HomeMy WebLinkAboutNovember 26, 1958 M U N I C I PAL B U I L DIN G B R 0 UGH A M An Emergent Meetif1g of Council was held on WEDNESDAY, the 'fWENTY-SIXTH day of NOVEMBER, 1958, at eight o'clocK in the evening. PRESENT: William G. Lawsof1, in the Chair J. Sherman Scott Sidney S. J. Pugh, Edgar James Mrs. Jean McPherson, H. Ross HawthorJ1e nobert L. Stewart Lloyd T. Johnston, Clerk The following PERSONS met COUJ1cil haviJ1g applied for the positioJ1 of Welfare A~miristrator of the Township: 1. C~arles F. J. Rogers - 35 - Pickering, R. R. 1 ~. Al~ert W. Cape - 47 - Pickering, R. R. 3. 3. Milton G. Sleep - 54 - Dunbarton. 4. Grant Taylor - 43 - Claremont f-. Ro~ert H. BartoJ1 - 48 - Claremont R. Albert V. Draper, Jr. - 40 - Highlard Creek, R. R.I. T~e followirg PERSONS met. Council, having applied for the position of Engineer of t~e Township, and were asked by Couf1cil to appear before them: 1. George R. Durrin, University Manitoba - 32 - Pickering Village. Salary as~e~, $ 7,500.00. '} .J. A. G. Vaccaro, University Rome - 34 - Torof1to. Salary asked, $6,780.00 3. T. O. Jefferson, University Belfast - 35 - Salary asked $6000.00 to $6500.00. 4. E. A. Booth, University Toronto - 28 - Oshawa. Salary unstatecl. ~OVED by Mrs. McPhersof1, seconded by Mr. Stewart, that Council engage T. O. Jefferson as Towrship Ef1gineer at a salary of $6,000.00, on a three month pronationary period, commencing December 1, 1958, CARRIED ~OVED by Mr. Stewart, secof1ded by Mr. Hawthorf1e, that Council ef1gage Albert W. Care, as Township Welfare Administrator, By-Law Enforcement Officer, and Sc~ool Attendance Officer, as of January 1, 1959, but to assist A. J. Thompson until that date, commencirg December 8, 1958, ard that he be hired on the re~ular three mort.hs pronatiof1 period at. a salary of $3,200.00 per year. CARRIED APPROVED À y/I 1958 Clerk On MOTION OF Mr. Hawthorne, the meetirg ad';ourreQ. Æ~ ----------------------------- Reeve