HomeMy WebLinkAboutAugust 22 it 1 ) N MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE PICKERING/ONTARIO HYDRO LIAISON COMMITTEE HELD ON THURSDAY,AUGUST 22, 1996 AT 7:30 PM AT THE INFORMATION CENTRE PICKERING NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION Present: Mayor Wayne Arthurs Councillor Sherry Senis Councillor Maurice Brenner Ken Talbot, Station Director, PNGS Ross Fitchett, Public Affairs, PNGS Jay Amer, Ontario Hydro, Public Affairs Joanne Farquhar, Executive Assistant- Janet Ecker, M.P. Denise Wiese, Past President, Ajax Pickering Board of Trade Evans Enyolu, Representative of PACT Helen Break, Representative of the Public Mark Rohlehr, Durham Nuclear Health Committee Rick Pearsall, Fire Chief Judy Hodgson, Executive Assistant- Town Manager 1. Meeting Called to Order Councillor Senis advised that Mayor Arthurs had requested that the meeting commence on time as he had a previous commitment and would arrive shortly. Councillor Senis on behalf of Mayor Arthurs called the meeting to order and thanked those present for attending the meeting. Introduction of all attendees were made. It was agreed that interested parties would address the Committee after presentations were made. 2. Adoption of Minutes The Minutes of the meeting of June 20, 1996 were adopted as circulated. • • • -i U 3. Presentations - Seismic Activity Professor Nick Eyles,Department of Geology,University of Toronto Professor Nick Eyles delivered a presentation to the Committee respecting the effect of seismic activity surrounding the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station. The presentation included a summary explaining different types of earthquakes in North America and a comparison to their research in the Southern Ontario/Pickering areas. It was noted that a fault was discovered in the Rouge Valley area, thereby instigating the need for further research in this area. Professor Arsalan A. Mohajer,University of Toronto -Earth and Environmental Sciences Professor Arsalan A. Mohajer delivered a presentation explaining his research and a comparison of past and present earthquake activity in the area and seismic hazard assessment. It was explained that to date research data is not conclusive and there is a need to generate more data. Councillor Brenner questioned the level of funding necessary in order to continue research. Professor Mohajer explained that in the past 5 years the AECB and Ontario Hydro have provided assistance with funding however, he feels there is a need to continue research in order to predict the probability of future levels of seismic activity and in his opinion there has not been sufficient data collected to date. Professor Mohajer stated that additional funding requirements are estimated at $50,000 - $60,000 annually. A copy of the presentation package is attached to these minutes. John G. Waddington,Director General,Atomic Energy Control Board John G. Waddington, Director General - AECB gave an overview on how the existing seismic issues affect the re-licensing of the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station. It is the responsibility of the AECB to ensure that the licensee (Ontario Hydro) has built in sufficient protection to the nuclear power station to ensure that the following conditions are met; • the reactor can be shut down • the fuel can be cooled • any releases can be contained for any earthquake that can reasonably be expected to occur in the area around the site. Page 2 • L An overview of the AECB's current efforts was presented, including the basis for licensing, development of knowledge and their current efforts to deal with this issue. Attached to these minutes is a copy of the presentation package. Helen Break asked Mr. Waddington if given the current knowledge would the AECB approve a Nuclear Generating Station in Pickering. Mr. Waddington responded that in light of the new research; approval to build a nuclear generating station would be given to an area that is less populated than Pickering and in an area of low seismic activity. It was noted that when Pickering was chosen as a site approximately 30 years ago, it was considered an area of low seismic activity with that assumption based on historical record and current geological knowledge of that particular time. Councillor Brenner stated that part of the criteria to evaluate the nuclear generating station was a need to retrofit the existing plant and was under the assumption that the AECB determined to waive the existing requirement to retrofit as funding was lifted. John Waddington responded that they did not waive the requirement for the second shut-down systems as identified by Councillor Brenner. The requirement for the second shut down system,would take considerable time to design and would also cause considerable radiation dose to those workers to install it. Ontario Hydro proposed to develop a new monitoring system and the AECB are satisfied that this proposal would meet the objectives. Mark Rohlehr questioned if an independent agency should be consulted to determine the need to retrofit the station independently of Ontario Hydro. Mr. Waddington responded that the AECB work closely with Ontario Hydro to ensure the key principles of regulations are met. Mayor Arthurs summarized that he feels very confident in the work that is currently being done by all parties involved. Further discussion of this issue will take place at the public meeting tentatively scheduled for the Fall. The presentation package is attached to these minutes. 4. Project Clean Ken Talbot, Station Director, PNGS noted that an update respecting Project Clean will be a regular item on the Agenda of each meeting. In August 1995, the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station received a "wake up" from the AECB as it was.determined that safety at the station and quality of work was slipping. Several measures were put in place to rectify this situation to improve Page 3 r f. L) `el. and instill confidence in the operation of the station including; • changes to the management team • quality of work initiatives • shut down of units for maintenance. As an example, it should be noted that 267 procedural problems have been corrected since April 1996 and many changes are ongoing on a continual basis. Implementation of a housekeeping program throughout the station has been established in order to improve the facility overall. A slide presentation showing the improvements presently completed was shown. Ken Talbot introduced Gord Spielmann& Gerry Mitchell of PNGS (Unit 0) who are responsible for common services within the station. An overview of the Waste Minimization Program at Pickering Nuclear Generating Station was presented. A copy of the presentation package is attached to these minutes. 5. Minutes of the Durham Nuclear Health Committee Minutes of the Durham Nuclear Health Committee meeting of April 26, 1996; May 24, 1996 and June 21, 1996 were received. 6. Public Meeting It was decided that the public meeting would be sponsored by the committee. Mayor Arthurs suggested that a sub-committee be established to undertake the organization of the public meeting.. Members of the sub-committee include Councillor Sherry Senis, Helen Break and Denise Weise. It was later determined that Ross Fitchett, Public Affairs, PNGS would be part of the sub-committee. Town of Pickeirng staff and Hydro staff would be made available to assist in the coordination and facilitation of this meeting. 7. Other Business It was agreed that the agenda for the next meeting would include discussion respecting re-licensing of the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station. Mayor Arthurs will ensure that Tom James of Durham Regional Emergency Measures be invited to address the committee respecting the "Final Report on Page 4 Pickering Exercise 95". Councillor Senis thanked representatives of Ontario Hydro for their contribution toward the development of a Skateboard Park for youth of the Town of Pickering. Councillor Senis advised that she has received numerous positive comments from the public applauding Ontario Hydro for their efficiency in shutting down reactors in order to complete necessary maintenance. 8. Date of Next Meeting It was decided that future meetings will be held at the Information Centre of the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station. The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, October 17, 1996 at 7:30 pm. 9. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 10:30 pm. Page 5