HomeMy WebLinkAboutNovember 25, 1957
A Meeting of Council was held on MONDAY, the TWENTY-FIFTH day of NOVEMBER, 1957,
at EIGHT o'clock in the evening.
PRESENT: ,William G. Lawson, in the ~hair
J. Sherman Scott
Sidney S. J. Pugh
Edgar James
J. S. Chapman
Glenn Julian
Robert L. Stewart
L. T. Johnston, Clerk
MOVED by Mr. James, seconded by Mr. Scott, that Minutes of meeting held
~ovember 11th, 1957, be accepted. NOT VOTED
MOVEp by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Pugh, that the surname "Scott" be in-
serted after Reid in Line 3 of No.2 "Persons Heard". CARRIED
MOVED by Mr. Stewart, seconded by Mr. JUlian, that
complete inaccuracy that all of Person 2 be struck
November 11, 1957, from the words "Mr. Reid Scott"
Page 2 "would not resign".
due to the possibility of
from the minutes of Monday
to the words in Par. 3 on
YEAS: Messrs. James, Chapman, Pugh, Scott,
Stewart and Julian
NAY: Mr. Lawson
MOVED by Mr. James, seconded by Mr. Scott, that Minutes of November 11, 1957,
be accepted as amended. CARRIED
MOVED by Mr. Pugh, seconded by Mr. James, that Minutes of November 18th be
accepted. NOT VOTED
MOVED by Mr. Julian, seconded by Mr. Scott, that in Line 1 of Number 4,
"Persons Heard", be changed from "a" to "the". CARRIED
MOVEQ by Mr. Pugh, seconded by ~w. James, that Minutes of November 18th be
accepted as amended. CARRIED
MOVED by Mr. Julian, seconded by Mr. Scott, that all motions without seconders
be recorded in Minutes. MOTION LOST
The following CORRESPONDENCE was read:
1. Project Plannin~ Associates Limited advised that for the sum of $2,200.00,
their Firm is prepared to "under~ake the preparation of an Interim Zoning
By-Law to implement the Official Plan that is presently under preparation
by the Township". AGREED
2. Minister of Pl~pnin~ and Development approves Grant Messer appointment to
Metro Planning Board as of October 31, 1957, with appointment to expire
January 1, 1959.
3. Our Solic~tors have forwarded copies of' two letters from Bonding Firms
advising that they nor any other Company known to them are not now issuing
performance bonds.
4. Clerk advised that Mr. A._J. Thompson would act as Welfare Officer, and
that as Project Planning Associates Limited advise that until a Master Plan
is placed on Township, thè Planning administration work will not be material17
increased; he would endeavour to carryon with a little additional steno-
graphic help.
5. E.G. Baker resigned as Welfare Administrator due to increased work in the
Tax Department.
A. County En~ineer stated he had no objections to Gasoline Station at south-east
corner or Base Line and Pickering Beach Road or Base Line and Liverpool Road I ~.~...
providing they get land donation. ·
- 2 -
Harry Ashton applied for Welfare Administrator.
Lloyd Pete~ applied for Welfare Administrator.
Department of Education acknowledge receipt of Resolution that Retarded
Children's Schools be financed by local taxation.
Bell Gouinlock and Company astted for a 2 week opt-íòn at -96i"-for $125,000.00
~% Debentures.
Oshawa General Hospital request for Township to pay $1,086.47, being the
uncollectable indigent underpayment for the period by Township resi~ents.
Pro~osed new schedule fO. r Hydro to suburban rural users Whereby a net bill
of' 28.16 for three months would be reduced by $ 1.70.
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The representatives of Riverside Ratepayers' Association submitted a Brief
stating that 22 properties in Riverside were damaged by ice jams.
le following PERSONS, on MOTION, were heard:
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Victor Cook, of Plan 330, Bayview, stated he has been charged by our By-Law
Enforcement Officer for living in a condemned building. He took out a
Building Permit in July, 1956, and stated that he expected to have his
house completed by November, 1958.
Mr. Crichton and delegation of 21 persons, who stated they were members of
the Riverside Ratepayers' Association.........Mr. Crichton stated they were
an active Association and resented Mr. Hambleton's remarks at previous
Council Meeting that the Association was not representative of the sub-
, .
Barkey Brothers asked that Council improve the north 40 to 60 rods of
sideline between Lots 34 and 35 in the First Concession and build a
further 40 rods immediately south so they could develop their lands.
Mr. Graham, of Bell Gouinloc~ and Compa~ asked for a two week option on
, 125,000.00 - 51 - 20 year debentures @ 96t.
Jack Hambleton asked for a list of p~id up members of Riverside Ratepayers'
Association, as of one month ago, from Mr. Crichton.
10VED by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. James, that Mr. Thompson, By-Law Enforcement
)fficer and Mr. Prouse, Building INspector, be asked to report to the next
neeting of Council regarding the situation of Mr. Cook, Bayview, Plan 330, in
regards to $300.00 deposit to permit temporary habitation of condemned premises.
~OVED by Mr. Julian, secopded by Mr. Pugh, that Resolution Number 256 be amended
to include "and that the proceedings be withdraW11 until the said report given."
10VED by Mr. Chapman, seconded by Mr. Pugh, that Mr. Robert Clark be granted a
License to operate a Service Station on the south-East corner of the Base Line and
Liverpool Road. CARRIED
10VED by Mr. Chapman, seconded by Mr. Pugh, that our Engineer bring in a report
~f the cost of building road for forty rods south of existing road running south
~f Concession 2, Lot 35; also to meet with Scarborough Township to ascertain
their views as to sharing cost and how' their ratepayers would be affected.
~OVED by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Julian, that due to the fact the money for
additions to schools in School Area No. 1 and School Area No. 2 will not be
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~solution Number 260 - Continued
~quired before the Spring of 1958, the request of Mr. Graham of Bell Gouinlock
)r a two-week option on these debentttres at 96t with 5~% interest to yield
.1510, be not granted at this time. CARRIEQ
)VED by Mr. Stewart, seconde~ by Mr. James, that the request of the Oshawa General
)spital re our indigent patients be referred to the 1958 Council. CARRIED
~ by Mr. James, seconded by Mr. Pugh, that Mr. A. J.
lministrator on a trial basis until the end of January,
r. Baker be accepted.
Thompson act as Welfare
and the resignation of
~VED by Mr. Chapman, seconded by Mr. Stewart, that this Council purchase 45
rnrkeys to be divided among the Staff for the Christmas Season. CARRIED
OVED by Mr. Julian, seconded by Mr. Scott, that the Health Unit sanitary staff
nspect the garbage dump to see if any of the rats in or around the dump are
~thering residents in the area, and correct it if necessary. CARRIED
r-LA~NUM~ER 2270
r. Pugh, seconded by Mr. Scott, moves for leave to introduce a By-Law of the
~wnship of Pickering to authorize the Reeve and Clerk to issue a deed to the
anadian National Railway for part "Block D" and Lots 97 and 277 in Plan 284, and
1at same now be read a first time.
r. Pugh, seconded by Mr. Chapman, moves that By-Law Number 2270 to authorize
~e Reeve and Clerk to issue a deed to the Canadian National Railway for part
Block D" and Lots 97 and 277 in Plan 284, be now read a second time, and that
~unci1 go into Committee of the Whole thereon.
~e Committee of the Whole arises and reports the By-Law as read.
r. Pugh, seconded by }~. James, moves that the report of the Committee of the
~ole on By-Law Number 2270 be adopted, and that the said By-Law be now read a
~ird time and PASSED; that the Reeve and Clerk sign the same, and the Seal of
~e Corporation be affixed thereto. CARRIED
r. James, seconded by Mr. Pugh, moves for leave to introduce a By-Law of the
~wnship of Pickering to appoint a Welfare Administrator, and that same now be
ead a first time.
r. James, seconded by Mr. Stewart, moves that By-Law Number 2271 to appoint a
elfare Administrator be now read a second time, and that Council go into Committee
r the Whole thereon.
he Committee of the Whole arises and reports the By-Law a~ read.
r. James, seconded by Mr. Julian, moves that the report of the Committee of the
~ole on By-Law Number 2271 be adopted, and that the said By-Law be now read a
hird time and PASSED; that the Reeve and Clerk sign the same, and the Seal of
he Corporation be affixed thereto. CARRIED
r. Chapman, seconded by Mr. James, moves for leave to introduce a By-Law of the
Dwnship of Pickering to direct the manner in which the Assessment Roll shall be
eturned and that same now be read a first time.
r. Chapman, seconded by Mr. Pugh, moves that By-Law Nltmber 2272 to direct the manner
n which the Assessment Roll shall be returned be 'nów~,read,: a seeohd time, 'aftditJaat
Duncil go .into Connnittee of the Whole thereon.
~e Committee of the Whole arises and reports the By-Law as read.
... 4 -
Jy-Law Number 2272 - Continued
fr..Chapman, second~d by Mr. Stewart, moves that the report of the Committee of
~he Whole on By-Law Number 2272 be adopted, and that the said By-Law be now
·ead a Third time and PASSED; that the Reeve and Clerk sign the same, and the
;e~l of the Corporation be affixed thereto. CARRIED
fro Stewart"seconded by Mr. Scott, moves for leave to introduce, a By-Law of the
~ownshlp of Pickering to appoint places for receiving votes and Deputy Returning
Jfficers to preside thereat for the 1957 Municipal Elections~ and that same now
)e read a first time.
fr. Stewart, seconded by Mr. Julian, moves that By-Law Number 2273 to appoint
Þlaces for receiving votes and Deputy Returning Officers to preside thereat for
~he 1957 Municipal Elections be now read a second time, and that Council go into
~ommittee of the Whole thereon.
'he Committee of the Whole arises and reports the By-Law as read.
[r. Stewart, seconded by Mr. Chapman, moves that the report of the Committee of
~he Whole on Bv-Law Number 2273 be adopted, and that the said By-Law be now
'ead a Third time and PASSED; that the Reeve and Clerk sign the same, and the
:eal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. CARRIED
[r~ Pugh, seconded by Mr. Chapman, moves for leave to introduce a By-Law of the
'ownship or Pickering to permit the Reeve and the Clerk to release lots in Plan
:78 when subdivision Agreement complied with, and that same now be read a first
ir. Pugh, seconded by Mr. Stewart, moves that By-Law Number 2274 to permit the
:eeve and the Clerk to release lots in Plan 678 when subdivision agreement com-
lied with, be now read a second time, and that Council go into Cow~ittee of the
hole thereon.
he Committee of the tVhole arises and reports the By-Law as read.
'r. Pugh, seconded by Mr. James, moves that the report of the Committee of the
bole on By-Law Number 2274 be adopted, and that the said By-Law be now read a
hird time'and PASSED; that the Reeve and Clerk sign the same, and the Seal of
he Corporation be affixed thereto. CARRIED
Send a copy of our S~licitor's letters re bonding to Councillor Julian.
Send a copy of Township's first agreement with Rougevalley Developments
Limited to Councillor Julian.
: Get Schedule "B" to new Agreement and send copies to all Councillors.
OVED by Mr. Pugh, seconded by Mr. Chapman, that meeting adjourn.
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