HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLN 08-18rry od DICKERING Report to Executive Committee Report Number: PLN 08-18 Date: April 3, 2018 From: Kyle Bentley Director, City Development & CBO Subject: Driveway Widening Permeable Pavements File: D-7001-001 Recommendation: 1. That Report PLN 08-18 regarding driveway widening be received; 2. That Council direct staff to proceed with the following actions: (a) prepare a brochure promoting the use of permeable pavement; (b) communicate the benefits of permeable pavement through the City's website, community page ad, eNewsletters, telephone on -hold messaging, media release, social media, and at sustainability events; (c) revise the City of Pickering Driveway Entrance Application to include driveway widening; (d) revise the 2018 User Fee Schedule to reflect the $100.00 permit fee to widen a driveway; (e) incorporate appropriate maximum driveway width provisions in the Comprehensive Zoning By-law Update Study; (f) investigate opportunities to use permeable pavement for parking areas, sidewalks, multi -use paths and trails when constructing or upgrading City facilities subject to site specific conditions; and 3. That the appropriate City of Pickering staff be authorized to take the necessary actions as indicated in this Report. Executive Summary: Resolution #384/17 was approved by Council directing staff to review permeable materials when a resident is proposing to widen their driveway, and to further develop a permitting process for widening a driveway on a minimal cost recovery basis. As an alternative to traditional pavement, pervious pavement is designed to allow stormwater to drain through the surface into the underlying soils where the water is naturally filtered and pollutants are removed. Pervious pavement can be used for low traffic roads, parking lots, driveways, walkways and is ideal for sites with limited space for traditional stormwater management practices. There are three permeable pavement types: permeable interlocking concrete pavers, porous concrete or porous asphalt, and plastic grid systems. Although Pickering can pass a by-law under the Municipal Act, S.0 2001 to require permeable pavement for driveway widening on private property, staff is recommending that a softer and less regulatory approach be used that would have staff inform residents of the benefits associated with permeable pavement through the application process. The current Driveway Entrance Application Form would be revised to include driveway widening. The application would be reviewed and if approved, a fee of $100.00 (non-refundable) for the permit and final inspection would be charged. Report PLN 08-18 April 3, 2018 Subject: Driveway Widening Page 2 Through the review of consent and site plan applications, staff have been promoting the use of permeable pavement. In recognition of the lack of appropriate driveway width provisions in the current zoning by-laws, staff will incorporate maximum driveway width provisions as part of the upcoming Comprehensive Zoning By-law Update Study. As Greater Toronto Area (GTA) municipalities are incorporating permeable pavement within their own building and infrastructure projects, staff will also investigate the opportunity to use permeable pavement for parking areas, sidewalks and trails when constructing or upgrading City facilities and infrastructure. Financial Implications: The design and printing of a brochure will be funded from the 2018 Strategic Initiatives & Sustainability Budget 2620_ The 2018 User Fee Schedule will be revised to reflect the $100.00 permit fee for processing an application for driveway widening. 1. Background On December 1 1 , 2017, Council approved Councillor Brenner's Notice of Motion directing staff to review options of materials that would permit absorption where a resident is considering widening their parking area; and to further develop procedures that would require residents to apply to the City for a permit to widen their parking areas on a minimal cost recovery basis (see Resolution #384/17, Attachment #1). 2. Discussion This portion of the report is divided into four parts: permeable pavement types, permeable pavement benefits, municipal controls, and opportunities. 2.1 Permeable Pavement Types A variety of different types of permeable pavements are available. These are typically categorized into three main types: • permeable interlocking concrete pavers consisting of impervious concrete blocks that allow water to infiltrate into a reservoir through inter -block or intra -block voids. These voids may be filled with gravel or soil and grass. Gravel is the most common filler as it is less susceptible to clogging. s • _ ly Source: City of Pickering il-Ij % / -r/ r l lit l ` \� AN. L / / / I 1. 1 l \. A /_ / 1 \_ 1_ iz� /_ _/J �� ! l.-1 I l Lam' t �� ;7/ // // 1 ,-\ N;_ Source: City of Pickering Report PLN 08-18 Subject: Driveway Widening April 3, 2018 Page 3 The City has installed permeable pavers at the Recreation Complex and Civic Complex court yards (see above images). Regular maintenance is required for the pavers to work effectively. Once the cracks between the pavers get filled with fines, debris, and organics from grass cutting/leaves etc., its effectiveness is reduced. Consequently, the pavers are periodically required to be vacuumed to maintain their porosity. • porous asphalt or porous concrete consisting of standard asphalt or concrete mixes from which the finer aggregates have been removed. Removal of these fine materials results in a pavement with larger void spaces for water to flow through and into the drainage layers and soil below. Source: greenjaylandscaping.com Source: pavementinteractive.org • plastic grid systems consisting of plastic interlocking units with virtually no impervious surface area. Grid spaces may be planted with grass or left unplanted and filled with gravel or sand/soil mix after they are installed. The grids provide structural stability and prevent settling while allowing a large amount of void space for infiltration of stormwater. Source: sure-ground.com Source: starttraffic. com Report PLN 08-18 April 3, 2018 Subject: Driveway Widening Page 4 2i Permeable Pavement Benefits Permeable pavement is designed to allow stormwater to drain through the surface into the underlying soils, while providing a stable surface suitable for pedestrian and vehicular loads. Contaminants are removed from the stormwater as it infiltrates slowly through the gravel sub -base and into the native soil. Permeable pavements provide the following benefits: • reduces stormwater runoff, which lowers flood risk, stream erosion and damage to downstream infrastructure • enables groundwater replenishment • retains ambient water temperature • removes contaminants from infiltrated stormwater • reduces heat from the pavement surface to the atmosphere, which helps to mitigate against the urban heat island • reduces glare and vehicle skidding accidents • reduces pavement ice buildup as the air trapped in the pavement can store heat and release it to the surface, which promotes the melting of snow and ice We note that permeable pavements have some drawbacks, which include the following: • it is slightly more expensive than traditional pavements • it requires more maintenance to prevent clogging between the pavers • it is not as strong as traditional or asphalt pavements • it performs poorly on sloped land 2.3 Municipal Controls In Pickering, a property owner may be able to widen the driveway to accommodate additional vehicles, subject to Municipal By-law compliance and upon obtaining a permit for the City to cut the curb or extend the culvert if necessary (see Driveway Entrance Application Form, Attachment #2). Typically, planning approvals are not required. A permit fee applies to the length of curb cut required. There is currently no requirement for a further application to widen a driveway either on the boulevard or on private property. Pickering Council can pass a by-law under the Municipal Act, S.O 2001, specifying the finishing materials for such driveway widenings, including permeable pavement. However, staff recommends that a softer and less regulatory approach be used that would have staff inform residents of the benefits associated with permeable pavement through the application process. The current Driveway Entrance Application Form would be revised to require a permit for driveway widening beyond the curb or culvert extension. Also, the application would be reviewed and if approved, a fee of $100.00 (non-refundable) for the permit and final inspection would be charged. A revision to the 2018 User Fee Schedule will be required to reflect the $100.00 permit fee. The Engineering Services Department would be responsible for reviewing the application, issuing the permit, and inspecting the installation. Report PLN 08-18 April 3, 2018 Subject: Driveway Widening Page 5 Pickering has advocated for the use of Low Impact Development (LID) measures, which seek to maximize the area available for infiltration so that runoff volume and pollutant concentrations are reduced by using on-site natural features to protect water quality. The following tools are available under the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990: • Consent (s. 50) In commenting on Land Division applications, LID measures such as extra depth topsoil (300 mm), permeable pavers on the driveways, and the provision of rain gardens or rain barrels have been added as part of the conditions of approval to be fulfilled prior to the final clearance of the severance. • Minor Variance (s. 45) For most homeowners in Pickering, a variance to the Zoning By-law is not required to widen a driveway as there is no maximum driveway width provisions within Parent Zoning By-laws 3036, 2511, 2520 or 3037. In some instances, the lack of regulated widenings has resulted in unsightly front yards with no landscaping. To remedy this concern, staff included maximum driveway width provisions in the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood and Seaton Zoning By-laws. The intent of these provisions is to maintain the residential appearance of the neighbourhood and to prevent excessive paving of properties, which may: • cause the loss of stormwater absorption surfaces (lawns and gardens) and increase the potential for flooding • reduce available snow storage areas, and • contribute to the unsightliness of derelict and commercial vehicles in driveways To ensure that driveway width provisions are consistently applied across Pickering, staff will incorporate appropriate maximum driveway width provisions as part of the Comprehensive Zoning By-law Update Study. For minor variance applications, staff will recommend that a condition be imposed requiring the applicant to obtain a permit to construct the driveway widening. • Site Plan Control (s. 41) The use of site plan control does provide an opportunity for Pickering to encourage permeable pavement. To this end, the City's Stormwater Management Design Guidelines promotes the use of porous and pervious pavement installations so long as these systems are designed in accordance with the Ministry of Environment Stormwater Management manual and the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority Low Impact Development (LID) Manual. As part of the site plan review process for the Millennium City Veterinary Hospital on Liverpool Road, numerous sustainable elements were incorporated into the site design. Permeable pavers were introduced on all driveways, parking spaces; patios, and walkways along with a vegetated bioswale in the proposed ditch. The combination of these measures reduced overall water runoff from the property, even though the amount of paved surface increased significantly. Report PLN 08-18 April 3, 2018 Subject: Driveway Widening Page 6 2.4 Opportunities A brochure about permeable pavement for homeowners who may wish to install or retrofit a driveway, patio or walkway on their property is recommended. This brochure would be available on the City's website, at brochure racks located at City facilities and attached to the revised Driveway Widening and Curb Cut Application. A number of GTA municipalities are also incorporating permeable pavement within their own building and infrastructure projects. For example, the City of Mississauga, the Town of Newmarket, and the Town of Aurora have all recently installed permeable pavers as part of their municipal upgrades to their facilities. It is therefore recommended that staff investigate the opportunity to use permeable pavement for parking areas, sidewalks and trails when constructing or upgrading City facilities and infrastructure subject to site specific conditions. This action is consistent with Policy 14.3 of the Pickering Official Plan pertaining to the use of permeable surfaces and pervious pavement in areas such as parking lots and sidewalks in the design of city owned properties and facilities. On September 12, 2017, Council approved the recommendations of Report PLN 15-17, and authorized staff to undertake an Infill and Replacement Housing in Established Neighbourhoods Study. That Report noted that community character is the sum of all the natural and built attributes and assets that make a neighbourhood unique and establishes a sense of place for its residents. Driveways (their length, width, style, location, and surface treatment) are one of the built characteristics influencing the character. As staff undertakes that Study, consideration will be given as to whether driveway widenings constructed with permeable pavers influences community character. 3. Next Steps In light of the foregoing, it is recommended that staff proceed with the following actions: • prepare a brochure promoting the use ofpermeable pavement; • communicate the benefits of permeable pavement through the City's website, community page ad, eNewsletters, telephone on -hold messaging, media release, social media, and at sustainability events; • revise the City of Pickering Driveway Entrance Application Form to include driveway widening; • revise the 2018 User Fee Schedule to reflect the $100.00 permit fee to widen a driveway; • incorporate appropriate maximum driveway width provisions in the Comprehensive Zoning By-law Update Study; and • investigate opportunities to use permeable pavement for parking areas, sidewalks, multi -use paths and trails when constructing or upgrading City facilities subject to site specific conditions. Report PLN 08-18 Subject: Driveway Widening April 3, 2098 Page 7 Attachments: 1. Resolution #384/17 2. City of Pickering Driveway Entrance Application Form Prepared By: Grant McGregor, MCIP, RPP Manager, Strategic Initiatives & Sustainability GM:Id Approved/Endorsed By: Kyle Bentley, P.Eng. Director, City Development & CBO hard HFSlborn, P_Eng. ector, Engineering Services Marisa Director, Community Services Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Tony Prevedel, P.Eng_ Chief Administrative Officer �7. 2otg Legislative Services Division Clerk's Office Directive Memorandum December 15, 2017 To: Tony Prevedel Chief Administrative Officer From: Subject: Debbie Shields City Clerk ATTACHMENT# / TO REPORT # PLN Direction as per Minutes of the Meeting of City Council held on December 11, 2017 Notice of Motion Addressing Risks Associated with the Widening of Driveways Council Decision Resolution #384/17 Whereas the demographics of the City of Pickering continue to change; Whereas the intensification in urban areas has contributed to smaller lots; Whereas economic factors have contributed to changes in the nucleus family; Whereas these changes have resulted in more and more homes to increase their available parking by paving and or through cement interlocking over grassed areas; Whereas issues associated with global warming and climate change continue to impact levels of rain and/or snowfall; Whereas unpredictable environmental conditions coupled with the decreasing amount of grassed areas in Pickering communities has a significant impact on the storm water management system which flows into Frenchman's Bay and Lake Ontario; Now therefore be it resolved that staff be directed to review options of materials that would permit absorption where a resident is considering widening their parking area; And further develop procedures that would require residents to apply to the City of Pickering for a permit to widen their parking area on a minimal cost recovery basis; And report back to Council no later than the April 3, 2018 Council meeting. Please take any action deemed necessary. Debbie Shields /Ir Copy: Director, Engineering Services Director, City Development & CBO ATTACHMENT # TO REPOR1 # ��►� oS - / _ Gtr 4 PICKERING Driveway Entrance Application Date First Name Street Address City Last Name Telephone # Location Details Street Address (if different from above) Existing Entrance Width Project Details El Culvert Installation Left Side (in metres) Province Email Address Unit # Postal Code New Entrance Width D Culvert Extension Right Side (in metres) © Curb Cut Cost Instructions Applicants are requested to stake or mark out the limits of the requested work to help staff visualize the extent of the project, and complete the necessary inspection. This application must be completed, signed, and returned to the Coordinator, Roads & Infrastructure Maintenance Contracts, City of Pickering. Completed application forms may be returned by mail, in person or fax to 905.420.4650. The information presented will be used to facilitate the inspection and work approval process. Pending project approval, this form will be returned to the applicant for payment process. 'Declaration do hereby certify that: I am the owner herein. I am a duly authorized agent of the owner. I am an officer/employee of the owner. I have the authorization of the owner to make this application, and shall provide written evidence thereof, if requested. I understand that this permit does not grant municipal approval to park on the boulevard contrary to municipal traffic parking by-law. The statements contained herein are true and made with a full knowledge of all relevant matters and circumstances connected with the requested works. Applicant's Signature Date ENG 1302-08/22 Revised 22/02/18 Page 1 of 2 ATTACHMENT # TO RFPOR1 fiP[ CSS-�8 c44 DICKERING Driveway Entrance Application Office Use Only Comments Signed By Date Corporate Services Payment Voucher Account Number 2320.9990 Curb Cut Location Method of Payment Receipt Number $300.00 39.00 HST $339.00 Total Cashier's Stamp Personal information contained on this form is collected pursuant to the Municipal Act and the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. This information is collected to process your Driveway Entrance Application. Any questions related to the collection of this information shouldbe directed to the City Clerk, One The Esplanade, Pickering, ON L1 V 6K7, 905.420.4611. Alternate formats available upon request at 905.683.7575. ENG 1302-08/22 Revised 22/02/18 Page 2 of 2