HomeMy WebLinkAboutInformation Report 16-01INFORMATION REPORT NO. 16-01 FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING OF MAY 17, 2001 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PUBLIC MEETING REQUIREMENTS OF THE PLANNING ACT, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13 SUBJECT: Pickering Official Plan Amendment OPA 01-002P Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 04/01 Marion Hill Development Corporation Part Lot 28, Range 3, B.F.C. (now Part 1, Plan 40R-14431 & Part 1, Plan 40R-2767) (South-east corner of Whites Road and Sheppard Avenue) City of Pickering 1.0 PROPERTY LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION the subject lands are 1.89 hectares in area, and are located on the south-east corner of Whites Road and Sheppard Avenue; the subject lands comprise two parcels of land (see location map, Attachment #1): • parcel 1 is a 1.52 -hectare parcel owned by Lydia Dobbin; Marion Hill Development Corporation has entered into an agreement of purchase and sale for this parcel; it is occupied by a detached dwelling; existing access is from Whites Road; • parcel 2 is a 0.37 -hectare parcel owned by the City of Pickering; Marion Hill has approached the City about acquiring this parcel; this vacant parcel appears to be surplus to the City's needs (it was acquired from Veridian Corporation); a tributary of Amberlea Creek crosses from north to south through the parcel; existing access is from Sheppard Avenue; uses surrounding the subject lands are: a medical office and detached dwellings to the north; detached dwellings fronting Sheppard Avenue to the east; the newly constructed commercial development including retail uses, day care, Wendy's / Tim Horton's and Swiss Chalet restaurants on Delta Boulevard to the south; vacant lands and residential also to the south fronting Whites Road; and residential and schools to the west. 2.0 APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL Marion Hill Development Corporation proposes to amend the Pickering Official Plan and the zoning by-law in order to permit development of the subject lands for 97 dwellings; the proposal consists of 22 stacked townhouses adjacent to Whites Road and its corner with Sheppard Avenue, plus 75 street townhouses; 18 of the 75 street townhouses are proposed on the City -owned parcel; a copy of the conceptual site plan and various site statistics are provided for reference (see Attachments #2 and #3); a copy of the proposed official plan amendment is also provided (see Appendix I); the stacked townhomes fronting Whites Road are 4 storeys to create a focal point and frame the intersection; the remaining units are proposed at 2 to 3 storeys; the internal units front onto a linear public amenity space; total landscape space is proposed at about 36% and total building coverage is approximately 35%; Information Report No. 16-01 Page 2 a network of walkways through the site is proposed to link it to the surrounding community; a 6.5 metre wide public easement has been proposed as a pedestrian link from Sheppard Avenue into the north end of Delta Boulevard; all vehicular access to the dwellings is proposed from a private internal road; vehicular access to the private road is proposed to be provided by a driveway onto Whites Road permitting right turns in and right turns out, and by a driveway onto Sheppard Avenue; no vehicular access is proposed between Delta Boulevard and the Marion Hill lands; the applicant is also proposing to enclose the watercourse that flows through the eastern portion of the subject lands. 3.0 OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING 3.1 Durham Regional Official Plan the subject lands are designated as Living Area in the Durham Regional Official Plan; lands designated Living Area may be used for housing purposes in addition to other compatible uses; the proposal appears to conform; Whites Road is designated as a Type A Arterial Road and as a Transit Spine; Sheppard Avenue is designated as a Type CArterial Road; 3.2 Pickering Official Plan - the subject lands are designated as follows in the Pickering Official Plan: • Mixed Use Areas: Mixed Corridor along the Whites Road frontage; • Urban Residential Areas: Low Density Areas along the Sheppard Avenue frontage; and, • Urban Residential Areas: Medium Density Areas in the interior; section 14.2 (g) of the Official Plan requires that where a single parcel of land is govemed by two or more separate land use designations, the policies of each of the respective designations shall apply; - the Mixed Corridor designation permits residential uses at a net residential density of over 30 and up to and including 140 dwellings per hectare; in addition, retail, office, restaurants, community, cultural and recreational uses at a scale and intensity serving the broader area, and special purpose commercial uses, may be permitted; - about 0.3 of a hectare lies within this designation with 22 units proposed; thus, the residential density is calculated at 73 units per net hectare; the residential density lies within the allowable range for this designation; the Low Density Residential designation permits residential uses at a net residential density of up to and including 30 dwelling units per hectare; in addition, home occupations, limited offices serving the area, and limited retailing of goods and services serving the area, community, cultural and recreational uses, compatible employment uses, and compatible special purpose commercial uses serving the area, may be permitted; about 0,3 of a hectare lies within this designation with 28 units proposed; thus, the residential density is calculated at 93 units per net hectare; the residential density exceeds the allowable range for this designation; an amendment to the Official Plan to change the designation from Low to Medium Density Residential is required; a copy of the proposed amendment is provided as Appendix I to this Information Report; - the Medium Density Residential designation permits the same uses as the Low Density Residential, except residential uses are permitted at a net residential density of over 30 and up to and including 80 dwelling units per hectare; about 0.98 of a hectare lies within this designation with 47 units proposed; thus, the residential density is calculated at 48 units per net hectare; the residential density lies within the allowable range for this designation; Information Report No. 16-01 Page 3 if the Low Density lands are redesignated to Medium Density, about 1.28 of a hectare would lie within the designation, with 75 units proposed; the residential density would be calculated at 58 units per net hectare; this residential density would lie within the allowable range for medium density; if all lands are included, this application proposes residential uses at an overall residential density of 53 dwelling units per net hectare; Map 16 of the Pickering Official Plan identifies the subject lands as lying within the Woodlands Neighbourhood; further, Map 16 identifies the subject lands as lying within a Detailed Review Area; section 11.2 of the Official Plan indicates that Council may adopt development guidelines for any part of a Detailed Review Area; Council shall endeavour to complete a detailed review prior to approving major development within the area; Council has adopted the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines, which affect the subject lands; once Council has adopted development guidelines, development shall comply with them; section 11.8 (a) of the Official Plan indicates that Council shall, in established residential areas along Sheppard Avenue, encourage and where possible, require new development to be compatible with the character of existing development; further, the policies restrict the maximum overall net site density for residential development in the lands governed' by the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines to 35 units per net hectare; the current residential density within the area covered by the Northeast Quadrant Guidelines is approximately 8.5 units per hectare; with the proposed development, the net density over the entire Northeast Quadrant would be approximately 21.5 units per hectare; the Woodlands Neighbourhood Map also shows a Proposed Road Connection between Kingston Road and Whites Road; Delta Boulevard is the start of this road; its continuation west would run along the south portion of the subject lands; a proposed Neighbourhood Park is identified generally in the interior of the Northeast Quadrant; section 10.5 of the Pickering Official Plan identifies that Council shall promote the retention of watercourses and stream corridors in an open and natural state and require, where appropriate, the recommendations of an Environmental Report to be implemented; however, section 10.6 of the Pickering Plan states that Council shall consider alterations or enclosures of limited portions of watercourses within existing urbanized areas if supported by an approved subwatershed plan or environmental master servicing plan; in addition, section 10.19 of the Official Plan states that Council may permit alterations to watercourses or stream corridors, including the placement of fill, only following the appropriate approvals of the relevant conservation authority and the Ministry of Natural Resources, if necessary; further, Schedule III — Resource Management of the Official Plan designates the valley of the creek tributary as Shoreline and Stream Corridors; among other matters, this designation may permit new development in accordance with the land use designation on Schedule 1, (which as noted above is Medium and Low Residential), subject to the recommendations of an Environmental Report; sections 15.9, 15.11 and Appendix II indicate that Council shall for major development, and may for minor development, require the submission of an Environmental Report, as part of the consideration of an application on lands designated Shoreline and Stream Corridor; Schedule II — Transportation Network designates Whites Road as a Type A Arterial, and a Transit Spine; Type A Arterials are designed to carry large volumes of traffic at moderate and high speeds, within the municipality; they have access restrictions, and generally have a right-of-way width ranging from 36 to 50 metres; Information Report No. 16-01 Page 4 - Schedule If also designates Sheppard Avenue as a Type C Arterial; Type C Arterials are designed to carry lower volumes of traffic, provide access to properties, and generally have a right-of-way width ranging from 26 to 30 metres; however, section 11.8 (e) of the Pickering Plan indicates that Council shall accommodate future improvements to Sheppard Avenue within the existing 20 metre road allowance, except at intersections where additional road allowance width may be needed; 3.4 Compendium Document to the Pickering Official Plan as noted above, the subject lands fall within the detailed review area that is subject to the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines; the Northeast Quadrant is the block of land bounded generally on the south by Kingston Road, on the west by Whites Road, on the north by Sheppard Avenue, and on the east by the main branch of the Amberlea Creek (east of the Dunbarton School site); the small tributary of Amberlea Creek that passes through the eastern part of the subject lands, continues southwards to Kingston Road, and then under Kingston Road and through the Pickering Holdings property (located east of Boyer Pontiac); Council has adopted the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines, for these lands; in addition, two parcels on the west side of Whites Road, south of Dunfair Street, are also governed by the same Guidelines; the Northeast Quadrant Guidelines contemplate a high intensity mixed-use development, with substantial underground parking; the vision is centred around an internal residential area fronting on a public `ring' road with an interior linear park; in addition, commercial and office uses, with office and office -support uses, are permitted along the Kingston Road and Whites Road frontages respectively; for the subject lands, the Northeast Quadrant Guidelines identify: • the intent to ensure that new residential development close to the existing residences has little visual impact from Sheppard Avenue; • the new residential zone provide a buffer and transition between the existing residential community on Sheppard Avenue and the commercial component of new development; and • residential uses in buildings with building heights not to exceed 14 metres were anticipated on the southern part of the subject lands; - more specifically for the subject lands, the concept plan from the Guidelines shows: • a 2,660 square metre, 2 -storey office / office -support building on Whites Road; • 33 residential dwellings in the form of 4 -storey structures, adjacent to the new internal public road; and • detached dwellings on Sheppard Avenue; - an amendment to the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines is required; 3.3 Zoning By-law 3036 - the subject lands are currently zoned R3 - One Family Detached -Third Density Zone; the R3 zone permits detached dwellings on lots with minimum street frontages of 18 metres and minimum lot areas of 550 square metres. - an amendment to Zoning By-law 3036 is required. 4.0 RESULTS OF CIRCULATION (see Attachments #4 - #6) 4.1 Resident Comments Vivian VandenHazel — is opposed to the proposed density increase along the Sheppard Avenue frontage as all other homes fronting on Sheppard are detached homes; she also does not support enclosure of the watercourse as it would be environmentally unfriendly to plants and animals; she would prefer the watercourse to be cleaned up and used as a park (see Attachment #4); Information Report No. 16-01 Page 5 Sylvia Spencer (verbal comments) — is concerned with the grades at the south-east corner of Whites Road and Sheppard Avenue; would prefer to see no more than 8 houses along the Sheppard Avenue frontage; questions whether home businesses are permitted, and if so, states that adequate parking should be provided; is concerned with the steep grades along Sheppard Avenue and suggests the access be moved further to the east; 4.2 Agency Comments Durham District School Board — has no objections to the proposal (see Attachment #5); Veridian Connections — advises that the applicant must meet numerous requirements and specifications respecting electrical servicing of this property and pay certain deposits and fees (see Attachment #6); 4.3 Staff Comments 4.3.1 Residential Uses the proposal to change the use of these lands from a mix of office and residential as originally envisioned by the Northeast Quadrant Guidelines, to only residential, must be reviewed; to -date, there has been little success in achieving the internal residential area as originally envisaged; thus, refocusing of the residential to Sheppard Avenue may be an appropriate alternative to explore; the proposed housing form, layout, design, and intensity of development must be reviewed m light of urban design objectives, traffic and access considerations, environmental considerations, and the community context; specifically, the appropriateness of changing the designation of the lands fronting on Sheppard Avenue from Low to Medium Density residential must be evaluated; the appropriate performance standards, restrictions, and provisions for the residential uses must be established; 4.3.2 Amberlea Creek and Stormwater Management the appropriateness of piping the tributary of Amberlea Creek must be reviewed; it is noted that the tributary is piped all upstream of Sheppard Avenue, and portions of the tributary are piped downstream under Highway 401, and the CN Rail; some downstream reaches of the Creek are experiencing stream and valley erosion; the location of the remnant reaches of the open channel on the subject lands, and on the lands to the south, frustrates the land use and urban design objectives contemplated for these lands; accordingly, there appears to be some merit in considering piping of these remnant pieces of the watercourse; however, an appropriate Environmental Report is required to support the request; the report must examine the impacts to the tributary both upstream and downstream, and justify the benefit of piping the creek; from an environmental perspective, it is anticipated that any justification would be required to demonstrate how the implementation plan would result in a net benefit to the watershed; to -date, no report has been submitted by the applicant; ultimately, any application to pipe the creek would be required to receive appropriate approvals and permits, for fill and alteration to a watercourse, from the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, and the Federal Department of Fisheries, and possibly the Ministry of Natural Resources where required; however, there is also an interest by the owners of lands located to the south of the subject lands, between the subject lands and Kingston Road, and those south of Kingston Road, to pipe the tributary of Amberlea Creek through their lands; accordingly, there is an opportunity for all landowners to undertake a single study; the City is one of these landowners; Information Report No. 16-01 Page 6 in addition, the City is currently undertaking a review of the downstream reach of Amberlea Creek which is experiencing the erosion problems; work associated with this mitigation / restoration project appears to duplicate much of the effort required for the piping justification; a collaborative effort between the City and the other affected landowners would appear to be the most strategic approach to completing the required report; further discussion is required on how an appropriate Environmental Report is best completed; opportunities for collaboration are currently being explored through a proposed review of the Northeast Quadrant lands in conjunction with lands south of Kingston Road (see section 4.3.4 below); regardless of whether the tributary is ultimately piped, stormwater management must be addressed for these lands; storm sewers installed under Delta Boulevard have been sized to accommodate flows from the Marion Hill lands; however, it is not clear whether piping of the creek would change any of the earlier assumptions for stormwater management; 4.3.3 Review of the "Northeast Quadrant" Lands - in addition to this application, the City has received other development applications for lands within the Northeast Quadrant, requesting revisions to the Guidelines; these changes relate to the arrangement of uses, design matters, provision of the park, provision of the internal ring road, and access to the external road network; in addition, the City is aware of other development interest for lands in the Quadrant; furthermore, the owners of land, through which the tributary of Amberlea Creek flows, are interested in piping the creek; although the City has had some successes in implementing the vision set out in the Northeast Quadrant Guidelines, there are some on-going challenges; these challenges include the interest in primarily commercial development adjacent to Kingston Road, the cost of and lack of interest in underground parking, the difficulty in implementing the internal public road, and the location of the tributary through the block; in an effort to be more proactive in working with development interests, the City is considering a review of the Northeast Quadrant Development Ciuidelines; although the process, tasks and funding are still under discussion, preliminary work done to date suggests that the review would look at: • revisions to the arrangement of land uses, while maintaining key urban design objectives and having regard to the community context; • the internal access network through the block, and external access to and from the surrounding streets; and • the potential for piping the Amberlea Creek tributary. based on a preliminary study design, it is anticipated that staff would work closely with landowners on finding common ground between their interests and the City's; but, it is suggested at this time that a new approach, using a consultant who is a facilitator with urban design expertise, or an urban designer with expertise in facilitation, may best accomplish this task in a timely manner; additional consulting help would also be required in two technical areas not currently available on staff; consultants would be required to complete a traffic/access analysis, and the environmental /engineering report for the piping of the tributary; the consultants' work would provide input into, and support, any revisions to the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines; based on a preliminary study design, it is also anticipated that staff would work closely with the community to understand issues and concerns so that neighbourhood development continues to achieve an appropriate fit; Information Report No. 16-01 Page 7 the representative for the Marion Hill lands has indicated at a preliminary level that his client is interested in participating in the review of the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines, including the related environmental and traffic/access studies; should a review of Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines proceed, recommendations on the official plan and zoning by-law amendment applications amendment applications would await the outcome of that process; 4.3.4 Urban Design discussions have been held between the applicant and Planning & Development staff about the nature of development that may be appropriate on the south-east corner of Whites Road and Sheppard Avenue; while staff recognize that there may be merit in the removal of the office commercial uses from the land fronting onto Whites Road, enclosure of the watercourse, surface parking, and provision of traffic access to the subject lands without connection to Delta Boulevard, no commitments were given; a number of design elements of development of the subject lands will require careful consideration; issues for review will include; • the proposed stacked and street townhouse forms; • the proposed height for the proposed townhouses fronting onto Sheppard Avenue and Whites Road; • the grade differences between Whites Road and the north-west comer of the site; • the proposed intensity of development; • the adequacy, arrangement and number of parking areas for the proposed development; • pedestrian access to, and through, the subject lands; • the location and design of the proposed linear amenity space opposite Delta Boulevard; and • the locations of traffic access points and turning movements between the subject lands and Whites Road and Sheppard Avenue; 4.3.5 Other Matters - following approval of any official plan and zoning amendment, site plan approval and a draft plan of condominium application will be required. 5.0 PROCEDURAL INFORMATION 5.1 Official Plan Amendment Approval Authority the Region of Durham may exempt certain local official plan amendments from Regional approval if such applications are determined to be locally significant, and do not exhibit matters of Regional and / or Provincial interest; at this time, the Region has not yet determined whether this official plan amendment application is exempt from Regional Approval; 5.2 General written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the Planning & Development Department; - oral comments may be made at the Public Information Meeting; - all comments received will be noted and used as input in a Planning Report prepared by the Planning & Development Department for a subsequent meeting of Council or a Committee of Council; if you wish to reserve the option to appeal Council's decision, you must provide comments to the City before Council adopts any by-law for this proposal; if you wish to be notified of Council's adoption of any official plan amendment, or passing of any zoning by-law amendment, you must request such in writing to the City Clerk; Information Report No. 16-01 Page 8 if you wish to be notified of the decision of the Region of Durham with respect to the proposed amendment to the official plan, you must make a written request to the Commissioner of Planning, Region of Durham Planning Department. 6.0 OTHER INFORMATION 6.1 Appendix I - copy of the proposed Pickering Official Plan Amendment; 6.2 Appendix II - those whose comments on the proposal were received at time of writing are listed; 6.3 Company Principal - Mr. Ian Matthews is the President of Marion Hill Development Corporation; Mr. Vincent Santamaura of Cassidy and Co. is representing Marion Hill. 4-6AZ, /6?-e-z-z-L5K— Steve Gaunt, MCIP, RPP Planner 2 SG/jf Copy: Director, Planning & Development Catherine L. Rose Manager, Policy APPENDIX I TO INFORMATION REPORT NO. 16-01 PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN PURPOSE: LOCATION: PROPOSED AMENDMENT: The purpose of this amendment is to permit an increase in the net residential density permitted on a portion of the subject lands to a maximum of 80 units per hectare. The Plan currently establishes a residential density maximum of 30 units per hectare for lands designated "Urban Residential Area - Low Density Area". The subject lands are approximately 0.3 of a hectare in size, and located on the south side of Sheppard Avenue, east of Whites Road. All of the lands fall within Part Lot 28, Range 3, B.F.C. The City of Pickering Official Plan is hereby amended by: 1. Replace the "Urban Residential Area - Low Density Area" with an "Urban Residential Area - Medium Density Area" designation on Schedule I - the Land Use Structure map of the Pickering Official Plan; as shown on Schedule 'A' attached hereto. IMPLEMENTATION: The provisions set forth in the City of Pickering Official Plan, as amended, regarding the implementation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. INTERPRETATION: sxg/dobbnlopa The provisions set forth in the City of Pickering Official Plan, as amended, regarding the interpretation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. SCHEDULE 'A' EXTRACT FROM SCHEDULE I TO THE PICKERING OFFICIAL ICL&L PIl4 \ OPEN SPACE SYSTEM NATURAL AREAS ACTIVE RECREATIONAL AREA_9 MIMARINA AREAS EDITION 2 CITY OE SHEET 1OF3 ETV OF PICVDROG PL.... It DEVELOPMENT DEPART/ ENT MIXED USE AREAS IMLOCAL. NODES COMMUNDY NODES MIXED CORRIDORS LAND USE STRUCTURE EMPLOYMENT AREAS FREEWAYS AND MAJOR UTILITIES PRES11GE EMPLOYMENT M CONTROLLED ACCESS AREAS URBAN RESIDENTIAL AREAS OTHER DESIGNATIONS LOW OENSFTY AREAS M, URBAN STUDY AREAS MEDIUM OENSTTY AREAS APPENDIX II TO INFORMATION REPORT NO. 16-01 COMMENTING RESIDENTS AND LANDOWNERS 1) Vivian VandenHazel, 1757 Fairport Road, Pickering, ON L1V 1T1 2) Sylvia Spencer, 771 Sheppard Avenue, Pickering, ON L1V 1G4 COMMENTING AGENCIES (1) The Durham District School Board (2) Veridian Connections COMMENTING CITY DEPARTMENTS (1) Planning & Development ATTACHMENT #.LTO INFORMATION REPORT # 6 `-0.0 WIINNGARA DENr 'Oa' UNE , .0 4, I I I' • •F`, STROUDS - I 1 I 1 1 1p11.t�1 '..i111o��• .=I1IIIIIIIIlr 1/tir�: - m 1 \ �� HEDGEftya ,_,..,.„, �� cD �,► /Ii�ii �ii �. ,:� v ��% H �1,_ :sp ���� _ � of / �i WO =a� Z".li .m. ,moo° _%muuM1 . -- 1111111111111111 I1 ••SQUARE COURT FLAVELLE IIIIII�III- =_ — _-4. _ESA ��J I III�;I/I.44 . ler AVENUE BRAEBURN1111= K D� �� ��/111111111111 �� JACOUEUNE � al WELROS o W.11111111111111111 tell! ��1�11��,� STREET F— p __ —law m— GQURT �� EOCEW000 ff - 11111 • _Illy I� ,door��.� 1� ,.t�� ■/ I ♦ ♦ ,II I _:__ e: .-a_alii�ii `T i j TRAIL ����` ��D��4 ��. =In NEM WEY Asn z Orin; M. . R� SIM, t 1—� MI la" O la 4=' lag r, •.�'� _ 11111111111 �� == ='—z� — . BeAdrrilire�_ MINNm %_ 112°AlIiI� �_N=%//IIIIIIIIIIIIII= IIIIIIIilltllllllll U TES LN. �- _ D 3 �i� O N••Q=al�� SOUARE "I'O"IHIIIIIII" IIII,lIIIIt1""„� C.N.R. - LLr Il �IIlHHIIIIIIIIIIIuhIIII1flh11iuuIIi1111111 _SHEPPARD _ AVENUE SHEPPARD AVENUE Q la 4/11111111 riVreil e= - U,,L7^^i/E / ...... . ,: •.... ROAD Z D am. oig - LANDS m VIII UNFAIR ST. Vial oCATTAiL woe 't o — b_1111Uo 111111 RAINY 1r� A DAY / , ,, QN �," A y ,- 5TREET '.. STEEPLE HILL ArO1 p4� ,>', , GNP( `` 1 I ,„,S°N•Geyy 40•;;;��A ;;*1 City of Pickering Planning & Development Department PROPERTY DESCRIPTION PART OF LOT 28, RANGE 3, B.F.C.; PART 1, 40R-14431; PART 1, 40R-2767 OWNER MARION HILLS DEVELOPMENT INC. DATE MAY 11, 2001 DRAWN BY RC APPLICATION No. A 4/01; OPA 01-002/P SCALE 1;7500 CHECKED BY SG FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY PN -6 PA- �it 10 cc I0 ATTACHMENT # a TO INFORMATION REPORT# /6-0 INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANT'S SUBMITTED PLAN MARION HILLS DEVELOPMENT INC. A 4/01; OPA 01-002/P afr SHEPPARD AVE I A MUZ PART 1,7g; ": „a.' PRIVATE UREjFl. &..!...1C —a—_— -- 111111111011 1111101/1111 I "Sail t."'!'(�^� 1 —_ PPoYA.kµ.—ELEi A. $�R PART 2 laa IIP111! !WI R 8 7 1/ an 2AM Or 8 6A 1 11 1.11011 SUMMARY STA77SFK'S PROVIDED ON 771E NEXT PAGE. A LARGE SCALE COPY OF 771/5 PUN /S AVAILABLE FOR NER7NG AT 771E PUNNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. ,vo 1V2 FM. 1 uass Emma I I I I wl i e l0 - mi Ifta.lH ttW11 XW 1rritt2 771/5 MAP WAS PRODUCED BY 771E CITY OF PICKER/NG PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT, INFORMATION & SUPPORT SERVICES, MAY, TOO1. ATTACHMENT# 3 TO INFORMATION REPORT# /' - CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN — WHITES RD. & SHEPPARD AVE. MARION BILL DEVELOPMENTS SUMMARY STATISTICS: Lot Area: Part 1— Owned by Lydia Dobbin 1.481 hectares (3.66 acres) Part 2 — Owned by City of Pickering .373 hectares (.92 acres) Total Condo Units: Part 1— 79 dwelling units Part 2 —18 dwelling units Total: 97 units Total Parking Spaces: 174 spaces (2.2 per unit) For Condo Townhouses: 194 (2 per unit) Visitor Spaces: (.22 per unit) Building Height: On Whites —18 metres On Sheppard —13 metres 25 ATTACHMENT# 7 TO • INFORMATION REPORT# /6 - / 7BJECT: Pickering Official Plan Amendment OPA 01-002/P Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 04/01 Marion Hill Development Corp. Part Lot 28, Range 3,.B.1?.C. (now Part 1, Plan 40R-14431 & Part 1, Plan 40R-2767) (South-east comer of Whites Road and Sheppard Avenue) City of Pickering Mr. S.Gaunt Planner 2 City of Pickering Planning & Dear Mr. Gaunt, Vivian VandenHazel 1757 Fairport Road Pickering, ON L1V 1T1 April 27,2001 Development Dept. 1 EC MVL APR 3 0 2001 CITY OF PICKERII PICKERING, ONTARIO APR 3 0 2001 CI Y DEVELOPMENT T_p,RTME I do not support the proposed density increase along the Sheppard Avenue frontage. All other homes in the area fronting on Sheppard are single family detached homes. This character should be maintained. The ;proposed density on the interior roads I feel are acceptable. I do not supat enclosure of the water course flowing through the eastern portion of the subject land. This has been done to too many water courses in Pickering already with detrimental effects. Enclosing watercourses is not environmentally friendly, few flora or fauna can survive in the dark. This should be cleaned up and used as a small neighbourhood park. I would like to be informed of decisions made by the Region of Durham Planning Department. I would like the City Clerk to notify me of subsequent meetings. I would also like to be informed of Pickering Council's adoption of official plan and/or zoning by-law amendments. cc City Clerk, City of Pickering. cc Commissioner of'Planning, Durham Region Planning Department Sincerely, Vivian VandenHa2,el THE CRHANI )ISTRICT ;CHOOL BOARD =acilities Services Taunton Road East `Vhitby, Ontario LIR 2K6 one: (905) 666-5500 1-800-265-3968 Fax: (905) 666-6439 ATTACHMENT# S TO INFORMATION REPORT# // -o / May 2, 2001 The Corporation of the City of Pickering Planning Department Pickering Civic Centre One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L1V 6K7 Attention: Mr. Steve Gaunt Dear Mr. Gaunt, RECEIVED MAY - 3 2001 CITY OF PICKERING PLANND DEVELOPMENT 1DEPARTMENT RE: Pickering Official Plan Amendment OPA 01-002/P Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 04/01 Marion Hill Development Corp. Part Lot 28, Range 3 B.F.C. (now Part 1, Plan 40R-14431 & Part 1, Plan 40R-2767) (South-east corner of Whites Road and Sheppard Avenue) City of Pickering Staff has reviewed the information on the above noted application and under the mandate of the Durham District School Board, has no objections. Yours truly, Christine Nancekivell, Planner CN:em 1:\PROPLAMDATA\PLNG\ZBLW04-01 ATTACHMENT# 6 TO INFORMATION REPORT# /6-O / VERIDIAN CONNECTIONS DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW RECEIVED MAY 4 2001 CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PROJECT NAME: ADDRESS/PLAN: Ivlarion Id111 Development Corp. Past Lot 28, Range 3, B.F,C. (S/E comer of Whites Road and Sheppard Avenue) MUNICIPALITY; Pickering REF. NO.t OFA 01-002/P & A 04/01 SUBMISSION DATE: April 26, 2001 1. Electric Sctvice is available on the road aUowance(s) touching this property. Servicing will be from thc north side of Sheppard Avenue. 2. An extension of the Corporation's plant is required on thc psd allowance In order to service this project. Owner's cost — amount to be determined. Al] such extensions arc normally underground, 3. The applicant must provide accommodation on site fot.the Corporation's transfotiner(s), 4. Individual metering fot each unit is requited. 5. The Applicant must provide s onctetc encased looped undergtound duct system from a supply point at the north side of Sheppard Avenue to transformer locations on the property. 6. The following standard fixed fee costs will apply (all figures arc approximate): Service Connection Fee $130,00 per unit 7. A deposit in the amount of $5,000.00 is requited to be applied against engineering legal and inspection costs associated with this project, 8. Existing Corporacion plant on the east gide of Whites Road and the south side of Sheppard Avenue may have to be replaced/relocated at the Applicant's cost to accommodate the proposed driveway locations, 9, The Applicant must make direct application to the Corporation to obtain specific approval of the electrical service arrangements and related work for this project, Trot applicant is cautioned that tenders, contracts, or work initiated prior to obtaining specific apptoval will be subject to change. 10. A Servicing Agreement must be signed with the Corporation in order to obtain servicing for this site, 11. A Multi -Tenant Agreement must be entered Into and may be registered on title as par:: of the servicing requirements. Legal costa for this will be charged to the Applicant. 12. AU work from the public toad allowance to the aetvicc entrance and thc metering arrangements must comply with the Corporation's requitctnents aid spedhcations. P11/711 ',l n T 7n stn cnn 'nAl vu.t 1.1U1/IT\PIA 1111 nT,nn TM 1 Tnn- 1..n 11111 ATTACHMENT# G TO INFORMATION REPORT# Page 2 V aRIDIAN CONNECTIONS DV.VELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW 13. Prior to energbhig any new service, the Applicant shall apply to the Corporation's Customer Care Department to open an energy account - 14. Prior to obtaining a building permit, the Applicant shall, by agrecmcnt, conGtm acceptance of the tams and conditions of providing electrical services 15. Where cranes of material handling equipment orworkers must work in proximity to existing overhead wires, with the capability of contact ox coming within the limits of approach, the developer/builder shall pay all coots for the tetnpontry relocation, burial, or protection of the witch, or other action deemed necessary by Veridlan to provide for worker safety and the security of the electrical system. 16. Landscaping, specifically trees and shrubs, should be located away from the Corporation's transformers to avoid interference with equipment access. 17. Will not attend scheduled City of Picketing DART Meeting for this development 13. Other: • With this being a privately owned site, the ownership and maintenance of all electrical plant on the site other than the transformers, are the responsibility of the site owner. • Vcridien will prepare the electrical design for this project, Technical Representative — Dave CIL Telephone 427-9870 Ext, 3233 pr/df F:\1Vad t>owm.ttt.\Vaidan\l' yeinemnrd: Dxdwction\n^dopmtot Apptudon Aerie-\PkYeung\2rq ? ion 1 WI nm-dopmtn Cop . Willa anal And Sheppnd Armux.dx Rev. Date: November 1,1999 Pn/Pn '1 nt7n RIO cna 'nM Vtl.l IILTIrtTi1iA 1111 nT.on TV.t Inn? t.n 11111