HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLN 11-19Revised ---��'�� �� Report to f' 1 C KE R 1 N G Planning & Development Committee Report Number: PLN 11-19 Date: May 6, 2019 From: Kyle Bentley Director, City Development & CBO Subject: Official Plan Amendment OPA 18-001/P Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 02/18 Draft Plan of Subdivision Application SP-2018-02 Draft Plan of Condominium Application CP-2018-01 Icon Forest District Limited Northwest corner of Finch Avenue and Altona Road (2024 and 2026 Altona Road, and 200 Finch Avenue) Recommendation: That Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 18-001/P, submitted by Icon Forest District Limited, to re-designate the lands located on the northwest corner of Finch Avenue and Altona Road from "Urban Residential Areas — Low Density Areas" to "Urban Residential Areas — Medium Density Areas" to allow a residential common element condominium development be approved, and that the draft by-law to adopt Amendment 34 to the Pickering Official Plan as set out in Appendix I to Report PLN 11-19 be forwarded to Council for enactment; 2. That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 02/18, submitted by Icon Forest District Limited, to facilitate a residential common element condominium development consisting of 40 semi-detached and 68 townhouse units on the lands located at the northwest corner of Finch Avenue and Altona Road, be endorsed subject to the provisions contained in Appendix II to Report PLN 11-19, and that staff be authorized to finalize and forward an implementing Zoning By-law to Council for enactment; 3. That Draft Plan of Subdivision Application SP-2018-02, submitted by Icon Forest District Limited, to establish a single development block to facilitate a common element condominium, as shown on Attachment #4 to Report PLN 11-19, and the implementing conditions of approval, as set out in Appendix III, be endorsed; 4. That Informational Revision 23 to the Pickering Official Plan Rouge Park Neighbourhood Map 24 to delete the symbols for a"Proposed Separate Elementary School" and "Proposed Park", as set out in Appendix IV, be approved; and 5. That the changes to the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Development Guideline Figure A— Tertiary Plan, as shown on Appendix V to Report PLN 11-19, to delete the "Future Elementary School", "Neighbourhood Park", "Potential Access Location" and "Potential Heritage Home", be approved. Report PLN 11-19 Subject: Icon Forest District Limited (OPA 18-001/P, SP-2018-02, CP-2018-01, A 02/18) May 6, 2019 Page 2 Executive Summary: The subject lands are located on the northwest corner of Finch Avenue and Altona Road within the Rouge Park Neighbourhood (see Location Map and Air Photo Map, Attachments #1 and #2). Icon Forest District Limited has submitted applications for an Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment, Draft Plan of Subdivision and Draft Plan of Condominium (common element) to facilitate a medium density residential condominium development consisting 109 townhouse and semi-detached units, accessed through an internal private road (see Original Conceptual Plan, Attachment #3). The proposal was revised to increase the overall size of the outdoor amenity areas, locate the two amenity areas in close proximity to each other, adjust the length of some of the blocks of townhomes and increase the space between the blocks, improve the internal pedestrian connections, and increase the number of visitor parking spaces. These changes have resulted in the elimination of one of the rear lane townhouse unit (see Revised Conceptual Plan, Attachment #6; Revised Draft Plan of Subdivision, Attachment #4; and Revised Draft Plan of Condominium, Attachment #5). The proposed site layout and design represents a logical and orderly development, and is in keeping with other recently constructed residential condominium developments within this neighbourhood. The farmhouse located northwest of the site on Infrastructure Ontario lands was identified as a potential heritage resource. The applicant has agreed to use materials salvaged from the farmhouse in the creation of the private amenity area located at the intersection of Finch Avenue and Altona Road and will install an interpretive plaque that speaks to the heritage of the site. City Development staff are in support of the revised plan. The revised proposal is consistent with Provincial Plans and conforms to the Durham Regional Official Plan. While the current Pickering Official Plan designation does not permit the requested number of units, the request can be supported based on the relatively small development area, the mix of semi-detached and townhouse units, the inclusion of appropriate private amenity space, and other design modifications. The City has determined that these lands are not required for school or park purposes. The development complies with urban design and other relevant policies of the Pickering Official Plan and the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Guidelines. Accordingly, staff recommends that Council approve Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 18-001/P, Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 02/18, and Draft Plan of Subdivision Application SP-2018-02 and the related conditions of approval. Additionally, staff recommends approval of the housekeeping changes to the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Map 24 of the Pickering Official Plan, and the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Tertiary Plan of the Neighbourhood Development Guidelines. Financial Implications: No direct costs to the City are anticipated as a result of the proposed development. Report PLN 11-19 May 6, 2019 Subject: Icon Forest District Limited Page 3 (OPA 18-001/P, SP-2018-02, CP-2018-01, A 02/18) 1. Background 1.1 Property Description The subject lands comprise three properties having a combined area of approximately , 2.2 hectares with approximately 172 metres of frontage along Finch Avenue and approximately 107 metres of frontage along Altona Road (see Lo�ation Map, Attachment #1). The subject lands are currently occupied by a detached dwelling with accessory building, which are proposed to be removed. The remaining lands are vacant (see Air Photo Map, Attachment #2). Surrounding land uses include: North and Immediately north and west are environmentally sensitive lands, forming part West: of the Petticoat Creek watershed. The lands to the north are owned by Infrastructure Ontario (10) and the lands to the west have been recently transferred from 10 to the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA). An existing detached dwelling is located northwest of the subject lands on 10 lands with a driveway access from Altona Road. Further north is the Canadian Pacific Railway corridor and the Enbridge Pipeline. East: Across Altona Road are two detached dwellings fronting onto Altona Road, and a woodlot at the northeast corner of Altona Road and Finch Avenue. Further east is a residential development consisting of detached dwellings fronting onto Mapleview Court. South: At the southwest corner of Finch Avenue and Altona Road is a residential common element condominium development consisting of 23 3-storey townhouses, and a residential subdivision consisting of semi-detached dwellings fronting Shadow Place. At the southeast corner of Finch Avenue and Altona Road, the City has received revised applications, submitted by 702153 Ontario Lirnited, for a residential common element condominium development consisting of 2 semi-detached dwellings and 83 townhouse units. 1.2 Applicant's Original and Revised Proposal The applicant has submitted applications for Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment, Draft Plan of Subdivision, and Draft Plan of Condominium (common element), to facilitate a residential condominium development accessed through a private road. The Original Conceptual Plan, as shown on Attachment #3, illustrates 35 rear lane townhouse units fronting Finch Avenue and Altona Road, and 34 street townhouse units and 40 semi-detached units fronting an internal private road. Two private outdoor amenity areas are shown: one at the centre of the site; and the other at the corner of Finch Avenue and Altona Road. Report PLN 11-19 Revised May 6, 2019 Subject: Icon Forest District Limited (OPA 18-001/P, SP-2018-02, CP-2018-01, A 02/18) 2. 2.1 2.2 Page 4 Through collaboration between City staff and the applicant, the proposal was revised (see Revised Conceptual Plan, Attachment #6). The following key changes have been made to the original proposal: • the number of visitor parking spaces was increased to provide 0.25 spaces per unit, resulting in the loss of one rear-lane townhouse (reducing total number of units from 109 units to 108 units consisting of 33 rear lane townhouse units, 35 street townhouse units and 40 semi-detached) • the townhouse blocks fronting Finch Avenue have been reduced from 3 blocks to 2 blocks, and the building separation has increased from 3.0 metres to 4.0 metres • the total outdoor amenity area has increased from 717 square metres to 770 square metres • the outdoor amenity area at the centre of the site has been relocated to abut an inside corner of the private street in order to improve the visibility and access • access to the amenity space was improved by removing visitor parking from the frontage of the amenity space • internal pedestrian pathways have been revised to provide improved connections within the site and abutting public streets • the entry feature amenity area at the corner of Altona Road and Finch Avenue proposes to use salvaged materials from the farmhouse located at 2026 Altona Road, which is planned to be demolished, and the installment of an interpretive plaque • road widenings have been provided along Finch Avenue and Altona Road Comments Received June 18, 2018 Public Information Meeting and Written Comments No members of the public attended the meeting and no comments have been received from the public in response to the circulation of the application. Key concerns raised by staff and members of Planning & Development Committee at the Public Information Meeting included: investigating the requirements for emergency access from Altona Road; ensuring that the size of the private amenity area is appropriate, and ensuring that the development provides for a sufficient number of resident and visitor parking to serve the development. City Departments & Agency Comments 2.2.1 Region of Durham • no objection to the proposal subject to the conditions of draft approval of the plan of subdivision and plan of condominium (common element) provided • the Official Plan Amendment application is exempt from Regional approval • the proposed development is consistent with Provincial Policy Statement policies that encourage the efficient use of land, infrastructure and planned public service facilities • the applications are generally in conformity with the objectives of the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe Report PLN 11-19 Subject: Icon Forest District Limited (OPA 18-001/P, SP-2018-02, CP-2018-01, A 02/18) May 6, 2019 Page 5 • the Regional Official Plan designates the subject lands as "Living Areas", which are intended to be used predominantly for housing purposes with a mix of housing types, sizes, and tenure • municipal water supply can be provided from the existing watermain on Finch Avenue and sanitary sewer servicing is available to the subject site from the existing sanitary sewer on Finch Avenue • as a condition of approval, the Region requires the applicant to include all recommended noise and vibration control measures of the Noise and Vibration Impact Study in the subdivision agreement • as a condition of approval the Region requires that the applicant convey a road allowance widening from the centerline of Altona Road and the site triangle at the intersection Finch Avenue and Altona Road • as a condition of approval, the Region requires the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport's clearance letter indicating all cultural heritage resource requirements at the site have been met 2.2.2 City of Pickering Engineering Services Department no objection to the proposal subject to the conditions of draft approval provided the owner shall satisfy all requirements, financial and otherwise of the City of Pickering including, among other matters, the execution of a subdivision agreement between the owner and the City concerning the provision and installation of roads, services, grading, drainage, utilities, tree compensation, construction management, cash-in-lieu of parkland, noise attenuation and any other matters 2.2.3 Toronto and Region Conservation Authority • the subject lands are within a TRCA Regulated Area of the Petticoat Creek Watershed; a permit is required from the TRCA prior to any development taking place within the Regulated Area limits • TRCA has no objections to the proposal subject to the conditions of draft approval of the plan of subdivision provided • TRCA has reviewed the proposal and provided technical comments on the hydrology, stormwater management, flood proofing and drainage • a restrictive covenant shall be placed over the rear yards of lots abut TRCA lands and shall have the effect of prohibiting the removal of fences and the installation of gates or other access through the fences along the lot line where it abuts TRCA owned lands 2.2.4 Durham District School Board • no objections to the proposal • students from this development will be accommodated within existing neighbourhood schools 2.2.5 Durham Catholic District School Board • no objections to the proposal Report PLN 11-19 Subject: Icon Forest District Limited (OPA 18-001/P, SP-2018-02, CP-2018-01, A 02/18) May 6, 2019 students from this development will attend St. Monica Catholic Elementary School located at 275 Twyn Rivers Drive and St. Mary Catholic School located at 1918 Whites Road 2.2.6 Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR) no objections to the proposal as a condition of approval, CPR requires a warning clause be inserted in all offers of purchase/lease agreements advising potential purchasers: of the existence of the Railway's operating right-of-way; of the possibility of alterations to the Railway line including Railway expansion; and that expansions may affect the living environment of residents notwithstanding the inclusion of noise and vibration attenuating measures in the design of the subdivision and individual units and that the Railway will not be responsible for complaints or claims arising from the use of its facilities and or operations 3. Planning Analysis 3.1 The proposal is consistent and conforms with the Provincial Policy Statement and the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe The Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) provides provincial policy direction on land use planning. The PPS provides for appropriate development while protecting resources of provincial interest, public health and safety, and the quality of the natural and built environment. The PPS supports improved land use planning and management, which contributes to a more effective and efficient land use planning system. The PPS indicates that healthy, livable and safe communities are to be sustained by, among �other matters, promoting efficient development and land use patterns and accommodating an appropriate range and mix of residential. The proposed development promotes residential intensification and provides appropriate density where existing infrastructure and publac service facilities are available. The proposed development is consistent with the PPS policies that encourage the efficient use of land, infrastructure and planned public service facilities. The Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (Growth Plan) sets out a planhing vision for growth throughout the Greater Golden Horseshoe. The subject lands are located within the "built up area" of the City of Pickering. The proposed development provides for a compact form of development that is consistent with the Plan. 3.2 An amendment to the Pickering Official Plan to increase the density on the subject lands is appropriate The subject lands are within the Rouge Park Neighbourhood and are designated "Urban Residential Areas — L.ow Density Areas". The Low Density designation provides for housing at a residential density of up to and including 30 units per net hectare. The policies of the Official Plan state that the City Council shall encourage a broad diversity of housing by form, location, size, tenure arid cost within the neighbourhoods and villages of the City, so that the housing needs of existing and future residents can be met as they evolve over time. Report PLN 11-19 Subject: Icon Forest District �imited (OPA 18-001/P, SP-2018-02, CP-2018-01, A 02/18) May 6, 2019 Page 7 The proposal results in a density of 49 units per net hectare. The "Urban Residential Areas — Medium Density Areas" designation provides for housing at a net residential density of over 30 units and up to and including 80 units per net hectare. The City's Official Plan requires that density be calculated on the basis of net residential density, which excludes all lands to be conveyed to public ownership such as valley lands, public roads and road widening. The proposed residential development, consisting of semi-detached, street townhouses and rear lane townhouse units, is appropriate and desirable and in keeping with the current and evolving Rouge Park Neighbourhood. The proposal provides for a mix of housing forms and tenure, and will assist the City in achieving its intensification targets. 3.3 The proposal is consistent with the design objectives of the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Policies and Development Guidelines The Rouge Park Neighbourhood Development Guidelines establish goals to ensure lands are developed in a cohesive, well-designed neighbourhood. The proposal has been reviewed against both the neighbourhood polices and the Development Guidelines. The four corners of the intersection of Altona Road and Finch Avenue are identified as a "neighbourhood focus" that requires a strong presence at this intersection to define the area as a centre. The proposed development supports the neighbourhood focus through the orientation of the buildings fronting Finch Avenue and Altona Road. The development proposes 3-storey massing, which helps establish a strong visual relationship with the intersection (see Submitted Preliminary Building Elevations - Rear Lane Townhouses and Street Townhouses, Attachments #7 and #8). The proposed outdoor private amenity space at the intersection will be designed with hard and soft landscaping, including an area dedicated to commemorate the heritage farmhouse. Through the site plan approval process, staff will continue to work with the applicant to further review detailed�urban design and architectural matters in accordance with the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Development Guidelines including: detailed building location and siting; internal pedestrian circulation and connections; internal landscaping and final design of the private amenity areas; architectural design and materials; and the location of community mailboxes, water meter room, hydro transformers, gas meters and other utilities. 3.4 Heritage Commemoration in Private Amenity Area The Rouge Park Neighbourhood Development Guidelines identified a potential heritage home located northwest of the subject lands. The farmhouse is located on lands that are within the Petticoat Creek watershed and are owned by Infrastructure Ontario (10). The farmhouse does not have heritage status. However, given that the Guidelines identify the farmhouse as being of potential heritage significance, the City prepared a Cultural Heritage Evaluation. Report PLN 11-19 Subject: Icon Forest District Limited (OPA 18-001/P, SP-2018-02, CP-2018-01, A 02/18) � y��. ,�;.,. ;, /�-. l. � . ;�� L_ . _��. r '-. I 'J '=� � � � � ._ ���� : '��` - ~; _. ; . - _ - _ ..� - " " �. = :_ �r:.—,::<;,�:>- Tw��=�_�__=��-::� c_�� A __r May 6, 2019 Page 8 Gates family early 20th century (Source, Time Present and Time Past, John Sabean) Based on the findings, the property was found to have cultural heritage value related to its context, associations and architecture. The farmhouse is an intact example of a rural stone farmhouse built in the 1850s and exhibits a fine degree of craftsmanship including the quality of masonry. The farmhouse has direct associations with earlier settlers: Thomas Bernard, a farmer and Councillor closely tied to the Church in Cherrywood; John Pearce, a farmer and mason local to Cherrywood; and John Henderson, farmer and local school Trustee. John Henderson sold the farm to George Gates in 1909 and the family lived there into the 1970s when it was expropriated. The farmhouse has contextual value related to the village of Cherrywood as found in the direct historical associations of residents and supporting the agricultural traditions of the area. ���;:.. �� �;-°" 's �, ` � �� ��� _ � � � ' `���_._ ''Il i� �..�, -j, �:, � ,.�.: � �.-�.�.p.y��1gC��� ����,_ ;,� � : _. � �` ,l ' _"'S h .f��� - ����� Farmhouse today, 2018 (Source, Altona Road Heritage Commemoration, Stantec) The farmhouse is currently located outside of the floodplain, but within areas of "spill over" from Petticoat Creek. In order to flood proof the proposed development, Icon Homes is proposing to build up the north boundary of the development in order to redirect overland flows westerly towards Petticoat Creek and thus, as a result, the farmhouse will become uninhabitable. Report PLN 11-19 Subject: Icon Forest District Limited (OPA 18-001/P, SP-2018-02, CP-2018-01, A 02/18) May 6, 2019 Page 9 Staff's preferred option is to conserve the existing farmhouse in its original location or alternatively relocate the farmhouse to a separate parcel within the proposed development. Icon advised that it is not economically feasible to relocate the farmhouse within their development. Therefore, Icon and 10 have agreed to commemorate the farmhouse by means of re-using the main structural materials (i.e., stone) in the proposed amenity space area entry feature located at the corner of Finch Avenue and Altona Road. At the March 27, 2019 Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee meeting, the Committee reviewed and discussed the recommendations to commemorate the farmhouse in the private outdoor amenity area. The Committee expressed regret that the farmhouse could not be protected and remain in its current location as a habitable building. Notwithstanding, the Committee supports the commemoration of the farmhouse and requests that a significant amount of salvageable material be incorporated into the commemoration plan. The Committee adopted the following motion: 1) That Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee support Icon Forest District Limited development and commemorating the farmhouse located at 2026 Altona Road; 2) That the following condition is included in the Recommended Conditions of Draft Plan Approval for Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2018-02: The condition of Draft Plan of Subdivision approval contain a condition that the Owner prepare and implement a Commemoration Plan, which addresses such aspects as, but not limited to, the landscape drawings for the new park/entry feature identifying the salvaged materials to be re-used, an explanation of the interpretive aspect of the park design (the cultural heritage themes being commemorated), information on the plaque (text and graphic design, display design, and placement in the park), and other related commemorative aspects of the design; 3) That historic references be considered in the naming of streets and park names, including the Gates family; 4) That Icon Forest District Limited incorporate a significant amount of salvaged materials from the farmhouse into the Commemoration Plan; and 5) That prior to the issuance of site plan approval, the final landscape plans implementing the recommendation of the Commemoration Plan be forwarded to Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee for comment. 3.5 Response to Key Concerns raised at the June 18, 2018 Public Meeting The table below summarizes the key concerns raised at the June 18, 2018 Planning & Development Committee meeting and staff's response. Report PLN 11-19 Subject: Icon Forest District Limited (OPA 18-001/P, SP-2018-02, CP-2018-01, A 02/18) May 6, 2019 Page 10 Concerns Staff's Response Ensuring Sufficient number of parking spaces are available to accommodate sufficient the proposal resident and The applicant is providing resident parking at a ratio of 2 parking visitor parking spaces per dwelling unit: • Semi-detached dwellings and street townhouse units: 1 space within a private garage and 1 space in the driveway • Rear Lane townhouse units: 2 spaces within a private garage Visitor parking is provided at a rate of 0.25 spaces unit for a total of 27 parking spaces. In addition, the applicant has agreed to provide, wherever possible, a dedicated storage room and/or storage shelves within the garage to ensure there is sufficient space to accommodate the parking of a vehicle and the storage of household items. Ensuring The proposal will be well served by private rear yards, deck appropriate amenity space and two private amenity areas amenity areas Outdoor amenity space requirements are sufficiently addressed by providing private rear yards for the street townhouse units and semi-detached units, and private amenity space areas above garages for the rear lane townhouse units. In addition, two private outdoor amenity areas are proposed having a total area of approximately 770 square metres. An outdoor amenity area is proposed between Blocks 1 and 2 abutting the intersection of Finch Avenue and Altona Road. The size of this amenity area is approximately 469 square metres, coupled with treatment commemorating the farmhouse, will act as a gateway to the development from the abutting street network. A second outdoor amenity area is located diagonally from the first one, on the inside corner of the internal road. It is approximately 301 square metres. The applicant has provided a preliminary plan demonstrating that the size and configuration of this amenity area can support a children's play area, landscaping, walkways and seating. The conditions of draft plan of subdivision approval contain a condition for the payment by the owner of cash-in-lieu of parkland. Report PLN 11-19 Subject: Icon Forest District Limited (OPA 18-001/P, SP-2018-02, CP-2018-01, A 02/18) May 6, 2019 Page 11 Concerns Staff's Response Investigate the Vehicular access from Altona Road not required requirements A second access proposed to/from Altona Road is not supported by the for access / Region of Durham given that the access would be within the functional emergency area of Finch/Altona intersection. Considering both safety and volume access from of traffic, an access to Altona Road is not required. Altona Road Maintenance of Front Yards Along Altona Road and Finch Avenue will be Front Yards maintained by the Condominium Corporation The maintenance of front yards, including the repair and/or replacement of fencing and landscaping elements in front of dwelling units that front Finch Avenue and Altona Road will be the responsibility of the condominium. This requirement will be included in the Condominium Declaration. 3.6 Housekeeping amendments to the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Map and the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Development Guidelines is appropriate The Rouge Park Neighbourhood Development Guideline Figure A— Tertiary Plan illustrates symbols for a"Future Elementary School" and "Neighbourhood Park" on the subject lands, and a symbol for a"Potential Access Location" to Altona Road. Also, a"Potential Heritage Home" symbol is located northwest of the subject lands. "Proposed Separate Elementary School" and "Proposed Park" symbols also appear on the Map 24: Rouge Park Neighbowrhood Map of the Pickering Official Plan. Since the preparation of the Guidelines in 2000 (as amended in 2003), new environmental studies identified additional wetlands in the Neighbourhood. As a result, the amount of developable land in the Neighbourhood is considerably reduced from that anticipated in 2000. With the reduced size of the developable area, there is no longer sufficient area for these proposed uses. Further, the City has received written confirmation from the Durham Catholic District School Board that a separate elementary school is no longer needed at this location. Through the review of this development application and the inclusion of private amenity areas in the overall development, the City has concluded a neighbourhood park is not required at this location. The Region of Durham does not support the access location along Altona Road, and it is not necessary to address safety or the volume of traffic. The farmhouse is to be demolished. Housekeeping changes to the Official Plan and Neighbourhood Guidelines are required. Accordingly, staff recommend Council approve Informational Revision 23 to the Pickering Official Plan Rouge Park Neighbourhood Map 24 to delete the symbols for a"Proposed Separate Elementary School" and "Proposed Park", as set out in Appendix IV to Report PLN 11-19, and approve the changes to the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Development Guideline Figure A— Tertiary Plan to delete the "Future Elementary School", "Neighbourhood Park", "Potential Access Location" and "Potential Heritage Home", as shown on Appendix V to this Report PLN 11-19. Report PLN 11-19 May 6, 2019 Subject: Icon Forest District Limited Page 12 (OPA 18-001/P, SP-2018-02, CP-2018-01, A 02/18) 3.7 Technical matters will be addressed as conditions of subdivision approval and through site plan approval Detailed design issues will be dealt with through the subdivision agreement and site plan approval process. These requirements will address matters such as, but not limited to: • Commemoration Plan in amenity area • drainage and grading • site servicing • noise attenuation • enhanced building design of townhouse units fronting Finch Avenue and Altona Road • cash-in-lieu of parkland • tree compensation • requirements for Construction Management Plan • landscaping • resident, visitor and accessible parking spaces • emergency vehicle access • waste rrianagement collection • location of community mailboxes � • location of water meter room, hydro transformers, gas meters and other utilities 3.8 Draft Approval of the Draft Plan of Condominium is delegated to the Director, City Development Applications for standard and common element condominium are delegated to the Director, City Development for final approval. No further approvals are required at this time. 3.9 Conclusion The applicant's proposal satisfies the applicable Official Plan policies for the Rouge Park Neighborhood, and also addresses the applicable urban design requirements as established in the Rouge Park Development Guidelines. The applicant has worked with City staff and external agencies to address various technical requirements. Staff supports the site specific Official Plan Amendment to re-designate the subject lands from "Urban Residential Areas — Low Density Areas" to "Urban Residential Areas — Medium Density Areas" (see Appendix I, Draft By-law to,Adopt Amendment 34) and recommends that the By-law to adopt Amendment 34 be forwarded to Council for enactment. Staff recommends Council endorse Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2018-02 as shown on Attachment #4 to the Report and the Conditions of Approval set out in Appendix III to this Report. Furthermore, staff supports the Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 02/18 and recommends that the site specific implementing by-law, containing the standards set out in Appendix II to this Report be finalized and brought before Council for enactment. The housekeeping changes to the Pickering Official Plan and the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Guidelines as set out in Appendices IV and V are also recommended for approvaL Report PLN 11-19 Subject: Icon Forest District Limited (OPA 18-001/P, SP-2018-02, CP-2018-01, A 02/18) 3.10 Applicant's Comments The applicant supports the recommendations of this report. Appendices Appendix I Appendix II Appendix III Appendix IV Appendix V Attachments 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 May 6, 2019 Page 13 Draft By-law to Adopt Amendment 34 to the Pickering Official Plan Recommended Zoning By-law Provisions for Zoning by-law Amendment Application A 02/18 Recommended Conditions of Approval for Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2018-02 Informational Revision 23 to the Pickering Official Plan Rouge Park Neighbourhood Tertiary Plan Location Map Air Photo Map Original Conceptual Plan Revised Draft Plan of Subdivision Revised Draft Plan of Condominium Revised Conceptual Plan Submitted Preliminary Building Elevation — Rear Lane Townhouses Submitted Preliminary Building Elevation — Street Townhouses re, MCIP, RPP ier, Development Review 1CIP, RPP elopment Review & Urban Design CC:Id Approved/Endorsed By: Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council . 23` 20` � Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer cr— Catherine Rose, MCIP, RPP Chief Planner _ ` ,���x''�'``j Kyle Bentley, P.Eng. Director, City Development & CBO Revised A►ppendix I to Report PLN 11-19 Draft By-law to Adopt Amendment 34 to the Pickering Official Plan The Corporation of the City of Pickering By-law No. XXXX/19 Being a By-law to adopt Amendment 34 to the Official Plan for the City of Pickering (OPA 18-001/P) Whereas pursuant to the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.p. 13, subsections 17(22) and 21(1),, the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering may, by by-law, adopt amendments to the Official Plan for the City of Pickering; And whereas pursuant to Section 17(10) of the Planning Act, the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing has by order authorized Regional Council to pass a by-law to exempt proposed area municipal official plan amendments from its approval; And whereas on February 23, 2000, Regional Council passed By-law 11/2000 which allows the Region to exempt proposed area municipal official plan amendments from its approval; And whereas the Region has advised that Amendment 34 to the City of Pickering � Official Plan is exempt from Regional approval; Now therefore the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering hereby enacts as fol lows: 1. That Amendment 34 to the Official Plan for the City of Pickering, attached hereto as Exhibit "A", is hereby adopted; 2. That the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to forward to the Regional Municipality of Durham the documentation required by Procedure: Area Municipal Official Plans and Amendments. 3. This By-law shall come into force and take effect on the day of the final passing hereof. By-law passed this XX day of XXXX, 2019. ,��:- .` �� David Ryan, Mayor Susan Cassel, City Clerk Exhibit "A" to By-law XXXX/19 Amendment 34 to the City of Pickering Official Plan Proposed Amendment 34 to the Pickering Official Plan Purpose: The purpose of this amendment is to re-designate the lands located on the northwest corner of Altona Road and Finch Avenue from "Urban Residential Areas — Low Density Areas" to "Urban Residential Areas — Medium Density Areas" to facilitate a residential common element condominium development. Location: The site specific amendment affects the lands located on the northwest corner of Finch Avenue and Altona Road described as Part of Lot 33, Concession 2, Part 1, 40R-2582, Parts 3, 6, 7 and 14, 40R-29767 and Part 1, 40R-10888, City of Pickering. Basis: Through the review of Official Plan Amendment Application 18-001/P, Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 02/18, Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2018-02 and Draft Plan of Condominium CP-2018-01, City Council determined that the Amendment facilitates a development that is compatible with the surrounding community, and is an appropriate intensification project in Pickering's urban area. The Amendment is consistent with the policies of the Provincial Policy Statement 2014, and conforms to the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe and the Durham Regiorial Official Plan. Actual Amendment: The City of Pickering Official Plan is hereby amended by: Amending Schedule I— Land Use Structure by replacing the "Urban Residential Areas — Low Density Areas" designation with "Urban Residential Areas - Medium Density Areas" designation for lands located on the north west corner Finch Avenue and Altona Road, as illustrated on Schedule `A' attached to this amendment. Implementation: The provisions set forth in the City of Pickering Official Plan, as amended, regarding the, implementation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. Interpretation: The provisions set forth in the City of Pickering Official Plan, as amended, regarding the interpretation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. OPA 18-001/P A 02/18 SP-2018-02 CP-2018-01 Icon Forest District Limited Appendix II to Report PLN 11-19 Recommended Zoning By-law Provisions for Zoning By-law Amendment A 02/18 Recommended Zoning By-law Provisions for Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 02/18 That the implementing zoning by-law permit residential condominium developments in accordance with the following provisions: A. Zoning Provisions Permitted Uses 1. Permitted uses include Block Townhouse Building, Semi-Detached, Private Parks and Water Meter Room. Building Restrictions Unit Type Block Townhouse with Block Townhouse Semi-detached integrated garage at the with integrated rear of the dwelling garage at the front (Rear Lane Townhouse) of the dwelling (Street Townhouse) 1. Number of Dwelling Units 108 (maximum) 2. Lot Frontage 3.9 metres 5.5 metres 6.0 metres (minimum) 3. Lot Area g0 square metres 140 square metres 175 square metres (minimum) 4. Front Yard 6.0 metres Depth 3.0 metres 6.0 metres to the (except Lot 12 (minimum) � garage 4.8 metres) 5. Side Yard 1.2 metres except where dwellings on abutting Depth lots share a common wall, no interior side yard 0.75 metres (minimum) shall be required adjacent to that wall on either lot 6. Rear Yard Depth n/a 6.8 metres 7.0 metres (minimum) 7. Flankage Yard Depth 1.0 metres (minimum) 8. Building Height 12.0 metres (maximum) 9. Driveway Width 3.7 metres (maximum) 2. Private amenity area (Block Townhouse with integrated garage at the rear of the dwelling): a. Minimum Area — 6.5 square metres b. Shall be located above the garage at the rear of the dwelling unit and shall not be enclosed c. Accessory structures such as pergolas, sheds or other similar structures shall not be permitted on the private amenity area above the garage at the rear of the dwelling unit Parking Requirements 3. Minimum 2.0 parking spaces per dwelling unit to be provided plus 0.25 of a parking space per dwelling unit for visitors. 4. Garage requirements: minimum one private garage per lot attached to the main building, the vehicular entrance of which shall be located a minimum of 6.0 metres from the common element condominium street. 5. Interior garage size: a private garage shall have a minimum width of 3.0 metres and a minimum depth of 6.0 metres; however, the width of a private garage may include one interior step and the depth may include two interior steps. 6. The minimum right-of-way width for a private street shall be 6.5 metres. Model Homes 7. A maximum of 2 blocks together with no fewer than 2 parking spaces per Model Home is permitted. General Provisions 8. Projections such as window sills, chimney breasts, fireplaces, belt courses, cornices, pilasters, eaves, eave troughs and other similar architectural features may be permitted in any required yard, provided that no such feature projects into the required yard more than 0.6 metres or half the distance of the required yard, whichever is less. 9. A porch, uncovered deck, or balcony, may encroach into any required front yard to a maximum of 2.0 metres or half the distance of the required yard, whichever is less. 10. A porch, uncovered deck, or balcony, may encroach into any required flankage yard to a maximum of 2.0 metres. 11. Stairs to a porch, uncovered deck or an entrance may encroach to within 0.3 metres of the front lot line or flankage lot line; to within 1.0 metres of a rear lot line and to within 0.6 metres of a side lot line. 12. A bay, box window, with or without foundation, having a maximum width of 4.0 metres may encroach into any required yard to a maximum of 0.6 metres or half the distance of the required yard, whichever is less. 13. Air conditioners are permitted on a lot provided they are located in the rear yard or side yard or on a balcony or roof. In addition, such units shall not be located any closer than 0.6 of a metre to a side lot line and shall not be located on any easement in favour of the City. Appendix III to Report PLN 11-19 Recommended Conditions of Approval for Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2018-02 Recommended Conditions of Approval for Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2018-02 General Conditions 1. That the Owner shall prepare the final plan generally on the basis of the approved draft plan of subdivision, prepared by Askan Piller Corporation Ltd., identified as project number 17-20-12655-01, for lands being Part of Lot 33, Concession 2, Now Part 1, 40R-2582, Now Parts 3, 6, 7 and 14, 40R-29767 and Part 1, 40R-10888, dated January 30, 2018, which illustrates one residential block and two blocks for road widening. Subdivision Agreement 2. That the Owner enters into a subdivision agreement with and to the satisfaction of the City of Pickering to ensure the fulfillment of the City's requirements, financial and otherwise, which shall include, but not necessarily be limited to the conditions outlined in this document. 40M-Plan 3. That the Owner submits a 40M-Plan to the satisfaction of the City Development Department. Zoning 4. That the implementing by-law for Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 02/18 becomes final and binding. Street Names and House Numbers 5. That street names and signage be provided to the satisfaction of the Region and the City. 6. That house numbers are assigned as per the City's addressing conventions. Development Charges & Development Review Inspection Fee 7. That the Owner satisfies the City financially with respe.ct to the Development Charges Act. 8. That the Owner satisfies the Citjr with respect to payment for development review and inspection fees. Dedications/Transfers/Conveyances 9. That the Owner conveys to the City, at no cost: i. A 5.1 metre road widening along Finch Avenue frontage of Plan 40R-2582 and any other easements as required; and ii. 0.3 metre reserve(s) as required by the City. Recommended Conditions of Approval (SP-2018-02) Icon Forest District Limited Stormwater Page 2 10. That the Owner satisfies the Director, Engineering Services respecting the stormwater drainage and management system to service all the lands in the subdivision, and any provision regarding easements. 11. That the Owner satisfies the Director, Engineering Services for contributions for stormwater maintenance fees. 12. That the Owner satisfies the Director, Engineering Services for the design and implementation of stormwater management facilities and easements for outfalls and access to the outfalls for the development. Grading 13. That the Owner satisfies the Director, Engineering Services respecting submission and approval of a grading plan for the development. 14. That the Owner satisfies the Director, Engineering Services respecting authorization from abutting landowners for all offsite grading. . Fill & Topsoil 15. That the Owner acknowledges that the City's Fill & Topsoil Disturbance By-law prohibits vegetation or soil disturbance, vegetation or soil removal or importation to the site unless a permit has been issued. No on-site works prior to draft plan approval is permitted. A Fill & Topsoil Disturbance Permit will be required should vegetation removal or grading works proceed prior to the subdivision agreement being executed. Construction/lnstallation of City Works & Services 16. That the Owner satisfies the Director, Engineering Services respecting the submission of appropriate engineering drawings that detail, among other things, City services, construction of roads with curbs, storm sewers, pedestrian walkways/sidewalks, boulevard design, lot grading, streetlights, fencing and tree planting, and financially secure such works. 17. That the Owner satisfies the City respecting arrangements for the provision of all services required by the City. � 18. That the Owner satisfies the appropriate authorities respecting arrangements and/or the conveyance of any easements to any utility to facilitate the installation of their services including the provision of underground wiring, street lighting, cable television, natural gas and other similar services for the development. 19. That the Owner agrees that the cost of any relocation, extension, alteration or extraordinary maintenance of existing services necessitated by the developer shall be the responsibility of the Owner. Recommended Conditions of Approval (SP-2018-02) Icon Forest District Limited Phasing & Development Coordination Page 3 20. That if this subdivision is to be developed by more than one registration, the Owner will be required to submit a plan showing the proposed phasing, all to the satisfaction of the Region of Durham and the City. Easements 21. That the Owner convey to the City, at no cost, any easements as required, and any reserves as required by the City. 22. That the Owner conveys any easements to any utility provider to facilitate the installation of their services in a location(s) to the satisfaction of the City and the utility provider. 23. That the Owner arrange at no cost to the City any easements required on third party lands for servicing and such easements shall be in a location as determined by the City and/or the Region and are to be granted upon request at any time after draft approval. That the Owner satisfies the Director, Engineering Services with any required on-site or off-site easements for works, facilities or use rights that are required by the City. Construction Management Plan 24. That the Owner satisfies the City respecting the submission and approval of a Construction Management/Erosion & Sediment Control Plan with such Plan to contain, among other matters: details of erosion and sedimentation controls during all phases of construction and provide maintenance requirements to maintain these controls as per the City's Erosion & Sediment Control Guideline for Urban Construction; addressing the parking of vehicles and the storage of construction and building materials during servicing and construction, and ensuring that such locations will not impede the flow of traffic or emergency vehicles on existing streets; iii. assurance that the City's Noise By-law will be adhered to and that all contractors, trades and suppliers are advised of this By-law; iv. the provision of mud and dust control on all roads within and adjacent to the site; v. type and timing of construction fencing; vi. location of construction trailers; and vii. details of the temporary construction access. Fencing 25. That the Owner satisfies the City with respect to the provision of temporary fencing around the entire perimeter of the subject lands during construction, prior to the commencement of any works. Recommended Conditions of Approval (SP-2018-02) Icon Forest District Limited Tree Compensation Page 4 26. That the Owner agrees that prior to final approval of the draft plan, or any phase thereof, compensation of the loss of tree canopy will be required either through replacement planting or cash-in-lieu, to be paid to the City of Pickering. In accordance with the City of Pickering Tree Inventory, Preservation and Removal Compensation requirements. Based on the City's Tree Replacement Formula/Cash-in-lieu Calculations, 142 trees are required for compensation. Replacement planting may be done on the development site or on other publicly owned lands in proximity of the site that have been approved by the City of Pickering and with written authorization of the subject landowner(s). Should compensation panting take the form of naturalization planting in an open space area where smaller sized plant material may be more suitable, the City will determine what the appropriate total quantity/value of the plant material is that will be required. Reasonable effort must be taken to compensate for tree loss through on-site and/or off-site plantings by the developer. Compensation in the form of cash-in-lieu shall be provided for all trees that cannot be planted on or adjacent to the site at a rate per tree, established in the City's approved Summary of Fees and Charges, to be paid prior to the issuance of any building permit. Engineering Plans 27. That the Owner satisfies the City of Pickering respecting arrangements necessary to provide for coordination of services and roads with adjacent lands. 28. That the Owner satisfies the City respecting the submission of appropriate engineering drawings that detail, arnong other things: City services, roads, storm sewers, sidewalks, lot grading, streetlights, fencing, tree planning and financially secure such works. Parkland Dedication 29. That the �wner satisfies the City with respect to its obligation to provide parkland or payment of cash-in-lieu on accordance with the parkland dedication requirements of the Planning Act. Fire 30. That the Owner agrees that no development will proceed on any lands until adequate services are available including adequate water pressure to the satisfaction of the City's Fire Services Department. Cost Recovery 31. That the Owner agrees to contribute their share of the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Study. 32. That the Owner agrees to contribute to shared service costs for stormwater management purposes in in general conformity with the Rouge Park Master Environmental Servicing Plan. Recommended Conditions of Approval (SP-2018-02) Icon Forest District Limited Heritage Commemoration Plan Page 5 33. That the Owner shall prepare to the satisfaction ofi the Director, City Development & CBO, a Heritage Commemoration Plan that shall identify the salvage materials to be re-used within the private open space/entry feature; an explanation of the cultural heritage building being commemorated; information on the plaque (text and graphic design, display design and placement in the private open space/entry feature); and any other related commemorative aspects of the design. Model Homes 34. That the Owner enters into a model home agreement with the City, if applicable for this draft plan. All model homes must be in compliance with the approved site plan drawings. Other Approval Agencies 35. That any approvals which are required from the Region of Durham, the Ministry of Transportation or any utility for the development of this plan be obtained by the Owner and upon request written confirmation be provided to the City as verification of these approvals. Plan Revisions 36. That the Owner acknowledges and agrees that the draft plan of subdivision and associated conditions of approval may require revisions to the satisfaction of the City, to implement or integrate any recommendation resulting from studies required as conditions of approval. 37. That the Owner revises the draft plan as necessary to the satisfaction of the City, to accommodate any technical engineering issues which arise during the review of the final engineering drawings. Required revisions may include revising the number of residential building lots or reconfiguring the roads or lots to the City's satisfaction. 38. That the Owner agrees to implement the requirements of all studies that are required by the City for the development of this draft plan of subdivision to the satisfaction of the City. Notes to Draft Approval 39. This draft approval shall lapse three years from the date the draft approval has been granted if the noted conditions have not been fulfilled, or if it has not been extended by the City of Pickering. Appendix IV to Report PLN 11-19 Informational Revision 23 to the City of Pickering Official Plan Revised Informational Revision 23 to the Pickering Official Plan Purpose: The purpose of this revision is to change Map 24, Neighbourhood 14: Rouge Park, to delete the symbols for a proposed separate elementary school and proposed neighbourhood park. The existing road pattern is also updated. Location: The subject lands are located at the and Altona road, municipally known 200 Finch Avenue. northwest corner of Finch Avenue as 2024 and 2026 Altona Road, and Basis: The informational revision has been determined to be appropriate to keep the Official Plan up to date with current environmental information and current development approvals. Based on environmental information, the total amount of developable land at the northwest corner of Altona Road and Finch Avenue is significantly smaller than originally anticipated. As a result, there is insufficient land for a school and park. The Durham Catholic District School Board has advised it does not require an elementary school site in this location. The City has determined it does not require a neighbourhood park in this location. The lands are to be developed as a residential common element condominium consisting of 40 semi-detached and 68 townhouse units at the northwest corner of Finch Avenue and Altona Road. Actual Revision: The City of Pickering Official Plan is hereby revised by: Deleting the "Proposed Separate Elementary School" symbol and the "Proposed Park" symbol from lands at the northwest corner of Finch Avenue and Altona Road, and deleting the "Proposed Separate Elementary School" symbol from the Legend, as illustrated on Schedule `A' attached to this Informational Revision; and 2. Updating the existing road pattern. Implementation: The provisions set forth in the City of Pickering Official Plan, as amended, regarding the implementation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Revision. Interpretation: The provisions set forth in the City of Pickering Official Plan, as amended, regarding the interpretation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Revision. Cross Reference: OPA 18-001/P (Related Files: SP-2018-02; A 02/18; CP-2018-01) (Applicant: Icon forest District Limited) (Date: May 6, 2019) Schedule `A' . � . � i � .. ' � � � � � � i � . � LEGFND SYMBOLS NEW ftDAD GONNECTIONS (PRDPOSED) DEfAiLEO REVIEV/ AREA LA7JDS FOR WHICH COUNCIL HAS ADOPTED DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES (REFER TO C6MPENDIUM DDCUMENT) CffY OF PICKERIHO �T' OMLO►MGlIT DCMIITNlM JULY, 20fE �'re+m we robua a,�nr a mrtbH � ce u+e nn.a,No tICML lIAV ANO NttSf ne �aa n we�rur¢nan wmi ixc on.�n aa.muus nao +.� nx*. - BOUNDARY HOOD r-�-, u � PUBLIC SCHO�L � 5EPARATE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PARK � PROP03ED SEPARATE O PRQPOSEO PARK EIEMENTARY SCHOOL Delete Proposed Separate Elementary School from L.egend NOTE: LAND USE DESiGNATiONS APPEAR ON SCNEDULE I Appendix V to Report PLN 11-19 Rouge Park Neighbourhood Tertiary Plan ATTACH�AE�T # � TO �;�€�c��� #� l.(� I I — i� ATTACHMENT # a TO RE�OR7 � P� 1 Ii-1 q , ��� � ,� � _ � . � _ �.s , 4 St F ( I1��2 � i . � ��Y�'� �'t i °}i . }4� �� n 'f. -/Ty # '� y � . � A � �y!'� � . ; . � L q �'�r � ;y�y Y . �t t �' .� i .. . �i . 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