HomeMy WebLinkAboutNovember 17, 1958
A meeting of Council was held on MONDAY, the S~VENTE~NTH day of"NOVEM13ER. 1958,
at EIGHT o'clock in the evening.
PRESENT: William G. Lawson, in the Chair
J. Sherman Scott
Sidney S. J. Pugh
Edgar James
Mrs. Jean McPherson
H. Ross Hawthorne
Robert L. Stewart
L. T. Johnston, Clerk
The following CORRESPONDENCE was read:
1. Proctor and Redfern. Mr. Butler cannot attend meeting but recommends Tender
of Durham Construction Limited for $11,957.00 be accepted as they believe
them competent, this tender for the construction of a reinforced concrete
culvert on the Sandy Beach Road. He expects the total cost, with engineering
and contingencies, to be about $ 13,500.00.
2. Mutual Life, who submitted a cost of 50¢ per $1,000.00 per month Group
Insurance, state that their actual figure was 49.54¢. They submitted 50¢¡
now wish to change to 49¢.
3. Crown Life have changed cost figure from 77¢ to 53¢.
4. Steve Kaskiw states he will forward accounts for damage to son's bicycle
and doctor bills to his lawyer if Council will not pay. The child fell
from his wheel. Our Insurance Company refused to pay. NO ACTION
f1. The Plannin~ Board have made certain changes in the Zoning By-Law for south
of Concession 3, and have returned same to Council for their further con-
~. Applications for En~i1ìeer:
1. George Kimball, Oakville - McGill, 50 - had epileptic attack this year.
2. George Durnin, Pickering - Manitoba, 32 - Falude - Road Experience.
3. P. W. Ainley, Toro1ìto - English - 30 - Canada, 1958.
4. J. W. Beckham, Tupperville, - Queen's 4- 49 - not much road experience.
5. D. W. Cor1ìell, Toronto - Toronto - 45 - general experience.
R. A. R. Morpurgo, Elliot Lake - 3R - 1ìot professional engineer.
7 Philip Worsley, Toronto - English - 32 - Mining experience only.
P. T. O. Jefferson, Toronto - Belfast - 35 - ðanada recently.
9. A. G. Vaccaro, Toronto - Rome - 34 - no road experience.
10. Eric Booth, Osh!wa - Toronto - 2R - City of Oshawa.
11. O. Van Deurs, A~ikokan - Copenhagen - 44 - Township Engineer.
12. John Bell, Toronto - Toronto - 50 - mining.
7. Unpaid 1958 do~ tax approximately $1,000.00. Collectåble, possible $700.00.
AGREED Dog Catcher be asked to collect at One Dollar per dog commission.
Make every effort to collect, and may use telephone.
R. Crusader DeveloDments submitted copies of proposed agreement with Township
re proposed 6RO acre development at F~enchman's Bay.
The following PERSONS, on MOTION, were heard:
1. Roþert Miller a1ìd p~ A. Beer asked Council to construct a sidewalk to Brougham
Park - 1000 feet. Mr. Chapman submitted estimated cost of $800.00 for cemènt
and $400.00 for asphalt. Department of Highways of Ontario will pay 50%.
Clerk get complete report from D. H. O. re requirements and grants and report
from Mr. Chapman re actual costs and recommendation.
~. D. A. Beer asked Council to assist him in getting a charter to permit him to
pick up bus chartered loads anywhere"in·the TownĊĦhip.
- 2 -
3. Joe ThomDson, of Concession 2, Lot 31, submitted proof of registration of
195R Assessment appeal at Cherrywood October 13th. Stated it was received
in Brougham October 15th, and Assessment Commissioner refused to have it
heard as he received it after October 15th.
4. Mr. Hilton Nicholson asked Council to permit his 19 year old married son to
"he j"l'rarted a taxi liceJ1se. His Insurance Company had agreed.
5. Clerk reported he had contacted Mr. Robson, Sanitary Inspector, who recommended
that effluent from septic tanks in the Township of Pickering be dumped in the
"Township Dump" when tanks are cleaned out, which would give him more control
than he would have if such effluent were dumped on farm lands.
Mr. Arthur Carlton, caretaker of the Township Dump, objected to such procedure
ongrouY1ds of smell. Council agreed to try it for several weeks.
6. Mr. Durnin, of Ptckering, applied in person for the position of Engineer.
MOVED by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mrs. McPherson, that the Clerk be directed to issue
a taxi driver's license to Richard Nicholson, notwithstanding that the applicant
is urder the age of 25 years. CARRIED
MOVED by Mr. Stewart', seconded by Mr. Pugh, that all notices of appeal on assessment
that are postmarked or or before October 14, 1958, be accepted by the Township
Assessment Commissioner. CARRIED
MOVED by Mr. Pugh, seconded by Mr. Scott, that:
WHEREAS Gra~T Coach Lines Limited charter includes the whole of the Township of
AND WHEREAS many schools, societies and lodges, etc., require transportation for
short or 10J1g distances;
AND WHEREAS in the case of trips of a short distance the fee charged by a bus from
Toronto makes cost prohibitive;
AND WHEREAS the Rural Bus Lines Limited of Brougham have thirteen (13) well equipped
and modern buses available for such work;
BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the Council of the Township of Pickering petition the
Board of Transport Commissioners to permit the Brougham Rural Bus Lines Limited to
transport chartered bus loads from any point in the Township of Pickering rather
thaJ1 have individuals who make up bus load find their own transportation to the
Rural Bus Lines Limited terminal at Brougham, Brock Road, or No.7 Highway from
Brougham to Kinsale. CARRIED
MOVED by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mrs. McPherson, that the tender of the Durham
Construction Company Limited for the construction of a reinforced concrete culvert
or the Sandy Beach Road be accepted. The tender price, $11,975.00, work to commence
t.he week of the 17th of November, subject to the approval of the Department of
Hi~hways. CARRIED
MOVED by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Stewart, that
WHEREAS King Arthur's Court in Plan 612 is a very small circle and certain houses
rrontin~ this street have both ends of the front of the building with the proper
set back of 30 feet, but the centre distance does not conform to the zoning regulatio
BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that a letter of tolerance be granted for the following
lots ir Plan 612:
Lot 127
Lot 128
Lot 725
Front corners 30'5" and 30'1" - Centre 26'.
Front corners 30'9" and 30'6" - Centre 27'
Front corners 31'0" and 30'9-!"- Centre 26'
- 3 -
MOVED oy Mr. Stewart, Seconded by Mr. Scott,
THAT WHEREAS the Game Committee of the Township of Pickering at their
meeting held in Brougham on November 13, 1958, appointed Lorne Jones,
Lot 5, Concession 7, Ashburn R. R. 1, and Sidney Pugh, Lot 12, Con-
cessio~ 4, Pickering R. R. 1, to accept and recommend payment by the
County of bounty for foxes ~illed in the Township;
THEREFORE the èouncil of the Township of Pickering confirms the appoint-
ments of Lorre Jones and Sidney Pugh as Fox Bounty Officers for the
Township of Pickeri~~. CARRIED
MOVED by Mrs. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Pugh, that Clerk call for new
teJ1ders for Group Irsurarce by MOJliJay, November 24th next. CARRIED
AGREED Council meet Wednesday, November 26th, at 8 P. M. to hear six
Engineers who applied for Township position.
Mr. James, seconded by Mr. Hawthorne, moves for leave to introduce a
By-Law of the Township of Pickering to layout and use as a public road
a certain new road in the north half of Lots 17 and 18, Concession 3,
ard that same now be read a first time.
Mr. James, seconded by Mr. ~lgh, moves that By-Law Number 2352 to layout
ard use as a public road a certair new road i~ the north half of Lots 17
and 18, Concession 3, be ~ow read a second time, and that Council go into
Committee of the Whole thereon.
The Committee of the Whole arises ard reports the By-Law as read.
Mr. James, seconded by Mr. Scott, moves that the report of the Committee
of the Whole on By-Law No. 2352 be adopted, and that the said By-Law be
f'OW read a Third time aYld PASSED; that the Reeve and Clerk sign the same,
and the Seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. CARRIED
Mrs. McPhersor, seconded by Mr. James, moves for leave to introduce a
By-Law of the Township of Pickering to desigJlate a part of the Second
Concession as a "Built Up Area" and that same now be read a first time.
Mrs. McPhersor, seconded by Mr. Hawthorne, moves that By-Law Number 2353
to designate a part of the Second Co~cession as a "Built Up Area" be now
read a second time, ard that Council go iYlto Committee of the Whole thereon.
Tne Committee of the Whole arises and reports the By-Law as read.
Mrs. McPhersoYl, seconded by Mr. Stewart, moves that the report
Committee of the Whole on By-Law No. 2353 be adopted, and that
By-Law be now read a Third time and PASSED; that the Reeve and
the same, aniJ the Seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto.
of the
the said
Clerk sign
Mr. Stewar~, seconded by Mrs. McPherson, moes for leave to introduce a
By-Law of the Township of Pickering to appoint members to a court of
revision of the Assessment Rolls in the year 1958 and that same now be
read a first time.
Mr. Stewart, seconded by Mr. Pugh, moves that By-Law Number 2354 to appoint
members to a court of revision of the Assessment Rolls in the year 1958
be now read a second time, and that Council go into Committee of the Whole
- 4 -
Bv-Law Number 2354 - Continued
The Committee of the Whole arises and reports the By-Law as read.
Mr. Stewart, seconded by Mr. Hawthor~e, moves that the report of the ~
Committee of the Whole o~ By-Law No. 2354 be adopted, a~d that the said
By-Law be now read a Third time a~d PASSED; that the Reeve and Clerk
si~n the same, and the Seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto.
1. Clerk type list of changes recommended by the Planning Board in
our Zonin,g By-Law for each member of Council.
Or) MOTION of Mr. Stewart, the meeti~g ad.iourned.