HomeMy WebLinkAboutInformation Report 08-18DICKERING cily Information Report to Planning & Development Committee Report Number: 08-18 Date: June 18, 2018 From: Catherine Rose, MCIP, RPP Chief Planner Subject: Official Plan Amendment OPA 18-01/P Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 02/18 Draft Plan of Subdivision Application SP -2018-02 Draft Plan of Condominium Application CP -2018-01 Icon Forest District Limited Northwest corner of Finch Avenue and Altona Road (2024 and 2026 Altana Road, and 200 Finch Avenue) 1. Purpose of this Report The purpose of this report is to provide preliminary information regarding applications for Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment, Draft Plan of Subdivision and Draft Plan of Condominium, submitted by Icon Forest District Limited, to facilitate a residential condominium development. This report contains general information on the applicable Official Plan and other related policies, and identifies matters raised to date. This report is intended to assist members of the public and other interested stakeholders to understand the proposal. The Planning & Development Committee will hear public delegations on the applications, ask questions of clarification, and identify any planning issues. This report is for information and no decision is to be made at this time. Staff will bring forward a recommendation report for consideration by the Planning & Development Committee upon completion of a comprehensive evaluation of the proposal. 2. Property Location and Description The subject lands are located at the northwest corner of Finch Avenue and Altana Road within the Rouge Park Neighbourhood (see Location Map, Attachment #1). The subject lands comprise three properties having a combined area of approximately 2.2 hectares with approximately 172 metres of frontage along Finch Avenue and approximately 107 metres of frontage along Altana Road. The subject lands are currently occupied by two detached dwellings with accessory buildings, which are proposed to be removed. The remaining lands are vacant with clusters of trees that are also proposed to be removed to accommodate the development (see Air Photo Map, Attachment #2). Information Report No. 08-18 Page 2 Surrounding land uses include: North and Immediately north and west are environmentally sensitive lands, owned by West: Infrastructure Ontario (10), forming part of the Petticoat Creek watershed. An existing detached dwelling (potentially significant heritage resource) is located northwest of the subject lands on 10 lands with a driveway access from Altona Road. Further north is the Canadian Pacific Railway corridor and the Enbridge Pipeline, East: Across Altona Road, two detached dwellings fronting onto Altona Road and a woodlot at the northeast corner of Altana Road and Finch Avenue. Further east is a residential development consisting of detached dwellings fronting onto Mapleview Court. South; At the southwest corner of Finch Avenue and Altana Road is a residential common element condominium development consisting of 23 3 -storey townhouses and a residential subdivision consisting of semi-detached dwellings fronting Shadow Place. 3. Applicant's Proposal The applicant is proposing a residential common element condominium development consisting of 40 semi-detached dwellings and 69 townhouse units accessed through an internal private road (see Submitted Conceptual Site Plan, Attachment #3). The conceptual plan illustrates five rear lane townhouse blocks (Blocks 1 to 5), consisting of 35 units, fronting Finch Avenue and Altona Road with parking at the rear of the dwelling units along with a decked amenity space above the garage. The remaining five townhouse blocks (Blocks 6 to 10), consisting of 34 units, and 40 semi-detached units, will have parking at the front of the dwelling units and each unit will have a private rear yard amenity area, All of the townhouse units are proposed to be 3 storeys in height (approximately 11.5 metres), and the semi-detached dwellings will be 2 storeys in height (approximately 9.5 metres). The rear lane townhouse units fronting Altona Road and Finch Avenue will have a minimum width of 4.6 metres. The townhouse units with frontage along the private road will have a minimum width of 5.5 metres, and the semi-detached lots will have a minimum lot frontage of 6.3 metres. Vehicular access to the internal private road will be provided through a full -moves access from Finch Avenue, Resident parking is provided at a ratio of two parking spaces per dwelling unit (one parking space within a private garage and one space on the driveway). Visitor parking is provided at a rate of 0.25 spaces per unit for a total of 27 parking spaces. The conceptual plan also provides for two outdoor amenity areas. One outdoor amenity area is located between townhouse blocks 6 and 7 central to the development area and has an area of approximately 416 square metres. The second outdoor amenity areas is located between townhouse blocks 2 and 3 abutting the intersection of Finch Avenue and Altona Road and has an area of approximately 300 square metes, which will act as a gateway to the development from the abutting street network. Information Report No. 08-18 Page 3 The applicant has submitted an application for an Official Plan Amendment to re -designate the subject lands from "Low Density Area" to "Medium Density Area" and a Zoning By-law Amendment application to rezone the subject lands to an appropriate residential zone category to facilitate the proposal. The applicant has also submitted an application for a Draft Plan of Subdivision to create a single block (see Submitted Draft Plan of Subdivision #4). This is a technical requirement to allow the applicant to create the privately owned parcels through a process called "lifting part lot control". The applicant has also submitted an application for Draft Plan of Condominium (see Submitted Draft Plan of Condominium #5) to permit a comment element condominium. The common element features include the internal private roads, internal sidewalks, visitor parking areas, outdoor amenity areas, community mailboxes and water meter room. The development will be subject to site plan approval. 4. Policy Framework 4.1 Durham Regional Official Plan The Regional Official Plan designates the subject lands as "Living Areas". The "Living Areas" designation shall be used predominately for housing purposes, The plan also states that lands within the Living Area designation shall be developed in compact urban form through higher densities and by intensifying and redeveloping existing areas, particularly along an arterial road. Altana Road and Finch Avenue, east of Altana Road, are designated as Type 'B' Arterial Roads. Type 'B' Arterial Roads generally have a right-of-way width ranging from 36 to 50 metres. The proposal generally conforms to the Durham Regional Official Plan. 4.2 Pickering Official Plan The subject lands are located within the Rouge Park Neighbourhood and are designated "Urban Residential Areas — Low Density Area" which provides for housing and related uses. This designation permits a net residential density of up to and including 30 units per net hectare. The applicant's proposal illustrates a density of approximately 49.5 units per net hectare and therefore an Official Plan Amendment is required to redesignate the subject lands from "Low Density Residential" to "Medium Density Area" designation in order to facilitate the proposal. Lands immediately west and north of the subject lands are designated "Open Space System — Natural Area" as shown in Official Plan Amendment 27 (OPA 27) (Environment and Countryside policies), which came into effect on December 20, 2017. The Natural Area land use designation is further identified in OPA 27 as "Significant Woodlands, Rouge-Duffins Wildlife Corridor" and "significant valley lands and stream corridors" (Petticoat Creek). An Environmental Impact Study is required for proposals within 120 metres of a natural heritage or hydrologic feature and specifies and requires a minimum vegetation protection zones in the feature. Information Report No. 08-18 Page 4 The Rouge Park Neighbourhood Policies: discourage reverse frontages, berms and significant noise attenuation fencing adjacent to Finch Avenue and Altona Road; require new developments to have regard for the Rouge Park Management Plan; and encourage the retention of environmentally sensitive lands. The Rouge Park Neighbourhood Map identifies a proposed separate elementary school symbol and a proposed park symbol partially within the subject lands. 4.5 Rouge Park Neighbourhood Development Guidelines The Rouge Park Neighbourhood Development Guidelines establish goals to ensure lands are developed in a cohesive, well-designed neighbourhood. In review of development proposals, the following broad goals of the guidelines are to be considered: • develop strong visual and physical relationship with Finch Avenue • maintain visual and physical connections with surrounding natural areas • through high quality building, landscape design and the provisions of a mix of uses, the intersection of Finch Avenue and Altona Road will be the central focus of the Neighbhourhood • residential areas are to feature a variety of housing types of high-quality design arranged on efficient street patterns The four corners of the intersection of Altona Road and Finch Avenue are identified as a "neighbhourhood focus", which require a strong presence at this intersection to define the area as a centre. This can be accomplished by building close to the street, providing outdoor public space (squares, plazas), and the use of hard and soft landscaping. In reviewing development proposals in this area, the Guidelines require the following: • building heights will preferably range from 8.5 metres to 15.0 metres in height (generally 3 to 5 storeys) • access to the blocks of land at the four corners of the Altona Road and Finch Avenue intersection will be dependent on the type of uses proposed and residential development will be encouraged to make use of new, internal roads The Rouge Park Neighbourhood Tertiary Plan identifies a proposed separate elementary school symbol and a proposed park symbol partially within the subject lands. The City has previously received written confirmation from the Durham Catholic District School board that a separate elementary school is no longer needed at this location. The Guidelines state that the location of symbols on the Tertiary Plan will be further refined through the review and approval of development applications. The applicant's proposal will be reviewed in detail to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Development Guidelines and the Design Guidelines. Information Report No. 08-18 Page 5 4.6 Potential Heritage Home The Rouge Park Neighbourhood Development Tertiary Plan identifies a potential heritage home located northwest of the subject lands. The lands immediately to the north and west are within the Petticoat Creek watershed and are to be transferred from Infrastructure Ontario (10) to Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA). 10 has advised they will be undertaking a Heritage Impact Assessment (I -11A) to determine if there are any possible solutions to move the building either on-site or off-site. If no viable options are found, 10 proposes to demolish the building. Furthermore, the building is currently located outside of the floodplain, but within areas of "spill over" from Petticoat Creek. In order to flood proof the proposed development, Icon Homes is proposing to build up the north boundary in order to redirect overland flows westerly towards Petticoat Creek, and as a result, making the building inhabitable. To determine whether the existing building has any cultural heritage value, the City has retained Branch Architecture, Heritage consultants, to prepare a Cultural Heritage Evaluation. Based on the consultant's findings, the property was found to have cultural heritage value related to its context, associations and architecture: • It was determined that the house is a very intact example of a rural stone farmhouse built in the 1850s. • The house exhibits a fine degree of craftsmanship as seen in the composition and construction of the main entrance, the wood cornices and eaves as well as the quality of the masonry, in particular the finer treatment of the front facade. • The house has direct association with earlier settlers: Thomas Barnard, a farmer and Councillor closely tied to the Wesleyan Church community in Cherrywood; John Pearce, a farmer and mason local to Cherrywood; and John Henderson, a farmer and local school trustee. • The house has contextual value related to the village of Cherrywood as found in the direct historical associations of residents with the village and its Wesleyan Church and supporting the agricultural traditions of the area. Given the findings of the Cultural Heritage Evaluation, and that this property merits listing or designation under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act, staff will continue to consult with 10, Icon Homes and the Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee to review the options for this building and explore opportunities for relocation and/or salvage of materials. 4.7 Zoning By-law 3036 The subject lands are currently zoned "A"— Rural Agricultural Zone within Zoning By-law 3036, as amended, which permits a detached dwelling, home occupation, agricultural and related uses, recreational and limited institutional uses. The applicant is requesting to rezone the subject lands to appropriate zone categories with site-specific performance standards to facilitate the proposal. Information Report No. 08-18 Page 6 5. Comments Received 5.1 Resident Comments As of writing of this report, no comments or concerns have been received. 5.2 Agency Comments 5.2.1 Region of Durham • lands are designated "Living Areas" in the Durham Regional Official Plan (ROP) • there are key natural heritage and hydrologic features located in proximity to the subject site • subject to receipt of comments from the TRCA that confirm the boundary of the key natural heritage features as determined through the EIS, the proposed medium density development would conform to the ROP as it supports infill development within the Pickering urban area and incorporates a medium density residential built form, implementing the intensification policies of the ROP • the submitted Stage 1 and Stage 2 Archeological Assessment report confirmed that the subject site does not contain archeological resources and no further archeological assessment will be required • the Region will require that the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport (MTCS) to review and approve the submitted archeological report, and require MTCS's clearance letter advising that all archaeological requirements have been met to its satisfaction • the Region will rely on the TRCA to evaluate the appropriateness of the Environmental Impact Study's recommendations and proposed mitigation measures • an updated Noise and Vibration Impact Study shall be provided to the Region • the submitted Phase One and Phase Two Environmental Site Assessment reports were submitted and the Phase Two report concludes that the all soil and groundwater samples met the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change and that no further environmental investigation is required • municipal water supply can be provided from the existing watermain on Finch Avenue and sanitary sewer servicing is available from the existing sanitary sewer on Finch Avenue • a Waste Management Plan shall be completed if municipal service is requested • if the development does not meet the Region's Guidelines and Standards for waste collection on private property, then the applicant will be responsible for retaining private waste collections services 5.2.2 Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) • the subject lands are located within a TRCA Regulated Area of the Petticoat Creek Watershed and located within a spill zone of the Regional Storm Floodplain • TRCA previously reviewed and accepted the floodplain analysis which included evaluating the floodplain spill and ensuring adequate flood proofing • the applicant is required to update the submitted Environmental Impact Study to show required buffers to key natural heritage features on and adjacent to the lands as per the Living City Policies, Durham Regional Official Plan and OPA 27 Information Report No. 08-18 Page 7 • TRCA recognizes that the development limits were established through a review of an Infrastructure Ontario Environmental Assessment for the disposition of the subject properties; however, since that time, Official Plan and TRCA policies have been updated and TRCA is prepared to discuss off-site mitigation measures to address this • the applicant must clearly identify the net Toss of buffer area proposed and any loss of natural feature such as the small wetland and seepage area • the proposed planting of a berm that is required for flood proofing as mitigation for the net loss of features due to the proposed storage tank (Blocks 3 and 6) and reduced buffer area (Semi-detached lots 1 to 5 and lots 36 to 40) does not provide an adequate ecological gain for the surrounding natural features; the applicant is required to provide calculations of net Toss and identify mitigation either on site or on the surrounding lands • the applicant is required to provide a restoration drawing with plant specifies, quantities and spacing for the feature area • the applicant is required to provide any trail connections as per the Rouge Park Neighbhourhood Plan • the subject lands are located in a Low Volume Groundwater Recharge Area and best efforts to maintain recharge are expected; a water budget assessment should be prepared to qualify the recharge to assess whether a best effort has been made to maintain recharge • the lands are located within a spill zone of the Regional Storm Floodplain and infrastructure improvements are required prior to the filling of the site 5.2.3 Durham District School Board • no objections to the proposed development • students generated from this development will attend existing neighbourhood schools 5.2.4 Durham Catholic District School Board • no objections to the proposed development • students from this development will attend St. Monica Catholic Elementary School located at 275 Twyn Rivers Drive and St. Mary Catholic Secondary School located at 1918 Whites Road 5.2.5 Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR) • the development is located in close proximity to the Belleville Subdivision, which is classified as a principal main line • CPR requests that the recommended noise reduction and attenuation measures in the Noise Report be implemented as conditions of draft plan approval • dwellings must be constructed such that the interior noise levels meet MOE criteria • CPR requests a clause be inserted in all offers of purchase/lease agreements advising potential purchasers: of the existence of the Railway's operating right-of-way; of the possibility of alterations to the Railway line including Railway expansion; and that expansions may affect the living environment of residents notwithstanding the inclusion of noise and vibration attenuating measures in the design of the subdivision and individual units and that the Railway will not be responsible for complains or claims arising from the use of its facilities and or operations Information Report No. 08-18 Page 8 5.3 City Department Comments 5.3.1 Engineering Services • the owner shall satisfy the City respecting the submission of appropriate engineering drawings that detail, among other things, City services, roads, storm sewers, sidewalks, lot grading, street lights, fencing and tree planting, and financially secure such works • the owner shall satisfy the City respecting submission and approval of a Construction Management/Erosion & Sediment Control Plan • cost recovery is required for the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Study, the Stormwater Management Pond and storm sewer oversizing • Finch Avenue and Altona Road are to be urbanized and sidewalks for the north side of Finch Avenue and the west side of Altona Road are required • the applicant is required to connect walkways within the development and the amenity space to the municipal sidewalks • the applicant is required to revise the Traffic Impact Study to provide a review of the left and right turn lane requirements and sightline distance review at the proposed access • tree compensation shall be provided for the removal of all trees as required under the City of Pickering Inventory, Preservation and Removal Compensation Policy 6. Planning & Design Section Comments The following is a summary of key concernslissues or matters of importance raised to date. These matters, and other identified through the circulation and detailed review of the proposal, are required to be addressed by the applicant prior to a final recommendation report to Planning & Development Committee: • ensuring conformity with the City's Official Plan and Neighbourhood policies and Development Guidelines • assessing the appropriateness of redesignating the subject lands to Medium Density Residential • exploring opportunities for potential relocation of the heritage home or the salvage of materials ■ evaluating the appropriateness of the proposed site layout, building setbacks, massing and landscaping to ensure the City's urban design objectives are achieved • evaluating the location, size and functionality of the proposed outdoor amenity areas ■ given that the Durham Catholic District School Board has advised that there is no longer an elementary school needed at this location, staff will evaluate and determine the need for a proposed park in the north west quadrant of the neighbourhood • ensuring that the required buffers and off-site mitigation measures are to the satisfaction of the Toronto and Region Conservation Area • ensuring the landowner pays its proportionate share of the cost of the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Study and the cost of the stormwater management pond • ensuring that the required technical submissions and reports meet City standards • further issues may be identified following receipt and review of comments from the circulated departments, agencies and public Information Report No. 08-18 Page 9 The City Development Department will conclude its position on the applications after it has received and assessed comments from the circulated department, agencies and public. T. Information Received Copies of the plans and studies listed below are available for viewing on the City's website at pickering.ca/devapp or in person at the offices of the City of Pickering, City Development Department: • Planning Rationale Report, prepared by Candevcon Limited, dated January 2018 • Stage 1 & 2 Archaeological Assessment, prepared by Archaeologist Inc., dated November 2017 • Environmental Impact Study, prepared by Savanta, dated January 2018 • Hydrogeological Investigation, prepared by Soil Engineers Limited, dated January 2018 • Traffic Impact Study, prepared by Candevcon Limited, dated January 2018 • Geotechnical Investigation, prepared by Soil Engineers Limited, dated March 2017 • Phase 1 and Phase 2 ESA, prepared by Soil Engineers Limited, dated January 2018 • Functional Serving and Stormwater Management Report, prepared by Candevcon Limited, dated December 2017 • Noise and Vibration Report, prepared by J. E. Coulter Associates Limited, dated December 2017 • Flood Study, prepared by Candevcon Limited, April 2017 • Vegetation Management Plan, prepared by Adesso Design Inc., dated December 2017 8. Procedural Information 8.1 General • written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the City Development Department • oral comments may be made at the Public Information Meeting • all comments received will be noted and used as input to a Planning Report prepared by the City Development Department for a subsequent meeting of Council or a Committee of Council • any member of the public who wishes to reserve the option to appeal Council's decision must provide comments to the City before Council adopts any by-law for this proposal • any member of the public who wishes to be notified of Council's decision regarding this proposal must request such in writing to the City Clerk 8.2 Official Plan Amendment Approval Authority • the Region of Durham may exempt certain local official plan amendments from Regional approval if such applications are determined to be locally significant, and do not exhibit matters of Regional and/or Provincial interest • the Region has determined that this application is considered to have no significant Regional or Provincial concerns and therefore exempted from Regional approval • Council will make the final decision subject to the appeal provisions of the Planning Act Information Report No. 08-18 Page 10 9. Owner/Applicant Information The owner of this property is Icon Forest District Limited. Attachments 1. Location Map 2. Air Photo Map 3. Submitted Conceptual Site Plan 4. Submitted Draft Plan of Subdivision 5. Submitted Draft Plan of Condominium Prepared By: Cristina Celebre, MCIP, RPP Principal p anner, Development Review Niilesh 5�ri MCIP; RPP Manager, Development Review & Urban Design CC:Id Date of Report: May 29, 2018 Approved/Endorsed By: Catherine Rose, MCIP, RPP Chief Planner Attachment #_L_to Information Remit# 08-12, Petticoat Creek -.4.. 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Lands t. _ Finch Avera ?, 6- Air Photo Map File: OPA 18-001/P, A 02118, SP -2018-02, and CP -2018-01 cd PICKERING City Development Department Applicant: Icon Forest District Limited Property Description: Pt. of Lt. 33, Con. 2, Pt. 1, 40R-2582, Pt. 1, 40R-10888 Pts. 3, 6°l, 7 and 14, Plan 40R-29767 Date: May. 25, 2018 0 TM W FI,yt re=mred _dX rYaj.'J Lioe rah MO of t, .d..0 P MneiN 6r�+iAcwn.s.Airlgh..,ma ,, a "`°'"R"""" �TH.n.e Eflr .l . Ane. anSM wppf.r..11flfl[. nl,rnd ONukclp.l Pv.ped$NHiarwHCq(S1fi n.M Ie I .,%.I Ib1HbI bbd., SCALE: 1:5,000 ;HIti rs [:orA pSAj.00 Sy) . 'OwN GUSE IILO<K o Ur,rs FC NYOJIE !,AZA vans rOm+,Ca3E1_6,_+f 5 a ureas LEGEND semi-detached units townhouse units 0 T PICKERING City Development Department Submitted Conceptual Plan File No: CPA 18-001/P, A 02/18, SP -2018-02, and CP -2018-01 Applicant: Icon Forest District Limited Property Description: Pt. of Lt. 33, Con. 2, Pt. 1, 40R-2582, Pt, 1, 40R-10888, Pts. 3, 6, 7 and 14, Plan 40R-29767 FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. DATE: May 24, 2018 OPEN SPACE ....----7--1 -----._- -- /f `-------7.7., m l'• sliiirr-- • -mist , . Tl....4am 33.47 wri.zrare4F •01-5.1.7trgI..1 TN. —•._ . . ]-- ; - lp --- • FV.,••••• t.1 LjN MY: a • . 4-- . Y. \ Th...,..., i 1 I i 1 2.2071 ce: S( BLOCK 12d2e0 no ot i a] m2) 7. _,- - „ I L I !' 1•71%11MOM ' 0 MSS -111- . . -C 0. .# gc --_11011i . .. ...... ....... 7.- .,.._ _ _ _ ._. _ ... _- • _..- _ _ ----- - _ _______ ,,••••• .--r-i-x-c H "i ' 4 '' A* 1; e V I.' E \ - .._••••• ......... ••••••• ........ ••• I 1•• .. .1 .. 6edfy (6' PICKERING City Development Department Submitted Draft Plan of Subdivision File No: OFA 18-001/P, A 02/18, SP -2018-02, and CP -2018-01 Applicant: [con Forest District Limited Property Description: pt. of Lt. 33, Con. 2, Pt. 1, 40R-2582, Pt. 1, 40R-10888, Pts. 3, 6, 7 and 14, Plan 40R-29767 FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEVV1NG AT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. 11 DATE: May 24, 2018 • 12.0.. COMMON ELEMENT otg 4 PICKERING City Development Department Submitted Draft Plan of Condominium File No: OPA 18-001/P, A 02/18, SP -2018-02, and CP -2018-01 Applicant: Icon Forest District Limited Property Description: Pt. of Lt. 33, Con. 2, Pt. 1, 40R-2582, Pt. 1, 40R-10888, Pts. 3, 6, 7 and 14, Plan 40 R-29767 FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY DF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. DATE: May 24, 2018