HomeMy WebLinkAboutMay 27, 1957
A Meeting of Courcil was held on HOXDAY, the T~vENTY-SEVENTH day of MAY, 1957,
at EIGHT o'clock in the evening.
PRESENT: H. G. Lawson, in the Chair
J. Sherman Scott
Sidney S. J. Pugh
Edgar James
J. S. Chapman
Glenn Julian
Robert L. Stewart
L. T. Johnston, Clerk
1. Mrs. Harry Porter asked for a grant to assist in upkeep of Bethel
? Hi~hland Creek Sand and Gravel Company~ prospective purchasers of
200 acres, old Pengelly farm at Greenwood, of which 150 acres is
zoned as "Greenbelt" asked that they be permitted to mine sand and
agreed to remove top soil, pile and replace in a level condition.
:1. The Department of Hig:h~vays state their approval for our By-Law No. .2238
not necessary.
1. West RouJ.!:e Comr.:unity Association wish their area to be known as "West
The following PERSONS, on HOTION, were heard:
Mr. Godson. Engineer, discussed Chesterhill subdi visiofl ar:(l 30 mile
per hour roads and stated that it would cost $1,487.00 to erect signs
as requireil.
.~ .
Mr. Jack for TIighlanà Creek Sand and Gravel Company supported his
letter as set out in item No.2 of Correspondence.
MOVED by Mr. Julian, seconded by Mr. Pugh, that Township grant $50.00 q ~
towards 1957 upkeep of Bethel Cemetery and cheque for this amount be
issued to Mrs. Harry Porter. CAHRIED
AGREED that Engineer and Clerk meet McGuire, Worrell, Stevens and Hassard
and have them require Chesterhill developers to live up to agreement.
MOVED by Mr. Julian, seconded by Mr. Scott, that all necessary signs
designating 30 miles per hour limit on certain roads as set out in By-Law 9 ~
No. 2238 be erected by the Road Department. CARRIED
MOVED by Mr. Julian, seconded by Mr. Stewart, that Mr. Godson purchase
necessary signs required by former resolution. CARRIED
MOVED by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Pugh, that Highland Creek Sand and
Gravel Company application to remove sand from Greenwood Greenbelt be
referred to the Planning Board for approval. CARRIED
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The following names were submitted by Council members to form a
Township of Pickering Recreatioflal Committee.
~vard 1 ~frs . Wm. Glidden
hTard ? D. A. Beer
~vard 3
Tvard 4 Jacl{ Peterson
Hard 5 Edward Orcharà
- 2 -
HOVED by Mr. Chapman, seconded by }fro Pugh, that Hessrs. James and Stewart
be members on ftecreational Committee from Council. CARRIED
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The Reeve reported that $218 000.00 debentures for School Area No.2
were now sold with exception of ~34,000.OO amI asked Council members to try
to sell these.
Mr. Scott, seconded by }fr. stewart, moves for leave to introduce a By-Law
of t.he Township of Pickering to take over as Township Roads all 66' roa'Ìs
ix )fontgomery Parl:: Plan 440, and that same now be read a first time.
Mr. Scott, seconded by }fro Yulian, moves that By-La1v Number 2244 :to take
over SlS Tmvnship Roads all 66' roads in }fOl~tgomery Park Plan 440 be n01v
rea1 a secor)l time, and that Council go into Committee of the \Vhole thereon.
The Committee of the Whole arises and reports the fy-Law as read.
~fr, Scott, secordeil. by Mr. Chapman, moves that the report of the Committee
of the ~Vhole or By-T..Jaw Number ?244 be adopte1 and that ·t.he saii1 By-Law be
now read a Third time and PASSED; that the Reeve and Clerk sign the same
and the Seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. CARRIED
"'fr. Pugh, seconderl by Hr. Juliar:, moves for leave to introduce a By-Law
of the Township of Pickering to assess the Separate School Supporters in
t.he 'J'mvnship of Pickering to provÜle funds for the purposes of the Roman
Catholic Schools in the year 1957, ar:d that same now be read a first time.
}fro Pugh, seconrled by :Hr. James, moves,that By-Law Number 2245 to assess
the Separate School Supporters in the Iowrship of Pickering to provide
funds for the purposes of the Roman Catholic Schools in the year ]957,
be n01v read a Second time, and that Council go into Con~ittee of the Whole
The Committee of the \Vhole arises and reports the By-La1v as read.
Mr. Pugh, seconded by ~fr. Chapman, moves that the report of the Committee
of the whole or By-Law Nhmber ??45 be adopted, and that the said By-Law be
now read a Third time and PASSED; that the Reeve and Clerk sign the same,
anil. the Seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. CARRIED
On MOTION ø~ Mr. Pugh, the meeting adjourned.
j 1957