HomeMy WebLinkAboutNovember 19, 1962
A meeting of Pickering Township Council was held on MONDAY, the
NINETEENTH day of NOVEMBER, 1962, at EIGHT o'clock p. m.
PRESENT: J. Sherman Scott
Mrs. Jean McPherson
Harvey Spang
Milton Mowbray
W. J. Greening
H. Wank
L. T. Johnston, Clerk
The following CORRESPONDENCE was considered:
Project Planning Associates Ltd. submits a draft by-law to
perm~~ Dr. Qe~sEaum to operate larger offices than By-Law
No. 2520 permits in Bay Ridges. See By-Law No. 2734.
Department of Highways of Ontario asks the Township to take
over Berv~ce roac from L~verpool Road to Fairport Beach
Road, and they agree to pay cost of sanding and plowing
until Township officially assumes. No Action.
Department of Hi,hwa~s of Ontario is prepared to discuss with
counc~l anyd1ff cul 1es counc~l may expect to have because
of their by-passing Dunbarton.
Mrs. R. Adamson, President of Pickering and District Home
and ~chOol council, asks Council to endorse their request
for a Township Library for that portion of the Township which
lies, south of the Third Concession.
R. Hockle~, of Claremont Park Board. advises that last year
they spen $176.31 for furnace oil for the Hall, but expect
that this year cost will be about $276.31.
Musc~lar Dystrophy Association of Canada solicits funds.
Department of Trans~ approves By-Law No. 2729 - 35 mile
per hour l~m~t on ~ Road from Highway 2 to Concession 1.
Ontario Municipal Board approval. $74,085.00 High School
debeñture, Dun5arton.
Solicitor for Adolf Wolff advises he has made application to
the Ontario Mun~c1pal Board to have Lot 10, Plan 432 zoning
changed from R4 to C2.
W. E. Jones, Property Administrator, Metro Toronto and Region
consèrvat~on Authority, cannot state what portion of Riverside
Subdivision will be bought or expropriated by them and states
that survey work is now proceeding.
The Canadian Council of Christians and Jews solicit a grant
fro~~he Townsh~p for the~r worK.
The following PERSONS, on MOTION, were heard:
1. On Motion of Mr. Greening, seconded by Mr. Wank, Messrs. A. E.
Huddleston and Anderson, of H.E.P.C. were heard.
Mr. A. E. Huddleston explained that his Commission had spent
cons1derable t1me and work in an effort to secure the best,
cheapest and least damaging site for a hydro tower line from
the proposed plant at Fairport to Cherrywood and felt the line
northerly at east limit of Lot 20, northerly part Concession 2.
was the best location.
- 2 -
As this was not agreeable to the Pickering Town-
ship Planning Board, nine other surveys were made, none
of which have been approved by the Planning Board, so they
have decided to proceed with the original survey.
Mr. Huddleston stated that they offered the Township
less than the $3000.00 per acre for the required 10 acres
from the Township, had increased the offer to this figure,
and that he could not recommend a higher price. He also
said that there would be a feeder line besideI' the towers
for local industry, that he did not expect work to commence
on plant in less than five years, but they proposed to purchase
the tower line immediately.
After considerable discussion, the following resolution
was passed:
MOVLD by Mr. Mowbray, seconded by Mr. Greening, that this
council agree to sell to Hydro-Electric Power Commission of
Ontario the easterly 315 feet of the Township's industrial
land at a price of $3000.00 per acre, payable in cash on
closing, on condition that H.E.P.C. agree to sell back to
us, at not more than 50% of cost, such lands as may be
required for road crossings of the power line right-of-way,
and agree to permit access from the lands retained by the
Township to any railway line which may at any time be con-
structed upon the lands being sold, and agree that if
access to railway from the land being retained is required
before a line has been constructed on the land being sold,
H.E.P.C. will pay a portion of the cost of constructing a
line in the land being sold to provide such access, and
that the Reeve and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to
execute and deliver an offer to sell the said lands to
H.E.P.C. on such terms, and affix the seal of the Municipal
Corporation thereto, such offer to sell to require acceptance
by H.E.P.C. within 30 days of its execution by the Township.
YEA: Messrs. Scott, Spang, Mowbray, Greening, and Wanke
NAY: Mrs. McPherson
MOVLD by Mr. Mowbray, seconded by Mr. Spang, that Resolution
NO. 117/62 be and is hereby rescinded, and that 1963 taxes be
collected in four instalments payable on the last days of April,
June, August and October, 1963. CARRIED
MÚVLU by Mrs. MCPherson, seconded by Mr. Spang, that Mr. Duck be
offered the position of Road Superintendent at a salary of
$5,000.00 per annum, on a probationary period of six months'
duration, as recommended by the Road Committee. CARRIED
YEA: Messrs. Scott, Spang, Mowbray, Greening, Wank, and Mrs.
McPherson. (Mr. Deakin, not present at the meeting,
expressed his approval should this motion be presented).
NAY: None.
MOVLD by Mr. Green~ng, seconded by M~. Mowbray, that as the
Township Road Superintendent uses a Township owned car on Town-
ship road work, the Clerk be authorized to apply to the Department
of Highways of Ontario for subsidy for use of such car, at the
regular rate of Ten Cents per mile. CARRIED
- 3 -
AOVLÚ by Mr. Green~ngt seconded by Mr. Wank, that this Council
make application to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of
consent for Charles Risk and Nellie Risk to convey to the Kiwanis
Club of Dunbarton, Pickering Township, a parcel of land - part of
Township Lot 24, Concession 1, for park purposes, being five acres
in area and having approximately 460 feet frontage on the east
side of Dixie Road; as recommended by the Pickering Township
Planning Board November 2nd, 1962. CARRIED
Mrs. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Mowbray, moves for leave to introduce
a By-Law of the Township of Pickering to provide for the 1962
expenditures on roads in the Township of Pickering, and that same
now be read a first time.
Mrs. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Wank, moves that By-Law Number 2733
to provide for the 1962 expenditures on roads in the Township of
Pickering, be now read a second time, and that Council go into
Committee of the Whole thereon.
The Committee of the Whole arises and reports the By-Law as read.
Mrs. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Spang, moves that the report of the
Committee of the Whole on By-Law No. 2733 be adopted, and that the said
By-Law be now read a Third time and PASSED; that the Reeve and Clerk
sign the same, and the Seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto.
Mr. Greening, seconded by Mr. Mowbray, moves for leave to introduce
a By-Law of the Township of Pickering to amend By-Law Number 2520,
and that same now be read a first time.
Mr. Greening, seconded by Mrs. McPherson, moves that By-Law Number
2734 to amend By-Law Number 2520 be now read a second time, and
that Council go into Committee of the Whole thereon,
The Committee of the Whole arises and reports the By-Law as read.
Mr. Greening, seconded by Mr. Wank, moves that the report of the
Committee of the Whole on By-Law No. 2734 be adopted, and that the
said By-Law be now read a Third time and PASSED; that the Reeve
and Clerk sign the same, and the Seal of the Corporation be affixed
thereto. CARRIED
(Increasing size professional space in residential area),
Mrs. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Spang, moves for leave to introduce
a By-Law of the Township of Pickering to appoint a Road Superintend~nt
in the Township of Pickering, and that same now be read a first tim~.
Mrs. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Wank, moves that By-Law Number 2735
to appoint a Road Superintendent in the Township of Pickering, be nQw
read a second time, and that Council go into Committee of the Whole
Mrs. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Mowbray, moves that the report of the
Committee of the Whole on By-Law No. 2735 be adopted, and that the said
By-Law be now read a Third time and PASSED; that the Reeve&Clerk sign
the same, and the Seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto,
YEA: Messrs. Scott, Spang, Mowbray, Greening, Wank, and Mrs.
McPherson. (Mr. Deakin advised prior to the meeting that
should such a by-law be submitted, it had his approval).
NAY: None.
- 4 -
Mr. Greening, seconded by Mr. Mowbray, moves for leave to introduce
a by-law of the Township of Pickering to appoint members to the
Court of Revision of the Assessment Rolls (Kenneth Reesor, William
H. Westney, Alexander Robertson, William K. McLean, and W. Comery)
and that same now be read a first time.
Mr. Greening, seconded by Mr. Spang, moves that By-Law Number 2736
to appoint members to the Court of Revision of the Assessment Rolls
be now read a second time, and that Council go into Committee of the
Whole thereon.
The Committee of the Whole arises and reports the By-Law as read.
Mr. Greening, seconded by Mrs. McPherson, moves that the report of the
Committee of the Whole on By-Law No. 2736 be adopted, and that the
said By-Law be now read a Third time and PASSED; that the Reeve and
Clerk sign the same, and the Seal of the Corporation be affixed
thereto. CARRIED
Mr. Spang, seconded by Mr. Greening, moves for leave to introduce a
By-Law of the Township of Pickering to repeal By-Law Number 1923 "to
establish a community centre at Frenchman's Bay", and that same now
be read a first time.
Mr. Spang, seconded by Mr. Wank, moves that By-Law Number 2737 to
repeal By-Law Number 1923 "to establish a community centre at
Frenchman's Bay" be now read a second time, and that Council go into
Committee of the Whole thereon.
The Committee of the Whole arises and reports the By-Law as read.
Mr. Spang, seconded by Mrs. McPherson, moves that the report of the
Committee of the Whole on By-Law No. 2737 be adopted, and that the
said By-Law be now read a Third time and PASSED; that the Reeve and Clerk
sign the same, and the Seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto.
BY-LAW NUMBER 2687 (Two Readings)
Mr. Wank. seconded by Mrs. McFHerson, moves for leave to introduce a
by-law of the Township of Pickering to authorize the borrowing of
$74,085.00 upon debentures for High School purposes, and that same
now be read a first time.
Mr. Wank. seconded by Mr. Spang, moves that By-Law Number 2687 to
authorize the borrowing of $74,085.00 upon debentures for High
School purposes, be now read a second time, and that Council go
into Co~ittee of the Whole thereon.
It was REPORTED that Mr. Poulsson favoured his mailing address as
Brougham, as his Department pick up mail daily from Township Office.
Mr. Poulsson will submit a report.
On MOTION of ~rs. McPherson, the meeting