HomeMy WebLinkAboutENG 25-18of DICKERING Report to Council Report Number: ENG 25-18 Date: December 10, 2018 From: Richard Holborn Director, Engineering Services Subject: Sandy Beach Road — Front Ending of Design Services - Region of Durham Infrastructure - File: A-1440 Recommendation: 1. That Council approve an amendment to the Purchase Order issued to The Municipal Infrastructure Group for consulting services for Sandy Beach, Road Reconstruction to include detailed design services on behalf of the Region of Durham; 2. That the fee proposal dated May 9, 2018 submitted by The Municipal Infrastructure Group and accepted by the Region of Durham in the amount of $96,567.00 plus HST be accepted; 3. That Council provide pre -2019 Capital Budget approval of $125,000.00 including the fee proposal, a contingency, and other associated costs to retain the services of The Municipal Infrastructure Group; 4. That the Director, Finance & Treasurer be authorized to finance the additional expenditure of $125,000.00 by a Third Party Contribution; and 5. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary actions as indicated in this report. Executive Summary: Council approved the hiring of The Municipal Infrastructure Group (TMIG) for the provision of consulting services for Sandy Beach Road Reconstruction by Council Resolution #310/17, through Report ENG 12-17, on June 12, 2017. Throughout the Class Environmental Assessment and preliminary design work, the Region of Durham has determined a need to replace the existing watermain and sanitary sewer on and adjacent to Sandy Beach Road, as part of the City's road reconstruction project. Regional staff acknowledges the benefit of having the City's consultant undertake the design work associated with their infrastructure at the same time they are designing the City's infrastructure. As the City currently has a contract with TMIG, the Region has requested that the City's purchase order be adjusted to include the design services on behalf of the Region, at the Region's cost. ENG 25-18 December 10, 2018 Subject: Sandy Beach Road — Front Ending of Design Services Region of Durham Infrastructure Page 2 Financial Implications: TMIG has submitted a fee proposal to the Region of Durham dated May 9, 2018 in the estimated amount of $96,567.00 plus disbursements and HST for design services to replace the existing watermain and sanitary sewer on and adjacent to Sandy Beach Road. In order to advance these works in a timely manner and not delay the City's design work, pre - 2019 budget approval is required to formally recognize and approve the expenditure, and this requirement is reflected in Recommendation 3. The amount of the pre -2019 budget approval is $125,000.00 which includes a contingency and other associated costs. There is no net cost to the City as the expenditure related to the design of the watermain and sanitary sewer replacement will be the responsibility of the Region of Durham. A third party contribution will be the source of funding, and a purchase order will be issued to the City by the Region of Durham for invoicing purposes. Discussion: TMIG is currently undertaking a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment for the reconstruction of Sandy Beach Road between Montgomery Park Road and Bayly Street. They have also been retained to provide detail design services, as well as contract administration/field inspection services during construction. Proposal No. RFP -1-2017 submitted by TMIG was endorsed by Council on June 12, 2017 through Report ENG 12-17. Region of Durham staff have been consulted on this project as they have indicated that they have municipal services infrastructure (watermain and sanitary sewer) on and adjacent to Sandy Beach Road. The Region has advised the City that they require the replacement of the watermain and sanitary sewer when the City is reconstructing Sandy Beach Road. In order to minimize disruption and inconvenience to the public, the replacement of the Region's infrastructure should be carried out concurrent with the reconstruction of the road. It is also beneficial to have the same consultant that is designing the City's infrastructure, design the Region's watermain and sanitary sewer. As such, the Region has requested that regional infrastructure design services be added to the City's contract with TMIG. As these additional expenditures have not been recognized in an approved budget, staff are requesting pre -2019 budget approval of $125,000.00 (including a contingency and other associated costs) in order to have the consultant commence design immediately so as not to delay the City's project . The proposal dated May 9, 2018 has been submitted to the Region of Durham and it meets with their approval. The proposal from TMIG is included in this report (Attachment #1), along with a letter of commitment from the Region of Durham dated November 8, 2018 (Attachment #2). Attachments: 1. The Municipal Infrastructure Group proposal dated May 9, 2018 2. Region of Durham letter of commitment dated November 8, 2018 ENG 25-18 December 10, 2018 Subject: Sandy Beach Road — Upfront Region Design Page 3 Approved/Endorsed By: Ricard Holborn, P. Eng. erector, Engineering Services • Stan Karwowski, MBA, CPA, CMA Director, Finance & Treasurer RH:mjh Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer DURHAM REGION The Regional .Municipality of Durham Works Department 605 ROSSLAND RD. E. LEVEL 5 PO BOX 623 WHITBY, ON L1N 6A3 • CANADA 905-668-7711 _1-800-372-1102 . durham.ca ATTACHMENT#._ TOREPORT#_ 6' s-1 November 8, 2018 City of Pickering One The Esplanade Pickering, ON L1 V 6K7 Attention: Richard Holborn, P.Eng. Director, Engineering Services Dear Mr. Holborn: RE: City of Pickering — Sandy Beach Road Region of Durham Sanitary Sewer and Watermain Agreement with the City of Pickering Further to recent discussions, the Regional Municipality of Durham is requesting that the City of Pickering increase the amount of the agreement with The Municipal Infrastructure Group (TMIG) to include engineering services.for the replacement of the existing watermain and sanitary sewer on and adjacent to Sandy Beach Road. In order to minimize disturbance to the public, the above -noted Regional works would be carried out concurrent with the reconstruction.of Sandy Beach Road from Bayly Street to Montgomery Park Road. As TMIG is undertaking the design for the road reconstruction, it would be beneficial to have the same consultant completing the design of related Regional infrastructure. We confirm that we have sufficient funding to compensate the City for TMIG's sanitary sewer and watermain design fees. We will also ensure that we have sufficient funding for the sewer and watermain works prior to the work being tendered. Please advise if you need anything further at this. time. Yours truly, Nathaniel Andres, P.Eng. Project Engineer,'Environmental Services Design Regional Municipality of Durham Enclosed: Sanitary Sewer and Watermain Replacement Design Fee Proposal by TMIG ($96,567 plus HST). c: Jim McGilton — Manager, Environmental Services Design If you require this information in an accessible format, please contact Accessibility Coordinator at 1-800- 372-1102 ext. 2233. ATTACHMENT#__ TO REPORT 3.`C °3.` _ of . y . 'TM IC THE MUNICIPAL INFRASTRUCTURE GROUP LTD. 110 Scotia Court, Unit 27 T 905.738.5700 Whitby, Ontario LUN 8Y7 www.tmig.ca May 9, 2018 (Revised) Mr. Nathaniel Andres, P.Eng. Project Engineer, Environmental Services Design Regional Municipality of Durham 605 Rossland Road East, Level 5, PO Box 623 Whitby, ON LIN 6A3 . Dear Mr. Andres: PROPOSAL NUMBER P18-043 Re: Proposal for Detailed Design of Sanitary Sewer and Watermain Replacement along Sandy Beach Road, Pickering TMIG is pleased to provide a scope of work and fee quotation to complete the detailed design of the sanitary sewer and watermain replacement along Sandy Beach Road, The City of Pickering retained TMIG to complete the EA and detailed design. of Sandy Beach Road from Montgomery Park Road to Bayly Street. The Region has expressed the need to replace the existing watermain from .300m north of Alyssum Street to 212m south of Alyssum Street due to its age and number of breaks over the years. The existing 600mm diameter sanitary sewer that drains the area east of Sandy Beach Road currently crosses the Krosno Creek over 3 CSPs which have experienced erosion and maintenance issues in the past. The.Region would like to lower the sanitary sewer under the creek and remove the'3 CSP culverts. • Our proposed scope of work is'as follows: Preliminary and Detailed Design of Watermain and Sanitary Sewer • Topographic Survey of the sanitary sewer crossing area to Sandy Beach Road (approximately 150 metres) and base plan preparation. ■ Utility coordination for sanitary sewer (verification that there is no existing plant) SUE Level 'C' ■ Natural Environment Field Work by Golder. A site reconnaissance of the sewer -crossing location is required to ensure the relevant field information is available to update existing conditions. • " Preliminary and Detailed Design of the 300mm diameter watermain (approximately 515m length) and 600m diameter sanitary sewer (approximately 100m length) • o Separate plan and profile drawings for watermain and sanitary sewer o Construction staging plan for removal of culverts, sewer installation, and restoration of creek and bypass pumping • o Construction staging plan for watermain installation under Krosno Creek o Contract Specifications, including bypass pumping requirements o ' Tender items and cost estimate • Geotechnical Investigation Completion of 2 boreholes near the creek crossing 6m below existing ground o Laboratory testing o Geotechnical Report _ will provide recommendations for creek crossing (open cut versus trenchless construction) ■ Hydrogeological Investigation & Permit to Take Water Application o Field work — installation and monitoring oftwo (2) groundwater monitoring wells o Hydrogeological Report — will be cost shared with City of Pickering (50/50) TMIG PROPOSAL NUMBER P18-043 PROPOSAL FOR THE SANDY BEACH RD RECONSTRUCTION MIG ATTACHMENT #_ TO REPORT#.__ rJ as_ 1• REGION OF DURHAM MAY 9, 2018 PAGE 2 of 3 o Permit to Take Water Support Documentation — the cost to prepare the Category 3 PTTW applicatiori for the watermain, sanitary sewer and concrete box culvert and 'supporting documehtation will be cost shared with the City of Pickering (50/50) ■ Geomorphology o Revisit the sanitary sewer crossing location to collect additional project -specific information to support the site restoration design o Develop a site restoration plan that includes channel bed and bank restoration details and soil stabilization measures o Develop a landscaping plan • TRCA Submission o Natural Environment — Update the existing Sandy Beach Road Natural Environment Existing Conditions report and Impact Assessment to include the sanitary sewer o Include sanitary and watermain P/P 'and construction staging plans in the City's Sandy Beach Road submission to TRCA Assumptions Watermain will be replaced with same diameter (300mm) along Sandy Beach Road. Sanitary sewer will be replaced with same diameter (600mm) to provide equivalent capacity ■ Joint submission to TRCA to MOECC for the road, culvert, watermain, and sanitary sewer works will be completed by TMIG or others A review by Fisheries and Oceans Canada will not be required (culvert removals do not require review) No permits/approvals required from MNRF Fee Estimate The following fee estimate is based on the above scope of work and would be subject to adjustments if the consulting engineering services as now envisioned are altered during the course of the work. Notes: 1. The above Fee Estimate excludes HST. 2. The above Fee Estimate is based on hours worked to the upset limit, and will not be exceeded without written consent from the Region. 3. Invoices will be submitted monthly. 4. Mileage will be charged at $0.50/km. Thank you for the opportunity to provide our services on this assignment. Please contact the undersigned with any questions regarding this proposal. TMIG PROPOSAL NUMBER P18-043 PROPOSAL FOR THE SANDY BEACH RD RECONSTRUCTION Professional Fee Disbursements Total Sanitary Sewer Replacement $67,869 $1,705 $69,574 Watermain Replacement $25,705 . $1,288 $26,993 Notes: 1. The above Fee Estimate excludes HST. 2. The above Fee Estimate is based on hours worked to the upset limit, and will not be exceeded without written consent from the Region. 3. Invoices will be submitted monthly. 4. Mileage will be charged at $0.50/km. Thank you for the opportunity to provide our services on this assignment. Please contact the undersigned with any questions regarding this proposal. TMIG PROPOSAL NUMBER P18-043 PROPOSAL FOR THE SANDY BEACH RD RECONSTRUCTION 'TMIG,. ATTACHMENT#,_ °'• , TOK,EPORT#__. 64C7 /5-11 • REGION OF DURHAM MAY 9, 2018 PAGE 3 of 3 Sincerely, THE MUNICIPAL INFRASTRUCTURE GROUP LTD. 17 tt4.1.l C 74C W(114(6111 Nathalie McCutcheon, P.Eng. Director of Municipal Services n m ccutcheon(atmiq:ca Encl: Time -Task -Cost Table TMIG PROPOSAL NUMBER P18-043 PROPOSAL FOR THE SANDY BEACH RD RECONSTRUCTION