HomeMy WebLinkAboutDecember 1, 1958
A "feetinq: of Courcil was helli or MONDAY, the FIRST liay of DECEMBER, 1958, at
EI(;'HT 0 t cloc1{ in the everinl!;.
PRESENT: Wjlliam G. Lawson, in the Chair
.1. Sherman Scott
Siliney S. J. Pugh
Eill!;ar J ame s
"frs. Jean McPherson
H. Ross Hawthorne
Ro~ert L. Stewart
Lloyli T. Johnston, Cler~
MOVED bv Mr. Stewart, seconrleit by Mr. Scott, that Mirutes of meeting helil November
10, 19f1R, be aliopted. CARRIED
MOVED bV Mr. Scott, seconrleil by Mr. James, that Minutes of meeting held November
l~, 19~R, be adopted. CARRIED
MOVED by Mrs. McPherson, seconded bv Mr. Stewart, that Minutes of meeting
helil November 17, 1958, be adopteil. CARRIED
The followirn; CORRESPONDENCE was read:
1. Courtv of Ontario advise:
(l) Thev have assumed Pic~eri r~ Beach Road from Canadian National Railway
to Base Line.
(?,) Thev have turneò bac~ to Township Concession 9, parts of Lots 1 - 35
arit parts of Town Line of Whitby and MarKham, due to corners bein~
~. R. J. Savi111{ has made application for Kennel License, Concessior1:, Lot 7. ¡
"fr. Thompson recommends.
3. fuliliti11~ I~sDector reports 23 permits in November to value of $251,300.00 ~
Total to rlate this year, $f1,48A,ROO.00
4. Dar D' ArtiMo wants letter of toIerarce, Lot. ?4, PIal' 612.
f. T. O. Jefrersor accepts positior of Township En~ineer at salary of $ô,OOO.OO
per vear arit asks that salary be reviewed in three months.
6. Proctor and Redfern recommenils th~t Rouge Highlands Performance Bond be \'
reiluceil from $30,000.00 to $5,000.00, but that he supply Township with
'fairtenarce Bone} of $20,000.00.
7. Six resiilents of Rivercourt asked if there was a prospect of Municipal Wa~r ~
Service. Proctor anil Reðfern preparing report..
R. Deputy Reeve reported that DeDartment of Highways of Ontario required wing
walls or new proposeil Sarily Beach Road at approximate cost of $2,000.00.
}WVED 'w 'fr. Stewart, secorilerl ~v ~r. Hawthorne, _that Durham Con struction be
awar~e~ 81 aililitional $2,000.00 to cor1struct wir~ walls 011 the Sandy Reach Road
Brj~O"p- anr'! that corstructior is to start immeðiately. CAnRIED
MOVED òv "fr Scott, seconiJeit by 'fr. .Tames, that Pro .iect Planners be aSKed to
prp-pare R report 011 the proposeit iJp-velopmert ir the Frenchman's Bay area by
Crusailer Development Limi teil. Sirce this report is required in the very near ,¡
fllture the report need rot be in fiet.ail at the preser't t.i.me but shoulrl a
report or the basic impact. of this development on the area and the Township.
~T A YS :
Messrs. James, Hawthorne, Pug;h, Scott, Nrs. HcPherson
Messrs. Lawson aY'r] Stewart..
- ~ -
\.fmmn "'v Mr. Scott, secof1nen by ~lr. Stewart, that Mr. Dan D'Antimo, who has
1)1111t a house 0]"1 Kin~ Arthur's Court with a set-oack of 3~ feet 2% irches at
0' p corq~r af1n 26 feet, III fr'ches at the other corJ1er, when By-Law requires
set-back of thirty feet, be ~rarten a letter of tolerance by this Council.
~ /7' ¥ )
~fOVED by Mr. Stewart, seconòen oy Hr. Pugh, that a Kennel License be granted
R. J. Savink, Concession 4, Lot 7. CARRIED
MOVED by Mr. Stewart, secor-ilen by ~·fr. Pugh, that Rouge
Bonn be reiluced from $30,000.00 to $5,000.00, but that
a $20,000.00 Maintenance Born.
Highlands Performance
they give Township
MOVED ny Mr. Pugh, secoJ1rlen by Mr. Stewart, that Staff receive Christmas
1'ur1{"evs, as usual. CAHRIED
!\fOVED bv Mr. Pugh, secor'nerl OV Mr. Hawthorne, that the accounts, in the amourt
of ~ 10,448.61, -as reporteñ oy thp FINANCE COMMITTEE, be adopted. CARRIED
\fOVED ny \fr. Stewart, secorñeñ hy Mrs. HcPhersor, that the accounts, in the
a",ow't of $ 1,082.97, as reporteri oy the FIRE AREA NO.1 COMMITTEE, be
a~opteñ. CARRIED
\fOVED ny Mr. Stewart, secorñe~ ny 'fr. Hawthorne, that the accounts, ir the
af101Ft of ~ 13.09, as reporten ny the FIRE AREA NO. 2 COMHITTEE, be ailopted.
\.fOVED by Mr. Scott, sec011derl by Mr. Hawthor11e, that the accounts, in the
amol1rt of '* 1,714.57, as reporteil ny the GARBAGE COMMITTEE, be adopted.
\fO\~D by \.fr. James, seconded ny Mr. Pugh, that the accounts, in the amount of
~ 550.00, as reported by the LIVESTOCK COMMITTEE, be adopted. CARRIED
MOVED by Mrs. McPhers011, secorrled by Mr. Hawthorne, that the accourts, in the
amourt of ~ 4,931.43, as reported by the POLICE COÞ!MITTEE, be adopted.
MOVED by Mr. Scott, seconrleil by Mr. Stewart, that the accounts, ir the amount
or-r-3,647.92, as reported by the PUBLIC UTILITIES committee, be adopted.
MOVED by Mr. Scott, seconned by Mrs. McPherson, that the accounts, in the
amourt of ~13,547.23, as reporten. by the ROAD AND BRIDGE COMMITTEE, be
an.opted. CARRIED
HOVED nv 11.11". Hawthorne, seco11iJ.en 1)y Mr. James, that the accounts, ir the
ar>o11rt of $3,234.84, as report.en. ny the WELFARE CmfHITTEE, be adopten..
\.fOVEn "hy Mr. Pugh, secof1;Jptl "'1v \1r. St,ewart, that the members of the .',
Court of Revisior be paiiJ. a;tôtal amourt of $ 439.80 for their atteJ1dar:ce
at Court of Revision sessiors arit mileage thereto. CARRied
~n bv Mr. Pugh, secoJ1ñed oy Mr. James, that the Reeve grant his orn.er or
tne Treasurer to pay the several accourts as preserteil and passed jr the
various reports as passeñ this r1a~·. 8ARRI.K9
"fr. Stewart., seconded 1)" Mr. Scott, moves for leave to introduce a By-Law
of tne Towrship of Pickerir~ to appoint a member to the Pickering District
Hi ,",:h School Board, anil that same row be read a first time. /
Mr. Stewart, seconded by Mr. James, moves that By-Law Number 2357 to appoint
a member ~6 the Pickering District High School Board be now read a seconn
time, and that Council g;o irto Committee of the Whole thereon.
- 3 -
Bv-Law Num~er 2357 (Continued)
The Committee of the Whole arises and reports the By-Law as read.
Mr. Stewart, secorded by Mr. Pugh, moves that the report of the Committee of
the Whole on By-Law Number 2357 .be adopted, an~ that the said By-Law be now
rearl a Thiri time and PASSED; that the Reeve and Clerk sign the same, and
thp Seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. CARRIED
Mr. Pu,,:h, secor<'led by Mr. Stewart, moves for leave to irtroduce a By-Law
of the Towrship of Pickerirg to appoint an Engir1eer and a Welfare Adrnirdstrator
ft')r t.he Towrship of Pickerir~, art! that same row be rearl a first time.
'fr. Pu~h, seconded by Mr. James, moves that By-Law Number 2358 to appoint
a1' Er.~i]~eer and a Welfare Admiristrator for the Township of Pickering ~e flOW
rpRr1 a seco""rl time, an') t.hat CouY'cilgo into Committee of the Whole thereofl.
The Commit.tee of the Whole arises and reports the By-Law as read.
Mr. ~lgh, seconded by Mrs. McPherson, moves that the report of the Committee
of the Whole or By-Law Number 235R be adopted, artl that the said By-Law be
now read a Third time artl PASSED; that the Reeve. and Clerk sign the same,
ard the Seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. CARRIED
1. Cler1{ write McKean Boat Works at Fairport and asl{ him to tal{e up mooring
posts ir Bay.
2. Mr. Chapman ask Markham Township to maintair1 part of Concession 9, Lot
35, arrl Whitby Township part of Lot 1, Concession 9.
3. Clerk check with County Clerk re fox bounty officers.
4. Clerl< check with solicitors re staff increments after Nominatiofl Day.
HOVEn l)y Mr. Pugh, secoJ1rled by 'fro James, that this meetin~ do now ar1 iourr
sirp "ip. CARRIED