HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLN 03-14 o¢ Resolution #169/14 Report t0 Dated January 27, 2014 p Executive Committee ICKERIN Report Number:PLN 03-14 Date: January 20, 2014 From: Thomas Melymuk Director, City Development Subject: Rouge National Urban Park Transfer of Lands to Parks Canada for Inclusion in Rouge National Urban Park File: 0-8100-008 Recommendation: 1. That Report PLN 03-14 of the Director, City Development, regarding Transfer of Lands to Parks Canada for Inclusion in Rouge National Urban Park be received; 2. That Council authorize the City to enter into the Memorandum of Agreement Respecting the Assembly of Lands for the Proposed Rouge National Urban Park substantially in the form provided as Attachment#1 to this Report; 3. That Council direct staff to begin the process of declaring surplus, the whole or parts of the properties listed on the Property Information Chart provided as Attachment#2 to this Report, for the purpose of sale to Parks Canada for nominal consideration, subject to: a) all required easements; b) the preparation of the appropriate reference plans, at no cost to the City, legally describing the parts being stopped-up, closed and conveyed; and c) the payment of all legal costs and disbursements by Parks Canada; 4. That Council authorize staff to bring forward, for enactment and registration, the required by-law to formally stop-up and close those or parts of the properties listed in Attachment#2 that consist of public highway; 5. That Council authorize staff to enter into such other easements, leases, licenses, supplemental agreements and/or amending agreements as required to give effect to the Memorandum of Agreement Respecting the Assembly of Lands for the Proposed Rouge National Urban Park; 6. That a copy of this report be forwarded to Parks Canada, the Province of Ontario (Ministry of Infrastructure), the City of Toronto, the City of Markham, the Region of York, the Region of Durham and the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority; and 7. Further, that Council authorize the appropriate City officials to take any other necessary action required to implement the above recommendations. 24 Report PLN 03-14 January 20, 2014 Subject: Rouge National Urban Park Page 2 Executive Summary: In 2011 the Federal Government began the process of establishing a national urban park in the Rouge Valley. As part of this process, Parks Canada, the Federal Government's representative, established a Landholders' Table which includes representatives from the affected municipalities and public landowners. The Landholders' Table developed the Memorandum of Agreement Respecting the Assembly of Lands for the Proposed Rouge National Urban Park (the "Agreement") which identifies the lands to be included in Rouge National Urban Park, and the process for transferring the lands to Parks Canada. This report describes progress to date in establishing Rouge National Urban Park and recommends that the City enter into the Agreement substantially in the form as attached to this report. Further, this report recommends that staff be directed to undertake the necessary steps to effect the transfer of City properties to Parks Canada for nominal consideration and to enter into such other easements, leases, licenses, supplemental agreements and/or amending agreements as required to give effect to the Agreement. Parks Canada is moving forward with its recommendations for a Federal legislative framework that will establish and govern the Park, as well as preparing a draft management plan for public review. Financial Implications: The establishment of Rouge National Urban Park requires the transfer to the Federal Government of lands owned by various governments and public agencies that are within the Rouge National Urban Park Study Boundary. Once transferred, these lands will no longer be subject to "PILTs" (payment in lieu of taxes) as they will be used and developed as an urban park and the Federal Government is not subject to municipal property taxes. An analysis of the assessment value and property taxes of lands in south Pickering that are included within the Rouge National Urban Park Study Boundary results in an estimated property tax loss to the City of approximately $6,000.00 annually. • Pickering will be required to continue to provide municipal services (such as fire, and by-law enforcement) to lands both publicly and privately owned that are situated within the City of Pickering and within the Rouge National Urban Park Study Boundary. Service agreements with the Federal Government will address the provision of municipal services and the form and amount of any compensation to be provided to the City for these services. The capital and operating investments that will be made by the Government of Canada in Rouge National Urban Park and the associated service agreements would likely provide positive financial benefits to the City related to marketing, tourism, recreation and associated development. 25 Report PLN 03-14 Revised January 20, 2014 Subject: Rouge National Urban Park Page 3 1. Background In the 2011 Throne Speech, the Government of Canada made a commitment to create Canada's first national urban park in the Rouge Valley and announced its intention to work with the provincial and municipal governments, Aboriginal partners, and community stakeholders towards the establishment of Rouge National Urban Park. As part of this process, Parks Canada, the Federal Government's representative responsible for Rouge National Urban Park established a Landholders' Table bringing together representatives from all affected public landholders, including the City of Pickering. The purpose of the Landowners' Table is to discuss the Park boundary and the process for transferring lands to Parks Canada. At its April 2012 meeting, Pickering Council endorsed a Statement of Intent confirming the City's interest in working collaboratively with Parks Canada and other landholders to address matters of mutual interest in establishing the Park including an appropriate boundary and land transfer agreements. In June 2013, the Government of Canada and the Province agreed to a separate Memorandum of Agreement dealing with the transfer of 2,145 hectares of provincial land toward the creation of the Park. Transport Canada has also confirmed its intentions to transfer 2,023 hectares of federal lands in the northeastern part of Markham to Parks Canada. 2. Discussion 2.1 A Memorandum of Agreement to transfer lands to Parks Canada is substantially finalized The Landholders' Table has now substantially finalized the Memorandum of Agreement Respecting the Assembly of Lands for the Proposed Rouge National Urban Park. The Agreement describes lands to be included in the Park and the process that the lands will be transferred to Parks Canada (see Draft Memorandum of Agreement, Attachment #1). The schedules describing the parcels to be transferred are in the process of being finalized. Parties to the Memorandum of Agreement are, the Government of Canada represented by Parks Canada, the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA), the City of Toronto, the City of Pickering, the City of Markham, the Region of York and the Region of Durham. While neither the Region of Durham or Region of York are transferring lands at this time, they are parties to the agreement to address their present and future interest in infrastructure protection and growth management, confirm their support for the creation of the Park, and ensure the Regions' ongoing involvement in the management of the Park. Property in private ownership, rail corridors, hydro transmission corridors and existing infrastructure including existing roads and stormwater facilities are to be excluded from the Park. 26 Report PLN 03-14 January 20, 2014 Subject: Rouge National Urban Park Page 4 Pickering staff is satisfied with the draft agreement and has identified the properties proposed to be conveyed to the Park. It is recommended that Council authorize the City to enter into the Memorandum of Agreement Respecting the Assembly of Lands for the proposed Rouge National Urban Park, substantially in the form as attached to this report. 2.2 The Memorandum of Agreement deals with the lands that are to be included in the Park and how these lands will be transferred to Parks Canada The Memorandum of Agreement addresses the following: Park Establishment • existing infrastructure such as roads, stormwater management facilities, rail corridors and hydro transmission corridors will be excluded from the Park • Parks Canada will recommend for inclusion in the legislative framework, the authority to dispose of, in fee simple, a capped amount of land in the future for infrastructure purposes to accommodate future road widenings as identified in official plans • lands not designated Park by Federal statute within 5 years of the execution of the agreement will be transferred back to the originating party without any charge Transfer of Lands/Due Diligence • lands will be transferred for a nominal value • parties will be reimbursed by Parks Canada for any out of pocket expenses incurred as a result of the transfer of the lands, including environmental assessments, surveys and registration of easements • the final description of land to be transferred will be determined after completion of due diligence and survey work Interim Protection and Management • a committee will be established by Parks Canada to advise on the implementation of the management plan (Parks Canada has recommended to the Minister of the Environment that each party to the Memorandum of Agreement be represented on that committee) • until lands are transferred to Parks Canada, the TRCA will continue to manage, as it did prior to the dissolution of the Rouge Park Alliance, the day to day operation of the current Rouge Park 2.3 Ten City properties are proposed to be transferred to Parks Canada Properties for possible transfer to Parks Canada were identified and circulated to the City departments for comment. Following staff review, ten properties were identified as surplus to the City's requirements and are recommended for transfer to Parks Canada for inclusion in the Park. • Report PLN 03-14 January 20, 2014 Subject: Rouge National Urban Park Page 5 The properties comprise approximately 8.6 hectares and are listed in Attachment #2. The properties and their property indentification numbers (PINs) are shown on Attachments #3 to #7. It is noted that within Pickering, most of the lands to be included in the Park are owned by the TRCA. 2.4 Discussions on park planning, delivery of services and park management will continue Parks Canada is preparing a strategic management plan that will establish a long term vision and goals for the Park, outline key strategies and actions to realize that vision, and set indicators to measure achievement. Parks Canada, with the assistance of municipalities, will manage the Park under the guidance of the strategic management plan. Existing provincial and municipal plans, policies and by-laws will be replaced by policies in the strategic management plan and by Park regulations. City staff will continue to work with Parks Canada to facilitate the transfer of City lands and provide input into the strategic management plan. Once available, staff will report to Council on the strategic management plan. Attachments 1. Draft Memorandum of Agreement Respecting the Assembly of Lands for the Proposed Rouge National Urban Park (version 8) 2. City-owned Lands for Transfer to Parks Canada, Property Information Chart 3. Location of City-owned Lands Proposed to be Transferred to Parks Canada 4. Map of PINs 263000147, 263000151, 263000153, 263000157 5. Map of PINs 263010307, Part of 263690001, Part of 236690226 6. Map of PINs 263690001, Part of 263690226, 263690318, 263690652, Part of 263700131 . 7. Map of PINs 263700131, 263700652 Report PLN 03-14 January 20, 2014 Subject: Rouge National Urban Park Page 6 • Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: Deborah Wylie, MCIP, RPP Tom Melymuk, CIP, RPP Senior Planner— Policy Dire, or, . ity Development Catherine Rose Paul Bi•'% i Chief Planner Directo , Corp.; ate Services & City Solicitor DW:jf Recommended for the consideration • of Pickering City Council/ ',.i,/ / 2013 Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer • • , • • AT CMT#_sTO MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT WOW W.q J, /L A/ n -/y RESPECTING THE ASSEMBLY OF LANDS FOR THE ' PROPOSED ROUGE NATIONAL URBAN PARK THIS AGREEMENT made this day of ,2014. BETWEEN: HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF CANADA as represented by the Minister of the Environment for the purposes of the Parks Canada Agency(hereinafter referred to as"Parks Canada") OF THE FIRST PART, AND: TORONTO AND REGION CONSER ATION AUTHORITY fi$< OF THE SECONDiPART, AND CITY OF TORONTO A ' OF THE TiIRD PART, AND THE CORPORATIO OF THE CITY OF • ' OF THE FO 7 TH ART, ,,:.1.\(< --'4. AND CITY OF PICKERING OF THE FIFTH `ART, ' AND THE REGIO MUNICIPALITY OF YORK O``F THE.S TRPARTS AND HE REGIONAL ICIPALITY OF DURHAM r......\\H„,-1.,, V.' 17 OF THE SEVENTH PART WHEREAS th fed'etrhael,Rp ov cial and the other arties to this Memorandum of Agreement ement' (Agreement)have supportedougeP'ark and the Rouge Park Alliance since its inception in 1994 and have provided financial resources„m recogn;tionofthe�'important resources associated with the . -" Rouge Valley,its unique ecosystem. its rich historic and cultural significance and the significant benefits it rovidees to the vitalities of�loca communities and their residents; t AND WHEREAS the Rouge P rk'Alliance,a voluntary partnership of various levels of government'and.agencies who mandate,as to oversee and coordinate the implementation of the Rouge Park Management Plans,recommended,with the endorsement of each member organization,that riouge Parkrbe granted federal designation to contribute to the better management of the pa lanresources; AND WHEREAS the June 2011 Speech from the Throne set the direction for the , Government of Canada to work with the provincial and municipal governments,Aboriginal partners and community stakeholders towards the establishment of a national urban park in the Rouge Valley; • • V8 DRAFT AGREEMENT LAND ASSEMBLY Nov. 15, 2013 2 ATT.P CIIMEf'T#_.I TO li�lOaT PLA/ 03/f AND WHEREAS the Parties have endorsed a Statement of Intent to collaborate with the Government of Canada and other public land holders towards the establishment of a national urban park in the Rouge Valley within the Study Area illustrated and bordered in red on the sketch attached hereto as Schedule "A"; AND WHEREAS on May 25, 2012,the Government of Canada announced an investment of $143.7 million over ten years for park development and interim operations and$7.6 million per year thereafter for ongoing operations; AND WHEREAS the Government of Canada has committed to include in the Rouge National Urban Park all of those lands located in the Regional Municipality of York under the administration and control of the Department of Transport and currently part of the"Pickering Airport Lands"; AND WHEREAS a vision has been developed for the park which states that the"Rouge National Urban Park celebrates and protects, for current and future generations, a diverse landscape in Canada's largest metropolitan area. Linking Lake Ontario with the Oak Ridges Moraine,the park offers engaging and varied experiences, inspires personal connections to its natural beauty and rich history,promotes a vibrant farming community, and encourages us to discover Canada's national treasured places."; AND WHEREAS Parks Canada will be making recommendations on matters to be included in any forthcoming legislation, including the development of a Management Plan containing a long-term vision for the park, a set of management objectives and provisions for performance evaluation which will provide guidance for the management of the Park, outline the integrated delivery of Parks Canada's mandate for protection,education and visitor experience and ensure that the dynamic park/mosaic of natural,cultural and agricultural landscapes and the Park's enduring values are protected for future generations. AND WHEREAS the Governments of Canada and Ontario,under date of January 26, 2013, reached agreement on the,;provincial.lands proposed for inclusion in the proposed Rouge National Urban Park and the proposed release of any interest Ontario may have in lands owned by others within the proposed Park subject to the terms and conditions set out therein; AND WHEREAS the Parties have reached agreement on the lands to be transferred for inclusion in the proposed Rouge National Urban Park subject to the terms and conditions set out herein; NOW THEREFORE the Parties agree as follows: ARTICLE 1.0 INTERPRETATION 1. In this Agreement the following words shall have the following meaning: a) Lands"means those lands under the ownership of each individual Party and proposed by the owner of such land for inclusion in the Park and described in the individual Schedules attached hereto: Schedule"B"—Toronto and Region Conservation Authority Schedule"C"—City of Toronto Schedule"D"—The Corporation of the City of Markham Schedule"E"—City of Pickering V8 DRAFT LAND ASSEMBLY AGREEMENT Nov. 15, 2013 3 ATTP mERTLJ__._TO FiEPOilit N D 3"/34 The Regional Municipality of York may, in the near future, identify lands that will available for transfer to Parks Canada for inclusion in the Park. If the Regional Municipality of York makes that determination,the lands will be described in a Schedule which will be attached to and form part of this Agreement. b) "Minister"means the Minister of the Environment for the purposes of the Parks Canada Agency or any person authorized to act on that behalf c) "Park"means the proposed Rouge National Urban Park that the Government of Canada will create in the Rouge Valley of the Greater Toronto which will include most of the current Rouge Park plus additional lands; d) "Parks Canada"means the Parks Canada Agency, a body torPorate established under section 3 of the Parks Canada Agency Act,S.C. 1998, c. 31; e) "Party/Parties"means the Parties to this Agreement; `% f) "Pickering Airport Lands"means those lands expropriated by the Government of Canada for the purposes of the planned Pickering Airport; g) "Provincial Lands"means those lands under the administration and control of • Ontario located within the area illustrated and bordered in red on the sketch attached hereto as Schedule"A"and proposed for inclusion in the Park, excluding Ontario's transportation and hydro transmission corridors. h) "Supplemental Agreement"means an agreement to be entered into by Parks Canada and a Party or Parties containing the terms and conditions that need to be satisfied prior to the conveyance of any of that Party's or Parties' Lands to Parks Canada. ARTICLE 2.0 PARK ESTABLISHMENT• 2.01 The Minister will recommend the establishment of the Park under the provisions of legislation to be created which will provide the specific authorities required to create,manage and administer a national urban park while also providing the flexibility to,address requirements associated with the urban setting of the Park. X2.02 It is acknowledged that the Regional Municipality Durham will not be transferring any lands to Parks Canada under the terms and conditions of this Agreement and,as such, it is understood that none of the Articles dealing with the transfer of lands apply to or bind the Regional Municipality of Durham. It remains a signatory to the Agreement to confirm its support for the creation of the Park and to ensure its ongoing involvement in the interim protection and management of the Park as set out in Article 4.0. 2.03 If required,each Party agrees to undertake the process to obtain the necessary approval(s)for the transfer to Parks Canada of the Lands. 2.04 The Parties acknowledge that the final description of the Lands proposed for transfer to Parks Canada will be agreed to after the completion of the due diligence and survey work. If, following the due diligence, a Party's approval process determines it is unable or unwilling to transfer a portion of its Lands, any portion so identified will remain in the ownership of that Party and not subject to any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement. V8 DRAFT LAND ASSEMBLY AGREEMENT Nov. 15, 2013 ATTR.CRIENTAI___ TO 4 REPOilTO 2.05 The Parties agree that all lands associated with existing infrastructure, including, but,not limited to existing roads, road allowances, storm water management facilities,rail corridors and hydro transmission corridors will be excluded from the Park boundaries,unless otherwise agreed to by the Parties. 2.06 The Parties acknowledge and agree that: a) additional lands will be required to address future infrastructure needs that have already been identified in some of the Parties' Official Plans.These lands include, but, are not limited to,the lands that have been described and shown in heavy black line on the plan attached hereto as Schedule"F"; and b) in planning for future transportation or public utili mfras ;ucture they will attempt to limit and/or mitigate the impact on or, requirement for Park lands. r 2.07 In order to provide the flexibility required for future above and be ow ground public infrastructure and transportation needs,the Mims` °er,A11 recommend, or inclusion in the legislation in respect of the Park the tliority to dispose of ti le iri public lands in the Park to a federal,provincial or municipal uthority, includii7d conservation authority established by and:under a provincial statute.The Minister will recommend a cap on the amount of landsiavaillable for disposal under this authority. 2.08 The Parties agree that: a) if a Party requires additions) ands for future transporta,ion'br public utility infrastructure as contemplateedinrticle 2.07 above; he Party will make a written request to Parks oanada and-Par -Canada may grant the disposition of title to the lands subjecto,any" duty 011-71:47consult with and acco ninodate Aboriginals. b) the isposition of title will be completed for nominal consideration if the lard-Noe disposedtof were original'y ransferred to Parks Canada by the Party makin the'-eq est.Parks Canada acknowledges and agrees that, for the purpo e of quaiifyi or: disposition of title for nominal consideration contemplated by Article 2.08 a), the Party making the requested es not need to be the Party that requires the lands for infrastructu e purposes =. c for greater certainty and without limitation, Parks Canada may refuse to grant a disposition of title to the Party for the specified infrastructure 40.4p grant th disposition would be contrary to or inconsistent with law or policy ap licable to the Park; 1 d) before-Parks Canada makes a final determination to refuse to grant a disp sition of title to a Party for the lands,Parks Canada will enter into discussions with the Party to attempt to resolve the matter to the satisfaction of both Parties in accordance with the process set out in Article 5.0; and e) should the Parties be unable to resolve the matter,Parks Canada will provide the requesting Party with its reasons for refusing to grant the disposition in writing. V8 DRAFT LAND ASSEMBLY AGREEMENT Nov. 15, 2013 ATTf Ci!1 9'T# / ®TO 5 REl fii 1i 2.09 In order to provide further flexibility required for future above and below ground public infrastructure and transportation needs,the Minister will recommend for inclusion in the legislation in respect of the Park the unfettered authority to grant easements over, enter into leases and issue licenses for the occupation of public lands in the Park for above and below ground public infrastructure and transportation needs. The Minister's recommended cap on disposal of title, as set out in section 2.07 above,will not apply to its authority to enter into leases of, grant easements over and issue licenses of occupation relating to public lands in the Park. 2.10 The Parties agree that: a) if a Party requires any lands for future transportation or public utility infrastructure,the Party will make a written request to Parks Canada and Parks Canada will grant an easement to, enter into a long term lease with or issue a license of occupation to the Party for the specified transportation or public utility infrastructure; b) an easement, lease or license of occupation or the pecified transportation or public utility infrastructure will be in the form as agreed to by the Parties acting reasonably, suitable for registration.in the Provincial system and having consideration of Parks Canada's standard form at the time of the written request; c) despite section 2.10 a): i) Parks Canada may refuse to grant an easement to,enter into a long term lease with or issue a license of occupation to a Party for the specified transportation or public utility infrastructure if to grant an easement,enter into a long term lease or issue the license of occupation would be contrary to or inconsistent with law or poli9yapplicable to the Park; z ii) before Parks Canada makes a final determination to refuse to grant an easement to, enter a long term lease with or issue a license of occupation to /a Party for the specified transportation or public utility infrastructure, Parks Canada will enter into discussions with the Party to attempt to resolve the matter to the satisfaction of both Parties in accordance with the process set out in Article 5.0;and f iii) should the Parties be unable to resolve the matter, Parks Canada will provide the requesting Party with its reasons for refusing to grant the easement, enter into a long term lease or issue a license of occupation in writing. d) the obligation in section 2.10 a)to grant an easement to,enter into a long term lease with or issue a license of occupation to a Party is subject to any duty at law to consult with and accommodate Aboriginals. 2.11 Upon completion of all the required due diligence and survey work, a Party, upon receiving a written request from Parks Canada,will proceed on a reasonable basis with the transfer to Parks Canada of its part of the Lands as determined herein.The Party will deliver to Her Majesty the Queen in right of Canada a grant, in the form of a registerable Deed/Transfer of Land which shall be prepared by the Party in a form satisfactory to the Parties. 2.12 The obligation of a Party to transfer its Lands or any part thereof to Parks Canada is subject to the following conditions precedent: V8 DRAFT LAND ASSEMBLY AGREEMENT Nov. 15, 2013 REPORT; a) the Party will have secured its requisite approvals and authorities, including, without limitation, approval from its respective Board or Council to transfer its part of the Lands to Parks Canada; • b) the Party will have entered into a Supplemental Agreement with Parks Canada, if it has in writing given notice to Parks Canada on or before the date of this Agreement or within thirty(30)days of this Agreement,that it requires a Supplemental Agreement with Parks Canada to establish further terms and conditions respecting the transfer of its part of the Lands to Parks Canada; and /� c) all conditions precedent to the transfer of Lands set out i 4'Supplemental Agreement will have been satisfied or waived by the Partyrbenefiting from such condition. /j\ 2.13 When title to the Lands has been transferred to Her�Vl//a/jestyy the Queen in right of Canada,Parks Canada will recommend the inclusion Q the Lands in federal legislation to ensure their ongoing protections partof the Rouge National Urban Park. \\\) 2.14 The Parties agree that: a) if,within five(5)years of the date Lands are traisferd to Parks Canada by a Party,the Lands are not designated by a statute of Canada as part of the Park, the Party may on written notice to Parks Canadawithin six(6)months of that five(5)year anniversaryer quest the return of'the Land, in which case Parks Canada will return the Lands to�the Party without charge; b) if Lands transferred to Parks Canada a`rtyare designated by a statute of Canada as_part of the Park but su designationthereafter ceases to be effectehat rtyymay on writtennotice to Parks Canada within six(6) monthsif the"designation ceasing to be effective request the return of the Lands,n�hich case Parks Canada to‘ jeturn the Lands to that Party withoutkcharge; c)-should anyortionof a an s whether designated or not,be required to effect a disposalto Party other`than itself contemplated by Article 2.07,the provision for Parks Canada to transfer back to that Party referred to in Article • 2.14(a)'a ve shall not apy to those lands; and all costs associated wit any transfer contemplated by Article 2.14 a)and b)will \be paid by Parks Canada unless related to a disposal contemplated in Article )) ARTICLE 3ODUSE DILIGENCE/TRANSFER OF LANDS 3.01 The Parties/agree that all transfers of land to Parks Canada will be completed at "nominalvalue". 3.02 Parks Canada agrees: a) to reimburse each Party its demonstrable,prepaid(out of pocket)costs associated with the due diligence required on the part of the Party to effect the transfer of its part of the Lands as well as the demonstrable, prepaid (out of pocket)and reasonable costs of the transfers provided Parks Canada has, acting reasonably, approved these costs in advance and in writing. These costs include,but,are not limited to: V8 DRAFT LAND ASSEMBLY AGREEMENT Nov. 15, 2013 ATTAMENT# J_TO 7 fhEP T f PLN 01:1—t Environmental Assessments - Property Valuation Costs(if required) - Survey costs(if required to identify and describe the lands to be transferred) Federal Heritage Building Review(FHBRO) - Legal Costs attributable to the transfer of the respective Parties' lands, including costs to amend existing agreements and closing costs b) to reimburse a pre-approved cost within thirty(30)calendar days of receiving a request and the appropriate documentation f on aParty. c) Parks Canada will reimburse the costs in Article 3.02 a)regardless of the transfers being completed or not. 3.03 Parks Canada will, immediately following execution of this Agreement,proceed with all of the required due diligence associated with.the transfers'of the Lands. 3.04 The Parties agree to work cooperatively in completing the due diligence work in order to limit duplication of costs and will ,whenever possible,complete one,. report or assessment that meets and satisfies their respective requirements. 3.05 The Parties agree to disclose to Parks Canada all known unregistered easements,covenants and agreements which may affect the title of the lands that they are transferring to Parks Canada and which the Parties ire aware of to the best of their knowledge without conducting any investigatioris.Parks Canada shall not call for the production of any title, deed, abstract or other evidence of title to Lands except those that are in control and possession of the Parties. 3.06 The Parties acknowledge that there maybe known unregistered easements over some of the Lands that provide for below ground infrastructure and agree that these easements will be documented and registered either prior to or immediately after the Lands are designated under a statute of Canada. 3.07 Parks Canada's will accept title to the Lands in an"as is where is"condition and subject to any existing easements,leases or licences. However, if,upon completion of the due diligence Parks Canada is not satisfied with the title and/or environmental condition of the Lands or any portion of the Lands,then Parks Canada retains the right to refuse to accept the transfer of any portion of the Lands in question in which case that portion of the Lands will not be included in the Park and Parks Canada's obligations in this Agreement in respect of that portion of the 'Lands will terminate. 3.08 On the date of transfer to Parks Canada by a Party of that Party's portion of the Lands;'that Party will deliver vacant possession of that Party's portion of the Lands to Parks Canada subject to any existing tenancies that may exist at that time and, when and if required,existing leases of land will be assigned to and assumed by Parks Canada pursuant to an assignment and assumption agreement in form and content satisfactory to the Parties. 3.09 The Parties agree that at any time after the date of this Agreement, Parks Canada may, at its discretion,acquire on a willing buyer willing seller basis or by donation, other lands within the proposed Park boundary for addition to the Rouge National Urban Park. Parks Canada's primary interest in future acquisitions will be acquisitions that provide enhanced visitor access and further educational opportunities, visitor experience, ecological connectivity and habitat improvements. V8 DRAFT LAND ASSEMBLY AGREEMENT Nov. 15, 2013 8 ATTC T#_TO REPORTIP Y PLAN O 3-/S' ARTICLE 4.0 INTERIM PROTECTION AND MANAGEMENT, 4.01 Until the transfer by a Party of its portion of the Lands is completed,all of that Party's portion of the Lands remain at the risk of that Party to the date of transfer to Parks Canada and thereafter shall be at the risk of Parks Canada. Prior to the completion of the transfers of the Lands,the Parties will not authorize or undertake any action that would materially diminish the value of their portion pf the Lands for national urban park purposes. • 4.02 Transition Measures will be developed to allow for interim governancejof the proposed Park during the establishment process and until a permanent..\ governance structure is created and the Lands have been transferredto Parks Canada.A Transition Advisory Committee will be created and,d' ai ed by Parks Canada and associated Terms of Reference will be delve opedkfo\ recommendation to the Minister. The Committee will ensoreathat the diversity of interests is reflectedt and will provide advice and inputhe establishment process and any transition measures required. Parks Canada'has recommended to the\ Minister that each Party to this Agreement havxeprresentation n the Committee. 4.03 Until the Lands are transferred to Parks Canada,the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority(TRCA)will continue to manage,as it did prior to the dissolution of the Rouge Park Alliance,the day to day operation of the current Rouge Park. Any agreements orarrangements established between the TRCA and any of the other Parties�will remain in full forcesand,effect with respect to the existing Rouge Park untiltthe Land's'have been transferred to Parks Canada unless otherwise mutually agreedd o,by TRCA and thether Party. ARTICLE 5.0 DISPUTE RESOLUTION. \\\,/f 5.01 In the event that on ,Pa snot satisfied with the performance of another Party in carrying out an" of the roles and responsibilities outlined in this Agreement,the Parties will w fi o resolve th3 issue or issues to their'mutual satisfaction within a reasonable time. If th`e.reesoluti n attempts ar�uccessful and a Party remains unsatisfied;efforts will be made to-amicably resolve the dispute through discussions between-officials at�similar1evels,escalating to more senior level officials when necessary. ARTICLE��6:0��TERM ''‘\)// * 6.01 This�Agreement shall be effective once executed by all Parties and shall remain in full force and effect until)January 24,2028 at which time it will terminate and be fully at an end, except for Articles 2.06 b), 2.08,2.10, 2.14, 3.09, 5.0 and 7.0 which will sury t�n nation and continue to bind the Parties. . ARTICLE 7.0 MISCELLANEOUS 7.01 This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement and may not be modified except by subsequent written agreement executed by all Parties. V8 DRAFT LAND ASSEMBLY AGREEMENT Nov. 15, 2013 9 ATTAC T TO 7.02 No term, condition, covenant or other provision of this Agreement will be considered to be waived by the Parties unless such waiver is expressed in writing by the Parties.The waiver by the Parties of any breach by the other Parties of any term, condition,covenantor other provision of this Agreement will not be construed as or constitute a waiver by any further or other breach of the same or any term, condition, covenant or other provision and the consent or approval of the Parties to any act by the other Parties requiring the consent or approval of the Party,will not be considered to waive or render unnecessary such consents or approvals to any subsequent same or similar act by the other Parties. 7.03 All notices, documents or communications required or permitted to be'iven under this Agreement must be in writing and will be deemed to be given othe first business date of the recipient following delivery by hand or facsimile to the Parties to whom it is to be given as follows: to Parks Canada: Field Unit Superintendent Rouge National Urban Park 3620 Kingston Road Toronto, ON. M 1 M 1R9 to TRCA: to City of Toronto: Director,Real Estate Services • 55 John Street, 2nd Floor,Metro Hall Toronto,ON\M5V 3C6 to The Corporation of the City of Markham-. to City of Pickering: to Regional Municipality"".o Yoork: to Regional Municipal tyof,D.uriham: The R gional Municipality of Durham \\\\\.) 605 Rossland Road East WhitbyO ario. L1N 6A3 Attention Regional Clerk 7.04 This-Agreement is binding upon andures to the benefit of the Parties and their successors andassigns. 7.05 The Schedules attached this Agreement form part of this Agreement. 7.06\othing in this'A greeme tt is to be construed as authorizing one Party to incur any `Obligation on behalf of any of the other Parties or to act as an agent for any of the other rarties, .1/ pt where otherwise specifically provided herein. 7.07 The Partiessovenant and agree that they shall at all times hereafter execute and deliver,at the equest of any other Party, all such further documentation and instrumenfc and shall do and perform all such acts as may be necessary to give full effect to the intent and meaning of this Agreement. 7.08 All monetary obligations of Parks Canada under this Agreement will be subject to the necessary appropriations required to meet such obligations being made available by the Parliament of Canada. 7.09 Any obligation of a Party under this Agreement is subject to that Party obtaining any necessary approvals and authorities that it may require. • V8 DRAFT LAND ASSEMBLY AGREEMENT Nov. 15, 2013 10 ATIREHMT#-1---,TO REP T4` 1 ti D 3'/4 7.10 The Parties agree that this Agreement and all related information will be subject to all applicable access to information and protection of privacy legislation. 7.11 This Agreement has been executed in the Province of Ontario and shall be construed in accordance with the laws of Ontario and the laws of Canada applicable therein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the Parties have caused this to be executed by their duly authorized signing officers as of the date noted above. HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN(IN RIGHT OF CANADA as.represente0the Minister of the Environment for the purposes of the Parks Canada Agency Per: I 4/.\\\\ Witness ///^.-\ \\\ TORONTO&REGION CONSERVATION) AUTTIORITy \a) )./7 Pert,, Witness ZITY OKTORONTO, Per: Witness v THE RPORATION OF THE CITY OF Witness/ l"-\\ • CITY OF PICKERING, Per: • Witness \.."/ THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK, Per: Witness V8 DRAFT LAND ASSEMBLY AGREEMENT Nov. 15, 2013 ATT CH Tif— ,TO 11 EPO 3: 3 I f THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM, Per: Witness Roger Anderson Regional Chair and Chief xecutive Officer Per: Witness Deborah Bowen/ Regional Clerk • V8 DRAFT LAND ASSEMBLY AGREEMENT Nov. 15, 2013 11 At KM7T# L T© FiLiNii'i^ Ph iy p -%5L Schedule "A" Rouge National Urban Park Study Area r r ( �. 1i, z ora . i�., �,9�PVE / lillr��Oa,-C' M I�, .4 k f iS vg .... ir-• ,i f r , , ,,, ., E 1,1'15 t Oil el CKE1r;m i ' _,6-1,60e - lOgie 1111 .o Is \ / 0t� P� . i L- ;/ SE ,, - -1 ..,> \\\ .Q.,:t,' -1.1 ,:.... ..*___.,,, _ P ` 9SEEU N ‘,,,,,, N ---\\., O Fice , /+ z` m „,,, ,. Eorerear f •+ , •..,),/« 11,__ Road land 1 e t ( .tel-. _ pR e (1 „e p I r ,---,--•-------'-------*, - J •r 111111„;;,. . Legend " ` 1�- 0 Study Area Sources Teranet.2012 Parks Canada.2012 4. :::..,:;212:1: P.'Ontarlo Note.The Study Area shows the lands currently under review for possible inclusions/exclusions to the national urban park. This map does not represents park boundaries. All private lands are excluded from the Study Area. V8 DRAFT LAND ASSEMBLY AGREEMENT Nov. 15, 2013 EE A2�°�^-yFrfid. ,�. 13 RE P�n� 03-r SCHEDULE "B" TORONTO REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY LANDS TO BE TRANSFERRED Parcel Identification Number C\—\:) 11111 V8 DRAFT LAND ASSEMBLY AGREEMENT Nov. 15, 2013 14 AT AMMO / TO REPOETrO A/ v SCHEDULE"B" CON'T ,41<cr,S,/ 1111 , f V8 DRAFT LAND ASSEMBLY AGREEMENT Nov. 15, 2013 15 ATTFCHM T#` --TO SCHEDULE "C" CITY OF TORONTO LANDS TO BE TRANSFERRED • Parcel Identification Numbers <##S5V 11lb • • V8 DRAFT LAND ASSEMBLY AGREEMENT Nov. 15, 2013 16AT REPORT, / 3'U SCHEDULE "D" CORPORATION OF THE CITY MARKHAM LANDS TO BE TRANSFERRED Parcel Identification Numbers 4'4S 1( ) ,Cc `\) • V8 DRAFT LAND ASSEMBLY AGREEMENT Nov. 15, 2013 • 17 ATT TL TO SCHEDULE "E" CITY OF PICKERING LANDS TO BE TRANSFERRED Parcel Identification Numbers 263000147 Part of 263000151 • 263000153 263000157 263010307 • 263690001 263690226 Part of 263690318 263700131 • >:AIS I V, 263700652 • V8 DRAFT LAND ASSEMBLY AGREEMENT Nov. 15, 2013 18 �? E�z EET TO HEVORI P P/ 6/ D Z_ Schedule 'F' t } , t.+u. .,,1 I. \Ail I .f1 • r-1 Legend .1.Proposed Road Widenings ,'„ I Rouge National Urban Park Study Area off" , ...,, \ J "'� M NI`,C�IPALITY fir` F LUR HAM / '1r r „. . • . . , ) .. , 4- _ ...,A , '4' -ltlliioo.i CI , O' 7_, .P,.,X..;Lii g :.. . N 1 1‘WI I plir,v• *0- , 41 1 I �. rill* � �n '‘, ..,-A 017-:_ '' ', ; ,____, \,_.. • . , E � GOA �` 1 00' N ' . --.' L Y i f '3_e Y,s1 R dg tI 111114 • 4• .. ._. , ..,43. . . ,.o illid." rAt "oh. ioLt'':: k tleD/j k IL 14 ....„,,,,,,:A - ..,.,, , ..h,.., , N._ it • 1,40„ . ..,, ,,,....., „... .,.,.„,„..:::.. . ... ..„, .......„,„ , ,. „ .,, . T , Bew., Parks canna.2013 • j am/ TorontoKinsey and ReganeSSOOMabxln Authority 2012f '- . - _ .. �r W of Naive!Reesources 2011 411).irsq*.xix OFD 1 2 3 4 5. .r ,/,',- /''w Note The nue is a Study Area only The lands shown are currently under review to passible imiusonseauusens m 1be national urban pars This map Ones nor represent proposed park eoundanes An Pw&e lands are excluded horn the study sea 1)14th Ave-38 m(Potential road widening plus log elimination at Raesor Road Minor intersection realignment required at 11th Concession) 2)16th Ave-38 m(Potential road widening plus jog elimination al Reesor Road EA complete.) 3)Major Mackenzie Drive-36 In(Potential road widening plus jog elimination at 9th Line) 4)York Durham Townline-38 in(Potential road widening to 4 lanes) 5)9th Line-43-45 to(Potential widening to 4 GPL plus 2 HOV north of Donald Cousens Parkway and 4 GPL plus dedkated transnway south of Donald Cousens Parkway.Jog urination at 9th Line intersections with Major Mackenzie Drive,Elgin Mills Road and 19th Avenue. 6)Donald Cousens Parkway•36 m(Road widening to 4 lanes.where not already imulmr..nted) 7)Steeles Ave-36 m(Potential for additional widening associated with future rapid transit line identified n the DuduMTorontoNork Area Transportation Study,MID.August 2009. Steeles Avenue improvements will require construction staging areas for replacement of structures at the Rouge River Little Rouge Creek and CN Rail Line(plus provisions for rail detour) 8)Sewells Road,Finch to Steeles.existing ROW 2001,Official Plan 27m 9)Ressor Road,Finch to Steeles,existing ROW 20m,Official Plan 27m 10)Meadowvale Road.Finch to Plug Hat,existing ROW 20m,Official Plan 27m 11)Gordon Murson Lane.Passmore to Steeles.existing ROW 20m,Official Plan 27m 12)Beare Road.Finch to Steeeles,existing ROW 20m,Official Plan 27m . 13)Pickering Town Line,Finch to Steeles,existing ROW 20m,Office)Plan 27m 14)Finch Avenue.Ressor to Meadowvale,existing ROW 20m,Official Plan 27m 15)Finch Avenue,Beare to Pickering Town Line,existing ROW 20m,Official Plan 27m 16)Plug Flat Road,Meadowvale to Beare,existing ROW 20m,Official Plan 27m 17)Steeles Avenue,North and South Side.Rouge River to Pickering Town Lk.,existing ROW vaned.Official Plan 36m 18)Meadowvale Road.Sheppard to Finch,road limits to be based on existing condition 19)Zoo Road Bridge and Ramps.limos to be based on existing condition 20)Twyn Rivers Drive,right of way lirnrts to bo determined 21)Finch Avenue Diversion.Sewells to Sesson existing 20m.right of way limns to be determined 22)19th Avenue,draft Official Plan 30.5m plus jog elimination at Reesor Road 23)Elgin Mills Road.draft Official Plan 30.5m plus pg elimination at Reesor Road 24)Sensor Road.draft OfT al Plan 30.5m plus log elimination at Elgin Mills and 19th Ave 25)Eleventh Li..existing n of way 26)Donald Cousens Parkway south of 1441 Ave to Box Grove Bypass easement required no planned widening Decemcer le 2013 V8 DRAFT LAND ASSEMBLY AGREEMENT Nov. 15, 2013 AT oANU T# TO RLHOR A City-Owned Lands for Transfer to Parks Canada Property Information Chart PIN Legal Description Road Closure Required 263000147 Road allowance between Lots 32 & 33, Range 3, BFC (aka Winette Yes Road) between Highway 401 and Rouge River, being. Firstly: road allowance between Lots 32 & 33. Range 3, BFC; Secondly: part of the road allowance between Lots 32 & 33, Range 3, BFC, as closed by By-law CO167872; Part Lot 29, Plan 350, being Part 3, 40R-3644; Part Lot 33. Range 3. BFC, being Parts 3 and 4, 40R-3981 263000151 Morgan Avenue. Plan 189 between Kingston Road and Highway Yes 401 263000153 Riverside Lane, Plan 189 and lanes on Plan 189 lying north of Yes Highway Plan 45 263000157 Morgan Avenue, Plan 189, Riverside Lane, Plan 189 & lanes on Yes Plan 189 lying south of Highway Plan 45 and west of road allowance between Lots 32 & 33, Range 3, BFC 263010307 Road allowance between Lots 34 & 35 as closed by By-law No CO248850 & CO248851 , Range 3, BFC, between Part 4, 40R-9629 and Rouge River 263690001 Road allowance between Township of Scarborough and Township Yes of Pickering, Con. 1 , east of Centre Line 263690226 Block 115, Plan 40M-1735 No 263690318 Block 84, Plan 40M-1778 No 263690652 Road allowance between Lots 34 & 35 Con. 1, between Part 1, No 40R-3068 & Finch Avenue closed by By-law P122182 ' 263700131 Road allowance between Lots 34 & 35, Con. 2, closed by By-law No P122182 between CPR and Finch Avenue J\Documents\Operations\0-8100 Parks 8.Open Space\0-8100-008 Rouge National Urban Park\Report to Executive Committee\Property Information Chart doc ATIRSV 'TO _TO ps.‘:.. m „�aanr '��11111p11111 �vuWre .,u "^` 1111111111= CIIIIIII� i l l III =��I11 f pp =��'� -1� !O"!�� l If IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII° -dig tit S=1' O ':_.,....,101. ��/dlllllllllllll Op =c =_ ■ r.■►. �.. pR�� 7 I�IE _ %/1111111111�r c _� G Intl Iinununl= - 11111....7g _ _: _,_ -uudl_ = 8 ='111111 lull/, 1111ll�\- ■Illunn111111n= == u111111111;up4/ / 1hlOnunolol — =uuumli�n= _ — '•uri. ltllllq�= iluoloo _ _'lmnurq= _ =1= .,,n. �\��_ IIIIIIIU�� _ a RE - '1TIIII1111111 N'I� == it - _ - rUil \� titiuri_1 :PIMA \\\\\\\\\\Q\\\� - 'hI Alun p 111111 1== --1-1 o 011111I = rr4= _=,-- ., //uuuumnununnu = O • n!Ii u`�5 �4 a1i100III '111° ` \\�mmumuumlou _= F '►rn 4 . _;, -�/llllllllllll _ . 11111111111111111111111 IIIIII 111111111111111111 O 1/ 111111111111 ■ _Him != iirii . ,i1111u1uw =111=_ 1 ul. = i = =1i /J 111111111 �tttt�= _ _ _ �. . unIIIIIIIIIII 11111_° ` 1111 1 g IIII� 11111111 CIIICa1la MI --, S d� '11111111111111,1,_11,111.�_� _�u ._ -:= 111111_ 111111111- IIIIIIIII m� iza a_ _ _ __ IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-�� �16 ` � _ I-1-= _ __ _ C '11inoumntin per;= p� \�muui r;ll;,;;`= .prr� •'/ e =_ =_ -_ .A, IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiiiiimmiiii—II •p=`�� =�.�= 111111 IIIIIIIIII+_ q 1\\�\\\\\\\\`\\t\ll _-__ = y== \IIIIIIIIIIpIIIp 1�� �� �i MINIM-i , \a\%a\\\\o\\\\d _ _ millitilh _ 1. .„. ��\gllllllll- = q ��p\p\N\\\0 fin nom° O = IIIIIIIIIIIIIII �! E r 1 . - �� -- IIIIIIIIIIIIIIr111= SIC_ .�I�� IIIIIIII \\\\\\\\\q _ —1, f '..==1"4:;=51P:111:16;11,1:1111;;;;;2:111' ��;=1/�, I,11111111 111111 11111111_ _ _= _ _ •� j IIIIlil11111p !.1.1..I. 2. I =- _Ij:p� �� J -'lI1IIl1'==.= m ,„„:,,II A111==51111111 111►/ IIIIIIIIII�UI � ���\ = _ I^,HI IE ra lii.4.1,,. IIIA, _`L lllllllltilt1111.,\,�-''1I,,.���Ill iiroI!!r ! 1� it me oil /11%111114.01,* �ttttt�11�IL ��tllllu��llllllulllu IIII11�1� Anil 111111•111P0inu_.._S X1111 `` Ilu__ ����I�II_-- `ui Al ..,....,. .. ...=,................-4.7-; .,... ►11111_ _ ��jjlj?. iiii kPnnum' !L =--- _ %11111111 SIA =4111111111 =IplI IIM .° �1— lit'----------- �_ 1111111111 .j�41111F- '11111111111 =1111111m11n1 mil �- _ _E- 111111..11 ♦ ALX`` _ _I �_a= �44 III == =II sfem= 111- \� ���� %IIIIIIIIIIII �_. == == =11111=; _ © __ Ednpa e ■ Legend = 111111111111, �1 U 7112 = =OSP 7112 �_�_ Lands to be Transferred ;?, -- Property Identification Number(PIN) ,, I'lpr'�`� � O 263000147(0.61 Ha) osmium, ai_ =1111= !��� © 263000151 (0.04 Ha) g-nun_ IIsi .•°. amid.-nnlllll'%: 0 263000153(0.12 Ha) • %:-M&'•= mo.-�'E -moi .�,_-. I,, /411111 0 263000157(0.98 Ha) • .11.E 11110 mow _ 0 263010307(0.66 Ha) fi ill ° 263690001 (2.01 Ha) 0 263690226(1.38 Ha) ft, ' 0 263690318(1.76 Ha) �IIII 111 0 263690652(0.51 Ha) OI_�II=1, 1 CI 263700131 (0.53 Ha) .� i.- Q Rouge National Urban Park I© ® --- �` , — Municipal Boundary ,�^ Water Courses - \I Leaf oilRouge National Urban Park g14.1- 1-74-1'--..s . Location of City Owned-Lands Proposed to be Transferred to Parks Canada r ..r C•Ntilat DATE: December 19. 2013 City Development a,asaernes A Tetanal Enterprises Inc and its suppliers.All ngels Reserved.Nota plan of survey SCALE 1:18,826 PN-111 ..2011PAC and es cnnneers An rioMs Reannert Nal a oleo al Sere. ATTAM TL. TO PL A( U 3 P/ oP° .4 \i„.\,\c"' . N © N\GN�p,Y 40� J TOYNEVALE ROAD liii.. IIS ccw ow Li, ism ,-- _Nis ins _NE ° � imi \ NMI= 2 IM EN =_ •1u_ O �OCiimi ' �l' Toll 0 Legend - Lands to be Transferred ik J Rouge National Urban Park wie1 Municipal Boundary Water Courses Cif,/ o.i) Rouge National Urban Park �' _ Map of Pins: 1Q Part of 263000147,C)263000151,0 36300153,® 26300157 1 RI K..E DATE: December 19,2013 City Development „so_ .Tem net Enterw,ses Inc and us suppliers All rgl,ts Reserved NdI a van of auneYSCALE: 1:4.00 PN-1 n nd11 MPAC and ac.nuoolwrs All nater,Pa.rved Not a nlan of Sun. A,77.,n7Igital___TO Fr ) „fi..E__,2i.:. 17L III 1111 III I- lil w TH Clth CRESCENT ce 1— co z 1- th. > a < a --- 011 • 1J 0 0 2 WEST LAVE 1 (..) 'ii N '0 I 0 D w I W z w .0 w ZCI w > < z > I _ a: w 0 _ HOGARTH STREET 0 ---- 0 - . 4 - - OU• /7-- _ C.N.R. IMIll -----------------Thl TWYN RIVER DRIVE \--- L w 1-- < w > , 0 c4 . 1.111111111111k8 o rik Lu IF % 111111 4ip. a o ©& 0 , 41" xi -,-% © 410 0 Legend 0 1111 Lands to be Transferred EJRouge National Urban Park milei Municipal Boundary 1650 Water Courses City oi, Rouge National Urban Park Map of PINs 0 263010307,Ci Part of 263690001,0 Part of 263690226 1116 DATE. December 19,2013 City Development PN-1 SCALE 1•6,000 ATTr. MNT#_—TO REPHO _ 2 L 1 L . N. II' NANRE w' , _, Ht%II AVENUE g ' IIIMI II�INI $ ~ _1 I I f r OCk FZR ± 1111\\\\\�®I G° 1 idIIIIIIIIIII 11111111111 ���110 j_ . %�i SPIN„ ,.rPS� 1�E�ENT :�= � I11I 99�N`l� la• omihrS© cko ‘irtc __,. !Twilit/ 1/W 1-011k, inrs-1 ► - � `,III g IIII111lini op\ 11111111111 . ffiEr - M.1)CNER,•. RNE ORgIE AVENUE 111! — =Imo 1111111 111 - w�IlllinE Yil imi o r ...alga_ --_ i �111 - �- r ".1111111 —imi lap, - THICKET CRES�ENT ■ 111.�1 i ��11111111 r.r. we Illk . II_ - - 111,,E NESTCREEK OPoVE = MOM_ MI W 1111 9 COREY STREET -- HIM a y,, _— PROHIL4 ST secoRn sTRE r `� ��S I( `I111111r y/ INII I II 1 STREET . 11 1I f� III U g = 111 1�� i '"... II ICIRESJCIEMI l __O m.- ll�llllll = 1 S c LI IIIIIIIIIII I ( ;�`,_ �- O 1 r == 1,,, uNcwEST Sr -=1 _1 '4/AN Illl I m� ' 0111110 Emu EL E- rI�N a /1111111 111111 CRESCENT NEST IANE == , , Gm Illilllllllll- J G2 �' ==§0,- Legend smut 3— ME Lands to be Transferred :�hitI I ��iN g — Q Rouge National Urban Park ra1111/r V �� 1°""R `” ANSCN Muil.1 Municipal Boundary — Water Courses Cit, oil Rouge National Urban Park .,_t.,,_- —1 u= Vlap of PINs:©263690001,®263690226,0263690318, 9®263690652, illeit g /'lc 10 Part of 263700131 DATE: December 19,2013 City Development ,ales°�rua �Taranal Emarw�ses me a°°nswa,rera Aa Ronn Raserv.a.NaaPwe°r wrvay SCALE:1:10,0261 PN-10 '+Mt l MPAC rrM�a e�ioolierc All rWMs ReaervM Nd r den nl Gruver A N,1 A . . I AC/ IC RAIL Enbridge Pi 0 N , UREiII ) RES FINCH AVENUE 1111! I 0 7 al U.) Legend MILands to be Trasnferred Water Bodies Water Courses J Rouge National Urban Park City 4 Rouge National Urban Park Map of PINs:0263700652, el 262700131 DATE: December 19,2013 City Development Tetanal Entaronsas Inc and Rs supp,ers All rghts Reserved Not a plan or survey SCALE: 1:5'025 PN-10 '7013 MPAC and tie'fawners All riohts RPSPIVPd Not a plan ol Sur,v