HomeMy WebLinkAboutApril 8, 1958
A 'feeting of Council was held on TUESDAY, the EIGHTH day of APRIL, 1958,
at EI('}TTT 0 'clock in the evening.
PRESENT: T,Villiam G. I,nwsoJl, in the Chair
J. Sherman Scott
Sidney S. J. ~lgh
Edgar James
:-frs. Jean L. 'fcPherson
H. Ross Hawthorne
L. T. .J ohnston, CIerI.:
Tl1e follmvirg CORRESPONDENCE ~vas rear1.
1. Hrs. Militreif Spanz resignc!'J from the Tmvl1ship staff and askerl to be
t~(en Oil, on a temporary basis.
2 'fr. Dunkclr1 sunJ'11itteif a map of all private roads in the Township which
amounterl to approxÜ;ately 91 Files.
3. ~fr. DUll.!!aro w11l present plans for three 10 suite apartments with
2R ope l:>erlrooF aI;d 11 t~vo berlroo~s, on lanrl south of Islard noa~l anrl
west of IMperial Oil Station. Our Assessor estimates that each
bui l(lil1~ woul~ asse ss bet~veel1 $90,000.00 aJld ~lOO, 000.00 or about
~~,3nO to ~'),5nO per suite or añout ~177.~0 to ~192.00 in taxes per
The follo~ving PERSONS, on MOTION, ~.¡ere he a rr1. .
1. rv. C. Hillson staterl he harl va lued two setting geese, ~vhich were
killed by dogs, ore goose and one gander irjured, property of Mrs. ~
Koller of Cherrywood, at $70.00, being '50.00 for geese ani '~O.OO
for e~gs. He thought this a fair valuation.
2. :-fr. Glen Roe of ~!ulliciDal Services LiY'lited staterr his firm \.¡ould 0/
ntm1)er the Town ship at ~'). 00 per house and prepare six f'Iaps. They
have \vorke1 out a system whereòy the house numbers can be ascertained
from a map. Council took no action.
3. ~fr. Graham of Be 11 Gouinlock awl Company offered. to purchase our
'R5,OOn.Oo - 5~~ - ~n year school rlebentures at 97! to yield 6.05%
COUIICil did not accept but again state~ they intenderl to call for
tenders ;1' '3everal F>onths.
1. ~fr. Dun '2:a1'O submi t te~ his plans for 1')0 apartment suites. He stated
that our 'ferlical Officer of Health hart approved his package sewage
system. Council agreerJ to cons; rler and arlvise. Council directed
Clerk to cortact our Engineers as tQ water supply and arlvisaòility of
a packa:,;e sewer project ard arlvtse ~tr. Burgaro to make application to
the Ontario ~funicipa 1 Board for char.ge of use of land, anrl advise
Ratep~yers' Association.
5. Me ssrs. ''¡ID. Newman, E. K. Be 1 t, Edward Orchard and Nr. Crosgery of
Rou!!e Liol1s Club stated they nar1 purchased 3~ acres of lRnrl in Plan
316, north of Fire Station for approximately $7,000.00. They stated
they are paying $1,000.00 dO~l anrl'$200.00 and interest quarterly;
\vould register property ir> the rame of the Township; ~vould request
Provincial grant of 25% and also a To~~ship grant; then the Lions
would like to lease the property from the Township ard operate for
. the Communi ty .
Clerk advise Mr. Belt that COlUlcil feel they should not accept and
give a grart on property which they 110 not pwn outright anl"l suggest
that Province will pay ~1,750.00, Lions ~l,OOO.OO ard })Ossib1y the
TO~lShip ~l,OOO.OO, leaving a balaJ"ce of ~3,2~0.00. If this is
ratsed possibly by subscription, then they would be in agreement.
- 2 -
MOVED by Hr. Pugh, secondeft by ~frs. }{cPhersop, that resignation of Mrs.
M. Sparg be accepted ard that she be re-hired on a temporary basis at
the sau:e rate of pay. CARRIED
BY- TAhT ~UMRER <)301
Mr. Scott, seconrted by ~fr. Jar.-:es, F,oves for leave to introduce a By-Law
of the TO\Vl1ship of Pic~ŒrÍJlg to provlde for the 1958 expenrli tures on v
roads in the Township of Pickerin~ and that same how be read a first
'fr. Scot t, se conrl.eit by ~'frs. ~fc.Pherson, TPOVC '3 that By-Lm·¡ NUY'11)er ?301
to proviite for the 1!)!)8 expen1i tures on roa(ls in the Townshtp of
Pickering be now read a secorrl tj me, anr} that COlillcil go into Conuni t tee
of the ~·;rhole thereon.
The Committee of the ~fuole arises and reports the By-Law as read.
~r. Scott, seconded by Mr. Hawthorne, moves that the report of the
Commi ttee of the ~fuole on By-La'~ No. .'2301 be arlopted, arrl that the
s::lid By-Laív 1)e now read a Thlrd time and PASSED; that the Reeve and
Clerk sign the same, and the Seal of the Corporation be affixed t~ereto.
nY-Lt\';~ NIDfTIER ~30<)
~frs. ~fcPl1ersoTl, s ecorrlerl by Hr. Scott, move s for leave to irtroduce a ¡/
By-Laív of the TOívpship of Pickering to assess Police Area Number One
for rates for the year 195P ani that saue row be read a first time.
'frs. ~!cPhersor, secondè~l bJ' Hr. James, moves that By-Law Number .230.'2
to assess Police Area Number One for rates for the year 1~58 he now
rea'l a second time, and that Council go into COJ:1J1li ttee of the ìVhole
The Commi ttee of theHholc arises awl reports the By-Law as read..
Mrs. ~rc~lerson, seconded by ~fr. tta'vthorne, moves that the report of the
Cor-uni ttee of the Whole OJ1 By-Law No. ?30~ 1Je aJopter!, and that the said
By-La'\" be !lOW read a Thirrl time and :>ASSED; that the Reeve and ClerIc
sign the same, ard the Seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto.
1W-LA.h' ~U!'mEn <)303
Hr. .James, seco111ed 1)y Mr. ha\vthorne, moves for leave to irtrotluce a
ny-La,,, of the Township of PickeriJ1g to take over all abaLdoned ceruetery
as Township property, aT1a that saMe nOí\" be read a f'irst ttme.
Hr. .1a1':1:38, seconrted by Ì'lr, Pugh, moves that ny-La\v Number .2303 to take
over an abaritorcd cemetery as Township property ~e now read a second
tine, aril that Counci 1 go into Commi t tee of the ~vhole thereon.
The Committee of' the ~Vhole arises anrl reports the By-Law as read.
Hr. al:leS, seconded by ~1rs. HcPherson, moves that the report of the
ComMittee of tl-}e "ifuole 011 13y"'La\~ '~o. 2303 1)e adopted, and that the
said ny-Law h8 now read a Third tÌl:1e apd PASSED; that the Reeve anrl
Clerl\: si6J1 the saPle, aLd the Seal of the Corporation be aff'ixed thereto.
~fOVED ny 'fro Pu~h, s8corrled lJ.r ~fr. Hawthorre, that the report of the
StandÜ~g Comr:i t tee on CIVIL DEFENCE, of aCCOllnts a!!iollnting to ~255. 89,
be adopted. CARRIED
Council ¡\(~nEED to meet ~fonrlay, April 11, 1D58.
- 3 -
1. Cler1~ prepare By-Law to change "East Greemvood Road" to "~vestney Road"
al,!::1 change ,-1th and 5th Concessions at Greem;ood Road to through roads
because of bad hills.
2. ~s!: Solicitor about their Dy-Law requlrlng separate By-law for each
case of pri vate tree cuttÜ:g lJY Road Superintendent.
On ~roTIO~ bJ' ~fr. Scott, the meeting adjourned.