HomeMy WebLinkAboutInformation Report 25-01028 INFORMATION REPORT NO. 25-01 FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING OF September 20, 2001 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PUBLIC MEETING REQUIREMENTS OF THE PLANNING ACT, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13 SUBJECT: Revised Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 99-004/P(R) Revised Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 22/99(R) Pickering Harbour Company Part of Lot 23, Range 3, B.F.C. (Lands on the west side of Liverpool Road, and south of Wharf Street) City of Pickering -AND- Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 13/01 Pickering Harbour Company (formerly 3444309 Canada Inc. — Coolwater Farms) Part of Lot 22, Range 3, B.F.C. (Lands on the east side of Liverpool Road, and south of Wharf Street) City of Pickering 1.0 PROPERTY LOCATIONS AND DESCRIPTION the subject lands are approximately 4.77 hectares in size, and are generally located on the east and west side of Liverpool Road, and south of Wharf Street; a property location map is provided for reference (see Attachment #1); the lands fronting on the west side of Liverpool Road are approximately 2.46 hectares in size, and currently support an active marina operation, including boat storage, docks and ancillary administrative and marina -support buildings; it is our understanding that a maximum of approximately 200 boats are accommodated by the existing marina operation; - these lands provide additional street frontage onto Wharf Street, and water frontage. onto Frenchman's Bay, and are locally -known as East Shore Marina; existing marina and residential uses abut these lands to the north and northwest; proposed mixed residential / commercial buildings are located to the east across Liverpool Road (owned by Glenbrook Homes — formerly Hilts); and Swan's Marina and a restaurant use are located to the south; - the lands on the east side of Liverpool Road (directly southeast of East Shore Marina) are approximately 2.31 hectares in size, and currently support an abandoned fish farm operation, including a vacant office building (approximately 410 square metres in size) and associated storage tanks; these lands are locally -known as Coolwater Farms; the Hydro Marsh abuts the north and east side of these lands; both a water treatment facility and the Glenbrook Homes property are located immediately to the north; a City parking area abuts a southwest comer of these lands; and a tributary of Krosno Creek is located to the south. Information Report No. 25-01 Page 2 029 2.0 APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL - the applicant proposes to amend the Pickering Official Plan and Zoning By-laws 2511 and 2520 to permit development as follows: • retain and upgrade the existing marina operation on part of the East Shore Marina lands, and relocate and establish associated marina support uses, including boat storage and administrative operations on the Coolwater Farms property; • establish approximately 66 townhouse dwelling units on the remaining part of the East Shore Marina lands, with some dwelling units fronting Liverpool Road providing the opportunity for potential ground floor commercial uses, (which may include the retailing of goods and services, and offices), and, • establish additional uses on the Coolwater Farms property, including up to approximately 1,070 square metres of future commercial uses (which may include the retailing of goods and services, offices and restaurants) abutting Liverpool Road, and seasonal public parking. the Applicant's Proposed Site Concept (both Phase 1 and 2) are provided for reference (see Attachment #2 and #3 respectively); the residential development on the west side of Liverpool Road would be condominium townhouses, served by private lanes, with individual garages and driveways; - a "village promenade", with associated "village greens", would run west from Liverpool Road and terminate at Frenchman's Bay, and could be accessed by both residents and the public; - the residential dwelling units fronting Liverpool Road would be three storeys in height, and would be zoned to allow for the opportunity to establish small-scale commercial uses, including offices, personal service uses, and limited retail uses, within the ground floor; - the proposed 26 dwelling units fronting Liverpool Road provide the opportunity for a maximum of approximately 1,300 square metres (approximately 50 square metres per dwelling unit) of non-residential space within the ground floors of those dwelling units; the applicant, since submitting the original site concepts, has revised the configuration of those dwelling units fronting Liverpool Road to create "clusters" of units at certain street "focal points"; the Applicant's Revised. Plan — Liverpool Road Units is provided for reference (see Attachment #4); the existing marina operation on the west side of Liverpool Road is proposed to continue operating; however, certain aspects of the marina support uses, including seasonal boat storage and administrative offices, would be relocated to the Coolwater Farms property; a net increase in land devoted to the marina operation is proposed, and the ability for an increase in the amount of boats stored seasonally is envisioned; - the applicant has noted that the Coolwater Farms property will be in the same ownership as the East Shore Marina lands, and appropriate easements, right-of-ways and / or agreements on title will be secured to ensure mutual and convenient access between both properties over the long term is provided; the marina functions proposed for the west side of Liverpool Road include: • a new dock master building (with facilities serving the boating public, including a boater's supply store, washrooms, laundry facilities, a lounge area and marina staff facilities); • a travel way to allow a travel lift to transport boats (to and from the water, and to and from the proposed boat storage area on the east side of Liverpool Road); • typical boat launch facilities and associated equipment; • open space areas along Frenchman's Bay serving boaters, including picnic areas; and, Information Report No. 25-01 030 Page 3 • security -gated docks and a vehicular "drop-off' and parking area accessed by boaters; the marina functions proposed for the east side of Liverpool Road include: • marina administration offices, boat repair facilities and marina support uses (including boat sales offices and marina retail uses) within the existing two storey building, which is proposed to be upgraded; and, • winter boat storage, both external and within future boat storage sheds, for in excess of 230 boats of varying sizes, in Phase 1 (see Attachment #2); the applicant further proposes to provide the opportunity for public parking on part of the Coolwater Farms lands, to be leased by the City of Pickering on a seasonal basis, as an extension to the existing City -owned parking lot at the foot of Liverpool Road; the option for future mixed use commercial development oriented towards Liverpool Road is proposed within the north-west sector of the Coolwater Farms property (see Attachment #3); the applicant's Phase 2 concept plan indicates the potential for approximately 1,070 square metres of retail floor space with two future buildings. 3.0 BACKGROUND - Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment applications (OPA 99-004/P and A 22/99), submitted by the Pickering Harbour Company in July, 1999, were tabled by City Council on June 19, 2000; - those applications proposed redevelopment of only the lands on the west side of Liverpool Road; - the July 1999 applications proposed a phased development consisting of 40 townhouse dwelling units (adjacent to Liverpool Road and Wharf Street) in the first phase, and a mixed use block (adjacent to the waterfront) including the potential for a marina, a 140 -unit hotel / apartment complex, restaurant, retail, entertainment and office uses, and a public walkway in the second phase; - a substantial amount of bay -fill was proposed to provide additional area to support the second phase of development; - recommendations for, and Council's consideration of, the original development proposal, was contemplated for June, 2001; - however, the owner requested that Council delay consideration of their original applications and recommendations for both the Liverpool Road South Area Detailed Review and City -initiated Official Plan Amendment Application (OPA 01-001/P) in order to consider and review a revised preliminary development concept for their lands; the applicant has provided several revised plans in response to input from stakeholders since June, 2001; the Pickering Harbour Company will be acquiring the Coolwater Farms property (they currently have a signed agreement of purchase and sale), with the closing date scheduled for September 14, 2001; the applicant's proposed development will be reviewed by the City within the context of the Liverpool Road South Area Detailed Review process, the implementing City -initiated amendments to the Pickering Official Plan (OPA 01-001/P) and related Liverpool Road Waterfront Node Development Guidelines; - a similar application proposing 17 townhouse units fronting the east side of Liverpool Road with the option for ground floor commercial uses (proposed by Glenbrook Homes — formerly Hilts — Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 23/99) was approved by Council in June, 2000, subject to conditions being fulfilled; - related draft plan of subdivision application SP -2001-03 is in process, and an implementing zoning by-law is scheduled to be considered by City Council on October 1, 2001, for that development; - design details of that proposal are being reviewed in conjunction with the Pickering Harbour Company applications to ensure coordinated development and an appropriate streetscape is achieved. Page4 031 Information Report No. 25-01 4.0 OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING 4.1 Durham Regional Official Plan the Durham Regional Official Plan designates all of the subject lands Major Open Space System - Waterfront, and identifies lands surrounding Frenchman's Bay as a Waterfront Place; - Waterfront Places shall be developed as focal points along the Lake Ontario waterfront, and exhibit a mix of uses and attract people for a variety of reasons; predominant uses within Waterfront Places may include marina, recreational, tourist and cultural and community uses; residential and employment opportunities may be permitted, which support and complement the predominant uses; the applicant's proposals appear to conform to this designation; the Regional Plan further outlines considerations when reviewing development proposal within Waterfront Places, and details additional criteria to be addressed in an Environmental Impact Study supporting development proposals. 4.2 Pickering Official Plan the Pickering Official Plan designates all of the lands west of Liverpool Road and a majority of the lands east of Liverpool Road as Open Space System - Marina Area within the Bay Ridges Neighbourhood; permissible uses within this designation include marinas, yacht clubs and ancillary uses, as well as marina supportive uses, restaurants, limited retail uses and limited residential uses in conjunction with marinas and yacht clubs; - no minimum or maximum density provisions are established for residential development proposed within this designation; the proposed residential development would provide a net site density of approximately 35.1 units per hectare (based on 66 dwelling units located on 1.88 hectares of lands) — the proposed retained marina lands and the Coolwater Farms lands do not form part of the 1.88 hectare residential lands; the applicant proposes to amend the uses permitted by the Official Plan, as they pertain to the lands west of Liverpool Road, by adding "limited office" uses, and deleting the terms "limited" and "in conjunction with marinas and yacht clubs" to describe the type of permissible residential development within this designation; - a copy of the applicant's proposed Official Plan Amendment is enclosed (see Appendix II); - no amendments to the Official Plan are required to accommodate the proposed development on the lands east of Liverpool Road; the Pickering Official Plan designates a south and east edge of the lands east of Liverpool Road as Open Space System — Natural Area; permissible uses within this designation include conservation, environmental protection, restoration, education, passive recreation and similar uses; portions of the subject lands, including the Frenchman's Bay shoreline and portions of the lands east of Liverpool Road, are identified as Shoreline and Stream Corridors, recognizing lands generally associated with water bodies and stream corridors that may be affected by flooding, slope instability and / or erosion; as required by Section 15.9 of the Official Plan, an Environmental Report is required in support of these applications (including at least the minimum information prescribed in section 15.11 of the Plan); - through that Report, significant and sensitive environmental features will be identified, and appropriate protection and mitigation measures would be determined; 032 Information Report No. 25-01 Page 5 - City Council, through section 10.14 of the Pickering Official Plan, recognizes the ecological, cultural, recreational and economic significance of Frenchman's Bay and the Lake Ontario Waterfront, and accordingly, shall, among other things: • designate the shoreline of Frenchman's Bay and the Lake Ontario Waterfront as part of Shoreline and Stream Corridors to increase awareness of this area; • permit uses and activities along and adjacent to Frenchrnan's Bay and the Lake Ontario Waterfront that promote the area as attractive, healthy and accessible, while protecting and / or enhancing ecological systems and the character of abutting neighbourhoods; and, • require, where appropriate, the recommendations of an Environmental Report (prepared in support of a development application) to be implemented; the subject lands fall within a Detailed Review Area, where Council may require the completion of development guidelines for the Area prior to considering development applications; the applicant's proposal is being reviewed within the context of the on-going Liverpool Road South Area Detailed Review process; the applicant has opted to revise and maintain the proposed site-specific Official Plan Amendment (OPA 99-004/P) applicable to the lands west of Liverpool Road; however, should City -initiated Official Plan Amendment application OPA 01-001/P (intended to implement the Liverpool Road Waterfront Node Development Guidelines) amend the Official Plan in a manner that will allow the applicant's proposed development, then the site-specific Amendment would be withdrawn; - Section 15.5 of the Pickering Official Plan states that when considering applications to amend the Plan, City Council shall consider the overall benefit to the community of the proposal, and accordingly, shall: • require all applications to be accompanied by a Planning Analysis (evaluating the proposal against the relevant goals, objectives, and general intent and purpose of the Plan); and, • discourage amendments that are contrary to the goals, objectives and general intent and purpose of the Plan; in June, 2000, City. Council adopted in principle the "Liverpool Road Waterfront Node Development Guidelines" as the City's strategy for detailed land use, urban design and major street layout within the Liverpool Road South Area; - the vision described in those Guidelines includes: • a "waterfront village" with a mix of use that is open, accessible and friendly; and an interesting place to visit, work and live; • an area providing seasonal marina facilities with some opportunities for visiting boaters, and additional land-based recreation and tourism opportunities to attract visitors from the surrounding area; • the maintenance of views to the water and streets that act as public open spaces; • a high level of streetscape design and quality; • the continuation of marina uses as a key character -setting element of the village; and, • a variety of other uses that provides opportunities for people to live, work, shop and play within the area, including residential development, retail operations, personal service uses, offices, studios and restaurants, in addition to marina -related activities; preliminary review of the applicant's proposal suggests that the main elements envisioned in the Liverpool Road Waterfront Node Development: Guidelines have been incorporated into their proposed development plan; amendments to the Pickering Official Plan are required to implement the applicant's proposed development; Information Report No. 25-01 Page6 033 - the proposed Draft Pickering Official Plan Amendment prepared by the applicant is provided as Appendix II to this Report. 4.3 Zoning By-law - all of the subject lands on the west side of Liverpool Road are zoned "03B" — Waterfront Zone, by Zoning By-law 2511, as amended; - this zoning permits marina and marina support uses, but does not permit residential uses or commercial uses not associated with a marina; - all of the subject lands on the east side of Liverpool Road are zoned "M4" — Aquaculture Facility Zone, by Zoning By-laws 2511 and 2520, as amended by By-law 2050/85; - this zoning • permits only an aquaculture facility (an operation pertaining to the hatching, cultivating, growing and processing of fish) on those lands; - an amendment to the zoning by-law is required to implement the applicant's proposed development. 5.0 RESULTS OF CIRCULATION (See Attachments #5 and #6) 5.1 Resident Comments - no resident comments have been received to -date; 5.2 Agency Comments Veridian Connections expressed no objections to these applications, and outlined a number of conditions they require to be fulfilled respecting electrical service to the proposed development (see Attachment #5); No Objections or Concerns: - Durham District School Board (see Attachment #6). 5.3 Staff Comments 5.3.1 Official Plan Amendment the applicant will be submitting the required Planning Analysis to support the proposed official plan amendment in the near future; - preliminary review suggests that the applicant's submitted official plan amendment contains insufficient detail to control resultant development; additional neighbourhood policies may be required; through verbal discussions with the applicant, we understand that he is requesting the City to accept this proposal as being consistent with the vision contemplated for the Liverpool Road Waterfront Node, but an alternate development design to the design that was contemplated through the City's draft official plan amendment (OPA 01-001/P) presented in May, 2001; - we understand that the applicant is further suggesting that if the City considers it appropriate to revise the City -initiated amendment in a manner that permits the applicant's proposed development, that they would withdraw their private amendment (OPA 99-004(R)); staff is still reviewing this matter in some detail; preliminary review suggests the proposal contains sufficient lands for a working marina use, while providing additional area for residential uses, and the opportunity for grade -related commercial uses along Liverpool Road; staff is still not satisfied with the details of the proposal with respect to the ability for some retail / office / personal services uses to be provided immediately along Liverpool Road (without renovation or conversion of residential floor space); both staff and the applicant are actively discussing this issue in detail. 034 Information Report No. 25-01 Page 7 5.3.2 Environmental Considerations when received, the applicant's Environmental Report, and other supporting technical reports (including grading and drainage plans and a comprehensive stormwater management plan), will be evaluated to review proposed methods, and must: • ensure the protection and / or improvement to existing natural features and habitats, including, but not limited to, the Hydro Marsh and Frenchman's Bay; • maintain or improve existing surface water quality and quantity, reviewing methods of stormwater management, and assessing impacts on surrounding natural habitats; • determine any potential negative impacts on aquatic habitats, both in Frenchman's Bay and the Hydro Marsh resulting from the proposed development, and suggest mitigation measures to be implemented; and, • consider tree and vegetation preservation on the Coolwater Farms lands, and the identification of areas requiring protection, restoration and / or rehabilitation; staff will be exploring opportunities for lands supporting significant natural features (particularly portions of the Hydro Marsh encroaching into the Coolwater Farms property) to be publicly -acquired to promote further protection of those lands; and, technical reports submitted in conjunction with the applicant's proposal will be reviewed to determine their adequacy, both through review by City Staff and appropriate agencies (the applicant is currently preparing an Environmental Report in support of these applications, and will also be required to prepare preliminary grading and drainage plans, a stormwater management plan and a tree and vegetation inventory and preservation plan). 5.3.3 Marina Land Uses - preliminary review suggests that the proposal can ensure that an active, vibrant working marina use is maintained and continues to be a predominant use within the Liverpool Road South Area; - staff are currently working with the applicant to prepare a draft agreement(s) that will maintain an interconnection between the marina activities on the west side of Liverpool Road and those activities proposed on the Coolwater Farms property, and are exploring other appropriate mechanisms to achieve an interconnection between these properties (including right-of-ways and easement); additional information from the applicant is required to understand the expandability of the improved marina operation, including the securement of appropriate local seasonal boat storage; staff, with assistance from the City's Legal Department, are reviewing the proposed crossing of a boat travel lift through Liverpool Road between the subject properties, and addressing any negative impacts or potential conflicts with that arrangement; staff is working with the applicant to encourage public access to the proposed marina through both formal and informal arrangements; - additional information is required from the applicant to understand and review proposed boat storage techniques, including the location and details of buildings on the Coolwater Farms property supporting stacked boat storage; additional information is required from the applicant demonstrating that an appropriate Liverpool Road streetscape is maintained where boat storage is proposed abutting that street, and that mitigation measures and landscaping improvements to maintain a high-quality streetscape are implemented; additional information from the applicant is required confirming that bay -fill is not required to accommodate development, and that appropriate edge management of the Frenchman's Bay shoreline (to define and stabilize it) is encouraged; staff encourages the restoration and rehabilitation of the Coolwater Farms property, including reuse of existing infrastructure where appropriate; and Information Report No. 25-01 Page 8 , 5.3.4 Residential Land Uses preliminary review suggests that the mix of marina, residential and other mixed commercial uses can co -exist and be compatible with surrounding existing and proposed uses, if designed carefully; residential uses are supported to encourage a base residential population in the Liverpool Road South Area that will support local businesses and activities, and maintain a presence of people in the area on a year round basis; preliminary review suggests that design details of the proposed residential development can ensure compatibility of the resultant scale, character and relationships of the new development with surrounding development (including visibility, development intensity, access and parking areas, massing and design of buildings, landscaping, fencing, building materials, etc.); the future implementing zoning by-law and review of associated development applications (site plan approval and draft plan of condominium) will assist in ensuring that resultant development maintains the envisioned "Great Lakes Nautical Village" theme espoused through the Liverpool Road South Area Detailed Review process; and, through the detailed design of the residential lands and through future agreements, the establishment of private outdoor amenity areas serving residential units fronting Liverpool Road along that street will be discouraged; 5.3.5 Commercial/Retail Uses the vision along Liverpool Road is to encourage retail, personal service and office uses to be developed along both sides of Liverpool Road, at varying sizes, both seasonally and year-round, in a manner that encourages street activity on Liverpool Road and is compatible with surrounding existing and proposed residential development; staff are not yet convinced that the applicant's proposal adequately allows for "easy conversion" of ground floor space within dwelling units fronting Liverpool Road for commercial uses to sufficiently meet the City's vision; staff are still discussing, with the applicant, the required minimum ground floor area for proposed units fronting Liverpool Road, to encourage a variety of non-residential uses to be established in these units; staff supports the early construction of the proposed future commercial buildings located on the Coolwater Farms property; accordingly, staff needs to further review the Phase II design for the Coolwater Farms property to ensure commercial, boat storage and parking uses are all accommodated; and, staff is considering the appropriateness of establishing non-residential "focal points" along Liverpool Road (where a higher intensity of non-residential activities are located), as proposed by the applicant; 5.3.6 Required Future Development Applications ensuring additional related development applications including appropriate site plan applications and draft plan of condominium application, will be required should the proposal be approved; future agreements necessary to implement the proposed development in a coordinated manner will be required; and, the exact boundaries of the proposed development precincts, considering natural features, technical requirements and other development activities on the subject lands (and assessing alternatives, if warranted), will be reviewed following receipt and review of the technical information; 5.3.7 Zoning Matters - should the proposal be approved, the by-law would have to identify appropriate zoning standards to respect and protect natural features; the implications of the proposed condominium tenure of development will have to be considered further to determine if it will require any unique zoning standards; 0 3 6 Information Report No. 25-01 Page 9 should the proposal be approved, the by-law would have to establish appropriate zoning provisions that encourage a broad mix of non-residential, grade related uses within residential units fronting Liverpool Road; and, staff is considering the use of an (H) — Holding Zone to be applied to dwelling units fronting Liverpool Road as a way to ensure minimum design criteria is achieved within the ground floor of dwelling units to support future conunercial uses; 5.3.8 Other Considerations staff suggest that the proposed seasonal public parking lot on the Coolwater Farms lands be conveyed into public ownership; staff is still reviewing pedestrian connections over portions of the subject lands, where appropriate; and, the applicant is required to prepare an Environmental Audit on the lands west of Liverpool Road supporting proposed residential development, to identify any on-site soil contamination originating from the existing marina operation (in accordance with the Ministry of Environment and Energy's "Guidelines for Use at Contaminated Sites in Ontario"). 6.0 PROCEDURAL INFORMATION 6.1 General Information written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the Planning & Development Department; oral comments may be made at the Public Information Meeting; all comments received will be noted and used as input in a Planning Report prepared by the Planning & Development Department for a subsequent meeting of Council or a Committee of Council; if you wish to be notified of City Council's adoption of a proposed local official plan amendment or passing of any zoning by-law amendment, you must make a written request to: City Clerk City of Pickering Pickering Civic Complex One the Esplanade Pickering, ON L1V 6K7 if you wish to be notified of the decision of the Region of Durham with respect to proposed local official plan amendment application, you must make a written request to: Mr. A. Georgieff Commissioner of Planning Region of Durham Planning Department 1615 Dundas Street East 4th Floor, Lang Tower, West Building Whitby, ON L1N 6A3 6.2 Approval Authorities for Submitted Applications - the Region of Durham may exempt certain local official plan amendments from Regional approval if such applications are determined to be locally significant, and do not exhibit matters of Regional and / or Provincial interest; - the Region has verbally confirmed that the submitted Pickering Official Plan Amendment application is not exempt from Regional approval as it is a revision to a previously submitted official plan amendment application on the same lands that was circulated in 1999 (prior to the date allowing Regional exemptions to be granted); Information Report No. 25-01 Page10 037 - the City's recommendations on the proposed official plan amendment application will be forwarded to the Region of Durham, which is the approval authority for this application; - the City of Pickering is the approval authority for the submitted zoning by-law amendment applications. 6.3 Appeal Rights if a person or public body that files an appeal of a decision of the Regional Municipality of Durham in respect of the proposed official plan amendment does not make oral submissions at the public meeting or make written submissions to the Regional Municipality of Durham before these applications are considered, the Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss all or part of the appeal; if a person or public body that files a notice of appeal of a decision of the City of Pickering in respect of the passing of a zoning by-law amendment does not make oral submissions at the public meeting or does not make written submissions to the City of Pickering before the zoning by-law amendment is passed, the Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss all or part of the appeal. 7.0 OTHER INFORMATION 7.1 Appendix No. I - a listing of neighbourhood residents, community associations, agencies and City Departments that have commented on the applications at the time of writing report. 7.2 Information Received large-scale plans submitted by the applicant are available for viewing in the City of Pickering Planning & Development Department; the submission and review of the applicant's Planning Analysis and a supporting Environment Impact Study are required prior to Staff formulating recommendations to City Council for consideration. 7.3 Company Information the agent, Mr. Jim Lucas of James Lucas Properties Limited, advises that the owner of the lands west of Liverpool Road are owned by the Pickering Harbour Company Limited; - Pickering Harbour Company Limited currently has a signed agreement of purchase and sale for the Coolwater Farms property, currently possessed by Alan Lawson, Fisher Inc., the appointed Receiver for the Coolwater Farms property; - Pickering Harbour Company Limited is scheduled to complete their purchase of the Coolwater Farms lands on September 14, 2001; Mr. Harold Hough is the president of the Pickering Harbour Company Limited. Ron Tayl , Planner II RST/pr Attachments Copy: Director, Planning & Development Department Catherine Rose Manager, Policy 038 APPENDIX I TO INFORMATION REPORT NO. 25-01 COMMENTING RESIDENTS AND LANDOWNERS no resident comments have been received to -date; COMMENTING AGENCIES (1) Veridian Connections (2) Durham District School Board COMMENTING CITY DEPARTMENTS (1) Planning & Development Department PURPOSE: LOCATION: PROPOSED AMENDMENT: 039 APPENDIX II TO INFORMATION REPORT NO. 25-01 PROPOSED REVISED AMENDMENT TO THE PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN (OPA 99-004/P(R)) The purpose of the amendment is to revise Table 3 of the Pickering Official Plan -- "Open Space System: Permissible Uses by Subcategory", to broaden the list of permissible uses. The proposed amendment to Table 3 would affect all lands designated "Open Space System - Marina Area" on Schedule I - "Land Use Structure" of the Official Plan in that Part of Lot 23, Range 3, B.F.C. identified as (Pickering Harbour Company lands on the west side of Liverpool Road — exact description to be determined). The Pickering Official Plan be amended by: "Revising Table 3, as shown on Schedule 'A' to this proposed amendment." The provisions set forth in the Pickering Official Plan, as amended, regarding the implementation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. The provisions set forth in the Pickering Official Plan, as amended, regarding the interpretation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. IMPLEMENTATION: INTERPRETATION: Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 99-004/P(R) Zoning Ryolaw Amendment Application A 22/99(R) Pickering Harbour Con parry Ltd I Pan of Int 23, Range 3, H.F.C. (west side of Liverpool Road, south of Wharf Street) City of Pickering July, 2001 PENDIX II TO 040 NFORMAT ON REPORT NO. 25-01 Open Space System Subcategory Page 2 Schedule 'A' to the Proposed Amendment to the Pickering Official Plan TOWN POLICY TABLE 3: Open Space System: Permitsibte Uses by Subcategory Natural Areas,, 'ermissible Uses estrictions and lmitations on the uses permissible., arising` from other ;poiicies of ' ? this Plan, will be detailed rn zoning by-laws.) Conservation, environmental protection, restoration, education, passive recreation, and similar uses; EAgricultural uses outside of valley and stream corridors, wetlands, environmentally significant areas, and areas of natural and scientific nterest; Existing lawful residential dwellings; a new residential dwelling on a vacan lot. I Active ' , All uses permissible in Natural Areas; Recreational Areas Active recreational, community and cultural uses, and other related uses. Maritza Areas i All uses permissible in Natural Areas and Active Recreational Areas; Marinas, yacht clubs and ancillary uses; Marina supportive uses, restaurants, limited retail and office uses; limited I residential uses in-ee '.. .. j Aquaculture and other related uses. Note: The italicized words within the "Marina Areas" row are proposed to be added to the text, and the atrikethrough words are proposed to be deleted from the text. ATTACHMENT#J__TO INFORMATION REPORT# a' 041. dpiOf N --.4411111111111111 5}M1V WAYFARER LANE 111 11111 STREET RADO IN - s D Ni HAILER AVENUE 111 UMW 4111.1111 ,ON gris Srel 11111111: 101110 11VAir 111111 1 Iu OLD ORCHARD AVE _�-�S,EET BAYLYI 1I 11111111111111111111 j� . ��1111111e POPRAD AVENUE �• � _ I IJIII I 1i =�1�i111 lI 11TATRA Q1 I. 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Mai MINE atm%111 /111/1111 In MINE lam Mem MB X11 Ell MO Mal Nom =- mos mosi s 0.0 I11 1 WA7ERPo/NT STREET HT' I 5L 11111111111 RIVE FRENCHMAN'S 'in BAY NDS SUBJECT T ' OPA 99-004/P(R) ANDA 22/99(R) 1♦ • M ANNLAND WHARF H 1 ST EET J O ►111 11 BROADVIEW STREET STREET �I TR LAKE ONTARIO SHEARER n ALYSSUM S BALATON AVENUE mu pm iI _ NM .11 IMN MEI 11 COLMAR 1111 AVENUE WV. 1111111 �I 00 , PARK M C ESCENT LANDS SUB TOA 13/01 U City of Pickering Planning & Development Department PROPERTY DESCRIPTION PART OF LOTS 22 AND 23, RANGE 3, B.F.C. OWNER PICKERING HARBOUR CO.; 344430 CANADA INC. DATE JUL 12, 2001 DRAWN BY. RC APPLICATION No, OPA 99-004/P(R); A 22/99(H); A 13/01 SCALE 1:7500 CHECKED SY RT FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY PN -13 PA- 042 ATTACHMENT# a TO INFORMATION REPORT# 2 S — {7 I APPLICANT'S PROPOSED SITE CONCEPT -PHASE 1 OPA 99-004/P(R); A 22/99(R); A 13/01 SEE AP'PLICA.NT'S REVISED PLAN J LIVERPOOL ROAD UNITS HJr, Wow Glenb,00k Hama,) ( ( ( 1 Ie. Masa I wink•A.e,. Marina Property ,— In. INN Total Site Area 24,612 sm (2.46 ha) 6.08 acres Marino Area 5,794 sm (Approx.) 1.43 acres Residential 18,818 sm (Approx.) 4.65 acres Residential Yield 66 Townhome Units Gross Density 26.8 Units per Hedare (10.86 Units per Acre, Net Density 35.1 Units per Hedare (14.21 Units per Acre( Visitor Parking Provided @ .32 per unit = 21 cars Unit Parking Provided @ 2 per unit = 132 cars Total Parking Provided @ 2 .32 per unit = 153 cars Coolwater Property Total Coolwater Site Area 23,061 sm (2.31 ha) INNS MP WAS PRODUCED DY 171E CRY OF PICKERI G PUNNING & msezonAIENT DEPARTMENT, .M RMATION & SUPPORT SERVICES. AUGUST 1A 2001. ATTACHMENT#TO INFORMATION REPORT# APPLICANT'S PROPOSED SITE CONCEPT -PHASE 2 OPA 99-004/P(R); A 22/99(R); A 13/01 ,.rr r' hr.:.�. I . 1 ..Tarr' ----- .,.�..� _ ►a (MgMN;IM• -1 MM. 1 ry ioIiii!I trr••r•r UMI. rr"c..,•ter 043 SEE AI?PLICANT'S REVISED PLAN -LIVERPOOL ROAD UNITS Hers Prope y (new Glenbmok Hem.) J ON I Boats_. ears, Marina Property — — — Total Site Area 24,612 sm (2.46 ha) 6.08 acres Marina Area 5,794 sm (Approx.) 1.43 acres Residential 18,818 sm (Approx.) 4.65 acres Residenlial Yield 66 Townhome Units Gross Density 26.8 Units per Hectare (10.86 Units per Acre) Net Density 35.1 Units per Hectare (14.21 Units per Acre) Visilor Parking Provided @ .32 per unit = 21 cars Unit Parking Provided @ 2 per unit = 132 cars Total Parking Provided @ 2 .32 per unit = 153 cars Coolwater Property - — Total Coolwoter Site Area 23,061 sm (2.31 ha) i(iiIHI11U111111111111111111 l tP. • o1r THIS ANP WAS PRODUCED BY THE CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING A. DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. INFORANITON .8 SUPPORT S ES. 044 ATTACHMENT#--9....TO WFORMATIONREPORT#�5_ APPLICANT'S REVISED PLAN - LIVERPOOL ROAD UNITS OPA 99-004/P(R); A 22/99(R); A 13/01 MIS MAP WAS PRODUCED BY THE C/TY OF PICKERING PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT, INFORMATION & SUPPORT SERVLCES, SEPTEMBER 10, 2001. ATTACHMENT#ILTO INFORMATION REPORT #..2 Ci—. 045 P CE V ED Str - b 2001 CITY OR PICKERING PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT VERIDIAN CONNECTIONS DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW PROJECT NAME: Pickering Harbour Company ADDRESS/PLAN: Part of Lot 23, Range 3, B,F.C. & Part of Lot 22, Range 3, B,F.C, (Liverpool Road, south of Wharf Street MUNICIPALITY: REF. NO,; Pickering OPA 99-004/1'(R), A 22/99 (R), A 13/01 SUBMISSION DATE: Augtut 17, 2001 t. Eleatic Service is available on the toad allowances) touching this property. Servicing will be from the west side of Liverpool Road. 2, The applicant must provide accommodation on site for the Corporation's transfomnct(s)• • outdoor padmount in a 5m X 6m cleat arca • an indoor vault room 3, Individual metering fot each unit is required. 4. The Appllcant must provide a concrete encased looped underground duct system from a supply point on the west side of Liverpool Road to transformer locations on the property. 5. The Applicant must pay the Corporation's costs to supply and install underground setvicc cables along the route of 4. above.. Estimated range of costs — to be determined. G. The following standard fixed fee costs will apply (all figures are approximate): Service Connection Fee $130.00 per unit 7. Existing Corporation plant on Liverpool road and Wharf Street may have to be replaced/relocated at the Applicant's cost to accommodate the proposed development 8, The Applicant must make direct application to the Cozpotation to obtain specific apptoval`of the electrical service attangements and related work for this project, The applicant is cautioned that tenders, contracts, et, work initiated prior to obtaining specific approval will be subject to change. 9. A Servicing Agreement must be signed with' the Corporation in order to obtain servicing for this site. 10. A Multi -Tenant Agreement must be enteted into and may be tcgistcted an title as part of the servicing requirements, Legal costs for this will be charged to the Applicant. 11. All work ftorn the public road allowance to the service entrance and the metering arrangements must comply with the Corporation's requirements and specifications. Z0 'd 020 619 906 'ON Xdd N'IOINM WV 00:11 100Z-90-d3S 046 ATTACHMENT#.5_,TO INFORMATION REPORT# 2.5 - i� 1 Page 2 VERIDIAN CONNECTIONS DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW 12. Prior to energizing any new service, the Applicant shall apply to the Corporation's Customer Cue Department to open an energy account. 13. Prior to obtaining a building permit, the Applicant shall, by agreement, confirm acceptance of the terms and conditions of providing electrical service. 14, Where cranes ox material handling equipment or workers must work in proximity to existing overhead wires, with the capability of contact or coming within the limits of approach, the developer/bu ldet shall pay all costs for the temporary relocation, burial, or protection of the wires, or other action deemed necessary by Vcridian to provide for worker safety and the security of the electrical system. 15. Landscaping, specifically trees and shrubs, should be relocated away from the Corporation's ttansfottner and polcline to avoid interference with equipment access and future growth. Lopsided appearance of trees from trimming may result. 16. Will not attend scheduled City of Pickering DART Meeting fot this development. 17. Veridlan Connections has no objection to the proposed development Please forward a copy of first submission civil design so that a preliminary design and estimate can be completed. Technical Representative — Dave Bell Telephone 427-9870 Ext. 3233 CO 'd PAWo,d Oodm+ehts VectrntrAp•niPonaxa Comnuctlon\rkoelopmenl Application Ac.wn\rioLnAnp\naal\Mooring Huboa Company• Lon -pool 1444 eovtti ornWoftins,.kK Rev, Date: November 1, 1999 020 619 906 'ON X8d NVIQIND WH 00:11 ODM 1002-90-d3S THE )URHAM DISTRICT iCHOOL BOARD acilities Services Taunton Road East Vhitby, Ontario LIR 2K6 vie: (905) 666-5500 1-800-265-3968 ax: (905) 666-6439 ATTACHMENT #_L—TO INFORMATION REPORT #_.2.5--1J—.. August 27,2001 The Corporation of the City of Pickering Planning Department Pickering Civic Complex One the Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L1V 6K7 Attention: Mr. Ron Taylor Dear Mr. Taylor, Revised Official Plan Amendment Application 99-004/P (R) Revised Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 22/99 (R) Pickering Harbour Company Part of Lot 23, Range 3, B.F.C. (west side of Liverpool Road, south of Wharf Street) City of Pickering RE: n47 RECEIVED AUG 2 9 2001 ciTy OF PICKERING PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT -AND- Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 13/01 Pickering Harbour Company (formerly 3444309 Canada Inc. - Coohvater Farms) Part of Lot 23, Range 3, B.F.C. (west side of Liverpool Road, south of Wharf Street) City of Pickering Staff has reviewed the information on the above noted application and, under the mandate of the Durham District School Board, has no objections. Yours truly, Christine Nancekivell, Planner CN:ern INATKAPLNO\OPA\9Va041 DOC