HomeMy WebLinkAboutInformation Report 22-01025 INFORMATION REPORT NO. 22-01 FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING OF AUGUST 9, 2001 REQUIREMENTS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PUBLIC MEETING REQ OF THE PLANNING ACT, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13 SUBJECT: Pickering Official Plan Amendment OPA 01-003/P Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 10/01 North American Acquisition Corporation 816 Kingston Road Part of Lots 27 & 28, Range 3, B.F.C. (North side of Kingston Road, east of Delta Boulevard) City of Pickering 1.0 PROPERTY LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION the subject lands are 1.22 hectares in area and are located on the north side of Kingston Road, east of Delta Boulevard; the subject lands are owned by the Durham District School Board; North American Acquisitions Corporation has entered into an agreement to purchase this property; it is the location of the vacant Dunbarton School (see location map, Attachment #1); uses surrounding the subject lands are: detached dwellings fronting both Kingston Road and Sheppard Avenue to the east and west; a church with a daycare, the Highway 401 on/off ramp and a car dealership to the south; and detached dwellings fronting the north side of Sheppard Avenue to the north; two private driveways provide vehicular access to Kingston Road. 2.0 APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL - North American Acquisition Corporation proposes to amend the Pickering Official Plan and the zoning by-law in order to permit development of the subject lands with approximately 2,100 square metres of retail store, personal service shop, office and restaurant uses within two buildings located on the east and north sides of the site, and gas bar and car wash facilities located within two other buildings on the west part of the site separated by a proposed right-of-way to the abutting property to the west; more specifically, the submitted conceptual site plan shows: • a one -storey 1400 square metre bank building, located adjacent to Kingston Road at the south-east comer of the subject lands, with a vehicular access around the building; • a one -storey, 465 square metre commercial/retail building located on the north part of the site intended to face Kingston Road; a common parking area is located between the two commercial buildings; • a 140 square metre gas bar located in the south-west comer of the site; and, • a 90 square metre car wash with parking, located in the north-west comer of the site; a copy of the conceptual site plan including various site statistics is provided for reference (see Attachment #2); a copy of the applicant's submitted proposed official plan amendment is also provided (see Appendix 1); - no information is provided on pedestrian facilities or linkages within or through the site; no information is provided about landscaped areas within the proposed development; Information Report No. 22-01 026 Page 2 vehicular access is proposed to be provided to this site from Kingston Road at the existing signalized intersection serving the Highway 401 on/off ramp; no vehicular access is proposed to Sheppard Avenue; the applicant has provided a Preliminary Assessment of Traffic and Access prepared by Paul Hill Consulting that includes details of a proposed re -alignment of the. existing intersection at Kingston Road and the Highway 401 on/off ramp to accommodate a full range of turns onto the subject lands; the study also discusses access through the subject lands to the abutting property to the west of the subject lands; the applicant is proposing to provide 121 parking spaces (5.38 spaces for each 93 square metres of floor area); the applicant is proposing to demolish the existing Dunbarton School. 3.0 OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING 3.1 Durham Regional Official Plan the subject lands are designated as Living Area in the Durham Regional Official Plan; lands designated Living Area may be used for housing purposes and other compatible uses; in addition, limited office development and retailing of goods and services, in appropriate locations as components of mixed use developments is permitted, provided appropriate designations are found in the area municipal official plan and the planned functions of Central Areas are not adversely affected; the proposal appears to conform; Kingston Road is designated as a Type B Arterial Road and as a Regional Transit Spine; Sheppard Avenue is designated as a Type C Arterial Road; 3.2 Pickering Official Plan - the subject lands are designated as Urban Study Area in the Pickering Official Plan; lands with an Urban Study Area designation may be used for conservation, environmental protection, restoration, education, passive recreation, similar uses and existing lawful uses; Council may replace the Urban Study Area designation for the "Old Dunbarton School" property with appropriate land use designations and policies, by amendment to this plan, following completion of a land use, transportation and design study that responds appropriately to the dual frontage of the property along Kingston Road and Sheppard Avenue, identifies an appropriate means of conserving and re -using the old Dunbarton School, and adequately addresses the location opposite the Highway 401 on / off ramps; the applicant's proposed official plan amendment would amend the designation for the subject site to Mixed Use Areas - Mixed Corridor; the applicant's proposed amendment is attached (see Appendix I); the Mixed Corridor designation permits: residential uses; retailing; offices; restaurants; community, cultural and recreational uses; and special purpose commercial uses; within the Mixed Corridor designation, the maximum permitted gross leasable floorspace of goods and services is to be determined by site specific zoning with the maximum floorspace index (FSI) permitted up to and including 2.5 FSI; FSI is the total building floorspace divided by total lot area; the submitted proposal is permitted up to and including 2.5 FSI; the submitted proposal has an FSI of 0,19; when considering applications to amend the Pickering Official Plan, section 15.5 in the Plan requires Council to consider the overall benefit to the community of the proposal; accordingly, all applications shall be accompanied by a Planning Analysis evaluating the proposal against the Plan's relevant goals, objectives, and general purpose and intent in the Plan; the applicant has submitted a Land Use Planning Analysis; a copy is available for viewing at the Planning & Development Department; retail gasoline outlets may be permitted within urban areas, by site specific zoning with appropriate provisions and restrictions, provided: the goals, objectives and policies of the Official Plan are maintained; access is available from an arterial road; it is not adjacent or opposite a school; no more than two retail gasoline outlets are located within 100 metres of an intersection; and the outlet will not adversely affect the safe and convenient movement of pedestrians and vehicular traffic; Page 3 027 Information Report No. 22-01 - retail gas stations must meet the requirements for location and access required under the Gas Handlers Act; - Map 16 of the Pickering Official Plan identifies the subject lands as lying within the Woodlands Neighbourhood; further, Map 16 identifies the lands as lying within a Detailed Review Area; section 11.2 of the Official Plan indicates that Council may adopt development guidelines for any part of a Detailed Review Area; Council shall endeavour to complete a detailed review prior to approving major development within the area; Council has adopted the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines which affect lands abutting the subject lands; once Council has adopted development guidelines, development shall comply with them; the lands located both to the east and west of the subject site are subject to the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines; the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines are currently under review; it is anticipated that the revised Guidelines will also apply to the subject lands; - Schedule II — Transportation Network designates Kingston Road as a Type B Arterial, and a Transit Spine; Type B Arterials are designed to carry moderate volumes of traffic at moderate speeds within a municipality, have some access restrictions, and generally have a right-of-way width ranging from 30 to 36 metres; - Schedule II also designates Sheppard Avenue as a Type C Arterial; Type C Arterials are designed to carry lower volumes of traffic, at slower speeds, provide access to properties, and generally have a right-of-way width ranging from 26 to 30 metres; however, section 11.8 of the Plan, the Woodlands Neighbourhood Policies, indicate that any future improvements to Sheppard Avenue shall be accommodated within the existing 20 metre road allowance; - section 4.18 of the Pickering Official Plan indicates that Council recognizes the Ministry of Transportation jurisdiction over provincial highways and responsibility for standards, design criteria (including intersection/interchange spacing and locations) and widening requirements respecting those highways; the provincial Public Transportation Act provides the Ontario Ministry of Transportation with the authority to approve any new access opposite the Highway 401 on/off ramp; - section 15.14 of the Official Plan indicates that Council may require the submission of a retail impact study for a proposal for the development of less than 2,500 square metres for the retailing of goods and services; 3.3 Compendium Document to the Pickering Official Plan as noted above, the subject lands fall within a detailed review area and lands located both to the east and west of the subject lands are subject.to the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines; the "Northeast Quadrant" is the block of land bounded generally on the south by Kingston Road, on the west by Whites Road, on the north by Sheppard Avenue, and on the east by the main branch of the Amberlea Creek (east of the Dunbarton School site); to the west of the subject lands, the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines contemplate a high intensity mixed-use development, with substantial underground parking; the vision is centred around an internal residential area fronting on a public `ring' road connected to Delta Boulevard with an interior linear park; the Northeast Quadrant land use plan permits commercial and residential buildings up to 5 storeys in height, floor space indices up to 0.5 times the lot area for the commercial uses and residential densities between 25 and 50 units per hectare which would result in 40 residential dwelling units on the lands west of the subject lands; the commercial and office uses are contemplated along the Kingston Road frontage; to the east of the subject lands, the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines contemplate residential buildings up to 4 storeys in height with residential density between 25 and 50 dwelling units per hectare, permitting up to 32 dwelling units with vehicular access provided to Kingston Road; Information Report No. 22-01 028 Page 4 the review of this proposal will be done in the context of any revised Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines arising from the City's on-going review, considering recommendations both for the subject lands and abutting properties; the Kingston Road Corridor Development Guidelines apply to the subject site; these Guidelines identify the subject lands as being located within the Whites Road Corridor Precinct; the Guidelines generally contemplate .a transformation of Kingston Road by reducing the dominance of the automobile while encouraging increased pedestrian activity in the corridor; in the Whites Road Corridor Precinct, however, the Kingston Road Corridor Development Guidelines recognize the auto -oriented focus and land uses while seeking to provide pedestrian amenity zones and links at significant intersections; one objective for urban form within the Whites Road Corridor is that buildings should have a minimum height of 2 storeys; 3.4 Zoning By-law 3036 the subject lands are currently zoned "R3 - One Family Detached -Third Density Zone" in Zoning By-law 3036; the "R3" zone permits detached dwellings on lots with minimum street frontages of 18 metres and minimum lot areas of 550 square metres; - this proposal is to amend Zoning By-law 3036 to permit approximately 2100 square metres of commercial uses of retail, personal service shop, office and restaurant uses in addition to gas bar and car wash facilities; an amendment to the zoning is required to permit this proposal. 4.0 RESULTS OF CIRCULATION 4.1 Resident Comments although a number of residents have requested to be placed on the list to receive notice of further proceedings on these applications, no comments have been received from residents to date; 4.2 Agency Comments - no agency comments have been received to date; 4.3 Staff Comments 4.3.1 Proposed Mixed Corridor Designation the appropriateness of replacing the existing Study Area designation with the proposed Mixed Use Areas — Mixed Corridor designation must be evaluated considering such matters as: the Study Area policy requirements; the applicant's submitted Planning Analysis; the relevant goals, objectives, and purpose and intent of the Official Plan; and the revised land use concept resulting from the City's review of the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines; the specific form of the applicant's proposed amendment (see Appendix I) will also be reviewed to determine whether any related text amendments w:ill also be required to be added to the Neighbourhood section of the plan to guide development on this site, or related policies in the Plan be deleted (such as section 3.16 dealing with the "Old Dumbarton School" Study Area designation); 4.3.2 Permitted Uses the suitability of the mix, arrangement and size of the proposed retail, personal service, office, restaurant, gas bar and car wash uses must be examined; in particular, the appropriateness of locating a gas bar facility on Kingston Road at this new intersection, and a car wash facility at the north end of the site, must: be evaluated; Information Report No. 22-01 Page 5 029 - the proposed building form, layout, height, design and intensity of development must be reviewed in light of urban design objectives, traffic and access considerations and the community context; - the appropriate performance standards, restrictions, and provisions for the commercial uses must be established; 4.3.3 Traffic Access the proposal to redesign the existing "T" — shaped intersection at Kingston Road and the Highway 401 on/off ramp to add full access to the subject lands must be evaluated with input from the Region of Durham Works Department in accordance with any restrictions and advice the Ministry of Transportation may provide; whether the access should be provided by a dedicated public road or a private access must be considered; the distance separating individual access points to buildings and parking areas onto this new access road from the existing intersection must be determined to ensure disruption of the function of the on/off ramp does not occur; any proposed connection of the access from the subject lands to the Highway 401 on/off ramp must first be approved to the satisfaction of the Ministry of Transportation; the appropriateness of a right-of-way as either a private access or a public road to lands located both to the west and to the east of the subject lands should be evaluated; this should be considered as part of the transportation review of the entire Northeast Quadrant; 4.3.4 Review of the "Northeast Quadrant" Lands the City has received several development applications for lands within the Northeast Quadrant, requesting revisions to the Guidelines; these changes relate to the arrangement of uses, design matters, provision of the park, provision of the internal ring road, and access to the external road network; in addition, the City is aware of other development interests for lands in the Quadrant; several owners of land, through which the tributary of Amberlea Creek flows, are interested in piping the creek; although the City has had some successes in implementing the vision set out in the Guidelines, there are some on-going challenges; these challenges include the interest in primarily commercial development adjacent to Kingston Road, the cost of and lack of interest in underground parking, the difficulty in implementing the internal public road, and the location of the tributary through the block; in an effort to be more proactive in working with development interests, the City has commenced the review of the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines; Council has budgeted $50,000 for the costs of the review, on a partial cost -recovery basis from the affected land owners for the review; the review components include: • the engagement of a planner/urban designer as a facilitator to assist in revisions to the urban design guidelines to include the arrangement of land uses, while maintaining key urban design objectives and having regard to the community context; • the engagement of TSH transportation consultants to review transportation elements including the intemal access network through the block, and external access to and from the surrounding streets; and, • the engagement of Mark Schollen Associates, environmental/engineering experts, to examine the feasibility of piping the Amberlea Creek tributary; depending on the conclusions of this Phase 1 study, land owners will be responsible for preparing an application to the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority to proceed with piping the tributary and any required environmental assessment in support of such application; 0 3 0 Information Report No. 22-01 Page 6 the consulting reviews for the traffic/access analysis, and the environmental /engineering report for the piping of the tributary will provide input into any revisions to the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines; based on a preliminary study design, it is also anticipated that staff would work closely with the community to understand issues and concerns so that neighbourhood development continues to achieve an appropriate fit; the representative for North American Acquisitions Corporation has Indicated at a preliminary level that his client is interested in having the subject lands included in the review of the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines, particularly with respect to the urban design and traffic/access matters; as the review of the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines proceeds, recommendations on these zoning by-law and Pickering Official Plan amendment applications will be formulated for consideration; 4.3.5 Urban Design discussions have been held between the applicant and Planning & Development staff about the nature of development that may be appropriate on the north side of Kingston Road, east of Delta Boulevard; while staff recognize that there may be merit in the removal of the Urban Study Area designation and its replacement with a designation permitting the proposed commercial uses for the lands fronting onto Kingston Road, potential provision of access to the Kingston Road/Highway 401 on/off ramp intersection, provision of traffic access to abutting lands to the west, and surface parking, no commitments were given respecting the submitted development concept; a number of design elements for the subject lands will require careful consideration; issues for review will include: • pedestrian access to the site and through the subject lands; • locations of traffic access points and turn movements to be permitted between the subject lands, lands to the east and west, and to the intersection at Kingston Road and the Highway 401 on/off ramp; • adequacy, arrangement and number of parking areas for the proposed development; • whether the proposed height for the commercial buildings fronting Kingston Road is appropriate; appropriate buffering of the proposed buildings on the subject lands from abutting low density residential dwellings fronting the south and north sides of Sheppard Avenue and the north side of Kingston Road; 4.3.6 Technical Matters preliminary grading information is required; preliminary stormwater management information is required; preliminary tree inventory and tree preservation plan is required; 5.0 PROCEDURAL INFORMATION 5.1 Official Plan Amendment Approval Authority the Region of Durham may exempt certain local official plan amendments from Regional approval if such applications are determined to be locally significant, and do not exhibit matters of Regional and/or Provincial interest; at this time, the Region has not yet determined whether this official plan amendment application is exempt from Regional Approval; Pagel 031 Information Report No. 22-01 5.2 General written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the Planning & Development Department; oral comments may be made at the Public Information Meeting; prepared - all comments received will be noted and used as input in a Planning Reportp P by the Planning & Development Department for a subsequent meeting of Council or a Committee of Council; if you wish to reserve the option to appeal Council's decision, you must provide comments to the City before Council adopts any by-law for this proposal; if you wish to be notified of Council's adoption of any official plan amendment, or passing of any zoning by-law amendment, you must request such in writing to the City Clerk; to the if you wish to be notified of the decision of the uRegion t make a _ amwriwith respect equest to the proposed amendment to the official plan, you Commissioner of Planning, Region of Durham Planning Department. 6.0 OTHER INFORMATION 6.1 Appendix I - copy of the applicant's submitted proposed Pickering Official Plan Amendment; 6.2 Appendix II - list of neighbourhood residents,community associations, agencies and City Departments that have commented on the proposal at the time of writing this report; 6.3 Information Received the City of Pickering is in receipt of the following reports submitted in conjunction with this proposal; ▪ Traffic and Access — Preliminary Assessment, prepared by Paul Hill Consulting; dated April 16, 2001; • Land Use Planning Analysis Report, Proposed Retail Development, 816 Kingston Road; prepared by Dillon Consulting, dated June, 2001; 6.4 Company Principal Mr. Ronald Richards of Ronald G. Richards & Associates represents North American Acquisition Corporation; the principal of North American Acquisition Corporation is Mr. Sheldon Sugden. Pr. Steve Gaunt, MCIP, RPP Planner 11 SG/jf Copy: Director, Planning & Development vv— Catherine L. Rose Manager, Policy 032 APPENDIX I TO INFORMATION REPORT NO. 22 -01 PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN 033 PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN PURPOSE: LOCATION: PROPOSED AMENDMENT: IMPLEMENTATION: The purpose of this amendment is to redesignate the subject lands from an "Urban Study Area" designation to a "Mixed Corridor" designation. This redesignation will permit use of the lands for a variety of retail, office, restaurants, residential and, community and cultural recreational uses that will be implemented in a zoning by-law. The subject lands are approximately1.22 hectares in size and are located on the north side of Kingston Road, east of Whites Road. The lands are located within Part. of Lots 27 and 28, Range 3, Broken Front Concession. The City of Pickering Official Plan is hereby amended by: 1. Replacing the "Urban Study Area" designation with a "Mied Corridor" designation on Schedule I - the Land Use Structure Map of the Pickering Official Plan as shown on Schedule A attached hereto. The provisions set forth in the City of Pickering Official Plan as amended, regarding the implementation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. INTERPRETATION: The provisions set forth in the City of Pickering Official Plan, as amended, regarding the interpretation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this amendment. 034 SCHEDULE 'A' 0 CL REDESIGNATE FROM `OTHER DESIGNATIONS.URBAN STUDY AREA' TO 'MIXED USE AREAS -MIXED CORRIDORS' r. • EXTRACT FROM SCHEDULE I TO THE PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN EDITION 2 IT SHEET 1 OF 3 OPEN SPACE SYSTEM NATURAL MEAS AMCTRECREATIONAL EMM MARINA MEM MIXED USE AREAS LOCAL NOOEs 1111 COMMUNITY NODES 1111 MIMED CORRIDORS LAND USE STRUCTURE EMPLOYMENT AREAS ® PRESTIGE EMPLOYMENT FREEWAYS AND S l MAJOR UTILITIES CONTROLUEO ACCESS MEAS URBAN RESIDENTIAL AREAS OTHER DESIGNATIONS LOW DENSDY AREAS LIRISAN SIUDY AREAS ® MEDIUM DEN SRY AREAS APPENDIX II TO INFORMATION REPORT NO. 22-01 COMMENTING RESIDENTS AND LANDOWNERS - none have been received to date; COMMENTING AGENCIES - none have been received to date; COMMENTING CITY DEPARTMENTS - Planning & Development 035 f136 °111111 ' 1111�� 1111 x SOUARE � . 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A 111111111111p '111wINNEN == MINN MINE NOM mnit LYNX O Ir U DATE JUL 9, 2001 DRAWN BY RC APPLICATION ND, OPA01-003/P; A 10/01 SCALE 1:7500 CHECKED BY SG FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY PN -6 PA- ATTACHMENT # a TO INFORMATION REKNIT# a INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANT'S SUBMITTED PLAN A 10/01 NORTH AMERICAN ACQUISITIONS CORP. SHEPPARD AVE. CAR WASH PROPOSED al R.O.W. b CRU 15,000 SF 70' 55 037 SITE AREA # 2.81 ACRES BUILDING AREA 22400 SF PARKING 121 RATIO 5.38/1000SF CRU -COMMERCIAL RETAIL UNITS THIS MAP WAS PRODUCED BY THE CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT, INFORMATION & SUPPORT SERVICES, JULY 12, 2001.