HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLN 14-18Cl DICKERING Report to Planning & Development Committee Report Number: PLN 14-18 Date: May 7, 2018 From: Kyle Bentley Director, City Development & CBO Subject: Draft Plan of Subdivision Application SP -2017-04 Draft Plan of Condominium Application CP -2017-02 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 07/17 Madison Brock Limited West side of Brock Road, south of Dersan Street (2480 and 2510 Brock Road) Recommendation: 1. That Draft Plan of Subdivision Application SP -2017-04, submitted by Madison Brock Limited, on lands located on the west side of Brock Road, south of Dersan Street, to establish 2 blocks for residential development, an arterial road and a local road, as shown on Attachment #3 to Report PLN 14-18, be approved and the implementing conditions of approval, as set out in Appendix I, be endorsed; and 2. That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 07/17, submitted by Madison Brock Limited, to implement the Draft Plan of Subdivision SP -2017-04 and to facilitate a residential condominium development, be approved, the zoning provisions contained in Appendix II to Report PLN 14-18 be endorsed, and that staff be authorized to finalize and forward an implementing Zoning By-law to Council for enactment. Executive Summary: The subject lands are located on the west side of Brock Road, south of Dersan Street within the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood (see Location Map, Attachment #1). Madison Brock Limited acquired the subject lands from the City of Pickering in June 2017 and submitted applications for a Draft Plan of Subdivision, Draft Plan of Condominium, and Zoning By-law Amendment to facilitate a common element residential condominium development consisting of 118 townhouse units, and a standard condominium development consisting of 75 stacked townhouse units (see Submitted Draft Plan of Subdivision, Submitted Draft Plan of Condominium, and Original Concept Plan, Attachments #3, #4 and #5). The proposal was revised to increase the size of the private parkette, refine internal site design and improve internal pedestrian connections resulting in the reduction of 1 street townhouse unit and 10 visitor parking spaces (see Revised Concept Plan, Attachment #6). Staff recommend that Council approve the Draft Plan of Subdivision Application SP -2017-04, endorse the implementing conditions of approval as set out in Appendix I, approve the Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 07/17, endorse the implementing zoning provisions contained in Appendix II, and authorize staff to finalize and forward an implementing Zoning By-law to Council for enactment. Report PLN 14-18 May 7, 2018 Subject: Madison Brock Limited (SP -2017-04, CP -2017-02, A 07/17) Page 2 Financial Implications: No direct costs to the City are anticipated as a result of the proposed development. 1. Background 1.1 Property Description The subject lands are located on the west side of Brock Road, south of Dersan Street within the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood (see Location Map, Attachment #1). The subject lands, which comprise 2 properties, have a combined area of approximately 4.3 hectares, with approximately 312 metres of frontage along Brock Road. Madison Brock Limited acquired the subject lands from the City of Pickering in June 2017. Surrounding land uses include: North: a temporary sales office trailer and vacant lands designated as "Mixed Use Areas - Mixed Corridor" in the City's Official Plan for which the City has received a complete rezoning application, submitted by Brock Dersan Developments, for a residential condominium development consisting of street townhouses, back-to- back townhouses and 2 apartment buildings East: across Brock Road, Duffin Meadows Cemetery and Pistritto's Farms Market South: vacant lands for which Council has approved applications for official plan and zoning by-law amendments, submitted by Duffin's Point Inc., to permit a retail/commercial development West: vacant lands for which the City has received complete applications, submitted by 9004827 Canada Inc. (Stonepay), for a residential condominium development consisting of various stacked townhouses and back-to-back townhouses 1.2 Applicant's Original and Revised Proposal The applicant has submitted applications for draft plan of subdivision, draft plan of condominium (common element) and zoning by-law amendment to facilitate a residential condominium development consisting of a mix of stacked townhouses, rear lane townhouses and street townhouses. The typologies of the units are explained in Proposed Housing Typologies, see Attachment #2. The Draft Plan of Subdivision proposes 2 development blocks for residential use and 2 blocks for public roads (see Submitted Draft Plan of Subdivision, Attachment #3). A standard condominium consisting of 75 stacked townhouse units is proposed within Block 1. The standard condominium will be created through a Draft Plan of Condominium application to be submitted at a later date. Report PLN 14-18 May 7, 2018 Subject: Madison Brock Limited (SP -2017-04, CP -2017-02, A 07/17) Page 3 A common element condominium is proposed within Block 2. The common element areas include, but are not limited to, private roads, laneways, sidewalks, a private open space area and visitor parking spaces (see Submitted Draft Plan of Condominium, Attachment #4). The submitted Draft Plan of Condominium application for the Block 2 lands is to facilitate the future creation of the lots through an exemption from part lot control. The original concept plan proposed a total of 119 units consisting of 60 street townhouse units fronting internal private roads and 59 rear lane townhouse units fronting future public roads (see Original Concept Plan, Attachment #5). Through collaboration between City staff and the applicant, the proposal was revised to enlarge the size of the private parkette from approximately 360 square metres to approximately 755 square metres. The visibility and access to the parkette block was improved by removing visitor parking from the frontage of the parkette and pulling it up to two private roads. In addition, the internal pedestrian pathway network has been revised to provide improved connections to within the site and to the abutting public streets (see Revised Concept Plan, Attachment #6). These revisions resulted in the loss of one street townhouse unit, and the reduction of 10 visitor parking spaces. Proposed are 2 public right-of-ways, one having a 27 metre right-of-way being the westerly extension of Valley Farm Road (to be named Palmer's Sawmill Road), and the other being a north -south local road with a 20 metre right-of-way (to be named Four Seasons Lane) that will connect to Dersan Street to the north and to Palmer's Sawmill Road to the south. Access to the development will be from Four Seasons Lane by way of 2 private roads. Visitor parking spaces and some of the resident parking spaces associated with the stacked townhouse units are provided in surface parking areas. These surface parking areas are proposed to be shared between the standard condominium and the common element condominium. Reciprocal easements and agreements to secure shared access to the development from Four Seasons Lane and for the shared use of the visitor parking spaces will be required in favour of the standard and common element condominiums. The applicant has submitted a site plan application, which has been circulated and is currently under consideration by City staff. 2. Comments Received 2.1 November 6, 2017 Public Information Meeting and Written Comments The Public Information Meeting was held on November 6, 2017 at which no members of the public attended the meeting to voice their comments regarding the proposed residential development. No comments have been received from the public as a result of circulation of the public notice of the application. Written comments have been received from The Biglieri Group Ltd., on behalf of 9004807 Canada Inc. (Stonepay), owner of the lands to the west of the subject lands, requesting to be notified of any further reports and/or public meetings. Report PLN 14-18 May 7, 2018 Subject: Madison Brock Limited (SP -2017-04, CP -2017-02, A 07/17) Page 4 2.2 City Departments & Agency Comments 2.2.1 Region of Durham • no objection to the proposal subject to the conditions of draft approval of the plan of subdivision and plan of condominium (common element) provided • the proposed townhouse development is consistent with Provincial Policy Statement policies that encourage the efficient use of land, infrastructure and planned public service facilities • the applications comply with the objectives of the Growth Plan • the Regional Official Plan designates the subject lands as "Living Areas", which are intended to be used predominantly for housing purposes with a mix of housing types, sizes, and tenure • sanitary sewer servicing is available to the subject site to service the proposed lots from the existing sanitary sewer located on Brock Road; however, due to limited capacity remaining in the Duffin Heights Sanitary Sewer Pumping Station, the site has been designed to split flows so that approximately a third of the site will drain to the Central Duffin Collector on Tillings Road to relieve some of the concerns regarding capacity • water supply to the proposed development will be provided through the extension of Valley Farm Road, to be named Palmer's Sawmill Road, and extending the existing 300mm watermain westerly within the new right-of-way • the Region recommends the overall design for municipal servicing be coordinated and agreed to by all parties prior to finalizing the Functional Servicing Report • the proposed development meets the objective of the Durham Region Transit Five Year Service Strategy to have transit services available within a reasonable walking distance of approximately 400 metres • as a condition of approval, the Region requires the applicant to include all recommended noise control measures of the Noise Feasibility Report in the subdivision agreement • as a condition of approval, the Region will require a completed Reliance Letter and Certificate of Insurance to extend reliance to the Region for the Environmental Site Assessment Reports and the Landfill Impact Assessment • as a condition of approval, the Region requires the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport's clearance letter indicating all cultural heritage resource requirements at the site have been met 2.2.2 City of Pickering Engineering Services Department • no objection to the proposal subject to the conditions of draft approval provided • the owner shall satisfy all requirements, financial and otherwise of the City of Pickering including, among other matters, the execution of a subdivision agreement between the owner and the City concerning the provision and installation of roads, services, grading, drainage, utilities, tree compensation, construction management, cash in -lieu of parkland, noise attenuation and any other matters Report PLN 14-18 May 7, 2018 Subject: Madison Brock Limited (SP -2017-04, CP -2017-02, A 07/17) Page 5 • a portion of the stormwater is intended to go to a future Stormwater Management Facility (SWMF) #2 on the Stonepay lands; however, an interim strategy has been developed requiring the construction of a temporary SWMF providing quantity, quality and erosion controls on the Madison lands, allowing on an interim basis all flows to be accommodated in the existing SWMF #4 located on the north side of Rossland Road, east of Brock Road.; any costs associated with the interim strategy are the responsibility of Madison Brock imited 2.2.3 Toronto and Region Conservation Authority • no objections to the proposal • the subject site is not within a Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) Regulated Area; a TRCA permit under O. Reg. 166/06 will not be required for any proposed development and/or site alteration on the property • TRCA reviewed the proposal and provided technical comments on the hydrology, stormwater management and drainage to ensure the criteria of the Duffin Heights Environmental Servicing Plan are met 2.2.4 Durham District School Board • no objections to the proposal • students from this development will be accommodated within existing schools 2.2.5 Durham Catholic District School Board • no objections to the proposal • students from this development will attend St. Wilfred Catholic Elementary School located at 2360 Southcott Road and St. Mary Catholic Secondary School located at 1918 Whites Road 3. Planning Analysis 3.1 The revised concept plan is within the density range of the Official Plan and is consistent with the policies for the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood The subject lands are designated "Mixed Use Areas — Mixed Corridors" in the Pickering Official Plan, which permits a density range of over 30 units up to and including 140 units per net hectare and a maximum FSI up to and including 2.5 FSI. The revised concept plan proposes a total of 193 residential units for a residential density of approximately 58 units per net hectare and a FSI of 0.9. The revised concept plan complies with the density requirements of the Official Plan. The Duffin Heights Neighbourhood policies for the Mixed Corridor designation require new developments to provide: • a strong and identifiable urban image by establishing buildings closer to the street, providing safe and convenient pedestrian access, and requiring all buildings to be multi-storey Report PLN 14-18 May 7, 2018 Subject: Madison Brock Limited (SP -2017-04, CP -2017-02, A 07/17) Page 6 • higher intensity multi -unit housing forms on lands adjacent to Brock Road while restricting grade related residential development to lands adjacent to collector or local roads, and • the development of future roads adjacent to the Mixed Corridor designation on both sides of Brock Road to provide alternative access and potential transit routes The revised concept plan implements the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood policies by siting the 3 -storey (approximately 12.5 metres in height) stacked townhouse blocks in close proximity to the Brock Road frontage. Three walkway connections are provided between the stacked townhouse blocks allowing for convenient pedestrian access from the proposed development to Brock Road and potential transit routes. The proposed grade related street townhouse and rear lane townhouse dwellings are interior to the proposed development (see Submitted Rear Lane Townhouse Elevations and Submitted Street Townhouse Elevations, Attachments #7 and #8). Vehicular access to the proposed development is from Four Seasons Lane and Palmer's Sawmill Road. Overall, the proposal places higher density multi -unit dwellings adjacent to Brock Road. In addition, development establishes a well-defined urban street edge along Brock Road and future public streets, and creates a pedestrian friendly environment. 3.2 Urban design objectives of the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood Development Guidelines have been addressed The intersection of Brock Road and Palmer's Sawmill Road is identified as a Focal Point on the tertiary plan contained in the Council adopted Duffin Heights Neighbourhood Development Guidelines. Developments at Focal Points are to contribute to the prominence of the intersection where buildings are to have a minimum of three functional floors and a minimum four storey massing. In addition, buildings at Focal Points are to have a unique identity and architectural design through the use of appropriate building heights, massing, architectural features and landscaping. The revised elevations for the stacked townhouse dwellings address the design objectives through the introduction of an elevation with enhanced materials and incorporates an architectural tower element at the intersection of Brock Road and Palmer's Sawmill Road appropriately framing the intersection and creating a gateway into the community (see Submitted Stacked Townhouse Elevations, Attachments #9). The guidelines for lands within the Brock Road Streetscape include the following requirements: • properties fronting Brock Road shall be required to provide a built form across a minimum of 60 percent of the lot frontage • all primary frontages of buildings shall front Brock Road and provide pedestrian access directly to the sidewalk and multi -use trail along Brock Road, and • large walls visible from Brock Road shall be articulated through various treatments such as offsets in massing; blank facades will not be permitted facing Brock Road or any street Report PLN 14-18 May 7, 2018 Subject: Madison Brock Limited (SP -2017-04, CP -2017-02, A 07/17) Page 7 The revised concept plan proposes a built form across at least 85 percent of the Brock Road frontage with the majority of the unit entrances facing Brock Road. As described above, the revised concept plan provides for an enhanced pedestrian network to allow future residents to traverse the site from east to west and north to south in order to access public transit, commercial uses along Brock Road, the proposed private parkette, the future village green to the west and the surrounding neighbourhood. Through the site plan approval process, staff will work with the applicant to review the architectural design of proposed buildings to ensure they are appropriately articulated with elements that emphasize this intersection as a focal point in the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood. 3.3 Four Seasons Lane will be constructed as part of the development and Palmer's Sawmill Road will be constructed as part of this or the development to the south Engineering Services staff are satisfied that the proposed right-of-way width of 20.0 metres for Four Seasons Lane can accommodate a 3.0 metre wide multi -use path, a 1.5 metre wide sidewalk, boulevard trees, underground utilities, on -street parking and street furniture. Four Seasons Lane will be constructed as part of the proposed development at the landowner's cost. Engineering Services staff are satisfied that the proposed right-of-way width of 27.0 metres proposed for Palmer's Sawmill Road is appropriate for an arterial road. Palmer's Sawmill Road will be constructed as part of either this development or the proposed commercial development to the south proposed by Duffin's Point Inc. The City will pay for the costs for oversizing of Palmer's Sawmill Road from a local road to a Type C arterial road standard. 3.4 A sufficient number of parking spaces are being provided to support the development For residential condominium developments in the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood, the City has supported the following resident and visitor parking ratios: • a minimum of 2.0 resident parking spaces per dwelling unit for grade related dwellings (single, semi, and townhouse) • a minimum of 1.0 resident parking spaces per stacked townhouse dwelling unit • a minimum visitor parking ratio of 0.2 spaces per dwelling unit The table below compares the minimum number of parking spaces required based on the above -noted parking ratios that have been established in the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood and the total proposed parking spaces provided by the applicant. Report PLN 14-18 Subject: Madison Brock Limited (SP -2017-04, CP -2017-02, A 07/17) May 7, 2018 Page 8 Unit Type No. of Units Parking Ratio and Arrangement No. of Spaces Required No. of Spaces Provided Stacked Townhouses 75 75 units at 1.0 resident spaces per unit (one space in a private garage and one space on a driveway in front of the garage, and 15 parking spaces within the surface parking area located across the private road from the unit) 75 135 Rear Lane Townhouses 59 2.0 resident spaces per unit (one space in a private garage and one space on a driveway in front of the garage) 118 118 Street Townhouses 59 118 118 Total 193 311 371 Visitor Parking 0.2 visitor parking spaces per unit within the at -grade parking area 39 39 In summary, based on the established parking ratios within the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood, the applicant would be required to provide a minimum of 311 parking spaces for residents and 39 parking spaces for visitors, whereas the applicant is proposing to provide a total of 371 resident parking spaces and 39 visitor parking spaces. In addition, the proposed design of the right-of-way for Four Seasons Lane (the north -south road) incorporates on -street parking which will provide additional parking for visitors. These spaces have not been included in the overall number of parking spaces being provided by the development. Staff are satisfied that there are sufficient parking spaces available to accommodate the proposal. However, through the site plan approval process, staff will review whether there will be opportunities to provide for additional visitor parking spaces. 3.5 An interim stormwater management strategy is proposed The ultimate stormwater management strategy for the proposed development has stormwater from Four Seasons Lane conveyed to the future SWMF #2, which is to be constructed within the neighbouring Stonepay development. The stormwater from the residential blocks is to be controlled and conveyed to the existing SWMF #4 located on the north side of Rossland Road, east of Brock Road. Report PLN 14-18 May 7, 2018 Subject: Madison Brock Limited (SP -2017-04, CP -2017-02, A 07/17) Page 9 Since the proposed development will proceed prior to the construction of SWMF #2 on the Stonepay lands, Engineering Services has advised that an interim stormwater management strategy is required. In the interim, all stormwater flows from the entire development will be conveyed to SWMF #4 allowing the proposed development to proceed in advance of the construction of SWMF #2. This strategy is subject to the applicant constructing a temporary SWMF providing quantity, quality and erosion controls within the proposed development to compensate for additional flows to SWMF #4 in the interim. The temporary SWMF will be located in the southwest quadrant of the site and will delay the construction of four rear lane townhouse blocks (Block 15, 16, 17 and 18) until such time as SWMF #2 on the Stonepay lands is constructed. The recommended conditions of approval (see Recommended Conditions of Approval for Draft Plan of Subdivision SP -2017-04, Appendix I) contain a condition requiring that any costs associated with over -sizing storm drainage infrastructure for the interim strategy are the responsibility of Madison Brock Limited. 3.6 The proposed development will be well served by private rear yards, a private parkette and future City parks Open space requirements are sufficiently addressed by this proposed development through providing private rear yards for the street townhouse dwellings, private amenity space above garages for the rear lane townhouse dwellings, balconies for the stacked townhouse dwellings and a private parkette. As noted earlier in this report, the applicant has increased the size of the proposed private parkette from approximately 360 square metres to approximately 755 square metres. In addition, the visibility and access to the centrally located parkette block was improved by removing visitor parking from the frontage of the parkette and pulling the block up to two private roads. The conditions of draft plan of subdivision approval contain a condition for the payment by the landowner of cash -in -lieu of parkland. City Council Resolution #323/17 directed staff to work with developers and agencies to plan and provide appropriate outdoor recreation areas/parks in the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood. In addition to a proposed village green on the Stonepay lands to the west, staff are also investigating a strategy of the City entering into a long term lease of hydro corridor lands to the west of Brock Road for playing fields and a soccer pitch. In addition, a public school with outdoor playing fields is anticipated to be located on the decommissioned City Operations Centre. The proposed development will be well served by the private parkette and future City parks located to the west of Brock Road. 3.7 The applicant is required to become a party to the Duffin Heights cost sharing agreement or pay their proportionate share of the development costs The owner has been made aware of the requirement within the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood Policies to become a party to the cost sharing agreement for Duffin Heights or receive an acknowledgement from the Trustee of the Duffin Heights Landowners Group Inc. that the benefiting landowner has made satisfactory arrangements to pay its proportionate share of the development costs. A condition of draft approval addresses this requirement. Report PLN 14-18 May 7, 2018 Subject: Madison Brock Limited (SP -2017-04, CP -2017-02, A 07/17) Page 10 3.8 Technical matters will be addressed as conditions of subdivision approval and through site plan approval Detailed design issues will be dealt with through the subdivision agreement and site plan approval process. These requirements will address matters such as, but not limited to: • drainage and grading • site servicing • noise attenuation • cash -in -lieu of parkland • tree compensation • requirements for Construction Management Plan • building design • landscaping • resident, visitor and accessible parking spaces • emergency vehicle access • waste management collection • location of community mailboxes • security for the construction of Four Seasons Lane (Street '1') and Palmer's Sawmill Road (Street '2') 3.9 Draft Approval of the Draft Plan of Condominium is delegated to the Director, City Development Applications for standard and common element condominium are delegated to the Director, City Development for final approval. No further approvals are required at this time. 3.10 Conclusion The applicant's proposal satisfies the applicable official plan policies for the Duffin Heights Neighborhood and also addresses the applicable urban design requirements as established in the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood Development Guidelines. The applicant has worked with City staff and external agencies to address various technical requirements. It is recommended that the Conditions of Approval for Draft Plan of Subdivision attached as Appendix I to this Report be endorsed by Council. The applicant is requesting to rezone the subject lands to appropriate zone categories with site-specific performance standards to facilitate the proposal. To ensure an appropriate site design, the zoning by-law will have site specific provisions including, but not limited to, maximum building height, build -to -zone requirements, maximum number of units, minimum private amenity area per unit, minimum outdoor amenity area, minimum interior garage size, and minimum number of resident and visitor parking spaces. Staff supports the rezoning application and recommends that a site specific implementing by-law, containing the standards attached as Appendix 11 to this Report be finalized and brought before Council for enactment. Report PLN 14-18 May 7, 2018 Subject: Madison Brock Limited (SP -2017-04, CP -2017-02, A 07/17) Page 11 3.11 Applicant's Comments The applicant supports the recommendations of this report. Appendices Appendix I Recommended Conditions of Approval for Draft Plan of Subdivision SP -2017-04 Appendix II Recommended Zoning By-law Provisions for Zoning by-law Amendment Application A 07117 Attachments 1. Location Map 2. Proposed Housing Typologies 3. Submitted Draft Plan of Subdivision 4. Submitted Draft Plan of Condominium 5. Original Concept Pian 6. Revised Concept Plan 7. Submitted Rear Lane Townhouse Elevations 8. Submitted Street Townhouse Elevations 9. Submitted Stacked Townhouse Elevations Prepared By: Deborah Wyli- MCIP, RPP Princi+le Pltnner, Development Review Nilesh RPP Manager, Development Review & Urban Design DW:Id Approved/Endorsed By: Catherine Rose, MCIP, RPP Chief Planner Kyle Bentley, P.Eng. Director, City Development & CBO Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer ÷,1 Zfl- , ZD/£3 Appendix I to Report PLN 14-18 Recommended Conditions of Approval for Draft Plan of Subdivision SP -2017-04 Recommended Conditions of Approval for Draft Plan of Subdivision SP -2017-04 General Conditions 1. That the Owner shall prepare the final plan generally on the basis of the draft plan of subdivision, prepared by KLM Planning Partners Inc., identified as project number P-2857, dated June 19, 2017, which illustrates 2 blocks for residential development (Blocks 1 and 2) and 2 blocks for public roads (Streets '1' and '2'). Subdivision Agreement 2. That the Owner enters into a subdivision agreement with and to the satisfaction of the City of Pickering to ensure the fulfillment of the City's requirements, financial and otherwise, which shall include, but not necessarily be limited to the conditions outlined in this document. 40M -Plan 3. That the Owner submits a Draft 40M -Plan to the satisfaction of the City Development Department. Zoning 4. That the implementing by-law for Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 07/17 becomes final and binding. Street Names and House Numbers 5. That street names and signage be provided to the satisfaction of the Region and the City. 6. That house numbers are assigned as per the City's addressing conventions. Development Charges & Inspection Fee 7. That the Owner satisfies the City financially with respect to the Development Charges Act. 8. That the Owner satisfies the City with respect to payment for engineering review fees, stormwater maintenance, lot grading review fee and inspection fees. Dedications/Transfers/Conveyances 9. That the Owner conveys to the City, at no cost: (i) road allowances, Street '1' and Street '2' along with the proper corner roundings, and sight triangles to the City and any other easements as required; and (ii) 0.3 metre reserve(s) as required by the City. Stormwater 10. That the Owner satisfies the Director, Engineering Services respecting interim storm drainage and stormwater management for the drainage of the development, Street '1' and Street '2' as well as any offsite drainage to the satisfaction of the City. 11. That the Owner satisfies the Director, Engineering Services for the design, implementation, operation and maintenance of stormwater management facilities, erosion and sedimentation control structures, and outfalls including access to the outfalls for the development. 12. That the Owner satisfies the Director, Engineering Services to implement all water balance/infiltration measures identified in the approved Duffin Heights Environmental Servicing Plan and the Functional Servicing and Stormwater Management Report. Grading 13. That the Owner satisfies the Director, Engineering Services respecting the submission and approval of a grading control plan for the development. 14. That the Owner satisfies the Director, Engineering Services respecting authorization from abutting landowners for all off-site grading. Fill & Topsoil 15. That the Owner acknowledges that the City's Fill & Topsoil Disturbance By-law prohibits vegetation or soil disturbance, vegetation or soil removal or importation to the site unless a permit has been issued. No on-site works prior to draft plan approval is permitted. A Fill & Topsoil Disturbance Permit will be required should vegetation removal or grading works proceed prior to the subdivision agreement being executed. Construction/Installation of City Works & Services 16. That the Owner satisfies the Director, Engineering Services respecting the submission of appropriate engineering drawings that detail, among other things, City services, construction of roads with curbs, storm sewers, pedestrian walkways/sidewalks, boulevard design, lot grading, streetlights, fencing and tree planting, and financially secure such works. 17. That the Owner satisfy the City respecting arrangements for the provision of all services required by the City. 18. That the Owner satisfies the appropriate authorities respecting arrangements and/or the conveyance of any easement to any utility to facilitate the installation of their services including the provision of underground wiring, street lighting, cable television, natural gas and other similar services for the development. 19. That the Owner agrees that the cost of any relocation, extension, alteration or extraordinary maintenance of existing services necessitated by this development shall be the responsibility of the Owner. Geotechnical Investigation 20. That the Owner satisfies the Director, Engineering Services respecting the submission and approval of a geotechnical investigation. Phasing & Development Coordination 21. That if this subdivision is to be developed by more than one registration, the Owner will be required to submit a plan showing the proposed phasing, all to the satisfaction of the Region of Durham and the City. Easements 22. That the Owner conveys, to the satisfaction of the City, at no cost, any required easement and any reserves for works, facilities or user rights that are required by the City. 23. That the Owner conveys any easement to any utility provider to facilitate the installation of their services in a location(s) to the satisfaction of the City and the utility provider. 24. That the Owner arranges, at no cost to the City, any easements required on third party lands for servicing and such easements shall be in a location as determined by the City and/or the Region and are to be granted upon request any time after draft approval. That the Owner satisfies the Director, Engineering Services with any required on-site or off-site easements for works, facilities or use rights that are required by the City. Construction Management Plan 25. That the Owner satisfies the City respecting the submission and approval of a Construction Management/Erosion & Sediment Control Plan with such Plan to contain, among other matters: (i) details of erosion and sedimentation controls during all phases of construction and provide maintenance requirements to maintain these controls as per the City's Erosion & Sediment Control Guideline for Urban Construction; (ii) addressing the parking of vehicles and the storage of construction and building materials during servicing and construction, and ensuring that such locations will not impede the flow of traffic or emergency vehicles on existing streets, or the proposed public streets; (iii) assurance that the City's Noise By-law will be adhered to and that all contractors, trades and suppliers are advised of this By-law; (iv) the provision of mud and dust control on all roads within and adjacent to the site; (v) type and timing of construction fencing; (vi) location of construction trailers; (vii) details of the temporary construction access. Fencing 26. That the Owner satisfies the City with respect to the provision of temporary fencing around the entire perimeter of the subject lands during construction, prior to the commencement of any works. Landscaping 27. That the Owner satisfies the Director, Engineering Services with the submission of a tree preservation plan which will illustrate the protection of trees and other natural features where appropriate, with specific attention to preservation in all public open spaces prior to the approval of a preliminary grading plan. 28. That the Owner submit a tree planting plan to the satisfaction of the City. This is to include boulevard plantings along Brock Road, Street '1' and Street 2'. Tree Compensation 29. That the Owner agrees that prior to final approval of the draft plan, or any phase thereof, compensation for the loss of tree canopy will be required either through replacement planting or cash -in -lieu, to be paid to the City of Pickering. In accordance with Council Resolution #387/18, approved on January 15, 2018, tree removal compensation is to be calculated in accordance with the City of Pickering Tree Inventory, Preservation and Removal Compensation requirements. Based on the City's Tree Replacement Formula/Cash-in-lieu Calculations, 54 trees are required for compensation. Should there be inadequate space on the development site to provide all the compensation plantings, the developer shall pay cash -in -lieu to the City for the difference at $500 per tree to fund plantings elsewhere in the community. Where compensation through replanting is being considered, the Owner will be required to provide a Landscape Plan indicating the location, size and species of trees to the satisfaction of the Director, Engineering Services. Engineering Plans 30. That the Owner satisfies the City respecting the submission of appropriate engineering drawings that detail, among other things; City services, roads, storm sewers, sidewalks, lot grading, streetlights, fencing, tree planting; and financially -secure such works. 31. That the Owner satisfy the City respecting arrangements necessary to provide for coordination of services and roads with adjacent lands. Noise Attenuation 32. That the Owner agrees in the subdivision agreement to implement noise control measures and warning clauses as recommended in the Noise Report. Parkland Dedication 33. That the Owner satisfies the City with respect to its obligation to provide parkland or payment of cash -in -lieu in accordance with the parkland dedication requirements of the Planning Act. Fire 34. That the Owner agrees that no development will proceed on any land until adequate services are available including adequate water pressure to the satisfaction of the City's Fire Services Department. Duffin Heights Cost Sharing 35. That the Owner satisfy, to the satisfaction of the City, all matters required by the Duffin Heights Environmental Servicing Plan, including but not limited to the following (i) Functional Servicing and Stormwater Report (ii) Monitoring Report (iii) Compensation Report (iv) Fish Habitat Restoration Fund contribution (v) Watershed System Monitoring and Management Fund contribution, and (vi) Adaptive Management Fund contribution Model Homes 36. That the Owner enters into a model home agreement with the City, if applicable for this draft plan. Other Approval Agencies 37. That any approvals which are required from the Region of Durham, the Ministry of Transportation or any utility for the development of this plan and for the construction of Street '1' and Street '2' be obtained by the Owner, and upon request written confirmation be provided to the City as verification of these approvals. Plan Revisions 38. That the Owner acknowledges and agrees that the draft plan of subdivision and associated conditions of approval may require revisions to the satisfaction of the City, to implement or integrate any recommendation resulting from studies required as conditions of approval. 39. That the Owner revises the draft plan as necessary to the satisfaction of the City, to accommodate any technical engineering issues which arise during the review of the final engineering drawings. Required revisions may include revising the number of residential building lots or reconfiguring the roads or Tots to the City's satisfaction. 40. That the Owner agrees to implement the requirements of all studies that are required by the City for the development of this draft plan of subdivision to the satisfaction of the City. Notes to Draft Approval 41. This draft approval shall lapse three years from the date the draft approval has been granted if the noted conditions have not been fulfilled, or if it has not been extended by the City of Pickering. Appendix!! to Report PLN 14-18 Recommended Zoning By-law Provisions for Zoning By-law Amendment A 07/17 Recommended Zoning By-law Provisions for Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 07/17 That the implementing zoning by-law permit residential condominium developments in accordance with the following provisions: A. Zoning Provisions for Block 2 (Common Element Condominium) Permitted Uses 1. Permitted uses include Block Townhouse Building, Private Park and Water Meter Room. Building Restrictions Unit Type Block Townhouse with integrated garage at the rear of the dwelling (Rear Lane Townhouse) Block Townhouse with integrated garage at the front of the dwelling (Street Townhouse) 1. Number of Dwelling Units (maximum) 118 2. Lot Frontage (minimum) 4.5 metres 5.5 metres 3. Lot Area (minimum) 110 square metres 135 square metres 4. Front Yard Depth (minimum) 3.0 metres 4.5 metres 5. Side Yard Depth (minimum) 1.5 metres except where dwellings on abutting lots share a common wall, no interior side yard shall be required adjacent to that wall on either lot 6. Rear Yard Depth (minimum) 6.0 metres 7.0 metres 7. Flankage Yard Depth (minimum) 2.4 metres 8. Building Height (maximum) 12.0 metres 9. Driveway Width (maximum) 3.7 metres Private amenity area (Block Townhouse with integrated garage at the rear of the dwelling): a. Minimum Area — 10.0 square metres b. Shall be located above the garage at the rear of the dwelling unit and shall not be enclosed c. Accessory structures such as pergolas, sheds or other similar structures shall not be permitted on the private amenity area above the garage at the rear of the dwelling unit Parking Requirements 3. Minimum 2.0 parking spaces per dwelling unit to be provided plus 0.2 of a parking space per dwelling unit for visitors. 4. Garage requirements: minimum one private garage per lot attached to the main building, the vehicular entrance of which shall be located a minimum of 6.0 metres from the common element condominium street. 5. Interior garage size: a private garage shall have a minimum width of 3.0 metres and a minimum depth of 6.0 metres; however, the width of a private garage may include one interior step and the depth may include two interior steps. 6. No parking lot or parking space shall be permitted within 4.5 metres of a public street. 7. The minimum right-of-way width for a private street shall be 6.5 metres. Model Homes 8. A maximum of 2 blocks together with no fewer than 2 parking spaces per Model Home is permitted. General Provisions 9. Projections such as window sills, chimney breasts, fireplaces, belt courses, cornices, pilasters, eaves, eave troughs and other similar architectural features may be permitted in any required yard, provided that no such feature projects into the required yard more than 0.6 metres or half the distance of the required yard, whichever is less. 10. A porch, uncovered deck, or balcony, may encroach into any required front yard to a maximum of 2.0 metres or half the distance of the required yard, whichever is less. 11. A porch, uncovered deck, or balcony, may encroach into any required flankage yard to a maximum of 2.0 metres. 12. A porch, uncovered deck, or balcony, may encroach into any required rear yard to a maximum of 2.75 metres for lands zoned to permit a Block Townhouse with integrated garage at the rear of the dwelling (Rear Lane Townhouse) and 2.0 metres for lands zoned to permit a Block Townhouse with integrated garage at the front of the dwelling (Street Townhouse). 13. Stairs to a porch, uncovered deck or an entrance may encroach to within 0.3 metres of the front lot line or flankage lot line; to within 1.0 metres of a rear lot line and to within 0.6 metres of a side lot line. 14. A bay, box window, with or without foundation, having a maximum width of 4.0 metres may encroach into any required yard to a maximum of 0.6 metres or half the distance of the required yard, whichever is less. 15. Air conditioners are permitted on a lot provided they are located in the rear yard or side yard or on a balcony or roof. In addition, such units shall not be located any closer than 0.6 of a metre to a side lot line and shall not be located on any easement in favour of the City. B. Zoning Provisions for Block 1 (Standard Condominium with Brock Road Frontage) Permitted Uses 1. Permitted uses include Stacked Dwelling. Building Restrictions 2. All buildings and structures shall be located entirely within a building envelope with the following minimum setbacks: a. 3.0 metres to Brock Road; b. 2.4 metres to a day lighting triangle, and c. 5.0 metres to any other street 3. A 3.0 metre wide build -to -zone adjacent to Brock Road. 4. No building or portion of a building or structure shall be erected within the build -to -zone, unless a minimum of 60 percent of the entire length of the build -to -zone is occupied by a continuous portion of the exterior wall of a building. 5. Maximum length of a block of Stacked Dwellings shall be 60 metres. 6. Minimum separation between buildings: 5.0 metres 7. Maximum number of dwellings units: 75 8. Maximum building height: 13.0 metres 9. Minimum private amenity area: 5.0 square metres per unit. Parking Requirements 10. Minimum 1.0 parking spaces per dwelling unit to be provided either in a private garage or in a parking area plus 0.2 of a parking space per dwelling unit for visitors. The visitor parking spaces may be permitted on a separate lot. 11. Garage requirements: any vehicular entrance for an enclosed private garage shall be located a minimum of 6.0 metres from a private street that provides vehicular access to the private garage. 12. Interior garage size: each parking space within a private garage or in a parking area shall have a minimum width of 3.0 metres and a minimum depth of 6.0 metres, however, the width of a private garage may include 1 interior step and the depth may include 2 interior steps. 13. No parking lot or parking space shall be permitted within 4.5 metres of a public street. Model Homes 14. A maximum of 1 block together with no fewer than 2 parking spaces per Model Home is permitted. General Provisions 15. Projections including balconies, uncovered and covered porches, decks, platforms and awnings, stairs, window sills, chimney breasts, fireplaces, belt courses, cornices, pilasters, eaves, eave troughs and other similar architectural features may project outside the building envelope provided that no such feature projects a maximum of 1.8 metres from the main wall of the building. 16. Air conditioners shall not be located any closer than 0.6 of a metre to the building envelope and shall not be located on any easement in favour of the City. 17. A water meter room required by the Region of Durham for the purpose of measuring the quantity of water delivered shall be exempt from the zone provisions and requirements. C. Restrictions on the Parking and Storage of Vehicles for Blocks 1 and 2 (Common Element and Standard Condominiums) 1. A maximum of 2 vehicles, only 1 of which may be a trailer, are permitted to park on a driveway. 2. For vehicles parked on any driveway, the maximum permissible height is 2.6 metres, and the maximum permissible length is 6.0 metres. 3. The height for vehicles parked on any driveway is measured from the established grade immediately beside the vehicle up to the vehicle's highest point, which excludes lights, antennas and other such items ancillary to the vehicle's body. 4. No part of any yard except a driveway is to be used for the parking or storage of vehicles and no vehicle is to encroach onto any Street or Private Street. The parking or storage of an inoperative vehicle is not permitted unless it is entirely within a fully enclosed building or structure. 6. The parking or storage of a construction vehicle or commercial vehicle is not permitted, unless it is entirely within a fully enclosed building or structure. 7 A vehicle that exceeds the maximum permissible vehicle size provisions is permitted to park temporarily for the sole purpose of delivering to, servicing or constructing the premises. ATTACHMENT # / TO REPORT / pLN ay -1 3 0 z J -J DERSAN STREET �•••0••••••.•. 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All rights reserved.; D Teanel Enterprises tn. and Its stingers all nghls reserved.; 0 Municipal Property Assessment Corporation and as suppliers al rights reserved.: SCALE: 1:5,000 THIS IS NOTA PLAN OF SURVEY. P N'RU ATTACHMENT #s TO REPORT PSN 114- I, Proposed Housing Typologies Housing Typology Description Stacked Townhouses Along Brock Road, 5 modules of 3 -storey stacked townhouse units are proposed consisting of a total of 75 units. The stacked townhouse modules have dual frontages. The grade related units have front door access from Brock Road and the upper units have front door access from the interior private road. Vehicular access for all the stacked townhouse units is from an interior private road. Each unit will have a balcony providing private amenity space. Rear Lane Townhouses The 59, 3 -storey rear lane townhouse units will front onto the future Valley Farm Road extension (to be named Palmer's Sawmill Road) and Street '1' (to be named Four Seasons Lane) with vehicular access to the rear of the units from an interior private road. There are also two blocks of rear lane townhouse units internal to the development, which will have front door access from an internal private road and vehicular access from a rear internal private road. A private amenity space will be provided for all units on the roof of the private garages located at the rear of the units. The zoning by-law will refer to this townhouse form as Block Townhouse with integrated garage at the rear of the dwelling. Street Townhouses The 59, 3 -storey street townhouse units are located internal to the site with front door and vehicular access from the internal private roads. A 7.0 metre rear yard provides private amenity spaces for these units. The zoning by-law will refer to this townhouse form as Block Townhouse with integrated garage at the front of the dwelling. i y STREET '1' 0 3 BLOCK 2 RESIDENTIAL DEV. BLOCK ( 6.514±Acs. ) 27m 10, 3 0LL/L r\ j ( 1.744fAcs. ) 1 RESIDENTIAL DEV. BLOCK BROCK ROAD X_ cdrd PICKERING City Development Department Submitted Draft Plan of Subdivision File No: SP -2017-04, CP -2017-02 and A 07/17 Applicant: Madison Brock Limited Property Description: Pt Lt 1 Con 3 Pts 2-5 40R26764 Pt 40 40R6934 & Pt 2 40R29605 (2480 & 2510 Brock Rd) FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. DATE:Oct 17, 2017 Future Condominium (Standard) Application 044 PICKERING City Development Department Submitted Draft Plan of Condominium File No: SP -2017-04, CP -2017-02 and A 07/17 Applicant: Madison Brock Limited Property Description: Pt Lt 1 Con 3 Pts 2-5 40R26764 Pt 40 40R6934 & Pt 2 40R29605 (2480 & 2510 Brock Rd) FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. DATE:April 12, 2018 Conceptual Site Plan ■a+ wlcs oW,SD Warr VD ..E. --7,,G TO DFa9AN Sr �Eour `easons Lang► srFtEEr a .. -Pei.- _ im n11i■ii—iti..jj■i i�}i r—i. p1"11 j l t !ilii �'iu! ii -La' 4.-. hi m� 1 y del � 1l�'_ �i� > ...' _ 1J� k-�`,� 3 i � i ,a�, �iliiy4iil�� s l ilI ,i =�. i� „ i,� ` �1 I -. _%t : t 1:1-4-4 _ 7�4: F" - 1- NUM rata � TXws ,I � (� '# ��•iCIG � ` :J+ E'® I �_ , my A iii! �7r� i ��� ! D �! imIE:=1: I !S.# �Q ii. G. l .� _ .. o . , l■iiiri IIL !. � �� i o3 I■� 1,, Ell C31��y Mr� MI ! 1 ` �,.,._ E^3 � `` �:it!m ■ _ ,Ma � _ �� !nMlifaAN J 1 h� of - b■ . �� IARi l0 I l.■ m=m 1J � m� �� EERIE r! �� Imo- p!m ��®: Ali �� ��f i�!■ ME 00. mo, -' 3� y 1 r l •�. f I!�F h_� I +` T it°il�j ._.__.•i-$— � I YINS' 1 moi. Ls.1I ' a �1 +iL 1 nI 1.:-- :_ Ks _ .�_•... _ .1:'..1 .Ji fullim g, ■ ,- a1- --.s - - _..". Li Gt AD - - �� 1 �'�" = REAR LANE TVHM1 U5E - 51APCl07plVNJSt ..1 _ .. � sTREE1 L6NV 1)IiFE - I BROCK RD ..,......; Original Concept Plan File No: SP -2017-04, CP -2017-02 and A 07/17 PICKERING Applicant: Madison Brock Limited City Development Property Description: Pt Lt 1 Con 3 Pts 2-5 40R26764 Pt 40 40R6934 & Pt 2 40R29605 Department (2480 & 2510 Brock Rd) FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DATE:April i 2, 2018 Pedestrian Walkw[ Relocated 1 Y F. ur Seasons Lane Street / n lall!I1!!I!!i!Il:n Ewa. 14 Enlarged Tot Lot 11 italm — 1 ea it - 191. mar KAI DI.OpC _ _ 1 Brock Road Enhanced Building Elevations REAR LANE TOWNHOUSES STACKED TOWNHOUSES STREET TOWNHOUSES Pf PICKERING City Development Department Revised Concept Plan File No: SP -2017-04, CP -2017-02 and A 07/17 Applicant: Madison Brock Limited Property Description: Pt Lt 1 Con 3 Pts 2-5 40R26764 Pt 40 40R6934 & Pt 2 40R29605 (2480 & 2510 Brock Rd) FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DATE:Aplil 12, 2018 Front Elevation - Palmer's Sawmill Road & Four Seasons Lane 0 Rear Elevation - Internal Private Road cdre PICKERING City Development Department Submitted Rear Lane Townhouse Elevations File No: SP -2017-04, CP -2017-02 and A 07/17 Applicant: Madison Brock Limited Property Description: Pt Lt 1 Con 3 Pts 2-5 40R26764 Pt 40 40R6934 & Pt 2 40R29605 (2480 & 2510 Brock Rd) FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. DATE:April 12, 2018 Front Elevation (Block 5) - Internal Private Road IrillIII!E11I!117�'� SIS_ Rear Elevation (Block 5) - Internal Private Road Submitted Street Townhouse Elevations File No: SP -2017-04, CP -2017-02 and A 07/17 Applicant: Madison Brock Limited Property Description: Pt Lt 1 Con 3 Pts 2-5 40R26764 Pt 40 40R6934 & Pt 2 40R29605 FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Front Elevation - Brock Road Frontage Rear Elevation - Internal Private Road PICKERING City Development Department Submitted Stacked Townhouse Elevations File No: SP -2017-04, CP -2017-02 and A 07/17 Applicant: Madison Brock Limited Property Description: Pt Lt 1 Con 3 Pts 2-5 40R26764 Pt 40 40R6934 & Pt 2 40R29605 (2480 & 2510 Brock Rd) FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. DATE:April 12, 2018