HomeMy WebLinkAboutApril 2, 1990 7/90 41 COUNCIL MINUTES A Meeting of the Pickering Town Council was held on Monday, April 2,1990 at 7:30 p.m. PRESENT: 8 Mayor W. Arthurs COUNCILLORS: M. Brenner D. Dickerson R. Johnson B. Mitchell B. Morgan K. Van Kempen ALSO PRESENT: N.C. Marshall B. Taylor K. McKay T. r1agi T. r1elymuk - Town Manager - Town Clerk - Deputy C1 erk - Director of Planning - Manager - Policy and Information Division (I) ADOPTION OF MINUTES Regular meeting of March 19, 1990. . (II) 1. DELEGATIONS The foll owi ng persons addressed Counci 1 with respect to By-law 3429/90 (Penny Fuels - A9/87): (a) Edward Reid, representing Angelo Giantsopou1us, abutti ng property to the north, spoke in opposition to the passing of By-law 3429/90. He stated the commercial zoning is too large for the site and does not comply with the original by-law. (b) Bill Reed, representing Joanne Dunsford, 1386 Old Forest Road, objected to reduci ng the amount of commercial zoning permitted under the present by-law. (c) Doreen MacDonald, 1388 Old Forest Road, stated she was unaware of the downzoning of her property to R4 and want~ it rezoned to commercial. (d) Paul Robinson, J.F. Reinders & Associates, on beha 1£ of Penny Fuels, spoke in support of the by-law and stated that all requirements under site plR'i l'd zoning will be met. 8 See By-law 34;.. loJ (II ) 2. 8 3. . (III) 7/90 42 DELEGATIONS - continued The fo 11 owi ng persons addressed Council wi th respect to Rezoning Application A56/86 submitted by Fulco Automotive on the west side of Notion Road, north of Pickering Parkway: (a) Elio Antunes, Brock East Community Association, spoke in support of retention of the light i ndustri a 1 zoni ng on the subject property. He stated that the cOlll!1ercia1 zoning would increase traffic and noise and create an unsafe area because there i s no walkway from the res i denti a 1 area to the site or a sidewalk on Notion Road. He added that neither light industrial nor a commercial zoning are a benefit in the community but feel s that the industrial zoning will have the least amount of inconvenience. (b) Ignatz Fulop, app1 icant, stated the petition he submitted in support of a commercial zoning was not fraudu1 ently si gned and that the walkway was deleted and that a sidewalk and bicycle path will be installed on Notion Road. He added that there is already heavy traffic on Notion Road on Sundays and that he can either develop a 23,000 square foot industrial building or 3 15,000 square foot commercial site. Richard Ward addressed Council with respect to his app1 ications under Section 496 of the Municipal Act for tax reduction: ill 1988 and 1989. He stated that hi s property at Fi nch Avenue and Rosebank Road have now been assessed and calculated properly and his applications should not have been denied. He also requested reimbursement for penalty and interest. RESOLUTIONS Resolution #44/90 Moved by Councillor Morgan Seconded by Councillor Brenner OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDEMNT 86-82/D/P AND REZONING APPLICATION A 56/86 SUBMITTED BY FULCO AUTOMOTIVE LIMITED FILE NUMBER - B 2310 - OPA 86-82/D/P FILE NUMBER - B 2310 - A 56/86 That Town Council recommends to Regional Council that Official Plan Amendment Application 86-82/D/P submitted by Fulco Automoti ve Limi ted on Part of Lot 17, Concess i on 1, Town of Pi ckeri ng, to redesi gnate. the subject property from IlLi ght Industrial" to an appropriate designation that permits a commercial development containing retail, personal service and office uses with a total gross leasable floor area of approximately 1,820 square metres be REFUSED. 8 CARRIED Yes: Recorded Vote: Morgan, No: Councillors Brenner, Johnson, Van Kempen and Mayor Arthurs Councillor Dickerson Mitchell, 43 7/90 Resolution 145/90 Moved by Councillor Morgan Seconded by Councillor Brenner 8 OFFICI~l PLAN AMENDEMNT 86-82/D/P AND REZONING APPLICATION A 56/86 SUBMITTED BY FULCO AUTOMOTIVE LIMITED FILE NUMBER - B 2310 - OrA 86-82/D/P FILE NUMBER - B 2310 - A 56/86 That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 56/86 submitted by Fulco Automotive Limited on Part of Lot 17, Concession 1, Town of Pickering, to change the zoning on the subject property from IMl-4" to an appropriate zoning that permits a commercial development containing retail, personal service and office uses with a total gross leasable floor area of approximately 1,820 square metres be REFUSED. CARRIED Recorded Vote: Yes: Councillors Brenner, Dickerson, Johnson, Morgan, Van Kempen and Mayor Arthurs Mitchell, Resoluction #46/90 - Appendix #1 Moved by Councillor Mitchell Seconded by Councillor Dickerson I That the Report of the Executive Committee Meeting of March 26, 1990, be adopted. CARRIED Resolution #47/90 Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor Van Kempen CONGESTION MANAGEMENT AND OPERATIONAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FILE NUMBER - C 2440 That pursuant to the Publ i c Transportati on and Hi ghway Improvement Act, the Council of the Town of Pickering requests a supplementary allocation of subsidy monies for the Congestion Management and Operational Improvement Programme to support estimated expenditures in the amount of $47,000. CARRIED 8 7/90 44 Resolution '48/90 REQUEST REGION FOR NO LE,:"r TURN AT WESTNEY ROAD AND CONC~SSION 6 FILE NUMBER - A 2260 8 Moved by Councillor Morgan Seconded by Councillor Johnson WHEREAS due to the increased amount of traffic travell ing north on Westney Road and short-cutti ng down the 6th Conce<;si on in a westerly direction through the Hamlet of Greenwood while children are walking to school where no sidewalks exist; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporati on of the Town of Pickering hereby requests the Region of Durham to pass the necessary by-law enabling a sign prohibiting left hand turns for northbound traffic on Westney Road onto the 6th Concession between the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. weekdays; and That the present sign be replaced with a stop sign containing a red flashing light and the pavement be marked accordingly with a solid yellow line; and That the speed 1 imit signs indicating a reduction in speed of 20 kph, because of a school zone, be moved a sufficient distance to help ensure that vehicles have enough time to slow down to the correct speed for the safety of our children. CARRIED . (IV) BY-LAWS Councillor Brenner, seconded by Councillor Mitchell moved for leave to introduce by-laws of the Town of Pickering: By-law 3429/90 - Third Reading Only Bei ng a Zoni ng By-l aw to amend By-l a\': 2457/87, which amended Restricted Area (Zoning) By-law 3036, as amended, to implement the Official Plan of the Town of Pickering District Planning Area in Part of Lot 31, Range 3, Broken Front Concession in the Town of Pickering. (A 9/87) By-law Number 3441/90 Being a by-law to y'epea1 Part Lot Control By-laws 308175, 382176 and 3342/76, respecti ng Lots 1 -3, 6-15, 18-21, 25-29, 33-43, 46-59,61-87,90-103,107,111-114,116,117,119-127,129 and 131-133, Plan M-1025, Pickering. By-law Number 3442/90 Being a by-law to authorize the execution of a Release of an Agreement respec~ng Part Lot ?2, Concession 2, Pickering (Joe L. Klesits and Louis Rotter). 8 By-law Number 3443/90 Being a hy-1aw to dedicate that part of Lot 19, Concession 8, Pickering, designated as Part 6, Plan 40R-8258, as public highway (Brock Road). 7/90 45 (IV) BY-lAWS By-law Number 3444/90 Being a by-law to assume Pinecreek Court, Plan M-1176, Pickering, for public use as pub1 ic highway under the Jurisdiction of the Town. 8 By-law Number 3445/90 Being a by-law to assume services under the jurisdiction of the Town in Plan M-1176, Pickering. By-law Number 3446/90 Bei ng a by-l aw to authori ZE: the execution of a Rel ease and Di scharge of the Subdi vi si on Agreement respecti ng Pl an M-1176, Pickering. By-law Number 3447/90 Being a by-law to repeal Part Lot Control By-law 1043/79 respecting Blocks 1 to 6, inclusive, Plan M-1176, Pickering. By-law Number 3448/90 Being a by-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement between The Corporation of the Town of Pickering and A.J. Diamond, Donald Schmitt and Company, Architects and Planners, respecting the preparation of an Urban Design Study for the Main Central Area Lands North of the Recreation Complex (Town Centre Corrl11unity) . . THIRD READING Council1 or Brenner, seconded by Counci 11 or Mitchell moved that the report of the Commi ttee of the Who1 e on By-l aw Numbers 3429/90, 34~/90, 3442/90, 3443/90, 3444/90, 3445/90, 3446/90, 3447/90 and 3448/90 be adopted and the said by-laws be now read a third time and PASSED and that the Mayor and Clerk now read a third time and PASSED and that the Mayor and Clerk sign the same and the seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. CARRIED (V) OTHER BUSINESS 1. Councillor Johnson stated that residents on Seaton lands should be a high priority if affordable housing is required. 2. Councillor Johnson announced a new business in Ward 3 and welcomed Van Kempen Insurance. 3. Counci 11 or Johnson commented on the wi deni ng of Brock Road and a Highway 401 overpass at Notion Road. 8 4. Councillor Van Kempen encouraged business to work and live in the Town. residents and i i ì (V) 5. 6. 41 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 8 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 8 7/90 46 OTHER BUSINESS Councf11or Van Kempen announced the opening of the Loeb Store in Glendale. Councillor Van Kempen commended the Mayor on the hand1 i ng of the Premi er' s press conference hel d on Mafch 29, 1990. Councillor Brenner inquired into the funding needs for the architectural design of the Hi~l-~ay No.2 Northeast Quadrant report and questioned the delay. Councillor Morgan stated that two Pickering choirs won awards at the Rotary Music Festival. Councillor Morgan stated that since the Town is responsi b 1 e for damaged boul evards at the Metro East Centre that illegally parked cars on Sundays should be towed away. Councillor Morgan welcomed Councillor Van Kempen's business to Ward 3. Counci 11 or Di ckerson requested support for the Rotary Club's sponsoring Easter Seals. Councillor Glendale. Dickerson welcomed the Loeb Store in Councillor Dickerson stated that residents in Seaton have been advised of the future development and have received notice to relocate. Councillor Mitchell thanked Public Works staff for the repair of Fairport Road. Counci 11 or t~itchel1 sta ted that non-profit hous i ng on Altona Road is anticipated and that it is committed to placing Pickering residents. Mayor Arthurs thanked staff for their assistance at the Premier's press conference and stated it was well reported by the press. Mayor Arthurs stated that affordable housing will be available to residents currently living on Seaton lands. Mayor Arthurs reported on hi s attendance at the Cub Car Rally with Mayor Witty of Ajax. The following matters were discussed prior to the regular meeting: (a) Counci 11 or Di ckerson asked for cl art fi cati on of the duties of Acting Mayor. (b) Councillor Brenner requested a report on staffing in the Planning Department. (c) ~1ayor Arthurs stated the official opening of the Civic Complex will be May 22, 1990 and was authorized to incur expenditures up to $20,000. 47 7/90 (0) Mayor Arthurs commented on the cost of the fountain at the front of the Civic Complex. Resolution #49/90 Moved by Councillor Van Kempen Seconded by Councillor Dickerson 8 DELETE FOUNTAIN AT CIVIC COMPLEX FILE - E5130.01 That the provision for a fountain at the front of the Civic Complex be deleted and that the funds be used for additional landscaping. CARRIED (VI) CONFIRMATION BY-LAW By-law Number 3449/90 Councillor Dickerson, seconded by Councillor Mitchell moved for leave to introduce a By-law of the Town of Pickering to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Pickering at its meeting held on the 2nd day of April, 1990 and that the same be now read a first, second and third time and that the same be now finally passed and that the Mayor and Clerk sign the same and that the Seal of the Corporation be thereto affixed. 8 CARRIED (VII) ADJOURNMENT The Meeting adjourned at the hour of 9:30 p.m. ~~:~ .,~ / .,' ,",('~ . ,/~::&~:/) "'--- Dated. .. :-príl 17th 1990 8 APPENDIX 11 TOWN OF PICKERING That the Executive C0I1'I111ttee of the Town of Pickering having met on March 26, 1990, presents its sixth report to Council and recommends: REZONING APPLICATION A52/89 SUBMITTED BY THE JESUIT FATHERS OF UPPER CANADA AT THE NORTHERLY TERMINUS OF LIVERPOOL ROAD FILE NUMBER - B 2310 - A 52/89 ì. 8 That Council APPROVE Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 52/89 subject to the following conditions: 1) 2) I 2. That prior to the issuance of a building permit, the owner: a) receive app¡-oval of a comprehensive site plan, building elevations, grading plan, and tree preservation plan from the Town Planning Department; b) enter into an a;:>propriate site plan agreement wi th and to the sati sfaction of the Town of Pickering; That the implementing zoning by-law: a) establish a maximum building height of 12 metres; 0) implement the 2.6 metre by 5.3 metre parking stall size; c) establish a maximum lot coverage of 20% for all buildings on the site; establish a building envelope having a 12 metre setback from a 11 property 1 i nes wi th the exception of those abutting residential areas, in which case a minimum setback of 7.5 metres shall be required along the property line to the west, and a 15 metr' setback from the south lot line. d) SQUIRES BEACH ROAD - FUNCTIONAL SERVICING STUDY FILE NUMBER - E 1000 That the proposal submitted by Cummi ng-Cockburn Limi ted, dated March 6th, 1990, to undertake a Functional Servicing Study for part of the Brock Industrial Area, be accepted. ') ,J. CONSULTANT'S AGREEMENT FOR URBAN DESIGN STUDY FOR LANDS NORTH OF THE RECREATION COMPLEX FILE NUMBER - D 3310 8 That the draft by-law to authorize the execution of a Consultant's Agreement with A.J. Diamond, Donald Schmitt and Company for an urban design study respecting lands north of the Recreation Complex be forwarded to Council for enactment. 8 Roll # 8 020-022- 03800- 0000 (140/89 ) 030-008- 21900- 0000 (141/89) 010-030- 07248- 0000 (142/89 ) 01 0-040- 04500- 0000 (143/89 ) 01 0-019- 28610- 0000 (1 /90 ) 01 0-038- 07900- 0000 (2/90) 8 010-038- 10500- 0000 (5/90) 01 0-019- 41776- 0000 (6/90) 2 4. 6/90 CANCELLATION, REDUCTION OR REFUND OF TAXES FILE NUMBER - A 2310.293 WHEREAS Section 496 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O, 1980., transfers the responsibility for the hearing of the applications for cancellation, reduction or refund of taxes to the Council of the Municipality; AND WHEREAS notices in writing of applications have been received ~y the Clerk of the Municipality for the cancell ati on, reduction and refund of taxes for vari ous reasons; AND WHEREAS upon i nvesti gati on and recei pt of reasonab1 e explanations all claims have been substantiated; BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the Council of the Town of Pickering accept the following list of applications and authori ze the adjustment of taxes i n the amount of $2,074.61. Property 1051 Brock South Applicant Reason Vidinovski,B. & M. Building same demolished Con. 5 NGrth Part Lot 6 Forsythe, T. & D. P.O. Box 122 R.R.l,Pickering Building demolished 1237 Engel Crt. Soper,W.H. & S.M. Effective Pi cKeri ng Same da te amended 519 Oakwood Dr. Brancato Construct Building ion Ltd. demolished 65 Invermarge Dr. Scarborough M1C 3E8 1946 Spruce Hill Road Pickering Hassal1,B.W.& E.F. Lot depth Same incorrect 1475 Old Forest Road Pickeri ng Peck,G.D. & B.L. Same Building demolished 1413 Old Forest Road Pickering Lethbridge,R. & A. Building 28 Birdsi1ver demolished Gardens, Scarb. 522 Norfolk Sq. Ke1bert, Uwe Pickering, Onto Same L1 V 3Y5 Recreation room removE'd Adjustment Required Reduce 1989 taxes for 3 months on an assessment of $9,728, an adjustment of $191.45(R) Redice 1989 taxes for 46 days on an assessment of $5,630, an adjustment of $54.77(R) Reduce 1989 taxes for 30 days on an assessment of $19,456, an adjustment of $125.89(R) Reduce 1989 taxes for 139 days on an assessment of $11,520, an adjustment of $345.31(R) Reduce 1989 taxes for 12 months on an assessment of $4,096, an adjustment of $322.44(R) Reduce 1989 taxes for 12 months on an assessment of $1,~80, an adjustment of $100.76(R) Reduce 1989 taxes for 261 days on an assessment of $5,376, an adjustment of $302.60(R) Reduce 1989 taxes for 12 months on an assessment of $1,792, an adjustment of $140.90(R) Ro 11 I 01 0-019- 13700- 0000 (7/90) e 010--040- 03300- 0000 (14/90 ) 8 8 3 Property 850-858 Finch Avenue Applicant Reason Cougs Invpstments Building Limited demolished 27 Buggey Lane Pickedng, Onto L1 V 2P8 571 Oakwood Christofilopoulos Buiding Drive,Pickering Tom in Trust demolished 5. ROUGE VALLEY NEIGHBOURHODD WATCH FILE NUMBER - F 2300 6/90 Adjustment Required Reduce 1989 taxes for 88 days on an assessment of of $20,224, an adjustment of $383.83(R) Reduce 1989 taxes for 46 days on an assessment of $10,752, an adjustment of $106.66 (R) That the Corporation of the Town of Pickering hereby recognizes and supports the Rouge Valley Neighbourhood Watch; and that the Town be responsible for the erection and maintenance of signs on behalf of the Rouge Valley Neighbourhood Watch. 6. OSHAWA AND DISTRICT LABOUR COUNCIL FILE NUMBER - A 2111 That Mayor Arthurs be authorized to proclaim April 28, 1990 as a Day of Mourni ng in recognition of workers killed, injured or disabled on the job and the week of May 6 to 12, 1990 as "St. .John Ambulance Week" in the Town of Pickering.