HomeMy WebLinkAboutApril 1, 1958
A ~eetin~ of Council was held on TUESDA~. the FIRST day of APRIL, 195R, at
EI r;T1 '1' (), cloC1{ in the evenil1,g.
PRESENT: William G. Lawson, in the Chair
.T. Sher~an Scot t
Si~ney S. J. Pugh
Ed;ar James
~rs. Jean McPherson
H. Ross Hawthorne
Robert L. Stewart
L. T. Johnston, Clerk
MOVED by "fr. Stewart, seconded by 1-fr. James, that ~finutes of meeting held
February 3, 195~, be adopted. CABRIED
MOVED by Mr. Scott, seconfteft by Hr. Pugh, that Hinut.es of meeting held
Fe1)ruary 21, 195R, 'h0 adopte¡l. CARRIED
~OVED by 'fr. Stewart., seconcled òy }frs. ~fcPherson, that Minutes of meeting
nel~ March 3, 195R, 'he adopted. CARRIED
HOVED òy ~1r. Ste\vart, secor(le~ by Hr. Ja1"1es, that ~finutes of meeting held
March 10, 195R, be adopte~. CARRIED
MOVED by Mr. Scott, secorded by Mr. Hawthorne, that Minutes of meeting held
Harch 17, 1958, be adopt.ed. CARRIED
'-fOVED by Mrs. '!cPherson, second,ed by Mr. Stewart, that Minutes of meeting
he l~ March 24, 1958, be a(lopted. CARRIED
The follo\ving CORRESPONDENCE was read:
1. Universal Geotechl1iaue Limited - report on sUb-soil in Industrial Area,
Lots lR and 19, Concessior 1. Good.
qarry Press Rskeft for ~ letter of tolerance re Lots 237-23~-239, Plan 612.
1. A..T. Thompson submitted his resignatior, effective April 30, 1958. Held v-
over until April 3.
4. Township of Toronto as1Œd the ~unicipality to enrlorse their resolution
requestil1g that the ~letro Conservatior Aut110rity he not permitt.ed to levJ'
nn any munj cipali t.y more than one-quarter (~) mill per year wi thovt, formal
consent of the municipality concerned.
~. E. L. Bonne 11, o\vner of 0) 1 Post Inn, Conce ssion I, Lot 3, aske~ for
,;arhage co llpction. Council agree<'t that only compara ti ve ly large areas
coul~ ~e D~~e~ to the garbage areas not isolated parcels.
Po. Ten1ers - Warble Grub Powder:
Da ve I,enn ox
Dean ~fairs -
Altona Feet1s-
Ken Balsdor: -
- ~agic Brand - 7.35
GreeL Cross - 6.90
Howard Spray- 7.35
CIL - 7.35
15 lb.
15 lb.
15 lb.
15 lb.
(lOi less if over
200 Ibs,)
7. Buil~in~ Inspector - March permits, 54. Estimated value, '716,800.00.
15 ~wellings. Average, $15,000.00. v
.Tan. 1 to ~far. 31, 195P - 7:} permi ts.
Jan. 1 to Marc.31, 1957 - 32 permits.
Estimated Value, $1,006,900.00
Estimated Value, $ 368,500.00
Secretary. School Area 2 Board, advises that they see no need of more
buil~ing to end of 1959, except possibly West Rouge and that 75~ of
current expense goes to teachers' salaries, which are not yet settled.
- 2 -
9. Clerk ar1visef1 that Mr. Bune::aro has submitted plans for three" forty-
one arit two be~room apartments - 3 storeys on 3.9 acres south of
Island Roar!, ~vest of Imperial Oil Station. 'ViII meet Council
April 8.
10. Collector reports collections, March - $ 22,632.78
Balance taxes outstarr1ing 108,162.14
11. nepart~ent of Plannine:: and Development, a~~ising that they have called
a meeting at Hampton Tuesday, April 22nd, at 2 P. M. to consider
setting up a proposer1 "Ce~tral Lake Ontario" Conservation Authority
from Carruther's Creek in Pickering Township to Bowmanville, and
asked that Cow1cil rlelegate two representatives.
The following PERSONS on MOTION', were heard:
1. Charles HcTa.!r!!:art - 'varble-Fly Inspector - recon:rr:ended that the charges
~e 10¢ per beaf1 if all herd is sprayerl and 25¢ if only those sprayed
that have warbles.
2. Messrs. Cook. ~cKaY and Tyas, of School Area ~o. 2, discussed their
1958 hurlget anrl said that the 17.4 mills asked for would carry for
19~R if teachers accepter! the raise offered. If the Board were
forced to fay Federation scale, $15,000.00 more would be required,
or about 2- rr:ills.
1. Maurice Kin¡r, Sutton \~est, Phone 508, stated that he ~vould pay '4500.00
for our Crusher if he heard it operating to his satisfaction. Hr.
Hicks start and Clerk call !-fr. King.
4. Mr. Smith. Hu.e:h Souires and two other members of Squires Beach Rate-
pavers' Association, asked that the Station Roa~ be ditched, graded
an~ gravellef1 and that the C. P. R. railway left box cars to within
several feet of travelled road on Station Road. The delegation were
a~vise1 that Station Road south of Base Line was No.1 priority this
year, and that it woulil be ditchef1, ~radeil and gravelled, and the
Clerk was directed to write C. P. R. to keep box cars off road allow-
B. Mr. Faire::rieve felt that the Recreation Committee and Industrial
Committee ~vere not sufficiently active and that the Coüncil should
hold their l:;eetings if' the various communi ties throughout the Township.
~fOVED by Mr. Pugh, seconrled by Mr. Stewart, that this Council grant a
letter of tolerarce to TTarrJ' Press, owner of Lots 237, 238 and 239 in
Registered Plan No. 612, as the attached garages on each lot encroach up
to one foot in the four foot sideyard, as provirIed by By-Law Number 1978,
ard that this Council will not take an action to enforce such sideyard
requirements under this By-Law against present or future owners of the
aforementioned 10is. CARRIED
MOVED by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Stewart, that the resolution of the
Township of Toronto re Conservation Authority levy be not endorsed since
the conservatiof' levy is now basef'l by statute on a per capita basis;;a
change in the statute would be required to perrrit the levy to be based on
a mill rate basis. CARRIED
MOVED by Mr. Stewart, seconded by ~1r. Pugh, that the warble-fly supplies
for 19~~ be purchased from Dean Mairs at 6.90 per 15 lb. bag. CARRIED
MO\~D by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Stewart,
THAT ~IEREAS the Department of Planning and Development have beer asked to
form a Conservation Authority for "Central Lake Ontario" which would
exten~ from Carruthers Creek in Pickering Township east to the BOw~anville v
A.ND '''UEREAS the Department have called a meeting to organize such Authority
in Hampton at 2 P. H., April 22, 1958, and request that this Township send
two representatives;
- 3 -
Resolution Number 53 (Continued)
"iþ # w~=-~
S-.---8-.--'J-. Pugh be and they
of Pickering on the Central
are hereby appointerl to represent the Township
Lake Ortario Conservation Authority meeting.
'rOVED by ~fr. Pugh, r;;pco"rled by Mr. Hawthorne, that the accounts, amounting
to ~ 9, (HS .71" as reporterl by the FINANCE COMHITTEE, be adopted. CARRIED
'lOVED by Hr. Stewart, seconded by ~fr. Hawthorne, that the accntmts,
amourting to $ 914 .B5, as reported bJ' the FIRE COM}UTTEE for Fire Area No.
It be arlopted. '^ CARRIED
MOVED by Hr. Stew'art, secordeft by ~frs. ~IcPhersnr, tha t the accour ts, amounting
to ,~,241.3B\\as reporteft by the FIRE COMMITTEE for Fire Area No. ~,
be adopted. CARRIED
MOVED by "Mr. Scott, seconrled by Mrs. tlcPherson, that the accounts, amounting
to $1,5t')O.7~\\s reported by the GARBAGE COHMITTEE, be adopted. CARRIED
MOVED by 'frs. HcPhersnn, secondefl by ~fr. Scott, that the accour:ts, .an::otlhting
to , 4, '717 .45 ~ as reported l)y the POLICE COMHITTEE, be adopted. CARRIED
HOVED by 'fro Scott, secorrJ.ed by Mr. Pugh, that the accounts, amourtirg to
~ R,ô95.11,V\as reportefl by the ROAD AND BRIDGE COMMITTEE, be adopted. CARRIED
MOVED by Mr. Hawthorne, secorfled by ~fr. JarJes, that the accounts, amounting
to ~ 1,164.75V\as reported by the WEIFARE CO~rnITTEE, be adoptefl. CARRIED
MOVED by Mr. Stewart, seconded by Mr. Scott, that the Reeve grarot his orfler
on the Treasurer to pay the several accounts as presented and passed in the
various reports as passed this day. CARRIED
1. Clerk '¥rite Caradian Pacific Railway re box cars on Township right-of-
Council consider work on 30 foot roads. Road Department supply list
of all private roads urder 66 feet - also mileage of private 66 foot
1. Council consider licersirg Bailiffs.
1: .
Insert notices re settin~ of fires. Advise Chief Lynde. Council want
prosecutions for those persons setting fires which get out of control.
"... ,
Clerk get average daily mileage of garbage trucks and arrange for a
gas pump for them in Township yard.
ß, Call Solicitor re Hole in the Hill action.
7. Reeve Lawson see Mr. Thompson.
8. Clerk advertise for male office assistant
9. Clerk arrange with Jones to paint Township Hall outside, Municipal Hall
outside, and garage.
n. Clerk get costs of eavetroughing Hall and Municipal Builrling.
Q.Y1ill bJ' Mr. Scott, secondefl by Hr. Hawthorne, that this meeting do now
i,journ to meet agaip on :r-roNDAY, the FIFTH day of ~tAY, 1958, at the hour of
:00 o'clock in the evening. CARRIED