HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS 20-18DICKERING c-44 Report to Executive Committee Report Number: CS 20-18 Date: June 18, 2018 From: Marisa Carpino Director, Community Services Subject: Pickering Museum Village Strategic Plan - Final Report File: A-1440 Recommendation: 1. That the Pickering Museum Village Strategic Plan (April 2018) be endorsed in principle; 2. That staff be authorized to use the plan as the basis for future corporate decisions, recommendations, and budget submissions; and 3. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary actions as indicated in this report. Executive Summary: In late 2016, a steering committee was struck to develop a 5 year strategic plan for the Pickering Museum Village (PMV). The Strategic Planning Steering Committee was comprised of museum staff and volunteers, and co-chaired by the Coordinator, Museum Operations, alongside a member of the PMV Advisory Committee. The purpose of the Pickering Museum Village Strategic Plan is to guide future City decisions regarding Pickering's artifacts, skills and knowledge preservation, partnership development, programming, site optimization, and human resource development (paid and volunteer) at the Pickering Museum Village, over the next 5 years. It will facilitate the City's capacity to better provide, plan, and deliver the museum needs of the community, in the immediate future, and will position the museum for future strength and impact in the community. Following a review of current museum, culture and economic trends, an Environmental Scan report was drafted in March 2017 placing PMV in context with other museums in Ontario. From this report, a draft Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats analysis (SWOT) was created. The Environmental Scan report and SWOT analysis provided the common starting point for the development of an extensive community consultation campaign which included in-person and online surveys, focus groups, and interviews. The data collected from the community consultation campaign were distilled into themes within the Critical Issues Report dated October 2017. This report was used to focus discussion at the PMV Strategic Planning Retreat and ultimately create the Pickering Museum Village Strategic Plan. At this time, City staff seek Council's endorsement of the Pickering Museum Village Strategic Plan (April 2018) in principle. The strategic goals outlined in this plan will be used by staff to guide the planning and implementation of museum services to meet the needs of our community. CS 20-18 June 18, 2018 Subject: Pickering Museum Village Strategic Plan Page 2 Recommendations to incorporate broader community recreation and leisure opportunities in museum expansion and development plans will involve the consultation of applicable residents and stakeholders through focus group sessions and other consultative methods, prior to implementation. Financial Implications: Financial implications will be further evaluated by the Director, Community Services in consultation with the Director, Finance & Treasurer. The implementation for each project will depend on sufficient resources being available to undertake such work. Financing and implementation of recommended projects will be submitted to Council through the budget process for consideration and final approval. Discussion: Pickering Museum Village aims to meet or exceed the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport's Standards for Community Museums in an effort to receive annual funding through their Community Museum Operating Grant program. Standards require that museums within the program have a current strategic or business plan. The City of Pickering's existing Pickering Museum Village 5 year plan ended in 2015, with 88 percent of the goals and objectives successfully implemented, and was due to be renewed. Accordingly, the new Pickering Museum Village Strategic Plan development process was initiated in-house with the knowledge and support of staff and volunteers in the fall of 2016. The PMV Strategic Plan will guide future City decisions on 5 key areas: • preservation of artifacts, skills and knowledge; • partnerships; • programs; • site optimization; and • human resource development (paid and volunteer). An extensive community consultation campaign was implemented from April 2017 to June 2017 (inclusive) to include random in-person surveys captured at the Pickering Town Centre and the Pickering Public Library (Central Branch), online Museum user and non -user surveys, public focus group sessions, staff focus group sessions, and CAO and Council interviews. The community consultation campaign was promoted through eNewsletters, roadside signs, display boards, social media (Facebook and Twitter), museum webpage, media release, and by invitation to specific community groups. Over 100 people participated in the surveys, and approximately 120 people participated in focus group or interview discussions. The ideas brought forward collectively helped to formulate the creation of the Critical Issues Report in October 2017 which identified consistent and recurring themes. The Critical Issues Report became the focal point for discussion at the Strategic Planning Retreat held in October 2017. A group of 12 participants including the Director, Community Services, key City staff who work in connection with the museum, PMV staff, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Members, and volunteers came together to strategize priorities and goals in response to the key issues/themes identified in the Critical Issues Report. CS 20-18 June 18, 2018 Subject: Pickering Museum Village Strategic Plan Page 3 The PMV Strategic Planning Steering Committee then collected the strategic priorities agreed upon at the retreat, and more deeply shaped goals to support those priorities. Staff gratefully acknowledge the support and participation of all participants, without whose opinions and thoughts this strategic plan would not be possible. With some edits, the draft Pickering Museum Village Strategic Plan was reviewed and endorsed by the Director, Community Services in March 2018, and was presented to, and endorsed by the Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee in April 2018. This strategic planning process has provided for an opportunity to assess current museum services, amenities, and use, measure community satisfaction, and develop a strategic plan that will assist museum staff to plan for future museum growth, include community, and better preserve skills, knowledge, and artifacts in order to meet the needs of our growing community for the next 5 years. This strategic plan has been developed under the Tens of future growth and development in Pickering (residential and business) and recognizes the need to connect with this new and exciting growth, including the new growth of Seaton. Recommendations to overall museum site use and development (which will also impact community partners) will involve the consultation of applicable user groups and members through focus group sessions and other consultative methods, prior to implementation. Clearly, the Pickering Museum Village Strategic Plan (April 2018) will allow the City of Pickering to be proactive and prepared for the current and future needs of this community. Attachments: 1. Pickering Museum Village Strategic Plan (April 2018) CS 20-18 June 18, 2018 Subject: Pickering Museum Village Strategic Plan Page 4 Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: 4 Katrin'Pyke Marisa Carpino Coordinator, Museum Operations Director, Community Services Tanya Ryce Supervisor, Cultural Services :mc Recommended for the consideration of Pickering Cid Council Tony Prevedel, P,Eng. Chief Administrative Officer ATTACHMENT #, -- TO REPORT #C,1 aO c; e� PJCKE RiNG Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee, Strategic Planning Steering Committee 4/9/20118 u[r 'unl ma\dL g i P[viV Strategic Plan (2018-2023) Introduction Museums have two responsibilities that are inextricably linked: Collecting/ Preserving, and Communicating. Strategic planning aims to keep those in balancer. Museum Management .._......................_ ....... Collecting & Preserving Communicating A museum organization is said to be "in alignment" when all its parts are working toward common goals. Administration: Management/Council, Finances, External Relations Collections Curatorial: Acquisition, Research, Documentation, Conservation, Collection Management Exhibits, Publications, Interpretation The Pickering Museum Advisory Committee's Strategic Planning Steering Committee drafted this Strategic Plan after extensive stakeholder consultation. It is a short, succinct document that defines the PMV's vision, mission, and values, and identifies recommended strategic goals to be accomplished by the end of 2023. Subject to approval, this document will be made accessible to stakeholders and the public. A subsequent Action Plan will be drafted by staff, and will identify by year, museological area, and staff member responsible, the objectives and underlying tasks that will be necessary to reach the recommended strategic goals. The Action Plan will include resource allocations to successfully complete the objectives, and therefore achieve the strategic goals. 1 The book "The Manual of Strategic Planning for Museums" by Gail Dexter Lord and Kate Markert was used to create this outline. Page 1 MPickering useum WWI !Lige PMV Strategic Plan (2018-2023) Governing Statements Vision Pickering Museum Village will be a community hub where people come together to learn, share stories, and build relationships through progressive, fun, and vibrant experiences. Mission Pickering Museum Village will ignite imaginations through a living history museum that fosters a connection to Pickering by collecting, preserving, and interpreting artifacts and social culture. Values Pickering Museum Village's approach is based on the following values (definition of value is for this document only): • Authentic — The Museum is committed to presenting a venue, programming, and interpretation accurately for the time period depicted. • Inclusive — The Museum is committed to providing diverse, meaningful accessibility to all, whether through language, physical ability, age, etc. • Respectful — The Museum is committed to being purposeful and considerate in the representations of and interactions with, artifacts, the public, volunteers and staff. • Unique — The Museum is committed to creating experiences and learning opportunities that are unique. Page 2 Museum Fill Ill*igr 'NOV Strategic Plan (2018-2023) Strategic Plan Overview The following strategic action priorities (SAP) have been identified for 2018-2023: SAP 1: Preserve artifacts, knowledge, and skills. SAP 2: Build strategic relationships and awareness to raise PMV profile. SAP 3: Deliver accurate and high-quality programming. SAP 4: Site Optimization. SAP 5: Develop human resources* * Human resources includes staff, volunteers, and outside service providers Page 3 Rt4ickgering fa PMV Strategic Plan (2018-2023) The following provides a summary of Pickering Museum Village's strategic framework: Vision: Plv1V will be a community hub where people corse together to learn, share stones, and build relationships through progressive, fun, and vibrant expenences. Preserve artifacts, knowledge & skills Build strategic partnerships and raise awareness of PMV profile Deliver accurate & high quality programming Site optimization Mission: PMV Inrill ignite imaginations through a living history museum that fosters a connection to Pickering by collecting, preserving and interpreting artifacts and social culture. Develop human resources Authentic Inclusive Respectful Unique Page 4 hut,#u rtr I, Pl1V Strategic Plan (2018-2023) Strategic Action Priorities & Key Initiatives Summary Strategic Action Priority 1 Preserve artifacts, knowledge, and skills' Definition of Success at 2023 • Collecting Plan developed and implemented. • Establish sustainable funding model. • All artifacts appropriately housed on-site, with space for collection growth. • Disaster Preparedness Plan drafted and implemented. Enablers • Accurate and complete artifact inventory. • Gap analysis identifying collection development priorities. • Secure funding to acquire artifacts, and develop skills and knowledge. • Artifact storage spaces with appropriate environmental controls. • Accessibility as a cornerstone (e.g. remove physical barriers for persons with disabilities, improve staff resources to allow better public access to the collection, increase open hours, on-line artifact database, etc.). • City Heritage Preservation Policy developed and implemented (including Heritage Procedure for Reporting and Protecting Archaeological Discovery). • City Heritage Asset Promotion Plan developed and implemented. • Inventory of HR skills, gap analysis conducted, and training plan established. • Staff time and resources allocated for collections records management (e.g. paid intern, temporary position, Collections Assistant, etc.). • Heritage Inventory completed (including gap analysis for built cultural heritage acquisition). • Grow partnership with Heritage Pickering, Pickering Township Historical Society, Local History Room (Pickering Public Library) and establish clear collecting and/or acquisition goals between organizations. Page 5 IIIIN USCu rmivarLigr PMVStrategic Plan (2018-2023) Strategic Action Priority 2- Build strategic partnerships and raise awareness of PMV profile Definition of Success at 2023 • Identify and engage funding partners. • Marketing, Sponsorship & Promotions Strategy/Communications Plan developed and implemented. • Programs and services are enhanced through partnerships (e.g. outsourcing gift shop, food service, program development in collaboration with community partners etc.). • Signage/ way -finding upgraded. Enablers • Dedicated staff resources to develop and implement Sponsorship Plan and Asset Sales. • Develop sponsorship packages which identify value for the corporate partner and PMV. • Partnerships Steering Committee (inventory of all sectors that connect with the Museum, used to understand breadth of potential partnerships and brainstorm partnering initiatives; leverage new building; develop building capacity potential for groups and staffing capacity to support). • Review how staff capture images and moving footage to convey what we do for potential partners and the public. • Establish partner priorities and needs. Page 6 Village firkz=g, PIVIV Strategic Plan (2018-2023) Strategic Action Priority 3: Deliver accurate and high-quality programming Definition of Success at 2023 • Space -use plan and year-round programming developed and 70% implemented for new Heritage & Community Centre. • A Comprehensive Interpretive Plan is developed, implemented, and reviewed annually. • "Progressive" interpretive techniques are cornerstones to program development (e.g. technology, hands-on, unique interpretive variety, etc.). • Implement a sustainable revenue model for program and service delivery. • Ensure inclusivity is integrated into programming. • Newcomers and residents are engaged and involved. • Programming is evaluated according to clearly defined success measurements. Enablers • Increased/dedicated staff resources to support maintenance, reception, volunteer coordination, heritage programming, bookings, etc. • Dedicated staff and resources to produce a clear process and timeline for programming/interpretation research, development, implementation, and evaluation. • Program criteria established and followed. • Zero -balance programming budget through public revenues, grants, and/or sponsorship • Public input to assist with development (e.g. Welcome Centre). • Investment of external corporate partners (e.g. service developers to partner). • Steering committee established to help implement/develop programming. • Internal and external corporate partners are identified, and strong working relationships are established. • Master Site Use Plan developed. • Communication Engagement Plan to welcome and inform newcomers. Page 7 ANPi( kisl Erg the urn Fid\,1Lg PMV Strategic Pian (2018-2023) strategic Action Priority 4 — Site Optimization Definition of Success at 2023 • Comprehensive Site Use Strategy. • Design, construct and open "Heritage & Community Centre" and PMV Site (Phases 1 & 2). • Address parking & site security. • Site way -finding plan developed and implemented. • Site access and connectivity — develop plan and implement (transit and transportation). • Year Round Food Services Strategy developed and implemented. Enablers • Staff resources allocated to capital projects (project management). • Partnership with TRCA to address access issues. • Stakeholder consultations. • Breakdown tasks necessary to prepare for new centre (strategy and time to plan). • Unique and innovative funding strategies (e.g. 1% levy) dedicated to cultural preservation and upgrades. • Staff time and budget resources for signage/way-finding study. • Grand Opening/Ribbon Cutting — Heritage and Community Centre building momentum & celebrating. • Sponsorship/Franchise agreement for food services. - Page 8 RMuseum 1), PMI Strategic Plan (2018-2023) Strategic Action Priority #5 — Develop human resources Definition of Success at 2023 • Organizational chart and job descriptions in place that reflect staffing needs and defines staff roles. Human Resource Plan developed and implemented in collaboration with appropriate departments (staff, volunteers, committees). • Establish grant writing as integral to staff roles, as applicable. • Functional governance structure (committee/board). • Volunteer Management and Development Plan created and implemented. • Succession planning. Enablers • Dedicated staff resources for: o Volunteer Plan development o Grant writing o Program research, development and implementation. • Fully develop staffing plan, considering organizational structure, diversification of staff roles, expansion and/or reallocation supported by Council and Senior Management. • Programming models established that pay for staff to deliver programs (internal and external staffing and materials). • Staffing priorities and needs established. • Target grants that move the museum staffing goals forward, rather than making the museum fit the grant. • Investment in staff (training, development, recognition, awards, morale, etc.). Page 9