HomeMy WebLinkAboutDecember 2, 1957
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A Meetir"' of Council was heltt op MONDAY, the SECOND day of DECEMBER, 1957
at EIGHT o'cloc1{ ir t.he everi11g.
PRESENT: ,.1illiam G. Lawson, in the Chair
J. Sherman Scott
Sidney S. J. ~tgh
Edgar James
J. S. Chapmar
Gle1"n JuliaT'
Robert L. St.ewart
L. T. JohnstoT', Clerk
MOVED by Mr. Scott, secor~ed 'hy ~r. James, that Hinutes of meeting held November
2~th, 1957, be,adopte1. CARRIED
The following CORRESPONDENCE was read:
1. Our Solicitors stl~mitted a rew proposed agreemept between Chesterhill Develop-
merts Limited ar~ the Towrship covering, in the opinion of our Engineer, those
thirgs ~ot completed ir the subdivision to his satisfaction.
ry Ruildin~ Inspector's report for November, 1957 - 42 Permits, estimated value,
$ 566,900.00 including 32 dwellings averaging $14,900.00 each.
Estimated value permits to December 1, 1957 - 353 - $ 3,605,600.00
Estimated value permits to Decembe~, 1956 - 305 - 2,594,900.00
3. A. W. Tyas, Secretary, School Area 2, askipg Council to further discuss their
providirg a walk for children attending Vaughan Willard School from the east.
4. .Jac1{ Hamblet.on el:closed his cheque for $25.00 payable to the Township to
assist. in paying a part of certain bulldozer work to be done in Duffin's
Creek south of Riverside.
5. Solicitor for owners Lot 19, Plan 509, asked Council for a letter of tolerance
~ecause house locat.ed thereoT' is closer to lot lire than thirty feet.
The followipg PERSONS, oT' MOTION, were heard:
1. A. J. Thompson reporte~ he had issued a Court Summons for Mr. Cook, of Pïne-
ridge Road, upd.er 'By-Law Number "'~23, because he ha~ taken up resid.ence in a
cor~emned house cortrary t.o the By-law. He stated the former owner had not
beer permitted to live ir the rlwellirg arit Hr. Cook had 1cnowledge that the dwell'
irg had been cond.emned. before he moved ire Mr. Thompson said the case was to
'have come up before the ~a,gistrate December ?rit, but he had it laid over for
two weeks, at request. of this Council.
? Mr. K. Vizelev, owner of 175 acres in Lot 91, Concession 6, stateli he proposed
to op~r ry~ acres of his lanrls as a gravel pit, He stated that the pit when
worked out would be part.ia 11~· leve lIed, that. is, the barks would he reduced to
such a slope so that they would not he dargerous and he ~sked that a culve~t on
the south part of the sirleline bethTeen Lots 20 and 21 in Concession 6 be made
safe for heavy trucks.
3. W. C. Willson discussed the Town Hall and recommended:
(1) That the rear steps be re-built.
(2) That the wood from the front of buildir;g be removed and the weeds cut.
(3) That the building be ile cora terl inside ard out
T1-¡e Clerk stated he had beer advised by the caretalŒr this evening of the
cor;di tiOl. of t1-¡e steps arrl that new steps ,.,ould be ordered in:merliate1y.
4. ~r. Brown, of the East \voodlal1fls Voluntary Fire Department asked that their
pay be increased from $1.50 per hour for. the first hour and $1.00 for additional
hours to $5.00, for the first 2 hours and $2.00 for each additional hour, with
'2.50 for a false alarm. He stated they had 14 firelnen and they had about 120
fires per year.
- 2 -
~r. GOQson advised Council that the Canadian Pacific Railway had agreed to pay
the Township '9,000~00 towards the diversion road at Brock Road and Concession 4.
He also discussed with Council the new proposed subdivision agreement with
Chesterhill Developments Limited, as submitted by our solicitors. He stated
that everything that had not beer done that he felt should have beer. done is now
consolidated iI~ the new agreement, that our solicitors thought it to be a good
agreement for the Township, so he recommended that the COilllCil sign same.
fõ'VEnby Hr. Pugh, seconded by Mr. Chapman, that the Township Engineer proceed with U
'ollowing work subject to the approval of the District Municipal Engineer, Department
)f Highways: THAT the lmv Tender by Hiller Paving Limited for SandiIJg the roads in
louge Hills during the winter be accepted:
~o Supply and Spread Sand for Pickering Township at a unit cost of......$ 35.25 per_ t<
lrd that Hr. Godson let a contract \vith ~1iller Paving Limited for 386.90 tons of "
;anding @ $ 35.25 per ton - $ 1,363.59, and that Resolution Number 220 be rescinded.
mSOLUTIO]{ Nt1}ŒER 266
WVED by Mr. Julian, seconðed by Mr. Stewart, that the Township Engineer proceed with
~he following work subject to the approval of the District Municipal Engin~er,
)epartment of Highways:
For Spruce Hill. THAT Mr. Godson purchase the following materials from The
Pedlar People Limited:
220 Lin ft. 18" diam. C.G.I. Pipe C $3.65 ...............
8 Couplings @ $ 25.00 .................................
$ 803.00
$ 828.00
fOVED by Mr. Stewart, seconded by Mr. Scott, that the Township Engineer proceed with
~,he following worl{ subject to the approval of the District Municipal Engineer,
)epartment of Highways: THAT Mr. Godson purchase the following materials for
3riitges and Culverts from The Pedlar People of Canada - C. G. I. Pipe:
174 Lin. ft. 18" diam. ~, ~ 2.99 $ 523.56
"" · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
14 " " 36 " 0'. 7 .17 96.66
· . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
40 " " 30 " @ 5.92 220.63
· . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
141 " " 18 " @' 2.99 430.56
µ¡ · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
By-Law No. 2227, Bridges & Culverts ..............$ 1,271."11
fOVED by Mr. Stewart, seconded by Mr. Pugh, that the Township Engineer proceed with
~he following work subject to the approval of the District Municipal Engineer,
)epartment of Highway s :
;pruce Hill THAT Mr. Godson purchase the following materials from Johns-Manville
~o. Ltd:
200 J.F. 14" diarn. Transite Pipe c; , 1.00 per lin. ft. . . . $ 200.00
1400 J.F. 16" " " " p; 1.10 " " " 1,540.00
~ . . .
650 J.F. 18" " " " '" 1.20 " " " 780.00
I\;> . . .
By-Law Number 2226 - Maintenance, 1957 $ 2,520.00
roVED by Mr. Chapman, secondeð by Mr. Pugh, that the Township Engineer proceed with
~he following work subject to the approval of the District Municipal Engineer,
)epartment of Highways:
~HAT the lowest Tender by Miller Paving Limited,
Supply, haul and apply M.C. 2 Asphalt for Road Mulch ... $0.259 per gal.
be accepted.
lP} that Mr. Godson purchase M.C.2 for the Paving Programme for 1957
'rom Miller Paving Limited: 57,266 gal. H.C. 2 ø: .259 ......$ 14,831.89
lrd that Resolution Number 214 be rescinded. CARRIED
- 3 -
fOVEQ by Mr. James, seconde1 by Mr. Chapman, that the Township Engineer proceed
I7ith the following work subject to the approval of the District Municipal Engineer,
)e,partmert or Highways: For Maintenance (By-Law No. 2227)
300 bags of Calcium .......................$ 526.05 CARRIED
~D by Mr. Stewart, seconded by Mr. Scott, that the Township Engineer proceed
iith the following work subject to the approval of the District Hunicipal Engineer,
)epartment of Highways: For Bridges and Culverts (By-Law Number 2227)
Price Yards Li.mited - Lumber
. . . . . .
71 . 64
F. L. Pow - TJumber
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
:OVED by Mr. Stewart, seconded by ~r. Scott, that the request of the South-West
'olurtary Fire Department be dealt with ,at the special meeting of December 5,
957 . CAR,RIED
:OVED by ~1r. Scott, seconded by Mr. James, that Hr. Godson, Township Engineer, be
rstructer1 to write the Canadian Pacific Railway accepting their offer of a grant
f $9,000.00 toward the diversion of the 4th Concession as stated in their letter
f November, 1957. CARRIED
ovEn by Mr. ~gh, seconr1ed by Hr. Chapman, that School Board Area No.2 be
rfor!'!eif. of Motion 230, November 11th, 1957. CARRIED
OVE'Q by Mr. Stewart, seconded by ~1r. Chapman, that the
e ir.structed to proceed with the prosecution of Norman
oWllship of Pickering By-Law Number ,~2l6.
By-Law Enforcement Officer
Cook with respect to
OVE~ by Mr. Pugh, seconded by Mr. Stewart, that
~EREAS the dwelling høuse erected on Lot 19, Plan 509, is closer to the street line
han thirt.y feet as melltiored il1 the Township of Pickering By-Law;
~D WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Pickering do not intend to take any action
() 'have the said dwelling house moved to the location as specified by the Building
)W THEREFORE the Township of Pickering enacts as follows:
TAT the dwelling house erected on Lot 19, Plan 509, shall be permitted to remain in
ts present position notwithstanding that it is closer to the street line than
lirty feet. CARRIED
)VED by Mr. Julian, seconded by Mr. Scott, that we meet a week to-morrow, December
)th, to discuss and finalize the passing of the proposed new agreement with our
)licitors present, and the subdividers' solicitors. MOTION LOST
)VED by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Stewart, that Resolution Number 277 read, "that
~ meet on December 5th to discuss and finalize the passing of the proposed new agreemE
lth our Solicitors present, and the subdividers' solicitors." CARRIED
YEA: Messrs. James, Pugh, Lawson, Scott, Stewart.
NAY: Messrs. Chapman and Julian
- 4 -
MOVED by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Stewart, that we
discuss and finalize the passing of the proposed new
ent, and the subdividers' solicitors.
meet on December 5th to
agreement with our Solicitors p
Y&-\.: 'fessrs. James, Pugh, Lawson, Scott, Stewart
NAY: Messrs. Chapman and Julian
MOVED by Mr. Chapman, seconded by Mr. James, that the agreement with Chesterhill
Developments, as brought in by Mr. Godson on the 2nd December, 1957, be accepted,
and the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to execute the agreement when the same is
approved by Township Engineer and Solicitors. AGREED TO BE WITHDRMYN
HOVFi-T! by Mr. Pugh, seconded by Mr. Chapman, that the accoui1ts~' áinoul'iting'tg .
'9,172.75r.,as reported by the FIN~~CECO}mITTEE, be adopted. CARRIED
MOVED by Mr. Pugh, seconded by Mr. Scott, that Council authorize the payment of the
1957 Court of Revision costs, amounting to $388.64. CARRIED'
HOYED by Mr. Pugh, secollded by Mr. James, that the accounts, amounting to $ 254.43,
as reported by the CIVIL DEFENCE Organization, be adopted. CARRIED
MOVED by '1'r. ~tpr,mrt, secorded by Mr. Chapman, that the accourtos, amourtin.g to
'1366.B6, as reportèd by the FIRE COMMITTEE, be adopted. CARRIED
MOVED by Mr. Scott, secorl'1ed by Mr. James, that the accoU1'1ts,' à.ìnounting:tg "
$Ji502¡I?,as reportefl by the GARBAGE CO}1MITTEE, be adopted. CARRIED
MOVEp bY Mr. James, seconded by Mr. Chapman, that the accounts, amounting to
, 45.00, as reported by the LIVESTOCK COMMITTEE, be adopted. CARRIED
MOVED by Mr. Chapman, secoJ1ded by Mr. James, that the accounts, amounting to
~ 3,7~2.RO, as reported by the POLICE CO}1MITTEE, be adopted. CARRIED
MOVED by Mr. Scott, secoJ1ded by Mr. Stewart, that the accouf1ts, amounting to
, ~~~.~O, as reported by the PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE, be adopted. CARRIED
MOVED by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Chapman, that the accounts, arnoul1ting to
, 13,717.08, as reported by the ROAD AND BRIDGE COMMITTEE, be adopt.ed. ' CARRIED
MOVED by Mr. Pugh, secoJ1ded by Mr. Chapman, that the Reeve grant his order on the
Treasurer to pay the several accounts as presellted and passed in the various reports
as passed this flay. > - CARRIED '
MOVED by Mr. Pugh, secoJ1ded by Mr. Chapman, that this meeting do now adjourn sine diE
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