HomeMy WebLinkAboutFebruary 18, 1957 M U N I C I PAL B U I L DIN G ____._. .w·_____ n R 0 UGH A }f A }1eetirg of Council was held or; Monday, the Ei£rhteenth day of FEBRUARY, 1957, at EIGHT o'clocl{ in the evening. PRESENT: W. G. Lawson, in the Chair J. Sherman Scott Sidney S. J. Pugh Edgar James J. S. Chapman Glenn Julian Robert L. Stewart L. T. Johnston, Clerl{ Ajax-PiDkering 'General Hospital submitted list of o~tpatients from various municipalities treated in 1957, as follows: A j ax ............................. Pic1{ertng Town ship ............... Pickering Village ................ \V11. i t 1J3T ........................... Osha "-fa ........................... Other ............................ 1,502 605 94 197 88 242 Amount Char.~ed '$10,162.80 4,705.16 752.80 1,505.60 188.70 1.505.60 $18,820.66 Percent'age of Total 54% 2510 I 4"10 'tJ1 SIC) 1% 8% 100% No. Out- Patients ?,728 The following pERSONS, on HOTION, were heard: 1. Mr._Pº~k, of Isaac Puckrin Subdivision, stated that in view of land use By-Tßw pending Municipal Board approval, a Building Permit was not issued him to erect a second storey or his house to be used as an apartment. Council considered By-Law not effective until Ontario Hunicipal Doard approval, so told Mr. Pook to apply for a Permit on February 19th. '-!. Messrs. Horton. }feades and P:!~-ªrd. of Cherrywood Street in Martjn Subdivision, askerl: (1) Council to take over their road. }Ir. Hicks, Road Foreman, stated $150.00 would put road in reasonablp. condition. (?) Fix bridge over creek at Heska Drive and Altona Road, as in Spring freshet it is under-" wa ter. Hr. Godson said he had a plan to improve. (3) Fill in pot holes or. Altona Road. Engineer directed to fill with mulch. 3. Mr. Bole"y, of Trans-Cal1ada Pipe Lines submitted plans for a 20" pipe line to cross Township in Eighth Concession. 4. ~r~ Godson submitted a Road Budget of $ 248,292.00, which was $58,000.00 over a 7~ Hill rate. This Budget includerl: (1) Second snow plow parts of $1,170.00, which was cancelled as Council thought si.x plows enough. (2) ~8,600.00 for Gradall, which was reserved for further information. (3) Truck telephones, $1,255.00, which ~vas held over for another year. (4) $540.00, truck engine speedometers - held up for new trucks only. A rew Maintairer was discussed at prices from $17,000.00 to $27,000.00. Council will try to strike rate on February 25th, with each Councillor setting up priority in their respective Wards. " - 2 - Mr. God~oQ submitted gravel crushi~g prices of 68¢, 56¢ and 50¢ for 30,000 yarrls gravel. Mr. Blacktopp agreed to crush 30,000 yards for $ 15,000.00 and take Township Crusher at $ 8,500.00 as part payment. }IOVED by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Stewart, that Cherrywood lvenue in Concession ~, Lot 33, be taken over and assumed as a Township road as of this date. CARRIED '2.¡ MOVED by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Stewart, that Council employ George Blac1{topp to crush 30,000 yards gravel in the Township gravel pits at 501 per yard, payment to be $ 6,500.00 cash and the Township Crusher calculated at ~8,500.00, or the conditions that the Township can secure approval from the Departme'!1t. of Highways for the sale of the crusher and for said crushing at 50¢ per yar1., that the work will be completed by ~Iarch 31, 1957, that tne crusher will liOt be moved from gravel pits until all crushing completed ar1. that ro advance on accourt will be made until 17,000 yards gravel are crushefl ani then not more than $3,500.00. CARRIED ~c; HOVED by ~r. JulÜm, secorded by Hr. Ste\vart, that the hourly \vage of the road ~en be i'!1creased from '1.20 per hour to $1.30 per hour and that of the Roai ForemaI' increased from ~1.30 per hour to $1.45 per hour, commencing January 1, 1957. CARRIED y Mov~n by Mr. Pugh, secordei by Mr. .James, that Edward Pascoe be employed as assistant to Charles McTaggart in spraying cattle for Warble-Fly for year 1957 at ~l.35 per hour. CARRIED ~ MOVE~ by Mr. Pugh, seconded by Mr. Julian, that Reeve and Clerk be and they are he iJirecte~ to sign necessary'a:;reetr.ents for the inställation ðf a- gas "lil"lê across thl Township of Pickering in the Eighth Concession for Trans Canada Pipe Lines Limited CARRIED ~Y-LAW Nt~BER 2185 (Two Readings) Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Stewart, moves for leave to introduce a By-Law of the Tow'n ship of Pickering to authorize the borrmving of $ 153,000.00 upon Debentures for School purposes, ard that same row be read a first time. Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Julian, moves that By-Law Number 2185 to authorize the borrowing of ~ 153,000.00 upon debentures for school purposes, be row read a seconi time, and that Council go into Committee of the Whole thereon. BY - TJJ\.\,¡ 'ImmEn 2215 Hr. Chapman, seconderi by Mr. James, moves for leave to introduce a "By-Law of the Towr'sl-tip of Pi.ckering to repeal By-Law Number 2211 ard make appointments for the Township to the COf1servat.ior Authority, and that same now be read a first time. Mr. Chapman, secof1deiJ by Mr. .Julian, moves that By-Law Number 2215 to repeal By-Law Number ??ll and make appointments for the Township to the Conservatior Authority, ~e now read a second time, and that Council go into Committee of the Whole thereon. The COrrll'1ittee of the Whole ari.ses aJd reports the By-Law as read. Mr. Chapman, secor<1.ed by ~1r. Stewart, moves that the report of the Committee of the Whole on By-Law Number ?~15 be adopted, and that the said By-Law be DOW read a Thi.r<1..time ard PASSED; that the Reeve and Clerk sign the same, and the Seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. CARRIED BY - IA ,,¡ NtJ}ffi ER ..,? 1 ß Mr. Scott, secorded by ~fr. Pugh, moves for leave to introduce a By-Law of the Township of Pickering authorizirg an applicatior to The Ontario Municipal Improvemert Corporation for the purchase by it of certain debentures, and that same row be read a first time. Mr. Scott, secorded by Mr. Chapman, moves that By-Law Number ?216 authorizing ar application to The Ontario Municipal Improvement Corporation for the purchase by i.t of certain debentures, be now read a secord time, and that 60uncil go irto Committee of the Whole thereon. - 3 - 'he Committee of the lfu01e on By-Law Number 2216 arises and reports the By-Law lS rea fl. fro Scott, seconcleft by Hr. .Tames, moves that the report of the Committee of the fuole on By-Law Number 2216 be al1opteil, and that the said By-Law be now reaft a :,11j rrl time arc'! PASSED; that the Reeve and Clerk sigr the same, and the Seal of ~he Corpnratio~ be affixeil thereto. CARRIED ~y - LA ~v 'lUMBER ?'H 7 fr. Pno:h. seconrte1 by Mr. James, moves for leave to intrortuce a By-Law of the 'owrshi p of Pi ckering to appoint a Ivarble Fly Inspector for the year 1957, ar,il hat same 'ow be reail a first time. fr. Pugh, secor,l1eà ñy Mr. Chapmal1, moves that By-La,v NUf!1ber 2217 to appoirt a larble Fly IJ1spector for the year 1957, be now read a second time and that :ourc11 go irto Committee of the lfuole thereor. 'he COMm; ttee of the Whole ari ses ani reports the By-Law as read. ~. Algh, secoriled by Mr. Stewart, moves that the report of the Committee of he m10le or Bv-Law Number 2217 he arlopt.ed, ard that the saiiJ. By-Law 'he row 'ear'! a Thirrl time ann PASSED; that the Reeve aniJ. Clerl{ sign the same, arl1 the :eal of the Corporatior he affixel1 thereto. CARRIED ~Y-L.t\\v NU',1BER 221R [r. Julian, seconiled by Mr. Stewart, moves for leave to introduce a By-Law of ,he Township of Pickerirg to appoint a Civil Defence Committee and a Civil leferce Co-Ordinator for the Township of Pickering, ard that same now be read , first time. 'r. Julian, secondeil by Mr. Chapman, moves that By-Law Number 221R to appoint Civil Defence Committee anil a Civil Defence Co-Ordinator for the Township of ~c~erirg, he row read a second time, and that Council go into Committee of the ~ole thereor. he Comr:ittee of the Whole arises and reports the By-Law as read. ~. Julian, seconded by Mr. Scott moves that the report of the Committee of he Whole 011 By-Law Number 2~lR be adopted., ard that the said By-Law be now earl a Thtrl1 time arft PASSED; Uut the Reeve and Clerk sign the same, anil the eal of the Corporation he affixed thereto. CARRIED n MOTION of Mr. Scott, the meetirg adjourned. d~L/ ~ Reeve PPROVED ~~ 1957 C 1 e rk