and services; Brock Road is classified as a Type A Arterial Road on Map B2 of the Regional Official Plan; 4.2 Modification 1 to the Pickering Official Plan lands within the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood are designated as Urban Residential Areas — Low and Medium Density Areas, Mixed Corridor Areas, Open Space System — Natural Areas, and Major Utilities — Potential Multi -Use Areas on Schedule I — Land Use Structure of Schedule B to Modification 1; lands designated Urban Residential Areas may be used for residential, home occupation, limited office, limited retailing, community, cultural and recreational uses, compatible employment uses and compatible special purpose commercial uses; lands designated Mixed Corridors may be for residential uses, retailing, offices, restaurants, community, cultural, recreational uses and special purpose commercial uses within this designation; the permissible density for residential development is a range of over 30 and up to and including 140 units per net hectare; lands designated Open Space System - Natural Areas may be used for conservation, environmental protection, restoration, education, passive recreation and similar uses; - lands designated Freeways and Major Utilities — Potential Multi -Use Areas may be used for utility and ancillary uses, and public or private uses that are compatible with adjacent land uses; 0 4 Information Report No. 08-03 Page 4 future arterial road crossings of the Ganatsekiagon Creek, Urfe Creek and its tributaries and Brock Road are designated on Schedule II - Transportation System of Schedule F; Brock Road is designated as a Type A Arterial and a Transit Spine on Schedule II - Transportation System of Schedule F; 4.3 Proposed Duffin Heights Neighbourhood Guidelines the City, in consultation with Templeton Planning Ltd. and Cosburn Giberson Consultants Inc., has prepared draft Development Guidelines for the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood; the Guidelines provide the Neighbourhood's overall urban design objectives, which are then elaborated on through a set of guidelines on environmental resources, urban design and community planning principles for residential areas and for the Brock Road corridor, and parks; the Guidelines will assist developers in preparing their development proposals; a copy of the Guidelines will be available for pick-up at the public meeting. 5.0 RESULTS OF CIRCULATION 5.1 . Resident, Agency and Staff Comments - no comments have been received to date. 6.0 PROCEDURAL INFORMATION Official Plan Approval Authority - the Region of Durham is the approval authority for local official plans; General written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the Planning & Development Department; oral comments may be made at the Public Information Meeting; all comments received will be noted and used as input in a Planning Report prepared by the Planning & Development Department for a subsequent meeting of Council or a Committee of Council; if you wish to reserve the option to appeal Council's decision, you must provide comments to the City before Council adopts any by-law for this proposal; if you wish to be notified of Council's decision regarding this proposal, you must request such in writing to the City Clerk. Information Report No. 08-03 Page 5 05 7.0 OTHER INFORMATION 7.1 Appendix No. I a copy of the City -initiated revision to Modification 1 to the Pickering Official Plan; 7.2 Background Information - copies of the City's proposed Duffin Heights Neighbourhood Development Guidelines are available for viewing at the office of the City of Pickering Planning & Development Department. t( Of , Grant McGregor, MCIP "PP Catherine Rose Principal Planner - Policy Manager, Policy GM/jj Attachments Copy: Director, Planning & Development Division Head, Corporate Projects & Policy 06 APPENDIX NO. I TO INFORMATION REPORT NO. 08-03 PROPOSED REVISION 1 TO MODIFICATION 1 TO THE COUNCIL ADOPTED PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN (MARCH 1997) PROPOSED REVISION 1 TO MODIFICATION 1 TO THE COUNCIL ADOPTED PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN (MARCH 1997) PURPOSE: LOCATION: BASIS: The purpose of the revision is to change the boundaries of the residential and open space designations pertaining to the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood on Schedule I — Land Use Structure to Modification 1 to the Pickering Official Plan and to revise the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood policies. The Duffin Heights Neighbourhood, as defined by the Pickering Official Plan, is approximately 516 hectares in size and is bordered by the St. Lawrence & Hudson Railway line to the north, Ontario Gatineau Hydro Corridor to the south, and the Pickering -Ajax boundary to the east and the West Duffins Creek to the west. In 1997, Pickering Council adopted Modification 1 to the Council Adopted Official Plan for the East Duffins Area. The East Duffins Area is divided into neighbourhoods: Duffin Heights and Lamoreaux. The modification reflected a logical progression of orderly, sequential urban development in Pickering onto lands that are within the urban area boundary of the Durham Regional Official Plan. In 2002, Pickering Council initiated a Growth Management study for certain lands in Pickering, including the Lamoreaux Neighbourhood of the East Duffins Area. In addition, Council at its meeting of January 23, 2003, requested that the Region of Durham not issue its Notice of Decision on Modification 1 to the Pickering Official Plan as it affects the Lamoreaux Neighbourhood until the Growth Management Study was completed. City staff was also requested to proceed and fine-tune the land use polices and designations for the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood and to report back to Council on any further changes. 07 08 ACTUAL REVISION: 2 The revisions to Modification 1 have resulted from a review of information provided by the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority and the City's consultants relating to a continuous vegetated corridor of coniferous and mixed forests lying between the Ganatsekiagan Creek Valley and Brock Road. In recognition of its valuable linkage and terrestrial habitat functions, the City has revised the land use designations and polices to protect this natural heritage feature. In addition, to offset the loss of population resulting from this revision, the residential density for an area of land east of Brock Road has been increased. Also, City staff, in consultation with Templeton Planning Ltd. and Cosburn Giberson Consultants Inc., has prepared Development Guidelines for the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood. The Guidelines provide information on urban design and community planning principles streetscape design, parks and open space design and built form. Modification 1 to the Council Adopted Pickering Official Plan (March 1997) is hereby revised by: 1. Revising Item 2. by striking out the second, third, fourth and fifth columns of the first, second and last rows of population targets and replacing them with the following: 15 Duffin Heights 100 2200 100 4209 3000 6300 2700 5300 3700 South Pickering Urban Area Population Targets: 71350 80400 88800 97500 406400 78100 87800 94100 101700 Total Population Targets: 71450 88200 78200 94-1-00 90100 4021-00 98700 424000 108500 3 09 2. Revising Item 10. by striking out the Neighbourhood Population Projections for the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood and replacing them with the following: Neighbourhood Population Projection 1996 Population Projected Growth Percent Increase 2016 Population 3. Revising Item 12. by adding new subsections (i), (j) and (k) to section 11.17, such that section 11.17 now reads as follows: "11.17 City Council shall, ... (a) ... (b) ... (c) ... (d) .. . (e) ... (f) despite section 11.2 (a) of this Plan , require the completion of development guidelines for the westerly Detailed Review area prior to permitting new uses within the area; and,* (g) recognize that significant water supply, sanitary sewerage and arterial road infrastructure is required for the development of this neighbourhood. Further, such infrastructure will service designated development area elsewhere in the Pickering urban area. In consideration of this, development is permitted in the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood subject to the following: (i) development in this neighbourhood shall be serviced with water, sewer and arterial road infrastructure that is provided in a fiscally responsible manner; (ii) development in this neighbourhood will be undertaken through sequential extension of water and sewer infrastructure. Road infrastructure will be provided in a manner that supports the development of this neighbourhood as well as the needs of the overall arterial road network; * Sections (f) and (g) were added by the Region of Durham in its consideration of the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood policies of Modification 1. 10 -4- (iv) prior to the approval of one or more following development applications: (A) Plan of Subdivision; (B) Condominium Description; (C) Consent; (D) Part Lot control; (E) Zoning By-law amendment; (F) Minor Variance; and (G) Issuance of a building permit residential, industrial or development; the Region will be applications will not cause on the financial ability of the region to provide such infrastructure, including the impact on development charges, General Tax Levy and User Rates; the region will be satisfied that the cost of the development are within the financial capability of the Region through a number of mechanisms which may include but are not limited to: (A) conditions to be included in any of the above noted development applications, where applicable; (B) satisfactory financial arrangements which may include agreements with the City of Pickering, landowners, the Provincial Government or others; and (C) the implementation of of the for a commercial satisfied that such an undue impact satisfactory arrangements under the Development Charges Act (1997);* (h) require that an appropriate right-of-way be protected to accommodate a future continuous (free-flow) east -west traffic movement for Third Concession/Rossland Extension west from Brock Road over the West Duffins Creek;* require new development to provide a strong and identifiable urban image by establishing buildings closer to the street, provide safe and convenient pedestrian access, and encourage construction of some multi-storey buildings on lands designated Mixed Use Areas — Mixed Corridor; designate the tableland coniferous and mixed forests located between the valley corridor of the Ganatsekaigon Creek and Brock Road as Open Space System on Schedule I, while recognizing that the exact boundaries of the Open Space System shall be established following the results of an environmental report, in accordance with section 14.4; (i) (1) * Sections (f) and (g) were added by the Region of Durham in its consideration of the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood policies of Modification 1. 5 (k) require any developer of lands adjacent to the tableland coniferous and mixed forests located between the valley corridor of the Ganatsekaigon Creek and Brock Road to submit an Environmental Report, to the satisfaction of the City and the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, that must: (A) describe and assess the features and functions of the tableland coniferous and mixed forests; (B) define the exact boundaries of the Open Space System; ' (C) address the protection of the tableland coniferous forest from any new development through such matters such as appropriate setbacks and/or buffers, tree management, edge management, tree preservation, environmental construction management, and stormwater management; and (D) identify road and engineering designs that enhance the ecological integrity of the tableland coniferous and mixed forests!' 4. Revising Item 13. by replacing Map 25 - Neighbourhood 15: Duffin Heights, with Schedule 'A' to this revision, to update road, school and park locations, and the Detailed Review Area. 5. Revising Item 17. by replacing the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood land uses designated on Schedule I - Land Use Structure, as indicated on Schedule `B' to this revision. IMPLEMENTATION: The provisions set forth in Modification 1 to the Council Adopted Town of Pickering Official Plan (March 1997), regarding the implementation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Revision. INTERPRETATION: The provisions set forth in Modification 1 to the Council Adopted Town of Pickering Official Plan (March 1997), regarding the interpretation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Revision. 11. SCHEDULE B TO REVISION # z J w O RESIDENTIAL -LOW DENSITY AREA TO URBAN RESIDENTIAL -MEDIUM DENSITY AREA' REVISE FROM 'URBAN RESIDENTIAL -MEDIUM DENSITY AREA' TO 'URBAN RESIDENTIAL -LOW DENSITY AREA' ROAD 4107.14rAr Ar Ar .40t NO CHANGE TO LAMOREAUX NEIGHBOURHOOD PENDING OUTCOME OF GROWTH MANAGEMENT STUDY '4ji,. 1 W4 , .. t • .41111ro OHERR`FWOOD RANSFORMER im iss SCHEDULE ITO THE PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN JANUARY 2003 car SHEET 1 OF 3 TOWN v MceEnwo PLASM. TMTM OTT • IMY THIS MAP roma ART OF THE OITSSAL PLS. FOR lNE OOHI d, r !C RAD CONJUNCTION MTU THE oMQ Mus SCHEDULES MC THE 4/46' r:00014010 , REVISE FROM 'URBAN RESIDENTIAL -LOW DENSITY AREA' &'URBAN RESIDENTIAL -MEDIUM DENSITY AREA TO 'OPEN SPACE SYSTEM -NATURAL AREA' ■ mismirAmira , REVISION #1 (DUFFIN HEIGHTS NEIGHBOURHOOD) TO MODIFICATION # 1 TO LAND USE STRUCTURE OPEN SPACE SYSTEM MgNATURAL AREAS -AREAS RECREATIONAL - MARINA AREAS MIXED LOCAL NODES - COMMUNITY NODES DOWNTOWN CORE USE AREAS MIXED CORRIDORS REGIONAL NODES - REGIONAL NODE 1 EMPLOYMENT AREAS GENERAL EMPLOYMENT ® PRESTIGE EMPLOYMENT MIXED EMPLOYMENT FREEWAYS AND MAJOR UTILITIES (94 POTENTIAL MULTI -USE AREAS EnCONTROLLED ACCESS AREAS OTHER DESIGNATIONS URBAN RESIDENTIAL AREAS URBAN STUDY AREAS LOW DENSITY AREAS SEATON URBAN STUDY AREA MEDIUM DENSITY AREAS AGRICULTURAL AREAS HIGH DENSITY AREAS RURAL SETTLEMENTS I. RURAL CLUSTERS - RURAL HAMLETS ATTACHMENT#.TO INFORMATION REE'ORT# -C) City of Pickering ocaddrow\official plan\edition 2\rupoperl.dwg Planning & Development Department 1 EAST DUFFINS AREA BOUNDARY T DATE FEB 6, 2003 1 4 ATTACHMENT# TO 1N'FORMATION REPORT# g W Z Nip City of Pickering Planning & Development Department DUFFIN HEIGHTS NEIGHBOURHOOD BOUNDARY N DATE JAN 9, 2003