HomeMy WebLinkAboutInformation Report 22-02INFORMATION REPORT NO. 22-02 FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING OF August 8, 2002 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PUBLIC MEETING REQUIREMENTS OF THE PLANNING ACT, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13 SUBJECT: Pickering Official Plan Amendment OPA 02-002/P City Initiated: Northeast Quadrant Review Part of Lots 27 & 28, Range 3, S.F.C. (Lands generally bounded by Kingston Road, Whites Road and Sheppard Avenue) City of Pickering 1.0 LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION the proposed amendment would apply to lands generally bounded by Kingston Road, Whites Road, and Sheppard Avenue, but would also affect lands on the south side of Kingston Road, and on the west side of Whites Road as identified on the Location Map provided as Attachment #1; the Amberlea Creek tributary, which traverses the Northeast Quadrant, flows in a southerly direction under Kingston Road, through the lands east of the Boyer car dealership, under the Highway 401 on/off ramp, and south of Bayfair Baptist Church; from there it connects to the main branch of Amberlea Creek which then flows into Frenchman's Bay; existing land uses in and around the Northeast Quadrant Area include: a service station, two detached dwellings and school on .the west side of Whites Road; a gas bar, apartment buildings and detached dwellings on the east side of Whites Road; detached dwellings fronting the north and south sides of Sheppard Avenue; retail uses and restaurants on the north side of Kingston Road; and a retail shopping plaza and car dealership on the south side of Kingston Road; the size of the Northeast Quadrant Area is approximately 12.9 hectares. 2.0 BACKGROUND in June 2001, the City of Pickering, with the consulting assistance of TSH Associates, Schollen & Company Inc., and Markson Borooah Hodgson Architects Ltd., initiated a review of the 1990 Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines; over the course of the Review, numerous public meetings were held with both residents and landowners to discuss the process, transportation and environmental findings, revised land use concepts and urban design objectives, and potential amendments to the Pickering Official Plan that implement the recommendations of the Review; City Council, at its meeting on June 17, 2002, received Adendum to Report Number PD 23-02, and passed a resoluton: • receiving as background information the "Kingston Road — Whites Road Northeast Quadrant Transportation Study, Phase 1 and 2 Reports"; 2 Information Report No. 22-02 Page 2 • receiving as background information the "Amberlea Creek Northeast Quadrant — Assessment of Alternatives" report; • endorsing the recommendations of the "Northeast Quadrant Revievd; • adopting in principle, the revised "Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines" as the City's strategy for detailed land use, urban design, transportation and stormwater, and that the Guidelines be finalized in light of the final official plan amendment ; • directing City Staff to hold a "Statutory Public Information" meeting to discuss potential amendments to the Pickering Official Plan required to implement the results of the Review, [modified by Council adding new clauses pertaining to the Wood/Carroll property]; • requiring proponents of major development applications within the Northeast Quadrant to contribute their proportionate share of the Northeast Quadrant review cost prior to zoning bylaws being adopted for their lands; and • recommending that the Ministry of Transportation approve an intersection design at the Kingston Road/Highway westbound on/off ramp intersection; - in addition, Council passed a resolution directing staff to make any necessary changes to the proposed official plan amendment (and development guidelines): • ensuring no specific details are included respecting setbacks or other design encumbrances affecting the City -owned lands so that suitable 'transitional' design strategies may be determined at a future point; and • ensuring Council's position is clearly stated as being in support of piping the watercourse that crosses through the Northeast Quadrant Area. 3.0 OFFICIAL PLANS 3.1 Durham Regional Official Plan the lands north of Kingston Road are designated as Living Area and the remainder of the area south of Kingston Road is designated as Special Policy Area A on Map A4 of the Regional Official Plan. lands designated Living Areas shall be used to a wide array of housing types, certain home occupations and convenience stores, and limited office and limited retailing of goods and services, in appropriate locations, as components of mixed -used developments; lands designated Special Policy Area A may be used for a mixture of residential, retail, personal service and industrial uses; in addition, the Regional Plan promotes the maximization of the area's highway exposure as a main street and gateway; development shall be intensified in a manner that will not adversely affect similar development within the Main Central Areas of Pickering. Kingston Road is classified as a Type B Arterial Road and Regional Transit Spine, Whites Road is a Type A Arterial Road and Regional Transit Spine, and Sheppard Avenue is a Type C Arterial Road on Map B2 — Transportation System of the Regional Official Plan; 3.2 Pickering Official Plan the Pickering Official Plan designates lands along Kingston. Road and Whites Road as Mixed Corridors on Schedule I - Land Use Structure; - the lands located between the Mixed Corridors and Urban Residential Area - Low Density Areas in the interior of the Quadrant are designated as Urban Residential Area - Medium Density Areas; the lands fronting Sheppard Avenue east of the Dunbarton School property are designated as Urban Residential Area - Medium Density Areas; the vacant Dunbarton School property is designated as an Urban Study Area on Schedule I of the Pickering Official Plan and is subject to the Urban Study Areas: Old Dunbarton School policies; Information Report No. 22-02 Page 3 lands designated Mixed Corridors may be for residential uses, retailing, offices, restaurants, community, cultural, recreational uses and special purpose commercial uses within this designation; the permissible density for residential development is a range of over 30 and up to and including 140 units per net hectare, except where the lands abut existing low density development, where the maximum density shall be limited to 55 units per net hectare; - lands designated Urban Residential Area - Low Density Areas are permitted a maximum residential density of up to and including 30 units per net hectare; Whites Road is designated as a Type A Arterial and a Transit Spine; Kingston Road is a Type B Arterial and a Transit Spine; and Sheppard Avenue is a Type C Arterial on Schedule II - the Transportation System; however, section 11.8 of the Plan, the Woodlands Neighbourhood Policies, indicates that any future improvements to Sheppard Avenue shall be accommodated within the existing 20 metre road allowance; section 4.18 of the Pickering Official Plan indicates that Council recognizes the Ministry of Transportation jurisdiction over provincial highways and responsibility for standards, design criteria (including intersection/interchange spacing and locations) and widening requirements respecting those highways; the provincial Public Transportation Act provides the Ontario Ministry of Transportation with the authority to approve any new access opposite the Highway 401 on/off ramp. 4.0 CITY PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN 4.1 General Overview the City of Pickering proposes to amend the Pickering Official Plan in order to implement the results of the Northeast Quadrant Detailed Review; the proposed amendment, provided as Appendix I, includes the following policy and Schedule revisions to the Official Plan: • revise certain lands on Schedule I — Land Use Structure as follows: • the south-east corner of Whites Road and Sheppard Avenue from Mixed Use Areas - Mixed Corridors to Urban Residential Area — Medium Density, the 'old' Dunbarton School property from Other Designations — Urban Study Areas to Mixed Use Areas — Mixed Corridors; • the properties lying east of the 'old' Dunbarton School property, south of Sheppard Avenue and west of the main Amberlea Creek tributary, from Urban Residential Area — Medium Density to Mixed Use Areas — Mixed Condors; and • the interior lands located north and east of Whites Road and Kingston Road from Urban Residential Area — Medium Density to Moved Use Areas — Mixed Corridors; • revising Schedule 11 — Transportation System, to change the road classification of Delta Boulevard from local to Existing Collector, and to add a Future Collector Road, opposite the Highway 401 westbound on/off ramp to connect with Delta Boulevard; and • revising policy 11.8 — Woodlands Neighbourhood Policies with new polices to: • locate buildings closer to the street; • require all buildings to be a minimum of two storeys in height ; • restrict new dwellings fronting Sheppard Avenue to a maximum of two storeys; • require new development to be compatible to existing low density development on Sheppard Avenue; • prohibit the development of new gas bars, automobile service stations or car washes; 3 Information Report No. 22-02 Page 4 • secure a signalized intersection for a future collector road opposite Highway 401 westbound on/off ramp; • promote traffic speed reduction and improved pedestrian safety along Sheppard Avenue ; • require easements across lands located south of Kingston Road and west of Highway 401 westbound on/off ramp; • support the piping of the Amberlea Creek tributary; • ensure that development proposals are undertaken in a manner that do not adversely impact downstream water quality and quantity through of us of on-site controls. 5.0 RESULTS OF CIRCULATION 5.1 Resident Comments Vivian VandenHazel, 1575 Fairport Road, commented that in order to provide a buffer between the single family house located on the south side of Sheppard Avenue, east of Amberlea Creek and the proposed townhouse development, this property not be rezoned. She also commented on the following: the Amberlea Creek tributary should not be piped, drive-thru's should be eliminated to reduce pollution and noise; traffic and parking problems should be improved in the Quadrant prior to development occurring, and as much vegetation and open water courses should be maintained as possible (see Attachment #2); Lorelie Jones, on behalf of Hayes -Line Properties Inc., (778-790 Kingston Road; Wood, Carroll et al lands), requested revisions to Council's modifications that were intended to recognize the Ontario Municipal Board's decision on the public road issue, as it affects the Hayes -Line properties (see Attachment #3); Alex Artuchov, on behalf of Pickering Holdings and Michael Boyer Enterprises, is very concerned with the proposed policy requiring a mutual exchange of easements for access purposes, between the two properties (verbal); 5.2 Agency Comments none received to date; 5.3 Staff Comments staff has reviewed the amendment considering Council's direction at the June 17, 2002 meeting; the two concerns raised by Council, (ensuring the policy does not contain design encumbrances on the City -owned lands, but ensuring the policy does clearly state Council's position in support of piping the watercourse), are reflected in the proposed policy; although resident concerns raised to date appear similar to those raised during the Review, staff will give further consideration to comments of both residents and agencies in making final recommendations to Council. 6.0 PROCEDURAL INFORMATION 6.1 Official Plan Amendment Approval Authority the Region of Durham may exempt certain local official plan amendments from Regional approval if such applications are determined to be locally significant, and do not exhibit matters of Regional and/or Provincial interest; at this time, the Region has not yet determined whether this official plan amendment application is exempt from Regional Approval; Information Report No. 22-02 Page 5 6.2 General written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the Planning & Development Department; - oral comments may be made at the Public Information Meeting; all comments received will be noted and used as input in a Planning Report prepared by the Planning & Development Department for a subsequent meeting of Council or a Committee of Council; if you wish to reserve the option to appeal the decision on this Amendment, you must provide comments to the City before Council adopts any by-law for this proposal; if you wish to be notified of Council's adoption of any official plan amendment, you must request such in writing to the City Clerk; if you wish to be notified of the decision of the Region of Durham with respect to the proposed amendment to the official plan, you must make a written request to the Commissioner of Planning, Region of Durham Planning Department. 7.0 OTHER INFORMATION 7.1 Appendix I copy of the City -initiated proposed Pickering Official Plan Amendment; 7.2 Background Information copies of the following documents are available for viewing at the office of the City of Pickering Planning & Development Department: • Kingston Road — Whites Road Northeast Quadrant Transportation Study, Phase 1 Report • Kingston Road — Whites Road Northeast Quadrant Transportation Study, Phase 2 Report; • Amberlea Creek Northeast Quadrant — Assessment of Alternatives Report; and • Revised Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines; • Report to Council Number PD 23-02; and • Addendum Report to Council Number PD 23-02; 7.3 Development Applications a number of development applications have been submitted to develop lands in the Northeast Quadrant Area; the applications consistent with the provisions of the proposed amendment are continuing to be processed. Grant McGregor, MIP, RPP Principal Planner - Policy GM/td Attachments Copy: Director, Planning & Development Catherine L. Rose Manager, Policy 5 6 APPENDIX 1 TO INFORMATION REPORT No. 22- 02 PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE CITY OF PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN The purpose of this proposed amendment is to implement the results of the Northeast Quadrant Plan ie a requ a ertain amendments to the Pickering to reflect proposed changes to the Development Guidelines, in order to achieve a cohesive identity for the area, guide u de development on private property, and to provide Plicatiicke ing with a framework for reviewing development app LOCATION: The proposed amendment would apply to lands generally bounded by Kingston Road, Whites Road, and Sheppard Avenue, but also affected lands on the south side of Kingston Road, and on the west side of Whites Road. PURPOSE: PROPOSED BASIS: The Review has resulted in a renewed vision for the further growth and evolution of the Northeast Quadrant. The proposed Woodlands Neighbourhood Polices and revised Northeast Quadrant Guidelines establish a comprehensive framework for guiding private development and investment within the quadrant, while ensuring a sensitive 'fit' to the existing neighbourhood context. As well, the framework provides direction and guidance for the reorganization of the built and natural environments that promotes the transformation of this section of Kingston Road into a more vibrant'mainstreet'. Council of the City of Pickering passed Resolution #96/02, Item #1, at its meeting of June 17, 2002, which included initiating this proposed amendment to the Pickering Official Plan to implement the results of the Northeast Quadrant Review and an number of other associated recommendations. PROPOSED AMENDMENT: 7 The Pickering Official Plan be amended by: 1. Amending Schedule I - Land Use Structure by redesignating lands as follows: • the south-east quadrant of Whites Road and Sheppard Avenue from Mixed Use Areas - Mixed Corridors and Urban Residential Area - Low Density to Urban Residential Area - Medium Density; • the 'old' Dunbarton` School property from Other Designations - Urban Study Areas to Mixed Use Areas - Mixed Corridors; • the properties lying east of the `old' Dunbarton School property, west of the main Amberlea Creek tributary, and south of Sheppard Avenue, from Urban Residential Area - Medium Density to Mixed Use Areas - Mixed Corridors; and • the interior lands located north and east of Whites Road and Kingston Road from Urban Residential Area - Medium Density to Mixed Use Areas - Mixed Corridors, as illustrated on Schedule 'A' attached to this draft Amendment; 8 -2- 2. Amending Schedule II - Transportation System, to change the road classification of Delta Boulevard from local to Existing Collector Road, and to add a Future Collector Road, opposite the Highway 401 westbound on/off ramp to connect with Delta Boulevard, as illustrated on Schedule 'B' attached to this draft Amendment; 3. Revise policy 11.8 — Woodlands Neighbourhood Policies, by retaining the existing sections (a), (b) and (c), renumbering existing section (e) as (d), and adding new subsections (e) through (g) as follows: "11.8 City Council shall, (a) in the established residential areas along Highbush Trail, Old Forest Road, Rosebank Road and Sheppard Avenue,. encourage and where possible require new development to be compatible with the character of existing development; (b) encourage the introduction of uses and facilities into the neighbourhood that complement and support secondary school students and activities; (c) despite Table 6* of Chapter Three, establish a maximum residential density of 55 units per net hectare for lands located on the north side of Kingston Road that are designated Mixed Use Areas and abut lands developed as low density development; (d) accommodate future improvements to Sheppard Avenue and Rosebank Road within the existing 20 metre road allowance, except at intersections where additional road allowance width may be need to provide vehicular turning lanes; (e) to provide clearer direction for land use within the lands covered by the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines; (i) further its objective of transforming Kingston Road into a "mainstreet" for Pickering by requiring the placement of buildings to provide a strong and identifiable urban edge, the construction of some multi-storey buildings, and the provision of safe and convenient pedestrian access; accordingly, for the lands designated Mixed Use Areas - Mixed Corridor, City Council shall require, (A) buildings to be located close to the street edge, with the minimum specified percentage of their front walls required to be located within build -to - zones to be established in the implementing zoning by-laws for each site; (B) all buildings to be a minimum of two storeys in height; (C) commercial development to provide second storey functional floor space, with the minimum percentage of their gross floor area to be provided in second (or higher) storeys to be established in the implementing zoning by-laws for each project; Table 6 is attached to this Amendment for information purposes only; it does not constitute part of the Amendment. -3 - (ii) despite Table 10* of Chapter Three, establish a maximum residential density of 55 units per net hectare for lands located within the area governed by the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines that are designated Urban Residential - Medium Density, in light of their location abutting lands developed as low density development; (iii) despite 11.8(d)(ii) above, and Table 10* of Chapter Three, permit residential development below the minimum residential density of 30 units per net hectare for lands • on the south side of Sheppard Avenue; (iv) require new development to establish buildings on Whites Road and Sheppard Avenue close to the street edge, with the front doors facing the street, with a specified percentage of their front walls required to be located within build -to -zones to be established in the implementing zoning by-law for this site; (v) restrict the height of the Sheppard Avenue elevation of new dwellings fronting Sheppard Avenue to a maximum of two storeys; (vi) require a minimum of four functional storeys for the Whites Road elevations of new dwellings fronting Whites Road; (vii) recognize the existing low density development on Sheppard Avenue, and to this end, require the design of new residential or commercial development to be compatible with existing development with respect to such matters as building heights, yard setbacks, building orientation and massing, access to sunlight, and privacy; (viii) despite sections 3.6(b)*, 3.9(b)* and 15.38*, and Tables 5* and 9* of Chapter 3, prohibit the development of any new gas bars, automobile service stations, or car washes for lands designated Mixed Used Area - Mixed Corridors or Urban Residential — Medium Density; (ix) despite section 11.8(e)(C), the requirement for second storey functional floor space is not mandatory for the zoning approved by the Ontario Municipal Board issued on May 21, 2002 on the Hayes Line Properties Inc. lands, being Part of Lot 28, Range 3, Broke Front Concession, City of Pickering, (f) to provide clearer direction for transportation matters within and around the lands coveted by the Nottheast Quadrant Development Guidelines, (i) support shared access points between properties along Kingston Road, in consultation with the Region of Durham; (ii) endeavour to secure with the approval of the Ministry of Transportation and the Region of Durham, in consultation with the affected landowners(s), a signalized intersection for a future collector toad opposite the Highway 401 westbound on/off ramp; * Tables 5, 9 and 10 and sections 3.6(b), 3.9(b) and 15.38 are attached to this Amendment for information purposes only; they do not constitute part of the Amendment. 9 10 (g) -4- (iii) despite Section 4.10(c)(i)* and in accordance with Section 4.11(a)*, reduce the width of the future collector road to 10 metres, to the satisfaction of the City; (iv) restrict vehicular access from Whites Road to the property located at the south-east corner of Whites Road and Sheppard Avenue, in the future, to right-in/right-out turns only through the installment of a centre median down Whites Road between Sheppard Avenue and Dunfair Street; (v) promote the reduction of traffic speeds and improvement of pedestrian safety along Sheppard Avenue by implementing pavement markings and other measures, and considering "traffic -calming" techniques following the adoption of a City policy; (vi) require pedestrian access, by means of easements, from Delta Boulevard and from the future collector road through the old Dunbarton School site to Sheppard Avenue; (vii) require vehicular and pedestrian access, by means of easements, from Delta Boulevard to Whites Road; (viii) require easements to connect the old Dunbarton School site to the Mixed Corridor lands to the east; (ix) require easements across the lands located south of Kingston Road and west of Highway 401 westbound on/off ramp in order to provide access to Delta Boulevard; (x) despite the designation of a Collector Road on Schedule II — Transportation System, connecting the Highway 401 westbound ramp to Delta Boulevard, and Woodlands Neighbourhood Policy 11.8 (f)(iii), the implementation of the Collector Road through the Hayes Line Properties Inc. lands being Part of Lot 28, Range 3, Broke Front Concession, City of Pickering, is not mandatory for the zoning approved by the Ontario Municipal Board decision issued on May 21, 2002, and instead may be achieved by the provision of easements in favour of the City and abutting land owners granting access to the abutting easterly and westerly properties; to provide clearer direction for environmental and stormwater management matters respecting the Amberlea Creek tributary that flows through lands covered by the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines, * Sections 14.10(c)(i) and 14.11(a) are attached to this Amendment for information purposes only; they do not constitute part of the Amendment. -5- 11 (i) support the principle of piping the Amberlea Creek tributary that flows through the Northeast Quadrant lands and, at the same time, recognizing the interests of landowners within the Northeast Quadrant on whose lands Amberlea Creek tributary flows to pipe that tributary, and the interests of the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority to maintain the Amberlea Creek tributary through the Northeast Quadrant lands as an open and buffered creek channel; (ii) require any developer of lands within the Northeast Quadrant proposing to pipe or relocate the Amberlea Creek tributary to: (A) submit an environmental / stormwater management report, to the satisfaction of the City and the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, which report must demonstrate a strategy resulting in a significant net environmental benefit to the watershed if justifying piping of the creek, (B) obtain appropriate approvals and permits from public review agencies; and (C) satisfy any required compensation under the Fisheries Act; and (iii) ensure that development proposals ate undertaken in a manner that does not adversely impact downstream water quality and quantity through the use of on-site controls and/or financial contributions to a downstream stormwater facility if necessary; and (h) to provide additional direction on implementation matters for lands covered by the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines, (i) through the use of the holding provisions of the Planning Act, require where necessary, proponents to enter into agreements with the City, Region and other agencies as appropriate, respecting various development related matters including but not limited to: the construction of a collector road across their lands to the City's satisfaction and conveying the road to the City upon completion; entering into cost sharing agreements between each other where mutual shared access is necessary; providing or exchanging easements over lands where necessary; payment of study costs; and providing contributions to the cost of a downstream stormwater management facility, if necessary." 4. Delete in its entirety, section 3.16, Urban Study Area: Old Dunbarton School policies, which policies identify that City Council shall, following the results of an appropriate land use, transportation and design study, establish appropriate land use designations and policies for the subject lands, by amendment. Goss Reference: My -initiated: Northeast O`Mryd Area OPA02002. Aiy 29.2002 12 - 6 - Selected Policy Extracts from the Pickering Official Plan Referred to in the Potential Amendment Provided for Information Purposes Only — Not Part of Potential Amendment TABLE 5 1 1 Mixed Use Areas j Permissible Uses I Subcategory I i 1 (Restrictions and limitations on the uses permissible, arising from other 1 policies of this Plan, will be detailed in zoiiing hy-laws)... 1 Residential; 1 1 I I Retailing of goods and services generally serving the needs of the I 1 surrounding neighbourhoods; IOffices and restaurants; I I Local Nodes Community Nodes Mixed Corridors Downtown Core 3.6 City Council, Community, cultural and recreational uses. All uses permissible in Local Nodes, at a larger scale and intensity, and serving a broader area. All uses permissible in Local Nodes and Community Nodes, at a I 1 I scale and intensity equivalent to Community Nodes; Special purpose commercial uses. All uses permissible in Local Nodes and Community Nodes, at the greatest scale and intensity in the City, serving City-wide and regional Ilevels; Special purpose commercial uses. (a) —; (b) may zone lands designated Mixed Use Areas for one or more purposes as set out in Table 5, and in so doing will apply appropriate performance standards, restrictions and provisions, including those set out in Table 6; - 7 - Selected Policy Extracts from the Pickering Official Plan Referred to in the Potential Amendment Provided for Information Purposes Only — Not Part of Potential Amendment TABLE 6 ' I i i I I • Mixed Usei Maximum and Minimum Maximum Gross I Maximum Areas ••••• 1 Net Residential Density Leasable Flootspace for I Floorspace Index 1 Subcategory I (in dwellings per hectare) the Retailing of Goods 1 (total building I I i i 1 and Services I floorspace divided (in square metres) I by total lot area) 1 • Local Nodes over 30 and up to and I including 80 • Community 1 over 80 and up to and NodesI including 140 - • Mixed over 30 and up to and Corridors including 140 up to and including 10,000 I up to and including I I 2.0 FSI up to and including 20,000 I up to and including I 2.5 FSI determined by site-specific I up to and including zoning 2.5 FSI Downtown 1 over 80 and up to and I up to and including 300,000 I up to and including Core I including 180 1.I 3.0 FSI • ; r TABLE 9i ; I 1 : I Permissible Uses (Restrictions and 1 I Designation I limitations on the uses permissible, arising from I other policies of this Plan, will be detailed in I ; I zoning by-laws.) ! i .• Urban Residential Residential uses, home occupations, limited Areas offices serving the area, and limited . . retailing of goods and services serving the I area; I Community, cultural and recreational uses; i Compatible employment uses, and compatible special purpose commercial I uses serving the area. 3.9 City Council, (a) ...; (b) may zone lands designated Urban .Residential Areas for one or more purposes as set out in Table 9, and in so doing will apply appropriate performance standards, restrictions and provisions, including those set out in Table 10; 1 . TABLE 10 1 E I Maximum and Minimum i Residential Area i Net Residential Density I Subcategory • I • I (in dwellings per net hectare) I 1 I , . I1 Low Density Area - • . 1 up to and including 30 ; t I Medium Density Area I over 30 and up to and including 80 ; I i ! I High Density Area i over 80 and up to and including 140 1 I I 13 14 -8- Selected Policy Extracts from the Pickering Official Plan Referred to in the Potential Amendment Provided for Information Purposes Only — Not Part of Potential Amendment 4.10 City Council shall, (a) ..; (b) •; (c) recognize the following municipal road categories, wherein, (i) Collector Roads: generally provide access to individual properties, to local roads, to other collector roads and to Type C arterial roads; carry greater volumes of traffic than local roads, including automobiles, pedestrians, bicycles and transit; and generally have a right-of-way width ranging from 20 to 22 metres; and 4.11 Despite section 4.10, City Council may, (a) vary road right-of-way widths, and related road category intersection criteria, for roads under its jurisdiction and which are not designated on Map 'B' of the Durham Regional Official Plan, either upward or downward, without amendment to this Plan, where circumstances warrant such action, including, (i) at intersections to improve sight -lines, accommodate turning movements, and provide for transit stops; (ii) for traffic calming purposes, and to provide for the installation, where warranted, of traffic circles and other similar features; (iii)where rear yard lanes are provided; (iv) to avoid providing excessively wide roads or boulevards; and (v) to improve streetscapes and/or reduce the crossing distance between buildings and activities on opposite sides of a street; and 15.38 Within the urban area or within a rural hamlet, City Council may approve a site specific zoning by-law with appropriate provisions and restrictions, to permit a retail gasoline outlet in any land use designation except Open Space - Natural Areas, provided, (a) the retail gasoline outlet maintains the goals, objectives and policies of this Plan; (b) the retail gasoline outlet obtains access from an arterial road as identified on Schedule II; (c) the retail gasoline outlet is not located adjacent to or opposite a school; (d) the number of retail gasoline outlets is limited to a maximum of two outlets within 100 metres of any intersection; and (e) the retail gasoline outlet will not adversely affect the safe and convenient movement of pedestrian and vehicular traffic. SCHEDULE 'A' • EDESIGNATE FROM 'MIXED USE AREAS -MIXED CORRIDORS' AND 'URBAN RESIDENTIAL AREAS -LOW DENSRY AREAS' TO 'URBAN RESIDENTIAL AREAS -MEDIUM DENSITY' REDESIGNATE FROM 'OTHER DESIGNATIONS -URBAN STUDY AREAS' TO 'MIXED USE AREAS -MIXED CORRIDORS' REDESIGNATE FROM 'URBAN RESI ENTIAL r AREAS -MEDIUM DENSITY AREAS' TO 'MIXED �' USE ARIAS -MIXED CORRIDORS' CT EXTRACT FROM SCHEDULE I TO THE PI1CKERINTG OFFICIAL PLAN , �''�7I OPENalNATUARAL AREAS SYSTEM EDITION 2 SHEET 1 OF 3 0 JULY. 2002 Ia.. R ,. o TM..T M 14162‘..1.131 ° M . ®ACTIVE RECREATIONAL AREAS MARINA AREAS MIXED USE AREAS LOCAL NODES . COMMUNITY NODES MIXED CORRIDORS LAND USE STRUCTURE EMPLOYMENT AREAS ® PRESTIGE EMPLOYMENT URBAN RESIDENTIAL AREAS LOW DENSITY AREAS MEDIUM DENSRY AREAS FREEWAYS AND MAJOR UTILITIES CONTROLLED ACCESS AREAS OTHER DESIGNATIONS URBAN STUDY AREAS SCHEDULE 'B' 4 1 ADD NEW COLLECTOR ROAD H CY 0 1 c( 'P• ,AVE. HANGE FROM LOCAL ROAD TO COLLECTOR ROAD P PA7)./ 22 ►i► EXTRACT FROM SCHEDULE IITO THE PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN b EDITION 2 TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM - FREEWAYS s TYPE A ARTERIAL ROADS TYPE B ARTERIAL ROADS TYPE C ARTERIAL ROADS COLLECTOR ROADS LOCAL ROADS 0 FREEWAY INTERCHANGES +++++s.111111111111111 — RAILWAYS GO RAIL TRANSIT SPINES FUTURE NW IN NI Ol MI IN ifl- 414- `• Of MpA�u air Twww+�"1" cr.=n H III HFIE fi' D ATTACHMENT#ATO INFORMATION REPQRT# 22-G2. In 05 =� BURN mnn CRESCENT LAN I1IIVIUB� .off# 1 J'�` �111Ii� Innunnu FLAVELLE COURT Illgl� = SAYp,FLO �I == O:TREET x=1111 :lull! 1�111i11 i u111111u a(�r14���= X SOUARE �p N� O � DI �s111►� J 8) RAIL u == U _= YBURN V_ O1n1.. :Illllii SQUARE SHEPPARD I11I tU 4 1 •J CATTAIL II1►i RAINY DAY i l `o DAYLIGHT AVENU 1 STEEPLE HILL UN 1 PP O //Iul�� 0 "� <-N®u11111131 �`, . pp��W)NGAR1111111111 STROUDS _ e_ KINGAROEN CRSS. e,� ��y= �. a 111111 1111111 „� HEDGEROW __ o� �` ,� y3� — _ ��� —I _��NEM �2_� -_ 0=� AVENUE ==61111 I.s R -�i/1111111111N �� W JACQUELINE' OF - =11111111111111111 ii►i\ li ink A CRT. NO 1<*� um �11111�111�1111111101n11111 ■IIIN11111l�1111111Il111111iiii®oo 1M11EE AVENUE i /i(illl 11111 0 EOGEWOOD LRUS STREET =1111== 'gym SHAOYSROOK SHEPPARO m 1 M L t p * b,O� NOP' �\GN 5 a I C SSG ,io a0� '111111 11� 1111111 11C BR DRIVE G o'� E Q a �ACity of Pickering 111 O 0, 11111 uE A AVENUE I I I MORETTA AVENU SANOK VICKI 1111 6 W u T N SAMFORD 11) I ORIVE ILII U p Planning & Development Department 11": NORTHEAST QUADRANT REVIEW AREA 11nu�� N DATE JULY 26, 2002 1 18 RECEIVED JUL 202002 CITY OF DICKERING PLANNING ND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ATTACHMENT 0.2. --TO INFORMATION REPORT# 22-02 Vivian VandenHazel 1757 Fairport Rd. Pickering, On L1V 1T1 July 18,2002 Grant McGregor Planner City of Pickering, Planning Department Dear Mr. McGregor, Re:Proposed Pickering Official Plan Amendment Northeast Quadrant Review I have suggestions regarding the above noted amendment. In order to provide a buffer between the single family homes on the south side of Sheppard and the proposed town- house development do not rezone the one single family home adjacent to Amberlea tributary. Maintain this residence as is. Do not pipe the creek, develop it as open space/park. This is much fairer to the adjacent residents. Eliminate drive throughs to reduce pollution and noise. Improve the traffic and parking problems in the NE quadrant prior to development occurring. The TSH traffic study states intersections are operating at or above capacity at peak times now. The on road parking restriction at the corner of Sheppard and Whites must be enforced. The stormwater management pond can be developed without tunnelling these tributaries. Maintain as much vegetation and open water courses as possible. Do not turn this area into a sea of concrete. Vivian VandenHazel• CC / AnHa tENTL.3_TO INFORMATION REPORT# 22- C)2 lorel ;; On es associates July 26, 2002 City of Pickering Planning Department One, The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L1V 6K7 Attention: Neil Carroll, MCIP, RPP Director of Planning Dear Mr. Carroll r•� 19 RECEJ , f; 7 JUL292002 CITY OF PICK RING • MID DEVELOPMENTNL PM.Kh•,N Re: Northeast Quadrant Review 778 — 790 Kingston Road Hayes Line Properties Inc. I am writing on behalf of my client Hayes Line Properties Inc. who own the lands at 778 — 790 Kingston Road with respect to the proposed Official Plan amendment for the Northeast Quadrant. As you know, we have been involved in the study since it's beginning and have provided input throughout the process. In addition, I attended two public meeting with respect to this matter in May and June of this year and provided my comments to Council at this time. I will not be able to attend the next public meeting which scheduled for August 8, 2002 and would therefore like to go on record again with respect to our opposition to the proposed Official Plan amendment for the Northeast Quadrant as it relates to this property. As you know, a rezoning application was submitted for the subject property in June 2000 and went to an Ontario Municipal Board hearing in February of this year. The Board decision which is dated May 21, 2002 dealt with a number of the same issues for our property as are currently being raised through the proposed Northeast Quadrant Official Plan amendment. The City took the position at the hearing that there should be a public road through the subject property. The Board decision indicated that based on the evidence, which included the City's, own transportation consultant, that a public road was net necessary on the subject property as long as easements were provided. The City is now proposing to show a public collector road in the Official Plan across the Hayes Line Properties land. The Board also dealt with the issue of a minimum height of two functional storeys. We took the position that it was not necessary to have a functional second storey for the proposed commercial development but that we would provide a minimum two storey height and the Board agreed. The City is now proposing to require a minimum height of two functional storeys far commercial development on the subject property. - We realize that the city has now added two clauses to the proposed Official Plan amendment that recognizes the zoning on the subject property that was approved by the Board. However if we want to develop the site in a different manner to respond to a new end user for Planning Consulting 950 Silver Birch Trail, Mississauga, Ontario L5) 4C1 Tel: 905-855-8222 • Fax: 905-855-9973 • E-mail:lja@rogers.com 20 ATTACHMENT#aTO INFORMATION REPORT# Lorelei on es & associates 2 example, we would need to amend the zoning. Once we amend the zoning we would then be required to provide for a public road and a functional second storey. We do not feel that it is reasonable to impose either of these requirements when these issues were fairly vetted through an Ontario Municipal Board hearing and were denied. We are not opposed to redesignating the northern portion of the subject property from Medium Density Residential to Mixed Use Areas — Mixed Corridors. However we do object to amending Schedule II to add a future collector road on the subject property and to clauses 11.8 (e)(i)(C), 11.8(e)(vii) and 11.8(f)(x). We would be satisfied with the proposed Official Plan amendment if clause 11.8(e)(vii) were amended to read: "despite section 11.8(e)(i)(C), the requirements for second storey functional floor space is not mandatory on the Hayes Line Properties Inc lands being Part of Lat 28, Range 3, Broken Front Concession, City of Pickering." and if clause 11.8(f)(x) were amended to read: "despite the designation of a Collector Road on Schedule I — Transportation System, connecting the Highway 401 westbound ramp to Delta Boulevard, and Woodlands Neighbourhood Policy 11.8 (f)(iii), the implementation of the Collector Road through the Hayes Line Properties Inc. lands being Part of Lot 28, Range 3, Broken Front Concession, City of Pickering is not mandatory and may instead may achieved by the provision of easements in favour of the City and abutting landowners granting access to abutting easterly and westerly properties." We feel very strongly about this position and if the City insists on adopting the Official Plan amendment as currently proposed, we intend to appeal it to the Ontario Municipal Board. I trust that our position is clear; however, if you require any further clarification, please contact me. Thank you. Yours truly Lorelei Jones, MCIP, RPP Planning Consultant cc. Hayes Line Properties Ron Hawkshaw