HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS 02-19--Cipof--p](KER]NG From: Marisa Carpino Director, Community Services Subject: Repeal of Pickering Museum Village's By-laws -Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee -Pickering Museum Village Reserve Fund -Pickering Museum Management Board -File: A-1440 Recommendations: Report to Executive Committe Report Number: CS 02-19 Date: February 4, 2019 1. That By-law 563/77 establishing a Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee be repealed; 2. That By-law 621/77 establishing the Pickering Museum Village Reserve Fund be repealed; 3. That By-law 653/77 establishing the Pickering Museum Management Board for the Pickering Museum Village be repealed; 4. That the Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee be dissolved; 5. The Pickering Museum Village be added as a standing line item to the Cultural Advisory Committee; and 6. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary actions as indicated in this report. Executive Summary: When Pickering Museum Village (the "PMV") was established in 1977, several By-laws were enacted in order to govern its operation. By-law 563/77, to establish a Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee, was for the purpose of advising Council on matters of establishment, management and maintenance of the museum. By-law 621/77, to establish a Pickering Museum Village Reserve Fund, was for the purpose of setting aside monies to be used for the development of the Museum. And, By-law 653/77, to establish a Pickering Museum Management Board, was in furtherance to undertaking the establishment of a public historical museum. In the 40 years that have passed, the PMV has grown to become an award winning, living history museum that offers hundreds of heritage programs, events and services to thousands of visitors annually within a quaint pioneer village featuring 17 heritage buildings spanning from 1810 to 1920. Today, the Pickering Museum Village is operated with the support of 7 full-time staff and approximately 25 part-time staff who manage daily operations, capital projects and strategic developments subject to Council approved operating and capital budgets. Over the years, Council has continued to demonstrate its high level of financial support by funding various capital Report CS 02-19 February 4, 2019 Subject: Repeal of Pickering Museum Village's By-laws projects such as the Conservation Barn and Heritage & Community Centre that negate the need for any special reserve or reserve fund funding. Clearly, over the past 4 decades, the need for an Advisory Committee and Museum Board has waned as the development, management and maintenance of the PMV is now largely drawn from the expertise and knowledge of in-house staff who are industry experts. In essence, the work of the Museum Board and Advisory Committee as enacted in 1977 is complete. PMV staff currently have the ability to directly advise Council on matters of museum management and strategic development through the investment of qualified industry professionals employed by the City of Pickering. As such, this report recommends a repeal of PMV By-laws which are no longer reflective of current and evolving practices. This report also recommends the dissolution of the Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee and realignment of regular reporting practices to the Cultural Advisory Committee. Financial Implications: The recommendations in this report have no financial impact to the City. The City of Pickering receives approximately $39,000 in operational funding for the PMV annually from the Government of Ontario, which requires the PMV to follow standards for community museums in Ontario. City staff have confirmed with the Provincial Program Officer of the Community Museums Operating Grant that establishing the PMV as a standing item on the Cultural Advisory CQmmittee would retain the City's eligibility in the annual funding program. Discussion: When the PMV was established in 1977, Council enacted several By-laws to govern its operation. In the 40 years that have passed, the PMV has progressed in both · governance and management by participating in the Ontario standards for community museums program; bringing in museum staff that are qualified museum professionals; and, employing more advanced forms of planning including the PMV 5 year Strategic Plan (2018-2023) and the Cultural Strategic Plan that identify priorities for the PMV. This growth has made these By-laws obsolete and/or redundant. As such, this report seeks Council's approval to repeal By-laws 563/77, 621/77 and 653/77. When the PMV was established in 1977, the Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee was established by way of By-law 563/77 for the purpose of advising Council on matters of establishment, management and maintenance of museums within the City of Pickering. Since that time, the Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee has played a valuable role in advocating for, and professionalizing the PMV. The Committee has advised staff through several strategic planning cycles which has resulted in a foundation of strong museum policy and practice that has shaped museum operations. However, since that time, the governance and management structure of the PMV has shifted to be predominately led by dedicated and qualified City staff who are responsible for museum management, strategic planning, policy development, collections and conservation, public and education programs, volunteer development, seasonal and summer programs, facility maintenance, capital and infrastructure projects, facility rentals and filming. These staff are Report CS 02-19 February 4, 2019 Subject: Repeal of Pickering Museum Village's By-laws industry professionals with relevant expertise to manage a dynamic living history museum. In fact, the Supervisor, Museum Services and 2 supporting museum staff have Masters Degrees in their field of study; many other museum staff have applicable post graduate certificates/degrees in heritage studies and/or teaching certificates; and all museum capital projects are led by the Manager, Facilities Capital Projects who is a licensed architect. As a result, the PMV Advisory Committee mandate and terms of reference has changed and now . directly relies on the input of museum staff who are responsible for those operational areas. Also, the most recent call for applications to the PMV Advisory Committee unfortunately resulted in approximately in only 6 candidates eligible for consideration, for a total 9 vacancies. This level of · interest was despite staff's efforts to broadly promote the citizen appointment opportunity with education institutions, heritage associations/networks, through direct e-blasts and on social media. To be clear, limited membership to the Advisory Committee makes meaningful discussion and broad-based citizen input difficult. Despite the steadfast support of the PMV by the Pickering community, the waning interest to join the PMV Advisory Committee is compounded by historic patterns of committee member absences from meetings through the year. Clearly, the purpose of By-law 563/77 to advise Council in matters of establishment, management and maintenance of museums within the City of Pickering is now complete. The PMV is now fully established and is managed and maintained by a full complement of City staff who are industry professionals with the relevant expertise. For this reason, staff seek Council's approval to repeal By-law 563/77 which established a Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee. As a demonstration of the City's continued commitment to citizen engagement, accountability and transparency, while planning for innovation, competition and growth, Pickering Museum Village will be a standing agenda item to the Cultural Advisory Committee. The PMV was included as a key component of the Cultural Strategic Plan, and the PMV 5 year Strategic Plan (2018-2023) aligns with the priorities of the Cultural Strategic Plan. Should a specific museum project arise which would benefit from the input of community and industry experts, staff will strike a project steering committee for a designated duration -a model working successfully with the Age Friendly Community Steering Committee. · When the PMV was established in 1977, the City of Pickering also enacted By-law 621 /77 which created a reserve fund for the development of the Museum. Due to the inactivity of the reserve fund and the evolution of the PMV over the past 40 years, staff recommend repealing By-law 621/77 which established the Museum Reserve Fund. The PMV is supported by the City's annual operating and capital budgets, as approved by Council as part of the annual budget process. Council has demonstrated its high level of financial support by funding various capital projects such as the Conservation Barn and Heritage & Community Centre that negate the need for any special reserve or reserve fund funding. The PMV also receives grants and subsidies from various Federal and Provincial grants, in addition to project specific donations from the Pickering Museum Village Foundation. Lastly, when the PMV was established in 1977, the City of Pickering enacted By-law 653/77 which established the Pickering Museum Management Board in furtherance to establishing a public historical museum. The Museum Management Board is currently inactive. With a growing team of professional staff managing the Museum, the Management Board is no longer required for the effective management of the Museum. Report CS 02-19 February 4, 2019 Subject: Repeal of Pickering Museum Village's By-laws The Pickering Museum Village Foundation is a charitable organization with its own, independently elected Board of Directors. As such, they are responsible for the decisions and activities of the Pickering Museum Village Foundation, and accountable to the Canada Revenue Agency as a registered charity. The Pickering Museum Village Foundations' activities as they relate to the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation Act are monitored by the City of Pickering's Legislative Services Division. Given the governance structure of the Pickering Museum Village Foundation and subject to the dissolution of the Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee, eligible funding requests to support Museum projects and initiatives will be made directly by City staff to the Pickering Museum Village Foundation for their consideration. Attachments: 1 . By-law 563/77 2. By-law 621/77 3. By-law 653/77 4. Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Terms of Reference Report CS 02-19 February 4, 2019 Subject: Repeal of Pickering Museum Village's By-laws Prepared By: Laura Gibbs,. A, MSc. Supervisor, Museum Services MC:lg Recommended for the consideration ofPicketU Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer Approved/Endorsed By: Marisa Carpino, MA Director, Community Services Stan Karwowski, CPA, CMA, MBA Director, Finance & Treasurer ATTACHMENT#_L. TO REPORT .. -~--~ THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF PICKERING BY-LAW NUMBER :{(:;, 3/ 77 A By-law of the Municipality of the Town of Pickering to establish a Museum Advisory Committee. WHEREAS pursuant to the provisions of Section 242 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1970, Chapter 284, r_~e Council of every local municipality may pass such by-law and make such regulations for the health, safety, morality and welfare of the inhabitants of the municipality. NOW THEREFORE the Cour1cil of the Town of Pickering enacts as follows: 1. A Committee shall be established to be known as the Town of Picker:i.ng Museum Advisory Committee . 2. The Town of Pickering Museum Advisory Commitcee shall advise Council in matters of establisb:r.ent, management and maintenance of museums within the Town of Pickering. By-law read a FIRST, SECOND and THIRD time and PASSED this __ ___,J .... lf. __ day of , 19 77. ATTACHMENT #..;L_ TO REPORT..--""--""'" THE CORPOR~ION OF THE TOWN OF PICKERING BY-LAW NUMBER b'lJ/7 7 I Being a By-law to establish and maintain a reserve fund for Mussum development WHEREAS pursuant to the pr~✓isions of subsection l of section 308 of The Municipal Act, R~s.o. 1970, c. 284, as amended, every municipality may pzo~ide for the estublishment or maintenance of a reser,•~ fund for any purpose for which it has the authority to .spend funds; A..~D WHEREAS pursuant to the provisions of pdragraph 74 of section 152 of the said Act, the Council of the Corporatior of the To~n of Pickering has enacted By-law Number /77 for the Jperation of a Museum; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. A reserve fund shall be est.!\blished end mcintained for the purpose of setting aside any monies received from the expropriation of or for comp£:nsation resulting from the expropriation of Mu~eurn properties by the Federal Government as well as all other monies that may be received from time to time for Museum purposes. 2. AJ.l monies so received in each year shall be deposited in a special bank account designated "Reserve Fund -Museum Development" on or before December 31st in tha1: year, and may be invested in &uch se~urities as the Trustee may invest under The Trustees Act, and the earnings derived from the investment of such monies shall form part of the reserve fund. 3. All monies forming part of the Reserve Fund -M:iseum Development shall be used for the development of the Town of Pickering Museum. 4. Notwithstanding the provisions in section 3, abcve, any monies forming part of the P.eserve Fund -M1seum oavelopment may be expended, pledged or applied for any purpose other than that for which the fund is established with the consent of at least two thirds of the members of Council. 5. The Auditor in his annual report shall report on the activities and position of the Reserve E'und -Museum revelopment. By-law £e~d a first, second and ti,ird time and PASS~D "' this f k' t ~ day of , 1977. I ,, ·' • r : • ·, .. __ :.:·i(ll'i~t~:2:,;·•l: Administrator-Clerk ATTACHMENT#~ TO REPORT THE CORPOAATION OF THE TOWN OF PICKERING BY-LAW NUMBER b S3./T] Being a By-law to appoint a Board of Management for the Pickering Museum WHEREAS pursuant to the provisions of paragraph 74 of section 352 of The Municipal Act, R.s.o. 1970, chapter 284, as amended, by-laws may be passed by. the councils of all municipalities appointing a Board of Management for any under-taking referred to therein; AND WHEREAS pursuant to the provisions of this said section, the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Pickering passed By-law Number 620/77 on the 6th day of June, 1977 establishing within the Municipality a public historical museum; AND WHEREAS it is now deemed desirable to a~point a Board of Management in furtherance of that undertaking; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. 2. 3. 4. A Board of Management for the Town of Pickering Public Historical Museum shall be estab.lished and shall be known as The Pickering Museum Management Board. The Pickering Museum Management Board shall be composed of six (6) persons, at least two of whom shall be members of the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Pickering. From the date of passage of this by-law until and including the 31st day of December, 1977, the persons composing the Pickering Museum Management Board shall be: Mayor Jack Anderson Councillor Laurie Cahill Councillor Gerry Fisher Councillor Don Kitchen Councillor Ken Matheson Councillor Alex Robertson. From the date of passage of this by-law until and including the 31st day of December, 19 77 the Chairman of the Pickering Museum Management Board shall be Mayor Jack Anderson. By-law read a this third time and PASSED , 1977. { ayor ! / , ; / /\ / i V I \Jii~DMUiAA Adminisrator-g:i!rk ATTACHMENT#...:f... TO REPORT#,k;S 0 Terms of Reference Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee 1.0 Mandate The Committee is charged with the responsibility of giving guidance to, and advising the City through City staff with respect to the sustainability, both long and short term, and general operation of the Pickering Museum Village. 2.0 Goals, Objectives and Responsibilities • Development and regular review of the PMV Strategic Plan that aligns all short and long-term goals with the museum's Vision, Mission, Mandate and Statement of Purpose • Prepare an annual work plan for the Pickering Museum Village Committee, linked with the PMV strategic plan, which is submitted to City Council annually • Prepare, submit, and present an annual report that summarizes the Committee's progress on the approved annual work plan which is submitted to City Council annually • On an ongoing basis, review the PMV's plans, policies, procedures and standard operating procedures against the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport's expected Standards for Community Museums, and recommend and support revisions as appropriate • Recommend restoration and capital expenditure projects to the City and the Pickering Museum Village Foundation for funding • Review annually, provide comments and recommendations to the City of Pickering on the proposed current and capital budgets of the PMV in accordance with the future goals and approved Strategic Plan and committee work plans • Receive and approve the reports from designated subcommittees • Receive the report from Chair of Pickering Museum Foundation at each meeting Specific Member Responsibilities • Provide a clear Criminal Reference Check and Vulnerable Sector Screening • On an ongoing basis, act as Ambassadors of the PMV and actively promote its' programs, activities and special events • Prepare for and attend all PMV advisory committee meetings • Attend museum Volunteer Orientation seminar once every two years • Participate in a minimum of five special event days and/or work days thereby assisting and supporting the staff and other volunteers in the operation and presentation of events and activities on site and at other locations, i.e. public presentations • Member attendance at the Committee meetings, training and event/work days will be provided to the Facilitator. At the discretion of the Facilitator, a recommendation on the continuation of the absent member on the Committee will be reported to the Clerk's Office for their consideration • Participate in training and education programs designed to upgrade the knowledge and skills of the member in regard to current trends, processes, standards for prudent and professional management and operation of the museum. Share and disseminate learning to others through presentation of materials/information acquired at the training sessions. Apply learning in the best interests of the museum • Members will participate on sub-committees as required. Standing sub-committees will be facilitated by city staff and will carry out specific functions, which are not limited to: volunteer recognition, collections, large capital projects, special events, and programs. Additional sub-committees may be formed based upon activity and need 3.0 Standing Sub-Committees Responsibilities and Activities Collections Committee • Will be responsible for reviewing and making recommendations regarding the development, management and care of the museum collections • In consultation with the Coordinator, Museum Operations, prepare a work plan for the ongoing inventory of the museum collection • Support initiatives to develop staff and volunteer training programs and processes regarding the use, care, and preservation of artifacts • Support and assist staff with the development and review of plans, policies and procedures related to artifact collection management and development, and conservation • Support and assist staff with collections-related projects that put museum policy and plans into practice • Prepare and present work plan and report on activities to the PMV Advisory Committee at each full Advisory Committee meeting Site Improvements Committee • Support and assist staff to identify and prioritize large capital projects • Maintain a project, list by priority, prepare work plan and cost benefit analysis • Work with identified City and Foundation representatives to prepare details of project plan • Present list to Advisory Committee and staff members and work with City and Foundation to identify appropriate projects for general capital funding and special projects outside of general operational work to present to the Foundation for funding • Prepare and present project plans and report on activities to the PMV Advisory Committee at each full Advisory Committee meeting Volunteer Recognition Committee • Review and prepare volunteer recognition "kudos" for circulation to volunteer team • Maintain a data base of volunteer achievements for recognition and award reference purposes • Review requirements for awards nominations, gather supporting documentation, and prepare draft of nomination for staff review, approval and submission • Review and make recommendations regarding the PMV Volunteer Service and Recognition Program • Support and assist staff with the development and review of plans, policies and procedures related to volunteers • Plan, develop, and coordinate annual recognition and awards reception • Assist and support volunteer training seminars and workshops, including the development of training presentations and programs • Prepare and present work plan and report on activities to the PMV Advisory Committee at each full Advisory Committee meeting 4.0 Composition 9 Citizen Appointments, no new appointments to be made within the last year of a committee term, unless requested by the committee. The committee requests council to consider that committee members serve no longer than 3 consecutive terms 5.0 Member Qualifications Members should have previous experience, knowledge and expertise related to museum operations, marketing, board operation, heritage sites, artefacts, heritage architecture and/or structural engineering, grant writing for culture related initiatives, and/or a relatable skill set that is applicable to the Pickering Museum Village. 6.0 Meeting Schedule The Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee meets monthly. Established meeting dates and times shall not be changed unless circumstances warrant special consideration. Meetings will not be held in the months of July, August or December unless d~termined by the Committee that a meeting is necessary to meet the mandate or work plan of the Committee. During a Municipal election year, meetings shall be held until such time as a new committee is appointed. At the discretion of the committee meetings may not be held after September 30th if determined by the Committee that a meeting is unnecessary to fulfill the mandate or work plan of the Committee. 6.0 Budget The committee has no operating budget, but advises on the Pickering Museum Village current and capital budgets, as part of the annual budget process.