HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAO 06-19cd; ,F DICKERING Report to Council Report Number: CAO 06-19 Date: July 22, 2019 From: Tony Prevedel Chief Administrative Officer Subject: Municipal Servicing 407 Corridor Lands Phase One Tender No.T-12-2019 - File: A-1440 Recommendations: 1. That Tender No. T-12-2019 Municipal Servicing 407 Corridor Lands Phase One as submitted by TACO Construction Ltd. in the total tendered amount of $6,702,841.28 (HST included) be accepted; 2. That Council approve the hiring of Sabourin, Kimble & Associates Ltd. to provide contract administration and inspection services and other associated costs in the amount of $365,000.00 (HST excluded) for Tender No. T-12-2019 Municipal Servicing 407 Corridor Lands Phase One, in accordance with Purchasing Policy 10.03 (c) as the assignment is over $50,000.00; 3. That the total gross project cost of $9,029,319.00 (HST included), including the tendered amount and other associated costs, and the total net project cost of $8,131,181.00 (net of HST rebate) be approved; 4. That Council authorizes the Director, Finance & Treasurer to front fund the total net project cost in the amount of $8,131,181.00 as follows: a) the sum of $7,625,722.00 as approved for in the 2019 Finance and Taxation Capital Budget to be funded by Third Party Contribution Reserve Fund; b) the sum of $400,000.00 as provided for in the 2019 Finance and Taxation Capital Budget be increased to $505,459.00 to be funded by a transfer from the Rate Stabilization Reserve; c) the Treasurer be authorized to make any changes, adjustments, and revisions to amounts, terms, conditions, or take any actions necessary in order to effect the foregoing; 5. That Council direct staff to fully recover all front funding costs less City's share of $505,459.00 from Kubota and future benefiting land owners; CAO 06-19 July 22, 2019 Subject: Municipal Servicing 407 Corridor Lands Phase One Tender No. T-12-2019 Page 2 6. That the City's recoverable costs be subject to annual indexing to take effect July 1st and that the non-residential building construction price index be used for purposes of indexing or a rate of 2 per cent, whichever is higher; and 7. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary actions as indicated in this report. Executive Summary: As part of the 2019 Finance and Taxation Capital Budget, Municipal Servicing 407 Corridor Lands Phase One was approved as a construction project. The project was initiated through the issuance of a request for pre -qualification of general contractors. RFPQ-2-2019 was advertised on the City's website on March 14, 2019 and closed on April 11, 2019. A total of 14 companies submitted a proposal. The evaluation committee pre -qualified 5 companies to be eligible to submit a bid when the subsequent tender was released. Tender No. T-12-2019 Municipal Servicing 407 Corridor Lands Phase One was issued on Friday, June 7, 2019 and closed on Thursday, July 4, 2019 with 5 bidders responding. The compliant low bid submitted by TACC Construction Ltd. in the amount of $6,702,841.28 (HST included) is recommended for approval. In 2018, through Resolution #445/18, Council approved the hiring of Sabourin, Kimble & Associates Ltd. to provide project management services and undertake the necessary studies and design work associated with servicing the 407 corridor lands. Staff recommends continuing with Sabourin, Kimble & Associates Ltd. to undertake contract administration and inspection services associated with Tender No. T-12-2019 Municipal Servicing 407 Corridor Lands Phase One and other associated costs as set out in their fee proposal dated July 12, 2019 in the amount of $365,000.00 (HST excluded). The total gross project cost for Phase One is estimated at $9,029,319.00 (HST included) and the total net project cost is estimated at $8,131,181.00 (net of HST rebate). Phase One consists of municipal services primarily required to facilitate the development of the Kubota lands, but also benefits future lands in the Pickering Innovation Corridor. As such, a majority of costs are recoverable from Kubota, future landowners, and through the Seaton Landowners Cost Sharing Agreement. Phase Two primarily consists of the reconstruction of the Highway 7/Sideline 24 intersection and utility relocations/streetlighting. Phase Three is the balance of municipal services, including roads within the Pickering Innovation Corridor. CAO 06-19 Subject: Municipal Servicing 407 Corridor Lands Phase One Tender No. T-12-2019 July 22, 2019 Page 3 Financial Implications: 1. Tender Amount Tender No. T-12-2019 HST (13%) Total Gross Tender Amount $5,931,717.95 771,123.33 $6,702,841.28 2. Estimated Project Cost Summary Tender No. T-12-2019 for Municipal Servicing 407 Corridor Lands Phase One Associated Costs Contract Administration & Inspection Services Tree Removals (Darlington Tree Services) Materials Testing Allowance (through Sabourin, Kimble & Associates) Infrastructure Ontario License/Rental Fee Landscaping Allowance Project Contingency (12%) Sub Total HST (13%) Total Gross Project Cost HST Rebate (11.24%) Total Net Project Cost $5,931,718.00 290,000.00 37,700.00 75,000.00 250,000.00 550,000.00 856,130.00 $7,990,548.00 1,038,771.00 $9,029,319.00 (898,138.00) $8,131,181.00 3. Approved Source of Funds Expense Code Source of Funds 5203.1904.6500 5203.1904.6500 Total Funds Rate Stabilization Reserve Third Party Contribution Reserve Fund Available Budget $400,000.00 $10,600,000.00 $11,000,000.00 Required $505,459.00 7,625,722.00 $8,131,181.00 Project Cost under (over) approved funds by $2,868,819.00 CAO 06-19 July 22, 2019 Subject: Municipal Servicing 407 Corridor Lands Phase One Tender No. T-12-2019 Page 4 Cost Recovery The servicing costs for Phase One, as well as future Phases to service the entire Bundle 6 lands, will be recovered from Kubota and future landowners who benefit from these services. Servicing costs include infrastructure to be constructed, land costs, soft costs such as consulting fees, licence fees and permits, and carrying costs. Some servicing costs are eligible for recovery through the Seaton Landowners Group cost sharing agreement directly. The balance of the funds under the approved funds, and any unspent project costs from Phase One will be retained for costs related to future Phases of development. A more comprehensive and detailed report on cost recovery will be prepared later in 2019 for Council's information. The City will be internally financing the front funding of the municipal servicing costs for Phase One until the costs have been fully recovered. To reflect the time value of money, the City's recoverable costs will be subject to annual indexing to take effect July 1st. The non-residential building construction price index will be used for purposes of indexing or a rate of 2 per cent, whichever is higher. The City will be recovering its municipal servicing costs that benefit Kubota through the Site Plan Control Agreement with Kubota. Those municipal servicing costs benefiting future land owners will be recovered through Agreements of Purchase and Sale from future land sales. Future Phases The municipal servicing costs for Phase Two involves intersection works at Hwy 7 and Sideline 24 as well as hydro relocation and new streetlighting. It is anticipated that these works would commence in June 2020 and be completed by August 2020 (estimate). The cost for these works is estimated to be $2.5 million. As with Phase One, the City will front fund the costs of Phase Two and fully recover the costs from Kubota and future landowners who benefit from these municipal works. Phase Three includes constructing the balance of roads and municipal services within the Pickering Innovation Corridor and possibly more improvements to Hwy 7, which are under discussion with the Ministry of Transportation. Discussion: Pickering's Innovation Corridor lies within the Seaton employment lands which are designated for prestige employment uses under the City's Official Plan. The City has been working closely with the Province (Ontario Infrastructure and Land Corporation) to secure lands within Bundle 6 to attract major businesses to the Pickering Innovation Corridor. The City has purchased approximately 50 acres from the Province, which the City subsequently sold to Kubota Canada Ltd. In order to meet Kubota's schedule for occupancy, the City is undertaking all work required to service the lands in Bundle 6. In May 2018, Sabourin, Kimble & Associates Ltd. was hired to provide project CAO 06-19 July 22, 2019 Subject: Municipal Servicing 407 Corridor Lands Phase One Tender No. T-12-2019 Page 5 management and engineering services for servicing the innovation corridor lands. The scope of their services was expanded and approved in January 2019 and now includes intersection improvements at Highway 7 and Sideline 24, amongst other tasks. Detailed design to provide sanitary, water, stormwater and transportation services to Kubota lands, and other lands in the Pickering Innovation Corridor, was completed by Sabourin, Kimble & Associates Ltd. in preparation for tendering the works for construction. The firm of Sabourin, Kimble & Associates Ltd. should also be retained for contract administration and inspection services for the work to be completed in accordance with the approved drawings and specifications of Tender No. T-12-2019. In accordance with Purchasing Policy 10.03 (c) where the project or annual cost of a consultant or professional service assignment is expected to be more than $50,000.00 and the initiating Director intends to acquire the services without obtaining written proposals, the Director shall submit a Report to Council to obtain approval to engage the services of a particular consultant. Staff recommends acceptance of the fee proposal dated July 12, 2019 submitted by Sabourin, Kimble & Associates Ltd. for contract administration and inspection services and other associated costs in the amount of $365,000.00 (HST excluded). As part of the 2019 Finance and Taxation Capital Budget, Municipal Servicing 407 Corridor Lands Phase One was approved as a construction project. The project was initiated through the issuance of a request for pre -qualification of general contractors. RFPQ-2-2019 was advertised on the City's website on March 14, 2019 and closed on April 4, 2019. A total of 14 companies submitted a proposal. Proposals were evaluated based on set criteria including: • Company Experience and Qualifications • Experience of Key Personnel • Similar or Related Projects • Understanding of the Project • WSIB and Health & Safety • Insurance, Bonding Capacity • Litigation Record • References • Conflict of Interest Following the evaluation process, up to five companies could be selected to submit a bid when the tender was issued. The evaluation committee selected the following companies to submit a bid: • Clearway Construction Inc. • Con -Drain Group • Elirpa Construction & Materials Ltd. • Pilen Construction of Canada Ltd. • TACC Construction Ltd. CAO 06-19 July 22, 2019 Subject: Municipal Servicing 407 Corridor Lands Phase One Tender No. T-12-2019 Page 6 Tender No. T-12-2019 was issued on Friday, June 7, 2019 and closed on Thursday, July 4, 2019 with 5 bidders responding. The compliant low bid submitted by TACC Construction Ltd. is recommended for approval. Award of the compliant low bid submitted by TACC Construction Ltd., will be conditional upon receiving the Certificate of Insurance and requisite approvals. In conjunction with staff's review of the bonding available on this project, the tender is deemed acceptable. Upon careful examination of all tenders and relevant documents received to date, the Engineering Services Department recommends acceptance of the compliant low bid submitted by TACO Construction Ltd. for Tender No. T-12-2019 in the amount of $6,702,841.28 (HST included), and that the total net project cost of $8,131,181.00 (net of HST rebate) including associated costs and a 12 per cent project contingency be approved. The estimated project cost includes the works to be constructed under Tender No. T-12- 2019, consulting fees for contract administration and inspection services provided by Sabourin, Kimble & Associates Ltd. and their sub -consultants, and tree removals that were completed in April 2019. Other costs include a landscaping allowance for the stormwater management pond and street trees, and the Infrastructure Ontario (10) License/Rental Fee for works on lands under their ownership. As the City will be purchasing these lands from 10, the City is negotiating with 10 for the rental fee to be credited back on closing. Attachments: 1. Supply & Services Memorandum dated July 8, 2019 2. Record of Tenders Opened and Checked 3. Proposal from Sabourin, Kimble & Associates Ltd. dated July 12, 2019 4. Location Map CAO 06-19 Subject: Municipal Servicing 407 Corridor Lands Phase One Tender No. T-12-2019 July 22, 2019 Page 7 Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: Richard Holborn, P.Eng Director, Engineering Services Richard Holborn, P.Eng Director, Engineering Services Ray Rodri:ues, CPPB Stan Karwowski, MBA, CPA, CMA Manager,upply & Services Director, Finance & Treasurer James Halsall, CPA, CA Manager, Budgets & Internal Audit Fiaz Jadoon, Ec.D.,CEcD, MPM Manager, Economic Development & Strategic Projects RH:mjh Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer (7, 2017 cd - y4 DICKERING Attachment # 1 to Report # CAO 06-19 Memo To: Stan Karwowski July 8, 2019 Director, Finance & Treasurer Richard Holborn Director, Engineering Services From: Justin MacDonald (Acting) Senior Purchasing Analyst Copy: Administrative Assistant, Finance Ray Rodrigues Manager, Supply & Services Subject: Tender No. T-12-2019 Tender for Municipal Servicing 407 Corridor Lands Phase One "B" Closed: Thursday, July 4, 2018 — 2:OOpm File: F-5400-001 Tender No. T-12-2019 was advertised on the City's website on June 7, 2019. Five companies have submitted a bid for this project. One submission was rejected, as per the Purchasing Policy, Section 23.02 (item 15) partial bid (all items not bid). A copy of the Record of Tenders Opened and Checked used at the public tender opening is attached. Tenders shall be irrevocable for 60 days after the official closing date and time. Purchasing Procedure No. PUR 010-001, Item 13.03 (r) provides checking tendered unit prices and extensions unit prices shall govern and extensions will be corrected accordingly, which has been completed below. The unsuccessful Bidder's tendering deposit, other than a bid bond, shall be returned to the applicable bidders as provided for by Purchasing Procedure No. PUR 010-001, Item 13.03 (w). Three (3) bids have been retained for review at this time and are attached. Summary Harmonized Sales Tax Excluded Bidder Total Tendered Amount After Calculation Check TACC Construction Ltd. $5,931,717.95 $5,931,717.95 Pilen Construction of Canada Ltd. $8,031,180.54 $8,031,180.54 Elirpa Construction & Materials Ltd. $8,755,281.16 $8,755,281.16 Clearway Construction Inc. $15,330,501.10 $15,330,501.10 Con -Drain Company (1983) Ltd Automatic Rejection: Purchasing Policy No. PUR 010, Item 23.02 (15) Partial bid (all items not bid) Pursuant to Information to Bidders Item 28 Pre -Condition of Award and Item 20 Tendering Specifications, the following documentation will be requested of TACC Construction Ltd. for your review during the evaluation stage of this tender call. Please advise if Supply & Services is to proceed with collecting the following documentation: (a) The City's certificate of insurance or approved alternative form completed by the Bidder's agent, broker or insurer. A budget of $11,000,000.00 was provided to Supply & Services for this procurement. In accordance with Purchasing Policy Item 06.04, the authority for the dollar limit as set out below excludes HST. As such, in accordance with Purchasing Policy Item 06.11, where the compliant quotation or tender meeting specifications and offering best value to the City is acceptable or where the highest scoring proposal is recommended and the estimated total purchase price is: (c) Over $250,000, the Manager may approve the award, subject to the approval of the Director, Treasurer, CAO and Council. Please include the following items in your report: 1. if Item (a) is acceptable to the Manager, Budgets & Internal Audit; 2. if the list of subcontractors is acceptable to Engineering Services; 3. any past work experience with low bidder TACC Construction Ltd including work location; 4. without past work experience, if reference information is acceptable to Engineering Services; 5. the appropriate account number(s) to which this work is to be charged; 6. the budget amount(s) assigned thereto; 7. Treasurer's confirmation of funding; 8. related departmental approvals; and 9. related comments specific to the project. After receiving Council's approval, an approved "on-line" requisition will be required to proceed. Enquiries can be directed to the City's website for the unofficial bid results as read out at the public tender opening or to Supply & Services. Bidders will be advised of the outcome in due course. If you require further information, please feel free to contact me or a member of Supply & Services. JM Attachments July 8, 2019 Tender No. T-12-2019 Page 2 Attachment # 2 to Report # CAO 06-19 C44 PICKERING City of Pickering Record of Tenders Opened and Checked Tender Description: Municipal Servicing 407 Corridor Lands Phase One "B" Tender No.: T-12-2019 Date: Wednesday, Month Day, 2019 Time: Approx. 2:15 pm Local Time Bidder Name Total Tendered Amount Bidder Sign In Comments Clearway Construction Inc. _ $ \S- p , > 0\ , I, O - /,'�,� Con -Drain Group 1 I $5/{00 5/ l `0 f D - 7 Bid rejected: Failure to return the document as specified 23.02 its 1 Elirpa Construction & Materials Ltd. Pilen Construction of Canada Ltd. $ 13 , 0 ( 1 0 C �I 1 TACC Construction Ltd. $ City Staff Present Other The nformation is strictlypreliminary,pendingreview and verification of conformance to terms, conditions and specifications. p Attachment # 3 to Report # CAO 06-19 SKA SABOURIN KIMBLE & ASSOCIATES LTD. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 110 Old Kingston Road Ajax, Ontario LIT 2Z9 Phone: (905) 426-9451 July 12, 2019 FILE: 18:400/Correspondence/Proposals City of Pickering One the Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L1 V 6K7 Attention: Mr, Fiaz Jadoon Manager, Economic Development & Strategic Projects Dear Mr. Jadoon, SUBJECT: PROPOSAL FOR CONSULTING ENGINEERING SERVICES CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION AND RESIDENT INSPECTION SERVICES PEL/KUBOTA PROJECT Pursuant to our recent discussions, as a continuation of our Project Management and Detailed Engineering Design services on the above -referenced project, we are pleased to provide you with this brief outline of our proposed contract administration and resident inspection services, and those of other professional consultants, required to bring this project to a successful completion during the impending construction phase. This phase of the work pertains to the City's construction obligations of the external services required in conjunction with the new Kubota plant facility. Contract Administration and Resident Inspection Services: Sabourin Kimble & Associates Ltd. will provide complete contract administration and resident inspection services during the construction phase of this project. As part of these services, SKA will also coordinate all other professional disciplines required during construction, ensuring "one stop shopping" for the City of Pickering in regards to all of the professional services required to bring this project to a successful completion. This facet of the assignment will be project managed on a day to day basis by Mr, Thomas Evans, and the fulltime site inspection will be provided by Mr. Tyler Moulaison, Both of these individuals have extensive experience in the City of Pickering and as well, the undersigned will continue to oversee all SKA involvement with this project. Proposed Fees and Budget: We propose that the contract administration and resident inspection services from the start of construction up to base course asphalt be carried out for a fixed fee of 2.50% of the Total Cost of Works. Based on the tendered net construction value of approximately $5.6M, this equates to a fee of approximately $140,000. For contract administration and inspection services after construction of base course asphalt up to assumption, we propose to carry this work out on a time spent basis at our Standard Hourly Rates. For budgeting purposes, we suggest a budget of $70,000 Geotechnical and Materials Testing Services: This component of the project will require the services of a geotechnical consultant for all materials testing during construction. We propose to continue to retain exp Limited for this assignment, as they were the consultants that carried out the geotechnical engineering investigations for detailed engineering design purposes, Proposed Fees and Budget: We proposed that this work be carried out on a time spent basis at exp's Standard Hourly Rates. For budgeting purposes, we suggest a budget of $75,000. Additional Consulting Services: This construction component of the project will require the services of several other professional disciplines such as surveying, landscaping, and electrical consulting/inspection services. Proposed Fees and Budget: We propose that this work also be carried out on a time spent basis and for budgeting purposes, we suggest a budget of $80,000 for all other disciplines. SUMMARY: In closing, we trust that this proposal is a complete summary of the various construction requirements to bring this project to a successful completion. Sabourin Kimble & Associates Ltd. is committed to bringing to the project staff resources and associated consultants that are second to none in their background knowledge of the Seaton project and their respective areas of expertise. We are of course available at your convenience to discuss this proposal and the project in greater detail with staff and/or your Council, at your discretion. We look forward to continuing to work with you on this very exciting project, and seeing the Kubota plant facility successfully completed. Yours very truly, SABOURIN KIMBLE & ASSOCIATES LTD. Richard T. Sabourin, P. Eng. RTSIjm cc: City of Pickering — Mr. Richard Holborn, P. Eng. cc: Municipal Engineering Solutions — Mr. John Bourrie, P. Eng. DICKERING Attachment # 4 to Report # CAO 06-19 Office of the Chief Administrative Officer Tender No. T-12-2019 Municipal Servicing 407 Corridor Lands Phase One LANDS TO BE SERVICED qHIi1' ,, \\ A \ \/ \ Location Map — Pickering Innovation Corridor Municipal Servicing — Phase One