HomeMy WebLinkAboutJuly 28, 1958
A Meettrg of Council was held on MONDAY, the TWENTY-EIGHTH day of .TULY, 1958,
at EIGHT 0' clock ir the eveI'irg.
PRESENT: 'viII tam G. La'vson, ir the Chair
J. Shermar Scott
Sidrey S. J. Pugh
Edgar James
Mrs. Jear ~fcPherson
H. Ross Hawthorne
Robert L. Stewart
L. T. Johnston, Clerk
MOVED by Mr. Scott, secorded by Mr. ~lgh, that Minutes of meeting held
May 5, 1958, be adopted. CARRIED
MOVED by Mrs. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Hawthorne, that Minutes of meeting
neld May 12, 1958, be adopted. CARRIED
MOVED by Mr. James, secondei by Mr. Scott, that Minutes of meeting held
May 19, 1958, be adopted. CARRIED
MOVED by Mr. Stewart, seconded by Hr. James, that ~llnutes of meeting held
~fay 26, 1958, be aitoptei. CARRIED
'fOVED by Mrs. McPhersor:, seconded by Mr. James, that Minutes of meeting
neld June 2, 1958, be aitopted. CARRIED
MOVED by Mr. Pugh,secondeit by Mr. Stewart, that Minutes of meeting held
June 12, 1958, be aitopted. CARRIED
'rOVED by Mr. James, seconded by Mr. Scott, that Minutes of meeting held
June 16, 195F, be aiopted. CARRIED
MOVED by Mr. Stewart, seconded by ~·fr. Pugh, that Minutes of meeting held
June 23, 1958, be arlopted. CARRIED
The following CORRESPONDENCE was read:
1. Metro Toronto Planninz Board after some study re location of a Boat
'vorks at Frenchman's Bay suggest it is premature to zone for light
industrial at this location.
2. Ontario De artmert approves Jack Chapman as Road Superintend-
ent at a salary of ,,5,200.00 per annum, and, as he will be directing
other services ir the Township, they approve $4,800.00 for subsidy purposes.
:). !-frs. Frarcis 'vellbar:ks wishes to sell her one acre parcel of law1 located
approximately 800 feet north of Highway No.2 on Fairport Road. There is
Î1o~v located OJ~ this property a :),000 square foot building used by a Dry
Cleaner. The proposed purchaser wishes to add a further 3,000 square
feet, the whole to be used for the building of sail boats.
1. County Assessor HeDditch advises that His Honour Judge Pritchard will
sit at the Court House, Whitby, on October 29th and 30th, 1958, to hear
aD appeal b~' Reach Township against County Equalization By-Law No. 1935,
passed June 17, 1958.
5. Miss Edr,a Green requests permissior to run a glazed trunk tile under
roadway to a septic disposal be~ on other side.
6. }Ir. Jack Hambleton of Riverside asks permission to rUl"; a or;e-inch water
pipe Ulider ~irchmOtmt Road to Duffin's Creek.
7. Ortario ~luniciDal Associatior convention to be held at Ottawa on August
31st to September 3rd, 1958.
- 2 -
The followÌlJg PERSONS, 011 HOT ION , were heard:
1. Mr. ~fueeler of Woodland Road, Plan 228, explained that he ownerl 2 acres
of nicely treed property on west side just north of No.2 Highway. On
this property he proposes buildܡg, for rel~tal J?urposes, a four-apartm~nt
building costirg around $40,000.00, plans of wh~ch were shown to Counc~l.
He explai~ed that he had been working on this idea prior to the zoning
by-law beir,g given the two reaflings. This is a proposed R 1 area.
Following extensive fliscussiOl~ Council AGREED that further advice on,
and study of, the whole zoning problelr. ,vas necessary before any more
decisions wo~ld be giver; permitting non-complying uses of any kind.
2 . Mr. Pollock of West Rouge Ratepayers' Association pointecl out the need
of a flasher light at East Avenue and Island Road as several minor acc-
idents have occurred there recently.
3. Mr. Paton spoke 011 behalf of a co-operative "Country Club" to be located
on 8 acres Ìl) Lot 29, Concession 8, presently owned by Messrs. Hallman
and Hemmings. He proposed a limited compar.y being formed to take over
ownership of this property, on which would be built a large swimming pool
and 8 cottages of approximately 800 square feet area each.
4. Mr. Fair~rieve ~f Spruce Hill Road objected to taxes in arrears being
collected by a loronto firm of Bailiffs. He also advocated that the
discount for early payment be 5% instead of the present 1%.
Mr. Fairgrieve was informed that it was the Tax Collector's responsibility
to collect taxes, and the manner in which this was done was at his dis-
Council AGREED that the discount for early payment should remain at 1%.
MOVED by Mr. Stewart, seconded by !>1rs. McPherson, that application of Mr.
}Tallman and Mr. t!emmir~gs to build 8 cottages of 800 square feet floor area
each be refused. CARRIED
MOVED by Hr. Stewart, seconded by 'fro James, that members of Council and
the Clerk be authorize1 to atterd the Ontario ~funicipal Association conven-
tion ir Ottawa or. August 31 to September 3, ar:d that their travelling ex-
penses aI.d reasOl able living expe1;ses be pairl by the Township. CARRIED
}lOVED by Hr. Scott, seconded bjr Hr. Stewart, that Jack Hambleton be permitted
to lay a wa termair: UllfJer Birchmou1;t Road Ü' Riverside, so that he may secure
water from Duffin's Creek.
Such irstallatior: shall lJe flol1e to the satisfaction of our Rpad Super-
intendent; Mr. Hambletor shall be resporsible for any damage durir~g install-
ation and for up~eep nf such work or the roadway. CARRIED
'fOVED by Mrs. 'fcPhersor, seconded by Mr.Scott, that the appJication of Hiss
Edna GreeD to lay a glazed draina~e tile across the Old Greenwood Road ill
North Half Lot l~, Concessior 5, fro!IJ her proposed house 011 east sÜle to
lalr1s of Dr. TJ. T. Barclay be approved, subject to her, or her assigrs,
removing saMe or If) days rotice if request.eil by tlJ.e Towrship ard assumin~
responsibili ty arrl. liabiJ i ty for a1Y r1 a~age incurred ilurir~ iJ1stallatiol1 or
Fairterance of sa~e. CARRIED
jOVED by :fr. Scott, secordeà by 'fl". Pugh, that all incoming mail be picked
up by a cle~c fro~ the Cle~('s office, sorteil, opened and ilate stamped in
the Cler'{'s office allil ilesr~tcheil. to the prnper rlepart.mert. All of the
above to lJC ullfler the CJer~{ts 'lirection. CARRIED
- 3 -
Ac:; onl~r ore o~\rner or Beachvie~v.\velme had agree'" to ir.lprove this road
1P rler Local IT'iprovemel1t , it ,.,ras
Ar.REED that. 13eachvie~v Averue in Pic1cerirg TIeach be graded as rel],llired; that
the culvert be I11arlced by two posts 1)j' onr Roact nepartr.lert; arft. t¡lat the
OT,V'lens fro!-,tin:~ this roa" 'he billed for the sur., of ~l.OO per ~Tear.
Ar.R~En that J. Culetta fill ir for ~rthur Carltor ~lile he is nr holiday
fro'" August. -1th to lñth, at Sa1:1e r~te of pay.
Ar:.nEED that. t,he Township Road Department be authorized to do worl:: aT'ò
aT'pl Y cal ci nr' chlorir'Ye to V,e street s in Cl1estprhill Subòi vi sior; alsn
to 'Pl1rc"t,f!se ax"l apply sa~'0 to all nther T(Hvrship roads wnich p,ay urgertly
re/:¡yi,re f"l1rther app J icatior s .
.'\ r:~EBn t.h? t "'nw"~<:;l1j,'P .~rade r;laremor t naIl Park. 1Ifr. Chapn::n'1 or 'fr. Hicks
tn r'tiSCHSS f}1Ís wor', ~dt.'h 'fro Vìsley.
·'\r:.nEEn to have Roar1 Irspectio'~ 8t Ç} .'L ~L, A110ust 9th.
BY - '[A r.¡ N lJ~fT1ER <') 13 3
~r. Ha~.¡thorT1e, seconded. 'by }fr~. 1\fcPhprsoT', moves for leave to irtr0<1uce :1
n~r-TJa't'¡ of the TO~vrshìp of PicJŒrirG to ameJ'1(l ny-La~V' Number 230ß which
regulates the keeping of" dogs and that same now be read a first time.
~fr. l1awthorne, seconrled by Mr. ~ames, movcs that By-Law 1\umber 2333 to
aI'~enfJ 13y-LaH }Tumber 2306 'tvhich regulates the 'œeping of (logs be nmV' read
'.. a seconrl time, aLf1 that Council go into COllm:i t tee of the Whole thereon.
The COllImi t tee of rho ~vhole arise s al:!1. report s the By-Law as read.
'-1'1' ""aHtn.orLe, seco~"~e;¡ by 111'1". Pugh, lI;OV8S that the report of the Conuni ttee
of the lýhc Ie 01 T'y- Tiaw No. 2333 be adopted, and that the said By-'Law be
now read a Thirrl ti1~e a1J(1 PASSED ; that the Ree ve awl Cler!( sigl< the same,
ar-l the Seal of the CorporatioL be affixerl t'lcreto. CAHRIED
BY - L.\ Ty XU'nEB ~ 331
'fro James, secou'lerl bj 'fro tta~.¡thorLe, n;oves for loave to intro"uce a
n~'- TÆ~\T of the Township of PickerÌl1g to assess the Separato School Supporters
ir the Township of Pickering to prövid.e fm·ls for the purposes of" the Ron:an
Catholic Schools ir the year 1958, a~rl that sane LOW be read a first ti~e.
'fro Jar::os, seco1~'1crl 'by ~1'rs. '~cPhcrsoL, mO"l:es tl-Jat By-T-,a~.¡ 1\um1)er ;2T·H to
assess t"he Separate School Supporters ir the TO\v1.1Ship of Pickering to provirle
fwr'fs for t'ho purposes of t11e Homal Catholic Schools il< the year 1958 be nm.;
rear'!, a socoul t,i:J;e, aul. that COUl",cil go into Committee of the ~Vhole theroor~.
The Comr.¡ittee of the "7hole arises ar¡(l reports the BJT-Law as read.
Hr. James, secol1,led by Hr. StcH-:art, mew 0 s that the report of the COIrxä t tee
of the ~\1}101e on 13y-La~v No. 2331 l}c adopterl, alA that the said B.y-LaH b~ IJ.O~'¡
read, a Third tÜ;)e m;rl PASSED; that the Reeve alifl Clerk sign the salao, awl
the Seal of the Corporatior. be affixer! thereto. CARRIED
BY - IL\. IV ~:T.n.mEn ') 13 5
"'r. Ste\\1art, secor.ded by ~fr. Scott, mOVQS for leave to Ìl:trorluce a BJ'-Lmv
of the TOWI~ship of Pickerillg to increase the salaries of the Reeve ar:Œ
;;;o;::'1-)ers of t"he TOWLShip Staff, ar::1 that sawe now be read a first time.
~fr. Ste~val't, secolJr1e'1 by 'fr. :tames, liJOVeS that By-TJaw 1\umber 233G to increase
the salaries of the Reeve and members of the Township Staff be now read a
secord time, arrl that Council go iLto Co¡;mlÌ t tee of" the "'"'110 Ie t hereoL.
1'ne Committee of the v.,TJ101e arises aLd reports the BJ'-Law as rean.
~fr. Stewart, secol;ded by Nrs. ~fcPhersor;, 1.;-::0 vo s that the report of the Corumi ttee
of the Hhole or DJ'-Law No. 2335 be adopterl, and that the saift By-Law be r.0\'"
rea!'! a Third til.œ ard. PASSED; that the Reeve and. Clerk sigl< tl18 S a1;18, arid the
Seal of the CorporatioL be affixed thereto. CARRIED
- 4 -
1. Have sufficieEt copies of the letter from Hetro Planning Board re
zoriI1g at Frenchmar.'s Bay for all members of COW1cil, Planning Board
and Pla~ning Associates.
2. Prepare a By-La~v for the name of Greenwood Road to be changed to
'vestney Road, to hor.otlr Mr. 'Ulliam Westney.
1. Post notices ir all areas where street names are proposed to be changed
showing proposed r:e~v name, ar:d advising that By-Law for char..ge of names
~vill be cOl:sidered at Council meeting on Septe:r.1ber 8, 19G8. ~'\.lso ad-
vertise same ir local press.
.1. Ask Police Chief for recommendation re flasher light at Island Road and
East Avenue.
5. Have Road Superintendent get cost of such installations.
6. Arrange to have Mr. Little of Project Planning Associates here, for a
meeting at 8 o'clock Thursday, August 7th, or arrange other meeting
whet: Hr. Litt}.e is available.
7. Acknowledge Mr. Daniell-Jerkins letter, ard invite him to attend COW1cil
meeting on August 11th to discuss Civil Defence matters.
8. Write agair; re street lights on Harwooil A ver,ue .
9. Have a sufficient number of zo~ing maps prepared.
10. Have Roail Superintendent report or:
(1) Spruce Hill Easements.
(2) Sidewall{ or Harwood Avelme.
(3) Road allowal';ce Rouge Valley re Dr. Taylor and Rev. Binnington.
(4) Cost of briilge on Sandy Beach Road below PIitz's.
(5) Drainage al'il ditch - Fairport Beach.
(6) Progress of the work OIl Bay Street, Fairport.
On MOTION of }fr. Scott, Council adjourned to meet again or. TuesŒa,r , August 5th,