HomeMy WebLinkAboutInformation Report 15-01008 INFORMATION REPORT NO. 15-01 FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING OF MAY 17, 2001 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PUBLIC MEETING REQUIREMENTS OF THE PLANNING ACT, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.12' SUBJECT: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 40/00 Pickering Holdings Inc., et al. Part Lots 27 & 28, B F Range 3 (South side of Kingston Road, east of Whites Road) City of Pickering 1.0 PROPERTY LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION the subject lands are 3.3 hectares in area, and are located on the south side of Kingston Road, east of Whites Road; the subject lands comprise three parcels of land (see map, Attachment #1): • parcel 1 is a 2.19 -hectare property owned by Michael Boyer Enterprises; it is occupied by the Boyer Pontiac Buick dealership; • parcel 2 is a 1.03 -hectare property owned by Pickering Holdings Inc.; it is being used by Boyer Pontiac to display automobiles for sale; a tributary of Amberlea Creek crosses the north-east corner of the parcel; • parcel 3 is a 0.08 -hectare property owned by the Veridian Corporation; it is currently vacant; - uses surrounding the subject lands are: the Highway 401 on/off ramps to the east; Highway 401 to the south; the Whites Road Shopping Centre to the west; and, on the north side of Kingston Road, the Wendy's / Tim Horton' s and Swiss Chalet restaurants at Delta Boulevard with detached dwellings to the east; the main vehicular access to the subject lands is provided by a signalized intersection on Kingston Road at a private driveway aligning with Delta Boulevard (on the north side of Kingston Road); a second access to Kingston Road is located about mid -way between the signalized intersections at Delta Boulevard and the Highway 401 on/off ramps; 2.0 APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL Pickering Holdings Inc., et al. propose to expand the uses permitted on the subject lands to add vehicle sales and rental uses as an additional use on parcel 2, and permit an increased range of other commercial uses on all the lands in accordance with the Pickering Official Plan; no changes are proposed to the existing access points; the application is also proposing the enclosure of the watercourse. 3.0 Oi•1•1CIAL PLAN AND ZONING 3.1 Durham Regional Official Plan the subject lands are designated Special Study Area A in the Durham Regional Official Plan; lands in the Special Study Area contain a mixture of residential, retail, personal service and industrial uses; the area's highway exposure as a main street and gateway to the Region is to he maximized; development is to be intensified in a Information Report No. 15-01 009 Page 2 manner that will not adversely affect similar development within the Main Central Areas (that is, the Downtown Core) of Pickering; the improvement of the visual impact from Highway 401 and Highway 2 shall be a major consideration in the development of this area; - Kingston Road is designated as a Type B Arterial Road and as a Transit Spine; 3.2 Pickering Official Plan - the subject lands are designated Mixed Use Areas: Mixed Corridor on Schedule I — Land Use Structure in the Pickering Official Plan; the lands are located in the Woodlands Neighbourhood; the Mixed Corridor designation permits residential uses, retail, office, restaurant, community, cultural and recreational uses at a scale and intensity serving a broad area; this designation also permits special purpose commercial uses (such as car dealerships); within this designation, the maximum gross leasable floor space for the retailing of goods and services is to be determined by site-specific zoning with a permitted maximum floor space index (FSI) of up to and including 2.5 FSI (FSI is calculated by dividing the total building floor space by the total lot area); in establishing performance standards, restrictions and provisions for Mixed Use Areas, Council shall have particular regard to encouraging development in an integrated manner for a wide variety of uses and purposes, and encouraging intensification, over time, up to the maximum floor space index; section 15.14 of the Official Plan addresses the need for retail impact studies for new or expanded gross leasable floor space for the retailing of goods and services; Council shall for the development of 2,500 square metres or more, and may for the development of less than 2,500 square metres, require a retail impact study to justify the impact of the proposed floor space for the retailing of goods and services, and to demonstrate that such additional floor space will not unduly affect the viability of any lands designated or developed for the retailing of goods and services; - the proposal to permit vehicle sales and rental establishment, hotel, commercial club, retail, office, restaurant, financial institution and similar uses would conform to the permissible uses of the Mixed Corridor designation; Map 16 of the Pickering Plan identifies the subject lands as lying within a Detailed Review Area; section 11.2 of the Official Plan indicates that Council may adopt development guidelines for any part of a Detailed Review Area; Council shall endeavour to complete a detailed review prior to approving major development within the area; Council has adopted the Kingston Road Corridor Urban Design Development Guidelines, which affect the subject lands; once Council has adopted development guidelines, development shall comply with them; - section 10.5 of the Pickering Official Plan identifies that Council shall promote the retention of watercourses and stream corridors in an open and natural state and require, where appropriate, the recommendations of an Environmental Report to be implemented; however, section 10.6 of the Pickering Plan states that Council shall consider alterations or enclosures of limited portions of watercourses within existing, urbanized areas if supported by an approved subwatershed plan or environmental master servicing plan; in addition, section 10,19 of the Official Plan states that Council may permit alterations to watercourses or stream corridors, including the placement of fill, only following the appropriate approvals of the relevant conservation authority and the Ministry of Natural Resources, if necessary; further, Schedule 111 — Resource Management of the Official Plan designates the valley of the creek tributary as Shoreline and Stream Corridors; among other matters, this designation may permit new development in accordance with the land use designation on Schedule I, (which as noted above is Mixed Corridor), subject to the recommendations of an Environmental Report; Information Report No. 15-01 Page4 011 4.2 Agency Comments Durham District School Board — has no objections to the proposal (see Attachment #2). Veridian Corporation - agrees to the inclusion of its property in the rezoning application, and to the change in the zoning to the proposed mixed use; Veridian also indicates that once the property is rezoned, Veridian would be prepared to undertake discussion with Pickering Holdings Inc. to determine the best use of the property (see Attachment #3); 4.3 Staff Comments 4.3.1 Permitted Uses the suitability of the proposed range of uses requested to be included in the zoning for the lands must be examined; the appropriate performance standards, restrictions, and provisions for the requested uses must be established; - the requirement for a market study to support the floor space for the retailing of goods and services must be determined; 4.3.2 Urban Design - the appropriate performance standards, restrictions, and provisions required to implement the Kingston Road Corridor Development Guidelines must be reviewed and established; consideration must be given to whether additional Development Guidelines are required to guide development of the site; 4.3.3 Amberlea Creek and Stormwater Management the appropriateness of piping the tributary of Amberlea Creek must be reviewed; it is noted that the tributary is piped all upstream of Sheppard Avenue, and portions of the tributary are piped downstream under Highway 401, and the CN Rail; some downstream reaches of the Creek are experiencing stream and valley erosion; the location of the remnant reaches of the open channel on the subject lands, and on the lands to the north, frustrates the land use and urban design objectives contemplated for these lands; accordingly, there appears to be some merit in considering piping of these remnant pieces of the watercourse; however, an appropriate Environmental Report is required to support the request; the report must examine the impacts to the tributary both upstream and downstream, and justify the benefit of piping the creek; from an environmental perspective, it is anticipated that any justification would be required to demonstrate how the implementation plan would result in a net benefit to the watershed; to -date, no report has been submitted by the applicant; ultimately, any application to pipe the creek would be required to receive appropriate approvals and permits, for fill and alteration to a watercourse, from the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, and the Federal Department of Fisheries, and possibly the Ministry of Natural Resources where required; however, there is also an interest by the owners of lands located to the north of the subject lands, between Kingston Road and Sheppard Avenue, to pipe the tributary of Amberlea Creek through their lands; accordingly, there is an opportunity for all landowners to undertake a single study; the City is one of these landowners; OO Information Report No. 15-01 1 Page 3 sections 15.9, 15.11 and Appendix II indicate that Council shall for major development, and may for minor development, require the submission of an Environmental Report, as part of the consideration of an application on lands designated Shoreline and Stream Corridor; Schedule II — Transportation Network designates Kingston Road as a Type B Arterial, and a Transit Spine; Type B Arterials are designed to carry moderate volumes of traffic at moderate speeds, within the municipality; they generally have a right-of-way width between 30 to 36 metres; 3.3 Compendium Document to the Pickering Official Plan - Council adopted the Kingston Road Corridor Urban Design Development Guidelines to formulate a vision for transforming Kingston Road into a mainstreet; under the Guidelines, the subject lands fall within the Whites Road Corridor precinct, which extends from Rosebank Road to the CN rail overpass; the Guidelines recognize the Whites Road Corridor as an area as having good visibility from Highway 401, with highway access at Whites Road; further, the Guidelines acknowledge that this precinct will generally maintain its auto -oriented focus and land uses, but will provide pedestrian amenity zones and Iinks at significant intersections; the Guidelines identify a number of objectives, urban form, and economic development provisions, for this precinct, including: • a mix of land uses should be allowed on either side of Kingston Road; • automobile dependant uses may be encouraged to locate in this precinct since it offers good visibility from Highway 401; • buildings should be located closer to the street; • mid -rise buildings should be allowed on the south side of Kingston Road, with a minimum building height of 2 storeys; • it is an objective to create a corridor that supports a high volume of vehicular traffic but with pedestrian amenity zones; • it is an objective to create a clear separation between pedestrian activities and vehicular spaces; and • clear, safe and welcoming pedestrian routes shall be provided from intersections to individual commercial developments; 3.4 Zoning By-law 3036 - the subject lands are zoned by Zoning By-law 3036, as amended by By-law 2284/86 and By-law 3254/89; the By-law establishes two different zone categories for the lands, as follows: • parcel 1 is zoned as "CA3-3", which permits a vehicle sales or rental establishment; and • parcels 2 and 3 are zoned as "SC -8", which permits a hotel that may include a commercial club and retail store, with a restriction on the maximum floor area for retail stores of 500 square metres; the application is to permit, on all three parcels, all of the uses currently permitted by both the "CM -3" and "SC -8" zone categories, in addition to a broader mixture of commercial uses as permissible under the Mixed Corridor designation; the applicant is proposing additional uses such as business and professional office, restaurant, financial institution, day nursery, personal service shop and other similar commercial and community uses. 4.0 RESULTS OF CIRCULATION (see Attachments #2 & 3) 4.1 Resident or Landowner Comments - to date, no comments have been received from either residents or abutting landowners; Information Report No. 15-01 Page 6 01.3 based on a preliminary study design, it is anticipated that staff would work closely with landowners on finding common ground between their interests and the City's; but, it is suggested at this time that a new approach, using a consultant who is a facilitator with urban design expertise, or an urban designer with expertise in facilitation, may best accomplish this task in a timely manner; additional consulting help would also be required in two technical areas not currently available on staff; consultants would be required to complete a traffic/access analysis, and the environmental /engineering report for the piping of the tributary; the consultants' work would provide input into, and support, any revisions to the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines; based on a preliminary study design, it is also anticipated that staff would work closely with the community to understand issues and concerns so that neighbourhood development continues to achieve an appropriate fit; the representative for the Boyer/Pickering Holdings/Veridian lands has indicated at a preliminary level that his client is interested in having the subject lands included in the review of the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines, particularly with respect to the environmental report on the piping of the tributary, and traffic/access matters; should a review of Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines proceed, recommendations on this zoning by-law amendment application would await the outcome of that process; 5.0 PROCEDURAL INFORMATION written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the Planning & Development Department; oral comments may be made at the Public Information Meeting; all comments received will be noted and used as input in a Planning Report prepared by the Planning & Development Department for a subsequent meeting of Council or a Committee of Council; If you wish to reserve the option to appeal Council's decision, you must provide comments to the City before Council adopts any official plan amendment of by-law for this proposal; if you wish to be notified of Council's decision regarding this proposal, you must request such in writing to the City Clerk. 6.0 OTHER INFORMATION 6.1 Appendix I - those whose comments on the proposal were received at time of writing are listed; 6.2 Company Principals - Mr. Michael Boyer is the principal of both Michael Boyer Enterprises and Pickering Holdings Inc., Mr. Alex Artuchov is representing Mr. Boyer. Steve Gaunt, MCIP, RPP Catherine L. Rose Manager, Policy Planner 2 SG/jf Copy: Director, Planning & Development Information Report No. 15-01 012 Page 5 in addition, the City is currently undertaking a review of the downstream reach of Amberlea Creek which is experiencing the erosion problems; work associated with this mitigation / restoration project appears to duplicate much of the effort required for the piping justification; a collaborative effort between the City and the other affected landowners would appear to be the most strategic approach to completing the required report; - further discussion is required on how an appropriate Environmental Report is best completed; opportunities for collaboration are currently being explored through a proposed review of the lands lying immediately north of the Boyer / Pickering Holdings / Veridian lands; regardless of whether the tributary is ultimately piped, the specific contribution of the Pickering Holdings lands for stormwater management purposes (which may include flow detention and/or quality treatment), will also have to be reviewed through this application; 4.3.4 Relationship with "Northeast Quadrant" Lands lands to the north of the subject properties are referred to in City planning documents as the "Northeast Quadrant"; the Northeast Quadrant is the block of land bounded generally on the south by Kingston Road, on the west by Whites Road, on the north by Sheppard Avenue, and on the east by the main branch of the Amberlea Creek (east of the Dunbarton School site); - as noted above, the same small tributary of Amberlea Creek that passes through the central portion the Northeast Quadrant flows under Kingston Road and continues through the Pickering Holdings property; Council has adopted the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines, for these lands; in addition, two parcels on the west side of Whites Road, south of Dunfair Street, are also governed by the same Guidelines; the Northeast Quadrant Guidelines contemplate a high intensity mixed-use development, with substantial underground parking; the vision is centred around an internal residential area fronting on a public `ring' road with an interior linear park; in addition, commercial and office uses, with office and office -support uses, are permitted along the Kingston Road and Whites Road frontages respectively; the City has received several development applications for lands within the Northeast Quadrant, requesting revisions to the Guidelines; these changes relate to the arrangement of uses, design matters, provision of the park, provision of the internal ring road, and access to the external road network; in addition, the City is aware of other development interest for lands in the Quadrant; furthermore, several owners of land, through which the tributary of Amberlea Creek flows, are interested in piping the creek; although the City has had some successes in implementing the vision set out in the Guidelines, there are some on-going challenges; these challenges include the interest in primarily commercial development adjacent to Kingston Road, the cost of and lack of interest in underground parking, the difficulty in implementing the internal public road, and the location of the tributary through the block; in an effort to be more proactive in working with development interests, the City is considering a review of the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines; although the process, tasks and funding are still under discussion, preliminary work done to date suggests that the review would look at: • revisions to the arrangement of land uses, while maintaining key urban design objectives and having regard to the community context; • the internal access network through the block, and external access to and from the surrounding streets; and • the potential for piping the Amberlea Creek tributary. ATTACHMENT# 1 TO INFORMATION REPORT# 15 " O 1 01.5 MI M TRAIL N INM INN OMR NMI RA / SSE UR *11 C RT WEYBURN mow DAM mum SQUARE C.N.R. SHEPPARD AVENUE YLIGHO �\Tas TTAI 1' RAINY DAY 111111111 brO AGN DUNFAIR ST AVENUE { 11II►). WMN& WELRUS STREET 11111 M1111111, a CRT.min • ._oS 1111 _� =III1 1111111r ► 171 =QE COURT P,,_'II'� _N aIIII1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIo TES �liIlluIlluhiII'IIII'Ii'I"'f,``,""�`� �11111111111111111INII 111111111 AVENUE JACQUEUN NOM 0 SHEPPARD LANDS SUBJECT 11.41111011111 1 REZONING APPUCATIONii ppd 3 ROAD A4000 1 D O o1 .14P \A\G\ i • • DRIVE • kb •si 1t 0► EY vis At *11111111111: VIIMirep MIME MIMI .41111 MI= WWI 1: 11111111 OI: SAu ERD BREDA AVENUE 11N111M1.11 2 MORETTA AVENUE R 0 i= maw moms 11Iti'IN'[i11 SAN OK LYn City of Pickering Planning & Development Department • MICHAEL BOYER ENTERPRISES O PICKERING HOLDINGS INC. VERIDIAN CORPORATION DATE MAR 29, 2001 014 APPENDIX I TO INFORMATION REPORT NO. 15-01 COMMENTING RESIDENTS AND LANDOWNERS (1) None received to date COMMENTING AGENCIES (1) The Durham District School Board (2) Veridian Corporation COMMENTING CITY DEPARTMENTS (1) Planning & Development ATTACHMENT #_S _W INFORMATION REPORT#-11—:�•. 017 VERIDIAN CORPORATION 1920 Bayly Street Pickering, ON L1W 3R6 November 30, 2000 TEL (905) 427-9870 TEL 1-888-420-0070 FAX (905) 427-4998 Mr. Alex Artuchov, MCIP, RPP www.veridian.on.ca Urban L'Atttude 789 Don Mills Road Suite 500 Don Mills, Ontario M3C 1T5 Dear Mr. Artuchov Re: Re -zoning of Veridian Corporation Property on the South West Corner of Kingston Rd and the Highway 401 on Ramp east of White's Road Further to your letter of November 29, 2000, we hereby consent to your firm including the above referenced property in the re -zoning application to the City of Pickering to change the zoning to Mixed Use. We understand that the fees for the application are covered under the re -zoning application for the adjacent Boyer Property to the west. Once the property is re -zoned we would be prepared to undertake discussions with your client to determine the best use of the property. Yours very truly, fohn Wiersma I/President & Chief Executive Officer The power to make your community better. RECEIVED DEC 1 5 2000 CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 016 THE DURHAM DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD Facilities Services 400 Taunton Road East 'YThitby, Ontario LIR 2K6 elephone: (905) 666-5500 1-800-265-3968 Fax: (9051666-6439 ATTACHMENT# TO INFORMATION REPORT# /S' 0 / May 2, 2001 The Corporation of the City ofPickering Planning Department Pickering Civic Centre One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L1V 6K7 Attention: Mr. Steve Gaunt Dear Mr. Gaunt, RE: REECEflIED MAY - 3 2001 CITY OF PIC1' ERING rtl.ttNING AND OEVELOPFP.ENT D P.4RTMENT Zoning By-law Amendment Application A40/00 Pickering Holdings Inc.et al.. Part of Lots 27 & 28, B F Range 3 (South -side of Kingston Road, east of Whites Road)) City of Pickering Staff has reviewed the information on the above noted application and under the mandate of the Durham District School Board, has no objections. Yours truly, Christine Nancekivell, Planner CN:em T:IPROPLAMDATATLNGIZBL\A40-00