HomeMy WebLinkAboutInformation Report 22-0838 PICKERING INFORMATION REPORT NO. 22-08 FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING OF November 3, 2008 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PUBLIC MEETING REQUIREMENTS OF THE PLANNING ACT, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13 SUBJECT: Draft Plan of Condominium CP -2008-02 S. R. & R. Bay Ridges Ltd. Part of Block Y Plan 16 City of Pickering 1.0 PROPERTY LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION - the subject lands are located at the southeast corner of the intersection of Bayly Street and St. Martins Drive; - a property location map is provided for reference (see Attachment #1); - the property is currently being developed for the townhouse development; - the site's topography is relatively flat; - access to the townhouse development will be provided by a driveway off of St. Martins Drive and a future access from Bayly Street will be provided with the development of the mixed use portion of the project; - surrounding land uses are: north - across Bayly Street is the CN rail line and Highway 401;, south - townhouses"and apartment building; east - open space lands being the Douglas Ravine; west - on the opposite side of St. Martins Drive are detached dwelling lots that front onto Tanzer Court. 1.1 Background City Council on October 3, 2006 passed By-law 6705/06, which was subsequently approved by the Ontario Municipal Board, that permits the mixed use development including the 120 townhouse dwelling unit on the subject lands which was a result of zoning amendment application (A 06/06); at the time of the rezoning application the owners of the property had indicated that applications for condominium would be forthcoming for this development; Information Report No. 22-08 Page 2 39 2.0 APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL the applicant proposes to establish tenure for 120 townhouse dwelling units on the subject lands through a common element condominium description (see Applicant's Submitted Plan, Attachment #2); freehold ownership is proposed for the future townhouse dwelling units through a common element condominium for private internal roads, parking, landscaping and services. 3.0 OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING 3.1 Durham Regional Official Plan - designates the subject lands as Living Areas; - areas designated as Living Areas are intended to be predominantly used for housing purposes, and may include limited office, retail and personal service uses; - in consideration of development applications in Living Areas the intent of the Plan is to achieve a compact urban form, including intensive residential, office, retail and service and mixed uses along arterial roads and in conjunction with present and potential transit facilities; - Bayly Street where it abuts the subject lands is designated as a Type A Arterial Road; . - the applicant's proposal conforms with this designation; 3.2 Pickering Official Plan - the Pickering Official Plan designates the subject lands as Mixed Use Area — Mixed Corridors Area; - permissible uses within Mixed Use Area — Mixed Corridors Area include, amongst others, a variety of residential uses including townhouses and apartment buildings, retailing of goods and services, offices and restaurants; - the Pickering Official Plan establishes a density range of over 30 and up to and including 140 dwelling units per hectare for development within a Mixed Use Area — Mixed Corridors Area; - the subject lands are within the Bay Ridges Neighbourhood of the Official Plan; - the subject lands are within a Detailed Review Area and the Bay Ridges Plaza Redevelopment Guidelines have been adopted by City Council; - Schedule II of the Pickering Official Plan - Transportation System designates Bayly Street where it abuts the subject site as a Type A Arterial Road; - Type A Arterial Roads are the highest order arterial road and are designed to carry large volumes of traffic at moderate to high speed; - Bayly Street is designated as a Transit Spine where a higher level of transit service is to be encouraged; - Schedule II of the Pickering Official Plan - Transportation System designates St. Martins Drive where it abuts the subject site as a Collector Road; Information Report No. 22-08 Page 3 40 - Collector Roads are designed to provide access to individual properties, to local roads, and to other collector and arterial roads; - the applicant's proposal conforms with this land use designation and complies with the policies ofthe Pickering Official Plan; 3.3 Zoning By-law 3036 - the lands are zoned "SA -LW', 'MD-1-16".and "SA -8" which are residential zones in Zoning By-law 2520, as amended by By-laws 6705/06 and 6786/07 that permits the development; - the applicant's proposed Plan of Condominium development complies with the requirements of the Zoning By-law. 4.0 RESULTS OF CIRCULATION 4.1 Resident Comments - no resident comments received to date; 4.2 Agency Comments - the Region of Durham. and the Toronto Region Conservation Authority have no objection to the application subject to certain conditions; (see Attachments #3 to #4); - the following agencies or departments advised they have no objection to the application: Durham Catholic District School Board; Durham District School Board; Enbridge Gas Distribution; Veridian Connections; Canada Post; CN Rail (see Attachments #5 to #10); 4.3 Staff Comments 4.3.1 Site Plan - a Site Plan Agreement has been approved and registered for the 120 townhouse dwelling units on the subject lands; - details pertaining to site functioning and site design/layout for this development have been addressed through the Site Plan approval process; - construction of the townhouses in ongoing in accordance with the Site Plan Agreement; 4.3.2 Common Element Condominium Description the purpose of the application is to establish whether the common element condominium description is the appropriate form of tenure for this residential development; Information Report No. 22-08 Page 4 41 - a common element condominium refers to a residential development where each dwelling unit is individually owned (freehold ownership), and where amenities or physical features are collectively owned by the unit owners as tenants in common; - it is anticipated that a future common element condominium corporation will be established to permit a community of individually owned homes and maintain joint services, amenities and physical features of the development through a common element condominium corporation; 5.0 PROCEDURAL INFORMATION - written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the Planning & Development Department; - oral comments may be made at the Public Information Meeting; - all comments received will be noted for consideration by the Director, Planning & Development Department prior to a decision on the application; - if you wish to reserve the option to appeal the City's decision, you must provide comments to the City before the Director, Planning & Development, issues conditions of draft approval for the proposal; - if you wish to be notified of a decision regarding this proposal, you must request such in writing to the City Clerk; - if a person or public body that files an appeal of a decision of the Director, Planning & Development in respect of the proposed plan of condominium does not make oral submission at the public meeting, or make written submissions to the Director before the proposed plan of condominium is approved or refused, the Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss the appeal. 5.1 Further Processing - in accordance with. City Council policy and Delegation By-law 5391/01 no further Planning & Development Reports on this application will be forwarded to Council; - the Director, Planning & Development will make a decision on the application after all comments from the circulated departments, agencies and public have been received and assessed; - if appropriate the Director, Planning & Development will issue proposed conditions of approval for the subject application; 6.0 OTHER INFORMATION 6.1 Appendix No. I - list of neighbourhood residents, community associations, agencies and City Departments that have commented on the applications at the time of writing report; Information Report No. 22-08 42 6.2 Information Received Page 5 full scale copies of the Applicant's submitted plan are available for viewing at the offices of the City of Pickering Planning & Development Department: 6.3 Company Principal the owner of the subject lands is S. R. & R. Bay Ridges Ltd.; Stephen Warsh is a principal of S. R. & R. Bay Ridges Ltd. U�10 Ross Pym, MCIP, R Principal Planner - evelopment Review RP:jf Attachments Copy: Director, Planning & Development Lynda Tdylor, MCIP PP Manager, Development Review 43 APPENDIX NO. I TO INFORMATION REPORT NO. 22-08 COMMENTING RESIDENTS AND LANDOWNERS (1) none received to date COMMENTING AGENCIES (1) Durham Planning Department (2) Toronto Region Conservation Authority (3) Durham Catholic District School Board (4) Durham District School Board (5) Enbridge Gas . (6) Veridian Connections (7) Canada Post (8) CN Rail COMMENTING CITY DEPARTMENTS (1) none received to date ATTACHMENT# ] TO 44 MFORMATiONREPORT# 2 �- o� n m m 4C1 PY NIS"" H`GNW ""� STREE gPY�Y PEACE POPR L J7HERAN o OU S CHURCH w SPNZEFt Y z Z yn TATRA o a 1�m O SOUM EASTSHORE /LKERI MMUNIIY CENT A ~ N AWN AND RA E BOWLINg OLOB ENIOR'S COUPLE¢ Q GRE AYSHO ror Lor SUBJ P90 PROP TY ST. MART/N'S STREET ANGLICAN --Z — CHURCH Q z 0 x PATMORE , OUGLASU NE P J� PARK a FRENCHMAN I T RF<<s BAY ¢ cRT w J a x U BOULE HALLER AVENUE City of Pickering Planning & Development Department PROPERTY DESCRIPTION PLAN M16 N PT BLK Y NOW RP 40R3151 PART 2 TO 5 PART 1 OWNER SR & R BAY RIDGES LTD. DATE SEPT. 7, 2008 DRAWN BY JB FILE No. CP2008-02 SCALE 1:5000 CHECKED BY RP N `Enleipr,. e. Ina. ane R. .upplic— Ni .Iqm. Res—od, Not o plan aI .—Y. [ '[005 MPA. antl It. —ppli-s. All right. Reserved. Not a plan o, Survey. -3 ATTACHMENT# "1 TO mIcnOMA'nON REPORT# 3 -CJ INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANT'S 45 SUBMITTED CONDO PLAN SR & R BAYRIDGES. CP -2008-02 5 ,- _Z Q (n F U SCALE COPIES OF M APPY rS SUBBITIEO MAN ME AVM FOB WE W AT ME CIN OF PK MNG PI NMC & OEVE WMENT OEPMTNEM. MIS NAP WAS PRODUCER BY ME CW OF P.CKM MANNMG & OEYELOPM£NT OEPMWA r.. INFOBAgT & SUPPORT SEB .. AUGUST 18. 2M.. The Regional Municipality of Durham. Planning Department 605 ROSSLAND ROAD E 4- FLOOR PO BOX 623 WHITBY ON L1 N.6A3 CANADA 905-668-7711 Fax: 905-666-6208 4 -mail: planping@ ,gion.durham.on.ca. www. region.durham.on.ca A.L. Georgieff, MCIP, RPP Commissioner of Planning 46 September 29, 2008 Mr. Ross Pym, MCIP, RPP Principal Planner Development Review City of Pickering One The Esplanade Pickering ON L1V 61<7 ATTACHMENT# 3 76 INFORMATION REPORT# Re: Post Circulation Comments to Draft Approval of Plan of Condominium. File: C -P-2008-02 Applicant: S.R. & R. Bay Ridges Limited Location:. Part of Lot 23, BFC (Range 3) Municipality. City of Pickering We.have received the above -noted 'plan of condominium application for review. The application proposes a private condominium roadway and parking for a townhouse development. Site plan and rezoning applications have been approved by the City for the townhouse development and the units are currently under construction. The plan of condominium application is only for the private condominium roadway. The Region has no objection to draft approval of this plan of condominium. The following condition of approval shall be complied with prior to clearance by the Region for registration of the plan: Condition 4: The owner shall have the final plan prepared on the basis of the approved draft plan of condominium C -P-2008-02, prepared by R. Avis Surveying Incorporated, project number 2379-0, dated July.7, 2008, whichillustrates a private condominium roadway and parking. Please provide Dwayne Campbell, the planner responsible for this file, with a Copy of the draft approved plan and conditions of draft approval at such time as draft approval is in effect. RECEIVED Sincerely, Richard Szarek, Project Planner Current Planning cc: Works Department- Pete Castellan. "Service Ekcellence - for ourcommunities" h:\2-4\2008\Pickering\C-P-2008-02\commen4R4r DA 100% Post Consumer SEP.2 9 2008 CITY OF PICKERINIG PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT TORONTO AND REGION.T onserva tion for The Living City September 22, 2008 VIAE -MAIL AND MAIL Ross Pym Planning and Development Department City of Pickering One The Esplanade Pickering, ON L1V 61<7 ATTACHMENT#_�—TO INFORMATION REPORT# RECEIVED CFN XREF CFN 38686.01 SEP 2 6 2008. XREF CFN 39234 ING PLANNING & Y OF DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Re: Draft Plan of Condominium Application No. CP -2008-03 1215 –1235 Bayly Street (San Francisco by the Bay, Bay Ridges Plaza) City of Pickering S. R. & R. Bay Ridges Limited Dear Mr. Pym: Thank you for the opportunity to review the Draft Plan of Condominium application submission. We offer the following comments. Conditions of Draft Plan of Condominium Approval Further to our review of the approved Site Plan Application, we offer the following conditions of Draft Plan of Condominium Approval: 47 Owner to convey the valley land and buffer block to public ownership prior to the registration of the condominium. 2. Owner to apply for and obtain a permit under O. Reg. 166/06 for the sanitary sewer crossing of the Pine Creek south of Radom Street, west of Douglas Avenue in Douglas Park prior to the registration of the condominium. Please note that this condition may not apply if the proposed sanitary sewer is not required by the City of Pickering and/or Region of Durham. 3. Owner to prepare and implement a Ravine Stewardship Plan for the valley slopes, to TRCA satisfaction, prior to the registration of the condominium. Clearance Fee By copy of this letter, the applicant is advised that the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority has implemented a revised fee schedule for our planning application review services. Thank you for providing the initial application fee. This application is now subject to a $3,450 minor condominium clearance fee. The applicant is responsible for fee payment and should forward the clearance fee to this office as soon as possible. Please disregard if the fee has already been sent. We trust this is satisfactory. Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions. Pana ely,eejhe H.MCger,ntgulation ng apment Extension 5311 cc: Steven M. Warsh, Partner, S & R Development Group Limited (by e-mail) FAHOME\PUBLIC\DEVELOPMENT $ERVICE9Nfiltlft/MQWACG13MP8019F3R0JQW1d5 - 1235 BAYLY_5.DOC 5 Shoreham Drive, Downsview, Ontario M3N 1S4 (416) 661-6600 FAX 661-6898 www.trca.on.ca S�c 4?YACHMENT# - TO o��� DI51 R/cT, 48 aRzPORY# 07.E - O �� cy UP O Durham Catholic District School Board �o 0 Sept 4th 2008 Ross Pym, MCIP, RPP Principal Planner– Development Review Planning & Development Department City of Pickering One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario. L1 V 6K7 RE: Draft Plan of Condominium CP -2008-02 S.R. & R. Bay Ridges Ltd. Part of Block Y Plan 16 City of Pickering Please note that the above noted Draft Plan of Condominium will be forwarded to the Durham Catholic District School Board's Board of Trustees on September 22nd 2008 for consideration. The Board of Trustees' official comments will be sent to your department after September 22nd 2008. Planning staff at the Durham Catholic District School Board currently have "NO OBJECTION" to the above noted plan. Please notify me if you have any questions or concerns. Sincerely yours, 40,6— Jody Dale Assistant Planner, Durham Catholic District School Board Telephone: 905-576-6707 1-877-482-0722 ext. 2211 C.c. Gerry O'Neill, Manager Planning & Admissions :jd 650 Roseland Road West, Oshawa, Ontario UJ 7C4 Tel 905 576-6150 Tall Free 1 877 482-0722 www.dcdsb.ca Paul Pulla B. Sc., B. Ed., MSc. Ed. Director of Education / Secretary! Treasurer Spy )00 U3 a e Y�uafit y, �ducauav Rov Gomaniwrw Facilities Services 400 Taunton Road East Whitby, Ontario L1R2K6 Telephone: (905) 666-5500 1-800-265-3968 Fax. (905) 666.6439 ATTACHMENT# —LTO InIFMMATION REPORT#—G2.:.0z August 26, 2008 The City of Pickering Planning Dept., Pickering Civic Centre One The Esplanade Pickering, ON L1 V 6K7 Attention: Mr. Ross Pym Dear Mr. Pym RECEIVED SEP d 2 2008 CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING & BPVPL-APMENT DEPARTMPNT RE: Draft Plan of Condominium CP -2008-02 S. R. & R. Bay Ridges Ltd. Part of Block Y Plan 16 City of Pickering Staff has reviewed the information on the above noted application and has the following comments... Approximately 55 elementary pupils could be generated by the above noted application. 2. It is intended that any pupils generated by the above noted plan be accommodated within an existing school facility. Under the mandate of the Durham District School Board, staff has no objections. Yours truly, Christine Nancekivell, Senior Planner 1:\PROPLAN\DATA\P LNG\SU B\CP200S-02. DOC 1 • ATTACHMENT# TO 50 '!FORMATION REPORT# r22_�. , =' ENBR/DGE ENBRIDGE GAS DISTRIBUTION INC. Enbridge Gas Distribution requests that the following conditions be. included in the subdivision agreement: The developer is responsible for preparing'a composite utility plan that allows for the safe installation of all utilities, including required separation between utilities. 2. Streets are to be constructed in accordance with composite utility plans previously submitted and approved by all utilities. 3. The developer shall grade all streets to final elevation prior to the installation of the gas lines and provide Enbridge Gas Distribution Inc. with the necessary field survey information for the installation of the gas lines. 4. It is understood that the natural gas distribution system will be installed within the proposed road allowance. In the event that this is not possible, easements will be provided at no cost to Enbridge Gas Distribution Inc. 500 Consumers Road SEPTEMBER 3, 2008 North York ON M2J IP8 Mailing Address P.O. Box 650 Scarborough ON M1K5E3 ROSS PYM, MCIP, RPP PRINCIPAL PLANNER CITY OF PICKERING DEVELOPMENT REVIEW PICKERING CIVIC COMPLEX G ONE THE ESPLANADE fie PICKERING ON L1V 61<7 0 6 2006 SEP Dear Sirs: M C1TNN4� p MEN PLA DEPAR RE: DRAFT PLAN OF CONDOMINIUM S.R. & R. BAY RIDGES LTD. PART OF BLOCK Y PLAN 16 CITY OF PICKERING Enbridge Gas Distribution requests that the following conditions be. included in the subdivision agreement: The developer is responsible for preparing'a composite utility plan that allows for the safe installation of all utilities, including required separation between utilities. 2. Streets are to be constructed in accordance with composite utility plans previously submitted and approved by all utilities. 3. The developer shall grade all streets to final elevation prior to the installation of the gas lines and provide Enbridge Gas Distribution Inc. with the necessary field survey information for the installation of the gas lines. 4. It is understood that the natural gas distribution system will be installed within the proposed road allowance. In the event that this is not possible, easements will be provided at no cost to Enbridge Gas Distribution Inc. KTTACHMENT# 70 INIFOR,AAT[ON REPORT# as-y� Enbridge also requests that the owner/ developer contact our Regional Sales Development department at their earliest convenience to discuss installation and clearance requirements for main, service and metering facilities. Yours truly, Tony Ciccone Manager, Network Analysis Distribution Planning (416)758-7966. (416) 758-4374 - FAX TC: 51 -2008 MON 01:34 PM veridian FAX NO, P. 02 52 .f VE-MMAN co NN ECTIa NS PROJECT NAME: ADDRESS/PLAN: MUNICIPALITY: RET NO.: ATTACHMENT#—E—TO 'WPOR11nATIONREPORT# ,Va -v DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW S.R. R R. Buy Ridges Ltd. — Draft Plan of Condominium Part of Block Y. Phtn 16 Pickering CP -2008-02 SUBMISSION.DATE; August 13, 2008 The following is an overview of rite general requirements the Applicntnt is likely to meet in order to obIltin a complete electrical power supply bystem to this silt and within the site where stibdi'vision in some form is involved. The comments below arc based on prelimitlary information only and are subject in revision. Ina cases VericHan's standard Conditions of Service document sets out the requirements, tensa and conditions for the provision of electric service. This review does not constitute an Offer to Connect, Other. The legal Plan is outdated, The latest should shown bhtnlCet easement (hafts 128-256 no longer needed). Site is already built mid energized, Technical Representative; JosdonYoung Talephotic; Ext.3242 PP/df P:\cl hizzell\Development Application Review\Pic1tering\2008\S,P..&R. Bay Ridges Ltd. - Part of Block Y, Plan 16.doc rax. Seim oy �OrZZ2000 w•ui ry- 41 ATTACHMENT#! TO �+.IPOT aTIONREPORT# a-;? Delivery Planning PH (416) 285-5385 1860 Midland Ave FX (416) 755-9800 Scarborough On MIP 5A1 19, 2008 of Pickering ning & Development Department On L1v 6K7 Ross Pym Re: Draft Plan of Condominium C -P-2008-02 S. R. & R. Bay Ridges Ltd. Part of Block Y Plan 16 City of Pickering Ross, you for the opportunity to comment on the above noted plan. a condition of draft approval, Canada Post requires that the owner/developer nply with the following conditions: owner/developer agrees to include on all offers of purchase and sale, a nent that advises the prospective purchaser that mail delivery will be from a sated Community Mailbox- owner/developer will be responsible for notifying the purchaser of the exact wnity Mailbox locations prior to the closing of any home sale. - The owner/developer will consult with Canada Post Corporation to determine suitable locations for the placement of Community Mailbox and to indicate these Iopations on the appropriate servicing plans. owner/developer will provide the following for each Community Mailbox site include these requirements on the appropriate servicing plans; appropriately sized sidewalk section (concrete pad) as per municipal dards, to place the Community Mailboxes on. V required walkway across the boulevard, as per municipal standards. y required curb depressions for wheelchair access. ATTACHMENT#2—TO INFORMATION REPORT# s2 - The owner/developer further agrees to determine and provide a suitable. t mporary Community Mailbox location(s), which may be utilized by Canada Post u itil the curbs, sidewalks and final grading have been completed at the p rmanent Community Mailbox locations. This will enable Canada Post to . p, ovide mail delivery to the new residences as soon as the homes are occupied. Should you require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me at tyle above mailing address or telephone number. HE bbie Greenwood livery Planner nada Post ATTACHMENT#LTo INFORMATION REPORT# 55 Pym, Ross From: NI CK. COLEMAN@cn.ca Sent: Wednesday, August 20, 2008 2:53 PM To: Pym, Ross Subject: CP -2008-02, SR&R Bay Ridges Ltd Attachments: Easement in gross.pdf;. Railway Noise Consultants.pdf Ross, CN has reviewed the proposed draft plan, and has no objections in principal, as the residences will be fairly removed from the railway corridor. However, there does not appear to have been a noise assessment undertaken to, ensure compliance'with MOE and CN criteria. As a minimum, CN will be seeking the attached environmental easement on title to units within 300 metres of the railway right-of-way. Regards, Nick Nick Coleman, B.Sc. inager, Community Planning & Development CN Business Development & Real Estate 1 Administration Road Concord, ON L4K 1B9 T. 905-760-5007, F. 905-760-5010 n ick.coleman()cn.ca 56 ATfACHMENT#lQ-TO INFORMATION REPORT# 22 - _OaL R SCHEDULE"B" TRANSFER OF EASEMENT (To be attached to Form 1 - Transfer/Deed of Land) (7) Interest/Estate Transferred WHEREAS the Transferor is the owner of those lands located in the City of * and Province of Ontario, being composed of * and herein referred to as the "Easement Lands"; IN CONSIDERATION OF the sum of TWO DOLLARS ($2.00) now paid by the Transferee to the Transferor (the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged by the Transferor), the Transferor transfers to the Transferee, its successors and assigns, a permanent and perpetual easement or right and interest in the nature of a permanent and perpetual easement over, under, along and upon the whole of the Easement Lands and every part thereof for the purposes of discharging, emitting or releasing thereon or otherwise affecting the Easement Lands at any time during the day or night with noise, vibration and other sounds of every nature and kind whatsoever arising from, out of or in connection with any and all present and future railway facilities and operations upon the Dominant Tenement and including, without limitation, all such facilities and. operations presently existing and all future renovations, additions, expansions and other changes to such facilities and all future expansions, extensions, increases, enlargement and other changes to such operations (herein collectively called the "Operational Emissions"). THIS Easement and all rights and obligations arising from same shall extend to, be binding upon and enure to the benefit ofthe parties hereto and their respective officers, directors, shareholders, agents, employees, servants, tenants, sub -tenants, customers, licencees and other operators, occupants and invitees and each of its or their respective heirs, executors, legal personal representatives, successors and assigns. This Easement shall be read with all changes of gender and number as required by the context in each case and the covenants and obligations of each party hereto, if more than one person, shall be joint and several. Easement in gross.