HomeMy WebLinkAboutOctober 27, 1958
\f U N I C I P A. L
A 'fp,etiT rr, of Courcil was helif or ~QNnAY, the T'vENTY-SEVW:-TH (lay of OCTOBER,
1 ~~C), at' eight 0' cloc'( ir the evel'irg.
PRESENT: l-li lliam r,.. La\vsor, iT' the Chair
.T. Shermar Scott
Si~rey S. J. Pugh
Ed<;ar .James
\lrs. Jean ~fcPhersoJ'
H. Ross Hawthorne
Honert Stewart
L. T. Johrstor, Cle~c
The fOllowjy:,,; CORRESPO~D~CE was rea1:
1. A. J. ThO!~~psor reporterl that there ~vas rot sufficier:t need in the TO\VTIShip
to put irto effect the rew Provincial regulations whereby the Province would
assist i1: the cost of supplyi1:.; "TTor,~ema'\ers al,d ~urses services!~ Council
T.\BLED the inforl~mtioI:.
~! .
A.1'L. Tyas, Secretary School Area ~o. 2, asked Council to üfe consider the
a lloca tiot: of furit s froT" subdi vir1e 1'5 anI to COli sider gi vÜ:; part of
such funrls to tllel'l to builr1 aL aueli toriwn on \vest Rouge Sc 01 for the
usc of local residerts, which would not DC subsir'lized by the Departn¡ent
of E~ucatior. Cowlcil AGREED that there were more pressing things needed
i1' ';vest Rouge, al'1 that Clerk explaÜ: to School Board.
E. G. Baker submitted reports on collectior of taxes of Shirley J. Head
a1'1 Hilliar.:: ívar!Îell anI asked that Resolutior: ~lUllber 189, which asked the
Collector to stop usirg 'furray and Compapy as bailiffs, be rescinded.
Beeve La,}vson subrJi t tei a report on his negot ia tions ~vi th the To\vr; of
A.iax for a water suppl;r fÌ1~alizil; in a confereEce with the Ontario
'fftricipal BoarCl. H'hile the 13oar(l coulll Lot rlirect that the t~vo Nunici-
pali ties enter a joirt ,va tel' arrangement, its trongly recommeldeCl that
such action be taker.. Reeve Lawsor. then submitted a letter to Ajax
Council asJ{irg for a joir,t Cour:cil meetirg to ~1iscuss water.
The follo,vÜ.g PERSONS, or HOTTON, were hear1:
1. E. _G. Baker and Nr. Wilson. of 'furraJ' al~d Company, Bailiffs, re collection
of taxes of Head ar~ WarClell. ~r. Wilson stated his final notice of
.June 23, 195f', to 1ofrs. TTeail, ~.¡as registered anit. agreed to pror1uce
receipt. State~ he had receive~ 313 Warrants from Collector.
2. 'Tn. aLd Nrs. He aª,. object e'i to actior:s of }furray and Compal1J' in the
collection of' their taxes anil stater] fÍJ:al notice of June 23, 1958,
r,;ras Lot registered.
1. ~fr. Douglas Lenning asl{8f1 CouriCil to approve division of his lot Ül
COricessior: 1, Lot 33, but was referred to Planning Board.
1. ""1'. Andersol1, of Pi ckerirg Beach, cOMplainer! a bout actior s of ~furray and
Company in collectirg one tax bill at Pickering Beach ar:d asked that
1itching be ~or:e at Pickering Beach this year, as agreed.
5. Mr. David J!ennox aslceft that hunting be prohibited in Lots 19 to 22
between Highway 401 ar.1i JUghway 2. Clerk prepare a By-Law.
6. '11'. W. .J. Reed, of \'¡est Rou~e, proit.uceli a letter from Township Insurance
AiI.justor stating that they rlisclaimed al~j' liability in his daughter t s
bicycle acciiJert. Reeve suggesteil his alternative was to sue the
7. Mr. Lantz askeil if he could get a building permit to erect a 1000
capaci ty -herJ house on Concession 1, Lot 27, and was told it would not
be possible as it was zoned "R 1".
~. Hr. Ii'air.g:rieve discussed tax collection.
- '2 -
MOVED by Mr. Scott, secon~ed by Mr. Pugh, that Six Thousand Three Hun~red
Dollars ('6,300.00) be transferred from Roa~ Construction Account to New v
Machir,ery Account, under By-Law Number 2298, and that Resolution Number 185
be rescinded. CARRIED
(1) The engineering costs of ~230.00 be adde~ to the cost of '3,818.10,
~vnich Chesterhill Developments Limi te~ should pay for stone filled
(2) The penaltJ' of ~500.00 per month for..i;Øfë certain work not cOr.1plete~ in
C~esterhill Developments Limited be waived.
(1) Mr. DesBrisaJ' give his personal undertakirg that drainage cuI verts
required will be delivererl.
(4) AI: easemer;t be taker at rear of Lots 98 to 110 in Plan 612.
(?) ~~ ~~ ¡;c.cAJ~ ~ ¿;'fi~ ¿~~tP~.2.1/.r'l
'10VED b:- Hr. Stewart, seconderl by !>fr. Pugh, that the Reeve and Clerk be author- '"
ize~ to sign the releases requested by Chesterhill Subdividers. . CARRIED
Council AGRJ!;JijD to meet Ajax Council re Water.
Roarl SuperintendeTIt negotiate a price for fill taken from Len Wilson.
On MOTIO~ of }~. Scott, the meeting adjourned.
({J1¡ ~. 3